1 *PERFECT* OUTPOST LOCATION! This is the only planet you need

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Gaming with Griff Griffin

Gaming with Griff Griffin

6 ай бұрын

This planet is insane, literally every resource you need in Starfield plus some extras. Here is the location
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@Khalifrio 6 ай бұрын
I'll stick to Bessel IIIB since it has Nickle and Cobalt in addition to Iron and Aluminum. So I can make Isocentered Magnets along with Adaptive Frames. Plus you get that ever useful time difference.
@notpc48 6 ай бұрын
It's also better than Venus as you don't need to have the outpost design skill for it. The hazardous environment of Venus makes it hard to build an outpost there. Bessel 3b you can do right at the beginning with just a small list of resources from Jemison Merchantile.
@jacobyrassilon 6 ай бұрын
You can also mine platinum on B3b and plenty of HE3 and Beryllium is just one moon away, not to mention that you have the only system that you can mine rothcite not far from the Bessel system. Easier to outpost hop if the systems are close together.
@TonyRush 6 ай бұрын
@@notpc48 the purpose of having an outpost on Venus isn't really related to resources at all. Most people build on Venus as soon as they can because it's advantageous to have an outpost near a Civilian Outpost. That allows you to unload tens of thousands of credits worth of goods easily and having your own outpost nearby just saves time on ground travel.
@nickolasdennis4373 6 ай бұрын
Do you know after you go through the unity does It screw up that planet though I've looked and ran for a while
@Khalifrio 6 ай бұрын
@@nickolasdennis4373 It has not caused issues for me. I have used that Outpost location a couple of times in NG+ after post about it here. I just dropped an outpost marker in that spot about an hour ago in a new play thru.
@Andy_from_de 6 ай бұрын
If you are willing to build 2 outposts in one system and conenct them via internal cargo link, I can highly recommend Eridani II and Eridani VII-c. If you place your outposts correctly, you can get almost any ressource you need for most crafting purposes. Eridani VII-c is the only place where you can get Tungsten, Titanium AND He3, for example.
@tobybll 5 ай бұрын
will try this! thanks
@thejimmichanga2913 4 ай бұрын
This is the way. I find a solar system with planets containing all the essential resources and connect them via cargo link. From there I have everything I need in one system and only need to make one stop, grabbing everything in one shot while never leaving my ship
@spacecowboy1438 4 ай бұрын
Plus that is the system with planet Reach, so bonus cool points.
@baddayguygaming 6 ай бұрын
Living planets tend to lack Helium 3, however there is almost always a local moon that can provide it. The main bonus of living planets is the sheer amount of plant and animal resources you can get. If you take the time to search you can get 6 or so mineral resources, 3 to 6 plant resources and 3 to 6 animal resources. My best OP has Iron, Titanium, Tungsten, Tantalum, Dysprosium, Alkanes, and Water for minerals. Plants (greenhouses) produce Structural Material, Toxins, Nutrients and Fiber. Animals (Barns) produce Sealant, Lubricant, Pigment and Membrane. That's 15 total resources. Tirna VIII-C if your wondering. Bonus is an unmarked 15k Vendor near the south pole crash site that also has ship builder and repair.
@XMK2CATX1 6 ай бұрын
I hadn't seen that vendor, shall have to look at it on my next time through +. just starting to get into the production of plants/animals.
@edmcnees2267 6 ай бұрын
Bessel IIIB has a spot you can get iron, aluminum, cobalt, and nickel in the same outpost. I've found in 4 playthroughs so far.
@KingArthurFleck 6 ай бұрын
Not only that but the relationship btw local and UT time is great on this moon
@jeffreyrodgers816 5 ай бұрын
This is great advice. I got lucky and built my first outpost there, the time dilation is awesome, take an hour nap easy to grab over 1k iron aluminum cobalt nickel!
@Steve-ow5fm 11 күн бұрын
Don’t forget about the ammo crates in the basement that gives you 4 storage containers with unlimited to easy separate your stuff
@UncleManuel 6 ай бұрын
I moved from Andraphon to Bessel III-b to Tirna VIII-c. Ended up with using Andraphon as supply for Aluminium, iron and helium-3 via interstellar cargo link for Tirna. Now I'm at level 104 and ran out of stuff to biuld a long time ago... 😁😜 But yeah, a well set up outpost makes life way easier. Especially if you're into crafting. 😎🤟
@joemama114 5 ай бұрын
The system with Akila city, Cheyenne system is likely the best I've seen so far at least for a INORGANIC resource network. There are multiple opportunities to set up sourcing posts with 3-4 different resource nodes, if you have good planetary scanning this is real easy to do. Aluminum, Argon, Chlorine, Copper, Iron, Lead, Nickel, Uranium, Water as common, so literally all of them Alkanes, Benzene, Beryllium, Cobalt, Florine, Helium3, Iridium, Silver, Tungsten as uncommon, again literally all of them Carboxylic Acids, Gold, Mercury, Neodymium, Platinum, Tetraflourides, Titanium, Vanadium as rare, literally 90% the only one you don't get is Tantalum, Europium, Ionic Liquids, Neon, Palladium, Ytterbium as Exotic so there's 4 you need to get elsewhere Caesium, Xenon, Antimony and Dysprosium Also Caelumite as a unique I think that's the most common unique out there, so not really all that special. For your missing nodes, you can hit up the Muphrid system for Antimony and Xenon, and the Kumasi system can net you Tantalum, Caesium, Antimony and Dysprosium. With this setup you could have unlimited supply of any non unique resource you want, you do need at least 1 rank in the habitation skill tho, most of the moons are Deep Freeze. I had to look it up couldn't remember which on also in the Cheyenne system is a planet called Skink, with a 60 day cycle. Each hour that you rest or sleep is 60 hours, 1 full day waiting is 1440 hours, quite helpful if you're looking to resource spawn, it's no Venus but it's more than enough.
@XMK2CATX1 6 ай бұрын
On my next run through +, I'm going to look into 1 system that has everything. That way, I don't need to run a bunch of Inter-system ships, and can just run stuff inside One System, make it quicker to coalesce items. I also generally, hit all the 'deserted bases' around my base, wipe out all the spacers, ecliptic, fleet and/or varun. Then, every time I land at that base, I check with the scanner to see if it's been 're-occupied.' If it has been, then time to clean it again. Some get re-occupied rapidly, others stay 'clean' for quite a while. I've also a couple times, built bases next to each other. Then set-up their defenses so that they're strong on those sectors, not covered by another.
@oliverjanssen 6 ай бұрын
on venus you also have a vendor with a chair next to it. Wait 1 hour en it restocks and has his money back. good for quick buying and selling!
@dennismartin189 6 ай бұрын
I think that Bessel does also
@chrisharlin7096 3 күн бұрын
Schrodinger III where you can farm foxbats for luxury textiles. The system in general has all you need
@TheChocodiledundee 6 ай бұрын
Sleeping gives you 10% bonus. So you'll get more when crafting.
@rockero1313 6 ай бұрын
sleeping with a love one gives you 15% 😎😎
@paulmunro8180 6 ай бұрын
Also Bob Alien Tea I think it's called adds another 3% to XP
@johntipper29 5 ай бұрын
I still suffer that annoying bug where your outpost resources change upon landing and you have to take off and land again to hopefully correct it. At first it was quite dismaying to find that the four resources I was mining changed into just copper. It does not happen to all the outposts though - just one or two. I find Bessel IIIB is a useful outpost location and Eridani VII-c too as others have already pointed out.
@TonyRush 6 ай бұрын
Just so you know, it's pronounced "Fineman". It's named after Richard Feynman, the famous physicist. GREAT video. Bessell 3-B is my favorite. It's tricky to find the exact spot where you can get cobalt, nickel, iron and aluminum all in the same outpost...but it's definitely doable. HUGE advantage for early game playthroughs. Thanks for a great video!
@jnmason6283 6 ай бұрын
Bessel III-b is my first outpost too. I lost patience before finding the sweet spot with the 4 resources... only found iron and aluminum and built from there. Still, the time ratio of almost 60:1 is great for not having to wait too long. Also built another outpost on Eridani VII-c and found titanium, tungsten and lead in one spot so I never run out for weapon mods. I will be doing the Lantana VII outpost for Paramagnon Conductor farming (3XP per craft vs 1 for adaptive frames). Pretty good planet with gold, silver, copper and Helium-3 that can be found in one spot.
@mikestanmore2614 6 ай бұрын
If there's ever a "survival" mode, I hope the character ages. Spending a day sleeping on a planet with a day five times as long as UT isn't quite as attractive when you realise the PC has just spent the best part of a week in bed with the covers over his head.
@scottbyerly1900 6 ай бұрын
The game should have you rest/wait based on UT time not planetary time. No reason for that overlook to be honest. Nobody in their right mind would ever base a timetable based off of planets like Venus. Let me rest for the next year on this chair…
@mikestanmore2614 6 ай бұрын
@@scottbyerly1900 Exactly. 👍
@JUSTCUROIUS 5 ай бұрын
I use my outpost for warehousing mainly to keep the UI from breaking. That's about it. What else is there to do with it other then glitch leveling. I'd rather just raid and sale and buy whatever I need. The game isn't hard enough or gives me enough of a reason to spend the time and effort for outposts. I'd rather have seen settlements with ships instead of Brahman. Imagine what you content creators could have done with fallout style settlements with some outpost like skins.
@francisaitken8761 6 ай бұрын
looking for a way to get into a ship,as the hatch is closed,and could'nt see any where to enter it, is there a way to get inside?
@luvslogistics1725 5 ай бұрын
My “Black Mountain” outpost or Lin’s Station colloquially known has cobalt, aluminum, nickel, iron and long days…so Bessel IIIb is a self sustaining first outpost. I’d like to find a breathable atmosphere next that has tungsten, titanium and call it Heller’s Hellhole.
@borba72 4 ай бұрын
Hey man, I've got a question: where can I store resources so the game will "see" them? I know about the player's and ship's inventories, but where else?
@Highphi420 5 ай бұрын
best to keep outposts to 1 or 2 resources to leave room for all the broken cargo links.
@johnnythe3rd182 5 ай бұрын
If u build on Bessel 3B, no need to jump to venus for time, it's also good there 🤷🏾‍♂️
@asamcbrez4930 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for the tips.
@myfestivus4336 6 ай бұрын
Instead of going to Venus to sleep, just find a chair or a bed near whatever vender and wait 48 UTC hours. Saves much more time than jumping to Venus every time you need a vendor reset.
@sdranch2800 4 ай бұрын
Only use Venus when you want to reset all chests in the game. Like the contraband chest in neon security for example. 5 hours sleep in Venus will reset every chest / vendor in the game
@CuddlyPsycho1134 5 ай бұрын
This was so confusing, until I read what was actually on the screen. The name is pronounced like Fine-Man, named after the physicist Richard Feynman! LoL
@thereaver8083 4 ай бұрын
The Olympus System is a very good place for low level players to build their first outpost imo. I'm level 96 now and I still use that first outpost I built on Nesoi as my player home.
@palpaladin315 6 ай бұрын
Actually, Feynman has everything you need to make Frames, Zwires, SemiWafers, SuperMagnets and if you ship in Rithcute - Rothicite magnets (8xp each). - not to mention Lithium on a planet with plenty of caelumite.
@sdefiel3719 6 ай бұрын
@palpaladin315 6 ай бұрын
@@sdefiel3719 Mhm. 😄
@paulmunro8180 6 ай бұрын
Good video! One other perk with Venus is you can mine both Nickel and Cobalt which you can then use to produce Isocentered Magnets. Also be careful with outposts as it can cause serious stutters. I am still on my first playthrough and spent hundreds of hours developing outposts for manufacturing but eventually I destroyed most of them due to this. I really enjoyed the progress going from simple components such as Isocentered Magnets to more complex ones such as Comm Relays but the frame stutters got too annoying. Since rebuilding my outposts I have no problems, I think mostly due to limiting the number of extractors and storage units, and not using cargo links.
@MaddogMike-444 6 ай бұрын
I just downsized my 24 outposts with cargo links and manufacturing for this reason, started stuttering. I didn't delete them but cut all the cargo links out and the most of the storage downsized to a few containers. I can still go back to get the parts or resources if I need them but really the point of this kind of system is to make your outposts more efficient with reactors and industrial extractors, but then what do you do with the resources after that?
@paulmunro8180 6 ай бұрын
Hey Mike yeah I was going to just remove cargo links and downsize but decided it would be easier to start again with a new approach. I have been trying for an hour now to explain my new strategy but it's kinda complicated to describe here haha basically I concentrated on building outposts that can mine both resources needed for 2-resource components. For more complex components I build outposts to mine resources to combine with the simple 2-resource components. To be honest though I would only concentrate on the 2-resource components and make a ton of them. Comm Relays are a good bonus as they only require 2 2-resource components to manufacture which can be done on your ship. My vendor strategy is then go to Neon and from every vendor I buy all their resources, ammo, food, meds etc to then sell them back my manufactured components. @@MaddogMike-444
@richw8589 6 ай бұрын
Sounds like you have been in this universe too long and are starting to get the "ff" item number bug. Doesn't matter if on pc or console either. The only fix is to jump.
@paulmunro8180 6 ай бұрын
Hi Rich yeah I did consider that too as I think I am around 922 hours on the same save but since I redone my outposts the game is back to playing butter smooth (fingers crossed). I will start NG+ once I complete the Crimson Quests which I am most looking forward to). @@richw8589
@rockero1313 6 ай бұрын
finally someone saying "it's objective". I hate it when people say "this is the best" like we HAVE to accept that. these videos should be "recommendations" not a "you have to do it like me" thing. for me I have a few outpost already but will definitely check out Feynman IV for a possible new one.
@barnowl012001 6 ай бұрын
Need a planet to harvest Tungsten that isn’t a planet with extreme temperatures
@jaago1522 6 ай бұрын
Voss in alpha centurai, land in a 'lead' area. First thing I do on a new playthrough because tungsten is always a bottleneck. Farm 1000ish, remove the outpost, head to Bessel 3.
@dankelly 5 ай бұрын
What planet has a bunch of resources AND the the best time ratio? I've heard of one that has a 67:1 ratio. (One standard hour is 67 universal time hours.)
@rayrotroff4028 4 ай бұрын
Bessel III-b has 57:1, is that what you meant?
@DarkAddictionYT 5 ай бұрын
You can wait 24 hours in the new atlantis trade authority office for vendor resets. Much easier than traveling to Venus
@infernoeagles5812 5 ай бұрын
@benmiles00 6 ай бұрын
My games stopped working weeks ago and, much like Fallout 4 before it, I can't be bothered to fix it. The jank is real. I'll save this for future reference though. Bound to come back. haha.
@lillamy2896 3 ай бұрын
Get a PC
@SimmerCK 6 ай бұрын
My main base is actually on Feyman III. I only put it there because one of the final resources in my production chain is Plutonium, which is on one of the inhabitable moons. But Feyman III has an atmosphere and I happened to find a nice plateau that was perfect for an outpost. The only thing I don't like about it is the day/night cycle is too short. I hadn't even visited Feyman IV, so I just popped in to check it out. I might use it for medical resources and since it has He3, I will probably use it to import Vytinium to the system, the second final resource in my production chain for Vytinium fuel rods.
@teddybear0313 5 ай бұрын
everyone must go to the individual places first to have all the ship parts available in or at their outpost first otherwise it isn't going to be full of options...
@ekonnic 4 ай бұрын
Do you mean visiting for example Neon is enough or do you need to visit each manufacturer and view their ships for sale?
@Starcat5 Ай бұрын
Those are some nice planets for Mining, but once those are set up, it is time to start Farming and Ranching. Organic Resources may literally grow on trees, but that doesn't mean collecting them in the wild is easy. Do you have a best planet for that?
@PaulGarwood 4 ай бұрын
The slider on the xbox controller will only go to 99 Adaptive Frames, is the another way to make more?
@rayrotroff4028 4 ай бұрын
That slider is hard-coded into the UI, so it's the same on PC.
@jamesbooth3360 3 ай бұрын
Use the bumpers and the stick to make it move fast.
@teddybear0313 3 ай бұрын
there are a few components only at those vender's around starfield, the cockpit he uses is only at the Diemo's yard not your outpost. another question, why do EVERYONE who plays the game, look like a "Spacer" (mix match armor) just going to through that out there...
@nowolvesministries9677 3 ай бұрын
It would be great if I could get there smh
@methyou6622 6 ай бұрын
A few things, 1 You don't have to press the button 1,000 times... There's a slider so you can create 1,000 adaptive frames providing you have the resources, with one click. 2 It literally makes no difference what ONE planet has for resources. This is backwards thinking. You need the SYSTEM that has the most unique resources, as you can link them. The single "best" planet for resources, pales in comparison to the best system with linked supply chains. I mean, this information is not helpful because this isn't how outposts work. You build 8 or more, in the right systems, and get an average of 5 resources or more, EACH, that's 40+ resources... That's a lot more than 8...
@pyromethious 5 ай бұрын
This is something that I've been trying to research, but all I see are "here's the best planet" results. What "I" have been looking for is a good low-ish level system that's unaligned (so I can have my stuff and clear my name too) as it would reduce travel. On my first playthrough I was sitting there with half a dozen outposts in the starting system (the one with NA). I think it's Alpha Centauri, but IDK off-hand. I could get most things except Tungsten, I think. Later I made a one-off outpost that was mostly for clearing bounties vs trying to remember what is where. On my current / first NG+, I'm starting in that system that starts with an L, but it's also L45, so while it's ok, it wouldn't meet my requirements.
@methyou6622 5 ай бұрын
@@pyromethious At one point, when I was building outposts, I looked at multiple systems. What I did was count unique resources to come up with a total number, and highlighted the ones with the most commonly needed resources.I also tried to figure in what planets have resources that appear together, to get the most resources per outpost. MAAL system has vanadium, titanium, alkanes, lead, iron, copper, He3, Aluminum, uranium, berryllium, chlorine, mercury, lithium, platinum, tetraflourides, tungsten, nickle, cobalt, argon, neodynim, plus bio resources of plants and animals. So I could harvest 32 unique resources with 7 outposts. Then I put my main outpost on a planet with a nice environment, breathable air, swimmable water, no toxic planetary conditions like high radiation heat or cold, nice shorelines with waves and gull sounds. Ixyll II. And I put one other outpost on a planet in the Ixyll system that had He3 just to get the resources transferrred to Ixyll II. You could maybe get a better setup, but it would be difficult to have so many resources and so many commonly needed resources, going to a nice planet to have your main outpost on. But then I stopped building outposts due to all the bugs, I wish Bethesda would fix... Building all those outposts accelerated the Form ID bug/limit and my game would no longer play and I went to NG+ to be able to continue to play. But if you want a nice setup, I can recommend MAAL as a resource system, and Ixyll II as a nice main outpost. That gives you six resources planets sending to a seventh "hub" with He3, six being the max number of landing pad/transfer points. Then that "hub" planet in MAAL sends to one planet with He3 in Ixyll, which sends to Ixyll II. This gives you an abundance of resources, a working setup when 6 is the max landing pads you can have, and you need He3 to transfer between systems, and a nice hospitable planet for your main Outpost. 😁 Hope this helps you.
@TheWizardKs 4 ай бұрын
This is a terrible planet for an outpost. Bessel III-B is far better to farm XP and in turn credits, especially considering when you rest for 1 hour it is 57 hours. Once you get it setup, head over to Murphid, and I do not rem exactly the planet, but you can find 7 Alum, 6 Iron, Copper, Tungsten, Nickel plus quite a few more. ( I originally was looking for Tungsten when I discovered how much it had ).
@ashleyanne2056 5 ай бұрын
0:38 - start of actual video
@mitch3384 6 күн бұрын
Feynman is pronounced as in "I'm fine, man".
@YugiOnYourFace1 6 ай бұрын
Androphan over Bessel? Hmmm
@TheChocodiledundee 6 ай бұрын
Depends. Do you want to be attacked? Or do you like crappie weather. I've built on both planets and androphon was far easier to find a spot with multiple resources. Bad weather on bessel constantly and on androphon, ecliptics hit me a few times.
@YugiOnYourFace1 6 ай бұрын
@@TheChocodiledundee I chose Bessel over Androphan for the time ratio
@jacobyrassilon 6 ай бұрын
@@TheChocodiledundee Once I maxed out my turrets and security bots, the attacks pretty much stopped on Bessel 3. And the time ratio makes the bad weather not important. Just make a habitat with a bed and weather is not a factor.
@DerEchteBold 6 ай бұрын
@@TheChocodiledundee There must be a reason for such attacks, I have an outpost on Andraphon and for over 200hs there never was any attack.
@downix 6 ай бұрын
I have done both, and I prefer Bessel. Going to try this new option next NG+ and compare.
@blastingweevil2968 Ай бұрын
sorry but end game you can build a ship with around 45k storage that is pretty indestructable and melts Enemys i am on NG+10 over 500 hours and not one used an outpost only built for quests/achiements it is another bethesda Usless padding for a game that can easily be finished in under 30 hours.
@Lixallot 6 ай бұрын
I don't see an "i" after the N...
@robwagnon6578 Ай бұрын
I want to name my outposts and ships!!
@cuddimac3205 15 күн бұрын
Do it
@RandomWandrer 4 ай бұрын
I love my outpost on Ursa Major 2. All the ingredients for an Amp Farm. Its beautiful. And not in Alliance or Freestar space.
@dexstarmitchell 6 ай бұрын
First like and comment. Never sleeping pays off.
@desmond-hawkins 5 ай бұрын
Feynman is not pronounced "Feen-man". Haven't you noticed the stars to the right of the map called Fermi, Schrodinger, Hawking, Bohr…?
@dkell1597 5 ай бұрын
Outposts and cargo links lag the game so much. Played for a week at launch then put it down till three weeks ago and started making meticulous outposts.. what a waste of time lag and stuttering non stop.... With an overkill system... Delete cargo links no delete the game.
@cooljb-lt6zt Ай бұрын
Stop click baiting. That outpost location isn’t good at all.
@JohnNorse 6 ай бұрын
@AndrewJohnson-oy8oj Ай бұрын
Just so you know, that system is named after theoretical physicist Richard Feynman who pronounced his name fine-mahn, not feen-min.
@lowkeyfiasco Ай бұрын
Literally nobody fucking cares.
@scienceguy2406 5 ай бұрын
What is Alominium? Does he mean Aluminum?
@russellhooper8016 4 ай бұрын
Brits pronounce it differently than Yanks do mate.
@ozymandiastotb8925 6 ай бұрын
Why would anyone need so much resources? For what?
@downix 6 ай бұрын
XP and credits. An hour can net you 100k on the right outpost setup.
@ozymandiastotb8925 6 ай бұрын
@@downix I see. Thanks for the explanation. To me, that means no building outposts.
@downix 6 ай бұрын
@@ozymandiastotb8925 and that's perfectly fine.
@RedlinePush 2 ай бұрын
Bessel has 1:60 time dilation. Almost as good as venus, but also good as a base
@Tamanstormwind 5 ай бұрын
Time is no different on Venus than anywhere else in the universe. The oddity is that BGS chose to make sleeping/waiting on planetoids happen in local equivalent time and some planets like Venus spin very very slowly. That, incidentally, is the main reason why Venus is hot AF, rather than the high CO2 atmosphere. CO2 in those amounts certainly doesn't help, but isn't enough on its own to ruin a planet.
@Lyvngdedgyrl 3 ай бұрын
Andraphon is the worst planet for an outpost. I get really tired of KZfaqrs calling it a "Best" outpost because its only good for Iron and Aluminium. Other planets are much better.
@wancha5050 6 ай бұрын
only one thing to comment here, alot of systems are named by scientists like Newton and Feynman - Richard Feynman; please learn how to pronounce the name of this great man corectly
@RainbowGale 4 ай бұрын
Seriously dude, the way you say aluminum is so hard to understand. When I saw one of your previous videos, it took me a while to understand what you meant by al-yuh-min-ee-uhm. I now understand that it’s how Brits pronounce it, but for us here in the states it’s pronounced as uh-loo-muh-nuhm. But just so you know your way of pronouncing it is actually classified as a variant and its actual pronunciation is the way we in the US say it. Just FYI.
@n.andersen 3 ай бұрын
Just FYI, you are wrong :-) It was discovered by a Danish scientist and is spelled Aluminium. That US citizens find it difficult to pronounce is fair, but you shouldn't teach people bad habits :-)
@RainbowGale 3 ай бұрын
@@n.andersen I looked it up online.
@knowledgegaming8437 14 күн бұрын
Its all random. So you have to do your own homework. Its procedurally generated. For every player every playthrough.
@andrearichards4939 6 ай бұрын
This does NOT have everything you need. Get your facts correct! For starters there and NO Unique, NO Rare, and only 3 Uncommon , not to mention the missing missing Inorganics. Get your pronunciation right for Feynman. At the barest minimum you should at least do a little research before spattering KZfaq with your clickbait titles
@emotionalintelligence776 3 ай бұрын
I’ll stick with Console commands yea I said it now get over it build a PC and skip these meaningless vids showing worthless planets 😂
@partytimexxx8931 2 ай бұрын
Yes it does have everything you need. Including lvl 65 enemies that can one hit kill you if you're a level 10 like I am. 😂
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Gaming with Griff Griffin
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Unleash Power: D'JARIN LEGACY Build Revealed
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skibidi toilet multiverse 039 (part 1)
DOM Studio
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