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Eve Bennett

Eve Bennett

Күн бұрын

Hopefully you can all learn from my mistakes and take these tips on board if you are freshers next year!

Пікірлер: 440
@TheSophie28320 5 жыл бұрын
As a fresher in September I’d love to see a ‘what I actually needed to take to Uni’ video!!
@827ella 5 жыл бұрын
Sophie Harmon yes!!
@caitlin9627 5 жыл бұрын
Yes yes yes
@livisome123 5 жыл бұрын
i'm uploading a video like that in a couple days:)
@ewanoxborrow1024 5 жыл бұрын
Sophie Harmon yes! I have no clue 😂
@laylahargreaves2008 4 жыл бұрын
She just made this video and couldn’t find who to give credit to, maybe it was you!?
@nadiaroumane1789 5 жыл бұрын
My tip is that uni can be extremely lonely. It's very easy to hole up in your room rather than socialise. It's not like school where you see your friends all day every day. You need to make effort to organise time to see friends and socialise.
@Jess-wf2ut 5 жыл бұрын
To summarise: 1. Do your washing in 1 load (cheaper and easier) 2. Eat healthily & don’t do everything too quickly (clubbing etc.) 3. You’re gonna not feel so great some days but don’t beat yourself up 4. It’s a big transition from school to uni and a lot to juggle at once, so don’t beat yourself up or worry 5. Your friendship circles will change 6. It’s alright to have alone time in your room etc. You don’t need to constantly be socialising 7. See the city that you’re in, there is life behind your books 8. Learn when to say yes & no, a balance 9. Remember to reset, refocus, and recharge 10. Don’t pack too much stuff ! 11. Don’t put pressure on your uni being ‘the best days of your life’ and ‘getting your money’s worth’, have a balanced experience of work and social, and just enjoy it, live your life! 💞💞💞💞
@utubegurl4076 4 жыл бұрын
*reply to Jess* tysm!!!
@allegraazmil4795 3 жыл бұрын
Aw thanks you smmm I’m rewatching just to remember and this helps
@ellanora8186 5 жыл бұрын
-you will want to drop out! second year hit me like a tonne of bricks (this isn't to scare anyone) the burn out was real and working through it was a necessity, but you have to remember why your doing this! -failing one essay or exam is not the end of the world, but get the help you need to get it right second time round -have friends you meet regularly outside of your degree, even outside of your uni, they keep you grounded! -this is not a competition! and making it one will loose you friends -many people with a 1st are not working their dream job yet, many people with a 2:2 might beat them to it, grades aren't everything -don't stress out about who you'll live with second year to early it will figure it's self out -going to a top uni doesn't mean everything, it's more like a branded degree, and we all know not every piece of branded clothing is top quality -plan trips you have to live off pasta to afford, find a pub garden, host wine a pizza nights with your besties, take random car/bus/train journeys to random places, go swimming in lakes, hiking, bbqs, random cheap activities, do your best not to get kicked out of ikea while having a laugh; not every fun/destress activity has to a night out or super expensive -don't worry if you can't afford to go travelling every summer or a new asos package a week, everyone comes from different backgrounds and its important to live within your means -you can rewear an outfit -by term 2 leggings and a hoodie and a messy bun are more than acceptable to wear to uni -you might not study best in a library, maybe for you is a cafe, or garden, in your room or anywhere but your room! find what works best for you
@owenwinn2821 5 жыл бұрын
The university from which you get your degree does matter, especially in the private corporate sectors like law and banking; a lot of degrees from top unis are harder than degrees from lower universities and count for more from the point of view of a perspective employer.
@ellanora8186 5 жыл бұрын
@@owenwinn2821 I'm not disagreeing with you on this, the point Iwas trying to make, clearly not clearly enough was that going to a oxbridge or russell group university may look great, you may come out with (e.g) not just a law degree, but law degree from cambridge . But that doesn't mean your university experience is going to be the best, you may have some of the top tutors in the world but little to no contact time or they might not actually care about you one bit, the administration might be awful and your timetable constantly changing, they may not have the best student support resources or learning difficulty support. the point I was trying to make was that just because to the outside world it's the best degree for your industry possible, the actual experience of the degree might not be the best, and its important to way this up :)
@owenwinn2821 5 жыл бұрын
@@ellanora8186 I would agree completely, prestige doesn't always translate into enjoyable.
@Caraagh 5 жыл бұрын
this is one of the best comments I've read about uni, tysm
@scrublord_val 5 жыл бұрын
@@owenwinn2821 also point is some courses are better different unis. Some are shit at the top ones.
@jasminewat2662 5 жыл бұрын
I agree with people in the comments section, would love to see a reaction to the ikea haul and what you did/didn't use :)
@xxymgxx 5 жыл бұрын
1) Start revising right from the start. Make neat notes, leave no stone unturned, make sure you know the material from day 1. Many unis have mid-terms, quizzes etc. half way through the term and you will need to revise anyway. I'd say you need to properly start knuckling down about 8 weeks before exams or you'll struggle to learn the content. 2) Past papers are your holy grail. Many lecturers have been at the uni for many years and will generally stick to the same style of exams (minus maybe slight syllabus changes). Many are too lazy to create brand new questions, so you will find 1-2 questions that are worded the exact way. 3) To those that are already career-focused and chasing a corporate job (very 9-5, office-based, intensive jobs), apply for insight days / weeks in your first year, apply for internships in your penultimate year. You can only apply for these in your first or penultimate year and once the opportunity goes, it is near impossible to gain good experience. Corporate jobs / experiences are a game and if you aren't hungry for it, you will struggle to pierce the industry. - Good luck to those going into uni. Sincerely, grad.
@mayas6574 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the advice but what does penultimate mean?
@xxymgxx 5 жыл бұрын
@@mayas6574 Your second to last year of uni i.e. your second year if you do a 3 year course and your third year if you do a 4 year course
@darcy325 5 жыл бұрын
Sindar Elf thank you this is actually so helpful , Eves advice was good but it was focussed more on the social side and i’m living at home so i’m not necessarily going to experience what she’s talking about, i came to hear a bit more about handling the academic side
@xxymgxx 5 жыл бұрын
@@Marie-di5gl It sucks, because with finance, it's quite a linear career path. You have to do an internship, then hopefully get a grad job. If you don't find a grad job right in your last year, it can be very hard. I wish you all the best with finding a job, never give up :)
@alicenottingham5778 5 жыл бұрын
can't preach enough about making revision resources early - I revise using flashcards so tried to make them as I went along which meant that by the time I needed to start revising properly (ie around 6-8 weeks before the start of exams), I already had a great basis to start.
@elizarosen7096 5 жыл бұрын
Who else is going to uni this sept🙋🏽‍♀️lets be friends I’m scared
@gorgeoushairstyles1251 5 жыл бұрын
We should do a gc! My ig is @booty.guru.x
@fursiyahrashid 5 жыл бұрын
Eliza Rosen me 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️ & ffs I’m scared too. Where & what are you studying?
@fursiyahrashid 5 жыл бұрын
Alysha Jade ahah we should
@elizarosen7096 5 жыл бұрын
Fursiyah Rashid I’m going to Southampton uni to study occupational therapy, what about you?
@elizarosen7096 5 жыл бұрын
Alysha Jade definitely!!
@AmberWoodMusicx 5 жыл бұрын
my tip: dropping out is OKAY. if you cannot cope with uni, if you are submerged in a deep depression, constantly anxious, unable to look after yourself or keep up, that’s alright. maybe it’s not the right time. i pushed myself and developed tourettes in a lecture. that was IT for me. i wasn’t fit enough to continue with my dream degree. maybe in the future but not now, currently. don’t be ashamed. don’t push too hard. listen to your gut feeling. if you’re entirely miserable, if things are constantly overwhelming and you’re crying more nights than not crying, maybe it’s time to fully take a step back. more people drop out than we think. sometimes it’s good to keep going but other times it’s just too much for the fragile brain to physically cope with. my dopamine levels LITERALLY CHANGED during uni as well as lack of serotonin yay -_- so that’s me! also with Eve on taking less stuff!!
@Randomgirlzrock 5 жыл бұрын
You’re so strong!! 💪🏼 100% agree about following your gut, uni environment is not for everyone. 💗
@booluther 5 жыл бұрын
Same thing happened to me. It was a great decision and it hasn’t impacted my employability or anything (I know that’s something that scares people)
@aidenmolyneux6940 5 жыл бұрын
University isn’t for everyone and I get that but I think everyone and their rabbit are posting why they dropped out... It isn’t a great way to encourage education, which for post people IS important to live within our society 🤷🏼‍♂️
@kestrel636 5 жыл бұрын
I so SO agree with this. I actually started uni last year, but after one term I just couldn't take it anymore; I was at my lowest low, I wasn't enjoying the course as much as I thought I would, and I felt more isolated than ever. Deciding to leave was the hardest decision in the world because I'd met some really cool people, but ultimately I'm so pleased I did - I'm currently enjoying the summer and preparing for an apprenticeship I've managed to get!....Only after 9 months of rejection and being in a depressive state, which I could've done without tbh. BUT the main thing I've learnt from all of this is how strong of a person I've become; when you keep getting pushed down, push back harder and harder, and NEVER give up. Things will be hard, life will suck at times....but then things will get better. At first, I thought I'd made a mistake by leaving uni; I couldn't find any jobs or apprenticeships, and I was really struggling. But now? I've never been happier. Remember: perseverance will get you to where you want to be - uni or not!
@aurora5899 4 жыл бұрын
i might do half university and half online
@sarahokinedo4875 5 жыл бұрын
eve is the older sister i wish i had
@catherinemulcaster9408 5 жыл бұрын
Sarah Pristine sameeeee 😭
@edelhandmusic8628 4 жыл бұрын
I'm the oldest in my house, I need someone like her in my life
@briarroseella7142 5 жыл бұрын
A tip I would give is that self-care lies in the smallest of things. You don't always need big and dramatic nights out or a thorough massage to feel better. As Eve already said, having a night by yourself is no sin at all, people need it. If you're a half introverted, half extroverted like I am, then too many things in a week can feel like too much already. But caring for yourself can even lie in putting the kettle on and standing by your window drinking tea, polishing your fingernails, throwing a blanket around your shoulders, taking a walk outside around nature, dancing around weirdly with the curtains closed, or putting on candles. Candles especially are miracle workers for your mental health in the darker months of the year, especially after Christmas is over. But most importantly: tidy up. I kid you not, all the tea, nail polish, blankets and candles in the world will not help your state of mind if your room is in a permanent state of clutter. So take a few minutes of your day to straighten up the papers on your desk, to pick up the clothes from off of your clothes chair (we all have one, don't deny it ;)) and fold them up, take a vacuum through your room, put the photo's on your shelves straight again, and water your plants. I found that tidying up does the most wonders for your mental state. Of course, it's not a full solution if there's a more structural problem like anxiety or depression going on, but it is a great pick-me-up if you're not having the best day. It's a small thing, and I takes only a few minutes to straighten up your room, but it always makes me feel a lot calmer and reduces stress and anxiety enormously! Great video once again, Eve! You're right, I wish I'd known all of this before I started uni, would have saved me a lot of tears and headaches! So hopefully this will help the next generation of first years :D
@caitlinc-r2957 5 жыл бұрын
1) If you need help at uni don't be afraid to ask. Your lecturers want you to pass because it makes the uni look better so they will generally be so willing to answer your questions, give you some tips to get started on a reading list, or extend your deadline. 2) Everybody studies differently. Some people will study 8 hours a day and some will study 1 or 2 hours a day and both of those are fine. Don't listen to other people too much about what they're doing if you seem to be doing okay. I remember in my exams this past year one girl had got into her head that she needed to revise every single topic because of talking to one overachiever, she actually only needed to be revising. Basically I'm saying don't have a big old panic and create extra work for yourself that you don't need to do. 3) Related to the takeaway thing, don't eat more than one ready meal a week because they also make you gain weight like crazy. Seek out the healthy choice ones as well to avoid ridiculously high salt content. 4) Learn how to use things like a washing machine, dishwasher, iron etc. before you go because not being able to use them will make you seem like you've grown up with servants/ are super entitled and privileged. 5) Budget! Work out realistically how much money you can spend each month/ week and then write down all your expenses (can do this in a planner or on excel) and see if you are sticking to your budget. If you aren't work out where you can cut out spending and do so. This is the only way to avoid going into your overdraft unless you are very disciplined with money already, but most people aren't because uni is probably the first time you've been responsible for so much spending. 6) Related to above, getting a credit card with your student bank account isn't a bad idea. If you make one small purchase on it a week and then pay it back every month you will build up a good credit score. 7) Probably the most important tip: be respectful in shared living spaces. Use a toilet brush, don't leave your hair in the shower, don't leave piles of washing up, don't steal other people's food and utensils, don't take other people's food out of the fridge because there's no room for your food. Honestly, all of this should be common sense but some of you re clearly useless at this.
@louise3894 5 жыл бұрын
Is anyone else incredibly nervous for university? I’m a fresher in September, I live in a tiny town and I’m worried I won’t enjoy it! I’m constantly debating whether I’ve made the right choice
@evie5600 5 жыл бұрын
can’t relate 🙋🏼‍♀️
@sen.m7832 5 жыл бұрын
can’t relate Same here
@cat5220 5 жыл бұрын
Girl same!!! None of my friends are going to the uni I’m going to, I know exactly one person and we’re not even that close, I’m wondering how the hell I’m gonna make friends!!! But I think pretty much everyone has the same worries and fears, but we’ll all get through it in the end! :)
@ellasophia2098 5 жыл бұрын
If your uni has a Facebook group join it. Then find people on your course, in your accommodation and with similar interests. Join and set up group chats x
@chloem4287 5 жыл бұрын
Like started university last year. Was a proper home bird and was so scared. It was better than the worst I imagined, but not as good as the best id imagined. For me I found first couple months I was coping fine, I was busy and meeting new people all the time. However, as things calmed down I did begin to struggle with loneliness, isolation and general sadness.
@cecillouise3919 5 жыл бұрын
Uploads right as I'm binging university videos, perfect 💁‍♀️. Results day next Thursday, nervous but hoping it goes well
@cecillouise3919 5 жыл бұрын
Would you do a video about how you organise your notes/take your notes?
@cecillouise3919 5 жыл бұрын
Also maybe a reaction to your Ikea haul/room tour, saying which things you used or didn't use etc
@philippaettrick7012 5 жыл бұрын
Good luck! Same here!
@natasham4184 5 жыл бұрын
@justchloeh 5 жыл бұрын
Good luck
@rozgibson 5 жыл бұрын
Tips for people planning on living at home: 1. Don't stress about not having the traditional uni experience. If you want to meet people join societies and talk to people on your course. Most people I know who lived in halls weren't that close to their flatmates and found their close friends in societies anyway. 2. Use your knowledge of the uni city to make friends, suggest places to go, eat and clubs to go to too. I even went shopping with some people in freshers week as I knew where all the shops are etc. 3. If you do think you might want to move out at any point make sure you mention that when you first meet people 'I live at home at the moment but would love to move out next year etc.' planting the seed early is helpful.
@sarahkennard7923 5 жыл бұрын
Roz Gibson these tips are so helpful! I’m living at home and was worried about making friends
@ButterflySimmer 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I planning to stay at home and was annoyed at first I won't get the "full" experience. But now I happy with my choice, as I won't have to worry about the cost and can save money.
@ButterflySimmer 3 жыл бұрын
@hufflepuff Harry potter lover I supposed I worried about everything with university. But I sure I will be fine.
@ButterflySimmer 3 жыл бұрын
@hufflepuff Harry potter lover you probably have as I swear I recognize your username 😂😂.
@ButterflySimmer 3 жыл бұрын
@hufflepuff Harry potter lover oh yeah 😂😂. Goes to show how much KZfaq I watch 🙊🤭😂
@cerys6800 5 жыл бұрын
1. take most of the academic opportunities given to you like guest lectures that are open to the public 2. Reading lists are important but don't always buy all the books on them as you won't use all of them and reading lists change per semester - use the library they always have books from your course reading lists (no matter how small the uni is) 3. if you are getting a job at uni, make sure you don't overestimate yourself with the number of hrs you signed up to work vs the amount of time you have to still be social and successful in your degree otherwise you will be burnt out quickly 4. good luck, you'll do great !
@annabellelee4412 5 жыл бұрын
My tip - Results day is approaching and I did not reach my grades and ended up in clearing. I was super upset and when I started uni I felt super depressed as I didn't want to be there at all. But don't worry because things do better and you will still enjoy it. It takes time to adapt to a uni you didn't think you would be at, but clearing does happen sometimes and I really didn't expect it to happen to me. However, about to start second year and I am happy ! So keep going regardless of what uni you are at :)
@phoebemountain4732 5 жыл бұрын
I'd love to see you react to your uni haul last year, explaining what was actually super useful and what wasn't needed - need to learn to pack light !!♥️ (Touch wood if I get into ox)
@justinemarch9760 5 жыл бұрын
this is a really good idea
@gracenessa348 5 жыл бұрын
Good luck girl x
@phoebemountain4732 5 жыл бұрын
@@gracenessa348 thankyou sm! X
@phoebzie228xx 4 жыл бұрын
I am about to graduate from Warwick, and while I could write A BOOK on my tips for uni, here are 3: 1) Go to your bloody lectures or seminars. Obviously, it is fine to miss a couple, don't burn yourself out, but you will regret it SO much when exams come around. If you miss anything, ALWAYS CATCH UP. I promise i think I could have done so much better if I wasn't as lazy. 2)Don't bury your feelings, stresses etc and hope they go away. I used to go into radio silence if i was struggling with something. Email your tutors, reach out to your friends, don't be afraid to ask for help. 3) Do NOT compare your journey to anyone else's: "they are doing so well" "they are having so much fun" everyone struggles with something, some people are just better at hiding it than others.
@hannahbayman898 5 жыл бұрын
Results day thia thursday and I've never been more nervous,i hope i get this uni experience so much💖
@heatherflorence124 5 жыл бұрын
good luck! im scared af for gcse's but at least theyre done
@scarletroseelise4484 5 жыл бұрын
good luck my love xxx
@citywise8773 5 жыл бұрын
Eve, your final tip about “taking university by the horns” is absolutely spot on. Many years since I was at university as an undergraduate, but my biggest regret: that I didn’t get involved with more extracurricular stuff and didn’t try more things that were outside my comfort zone. You’ll never be in an environment where you will have so many options to try new activities or experiences and so many clubs, societies and facilities on your doorstep and my advice would be: just give it a try. Your point about everything - the lows as well as the highs - being part of your university experience and embracing it is also really, really true. It’s not always going to be there or four years of unbroken fun...but it’s all part of the experience and developing as a person: I couldn’t agree with your summary more. Very well said
@chloepenguins 5 жыл бұрын
these are all SUCH good pieces of advice yes!!!! especially the one about overexerting yourself/learning how to say no to going out whatnot. i always thought of myself as an introvert before uni but coming into a new environment i was so excited to make new friends (and hold onto them) and to do new things that i really pushed myself so hard and definitely did not take enough time for myself which definitely impacted my mental health and my grades. it’s hard to find a balance but it’s important and i’m really hoping next year i can!
@lithiumsorrows 5 жыл бұрын
My tip- it’s ok to dislike some aspect of college! I was so excited to start college because I only had to study things that I was interested in. But during my second year, I felt so so guilt because there was classes that I hated and I felt should have loved everything. After exams where finished, I talked to friends in my course/ college and everyone felt the same. Everyone hates some aspect of college, be it a class or a lecturer, even an certain lecture hall that has a shitty blackboard. So be nice to yourself, not every moment of college has to be absolutely fantastic.
@stellawarren1755 5 жыл бұрын
It’s so nice that you can look back and appreciate both the good and rubbish times you had in your first year, considering how hard it was!! I’m glad you’re looking back positively and it’s a beautiful mindset to have :) thank you for this video and congrats on 200k💓
@linziwilson666 4 жыл бұрын
my top tip is to not stick to the same couple of friends you make in the first week as it’ll be harder to make more friends later on!!
@sadsade1850 5 жыл бұрын
Thank the heavens for you, Ms. Eve Bennet! Your vids are great when I casually feel productive and want to put on a posh British accent for an hour. Awesome video!!
@MadeleineduBoulay 5 жыл бұрын
To iron your worst wrinkled clothes, hang them up while you’re having a shower and it’ll drop the creases out. Always put at least 10% of your student loan in your savings at the start of each semester (you’ll thank yourself later!). Do bulk cooking on a Sunday afternoons and then organise which to freeze or stick in the fridge, again, you’ll be thanking yourself when you come back from a late night studying sesh and you’re got something healthier to bung in the microwave instead of getting a take out. Don’t always feel the need to go out and feel like you have to drink alcohol each time 😊
@hizac8492 5 жыл бұрын
I wish I'd known that my brain would explode given the amount of readings I have
@artiehughes7918 5 жыл бұрын
“There’s beauty in the difficulty”. What a gorgeous quote! Loved this video. I totally agree with everything you’ve said. I’m just about to go into my second year too!
@tgwtg9428 5 жыл бұрын
the fourth tip is something i really needed to hear even though i'm going into my second year of uni
@eh_maybe 5 жыл бұрын
Oh my god i love eve’s hair and makeup... sis is GLOWING
@philippaettrick7012 5 жыл бұрын
❤️love it. Looking forward to all the madness when I get to uni this September!
@ewanoxborrow1024 5 жыл бұрын
I start uni in September and this was SUPER helpful, a lot of what you said I hadn’t even thought about so thanks for the advice 👍🏻 Your videos are fab, looking forward to seeing more
@riapaul8045 3 жыл бұрын
Cannot begin to express how helpful this was. You covered problems that I wasn't even thinking about. Tysm x
@madeleinevickers8471 5 жыл бұрын
I LOVED this video so much!! Your honesty and purity is inspiring...I appreciate you so much and always love the content you bring out. Keep at it and love yourself because we all do xxx
@meharkaursandhu 5 жыл бұрын
Lydia and Eve posted videos literally one after another. GAH. SO MUCH CONTENT. SUCH LESS TIME. 😍😍
@user-ps4xb7sd8n 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Eve. I am going to be a freshman this September. Going to remember "There's beauty in this difficlty. "
@brendab1119 5 жыл бұрын
I think it’s so easy to compare yourself to what you see on social media, I wasn’t really posting at the very start (because I feel like i was being more honest in that I knew I wasn’t best best friends with anyone yet) but so many people at other unis were posting with all their ‘friends’ causing me to feel that I didn’t have many friends.. but they will come! Everything will fit into place and the people who were posting probably having the exact same experience as you with lots of new people but it is made out to look as if they’re all best buddies, also they probably have completely different friends now too! Also academically I wish I knew that uni exams are so different in that you don’t need to know everything, unlike a levels, at the start I would half heartedly attempt all my readings, when I actually should have tried hard for some and just left the others, also don’t go to a 9am lecture if you’ve had like 3 hours sleep it will be useless and most unis aren’t strict about missing lectures so try and get that sleep!
@georgianewborough8773 4 жыл бұрын
This is one of the best videos I’ve ever watched. Amazing advice thank you!!
@kaheima2442 3 жыл бұрын
Eve thank you so much this video really encouraged me and help me panic less about starting uni. It’s so inspiring, helpful and motivating. Totally top life tips !! You have such a great and positive mindset xxx thanks !!
@hussnagaysar6339 5 жыл бұрын
I was hating uni and feeling like dropping out as it was not a nice experience at all for me, but somehow your last advice neutralize my emotions toward uni a little bit, thank u Eve.
@niciii_mariie 3 жыл бұрын
the beauty in the difficulty. embrace it all. heartwarming and mindblowing last words of the vid. thanks eve xx
@beth7945 4 жыл бұрын
Such a good perspective! So wise, could imagine you being a motivational speaker!
@MeSimoneI 5 жыл бұрын
I love this so much! I think these memories stay with you forever for sure! It's a great experience, good and bad days alike!
@paisleigh1989 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this! I’m starting uni next year so this was great to hear
@carolinacampbell1661 4 жыл бұрын
This is such an incredible & motivating video - thank you so much for this! X
@absolutelyridiculous3049 5 жыл бұрын
Perfect!!! Really needed this! Thanks EVE, read my mind!! 🙃
@beth4107 5 жыл бұрын
i’m going into second year this september and here are my things i wish i knew! keeping up with work: be honest with your tutors if you’re falling behind or struggling with a topic. they want you to succeed! washing clothes: i always wait til i have loads of dirty clothes then do my washing with a full load of coloured and a full load of whites at the same time. then i dry them in the same drier! get your moneys worth for sure friends: for me i was getting stressed about not finding my sort of people to be friends with in my first project but don’t worry you will find them soon! going out: clubbing can get old pretty fast. also don’t bother bringing heels, just wear comfy shoes! but definitely go out if you feel like it and you have the chance! my favourite nights are the ones are after evening talks, where we all go to the pub then eventually back to someone’s flat or house and just drink, chat and watch telly haha
@hannahbrown572 5 жыл бұрын
When you're up in Oxford you should check out Sandy's bar, really good drinks and live piano x
@lisahamilton3345 4 жыл бұрын
Going to my 3rd year in Uni now and after a really mixed year this year of crap days and brilliant days this video has just given me the feels 😍 Such a nice closure on an odd time! Defo subscribing 😁
@rafiyahaque5411 5 жыл бұрын
That's the best wrap up I've ever seen. Great video!
@emilypowell7275 5 жыл бұрын
This felt so motivational, I loved it 😄 My advice. You might have found a way of note taking and learning in sixth form/college but it’ll probably change. I changed up my methods repeatedly up until near the final exams. If that happens, don’t worry about it, you’ll find what feels right and don’t try to backlog and make all your old notes the same, you won’t have time. I started handwriting notes, then I was typing, then I annotated lecture slides and wrote up after... you’ll find what works for you!
@Crystal-xf1ny 5 жыл бұрын
I've never been to uni, but I think that this video is such a great idea! Passing on your experience can really help others. I would say with buying clothes, why not go to your local charity shops? I have a KZfaq channel where I sell things I have brought from charity shops, so anyone please feel free to check it out. You can get some great bits for a fraction of the price. Great video Eve xx
@Sophie-qs1re 5 жыл бұрын
Great video Eve! Could you do a video about studying languages at uni ? xx
@user-zn6lq5zp2h 5 жыл бұрын
Honestly one of the best uni advice videos I’ve ever watched! Thank you!!
@RevisionWithEve 5 жыл бұрын
so glad you enjoyed!
@lisa-kimberley1026 4 жыл бұрын
This is literally everything I needed today. Thank you.
@charliesheargold7522 4 жыл бұрын
My tip for freshers is to take as many opportunities as you can in the first few weeks of uni, as everyone is in the same boat of wanting to make friends and settle in - I met some amazing people in my first few weeks, and a lot of them were great then and then we drifted apart, but I'm also still great friends with some people I met in freshers, and have made friends with their friends too! Just throw yourself into it in the beginning. Also, regarding getting to know flatmates and making it less awkward... vodka HELPS!
@TheLazzzyStudent 4 жыл бұрын
This is such a good video idea! I loved hearing about your experiences 💜
@isabelupton4215 5 жыл бұрын
So glad I have seen this before going in September!
@gillcarlab 5 жыл бұрын
GUUUURLLL! You look amazing! Loving the hair!
@annax38 5 жыл бұрын
Can u please make a clearing video / How do you make an account for clearing / adjustment
@mojo11417 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video Eve - I really needed this video 💛
@bethandavies2479 5 жыл бұрын
One tip that saved me money and time was bulk cooking food!! Cook a a big bolognese, curry chilli or whatever and then freeze the portions and easy dinner one night when you cba. And cook a little more food one evening and lunch is sorted for uni next day and no need to get up early to cook some nice pasta for lunch 😊
@adampartridge1903 4 жыл бұрын
I'm about to start 2nd year and I'm quite scared but kinda excited as well. Last year got better as it went on but all in all I had quite a bad time. My social skills aren't too bad really and I try to talk to people but I've still always struggled with making friends at uni because the intensity of it all is just too much for me and at uni you just meet soooo many selfish people who can't get over themselves, but I know I'm better than that. Very very thankfully I have managed to make a few friends now and these few friends I have at uni mean the world to me. I don't know how it's gonna be when I go back but thanks so much Eve for all the advice, you really really are so helpful!
@dominik6375 5 жыл бұрын
It was so good to hear that before starting uni ❣️ Thanks for that
@JenJen4112 5 жыл бұрын
Eve, congrats on 200K. 🎉💞
@habibadarwish7361 5 жыл бұрын
mannnn its like we literally had the same experience word for word!! first year was crazyyyy i hope next year goes better for both me and you
@jasmineruggiero8834 4 жыл бұрын
Soooooo bloody helpful and clear, this really helped x
@studywithanna 5 жыл бұрын
I’ve just survived first year and so much of this is 100% relatable! uni is hard, so if you’re struggling it’s ok. the change can hit you a lot so take time for yourself ❤️ (I’ve got some advice on my channel too, and I’ll be uploading my first year summary soon) 💕
@crazy4jbiebz 5 жыл бұрын
I’m so glad you mentioned missing an exam because I thought I was the only one daft enough to do that 🙈
@sadie5730 5 жыл бұрын
Eve!!! What hair curlers do you use?? Your hair looks so beaut xx
@sillygoosegoose 5 жыл бұрын
my washing recommendation is to learn how to hand wash. such a lifesaver when you only need to clean your underwear.
@sue2507 5 жыл бұрын
Lovely video, thanks Eve!
@britt.1774 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly best advice I've heard so thank you
@rebeccam1207 5 жыл бұрын
Wow in love with your hair in this!!😍
@ellieskyee 4 жыл бұрын
I start uni next week and I totally needed this video!!💕
@strawwberryyy 5 жыл бұрын
thanks for this, I needed this now!! gonna start uni in a week :-)
@nikola206 4 жыл бұрын
Literally applied to Oxford today! Thank you for all your uni videos that helped me decide and feel calmer about the whole process xx
@two1videos 4 жыл бұрын
How did it go? hope you got in, if you need some reasons why it will be the best time we just made a video about the top 10 things about uni, you should definitely check it out if you're heading to uni soon.
@nikola206 3 жыл бұрын
hufflepuff Harry potter lover yep! And now i help/mentor other students with their applications and personal statements if you’re interested?
@nikola206 3 жыл бұрын
hufflepuff Harry potter lover well good luck for four years time x
@erinvogt367 4 жыл бұрын
i think its definitely an advantage that i moved away from my secondary school to go to art college, because i had to make new friends and adjust to that earlier than most people, and the post production film course im applying to is very similar to what i do now and these tips were so helpful as to what i should expect thank you eve! xx
@two1videos 4 жыл бұрын
You've got this, hope the course goes well, if you need some reasons why it will be the best time we just made a video about the top 10 things about uni, you should definitely check it out if you're heading to uni soon.
@robbiehicks7960 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you eve, have fun at sitc aha x
@cozyembers66 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you sm for this video!! I’m a junior in High School currently so very close to university and this brought very good points to my attention as well as reassure me. I hope you had fun in Perú! I’m half Peruvian and it always makes me so happy when someone else knows about Perú’s existence 😂
@jennyholloway8192 5 жыл бұрын
My first year is pretty awful so learning from mistakes here are my tips: 1. Get to know your flatmates in the first week, if you don't talk to them then you never will 2. Go to freshers events and meet people, you will be so grateful seeing familiar faces around after that 3. Say yes to opportunities, if people invite you to do things if you don't say yes they'll stop asking you 4. Don't worry too much about academics, as long as you know you'll pass first year that's all you need to do so don't spend all your time studying and panicking about it 5. Don't do things on your own, ask people to come with you to the shop or fair or club, you'll make better friendships and enjoy yourself more
@mimiv.4475 4 жыл бұрын
1. do your washing in one load (white, colour and black - all in one) 2. cook - take away is too expensive 3. there can be things that are not perfect all the time 4. friends will change and it's fine 5. it's ok to have alone time 6. see the city, that your in 7. learn to say yes, learn to say no 8. don't pack to much stuff in your first year 9. just remember to enjoy your time a little bit! do things right, do things wrong!
@ruthpuglisi6010 5 жыл бұрын
Oh. My. God. If only I'd been told this before I started uni😂 so true about over-packing and eating out.
@ailsamaclean6997 5 жыл бұрын
Absolutely love you Eve but it makes me sad that you only think uni will be the best part of your life looking back on it... I have just finished my first year at Durham and honestly I couldn't have had a better year and I never want this uni experience to end! I hope next year is a bit easier for you Eve as you deserve to be so happy so best of luck and hope it all goes smoothly xx
@maryouuuumma 5 жыл бұрын
Congratulations on 200k subscribers! 💗
@chloemai29 5 жыл бұрын
i think for sure uni is such a different experience to what it’s made out to be, and nobody seems to talk about the reality of it! i had both the best and worst time of my life and that’s totally okay! on a side note, i’ve missed the last few videos you’ve posted and watching this i feel like your accent has changed so much since you’ve been away from home!
@jadefelicity2118 4 жыл бұрын
Ikea shopping bags are fab and multi purpose. There's two flights of stairs between my flat and the laundry facilities so recommend for that. Similar it's very helpful for transporting your bedding to and from uni like physical duvet and pillow 😂 Don't back in boxes. Bags squish and are so much easier to pack in the car. Especially as you then have a stack of reusables shopping bags! Amazon Prime is your friend 😂 best £3.99 a month I spend because I can order everything with quick shipping like stationary, sweets etc A planner is essential. Like seriously helps keep everything in track. Box Clever Press family planner is my go to 🙌🏻 It's okay to have a clear out especially as you get further through the year (Depop/ eBay are fab). Great way to make some extra money and also makes it so much easier when packing to go home etc. Have a "slummy jar" where you put loose change. Great way to save up for things like a take out or a little trip. Especially after a night out when your purse is full of coins 😂 A good blanket is underrated. My accomodation turns the heating off at 10pm and it doesn't turn back on till 7am so it's cold at night. Single bed with double duvet and double blanket was a life saver 🙌🏻
@naomiettrick2973 4 жыл бұрын
I watched this before uni and I was SO so scared and was not excited for uni at all. But now I'm here, and honestly it hasn't been easy, but it's been good, and I know that it will keep getting better. My advice would be to talk to everyone you can, but if they aren't your kind of person - move on. Don't get scared and stick to people that you actually dislike/can't really get on with. There are tons of people out there! (Obviously try not to make snap judgements, but it's ok to find nice people to be 'not your people', as Eve says!)
@two1videos 4 жыл бұрын
Glad its got better for you if you need reminding why uni is the best time we just made a video about the top 10 things about uni, you should definitely check it out if you're heading to uni soon.
@tangerinecoral1822 5 жыл бұрын
I'm already a uni student but loving this anyway!!
@samanthamaria5183 5 жыл бұрын
I'm going into my second year. My parents house is 8 miles away from my university. Last year i lived at home, but next year i'm giving accommodation a go. Im finding your videos very useful
@jadekong1301 5 жыл бұрын
Honestly agree so much of what you said. But if I have any tips it's to take opportunities that come your way because uni is the time to try things out. 😄 Also don't worry if you roommates (corridor-mates, flatmates) aren't gonna be your best friends, some people are just nice people that aren't for you.
@ferrentes 5 жыл бұрын
My tip would be to do get involved with uni things that aren't your programme, so societies, student representation etc. because those things will teach you SO MUCH. It were those things that taught me all the soft skills that my degree would never have! I'm really glad I was the secretary of a study society with 500+ members and organised a study excursion to the US, just to name a few things.
@Tazminmusic 5 жыл бұрын
Such an insightful vid Eve!!! Thank u! Was wondering if you could do one on Spanish A Level!!!??? 👏👏👏
@eclairscares3184 5 жыл бұрын
Agree with these!!! Number one tip I'd say is don't put pressure on yourself to enjoy Freshers week, not everyone will enjoy it and that's okay!! It doesn't define your uni experience and you'll more than likely have the best times after freshers!! Xx
@TheShoeAddictxox 5 жыл бұрын
my gosh I'm about to binge watched every uni vid im so excited for sept !!!!!!!!!
@RealisticMonkey 4 жыл бұрын
There are cleaning sheets that you can put in the washing machine with your clothes so the colors won't mix!
@aaronregisford4140 4 жыл бұрын
‘The uni washing machines aren’t good enough to ruin your clothes’ 😂😂😂
@evesmom1688 5 жыл бұрын
Ok I can help with the stuff you need question! When you go to Uni you take everything ( kitchen sink) and over time you realise you don’t need so much. It depends whether you are in self catering or in halls to start with. Even if you are self catering remember others on your corridor or flat will have stuff too. Mainly don’t worry you will make friends and find your way through it together!
@hannah-jz3bv 4 жыл бұрын
Such a helpful video, thank u! :) xx
@cait3666 5 жыл бұрын
I haven’t even done my GCSEs but here I am! 😂 I actually really enjoyed it though ❤️
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