100% proof Suddenly Toast Cheats in Tarkov - USES ATOMIC CHEATS + LAMBDA SQUIRREL DMA - THE END!!!

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22 күн бұрын

Suddenly Toasts long time friend comes forward to spill all and finally crack the lid on his cheating and how this man gets away with it!

Пікірлер: 324
@puretalent5940 16 күн бұрын
haha i know who you are talking to xD he streamed with him.
@10IQGaming 16 күн бұрын
Yep...And OFCOURSE Toast is saying it's a total stranger and has NO idea who this guy is and NEVER met him ... Guy must have a PHONE book size notepad next to his desk filled with every excuse for every point in time he was caught out cheating... It's insanity. All I can do is keep the pressure on him and not let him get away with it. Every now and then on my channel I touch on it to remind his new viewers and latest line up of people he is conning what the truth is.
@rubengonzalezmartin4660 4 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming Maybe you should wait for him to be relaxed. They usually f*ck himselves by mistake.
@BrandonRecon117 2 күн бұрын
Yeah I used to stream with him a long time ago, If twitch went that far you can def see how toast used to be
@cripstopheriii3509 20 күн бұрын
“Little do they know” my dog could tell that he’s cheating lmfao
@plavi8415 20 күн бұрын
Good one 😂😂
@dannystumpf321 20 күн бұрын
Dude is an imbecile. But I’m glad he exists because it just reinforces my reason for not playing this trash game. Devs can’t even keep this worm off the game. How many more are there?
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
His sentance was HALARIOUS he is like mocking people like they are idiots for assuming he cheats... But then confirms he cheats 😂 like what?
@Ekwol 20 күн бұрын
Stevie wonder could see it
@GeneticSteve 20 күн бұрын
The funniest thing is that he thinks he had anyone fooled.
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
Guys the video is trash I know - I had a thousand things to do and I have heaps going on IRL right now... It's extremely frustrating that I finally had a dude giving me evidence on toast and IRL stuff that couldn't wait came up... I've been doing this along time ok I know if I don't instantly get in that call with no plan and talk to the guy in most cases they change there mind and not tell their story - it happened to me with gongshow witnesses I waited to long and they changed there mind and I missed out on the dude doing an interview and giving me the final evidence I needed... Unfortunately this YT stuff is my hobby it's not my job I don't really make anything from doing this - in a perfect world I could do this full time and that would be great but life doesn't work like that. Sometimes videos are going to be spare of the moment or rushed I have a lot on IRL right now unfortunately. Appreciate the support 👍 - I edited my original messege because I came across like a salty soy boy 😂 but at the time I had alot going on and everyone was like "why isn't the video better" 😩 I wish it was... But I have to much on guys sorry... Love you all dearly... Toast will be live again soon with that ATOMIC DMA coping and I can't wait to see his reaction 😂 dude legit spent like $1400 on a rig and DMA just to cheat what a trash can
@johni85i63 20 күн бұрын
I didn't mean anything about my comment, I was just recommending reducing a little bit of info that could be used for wrong. sincere apologies if that seemed rude, the video does seem scraped together as if you didn't have much time and had work just after, for the life of me I can't remember the words for it. . . Keep it together or something like that, you're doing well, good luck, and hope you get a raise or a better job that eases your work load. have a great day!
@johni85i63 20 күн бұрын
I watched the entire thing and didn't realize it was an hour long video LOL only figured it out when reading some of the comments XD
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
​@@johni85i63yeah I walked in the door and dude had messeged me and how this works is if you don't drop everything and get strait in a call with them then and there they change their mind... I had to stop my day then get in a call with this guy then spend an hour editing and exporting and uploading to YT... Just for $2 in add revenue and a comment section full of people saying do it better and give more... 😂 I'm the only person out here who dedicates as much as I can to this man... I'm doing the best I can and giving as much as I can to this. Appreciate the support man but sometimes I don't have enough to give to this and it's my hobby I would love to be able to give more but I can't I have a job and a kid and a relationship... 😩 Unfortunately I can't just give 100% of my life to this and I have to juggle life as well. Literally I will make $10 from this video it's not me going it for money it's me doing this cause I love to do it.. if I could give more I would man.
@0bserver50 20 күн бұрын
The guy with the tea was super patient bro. Don't be so quick to react negatively to constructive criticism. Interviews should be concise and clear. Nice work finally getting the smoking gun. 🤘
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
I just deleted that guys comment.... 😂 he has never commented on my channel never even liked one video and never was subbed but then comes in writing a paragraph saying how MY comment is just sooooo much crying he has to now desperately never watch my content again 😂... Deleted comment blocked see you on the next account dude hahahha. "the way you wrote that message was just soooo disgusting you treat your viewers like that I will never watch your videos again how dare you" 😂 go away dude.... Make another account and try again.... Jesus the desperation
@gun_master1 20 күн бұрын
I had similar experiences with friends I played with who also just started ch3ating and were bragging about it and showing me their ch3ats and it was heartbreaking. I cut contact as well never speaking with them ever again. It's so sad.
@zawiz8783 20 күн бұрын
Thats kind of wild, when I cheated my friends didn't want to be part of it. No one is insane enough to cut off contact lol
@DubstepIsWhat 20 күн бұрын
yikes! that's incredibly weird, not based at all, and literally infantile of you my man. talk about not being able to seperate fiction from reality, wow, how in gods green earth did you get so far gone? second hand embarrassment is something i've never felt until this moment...
@nOseGoPro 20 күн бұрын
if you find out your long time friend is cheating in a game you play together... how da fuq can you trust em in the future ? u always thought hes good at the game but he betrayed you all the time, just to be the cool guy... of course this affects real life friendship and you cut contact in the end and if hes able to talk him out i would still never ever in my life trust em again once a cheater always a cheater !
@ownzye-3630 20 күн бұрын
@@zawiz8783 honestly its not, if its a mate he knows from gaming, id aswell wouldnt contact him again, F cheaters, everyone who cheats is a retard
@millerthomas4331 20 күн бұрын
cheating is a subhuman behaviour, their argument is usually "its just a game" but if you're willing to go this far in a videogame then it says a lot about your character and i will not treat you with respect shallow human trash
@danielsonjrlibra 20 күн бұрын
I need to go into his stream and tell him I think his game play is ATOMIC
@rabity 20 күн бұрын
@danielsonjrlibra 20 күн бұрын
I think I got myself banned from his account last time I was trolling him, unless he has new twitch I can’t find
@Seaguld 20 күн бұрын
20:00 - 23:00 i honestly felt like i was losing brain cells listening to you try to explain that story.... love you, but good god XD
@FutureLaugh 20 күн бұрын
the hubris of just bragging to someone casually. the response by his teammate was appropriate.
@jaeloo 20 күн бұрын
we got him boys
@osmium_fps6082 20 күн бұрын
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
I could nail this guy with proof every month he is that bad 😂 I wonder what his excuse for this one will be
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 19 күн бұрын
@@jmsoarez8090 we have a toast watcher here hahahaha
@pepper5128 20 күн бұрын
yo 10IQ, you're a real one. I like that you bring this to the forefront of our minds, and help foster a stronger aversion towards cheats within the community. You singlehandedly might be helping lots of people who might otherwise, in a moment of weakness, have fallen prey to temptations, so God bless. It goes deeper than the game, you're doing real good here IMO.
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
Your welcome buddy... Yea cheating is a huge issue and people don't realise just how many people have made that mistake including myself... But the best thing I can do is shine a light on the negative and show players the downsides of cheating and hopefully people watch and learn what I show here... That's like the best I can do on my channel for Tarkov. Alot of people will DESPERATELY discredit what I do here and my messege but just think of the only type of person who would want to discredit that? 😂 It would literally only be someone who is cheating who would be that desperate to discredit my message and my channel....
@pepper5128 20 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming You've heightened my capacity to forgive, and you've shown me that people can change :) Thank you.
@ELPez276 20 күн бұрын
@@pepper5128 10iq showed you that people can change that’s crazy
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
@@pepper5128 10IQ is the first person to show you that humans can change? ummmm ok
@bigal6658 20 күн бұрын
Absolutely loving this series. This guys been at it for so long. Guess the law suit fell threw lol
@c2wgamingyt367 20 күн бұрын
Yeah he’s cooked no coming back from this one 😂
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
Can't wait for his excuse for this one on stream 😂
@NeillMcAttack 20 күн бұрын
The truth always comes out!! Well done 10!
@Aved_the_Alien 20 күн бұрын
I don't know if I'll return to pvp takov. The complete lack of ethics in people goes far beyond video games. We'll never get rid of cheaters. They are like a virus. They will just evolve
@SwissMarksman 20 күн бұрын
Yeah but I doubt that the majority would go that far. What are the odds that the majority are going to spend over 500 fucking $ for a cheat? I know there are enough degenerates out there but I still have my doubts.
@EnemyDwarf-TTV 20 күн бұрын
At this point I would probably reach out to the community manager and show him all the data, Hopefully they will get rid of him from tarkov once and for all... I would probably approach Twitch with the new info as it breaks TOS to be actively cheating.
@SwissMarksman 20 күн бұрын
I think that fucker would find a way back to stream again. Sadly.
@DirtyLesion 20 күн бұрын
We would all love a shared Google docs file with all those profile screenshots in, the more known cheaters I can preeminently block the better
@Tenjisamma 20 күн бұрын
That‘s it ! I knew it. I really hope this video goes viral. Everybody gets what he deserve !
@ohgingerbeard6083 20 күн бұрын
The not streaming in discord is good evidence. I couldn’t stream for a long while otherwise my shit would stutter and lag. Even in streets it still has its moments after upgrading
@yiolent 20 күн бұрын
Best cheat review 2024
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
ummm yeah try go buy it man.... you need an invite (personal invite) and u have to prove u have a DMA and second PC and then you have to prove you cheat... So my review aint shit if its private invite only mate
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 19 күн бұрын
nerd commentor trying to be the smartest guy in the room again gets proven wrong, literally this entire comment section is cringe know it alls
@yiolent 16 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming was being satire, with u clowning goat every video. dont get me wrong i love these vids
@Aimtoplease1123 20 күн бұрын
You explaining how your buddy found out you cheated was disappointed reminds me of my situation with my friend also. We stopped talking for about a year.. felt like a breakup lol
@curdledjug1989 20 күн бұрын
Bro actually thought he was fooling people
@SteveHarvey272 20 күн бұрын
bro just admit im better than you
@linegross2969 20 күн бұрын
Thank you for your service
@NeillMcAttack 20 күн бұрын
Man, poor Hammy bout to realize he was used as a meat-shield on numerous occasions.... FeelsBadMan
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
Hammy's been about that meat shield life for a long time.... Willingly!
@gearstudios8383 20 күн бұрын
Whaaaaaaaat !! this is huuge brother. awesome job 👏👏 thank you this is vindicating. finally conclusive evidence
@Christopher_Reaves 20 күн бұрын
huuuuge wins
@LowkeyDegenerate 19 күн бұрын
for sure gonna call him suddenly_cheats from now on
@yasone7873 20 күн бұрын
Bro so deluded he thought people didnt know
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
😂 "little do they all know I am cheating".... Little did HE know we all knew 😂 more like it
@cheatersexposed8335 20 күн бұрын
at least we know his cheat, i just got me a dma for this game, but i played 2 months and i got bored so i switched it off and i play now other stuff, tarkov made me sick when i saw how much people are cheating, blatant... im so happy that i escaped from tarkov, thx 4 your content bro, you as a ex cheater knows what to do to expose this scum
@olytorres4499 20 күн бұрын
This is why i stop play tarkov 😢
@WengoYo 20 күн бұрын
Good stuff man! Please don't hate me for this mate: You're asking the same question again and again and again its kind of exhausting. Also saying "like" a million times in a row makes its hard to follow your train of thought. Without wanting to be a smartass but give a prewritten list of questions a try. Keep it up and cheers!
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
Yeah the guy didn't really have much to say dude... I cut out the long silences... He didn't really talk much and I didn't really have a plan for this call it was kinda just random
@WengoYo 20 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming No worries! I truly appreciate your content.
@RaidZeroTV 20 күн бұрын
Crisp clean locks boys
@FutureLaugh 20 күн бұрын
Ive heard this term for a while, what is "soft aim"? is this the same as aimbot or like an auto aim assist?
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
yea its like fine tuned aim assist man
@FutureLaugh 19 күн бұрын
@@pedroal4261 ah i see, so the smoothness factor is just for streamers who want to add theatrical believability to their cheating
@Th3ChaMeleoNGoPro 20 күн бұрын
@10IQGaming can you explain how Toast is able to show his discord with different time stamps
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
1. You can delete messages without the "edited" icon coming up dude. It's very easy to just delete the last sentence of that paragraph 2. Why has he not approached or spoken on the ACTUAL guy that's showing the convo? When he has not mentioned him at all when he is the one showing the messeges and also doing a recorded interview backing it up as a witness? Maaaaybe because he has more evidence and toast is scared to attack him personally ?? 3. His literal only excuse is that "10IQ" framed me and lied... But how can I frame you and lie if it's his own long time MATE showing the messages and telling the story? I had nothing to do with it just spoke to the guy and he showed me their inboxes dude... Ask him why he chose the easy road and brang up my game ban when he has some himself and never mentioned his friend who produced all the evidence he just only talks on me who solely just reported on it? Don't get conned by toast mate come on now.... Have you drank water today? I never touched the messages dude the guy showed them to me from his discord.... How can I change HIS messages while in a call with him? At first he wanted his name covered but then decided to just tell all and didn't care about his name being showed later..... Maybe ask toast why he never spoke on WHY his own long time friend of many years is saying all that? It's confusing he never touches on that at all man don't you think? And just chooses the easy option and brings up my past when he is actively cheating today? Seems like the easiest way out if you asking me.... I thought he would have a better lie than that dude seriously... Just bring up 10IQs past, delete messages and that clears cheaters now huh? Ok man 👌 he actually has been banned more recently then me TBH so in his logic he has more recent proof not to be trusted then me but yet it's not me saying all this it's HIS friend who has no bad history... And TOAST has been proven to lie in exact situations like this and delete evidence before where as I have only ever admitted to cheating in my past and never been caught deleting anything?
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
Yikes went and watched toast latest lies and actually needed an explanation for them? I would have told you to hit the road geek dahhahaha explain nothing to toast simps & cucks
@Th3ChaMeleoNGoPro 19 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming thanks for taking the time to explain that. took me 1min online to find this . "www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=can+you+delete+messages+without+showing+the+edit+on+discord#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:c5fd3f82,vid:ykEcPWqsMBk,st:3"
@10IQGaming 19 күн бұрын
@@jasonbeard-fp9pc hahaha .... "10IQ I need an explanation for toasts latest lies right nowwwww" ahahha
@BrandonRecon117 2 күн бұрын
the time stamps are in your local timezone for the person that has the messages on their discord. Like if you are in new york your msg will show 1000 while in california the time will show 700
@Developer_with_a_hammer 20 күн бұрын
I mean I want him to get banned just as much as the next person, but anybody can make suddenly_toast their username and put Toast's picture as their profile picture, write all of this, THEN make a screenshot from an actual toast chat window, and fuse the two together.
@naltron 15 күн бұрын
To be honest, if anyone was in doubt about whether this guy was cheating or not, it must be a casual player. Because from the first video of the tournament, it was obvious.
@gravars4560 20 күн бұрын
does dude keep striking ur vids? or do you just delete them
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
Which video? And yes I have been DMCAd on this channel 7 times...
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
first time viewer amdy
@TerriblyTactical 11 күн бұрын
I respect what you're doing but dude you literally asked this guy the same question 100 times
@10IQGaming 11 күн бұрын
I had a comment pinned that explained that man... It was late at night after work and I walked in the door to this guys messages and jumped straight in a call with no planning after being at the hospital all afternoon after work.... This is just my hobby unfortunately man I don't have the resources to treat this like a full time job unfortunately I can only do what I'm capable of. With guys like this "the friend of a cheater" I have asked them to give me an hour while I go off and mess around and plan the interview only for them to change their mind and I miss out on exposing the cheating streamer. When guys like this message you get your ass straight in that call cause they change their minds VERY quick ok man it's happened to me before and I missed out... While sitting down writing out questions to make a nice little fancy interview with written up questions only to be told "no thank you I've changed my mind man I can't do this now" 🙄 won't make that mistake again... I'd rather have a crap interview at 11:pm at night with zero planning then have NO interview dude. The downside is at times I'm going to have to jump in a call at midnight being half asleep with no planning and make an ass of myself to get the info
@wiznerd5803 20 күн бұрын
lurkers feverishly googling "atomic dma" and "lambda squirrel dma" after this video to gain an edge. inb4 this becomes the next "Wiggle That Killed Tarkov" for driving cheat sales lol
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
its a private community you have to get invited to and prove u have a DMA to join.... ?
@NeedForSleep82 20 күн бұрын
The problem with g0at's wiggle video was that he showed how easy it was to get since that Chinese paste was open to everyone. Word-of-mouth/private cheats usually have multiple barriers that stop the every-man from getting a hold of it and you can usually tell it is or was a private cheat depending on the features and the price tag. Security through obscurity works best for those developers
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
imagine thinking your going to explain to Ten he doesn't know what not to do in his vudeos when the guy admits to using them ages ago;;;; know it all nerd for life i guess
@brandonyt578 20 күн бұрын
Wait... in the messages you say to this guy "I see you in the atomic discord" ... but he won't play with toast cause he's "a cheater"? Can you clarify.......
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
what if he was a cheater to? ofcourse im gonna ask... he said no but said he cheated years ago in BF3? so yeah.
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
toast viewer trying to discredit ANYTHING he can... gross
@brandonyt578 19 күн бұрын
I'm asking a fair question.. I just want all the facts
@brandonyt578 19 күн бұрын
​@@10IQGamingI just find it a bit weird that he cheats and is in this discord that has the same hacks. Then he says he won't play with toast cause he cheats. Just want clear facts.
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 19 күн бұрын
@@brandonyt578 make a KZfaq channel and investigate it ya self then nerd
@groovechemist2702 20 күн бұрын
WTF a bit embarassing Military & Police. Glad its out well done IQ
@bradd4983 20 күн бұрын
lot of mili turds cheat.
@ColdSteel-dz3pf 20 күн бұрын
Cops are the biggest cheaters bruv….
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
@@ColdSteel-dz3pf yeah I mean I guess u keep the streets safe all day then come home and jhust rage hack on some kids to blow off some steam huh
@caption0bvious693 20 күн бұрын
Never needed any proof since he was first pointed out by VBS. It was super obvious then.
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
should just let him keep cheating on people all day every day and get away with it hey? that is definitely the better thing to do I guess....
@Christopher_Reaves 20 күн бұрын
"We don't need to give cheaters a hard time cause VBS made assumptions on this guy 18 months ago so leave him alone now pleeease 10IQ" hahaha nerd
@caption0bvious693 19 күн бұрын
First of all, there’s a lot of assumptions going on here, both of you. And no, I like what you’re doing. It’s absolutely infuriating that twitch and BSG allow this clown to keep going. The more proof the better. All I stated was that all the proof I personally needed I got the first time I ever heard of him, which was VBS video. It was very obvious to me, but seeing as he is still going it’s not obvious enough to some (Twitch, BSG, his lame ass followers)
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 19 күн бұрын
@@caption0bvious693 maybe go ask VBS to put some work in on Tarkov man? or is he to busy playing space games? LOL
@10IQGaming 19 күн бұрын
@@caption0bvious693 yeah like I said 3 videos back occasionally you got to put some heat on Toast because he starts conning everyone again and growing his narrative that he was falsely banned
@drewballsgaming6429 20 күн бұрын
I love the content bro! Keep it up! And just some constructive criticism, write down exactly what questions you have, and the possible answers you’re looking for, and STICK TO THE LIST. You repeat the same questions and comments over and over again almost like you’re not even listening to what he has to say. The guy you interviewed obviously gets uncomfortable. Play this vid back and count how many times he had told you that toast never shared his screen to see stats, and yet you ask him 10+ times what his stats were, pre and post cheating. You also ask him 10+ times how he felt about toast cheating. Idk how many times, and different ways a man can say he was disappointed. It’s obvious you come to the interview unprepared, but for real make a list and stick to it. The quality of the interview and content will be WAY better!
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
Yeah I didn't have time to write anything down or do anything man i had to literally just run in the door then join a call with him - when I exposed gong show I tried to write down questions and told the guy I would call him back later that night and full did all the stuff your saying and then when I messeged him he had changed his mind and didnt do the interview and he had 100% proof and I missed out.... when you have a witness who is most likely telling you info based off a bad emotion in a moment it's best you just get in there and get what they have and not mess around..... I've learnt that the hard way and missed out before man. People chop and change their minds dude you gotta be quick... These are people they are friends with remember.... Any time someone gives me info now I just dive in the call asap cause I've lost out on slam dunks sitting around writing scripts and trying to be all professional for a 2 view YT channel some Tarkov players watch just to see cheaters get dunked on.... 90% of views on YT people only watch 4-5 mins of a video anyway the whole interview is just there pre much if people WANT to watch it - it actually went for another 40 mins but I cut it out. Plus I don't have much spare time man this is just my hobby I have kids and a job and a partner to 😩 it's a struggle but I'm just doing what I can
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
would have told this nerd to cram it hehdhahaha
@tylernestor2431 16 күн бұрын
Hey, what's the song called in the intro?
@10IQGaming 16 күн бұрын
Artist is "Still J" and song name is "DPWM" kzfaq.info/get/bejne/g8CCl5t8uL7enmg.htmlsi=fuYL0MX8EmdCCg17
@tylernestor2431 15 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming legend
@bmitch00bm 20 күн бұрын
I would blur his name around 9 minutes in the Discord chat if he wants to stay anonymous
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
I would be a airforce pilot if it was possible.... Did you think of that one? Eh? Eh?
@bmitch00bm 20 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming Just wanted to bring it up in case you missed it on accident. Can't wait for toast to have his excuse of "I was lying when I said that to him in that message" or some other super weak response to him getting caught cheating.
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
​​@@bmitch00bmnah the guy at first was going to stay anon but then changed his mind and said F that and wanted to nail him... Which makes him more credible and was a better idea for the video to - Toast already said "I edited all the messeges and he never said it" but yet it wasn't my messeges to even edit it was his mates 😂 how can I edit his mates messeges bro....
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
know it all nerd commenter again who only watches videos to be the know it all nerd
@ChaNnArD-mD 20 күн бұрын
Why does he even stream the game? 95% of the player base is in full pitchfork mode.
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
cause he is delusional
@myzzzt 20 күн бұрын
a bit odd you censored the guys name/avi but not from 12:29 forward. i hope you're really sure of this guy, DM looks too good to be true.
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
I didn't censor anything dude? Your referring to someone he censored before he sent me most likely?
@myzzzt 20 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming "The Informant" in voice call he's blurred, I thought that was intentional. Then the chat log he's not blurred. Maybe I misunderstood hehe
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
@@myzzzt how about shut up nerd who cares? maybe he changed his mind mid video and decided not to be anonymous? who cares anyway nerd just shut up and watch the video your unbearable nerd
@LowkeyDegenerate 19 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming you did censor him during the chats... but it doesnt matter its obvious who sent you the info
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 19 күн бұрын
@@LowkeyDegenerate nerds acting like they are important for the video in the comments as usual. "10iq you didn't blur this part 10iq 10iq wait u didn't block this part" just a bunch of cringe know it all nerds
@johni85i63 20 күн бұрын
recommendation hide the name of the cheats or at least half of it people can use that info and buy pro gaming chairs of their own
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
Pinned coment
@brandonch8480 20 күн бұрын
His recent 3 hour stream is quite the doozy. Hopefully we get a livestream breakdown of that. Im pretty sure you were in there too 10iq
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
Oh really?
@MidwestTrigga 7 күн бұрын
He was reserve at best lol
@echocrow9656 20 күн бұрын
please fix the "Aughest" typo, it hurts my brain
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
Pinned comment
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
imagine being such a nerd that u care
@madmax-ox7dz 20 күн бұрын
Bbotnet and flatten toast.. getting sick of him.
@5hauns 20 күн бұрын
Good interview, but I think for your next one, it would be better to have a handful of questions ready beforehand so you're not stuck on a loop asking the same 3 questions over and over.
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
It wasn't really a planned thing dude.... I didn't have questions ready and written down for the day that someone decided to call me and tell on suddenly toast dude. He messaged me then we called... And that's what happened?
@5hauns 20 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming I completely understand! makes complete sense if the interview was planned last second and you had no time to prepare. Good video though brotha, keep exposing these rats. 🐀🐀
@danielimbriaco3917 20 күн бұрын
report him to discord its against discords tos to use cheats
@OnlyRats_ 20 күн бұрын
at 5000 hours and im pretty good at the game.. currently a 10.50 kd and over 70% surv rate and I STILL get jump-scared when getting shot at 🤣
@DubstepIsWhat 20 күн бұрын
man you have to understand that not a singular soul asked nor gives a fuck...
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
@@DubstepIsWhat toast simp
@Kinxzy. 17 күн бұрын
Do you have proof of this screenshot not being an edit or actually seen from like screenshare? because that message doesn't really prove anything as its easily faked
@MONKAY_MAN69 20 күн бұрын
@rustproofmm1549 20 күн бұрын
It was so obvious
@Jens-lt1co 20 күн бұрын
”This video is 100% proof he is cheating” lol every vid is
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
I've only ever done two 100% suddenly toast is cheating videos and both were HARD evidence that are undeniable... I'm not a bad boy beamen making a " caught cheating 100% " video every day hahahaha when I say 100% then u know its a banger dude
@toxic_munchkin8307 20 күн бұрын
hope this info gets past on to daddy nakita
@LowkeyDegenerate 19 күн бұрын
@toxic_munchkin8307 19 күн бұрын
@@LowkeyDegenerate wow spelling police are out , new what I ment tho. Bet you feel so big telling a dyslexic how to spell . Take a bow that men, thing , them ,twat 👏 😆
@ganxtah 20 күн бұрын
bro i fuck with you heavy, but that 10IQ showed up around the 1 hour mark lmao
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
Yeah after a day of work then sitting in hospital for 4 hours and the wanting to go to bed but then having to sit in a discord call for an hour at 9pm after you have had 3 beers is kinda brain rot.... I wanted to just go to bed tbh
@Christopher_Reaves 20 күн бұрын
Another nerd talking like he could make his own KZfaq channel and do it better, but yet doesn't because he is just a 15-year-old know it all.
@ganxtah 19 күн бұрын
​@@10IQGaming its no disrespect fam i didn't mean it like that lmao talking for an hour wouldnt be easy for sure. i can see how you were trying to explain how its weird that hes low key honorable in real life, but a fucking idiot online and were trying to say that without disrespecting that whole idea.
@ganxtah 19 күн бұрын
@@Christopher_Reaves bruh you sound exactly like what you're talking about. im pretty sure you dont even raise your voice in public. let daddy deal with that aight.
@ganxtah 19 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming i know talking for 1 hour aint easy and i didnt mean that shit in a disrespectful way cuz i do fuck with you bro. i can see how were insinuating how its weird that hes honorable in real life, but a fucking idiot online and were trying to say that without being disrespectful towards the whole idea.
@Ocelot3377 20 күн бұрын
@Ocelot3377 20 күн бұрын
I wonder if he going to have a meltdown like gongshow
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
@@Ocelot3377 would be epic
@ArrogantSlays 20 күн бұрын
Dma do go brrrrrr tho
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
@Yozika 20 күн бұрын
Just an interaction comment :D ggs
@tomcanty8856 4 күн бұрын
Mad that cheats like that exist - I know it's a stupid thing to say but careful talking about specific ones people will find this channel and use those cheats from this video instead haha. Great interview despite it being impromptu good shit and fuck Toast
@HiddenWorldsLLC 15 күн бұрын
You blur the call but do not blur the names in the messages... lol
@chrispike8754 15 күн бұрын
bro u keep asking this dude the same shit over and over lol
@holblack6607 20 күн бұрын
the guy you tried to blur is clear in screenshot @ 22:00
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
Yeah at first he was going to stay anonymous but he changed his mind after I started the video and just went public with his name to nail toast 😂 it's great stuff
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
know it all nerd commentor again
@ELPez276 20 күн бұрын
Okay. So basically he spent €159.00 on a dma card, 30 on a kmbox, 130 on a fuser, and 675 on a lifetime cheat if he did monthly he spent 69 a month and an x amount on a 2nd pc. Although 10iq did show 2 clips of 2 different cheats lone wolf and atomic. They practically have the same features but Lone Eft is cheaper and honestly better.
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
When reading the reviews... Atomic is better for streaming it seems 😂 it has all the features toast uses on stream.... THATS why toast chose atmomic bruh
@ELPez276 20 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming if you are gonna cheat why stream he could easily just be an rmter
@pixellyth 20 күн бұрын
like i said, bsg need a 5ish man team to sit on the internet and investigate cheaters like this, but having company ties can pull longer and hard strings in the court system/banning system nice work my dude... i feel landmark maybe on the same thing, ive tried watching pestile and think hes too old for the hardware cheats, but toast is one of those humans in society that are fuckwits and noone likes and everyone knows they aint guna do much with life... so hes cheating a skill based system
@almedinradoncic3904 Күн бұрын
Hey bro he’s def cheating but the clip of him admitting to him cheating is fake you can see by the writing every letter after a sentence is upper case and after saying unbanned it goes “Little” without the sentence ending dot which means that someone started that sentence from the start as any letter would when you type your first letter in a message definitely added but he’s still cheating from the DMA pc check but those added messages is fake
@almedinradoncic3904 Күн бұрын
OR his message of demo is fake because Demo in his video says I was focusing on work the past year but then says I just got into the sheriff department which makes zero sense focusing on work for the past year but he was just hired in the police department but idk man both look a bit fishy
@almedinradoncic3904 Күн бұрын
Oh and the I in know that I am doesn’t match with his others i’s all of them are lowercase when speaking about him self and then the “ know that I am” is uppercase ther was no reason for him to put capital I in that last one admitting he’s cheating when all the others are lowercase everything about these messages are just off
@almedinradoncic3904 Күн бұрын
Oh and you can see Demo in this video say damn. yeah I AM same way the added message was it looks like it adds up with demos type of typing or writing rather then toasty
@10IQGaming Күн бұрын
Yeah man we have spoken about that many times on my streams... and I've explained 20 times the messages I didn't care about I wanted the VC.. Thats a witness statement. In a court of law in a 1st world country thats a witness statement and counts as evidence. Why did the guy do a 90 mins statement saying he cheats after knowing the bloke for 5 years. The stuff your pointing out now is stuff we can look back on after its posted but for me to basically prevent what your saying from happening I would basically never trust another person who has known someone for 5 years and makes a statement on them? and TBH id never do that. If someone knows someone for 5 years and proves it, I'm taking there statement on that person no matter what.
@TexasWesGG 20 күн бұрын
toast is done for
@jakeiszerocool4720 20 күн бұрын
Bro u like trying to give this dude more views? How many videos you going to make on him?
@Christopher_Reaves 20 күн бұрын
bro u trying to get 10IQ leave him alone cause your a simp?
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
"leeeeave the cheater alooooone"
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
@@Christopher_Reaves these 1st time commenters come in all the time desperately pleading for me to leave these guys alone all the time AHAHAHAHAAAAA
@jakeiszerocool4720 19 күн бұрын
Weird how am I first time commenter when we just had discussion in last videos comments? Dumb af. All I'm saying is get off dudes nuts and go make some actual content quit milking this old ass shit
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 19 күн бұрын
@@jakeiszerocool4720 hey nerd he stated in another earlier video he was going to do a series again until he puts a headcam on or gets banned. you sound like a toast supporter trying to get everyone to leave him alone.
@CovertzMedia 20 күн бұрын
You guys should expose/report waitimcheating is cheating lol
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
You do know IF you have evidence you can post it in my discord? Everyone claims Landmark or Gingi is cheating but when I ask them what that is based off nobody ever has a response they just say they cheat them disappear... Like if someone has some evidence to show I'll be happy to take a look...
@CovertzMedia 20 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming its honestly in all his posts. his streams are just sus to me I stumbled across him on twitch an to me I just see it as he seemed to know everything an claim he'd hear audio I couldn't an I'm wearing IEMS while listening into his stream especially when he comes across specific people ratting in locations i've never really witnessed or experienced myself. I will join into your discord knowing this info now.
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
@@CovertzMedia Ill talk to u in discord when u join man its never a good idea to talk on it publicly
@Jens-lt1co 20 күн бұрын
You should have blurred his name in the end lol
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
Nah he changed his mind and didn't care about his name being in video
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
nerd know it all
@dannystumpf321 20 күн бұрын
lol did you mean to spell August as aughest? 😅
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
Pinned coment
@dannystumpf321 20 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming i wasnt hating, i genuinely just wanted to know if it was an inside joke or something
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
Pinned comment - plus if your watching this channel for perfect spelling your..... Making a mistake
@dannystumpf321 20 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming dont be mad brother
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
​​@@dannystumpf321I'm always mad brother man.... I'm a salty little man consumed with rage unfortunately 😡 😡 😡
@0bserver50 20 күн бұрын
Next up...LVNDMARK?
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
You got any evidence besides one clip of him on factory?
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
didn't think so... evidence doesn't just appear man there has to be some? aaaand I could do a call of shame and just talk on 2 suss moments in 10 years but I'm not that desperate for views man.
@0bserver50 19 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming There's literally clips of him being banned live. Theres clips of him shooting guys through buildings on Reserve and being called a cheater on stream and him trying to laugh it off. It's your channel not mine bro. Maybe you should take a break if you're just going to snap on anyone with anything to contribute that isn't doing the work for you?
@CharveL88 20 күн бұрын
Would be a good video if the crap non-music was axed.
@luminixusLIVE 13 күн бұрын
Like I get the guy cheats, but feels like you have some sort of obsession with the guy. Every recommend video I have from you is about him it’s kinda wild
@10IQGaming 13 күн бұрын
Funny cause you only seen to watch and engage with videos about him 😂 soooo maybe your telling your story? There has been 4 videos since this not about him you didn't watch... Are you a toast fan bro?
@luminixusLIVE 13 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming what are you even talking about? I’ve left one comment on your channel which I’ve only came across today from my knowledge, was just pointing out an observation. There isn’t any reason to get defensive about it. Well from the part of the video I watched you were just waffling about how a discord message which I guess originated from him shows him admitting cheating so yeah I assume the video was about him again, along with the title. And no, don’t watch much tarkov content outside of SwampFox or Aqua.
@luminixusLIVE 13 күн бұрын
Ah didn’t correctly read your comment apologies, yeah I skipped most of your content, just pointing out the amount of videos on the one person, seems excessive
@BlackVirtue 20 күн бұрын
You need to edit or learn to speak, repeating same vague word 10 times in a row, “like what, like you know, like this thing, I like think what?” is fucking painful to watch
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
Yeah wasn't even going to get on my PC that night... Had a big day at work... Then all arvo at hospital.. then 3-4 beers and just wanted to get into bed 🙄 then had a witness inbox me and jumped in a call asap with him before he changed his mind like other witnesses in the past.... TBH i just wanted to get into bed the whole time... I was falling asleep talking to the guy at times literally. But I mean if I don't take that call who else will? If I don't just put up the video who will? Nobody.... It had to get done but I wasnt really in the place to even be doing it unfortunately
@Christopher_Reaves 20 күн бұрын
Imagine watching a YT video & being such a nerd you talk like you could start a channel yourself and do better just watch the video kid and shut up or don't watch it
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
another know it all commenter
@10IQGaming 19 күн бұрын
@@jasonbeard-fp9pc brooo stop hahhahhaha leave them alone they tryna help dude
@piffi9431 20 күн бұрын
Is this like a long ass infomercial for this cheat or something? 12 minutes inn and all you've done is post a screen shot, repeated "this is 100% proof 20 times" and asked a random guy how Toast plays and discussed why people play with other people. If not just for future reference this was one of your viewers thought at 12:29 of a 1 hour long video. Something to think about.
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
Pinned comment dude
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
know it all nerd cringe commenter
@piffi9431 19 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming Just some feedback my guy, keep doing what you are doing. All love!
@piffi9431 19 күн бұрын
@@jasonbeard-fp9pc Giving feedback on a youtubers content you enjoy, verry cringe.
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 19 күн бұрын
​@@piffi9431 he knows how cheats work and what not to promote and what not to show and here you are with zero knowledge questioning it # he answered it 3 times in the comments already nerd maybe go read the first 3 times he answered it nerd
@timbowes4765 20 күн бұрын
Dude you make some good videos but if you say "like" one more time will blow my brains out
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
another 15 yr old know it all commentor. I wouldnt bother making videos for these nerds HaHa
@timbowes4765 19 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming Dead
@Agentawesome 20 күн бұрын
549 for a lambda card xD Ripoff
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
Yeah they arnt cheap... Plus the 2nd PC and the cheat aswell. It's a lot of money just to cheat....
@Agentawesome 12 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming But the DMA card is way too expensive. I can buy a card for 150 Euro. So 549$ for a lambda is straight up ripoff. Plus the cheat itself isn't that expensive.
@ItsShagZ 20 күн бұрын
Kinda just advertised a cheating software :/
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
You cannot join this community at all .. it's private. It's hard even find footage of it
@ItsShagZ 20 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming or do you mean private as in there’s a maximum amount of users and they won’t allow anymore? If that’s the case then all good 😂
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
@@ItsShagZ no its private - u need a lot to be allowed in this community ... its not just google and join dude it don't work like that
@ItsShagZ 20 күн бұрын
@@10IQGaming I’m not saying it is Google easy, I’m just saying I’ve never once heard of it until you mentioned it, so many people will get curious and start to look into it. It’s either going to be good or bad REGARDLESS of it being private. If toasts burnt brain got it what makes you think someone else can’t? All you have to do is find a guy who knows a guy. Anyone with time and money WILL and can do that. Let’s not pretend they can’t. Money talks.
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
@@ItsShagZ ok dude.... ok. that's not how it works but ok. they don't want more people using it they want to be left alone to cheat they don't care about people wanting to use the cheat and paying.. they want to be left alone and no one else using it... Nobody is going to go use the cheat mate. I've said it like 3 times now... there is not much more I can say to you they dont care about money they would be a group of competing players and streamers using it.. they want to be left alone to cheat! they don't care about getting paid another 400 bux to add another risk to their cheat... that would defeat the purpose of them building there careers and cheating in the first place
@bananaburgerYT 20 күн бұрын
cool i was og
@bananaburgerYT 20 күн бұрын
wise up to urself crum bum
@INLA-MEDIA 20 күн бұрын
wise up banana man jihad media
@pcxPOT 20 күн бұрын
Jesus dude this interview is hard to watch. Why do you have to ask "what was his skill level like" for like the first 12 minutes, how kept repeating and rephrasing that same question.
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
Read pinned comment
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
Jesus Christ know it all nerd comments like this give me 2nd hand embarrassment
@user-fu7ie1ny7z 20 күн бұрын
Screenshots of a chat carry about as much weight as a wet fart. I’m not saying dude isn’t hacking but you could make fake chats in like 5 mins with photoshop or any basic editing program. His gameplay would be a lot more telling.
@Brakjvr 20 күн бұрын
Then watch the hours of footage on 10iq's channel?
@Juknis420 20 күн бұрын
When you play with guy using radar/esp you can 100% tell one is cheating, you cant play with cheater in tarkov and not be able to tell he is cheating... Thats why i agree that the ''chat'' messages looks fake af. As from experience playing with cheaters, Toast is using cheats 99.9%, his gameplay is so non-authentic.
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
Sooo gameplay of him using it Him admitting it Then a witness giving evidence..... Is a wet fart to you? Dayem ok man sorry 😂 In a court of law that would be a guilty but what do they know either right? Jesus dude... Why do I bother with this YT crap 😂
@user-fu7ie1ny7z 20 күн бұрын
@@Brakjvr well ironically that what you would do and what I’d suggest
@user-fu7ie1ny7z 20 күн бұрын
@@Juknis420 I’d agree, that’s what you’d do. Screenshots can be made in a matter of minutes. Gameplay or how they play would be the way to see
@Tranztopoleez 20 күн бұрын
who are you making these videos for? I don't think there's anyone that isn't convinced that this guy cheats, stop giving him attention... and why the hell would you advertise the name of the cheats?...
@InfiniteP 20 күн бұрын
He doesn’t use atomic, 🐺
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
What's he use then cowboy.... And can YOU prove it? No you can't...soooooo who cares dude LOL
@10IQGaming 20 күн бұрын
​​@@ELPez276who cares what cheat you think he uses? He admits what he uses so why post cheat websites on my channel? Don't do that again please....
@jasonbeard-fp9pc 20 күн бұрын
loser tries to promote his own detected cheat... no shock
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