Neville Goddard Feel After Him

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@eveningPS4Gamer 5 жыл бұрын
"Where ever I stand is holy because the Father is within me."
@gwattsrealestate 4 жыл бұрын
I Like That 😉 I Will Repeat it as long as I can remember. Although I find mantras hard to remember. I Am imaginings so many things ☺
@Sethan777 3 жыл бұрын
Where ever you stand is Holy (whole), because the World appears in God and God in you. 🕊❣
@dutchesscarniegegordon56 3 жыл бұрын
Talk up the things them bro bro
@honeymaeapus8151 2 жыл бұрын
@pviewsiq5820 3 жыл бұрын
If you caught yourself imagining something you don't like/fear, please don't just stop, but also go back and re-imagine it the way you want it, because people just stop imagining something they don't like when they finds out doesn't mean you have not created that, and once you imagined something it will come to past, unless you reimagined it positive, I hope you will be able to understand my own personal point 🤗good luck, imagine better😘🖤
@therecipe5606 3 жыл бұрын
Great advice, thank you for this. Good luck to you, too ❤
@joelukis2611 2 жыл бұрын
Genius way of thinking, nice ,you have helped me tremendously,so simple thank you
@karankapoor7277 2 жыл бұрын
Deep Gratitude....Thanks
@sage9836 2 жыл бұрын
This idea reminded me that when I was little myself and a sibling, if we had a bad dream, would make up a different ending. Your comment reminded me, and I am going to enjoy trying the method you came up with!
@ridethelightning9 2 жыл бұрын
This is true. You must rewind and reimagine
@iamthenicheee 10 ай бұрын
The CONVICTION in his voice is sooo compelling. Listening to his voice makes the message resonate even better ❤
@RaymondBastien-li6co 5 ай бұрын
Power back in prayer. Tell-A-Vision. The keys. When the Bible was being edited by the Pharisee and Sanhedrin, (who later took the titles Pope and the council of Cardinals) They deliberately broke the Lord's prayer when they instituted the translation in the Latin. They did, infact, turn our Father Creator into a fetch/vending machine. Thereby, leaving every part of it up to him. Hallow your own name, do your own will, restore your kingdom yourself. (Think about it.) What of this includes you? None of it includes you. Other than you being a sit on the couch recipient of his deeds, of course. Originally, Jesus had said it in the Greek. And here it is. Our Father who art in heaven. Thy name must be being Hallowed. (That means, you Hallow it.) They Will must be being done on earth as it is in heaven. (Guess who's on earth? You are. It's up to you to do his Will here.) Thy kingdom must be being restored. (Yeah, that's you again. And for the individual, it doesn't mean unto the whole world, it is generational. Lovingly, slowly, repetitively, patiently tell your children. Ten years, that's how long it takes to put it in their hearts. Remember, do not turn it into a weapon. Your neck, the mill stone and the sea.) Give us today, our tomorrow's bread. (The wisdom of Jesus, as though we stood beside him in the present tense.) Forgive us our failings as we forgive those who have hurt us. (Now, what I am writing here will make a lot more sense once you have read, keys to the Kingdom. If you have truly reconciled them unto your heart and forgiven them to the full measure, is this not the first time that this has come out of your mouth in all it's intended honesty? I'm betting it is.) Lead us away from evil, delivering us from its temptation as these are not that which you intended. (This may differ as I could not find the translation for accuracy.) Bottom line here is that you are a required part of the power pack. He goes before us and prepares the way. Is Simply this. You want or need a better position and pay. So, you pray unto the Father and he, because the Father is a mind, he is mentality, (the kybalion will explain this perfectly.) He reaches forth in thought, whispering to the hearts and minds of those who will assist you, to give you that which you have asked for. (In belief. Ask, believe and receive.)This requires you to do your part, go to work. Recognize that the Father wants a personal relationship with you, and he desires that you want one with him. That means, you have your part in this. Do your part. Now, remembering that our Father is a mind, he, when communicating with the prophets did this in visions. So, when you pray to the Father remember, the words are for you to build a vision with. In essence, Tell-A-Vision to the Father. Let him see it in your mind. Be clear, get precise, aim for accuracy. Now, in order for prayer to work, the the Father said, if you have anything against your brother go make peace, really. And you know as well as anyone, in this day and anger age, it's often unwise to do so, in person, that is. Follow the instructions below. The Keys to the Kingdom When one understands reconciliation to its fullest meaning, one understands forgiveness. Without reconciliation, forgiveness cannot stand. Reconciliation kills, on impact, all negative emotion. All of it, from your first breath, unto your last. The only emotion that reconciliation cannot defend itself against, is that of love. Love is energy, your soul is energy. So, if the adage, you are what you eat, is true, then the only thing feeding your soul is love and your soul will mature properly and become love in of itself, as we have been commanded, to become like our Father. Who, in of himself, is love. Vengeance is mine, said the Lord, because when you give him vengeance, he turns it into correction and saves his other child, if they will let him. Imagine how you are going to feel towards your enemy in heaven. If you can really imagine the truest form of that feeling, congratulations, those feelings have just transcended time and space. In essence, you asked, asked to see, that's prayer, you believed what you saw, you received it, you felt it. Again, congratulations, you just asked, believed and received. The Father creator loved us, reconciled us unto himself and forgave us. The steps matter. Unless reconciliation is first, forgiveness falls flat on it's face and dies. Forsake the parade. Go unto the Father yourself and take the walk of life with your hand in his. And consider this, with our Father, I truly believe it's, come as you are and I will change you as I need you. Start your commitment to him with these words if they suit you. Finish the statements. Here I am. I am willing. What is the truth? And you had better be sincere or it's going to fail. (Anger. Let us deal with this for a moment. If you are angry about something that happened three weeks ago, it's because, you have a muscle in your stomach, you know the one, that is a chemical junkie. This muscle was present when that particular memory was created and stored. And it calls out that chemical signature, and forces you to re-live that moment, so it can feed, you have not been angry in a long time, you been duped. And now that you know, what are you going to do, fake angry? As soon as you begin to feel angry about anything from the past, stop it. Just take a look around you, and know nothing happened to you today, unless it actually did. And if it did, that's the only thing you can be truly angry about.) (Do not invite the back stabber to your table, here. What they did matters, they, given the opportunity, will do it again. You have a date in heaven, see them there. Old people bring old habits.) (Live in reconciliation. Do not leave that state of being.) (Live in believe, of ask, believe and receive. This would have been better stated as, ask believe and be given. Recieving means to be given, therefore, it's not up to you to move beyond, believe. That's the Father's right and it also allows for recognition of his works and compassion. Also, Throw away the timer.) (Regarding Faith. Faith is simply loyalty. Loyalty to the fact that you asked, loyalty to the fact that you believed. Stay loyal, stay faithful. Or one might choose to see Faith from the vantage point of, staying true.) (As for the judgement room that we have all heard of, well, it may surprise you to learn that that room is in your head, and it's running constantly. We all have a piece of the Christ Consciousness in our minds. All of us. This is how silent prayer is heard. And anytime you do anything good or bad, your heart has an intention and emotional reaction. That intention and emotional reaction is what's being judged. And your judgement is handed down second to last breath. Because up until then you can change your mind about your intention to our Father. You can come to understand this better if you read the letters on the internet from nurses who have been presant for the death of those patients they have been charged to take care of. Worst death bed passings, you'll find them. And you will find good one's as well. This is why your sincerity in your commitment to the Father and to honesty with him are so very important.) (Do not end your prayers with, Amen. To you, this has always meant the prayer has ended. And in that, your right. It's over. End your prayers with, So Be It. This way the energy moves into the future. And it's the translation of, Amen, but in words that, as you understand, have a whole different meaning.) (Do not judge lest you be judged with the same measure. Meaning, when we judge we will be put in the same situation, doing the same thing that we were judging others for. Break all judgements through sincere intention. After all, people and situations change. So, let it be to you as this, "They are still alive." No further, for the Father has got this.) (Anxiety/Stagnation is common place with our Father. He gives us time for what he is teaching us to take it's place in our lives and become a living part of who we are before adding more of his wisdom to our mindset. If it were not so with man, what we learned would become buried under the new knowledge and become worthless.)
@bfloss2938 5 жыл бұрын
It works for me everytime...all the way from Barbados💯.Appreciate you Neville,see you one day on the otherside
@moshr572pac4 4 жыл бұрын
@MOMO-fo9px 4 жыл бұрын
Bro he's dead
@valhud5256 4 жыл бұрын
I understand what you mean B Floss
@skylargray9223 4 жыл бұрын
@@moshr572pac4 From the other side means afterlife
@DiEdraStinson 4 жыл бұрын
@@MOMO-fo9px He did say "On the other side". That means he KNOWS Neville is dead.
@thakangs 4 жыл бұрын
10:00 PRAY WITHOUT CEASING!!!! Remain in the state of being you desire and do not look back. Ignore anything that contradicts that state of being you desire.
@thakangs 4 жыл бұрын
30:46 process of imagination. Better with persistence. Seed becomes a Act, Act becomes a Habit, and a Habit becomes a Character
@thakangs 4 жыл бұрын
35:05 focus on you and what you want. Feel it real. Walk in the assumption that what you want is true. Don't spend your time focusing on others you don't know
@thakangs 4 жыл бұрын
21:30 no problem imagination can't solve. THINK from NOT of
@thakangs 4 жыл бұрын
37:18 change your imagination before you try to change your circumstances because the imagination is causing the circumstance
@thakangs 4 жыл бұрын
8:52 spiritual sensation. Feel after him.
@goodboybuddy1 9 жыл бұрын
A few weeks ago, I asked to be helped to understand the true meaning of the Bible. Well, Neville popped up on my recommended view list about two weeks ago. Thank you so much for making his wisdom available.
@heyimgoingtoplaysomegames 4 жыл бұрын
Check out Bill Donahue's work if you want continued enlightenment!
@ariesgirly6300 4 жыл бұрын
Same happened to me in july last year ♥ Not on same way but i asked to know TRUTH and i found out Neville on crazy way lol .Wish u luck on ur journey ♥
@AudreyLuerding 4 жыл бұрын
Ive been following his teachings and LOA coaches for a few years now. He is truly amazing and life changing. So much wisdom!!!!!!
@happyandprosperous3188 3 жыл бұрын
Same here.. And I've seen many others say the same thing on his other lectures.. He has just proved to us that God truly answers prayer now it's up to us to hear and act on what we believe .. Blessings to all..
@RaymondBastien-li6co 5 ай бұрын
Power back in prayer. Tell-A-Vision. The keys. When the Bible was being edited by the Pharisee and Sanhedrin, (who later took the titles Pope and the council of Cardinals) They deliberately broke the Lord's prayer when they instituted the translation in the Latin. They did, infact, turn our Father Creator into a fetch/vending machine. Thereby, leaving every part of it up to him. Hallow your own name, do your own will, restore your kingdom yourself. (Think about it.) What of this includes you? None of it includes you. Other than you being a sit on the couch recipient of his deeds, of course. Originally, Jesus had said it in the Greek. And here it is. Our Father who art in heaven. Thy name must be being Hallowed. (That means, you Hallow it.) They Will must be being done on earth as it is in heaven. (Guess who's on earth? You are. It's up to you to do his Will here.) Thy kingdom must be being restored. (Yeah, that's you again. And for the individual, it doesn't mean unto the whole world, it is generational. Lovingly, slowly, repetitively, patiently tell your children. Ten years, that's how long it takes to put it in their hearts. Remember, do not turn it into a weapon. Your neck, the mill stone and the sea.) Give us today, our tomorrow's bread. (The wisdom of Jesus, as though we stood beside him in the present tense.) Forgive us our failings as we forgive those who have hurt us. (Now, what I am writing here will make a lot more sense once you have read, keys to the Kingdom. If you have truly reconciled them unto your heart and forgiven them to the full measure, is this not the first time that this has come out of your mouth in all it's intended honesty? I'm betting it is.) Lead us away from evil, delivering us from its temptation as these are not that which you intended. (This may differ as I could not find the translation for accuracy.) Bottom line here is that you are a required part of the power pack. He goes before us and prepares the way. Is Simply this. You want or need a better position and pay. So, you pray unto the Father and he, because the Father is a mind, he is mentality, (the kybalion will explain this perfectly.) He reaches forth in thought, whispering to the hearts and minds of those who will assist you, to give you that which you have asked for. (In belief. Ask, believe and receive.)This requires you to do your part, go to work. Recognize that the Father wants a personal relationship with you, and he desires that you want one with him. That means, you have your part in this. Do your part. Now, remembering that our Father is a mind, he, when communicating with the prophets did this in visions. So, when you pray to the Father remember, the words are for you to build a vision with. In essence, Tell-A-Vision to the Father. Let him see it in your mind. Be clear, get precise, aim for accuracy. Now, in order for prayer to work, the the Father said, if you have anything against your brother go make peace, really. And you know as well as anyone, in this day and anger age, it's often unwise to do so, in person, that is. Follow the instructions below. The Keys to the Kingdom When one understands reconciliation to its fullest meaning, one understands forgiveness. Without reconciliation, forgiveness cannot stand. Reconciliation kills, on impact, all negative emotion. All of it, from your first breath, unto your last. The only emotion that reconciliation cannot defend itself against, is that of love. Love is energy, your soul is energy. So, if the adage, you are what you eat, is true, then the only thing feeding your soul is love and your soul will mature properly and become love in of itself, as we have been commanded, to become like our Father. Who, in of himself, is love. Vengeance is mine, said the Lord, because when you give him vengeance, he turns it into correction and saves his other child, if they will let him. Imagine how you are going to feel towards your enemy in heaven. If you can really imagine the truest form of that feeling, congratulations, those feelings have just transcended time and space. In essence, you asked, asked to see, that's prayer, you believed what you saw, you received it, you felt it. Again, congratulations, you just asked, believed and received. The Father creator loved us, reconciled us unto himself and forgave us. The steps matter. Unless reconciliation is first, forgiveness falls flat on it's face and dies. Forsake the parade. Go unto the Father yourself and take the walk of life with your hand in his. And consider this, with our Father, I truly believe it's, come as you are and I will change you as I need you. Start your commitment to him with these words if they suit you. Finish the statements. Here I am. I am willing. What is the truth? And you had better be sincere or it's going to fail. (Anger. Let us deal with this for a moment. If you are angry about something that happened three weeks ago, it's because, you have a muscle in your stomach, you know the one, that is a chemical junkie. This muscle was present when that particular memory was created and stored. And it calls out that chemical signature, and forces you to re-live that moment, so it can feed, you have not been angry in a long time, you been duped. And now that you know, what are you going to do, fake angry? As soon as you begin to feel angry about anything from the past, stop it. Just take a look around you, and know nothing happened to you today, unless it actually did. And if it did, that's the only thing you can be truly angry about.) (Do not invite the back stabber to your table, here. What they did matters, they, given the opportunity, will do it again. You have a date in heaven, see them there. Old people bring old habits.) (Live in reconciliation. Do not leave that state of being.) (Live in believe, of ask, believe and receive. This would have been better stated as, ask believe and be given. Recieving means to be given, therefore, it's not up to you to move beyond, believe. That's the Father's right and it also allows for recognition of his works and compassion. Also, Throw away the timer.) (Regarding Faith. Faith is simply loyalty. Loyalty to the fact that you asked, loyalty to the fact that you believed. Stay loyal, stay faithful. Or one might choose to see Faith from the vantage point of, staying true.) (As for the judgement room that we have all heard of, well, it may surprise you to learn that that room is in your head, and it's running constantly. We all have a piece of the Christ Consciousness in our minds. All of us. This is how silent prayer is heard. And anytime you do anything good or bad, your heart has an intention and emotional reaction. That intention and emotional reaction is what's being judged. And your judgement is handed down second to last breath. Because up until then you can change your mind about your intention to our Father. You can come to understand this better if you read the letters on the internet from nurses who have been presant for the death of those patients they have been charged to take care of. Worst death bed passings, you'll find them. And you will find good one's as well. This is why your sincerity in your commitment to the Father and to honesty with him are so very important.) (Do not end your prayers with, Amen. To you, this has always meant the prayer has ended. And in that, your right. It's over. End your prayers with, So Be It. This way the energy moves into the future. And it's the translation of, Amen, but in words that, as you understand, have a whole different meaning.) (Do not judge lest you be judged with the same measure. Meaning, when we judge we will be put in the same situation, doing the same thing that we were judging others for. Break all judgements through sincere intention. After all, people and situations change. So, let it be to you as this, "They are still alive." No further, for the Father has got this.) (Anxiety/Stagnation is common place with our Father. He gives us time for what he is teaching us to take it's place in our lives and become a living part of who we are before adding more of his wisdom to our mindset. If it were not so with man, what we learned would become buried under the new knowledge and become worthless.)
@brotherj441 9 жыл бұрын
Neville is speaking from the heart. We must pay attention to the message and apply it to our everyday life.
@stacey2466 9 жыл бұрын
So true we must listen to the messenger and the message!
@Karl_95 Жыл бұрын
Yes.i love his teachings.
@MichaelYanke 5 жыл бұрын
I used his laws and now im semi retired since 26 :) I love it
@pluutoop 4 жыл бұрын
Wow good for you
@Lightmane 4 жыл бұрын
How long did it take you to make it work?
@halfloaf1108 4 жыл бұрын
@loratomapeshoane9780 4 жыл бұрын
I'm also semi retired. His teachings are so easy
@erikanthony8412 4 жыл бұрын
Are you telling us because you need a witness? 5% of prosperity is cash and goods.
@dr.willieprophet2643 10 жыл бұрын
@SamFBM 3 жыл бұрын
*Sad Chevy trailblazer noises*
@FreeSpeech940 7 ай бұрын
My dog is sick. I am seeing him perfectly normal in my minds eye. I ask anyone here who is also a believer of Neville to see my dog (my only family) as perfectly normal and healthy. Thank you 🙏
@nerysmancebo1611 5 жыл бұрын
I love how the universe brings me these knowledge....... Thanks universe
@DiEdraStinson 5 жыл бұрын
Neville was and IS a rare gem! Thank you, Neville. Thank you, 100kwatt for posting!
@bfloss2938 4 жыл бұрын
He is the real deal.
@Am-mm6iz 3 жыл бұрын
I agree
@gardenlover9663 2 жыл бұрын
Your smile brought a smile to my face. Thank you.
@Phoenix-tv4gb 4 жыл бұрын
No hopes, no fears, imagine and allow it to happen ... imagine once and allow it to grow
@reminderswithlove4796 2 жыл бұрын
dropping the seed and letting it grow 🌱😊💫💕
@Acelevi999 4 жыл бұрын
I wanna have friends that believe in Neville Goddard's lectures and the scriptures ! Any place on Earth One hang out with conquers who believe and live THIS ? 💜 ?
@erikanthony8412 4 жыл бұрын
Levi Campbell let me know when you find out,
@Acelevi999 4 жыл бұрын
@@erikanthony8412 I will but doesn't seem to be any interest out there. Where are you from? And how is all this information working out for you ?
@erikanthony8412 4 жыл бұрын
Levi Campbell Maybe check this out and tell me what you think.
@katherinedesaulsesdefreyci6272 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know about "believing in" Neville but check out Reality Transurfing. Great community !
@GM-yn9nc 3 жыл бұрын
@@erikanthony8412 Thank you for the link to Paul Solomon. What a wonderful message!
@keepitreal1209 3 жыл бұрын
There isn’t one audio recording of Neville that didn’t expand my awareness as a student, but this audio moved me even closer to becoming more conscious of my minute by minute thinking. He really nailed it when he said (paraphrasing) how many reiterate that imagination is the God in me, but failed to monitor their thoughts. That was powerful and jolted me into a deeper attention level in policing my thoughts.
@josemontes1289 Жыл бұрын
Look up his student Lindel he has amazing 4cd set that will help. You can see them all on YT. I got them they are my treasure.
@cynthiahawkins2389 8 жыл бұрын
As timely now as it was THEN. I am 'on this course' now..for life. I already am experiencing wonderful,unexpected things, and manifesting, from what I WANT..and also from left field...someone just offered me $50 because I helped her when she was ill. She is a friend and I wanted to assist her - did not imagine being paid, only thanked. Amazing, amazing!!
@antoinemusic1614 6 жыл бұрын
Cynthia Hawkins show are you doing now ma”am
@nicetomeetyou2103 Жыл бұрын
Suppose i have multiple desires , just imagine them all together or what?
@lukfletch3506 5 жыл бұрын
His voice is calming.
@angellight4715 9 жыл бұрын
Listening to this again... And hearing more... and deeper... So genius...
@souleimane8428 2 жыл бұрын
I used this technic to manifest many things in my life. It works if you don't focus on the mean. Only focus on the end result and feel happy when you visualize the end result. Don't questione the way it will happen
@The.Power.Inside 11 ай бұрын
I brought Into being £100,000 by applying this. God dose all. 🙏 imagining creates reality everyone. Stay true to you vision that stems from your heart beautiful people. You can experience these things my friends. Thank you Father.
@AnaAna-xx4md 20 күн бұрын
Care to share the details?
@Awakened_1111 4 жыл бұрын
Neville was Truly a blessing to all of us. Thank you Neville.
@Muji3009 2 жыл бұрын
i agree
@BossLyfe4eva 4 жыл бұрын
Test yourself to see if you are holding true to the Faith!🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
@hw534 3 жыл бұрын
The Feeling of Love & Support I Feel When I hear This is Immense
@spiralsun1 Жыл бұрын
I keep coming back to these years later. ❤These are the absolute best of Neville G. Ain’t nothin but a G thing. 😊
@Nosgoth73ad 4 жыл бұрын
This is quantum physics!
@azaleaslightsage1271 4 жыл бұрын
That it is Learning Quantum physics completely changed my life, I didn't finish primary school & yet I understand Quantum Psychics Quantum entanglement the Quantum field Quantum Mechanics I used my mind to completely change myself Then my Entire life Whatever I Concieve comes to Be ✌⚡💖
@orls9068 4 жыл бұрын
@@azaleaslightsage1271 That's so good, I want to learn more, be glad ya didn't do secondary school, less conditioning! If you have any recommendations I'd appreciate it, if it's not too much hassle 😊 look into it myself anyway.
@ingridseifermann5082 4 жыл бұрын
Yep, and it was already in the Bible. I love Quantum physics and Neville Goddard
@gwattsrealestate 4 жыл бұрын
Give it a name.. Quantum Physic, Affirmations, Law of Attraction, Auto Suggestion, all guided me to the Beutiful Voice and Man Neville and his Mentor Abdullah. 😊
@erikanthony8412 4 жыл бұрын
Scripture is alot of things.
@BossLyfe4eva 4 жыл бұрын
Truth In every word!!! I've proven to myself time after time!
@haroldboone4343 5 жыл бұрын
I have used this technique on behalf of someone dear to me and it works with precision.
@pluutoop 4 жыл бұрын
Do you mind sharing
@machsix123 4 жыл бұрын
Did you listen to this? He tells it at 17:00 If your friend needs something other than a job then just change it.
@Illinoish 3 жыл бұрын
A pure mind and heart maintains a glowing imagination.
@JoyfulUniter Жыл бұрын
The feeling is enthusiasm, enthusiasm contains every single positive trait and characteristic.
@heru-tehutire1329 5 жыл бұрын
(just to share...) in what Neville is expressing is the concept of 'mindfulness'....observant of what we are thinking...the Bible is all about 'consciousness' from literally Day One...there are analogies on consciousness in the Bible on various level is the constant analogy of 'the shepherd'...and this makes more sense when we know that the word 'flocks' in biblical context is code for one's own thoughts. Yes, the analogy is that we are the shepherd keeping a watch on our thoughts. The shepherd is the 'observer' and can be symbolized by an 'eye'... and the eye symbolizes 'awareness' and 'consciousness', etc. ...and is this not in essence 'Eye Am'?...yep, there's the pun...the idea of God is symbolized by an eye like the ot Ayin in Hebrew in both the Ezra script and Sinatic script...the Ayin in ezra script is two eyeballs still attached to the optic nerve stem. The Ayin in Sinatic script is just a singular eye and is simplified by the depiction of a Cipher (Lu-Cipher) or a circle or an 'O'...the Book of O...sepher ayin....the Book of your I Am... Torah starts out by stating B' Resh -ith...'Resh' is 'head's...'B' is the head...or 'in the mind'... and the Kybalion starts out the same way by stating the first Law is that the Universe is Mental...B'reshith 'in the Mind'...and so it should state, 'in the mind was the beginning' and those powers created the a-z of the Heavens and the a-z of our Earth... The temple of Jerusalem is in the Mind. The two temples on either side of the head indicate this...and between them and within is the Pineal gland which is the Seat or Throne described in Exodus 4 as the burning Bush and in Revelations 4 as the Throne...Jacob poured oil over the stone at Bethel and later this was the same site he wrestled with the angel and named it of God and face of God...and Jacob became 'Israel' (in scripture, 'Israel' refers to ones own Soul...)...there are 12 Suns to our Soul, as well as 70 elders to our Soul...and we are high priest in our mental temple (in Heaven) and we are king over physical domain (our body,etc) we are priest king. ..we are Melchizedek because we perform both functions. .. Futher reference to the head and consciousness is the new testament use of 'golgotha' and 'peter'...both refer to the skull (peter=cephus which means 'skull')...and this skull is 'the rock' upon which the Church is the scripture refers to Peter and says of him, 'and this is the rock upon which I will build my Church (temple, and the temples are on either side of the skull)... The names Moses and Enoch both mean 'initiate'....Cain built a city and named it 'Initiate-(ation...a city of Initiation)....Cain's descendant named Jabal (compare with Muhammad's Mount Jebel where he had the Revelation)...Jabal is progenitor to all those who dwell in tents...tent in the Bible means the human skeletal frame draped with flesh and animated by the wind/Ruach or Spirit...the tent is the body...Moses first met God in his own tent which became the Tent of Meeting which became the Tabernacle which became the Temple and by now it should be established in human consciousness that the biblical Temple is the human body...and this includes the 'tent' predecessor analogy. ....'herds' are emotions as 'flocks' are thoughts...Jabal is the archetype of those aware within their vessels and keep a mind on their emotions...sounds like some kind of meditational discipline to me.... The bible is not of the physical kingdom...'my Kingdom is not of this world'. is all about the inner heaven realms....dream consciousness is powerful in manifesting our concerns...look at the biblical handling of dreams dreams and night visions God speaks to us...night brings council... We are the Shepherds watching over our sheep....those who watch during the night hours, the Shepherds...the Christ Consciousness will come to those who watch in those hours...or that it is easier to work in the imagining consciousness during the night hours)... Eternal Vigilance...a divine attribute for sure...vigilance is consciousness and has not God been described as All Consciousness...everything is going towards Consciousness...yogic philosophy says that all prana becomes consciousness. ...all vitality, all life is headed towards Consciousness. ...the ultimate distillation of Life is Consciousness. ...water becomes wine...God is All Things...everything is 'aware' or had awareness...therefore God is conscious of all things, as everything is aware we say, God is all consciousness ( not Thoth=thought...)... So rather than say God is all consciousness we can narrow the perspective and simply say, I Am and extend the scope of reference and perspective on that in our self talk...
@antonionavavenegas 5 жыл бұрын
Heru-Tehuti Re hello, where have you learned this, I’m very curious to know.
@extraalbatros7226 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@joshmelton9471 2 жыл бұрын
@@antonionavavenegas it sounds like they learned this from a vast study of multiple resources. But a good starting place would be using a strongs concordance to interpret the original language of the bible back into the Hebrew language. Hopefully that helps somewhat.
@antonionavavenegas 2 жыл бұрын
@@joshmelton9471 thank you
@angellight4715 9 жыл бұрын
Great tips and reminder around minute 10:00 on what to do when you may be straying away from your wish in your reactions to the world outside that denies the existence of your wish that you got fulfilled in your imagination...
@TheAGODAMI 4 жыл бұрын
Angel Light 👍🍻👍💡
@imbeautii 2 жыл бұрын
This is so perfect! It works perfectly everytime ❤️
@user-ke5qj3vy8r Жыл бұрын
I know an old and unussualy happy lady who use to come in the shop I was working back in a day... Anyway, she would stop me every time I started to express even a small negativity and ask me to change the subject or to change the way I was speaking. I realised the way how she became such a nice and shiny person. She was all about beauty and kindness and she was doing that naturaly
@stacey2466 9 жыл бұрын
Great and Wonderful Message "seek and you shall find" ask and you shall recieve into one self is the truth. IMAGINATION.....
@AE-wi5fh 2 жыл бұрын
It’s ok if your goal is not realized yet, just keep pretending as if it were here. Whenever you have a moment to yourself, just have fun pretending that your goal is achieved. Just keep pretending. If you can keep at it, it will come. No matter how crazy or impossible it may seem. Just keep pretending :)
@richardhanechak2177 2 жыл бұрын
Again and again and again and again. Thank you. It is done. Again. Extremely powerful, complete statements of absolute truth and law.
@jacobbrooks4112 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you I AM and Neville and 100kw for this wonderful truth.
@Wake_Up_Jacob 4 ай бұрын
This might just be my favorite Neville lecture. I love you ❤
@dannusmk1578 2 жыл бұрын
THANK YOU, THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS ACCESSIBLE TO ME. Precisely what I was looking for! This is a gem! Right BEFIRE Neville died! So clear! All his yrs of teaching are in this segment. I AM THE OPERANT POWER! I am the creator! I am faithful to creating now the circumstance I WANT. Again, a million thanx for this kind reminder! God is within. I AM GOD I CREATE .I KEEP MY BLINDERS ON GOCUSED ON MY WISH BRING FILFILLED UNFOLDING BEFIRE MYOWN EYES..FEELING, IT IMAGINING IT. WOOOHOOO🎼🎶
@susandame7351 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you 100kwatt for sharing, love and adore you. And I have shared Neville with all of my friends. Cheers, Dame
@johnguillory7759 2 жыл бұрын
I discovered Neville's teachings just a month ago. At 58 years old, I've encountered in Neville's teachings a new way to revise ("revision," "prune") the Catholic upbringing I endured from early childhood--shifting in me. His teachings also jive with Advaita Vedanta and Yoga Sutras that I've studied for years, and meditation. I'm glad there are so many comments--we are not alone and separate in our astonishment of these teachings. After all, they are appearing in our "wonderful human imagination".
@sage4all2000 3 жыл бұрын
Definitely one Neville's Best and most relevant lectures. The information contained herein is TRULY life changing!
@ErikU19Tex 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for uploading. Just bought your DVD set.
@libramystic 3 жыл бұрын
Concise, direct and caring. Love listening to Neville, definitely one of our modern mystics, spreading these truths just to help others. Thanks for uploading all these 👁💜☯️
@sayetazonen6607 4 жыл бұрын
i like when he interprets the bible. whenever i have a question i always search into youtube with “neville goddard” at the end. never fails
@davidgo8874 3 жыл бұрын
Love this lecture. Most applicable!
@dutchesscarniegegordon56 3 жыл бұрын
Pure gold Nev' I am living my dreams life love and light ...stay in the feeling of your assumption my father's house are many mansions...
@rammy90 10 ай бұрын
I absolutely love this lecture ❤
@josemontes1289 Жыл бұрын
Blessing to this channel creator.
@gregglockhart9551 Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for that!
@bfloss2938 5 жыл бұрын
Muhammad ali used this technique when he defeated George Foreman when everyone was in doubt.I use this technique and see miracles hapoen time after time,some show up sooner than some but it definately works.
@pluutoop 4 жыл бұрын
Can you give me one example of your experience please
@pluutoop 4 жыл бұрын
Actually i do have one experience that happened to me. I imagined a toy beige baby poodle on my husband's chest cuddling and bonding in love. (My husband wanted for months to experience a female dog ever since one of his best friends told him that they are much different than male dogs) so i made it real in my mind. And it came from pure love . Nothing but pure love of imagining that moment. That picture in my mind was pure and clear. One month husband texts me 7 30 am than he found a dog running down the highway. He grabbed the dog and brought it home. Do i need to tell you that the dog was a beige female puppy toy poodle? We named her Kiki. And she has been with us since last year September. Not only that i manifested but i manifested what i wanted my husband to have. Thats my little story. Hope i hear from you
@bfloss2938 4 жыл бұрын
@@pluutoop i recieved a check they said i was not entitle to after a month or so,i got a call from a job i wanted e.t.c.
@pluutoop 4 жыл бұрын
@@bfloss2938 nice!
@zainabirfan7300 4 жыл бұрын
Whats the technique by the way
@nattytafari9669 Жыл бұрын
Thank You Teacher..🥰🥰
@theone8331 4 жыл бұрын
Our brother Neville, amazing
@magicaltruths5539 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Neville loveeeee you soooooo much
@summerlopez4176 5 жыл бұрын
One word AMAZING!!!
@immortalsoul7012 4 жыл бұрын
In 'Bhagavadgeetha' God says I am inside everybody's heart....
@machsix123 4 жыл бұрын
Descarte says the pineal gland is the seat of the soul, Neville makes a mention of this in a written lecture too.
@johnwood2162 3 жыл бұрын
@johnwood2162 3 жыл бұрын
Woops..the heart logically should be spelt Hart, but that would not relay the message, heart he representing Christ, art a place to dwell. As we see with the lord's prayer ...our father who art , in heaven. The father being one with Christ lives in heaven.and the kingdom of heaven is within us.the heart has a larger electro magnetic field than the brain.logic is of the brain, love is of the heart.and what are we told God is? Yes God is love. Indeed the treasure is in the chest. We are the treasure chest,and we carry it everywhere we go.this is why the creator can never leave us...many a religious person believes in a God who lives only on the outside of us, despite what the message of the Bible says. We do not let God in, we let God out.something like this often sounds too big for religious people, who would rather be work in progress, sinners, unworthy, this plays right into the hands of false obligated, ritual, that is trying to satisfy God by man's works rather than by love.
@reminderswithlove4796 2 жыл бұрын
@Youngerick1990 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Mr. Goddard! “ I am God the human imagination! “ I am consciousness, having a human experience until I wake from the dream!
@heru-tehutire1329 5 жыл бұрын
I 'discovered' Neville in 2013 (a small book on imagination) even though I read Dr. Joseph Murphy's 'The Power of Your Subconscious Mind' back in 1978 while in high school. In the first minute of this lecture, Neville expresses how we (adults?) need constant reiteration on the concept that our imagination is active in co-creation. I get this, and am attempting to be more 'mindful' of my thoughts. So I was thinking ...what if we raise our children with this concept and the techniques Neville shares in his material, etc?... I don't think the children would 'forget' they were 'gods' if this was carefully explained and demonstrated to them. ....see, in this way we'd be taking some more wisdom from the 'you must be as children to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven' okay then so be it...if that is the case, then let us teach this to our children because the Scripture says that the child and their mindset/spirit has a better aptitude for belief in things as yet unseen (faith), etc.... '...and the children shall lead them...' Thanks for uploading these Neville audio-vids...very inspirational...a good rock to build one's church on...
@metalroofing6708 7 ай бұрын
This man of faith is brilliant!
@lovingmariahgordon4432 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks again from my heart to yours
@userspec7776 5 жыл бұрын
Do not praise the man, honor the words proceeding out of his mouth by DOING as he apparently did in order to get the Understanding. Do not praise the one who has it who merely attempted to help you get the Understanding. Let it resonate and apply it.
@jenjonez 3 жыл бұрын
Be a doer if the word.
@reminderswithlove4796 2 жыл бұрын
@savannahdees1999 Жыл бұрын
@ak3nt Жыл бұрын
@deeveevideos 2 жыл бұрын
I've experienced this in my life never really understood why but now I know. Whenever I would need something I would ask in my native spirituality the great spirit for help and 99% of the time I would always get it just what I needed or what I asked for nothing more nothing less. My wife still is astonished at how it happens but I tell her she can do it too but it's hard to make a horse drink from the water you lead it to.
@erikanthony8412 4 жыл бұрын
Hooked on this particular video.
@jessicac9067 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@Lisa_M_V 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you Neville ❤️❤️❤️
@earthlycolorbrown6246 4 жыл бұрын
This is true and it works! I am amazed!
@raydavies5249 11 ай бұрын
Fantastic !!
@carolrobinson97 6 жыл бұрын
thank you
@KevinThunder7 3 жыл бұрын
This also works for me everytime. ⚡⚡💚
@Lisa_M_V 5 жыл бұрын
Where attention goes energy flows... the Law of Attraction. Why the rich get richer and the poor poorer unless the paradigm is changed. We take most actions from subconscious mind. Matthew 13:12 For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.
@erikanthony8412 4 жыл бұрын
Lisa Marie he ties in the spiritual, where the secret doesnt
@shrawan1878 2 жыл бұрын
I was just thinking of this scripture verse! Amen!
@chiwisuu6060 4 жыл бұрын
My master Neville 🙏💕
@domitilla10_- 8 жыл бұрын
I have a lot of pruning to do. Job 22:28 ~ you will decree a thing [good, bad or indifferent], and it will be established for you; so light will shine on your ways. I do not like what I decreed.
@Gelameable 3 жыл бұрын
Imagination creates opportunities but it is unconscious and conscious personality fears and ignores them. Conscious imagination comes about as emotion/sensation harmonize at the chest to recognize and embrace as they appear.
@SamFBM 3 жыл бұрын
I hope all your desires "manifest" soon or as long as it takes as long as it's done it's done it'll come around ;)
@BossLyfe4eva 4 жыл бұрын
Neville Is the Truth if Nothing Else!!!
@machsix123 4 жыл бұрын
The part that trips people up is the "How" and deny their harvest when it doesn't come the way they expect it. You may lose a job to get a better one but a beginner of this may be unable to keep the faith if they need a steady income to pay bills.
@dutchesscarniegegordon56 3 жыл бұрын
On point
@mitch1078 Жыл бұрын
Reflecting upon the harvest should help reveal that Faith was the cause to the bridge of incidents and reinforcing Faith to continue leading to wish fulfilled.
@heru-tehutire1329 5 жыл бұрын
'Objective reality is produced through imagining'... then, 'to produce' through objective reality rather than through our imagining would be to labor by the sweat of our brows...(we should use the brow-seat and not the brow-sweat!)
@zhenyachistyakov8837 5 жыл бұрын
I like the brow-seat fingimigigy man.?
@woodymu6396 5 жыл бұрын
Without a doubt, wiseman of the 20th century
@pluutoop 4 жыл бұрын
And now too
@requinremembers 9 жыл бұрын
Excellent. Neville doesn't pull any punches here. Be careful of what you imagine... 11/16/14.
@Operation2Dat 7 жыл бұрын
Old Abdullah taught him well.
@queennanu7423 5 жыл бұрын
Hello may i ask who?Is Abdullah i would like to know please
@jlee3556 5 жыл бұрын
Ethiopian Rabbi
@jacobjacob4139 5 жыл бұрын
@@leninyoh Abdullah taught him EVERYTHING he teaches on this KZfaq videos & he was black, African black, got that?
@MeMe-no4wr 5 жыл бұрын
@@jacobjacob4139 exactly give created were credit is do.....You Have To Know He Was A BLACK Man. We are the original People.
@MeMe-no4wr 5 жыл бұрын
@Simon-pl2zi Жыл бұрын
Magnificent talk
@DilshadKhan-wz3bu 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks ❤️
@ruthann6235 3 жыл бұрын
Imagining creates reality!
@Acelevi999 4 жыл бұрын
OH my God it just hit me ! I had an outa body experience with Jesus who in the form of a Thunderhead cloud ! OMG and lightening flashes within And around the cloud was a ivy vine,,, friend from India told me Vine represented the "Wild God" ! Neville just spoke of the Vine and being WILD ! NOW I GET IT ! HOLY BLESSED GOD 🙏 JESUS TOLD ME THINGS ONLY HE COULD KNOW ABOUT ME OMG ! I JUST GOT IT ! FINALLY ! 20 YEARS LATER OMG 😍!!!!!!!!! BLESSSSSSS YOU GOD ! IN ME
@margaretclitherow7313 5 ай бұрын
Bless you, you are blessed.
@zan1396 2 жыл бұрын
You are whatever you put your conscious attention on at any time at any place because you are everything there is. You are the thing behind the thing. You are the illusion behind the illusion. You are the very existence of existence without which there could be no existence. This is the human experience. Everything is awareness. You tend to put a sense of identity on the wrong things. If you chose not to identify you automatically chose to be everything. You are spirit energy taking form into whatever you put your attention into. The ego is the identity that we all hide behind. The truth is you are everyone and eveyrthing who has ever existed and ever will exist. You will never stop identifying yourself with this fake identity. It is yours to keep for this life.
@ZahaMagic 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@exampleexample1065 3 жыл бұрын
I remember when I thought applying this timeless knowledge was difficult
@surabhipandey6537 5 жыл бұрын
I love u neville... 💕💖🌷🌷
@TrijnieWanders 4 жыл бұрын
At the moment of "Silence" i was prompted to look at the clock: 11:11
@RaymondBastien-li6co 5 ай бұрын
Power back in prayer. Tell-A-Vision. The keys. When the Bible was being edited by the Pharisee and Sanhedrin, (who later took the titles Pope and the council of Cardinals) They deliberately broke the Lord's prayer when they instituted the translation in the Latin. They did, infact, turn our Father Creator into a fetch/vending machine. Thereby, leaving every part of it up to him. Hallow your own name, do your own will, restore your kingdom yourself. (Think about it.) What of this includes you? None of it includes you. Other than you being a sit on the couch recipient of his deeds, of course. Originally, Jesus had said it in the Greek. And here it is. Our Father who art in heaven. Thy name must be being Hallowed. (That means, you Hallow it.) They Will must be being done on earth as it is in heaven. (Guess who's on earth? You are. It's up to you to do his Will here.) Thy kingdom must be being restored. (Yeah, that's you again. And for the individual, it doesn't mean unto the whole world, it is generational. Lovingly, slowly, repetitively, patiently tell your children. Ten years, that's how long it takes to put it in their hearts. Remember, do not turn it into a weapon. Your neck, the mill stone and the sea.) Give us today, our tomorrow's bread. (The wisdom of Jesus, as though we stood beside him in the present tense.) Forgive us our failings as we forgive those who have hurt us. (Now, what I am writing here will make a lot more sense once you have read, keys to the Kingdom. If you have truly reconciled them unto your heart and forgiven them to the full measure, is this not the first time that this has come out of your mouth in all it's intended honesty? I'm betting it is.) Lead us away from evil, delivering us from its temptation as these are not that which you intended. (This may differ as I could not find the translation for accuracy.) Bottom line here is that you are a required part of the power pack. He goes before us and prepares the way. Is Simply this. You want or need a better position and pay. So, you pray unto the Father and he, because the Father is a mind, he is mentality, (the kybalion will explain this perfectly.) He reaches forth in thought, whispering to the hearts and minds of those who will assist you, to give you that which you have asked for. (In belief. Ask, believe and receive.)This requires you to do your part, go to work. Recognize that the Father wants a personal relationship with you, and he desires that you want one with him. That means, you have your part in this. Do your part. Now, remembering that our Father is a mind, he, when communicating with the prophets did this in visions. So, when you pray to the Father remember, the words are for you to build a vision with. In essence, Tell-A-Vision to the Father. Let him see it in your mind. Be clear, get precise, aim for accuracy. Now, in order for prayer to work, the the Father said, if you have anything against your brother go make peace, really. And you know as well as anyone, in this day and anger age, it's often unwise to do so, in person, that is. Follow the instructions below. The Keys to the Kingdom When one understands reconciliation to its fullest meaning, one understands forgiveness. Without reconciliation, forgiveness cannot stand. Reconciliation kills, on impact, all negative emotion. All of it, from your first breath, unto your last. The only emotion that reconciliation cannot defend itself against, is that of love. Love is energy, your soul is energy. So, if the adage, you are what you eat, is true, then the only thing feeding your soul is love and your soul will mature properly and become love in of itself, as we have been commanded, to become like our Father. Who, in of himself, is love. Vengeance is mine, said the Lord, because when you give him vengeance, he turns it into correction and saves his other child, if they will let him. Imagine how you are going to feel towards your enemy in heaven. If you can really imagine the truest form of that feeling, congratulations, those feelings have just transcended time and space. In essence, you asked, asked to see, that's prayer, you believed what you saw, you received it, you felt it. Again, congratulations, you just asked, believed and received. The Father creator loved us, reconciled us unto himself and forgave us. The steps matter. Unless reconciliation is first, forgiveness falls flat on it's face and dies. Forsake the parade. Go unto the Father yourself and take the walk of life with your hand in his. And consider this, with our Father, I truly believe it's, come as you are and I will change you as I need you. Start your commitment to him with these words if they suit you. Finish the statements. Here I am. I am willing. What is the truth? And you had better be sincere or it's going to fail. (Anger. Let us deal with this for a moment. If you are angry about something that happened three weeks ago, it's because, you have a muscle in your stomach, you know the one, that is a chemical junkie. This muscle was present when that particular memory was created and stored. And it calls out that chemical signature, and forces you to re-live that moment, so it can feed, you have not been angry in a long time, you been duped. And now that you know, what are you going to do, fake angry? As soon as you begin to feel angry about anything from the past, stop it. Just take a look around you, and know nothing happened to you today, unless it actually did. And if it did, that's the only thing you can be truly angry about.) (Do not invite the back stabber to your table, here. What they did matters, they, given the opportunity, will do it again. You have a date in heaven, see them there. Old people bring old habits.) (Live in reconciliation. Do not leave that state of being.) (Live in believe, of ask, believe and receive. This would have been better stated as, ask believe and be given. Recieving means to be given, therefore, it's not up to you to move beyond, believe. That's the Father's right and it also allows for recognition of his works and compassion. Also, Throw away the timer.) (Regarding Faith. Faith is simply loyalty. Loyalty to the fact that you asked, loyalty to the fact that you believed. Stay loyal, stay faithful. Or one might choose to see Faith from the vantage point of, staying true.) (As for the judgement room that we have all heard of, well, it may surprise you to learn that that room is in your head, and it's running constantly. We all have a piece of the Christ Consciousness in our minds. All of us. This is how silent prayer is heard. And anytime you do anything good or bad, your heart has an intention and emotional reaction. That intention and emotional reaction is what's being judged. And your judgement is handed down second to last breath. Because up until then you can change your mind about your intention to our Father. You can come to understand this better if you read the letters on the internet from nurses who have been presant for the death of those patients they have been charged to take care of. Worst death bed passings, you'll find them. And you will find good one's as well. This is why your sincerity in your commitment to the Father and to honesty with him are so very important.) (Do not end your prayers with, Amen. To you, this has always meant the prayer has ended. And in that, your right. It's over. End your prayers with, So Be It. This way the energy moves into the future. And it's the translation of, Amen, but in words that, as you understand, have a whole different meaning.) (Do not judge lest you be judged with the same measure. Meaning, when we judge we will be put in the same situation, doing the same thing that we were judging others for. Break all judgements through sincere intention. After all, people and situations change. So, let it be to you as this, "They are still alive." No further, for the Father has got this.) (Anxiety/Stagnation is common place with our Father. He gives us time for what he is teaching us to take it's place in our lives and become a living part of who we are before adding more of his wisdom to our mindset. If it were not so with man, what we learned would become buried under the new knowledge and become worthless.)
@Directdepositphilanthropy 3 жыл бұрын
Lecture given: February 1972 - seven months before his departure (October 1, 1972)
@AnanyaChattopadhyay09 3 жыл бұрын
This is the best, listening this to 3rd tym., bck to bck
@mysticfalcon1 2 жыл бұрын
IAM all I everwas only now I remember IAM is God of all that everwas and is in us all and there's only one IAM... You!!!and you are God and God is love
@steveharvey1395 4 жыл бұрын
I wonder what all the nuns & priests that taught me in catholic school would think if they heard Neville!!
@itsahzthing3433 4 жыл бұрын
Undoubtedly would claim blasphemy
@Acelevi999 4 жыл бұрын
Lol !!!!!!!
@davidruso6837 4 жыл бұрын
Yes.Genuine Facts.from.rev.a.Richard Paul chaudary.the world is mine.
@The_M0st_High 5 жыл бұрын
U may Even Receive MORE Prosperity When u Realize that GOD IS A WOMAN. THE DIVINE FEMININE.
@erikanthony8412 4 жыл бұрын
I ask myself what would i like of life, because first i need an objective.
@nattytafari9669 Жыл бұрын
@Youknowwhoin2024 Жыл бұрын
@stewa4067 5 жыл бұрын
I close my eyes and picture Stewie Griffin.. all grown up dictating this to me.
@MagicallyJessica 4 жыл бұрын
@MichaelROBINSON-xf2hs Жыл бұрын
I am the Genie of my lamp I am Shazam, Captain Marvel a super hero 👏
@zoejesus52 4 жыл бұрын
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