7 Little Things in Red, White and Royal Blue

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Nerdy Investigations

Nerdy Investigations

3 ай бұрын

Take a deeper look into these 7 things in the movie Red, White and Royal Blue that will make you love it even more.
Red, White and Royal Blue
Prime Video
Starring: Nicholas Galitzine, Taylor Zakhar Perez, Uma Thurman
Director: Matthew López

Пікірлер: 45
@stevemattfis 3 ай бұрын
One I love is how the moment in the Reception room where Alex confuses "Your Majesty" for "Your Highness". Every time after that he does it progressively more affectionately.
@GiuliaLoSurdo 2 ай бұрын
actually alex did it on purpose, he knew he shouldn't call henry 'your majesty', he did it to tease him
@you319tube 3 ай бұрын
Loved your vlog. Thank you for posting it. Here are some points that I loved about the movie which I have watched at least 50 times by now for certain. Here are my 10 most interesting moments: 1) Henry drives up in his sportscar and gets out looking dapper with the snide remark, "Good to see you Alex...sober.". That was a nod to the book where it is noted that Henry's father, Arthur Fox, was a actor who played James Bond 007. Also, the much later scene where Henry stands in the doorway of Alex's room buttoning his tuxedo and looks at Alex sort of wistfully sighs with a slight smile as if thinking, "Wow. This is the one who is going to be dangerous for my heart", also seems like a James Bond 007 shout-out moment. 2) During the texting phase of their relationship, Alex tells Henry that he hates the gray tie he is wearing and should wear more color. Henry tells him that gray is a color. Conspicuously, in subsequent scenes, Henry wears bolder color ties. 3) When Alex and Henry first meet up in Alex's room, Henry asks about Alex's key. Henry tells Alex that he's never owned a key in his life. So, in the movie it is a poignant moment when at the airport Alex gives Henry his first key, the key to his childhood home. 4) Loved how the movie showed the progression of their relationship. They started texting, calling and then sending e-mails. In the book, the e-mails between them are lengthy and full of prose and poems about love, especially those by Henry who majored in English Literature at the University of Oxford. In the book, Henry and Alex share long e-mails about their hopes, fears, secrets about themselves and their families, and their sexual desires. So, in the movie, having that information from the book, makes the "Waterloo Letters" email leak a monumentally embarrassing, disastrous moment for Henry and Alex because the world knows EVERY private word they've ever shared. 5) During karaoke at the bar in Texas, Henry is wearing Alex's orange Texas Longhorns baseball cap of Texas University located in Austin, Texas. When Henry performs onstage, he's not wearing the cap but the same longhorn baseball cap emblem is now a huge blue neon-lit longhorn sign that frames him throughout the scene. The orange cap can be seen next to Alex while he watches enraptured as Henry performs. 6) When Henry is doing karaoke, he's singing, "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen. The editing and directing is A+ for this scene. As Henry sings, "I'm buring through the sky, yeah; Two hundred degrees, that's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit; I'm travelling at the speed of light; I wanna make a supersonic man outta you." He points directly at Alex when he sings that last line about making "a supersonic man outta you". This foreshadows when Alex is on the phone with Henry after the media leak about their romance and Henry begs Alex to hurry to London because he is not okay. Alex says that he'll break the soundbarrier for Henry. Alex is going to be that supersonic (soundbarrier breaking) man that Henry sang about in Texas. 7) In the scene where Alex tells Nora about Henry kissing him the first time, Alex is wearing a pale blue sweatshirt. Later in two scenes, Henry is wearing the exact same sweatshirt, Alex's sweatshirt: 1) when they dance in the musuem and 2) when they exchange the ring and the key at the airport. 8) At the vacation home in Texas, Alex and Henry are both reading books while sharing a huge hammock, Alex is reading a book called "One Last Stop" by the very author of "Red, White and Royal Blue", Casey McQuiston, and Henry is reading "Girl, Woman, Other" by Bernadine Evaristo, winner of the Booker Prize in 2019. The Booker Prize is a literary award given annually to the best work of fiction written in English and published in the UK and Ireland. Henry having majored in English Literature would definitely have been reading such a book. Great detail and attention to the character's persona. 9) When Henry and Alex sit next to each other at the piano, Alex starts tinkering the American song, "My Country Tis of Thee", which has the exact same melody as "God Save the King/Queen", the British national anthem that Henry joins in playing with chords. A nice nod to them meshing their two cultures and lives together. 10) When Shaan the equeery tells Alex he needs to stand at the right side of Henry because of protocol and also because it's Henry's better side, he begrudgingly does it. After that, in almost all of the scenes where Alex and Henry are shown side by side, Alex is on Henry's right side, for example: >> (In the deleted scene) When Alex stands next to Henry and does a quick social media post with Henry''s hand and a Cornetto ice cream cone making light of the fallen cake debacle. >> When they sit on the sofa for the interview >> When they are seated talking to the children in the hospital >> When they are walking in the hospital hallway just before being shoved in the closet. >> When they do the photo-op outside of the hospital >> When they talk on the phone while they "lie in the bed" with the turkey in the Alex's room >> When they are seated in Alex's room and Henry asks Alex about the key. >> When they leave the polo horse shed in England after a quick romantic interlude >> When they eat dessert in bathrobes in Alex's hotel room >> When they are caught be Zahra in the hotel room, Alex is sleeping on the right side. >> When they reveal who knows about their relationship to Zahra and when Alex quickly tells her he won't break up with Henry >> When they lie on the hammock reading at the vacation house in Texas >> When they sit at the club drinking tequila >> (In the deleted scene) When they sit by a fire at night and Henry tells a fairytale about his princely life. >> When they relax on the floating dock on the lake at the vacation house >> When they are in bed together after confessing their love in the museum >> When they walk at the airport before Alex returns to America >> When they embrace on the stairs at Kensington Palace >> When they play the piano together >> When they are seated during their audience with the king >> When they go out on balcony of Buckingham Palace to acknowledge the crowd >> When they walk hand-in-hand down the hallway in the White House as Alex is nervous about the election result >> When they are on the stage with Alex's mom giving her victory speech Sorry for posting such a lengthy comment but I love the movie. Thank you again.
@NerdyInvestigations 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing. There is just so much in this movie and book that we can all go on about for ages.
@heidemarieflemming1378 3 ай бұрын
Ich liebe diesen Film über alle Maßen. Er ist die Liebe schlechthin. Dieser Film hat mich völlig verzaubert und ich bin wie verliebt. Kann an nichts anderes mehr denken. Er elektrisiert mich total. Dein Kommentar ist sehr sehr toll. Ich habe ihn übersetzt gelesen und habe wieder neues erfahren. Wie oft - oder immer und jedes mal - er ( Alex) auf der rechten Seite von Henry steht. Ich lese gerade das Buch zum zweiten Mal.... Und bin wieder fasziniert.
@tallguym4m Ай бұрын
PLEASE - no apology needed!! :) I loved reading ALL of your comment. One note though - 2nd last line ... they were in TX for election night, not the WH. I think there was a verbal reference to that, but the clincher would be that they rode bicycles to his childhood home in Austin. Great ending scene - but I wonder how likely it would be that they both could have slipped past their PPOs! :) Not complaining - I don't mind suspending disbelief! LOL
@catwmn2345 3 ай бұрын
Love all these little moments, I'd just like to add one of my own. That quick look Henry gives Alex in the hotel room when Alex tells Zarah (not sure I spelled that right) when she asks how long it's been going on and he replies 'since New Year's". I think most of us at the start of relationships wonder when the other thinks the relationship really started and Alex is so quick to answer and in answering Zarah, he answers Henry too.
@donnaread 3 ай бұрын
When Alex first gets to Kensington Palace he is told he must stand to Henry's right. He crosses in FRONT of Henry. After the hospital visit, and they're about to be photographed again, Alex goes around BEHIND Henry. He is already being more solicitous of Henry.
@michaelkrupar9808 3 ай бұрын
YES, YES, YES! This is brilliant. Like you, I've watched this movie countless time. I love your interpretation of the ring and key. I thought Alex's giving Henry the key was his way of saying to Henry "You are my home now" but I like your view of Alex giving Henry a home that he never had too.
@NerdyInvestigations 3 ай бұрын
I love that idea too. Thanks for sharing
@Belaugh Ай бұрын
I love your analyses. As good as a RWARB thesis! Just to add: from the very start, you can tell Henry is, and has always been, attracted to Alex because until the New Year's Eve party, he very carefully and studiously avoids meeting Alex's eyes, so his own eyes do not give him away. To give such nuance and subtle messages without direct eye contact takes some doing, Mr Galitzine. When Henry does finally kiss Alex, he lifts his wrists to graze Alex's face with the cuffs of his jacket, exactly as described in the book. When Alex finds the "It's Private" magazine in the corridor with Henry in it with a mystery brunette, he is wearing a shooting stars shirt. Is this foreshadowing the shooting star of happiness at the very end of the film? Or to indicate that he, Alex, will soon be shooting across the universe alongside Henry? Or both? Very playful costume choice either way! When the boys hook up for the first time in Alex's bedroom, there are two little figures standing together on Alex's windowsill, mirroring the exact pose the boys hold in front of the hotel room window in Paris. A sweet touch....as are the two cherubs on the mantelpiece in the Paris hotel room; cherubs are angels of love. Yes, there is a large concensus that Henry just abandoning Alex in the middle of the night is a horrible thing to do. But everyone must remember that Henry is British and royal; 'never complain, never explain' is the norm of behaviour he is both conditioned to, and is also very stiff upper lip British. His attitude would be that to leave without acrimony and angst is the kindest thing to do, relatively. And although he was running away from the situation, he would have felt he had no choice. He had taken pains from the very start to warn Alex not to fall in love with him, that he could only momentarily belong to anyone else; he had always made that clear, not just because of his social standing, but because of his own fear of and for himself. Henry was running from fear, suddenly acknowledging that Alex felt for him what he had always felt for Alex....and that he felt unworthy of Alex's love. But he was also running, as he explains very candidly to Bea, to cauterize the wound, to try and save Alex any more pain that a scene, an argument, and an emotional showdown would have caused. His logic for walking and ghosting makes absolute sense to a repressed, overthinking, over self controlled and very feeling young man. His sacrifice, or rather, his attempt at self sacrifice, is all on him, far more complex and honourable than stopping and trying to talk out his resolve to abandon Alex with Alex. A resolve which he also knew would have crumbled if he and Alex had been face to face and Henry could see Alex's hurt. That would have put Henry in an emotional showdown that his life's training had never prepared him for, especially knowing Alex was more fragile and emotionally open than he himself had ever been able to be. Henry walking away in the middle of the night is courage, not cowardice. And even more heartbreaking.
@NerdyInvestigations Ай бұрын
I swear I learn more about this movie everyday. I hadn't pick up on some of the background things. To focused on the boys I guess but amazing attention to detail anyway. I agree with you about Henry for sure. I don't like what he did but it makes perfect sense. You also get the feeling that something has happened before where the king got involved as Bea asks "Did Grandpa find out?" and Henry responds "Not this time". So there is a precedent that something bad might happen from within the family is anyone was to find out about Alex and Henry. Henry was trying to spare Alex that. Speaking of amazing acting, Mr Galitzine after the hand shake at the hospital he actually shakes his arm out very suitably as if he is filled with too much tension for even himself to hold in. The sparks are flying and he had to do something to let them out.
@Belaugh Ай бұрын
@@NerdyInvestigations I love the way you and I are watching this through the same vision. Whatever you watch Mr Galitzine in, the detail and nuance in his work is as rare as it is breathtaking.
@Belaugh Ай бұрын
Re the "Did Grandpa find out?" question, we know Henry is sexually more experienced than Alex. In the book his first time is with a uni friend of his brother, aged 17. And that in his own uni days there was a queue of boys who wanted to have (unemotional, unconnected point scoring) sex with a prince, despite NDAs and paperwork. So there may have been a hook up, or more than a hook up, with someone more significant and outside uni, such as vacation or gap time. And interestingly, never with Pez. Which asks another interesting question; how much did the king know about his grandson before the email leak? And was never addressing that kindness, cruelty, or just sweeping real life under the carpet? In the hope the 'problem' would just go away? Hmn!
@maryk.madachy2368 3 ай бұрын
The thing I love about the ring is the shared habit. For the first 2/3ish of the movie, Henry tends to twist the ring when he's nervous. Then he gives it to Alex. While waiting to meet with the king, we see Alex has not only 'inherited' the ring, but the nervous habit as well!
@NerdyInvestigations 3 ай бұрын
I love the smile they share when they both realise Alex is doing it too
@TheSoundOfGeorgia 3 ай бұрын
OMG I got most of these to some degree before, but I never noticed the pillow thing. That’s so cool and they’re so beautiful.
@NerdyInvestigations 3 ай бұрын
It’s the little thinks that really sell this movie for me. Thanks for sharing your thoughts
@GiuliaLoSurdo 2 ай бұрын
that's amazing! this book and this movie are very important to me. i've read and watched them countless times. the movie, despite some fans' objections, shows everything that's important in the book and that can be shown on screen. often in the smallest details, every time I watch it I notice something new. the pillow i'd never noticed! but another scene where you can see how henry brings peace and serenity to alex is in the first kiss. alex is clearly tense, with his shoulders hunched, but the minute henry puts his hand in alex's hair, alex relaxes. it's hard to see if you don't pay attention, but once you've seen it you don't miss it.
@NerdyInvestigations 2 ай бұрын
It has become my comfort watch and read as well. I agree, the movie had what was important and the tone was spot on. Love it so much. Thank you for sharing the first kiss details. I love learning more about this movie.
@peaceali3246 3 ай бұрын
You nailed this analysis. Well done.
@NerdyInvestigations 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much
@tourtheworldwithbrandon4763 3 ай бұрын
I love this movie and Alex and Henry. You made great points, love this guys.
@mdwrob 3 ай бұрын
Great job! Allow me to add a sequence of my favorite 10 passive-aggressive moments after Henry arrives at KP in his sportscar…1. His stopping the car inches from Alex’s knees, who then looks down at the bumper in annoyance. 2. Henry saying “Alex, good to see you…sober”. 3. Shaun escorting Alex over to Henry and pushing him through the tree branch in the process. 4. Shaun telling Alex that they have to keep on the “shed-ule” and Alex making fun of the British pronunciation. 5. Shaun telling Alex he must stand to Henry’s right, at which Alex retorts is that protocol or his good side (implying Henry has a bad side which he doesn’t like to show) 6. Henry grabbing Alex’s hand and yanking it, while Alex returns the tug-of-war. 7. Henry forces a smile for the cameras while Alex teases that Henry is not 6’2. 8. Henry telling Alex that he knows he’s wearing lifts, capped with a snide sweetheart. 9. A final yank of their arms and a walk-off by Henry. 10. Alex snarls “Dick!”, which might contain some sublimated sexual desire and foreshadow the later phone conversation where Henry calls Alex a bellend.
@NerdyInvestigations 3 ай бұрын
I do love the whole enemy part of this movie for sure. Such fun interactions.
@user-pu2ks7gw3h 3 ай бұрын
This was definitely a very good movie. I loved the part when Alex is telling a story using dolls to the children at the hospital and at the end of the story the dolls hug and become good friends.
@zoological9408 Ай бұрын
For me, I would say the scene after the direct phone call from zahra to shaan to reconnect henry and alex, shows a very vulnerable and seriously broken henry. The way he say "hurry" signifies that. Then the scene at the stairs merges back all the broken pieces of henry together in the arms of alex. Ohhhh I am loving those scenes too much!!
@tallguym4m Ай бұрын
There are SO many fav scenes, but one is that phone call - I cry almost every time when he says "Baby" sniff sniff 💞💕
@tallguym4m Ай бұрын
Thank-you SO much for this one and all your videos! Hugs! tg
@NerdyInvestigations Ай бұрын
Glad you like them! Thanks
@kareneide 3 ай бұрын
I just saw another thing I missed. When Alex and Henry came out of the hospital. I saw Henry wipe his hand on his pant leg discreetly. Just another way to convey he was nervous.
@pamelabrady7808 2 ай бұрын
Gonna have to watch it again now,lost count on how many times!!
@user-uy7sn2hu4j 3 ай бұрын
I like these. Guessing everyone got "I gotta get out of here" is the same line Henry used at th Climate Conference. Also noted, the rest of the movie Alex is always shown to the right of Henry
@dck578 3 ай бұрын
I think you made a slight analytical error at 2:38, when Nora says princes are allowed to be gay, you should know that. She's telling Alex that he's in the same closet as Henry being the son of the President, and he is acknowledging that.
@NerdyInvestigations 3 ай бұрын
That's a different way to look at it for sure. Thanks for sharing.
@bridgetwade8455 3 ай бұрын
I wonder if anyone else saw a detail of the sex scenes… there is 2 condom wrappers which means that they flip-flop.
@NerdyInvestigations 3 ай бұрын
I did catch that. Got to be safe 😊
@kathmmedia 3 ай бұрын
As well as the lube in the hotel room in NY
@biancakison1310 3 ай бұрын
I saw it 😊
@kareneide 3 ай бұрын
@@biancakison1310 I saw it as well.
@oceanwonders 3 ай бұрын
The same person could've topped twice throughout the night.
@SomoIya-qh7jz Ай бұрын
@jLjtremblay 2 ай бұрын
Great analysis! Many thanks!
@NerdyInvestigations 2 ай бұрын
Glad you liked it!
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