9 Strange Things You will Experience if Your Third Eye is Opening - Third Eye Opening

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Engineering Made Easy

Engineering Made Easy

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This video explains, strange things you will experience if your third eye opens. The video also covers, what is the third eye (third eye chakra / Ajna Chakra). The third eye is a mystical invisible eye which is located on the forehead just above the junction of the eyebrows.
It is also called the mind's eye or inner eye.
On opening of the third eye strange things start to happen to you.
Once your third eye opens, you can perceive the hidden world which can not be perceived by ordinary humans with their physical eyes.
Physical eyes are limited as it can see only the material things but there is much more in this universe which is not in material form. Most part of it is in the energy form.
Here it is worth mentioning that by Albert Einstein's famous Mass Energy Equivalence equation, Mass and energy are actually the same thing and are Inter-convertible but our physical eyes are designed to see mainly the material stuff. So a bigger part of the universe which is in the energy form, is not perceived by our ordinary physical eyes.
As your third eye opens you get access to various mystical powers like you can read what's going in someone's mind, all your confusions vanish and everything becomes crystal clear to you,
your intuition never fails, you feel how we all are connected and are different forms of energy, you get full control of your mind and it also becomes possible to have out of body experiences.
In spiritual world, opening of the third eye is often symbolised by the state of enlightenment.
In Hinduism the third eye refers to the ajna chakra while in Buddhism it is called as the "eye of consciousness".
According to H. P. Blavatsky, the third eye is actually the partially dormant pineal gland.
Pineal gland is responsible for releasing serotonin and melatonin hormones.
These two hormones are responsible for controlling our sleep patterns. Secretion of these hormones mainly depend on sunshine and moonlight. The third eye chakra is closely associated with the light.
So now even the modern scientists have begun to call the pineal gland the third eye.
It is believed, that in far ancient times, humans had an actual third eye in the back of the head. This eye had physical and spiritual functions.
But as humans evolved over time, because of under use, this eye sunk into what today is known as the pineal gland.
Stephen Phillips asserts that the third eye's microscopic vision is capable of observing objects as small as quarks. Quarks are the elementary particles that combine to form subatomic particles like protons and neutrons.
Friends, here are the 9 strange signs that show your third eye is opening-
1. You feel slight pressure between your eyebrows
Guys this is the first sign that you will notice, if your third eye is opening.
It is the place where your third eye is located. This may feel like a light touch and sometimes this pressure may be stronger.
2. You feel frequent headaches
If you are feeling headaches frequently then it is another sign of third eye opening.
Initially you may feel mild and less frequent headaches but gradually both frequency and intensity will increase.
Is happens because your Kundalini energy Rises and builds up near your pineal gland.
3. Your intuition has improved
Your intuition power becomes so strong that you almost always can know what's going to happen next. You will be able to take right decisions in life and avoid many unpleasant moments.
4. You become more sensitive to light and sound
As your third eye starts to open, your sensitivity for light and sound increases. You find it harder to tolerate loud music and bright lights.
5. You start to observe synchronicities in your life
You now start to understand that there are no coincidences in our life.
You meet certain people in your life and certain events happen exactly at the right time to teach you and guide you on the right path.
6. When you close your eyes you see lights and geometrical patterns
When you close your eyes and look upwards, it is very likely that you will see powerful lights and different types of geometrical patterns.
7. You become more conscious of your food
As we know that food is energy. It has certain vibration and information attached to it. So you will notice sudden changes in your food choice because your body easily accepts the food having vibration that matches with your new body vibrations.
8. Your dreams are more vivid and contain hidden messages
Your dreams will become more clear.
Your dreams contain secret messages for you.
So when you wake up, you should analyse your dreams and try to find out their hidden meanings.
You may possibly see dreams about events or emotional pains from your past that need to be resolved or hints about your future.
9. You get telepathic abilities
Because of this mysterious power, you would be able to sense when someone is thinking about you.
You can also read the minds of other people.

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@project-unifiedfreepeoples Жыл бұрын
I will share my experience, and my experience only. During a deep meditation, in a completely dark, acoustical designed temple, I was chanting Aum and focusing my meditation on the Upanishads, Self. I heard my heartbeat getting louder, as if it was a drum beside me, and felt a pop in my head. I opened my eyes and felt a profound peace, and seen sounds with beautiful colors and shapes. Scared, I didnt know what was going on, I closed my eyes again. This time with my eyes closed, I could still see patterns in my mind's eye with each heart beat like a type of sonar. All of that is dulled down a bit now, but under my control can be intensified with vibration increasing. I only eat wild plants, no meat. When consuming plants, I hear the voices of the plants in my mind. They share their medicinal properties and what plants I need for my body's needs. I cant read other people's minds, but I am more attentive to their body language, intentions, chemical trails, aura colors. This tells me a lot about other's character. Peace and prosperity be upon all.
@wiiwendy Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your experience. Im working on this now and your experience has helped me greatly. ….. Thank you with all my heart for sharing…. Many Blessings to you 🙏😇❤️🕯
@project-unifiedfreepeoples Жыл бұрын
@@wiiwendy I have the utmost respect for you and the journey you embark upon. Every experience is different and based on the weak or lacking of experience of the helping of others, or concentrated growth of the self. Through your thought waves inducted into your wording, I can see that your heart is full of good intentions. I will offer you freely, some advice. Try using a combination of crystals such as quartz, selenite, Hematite, or even magnets. The crystals vibrate with a high frequency and naturally your body will want to resonate and elevate its vibrations. The use of certain metals, like copper and salt increase your conductivity to all of Earth's energies all around you. Zinc, Tin, and Iron help increase your natural electromagnetic energy flow from your brain and heart by galvanic and attraction processes. Aluminum circles are also important due to its diamagnetic properties, set the circle or circles in front of you about 3 feet, 12 o clock position facing magnetic North. I took vitamins to boost natural functions of the chakras. The air all around you acts as a medium, or conduit full of highly positively charged ions looking for something to absorb them, stand outside on the ground or earth barefoot for 20 or 30 minutes, called Grounding. Your body gains a negative charge, emptying itself of all the toxic frequencies of cell towers, microwaves, etc. Then go where you can be comfortable, somewhat dark, somewhat quite, and meditate with your eyes closed. Chanting helps establish slower breathing rythmns.breath in through the nostrils out through the mouth. Always focus your mind on a single thought. I am more than a physical being, I am the light. No other thoughts being aloud to enter your mind. The universe loves you, I love you, together we are one.
@miniphanies7512 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing!
@project-unifiedfreepeoples Жыл бұрын
@@miniphanies7512 thank you, may blessings fill your life forever.
@joantendler6518 Жыл бұрын
That pop might have been brain myelin, which is needed to protect neurons and to keep their electrical activity under control, bursting open, letting in compelling but random thoughts and images. Myelin and neurotransmitters are made up, in large part, of animal fat and amino acids gotten from meat, so they need to be maintained with meat in the diet. Plus, the essential fat, arachidonic acid, which is only in animal fat, is needed to destroy the common brain parasite toxoplasma gondii. T. gondii has been linked to symptoms of a "third eye", as it actually resides in the eye. So it would be a good idea to get tested for antibodies against this parasite, since symptoms get worse.
@Meesh369 Жыл бұрын
Once you're eye is open and you've awoken there's no going back, it's a blessing. I'm eternally greatful for all my experiences leading me here. ❤
@giftmutereko4347 Жыл бұрын
So it cant close?
@Meesh369 Жыл бұрын
@GIFT MUTEREKO No. I found during my awakening that my sight, knowledge, and understanding kept getting deeper. A Kundalini awakening completely unraveled everything. What changes is just how much you share with others... no one wants to wake up, you need to let them be. Silence, because there are many things people don't want to hear or see. It's much more than a certain sight, it's more than vibes and words. It's everything, and everything is connected.
@masonicpride7072 11 ай бұрын
Yes Amen I Totally Feel That !!! 💯 🙏
@masonicpride7072 11 ай бұрын
@@Meesh369 You are Totally Right Also I Resonate With This and Have Been Feeling this cause I am 1 With the Lord.
@assessoroffice7212 11 ай бұрын
HELLO THERE I Can control anything by concentrating on it. It started as a discovery. Before, it was very exhausting, but due to daily practice, I found a technique without using tremendous effort that allowed me to lift a heavy big bike off the ground like a feather by mind control. Before, I controlled things one at a time, but now I can control as many as I want, regardless of how big the object is-a bus, a car, etc. I can also manipulate other people through my mental focus, telling them what to do.
@lunarivy2712 Жыл бұрын
I work as a caregiver and I've had a few amazing experiences. The most memorable was of a resident that recently passed. She called me into her room and told me that she felt like she was going to die very soon. She asked me questions about death and whether or not she should be afraid. I told her that she should not be afraid and that it will be very peaceful. A few days later I was doing a meditation and I felt her energy very strongly all of a sudden and saw an image of her face while my eyes were closed. Tears filled in my eyes and I understood that she had passed, or she was very close to passing. I came into work the next day and she had passed at 5 in the morning. That is just one experice!
@keithfernandez8965 Жыл бұрын
@captivechains9033 Жыл бұрын
Wow - this also happened to me. I had a dream of seeing a former co-worker who came to say (Good Bye) to me - then I woke up. When I arrived to work that same morning, people were gathered around her desk talking. They said, she had passed away at 6:00 AM that morning. It was around the same time, she said bye to me.
@juliasvedh2978 Жыл бұрын
I went through something similar after I lost my dear grandma. It was a sudden death and no one in my family was prepared for it, but it never felt right to me that she could just be - gone. And I think that though, after years of it being processed, resulted in her contacting me when I was lost in my depression. I spent my nights crying for help, screaming for my grandma in my mind. And somehow she must have heard me. She picked up a plastic bottle from a bag, and threw it out - twice. And so I thought, maybe she actually heard me? But I got scared, thinking what if the energy that picked up the bottle is not my grandma? And later that night when I was laying on my couch, she showed me. But not just anything - a specific memory I had of her but from her point of view. Energy is never lost, it just changes form.
@keithfernandez8965 Жыл бұрын
@@juliasvedh2978 MAY GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR LOSS !!
@juliasvedh2978 Жыл бұрын
​@@keithfernandez8965 Thank you Keith, wish you peace
@snjps3 Жыл бұрын
The Bible doesn't speak about a third eye but it does speak about spiritual world or the unseen world. The third eye is a gift from God but unlocking this comes with a burden of seeing the evil in people no one else can see. They will call u crazy
@communewiththeword Жыл бұрын
As a christian i can honestly say the bible does talk about the 3rd eye
@communewiththeword Жыл бұрын
Look at a verse where is says “when u meditate on the word another eye will open between thy frontlids” Its called the eye of the mind. God intends for us to open it BUT the RIGHT way, hence there is a wrong way. The right way is to think about a bible verse and meditation on it in ur head over and over. Just like regular meditation but instead u focusing on a verse. See its such a deeper side to christianity. God will even give u outer body experiences like astral travel. But since the occult and new agers and witches do it , chrsitians think it’s demonic. But remember the devil NEVER CREATED anything. All creation comes from God. The devil just perverts it and uses it better than us.😂😂
@snjps3 Жыл бұрын
@@communewiththeword That’s a fact. You 1000% correct. Astral projection is real and not just Devil can do it. It had happen to me once, It felt more real then physical world we live in. I thought I was going crazy. But I understand that I was attack by a witch. The people that say they schizophrenic nd see demons nd other things are not crazy. It’s just that this world is inverted now make ppl look insane. People think spiritual realm don’t exist or it don’t matter but it does. That’s how u know the difference btw Real Christianity and the fake one u got now
@ddogginthebuilding3001 Жыл бұрын
Broooooo thank you so much for saying what I was thinking! But I just couldn’t say it, 🙄🙏🏾🙏🏾✝️👁️
@michaelbenmoshe4943 Жыл бұрын
Balaam the oracle/prophet who's eye was opened...
@mysticallife7177 Жыл бұрын
When the third eye opens u will always be at inner peace. Blessings and success to u all for those who are still searching.
@kodimom3603 Жыл бұрын
@@linkupilluminatin_cluboninstacan shrooms get u off opioids
@johnmichael2753 Жыл бұрын
That’s a lie. It opens doors and things can go south quickly
@voiceofreason5494 Жыл бұрын
I opened mine up, and ever since, I've had a overwhelming sense of peace and vitality. It feels like I'm a part of something bigger, and there's a lot less "me me me". There is peace and calm. I love it.
@normanholmes9204 Жыл бұрын
Your all been fooled you only have two eyes all they push is clever enough to make you think your brain is in your foot deceptions to drag your spirit to the gates of hell . Amen norman Australia
@voiceofreason5494 Жыл бұрын
@@normanholmes9204 are you kidding me man come on. I feel more content than I've ever felt.
@ahumuzajeninah567 Жыл бұрын
Ts exactly the same thing with me
@pagalbunnyx9066 Жыл бұрын
@@shawnamorgan6109 that's what I don't want to see. I hear so many stories! what are you supposed to do? did your get it or them to leave? I know youre not supposed to show fear.
@voiceofreason5494 Жыл бұрын
@notyourkind369 I shit you not
@Elfyja Жыл бұрын
It all makes sense now. Thank you for this video ❤ I wish whoever is reading this a great journey.
@normanholmes9204 Жыл бұрын
It will make clear sence when you arrive at the gates of hell were as you shall be cast in for eternity. Amen norman Australia
@Elfyja Жыл бұрын
@@normanholmes9204 Hi, I would like to share some Bible text with you. Matthew 7:1-5 - “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.” Celebrate your religion with Christ|God, fill your heart with Joy & Love. What good does Hatred & Judgement? I wish you a happy New Year's Norman!
@overthenonsense5052 Жыл бұрын
@@normanholmes9204 unsure the reason you think this. I may be wrong, but you may be one who condemns all supernatural occurrences people experience. God is supernatural. I have psychic abilities, and those came from God. I've seen objects fly when no one is touching them. That doesn't mean I practice something evil, but a lot of people, unfortunately mostly other Christians have judged me in that way simply because they've not witnessed such activities. I am a Christian, and I worship only our Lord Jesus Christ.
@user-sj6kg2tu9e Жыл бұрын
Appreciate your kind message 😊❤🌍💫🙏🏻
@humblenmercy Жыл бұрын
Well wishes to you as well 💓
@nikitajade1571 Жыл бұрын
I was just laid down napping (trying to) and I felt my eye close, but my eyes were closed!....I'm naturally an empath and recently been using divination tools to strengthen my intuition, I feel this is a sign I'm making progress! The headaches, the tiredness, the vivid dreams, telepathic communication and greater understanding....my third eye has opened! 🙌😁 love and light to you, yes, you that is reading this right now 😊♥️
@billdavis6978 Жыл бұрын
@Nikita Jade I’m an empath as well. I’ve been a vivid and lucid dreamer and it seems like I have other lives when sleeping. I try to live as kindly in my dreams and never mistreat other people in them (dreams). I always ask people if they know we’re in a dream. Most don’t. It’s a wonderful place that gives my body a much needed rest (I’m a Tradesman). There’s absolutely no one that would take me seriously on a construction site, lol. Anyways, I’d enjoy chatting sometime.
@user-xn4bu7tm8m 8 ай бұрын
What hv you SEEN ..
@richardfloridaman Жыл бұрын
I went through an awakening in 2012 and my journey was intense. My pineal gland opened on its own in 2013. And this is so true, I developed a huge understanding of everyone around me, their truth, and all kinds of stuff along the way. Tonight my third eye is pulsing intensely.
@masonicpride7072 11 ай бұрын
Yeah Mine Pulsates Every Time I Astral Travel and I Feel it and See a Bright White Light Flashing and I Can Feel When It's about to Change.
@masonicpride7072 11 ай бұрын
@masonicpride7072 11 ай бұрын
I Think Mine Was Somewhere Around that Year also ...
@walkinlove4591 11 ай бұрын
Me to but you can not have a carnal mind when you awaken double mind will lead you to fear and anxiety
@walkinlove4591 11 ай бұрын
Yes I had experienced in 2012 also never been the same everything is one in the energy of God the one infinite creator
@rollzolo 8 ай бұрын
Correct me if I'm wrong, everything I predicted came to pass, and the desires of my heart fell on my lap.. All praises to the Most High
@imlady50 Жыл бұрын
My 3rd Eye opened back on 2020 when I started my Spiritual Journey. I'm a Ligthworker and I help people with my Spiritual gifts. I love what I do 🙏 I do have every single one that you mentioned.
@onerandomguy.2794 Жыл бұрын
Do you also see ghosts? Somewhere I read that if you open your third eye you start to see demons or inorganic beings and I developed this believe overtime now every time I'm in my meditation I'm just constantly feeling unease and can't even meditate property
@teem5208 Жыл бұрын
Really? Mine opened in 21 and I'm still struggling. Where should I starr?
@robertmoore8177 Жыл бұрын
​@@teem5208 What are you struggling with?
@nelsonklein5883 Жыл бұрын
I need my third eye open
@gretzky2663 11 ай бұрын
How do i open it
@mmcmiddlechild Жыл бұрын
List starts at 3:20
@stacyhannah3689 Жыл бұрын
I am starting to see more with my eyes closed, as I put my attention towards it. I ask for it. I have seen colors in meditation for years. This last few years I see more with my eyes open. Before bed my guides come to me and do light language on me. I’ve seen rainbow lights in my backyard and auras of light around the sun. Is that also the workings of the third eye? I’ve been told I have the eyes to see and the ears to hear the unknown by my guides. Blessings to everyone on the path towards the light 💗🙏🌟
@happyengineer9936 Жыл бұрын
Papa Ray on KZfaq brought happiness to my home again and restore my marriage #paparayspell
@ebazileyes1475 Жыл бұрын
You said "I've been told" but did you see these unknown"?
@dustinmoore1559 Жыл бұрын
When it comes to light and sound spectrum most humans only see a very small amount. I myself use mushrooms and dmt and have blasted off while meditation and completely disconnected and have seen a purplish/pink that I have never seen with my eyes open. There are breathing exercises that can do the same thing
@thomasalmeida4997 Жыл бұрын
That's amazing my experience is not that easy to share with others it's,it's sacred its infinite awareness, it's him.
@daydream6820 Жыл бұрын
yes all of that is what your peaceful mind sees when you look past or into other things
@StefArth Жыл бұрын
I can’t believe it ! It explains a lot of specific event in my life the last 10 years. Thank you for this video.
@Spiffy010 8 ай бұрын
Do you have any short stories ? I’d like to hear !
@PromiseEbukaekeke-kz8cy 2 ай бұрын
Me too
@ttpower88 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this and your voice is great to listen to. I've had some of the experiences you share and I didn't understand what was wrong with me, so I stopped meditation. I'm back on it and finding myself to be so peaceful.
@partheniat.9557 Жыл бұрын
Well thanks to some o the comments and replies I've now found up what I've been dealing with and going through. I thank GOD for allowing you all to share the meaning of the openings of the third eye. If it wasn't for GOD directing everyone in the right way then we would know! THANKS ONCE AGAIN & TO GOD BE THE PRAISE AND GLORY. WE OWE IT ALL TO HIM!!🙏🏽💜✌🏽👍🏽
@bernardofitzpatrick5403 Жыл бұрын
Wonderfully helpful Video. Love these insights.
@jerrywhalen4056 Жыл бұрын
I have studied martials arts for decades. One of the traditions was the art and awareness of the 9 mind gates of the Kuji Kiri and it's companion Kuji in. Kuji Kiri is a method for personal improvement. This is a relative of yoga, Tai Chi, Shim Gum Do, and many other traditions. The nine mind gates are Rin, Pyo, Toh, Shah, Kai, Djinn, Retsu, Zai, and Zen. Each gate offers a level of elevation that enhances cycles of the Kuji Kiri. I could feel the energy early on, and I have been free from anxiety, pressure, fear, and many other adversities. Through the decades I added many traditions of the esoteric realms. The methods of enhancement are brought out personally from within the esoteric sources of the psychic properties. All in all, every person that is intrigued with the psychic realm should take a glance into the psychic realms. It doesn't cost anything and you can build on your experiences. P.S., I have been using the full range of brain waves from epsilon to lambda and during the process I had discovered that the Gamma wave length has been applied to people that have Dementia and Alzheimer's disease. If you scan the web you will find that professional neurologists have applied Gamma wave lengths (40hz to 100hz) and there have been trials that showed lower levels of Dementia and Alzheimer's disease by a 50% rate for some patients. I have been experimenting with the brain waves in my home and I have a good neurologist. I didn't bring brainwaves up to my neurologist, but I have Dementia and Alzheimer's which caused me a lot anxiety. Not anymore, I am on, memantine and donepezil. They were great remedies, but when I began to apply the various brain waves, my adversities have diminished greatly. So much for the long end winded rant. I include the elements of meditation, exercise, and keeping an open mind, because something great might fall in! Meditating chakras is a good experience and the range of psycho-emotive vibrations can go on forever (also without any material cost).
@greenflame8398 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this! I believe there is so much to be gained in understanding the impact of emotion and vibration. I believe these signals have an effect on the physical body. I spend most of my conscious time in a high Alpha brainwave state, and I've discovered that I no longer have an adversarial inner dialogue. I have found peace from my own mind. Because I am no longer tormented by negativity within myself, I almost never get sick anymore. I judge less and extend grace more. Namaste 🙏.
@magicalmindtransformation3474 Жыл бұрын
You did a really great job and absolutely SPOT ON on the development/opening of the 3rd eye. I just subscribed to your channel. :)
@EngineeringMadeEasy Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much 😊 Welcome to the channel 🙏❤
@bigmindmotivational1846 Жыл бұрын
Am OK with this, I experienced all this and still experiencing it, thanks man.
@MaheshYadav-wf8fe Жыл бұрын
I found these Signs 🙏🏻☺️ when I started doing Meditation daily with 'Om' mantra and positive affirmations!
@isabellavanvuuren8591 Жыл бұрын
How very interesting and helpful - thank you!
@goodvibes-pw9xlVR Жыл бұрын
I am up to no 7. I have had problems remembering my dreams for about 7 years now, so am working towards 8 and 9.👌👌👌
@apexinternational9302 Жыл бұрын
@EngineeringMadeEasy Жыл бұрын
You are welcome 😊❤
@adelinaacero Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for the wonderful informations. It really makes sense🙏♥️♥️♥️🌟🌟🌟
@scorp143 8 ай бұрын
It’s a truly magical beautiful experience I am currently undergoing , have been having intense headaches , I feel everyone’s intentions around me , I see so much synchronisty’s and all the poetry around us …
@irineme3362 6 ай бұрын
Attention to all! Jesus Christ answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:6) Beware these kind of weird and deceiving spiritual post on social medias and even public/commercials. It’s cosmic evil force thing. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 6:12) I’ve been through this kind of hard strange behaviour like shaking, heat inside the body, sleepless nights and cannot stop moving energy flowing inside my body. Heatwave comes out to my hands and feet. Spinning around my head. I went to healing person but it didn’t help. This is not normal. I cried many times. Closing chakras don’t help. Stop what you’re doing. All you can do is to PRAY in order to be healed and TRUST the ALMIGHTY FATHER within you. Have faith. God is calling to all humankind. He is a loving God that wants to have his daughters and sons. He wants us all humankind to go back to Him. Turnaway from your wickedness. Repent while you have time. Shakras/ mantras, reikis, kundalini and all spiritual journey you see everywhere. Please stop doing that thing, you put your life/ spirit and soul in danger. It will make you suffer. You will suffer the burning fire inside your body. Once you start and still continue that thing. It didn’t help the meditations on balancing chakras with sound or music. Reikis can’t help too. Sounding cymbals and spiritual bowls sound to help you to heal, it’s a lie. Stop hurting your body and soul. If you want to save and go back to normal again, turn away from transgression and change bad things what you have done. Repent! Repent! Repent! How to be save? Go and pray within you. Cos the living Father is inside of you. While there is still time. The Kingdom of God Is Within You - Gospel of Thomas. Pray with all you heart and mind, no need to voice it out. Pray silently, from within cos He is inside of you. Talk to Him now with all your heart and He will listen to all his children in this wicked world. Trust Him and He will forgive you. He is mighty to save.
@MyBitsyHappiness Жыл бұрын
Iam a yoga enthusiast and have been practicing past couple of years now. And i do spend time alot on meditation & Affirmation.Majority of these facts are so accurate and i resonate as well.
@EngineeringMadeEasy Жыл бұрын
Keep it up. All the best 👍
@MyBitsyHappiness Жыл бұрын
@@EngineeringMadeEasy Yes i will. Thank you. ✨
@anttianttirailioofficial4425 Жыл бұрын
thank Godfather. for being back my ex love. for giving me this spell caster that help me to being back my husband to me .he is a good man.he spell work for me..if you need his help you can give him a message kzfaq.info/love/92Uh8gIlifcRMRcLcxTOrg
@ankitSharma43825 Жыл бұрын
@@EngineeringMadeEasy *why are you fooling the people????* *"Third eye opening" means Enlightenment* . Enlightenment bout the true essence of life and Cosmos. 🙏🏻 *It has got nothing to do with Supernatural powers like seeing the Energy forms with our naked eyes or Reading the people's mind and all* 😂
@nettrikan6333 Жыл бұрын
should i drink cow urine to attain peace??? adding salt??
@deidragreer2691 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing this with us!😊
@ceciliabrown1655 Жыл бұрын
Thank heavens I am not the only one Seeking The Light, I am on a Fantastic Spiritual Journey, I do Faith Healing, Laying of Hands, I know things before they happen, and I know things with out been told, I feel how people feel, but I don't let them drain me, Keep Striving For The Light, I send out Love, and Light to You All, bless yous, blessed be 😇😇😇
@KingSheva-sh5qw Жыл бұрын
1careful what you wish for we always get what we want and there’s a price to pay for everything, 2 stop seeking the light and you’ll find it you are the light and it’s already inside you. 3 if your interested stop listening and start to think question your mind and your thoughts, why do you have specific opinions and where do they come from where do your thoughts originate and how and when do they pop up and for what reason, if you do this best of luck to ya.
@ceciliabrown1655 Жыл бұрын
King, I Already Know I Am A Being Of Light, What Is New, I Won't Stop Seeking The Light, I Am On A Mission Impossible, Sooo Don't Tell Me Sit Lol, Bless You, Blessed Be 😇😇😇
@andrew8394 Жыл бұрын
@petal777 Жыл бұрын
How do we protect ourselves?
@ghazalatoheed9547 9 ай бұрын
It all happened in 2005 when I started having severe headaches & then during my illness & afterwards my entire life & life pattern have changed. Each & every thing explained in the video is what i am experiencing from the last 18 years. This journey is so pleasing for me , getting lighter & lighter day by day 😇😇😇
@user-xn4bu7tm8m 8 ай бұрын
The last time i had a bad headache .. was a result of sorcery ..
@bodhiapurva3887 8 ай бұрын
@@user-xn4bu7tm8m People get headaches for a variety of reasons including; having a cold or flu. stress. drinking too much alcohol. bad posture. eyesight problems. not eating regular meals. not drinking enough fluids (dehydration) taking too many painkillers. Do you know who was using sorcery on you? It's extremely rare to get a headache because your third eye is about to or has opened.
@CookMeNot Жыл бұрын
Great explanations of Ajna Chakra 🙏🏼Opening of the 3rd eye or Pinead gland is often symbolized by the state of enlightenment.☺️
@staceymariestyles Жыл бұрын
@wiiwendy Жыл бұрын
I LOVE IT❣️ Great idea ... I do say it all day long thou. I love my spirit sweetie much that I have my husband KNOWING its REAL... he talks with me about it and he see my progress. I am truly BLESSED right now. But it hasn't always been that way 😉 ... Namaste My Sister ☯️⚔️✝️
@gloriahallelujah111 Жыл бұрын
The Light has come Peace is here There is no need to fight Darkness scatters when Light enters And it’s entering now ❤️🙏 Through our purified vessels
@staceymariestyles Жыл бұрын
@@gloriahallelujah111 VERY IMPORTANT!!! Please share Nesara's Law. We're ALL in this TOGETHER!❤🤝🌏 Call in the support and active intervention of those in the higher realms, and those Collective family and friends on the ships around earth, upon her surface and inner earth. Tell them you require and call for their assistance, that all Humanity calls out to them now, on a higher level requesting all forms of benevolent intervention. Interventions that respect human free will yet drastically speed along Nesara's full engagement. Thank them for all they are doing now and offer your increased level of assistance. Say you are ready to stand as a Light Warrior who protects and guards the principles of a free and independent race of being, who must now be suffering. Then open to receive! Imagine the Earth in the transmuting Violet flame of St Germain as you stand or sit up straight with your hands open and facing upward, or hands of a heart, as a sign that you are fully dedicated to this mission. And so your affirmation and proclamation to be spoken about each morning is as follows: We call upon the Great Source Consciousness of the All that Is The Great Source Energy, from which we came We asked to be fully engaged in the Ascension for our own spirit and Consciousness and to move along the Ascension path in joy and grace. We call forth healing,for all aspects of our mind, body and spirit that require healing from past and present experiences and conditions, on this or any planet we have ever lived on. We ask to be engaged fully, as live viewers, and call forth complete Divine guidance, direction and assistance in our mission we drew up before birth. We call forth the full assistance now of that Divine Central Source that is pure LOVE The Divine feminine and all her creational power, and in the Divine masculine and all his Divine protection We call forth the assistance of all the beings in the Higher Realms serving within the office of Christ, the Crystalline Energy Consciousness, to assist Earth at this time. We petition you now move swiftly with Legions of Lights to release and to solve for all-time space all impediments to full enactment of Nesara Law! We petition you now move swiftly, with your Legions of Lights, to nullify the effects of all false chemicals, all illness all toxicity, and war and war-like actions, in which human beings are being exposed, whether in mind, body or Spirit. We call forth and require Divine Healing For All, and Divine Protection for All, to find guidance and encouragement for all upon the Earth. At this time we place the Violet flame of St Germain to envelop the entire Earth and all her people, and all the Earth's systems, experiences and conditions. We petition you now Angelic Legions and the Galactic Forces, including all members of the asteroid command, assist Earth by surrounding her with those frequencies needed to pave the way for Nesara's immediate announcement! We call forth the power of the Archangels, the Earth beings who represent in higher levels, the Souls of all trees and plants, and all rock and soil, and all animals, air, water and others. HERE IS NOW! Join the Ascendant Masters and the power of our Souls and break forth through the false shields, that for too long, have blocked your empowered interventions, and intervene on a level such as never before seen on this planet. Pave the way for Nesara's enactment, including complete disclosure of the non-terestrial and extra dimensional beings, who live on and around her in this universe. Pave the way for Nesara's immediate enactment including full announcement of the arrests of those responsible for the old false government structures, around the planet, and those carrying out their orders. Pave the way for Nesara's immediate enactment including announcements for the tribunals and trials, that those ones and their false overlords will now face. Pave the way for Nesara's immediate announcement by stating to the heart mind of every child, woman and man on the Earth, so that they are not only ready for complete renewal of Life on this planet, but ready to celebrate and accept the great changes unfolding now, in the liberation of Earth and her beings. Pave the way for our ability to rejoice and to give thanks, To Know that This is So Now and Evermore! That all slavery status upon the Earth is hereby converted to a free and independent Humanity, living in free and independent states, Nations and Villages. HERE IS NOW! And answer in the fullest possible measures! We call upon you knowing the time is now, for these unprecedented benevolent interventions to be accomplished! We welcome you friends and beloved family members! And we give thanks! We give thanks! We give thanks! And SO IT IS! Namaste Love & Light❤
@staceymariestyles Жыл бұрын
@@wiiwendy thank you! Welcome! Love & Light❤ Namaste 🙏🏻 VERY IMPORTANT!!! Please share Nesara's Law. We're ALL in this TOGETHER!❤🤝🌏 Call in the support and active intervention of those in the higher realms, and those Collective family and friends on the ships around earth, upon her surface and inner earth. Tell them you require and call for their assistance, that all Humanity calls out to them now, on a higher level requesting all forms of benevolent intervention. Interventions that respect human free will yet drastically speed along Nesara's full engagement. Thank them for all they are doing now and offer your increased level of assistance. Say you are ready to stand as a Light Warrior who protects and guards the principles of a free and independent race of being, who must now be suffering. Then open to receive! Imagine the Earth in the transmuting Violet flame of St Germain as you stand or sit up straight with your hands open and facing upward, or hands of a heart, as a sign that you are fully dedicated to this mission. And so your affirmation and proclamation to be spoken about each morning is as follows: We call upon the Great Source Consciousness of the All that Is The Great Source Energy, from which we came We asked to be fully engaged in the Ascension for our own spirit and Consciousness and to move along the Ascension path in joy and grace. We call forth healing,for all aspects of our mind, body and spirit that require healing from past and present experiences and conditions, on this or any planet we have ever lived on. We ask to be engaged fully, as live viewers, and call forth complete Divine guidance, direction and assistance in our mission we drew up before birth. We call forth the full assistance now of that Divine Central Source that is pure LOVE The Divine feminine and all her creational power, and in the Divine masculine and all his Divine protection We call forth the assistance of all the beings in the Higher Realms serving within the office of Christ, the Crystalline Energy Consciousness, to assist Earth at this time. We petition you now move swiftly with Legions of Lights to release and to solve for all-time space all impediments to full enactment of Nesara Law! We petition you now move swiftly, with your Legions of Lights, to nullify the effects of all false chemicals, all illness all toxicity, and war and war-like actions, in which human beings are being exposed, whether in mind, body or Spirit. We call forth and require Divine Healing For All, and Divine Protection for All, to find guidance and encouragement for all upon the Earth. At this time we place the Violet flame of St Germain to envelop the entire Earth and all her people, and all the Earth's systems, experiences and conditions. We petition you now Angelic Legions and the Galactic Forces, including all members of the asteroid command, assist Earth by surrounding her with those frequencies needed to pave the way for Nesara's immediate announcement! We call forth the power of the Archangels, the Earth beings who represent in higher levels, the Souls of all trees and plants, and all rock and soil, and all animals, air, water and others. HERE IS NOW! Join the Ascendant Masters and the power of our Souls and break forth through the false shields, that for too long, have blocked your empowered interventions, and intervene on a level such as never before seen on this planet. Pave the way for Nesara's enactment, including complete disclosure of the non-terestrial and extra dimensional beings, who live on and around her in this universe. Pave the way for Nesara's immediate enactment including full announcement of the arrests of those responsible for the old false government structures, around the planet, and those carrying out their orders. Pave the way for Nesara's immediate enactment including announcements for the tribunals and trials, that those ones and their false overlords will now face. Pave the way for Nesara's immediate announcement by stating to the heart mind of every child, woman and man on the Earth, so that they are not only ready for complete renewal of Life on this planet, but ready to celebrate and accept the great changes unfolding now, in the liberation of Earth and her beings. Pave the way for our ability to rejoice and to give thanks, To Know that This is So Now and Evermore! That all slavery status upon the Earth is hereby converted to a free and independent Humanity, living in free and independent states, Nations and Villages. HERE IS NOW! And answer in the fullest possible measures! We call upon you knowing the time is now, for these unprecedented benevolent interventions to be accomplished! We welcome you friends and beloved family members! And we give thanks! We give thanks! We give thanks! And SO IT IS! Namaste Love & Light❤
@wiiwendy Жыл бұрын
@@staceymariestyles 🤩 WOW ❣️❣️ Thank you 🙏 Do you happen to have any healing codes? lm working on my ANATE to help with this but codes would be greatly appreciated..... Many Blessings to you Dear. Thank you for your wonderful reply 🙏🙏🕯🕯❤️❤️😇
@fetorralbadultra Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. .. I love this video. ..
@consciousdreamlifecreators3584 Жыл бұрын
Few are correct in my case. Thank you for sharing. Grateful to you 🌺🤗😇🙏
@IMLI8 Жыл бұрын
I didn’t have the 2nd symptoms, when it opened I can see , with my eyes shut :) It was fascinating and of course intuition, Dream , answer before things happening, and many more :) World of chakras and kundalini shakti is fascinating :) Thank you for sharing
@GodofLovers Жыл бұрын
Seeing with my eyes closed has really been increasing in occurrence lately. Even when not trying to do it. You are not the only one, and never think you're crazy because of it. I'm sure you don't, but hope to give some reassurance. ✌️
@kalvindavis8516 Жыл бұрын
You did what did you see
@kalvindavis8516 Жыл бұрын
How do I open the third eye
@TorriaYAH222 Жыл бұрын
@@GodofLovers Same here
@Kitty786kat 6 ай бұрын
How did you do that? I mean any specific meditation
@elijahmahindu9481 Жыл бұрын
Wow!! that's so wonderful...l have been thinking of it just when l read the bible..God bless you
@wedavayas3669 Жыл бұрын
Very useful and informative. Thank you bro.
@lorisunshine81 Жыл бұрын
I have and am experiencing 5 of the 9. Thank you for this information. I'm on my way yeah.🤗💖🙏😁
@life_ocean Жыл бұрын
This is my truth, a few months ago I opened my third eye. It faces many tough situations. When the third eye opens, the whole path opens. you will already know what goes next in life ahead. you can meet with death and death of death. you can win with death. this is an amazing power that helps save your life.
@debbietimm9397 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, I found this extremely eye opening, pardon the pun. I don’t think my inner eye is completely open yet. ❤️
@virginiasouth3704 Жыл бұрын
I agree with you 💯!
@DeadSoullWarrior Жыл бұрын
10. You start to see vibrations of energy weves around you if you focus in specific spot or certain area esp during night time you can also see blinking lights of energy.
@Lordknowswhere Жыл бұрын
@Lordknowswhere Жыл бұрын
How did you start your journey? I'm overwhelmed by information ATM 👍🏼
@NathanBall18 Жыл бұрын
I can see energy flowing in the air sometimes
@maleenajewelry 8 күн бұрын
That's exactly what happened to me
@nataliaprodan9335 Жыл бұрын
Thank you!😊
@brrnay Жыл бұрын
I can personally attest to a lot of these things. Good video. God bless.
@beatrice_1970 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the information. I feel many of these symptoms 😕.
@ElizabethToone 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for this explanation.
@artcook1976 Жыл бұрын
I'm in this process nowadays and it get more amazing every day 🙏 Thank you brother 🙏 💙 ❤️
@kanshkansh6504 Жыл бұрын
@petal777 Жыл бұрын
So many of us on this same boat 🙏🏽🥰😄😇💜
@chara1955 Жыл бұрын
Please note that this is a wonderful information shared and passed on, which honors you a lot for having done so. If possible, please give us any information concerning books and literature, which could additionally support our attempt to open the third eye.
@andrew8394 Жыл бұрын
@solomonbimpong8171 Жыл бұрын
@@andrew8394 hi i really want to talk to . please help me with your WhatsApp line
@drblaneyphysics Жыл бұрын
well done, thank you!
@ppgsranga Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the message
@janellemedveckyulickey Жыл бұрын
I thought everyone does and knows this. ok. now I know I'm truly blessed and may you be blessed also for making this enlightened video. now I know.
@quotesbrain6672 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful🧡🧡 Anyone who reading this: Don't evaluate your physique since it isn't a book. Don't lock your heart since it isn't a door. Keep on; your life isn't a movie. You are lovely & worthy 🥰
@andrew8394 Жыл бұрын
Thank You. So Thoughtful. II NAMASTE II
@quotesbrain6672 Жыл бұрын
@@andrew8394 🥰🙏
@corisimpson6017 Жыл бұрын
@overthenonsense5052 Жыл бұрын
Life certainly isn't a movie because life never ends.
@masonicpride7072 11 ай бұрын
@overthenonsense5052 That's Right ✅️ 💯
@domijayawardena9495 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate this contribution for the spiritual knowledge .
@gavenknapp5004 Жыл бұрын
This actually explained alot..so long I couldn't put words too..ty. merry Christmas
@liveayoya2119 Жыл бұрын
It is better to invest now. You will never be younger than you are today and there will never be a perfect time to invest. Due to compounding, which Einstein called the 8th wonder of the world, you can get rich slowly from investing if you do it from a young enough age.
@tyomshing5112 Жыл бұрын
Investing in cryptocurrency now should be in every wise individuals list, in some months time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today
@emilyoakland8419 Жыл бұрын
I heard a lot about Mrs Bonnie Berville and how good she is, please how safe are the profits?
@zealghay4009 Жыл бұрын
I'm trading with expert Mrs, Bonnie Berville , a regulated broker. Met her sometime early last year at a startup funding event. She had some interesting things to say about the state of algorithmic trading today, very obviously I'm seeing the results.
@narebimichael1156 Жыл бұрын
Wow I'm just shocked you mentioned and recommended Mrs,Bonnie Berville thought people don't know her..
@meonhhatye2687 Жыл бұрын
I have also been trading with her, The profits are secured and over a 100% return on investment directly sent to your wallet. I made up to $360,000 in 2months trading with her
@wapwapsi3430 Жыл бұрын
Dont play with that.A lot of people go to mental institutions if the 3rd eye is opened totaly.They start to see astral and they cant recognise this world reality anymore.They are in mental institution for 3 months to close it.Even Dalailama had a problems when he opened 3rd eye,but he had suporting enviroment and monks around him.If you totaly open 3rd eye on some seminar,you start to see astral world and there are also bad guys.You started to make panic,you lost sense where you are,you hardly or even dont see this everyday reality anymore.Other people on seminar started to try to pull you back,but usualy without succes,at the end they give up and call ambulance.Be carefull.You can feel astral on safety way.That hapens when you develop understanding,compasion and good sense for feeling, observing and analysing events and people.You realy dont need to have open 3rd eye.Dont try to go to places from where you cant come back.Bye
@platinumare Жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh, I was gasping at all of these, I get migraines every two weeks, I dream so vividly I've started four book manuscripts based on some of my dreams, I see many geometric patterns/blue dots etc, always struggle to fall asleep, dream about other people but usually the same people, became fruitarian ages ago. I'm crying when I watch this, I feel like I cannot find others who understand this like me. I cannot contact the people in my dreams as it may be seen as taboo, which breaks my heart, as I keep seeing their synchronicities all the time. I also see synchronicities of people who are no longer with us, which make me cry and then I get a head ache from the crying. Agh, can you please do a video that helps you interpret/cope with some of this, I am so alone and needing help with aspects of my life, the headaches are ruining my ability to write or study or even get a job.
@thecosmicscream918 Жыл бұрын
Awesome video. On experiences... I've attracted various animals or got neighbors dogs to bark by sheer concentrated thought alone. These things happen when you open the third eye and exercise your muscles of mental concentration. You will have "serendipity" events always occurr in your Life. You will see happy strangers in your visions, yet you know they aren't strangers, but can't ever figure the mystery out. Problems melt away. Daily work becomes easier. Nothing seems to distract or negatively affect you.. All around Life becomes wholesome and yet strange...like you have changed your connection or relationship with reality itself...a more "real reality".
@marlonodayan9004 Жыл бұрын
Thank you universe ❤️🙏😇
@pamb2656 Жыл бұрын
for beginners , the Rosicrucian Order is the best place to start as it takes you through the steps gradually. each level moves you forward until all becomes your normal. i have even seen past lives and this made me understand many things i am going through in this life. it is NOT a religion as many think but an EDUCATION. meditation is a way to relax but also a way to go deeper within and gain understanding.
@antoniolongoria3188 Жыл бұрын
Where do you live. Are you a Rosicrucian ? 🤔 😳
@pamb2656 Жыл бұрын
@@antoniolongoria3188 yes, i follow the Rosicrucian way. i only wish i had started earlier in my life. it would of saved me from much turmoil. now at 76 i have been with this way for 9 yrs.
@lloll-ln1hq Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@annahseanego1451 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing 🙏🙏🙏
@geminigreywolf6655 Жыл бұрын
Ok I did a deep 3rd eye meditation. Later in the day I took a nap. Well I had 3 experiences with alternate realities. Too long a story to go on here but it was intense. It’s been a hour since the experience and my head is still buzzing.
@rometepurei Жыл бұрын
I know most people won't see this but God bless you and have a happy new years 🙏
@goldenlamb777 Жыл бұрын
Your voice is so kind Thank you for delivering this message so vividly I also got a mark between my eyes right between eyebrows slightly higher So sign number ten ! 😂❤
@phouiphonesavanh3120 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for massage amen 🙏🙌..
@ChinaMrsJones1ELEVEN Жыл бұрын
I am asking permission to share this knowledge! I would be honored to share this via live stream! I’ll credit due to you and your channel of course. This is by far the best breakdown of the third eye that I have ever seen in my entire life! This needs to be shared all across the playing! This is great great! Even the younger generation will understand this very well done. Thank you so much💙💚💚💚💙
@clementdanisombalula700 Жыл бұрын
Hi ChinaMrsJones I hope you're doing fine, can you please share your experience with us. I so keen to get educated about this phenomenal subject, I'm in a course of changing the way I think, I started listening to a lot of affirmations, do some meditations, & listening to a lot of motivators. I'm doing all this because I want to change my life Its been 2 years now since I have started doing this exercise, but nothing has changed yet but I still do have a believe that one day things would change
@vikystan5237 Жыл бұрын
@@clementdanisombalula700 make a goal and focus your main interest while MEDITATION and all the day thru out you will see a change asap 🙏
@aadtie5633 Жыл бұрын
@@clementdanisombalula700 you're doing it the wrong way for sure because there's no way you won't see a change if you are doing everything properly. That's impossible.
@kellywilkins9704 Жыл бұрын
@@clementdanisombalula700 You may want to re-think including affirmations. Maybe meditation is not the best way for you - I don't meditate, I just close my eyes, or take a long walk, and let my mind wander at will. I have had the same success listed above as others have with meditation. Two years is too long to go without any change - mine happened within weeks. Also, as crazy as this might sound, you might want to think about stopping use of fluoride. I was advised by my dentist, who told me to use alcohol-containing mouthwash instead (whitening ultraclean Listerine) to brush my teeth with. Peace.
@gauravtr7766 Жыл бұрын
U can share it....grt work....
@awekehaile5075 Жыл бұрын
Thank you univers 💜💜💜
@marthamsowoya9587 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing about the third eye
@andrew8394 Жыл бұрын
A Delightful Documentary On This Way - Out Trippy Possibility ! 3rd Eye Inner Vision ! Thanks For SHARING
@animula6908 Жыл бұрын
Something I read recently talked about how energy moving relentlessly upward is actually a pathological drive toward disembodiment. If you start having suicidal or otherwise destructive thoughts and patterns of behavior, remember energy needs to move up from the earth to be uplifting spiritually, but having been uplifted must move back down to emanate from the heart so that we may embody the higher in our thoughts, words, and deeds. And don’t be afraid to get help from spiritual and psychological counselors so you can live a great and long life
@andrew8394 Жыл бұрын
@bunbun1280 Жыл бұрын
I don't understand
@animula6908 Жыл бұрын
@@bunbun1280 people looking for enlightenment and higher consciousness can sometimes fall prey to depression, dissociation, suicidal ideation or other self destructive thinking. You want to embody higher consciousness rather than disembody yourself because of higher consciousness. Therefore you need to also visualize the energy from the head cascading downward to govern the body, not just send all your lower energy f(associated with the physical) out into space where it can’t act in the world. And if you experience this phenomenon you should recognize it as pathological, and not mistake it for enlightenment. At that point you should seek interaction with experts so they can correct your path, because this phenomenon has been known since ancient times but isn’t taken as seriously by casual enthusiasts.
@Aftermyownheart Жыл бұрын
@@animula6908 I think this might be where I am😢. Experts?
@Philosia Жыл бұрын
@@animula6908 What a rubbish suggestion! How one can know rising energy or falling of energy? There is no way.
@sharbear4734 Жыл бұрын
I was doing my morning meditation and to my right as my eyes were closed I saw an eye staring at me it was brown shades. I couldn't believe it! I haven't seen it since.
@anafinaumatakibau7194 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing
@jnibler994 Жыл бұрын
WOW thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@yangzombhutia6655 Жыл бұрын
Gratitude 🙏🙏🙏
@user-wp5yv8ge6m Жыл бұрын
I opened my 3 eye long time ago, it made me look in life diffrent :)
@susansteenkamp8537 Жыл бұрын
I've experienced most of these for years and did not know. I could know what's going to happen next and avoid certain places and yet I did not know. Others saw things in me and yet I did not know. My lifestyle has changed a lot... like less lights and noise. I don't have friends because I feel the need to not have. I love quiet spaces. I see the unseen ancestors in my dreams all the time. The temper ive had has quieten down a lot. I am more in touch with whats not known. I'm extremely interested in being aware of this spiritual journey. I have the strong yearning to learn and understand more. I see lots of angel signs. How do I go about as I want to experience the full meaning and purpose of my life. I am fully in touch with nature... I'm drawn to it... the smells ... sounds... colours... vastness. .. beauty... movement
@NareshDhokia Жыл бұрын
@@susansteenkamp8537 I too feel, some of these things. It is like entering, another world 🌎 existence. Thank you so much, for BEAUTIFULLY, explaining. God bless you. Peace.
@picofaradactyl 7 ай бұрын
You are a beacon of love and compassion.
@EngineeringMadeEasy 7 ай бұрын
Thank you ❤
@marjisurasinghe2228 Жыл бұрын
Excellent information
@Authenticallykary Жыл бұрын
Exactly! Have these all the time
@EngineeringMadeEasy Жыл бұрын
Great 👍
@HeySeussGranny Жыл бұрын
Pressure between your eyebrows, headaches, intuition has improved, more sensitive to light and sound, synchronicities, with eyes closed you see lights and/or geometric patterns, more conscious of your food, dreams are more vivid and contain messages, telepathic
@damianlopez7630 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. 🙏💗
@genewilliams653 Жыл бұрын
Thankyou..I believe my eye is open.
@asesoule6928 Жыл бұрын
@Shebelizean79 Жыл бұрын
And so I started to have my experiences when I turned 13 and throughout the years a series of unexplainable events occurred. By the time I turned 25 I was In full mode I started to have visions. My first vision was of my daughter who will be turning 18 this June. God gave me a vision of her and I told her father I was pregnant and described how our child will look etc. I was not pregnant at the time, might I add. But, I saw a vision of her and about a month and a half later, I got pregnant. Then I started being able to see those that make themselves visible. Hear those that wants to be heard. And also premonitions and dreams that have came true. . So yes… the 3rd eye.
@user-xn4bu7tm8m 8 ай бұрын
What hv you SEEN ..
@susancollins337 Жыл бұрын
Thank you 🙏 ❤️
@BijouBakson 9 ай бұрын
thank u for sharing your thoughts
@theenlightenedjiminy8179 Жыл бұрын
Holy crap knuckles I’ve suspected it for a while but it seems it’s finally getting there. Good luck to the rest of ya all we need more conscious people in this world
@candygamer_yt5936 Жыл бұрын
You are brilliant! Love your channel
@krisnasingh2570 Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much
@user-yr6hx5sf3j 6 ай бұрын
Thank you 4 sharing
@veeboyclimcarillo2268 Жыл бұрын
@BlackHairandSkinCare Жыл бұрын
💜💜💜 all facts
@vickyld59 9 ай бұрын
Thank you just started watching you.
@sunpixel7734 Жыл бұрын
Thank You 🙏🙏🙏
@timbongterence1400 Жыл бұрын
Thank you father Amen
@alias_Leni Жыл бұрын
Well done with your video editing! I can see that the individual sequences have become longer, so we have the time to dive into the scenery while listening to your voice. The two merge wonderfully if you let the videos play for a few seconds, they become one. The story in the pic and your voice like a guiding overtone. I especially liked how you repeated the white woman's bust with the third eye and how you edited the couple arguing and then meet in real colours a few moments later. That's cool storytelling! 👍 I never linked headaches to the 3rd eye opening. Very interesting...
@EngineeringMadeEasy Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much. I tried to improve as you suggested. I am glad you noticed the change and appreciated it. 😊❤🙏
@terrietrimmer8378 Жыл бұрын
@@EngineeringMadeEasy ll.l .l lm . .lol l ll. . l l l. l l l ll l lll ll.nl.llll l lol l l.l lm . l ll.m ll .l l . ll l. .ll.m l .l.. ll l .m l.l l l lllllll . l. ll l. ..l.l lll l ll ll l l l. l lllll l llll.l l . llll .ll. l . . l lll l l l lm l . ll ll l l l . . l .l ..l. l . lll . l l. lml mml . . l . lm l m mm . . ll l l ll. l .. l m ll l.ml ll.llll
@TrinaSafiya 8 ай бұрын
Mine is in the process. This video is reassuring and very helpful! I'm not going crazy!! 😊
@wakisakalinga6563 Жыл бұрын
Thank you✨💙🙏🏾
@deesmith5533 Жыл бұрын
My third eye opened after a Reiki session around ten years ago. It lasted for a few years. During the time I had a heightened sense of awareness. It kind of freaked me out at the time but now I miss it.
@melissabojorquez7018 9 ай бұрын
Wow that actually happened during a reiki session?
@bodhiapurva3887 8 ай бұрын
@@melissabojorquez7018 Have had dozens of Reiki sessions and asked the therapist to enhance my third eye perception. What happened was not the opening of the third eye but many more lucid dreams that revealed some interesting non-verbal aspects to dreaming that revealed how consciousness changes during the dream state. Heightened awareness is possible just after waking from a lucid dream.
@virginiasouth3704 Жыл бұрын
So that's what's going 🤔 on, hmmm...interesting stuff here! All of this makes much sense to me as awakening is a process and to me, each day I grow closer to God and The Christ consciousness within me, all of this becomes my new reality. It's so rich and rewarding, while immersing self in God's wisdom and knowledge. I absolutely ❤ love becoming into the spirit. It certainly makes ones life so much more brighter and better than ever before. ✨ ☀️❤ ✝️ Thank you for sharing your gifts!
@fatashatucker2819 Жыл бұрын
That's different. Jesus Christ is separated from all these.
@RustyNeverSleepz Жыл бұрын
Loved the video.. I've been experiencing these signs along with dejavu. The dejavu is rampant and out of control. I feel like I'm being tested..
@RustyNeverSleepz Жыл бұрын
@Mattrew Joel I'm looking forward to finding out what all I can learn from DMT. I've heard great things. I'm interested in meeting the Machine Elves that I'm told await us on our trip
@December17wed Жыл бұрын
Searched for this after waking up from an experinece; vibrating, geometrics, literally seeing one eye on my forehead (the give away and clue to what I should investigate), trying but failing to wake up, seeing numerous events almost as if I was there. eventually woke up with heart beating hard and fast and sweating. I thought it would be the first sign my third eye is opening but based on this it's been opened for a long time now. Can the 3rd eye open involuntarily?
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