ADHD Reset: Do These 7 Things Everyday Fix Your Brain & Stop Cognitive Decline | Dr. Mark Hyman

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Mark Hyman, MD

Mark Hyman, MD

7 ай бұрын

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In today’s world, we are seeing an epidemic of ADHD, along with depression, anxiety, dementia, autism, and more. These are systemic disorders where the body affects the brain. Yes, there’s a mind-body connection, but there’s also a body-mind connection. And everybody is different. ADHD is just a name we give to people who share a collection of symptoms: They can’t focus or pay attention, they’re inattentive, and they are hyperactive. These are symptoms. But what are the causes?
In today’s episode of my series I’m calling Health Bites, I talk about what causes ADHD, why it’s so prevalent, and my top strategies to address it. I also share a case study of a patient I treated for ADHD.
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Mentioned in this episode
The UltraMind Solution:
Clayton’s handwriting:
Function Health:

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@loue6563 7 ай бұрын
I worked with children for 30+years. The kids having learning problems increased tenfold or more. From adhd and autism to just not being able to comprehend what they were trying to learn. And while a few children were helped by medication most were not. We would talk about why it was getting so much worse. I always said it was toxins all around us and the junk we eat. I just didn’t know how much our food was affecting us. I only wish we had known then what we are learning now. But I’m so glad we are doing so now.
@middleway1704 7 ай бұрын
Yea except the information actually WAS available but everyone called the ppl bringing it up conspiracists lol. Oh well. 🤷‍♂️
@groves19881 7 ай бұрын
Namaste Such truth behind this❤️❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼
@c.r.p.968 7 ай бұрын
As someone diagnosed with ADHD, married to someone absolutely with ADD (diagnosed) and 4 kids 3 of whom have also been diagnosed, I believe 'ADHD' is a combination of having either low or shut off ability to process dopamine, but also a creative mind. Back in the day, we used to run around a huge playground at recess, walk to/from school, immediately go out after school and ride bikes, climb trees and otherwise get into kid trouble. Now, and with my own kids, homework is like 4 hours work and every minute is scheduled. It's insane. Not to mention all the additives and processing of foods.
@alinamazur-wolski7895 7 ай бұрын
Very true
@bjrnmom 7 ай бұрын
The air we breathe, the water we drink , the food we eat and the ground we walk on, the interventions we take in (electrical, medical, philosophical , emotional) it all adds up.
@1bluegreen2 5 ай бұрын
​@@bjrnmomyeah, had this one psycho in-law insult me about growing up around bad air.. people act like when the government starts to dump on your neighborhood. .. everyone can pick up and move. She also showed how stupid she was in critical thinking because she seemed to be clueless that the consumption in the affluent areas often feeds the dumping in "bad areas". She's literally a walking joke, and I tolerate her because I love my husband, but he's heard her rude comments for himself and now knows who she really is. I am now working hard to provide my family with a better life, but will definitely limit my time around her, and I remember her cruelty when I practice grace with those who are living in these environmentally toxic areas. We are all contributing to the dumping of our consumer waste into these poorer neighborhoods.
@shelleysmith6667 7 ай бұрын
I have been at this for decades. I'm VERY different than normal people. My ability to stay consistent is a joke. It just is. So I'm like Alice in wonderland following my nose. It's my body not my desire, so radical acceptance is key. My health has vastly improved doing all the things you mentioned... not my ADHD. My genetics are still the same. There are things that help for a bit, but I cannot change this hijacking of my will to not be ADHD. I'm am that breed. It's affected every aspect of my life. Knowing it has a name is helping me not feel so damn guilty. It's not fun at all. My dad was narcissist. My mom ADHD. She died at 44. I'm oldest. I identified with my dad but learned I'm not narcissist... just narcissist injured and more like my mom. I was parentified. Oldest of 7. I'll never unwind it all but wanna say I'm at peace better today than ever. I'm so very grateful to learn about healthy eating, mystic awakening and have people that love me.
@mariusd7803 7 ай бұрын
I think there may be a pandemic of adult-onset ADHD either already here or just around the corner due to the hyperstimulating nature of the digital world today. Our dopamine is being depleted from the very moment we wake up until we go to bed through our phones leaving people sluggish, anxious and depressed. We may as well have a hypodermic needle in our pocket or on our desks. The modern workplace needs to act wisely with multiple channels of communication (Emails, Teams, WhatsApp etc) before people get sick and fatigued with neural burnout. Hot desking especially for people with adult ADHD traits is a disaster. It's not being taken seriously at all.
@mayawidyasari6827 7 ай бұрын
In university years, I got bloating and have problem with gas. Then I went abroad to China and got better diet and become better. But back in Indonesia, I got another thypoid bug and H. Pylori overgrowth because the sanitary problem in water system in Indonesia (problem with cheap diet). It ever already affecting my liver. So I got SIBO/ SIFO and my brain got broken again, I am on EDGE again and my brain fog is severe. I am better now. Because of better nutrition and right supplements, but lately I eat many junk food, you know that sugarly comfort food, and I feel a bit on edge again. 😂 I should read your book and fix my diet. I need to tackle this.
@aleay7779 7 ай бұрын
I took my child to preschool for 3 years. At the end of the year, the teachers would tell me he couldn't sit still during circle or reading time. Because of this, I decided to homeschool him because I did not want public school to medicate him.
@iolawellred5895 7 ай бұрын
You are an amazing parent!
@cynthiasivak5689 7 ай бұрын
I wish these things had been known when I was growing up. I was a picture of hyperactivity in school....trouble paying attention, fidgity,trouble following directions, disruptive, didn't work well with others, notes from the teacher to my mom. This was the 1950s and 60s. Had those meds been around, I'd have probably been on one. Variations of this behavior carried on through different phases of my life, yet I somehow managed to become a nurse and found my niche in the ER. Later in life developed severe depression which has been on and off to varying degrees. I've since read that undiagnosed, untreated ADHD can lead to depression in later life and often wonder if my issues in early life were the underlying cause of my later problems. After watching your videos and interviews I wonder if I should seek out a holistic doctor, It's the one thing I've not tried. Thank you for all your work Dr. Hyman. I'm learning a lot and just might beat this yet.
@krugmeister7301 7 ай бұрын
My ADD tore me down...With Peer pressure on me too.. My High School Removed me from High School and Threw me into A MENTAL institution....A place to work with Others and myself....IT WAS HORRIBLE....😪😪😪
@DarkAngel-cj6sx 6 ай бұрын
My goodness that is insane. My son is autistic and he can hardly focus but I am trying to fix his brain the natural ways Big hug
@mkathrynblacker5960 6 ай бұрын
I am thoroughly convinced in many factors causing ADD. My number one is the use of technology and the speed at which we get our information. When I was a kid there were no phones. When we stood in a long line, we did not have our phones to keep us occupied. Our brains were FORCED to be mindful, activate creativity, take notice of your fellow man standing next to you, get to know him and care about him, etc. The other large influence IMO happened in the schools with the "knowledge is power" trip. Recesses and lunch periods were shortened. Toddlers and young children were forced to sit in seats for long periods of time and learn facts rather than learning by playing. So if Johnny can't sit still for 4 hours before lunch, of course he's going to act up! Doesn't mean he has ADD!!
@jodyfro1312 7 ай бұрын
This feels so dismissive of people who have spend decades cleaning up their diets, taking supplements, getting toxins out of their homes yet still suffer from ADHD. I’m talking ADULTS. Then to have children benefitting from the best of care and food, etc. still suffering from similar symptoms. It is way, way deeper than what this video relays. Speaking from experience.
@PinkLady54 7 ай бұрын
I am kinda agreeing with You... I have been on zero grains, dairy & virtually zero sugar - eating clean keto lifestyle for nearly 2 yrs where I cook & make EVERYTHING I eat!! Mayo, ranch dressing mix, taco seasoning, make my own coconut yogurt, grow my own sprouts!! On & On!! Eat pastured eggs & organic free range meats mostly!! Drink clean electrolytes in my water - 64 oz per day!!! STILL getting sensitivities to more & more foods. Taking many reputable supplements including probiotics, betaine HCL, NAC, nettles, quercitin, Yarrow BoneUp, Natrol Easy C, methylated B's from Thorne, Raw Zinc from Garden of Life & eating sardines, herring, cod livers & taking oil from Carlson. 3 wks ago started CBD & CBN also... Also 2 yrs ago stopped using ALL Bath & Body Works lotions, bath washes & perfumes!! Never used deodorants.... STILL getting More sensitivities! Still ADD! Still have chronic fatigue!! When is that supposed to change? I am poor & ill... I only have managed health care & You functional medicine Drs are FAR above what common ppl can afford. Do You do charity work?? Any of You?? I am doing all I can. Managed health care insurance won't even pay for half the tests I need as they only cover the most simple tests that will result in getting a prescription that they will pay for me to take!! But I am smart enough to KNOW that my symptoms are NOT a lack of their worthless drugs. Don't ppl see they are still sick no matter how many they take?!? How do You suggest kind Sir I get well as I am already doing everything You said best I can... ?? Though it looks as though You don't read comments or respond so not sure why I am going on & on... Frustration? Anger? Hopelessness? yup probably 🤪🥺😎
@carochan86 7 ай бұрын
​@@PinkLady54 I admire your perseverance. I've tried gluten free with no improvements. I've gone without medication and I have trouble functioning. It's helped me get through college and work. I have been recently eating a more balanced diet. I wish you luck in your journey.
@PinkLady54 7 ай бұрын
@@carochan86 Keep up the trials! As he mentioned gluten is contained in most grains to lesser degrees. & if You eat ANY processed foods in boxes & cans there is probably an ingredient that is actually wheat but they are disguised as natural food flavor or starch. Also the can be cross reactivity with things like instant coffee as they use barley in the manufacture & that causes problems. That's why I am making EVERY treat, chocolate etc that I eat. Lots of custards & custard ice creams made with organic canned coconut milks & coconut butter. I am serious to get better. All that to say just not eating bread does not constitute going gluten or grain free. Also dairy is a HUGE reactor for many health issues. It was mine for weight gain, IBS & acid reflux... A real elimination diet can really give You help in knowing which way to go... Trying to think of an expert in that to suggest... ?? Been doing this study for over 40 yrs so hard to remember 😉☺️ Don't give up!! You are worth it!! You can find answers!!
@carochan86 7 ай бұрын
​@@PinkLady54what was your goal for keto and gluten free? How has this lifestyle helped you mitigate your health ? How did you measure your results. ?What kind of results have you seen?
@tylerd5556 7 ай бұрын
@@PinkLady54 You mentioned 'eliminating dairy'. I have heard through several channels on KZfaq as well as the medical providers that I go to at a university medical facility that COW'S milk can have issues with humans; however goat and sheep milk does not have those same issues. My family has been raising goats since I was born and I drink their milk and eat their cheese and greek yogurt without buying store-bought dairy products and others have said it helps them too. There's something genetically closer to humans I think to goats than cows. Go to your local farmers market, farm stands, Co-op grocery stores, and ask around. It is FAR better when bought fresh from the farm in the glass mason jars, etc. than when it goes into retailers because the taste changes. We recommend consuming within 10 days after it comes out of the utter so its best to find your local dairy goat or dairy sheep farm. Protein helps my brain stay healthy, so I prefer the Keto diet + diverse salads. GOOD LUCK!!!!
@SlowLivingWithAutism 7 ай бұрын
I saw a functional medical doctor (actually two separate ones) for a few years. My initial labs were absolutely perfect. They never saw such perfect initial labs. I'm very careful to take care of myself. I've been eating very clean, nutrient dense, lower carb, etc. for decades. I even grow most of my veg and berries, raise my own chickens for meat and eggs, raise goats and cattle for A2 dairy, sheep for meat, and a friend raises grass-fed and finished beef for me. Just saying: a very high-quality diet, low stress, exercise daily, walk and hike frequently, sleep great (as long as I'm careful to do my Ayurvedic self-care practices daily), excellent elimination. On and on. My lab work showed zero inflammation, too. Textbook perfect. But I still have autism and it effects me daily. YES, it's definitely more problematic if I stray from my diet / lifestyle efforts, but it's always there. I'm almost 50 and just doing the best I can. No magic pills or quick fixes. The most peace I've found is (after doing all I CAN do) --- learning how to live with what I've been dealt. Embracing it and setting myself up for success. A small example: my daughter does most of my shopping. Shopping will set me back physically and mentally for days or weeks, so I stopped trying to force myself to do it.
@blissh808 Ай бұрын
I recommend get a rebounder. It might help you with your autistic. Autism is underdeveloped cerebellum, need a lot of activity in that part of the brain. 😊
@SlowLivingWithAutism Ай бұрын
​@@blissh808​I've had a good rebounder (Needak) for about 15 years and love it :) I rebound almost daily, and 3 times a week I rebound for 40 minutes as my cardio. The other days I just rebound for about 10 minutes (3 of those days are strength exercises).
@wildedibles819 7 ай бұрын
I got threatened by the school first without meds your son cannot come back to school Then got threatened by care workers who said if I didn't give him meds they could take my kids away because the Drs said my sons brain doesn't work right without meds But when he turned 18 they tried to take meds away which screwed around with his mental health Thanks for the talk getting it out there because even his pediatrician said food cannot change anything
@anotherSavingGrace 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing.. are you from Europe where we hear the most number of cases of child snatching by 'authorities' (who don't have a _cure_ for it anyway).. In my knowledge such a concept does not exist in Asia
@osmacar5331 7 ай бұрын
@@anotherSavingGrace that's america not EU we have freedom of medical declination.
@iolawellred5895 7 ай бұрын
The issue is not getting proper nutrition as well as confirming the status of mineraks and actual levels of good nutrition. Dr s don't know what nutrition looks like unless they've studied and experienced healthy children as in a functional dr can.
@tttm99 7 ай бұрын
Great video as usual. ADD / ADHA always reminded me of umbrella terms for syndromes like IBS that were a shortcut at describing the symptoms, heavily commercialised for marketing purposes as much as for medical reasons. I just imagine these non diagnostic buckets being used for a cough and a doctor saying "ah! At last! We have the answer - you have a cough!" This is how they should be thought of - as largely diagnostically useless.
@christinaedwards356 7 ай бұрын
This is what Healthcare should be. Instead majority is Health Scare.
@parisconstantinou8299 7 ай бұрын
one million followers!!!yeah!!!GO MARK!!!!!
@thearb2003 7 ай бұрын
Diagnosed with Hashi's 2017 Endo who only tested my TSH knew I had to get more involved with my health. Food sensitivities and fixing the gut and getting on the right meds and right labs. We all need to pay attention to what is in our grocery cart. ! Recently addressing nutrients and making more changes to get those migraines at bay. Thank you for such great info and explained so well. Even at 5 days into this I see changes ... body is telling us something with these symptoms the only way it knows how to... by sympoms
@iolawellred5895 7 ай бұрын
Exactly but many people are trying to shut down inconvenient symptoms rather than exploring the root causes. Then as busy parents they succumb to a bandaid solution harming further rather than focusing and educating themselves.
@aleay7779 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for this info
@siyabongashange4195 7 ай бұрын
Im definately going to try this on mys son, next time he comes to live with me.
@05greggo 7 ай бұрын
Sure wish that our public education system would adopt better guidelines for school lunches. Many of our kids could benefit, so could teachers. This holiday week was rough in school. Sugar intake was high. 😖
@VoiceoverMomentum 7 ай бұрын
Thanks for this. Please bring the Doctors Farmacy interview format back.
@Jewel-fu1jk 7 ай бұрын
Love this channel so much👌🏻 ... thank you 🥰
@mayawidyasari6827 7 ай бұрын
I know what happened to me, Mr. Hyman. Overuse of antibiotics. My mom is a general practitioner. Her medical paradigm is even a slight infection needs to be treated with antibiotics. Which is in her era is right, because if your fever is to high your brain could be damaged and an earache could permanently damage your hearing. So I don't blame her. But it means I am the second generation of people who are using antibiotics intensely. On top of that my family have poor diet (lack in nutrition in term of variation and quality). So I have cronic ashtma when I was a child. Anemia when I was a teenager. Standard GAPS children. On top of that my mom treat my asthma with dexa, which is bad for the gut. My mental problem is worsening in my teenage years because I have thypoid infection and got another shot of antibiotics. I am overreacting to sound and light. Very nervous. Like always in the edge. Like in the verge of ADHD, but very light. I was very anxious. Looking back it is suffering growing up in that condition.
@anotherSavingGrace 7 ай бұрын
So how are you now.. you sound 'sound' now.. how did you overcome.. I m asking this for my toddler who has potential ASD n he was getting better due many reasons bt he had to be given antibiotics due to severe tooth infection.. n down he spiraled. Now we r ramping up again.
@mayawidyasari6827 7 ай бұрын
@@anotherSavingGrace Well, I take care of my SIBO/ SIFO using Thyme Oil (extracted using VCO). You got to get rid of the bad bug first. Then you take care the gut with Glutamine + Probiotic. Good nutrition very crucial. What help me a lot is VCO + Bee Propolis every morning. Omega 3, Lemon, Vit C, Anti oxidant, Vit E, vit D, Magnesium. I don't consume all at once. It is better you do the testing guided by Dr. Hyman protocol. I just doing what I can because that level of care not available for me here in Indonesia.
@suzannepoffel2160 7 ай бұрын
Inflammation of all ...and i had a Stroke my poor head apart is dead. No sleep, depression migraines so on and I'm over 60 i am old,fat bla bla bla.... thank you for the reset need ❤
@mayawidyasari6827 7 ай бұрын
What sugarly food? Nescafe. I used to have ground beans coffee, but my hubby bought me this Sing instant coffee. And this Korean ginger honey syrup. Guilty pleasures. Problem with me is there is time when I am mentally stable. And there is a time that suddenly my senses assault me. And makes me nervous. I supplemented myself with Omega 3, B Vitamins from bee propolis, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, anti oxidant from melon extract. Used to be stable until this late sugar fiasco.
@persnickety369 7 ай бұрын
Brains are just different. Schools are designed for a specific brain type.
@curtistowler8643 7 ай бұрын
Thank you
@pamcotterman7073 7 ай бұрын
Dr. Hyman, first of all, thank you for this video! I wanted to ask you, since you mentioned “lack of amino acids in the blood”, I’m curious to know if there can also be an “over abundance of one or more of the many amino acids in the blood”, and especially, if that can cause neurological issues? (ie; anxiety, depression, hyperacussis, etc) If so, I’d like to hope that the side effects are reversible ~ with diet. Any ideas would be most helpful. Thx so much!
@daniellerandall6486 7 ай бұрын
I love your videos think your my favourite teacher in becoming a functional medicine doctor . You have taught me so much .
@iolawellred5895 7 ай бұрын
Thank you dr hymen for helping people see and feel the actual help avai6.
@thiamae5914 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for your work, Dr. H! 💗 Your link to see the handwriting doesn't contain this. Thank you.
@darrenaris297 7 ай бұрын
OK help thanks
@wizlink8575 7 ай бұрын
Good morning Dr. Hyman just want to say thank for this video .i had anxiety for some past month now i know am getting over it but sometimes my head hurt i can't focus sometimes even when am laughing i can feel it please let me know what to do thank much ❤
@proudchristian77 7 ай бұрын
We grew up with thugs & school was a problem for us too , because home life was threatening & iffy & kids cannot learn when drama is at home , yelling and screaming & physical abuse, do not mix with little kids, 💝🙄
@TheLisaDeesDelightsShow 7 ай бұрын
What is the best amino acid supplements?
@kathrynnewton8721 7 ай бұрын
Let me know when you’re in England please, would love an appoint! I’m a health professional for over 50yrs and turned my own health issues around about ten years ago. Still have a few issues with fatigue etc but it’s so difficult to find a functional practitioner………
@PinkLady54 7 ай бұрын
I am kinda agreeing with You... I have been on zero grains, dairy & virtually zero sugar - eating clean keto lifestyle for nearly 2 yrs where I cook & make EVERYTHING I eat!! Mayo, ranch dressing mix, taco seasoning, make my own coconut yogurt, grow my own sprouts!! On & On!! Eat pastured eggs & organic free range meats mostly!! Drink clean electrolytes in my water - 64 oz per day!!! STILL getting sensitivities to more & more foods. Taking many reputable supplements including probiotics, betaine HCL, NAC, nettles, quercitin, Yarrow BoneUp, Natrol Easy C, methylated B's from Thorne, Raw Zinc from Garden of Life & eating sardines, herring, cod livers & taking oil from Carlson. 3 wks ago started CBD & CBN also... Also 2 yrs ago stopped using ALL Bath & Body Works lotions, bath washes & perfumes!! Never used deodorants.... STILL getting More sensitivities! Still ADD! Still have chronic fatigue!! When is that supposed to change? I am elderly, poor & ill... I only have managed health care & You functional medicine Drs are FAR above what common ppl can afford. Do You do charity work?? Any of You?? I am doing all I can. Managed health care insurance won't even pay for half the tests I need as they only cover the most simple tests that will result in getting a prescription that they will pay for me to take!! But I am smart enough to KNOW that my symptoms are NOT a lack of their worthless drugs. Don't ppl see they are still sick no matter how many they take?!? How do You suggest kind Sir I get well as I am already doing everything You said best I can... ?? Though it looks as though You don't read comments or respond so not sure why I am going on & on... Frustration? Anger? Hopelessness? yup probably 🤪🥺😎
@dianegrishaber9366 7 ай бұрын
You need to be tested for heavy metals and mold. If positive, treat the toxic overload
@PinkLady54 7 ай бұрын
@@dianegrishaber9366 Thank You for the suggestion. Do You have chronic fatigue & ADD? Got these tests & got better? Do You know the name of the specific tests so I can ask my Dr?? Thank You again.
@tylerd5556 7 ай бұрын
We all need to keep consuming a variety of many minerals and vitamins (which are most obsorbed by our bodies when consumed in their natural state: from foods and water rather than in a plastic bottle). You mentioned 'eliminating dairy'. I have heard through several channels on KZfaq as well as the medical providers that I go to at a university medical facility that COW'S milk can have issues with humans; however goat and sheep milk does not have those same issues. My family has been raising goats since I was born and I drink their milk and eat their cheese and greek yogurt without buying store-bought dairy products and others have said it helps them too. There's something genetically closer to humans I think to goats than cows. Go to your local farmers market, farm stands, Co-op grocery stores, and ask around. It is FAR better when bought fresh from the farm in the glass mason jars, etc. than when it goes into retailers because the taste changes. We recommend consuming within 10 days after it comes out of the utter so its best to find your local dairy goat or dairy sheep farm. Protein helps my brain stay healthy, so I prefer the Keto diet + diverse salads. GOOD LUCK!!!!
@freebrook 7 ай бұрын
what about ADHD in adults
@jodyfro1312 7 ай бұрын
I was curious why he only referred to children.
@carochan86 7 ай бұрын
Dr Hymn . What is your opinion on adult adhd. Many of us were diagnosed as adults. When your a kid to adult ADHD does it just " go way"?
@2a3ylin 8 күн бұрын
same thing but maybe it will be even harder to see improvement as an adult, still worth a try
@nancycy9039 7 ай бұрын
There are many, many children & adults with documented ADHD of each of the three types. I didn’t hear any mention of the need for medication for these people to have any semblance of a successful life. All of these food & l health recommendations are great and would only add to a person’s well being. I hope these suggestions would be fully implemented for a long period of time before consideration of taking someone off of their medication. ADHD is certainly real and not just a construct of modern day medical imagination. It causes genuine non functioning and suffering.
@iolawellred5895 7 ай бұрын
They are a symptom of a bigger underlying issue. I don't actually believe or agree with what you are stating.
@2a3ylin 8 күн бұрын
did you even listen to the video? the kid got better with improving his lifestyle and didnt even need the meds anymore.
@equipolosantrax57 7 ай бұрын
Why do some of us get negative thoughts for no reason and I don't mean suicide or murder just like anger and resentment against certain people in your life that have done nothing to you. I am currently on fluoxetine and it helps, but I don't want to be on it forever. Based on your videos I do eat lots of junk food fast food and consume about 40-80oz of soda daily and it has been this way for the last idk 15 years, maybe. I do try to eat more fruits and vegetables and drink purified water but start to feel nervous and shaky.
@DarkAngel-cj6sx 6 ай бұрын
Try to clean up your gut by taking wormwood and take amino acids. I have an autistic son and natural way is the only way and of course diet and of course add probiotic and I am glad you stopped eating junk foods because if you don't those supplements won't work
@daphnedoucette3585 7 ай бұрын
Can you please tell me how I find a doctor who practices functional medicine? Is there an association I can look up to see if there are any in a particular area?
@ADHDGirl-jv7cw Ай бұрын
Can you do an interview with Dr. James Greenblatt? Dr. Greenblatt is a psychiatrist with a functional approach to treating ADHD.
@laceyturner3318 7 ай бұрын
So helpful! Is there a multi vitamin you recommend that contain the vitamins deficient in this video? Wanting to do that with the dietary changes.
@hayleypbop6997 7 ай бұрын
ADHD isn’t confined to that ‘naughty kid in the class’. Girls with adhd tend to heavily mask and just underperform relative to perceived ability. We’ve always been there but we’ve always been labelled different or lazy or worse.
@iolawellred5895 7 ай бұрын
If the person isn't aware of underlying nutritional deficiencies then they are open to a quick label or diagnoses as per the medical model. I don't think that's modern medicine.
@hayleypbop6997 7 ай бұрын
@@iolawellred5895 I don’t think adhd diagnosis is ‘quick’ and I think nutritional deficiency would have to be consistent, from childhood, and severe. ADHD isn’t a little bit of distractibility, it’s a complete misfiring of the executive function, a miswiring of the dopamine uptake system and often exists with co-morbidities. Of the women I know who fought like mad for diagnosis lots have hammered the nutritional and health routes and finally found some relief in medication.
@daniellerandall6486 7 ай бұрын
I’m not surprised with the food they give them , shocking .
@lynkinealy2926 7 ай бұрын
I cannot believe that one child can have all those problems. They're handing out anti schizophrenia drugs for depression now in Australia.
@JayJanePhotography 13 күн бұрын
Is it Amisulpride/solian you're referring to? I'd ask a doctor for non-stimulant options like this if possible.
@elesig2 7 ай бұрын
So where do we get to see the handwriting graphic?
@matrixxafterdark6704 7 ай бұрын
Were there any type of testing for different parasites??
@karlceriola909 7 ай бұрын
1M SUBSCRIBERS!!!! Just notice this.
@daniellerandall6486 7 ай бұрын
I read if you have celiacs undiagnosed your child can go onto have epilepsy. It can cause loads of mental health issues .
@jameshsmith9576 7 ай бұрын
Where is this Dr located ?
@camarorules1 5 ай бұрын
Can i be tested for mold toxicity?
@servantrose 7 ай бұрын
If you came for the 7 things start here 21:40
@mohammedmazahir1888 7 ай бұрын
Thanks ❤
@dpac_96 7 ай бұрын
Could someone please summarize the info in the video?
@2a3ylin 8 күн бұрын
basically you have to start with your diet. if youre eating junk, replace it with clean nutritious foods. check some of the most important vitamins to see if you’re deficient (A, B12, B6, D and all the Bs really). thats something you can do on your own cos not everyone has the money for a functional practitioner. but if you actually have the means, its advisable to get one so he can check your toxins and mold and stuff like that and work on that too. another thing which was not mentioned in the video but still a huge piece of the puzzle: circadian rhythms. do your research on that to see how living out of synch with the sun is causing mental health and overall health problems in the modern man. good luck and take care.
@amandaweiss9664 7 ай бұрын
Tryna detox to heal my autism
@user-cy1hu7sb2y 7 ай бұрын
What multivitamin do you recommend for 7 year olds?
@ainahaga 6 ай бұрын
Try a liposomal multivitamin Ive tested so many, gonna order mary ruth liposomal now and try that, I have tested many and I have not been pleased with any of those Ive tried.
@jademoon5103 2 ай бұрын
Celery juice helped me detox
@carochan86 7 ай бұрын
So your claiming all ADHD is gut based. My Father had ADHD and anxiety I know I inherited it from him . I have ADHD . I was diagnosed when I was 19. Mom said I was always different then other kids. I've done gluten free for a month before but I didn't feel any different. My anxiety and ADHD were the same. I would love the list of test you used to measure results. I didn't do any before and after tests when I went gluten free.
@2a3ylin 8 күн бұрын
first of all 1 month is not enough you should give it more time. but still gluten free may not be the cure all for some people. i personally was gluten free for 6 months and i saw maybe 10% improvement on my mental health. i was still having some energy drinks and sugar tho. next step is to clean your diet from anything processed. if that doesnt work, then keto. (im on the keto step for now). if that doesnt work then remove dairy and go carnivore. some people only saw relief from mental health issues only when they started carnivore. stick to the process and dont give up, i wish you the best. and remember, nothing tastes as good as being mentally healthy feels. food is only one piece of the puzzle tho, the body is a complex machine.
@jackwt7340 7 ай бұрын
You regularly take vitamin A and vitamin D , judging by your skin.
@markrice3019 7 ай бұрын
😀 😃
@jesuswouldkilhimself 7 ай бұрын
I don't see the handwriting sample
@batchelerjr 7 ай бұрын
That was me but I just got a dunce cap
@celesteburley4035 2 ай бұрын
Not just kids have ADHD...!!! My licensed therapist told me 2 days ago that ADD is gone as the correct term. It's all ADHD now.
@CC-tr7tv 7 ай бұрын
Why do neuro psychiatrist doctors diagnose adults over 60 with adhd not dementia?
@2a3ylin 8 күн бұрын
because dementia and adhd are two different conditions
@thetlc9 7 ай бұрын
As someone who was just diagnosed with ADHD at 40 years old, this video is a bit of an F you … while I agree we shouldn’t overmedicate kids or people in general, I also think it’s important to acknowledge that there are people that are significantly affected by this disorder and medications are sometimes needed (and can be life changing)
@jodyfro1312 7 ай бұрын
Exactly. I was 56 when finally diagnosed. Concerta has been LIFE CHANGING for me. This feels so dismissive and simple: clean up your diet, take supplements and it is all good. Not true at all. Also, it is an antiquated way of looking at ADHD as presenting as the one wild kid in the class. Girls and women have completely different symptoms.
@carochan86 7 ай бұрын
I think it should be also noted the side effects of getting off a medication can be very hard even with a doctor's help. With out the proper coping tool vitamins aren't going to replace a prescription. There are like 7 types of Adhd. So would each different type of Adhd get it's own set of vitamins? Medication has been life altering for me as an ADHD adult. I don't know what I would do without Vyvannse. On a side note multivitamins have helped me . I feel like I have better memory and cognitive ability especially with basic math which I use daily in the kitchen.
@carolritchie1122 7 ай бұрын
Another book to help understand ADD is "Driven to Distraction: Recognizing and Coping with Attention Deficit Disorder from Childhood through Adulthood" by Edward M. Hallowell, MD and John J. Ratey, MD
@astralwyrm3787 4 ай бұрын
Problem is that ADHD is complex; even just ADHD itself can effect a person in different ways. Then you have comorbidities and other mental health problems that can be mistaken for ADHD or vice versa. People want there to be a simple problem/solution. When someone presents one some people inevitably feel that it helped them and feel it confirms what they've been told. But again ADHD is complex and no one can at a single glance say yes you have ADHD. Take me for example I have anxiety issues that I believed were inattentive ADHD. But I still don't know it's not ADHD it's sort of the chicken and the egg kind of problem. There is lots of room for misconceptions and misdiagnosis.
@2a3ylin 8 күн бұрын
never did he say medications werent needed. he only said that medication isnt the cure which is true and he is trying to help his patients heal by getting to the root cause. after theyre healed they dont need meds anymore.
@mgn1621 7 ай бұрын
Developmental trauma
@wellnesspathforme6236 7 ай бұрын
Non-food metallic iron filing and toxic fat overload - Morley Robbins and Dr. Chris Palmer bookend the problem. Dr. Thomas Seyfried as well. Too bad people will react to this and not process it. Bit Big Brother loves you, right? Lol
@paulchristel3665 6 ай бұрын
Dr is great…he needs to focus on the subject 3/4 of the video is him constantly talking about symptoms not solutions. Should be a 5 minute video. I guess it’s his add😂
@stephweissinger 7 ай бұрын
What if it's not diagnosed till an adult. Adult ADD
@annavieste7208 7 ай бұрын
Omg wtf parent feeds their kids CRAP ? how stupid have people become ? I used to think I was weird and not the “ norm “ because of my Italian mother but now WOW ! So amazed that she gave me my future and fed me properly with whole food. She made my lunch and when I bought lunch told me not to buy meat pies and advised the healthier option . I grew up thinking she was bat shit crazy and why couldn’t I have “ normal “ parents ? But now with what we know I am so grateful my 91 year old mother still gives me tips on how she is so healthy !
@relicofgold 7 ай бұрын
Thanks doc, but this is a 5 min vid max, stretched out to 20 minutes. Since I have ADHD, I never did get the 7 things.
@carochan86 7 ай бұрын
Maybe increase the speed of the video to 1.25 or 1.50 speed.
@stellaancimer8505 2 ай бұрын
Fix your gut, inflammation, then the brain will work properly 😊
@tapuit1 7 ай бұрын
I find it a bit strange that you said that his mother was great!? Did she not know that he was on a junk food diet?
@pamcotterman7073 7 ай бұрын
What happened to my comment?
@kitkat3138 7 ай бұрын
Love your work and videos but surely you can condense them down a bit? It’s the too much talking and waffling…. Get to the point and be concise.
@user-kx5lf6kc8w 7 ай бұрын
How do I find a doctor like you? Do I look up functional health doctor?
@user-ho6sm6iq6i 7 ай бұрын
His background is Functional Medicine so yes search that
@user-kx5lf6kc8w 7 ай бұрын
@@user-ho6sm6iq6i thank you bro
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