All End Game Dialogue Options with Seyka + Telling Varl

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This video shows every end game dialogue option with Seyka in Horizon's Burning Shores as well as Aloy telling Varl about it afterwards. NOTE: The dialogue with Varl in this video is only if you go back to the base at the end and haven't spoken to him throughout the DLC. The dialogue changes if you speak to him after every DLC story mission.
There's a new version of this video with updated Varl Dialogue and post-game Seyka Dialoge here:
• Burning Shores All End...
We stan Seyka in this house!
0:00 - Romance Dialogue Opening
1:55 - Brain or Logical Decision
4:10 - Brain or Logical Telling Varl
4:50 - Fist or Confrontational Decision
6:47 - Fist or Confrontational Telling Varl
7:27 - Heart or Compassionate Decision
8:57 - Heart or Compassionate Telling Varl

Пікірлер: 37
@Ripley95-Horizon-sc3py Жыл бұрын
New version of this video with updated Varl Dialogue and post-game Seykak dialogue here: 0:00 - Romance Dialogue Opening 1:55 - Brain or Logical Decision 4:10 - Brain or Logical Telling Varl 4:50 - Fist or Confrontational Decision 6:47 - Fist or Confrontational Telling Varl 7:27 - Heart or Compassionate Decision 8:57 - Heart or Compassionate Telling Varl
@LadyLuck8837 Жыл бұрын
This is the first video I’ve seen with someone telling Varl!! Loved it thank you!
@Ripley95-Horizon-sc3py Жыл бұрын
As soon as I saw Aloy had unique dialogue with Varl, I just had to see if they were different with the different endings. Thought it would be a fun video to make that people might be curious about. Thanks for the comment!
@Carol.R.F. 8 ай бұрын
​@@Ripley95-Horizon-sc3pyindeed it was interesting! Thank you for sharing I didn't even know there was this possibility
@LeeEverett1 Жыл бұрын
The last one is actually warming, none of us thought Aloy could do romance with someone either. I definitely want them to explore it more in the third game
@Carol.R.F. 8 ай бұрын
Me too!!! She deserves it
@tiagopatricio3805 Жыл бұрын
People miss the point of Aloy's journey in Forbidden West. Thanks to Varl 's insistince in coming with her and never giving up she grew more comfortable around people. This isn't out of nowhere and its not forced. If you play the dlc you'll see how much chemistry she and Seyka have throughout and Aloy's inner monologue shows how strong her feelings are growing for Seyka. And just because the world is still in danger doesn't mean its out of character for her to have one quick kiss before leaving. The dialog in this scenes shows she's still has her priorities in order. She just has even more reasons to fight for than just because its what Elizabet Sobeck would have wanted. If this happened at the end of Zero Dawn I could see people's point but we had a whole game of Aloy growing into being more open and receptive to other people.
@Ripley95-Horizon-sc3py Жыл бұрын
100% agree. I feel like the DLC was really just to show how far Aloy has come with her personal journey and I'm here for it.
@Carol.R.F. 8 ай бұрын
Totally agree with you!
@almilac Жыл бұрын
I can't get enough of being impressed by the facial expressions in this game.
@Ripley95-Horizon-sc3py Жыл бұрын
Seriously! I was shocked how good they were.
@barbarar2216 Жыл бұрын
I really like all three options, they are all super valid to Aloy's character, and its nice to see her be vulnerable for once. I also like she doesn't deny her feelings, just stating she isn't (or is) ready. She has gone so far! EDIT: Also, I am having a good laugh at some ppl about this, they are acting like Aloy asked her to marry or something. When in reality its just a very soft hope that things could happen. Let our girl be happy for once, she saved the planet like 3 times already.
@Carol.R.F. 8 ай бұрын
Yeah indeed totally agree with you
@FreemanicParacusia Жыл бұрын
The aggressive option was a lot more sympathetic than I expected it to be - we never really see Aloy show fear; with this she shows Seyka a level of vulnerability that to me goes deeper than even the romantic option. Aloy kind of channeled Temperence Brennan in the logical option. Comes across as the most self-aware of the three, even if it seems the saddest - there’s no way someone could have the upbringing she had, with such a severe degree of social isolation, without being to some extent *broken.* Rost is the only reason she isn’t as far gone as Beta was when we first found her. Humans *need* social interaction, and Aloy is still a relative newcomer to interpersonal relationships. But let’s be honest, people probably chose the romantic option by reflex. And if it can develop into something, good for them. I’ll be curious how they handle romance in Horizon 3 without save imports. Not everyone will have played the DLC, and plenty of people ship Aloy with others (Petra, Talanah, Erend, Kotallo, Avad, even Morlund). I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. 😊
@Ripley95-Horizon-sc3py Жыл бұрын
I was quite surprised by the aggressive option, honestly, but in a good way. I liked seeing that side of Aloy and getting a glimpse into her vulnerabilities. Lol, I can see what you mean about channeling Temperence Brennan with the logical option. It was very self aware, and I fully agree that it would be hard for someone like Aloy not to be broken with her upbringing. I can imagine the idea of human relationships being very daunting to her. But yes, I imagine most people chose the romance option. I have to say, I actually found something I liked and appreciated about every ending. I think they were all good in their own ways and each showed a different side of Aloy. But my favourite was the romance one. I like that it shows how far Aloy has come and that she's opening herself up to these experiences if that's what she wants. It really is going to be interesting what they do in the next game though! It's such a bummer that the DLC is only a PS5 exclusive, so you're right, many people won't play it plus just the problems with save imports... That being said, they have made canon choices for the where things were a choice before... AHEM... Nil, anyone? I think people seem to love him but he wasn't around by the end of my first game. Colour me surprised when I finished the racing missions in Forbidden West! My own thoughts on how they'll handle Seyka are that maybe they just had this romance as a way to show Aloy's growth and potential for wanting romance, like an introduction to the premise. Even the romance option with Seyka had kind of a fleeting "I'm not sure if this is permanent" kind of feel. Aloy says she still has a lot to do and Seyka said that for now just knowing how she feels is enough. It seems like they both know it may not actually work out in the end. It felt like the writers were trying to leave all of the options open-ended with that, so I keep thinking that's their way of making the next game very open to how they want to handle it. I was really hoping for a Mass Effect style, Aloy gets to choose kind of deal, but I guess we'll see! I'll be excited for romance however they choose to handle it though.
@rizziandrea2011 Жыл бұрын
Well i wouldn't ve so confident about that. About that people will choose the romantic option, i didn't choosed it. Cause i don't see MY Aloy going whit this one. I ship aloy whit other more intresting caracthers. So don't be so confident that people choose aloy going whit this one. I saw the majority refusing to see aloy whit a caracther showed up in just 5 missions.
@Ripley95-Horizon-sc3py Жыл бұрын
@@rizziandrea2011 Rejection is still a fair answer and can be a canonical choice to who's playing, so that's up to you. I think there are many people that can see past the ship issue and see how significant this growth is for Aloy, though, so I still wouldn't be surprised if the romance option is still the one chosen most often. Seyka wouldn't have been my first choice either. Both my husband and I ship Aloy with Erend, but we both chose the romance option because of how meaningful that growth was for Aloy and I think a lot of people appreciate that. It's hard to know where the game will go in the future. This isn't an RPG as much as people seem to think it is and ultimately the writers will get to make their own choice moving forward. While I hope that Aloy will get a choice in who she romances in the next game, I'll be happy however they decide to handle it. While representation for straight female leads is low, representation for LGBTQ characters is also underrepresented so I'll still be cheering if she is in fact gay, too. If you don't like it, that's your prerogative, but then you also should probably just not play further into the series if you're going to be so hurt over something that might have been Aloy's scripted path ever since the beginning.
@rizziandrea2011 Жыл бұрын
@@Ripley95-Horizon-sc3py fair answer aswell, most likely i'll play the next game, i'm just hoping like you said to have an option, like i always said it would be quite dissapointing to have a prebuild romance, cause it dosen't sound and looks good and fair at my eyes to force the players to follow a path that maybe for their aloy, including mine they don't feel to follow. That's what i'm hoping for.
@amandaedlingferreira1802 11 ай бұрын
​@@Ripley95-Horizon-sc3pyTo me, it seems that Aloy likes her, but the player only chooses how will deal with the feeling: whether will assume what feels or not. I think it would be cool if they were together in the future, how about you? what do you think?
@FrostbyteEXE Жыл бұрын
I love all the dialogue in this franchise, so I specifically searched "burning shores varl all choices" and this came up. Massive W by you~
@moonmoon2479 Жыл бұрын
It seems this dialogue changes quite a bit if you’ve been frequently coming back. I’ve heard that if you keep coming back to his grave after every burning shores main mission, Aloy will say at the end “I guess, I have a confession to make. I like Seyka. A lot.” It also will change depending on the choice made here. Is there any chance you can make a video about this?
@Ripley95-Horizon-sc3py Жыл бұрын
I have to say, I am very intrigued now! I didn't realize you could go back to the base at first so I definitely could have missed that, but now I really want to know. I can't promise anything, but I do have a save file from before the DLC, so I may try that out this week.
@Ripley95-Horizon-sc3py Жыл бұрын
If you're still interested, I have made an updated version of all the endings with the new dialogue to Varl, this line included.
@SladeL 3 ай бұрын
@moonmoon2479 true, I went back to the base (only once) before the Londra boss. Aloy talks to Varl about Seyka, that she is special and likes her a lot and that they were going through ups and downs in their relationship. So there already was a clear indication Aloy has feelings for Seyka, by Aloy herself. I dont remember after which mission this was.
@SladeL 3 ай бұрын
@@Ripley95-Horizon-sc3py so cool you did that :)
@bearb1asting 3 ай бұрын
At least the way they did it, wrote it, had it play out, was all very solid. It made me feel okay with making a choice i didn't want to.
@sevengedafterlife9670 Жыл бұрын
Every choice doesnt means you reject the relationship.. it just delay it.. like mother like daughter.. Quen meet Queer
@buckshot7583 Жыл бұрын
To be honest, while I'm rather disappointed myself that they went this path, as there are so very few games that I have seen with strong, independent female leads that are straight. But on the other hand, at least they had the courtesy of making it half way convincing to have Aloy fall for a fellow woman. Even though I still ship Aloy and Erend.
@FreemanicParacusia Жыл бұрын
The clever thing is that they didn’t even make it canonical that she is a lesbian here. She *can* be, absolutely - but the “logic” approach frames it as her having seen Seyka as “an inspiration,” not as a romantic partner at all. I could see Horizon 3 opening up multiple options. The base game of Forbidden West included a receptive dialog choice with Avad even though I see no chemistry between them whatsoever (his attraction is frankly kind of unhealthy given that it lights up immediately in the wake of him losing someone he deeply cared for). I’m one of the rare ones who ships her with Morlund, but we’ll see what ends up happening. Can’t deny she and Seyka are cute together.
@buckshot7583 Жыл бұрын
@@FreemanicParacusia I never thought about morlund myself, though he is an option. To me, in my own opinion, I think, what's his name, Gildun? Might be a choice also, since he is one of the very few from the first game who seems only to care about who she is, not as a result of what she has done in the past, I can't recall him ever calling her Savior like most everyone from back east does. And he's a trusting kind of guy, which is nice . spitball theory but I think that could be an option if anything happens to her other options, IE Erend, Morland or at this point Seyka, depending on how they shape the third game.
@Ripley95-Horizon-sc3py Жыл бұрын
@FreemanParacusia OMG, I always thought Morlund was so cute and, even though he's not my main ship with Aloy, I can totally see it. I think they'd be good together!
@rizziandrea2011 Жыл бұрын
Me too. I'm dissapointed i was hoping that for one time, since aloy is a very strong indipendant woman was straight. But no. That made me very upset, i already always choosed to refuse the feeling for her, cause like you i ship aloy whit other caracthers.
@SladeL 3 ай бұрын
@@rizziandrea2011 how many games are made with a main character that is a lesbian? Or perhaps Aloy is bisexual, that is possible. I count then two, Ellie from the Last of Us and Aloy. Why can't lesbians be strong independent women? The prejudice against lesbians shows in a ton of comments I see about this.
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