Another Patient Attacks, Another "Root Cause Analysis" | Incident Report 174

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6 жыл бұрын

Nurses assaulted, attempted rape...what can we do to change the culture? #silentnomore

Пікірлер: 72
@nancyquixotic2422 6 жыл бұрын
Could not agree more on 0 tolerance. That goes for verbal abuse as well. Patient satisfaction has jumped the shark.
@HelixChaga 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for acknowledging that violence is on the rise. I have been outright assaulted in my old mental health hospital and begged and begged not to be left alone and dangerously understaffed. I recognize that mental health nursing comes with risk, but when the upper management turns around and tells us that we're the ones insight violence, it's down right demoralizing. I left it cause it was getting out of control. I needed at least more staff, wanted real security for every unit! But a 3 staff to 25+ patient meta is always going to lead dangerous situations for staff and patients. I cant tell you how often patients assault other patients and it results in severe injuries. It's so damn sad. And doc z is right. Had a patient break a nurse's arm, still walking around free.
@megd7593 6 жыл бұрын
HelixChaga Wow! 😳 Is it an option for the nurse to press charges on his/her own?
@HelixChaga 6 жыл бұрын
@@megd7593 it is, but it is super difficult to get charges to stick. At least for when we work in the mental hospital. Usually u run up against the fact they have a documented history of mental health issues. Its ridiculous. And trying to go after your hospital for compensation is even worse. Hope I don't scare you away from mental health nursing if you're interested, but I want everyone to know the risk. If i could have proper safe staff to patient ratios, i would go back. But the risk is not for me right now.
@kitsura 6 жыл бұрын
What about staff shortages affecting quality of care or patient experience. Its easy to get 5* hotel treatment if you are paying alot of money and have lots of staff on hand to provide stella service. But the reality of the matter is patients don't pay alot out of pocket in most countries, expect alot from healthcare providers and complain at the drop of a hat. Plus massive staff shortages and very high staff turnover due to heavy workload and high stress levels.
@samuraisoul2 6 жыл бұрын
Great talk! I come at it from the patient side. I am a stroke survivor! I got great care from my hospital team and I told them so!
@brunnandr 6 жыл бұрын
The hospital I work at is in the process of putting up zero tolerance signs and notifying the public. Not sure how soon it will be implemented.
@MrPatt1983 6 жыл бұрын
Do you mind saying what facility you work for?
@brunnandr 6 жыл бұрын
@@MrPatt1983 , I work Newton Medical Center in Newton, KS. I don't know when this will be officially be rolled out and it had been a long time coming. The only reason I know this is because of a recent meeting with my supervisor where I brought up questions about security and patient treatment of nursing staff. My supervisor made it sound like if someone is battered or assaulted and they don't want to file a report, the house supervised will. It is a good start to deal with the many small problems we have seen in our hospital.
@MrPatt1983 6 жыл бұрын
@@brunnandr You're a RN?
@brunnandr 6 жыл бұрын
@cherylcarlson3315 6 жыл бұрын
Press-Ganey was the pivot point away from health care to pt experience. Infant/Maternal mortality stats align tightly to PG focus. Better ratios are the best safety not signs.
@sarahleosshaw1429 6 жыл бұрын
We just had a briefing for my 3rd semester OR nursing rotation. Our instructo told us if a specific Surgeon Throws something at us in the OR to not take it personally, it means we are part of the team. This is Nursing School.
@ruthbaran5627 4 жыл бұрын
Absolutely agree. Doylestown Hospital in PA, has sign throughout their facility stating zero tolerance to violence. So glad to see them.
@sarahcrain8083 6 жыл бұрын
Spot on ZdoggMD.
@vendarsr 6 жыл бұрын
Doctor: We are going to get you a shot to help you calm down and take away some of the pain. Nurse give this patent a big injection of risperdal stat lets say 4500mg. Violence on a Healthcare worker should be a felony.
@Dani-tl8gd 5 жыл бұрын
Love this. I work in the ER as a nurses aide and holy cow people are awful to you. Families are as abusive or worse than pt and it’s crazy because we are literally just tryna help
@mikehoskins6324 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for all of your videos. As a Male nurse I am expected to take care of any violent patients on our floor. Instead of holding patients to the standard of not attacking staff. While we address female nurses getting groped or harassed at least sometimes, I have never had anyone address this behavior towards Male nurses. Thanks for pushing for healthcare 3.0
@petitecontrebassiste 6 жыл бұрын
I'd love to take part of that, but I'm broke as it is. so even though I am super interested in what you talk about, I can't do it =( and it makes me sad because I feel I'm missing out on so much.
@staceyweeaks6849 6 жыл бұрын
I've been a nurse for over 25 years and never felt safer than when I worked in a maximum security prison. They don't print enough money to entice me back to the acute care hospital setting.
@rsantos627 5 жыл бұрын
where I live the greatest loss time from work is due to violence perpetrated against nursing staff at long term care institutions. three times higher than police, corrections, and social workers.
@TimelessjewelbyDebra 6 жыл бұрын tolerance..agreed
@charlottemakeuplover1012 6 жыл бұрын
Wow I am shocked and can't believe people act this way. We need to do something as a society!
@kingdomson1347 6 жыл бұрын
Hey ZDogg, I am not in the medical field, but I am thinking about becoming a doctor. Just wanted to say that I appreciate your videos which have some pretty good wisdom. Have you considered on opening your own Medical School that focuses on reforming all this havoc? Probably a far fetch thought, just curious.
@rooster68w 5 жыл бұрын
There is a reason why in the military clinic I worked in made a rule that there has to be 2 employees In the room with a patient. Because we had so many problems with patient violence and crying wolf to get treatment they thought they needed.
@marcuspheonix 6 жыл бұрын
Hey, Zdogg. Audio is a bit quiet in this video 🤔 had to turn it way up. However, I love all your videos!
@MarkRobbins1961a 6 жыл бұрын
I was a resident at Hershey-- that is a horrible story....
@mariekatherine5238 5 жыл бұрын
Agree. Medical workers should have same legal status as law enforcement. I'm an educator, not in health care, but have seen some crazy things in NYC ERs. My partner was a brittle diabetic who frequently went to ER in the middle of the night. I've been groped, assaulted and robbed in the waiting room! My cousin is nurse for the VA. She's been assaulted so many times she's lost count. Don't get me going about assaults in schools. Our entire culture needs to change. Victims are left to fend for themselves.
@Thomassakamoto 6 жыл бұрын
I do emergency/mental health transfers for work. I was taking a patient (6' 2", 275 lbs) to a facility from a hospital and was attacked en route, after my request for an escort was denied because the patient was deemed "stable" by hospital staff. The patient was a known drug addict, bipolar, and had a history of violence at home and with healthcare practitioners. On a later transfer, I requested an escort for a similar patient but was denied by administration, who said "It's the same as transporting an old lady with a pelvic fracture, what's to stop her from punching you after you hit a bump?" I then received a write up and was sent on my way. This is in Ontario, Canada, by the way. The patient was sent without restraints and the last dose of Ativan was, I believe, at least 8 hours prior to transport.
@simonarasquinha 6 жыл бұрын
@thegingerunicorn178 4 жыл бұрын
Totally agree straight up loose license if your violent towards other healthcare workers
@jmardee 5 жыл бұрын
One significant problem with both healthcare and education and I'm sure other fields is the management class that has usurped power and resources from the practicioners.
@rsantos627 5 жыл бұрын
I so agree! I been championing this message for years. I'm a nurse. It's as if the law stops at the door of a health care institution. I grew up in a rough neighbourhood of a large city and I have seen more violence in healthcare. Managers and employers are the worst enablers of this. They are quick to blame the practitioner's "approach". They take no accountability even when there is policy and collective agreement language that says there is supposed to be a "shared accountability" or anti-violence language, etc. Then the union leaders I've had to deal with are so complacent. They should be hammering the employers when their members are attacked and victimized. Just talk and pretty posters. B-fuckin-S!
@tonipeters7089 6 жыл бұрын
@cynthiaejiogu8442 6 жыл бұрын
So are we giving up Patreon?
@DocJakeDO 6 жыл бұрын
I continue to tell people that the hosptial is here so you can not die. That is all. You go to rehab or home to get better and social issues are worsened here not helped but ERs don’t have another option currently and psych units refuse so many patients. As a fellow hospitlaist it’s challenging.
@guythatcomments 6 жыл бұрын
Body cams might have blowback considering 100,000 die from medical errors but the :industry: could stop it with "but confidentiality" Conceal carry for EMS Doctors have stopped attempted mass shootings at hospitals with their own firearm legally or illegally Even here in victim mentality California I have seen nurses carry folding knives
@stephanieeads8005 6 жыл бұрын
Agree 100%. But our problem, criminals are sent to hospital, long term care because jail doesnt want to handle meds, dialysis, any medical issues. So, not only do we get pts who are upset, we get criminals who have that propensity is already there!
@MayonnaiseJane 5 жыл бұрын
At most hospitals in my area, a patient is allowed to designate a "support person" who can not only come when it's not visiting hours, but also sleep over with them in a terrible terrible pull out chair. I think they recognize that having a person around willing to take care of the trivial stuff means they'll have less work. i.e. retrieve dropped items, adjust pillows, figure out the wifi, hit the cafeteria and bring back hot soup for the patient instead of bothering a nurse for the turkey sandwich, or at least they seemed to when I was a support person for a friend with sepsis a month or so ago (she's all good now.) Funny you always mention turkey sandwiches though because that and fruit cup were literally the only food available when she woke up at 3am hungry. Do all nurses stations just have a stockpile of turkey sandwiches in them?
@margiestasik8788 6 жыл бұрын
My facility FINALLY initiated zero tolerance. 20 years ago a cardiothoracic surgeon I worked with was unhappy with a surgical resident during a surgery and responded by impaling his hand with a surgical blade. When I said legal action should be taken, the Resident responded, "not unless you want your career ruined!!!!!
@thegingerunicorn178 4 жыл бұрын
I’m a paying ZPac4Life supporter via KZfaq @ZDoggMD, how do I also get to be in the groups on Facebook? My email on facebook is different from the one I use on KZfaq.
@diannaveda4947 5 жыл бұрын
Everything you are saying it's true, and sadly the hospital management doesn't care about it. I work in a hospital and I have experienced first hand how the "customer is always right" applies, even when abusive patients file ridiculous complaints against the nurses they attacked, the director is always on the patients side!! being a nurse it's getting ridiculous and dangerous.
@rosannadana2922 6 жыл бұрын
@Lisa_BisaRN 6 жыл бұрын
Where's the superfan button to subscribe? Great video, as always. I'm a nurse & understand exactly what you're discussing.
@vernaramirez1381 6 жыл бұрын
Long-term care has become a rehab facility mixed with our elders and it's hard to keep them safe. Try home health in Colorado where I have to ask patient's to air out their home and explain that although it is legal it is not legal for health care workers under our licensure and I do not
@megd7593 6 жыл бұрын
Zero tolerance. 👊🏽 Yes!
@loriapparcel7439 6 жыл бұрын
I am a hospice nurse that works for a FOR PROFIT institution. We go into their home. Coworker was almost assaulted. YET my children goes to a PUBLIC school and there is ZERO tolerance, my child MUST follow rules or get expelled????
@thegingerunicorn178 4 жыл бұрын
All hospital ED rooms should be equipped with cameras
@thegingerunicorn178 4 жыл бұрын
Here’s the thing about visiting hours, yeah they claim it’s for patients to have quiet time to rest and for docs and nurses to be able to treat the patients. Well coming from a patient view, why the heck do the nurses talk all super loud at the nurses station, laughing sometimes shouting while talking because they are excited about the topic of the discussion. How is that giving patients quiet time??????
@aschlauf 6 жыл бұрын
I call the police and fill out a report. This behavior doesn't fly anywhere else in society, why should we deal with it. Because I work in the ER and not (insert any other workplace here) I'm supposed to deal with the customers being physically and/or verbally abusive? No way
@perinekj 6 жыл бұрын
Nurses need to sue facilities for every penny, every time, anything happens. Ceos will take notice when it effects their bottomline.
@nnekaa.4591 6 жыл бұрын
Luv your house
@kamikazedjali 3 жыл бұрын
Seems that veterinary patients behave better than those in human hospitals. Dogs, horses and goats are behaving better than some people. :(
@delamae1137 4 жыл бұрын
? ? ? ? ?
@tedphillips2501 5 жыл бұрын
Is there a medical reason for shaving your head or is this a personal choice? I can see where it would be a benefit in maintaining a sterile field in surgery and, like washing hands between patients, helps insure against transferring germs from patient to patient. Then again, I like the "House" episode where he downs a disruptive patient with a tranquilizer. Why not cary one?
@thegingerunicorn178 4 жыл бұрын
That complete BS
@spacemonkey4010 6 жыл бұрын
I despise the whole "customer/patient is always right" bullshit. No. They're not. In fact, they are rarely right in my experience in retail pharmacy. Hospitals can't be run like a big box retailer where if you pitch a big enough fit and show your ass, you'll be catered to completely. It's dangerous. Ffs.
@RLybarger1986 6 жыл бұрын
The increase of violence is inextricably linked (in my estimation) to both a lack of resources to handle legitimate health and social issues and to a culture of entitlement that extends beyond the health care setting. Telling people that the care they are receiving is a right, gives them the ability (in their minds) to make all kinds of demands. Because in modern parlance a "right" is something that is owed to you at the expense of others. This is the first sign of how a socialized system of medicine would work out for providers. Our work would be devalued to the level that patients perceive it to be.
@Katharine848 6 жыл бұрын
This garbage is nothing new. ARNP stabbed with a shank, he was a holocaust survivor, ancient, and when she told him down and be quiet, it was on. Never underestimate ANY ONE, safety first, even in Boca Raton its a combat zone. Be prepared to protect yourself and your co-workers, stay vigilant.
@debbee5898 6 жыл бұрын
Sometimes I feel like down votes should have to explain themselves
@artgirl96 6 жыл бұрын
@coral12016 6 жыл бұрын
😥I'm sending you an email...
@MaesterTasl 6 жыл бұрын
OK the customer service immediately after the Dr. sexual assault scenario, as squirmy as it was, made me chuckle. He is servicing this patient. This patient/account/customer needs servicing. Any George Carlin fans will get the reference. Though this situation was very bad and very different from the joke context.
@splashesin8 6 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sick of root cause analysis being trotted out as any kind of help or protection from ongoing harm and overt abuse of HBU quad patients. Wake up Ensign!
@treatwithkream5458 6 жыл бұрын
@t7g 5 жыл бұрын
wtf ? I can't hear audio on your video but I can on others?
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