Archon | Decaying Winter Perk Concept

  Рет қаралды 16,258

Jyn Jensen

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"You know, if they hadn't raided the base. You would still be here..."
"While you are up there... Tell John and Lucas that I said hello..."
I also got some help from these guys:
@bustt2535 for a little bit of the animation
Calm Night ( Remix )
Animation, Recording, and Editing Software:
Roblox Studio ( Moon Animator )
OBS Studios
Discord Server, Join at your own Risk:
Deacting Winter, DW, Last Stranded, Decaying Winter Last Strandeds Perk, Perk Concelt, Decaying Winter Perk Concept, Decaying Winter Perk, Concept, Archon, Archon Perk, Perks, Decaying Winter Archon.

Пікірлер: 84
@jynkarljosef_youtube Жыл бұрын
Not even an hour in and people are saying that the story is too depressing XD
@nasaaa-vibegaming0_088 Жыл бұрын
It's cool ig, also... Discord link doesn't work
@unlimitedbladework.2106 Жыл бұрын
@@nasaaa-vibegaming0_088 same here
@jynkarljosef_youtube Жыл бұрын
@jynkarljosef_youtube Жыл бұрын
@Engineer_The_Father Жыл бұрын
It's kinda depressing story partner but useful device too to save another agent for them to fight another day, you have my respect
@Vinyknobs Жыл бұрын
ahh man i love teleporting my teammates right next to a sledger and 2 ak scavs
@explodinghammeronthe17thof36 Жыл бұрын
Decaying winter fan stuff is always highest of quality with underration being everywhere, awesome perk idea, lore and video!
@skoonify Жыл бұрын
This is probably the best animation of a perk concept I've ever seen.. I am proud friend.. And always ever be... Stay safe lad.
@bustt2535 Жыл бұрын
jyn on his way to post perk concept at 2 am
@unlimitedbladework.2106 Жыл бұрын
@jynkarljosef_youtube Жыл бұрын
im so tired XDD
@thedoorisopen1 Жыл бұрын
I have a little idea for a perk :perk name agent 'RED' :pros increased health 'REDS' guitar not on any side (scavs dont attack even sq wont unless you attack first) :cons decreased speed not on any side (aka teammates can hit u with guns melees etc.) 'REDS guitar' :reds guitar 20 20 30 light 40 heavy :perk sit down on a chair not letting you move until u press space and play a song causing scav's to become friendly unless you attack for 20 sec (does not work on yosef as it would ruin the fight) agent 'RED' "awww thanks for the gift 'ZYM' " agent 'ZYM' "just keep it safe i'm happy you like it i's going to go out to loot" agent "RED" "he never came back i just saw this body laying there in the storm in this "DECAYING WINTER" "
@cloud6540 Жыл бұрын
Hey, I came up with a perk that I'd like to see! ”Eruptionist” Pros: Explodes on death 85% less damage from explosions Can throw explosives further Cons: 15% slower walkspeed 20% more damage taken from firearms Less ammo scavaged Ability: Pulls out a grenade launcher Can shoot six times Projectiles act like impact grenades Deals 50 damage per shot Allows rocket jumping (Does not prevent fall damage) Challenge: Kill 25 people with explosives (Inspired by demoman from tf2) Thanks
@GuyNamedDom20 Жыл бұрын
Man i was looking for a normal perk concept i wasnt looking for crying- Anyways this is really cool! And heartbreaking at the same time- Keep up the good work!
@lowkey2917 8 ай бұрын
Perk conpect: aboslute zero Perk ability: freeze npcs by pressing f while inhaling and exuhaling making a ice breath that freezes people Holding f make you loose your ability slower but it can also slow down the enemy and it has a 50% chance of making the enemy slip dealing a small amount of damage Pros: storm kills you slower run faster more melee damage less recoil and more stamina Cons: immulator ablity does work being burned to death deals double the damage and you get exhausted faster and recover from exhaustion slower
@Lufimovies Жыл бұрын
This is a very good backstory for the perk nice job
@PRT-DIED 8 ай бұрын
Love the perk idea and very funi but sad story
@LocalSchizoid 8 ай бұрын
Perk Name: Buckshot Frontline Perk [PROS] +Immune to Cripple +Increased unarmed Damage [25-50%] +Increased unarmed Swing Speed [50-75%] [CONS] -Decreased movement speed [25%] -Vulnerable to Fracture -Decrease max health Ability/Perk Weapon Augmentation 'Ankleshot' Ankleshot has two uses: mobility and crowd control. Press F to launch yourself up at a 45° degree angle. And pressing it again causes you to slam into the ground, dealing explosion damage to anyone close to you. However, unlike its older brother 'Knuckleboom', you require ammunition, - specifically shotgun shells - and even so, you'd need to manually reload it by pressing F. This perk relies on a sort of Hit-and-run tactic. [TRAITS] Honorable, its increased damage and swing speed with an added parry makes your fists a powerful weapon. Aggressive Behavior, increased damage and a faster shoving speed makes hit-and-run tactics easier and better. Impatient, you'd need to move quickly to get shotgun shells quicker, no? [REQUIREMENTS] Kill 30 enemies Unarmed, and master Arbiter.
@NySx_lol 11 ай бұрын
My first perk concept because I see other people in perk concept videos doing it too XD Name: Brandstifter ( Ability name: Augmentation ‘Zerstörer’ ) ( Ability: Shoot out a portable Molotov covering smaller area then the fire bomb and lasts shorter, if punched right at the same time, it will shoot a Molotov out that covers more area and lasts longer and dealing slightly more damage then the fire bomb. ) PROS: Immune to fire. / Faster move speed by 5%. / Start with full hunger and thirst for 1 night when you spawn. / 45% Less felt recoil. / 10% More ammo when collected. CONS: Reduced HP. / Reduced defense. / Reduced melee damage. / Slower shoves. / Always lose 10 More hp when taking explosion damage or sniper damage. A little lore: After a bit of tinkering with the augmentation ‘ knuckle boom ‘ you manage to make it shoot out a weaker fire bomb from what it seems. Description: ( I don’t know XD ) So yea, it’s like a an arbiter and an Immolator had a baby XD
@RBLXUSER_alzen14525 7 ай бұрын
ignore this if you want to but if so go ahead ↓ unobtainable perk idea cuz yes (i might add some nonexistent pros and cons or other shit) *Shattered* (challenging perk about going apeshit at some nights and the most useless perk to solo) (give quote idea pls) _Pros:_ • Increased movement speed (+25%) • Increased stamina (+25%) • Increased max hp (x2 hp) • Immune to fracture • Immune to crippled • Sanity _Cons:_ • Greatly decreased defense (65%) • Cannot use any item and weapons (even ur fucking hands) • Increased shove cooldown • No auxillary equipment (boo hoo i can't use tear gas or even throwing knives) • Sanity _Ability:_ *Sanity* This perk is only unlocked at Scav War (Percentage stays at 0% when it happened before immediately at 100% when it started, can be saved up) Animation plays out of a player ripping it's eyes off before crushing them to form a bloody scythe. (POV: normal dave on steroids) This gives an Artery effect, completely go blind, and a 35 hp cost (not a complete black screen tho just a very very foggy vision) however, it will give a fixed defense increase, greater movement speed, i4s-ds regen effect, and a new weapon: "Sight". Light: 25 / 25 / 100 (150 total, costs 2% of the ability's percentage) Heavy: 200 (takes a full 2 second wind up before dashing to perform an attack, costs 10% of the ability's percentage) Kills the player once the percentage is at 0% (gives temporary morale that only does 65% of the effect) funny extras _Recommended Traits:_ • Fearless • Manic/Violent Tendencies • Survivor/Impatient _Menu Animation:_ an agent just having spasms while rocking _Ability Death Animation:_ screaming out the vocal cords before puking blood and flop _Icon:_ frontline icon with just a pile of torn eyeballs as background of the icon and a scythe with skull and roses decorated in it (for apostle style‼️) this one is going to take a long time for you so uh i hope you won't burn out
@Infinity_Flamey Жыл бұрын
dang that hit hard
@elixavibuddies2951 8 ай бұрын
Ngl i had a similar perk idea for the guitar character except you start basically as survivor without a backpack but if you die with 4 morale you become the king secret boss until the wave is over then you die
@yadimbi4 Жыл бұрын
teleporter going up
@overkill-q Жыл бұрын
Ngl, the Lore of it is pretty sad, otherwise this thing is good
@hunterRTw Жыл бұрын
This is genuinely sad, but it’s amazing at the same time, the mix of emotions I’m having..
@ognjendronjakviii-3965 Жыл бұрын
R.I.P Abbie the Guitar Girl. She lived a happy and peaceful life. You will be missed.
@Deadeye4644 Жыл бұрын
bro calm night is the best song in the world
@Yon3105 Жыл бұрын
Archon.. could be Charon.. (Limbus company reference no freaking way1!1!1!1 The perk ability literally drifter hold F mode on steroids And the story is so sad beuh, do you really have to make it that sad.. I felt bad for ya friend/teammate. (not offense Also about the animation, i seen you're improved a lot now. With the editing too, hope you will be a talented animator in future. Replacing me in the shadows. Faster harvesting..? I don't really get that, since you know. If it took time picking up a item then this make senses.
@jynkarljosef_youtube Жыл бұрын
Faster Harvesting as in Opening Crates, Scrapping Stuff, Using Crafting Benches and etc. Like at Prophet
@OfficiallyDrippy Жыл бұрын
vroom vroom
@Yon3105 Жыл бұрын
​@@OfficiallyDrippy Now departing, vroom-vroom.
@kennen338 9 ай бұрын
Butcher Frontline perk How yo get: Parry enemies 500 times Desc: you believe that to survive one must harm oneself, "the art of one's own blood" pros: no cripple debuff max hp buff (20 hp buffed) Increased melee swing speed Cons: Increased crafting cost (10 more crafting cost) Max stamina reduced by 30% Ability: Manipulates his own veins so that the next attack is enhanced and applies more buffs if the enemy dies. For each enemy killed, a charge will be added to the counter and their next attack is improved. You will lose half of your charges if you receive a melee attack. activating the ability takes 5 hp from you until its duration ends (only activating it, by killing an enemy will not cause you to take damage and ability start again) Only works with melee weapons. First upgrade: +30% dmg Second upgrade: +30% dmg/ 10% movement speed Third upgrade: +35% dmg/ 15% movement speed/ light and heavy attacks more faster Fourth improvement: +50 dmg/ 20% movement speed/ light and heavy attacks more faster/ can't get exastion debuff and blooding debuff Fifth improvement: +75 dmg/ 30% movement speed/ light and heavy attacks more faster/ can't get cripple debuff and blooding debuff/ Consequent upgrades will heal the user 1hp for each enemy killed (example: 1hp and next upgrade 2hp and next) and make light attacks and heavy attacks faster each time. (Only applies every 2 charges) Ability Cooldown: 5 seconds Ability duration: 10 seconds Idle animation: The character is placing his arm on a table and modifying some cables that are attached to his own arm. Perk icon: 3 wires diagonally with blood drops Ability animation: He stretches out his arm and activates the cables attached to it. The player's screen will have a red tint.
@abulletant1147 Жыл бұрын
Decaying winter concept: Vigilante like class Fighter Your moves soeak louder than some peices of ammo OR metal! And who needs drugs from glory? +increased melee twofold 40% +Can do moves alike to scav queen and such, this is a specific thing you can get as a trait by killing the sq. +You are able to hold parry for longer. You can shove twice as fast. You have more defense and hp by both 40 and 150. -look at your head -wonder why you choose glory -instead of what to live by (as in this, the words above describing the class can clue you in.) -/+you can't get any scrap from anything unless you kill a scav to drop by a 40 percent chance, 100 for the fighting phase -You are much more vunurable to anything alile to relikon or poison. *-* and finally. You directly cant aim and your shots cant land a squirrel (severely increase recoil and shot miss incase you can land shots close, 'less its a shotgun.), You can't use anything that can fix your wounds unless its a artery, and you heal by a defunct 10 to 30 by adv or normal first aid kits. Ability: Like berserker, you do a instead increased ammount of melee with specific weapons. Although your moveset changes if its a blunt, axe, sword, ir large weapon. You can also do different moves like dodging (you have 250 stamina btw) weapon land juggling, as well as other moves. Do note this works only with insulator, berserker, and arbiter. So this directly just evolves them. You must do 10 waves on either true or norm end with ONLY melee, no guns, traps, or anything that'll help except healing. And you HAVE to kill sq by each wave 10's time. And afterward you need to have done 100 pledges to get the evolutionary trait in question to 'ke your class change into fighter with a difrent moveset based on the chisen class. You can try to revamp this yourself. Because i think this is too much for me to write, so take it by your words so people understand.
@cereal_designated_Z Жыл бұрын
@TheScarfedIdiot 6 ай бұрын
Perk Concept Duelist "Through hardships and battles, you've found that others can be a burden to you. After all, betrayal is only from the people you trust." // Let Me Solo Them // You are strong, agent. Title: Unplanned Killer Perk Reward: Duelist Requirement: Solo Kill 50 enemies and Solo any Boss. Pros: Increased Melee Damage. Increased Speed Increased Shove Speed F.I.N.A.L.E Cons: Heavily decreased recoil control. Heavily decreased hipfire accuracy. Cannot aim. (haha noob) F.I.N.A.L.E - F.I.N.A.L.E "Go on alone now." Cannot be replaced. Makes you more fragile when equipped. Classification: Blade Passive: Gain Scrap on kill with this. Also gives a short buff called "DUELIST" if you did the kill alone. DUELIST is just reversed MORALE but really, really short. Hold to dash. Active Ability Final Wish Automatically equips FINALE, ignores morale, death prevention, and speeds you up. Ignores all debuffs but the debuffs are not paused, could be used to stall the debuffs, Hidden Buffs Further Detection Range. FINALE gets 1 extra damage per solo kill. Lore Contribution It was a weak storm. Just fog.. The toxins were absent. He went along with 4 agents with him and the other 3 splitting up. One agent followed the vagabond to the castle. Even after the mission they trusted eachother like true comrades. They weren't comrades. Evacuation Raye: I trusted you.. (...): You shouldn't have. The agent shot Raye but not lethal enough. Raye killed him with Kira Perk Icon: 2 swords piercing each other. Lobby Loop: Someone holding the sheath behind his back with another arm open in a prepared stance. Stance goes pretty low (he touches the ground with the arm) Lobby Animation: 360 backflip 😱😱 🔥🔥🔥🔥😱😱😱🔥🤑🔥🔥🤑🤑🤑🔥🔥
@magmaboisstuff4270 Жыл бұрын
Kind of my like my take on that hologram perk! IN THE COMMENTS LOL
@angelomybrother9377 Жыл бұрын
You just made one perk sad andadds up the lore of the lab area of evacuating.. It really sparks a bit of needing help. Felt bad for it.
@TheNeorch Жыл бұрын
before:hope dies last now:depression hits first
@jynkarljosef_youtube Жыл бұрын
this made me giggle XD
@TheNeorch Жыл бұрын
@@jynkarljosef_youtube i cant believe that a joke that i made after seeing the pinned comment for 1 sec could make a dude giggle
@channelhouse6989 Жыл бұрын
@gojo5621 Жыл бұрын
I miss the good ol days in decaying winter game where my boys and i would do something stupid but chaotic and being serious when it comes to wave after wave and each wave we get stupid but serious and we even startled the sickler and one of them killed (i killed the sickler cause i want the apostle class) and by the last wave it was hell, more chaotic theres dozens of damned npcs tryna to kill me and i was the only one left but i even managed to craft walls for covers and i had my ability ready so i mow down every npc in my path til the boss spawn, heh good times man good times
@MonSolum8543 Жыл бұрын
perk concept: Name: riskshaper a support perk zealot but even better. PROS: increased max health (145) HOTSHOT shield greatly increased aim increased stamina (400) increased defense CONS: HOTSHOT shield greatly reduced damage (-50) vulnerable to ranged attacks / backstabs cant use snipers ability: hotshot shield has two modes: back and front. back mode: becomes invulnerable to backstabs front mode: becomes invulnerable to fronstabs HOTSHOT shield ability is slow having 2 bars. the shield percentage and the ability bar. the shield percentage is basically the shield's health. which starts at 240. and recharges while the ability is not being used. ability is fast (same speed as drifter).
@russia_woman125 8 ай бұрын
Hello so i was having a idea if a perk was like the SQ perk that u Can do the ski bonk and u wil have 2 abiliteis and the first one will be a normal abirither shot but u Can shoot them tvice and u Can shoot one log and the short and wen u have a meele u Can block bullets and IT wil do dmg but IT wil not Hurts mutch:and u wil not taka fall dmg and Cant de crippeld but u cant aim and u have slover reload but fastre with shotguns u have 150 HP normal and wen u spawnn u wil ged a game granade and u wil have 160 stamina and to unlock the perk u wil NEED to kill SQ Yosef and the rengoku boss and do evak ending without geding KO by a ak scav
@derpycat9763 Жыл бұрын
Didn't you expect that dw is gone :(
@jynkarljosef_youtube Жыл бұрын
Dw got reupploaded...
@derpycat9763 Жыл бұрын
Since when?
@Engineer_The_Father Жыл бұрын
"sacrifice your own life to save other are the final option for your fellow agent, they get to live and tale story. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten" I'll be honest that perk is useful if it really exist since my teammate keep dying to storm
@cutrobot389 Жыл бұрын
the song neme calm night
@sickler7745 Жыл бұрын
“*Warning, A agent on your team is down…*”
@Engineer_The_Father Жыл бұрын
Oh look sickler, let me get KSG out real quick
@NySx_lol 11 ай бұрын
@Engineer_The_Father 11 ай бұрын
@@NySx_lol look partner, i just killed the sickler with frypan and 3 throwing knife
@NuKaleYT Жыл бұрын
When are those perk will be added in main game
@jynkarljosef_youtube Жыл бұрын
@YoungFromMobile Жыл бұрын
I dont thinked a perk made me cry.
@Thatguidefella Жыл бұрын
me waiting for my voice acting job for jyn (my voice seems good)
@jynkarljosef_youtube Жыл бұрын
@Thatguidefella Жыл бұрын
@@jynkarljosef_youtube oh I didn't expect you, hello :3
@jynkarljosef_youtube Жыл бұрын
@@Thatguidefella hmmmmmmm
@ryderlwhiteout3267 7 ай бұрын
Restricted area?
@kingpekka115 9 ай бұрын
I've got an idea for a perk. Perk Name: Psycho Description: "One who has been through Hell and back for so long, even the Agency now fears him." Pros: + Slightly increased walkspeed + Increased Heavy and Light Swing speeds + Morale debuffs do not affect the user + Damage gradually increases(Only with the special weapon) + Immune to Cripple Cons: - Slightly decreased Defense - Reduced Max Health(80(Without traits)) - Decreased hip-fire accuracy - Higher vulnerability to Bleed Ability(Perk Weapon): [Knuckledusters of the Damned] [25-35 Light, 55 Heavy, has a chance to Cripple or Fracture] [Heals the user 5 HP for every kill] When equipped, with every kill, the damage on the weapon increases by 20% with no damage cap. If the weapon misses 3 times, the damage resets and if you unequip it, there will be a 30 second cooldown, but the 3 misses will reset as well. Obtainment method: Beat all 10 Nights as Damned (This is basically a perk that is telling others, "Hey, this guy just beat DW's hard mode!")
@Fritzso 8 ай бұрын
Psycho agent lines (for the funni): "AHAHHAAHAAHAHHAHAAHHHAHAHAH!" "(at the end of a wave) IS THAT THE BEST YOU SCAVS HAVE!?" "(when fighting SQ) IM MADE OF GOLD BABY!!" "(when fighting yosif) FINALLY! WE MEET AGAIN!" "(when fighting in holdout mode against any boss) FINALLY! A WORTHY OPPONENT!" (idk why i made this lol) another con i would like to add is: -unable to recognize all reikigons (cuz they insane they cant tell the difference between hallucinations and the reikigon)
@kar4aa Жыл бұрын
wow is ur moon aniamtor fixed
@jynkarljosef_youtube Жыл бұрын
nope ): Things just dont get deleted if its small apparently
@Jon_302 Жыл бұрын
You can’t save everyone
@livekazumareaction Жыл бұрын
what the hell lmao
@normalabsolutely7240 11 ай бұрын
Dude the teleporter idea is awesome and all but the pros and cons you give it are really dumb. Bowmaxxing is a thing that not everyone will know about like crafting a crude bow for example. But this is kind of not that useful cause you have to set it up before hand i wouldnt use this as a means to traverse the map but it would be an amazing getaway tool back to spawn and for helping your team group up at certain places like at sledge queen. The bow thing i think is unnecessary and the increased recoil. Just remove aiming and keep the rest of the pros and cons and i think that would make a balanced simple to grasp perk. When making a perk idea try to make it stick with the theme of simple yet complex but not so good that they dont feel like a human anymore The thing about dcw is that every perk may make you feel powerful at times but in actuality the character is still human and is helpless as a motherfucker
@jynkarljosef_youtube 11 ай бұрын
It is kind of useful as a support. You can assist people back to spawn, maybe they are crippled or in trouble. The Bow Idea was because ammunition is a very valuable asset in Decaying Winter. However arrows can be crafted and is limitless. And also, Crude Bow??? Never said anything about that... I don't think I should add no aiming, I mean, you already got Drop Guns on Damage... A bit overkill... I thought mine was simple and complex enough? I don't sat I can remove or add to make it better... The Idea of teleportation isn't new in the world of Decaying Winter. I mean, you see Teleportation when you call in an agent during Last Stranded. So I decided to turn that into a perk. Also, Archon plays the same role as Prophet, kind of supporting in gathering supplies. You don't spend too much ammo because you have the Bow. So you can instead give teammates ammo. You can harvest faster so you could interact and scrap faster. Providing more scrap for your team. You are also immune to exhaust so you can just try to run around, collecting stuff without worrying to stop holding down shift once in a while. This perk is all about helping your team out with supplies and faster arrival. I never decided to try to make it so you can teleport independently without the need of a Telegram, Telegrams stay permanently. So just place one down and go about your day. And when the time comes when you need to teleport. Pull out that bad boy and *zoom*, one with the wind. The bad thing about it is that you are very defenseless. Dropping guns to any form of damage, and not to mention the reduced recoil control, makes you pretty much rely on melees, however, you got lower melee damage. So you could either try using Methodical or use a bow. About you needing to prepare the stuff such as Quivers and maybe finding a bow to begin with is also a downside however it is much more easier since you do have the ability to teleport. I will still thank you for your critics though. I don't even know if you even red what I said above lol I don't expect you replying but I just wanted to say stuff about this perk concept that I don't really care about anymore.
@normalabsolutely7240 11 ай бұрын
its unfortunate that you dont care much about this perk anymore. I understand what you are saying. the thing is when making a perk i believe its best to start with the solo application. i personally think its busted to have perma telegrams with the game as it is right now. yeah not being able to aim is really bad i realize that but lazarus is amazing on its own and i still think is one of the best perks in the game just cause of its solo capabilities of anti death. its an amazing way to make a support without making it a healer while balancing it out. another amazingly balanced high skill perk being executioner. this one is unique as it literally changes the way you play the game but in a way that requires the most skill to play. i would understand if the telegrams were permanent but get damaged easily which means the storm or scavs would fuck it up anyways. if you want it so stick to a specific playstyle why not replace the melee slot with something like an arrow or a bow think outside the box a little therefore the perk can either rely on finding a bow or learning how to make quivers@@jynkarljosef_youtube
That's how money comes into our family
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That's how money comes into our family
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