The Dangerous Rise of Man-Children

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Kenny Bender

Kenny Bender

3 күн бұрын

Why modern men aren't growing up, and how to fix it.
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In this video we discuss why men aren't growing up, how to go from boyhood to manhood, and how to be a man. You will learn the psychology to stop being a man child. Men are mentally infantile, so here's grown man habits. How to be more mature as a man.

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@lassgo 2 күн бұрын
My girl left me and took my friends. Thats what changed everything and made me a man. Life sucks but pain makes you become better. Failure is what makes you stronger
@sebsebski2829 2 күн бұрын
@@lunard8690 Hes a loser
@Chirpah Күн бұрын
@ronso5518 Күн бұрын
Sheesh 3x did ya girl hold them hostage?
@thecatalog7188 Күн бұрын
The same can't be said for everyone, speak for yourself
@blackcitadel37 23 сағат бұрын
Misfortune is only beneficial when you know how to face it.
@urgadurga 2 күн бұрын
It's funny, recently I reconnected with a girl I knew throughout highschool and early adulthood. She actually complained to me that talking to me felt like she was talking to "A person in their late 30s or 40s. Like a college professor" and she said it like a bad thing. Like I was supposed to be this eternal child, smoking weed, drinking and acting like a high schooler my whole life. She had no idea how good that made me feel lol. It made me realize I've come quite far from the immature manchild I used to be. Of course there's always room for improvement, but it was just a nice reminder of how I've changed from the person I once was.
@kenny.bender 2 күн бұрын
@titaniumcranium3755 2 күн бұрын
That's exactly the problem with too many young people. They completely miss out on the transition period from teenager to adulthood between the ages of 17-19, where they should have had jobs or joined the army to learn discipline better and give them a sense of purpose. This is why nowadays so many young men and women are undesirable. The women are all huge spoiled brats who expects special treatment and a home with no input from them, and all the men have turned into broke overgrown teenage boys who have no significant life or work experience as a man and constantly hangs around girls who are way too young for them to the point that its illegal. It's exactly why I, an almost 19 year old, have very little friends and have very few girls I associate with. Absolutely, nobody could be trusted these days.
@DanielDaBest45 2 күн бұрын
Hello bro. Im 18 and i would like to "mature" more too (compared to my friends i believe im way more mature). Can you suggest me how? Thx
@titaniumcranium3755 2 күн бұрын
@@DanielDaBest45 I'm almost 19 but In my opinion the best thing to learn at a young age is that you don't NEED anyone. You have to become your own caretaker and if you live with someone else, you support them. If anyone else your age doesn't want to grow with you, forget them. Life's not a game, as a teenager the best way to use time is meeting new people and learning about the opposite sex more as well as finding a job. Don't panic. As long as you keep a decent job, finish school, and stay out of trouble, you'll be ok.
@spartanguitar117 2 күн бұрын
You know something, if you moved out, can pay bills, and yet still have the BALLS to binge Lord Of The Rings with marvel comics posters on your wall, if you love that stuff MORE POWER TO YOU BRO 😎
@9tz768 Күн бұрын
he just leeches on people
@informer3481 11 сағат бұрын
@KCBossman101 2 күн бұрын
I’m 25, and I struggle with a lot of these issues. I’m too overwhelmed to get started, feel like nothing matters anyways so may as well do nothing. I also struggle to enjoy the healthy forms of recreation/connection, which is a big factor. I struggle with shame, and sometimes these videos make me feel worse about myself and my inability to “pick myself up”. Not sure where to get started, or if it’s even possible to change at this point.
@melodyflute2999 2 күн бұрын
Don't stop believing please, my brother is far deep in nihlism. Its the worst case scenario
@kenny.bender 2 күн бұрын
have you seen my videos on restarting your life and reinventing yourself?
@emerson2821 12 сағат бұрын
You took the thoughts right out of my head, I’m exactly with you
@melodyflute2999 11 сағат бұрын
Nihilism is crazy man never get into it.
@yeee321 2 күн бұрын
Bro I was born in 1993 and felt the same you did in high school and college. It wasn't until my early to mid 20s that I went through a bunch of stressful and awful experiences that made me realize who I am and understand what it is to be a man
@yeee321 2 күн бұрын
@@lunard8690 nope
@shadowstorm7881 2 күн бұрын
Everyone has different perceptions of what a real man is
@herazion 2 күн бұрын
This is Exactly what i was searching for....I've been trying to find myself since quite some time and cannot get out of the loop due to being too attached to comfort. Going to step up the game once again. See you soon!
@kenny.bender 2 күн бұрын
@rolfjohansen5376 Күн бұрын
I needed this
@GoatCheese72 2 күн бұрын
Love you Kenny, thank you for all you do ! 🙏🙏🙏🙏
@ziyadrgb9584 2 күн бұрын
We are kids inside but you should controll it and know when you allowed it
@Cool420. Күн бұрын
Thanks a lot, this changed my whole perspective
@ottomusprime5028 Күн бұрын
Emotional incest is the term to describe this phenomenon.
@nikhilchaudhary7706 2 күн бұрын
So true, Feel like getting up and achieving what I've always chased but end up doing what I should do in my absolute boredom such as games/ youtube. This procastination habit helds back and draws one to their absolute worst case scenario. Thanks for talking about it.
@amitkumarshandilya7628 2 күн бұрын
Good video
@itscl1 2 күн бұрын
Loved the video man i can relate i'm in my 20s and video games and all of that are just boring to me now idk if anyone else feels this way or its just me.
@ZNE1323 Күн бұрын
Yeah i get that too man, once your an adult genuinely pursuing your goals, stuff like video games just feels so empty compared to the satisfaction that comes from progressing in life.
@informer3481 11 сағат бұрын
You're boring.
@informer3481 11 сағат бұрын
​@@ZNE1323Not really
@ZNE1323 10 сағат бұрын
@@informer3481 probably cause i played league of legends😢 if I played something good maybe it'd be different
@noorlancer Күн бұрын
LOL the r/antiwork sums it all up really
@therealraviable Күн бұрын
What's funny about this is that I'm in this state of waiting and limbo essentially when this video got reccomended to me, I already have a part time job and I'm making money but at the same time i dropped out of college a year ago and I'm going back in September. Obviously I don't have all the full qualities of a man and I'm still gonna be sticking to my comforts but the notion that you have to detach from your parents and be able to form your own thoughts on what to do is very much good advice that I had kind of known subconsciously before seeing it here. Thanks for reminding me of my true aspirations and goals of overcoming Autism and ADHD and getting a job as a software developer.
@MegaMan-bs3oy 2 күн бұрын
Who is this for? What's a "developed man"? I'm 36. Got my own house newer paid off mustang in the driveway. I've had hot women come and go in my life. I have money in the bank. I'm a nerd. I game I read comics. I hit the gym and i am a trained pro wrestler by the guy who trainex the Rock. While co running/owning a successful businesses after earning degrees in IT. So do I reach this view of "man" to you? Why should i care? What to you is this "man" You speak of? What goal are you setting for yourself to achieve? Mine isn't body count. It's to reach the wwe. Will I? Who knows. But the thing is this "developed man" is different for everyone. My success might be failure in your eyes. Then again, according to your video, you may say, "Ew wrestling." What are you 12? So what do you do all day camera off? Always on some grind to reach some goal set in your mind by outside factors to reach this "man" level? So what DO you do? Whats the end goal? Not everyone wants to be a multimillionaire or bang scores of hot women.
@KCBossman101 2 күн бұрын
I’m 25, and see this content in my recommended videos all the time. It just makes me really depressed, the shaming is too much.
@LalitDevraj 2 күн бұрын
​@@KCBossman101It just depends how you learn - if this isn't the way, that's OK as long as you're good to move forward. If this is getting pushed to you incorrectly, selec, don't recommend this' or similar. If the YT algorithm is targeting you appropriately, then you need the content of the video. Whether its this delivery or softer which will allow you to grow, that's what matters if you're willing to change to be the best version of yourself/happiest 😊
@thomasholehouse20 Күн бұрын
This is just tame Andrew tate teachings. Some good points but also a lot of waffle
@king_pred3453 13 сағат бұрын
Exactly right at the start of the video he says its an "epidemic" where people struggle to attract high quality women as if thats what determines a man. Kennys definition of a man is tarnished
@thomasholehouse20 9 сағат бұрын
@@king_pred3453 the whole genre of how to be a “man” videos are absurd tbh and to be taken with a heavy pinch of salt.
@MR.Yamagami Күн бұрын
As a man child I play old games like ps2
@Radical_racist Күн бұрын
Like its so ez to move out as if its cheap this guy dont know shit
@sanban6766 Күн бұрын
Foreal bro 😂
@jeanbob1481 Сағат бұрын
Moving out is bar none the dumbest thing you can do POST COVID. Pre covid it was a bad move but not 0 iq tier like now. If you are a normal guy moving out gives you nothing of value, you basically pay half your salary per month to get the privilege of living on your own meaning you have to cook, clean, do the laundry, take out the trash etc all that for peace and quiet that you would not get at your parents home. Do you value fapping so much that you absolutely have to move out of mommy basement to do it? If you do you are a dumbass. I lived on my own for 5 years before realizing it was a scam and went back to living at mommys. Guess what I make twice as much money cause I do not have to pay to live in a shitty appartment and I can still help out around the house. If you are a Chad however and can bring women to fuck then YES moving out is GOOD. Similar if you are friend but as said before normal guys do not get GF or friends. So moving out good for chads bad for normies. Most people are normies so moving out is a low IQ move.
@jensablefur155 Күн бұрын
My take is you get 3, maybe 4 years after you're 18 to do this and get it out of your system, but once you're 21, 22, you have to get over it or you'll be a terrible stereotype by the time you're 30.
@AlphaLynx_RL 2 күн бұрын
One of my friend's dad is a man-child, sometimes its fun to hang around him but other times he's just super lazy.
@pathforwardcreatives 2 күн бұрын
Do you play games still or did you quit cold turkey?
@y4ni608 2 күн бұрын
Im not here to hate or anything , but i think you are trying to put your subjective opinion as general objective thing, entertainment is not "escapism", thats not a subjective opinion, thats a fact., and you get the inner peace and freedoom we all desire not by becoming a man, but by understanding oneness
@Cool420. Күн бұрын
Excuses :)
@y4ni608 Күн бұрын
@@Cool420. I dont know if you agree with me or say that i wrote excuses, if so tell me what "excuses" did i mention?
@informer3481 11 сағат бұрын
​@@Cool420.Keep working hard for nothing tool
@notamethadict Күн бұрын
that's why there is a time and place for everything i,e relax time such as video games or watching shows and doing adult responsibility and self improvement and working to earn that money
@brineboy20 4 сағат бұрын
holy shit dude the video game highschool reference. freddiew is still my goat. Rocket Jump 4L lmao
@kenny.bender 4 сағат бұрын
@@brineboy20 I loved watching him and corridor
@wrongthinker843 2 күн бұрын
Please, this is beneath you. You're cherry picking extremes that always existed and applying it to society at large. If anything I'd say men are growing up more, and refusing to take the abuse any longer.
@kenny.bender 2 күн бұрын
You tell me I'm cherry picking then give me a take based on your own cherry picking lol.
@wrongthinker843 2 күн бұрын
@@kenny.bender If it's "my own cherry picking" then the problem of men checking out of society doesn't exist because it's just "my own cherry picking". Which voids your entire video. Try tempering your ego next time you get triggered and go for a "no u", though I won't be around to see it.
@basketball3825 Күн бұрын
Found the man child
@89playstation65 9 сағат бұрын
Gen Y here....and i feel the same way. Im 35 and i don't feel like im a man the way i should be. I feel like im a man child. Grew up with the internet and technology. I was molded by it basically. Porn? Got into that by age 12 and still struggling with it. And of course im still single and ive never had a girlfriend or have gone on one single date. With zero idea on how to treat women. So why should i try? What woman would want me? I totally get it if any and all women take one look at me and just say "no absolutely not"
@0ptic0p22 2 күн бұрын
hey kenny is it bad tho like its just donna make it easier for hardworkers and it will be so easy to succedd those who wanna fight, will fight
@Electirc Күн бұрын
MeatCanyon made a great video about this called "NOSTALGIA: Melvins Macabre". It's a great satirical take on adults that never mature and keep clinging to comforts they found as children. Highly reccomend.
@lachdownproductionsyt Күн бұрын
As someone who unintentionally avoided this trap of remaining a "boy" making friends has become very challenging. I couldn't quite figure out why, but I totally think this has something to do with it. I run into SO many "friends" who are just like childish and frustrating! In today's society being a man is lonely.
@SamRaymond12 Күн бұрын
Kenny, you talk about how some of the products we use are harmful to use and not safe. I used the Yuka app to learn about some of the products I use. What do you think are the best kinds of products, for what I use? Daily, I use toothpaste, floss, hair product, hand soap, conditioner, and face wash. The last two I have started to use Native, but what are your recommendations?
@kenny.bender 8 сағат бұрын
I like charcoal toothpastes, but I've also heard good things about coconut oil and baking soda for toothpaste. As for soap I use a natural bar soap. One thing I would consider is staying away from non-stick pans and using steel, ceramic, or cast iron instead.
@SamRaymond12 4 сағат бұрын
@@kenny.bender Thank you. I want to suggest you a book called "Eat to live" by Joel fuhrman. You will learn a lot about food and trust me it will be the most valuable book you read.
@commandocorp5834 Күн бұрын
why bother growing up when you wont get anywhere anyway where theres nothing to discover no point in survival or no point in doing anything oh and no reasonable partners to force you to grow up
@tsdmft6638 2 күн бұрын
I don't know if I really understood this video. There are alot of concepts that while I agree on I still disagree with you about some of them. I don't know might just be that I misunderstood as english isn't my first language. Anyway this video I guess was mostly correct and I agree with alot of what you are saying. Just one question do you weigh a man in how he is earning or his actions and how he behaves? As I understand it you seem to only see men as those who make the most money, have the best girlfriends? I disagree with you on that.
@kenny.bender 2 күн бұрын
You have misunderstood me brother. When I talk about financial freedom, attracting women, etc, that's because they are common desires for men. Not because that's what makes a man. Manhood is internal!
@tsdmft6638 2 күн бұрын
@@kenny.bender Okay yeah just a misunderstanding! Thanks for the answer! Agree with you that manhood is internal and can be seen in different people that are in completely different situations and that is what makes it a so great thing. I have met rich men that were men and some just shitheads thinking they are men, I have also met punks when I used to play in bands that were men and some who just tried to be men by acting tough.
@kw7814 17 сағат бұрын
im canadian its hard asf to get a job let alone one good enough to move out with
@Dailyrider94 2 күн бұрын
it's the way society is build that is not good for us. we're all attached to a forced idea within societal norms. cars,house,women whatever. we're starting to realise this and we're not having it though there no complete way out of this. trust me, if shit hits the fan men will step and do whatever it takes to help others out in need. no matter depressed, handicapped whatever... but we're just waiting for something to happen to make us feel usefull
@CSaenz44 2 күн бұрын
wow this is well said
@sebastianm6458 Күн бұрын
Can confirm i wear the helicopter hat 24/7
@willpoweramv 2 күн бұрын
12 seconds ago is oddly arousing
@kenny.bender 2 күн бұрын
bro is bricked
@Infarnum 2 күн бұрын
@barryallen5127 2 күн бұрын
This is the self-improvement content creator that everyone needs.
@king_pred3453 13 сағат бұрын
Dont say failing to attract a high quality girl like thats what determines your manliness bro
@kenny.bender 8 сағат бұрын
I didn't, I was just listing commonly held goals of men.
@Grimnir33 2 күн бұрын
That transition tho 💀 1:51
@bowaris4176 Күн бұрын
I'm 19. Been controlled by my mother all these years. Letting her take responsibility for the decisions that I should've make. As a result I ended up being in the university i fucking hate. Getting a degree I won't even use. About to drop out in a week. Opened up about it to her. Of course, had an argument. But my intentions are clear: Being the main character of my own movie.
@kenny.bender Күн бұрын
Rooting for you brother
@GigaChadBigW 43 минут бұрын
Im 30 and Im feel like a child, the inflation doesnt let me grow in life, If I recieve a raise the world economy get more expensive. Im pretty success in life I have a master and supervisor position but on my contry puerto rico Company pay the minimun no matter my degree status, I have been building my portfolio to move to another company on the USA but is hard you know, Thanks 2 күн бұрын
iam a teenager but still can relate somehow :/
@kenny.bender 2 күн бұрын
Good thing you have time to correct course
@0ptic0p22 2 күн бұрын
i belive in you W chosen one
@DhruvSharma21092 2 күн бұрын
Bro could you please make videos on how to increase height as a teenager?
@danka1167 2 күн бұрын
Sleep more, stop stressing over height and stuff in general, and on that note height does not matter as much as all these red pill people say
@1-mill-subs-0-vids 2 күн бұрын
No, you're just short lil bro
@migliore44 2 күн бұрын
being shorter helps weed out braindead basic women, so see it as a stength. (no cope)
@DhruvSharma21092 2 күн бұрын
Thank guys but what kind of exercises I need to do for a basic height?If I'm just between 5'5'' to 5'9'' then I'm satisfied.
@DhruvSharma21092 2 күн бұрын
@@migliore44 I understand that but bro being 5'1'' feels like an dwarf.
@1hundred1 2 күн бұрын
I disagree with a good amount of this video (mostly the financial related stuff) but it's still a great video nonetheless and I absolutely see where you're coming from.
@kenny.bender 2 күн бұрын
I appreciate that brother. I understand that different guys have different financial aspirations. I want them to achieve what THEY desire.
@benhbader 3 сағат бұрын
@kenny.bender 2 сағат бұрын
@BigBarlos Күн бұрын
If you want to move out and be uncomfortable, join the army.
@HaruFubuki-fq5ff Күн бұрын
I disagree. Also no I struggle differently.
@KirtiPandey-hi8kw 2 күн бұрын
Someone please explain the American school system what is the age of a high school passout
@kenny.bender 2 күн бұрын
you typically graduate high school at 18
@winnersneverqult Күн бұрын
lol. Thank god I grew up a “bad boy” mischievous and adventurous lol. Turned me into a man from young. I can’t imagine watching cartoons at my age (21) shit boring asf, for babies, the only things I can watch are social videos, news and documentaries. Even video games, I’ve stopped playing them years ago. I’d rather max out my real life stats than virtual pixels on a screen
@KirtiPandey-hi8kw 2 күн бұрын
1251 in 2 hr 😭😭😭
@AverageFort Күн бұрын
You js have to go the stoner route as a teen and ur good😂
@ralphphillips3983 2 күн бұрын
Tired of this nonsense, its the economy, we cant afford to have all the hallmarks of an adult life like a house kids and wife if we can ve afford to live. Child poverty numbers have doubled because and some people dont want to bring kids into poverty. And please if you have nothing to offer apart from advice on the internet please allow me a bit of escapism .
@kenny.bender 2 күн бұрын
Victim mindset, people have done more with less than you. It's fine if you want to keep your vices, but don't poison others with your mentality.
@HexOmega3113 2 күн бұрын
I have a wife and child , own 2 vehicles, have 6 payments left on a 920 sq ft house that I remodeled myself, dont have trouble paying bills and have things that we enjoy....all on a factory workers income. Don't blame the economy, you can do it you just have to want it bad enough.
@J0n3s90 2 күн бұрын
wtf the economy is stronger than ever. Extremely low unemployment and still strong wage growth
@GameBoyDame Күн бұрын
​@@HexOmega3113 Sure buddy.
@HexOmega3113 Күн бұрын
@@GameBoyDame just because you suck at life doesn't mean I'm lying
@SANJULAMBERT 18 сағат бұрын
I work 8 hrs a day so I've earned it to play pubg afterwards 😂 "jk"
@Lilblaisy23 Күн бұрын
Bwahaha good
@robynjoy7818 2 күн бұрын
Im a female watching this
@Ghost-jh5nh Күн бұрын
cherry picked
@obsidian.gaming 2 күн бұрын
no views in 30 seconds bro is falling off 💀
@kenny.bender 2 күн бұрын
chat am I cooked?
@kuntilfailure 2 күн бұрын
@@kenny.benderyes bro
@aaaverage 2 күн бұрын
@@kenny.benderno I'm gonna send this video to my mom and if she engages with it, KZfaq's gonna try to recommend it to more moms (specifically single moms and I'm glad my dad's still in my life)
@loganrogers4560 2 күн бұрын
IDK man. I moved out and make 100k a year as a software dev. That said I live alone in a 1 bedroom and just game if I'm not at the office or the gym. I feel developed. I save tuns of money and invest. My 401k is maxed and I have a 60k brokerage account that I started in 2023 with extra money. It's up 21% and should sky rocket once I break into that first 100k. Am I a man child because I play final fantasy and pokemon still? I have no desire to be with a woman anymore. My girl cheated on me when I was at college. I'm not going through that shit again. I'll give the video a chance but I'm skeptical of your take.
@0ptic0p22 2 күн бұрын
my advise for gf realted stuff go to country side for a vacation, find a girl there, in church or something wont find a fish in a desert correct where your trying to find love you dont find love in a bar
@CodTopShotGaming 2 күн бұрын
Sounds like u do have an area u can improve o. Gettin bitches
@beastumfan 2 күн бұрын
Learn from your mistake. Get a better girl.
@Infarnum 2 күн бұрын
It's not about what u do, it's about how u do it, it doesn't matter if u release stress through gaming if u are the one in control and so on, as long as u use tools to ur advantage instead of with no responsibility, ur good
@loganrogers4560 2 күн бұрын
@@beastumfan won't be the girl I loved. I'm fucked man, at this point I look at all women with disgust.
@emekachuks7979 2 күн бұрын
@kenny.bender 2 күн бұрын
@charlesroberson1387 Күн бұрын
Hit me a little hard when you mentioned the thing with video games and shows. Any tv series I enjoy just gets me sucked in and it becomes my default thing to get into when home and I have free time. That, or KZfaq. It's crazy but I need to learn to relax better.
@pinkponcho695 Күн бұрын
i was letting youtube autoplay videos while doing something else and i got half way through this before i remembered that i'm not a man lol
@arealhuman1494 Күн бұрын
Watching this as a female cause i dont know but i might just be cooked if i dont get my life together
@ZNE1323 Күн бұрын
People are gonna hate on you for this one cause people love their escapism so much. But honestly all of that shit you do to kill time just becomes so boring once you feel like you have a purpose or mission. I literally can't play video games for more than 15 minutes now, shits just too boring.
@kenny.bender Күн бұрын
I'm a little surprised how polarizing the topic
@GameBoyDame Күн бұрын
​@kenny.bender You red pill grifters constantly throw around the "victim mentality" buzzterm so much. It's infuriating. Sounds like a projection to me.
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This Stops 95% Of PEOPLE PLEASERS From Being Confident
Рет қаралды 323 М.
I Ranked Every Habit in Self Improvement | Ultimate Habit Guide
Живые куклы и злая племянница! Часть 3! #shorts
Эмоции💫 | Тгк: D1ashenka✨
Рет қаралды 2,4 МЛН
Man tries outrunning cops on skateboard
Frankie Lapenna
Рет қаралды 12 МЛН