Did Noah REALLY Bring Dinosaurs on the Ark?

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Ark Encounter

4 ай бұрын

Did Noah REALLY bring two of each dinosaur kind on the ark? In this episode of The Genesis Account of Noah’s Ark, Calvin Smith shares the biblical answer to this question and emphasizes the importance of Christians rejecting the evolutionary timeline.
This is the first episode of season 2 of The Genesis Account of Noah’s Ark. You can watch season 1 here: www.Answers.tv/the-genesis-account-of-noah-s-ark-series

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@nschlaak 4 ай бұрын
If Noah didn't, then how did these dragons repopulate the Earth afterwards? From Southern Africa through Europe and from the tip of South America to the frozen North we have cave paintings, Roman murals, stories of Knights, and rock carvings depicting dragons (1846 changed to dinosaurs) fighting with each other and mankind. Satan that great dragon suddenly has a new meaning when I read about him. The book of Job depicts their strength and sizes
@EvangelistDonClark 4 ай бұрын
St. Luke cp.3 gives a calculated time of the flood, about 2300 B. C. The dinosaurs were destroyed over 60 m. Years ago by an astroid.. there were no dinos. At the time of the flood.
@zanir2387 3 ай бұрын
Simple: what they found was their fossils, and the imaginatión did the rest....
@primarilyprimate144 2 ай бұрын
Mmmmm, hmmmmmmm. *Sure...*
@markdavids2511 2 ай бұрын
There was no Noah’s arc, every human tradition on earth has a flood myth, everywhere on earth has witnessed floods & still are. It doesn’t require a sky fairy to magic up one, too much rain or a river breaking its banks = local flood.
@ericstyles3724 2 ай бұрын
So Dungeons & Dragons is a thing for healthy imaginations & the bible is a book of mostly rewritten stories. 60% of it is added material of Kings stretching their ego. There have been many floods that filled both the Black Sea & Mediterranean several times, recently about 7000 yrs ago, there's underwater coastlines in the Black Sea that confirm it. These stories start in truth referring to something else completely, then grift to become something else. Sad. We are connected to the spirit world through Entanglement, which has been proven. Right there is a bridge of Science to Religion.. that's begging to be explored & understood. but some are still dealing dated speculation as a version of one of these stories. Drop the tin hat act & progress with evidence based faith ?!
@lorioertel7703 4 ай бұрын
Looking forward to the upcoming episodes to help clarify the dinosaur record. Always wondered about those huge creatures.
@FilmedByViolet 4 ай бұрын
My science textbook just covered “did Noah bring dinosaurs on the ark?” Today! (I’m homeschooled) that’s such a “coincidence”
@stevendelucas6311 4 ай бұрын
Which textbook do you use?
@NW801 4 ай бұрын
🤣🤣🤣 this is hilarious!
@jameswinge2326 4 ай бұрын
Of course you are....LOL
@sealer3553 4 ай бұрын
They don't even know how many genders the human race has in public school.
@inertia2032 4 ай бұрын
im sorry you have to waste your time learning that at home when you could be getting an actual education
@diamondlife-gi7hg Ай бұрын
A Harvard-led study indicates that Earth’s early ocean could have been one to two times larger than the current ocean volume1. These calculations are based on the interior water storage capacity of the planet, which includes the water bound to minerals in the Earth’s mantle. Researchers compiled data from scientific literature on minerals that contain oxygen and hydrogen atoms (the chemical equivalents of water) and used these figures to estimate the mantle’s water storage capacity. Implications: In extreme scenarios, if the primordial ocean were two times larger than today’s ocean, it might have completely flooded the land masses on the early Earth. While modern Earth’s surface is approximately 70 percent water-covered, this research suggests that our planet was a true ocean world billions of years ago
@davidgardner863 Ай бұрын
Mars also appears to have been a water world billions of years ago.
@karenzak6627 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for covering this topic so thoroughly in this series! Dinosaurs were a major topic when I homeschooled our sons in the 80s & 90s. The materials available to me at the time were crucial, and now there is this format for our grandchildren to benefit from! Praise God! (Hopefully we'll be able to get them to The Ark Encounter soon.)
@dcsblessedbees 4 ай бұрын
Most all dinosaurs start off relatively small.
@plainsman 4 ай бұрын
There are no human fossils or artifacts found with dinosaurs, and there are no dinosaur fossils found with human fossils. Furthermore, there is an approximately sixty-four-million-year gap in the fossil record when there are neither dinosaur nor human fossils. If humans and dinosaurs coexisted, traces of the two should be found in the same time places. At the very least, there should not be such a dramatic separation between them.
@rascal211 4 ай бұрын
The earth isn't as old as they say but still no dinosaurs lived with man.@@plainsman
@ciscodepr 2 ай бұрын
Interesting topic I've always wondered. If sin started at the moment Adam sinned. How was the serpent "sinful" to suggest to take the fruit?
@joycebrewer4150 Ай бұрын
Sin did not begin with Adam, or Eve. It began with the great angel Lucifer, who decided to make himself greater than God the Father. He then persuaded 1/3 of all angels to follow his leadership. He and his followers were thrown out of heaven, and landed on earth. I am unclear if this was before or after creation of Adam. In any case, at some point, Lucifer, now changed by his rebellion against God into Satan, invaded the perfect garden, Eden. Satan possessed the snake, apparently finding it somehow more convivial to him than others of God's creatures. It was after that the first humans sinned.
@Emdee5632 2 ай бұрын
There are about 65 million years between the last dinosaurs and modern humans. Edited 18th May: Except for birds who had already started to diversify before that time, and maybe a few species here and there for a couple of millions of years that managed to survive in ecological niches that suited them. The monster of Loch Ness? I don't know. Fuzzy pictures that can show anything isn't evidence. Anyhow whatever survived are the very rare exceptions. The era of dinosaurs is over. This is the era of mammals.
@anarchorepublican5954 2 ай бұрын
🦖⏳...and who established those long eons of time?...🍖the same science orthodoxy- who have recently discovered soft tissue proteins in dinosaur bones(...er... I mean "fossils")...its all just postmodern myth/narrative; circular logic; and a house of cards...
@dankmatter3068 2 ай бұрын
That's your opinion. There is zero evidence for evolution. With your free will you can believe whatever you please though, even if it does you harm.
@anarchorepublican5954 2 ай бұрын
...and who (and how exactly ) did they measure those long eons?...same "Science" that recently discovered 🍖soft tissue protiens (blood vessels & calogen) in 🦖Dinosaur bones? ...er... I mean fossils...
@walkergarya 2 ай бұрын
@@anarchorepublican5954 The age of the Earth is established from Radiometric dating. The soft tissue in dinosaur fossils does NOT refute the fact that these dinosaurs are over 68 million years old.
@walkergarya 2 ай бұрын
@@dankmatter3068 No creatard, there is no evidence for Evolution that you will accept. That is NOT the same as there being no evidence.
@katgmied3 2 ай бұрын
Coukd you do a short video breaking down family/kind vs species? I have used your videos before for homeschool, but kids have a short attention span
@cbdwarfer9492 2 ай бұрын
Please don't use the misinformation in this video to teach your children. By all means teach them about the bible, but not not to pretend it is based in reality. Take care.
@defenestratefalsehoods 2 ай бұрын
Fact: Everything would have died of methane gas poisoning or the ark would have exploded when the gas reached a candle flame used for light. There was 1 window up top and no ventilation.
@bdawson6473 16 күн бұрын
You have lost it.
@defenestratefalsehoods 16 күн бұрын
@bdawson6473 what have I lost? the facts are the facts.
@nawksybawks 16 күн бұрын
@@defenestratefalsehoodshave you heard of a ship before? The hull doesn't have windows, does it? Think about what your sayin’ buddy.
@defenestratefalsehoods 16 күн бұрын
@nawksybawks the ark was said to have 1 window. Ship builders had to learn to add vents to let the air circulate through the ships. If the ark only had 1 window it would have exploded or everything in it would have died from the methane gas. it is a fact of ship building that circulation is needed.
@defenestratefalsehoods 11 күн бұрын
@@nawksybawks There is also a problem with so many animals and a small crew. How did they get all the poo off the ship with 1 window at the top? There is so much wrong with the Noah story that proves it is impossible to have happened.
@walkergarya Ай бұрын
1. The most common date given for the flood is 4400 years ago, right in the middle of the Egyptians first burst of city and temple building, why did they not notice they were under water? 2. To flood the planet to over top the highest mountain you would need about 3 to 4 times the known amount of water in the world, where did all that water come from? 3. After the flood, where did the water go? 4. How did 8 people build a wooden ship bigger than any wooden ship built in modern times when THAT ship was reinforced with steel bracing and still broke up and sank. 5. How did animals with odd diets get to the ark? 6. How did 8 people deal with the needs of 10000 animals on the ark? Each animal had to be fed, watered, exercised and the poop scooped. Working 12 hours a day they would need to deal with over 100 animals per hour. 7. If there were 10000 animals on the ark representing about 4000 species, and there is now about 8.7 million species on Earth, each species surviving the flood would have to generate 217 new species in the 4400 years since the flood. 8. If there were 10000 animals on the ark representing about 4000 species, and there is now about 8.7 million species on Earth, each species surviving the flood would have to generate 217 new species in the 4400 years since the flood. 9. Well according to the Book of Jasher, the wives ARE sisters. Jasher 5: 32-35 "And thou shalt choose for thy sons three maidens, from the daughters of men, and they shall be wives to thy sons. And Noah rose up, and he made the ark, in the place where God had commanded him, and Noah did as God had ordered him. In his five hundred and ninety-fifth year Noah commenced to make the ark, and he made the ark in five years, as the Lord had commanded. Then Noah took the three daughters of Eliakim, son of Methuselah, for wives for his sons, as the Lord had commanded Noah." If a species undergoes a population bottleneck, the lack of genetic diversity can be seen in the members of that species. NO such bottle neck exists in the overwhelming majority of species. 10. 4400 years is not a long enough time to generate the diversity in the human population to give rise to the different populations of people we see on the planet especially when you consider that effectively the genetic diversity was limited to 4 people, Noah and his wife and Eliakim and his wife. 11. Ken Ham's phony Ark has a million Dollar + heating, ventilation and air conditioning system that ensures that workers and visitors do not suffocate in the building. According to the bible, the original Ark had one window, 18 in square. Sorry people but if Ham's estimate of 1600 species represented by a minimum of 4000 animals, they would have suffocated. 12. There is NO trace of any global flood in the geology of the world. Lots of local and regional floods, yes, but NO global flood. 13. Oh and by the way, for those fools at CMI who think Noah's Flood was a real event, a Tomb has been discovered in Egypt dated to 4400 years ago, about the time of the mythical flood (according to many biblical creationists). This raises several questions. a. If the Tomb was built before the flood, how did it escape being flooded? b. If the Tomb was built after the flood, the Earth's population would have been devistated so who built the tomb? c. Why is this Tomb perfectly in line with Egyptian culture before and after the fairy tale flood? If everybody in Egypt were killed in the flood, the Egyptian culture from before the flood would have been lost. Untouched 4,400-year-old tomb discovered at Saqqara, Egypt National Geographic, PUBLISHED DECEMBER 17, 2018
@RodericGurrola 4 ай бұрын
Loved the video. Very great artwork it was captivating.
@Charlie94781 2 ай бұрын
The Ark Encounter is full of pseudoscience and lies
@LittleDreamersEducation 3 ай бұрын
I appreciate your response and I appreciate your level head when responding. It’s very refreshing being able to talk intelligibly! I respect your point of view and appreciate you taking the time to voice your opinion. The above response sounds very much like you believe in Darwinian’s theory of evolution. The problem I have with that is there is no observable scientific proof that one “kind” of animal can evolve into another “kind” of animal. There is adaptation for species but no proof of any sort that one kind of animal evolving into another totally different kind of animal. No where in the fossil record has there been proof that shows any type of transitional evolution of any type of animal. Even “Lucy” has proven to be just an ape not proof of evolution existing…
@cbdwarfer9492 3 ай бұрын
Hi. I assume that this was a response to me? I've only just noticed it as it was posted to the main comments section instead of our own thread. I'll reply on the assumption that it was... Firstly, it seems peculiar that you are asking if I "believe" in evolution. Evolution is not something that can be treated as a belief, it is as much a fact as anything known in science. The basic theory of evolution is confirmed so completely that scientists consider it simply a fact. And if you accept adaptation you are nearly there, as evolution involves both adaptation and speciation. But talking of "kinds" is hardly scientific as it is not any kind of taxonomic classification, and suggests you are possibly taking it from either the bible or a creationist source, neither of which are reliable sources as far as science is concerned. And I'm concerned you may have used a creationist source to conclude that there are no transitional fossils, which I'm sorry is total nonsense. There are many transitional fossils that have been found including the most famous such as Archaeopteryx, Tiktaalik and Pakicetus. I suggest you research these if you are unaware of them. And I'm confused why you are bringing the fossil record into a thread concerning Noah's ark anyway? If you believe the story was a literal event in history presumably you accept the biblical timeline that it occurred around 4,500 years ago? Many creationists point-blank refuse to even discuss the fossil record for the simple reason that the fossilisation process takes roughly around 10,000 years, so to try to use fossils as any kind of evidence for Noah's flood/ark is redundant. Happy to discuss more if you wish, and if this post wasn't meant for me... OOPS! Take care.
@LittleDreamersEducation 3 ай бұрын
@@cbdwarfer9492 Hi there and thank you for your reply. I don't know why my reply went into the main thread... firstly, let me clarify.. evolution is a theory. You even stated in your reply above that evolution is theory. Theory = unproven!! I don't know what scientists you're referring too that claim evolution is fact. That would be a very bold statement! secondly all those examples of evolution aren't examples of evolution they are more like examples of adaptation. Evolution is the supposed theory of the gradual development of something evolving into something totally different over a very very very very long period of time. Like a cat evolving into a dog. Archaeopteryx was a species of bird. What did it turn into?..... its still a bird!! Can you tell me why there are fossils of sea creatures on Mount Everest? Can you show me something that started as one kind of organism and evolved into another kind of organism over a very long period of time. Then can you show the transitional fossils?
@cbdwarfer9492 3 ай бұрын
​@@LittleDreamersEducation I have to admit, I'm a little disappointed with your reply, as you now seem to be making efforts to misrepresent evolution that are straight out of a Kent Hovind video. Apologies if you've never heard of him, but be assured you're doing a rather good impression of him with comments like "evolution is just a theory" and "we've never seen a cat turn into a dog" and "fossils of sea creatures on Mount Everest are evidence of the global flood". He is fairly well known on KZfaq creationist channels, but not a nice chap so I don't recommend him. If you're going to continue those kinds of disingenuous comments we probably have little more to discuss, but in the interests of polite conversation I'll try to explain in the hope that you're interested in learning rather than attempting "gotchas". Firstly, evolution is a SCIENTIFIC theory, not a common man-on-the street theory like "I have a theory whose dog is crapping in my garden". It's like the theory of gravity, or atomic theory. New discoveries/research may improve our understanding of these scientific theories, or "tweak" insignificant elements of them, but the theories themselves have never been disproven. It's extremely disingenuous to pretend otherwise. If you don't understand this, please look up what a scientific theory is. Science rarely claims to PROVE things, rather it provides explanations based on evidence, and the evidence supporting evolution is overwhelming. ""Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution" - Biologist Theodosius Dobzhansky. Secondly, you have either ignored or failed to research the transitional fossils as I suggested (I assume the latter given how quickly you replied). If you bothered to research Pakicetus you would already know that transitional fossils exist AND that that it was "one kind of organism that evolved into another kind of organism over a very long period of time" (your words). You would also have learned a great deal about the evolutionary history of whales. So you clearly haven't done as I suggested. "Archaeopteryx was a species of bird. What did it turn into?..... its still a bird!" - No, you are wrong, Archaeopteryx was a transitional form BETWEEN a dinosaur and a bird. It had traits of dinosaurs AND modern birds.. Unlike birds, it had sharp teeth. And it was unsuited to sustained periods of flight like modern birds are capable of. Exactly as a transitional fossil should be. "Can you tell me why there are fossils of sea creatures on Mount Everest?" - I assume you are suggesting this is evidence of a Worldwide flood? This is due to plate tectonics. It's no big mystery. If you've never heard of it, again please look it up. And once again, the fossil record is solid evidence AGAINST the "global flood", not FOR it. My time is limited at the moment, so hopefully that will suffice for "1-2-1 evolution". Getting back to the video, at the end of the day there is no evidence to suggest that the Noah's ark story was anything but an allegorical tale with no basis in reality. I'm happy to discuss this more if you wish (preferably more a two-way discussion if you feel there is evidence to support the story, rather than my continual responding to evolution/science-related questions), but I have some work to do so my responses may be delayed. Take care.
@davidgardner863 Ай бұрын
And yet creationists believe that one canine “kind” evolved into 35 species and one feline “kind” evolved into 38 species in an incredibly short period of time for example.
@Trulylatino 4 ай бұрын
It's so wonderful that God gave us a special book to tell us what we need to know. *The Bible 📖* is its name. Thy word is a lamp 🪔 unto my feet, and a light unto my path. (Psalm 119:105)
@justinlowder2173 4 ай бұрын
@richardtyree4969 4 ай бұрын
Lol it's so crazy that people still believe in fairy tales in 2024 😂😂
@user-ki1un4jg2d 3 ай бұрын
@@richardtyree4969 You mean like evolution .
@richardtyree4969 3 ай бұрын
@@user-ki1un4jg2d evolution happens all the time at least I'm not waiting for 2000 years for a mythical character from a book to show up and fix things
@jeremyhodgkins7005 3 ай бұрын
@@richardtyree4969you’re right you’re not waiting 2000 years, you’re waiting millions of year for the next “evolution” 😂😂
@ThelastCelticForest914 2 ай бұрын
Just out of interest. How did Noah accommodate the 10 million individual species of insects in the world. More than 11,000 individual species of Birds, Around 6400 Mammal species, 10,000 species of Reptiles, 700 species of Dinosaurs? Plus how big was the Ark?
@walkergarya 2 ай бұрын
The obvious answer is, it never happened.
@CordeliaCol317 Ай бұрын
How could I have more then 25 Cousins? I only got 7 aunts.... Maybe the Main DNA carrier were on Board and miltiplied
@amandas198 24 күн бұрын
ever see how small baby animals are they much smaller then the adults... plus easier to feed a bunch of baby animals then adults..and not all made it to the ark look at the bones they are finding they are all in the same position like they were drowned by a major flood
@walkergarya 24 күн бұрын
@@amandas198 Actually baby animals require MORE care than adults. There NEVER was any "Ark". It is a fairy tale than has no basis in reality.
@iriemon1796 3 ай бұрын
Like so many Christian apologetics, the answer to the very first question of whether there were dinos on the ark: Because the Bible (supposedly) says so. When your only evidence is the Bible, then you have to first show that the facts stated in the Bible are true and accurate. Otherwise you claim is invalid. His position is 1) based on an a prior belief, which 2) is based on an unsubstantiated source. Such an argument might be persuasive to those who "believe" the Bible is literally true and accurate, but not to people who don't start with those a priori assumptions. If you are going to start with those a priori assumptions, why pretend that you are making some kind of "scientific" explanation that is supposed to refute the scientific theory of evolution. It is not and therefore does not.
@TacoBel 3 ай бұрын
The first point is that if Christians don't believe that dinosaurs were on the Arc, then there is no point in discussing it farther. Scientific evidence and answers to the Genesis account of Noahs Arc can be found on the Answers Canada KZfaq channel. So, yes your first came is correct, but makes sense when understanding context. Your second point I disagree with, please see the previously referenced KZfaq channel for a host of videos across a wide range of topics, including the Genesis Account of Noahs Arc.
@stevetodd551 3 ай бұрын
How about learning how to spell and punctuate before you post your opinion? That way those of us who can read can understand what you're trying to say.
@iriemon1796 3 ай бұрын
@@stevetodd551 ["How about learning how to spell and punctuate before you post your opinion? That way those of us who can read can understand what you're trying to say"] What exactly is the problem for you?
@devinellison1642 2 ай бұрын
There’s evidence of ancient civilizations with artwork depicting dinosaurs. These civilizations were after the Flood event. Why are there dragon myths around the entire world from groups completely isolated from each other. If you do research there have been artwork from indigenous people depicting them riding dinosaurs. All this was covered up by the Smithsonian
@LittleDreamersEducation 3 ай бұрын
What an outstanding, well articulated and truthful account of our biblical history!! Placing dinosaurs on the Ark would have been done very easily. Noah could have taken eggs and juvenile dinosaurs on board the Ark. Fully grown dinosaurs would not of been taken on the Ark. I am thoroughly enjoying your videos and I really do hope that more people can watch them and learn!! God bless!! 😊✝️
@cbdwarfer9492 3 ай бұрын
Sorry, but there is no "truth" or "learning" to be had here, unless you wish to learn how disingenuous creationists can be. The bible mentions nothing about eggs or juveniles. so trying to crowbar such details into a clearly allegorical tale is akin to debating what made Alice fall down the rabbit-hole. No offense intended.
@LittleDreamersEducation 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for posting your reply and no offense taken at all. You are correct when you say that there is nothing written in the Bible about dinosaurs. What does say though Genesis 7:15 says that two of every creature that has the breath of life came to Noah and entered the ark, including animals, birds, and creeping things of every kind.
@LittleDreamersEducation 3 ай бұрын
I have a question to ask you 😊 Where did the 🐓 chicken come from? Did the chicken come first or was it the egg that came first? If it was the chicken then we have an objective fact that the humble chicken was on Noah’s boat. If it’s the egg that can first was the egg fertilized?
@cbdwarfer9492 3 ай бұрын
@@LittleDreamersEducation I guess that is the classic "Which came first, the chicken or the egg" question! I'm no scientist, but the answer is pretty simple. Eggs came first because eggs dramatically predate chickens. Chickens are descendants of dinosaurs, and we know that dinosaurs laid eggs. Our current chickens are a domesticated version of the Asian red junglefowl. As humans consistently chose the tamest birds and bred them together, the genetic makeup of resulting birds shifted, and during the domestication process the red junglefowl evolved into a new subspecies that we now know as the domesticated chicken. So basically, chickens lay amniotic eggs, a trick they inherited from their reptilian ancestors, which means that the egg came first long before what we now regard as the chicken. I hope that makes sense.
@johnthompson1437 4 ай бұрын
i always appreciate your videos!
@ftoftheX 4 ай бұрын
So were the dinosaurs on the ark or not? (I missed something here)
@scottmccloud9029 4 ай бұрын
This is a series. I believe that they were on the Arc. Every thing born or hatched is smaller than the full size original.
@stevendelucas6311 4 ай бұрын
Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago, so no.
@rascal211 4 ай бұрын
If so then what killed them off?@@scottmccloud9029
@calvinsmith7575 4 ай бұрын
Yes they were. : )
@rascal211 4 ай бұрын
Dinosaurs would have eaten man if they lived together.@@calvinsmith7575
@anthonycrumb5753 9 күн бұрын
Are the Flintstones pre-flood, personally I think they were, Fred Flintstone had a pet dinosaur caller dino as recorded by Hanna- Barbera. I don't know if Fred, Wilma, Barney & Betty perished in the Flood, perhaps they passed away before that but no doubt Bedrock was comsumed by the waters of God's wrath, could you tell me what was the great sin of Bedrock ?
@KraidAkuma101tonone 2 ай бұрын
if science can be wrong about the order of creation i.e sea and earth before stars can't it be wrong about dinosaurs living on land? dragons unless supernatural in hebrew were described as water living.
@ericjohnson6665 27 күн бұрын
For the record, Noah's "ark" was only big enough to hold his family and his own domestic livestock. He'd been measuring the water runoff each spring at the Euphrates River and saw it was getting higher each year, and he also knew about the occasional flooding that had occurred in the past and took measures to protect his own household in the event of an even worse flood.
@NW801 4 ай бұрын
There's a reason why these Ark believers will never debate a real scientist. It's because this story is just a fairytale, and that proves the Bible is just a fairytale as well.
@damieno3470 4 ай бұрын
And what your told isn't fairytales??? Just how many times have Neanderthals been perceived, changing from being a very primitive Bigfoot like ape to now being pretty much a modern human with nearly no differences in looks or culture? How many wrong interpretations were passed off as fact concerning dinosaurs like T Rex being an apex hunter or just a scavenger, or Spinosaurus being a swimming Dino or not. Or the idea that large dinos like Diplodocus for example had to be confined to water given the size but that "fact" is no longer either! Or the Coelacanth being extinct and then, not so much lol! Giant squids being pure myth to actually being real! Perhaps you believe that an asteroid was the demise of the Dino Era but there are scientists see issues with this idea, oh but there are an entire plethora of ideas on how the dinosaurs went extinct, pick one, climate change, a meteor, volcanos, a deadly Dino virus, a super nova, super toxic dinosaur FARTS!!! The fact is, they REALLY don't KNOW, ALL just theories with the asteroid being on top, but just how did only dinosaurs die off and not say crocodiles and every other living creature? What caused ALL of the other mass extinction events? Piltdown man (both 1 and 2) being taught and pushed as THE primary example of an evolutionary missing link for over 40 YEARS with over 200 publications, 50 PHDs handed out, and even 3 knighthoods given and the ENTIRE thing was fraud! FORTY YEARS taught as true! Or Ernst Haeckel's embryos chart being taught as fact in schools for more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS (150 YEARS) despite being revealed as fraudulent from the very beginning! They ONLY just stopped using them in MOST of the world (notice I didn't say all the world, but yes even America still had them in textbooks even as early as 2020!) A lie published as fact. The "March of progress" chart lol, where to start with that fairytale of artwork!!! Passed off as factual but in reality not even close! I once believed the fairytales as you do now but I woke up and saw through the lies and deceptions! Tell me can we observe and test dark matter, dark energy, the oort cloud? The answer is a resounding NO, we can't, it's fantasy, made up with NO actual evidence of it's existence whatsoever! Your welcome to keep believing the lie, but I'd encourage you to keep an unbiased open mind and look into the real and actual evidences of biblical history of which there is plenty! Look into biblical prophecy! There is a lot going on right now! Look into irreducible complexity! Ect, ect.
@riasapta4109 4 ай бұрын
Pride blinded man from seeing the truth, read book of Enoch please, i feel pity for you because deceptions is everywhere, i pray may God lift the darkness infront of you, so you may see and know the truth, in Jesus name, Amen
@damieno3470 4 ай бұрын
Look into archeological discoveries
@NW801 4 ай бұрын
@riasapta4109 so you want to prove the Bible with the Bible? How do more fairytales prove other fairytales? The cool thing about science is that whether you believe it or not, it's true.
@NW801 4 ай бұрын
@damieno3470 I hope you're saying look into archeological discoveries because that proves there was never a global flood. Yes, big floods have happened on Earth, but never one that wiped out all land animals and mankind. The story of Noah is just a fairytale made up by man a long time ago. It didn't actually happen.
@moss17dale 2 ай бұрын
Genesis 7:20 “Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.” So the flood was just over 8 metres deep.
@kathygagliardi8727 4 ай бұрын
Noah probably took young animals not adults
@cbdwarfer9492 4 ай бұрын
You seem to be adding elements of your own to the bible text to try to crowbar it into reality. It's just a fictional tale, so adding details to try to make it more feasible is pointless. And to use this logic to answer the capacity problem of fitting so many "kinds" on the ark only throws up more unanswerable questions.
@wellyftw 4 ай бұрын
Your bible story simply doesn't match reality, no matter how hard you try and shoe horn it into reality.
@kathygagliardi8727 4 ай бұрын
Well since you think it's all a fable don't blame God when you one day come face to face with him but until that day comes I'll keep praying for you
@cbdwarfer9492 4 ай бұрын
@@kathygagliardi8727 I'm hardly likely to blame something that has no evidence it even exists. And no offense, but don't waste any prayers on me, they don't work.
@sealer3553 4 ай бұрын
​@@kathygagliardi8727It is hard to reason with people who don't know the differences between male, and female. Good luck though.
@cruziezamora 4 ай бұрын
Maybe dinosaurs were part of the nephalim. Maybe the dinosaurs are just one of the products of strange flesh.
@barrybarlowe5640 4 ай бұрын
Why would he do that? Do we really understood what God's command meant about the Animals, Noah took in? A lot of Bible stories are contextual. Jonah, for example could have been swallowed by a "Great Fish" (Whales at this time were also considered fish) But being swallowed by a great fish was also a euphemism of that period, for falling into the Sea during the storm they were in. Do we know what was meant when it was written? If Dinosaurs still walked the Earth, at that time, they probably would have been called something rather unusual. They may have been excluded from Noah's list. That's not even getting into whether the time calculated by men, from the Bible, reflects reality. No where in the Bible, does it even define what is meant by the term, "Day" in the six days of Creation. Or what is meant by "Earth" Or "Seas". Try to explain chemistry, astronomy or physics to a hick farmer or shepherd, who has never had formal education? By Sea did he mean waters on this planet? Or waters, everywhere> Earth - same thing. What if "Day" was the only unit of measurement that was commonly understood, that could help indicate God created everything in six definitive steps? I feel Creationism, accepting a long dead man's interpretation of events and his attempts to calculate real dates from God's book may be arrogant and self-defeating. I also don't accept scientific dating premises, either. Scientists have often been flat out wrong, and science has needed to "re-calibrate" numerous times since it became a definitive field of study. Evolution is laughable. I have yet to see proof that a fish became anything other than a fish, a reptile, a reptile, a bird, a bird and so on. While I agree living things adapt and change (even humans) we don't have any evidence we become other living things - only pure conjecture, based on the premise that there is no God. I find that notion pitiful and requiring more blind faith than believing in God. And as I said, Whales used to be considered fish. Did that make them fish? NO! It revealed people didn't know what they were talking about. Bats were considered birds. What were octopuses thought of? The great Apes had several unfortunate labels, because they were man-like, but obviously no men. I believe the Bible is accurate, especially historically, but also contains teaching stories to help it's readers/listeners understand God's purpose and their own in God's plan. But I don't trust the theory of Creationism... I believe in God, not some stranger's weird 2nd hand account of his works.
@TacoBel 3 ай бұрын
Firstly, the book of Job gives plenty of context clues to make it pretty obvious with a straightforward understanding that it is talking about a literal 'sea creature' (modern day whale, some sort of fish, extinct creature. exactly what does not matter) Secondly, the video does explain the context for a 24 hour day in the first chapter of Genesis. To claim anything else goes against everything known about context, logic, and historical writings. Third, it does not matter what anything was called or classified back in that time. Fourth, I personally believe the distinction between land and seas is just the difference between inside and outside body of water. Fifth, the Bible was written by dozens of authors over 2000 years, yet not a single contradiction or fallacy or theological inconsistancy has been found. The way God chose to reveal himself is through people, one of those weird people Job, wrote about the 'paths of the sea' thousands of years before ocean currents were discovered by science. The Bible was written by humans who were inspired by the Holy Sprit. Even when taken as a colection of books with all religious thought removed, the Bible holds up as a humanly impossible achievement... unless it is true. One other thing. Human definitions change. As you mentioned science to have changed over the years, so has human understanding of 'birds'. When looking at a historical wrighting, one must understand the Historical definitions of the time to understand what was actually being said. But also not hold the change in definitions against the historical document. As you said, context is everything. But to state a change in context dismantles/disproves or puts a flaw in something does not make any sense. I hope I was clear in what I meant to get across (weather you agree or not), and I am sorry for responding to a comment from 1 month ago. Anyway if you read this then I hope you have a Great Day! God Bless!
@zanir2387 3 ай бұрын
By the very own size of the ark there is no way noah could had housed a sauroposeidon there, i consider irresponsable to spread such non-senses...
@dooglysaintima758 3 ай бұрын
And if there was disease and death back then, and a very few populations among all species, then how did any of the animals not die? And if you say only the dino’s died, then how come other species didn’t die? Let’s not talk about other dead species of mammals, amphibians, plants, etc.
@AndemusRay 3 ай бұрын
By kind my friend, by kind, look all the sauropods kinds and you will find how there were smaller sizes. Same with all others, look deeper and be open to the possibility with what are facts, but look for truth, God bless you.
@zanir2387 3 ай бұрын
@@AndemusRay the facts states clearly that man and dinosaurs(at least not the non-avían ones) never cohexisted...
@zanir2387 2 ай бұрын
@@AndemusRay the facts states clearly that man and dinosaurs(at least not the non-avían ones) never cohexisted...
@user-do5ln7ez2d Ай бұрын
Fossilization takes millions of years. A fossil is a stone. Therefore, the dinosaurs did not live at the same time than humans.
@someguy5438 2 ай бұрын
I watch these videos because there is world class mental gymnastics in the comments.
@patrickmorris9710 2 ай бұрын
The seventh day of the week beings at dusk of Friday and ends at dusk of Saturday. It was Constitine who changed the day of rest to Sunday, Passover to Easter December 25 to the day Jesus was born.
@georg7120 3 ай бұрын
They disrespect the bible that tells that there were two creations.
@DebbieannShaquan278Grant 28 күн бұрын
Our ways are not God’s ways, His knowledge and power far exceeds the minuscule knowledge we have. And our little knowledge has made something as great as Wi-Fi ( which still amazes me). How much Greater does our Father in heaven Know. I chuckle at the people putting GOD in their box. Like he is the Creator, everything is possible for him even if our little minds can’t comprehend how. 😂
@joehayward2631 8 күн бұрын
The food story is copied from the oldest writing. Every Coulter has flood story. The sq ft of ark is only 10 sq ft different. Thats incredible. So much more, Think of animals dna was on ark
@ericjohnson6665 27 күн бұрын
I can't help but wonder, which is the more important: believing there's a God, or believing there was a world-wide flood? As the existence of God cannot be proven either way, one would think, that promoters of that belief would want to make belief as easy as possible. There are floods all the time, all over the planet, so the idea of a flood is an easy one. But the idea of a world-wide flood is disprovable. To believe that, one is tasked with supposing that the author was somehow able to know about the entire planet (if in fact, the author even had any concept of Earth being a sphere) was under water. The only way to know that is from above with weather satellites. (Did we used to have those but somehow never knew about them?) Since there is zero evidence there was ever a world-wide flood during man's existence, one might think that it would be worth having some humility around that idea, and not make it a core issue in any theological belief system so as to make belief in God a smoother ride. The same would be true of supposing how old the Earth is. Does believing the Earth is one age vs. another have any tangible relevance to a belief in God? And are dinosaurs even referenced at all in the Bible? The fact that it's even being attempted to align the knowledge that dinosaurs existed with Biblical theology, means one accepts the fact that they did exist, which creates a bit of a non-sequitur with all young earth concepts. You need to pick a side, God, or the dubious notion that the Bible is inerrant.
@arlahunt4240 2 ай бұрын
I don’t know that the animals that are extinct like teradactiles,, triceratops, T Rex were here after the great flood. I felt they were here before the flood. I don’t know everything so maybe the truth of the matter will be taught us when Jesus comes to the earth.
@walkergarya 2 ай бұрын
There NEVER was any global flood.
@rubbermyducky5998 Ай бұрын
@@walkergarya There may not have been a global flood, but every major religion in the world has a story about a global flood. Doesn't seem like a coincidence to me.
@inthegarage342 4 ай бұрын
I used to believe that there was an enormous expanse of time between Gen 1:1 and Gen 1:2. That was where I thought the dinosaurs were. But that was debunked by Gen 1: 20-23. How could God have created all living things on day 5 if he had already created dinosaurs before day 1? Answer, he didn't.
@riasapta4109 4 ай бұрын
Book of Enoch answered your question, they were not created by God, they were created by miscegenation experiments
@davidgeier5827 3 ай бұрын
It's called the gap theory
@davidgardner863 Ай бұрын
Genesis didn’t debunk anything. It’s a plagiarized tale based on earlier myths.
@inthegarage342 Ай бұрын
@davidgardner863 Sure it is. Tell ya what. Write a better version. In 5000 years, we'll revisit the conversation and see which version we're still talking about.
@davidgardner863 Ай бұрын
@@inthegarage342 , Genesis is a fable. There were over 1000 known dinosaur species that lived over a period of 160 million years and that is probably only a small fraction that existed considering the rarity of large animals being fossilized. The planet isn’t big enough for all of them to have lived all at once not to mention the hundreds of millions of other species.
@kathygagliardi8727 4 ай бұрын
He's wrong about that 24 hour day here's why he told Adam and Eve were told not to eat of the tree of knowledge good and evil if you do on that day you shall surely die if it was a twenty four hour day then none of us would be here but scripture says a day with the Lord is as a 1000 years and a 1000 years as one day
@Openreality 4 ай бұрын
There was a 24 hour day. Read Genesis again. And read through the fall again. They were created as adults to create offspring.
@calvinsmith7575 4 ай бұрын
Most english translations say 'you will surely die' but the Hebrew actually reads 'die die' or dying you shall die- an immediate spiritual death (separation from God) and the beginning of the dying process where their bodies would return to the dust...
@georgesparks7833 Ай бұрын
Where are the giants 😅 that road the dinosaurs....
@cbdwarfer9492 4 ай бұрын
This is wrong at every turn. There was no global flood 4,500 years ago as described in the bible, so there was no ark, so trying to crowbar dinosaurs into the narrative is just ridiculous.
@rascal211 4 ай бұрын
There was a flood but that doesn't mean there were dinosaurs on the ark.
@cbdwarfer9492 4 ай бұрын
@@rascal211 No, my friend, there is no evidence whatsoever that there was a global flood 4,500 years ago as described in the bible. It is just a fictional story with no basis in reality. And to be specific, the Noah's ark tale in the bible was plagiarised from the Epic of Gilgamesh that was written over 1,000 years before the bible story.
@smoothnubian 2 ай бұрын
I believe dinosaurs lived in the Pre-Adamite world
@Pay-It_Forward Ай бұрын
*Calling fairy tales history, doesn't give them or the teller credibility*
@joinjen3854 2 ай бұрын
Everything before the Flood were vegetarians. We could all share the ark as carnivores didn't exist.
@cbdwarfer9492 2 ай бұрын
You have a vivid imagination. What evidence do you have for these claims?
@joinjen3854 2 ай бұрын
@@cbdwarfer9492 the Bible says all creatures were vegetarian before the flood. I love how people who don't know the Bible and scoff at the Creator behind it, mock it. The Bible refers to you.
@cbdwarfer9492 2 ай бұрын
@@joinjen3854 Firstly, the bible is the CLAIM, not the evidence. I asked you for EVIDENCE. Are you not able to understand the difference? The bible says a lot of things, this does not make them all true. It is neither a science book nor a history book, and is littered with inconsistencies. What makes you think I don't know the bible, friend? Your "holier-than-thou" attitude may be your undoing, so be very careful about your reply. So I ask again, what EVIDENCE do you have for your claims?
@joinjen3854 2 ай бұрын
@@cbdwarfer9492 my comments were deleted by yt.
@cbdwarfer9492 2 ай бұрын
@@joinjen3854 Why should that be the case unless you used inappropriate language...?
@dariostud9424 4 ай бұрын
Of course Noah brought dinosaurs on the ark, he brought Iguanas, snakes and chicken didn't he? Lol.
@pichytechno6782 Ай бұрын
This is a good video, and this is why nobody is going to heaven because it wasn't part of God's plan. If Adam and Eve hadn't sinned they would still be around alive and kicking. and Jesus Christ said it in John 5:28,29, Paul in Acts 24:15, and before that, David also said it in Psalms 37:29. Job too. but I'm not going to inundate this text with all of the Biblical God's Servants who believe in a resurrection here on earth waiting for Christ to come and show the world what's gonna happen in the future. Yes the Earth will become a paradise as it was intended from the very beginning
@Pay-It_Forward Ай бұрын
*("Yes the Earth will become a paradise"), yep us atheists will use CRISPR to make that happen & fix the tens of thousands of blunders in human DNA.*
@markmerry1471 2 ай бұрын
No as there was no Ark and no one with that name ever. And by the way there was no flood and they are the hardest facts you can get.
@maeve4686 3 ай бұрын
I just heard a KZfaq ad stating that " attention christians, there's a biblical reference to heal toe nail fungus "..., but my Ad blocker stopped it. Anyone else hear it?
@seanpepper92 3 ай бұрын
Perfectly reported documentary. Atheists better swallow their pride and accept they have been lied to (just like we were) before it gets any harder for them
@cbdwarfer9492 3 ай бұрын
It has NEVER been hard for atheists, reality is pretty easy and you don't have to lie to crowbar fictional stories into it. If you swallow this nonsense you are incredibly gullible. There is no evidence whatsoever that there was a global flood 4,500 years ago as described in the bible. So no flood, no ark. The end.
@TickedOffPriest 2 ай бұрын
Just bring young ones.
@davidgardner863 Ай бұрын
Most young animals require more care and many require one or both parents until mature. Sorry, but that doesn’t work.
@TickedOffPriest Ай бұрын
@@davidgardner863 After weaning, not as much... Especially since they would be cared for to grow up over a year. Nice try.
@davidgardner863 Ай бұрын
@@TickedOffPriest , I said most, you are referring to some. That’s what I call the one size fits all theory. Just what did all those animals eat? The carnivores, the insect eaters, those with specific diets? How did all the land plants survive a year under salty water? How did shallow water species like corals and kelp survive deep water and the sea life that depends on them? But one of the most basic questions of all: how did a very old man and his old sons build a gigantic boat with bronze hand tools? My try was a lot nicer than yours.
@TickedOffPriest Ай бұрын
@@davidgardner863 You are assuming that Noah and his sons were primitive. Man was planting crops and raising animals after one generation.
@davidgardner863 Ай бұрын
@@TickedOffPriest , No, I’m assuming that Noah never existed, nor the ark, and the global flood didn’t happen.
@steveglover2741 3 ай бұрын
Give me...a break....and you call this informative....
@HereIam-rg3vy 3 ай бұрын
No he didn’t on two counts,firstly dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago,secondly,there was no flood
@ukmartin2569 2 ай бұрын
You are assuming that" millions" of years is the norm.
@HereIam-rg3vy 2 ай бұрын
@@ukmartin2569 I assume nothing,science tells us so.Prove me wrong without bible quotes
@nelissteyn7056 2 ай бұрын
​@@HereIam-rg3vyokay...so if dinosaurs were brought to extinction through a catastrophic event then the logical implication is that all life must have been brought to extinction in that event and not just the dinosaurs ...sooooo there were two evolutionary startups then? By the way evolution is not science. Science is science, the objective evidence is science. Evolution is the commonly held way of interpretation.. So no...science doesn't tell us the age of the earth...it just tells us time has passed
@nelissteyn7056 2 ай бұрын
Evolution isn't science. Can we just get that straight? It is a worldview used to interpret scientific findings not evolutionary findings
@ukmartin2569 2 ай бұрын
@@HereIam-rg3vy That all depends on which scientists you listen to and believe. Your choice, for God himself gave us free will.
@beestoe993 2 ай бұрын
I disagree. I love the Bible and absolutely believe in the flood and a young Earth, but I take issue with the presumption that we MUST read things into the Bible that are simply not there. Ive come to many "Logical conclusions" of my own and they are NOT the same as yours. For instance, the assertion that the T-Rex used to be a herbivore. My "Logical conclusion" to that is that God's ability to create life did not end after the first 6 days, and that they, along with all other carnivores, were part of the thorns and thistles curse. Its only logical. But like yours, my "logical conclusion" is also an extra-Biblical assumption. The truth is we simply do not know! It is my belief that the account of the creation in Genesis is for our benefit and is specific to our world, our Solar System and the moon and the Sun. Never at any time does it state that God created the entire Universe in 6 days. It does say "and he created the Stars". That is precisely what the other planets in our Solar system are to us, stars. And all essential to the function of our world. Young Earth, Ancient Universe, Eternal God. There is no "distant starlight problem". Its only logical. And there are clearly far more things about the pre-flood world that the Bible does NOT cover than things that it does. I think we should take the Bible at face value, not take away from or add to it. If you think that Dinosaurs were on the Ark, fine. But don't act as if it is scriptural. It is NOT!
@devinellison1642 2 ай бұрын
I don’t think it’s a leap to assume that dinosaurs were herbivores before sin entered the world. Everything was perfect in the eyes of the Lord and killing is not “good”. So I think it’s safe to assume that animals began to kill and eat other animals after sin entered.
@beestoe993 2 ай бұрын
@@devinellison1642 It may not be a leap, but it is absolutely an assumption.
@jonathanwisk5830 3 ай бұрын
im a Christian but this is ridiculous. I wouldnt be shocked if this is parody
@Alex-xw7or Ай бұрын
These arguments are like that of a 4 year old
@walkergarya Ай бұрын
You should not insult 4 year olds.
@angrydoggy9170 2 ай бұрын
Nope, no dinosaurs on the ark. Even better, no ark.
@ericstyles3724 2 ай бұрын
There's a big ark on Mt. Ararat on Turkey's border & one on Mt.Hebron, Lebenon-Syria. There's probably more.
@Keepcalmcalvin Ай бұрын
Prove it .. Empirical Proof
@brandonsturgell9315 Ай бұрын
There is an ark buried in turkey in the mountains of the Ararat. It's been found ergo proven.
@angrydoggy9170 Ай бұрын
@@brandonsturgell9315 Nope. No ark there. Just a slightly boat shaped rock formation. Try to keep it real dude.
@brandonsturgell9315 Ай бұрын
@angrydoggy9170 they did ground penetrating radar and found its there and even 1 room still intact but could never be reached without collapse but ok.
@h.w.barlow6693 4 ай бұрын
@miguelsantiago1448 4 ай бұрын
Yes, um, he did.
@plainsman 4 ай бұрын
There are no human fossils or artifacts found with dinosaurs, and there are no dinosaur fossils found with human fossils. Furthermore, there is an approximately sixty-four-million-year gap in the fossil record when there are neither dinosaur nor human fossils. If humans and dinosaurs coexisted, traces of the two should be found in the same time places. At the very least, there should not be such a dramatic separation between them.
@miguelsantiago1448 4 ай бұрын
You believe what you want, but I still want to hear what they have to say.
@dooglysaintima758 3 ай бұрын
Ah yes bury your head in the sand my friend, see how that goes.
@TacoBel 3 ай бұрын
@@plainsman "Illuminating but spotty, the fovil record is like a film of evolution from which goe out of 1,000 frames have been lost." - National Geographic "Was Darwin Wrong" November 2004 Sure it was stated in 2004, but nothing has changed about the fossil record. The reason that no human and dinosaurs were fossilized is that they did not exist right next to each other. But also, not a single dating method that has not already been proven faulty actually dates dinosaurs fossils to be 65 million years old. The evidence shows that a dinosaur like creature existed along side humans. And this is shown I cultures all across the world.
@2grown4 4 ай бұрын
There is no 65 million years no one knows but that Bible knows and been accurate so far the Bible said earth is 6,000 years old
@cbdwarfer9492 4 ай бұрын
No offense, but "The bible says..." means nothing. Do you believe the Harry Potter books when they say that children can fly on broomsticks?
@TacoBel 3 ай бұрын
@@cbdwarfer9492 The Harry Potter books do not claim to be true to real life. The Bible does. Big difference.
@cbdwarfer9492 3 ай бұрын
@@TacoBel That's my point, the only difference is the CLAIMS that people make on fictional accounts.
@Bob_Bobson47 3 ай бұрын
​@@cbdwarfer9492Yes, but the Bible is also consistent with reality. And not only is it true, but it's enlightening. The Bible teaches and develops one throughout one's life, which may sound ridiculous, but I promise you it's true.
@cbdwarfer9492 3 ай бұрын
@@Bob_Bobson47 Sorry, but the bible is not remotely consistent with reality. If you adhere to the biblical narrative. The earth would only be around 6,000 years old. And as this video series comically suggests there should have been a global flood around 4,500 years ago, for which there is no evidence whatsoever. The Noah's ark story is no more than an allegorical tale with no basis in reality. It's not even an original text, but shamelessly plagiarised from the Epic of Gilgamesh. And if you worship the God of the Christian bible you are worshipping a global genocidal maniac that endorses slavery. Not my kind of role model, I'm afraid.
@turdferguson12 3 ай бұрын
lol, no, no he did not😂😂😂
@kathygagliardi8727 4 ай бұрын
Dinosaurs is made made word for creatures that existed before the flood
18 күн бұрын
The bible said kinds. From creation week. Its as likely there were very few original kinds. So these kinds led after the fall to great morphing within the kind and so many species. tHen at the ark rebooting back to kind and after the flood year more morphing from those kinds. so a option so called dinos were just species within kinds that now we know as bisons, deer, horses etc etc. so explaining why never are those creatures found with dinos etc or in those lower rock strata and no dinos above. likewise in the seas. there were no dinosaurs. The clue to me was theropod dinos are clearly just bioring flightless ground birds. AHA.
@riasapta4109 4 ай бұрын
God already provides the answer, Book of Enoch and Book of Giants
@TheGoldPoppy 4 ай бұрын
the book of Enoch is not biblical. look up how it contradicts the bible. pray to the Lord alone. not Enoch
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