Avi Loeb: Extraterrestrial Life: Are We the Sharpest Cookies in the Jar?

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Astrofísica UC

Astrofísica UC

3 жыл бұрын

Dr. Loeb is an Israeli-American theoretical physicist, with broad interests in the fields of astrophysics and cosmology. He has worked on the formation and evolution of black holes, the first generation of stars in the universe and the epoch of reionization, as well as high-redshift gamma-ray bursts. The proposed direct measurement method of the acceleration/deceleration of the universe by using the Lyman-alpha forest carries his name, the “Sandage-Loeb test”. He is worldwide known for a large number of studies and predictions - often pioneering and provocative, including the intuition that exoplanets could be detected via gravitational microlensing and that interstellar meteors could impact Earth - and for his commitment in the search for extraterrestrial life. He also coined the concept of the "habitable epoch of the early universe". In the past few years his name has been linked to ‘Oumuamua, the first known interstellar object passing through the Solar System, as he conjectured about its possible artificial, extraterrestrial origin. Dr. Loeb is chairing various advisory committees, and is the science theory director for the Breakthrough Initiatives.
[07:40] - beginning of the presentation
[1:21:00] - beginning of the Q&A
Spanish version: • Avi Loeb: Vida extrate...
The panel of our 'Golden Webinar' consisted of:
• Avi Loeb - speaker
• Patricio Gonzalez (patricio.gonzalez.interprete@gmail.com) - Interpreter
• Thomas H. Puzia - co-host, faculty at IA
• Demetra De Cicco - co-host, postdoctoral fellow at IA
• Felipe Barrientos - Director of the Institute of Astrophysics (IA)
• Elizabeth Artur de la Villarmois - postdoc at IA
• Paula Ronco - postdoc at IA
• Giuseppe D'Ago - postdoc at IA
• Sara Seager - Class of 1941 Professor of Planetary Science, Physics, and Aerospace Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
• Jill Tarter - Chair Emeritus for SETI Research at the SETI Institute
• John Blakeslee - Director for Science at Gemini Observatory
• Paul Hoyningen-Huene - Professor of Philosophy in Institute of Philosophy at the Leibniz University Hannover, Germany, and Lecturer at the Department of Economics at Universität Zürich
• Steven Beckwith - Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Space Sciences Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley
• Dietrich Baade - Astronomer at the European Southern Observatory in Garching
• Ricardo Acevedo - Q&A manager, outreach team IA
The 'Golden Webinars in Astrophysics' series seeks to bring forefront research in astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology to the public in the English and Spanish language. Full schedule of the Golden Webinars series: tiny.cc/GWA-schedule
#goldenwebinars #IAPUC #AstroUC #extraterrestrial #oumuamua #SETI #science #astronomy
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Avi Loeb's book:
'Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth': www.amazon.com/Extraterrestri...

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@jcgaladd 10 ай бұрын
The irony of Loeb talking about modesty in the beginning... 😂
@james4059a 2 жыл бұрын
I confirm that the general public cares about the natural world more than the social aspects of the physics community.
@jimsteen911 2 жыл бұрын
Hahahahaha. Yeah, I agree. The guy didn't even ask a question or anything. Just like a good - and sometimes useless - academic with an inflated sense of self-importance and apparently no damn social awareness, he took notes and presented a miniature book report in the Q&A section of the good doctor's discussion. However, I will say that as an outside observer, I understood the context and theme of his comments which were in line with Abraham's. The astrophysics community's culture is driven by the same fads and fashions as the rest of the world's cultures. The same old story of people seeking validation by others and the mavericks have a hard go of it whether they are right or wrong. Not to mention, we're talking about physics and science. Sure, there are plenty of normal, smart people. But I'd also say that there is a much higher concentration of beta males on the autistic spectrum. This must have some sort of impact on the field and where it find itself. So you've got a bunch of grab asses contributing to each other's egos and, like string theory and Everett's multiverse, chase theoretical 'beauty' whether it has any connections to the physics world or not. There are a lot of absolutely brilliant people who have done and continue to do brilliant things in natural science. But for all the brilliance in science, there's a lot more insane retardation and stupidity. How many millions have been spent on dark matter alone? On string theory? Do you realize there are assholes right now like Brian Green whose occupation is 'string theorist?' And I'm certain that this impresses a whole lot of people who are ignorant of what it means. I feel bad for Loeb BC he's one of my favorite beta males. He's a real dude who doesn't slide around the autistic spectrum so he's aware of his social standings which consists of everyone TRASHING him for daring to suggest that this anomalous object may be artificial and that if we can spend millions, billions on scientific hypotheses for which there is no evidence and, in the case of string theory, is next to unfalsifiable and they'll never disprove it, then we should be able to spend some money and some post docs on surveying our immediate solar system for more of these objects which should be relatively numerous. I realize no one asked me for my opinion but my opinion happens to be that Jill Tarter is the official Karen, the chair emeritus of SETI and got butthurt BC Loeb criticized her community for their religious and faith based ideas when it comes to artificial space based artifacts. They would prefer a hypothesis that is natural over artificial; even though this natural hypothesis involves a HYDROGEN iceberg which we have never, ever seen, in any way, and which would not have survived the thousands to millions of years in space AND the extreme temperature shifts in between deep space and perihelion. It's fuckin unreal. We've never seen frozen hydrogen in space. So, no matter how improbable, they prefer nonsense. I don't really 'believe' in aliens, however, I do believe that 'it's never aliens' is inherently a religious, faith based and anti-scientific statement that should embarrass any physicist using it. Also, the 'extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence' is likewise a ridiculous anti scientific statement. Extraordinary claims require evidence. That's all. Can't believe I'm still typing, I'm just pretty annoyed by mainstream science these days. I mean, look at wtf fauci did and all the thousands of celebrities and news anchors and fake academics and leftists and big tech censors who have qualified for their knee pads blowing Faucis Brooklyn phallus of lies. Ok, I think I'm done.
@MrWolynski Жыл бұрын
@sorpresa_de_videos4897 3 жыл бұрын
Well then "you are not a sociologist, you are a scientist" .... what do you want me to tell you???, it's clear to me that the physicist community is quite closed-minded, here a PUC sociologist who has just taught statistical models to her PUC physicist boyfriend , because SCIENCE, you know. Now I clearly see that Avi Loeb is right about the "scientific community" ... Excellent talk, please continue this initiative, thank you!
@SweetMusicUS 2 жыл бұрын
Look at their faces at 1:28 12! They're all shocked and disgusted by what he is saying because he's talking about them
@sorpresa_de_videos4897 3 жыл бұрын
Well then "no eres sociólogo, eres un científico"....qué quieren que les diga, me queda claro que la comunidad de físicos es bastante cerrada de mente, aquí una socióloga PUC que acaba de enseñarle modelos estadísticos a su novio físico PUC, porque CIENCIA, ya saben. Ahora veo claramente que Avi Loeb tiene razón sobre la comunidad de físicos...Excelente charla, por favor continúen con esta iniciativa, gracias!
@Hataldir 3 жыл бұрын
Tu comentario no tiene mucho sentido, la verdad: 1) La sociología dista mucho de ser una ciencia natural como la física, química (o incluso biología o geología), simplemente porque el sujeto de estudio no se comporta siguiendo una leyes fijas. La sociología utiliza algunas herramientas típicas de la ciencia (principalmente matemáticas y estadística, de un nivel básico-medio), pero se podría argumentar que esa parte "científica" de la sociología es de hecho matemáticas. En cualquier caso esto no hace que la sociología sea mejor o peor, pero pretender que es una ciencia similar a las que he mencionado antes es un error. 2) Estás extendiendo a toda la comunidad de físicos una observación particular de un individuo. 3) Decir que le has enseñado "modelos estadísticos" a alguien es como decir que le has enseñado "funciones". 4) Loeb está totalmente equivocado. La comunidad de físicos (y en particular la de astrofísicos) llevamos décadas buscando y esperando encontrar signos de vida extraterrestre. Tienes un ejemplo magnífico en el panel de este mismo webinar, Jill Tarter, a quien por cierto Loeb trata como si no supiese de qué va el asunto a pesar de que ella lleva toda su vida trabajando en ello. El problema no es que los físicos tengan la mente cerrada, sino que Loeb quiere vender su libro y, en vez de considerar las explicaciones más razonables va directamente a los aliens, porque queda muy bien. El motivo por el que la comunidad científica no da crédito a las ideas de este señor no es porque sean todos unos cerrados y él un genio visionario. Simplemente aplican el método científico antes de montarse películas de ciencia ficción.
@sorpresa_de_videos4897 3 жыл бұрын
​Me tomo la molestia de responderte porque es importante que las cosas no se malentiendan. Creo que en la universidad debes haber comprendido el concepto de ciencia, te pido que investigues cuál es el significado de la palabra, pues estás cometiendo un gran error de ignorancia y debo aclararte las cosas. La sociedad es una realidad objetiva, puedes pensar en tu familia como una unidad social, en las universidades como instituciones, la sociedad existe, es una realidad medible, observable, cuantificable. Para recalcar, lamento mucho tu forma de pensar, pero la sociología es una ciencia y utiliza el método científico para sus análisis. No es que quiera convencerte, es que es la verdad y no sé si pecas de ignorancia o de falta de criterio, en serio. Me da risa que creas que la sociedad no existe jajajajaja 1.- Jamás escribí que la sociología fuera mejor que otras ciencias, creo que malentiendes esto también. Y te pido que te informes antes de hablar sobre mi profesión, porque al parecer no tienes idea sobre de qué se trata y cómo utilizamos modelos estadísticos, tan sencillos para ti, quizás podrías leer algún paper antes de hablar, no sé, me da vergüenza lo que dices, si ni siquiera estudias ni usas estadística, es más vergonzoso aún, cuento con que entiendas que sé que en física uc no manejan estadística y punto, ni siquiera está en la malla curricular. Como bien sabrás, ninguna persona es una enciclopedia de distribuciones estadísticas, y sobre todo cuando aplican a grupos de personas, que no es el objetivo de estudio físicos normalmente, pero sí, por ejemplo, de físicos médicos que trabajan en neurociencia. Y si bien las distribuciones se podrían catalogar como conocimiento "básico" la teoría y la intuición detrás de ella no es para nada trivial, por lo que si vienes a decirme que todo en cuanto a distribuciones se trata es "básico" solo muestra que el uso que le has dado es lo realmente básico. Lamentable. 2.- No te estás quedando con nada de la charla, la idea de Loeb no es que sea con absoluta certeza un resto arqueológico extraterrestre, sino que más bien, se considere esta opción como factible, si bien no la más probable, las explicaciones naturales son extremadamente rebuscadas y también MUY poco probables. Y en cuanto a la comunidad científica, y astrofísica, todos sabemos que estas búsquedas existen, como tu ya lo dijiste, Jill Tarter evidencia, o como se evidencia en el grupo SETI, etc. El punto es que el financiamiento a este tipo de búsquedas es despreciable respecto de otras áreas de la física, como por ejemplo altas energías, si piensas en el costo de construir nuevos aceleradores que son como bien debes saber , financiar búsquedas arqueológicas extraterrestres (no hablo de aliens, hablo de extra-terrestres) no es nada descabellado. 3.-Bueno has demostrado que la observación que hizo un individuo representa tu modo de pensar también y más razón le das a mi argumento, que es lo que comparto con Loeb, la comunidad de astrofísicos y físicos se está quedando atrás en el desarrollo de la ciencia, podrían morir especulando!! Dejando fuera grandes posibilidades, es por eso que el aporte de Loeb me parece muy interesante.
@anandbalivada7461 3 жыл бұрын
People are all talking about Jill Tarter, but oof Paul Hoyningen-Huene got the rough end of the stick (1:55:40) as well. Lol he may have read philosophy books in adolescence, but damn, he really doesn't like philosophy 😂.
@astro-tbo9322 3 жыл бұрын
For those who are interested, we had a recent presentation at our institute (LESIA, Paris Observatory) advocating a more "classical" explanation for Oumuamua's shape and trajectory (but, of course, debate is always healthy): kzfaq.info/get/bejne/h7qelaRe3NG0hGg.html
@thestellarator815 2 жыл бұрын
1:38:00 is what y'all are here for.
@FreestyleCompany17 3 жыл бұрын
Avi loeb habla mas de política que de ciencia.
@jimsteen911 2 жыл бұрын
Because avi Loeb literally had every single asshole who writes popular science garbage, scientists, colleagues, you tubers, and their mothers attacked him and criticized him (not his ideas, but most suggested he was a grifter, and I don't believe in aliens but saying 'it's never aliens' beforehand is one of the most religious, faith based, non scientific statements I've ever heard. It's a self fulfilling prophecy) for daring to suggest this object that was full of anomalies was artificial. Then we found something that did the same thing and it happened to be artificial: our own tech lost in space. Then these people suggest it's a huge frozen molecular HYDROGEN iceberg which is just ridiculous. So ridiculous. More ridiculous than aliens. But they all loved that one. The problem is they're both equally unlikely scenarios but the artificial sail makes more sense. So it's all about politics. You've got all these physicists and post docs and tax money chasing TOTAL NONSENSE like string theory, dark matter, the multiverse. And his point is that we need a little equity in the pursuit of new ideas and who gets funded. So I'll tell ya man, he's talking politics BC he's pissed off its nothing but politics. He's from Harvard and I think he had a significant role in peer reviewing papers so I think ppl resent him for having new ideas like this yet probably stopping a few others from their ideas. But idk, considering the person I heard it from is likely the least intelligent astrophysicist I've ever encountered, and who happens to agree with hydrogen iceberg insanity: the great Paul Sutter. Idk how this guy got a PhD. Sutter is likeable but he is such an idiot. I've read his papers and he only seems competent when speaking about dark matter - which doesn't friggin exist - on super computer simulations which they tweak until they look almost right, but in the end, is just a result of their own biases
@bozo5632 2 жыл бұрын
Loeb is right.
@MrWolynski Жыл бұрын
Fuck yea he is. By a factor of 1,000.
@paulomarianodossantosfilho1949 10 ай бұрын
Os esforços destes homens de vanguarda será reconhecido no futuro! Pobres homens e sua física insípida, estão distantes da verdade, tanto quanto o infinito elevado ao infinito!
@inkdogg4239 2 жыл бұрын
Go Avi GO!!!!!
@swan20051395 2 жыл бұрын
God damn Avi is a straight up savage I love him
@victorcalderon8478 3 жыл бұрын
Cómo habilitar la traducción disponible en zoom durante el webinar?
3 жыл бұрын
Aqui esta la version en Español: kzfaq.info/get/bejne/bqx8Z8eqqZa8mY0.html
@victorcalderon8478 3 жыл бұрын
@ ohhh...Muchas gracias!!! Sólo alcancé a ver la segunda mitad de la charla con traducción!!!
@sharjane4627 Жыл бұрын
Avi is awesome for standing up for his beliefs! We need new ideas and support to explore different explanations based on evidence. Let's move forward and find answers instead of arguing.
@FM_GOBi 3 жыл бұрын
1:38:22 So about the argument between Jill Tarter and Avi Loeb. The way I see it, it's because a misunderstanding on Avi's part about what Jill is talking about. Jill is just saying that he shouldn't blame the whole scientific culture for being toxic, because scientists really are looking to increase funding for SETI, there is no one who would really oppose that. And Avi thinks that Jill is disagreeing with him and saying that she doesn't want more money for SETI. Which is silly, SETI is her job, why wouldn't she want more money.
@RWin-fp5jn 3 жыл бұрын
Well, actually the two will have some history I guess. I get that Avi is saying that SETI should be more 'innovative' on what they are looking for. 40 years ago it was OK to just look for radio signals (for advanced lives) and e.g. oxygen (thus potential habitat for microbial life). But times evolved and actually Avi correctly points out that looking for e.g. oxygen is not really a definitive signal. Moreover radio contact is unlikely due to the relative short period such signals would be sent. He is indeed right we should upgrade our ideas and start looking for alien 'relics' , alien industrial pollution, CFC's, waste ect. etc. The SETI Boomer generation is not ready for adjusting their mindset and will not spent or request budget for such 'unheard of' subjects. It seems there is some potential and intentional misdirection of budgets and I guess that is his frustration....
@FM_GOBi 3 жыл бұрын
Avi's argument that SETI should be a mainstream science, as well funded as string theory and search for dark matter, is a good one.
@RWin-fp5jn 3 жыл бұрын
@@FM_GOBi Indeed, and while we are at it. Let's please direct all funding of dark matter and dark energy towards his initiatives. Both 'dark' subjects are a complete waste of time. Terrible Epicycles made by us humans caused by our human hubris to think that a mathematical description (GR) equals fundamental understanding. If we get the simple fundaments right we wouldn't need 'dark anything'. Again, can't help the feeling this misdirection of budgets is intentional.
@Cyborous 2 жыл бұрын
@@RWin-fp5jn Right I agree although I’m leaning more on avi side because For some cultures out there radio waves aren’t enough we’re not putting enough energy into it to pick up the more advanced cultures that might be communicating on more of a higher spectrum. We need to pour more energy into our dishes Rather than pointing in one direction and listening in so narrow.
@Cyborous 2 жыл бұрын
Perhaps now that quantum supremacy is around the corner, and maybe we can delve into higher frequencies and quantum technology to pick up on and listen to signals we couldn’t before.
@exoexpansion 3 жыл бұрын
Why would the senders of a probe sent to observe a planet with high technological capabilities like us allow it's trajectory to be traced? Is it advisable? What would we do?
@RWin-fp5jn 3 жыл бұрын
Well indeed there is a point here regarding Oumuamua's trajectory. Avi suggests it is a 'dead' piece of technology, meaning its passing was not steered but more or less 'random'. But for obvious reasons (Avi is already getting the heat for mentioning the word 'alien') Avi is not discussing the alternative alien explanation, namely an active craft. I am the biggest UFO sceptic ever, never saw a credible case, but we should consider it in this instance. Why? looking objectively at the suggested trajectory, it is statistically extremely unlikely (a probability of ca. 0,12%) that it randomly intercepted Earth (and only Earth!) at such a close proximity (within 24 million km of our 940 million km orbit) under such an extreme parabolic eccentricity of its suggested trajectory. Next, we have the UNEXPLAINED unnatural acceleration on its way out and thirdly, we did NOT see it on its incoming trajectory, whilst arguably we should have. Despite all animations and comments of all experts suggesting otherwise, we still only ASSUME it had an incoming trajectory. Combining the above three trajectory remarks, it actually makes more sense to suggest it did NOT have an incoming trajectory at all. In this case, it would have been close to us all the time. Perhaps these watchers stayed at the far side of the moon, a Lagrange point or a co- orbital. If such stealth was its intention in the first place, then it makes sense for it to also 'imitate' a 3 axial tumbling motion on its way out, resembling a natural rock to fool us. That's what I would do in any case. So again, we have three and not two options: 1. It was natural 2. It was 'dead' alien technology 3. it was active alien technology. IF options 1 or 2 are valid, then we must start seeing dozens of similar objects passing us in the coming years, to make up for the Oumuamua's extremely unlikely 'random' statistical passing. With each passing year without observing new Oumuamua's (3 and counting), the options 1 and 2 are getting ever more unlikely, thus promoting the likelihood of option 3. Quite elementary. And if so, despite all the hyperventilating of his colleagues, Avi may actually be very very conservative in his talks.
@kellymathews6615 3 жыл бұрын
If it wasn't muerto, then there would be the possibility they knew it could be detected and perhaps hope to be answered. However, considering how the light sail works we would send out we currently do not have the capability to keep from detection, either. Something to keep in mind the implications of.
@RWin-fp5jn 3 жыл бұрын
@@kellymathews6615 Indeed a light sail would have no hopes of passing us un-noticed, whistling past the graveyard. But let's keep in mind Avi is only speculating as to what form this alien object could have. Don't get me wrong, I am happy Avi does the light sail suggestion to make an acceptable feasible physical case but the (somewhat more frightening) alternative of this object not having had an incoming trajectory is something that cannot be dismissed. Again we all merely ASSUME it had an incoming trajectory. From what I understand it was not seen by the STEREO HI-1A solar telescope around sept 9th, its alleged perihelion. If you delete the animated trajectory prior to oct 19th (the first date of observation I thought) then you actually have a nice flat outgoing trajectory with no unusual hyper eccentric parabolic turn. Moreover, I would be very very curious as to where the moon was positioned in the month prior to this observation of oct 19th. I don't have such historic models but I would bet a good bottle of whine that the moon was blocking our view of Oumuamua's movement weeks prior moving e.g outward along the L1-L2 earth lunar Lagrange axis. The acceleration would then arguably not be a light sail but more like a re-distribution of charged particles / plasma based propulsion. This part of course more speculative than a light sail...
@kellymathews6615 3 жыл бұрын
@@RWin-fp5jn sure it’s all theory. I think there is data about the moon in different analysis. I’d have to double check the book to see if Dr. Loeb addressed that speculation;) I am currently listening as I work to the original Dune score by Toto and this talk.
@exoexpansion 3 жыл бұрын
@@RWin-fp5jn Very good point.
@isaacberryXERXEESE 2 жыл бұрын
Every Day I Fight for Future Earth For Other People I Don't Even Know. From Zeolite Climate Cleaning, To Time Dilation Disks, I Am Setting Up The Future Every Day. Any Help Fighting Is Welcome Weather it's getting atomic clocks to astronomers or bismuth radiation shielding to astronauts bones and eyes it helps...
@silentbird2705 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, Avi is amazing…
@kennethbrown8362 2 жыл бұрын
Debating new ideas should be openly welcomed for debate by the brotherhood of the scientific defense force if they're so rock solid in their methods. But attack and ridicule are what such Supreme beings theorize. This new breed of advanced monkeys "us" don't want Scientific discovery, but we do want to most definitely keep these searches ONGOING. Real scientific thru research/discovery/debate is dead.
@kennethbrown8362 2 жыл бұрын
Apologies for the grammatical errors.
@isaacberryXERXEESE 2 жыл бұрын
Time dilation explains how cold space forms matter. You don't even know what cold space is or that time dilates at different velocities with Einstein's Lorentz measuring atomic clock bends in wheels dude. If you don't graph time velocity in galaxies your crud. Here's The Force To Of Time Dilation To Newtons Equation. F=(t'-t)C^2 h e34 Absolute relativity with atomic clock graphs and Lorentz...
@plateoshrimp9685 Жыл бұрын
It’s hard to tell if Loeb is just a crackpot or an actual fraud. Certainly his bad arguments seem specifically structured to push an idea that the person making the argument knows they don’t have evidence for. Like. “You don’t believe me because you are all against me!” You wouldn’t ordinarily go here if you thought you could prove what you were claiming.
@punkypinko2965 2 жыл бұрын
I was disappointed that most of the guests said nothing. And the two others that spoke up beside Avi didn't even address the evidence or arguments -- they just wanted to discredit him personally. I was really looking forward to discussion. What happened? Why all the silence? This whole panel seemed very political, not scientific. The silence was deafening.
@TheMikethoth 2 жыл бұрын
I have to say Leob is definitely one of my scientific heroes. He's fearless and he's absolutely right. If you just take the UAP phenomena alone, science has ignored it and ridiculed witnesses (including Stephen Hawkin, who I paraphrase, claimed only crazy people see them". Consider, we have a phenomena which has been around for a venture at least, ignored by science. It boggles the mind. Extraordinary claims require an extraordinary investigation. Period. For those who require extraordinary evidence (not in the scientific method by the way)you will then have it. As it has stood in the past science demand extraordinary evidence from the public who don't have instrumentation to provide it.
@scott-qk8sm 2 жыл бұрын
So good to see a free thinker like Dr. Loeb following the evidence; most scientists are just gaming the system for endless taxpayer funding, while ignoring subjects They deem unworthy of their time.
@Cyborous 2 жыл бұрын
I knoww avi is awesome
@tr7938 2 жыл бұрын
Avi sure ain't the brightest bulb on the tree.
@punkypinko2965 2 жыл бұрын
And you are? It's funny when some people try to dismiss him as an idiot. He's clearly not an idiot. Agree, disagree -- but he's not dumb. So why would you make such a statement? Hmmm ... how about proving his arguments are wrong? Or is that beneath you because he's too dumb to waste your time on? How about you explain all this then?
@DK-gl3ih 2 жыл бұрын
@@punkypinko2965 he didn’t respond
@johanericsson2403 Жыл бұрын
Nor the shiniest crayon in the pond
@pickettscharge5931 2 жыл бұрын
For a scientist he for sure has a surprising difficulty with basic logic. He mixes up completely unrelated topics, makes ridiculous, nonsensical analogies, completely twists other people's views and positions, and can't even express clearly what he, himself, has in mind. He doesn't even seem to understand probability, seems unaware what coincidence means, mistakes it for fate and commits numerous logical fallacies in the process! His "points", almost without exception, can be summarized as one big non sequitur. Above that, he is rude, arrogant and condescending, having absolutely no reason to behave like that. All clear signs of either a serious cognitive decline or unclear conscience, and doubling down on nonsense - maybe he is perfectly aware that his position on Oumuamua is completely unsubstantiated, illogical and utterly pseudo-scientific, and that it makes him look like a quack. Perhaps he has chosen to become one, as - sadly - numerous scientists before him. For money, fleeting moment of popularity and fame, I don't know. But it certainly doesn't look good. But for sure he will have scores of worshipers in general population. People who simply don't get what real science is, but love their aliens. That's probably precisely his aim. I mean, who in the world, outside scientific community, even heard about the guy before all that showmanship!
@punkypinko2965 2 жыл бұрын
So your argument is he's a moron or mentally impaired? Lol ok. Clearly, you're much smarter. Then you also claim he's a grifter. Which is it? Is he dumb? Is he mentally impaired? Or is he a clever grifter and not dumb at all? Pick one. Prove it. Personal attacks -- is that all you've got? I guess I "worship him" like you said because I question you?
@michaelpacnw2419 Жыл бұрын
One thing I learned from this: You don't want to F- with Avi. He is an intellectual savage! I always liked him, but have a newfound respect. Watching him down dress the SETI lady was classic.
@jcgaladd 10 ай бұрын
The SETI lady has done more for extraterrestrial search than Avi ever hopes to do. She is the one who campaigned.for more funding for it and continues to do so without resorting to crackpottery and discrediting the entire field.
@edvinboskovic9963 2 жыл бұрын
Avi Loeb is correct 100%. Absolutely everything that he said is true. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Does any "educated scientist" really think that our planet posses unique chemical and biological properties in entire galaxy or even universe.
@the_grass_roots_0fold_hick550 3 жыл бұрын
*Queen Marie Antoinette NEVER said "if the people don't have bread, let them eat cake".* Loeb talks utter nonsense. Queen Antoinette was the opposite of how she was portrayed, she helped poor educate children, when times got bad in France she would open up her kitchen to the poor and would cancel all parties and entertainment. When times got bad she would also simplify her wardrobe. She had poor children come to Versie to eat with her children because she wanted her children to understand and empathy for the common folk. All the monarchs are portrayed unfairly by the mainstream media, they out right lie. And don't even get me stared on the Middle Ages, no time period has been more lied about. No one knows about things like the Carolingian Renaissance or all the great work the Monks did save Western Civilization. Between Mainstream Media lies, Government lies and the lies still taught in our Education system, people don't even have a chance to understand the world as it really is and truly was anymore. It's a terrible shame and disgrace, thank God for the internet. Without it people wouldn't any access to the truth. Loeb is a fool.
@phillipnicewaner4480 2 жыл бұрын
Well, you should put out some major contribution to science. If he is a fool for being a respected scientist with poor knowledge of European monarchs, then your knowledge of European monarchs coupled with a scientific breakthrough would make you an unstoppable force in the world.
@unlightenment 2 жыл бұрын
You too. A thousand times.
@SidorovichJr 3 жыл бұрын
Avi Loeb - the only scientist in the world that has balls? Wow
@kellymathews6615 3 жыл бұрын
Dr. Loeb's candor and sense of humor are refreshing. I respect Dr. Tarter as well, she has an immense legacy. I can't help but be reminded of Nancy Pelosi's legacy but disagree with her, and find AOC"s candor refreshing when she and the other recently elected delegates try to say we can't wait anymore, we cannot afford to keep our heads down anymore, it seems like an interesting political mirror. Dr. Tarter and many other scientists I completely understand want their work to be legitimate in the eyes of the public and differentiate themselves from conspiracy. They've no doubt had to be quiet and very good scientific citizens trying to role model behavior, get funding. But now times are changing and the public is well aware that there are pseudo scientists and we joke about Area 51 and we also know how important it is when other life and life from this planet meet, that there is as little doubt as possible. Because the ethics of the situation are both joyous, grave, serious, and filled with many possibilities we must face with wisdom. On the other hand it has been an enjoyable drama, lol and the public loves that. I have to say Dr. Spiegel's articles in Forbes come off like a personal vendetta against Dr. Loeb as he tries to sway public opinion he comes off a little bitter. I think bigger programs better funded and legitimized further innovation as Dr. Loeb suggests and expanding it to be more meta level and interdisciplinary are necessary because this is to big for any one field. We have to involve biology, anthropology, linguistics, art and so much more. Edited to add: what I think this ultimately means is an entire department at a university research 1 level devoted to this housing everything in one place. Why not establish such a thing with the resources of donors like Yuri? With a board and etc
@ApexMark2002 3 жыл бұрын
Wonderfully said, so many great points made. And I was also dismayed by Spiegel's strange attacks, all the while he criticizes Loeb for being "toxic" and "mansplaining" in his response here. :( So strange. It is, as you said, seemingly a personal vendetta. The analogue in the political world is insightful. The hard data we are beginning to collect due to our radical advancements in the speed of radar technology (such as with the Nimitz Encounters) as well as highly reputable eyewitness accounts (Navy fighter pilots) are exceedingly difficult to dismiss and quite eye opening. Some of my friends tell me: "When I see, I'll believe," to which I reply - "Not necessarily! Human nature often disbelieves and reacts violently to what is before our very eyes when it clashes so severely with what we believe about reality." Cue quantum mechanics, and the commonly used phrase: "Just shut up and do the math." Because intuition abandons us at that point, which is precisely what Einstein struggled with. Intuition helped him achieve the theory of relativity, but it abandoned him entirely in quantum mechanics. Are we as a human family prepared for another Copernican Revolution, should one come?
@solarcasarao7445 Ай бұрын
😅😅 it wasn't a rock, and the oceans will boil but it won't be because of that bs green house effect... sorry but you're completely wrong.
@wordzfailmebro 2 жыл бұрын
I'm not a cookie
@sharjane4627 Жыл бұрын
Did you ever hear of a metaphor?
@wordzfailmebro Жыл бұрын
@@sharjane4627 metaphorically?
@wordzfailmebro Жыл бұрын
@@sharjane4627 did you ever hear of a smart arse comment?
@pjeng1 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry, we are all alone in the universe. This is common sense. The probability of finding intelligent life or space aliens is zero.
@joshhedgepeth 3 жыл бұрын
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Loeb fails to present that, and his argument is fundamentally an argument from ignorance.
@joshhedgepeth 3 жыл бұрын
He calls the mainstream community arrogant for requiring extraordinary evidence. Non sequiturs, false dichotomies, and all sorts of logical fallacies to try and push a fringe claim *as it relates to Oumuamua.*
@joshhedgepeth 3 жыл бұрын
Several of the scientists on this panel have spent their lives advocating for the search for ET life. The only pushback he is getting is for making *extraordinary* claims with *flimsy* evidence. It creates false hopes and only sets up the field of SETI to fail in the eyes of the public.
@joshhedgepeth 3 жыл бұрын
who in the field of SETI is against interstellar investigations? That's a total strawman.
@joshhedgepeth 3 жыл бұрын
It is not the responsibility of the bloggers or fellow scientists to prove it isn't aliens. You made the claim, and you have the burden of proof. This dismissal of experts and amateurs alike is the true sign of a heightened arrogance (just listen to how often he boasts about his accomplishments and book).
@joshhedgepeth 3 жыл бұрын
You shouldn't have to make unfounded claims to advocate for funding. The fact that it *could* be aliens and we would *never* know is just as compelling as wildly claiming this was aliens. The fact remains, we *don't* have the evidence needed to say this is actually aliens. We can change that without spreading pseudoscience.
@amandajowett8687 2 жыл бұрын
im struggling to accept that humans are insignificant because Avi Loeb compares us to a grain of sand
@natmol1595 2 жыл бұрын
Any viable hypothesis in the field of astro physics or cosmology? Errrr NO. AKA Pseudo science !
@samogufonianrockstar7510 2 жыл бұрын
Avi Avi Avi ..u changing ur fields ..this isnt urs Wat hppnd to goblekli warawara! ..U'FOLOGY AINT UR THING ..Jump off the bandwagon u trying to jump on pls U made a jump from RUINS to Space and u ddnt even bring a helmet ..cmon now
@iaroslaviakubivskyi5855 3 жыл бұрын
Borisov is Ukrainian, not Russian. I guess facts are irrelevant in this talk anyways.
@mkelley4124 2 жыл бұрын
Who doesn't get a fact wrong every now and then?
@ivanfreely6366 2 жыл бұрын
@@mkelley4124 And an irrelevant fact as well. Ethnicity have no bearing on the subject matter. No one's perfect so getting that detail wrong is no biggie.
@jimsteen911 2 жыл бұрын
I like Loeb and agree with much of his ideas. But he makes the same analogies (with his kids and being special, and meeting other kids and learning they are not) in every single damn talk nd it drives me nuts. He really shouldn't have pictures of his kids on this slide. This is just a bad idea, it's sad that it's gotta be like that, but with all the 'black liberation' theory people and the hate groups like them and radical Muslims in this country (and whom we have imported them and their fascism into this country) who complain about Zionists and Judaism, I wouldn't take a chance like that with my kids. They already hate u JUST BC of ur race/religion. They're sick. Notice I didn't mention 'white supremacists?' Cause they're so rare they're not even quantifiable. Even the ones in prison don't even believe the shit that you'd think they do. And let's face it, all of these hate groups like antifa, black liberation theorists, ferrikaun type Muslims and Arab radical Muslims - although idk if it's radical for them to take the Quran at its violent word, all of these people aren't exactly high IQ, intelligent ppl capable of introspection. So that makes these dip shits even more dangerous. Anyway. I love ya Loeb, I'm a pro Israel Christian, and after this past week with the synagogue in Texas and all of these stone age culture/ideology we've imported from the middle East, I worry about my fellow man. As a man concerned with freedom, morality, God, conservatism, the family, small govt, maximum individualism and rights and personal agency and responsibility, I have a lot of respect for the Jewish community, without which The ideas for english common law and ultimately the constitutional republic of America wouldn't exist. People don't realize just how much Judeo-Christian values propelled the Western world and began the conversations of innocent until proven guilty, and divine spark of human value and dignity, and a great many ideas laced into this country's legal system, our culture, our sociology etc. People don't realize just how great the US is. You need to travel if u disagree. And thank you Loeb for shooting down these concepts of 'pure nitrogen icebergs' hurdling through space which requires just as much speculation to explain as would a foreign alien light sail. "It's never aliens" is a self fulfilling prophecy. And "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" is not the scientific method. Evidence is evidence. And it could be aliens. I don't really think there are aliens out there. I think we are super rare, if not a one off. No one can even begin to explain how life, how alllll the information in DNA, can just manifest - how inanimate chemicals could just mix in such a way (which is ridiculously difficult and extremely specific and detailed) to create life from nothing. Even a single cell is SOOO extremely complex, even if you could theoretically gather all the needed materials, no one on earth would have any idea how the fuck to put it together. So adaptation, yes, evolution over time, perhaps on small details, evolution from nothing to single cell etc? No. You cannot even pretend that's possible. You can't even lie well enough to even think you could convince anyone who understands the complexity of DNA. And what happens in computer science if u were to randomly change a line of code, like a "random mutation in DNA caused by cosmic rays," even though it just damages DNA, ? Does the system improve? Fuck no, it's ruined. And DNA is so much more complex. If you have believed this lie, please look into it. My belief in God is irrelevant to the science. Life is the most complex thing in the entire universe that we are aware of. Your brain, your body, your consciousness is the most complex system that we are aware of. Check out 'Stephen Myers and intelligent design' The statistical likelihood of life coming from nothing is beyond ridiculous. Jesus Christ help me, I'm surrounded by the dumbest smart people ever
@hikoseijuro7977 2 жыл бұрын
I think Loeb wanna make money! I will be kind in my judgment and add this: for his beautiful daughters.
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