Author and Screenwriter Harlan Ellison Rants about Sci-Fi Fans

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13 жыл бұрын

Author and Screenwriter Harlan Ellison Rants about Sci-Fi Fans
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@OpenMawProductions 11 жыл бұрын
He isn't talking about people having criticism of his work. At all. He's talking about people with a mentality of entitlement, that people somehow think they are owed more from the author because 'they' feel like said author should do what their audience demands. It's one of the worst aspects of fandom.
@BolofromAvlis 6 жыл бұрын
You see that entitlement from Star Wars fans in spades nowadays. They throw up petitions and talk about boycotts, as if they own the IP themselves.
@ashokaayar760 Жыл бұрын
@@BolofromAvlis And now, Star Wars is a dead franchise because you pissed off the fans. Congratulations.
@GEEZYEA777 10 ай бұрын
@@BolofromAvlisThat’s not really entitlement as much as criticism of the direction for the franchise as a whole.
@VolkColopatrion 10 ай бұрын
​@@BolofromAvlisthat is blaming the victim the Star Wars fans the Star Wars that is coming out now is not Star Wars
@plaidchuck 4 ай бұрын
@@VolkColopatrioncase in point: fans hated last jedi and demanded a traditional star wars finale to the sequel trilogy. Howd that work out for you?
@cessnaace 2 жыл бұрын
Back circa 1977 I was a member of the organizing committee for a Star Trek convention in Seattle. We couldn't afford the major stars (we did manage to get some cast members), so I suggested that we invite writers. I suggested Robert A. Heinlein. Someone else recommend Harlan Ellison. We got both, but as I was working the convention I had to choose which one to hear speak. I choose Heinlein. Now Harlan, as good a writer as he was was a bit of a challenge, because after the room was packed full of fans, he demanded that the room be vacated and then each member of the audience be searched as they entered for recording devices. He must have had his reasons. All I know is Heinlein didn't make any such demands.
@jaspermcminnis5538 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know much about Ellison, but he always seems intense.
@armadildo6468 Жыл бұрын
probably his way of not having to speak. be annoying as possible and theyll let me leave lol
@MT-bc1we Жыл бұрын
he was out there for sure. if you haven't seen the video 'pay the writer', it is very funny.
@VolkColopatrion 3 ай бұрын
It was probably one bad experience after another
@colderbeer 5 жыл бұрын
Wonderful and brilliant smartass.....loved Mr. Ellison.....I doubt he was ever accused of being boring.....
@christopherthorkon3997 2 жыл бұрын
I love Harlan Ellison's rants.
@kongab2025 8 жыл бұрын
Agree with many of his viewpoints. A fascinating man and so in your face that you cant help but be humored or offended by the things he says because in either case, they'll always make you think
@brucedavies8154 3 жыл бұрын
Explains why he is forgotten these days as most people would rather die than try and think
@southtexasprepper1837 Жыл бұрын
Think about what????? That he's a Jerk?????
@stevend.bennett427 3 жыл бұрын
Think of it as being a fan of a favorite musician or group. There should be no expectation of sharing their life or time, anymore than there is going to a movie and expecting to then be able to spend time with whatever actor you enjoy. It's really a matter of entitlement, which occurs with people who are living vicariously through others. As you get older and realize that no matter how talented someone is, they are just people, and usually someone you would not want to spend much time with, anymore than they would you.
@KroliggBloodhoof 12 жыл бұрын
People saying that the people who buy his books put him where he is don't understand that he doesn't mean his fans and his core following are pinheads. He means that the individual asshole who feels like he exchanged money for lifelong respect are.
@southtexasprepper1837 Жыл бұрын
That's not my take.
@MultiSmartass1 12 жыл бұрын
"I dont give a damn" I agree, Harlan, I agree. Screw the audience.
@Enkarashaddam 2 жыл бұрын
Harlan himself said his best advice was to stop writing crap. A bad book is no substitute for a good book. Work on the craft and earn your success. The audience may have the cash but they don't show up for no reason
@MultiSmartass1 12 жыл бұрын
What Ellison says about the guy who complained about him as the conscience of Science Fiction is what i used to tell people when I was actively working as a writer.
@benb3316 3 жыл бұрын
RIP Jo Clayton. I read lots of her stuff, especially the "Skeen" series. (Post Diadem but same universe) And, obviously, Harlan too!
@bludluva 2 жыл бұрын
And that, dear pinheads, is how you make people want to buy your books
@HC-cb4yp 9 ай бұрын
If you're a masochist.
@cartoonvandal 3 ай бұрын
Quit jerking off to superman and do something useful with your life.
@antarcticorb9197 3 жыл бұрын
He used to get the shit beat out of him growing up... it's no wonder he's got a chip on his shoulder...
@skidmark2704 7 ай бұрын
If you think I think I'm better than I am, it's only because I'm better than I think I am. Love it.
@LightningChimp 13 жыл бұрын
Thanks for posting this, I was thinking of similar statement he made once on a show, I believe it's Canadian, called Prisoners of Gravity; he really succinctly puts down that idea that somehow a creator is beholden to the fans for anything beyond the creation, as though my grocer should be kissing my ass for buying food from him, like the buyer is just buying something to do the seller a favour.
@egoalter1276 6 жыл бұрын
In some sense a creator is beholdent to the audience. Especially if he expects the audience to be a permanent one.
@KeeperOfProphecies 12 жыл бұрын
The Sci-Fi Channel used to actually have Sci-Fi related things; how queer.
@egoalter1276 6 жыл бұрын
Well, you do have the History chanell for that.
@anonb4632 6 жыл бұрын
I used to watch that channel in the 1990s and most of the content was horror, not even science fiction horror.
@biffmercury 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, like Music Television used to have music.
@greyeyed123 3 жыл бұрын
@@biffmercury Another example of how the market isn't magic. The History Channel is filled with Ancient Aliens, MTV is filled with (whatever, not music), and The Learning Channel is now virtually wall-to-wall My 600lb Life. None of these are jokes. That's what people wanted to watch, so that's what filled those channels. Similarly, the news has now become sensationalized infotainmnet and misinfotainment, because ratings skyrocket as the populace learns almost nothing.
@alucard624 6 жыл бұрын
I like his work, but good God he is hands down one of the most opinionated and stubborn individuals in the sci-fi community to this day.
@plaguedoctormasque8089 5 жыл бұрын
@plaguedoctormasque8089 5 жыл бұрын
Why? Cuz Harlan wouldnt take Shit from you Millenial skidmarks? Lol
@MrJimmyTide 5 жыл бұрын
@@plaguedoctormasque8089 wow way to fucking go off the deep-end there, buddy. Sounds like someone's mad at youth because they can't return to their own. To be fair, I don't like the archetype of the spoiled millennial either because it makes it harder for people like myself who try to distance themselves from it and show that I care about work and take care of my own shit, but FFS people like you don't help any more so with your constant whining about them. Also, who raised our generation? Always so quick to point fingers yet bare no responsibility for how it happened. A parent that blames the child for being raised wrong. Pathetic, really. Thankfully you'll most likely die before I do and your generation will be a thing of the past. If the rest of us destroy the Earth with our babying then so be it. I had a good run.
@HaplessHypnagogic 4 жыл бұрын
@@plaguedoctormasque8089 Lol calm down dork.
@kittypeanut4102 Жыл бұрын
Yeah. Good for him.
@bobm174 13 жыл бұрын
I love Harlan Ellison. He has such a large heart and love of life that beams from him even when he is dealing his brutally honest opinions. In this age of PC BS run through a focus group, wish we had more Harlans. Oh, did I forget to mention he is a genious? Bob
@pentelegomenon1175 3 жыл бұрын
Harlan sold his book to the readers and they own it, but they don't own any piece of him, they can say "Harlan's book supports my political opinions" but they cannot say "Harlan supports my political opinions," it's YOU who has the book, Harlan only has the money you gave him in exchange for it, it's not his book anymore.
@airthrow 11 жыл бұрын
Except Harlan is NOT an employee at a business, you can read Harlan's books without ever encountering his attitude in any shape or form. He owes you absolutely nothing, you bought a book to read and you got it, you don't own a single piece of him.
@terrybull1534 2 жыл бұрын
He was a fartboy. Plain and simple
@mencken8 2 жыл бұрын
Before seeing him recently in a video, my only acquaintance with Mr. Ellison was in print or on the screen (earliest was reading “Repent, Harlequin” and, of course, the famous STOS episode “City on the Edge of Forever.” Certainly those things did not make me think of him as an SF writer of the same stature as Heinlein or Asimov. But, as this video makes clear, he was important, as a gadfly who very eloquently provided stimulus and commentary on the direction of SF, or, on this case, to clarify the roles of reader and writer.
@andmaketherain 13 жыл бұрын
He is who he is.
@tuxguys 3 жыл бұрын
My hero, in so many ways...
@vaylon1701 5 жыл бұрын
Writers, actors and just about everyone else owes much of their success to others. Fans or whatever you want to call them. Anyone who says "I got where I am because of hard work and talent"? Is fooling themselves. You got to where you are because other people believed in you and liked you. Lock at the thousands of actors who had nice opportunities open to them, and then they trashed their fans. How did that work out for them? Not good. Most ended up doing whatever job they could just to get money for food and rent. Be nice to the people who helped you get to where you are. Because they can turn on a dime. Not so much for older people who are done but most for young talented people.
@dagnabbit6187 5 жыл бұрын
@vaylon1701 I had a clerical job where I have waited on celebrities. Fortunately I was in my early 40s ,not starstruck, and had a policy of not bothering these people on their downtime . Now when they are paid to do a Convention or are at a scheduled place to promote a new book they should suck it up even if they are borderline misanthropic like Ellison is and sign the damn thing . Writer did put himself "OUT there " but if he is successful it is because fans made him so . & You are right fans can turn on a dime .
@Cosmoline 9 жыл бұрын
It's kind of sad in a way. The "pros" have faded into such obscurity at this point that if there are any douchebag successors to him, we'd never even know. They just don't matter. Their art is dead, their business is dead, their future is dead. And for the most part they're also dead. Though he keeps going just through pure bitter hostility, bless him! Their words will live on, but will not be succeeded by new generations. Sad to see. And a loss for everyone I think.
@sydlawson3181 5 жыл бұрын
You sound like an oldhead how do you genuinely believe that the state of art and culture is any different than what is was say 40 years ago? You really think that there is just a complete absence of people interested in and with the drive to become amazing paradym shifting artists?
@devinreese1109 5 жыл бұрын
Hey I am coming up. I just havent broke out yet. Give me some time.
@dagnabbit6187 5 жыл бұрын
@ Cosmoline The Net has allowed for Democratization of the Arts but it has also destroyed any financial incentive to even break even and earn a living. Everybody from Ellison, to Gene Simmons to recently filmmaker Paul Schader have noted this. People who are naively dewy eyed about the Internet are in denial and dump on people like Gene Simmons who said that it is chaos and there is no structure anymore and people boot it up fro free are only telling the truth !
@holden6104 5 жыл бұрын
@@sydlawson3181 You don't need to know about the state of art and culture specifically. All you need to do is look at what's popular and what is making money. You don't need to look much further than that.
@jamesmeow3039 Жыл бұрын
​@@holden6104popular art is always crap. Harlen would agree with you 60 years ago
@denniscaswell2892 6 жыл бұрын
Harlan Ellison states that when a person buys a book, that is all he has the right to-and that is valid. However, when a writer goes to a convention, especially as a guest of honour, attendees have a reasonable expectation of being able to meet this writer. At a convention, a noted writer should be willing to sign books-for everybody who wants an autograph. Also, note to writers, if a person comes in with a stack of 30 books, and wants them signed, you should be willing to sign them all. After all, the person BOUGHT this stack of 30 books. I have met Harlan Ellison a number of times, and have found him to be very intelligent, and knowledgeable. He can be a pain, but we need more people like him. After all, he does not put up with b**ls**t, and I commend him for that.
@g.boychev9355 5 жыл бұрын
"if a person comes in with a stack of 30 books, and wants them signed, you should be willing to sign them all" why
@devinreese1109 5 жыл бұрын
Not really man. where do you get that? a writer is like anyone else. they can do as they wish.
@devinreese1109 5 жыл бұрын
@Fox lol. they wrote the book. their work is done. they can do as they wish, like everyone else.
@holden6104 5 жыл бұрын
@@devinreese1109 If the author doesn't want to show up to a signing, then that's his prerogative. If he shows up, however, then sign the fucking books. I don't see what the big deal is. Nobody's forcing the author to attend anything, unless there is a deal already worked out with the publisher. Part of being successful is being professional. It goes a long way.
@TheInnerParty 4 жыл бұрын
Huh? Why?
@KB4QAA 8 жыл бұрын
Harlan is being melodramatic here. HIs point is that readers want to monopolize his time and can be colossal pain's in the butt. I have a relative who has written many books. He is kind, friendly, humorous. But he isn't on Facebook, Twitter, has no webpage and won't do special appearances etc, because of readers who just overwhelm him. He can't deal with their impoliteness and endless distraction.
@ManFromTheFizz 8 жыл бұрын
+Pelican1984 Having lots of attention isn't what it's cracked up to be ^_^ But what do you mean by endless distraction?
@KB4QAA 8 жыл бұрын
David Louis The inumerable number of fans. It isn't limited to a show, weekdays, office hours, etc. It distracts him from work.
@jj_rj_gaming7800 8 жыл бұрын
Harlan Ellison is one of the most impolite and obnoxious people I've ever met! He is an ass! Granted, there are a lot of things I agree with him on, but he has NO patience for people who don't agree with him! He thinks he's an elitist, there nothing elite about being an assh......!
@fakejameh 7 жыл бұрын
then he would be considered a failure by many writers standards. end of story
@KB4QAA 7 жыл бұрын
fakejameh "many writer's standards". Well, that is the absolute authority to judge by, isn't it? ;) 3 dozen books with a single top publisher over 45 years....I think he is doing "OK". LOL
@pferreira1983 6 жыл бұрын
The original AVGN.
@charlessmyth Жыл бұрын
He had a point. First, there is the writer, who slaves in the mines :-)
@endlessnice 13 жыл бұрын
I always wanted to know where he got that chair . . .
@sfoyoung88 11 жыл бұрын
Love the guy!
@storyiseverything2219 7 жыл бұрын
Tough bastard.
@marx007100 5 жыл бұрын
Damn straight.
@michaelmayo 2 жыл бұрын
I miss Harlan...
@The6sicksikhs 11 жыл бұрын
Is he hostile? Or have you just lost your "place"? It seems to me that you haven't caught the jist of this video. Harlan is saying that there are nutjobs who read his work and just don't get it. You do, or you don't. I've read nearly EVERYTHING Ellison has published and although I haven't liked all of it, I have never ever even ONCE, felt insulted and I would wager that his "fan base" hasn't either. Why is he hostile? I could tell you, maybe, but if you have to ask you won't get it.
@ultramovier Жыл бұрын
Harlan Ellison was a great man. He was rude to me once at a sci con. I thing that he had a good point and learned something that day. I learned that blunt criticism is actually better than niceness because it is clear and precise and if it hurts to much to hear then you shouldn't be writing for the public.
@Filbi Ай бұрын
I love Appin Dungannon
@ArtAgent13 11 жыл бұрын
As an artist & writer myself, I consider anything I produce to be a part of me. I am allowing others to see aspects of my imagination. Indeed I do not have a large fan base, but I certainly do not throw my fans under the bus. Harlan is the exact polar opposite to that. He must not like people in general to have such an attitude. Not saying this is the case, but he certainly is not a friendly person.
@KariHudd 12 жыл бұрын
No one is going to give Harlan Ellison money for doing nothing. His fans don't send money to harlan to pay his bills.
@airthrow 11 жыл бұрын
Exactly. If they paypalled him to keep his light bill on they would have a point, people buy the book because they like the writing. So Harlan is exactly right that all they are entitled to is the book and anything else is extra.
@chrisbudesa9355 2 жыл бұрын
Lecturn and quill.
@ArtAgent13 11 жыл бұрын
Let me point out that all that hard work and creativity is nothing if it does not reach the reader. It is the reader and not the writer that determines whether a work is great or not. We can choose not to buy, and there is not one thing the writer could do to force the reader to buy. Yes he has done some really great fiction, but I would not give him the satisfaction of buying his books as long as he displays such a bad attitude toward the reader.
@yogabbagabba2202 Жыл бұрын
I’ll never like him as a person but his story’s where hreat
@aaronsaunders6974 Жыл бұрын
--a job 4 people who give a damn! 🙀👍
@CruderQuotient1 3 жыл бұрын
I love Ellison but damn, he was a bastard
@lenthisgoldstein9553 3 жыл бұрын
he preferred to call himself a writer of speculative fiction not science fiction.
@kokomanation Жыл бұрын
But if the writer wants to make money to survive he has to write something that will be popular although he may even not like it.I think real artists create stuff for themselves firsts and don’t care about money or fame even
@Tabish29 6 жыл бұрын
Roland barthes Death of the Author
@ArtAgent13 11 жыл бұрын
What we are entitled to is not just the book. We have the right to rate the book as well, and that is the bottom line in any business. Without the fan or advocate, no business is successful. If you are treated badly by an employee at a store, Will you still buy what you came for? Would you not log a complaint? Would you not tell your friends about it? Attitude is a very real factor in any business. Never forget that.
@josawesome1 7 жыл бұрын
ArtAgent13 He's saying people don't understand them and take the wrong things away from them. Basically idiots shouldn't be able to rate things.
@kylewhitehead1684 7 жыл бұрын
The opinions of idiots should be disregarded so if someone's criticism of a book shows a severe lack of understanding then who cares? Plus writers are NOT businessmen. They are not here to pander to people. They write because they are compelled to write. If you want to read their work buy a book, if you haven't enjoyed their work stop buying their books. Now with the internet you can even go on Amazon and write a review if it makes you feel important, but writers are ARTISTS, not vapid featureless celebrities for people who don't like opinions to drool over. If Harlan Ellison wants to express his opinions then Harlan Ellison will express his opinions. If you don't buy his books just because he hurts your feelings or doesn't meet your standards for a nice squeaky clean non-confrontational nobody then you are a fool. Unless the artist has done something heinous and you decide you don't want to support them anymore, you judge the artist by the art. Not because they're a brash person who holds opinions you don't like. And it isn't a pandering thing. Books are not Hollywood movies. (good) Novelists are artists. They write first and foremost for themselves. They do not pander to the self entitled public.
@Kikilang60 3 жыл бұрын
Harlan was just an angry old man. If you ingnore what he says, and look at what he actually does, they are two different things. Personally, he was overly sensitive, and in the same stroke he was highly critical of overs. He was abusive to to work with, or under, and almost impossible to have work for you. Any frorm of control of his work would send fits of anger, and have him pontificate about art. Do you know what kind of storie where rejected by Star Trek? They had to reject a story about finding a giant naked woman floating in space, and they had fly the Enterprise up the dead woman's virginia. Do you really think that's art? One of Harlan's most popular works was "A boy and his Dog." The story is about teenager who travels the waste land with his telepathic dog. Together they hunt up woman to rape. Then he meets this girl, who he rapes, but damn' she loves it. She take him to her under ground community, so he can repopulate humanity. None stop sex isn't appealing, so he escape so with his new girlfriend, who murders, and feeds to his dog. Harlan has deep seated hatred for woman. He would pick physical fights with people who said his work was crap, and when he lost the fight, he had the people arrested for attacking him. Harlan lead the New wave in science fiction, nothing of lating value came from New Wave, except the loss of popularity of Science Fiction. New Wave was trash. Yes it's true, all you are owed as reader, is the book you buy. I hear many others authors, like Stephen King say that. King likes to say, "Buy my book, deosn't give you rights to what goes on in my bedroom." Yes, that's true, but don't make a public figure of yourself. If you want to be a celebrity, you have to take the bad with the good. Writing is business. A restuarant has to treat it's customers with respect, or they just don't have to go there. All the hard work in the world will not make you a sucess. You need people to spend their money, or authors would have to get a job like the rest of us. Harlan Ellerson is just a writer, and not very good one. Sure, teenage boys who are maladjusted might like him. Thank God most of us are freaks.
@plaidchuck Жыл бұрын
So nothing good came after 1955? Bold statement.
@Kikilang60 Жыл бұрын
@@plaidchuck No, plenty good came after, but it could've been better.
@DafyddBrooks 3 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't buy any so called artists material if he called me a pin head
@egoalter1276 6 жыл бұрын
My dear artist, please tell me who puts you into a position of success if not their admireres? What would you be without your following?
@g.boychev9355 5 жыл бұрын
His works being good put him in a position of success. People bought his works because they were good and those works were good because of the effort he put into them.
@nadiaromantini6117 5 жыл бұрын
@@g.boychev9355 Not all good works are recognized.
@ringandpinion3064 2 жыл бұрын
Why would the comment even bother Ellison, unless he felt insecure about his reputation. He was an okay writer, but there are many much better that don't seem to be such a whiners.
@mikeviall811 2 жыл бұрын
@LordDirus007 Жыл бұрын
@Stephen-gi1rx 6 жыл бұрын
Ellison is dead wrong on one point. Readers are the ones who put him where he is (or was, of course, now). If nobody bought his books or watched the movies & TV episodes he wrote screenplays for he wouldn't be a writer. He'd be serving burgers at McDonalds or working 9-5 in some office somewhere.
@g.boychev9355 5 жыл бұрын
He could have still been a writer, he just wouldn't have done it for a living and wouldn't have written as much. Nobody even published Kafka's books while he was alive, for example, and that didn't stop him from writing.
@devinreese1109 5 жыл бұрын
well if he were smart, hed be doign far more than that. Dont give up your dayjob is numbe rone rule fo writing and get a decent one. Lol. What he does with his fame as a writer or career is zero business but his, man.
@dagnabbit6187 5 жыл бұрын
@@devinreese1109 You can be your own person but you have to accept the consequences of it and , yes, sometimes Harlan did. Life is a crapshoot . Sometimes kiss assness works. sometimes it doesn't ! Sometimes Sinatra I did it My way works . Sometimes it doesn't !
@SpreadingtheMuse 3 жыл бұрын
This is Ellison at his prima donna bully best. "Everyone in the whole world is an idiot except me." The emotional detritus is too thick to cut even with a lightsaber, putting hostile pseudo-elitism where his self-esteem is supposed to be. Ellison is the one Grand Master who never made a grand project. He has no magnum opus along the lines of Asimov's Foundation or Heinlein's Future History. His legacy is 99% temper tantrums.
@HC-cb4yp 9 ай бұрын
@RonJohn63 4 жыл бұрын
Ellison is so, so wrong. The writer can spend endless days and nights creating and honing a story, but it can still suck, or it can be "great" in some tiny niche so that it only sells five copies. People who buy the books put him in front of the camera.
@kevinnelson66 8 жыл бұрын
Harlan for president in 2016. That would really piss the Hillary people off.
@anonb4632 6 жыл бұрын
Sorry but there are only two choices - you can choose the sociopathic neoliberal millionaire from the Democrats or the sociopathic neoliberal billionnaire from the Republicans.
@sullyb23511 9 жыл бұрын
How has this man not been punched in the face.
@KB4QAA 8 жыл бұрын
+William Sullivan He has been. But consider 1. He's pretty much correct. 2. This is partly tongue in cheek, and partly just being a bit provocative. Don't take it too seriously.
@sullyb23511 8 жыл бұрын
True. I often fall for the old "tongue in cheek" bit. I just find it hard to speak to anyone this way. That's just me though.
@Theomite 8 жыл бұрын
+William Sullivan I think every punch in the face only make shim stronger and more aggressive. Which must mean that he has taken over 3,000 punches to the face before he was 20.
@marx007100 6 жыл бұрын
Why? Most likely, people like you are basically cowards and would be too spineless to do it.
@captainkrunchthewall 5 жыл бұрын
sci fi writer was his job. being a thug was his hobby
@shadowperson779 2 жыл бұрын
I don't agree with this viewpoint at all. An author puts in the work to get the book written but it's the FANS who went out and spent their hard earned money on the book that put the author where they are. Sam Walton put it best: "There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else." The same thing goes for fans. We pay the creators' bills. Treat us with respect or we outright reject.
@plaidchuck Жыл бұрын
Nope the publisher pays his bills.
@shadowperson779 Жыл бұрын
@@plaidchuck and if the fans didn't create demand for his product, the publisher wouldn't pay him. Ipso Facto, the fans pay his bills
@plaidchuck Жыл бұрын
@@shadowperson779they create demand because of the quality of work. He never said fans or readers should spend money or pay homage to authors just because. Even in previous commentaries he mentioned how crap writers will find themselves without work.
@raymondjayjohnson693 6 жыл бұрын
Harlan - all about him, all day. Trump with a typewriter.
@southtexasprepper1837 Жыл бұрын
I used to have enormous respect for Harlan Ellison. Right up to the point that I saw this video. If a writer has to call people who enjoy Science Fiction "pinheads" (even if they criticize his/her work), then they're no longer worthy of any respect! That's not a good idea or manner to treat people who buy your books in order to put money in your pocket by calling them a "pinhead." It only shows that you're a Jerk!
@southtexasprepper1837 9 ай бұрын
@@carringtondale Do you know that for a fact????? I'm criticizing for what he said then. I took at a look at a comment that was posted by "cessnaace" a Year ago. That tells me what OI need to know about Harlan Ellison. To quote "cessnaace": "Back circa 1977 I was a member of the organizing committee for a Star Trek convention in Seattle. We couldn't afford the major stars (we did manage to get some cast members), so I suggested that we invite writers. I suggested Robert A. Heinlein. Someone else recommend Harlan Ellison. We got both, but as I was working the convention I had to choose which one to hear speak. I choose Heinlein. Now Harlan, as good a writer as he was was a bit of a challenge, because after the room was packed full of fans, he demanded that the room be vacated and then each member of the audience be searched as they entered for recording devices. He must have had his reasons. All I know is Heinlein didn't make any such demands" Sounds a bit paranoid to me.
@southtexasprepper1837 9 ай бұрын
@@carringtondale Harlan Ellison's behavior towards Sci-Fi readers before before allowing them into being part of an audience is self-explanatory. Demanding people to be searched for recording devices before allowing them to hear him????? Please.
@DMC1982 5 ай бұрын
I wish someone from the future warned me not to watch this.
@ArtAgent13 11 жыл бұрын
Mister Ellison, I would present you with this possibility, which (& this is a big if so bear with me) if parallel timelines do exist, may be the actual case. I will phrase it as a question. Where would you be, if the fans had never bought your works? I suspect your very name would be known only to those that can get past your bad attitude! Your fans will drop you hard if you keep this up! Yes the fans are far more important than you give them credit for. Shame on you, Sir!
@herbbluntman2287 5 жыл бұрын
Harlan Ellison: Great writer and storyteller. Horrible Human Being.
@marx007100 5 жыл бұрын
Harlan is often, a terrific human being, unlike yourself. You no nothing about him obviously. I knew Harlan and when I was in the hospital for 2 months, got out and found some get well gifts from Harlan waiting for me. So, learn before you speak Herby.
@SpreadingtheMuse 7 жыл бұрын
Only Ellison is stupid enough to insult the very fans who support his career. He's never been accused of being particularly business savvy. And when he croaks his obituary is going to mention "that guy who wrote that Star Trek episode" and little to nothing else.
@markspel 7 жыл бұрын
Your knowledge of Harlan Ellisons life work is sorely lacking if that is what you TRULY believe.What is YOUR obituary going to say? Underinformed perhaps??
@SpreadingtheMuse 7 жыл бұрын
mark s I know perfectly well what's in Ellison's "lifes work," as most of it is on my shelf. But thats not what I said, now was it? I said his "Obituary." What can you name of Ellison's that has the slightest interest to the average joe? His short stories are stupendous to be sure, but they're also obscure and of no historical impact to anyone besides sci fi nerds, and even then only the elitist bookworm dork who cares about something written half a century ago. Most of the TV shows he wrote for have been off the air for 50 years. Ellison has no movie, no franchise, no "epic" to call his own. NONE of his creations ever transcended their origins to go mainstream. He has no "2001," no "Stranger in a Strange Land," no "Martian Chronicles," no major creative achievement. His "lifes work" is only a series of flash-in-the-pan one-hit-wonders. The ONLY creative achievement thats survived any length of time or has *any* popular culture word of mouth is his Star Trek episode.
@josawesome1 7 жыл бұрын
SpreadingtheMuse He doesn't write for the average joe, pinhead. He writes for intelligent people. Obviously you don't have any idea what you're talking about, because he has done MANY memorable things, such as the outer limits, the twilight zone, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, A Boy and His Dog, and countless other things that morons like you could only dream of doing. What's your obituary gonna have? "The guy who complained about Harlan Ellison?"
@SpreadingtheMuse 7 жыл бұрын
1) "intelligent people" I ought to know, as I have a whole shelf of his books right behind me ;) 2) He can be as elitist as he wants and ignore the "average joe," but none of that refutes my original statement, that its the average joe who's going to write his obituary and wont know him from Adam. 3) "Outer limits" You mean shows that have been off the air for 50 years? Just like I said in the post above this one? Imagine that... :/ Dont be a nerd. When was the last time "Demon with a Glass Hand" has even been on TV? Let alone MENTIONED? Let alone even given the time of day? Are you sure you didn't just prove my point for me? Lets examine: -- "Twilight Zone" The 80s version? If its so famous then why didn't you name the episode? And if its so famous WHY DID CBS CANCEL TZ AFTER ONLY TWO YEARS? Newsflash, no one gives that show the time of day either. -- "I Have No Mouth" Written in 1967. WOO HOO!!! See the "50 year old" comment above. So WTF has he done lately? Even better, since when did anyone earn immortality *for a fucking short story???* Wont happen. Hate to break that to you. -- "A Boy and his Dog" ROLF and that movie has just *smoked* up all the Best-Of lists hasnt it??? Its on TV all the time, referenced in every sci fi essay....oh isnt. That movie aired for like, 5 minutes, then fell off the face of the planet. Dont waste my time. All you did was prove me correct. He's done NOTHING that will be remembered in the measly 6 inches of obituary he's going to get. Its going to say "Star Trek writer dies" and you damn well know it. Ellison's career has been a huge waste. He's the only Hugo Grand Master without any grand "epic." He has nothing to compare with the cultural influence of 2001, or Stranger in Strange Land, or Fahrenheit 451, or Dune. Not a damn thing. And don't be the predictable cutie-pie with "your obituary." I'm not in competition with Ellison. HE is in competition with Clarke, Heinlein, Bradbury, Herbert, Tolkien etc etc, and he's going to lose, and lose bad. I am only in competition with retards like you. And already being an author, filmmaker, and having gotten on national TV for my creative endeavors, I've already mopped the floor with you. You want to compare resumes, nerd credibility or otherwise? Then you just bring it the fuck on.
@egoalter1276 6 жыл бұрын
I would post the Rick and Morty meme, but I think its cancer. The long and short of it, an artist can either work for the love of the art but than has no place appointing himself to any position, or he can work for the audience, in which case he must contend with them. The President doesn't get to claim to be for the people wizhout getting elected, and a Dictator can not claim to be for the people with honesty.
@dboboc Жыл бұрын
He was always an arrogant jerk. Writers don’t get where they are if the fans don’t buy the books.
@Dinobot_Sigma 8 жыл бұрын
what a shithead
@Spacemonkeymojo 10 жыл бұрын
This is the guy who sued for CREDITS on Terminator.. lol.. what a sad joke. It's pathetic that his name are in the credits for the movie, he's a bloodsucking freeloader who thinks any work that shows an iota of similarity to something he's written was actually created by him. His work had no hand in the creation of Terminator, his holier-than-thou attitude just makes him think that it did.
@lesyayandfilksongs 7 жыл бұрын
Didn't Cameron explicitly say he took ideas from Ellison's Outer Limits work? And the similarity is considerable. Personally, I'm fine with it. As they say, great artists steal.
@josawesome1 7 жыл бұрын
Spacemonkeymojo Well considering James Cameron literally said "I just ripped off his Outer Limits episodes" I think Harlan's justified.
@plaguedoctormasque8089 5 жыл бұрын
And its pathetic you suck daddy for a place and car payments because your shit job at mickey Ds dosent pay enough.
@plaguedoctormasque8089 5 жыл бұрын
Millennial parasite. Look whos calling.ppl above you bloodsuckers. Lol inbred troglydite. You arent worthy to smell my ahit let alone HEs.
@Dr170 Жыл бұрын
Cameron has never had an original idea in his life.
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