Avoid These Three Assumptions About Assailants

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411 Outdoors LLC

411 Outdoors LLC

6 ай бұрын

Avoid these three assumptions about assailants/attackers #selfdefense #bullshido #situationalawareness

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@terry_willis 6 ай бұрын
Three ways to avoid assailants: 1. Always lock your car doors, 2. Never go to convenience stores, especially after dark, 3. Stay out of bars. This will avoid at least 90% of unprovoked attacks.
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
This is absolute truth
@rhonddavincent2803 6 ай бұрын
These are words of wisdom.
@glenbo02 6 ай бұрын
More likely 99.5 %.
@chadrowe8452 6 ай бұрын
The assailant has defeated you if you change your behavior. I go where I please
@juliemanarin4127 6 ай бұрын
Not these days...shopping malls...walmart...on your front porch...
@kevola5739 6 ай бұрын
Never assume your assailant is going to let you live.
@RenoLaringo Ай бұрын
You beat me to it. Exactly right!
@larryeverson6543 6 ай бұрын
20 years of law enforcement have taught me one thing when someone is acting aggressively, when you realize that no matter what it is going to get physical. strike first and strike hard not all people can or want to be talked down and always remember on the street for civilians there are no rules but to go home safe. Although sometimes swallowing your pride and walking away where you can is always the best bet. But never turn your back til at a safe distance.
@REXOB9 6 ай бұрын
Don't assume that an assailant has your morals, e.g. that if you give them your cash or cell phone, they will leave you unharmed. No, they have no morals and may hurt you on a whim.
@charlescombs2522 6 ай бұрын
Good advice Daniel, I’d like to add two more. 1. Never assume your assailant is alone. While your attention is on your assailant, someone else surprisingly may appear. Bruce Less said, “Beware of your surroundings (Use peripheral vision).” 2. Never assume someone is unarmed. He may have a concealed weapon.
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
Good stuff 🙂👍👍
@silverhammer7779 6 ай бұрын
Years ago, I knew a guy who was built like a pro linebacker. He carried a gun everywhere he went (with a permit, of course). I asked him, "Hey, why do you carry? Who's gonna mess with a guy your size?" His answer, which I will never forget, was, "When somebody comes for me, do you really think they're gonna be alone and unarmed?" Words to stay alive by.
@OrangeMicMusic 6 ай бұрын
Bruce Less being a less competent brother of Bruce Lee?
@hugeslacker 6 ай бұрын
I was approached by a supposedly homeless guy while loading my truck at costco last week. he was nearly whispering at me, and kept moving closer. Mumbling about being in jail for 20 years, or something. I kept telling him I had no cash to give him and to move on. I positioned the cart between us while I was looking around at the reflections of the cars around me because I didn't know if he was with somebody else. My girlffriend had already gotten in the truck and I only had the back hatch open so I locked the doors with the remote in my pocket. I do carry, and I was getting prepared to defend myself if I had to. Luckily once I got louder and told him I had nothing for him he started walking off. This was the first time I've been in a situation like that before but I stayed calm and paid attention to my surroundings.
@markbrennan6684 6 ай бұрын
Exactly my thoughts.In Milan late at night, I was led by an innocent looking hooker to her pimp and put in a dangerous situation. I didn’t know if he was armed and didn’t know if he had back up so I just submitted, let him steal about €300, went back to my hotel and went to sleep.
@Santaheckler 6 ай бұрын
The biggest advantage that an assailant has is their action being faster than the victim’s reaction. Their second biggest advantage is that they usually pick what they perceive to be an “easy” victim. These are laws of nature, not unique to humans. To fight the first advantage of a predator, camouflage and vigilant awareness are key. To fight the second, never be an “easy” victim. Make them work as hard for it as you can. Fight back hard because it’s the last thing they expected when they chose you. Be insulted by their choice too…make them regret it.
@my2cents945 6 ай бұрын
agreed. situational awareness is your number one defense tool.
@ericvantassell6809 6 ай бұрын
you're approaching the truth. look up the ooda loop.
@walkingdude8779 6 ай бұрын
Attackers are already committed prior to contact. They have a plan, are committed and due to their chosen profession can be (and we should expect) willing to be brutally violent. Keep your head on a swivel. Remember when pumping fuel at a gas station, soaking an assailant in gas will make them pause. Had a woman yell at me once (rude yankee driving through our fine southern state) and she had a mouth like a sailor. Just very rude. I should have just ignored her but unfortunately told her to mind her own business and to FO. The locals around me were just in shock to hear a woman say the things she said. Long story short, her husband came out of the gas station, parked his car sideways in front of mine to block me in. He came out of his car looking to become more personal. I very casually pulled the novel out of my gas tank, walked forward (a few steps) pointed the gas pump nozzle at him, his vehicle open door, pulled out a bic lighter and just said, I apologize for the miscommunication. His eyes got very large as the thought of them turning into giant tiki torches and they proceed north on the interstate. The locals just shrugged it off and finished their business. Anyway have a plan for as much as you can. Improvise and when needed be willing to burn everything down to protect yourself. I probably could have kicked that man’s ass. I would never had a chance to see his wife pull a knife or gun … while engaged with him. He could have escalated the situation during a physical altercation. It was a much better choice to make them decide it wasn’t worth it. I’m sure some family up north got to hear stories of some dumb azz redneck threatening them … good stories was the best outcome and I was good with that. I was just trying to get home after a long day working.
@devilsoffspring5519 6 ай бұрын
All this macho shit is fine if you're big enough.
@StarlasAiko 5 ай бұрын
@@devilsoffspring5519 You don't need to be big if you can exude confidence. I have always been a scrawny beanstalk, but I easily walk past/through a crowd of eager thugs just not being impressed by their demeanor. Next to Awareness, Confidence is your strongest weapon. If you walk like a victim, you will be a victim. If you walk like a boss, 9 times out of 10, thugs won't give you shit. Any thug with even an ounce of experience knows, you can't judge an oponent by their height or bulk.
@jeradmiller4575 6 ай бұрын
Never underestimate your opponent. Tale as old as time.
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
@jerushamaxwell281 4 ай бұрын
As a fellow realist on the subject of negative human behavior, I agree to the max!
@esegoldberg 6 ай бұрын
Great information. Bullshido exists in the Martial Arts and Firearm worlds. Awareness not only encompasses the environment you're in, but also your attitude, and physical skills to defend yourself(or family/friends). I'm 65 years old and though I have over 35 years of martial arts training(train daily) and I'm a former Marine, it doesn't change that at 65 years old I can't kick to the groin as fast as I used to (or punch the face or sweep someone to the ground, etc., etc.). That's why I use a walking cane and carry pepper spray and other legal tools when I go for walks or run errands. I prefer non-lethal tools, like awareness, verbal de-escalation, before I go to the next level of using a walking stick/cane, pepper spray, knife, etc, etc. When I'm out walking I notice a lot of people who are focused on their cellphones not on driving or what is around them. I don't use my cellphone unless I'm sitting in a restaurant that I feel is somewhat safe and even then I scan the area for any changes without staring or seeming paranoid. When I was young I watched a guy stab a man to death because he didn't like the way that man was looking at his girlfriend. This used to happen a lot along the Texas/Mexico border (Now they just shoot it out and innocent people are shot and sometimes killed, especially in Mexico). I'll never forget the rage in the man's eyes as he repeatedly stabbed the other man and witnessing the stabbed man collapse from the loss of blood. Many people underestimate the rage that some people have and over-estimate their ability to defend themselves against rage like that. Keep up the great work...:)
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
Good stuff thanks for sharing!
@mordi2537 6 ай бұрын
62 Here. Other side of the world but similar background and mindset. I always apologize. Twice. Usually works.
@effeojnedib7208 6 ай бұрын
64. Did 10 years of organized martial arts. (training, competing and instructing) In North Texas. Earned my Black Belt 20 years ago. Now I train at home, but have a good set up. No, my head high kicks are gone, knees are trash, but doing kettle bell swings, slam ball, weights and heavy bag work keep my strength up. Eating lots of protein and daily creatine helps. I'm hanging on as long as possible. lol
@DearMr.Fantasy 6 ай бұрын
Well done. Outstanding point about the general lack of focus due to cell phone usage. Actually it is the result of a hyper-focus on the cell phone instead of a steady focus on surroundings, etc. I rarely even touch my cell phone when out in public because I’m listening, scanning surroundings, etc.
@JohnLoogleman 6 ай бұрын
Exactly. Most are not prepared for the physiological and psychological response your body will create, and the belief that others share the same moral code as you. Some people just don't care.
@MrGraemeb2022 5 ай бұрын
All good points. Basic rule: NEVER underestimate your enemy. Always assume he ( or she) is dangerous.
@squibload58 6 ай бұрын
Some bad guys have A LOT of experience at being violent. They have more experience in attacking than you do in defending.
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
@Winstonrodney6989 6 ай бұрын
No doubt.
@mafirearmsafety 6 ай бұрын
I am a firearm instructor, 40 years, there are a lot of ‘instructors’ in my world that fall under the Bullshiedo umbrella. I tell people in a home invasion scenario that the criminal (s) have the upper hand, they have a plan, whereas the homeowner(s) are at a disadvantage, just waking up, foggy mind, etc. I tell them Never go looking for the home invaders, (like hollywood actors do) you can be ambushed in your own home and have done two unacceptable things, one, you just gave up you gun, two, you just gave up your Family! For what!? to save the fu*king toaster oven??? Stay put, if you have children get to their room if you can quickly, hopefully with three items, gun, phone, and flashlight, because many home invasions happen during power outages. The flashlight is NOT to go looking for the invaders. By making them come to you that lowers their survivability, by going-to them that lowers your survivability! In a movie the hero always wins because they need him in a sequel, in real life there are no sequels for you when you lose. Never call 911 on your cell phones, that adds 10 minutes to the response time,(not so on a landline) instead call to a direct number in an emergency, so put the police and firefighters direct numbers in your phone, a lot can happen in Ten seconds let alone ten minutes, why would you want to wait that additional time? That is if the cops show up at all…Remember, you are your own first line of defense, it is your duty to the safety of your family to be smart, not hollywood ‘heroic’, unfortunately the police are the Cleanup crew, after the fact, don’t forget that. I hav many more tips, but hate henpecking all this information. I wrote a book on this and much more, GUN SENSE.
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
Very cool! thank you so much for sharing. I’ll go check that out!
@hugeslacker 6 ай бұрын
One thing I should add about cellphones, since many people don't have landlines anymore... know the technology. You can text some police departments. You can hit the power button 5x on some cellphones and automatically dial 911. Know what options you have. Make sure to set your e911 address if you've enabled wifi calling because you don't have good cellular reception.
@chadrowe8452 6 ай бұрын
If your wounded don't tell them about attack. The paramedic has to wait for the low IQ police to clear the scene, I'd say I had an accident with a whatever to get the EMT to come quick
@randygroves1114 5 ай бұрын
Good ,common sense, logical advice, thank you.
@SteveAubrey1762 6 ай бұрын
I studied " martial arts" in the 1970s. I learned to really fight in prison. Absolutely nothing I was taught in " martial arts" was realistic. Prison fighting is not dueling. It's fast, VERY fast, very brutal, and extremely efficient.
@LeonardAllmon-cq3qk 6 ай бұрын
This wasn't good advice, this was freaking excellent advice! Absolutely everything this man said was true. At 64, I can't fight off attackers, so I'll have to keep jerking my right index finger till they stop moving. I don't want to, but I would have no choice.
@nattamused9074 6 ай бұрын
I recently had the privilege of engaging with a SWAT team in a simulation attack. It was quite an education. I am truly a beginner when it comes to guns. I have my LTC, I do carry everyday, and can shoot acceptably. But this assailant simulation was a first for me. At one point, we had most of the people evacuated out of the building, with one “assailant” down, and we still didn’t know if there were any more. I was in the back of the building, guiding my group of people to safety, and keeping a lookout with my simulation gun in hand. When the “assailant” (who was a very large SWAT member) came around the corner with his simulation gun raised, I hesitated. I yelled “put the gun down!” And he pointed it at me, and waited. I froze. I didn’t know what to do. Finally someone in my group yelled “SHOOT HIM!” So I did. It was quite a learning experience. The reason I hesitated was because in our simulation, I didn’t know if he was supposed to be a police officer coming to our rescue, or if he was supposed to be an assailant. It made a strong impression. I remember that when it was over, and we were walking away, he told me, “If you’ve got a gun aimed at you, you shoot.” I was surprised how little time I had to make that decision. No time.
@oldcop18 6 ай бұрын
I was the commander of our SWAT team for the last 10 years of my 30 yr career & your points are spot on.
@nattamused9074 6 ай бұрын
@@oldcop18 Thank you for your service.
@nattamused9074 6 ай бұрын
In all reality, in an active shooter situation, if there are law enforcement officers, and fellow defenders actively involved, it would be terrible trying to know when to pull the trigger. I remember a video from few years ago, when a shooter brought a gun into a church in Texas, and he was shot by one of the churchgoers. I remember thinking that the man who shot him waited an awful long time. But after that day with the SWAT, I can see why. It’s not easy.
@dvorahmariscal7963 5 ай бұрын
There is a simulation place not too far from us and I want to give that a try. Officers have to make decisions in a split second. Best to be prepared and hopefully never have to be in that situation.
@flyoverkid55 6 ай бұрын
Truth spoken. NEVER underestimate your opponent. The criminally inclined don't think like you and I.
@shrikeofterven6006 6 ай бұрын
A friend of mine told about how shocked he was when somebody smashed his car window just to steal an old baseball cap he had left in the car. To a non-criminal, it seems insane to smash a window to take an old hat. To a criminal, it may have been practice or just fun to destroy something because it is not HIM or HER who will have to pay to fix the damage. I stopped trying to make sense out of manipulators and skeevy people - I just react as if they are large dangerous animals that cannot be reasoned with, just avoided, escaped or dealt with.
@flyoverkid55 6 ай бұрын
@@shrikeofterven6006 Exactly. They are subject to impulses that civilized society has learned to control: Greed, envy, spite, aggression. We all experience these emotions, but recognize their detrimental effect on us. Not so for criminals.
@tekannon7803 5 ай бұрын
You are doing everyone a great service. One thing, I don't know if you have thought about it much, but one thing that keeps coming to my mind about assailants and people who turn into violent criminals is how does that happen? I suppose that is a naïve way of looking at all the people who commit crimes, but it beggar's belief that we all grow up in the same society and yet there are those who end up preying on others and ruining other people's lives by attacking them. A student of mine was in South Africa and she was in a restaurant with her husband and they were going to go out for a walk and the waitress said, 'Mam, you better take off that watch you are wearing." My student said, "But it's a Swatch and only worth a little bit of money." The waitress said, "They won't even ask you to give them your watch, they will hack your hand off with a machete and take it." When I heard that, it just made you want to throw up that someone would actually cause bodily harm in stealing a cheap watch. But this is our world, and we don't have another one.
@wbtittle 6 ай бұрын
This applies to other places also. Physical attacks are one angle. Apply these principles even to people calling on the phone. People you interact with the buy things you need (the folks selling you stuff are attackers of a different variety, they are after your money "legally"). There is always a different angle in play. Time Value of money has 5 components. The current value, the interest rate, the payment, the period, the number of payments, and the future value. The people on the other side of the table can use ANY of these to put you in a bad place. "Hey, we can put you into a 10 year loan on that 120k truck..." The really really clever assailants aren't physical. They convince you to give them money and make you think you got a deal...
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
Great point!👍
@reallyhappenings5597 4 ай бұрын
That's a zero-sum view of business, in which one party benefits only when the other loses. Most business, and all good business, is structured to be mutually beneficial at prevailing market conditions. Almost never an "attack."
@billbertagnoli4226 6 ай бұрын
I'm 74 so my serious training days Are over. One thing my instructors Drilled into me was that with your Black belt and knowledge you may Still not be a match for a bar fighter With a couple of moves he's used For years. Great video.
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
Thank you cheers, my friend!
@billbertagnoli4226 6 ай бұрын
@@411Outdoors glad to subscribe. Your content is right on without a Lot of BS. Have a safe and happy New year.
@jonmueller2117 6 ай бұрын
Some people underestimate the strength of an old man, and they can be extremely powerful. Beware ladies, don't let your guard down just because he looks like a grandpa!
@billbertagnoli4226 6 ай бұрын
@@jonmueller2117 great comment. If you've ever seen an old dog in a Fight you get the picture real quick.
@montebrown9528 5 ай бұрын
I had a friend, a little guy, who lived in a mountain town and all he did was, drink, f##,k, and fight. No formal training but never knew of him to lose a fight. He just had a don't give a f##k attitude, bring it!
@will7its 6 ай бұрын
Yeah when I was riding street bikes I used to think if somebody pulled out in front of me that I would just jump up in the air and fly over the vehicle. Incidentally It didn't work....🤕
@r3ptile584 6 ай бұрын
Great advice! But here's one more to consider. Assume an assault on your person could be an attempt on your life. I've witnessed a man pass from a single blow. Doesn't matter if that was the intention. It was still the result. And it can happen to anyone. So here are my 3 rules #1 ALWAYS try to flee #2 Exercise reasonable restraint #3 Your life is worth more than money or pride
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
@lu77xiaojun37 6 ай бұрын
#4 My money and pride are worth more than your life.
@tsarbomba1 6 ай бұрын
Excellent points. Reminds me of something Massad Ayoob once said: "The bad guy always gets to make the first move."
@menalgharbwalsharq648 6 ай бұрын
The best example of people having no clue what they are talking about is the crazy amount of people criticizing police officer for being 2-3 or more to control somebody on the ground. This is the prime example of someone who never had to wrestle with anyone expect their brother as childs and does not realize how strong/unpredictable a fully grown men can be, and how hard it is to control someone without knocking them out, with all the risk that comes with hits to the head strong enough to knock out someone.
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
Dang right and well said. It is very hard to subdue someone who doesn’t want to be.
@maxlutz3674 6 ай бұрын
Some people have the expectation that fights should be fair. Going against a person with good numerical advantage is inherently unfair. Police subduing a person is not supposed to be a fair fight. It is supposed to use required force. Realisticly the controlled person is likely to suffer less injury than in a one on one situation.
@sergiozammel8261 Ай бұрын
As an ex medic I can tell that some mental patients and drugged patients can have the strength of 3 or more young tradies, and feel little pain.
@Jack-wi5qr 6 ай бұрын
I’m a people watcher,so I notice the way a person’s clothes don’t sit right if they have a hidden weapon. They tend to lean towards the weapon side when they walk or sit . Look at people’s eyes to see if they are darting around more than normal. I was taught these things by an older relative who had seen combat and it’s served me well. Never underestimate anyone around you that you don’t know,nor who you do. Shit can happen fast.
@BBQDad463 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video. I assume that any assailant will be lethally competent, will be totally committed, and will have a well-thought-out plan. If I must defend myself, I will do so with every bit of speed, skill, and force at my disposal. Awareness is key.
@mikefedor4251 6 ай бұрын
Never hurts to be reminded of these important rules of thumb
@richardhall6762 5 ай бұрын
Hey now, Thank you! Second video of yours I’ve watched. Like them both. I’m an old working stiff, been in the Trades all my life (17 to 70). I’ve never assumed any of the 3 things you talk about here. One time the Good Lord saved my ass. I was carrying my Skilsaw and toolbelt on a city street and got jumped. One big guy ploughed me down while the gang watched, and I just started laughing looking up at this dude. Don’t ask-I don’t know why but pretty soon everybody was laughing, we both got up and it just broke the energy down peaceful like. One shot in a million I guess. God Bless and thanks again!
@martinbeagley4481 6 ай бұрын
Wise words my friend, Tim Larkin also speaks a lot about this frame of mind, he is worth listening to and always puts de-escalation and getting home safely at the top of the list.
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
Love his channel 🙂💯 thank you
@christophmartin4397 6 ай бұрын
Yes Tim Larkin is great. I've taken his Training courses and they are great!
@Bluebark64FIS 6 ай бұрын
Situational awareness has been my best friend.
@Ten_Mil_Will 6 ай бұрын
EXCELLENT video! I totally get how painful it will be for some folks to lose that false sense of security theyve been walking around with but this is a "wake up" they need to hear, THANK YOU!
@JugglesGrenades 6 ай бұрын
You will ALWAYS be reacting to their attack. Criminals will ALWAYS seek the element of surprise.
@Gator-fromOZ 6 ай бұрын
THANK U 😊, It is nice to be reminded of this from time to time , just to help us ( me ) to remember that we Train and we learn in order to be strong & Fit & to give us some help us with Awareness … I am one of those who studied the BUSHIDO way, and it helped to build my foundation a long time back… BUT today I am 74 , & I have as you say, come to the reality over the years that THINGS DON’T Alway’s GO or Work out in carefully CHOREOGRAPHED fashion as in the movies , or as so many might have us believe !!! I am a big fan of using whatever works to ( Not necessarily Firearms Boys & Girls ) to get the job done to defend yourself / Wife / Kids and perhaps even get it done without the fear of hurting someone beyond the target aggressor❗️ In the INFANTRY we used to like the OLD saying : “IMPROVISE - Adapt - and CARRY ON WITH the MISSION” , or as I would say : “ ADAPT & Improvise , & KICK ASS HOWEVER & with WHATEVER U have to use and carrying at the moment… Which for me , Means Anything that works IN THE ABSENCE OF THINGS THAT GO BANG…
@joeyhardin1288 6 ай бұрын
65 Y.O. and I watch for everyone! Happy New Year. Thank you. God Bless and stay safe.
@mikedanielson5695 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for this no nonsense information. I have always stressed to people I know that it is foolish to confront someone about whom you know nothing. Whether it is fighting over a parking space or being mad about being cut off on the road. It isn't worth your life to place yourself in harms way.
@rickm4295 6 ай бұрын
This is good video. We will fight when they want and on their terms every single time. Thats why ive taught myself to put 6 rounds in an A-zone in about a second and a half from the draw at 10 yards. People do need to think about everything mentioned in this video and train. Train hard
@Dan77845 6 ай бұрын
Great advice. I hate the KZfaq shorts that keep popping up with these magic punches/moves to “end any street fight”. The people posting this garbage have never been in a real fight in their lives.
@jorgefernandez6407 6 ай бұрын
"Great video" Dan! A little situational awareness along with effective common sense training can greatly increase your chances of keeping yourself and loved ones, safe!
@Barbwire2-6 5 ай бұрын
These vids offer some of the best advice I have ever heard. Pay attention class................you WILL see this information again! AND, always remember Life is a Beeahtch; she gives the test first ..........and then the lesson.
@leonardomangiagalli5369 5 ай бұрын
As a former bouncer, Amen brother. Spot on. Great content again
@411Outdoors 5 ай бұрын
Much appreciated!
@lewis7315 6 ай бұрын
through most of my life I always carried a weapon ... it saved my ass, prevented violence, and possibly saved my life three times.
@shotsatwhitetails3289 6 ай бұрын
Holy Shit! Three times! where do you live? Chicago!
@lewis7315 6 ай бұрын
No, South Bay San Diego a bit East of Imperial Beach :)> fairly decent neighborhood. all three times. Walking back home from the local 7/11 a couple blocks away. I always wore an 8 inch sheif knife going out at night. Confronted by mugger, pulled out the knife. They followed me home twice. My quiet body language was "ok, so, what ya got?" They did not have the nerve to try me. And no I'm not big, just insane a bit :)> look like a victim. I even had a big mugger try me mid afternoon middle of touristy downtown san diego , 4th and Broadway, I backed up out into traffic while doing my karate forms, so both of us would get run over. Mugger stood on the sidewalk with his mouth open!, then turned walked away. So make that 4 times!
@9er.. 6 ай бұрын
An invaluable and intelligent point of view about the reality in which we operate in the world today. Thank you for the message and happy new years 💪👊
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
You as well!
@rhoanjenson7475 5 ай бұрын
All great points, thank you for sharing !!
@CC-tk4ik 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for these words of wisdom my friend! Very well explained!
@edwardgabel3701 6 ай бұрын
Thank you. All of our assumptions make us easy prey.
@deborah9984 Ай бұрын
Excellent post. Thank you very much. In my work/life experience: “ Never assume, never presume….ever”. I can’t read another person’s mind; can only rely on my own. Great video.:
@411Outdoors Ай бұрын
Thank you!
@2010tck93 6 ай бұрын
Great info on mindsets. Happy, safe new year.
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
Same to you!
@scottcampbell-vy2tv 6 ай бұрын
My compliments to your barber.
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
I’ll pass on the good word haha
@hawkeye8954 19 күн бұрын
Thank you Daniel this is very good information. Completely agree with Terry also.
@rickkearn7100 6 ай бұрын
Top-shelf advice. Situational awareness is the laypersons' best friend.
@revelation5577 6 ай бұрын
Excellent wake up call! So we as the potential victim have to adopt and blueprint this into our Psyche to being the "predator" and the one on the prowl, with a huge tool box of unpredictable offense in our daily encounters and interactions with everyone. Thank you! You have re-awakened and freed that animal inside me that was caged.
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
Awesome to hear! 👊
@sheiladay-od2me 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for this information!
@garyoneill8868 5 ай бұрын
Great video about very important points. For me as a 66yo lightweight man who is now nowhere near the strength, speed or agility that I once had it is a constant source of thinking about "what, when and how to do the necessary" to survive any attack. I stopped martial arts years ago due to ongoing body injuries (from work, not training) so no longer have that at my discretion.
@danqodusk8140 6 ай бұрын
Good presentation! There's no telling what or how an assailant may attack us. Like you said, "the attacker has already made a plan", so all we can do is react to whatever he does. This puts us a couple of seconds behind the attack.
@davidbrandt6925 6 ай бұрын
Subbed. Comments are Top Notch.
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
Cheers my friend welcome aboard🙂
@user-dm1jw1gy5q 6 ай бұрын
Thank you very much for this video especially nowadays, when we have millions of people that we don't know anything about that. Don't have anywhere to live and no money. They want everything you got and there's no way a trace in them
@user-xy6zz7mx8o 3 ай бұрын
This is the third three I’ve seen of yours. Excellent info!
@411Outdoors 3 ай бұрын
Awesome! Thank you!
@Maxid1 6 ай бұрын
If we learned anything from Roadhouse it was Expect the Unexpected!!! Never underestimate your opponent!! These two things cover your 3 points.
@starhawke380 6 ай бұрын
Dont call it profiling, that gets you in trouble. Call it Threat Assessment.
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
I thought about that haha threat assessment is better I guess it comes down the to work preceding profile lol
@annelarrybrunelle3570 6 ай бұрын
One of the best thoughts to add: try not to go where "they" are. You wouldn't go swimming in a Florida swamp, you wouldn't climb a fence into a bull's pasture, and if you are driving a yellow Corvette, you won't travel through known speed traps. In my youth, I was robbed on two different occasions on Chicago's west side. (Once I was driving a cab and should have have the security shield shut, the other occasion, I was trying to reverse direction on the Lake Street L, which action required descent to the street at that very poorly chosen point.) Haven't been back in about 50 years.
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
Where we go is so very important.🙂👍💯👆
@danielslocum7169 6 ай бұрын
Archie Bunker once said "i wouldnt go to that neighborhood if i drove a tiger tank".@@411Outdoors
@user-hj7ld4ff7p 6 ай бұрын
yeah, backing up is a vulnerable moment
@jameswagner2634 6 ай бұрын
Thank you brother, wise words
@robertrobert175 6 ай бұрын
Good video. Always there is more, avg, person has fear of hurting the attacker and getting into trouble. Attacker many times has no fear of hurting or killing you. If attacked you must fight as if your life is going to be taken. They have a plan, and you do not know what it is. You can bet they think you have a weakness. No matter if the attacker is 10 years old or 50 they started the problem.
@christophmartin4397 6 ай бұрын
Great Video. In german martial arts is called: Kampf Sport. Meaning fighting sports. And I belive that is a good picture of it. Because all sports have rules. Real life violence have no rules. It is ither you win and get to go home(or at least to the Hospital) or you lose and you die. That is the reality, we are way past the days where the violence stops as soon as you are laying on the grund.
@user-hj7ld4ff7p 6 ай бұрын
Mein Kampf. I recognize the word. The guy who wrote that book didn't win and I guess he died. Your point is well taken.
@christophmartin4397 6 ай бұрын
@@user-hj7ld4ff7p no. It has nothing to do with those dark years! It is just that martial arts just like any other Sport has rules. Real life violence has no rules. And because of that martial arts is useless in a real fight.
@greer776611 6 ай бұрын
Never assume they aren't time travelers!
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
@capthappy345 6 ай бұрын
Good advice!!! 👍
@KennyFishbone 5 ай бұрын
NEVER underestimate your attacker They have planned this, most likely it’s not their first time!
@davismoyers1676 6 ай бұрын
Good thoughts. Thank you.
@johnouellet4099 6 ай бұрын
Great advice
@Traderjoe 6 ай бұрын
The problem is that it’s impossible to train for anything unpredictable by its nature. Because it’s something nobody thinks of.
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
You’re right, my friend we can only get close at best
@effeojnedib7208 6 ай бұрын
Born in 60. Grew up fighting. Bounced in a bar in Ft Worth. Started Taekwondo in my 30's, earned my Black Belt. When competing, we went hard. (Karate and Taekwondo tournements.... and class-lol) I guarantee it's much more difficult to stop someone with one punch than some schools teach. Try not to look like an easy target. If an attacker decides I'm next, he must see something that makes him think I'm weak and he'll use a technique that he has had success with in the past. That can also be as a distraction so his buddy (or 2) can make a move. My "go to" techniques are simple. Hammer fist, inside knife hand, ridge hand. Then some elbows. I practice every day on the heavy bag. Also do some power building exercises and eat right. At least once a week, I go hard on the bag, fully clothed with my carry items in place. Practice drawing with the heart rate up around 125.
@filippocorti6760 6 ай бұрын
Inside knife hand, ridge hand, and speer hand are great fighting ways. The karate guys frequently have trouble implementing them in real situations, though. There must be a way to make karate guys better at implementing the techniques they learn.
@ktnsteve 6 ай бұрын
Thank-you, that’s very good information. God bless you.
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
You as well 🙂!
@EM-df6mo 6 ай бұрын
Very well Stated, and very True. Excellent video.
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
Thank you kindly!
@Life-ob3cn 6 ай бұрын
I would also say that attackers are not easily intimidated, pulling out a weapon will not deter a very dedicated felon
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
Most def!👆
@timothyedgecomb-it3ke 5 ай бұрын
Glad to be a new member of your channel. Enjoy useful information not junk.We live in a changing world and need to change and adapt with it.
@411Outdoors 5 ай бұрын
Glad to have you on the channel my friend🙂Have a great day.!
@timothyedgecomb-it3ke 5 ай бұрын
@@411Outdoors You too man! What’s your name,if you don’t mind me asking?
@411Outdoors 5 ай бұрын
@@timothyedgecomb-it3ke Daniel 🙂👊
@timothyedgecomb-it3ke 5 ай бұрын
@@411Outdoors A pleasure to meet you Daniel! Still trying to catch up on older episodes while watching your new shows! Am amazed at the tactical skills you possess!
@DragonHeart-cm1tx 6 ай бұрын
Throughout my whole life, I've always been seen as an easy mark/prey/victim. This is due to me looking like a nerd my entire life. Out of necessity, at 7, I had to train in various different forms of martial arts/kung-fu and weapon styles. I've done this on and off throughout my life and built my own style that suits my body. I have zero strength but maximum agility. I am constantly aware of my surroundings at all times. I've had to develop my group fighting skills immediately because it's never 1-1. It's always a group, sometimes a large group. Some times a death stare is sufficient, sometimes I'm able to just walk away, but sometimes it's not/I can't. I'm terrified of fighting because I know what I can do. I'd much rather sit and have tea with someone rather than fight any day! My style is a mixture of Wing Chun, Tae Kwon Do, Mui Thai, Hung Gar, and Zui Quan. It covers close, mid, and long range and gives some unpredictability.
@Nak_Muay_Farang11 6 ай бұрын
Spot on, brother
@oxxnarrdflame8865 6 ай бұрын
Right on brother.
@stuartmarkman769 6 ай бұрын
Great video. I always am careful aabout my surroundings and the people around me. I carry concealled and so does my wifee. But you never know what a person will try too do to you if you are not vigilant. I always look before I get in my car and I scan my surroundings even when I am home on my property. An attack can come any time so I prepare all the time. At my age I can't run but I can defend my self in a few ways.
@MrCopTom 6 ай бұрын
Enjoyed your video. Thanks.
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
Thank you too!
@JCOwens-zq6fd 6 ай бұрын
I have been stabbed in fights & i would recommend that people always assume their enemy is stronger, faster & better preparred. Better to be wrong than that be the case & your not prepared for it. Also pay attention at all times & if you get in a knife fight expect to be injured. So your weapon hand guarded & lead w/ your left wrapped in a jacket or shirt if you have the time to do so but dont let em get your weapon hand or your done. A mistake one my assilants made & it cost him.
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
Good info 👍👍
@filippocorti6760 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for the video.
@thepenultimateninja5797 6 ай бұрын
These are all good points, but I would say the number one assumption that we shouldn't make is that the assailant is reasonable or rational. All too often, people are advised that a mugger or other assailant will not hurt you if you just give them your wallet, or otherwise cooperate with them. This is extremely dangerous. The person is already so irrational and unreasonable that they chose to victimize a stranger. It is stupid to place your trust in someone who has already demonstrated that they are willing to harm you. Sometimes the thing that they want is simply to hurt you, for reasons known only to them. It's true that you should avoid a fight if possible, and that handing over your wallet may work, but you have to be prepared in case it doesn't.
@earlunderwoodjr.6766 6 ай бұрын
I have advice for the defense against an attacker armed with a knife. If you’re unarmed, find a way to disengage. There are many methods taught on defense against a knife, most are failures in actual life situations. Without a weapon of equal or superior strength, you may not succeed in your defense.
@kilchiswinters 6 ай бұрын
Sound, realistic advice!
@vince1638 6 ай бұрын
If ur an adult and have never been in a knock down drag out fight in ur life stand by. You will be absolutely exhausted in a matter of seconds. Don't assume ur gonna outlast a street maggot who fights and assaults for a living. Beware.
@sergiozammel8261 Ай бұрын
As a lifelong "studier" not necessarily practitioner, I have observed that one particular "art" is not necessarily able to defeat all others. My biggest example is following the Bruce Lee story where he came to realise after learning many arts, this was to be the case. It is this reason that he developed Jeet Kune Do. The other thing is just because you have learned a particular system does not guarantee your survival. Number one rule > "Never underestimate your opponent !"
@user-xz4oq8qt4o 6 ай бұрын
Another great program my friend. Be well.
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
Thanks, you too!
@rogerwhiteway971 6 ай бұрын
Well said.
@milliondollaboiibsb4927 6 ай бұрын
Great video as always bud thank you for all the time and effort you put into your content. You should review the buckshot pbk242wd folding knife it's a budget blade but I think the quality is awesome an they are on sale right now for 12.99 would love to hear your opinion on this drop point blade
@JasonWilliams-mr2qo 6 ай бұрын
Whre can we get them???😢..
@thisismyhome 6 ай бұрын
Thank you sir. Amazing and informative as always.
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@DrXarul 6 ай бұрын
Excellent advice Sir.
@williamgoss4691 6 ай бұрын
Very good advice, thks.
@slowdancer5563 6 ай бұрын
The person attacking you will have generated contempt and hatred toward you. Yes, they will. They will attack you with a fury of maximum speed and power. The element of surprise, violence of action, and the momentary impression of overwhelming superiority. This is a, ''no shitter''. They will try for maximum advantage with total commitment.
@maxlutz3674 6 ай бұрын
Regarding point three: Assailants frequently have a history of violence and sometimes a criminal record to match. That means that they have practice in fights with the intend to harm and taking some hits in the process. They are likely better prepared than the average martial arts student. Some self defence classes are really dangerous as they base on a compliant assailant. In an extreme case a person tried to demonstrate what they learned for escaping from a grip. At some point the person stated "that´s were you are supposed to let go". Who would students give such expectations?
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
Very well said
@COMtnPilot 6 ай бұрын
Well stated, Sir! 😎👊🏼
@411Outdoors 6 ай бұрын
@longgone9869 6 ай бұрын
Profiling is great and is ingrained in our human Psyche. I once watched a sow grizzly bear and cub leave a river bank of circumnavigate a male grizzly bear feeding in the river. She disappeared quarter-mile damn stream and re-enter the river several hundred yards upstream from where the male grizzly bear was feeding. Was the female grizzly profiling the male grizzly? You bet she was
@yourfreedomisanillusion 6 ай бұрын
MY PERSONAL LIST Assumption 1: It’s hard for them to assail you when they have extra holes in their head.
@montebrown9528 5 ай бұрын
Great information.
@juanrios9846 22 күн бұрын
I was working in a camera store in south Miami. I had just unlocked the door to start our day and started setting up the shelves. We hear this loud rattle at the door. When we looked up there was this guy holding an AR-15, trying to get in. We were all behind the counter at that moment and drew our guns, (we all had carry permits and would go target practice after work at the gun range next door). When the A-HOLE looked up and saw five hand guns pointed at him....he ran like a bat out of hell!! The "IDIOT" did not read the sign that said "TO OPEN PULL", he was pushing his way in, which gave us a second to draw. A few minutes later the police, showed up and asked if we had seen this guy. We pointed in the direction he ran and a few minutes later they were dragging him from behind the dumpster behind the store. The police took our statements and told us that good thing we had weapons, because this guy had just robbed a store at the other end of the strip mall. Even though the guy gave him all the money they had, the robber hit the guy in the face with the rifle butt and knocked out the guys front teeth!! You never know!!!! "DON'T UNDER ESTIMATE"
@globyois 6 ай бұрын
Good words.
@dutchvanderbilt9969 Ай бұрын
One way that you can avoid or deter and it would be assailants or de-escalate any potential confrontation is to simply be as calm and collected as can be. If someone does try to start something with you and you are able to seem completely unbothered and disinterested in either them or what they're saying or doing or otherwise just act in a way that they're not going to be expecting it's going to throw them off their rhythm so to speak and they're going to be unsure of what to do. Doing that saved me from having to get into it with a paranoid meth addicted woman who had it out for me for a really stupid reason.
@tom_olofsson 6 ай бұрын
Good advice.
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