Battle Network Academy: Dark Chips BN5

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BlueStar SixtyFour

BlueStar SixtyFour

8 ай бұрын

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Dark Chips
Chaos Unison
Dark Soul
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Пікірлер: 77
@Hydrocannon 6 ай бұрын
One important thing about Dark Soul Charge Shot: Along with the mentioned fact that opportunity for purple charge getting shorter with each successful use, the time it takes to charge the shot increases as well. Meaning for those without super armor, you become increasingly vulnerable.
@Astrogeon 8 ай бұрын
I might not remember right, but in the final scenario, the other operators' navis could use DS Navi chips. That was neat.
@aryamanbhandari8536 8 ай бұрын
They can use it at anytime, it’s just that MegaMan is bound by the karma system so he can’t use it
@asteroidrules 4 ай бұрын
All the "evil" chips, aside from dark chips themselves IIRC.
@tylermercado1445 Ай бұрын
That doesn’t work in DS however. Those just disappear in a puff of smoke if the other operator Navis use them. Only evil karma Megaman (DarkMega) could use them.
@Gazing-09 Ай бұрын
I've never tried to use a DS Chip before. TBF when I first used a Dark Chip, I was scared cuz I thought I corrupted Megaman forever and sorta "cheated". I reset my save file and started from scratch! No regret tho'. I wasn't really far. I'm sorta glad that the Chaos Unison was a thing in MBN 5. That was the only times I could use Dark Chips without suffering too much (unless I misfire)
@Hyperneosonic97 8 ай бұрын
A fun fact to note: In Double Team DS, Dark Meteor is slightly better (though the key word is "slightly") than in the original, as it is possible to use GunDelSol even when DarkMega, through the usage of Sol Cross MegaMan, as GunDelSol is Sol Cross' Charge Shot. Speaking of, I'd kind of like to see Bass Cross and Sol Cross get covered.
@Hydrocannon 6 ай бұрын
I would like to see Double Team DS Tournament Mode covered and demonstrated at some point... Also, if you load up your folder with multi hit chips like vulcan, (Mega) energy bomb, Drillarm, Cactball & YoYo, damage potential becomes TOO ridiculous. They really made it broken.
@sojackedup 7 ай бұрын
The real problem with darkchips is they simply aren't worth using in the end. Without chaos unison, they simply wouldn't see use, because there's just no upside. Lose access to like 19 chips to gain access to like... 7? (Counting "navichips" and SP/DS as single entities) lose soul unison including chaos unison, and you can still only have 3 darkchips in your folder. That's... pretty well pointless. The ONLY reason to ever use a darkchip would be if you were on your deathbed (less than 50hp late game) hadn't saved in like 4 hours, used all you folder, at a boss, and the boss was near full hp. But in BN5 if that were the case you wouldn't have darkchips since you have to actively put them in your folder. So you wouldn't use them in the only situation they're useful in if chaos unison wasn't a thing. But now, with bustermax which is basically darkcannon +100, with no windup or downside... darkchips are even MORE useless without chaos unison. And some of the darkchips are simply just bad. Darksonic, darklance, and a few others simply aren't that good for the punishment they give.
@blackpants7385 6 ай бұрын
Bug Charge and Dark Soul sound good enough, honestly
@ChefForte 8 ай бұрын
Tip from an old pro about Chaos Unison. This first two levels of charging and using your dark charge techniques don't even require timing to release on purple. If you let go of the button right as the charge makes it's sound effect to let you know it's ready, the window to release it won't have time to close. The third time you use it, you're gambling on letting it go unless you're really quick. 4 and above, the window is too short and closes before the sound effect finishes playing, lol. Beat Bass with it though😂
@deemandude6131 7 ай бұрын
Dark Tomahawk Soul was chef kiss against bosses and mobile enemies
@CrossKaizer17 2 ай бұрын
the first 2 charge shot in chaos unison were usually enough to finish the battle, if not, just turn into a different chaos unison, it was so hilarious that when I redo the libration mission, I paralyzed cosmoman with magnet chaos and then finishes him with proto chaos dark sword
@chocolat-cat 8 ай бұрын
Fun Facts: - Flinch: Confuse can be used as a pseudo-Status Guard, since you can't be inflicted with other statuses if you are confused - LightMega can get anxious even on PVP (which will influence dark chips pulls) but you are unable to Soul Unison from it, which can and will brick your hand unless you can get Megaman's mood back -In the GBA version, Liberation Navis CAN use Evil Chips
@tylermercado1445 Ай бұрын
By evil chips, you mean DS Navichips. They mainly only work in liberation missions.
@SpideyfanX Ай бұрын
So does this apply in Legacy Collection?
@chocolat-cat Ай бұрын
@@tylermercado1445 Evil chips are chips like Muramasa or Static
@chocolat-cat Ай бұрын
@@SpideyfanX Everything but the last footnote
@SpideyfanX Ай бұрын
@@chocolat-cat Damn it lmao!
@TheDeltaEXE 7 ай бұрын
I have a funny take about how Darkchips should've been handled in BN5; Due to them being a part of a folder as opposed to randomly being generated in masse, Dark state should've been a sort of severely twisted version of HubStyle, giving you benefits to your base form but with all the downsides that came with using Darkchips, e.g. +attack to all non-dimming chips, charge attacks applying a small bug, etc. Also no Chaos Unison, that's really BS.
@Gnurklesquimp2 7 ай бұрын
I think strong moves with downsides and weak ones with upsides are a cool way to balance things, those make some of my favorite moves in Pokemon too (Assuming they don't leave you open like Hyper Beam etc. in most cases) If we get another BN I'd like to see better chip descriptions... Through both experience and the community (Hell, even in-game npc's), finding interactions and maybe even some secret inputs is half the fun of these games, but they went a little too on the minimal side on many chips. A and/or R could scroll through while B and/or R could just exit out, a general idea being immediately visible. At least it does mean more views for you! It also does totally work with the ''Use at your own risk'' narrative surrounding dark chips, many kids must've been spooked when trying to use them. Also, while I think permanent hp decreases are really interesting for both that narrative and planning a run, they kinda make these chips off-limits if you're not setting out to deliberately use them, unless you just REALLY can't get a fight done with multiple resets. I'd overal much prefer a case where we consider if certain chips' downsides can be played around or are worth just taking in the situation at hand, without wondering if we'll regret it later. That could maybe come alongside the ''perma'' hp drain if they add an npc who can cleanse you and restore max-hp, this would leave just a bit of it as a layer to hp management when you're delving into a long session, and this too could be played around if you weren't healing anyway, still very risk/reward.
@thomaseichler920 4 ай бұрын
I was lucky with ShadowChaos charge shot, I was able to activate the charge shot 4 times in a row during my battle with ForteSP (english version because of how name is spelled). I didn't use the pause tactic, because I would be killed easily during the battle.
@shikabaneconga 7 ай бұрын
i love using these with DarkLicense
@animeking1357 8 ай бұрын
I love Chaos Unison because it lets me use dark chips without losing hp. I wouldn't use dark chips otherwise.
@SuperSmashDolls 3 ай бұрын
DarkRecovery: "BECOME ALMOST INVINCIBLE", but in reality it gives you heavy HP drain. Did Spamton make this chip? My personal opinion regarding DarkChips is that they're a good idea with bad execution. Permanent max HP loss was enough for me to never touch them. It also doesn't mesh with the narrative of the game or anything - Megaman is still the hero even if you're playing full dark karma. Framing it as "good" versus "evil" doesn't make sense unless the story reacts to that. On the other hand, having stupidly powerful chips that give you bugs you have to deal with makes sense as a risk/reward thing. Maybe if they had called these BugChips instead of DarkChips? It'd make sense thematically: the more BugChips you use, the more corrupted MegaMan's program is. He doesn't stop being the hero, but he can't use chips that purify computer programs anymore because his code is damaged and needs repair. Chaos Unison feels like a cop-out. Someone saw people playing BN4 without using dark chips because of the HP loss and, instead of reworking that aspect of DarkChips, decided to have an entirely separate soul unison just for those people.
@picawood 8 ай бұрын
I like how dark chips work in bn5 shame you lost a hp and have do give up on soul unisons
@siwoksiwok 6 ай бұрын
Do not mess with dark chip when you use it in omega net navi boss fight!
@TheSqueakerNerd 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, chaos unison kinda makes dark soul feel over shadowed lolz Maybe, or they could have done is get rid of chaos unison and made an alternate OP option for light side That's a bit more difficult to achieve than using a dark chip (i.e. the concept of darker options being easier to choose over morally correct options)
@MrVariant 8 ай бұрын
Gotta retroactively compete with patch cards 😂
@SoulHero7 8 ай бұрын
I feel that Chaos Unison should have been a Dark Mode exclusive thing so that it could compete with Light Mode's double damage and variety.
@jadekaiser7840 6 ай бұрын
The biggest problem with going dark side was the permanent HP loss from using dark chips, imo. If there was a way to "cleanse" the max HP loss, or if it maxed out at a certain amount lost, then it would be one thing. But In all my looking I've never seen anybody mention anything like that, so unless I've somehow just missed something? It was just bad. You would have to constantly drain your max HP permanently every few virus battles, just to maintain access to use evil chips and dark soul even for practice reasons. Which left it as effectively useless for anything but a carefully cultivated PvP save file/cartridge that you played through all the way into the postgame to get everything for your PvP build, and then never picked up or used for anything else, ever again.
@tylermercado1445 Ай бұрын
About Dark Invis: if you never used any chips or PAs besides this darkchip, then the chips you use are cannon, airshot and minibomb. In DS, you only use them once per session while it’s in effect.
@renegaderaven3777 7 ай бұрын
I definitely avoided using dark chip without chaos unison on my old playthroughs. Maybe I should try to be edgy and “embrace the darkness” on my next playthrough just for a change of pace.
@Shade557 8 ай бұрын
I’d like to thank you so much for making these video. Godbless
@hiroran9796 8 ай бұрын
Remember the old days when some Japanese degenerates trained their Dark Souls to only spam paralysing PAs/chips and breaks PVP. And because they removed the failsafe of being able to prevent Dark Soul from appearing by deleting opponent with multi-hit time freeze chips from BN4, anti-recovery is a necessary staple against dark karma players.
@ajflink 7 ай бұрын
In other words, unless using Chaos Unison or in PvP, do not use dark chips. Sure, you may have situations where you can one-shot bosses; however, remember that the HP lost CANNOT be recovered. Period. That 1 HP lost for every battle a chip is used in, minus the JunkSoul oversight from BN4, scares me from ever touching dark chips. If you don't know what JunkSoul oversight is, it is very simple to pull off but is only in BN4 Blue Moon (unless you are playing the Legacy Collection then you can get JunkSoul in Red Sun as well). 1) Trigger the anxious state. 2) Select one or more dark chips for battle but do not use them in battle. 3) Use JunkSoul. 4) Open the Custom Screen. Use JunkSouls special Custom Screen option to recover previously used battle chips. 5) Select the dark chip(s). 6) Use them in battle. 7) After the battle check your max HP for MegaMan.EXE. It should not have changed. I am not sure if this glitch still exists in the Legacy Collection. I would recommend saving before attempting this.
@IniquitousZ 25 күн бұрын
Yeah it's kinda weird that chaos unison basically makes light mega a better user of dark chips than darkmega. It gave lightmega a way to use dark chips, but not dark megana way to use souls? Seems like a big missed opportunity. I would have made it work for dark mega, and maybe even given it an extra turn, or an easier charge timing window. The whole concept was tradeoffs for power, but with this implementation, dark mega made all the sacrifice for light to gain all the benefits.
@rogue1248 7 күн бұрын
Yeah DarkMega is now redundant when it came to using dark chips when Chaos Unision uses it better
@OttoniSaulo 8 ай бұрын
Cone squad
@Rodolphin 7 ай бұрын
I still feel like Dark Chips are under utilized in the series. I know it may be much, but I wish there was a dark chip version of every chip rather than 10 per game and alternate scenarios if you decided to use them or not.
@jupitermonkey5687 7 ай бұрын
yooo can you do blizzardball from bn6 next? there are many uncommon chips that have interesting effects
@theonejackal89 6 ай бұрын
4:48 Why is it Cone D and not Code D?
@ShiroV2 8 ай бұрын
The permanent HP loss from using dark chips always scared me away from them. I prefer 4's implementation of darkchips tbh. Having to equip darkchips in your folder "feels wrong", and seeing Mega become tempted to use darkchips in 4 when he's getting his ass kicked feels very fitting. It's a shame darkchips disappeared in 6, even if they have two "cameos" with bugthunder and bugsword.
@omegahaxors3306 8 ай бұрын
They're still in the code of 6, and you can access them via the beast gate. They're toned down and the -1hp downside is replaced with -1 bug frag.
@Rodolphin 7 ай бұрын
I like 4’s implementation of Dark Chips as well. It lines up with the anime where both Mega and Proto Man were getting washed by ShadeMan and Lan was thinking about using the Dark chip he had. Him putting a dark chip willingly before a fight seems out of character.
@nanops.4887 2 ай бұрын
Liberation navis cannot use Dark Chips but oddly, DS Navi chips are usable.
@SolidArc91 7 ай бұрын
What’s the music?
@Flutterdark_ 2 ай бұрын
can confirm, you can pause buffer the chaos unison charge. and boy is it broken especially if you play colonel and just get a 300 field nuke in toadchaos
@tylermercado1445 Ай бұрын
It’s only good for the first 3 successful uses. After that, you can’t release the first frame it’s charged as the window is closed. 4th time onwards it’s pretty much open for only 1 frame.
@Flutterdark_ Ай бұрын
@@tylermercado1445 probably. tbh i never tried chaining it more then 3 times.
@EdgeHM 5 ай бұрын
They're cool, but I could never square their usage with the permanent HP loss. Having that number uneven permanently would bother me too much. Always went with Chaos Unisons if I used them at all.
@rogue1248 7 күн бұрын
Dark Napalm soul is too broken with the DarkMeteor GunSol combo.
@acebesttheiris134 8 ай бұрын
So the dark chips and chaos unison work better when you flinch? Too bad for me because I usually equip spar armor on MegaMan.
@lafbkhope5391 8 ай бұрын
DS Navi Chips also power up with each flinch- I find this method way worse honestly. BN4's Black Holes were better than needing to flinch.
@irtehmrepic 8 ай бұрын
Shoutouts to MeddyChaos
@ShadowdaHedgie11 5 ай бұрын
Dark Chips just... don't really seem worth it. Like, a permanent HP drop, if you want to play Dark Mega you have to keep using them to maintain your low karma... I did think of something though... Undershirt. If you have Undershirt on your NaviCust, does that take effect BEFORE Dark Mega? Like, will you go down to 1HP, and then when you take another hit, you'll go into the Dark Berserk thing, or does it just go straight to the Dark Berserk?
@Nour386589 4 ай бұрын
how do you regain karma? I know using dark chips will cost you karma, but I don't think you mentioned how to regain karma
@BlueStarSixtyFour 4 ай бұрын
winning battles with out using dark chips or dropping to dark soul will raise your karma when your in the evil or neutral state. if you’re in the dark karma state you need the soul cleanse NCP to regain karma from dark chip free battles
@squidyellotheinkling2474 8 ай бұрын
How do you get Light Karma back?
@BlueStarSixtyFour 8 ай бұрын
once you drop your karma to 469 (dark mega) you need to use the Soul Cleanse NCP and win battles with it equipped. if your in the evil karma state (470-499) all you need to do is win fights
@pablotomasllodra4423 5 ай бұрын
Also, you cannot use Dark Chips against Nebula Gray.
@SolidArc91 6 ай бұрын
How do you get dark recovery *?
@freiheit5593 2 ай бұрын
End Area 2
@tylermercado1445 Ай бұрын
The *code is DS exclusive. Get it from a lotto number.
@kiraangle2823 7 ай бұрын
they never got dark chips right. even the dark gigas in 6 were probably more right. i wonder if the noise system made sense, i never did finish star force 3. they are kinda on the same wavelength.
@lafbkhope5391 8 ай бұрын
I always hated Chaos Unison as a mechaic and looked down upon it and the people who use it. The whole appealing concept of Dark Chips was that for power you pay a price. You throw away your HP, Full Synchro, Light Chips and Double Souls to aquire a new power. It's unfair that Light MegaMan gets to keep all of THAT and also gets to have multiple usage of Dark Chips with little to no drawbacks. Doesn't help that Dark Chips themselves got nerfed to a 3 slot limit chips and are code restricted.
@BubbyBoy 8 ай бұрын
It's arguably weaker than beast out, and timing Chaos Unison's charge shot more then 2 is very difficult.
@lafbkhope5391 8 ай бұрын
@@BubbyBoy That still doesn't change the fact that Chaos Unison gets to use Dark Chips without penalty, especially performing them multiple times with pause trick or being skilled. You can always at minimum perform them twice.
@BubbyBoy 8 ай бұрын
@@lafbkhope5391 in the rare circumstance you *do* get to play bn5 online, you won't use Chaos Unison based on the community rules, anyway. And certainly won't use the pause trick. Chaos Unison is there for casual players to use dark chips when they wouldnt touch them with a 6 foot pole otherwise. Ironically, dark chips wouldnt even be truly abused till big thunder became a giga in 6.
@lafbkhope5391 8 ай бұрын
@@BubbyBoy And that's the problem rigth there. Chaos Unison goes against the whole premise of Dark Chips. Chaos Unison was a mistake and Dark Chip usage should never be handed over like a candy without paying the price. Casuals already have Double Souls which are pretty strong too.
@BubbyBoy 8 ай бұрын
@@lafbkhope5391 the point is, you're looking at a one turn, two-time use on average, competitively unplayed mechanic meant to incentize the use of chips that werent being used in the slightest in normal or competitive play. Complaining about chao unison in a single player game is like complaining giga chips and forms arent balanced in Starforce 2; no one is particularly forcing you to use them. And if its the 3 chip limit nerf that's getting your petard, consider the evil chips you do get to use alongside them; the options are more abundant and versatile than in 4.
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