What Actually Happened To WoW In 2023

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Bellular Warcraft

Bellular Warcraft

4 ай бұрын

Use code BELLULARWARCRAFT at the link below to get an exclusive 60% off an annual Incogni plan: incogni.com/bellularwarcraft Sponsored by Incogni.
Let's work out what's going on with Warcraft, and how behind the scenes changes have likely impacted the live game as World of Warcraft Midnight & The Last Titan came into being.

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@BellularGaming 4 ай бұрын
Use code BELLULARWARCRAFT at the link below to get an exclusive 60% off an annual Incogni plan: incogni.com/bellularwarcraft Sponsored by Incogni.
@nomercysar 4 ай бұрын
I actually decided to take the deal and try incogni. You should know, the 60% off is actually 10% off, as the annual plan is already "50% off" from the monthly plan. That's a bit dishonest
@Hadesillo 4 ай бұрын
It really feels like the Red Dragonflight storyline and Vyranoth/Vakhtros content got cut.
@Miranox2 4 ай бұрын
It was a good choice. The expansion got better and the future looks brighter.
@omarcomming722 4 ай бұрын
​@@Miranox2the expansion didn't get better, 1.0 was the best version of DF minus the upgrade system which is irrelevant here. Narratively, it only went downhill.
@Miranox2 4 ай бұрын
@@omarcomming722 Did you watch the video? All of the 10.0 dropped plot points were bad, so it's good that they were dropped.
@LinkLich 4 ай бұрын
guys lay off that copium... not good for you.
@Hadesillo 4 ай бұрын
If we understand any plot in this expansions would have lead to dragons talking about how they feel, yeah, well dropped it is and better those resources went to War Within (I hope). It really does not feel like when we lost Thal'Dranath on legion or even worse all the stuff cut in legion : Farahlon, Shattrath, Karabor, etc.
@40Gallant04 4 ай бұрын
Over the years I've heard many WoW players stated "I only play for the gameplay I ignore the story". And while that is a totally valid way to play any game, it seems as if they're ignoring it purely out of disdain or dislike rather than just not be interested at all. WoW over the years has always sold itself as an MMO"RPG" game. Over the years however it seem to have steadily lost what made it an "RPG" that includes story and narrative.
@keithb6344 4 ай бұрын
Not always. I don’t know why I saved Mario’s princess, jumped over alligators in Pitfall, what Sylvannas smells like (or how to spell her name), or any of the story in FFXIV. Don’t know, never really cared.
@40Gallant04 4 ай бұрын
@6344 Few things. One Mario was never really marketed to be a story driven game within its franchise. It does has a story sure but that's not one its major selling points. RPG's like the original Warcrafts, and World of Warcraft and its multiple expansions marketing does involve around its story. Metzen going out on stage and announcing the World Soul Saga has a hook proves that. And Two, while you don't know the story of FFXIV or don't really care (which is completely fine) you DO know however that it is critically acclaimed and people have a positive reception to it regardless.
@Donuts8 4 ай бұрын
They definitely pivoted on the Oathstones. I'm guess the original ending was them going "we have learned to be a family...not many dragonflights but a singular World of Warcraft: Dragonflight™" and then them getting their powers back. Instead we got them as a red herring and the true plotline seeming to be that the Titans' blessings aren't necessary and Azeroth is who they should be looking to for strength to protect her. Also the editing on these last few videos has been cheeky as hell and I'm all for it.
@jase_allen 4 ай бұрын
Well, that and the message that we shouldn't be looking to the Titans to help us. They aren't the benevolent sky daddies they were made to seem.
@einsiedler6052 4 ай бұрын
I hope they will tell us one day, what happened during BFA-Shadowlands-Dragonflight. Where were they aiming, what made them change directions?
@Calibizaro 4 ай бұрын
I agree. All three of those Expansions could have been awesome... I still think the current is lots of fun (from a non-raiders perspective), but it's definitely not been at the same quality bar for what I experienced in Legion and MoP. The STORY in both Legion and MoP felt so fleshed out and the conclusions were satisfying.
@taten-jinmu718 4 ай бұрын
Shadowlands had potential if they didnt try to 4d chess the Jailer into being the bad guy who worked over everybody... There was a lot that could have happened or been done with old villains and champions who died on Azeroth they missed SO much forcing the Jailer into being the singular evil behind everything.
@NeoCypherous 3 ай бұрын
are yall forgetting covid and the class action lawsuit levied against them by the state of california? All the people they had to fire and rehire and then microsoft buying it out. I'm certain that was a huge part of their decision making, that and having deadlines to complete things turned out rushed products
@Subject_Keter Ай бұрын
I kinda want to know like how marvel fans found out if that horrible secert empire passed. But it probably be bad af.
@BrentHollett 4 ай бұрын
So War Within was planned to be one expansion, and Metzen wanted to expand it because he didnt want to crush epic lore into a handful of patches?
@tacothunderking4558 4 ай бұрын
He probably watched BfA from the outside and thought "Man, imagine how good this could have been if they had made three expansions out of this stuff instead of trying to jam it all into one." So when he came back he knew what he had to do.
@hallo-mt5tx 4 ай бұрын
@@tacothunderking4558 honestly, bfa felt like they pulled out a checklist of old characters and wanted to get through as many as possible they wasted so much potential with nazjatar, azshara and nzoth
@The86Ripper 4 ай бұрын
@@tacothunderking4558 That sounds strangely accurate!
@Snagprophet 4 ай бұрын
​@hallo-mt5tx meanwhile Thros gets ignored twice in BFA and Shadowlands with Gorak Tul being the top tier original villain in BFA that people wanted more of. It was very messy. Even the allied race system is messy, we're not getting stone dwarves for Horde which should've just been custom options for existing Dwarves. And now allied races get left behind for custom options instead of being baked into main race, at least Void Elves brought the High Elf model to alliance but light forged was very lazy
@Dajova 4 ай бұрын
@@tacothunderking4558On the flip side, i remember when they announced the World Souls Saga and people just went "so now they're gonna drag out this shit over multiple DLCs that we have to pay for?! I'm out!". Can't please everyone.
@laurenwalsh4499 4 ай бұрын
I would bet good money that they had a pivot in the middle. You can see it just in the cinematics alone in 10.1. Suddenly we had cinematics with "mouth full of peanut butter" lip syncing and then didn't have any cinematics like that again. That's a clear sign to me that there was some sudden crunch for some reason or another.
@hadmatter9240 4 ай бұрын
All the original talent left Blizzard, so Activision hired mediocre storytellers. My guess is that the replacements had never played the game, so they knew fuck all about the storyline.
@zmiecer 4 ай бұрын
@bmrmel 4 ай бұрын
The problem that happened to Blizz was the same as many corporations in the USA...ESG's!
@forrrrestjohncave 4 ай бұрын
I'm worried that The War Within will still feel like Dragonflight because of the change of direction midway through. I do however have complete faith in Midnight and The Last Titan.
@BFTBGSFTST 4 ай бұрын
The damage Shadowlands caused to the lore is still there. It really needs to be retconned somehow
@itsdannyhoney 4 ай бұрын
I’m curious about the new two Exploring Azeroth books. Maybe they will retcon some of the lore
@ChinnuWoW 4 ай бұрын
It doesn’t need retconning. It just needs more explanation and character development. The lore was lackluster. There’s no damage.
@lastelite3967 4 ай бұрын
@@ChinnuWoWlol so wrong
@PR_1775 4 ай бұрын
@@ChinnuWoWThat expansion is an absolute blight on WoW. It not only taints what came afterwards but also taints what came before. And it's not just the Jailer. Nearly the entire tone was just wrong.
@pirojfmifhghek566 4 ай бұрын
I'm still upset at how they turned the Helm of Domination into a paper Burger King crown. They really can't unfuck that now. But honestly the worst part of BFA and Shadowlands was that Danuser was always keeping so much of the lore a secret. He was obsessed with hoarding all of the lore in his own head and never giving us any payoff. Everything we learned was given out in a slow drip. Every reveal also had to be a cliffhanger, even when it didn't make sense to hold back. Much of the character dialogue and the cutscenes felt _dry_ and devoid of emotional impact because they were always beating around the bush. It was as if Danuser had become pathologically afraid of telling us what the story was. But now he's gone and his museum full of loose threads are probably gonna remain untied forever. Playing WoW since Legion has been like sitting down at a nice restaurant and finding out five hours later that your waiter quit, the chef was fired, and all of your food is lying on the kitchen counter, uncooked and spoiled.
@Thromash 4 ай бұрын
Before Malfurion went to Ardenweald his eyes were a shade of *Green* but in the new cut scene when he comes back they are a shade of *Blue*
@jynn698 4 ай бұрын
it was exactly what i was expecting..... its the same cycle as BFA and SL
@grizzly311tr 4 ай бұрын
you guessed there would be new raids and new dungeons in a new expansion?!? either your mom is miss cleo or your dad works at blizzard, maybe both.
@barley2262 4 ай бұрын
Except dragonflight was/is actually fun and good? The story isn’t even that bad if you didn’t care for shadowlands or BFA. The person who’s channel you’re watching has been praising how interesting it is to theorize for over a year now.
@jynn698 4 ай бұрын
that it would be a narrative mess@@grizzly311tr
@jynn698 4 ай бұрын
while i do enjoy bellulars content, it does not mean we share the same opinion. It was underwhelming for me @@barley2262
@omarcomming722 4 ай бұрын
​@@barley2262I don't care how fun the lore is to theorize about, fan theories are worthless imo. The lore has been garbage this whole expansion, and they have frequently been shitting on it on their podcasts as well. The ONLY thing it has over Shadowlands is that it doesn't retcon too much stuff, it's equally as bad otherwise.
@caboose8402 4 ай бұрын
Seriously! What are Oathstones and Aspectral Powers (beyond MacGuffins)?
@jase_allen 4 ай бұрын
They were supposed to be a reminder of the dragonflights' oaths to the Titans and the source of their powers. Toward the end of the leveling in each zone, that dragonflight would be reminded of their oath or create a new one, which somehow powered up their oathstone. When Alexstraza tried to power up the main oath stone, it didn't work and then they were quickly forgotten about.
@caboose8402 4 ай бұрын
Right. That brings me back to my point in asking what their point was. And I still don't understand Aspectral Powers beyond glowing eyes.
@Darkkfated 4 ай бұрын
@@caboose8402Neither does anyone else, so don't feel too bad.
@caboose8402 4 ай бұрын
Including Blizzard, huh? Don't get me wrong, Dragonflight did a lot of things right as a game. As a story, though, let's be charitable and say it was better than Shadowlands.
@stylereline4457 4 ай бұрын
BFAs Cinematics are unbeaten. Saurfangs fight with Sylvannas was peak cinematic in my opinion hope they bring those moments back I remember waiting for those Cinematics to drop on mmo champion.
@thebigidea9659 4 ай бұрын
Lmao you mean the "fight" where Sylvanas dumpstered the supposed legendary warrior?BFA had good cinematics at the very least but that was not one of them.
@stylereline4457 4 ай бұрын
@@thebigidea9659 Your referring to the content of the cinematic and I'm referring to the quality as in the graphics music etc we're talking about two different things mate
@jase_allen 4 ай бұрын
The cinematics are hit and miss. Saurfang's fight with Sylvannas was a masterpiece. The end cinematics for Cata, Shadowlands, and Dragonflight were just stupid.
@inconceivableabysses 3 ай бұрын
The loss of two of the Horde's main protagonists at once was the lowest point of the game for me. They killed Vol'jin, they ruined Sylvanas, then they killed Saurfang. It wasn't more than six months after that, that I left for good. The best cinematics in the world are pointless when the story they illustrate is a dumpster fire.
@stylereline4457 3 ай бұрын
Yeah i understand how bad the story was it was peak terrible lore but the production quality was unmatched.@@inconceivableabysses
@dreadbull5039 4 ай бұрын
To me it seems like the disjointed and unfulfilled story of Dragonflight is an indication of Metzen just deciding to rip off the bandaid quickly in order to move on and cut their losses. Similar to what happened in Warlords
@masterofhaloben 4 ай бұрын
I just wish wow would stick to its guns. The last expansion that followed its story to the end was wrath of the lich king. Everything else has been last minute changes and retcons. I love the charecters in wow, just make a good a story that flows from start to finish in one line with out all these twist and turns of what appears to be management change and fear. I hope that for the upcoming trilogy they stand behind their product and exclaim this is who we are. And hopefully more of a focus on war and away from shiney unicorns.
@gabewhite6943 4 ай бұрын
I’d say it lasted up until legion. Mists ended by finishing its beginning, warlords did get switched up but legion was a very clear solid expansion. Even bfa up until 8.3 was solid, man even shadowlands was solid up until 9.3. I feel these final patches being so disjointed and cut off is to try and keep players from getting too bored.
@Nr4747 15 күн бұрын
Cataclym and Legion seemed to both "stick to their guns", story-wise. Mists arguably did aswell, Garrosh's fall due to the Sha corruption was very heavily hinted at early in the expansion.
@pyrite13 4 ай бұрын
How the hell can anyone say the TWW cinematic is "pitch perfect"?! Nothing happens!! We learn, again, that inside Azeroth is a World Soul. Aside from this startling revelation of brand new information that no one could've seen coming, the entire point of the video is Anduin being angsty. What a shocker considering how upbeat and hopeful he was at the end of SL! This is by far my least favorite piece of media in the entire franchise. I don't care how technically brilliant it is. I don't care if you can freeze frame and count the pores on Thrall's hands. Nothing happens! There better be some sort of follow-up media akin to the Harbingers/Warbringers shorts we got in the past. And they better contain some actual information or action beyond Anduin using the potty rendered in loving 4K UHD.
@kubi0461 4 ай бұрын
Don’t they do this with every expansion? Particularly since WoD. Shadowlands clearly had massive direction changes in the middle.
@warllockmasterasd9142 4 ай бұрын
Dragon Flight's story is like Shadowlands. One big exposition with no end goal really planned. Made by the same person. the so of course the story fell flat again. Also Steven hard defended the Jailor in shadowlands on Twitter. Cos' that too was also his baby. However once Steven left, his main plan was no longer in motion. the Oath stones are kind of like the Sigils of the Jailor. Just suddenly there and then gone. Also let's applaud Intern Iridikron's promotion to herald villain. he worked hard for it.
@Madkingstow 4 ай бұрын
Steve Danuser is the Rian Johnson of Warcraft
@Zarsz9523 4 ай бұрын
Disrespectful to Rian Johnson
@aphexinc 4 ай бұрын
thats 100%
@liquiddude9855 4 ай бұрын
Hes just a woke loser
@maurinux1985 4 ай бұрын
Remenber... Metzen make Cataclysm aka he backstab! ahhhhhhhh your hero is your main villian! LOL
@smokeythagamer8521 4 ай бұрын
I haven’t had this much excitement and hope for an expansion since Legion and high hopes for the World Soul saga as a whole but only time will tell and hopefully the gameplay is just as great as the story.
@taten-jinmu718 4 ай бұрын
The announcement that Metzen was in charge is enough for me to give the Worldsoul saga a solid chance. Wasnt happy w/dragonflight and the "power rangers family fun time" feel that I got from the original story. Kinda glad it got canned honestly. It was SO BAD that metzen had to 180 as soon as he got on board. I mean... c'mon the ending of Dragonflight was probably on par w/shadowlands
@dragonmother204 4 ай бұрын
There were so many holes that you could see while playing most of the content. Even in one of the raids, our black dragon boys do not comment about the faceless one as we defeat it. I am really starting to hate the missing plotlines and the lack of writing.
@mattzomix89 4 ай бұрын
i only want to respond to the oathstone part: yeah they felt a bit underexplained in the mainstory. but i also played the story around the dragonwhelps. you know where we have to let them hatch? at their oathstones. but why is that needed? i mean we learned after cataclysm that the dragonswarms were unable to procreate. the eggs won't hatch and such things (we even had to comfort alexstrasza about it). but yeah i think the oathstone purpose (if you truly need one) is that it helps dragon whelps to hatch from their eggs. the other parts of the video: i don't know. yeah their are problems but i don't know if it's worth or good to pinpoint them out on that level. but i guess you have to do so to get the viewers entertained.
@rebbyra 4 ай бұрын
There's a story in Dragonflight?
@KrispyNuggetBoutique 4 ай бұрын
Here is a free tip. If you’re not comfortable talking about a rumour, don’t spend five minutes talking around them.
@CosmicCleric 4 ай бұрын
Depends on how its done, actually. If its just click bait padding, then yeah. But if its "read between the lines" type of informing, then that's fine.
@KrispyNuggetBoutique 4 ай бұрын
@@CosmicCleric I disagreee, the whole read between the lines will make tons of people draw the wrong conclusions, which is worse than just repeating the rumour itself.
@CosmicCleric 4 ай бұрын
@@KrispyNuggetBoutique depends on how good you are at reading between the lines. For those of us who are good at it, we prefer to be informed.
@CB38096 4 ай бұрын
I mean Oath Stones had some relevance in 10.1 with the trinket.. I think they were simply each flight's power stone?
@barley2262 4 ай бұрын
The path stones weren’t even about power, it was the promise the flights made in their charge both to the isles and eachother. Alexstraza thinking they’d work wasn’t guaranteed and it helps reinforce that she’s a character with faults while simultaneously bringing the rest of the dragons together.
@webduelist 4 ай бұрын
@@barley2262that’s true, while they had hope, it was just speculation
@brosirs 4 ай бұрын
"Oh no, SL isn't as good as we thought, let's put it on life support for a year and put EVERYTHING into DF... oh no, DF isn't as good as we thought, let's put it on life support for a year and put EVERYTHING into TWW... oh no..."
@einsiedler6052 4 ай бұрын
Feels like that. Only time that kinda worked was Cata into MoP. Ppl might have not liked the theme of MOP but it was new lore, lots of content, new game modes, many successful experiments and the very best narrated Expo we had - by far.
@kawgrath1876 4 ай бұрын
@@einsiedler6052 by the time MoP came out people were saying WoW is dead, so no one was charitable to it at the time, but in hindsight everyone recognizes it was goated
@battle-brotherthiel1563 4 ай бұрын
DF is “mild”.There’s no stakes or real danger ( besides Amirdrassil) . Could not care about the storylines and the random dragon trauma dumping on you ( cringe?) . Actually DF made the Primalists sympathetic? ( not you Fyrakk) Like “you guys killed us and locked us up because we refused to drink Titan juice, time for payback, bitch” . And that’s just scratching the surface . DF is like a hot chick at the bar: pretty but without substance.
@kaakrepwhatever 4 ай бұрын
It's felt for years like WoW has been written by a committee composed of factions with incompatible goals, and no one controlling the end product.
@publicguy1664 4 ай бұрын
Blizzard needs to learn from Hello Games' NMS. They should build a team that is not rushed that can go back and better flesh out and fix the story starting with most recent expansion down, instead of leaving it a broken mess for the rest of its life.
@michaeljohnhalse 4 ай бұрын
As someone who's big into lore, and isn't really a PVPer or Mythic Raider, I play the game for it's story and characters... I didn't mind Dragonflight... I've played since the end of Wrath and I've liked pretty much every expansion. I LOVED BfA, Legion was good, MoP was amazing... I think WoD or Shadowlands were my least favourite, but I still enjoyed them for what they were. Dragonflight's themes of family and coming together were great! I loved them, and sure I was confused at Malfy's storyline, and how Ysera did nothing, but you know what, I like this game, I like the stories, and I'll keep playing until I don't. People get so wrapped up about it, if you don't like it, don't play it.
@MinatureMinotaur3223 4 ай бұрын
Was vyranoth even sad when fyrak died? Just seemed weird how indifferent she was about him when they're siblings.
@Archimo 4 ай бұрын
Honestly if all the gameplay improvements wasn't carrying Dragonflight from the gear upgrade systems to Talents and just general respecting the players time as well as a fast content kadence (basically gameplay is fun), It's safe to assume that with the narrative issues of dragonflight, Wow would be dead off the back of shadow lands being so horrible.
@JonpaulGee 4 ай бұрын
Um the oath stones allowed the flights to have titan infused eggs again. This is somewhat explained through the whelpling daycare quests
@willythemailboy2 4 ай бұрын
So where the hell did Wrathion come from?
@josejuanandrade4439 4 ай бұрын
@@willythemailboy2 He was an experiment of Deathwing... he says it at every chance!!! After his corruption, Deathwing tried to mate with his consorts, but all of them died, except Sinestra. Sinestra is the mother of Onyxia, Nefarion AND Wrathion. But the red dragon purified Wrathion's egg. I think that red dragon may have used some of the infused water btw.
@willythemailboy2 4 ай бұрын
@@josejuanandrade4439 Wrathion was only one of a clutch of black dragon eggs, though. He was just the only one that survived being purified. Then there were all the black dragon eggs and hatchlings in Blackwing Lair. It's possible that the whelpling daycare part is a retcon of what happened before.
@aster4jaden 4 ай бұрын
Blizzard has been doing this for the past few Expansions.
@Hoigwai 4 ай бұрын
What BFA and Shadowlands felt like was lots of ideas in isolation and then they had to try and weave connections so that they seemed cohesive.
@Exsoldiercl1 4 ай бұрын
Can we just admit that Steve Danuser was NOT GOOD at his job. I’m so sick of hearing all the excuses “Oh BFA wasn’t his idea you can’t blame him” “Oh Shadowlands still really wasn’t all him he had to pick up the slack just wait for dragon flight” “Oh well you know he kinda had everything taken from him” Let’s face it, his ENTIRE time as narrative lead was a disaster. He’s a hack, and he needed to go and I’ve been saying it for years. I’m glad he’s gone.
@inconceivableabysses 3 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@TransformBoOnEs 4 ай бұрын
Fantastic video as always
@mohamaddelkhah 4 ай бұрын
The only thing I disagree with in this video, is Malfurion. He hasn't gotten a good chance to show what he's gained from his time of absence yet. Much stranger than that, is Ysera's almost non-existent role, given the trouble we went through to get her back.
@josejuanandrade4439 4 ай бұрын
To be fair, Ysera did show us what she was capable of, now that she was juiced with death magic from Ardenweald. Even Fyrakk said at some point to Merithra, about her mother not being there to save her with her "blue" magic.
@mohamaddelkhah 4 ай бұрын
@@josejuanandrade4439 she might be more juiced, but didn't play a significant role proportional to the trouble we went through to get ger back, regardless of her juiciness. Imagine explaining to Winter Queen the reason you're asking her to let Ysera come back is whatever she did. I wouldn't be surprised if she was offended so much that she took the leaf she used to revive Ysera back.
@battle-brotherthiel1563 4 ай бұрын
@@josejuanandrade4439she did barely anything, gave the reins to Merithra and pulled a “refuses to elaborate, leaves” . Also it shows how Danuser doesn’t know shit about the lore , Malfurion doesn’t need a power up , Malfurion as is , is the near líder thing we have to a demigod in the lore ( at least in the books) or we also forgot how he was holding Darkshore BY HIMSELF in Cata?
@josejuanandrade4439 4 ай бұрын
@@battle-brotherthiel1563 Oh i didnt say anything about Malf. I think we all know how powerful he is. I mean, he is not only the 1st druid... he was in the original war against the legion, crafted the weapon that wounded Sargeras, and when it comes to power levels, i think Bolvar with the Helm was the only one near to his level.. That's probably why they took him out of screen for DF, cause he is that strong, also, they giving too much focus to female characters, have you noticed? Tyrande, Sylvannas, the Archon and Winterqueen, then Aggra in Maldraxus...Now is Alexstrasza, and Genn just named his daughter the new leader of Guilneas... The only female of the Trio (Vyranoth) became good, even when the leader of the blue flight is Kalecgos, they gave way too much screen time to freaking Syndragosa ... i mean... a dead dragon shared nearly half the screen time of Kalecgos and he was pressented kinda "weak" and needing a lot of guidance etc etc. THANK FUCKING GOD Metzen is back.
@Subject_Keter Ай бұрын
​@@josejuanandrade4439I just think it crazy how like the one time we get g i r l s all over thr place, they are like crap verisons of themselves. Sylvanus before - Badass mf Sylvanus after - dont hurt me uwu Also Winterqueen, i hate her
@KNByam 4 ай бұрын
All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed this expansion. I did everything I was capable of and now I'm doing pvp to maximize that also.
@Subject_Keter Ай бұрын
I personally dont like how Dragonfart had no big overarching stakes. Even like solving their issues to hatch eggs or having the Infinite dragonflight try to muck with time would be something.
@markuslc1888 4 ай бұрын
iridikron would have been the the endboss of 10.3 but that has been cut as well as drust patch in SL -.-
@JamailvanWestering 4 ай бұрын
I don’t think WoW itself knows what happened because it feels like nothing really happened
@Trazynn 4 ай бұрын
I wish I was paid five-six figures a year to make shit up as I go along.
@michaelthomas1916 4 ай бұрын
I enjoyed DF, and played it often throughout the expansion until SoD dropped. I did both for about a month but have only been playing SoD since late December. The emereald dream expansion just didn't hold my attention after doing the storyline quests on my main. Also, I liked the new gear system initially but didn't feel like repeating the weekly grind in another patch. I accept that gear is outdated expansion to expansion every few years but the new system makes gear(and the tokens to upgrade it) obsolete patch to patch every few months. I don't have time to keep up with that.
@en21b 4 ай бұрын
Sooooo, what pub do you happen to hang out? I'll buy you a few rounds and we can chat.
@PercNP 4 ай бұрын
Hey, did you get out to the Willy's Chocolate Experience in Glasgow yet?
@WadeAllen001 4 ай бұрын
The weird thing about the oathstones is that it seemed like that was the way they were going to get the powers back that they sacrificed in Cataclysm, but then all the oathstones got empowered and nothing happened. It was killing some random dragon (Fyrakk) that for some reason got them their powers.
@josejuanandrade4439 4 ай бұрын
It was actualy the seed blooming to full power and trascending into our realm what did it. But yes the Oathstones were a red herring. THAT SAID, i think this is what happened: THEY THOUGH restoring the oathstones would restore their power, but they were mostly guessing there. Now, restoring the Oathstones did repair the relationship between the flights and withing them, so i think, that did work ok for the plot in the end.
@Boomken76 4 ай бұрын
like the helm enchant supposed to be mailable to alts
@CarterArts 4 ай бұрын
My headcanon for the Oathstones will just be that they are a beacon to call dragons home, those that did not feel the 'call of the isles' like some of the more powerful ones did
@szeplevente88 4 ай бұрын
14:00 okay, so my theory here is that Iridikron gambled here: the heroes will save Nozdormu from becoming Murozond while he gets the essence(?) from Galakrond corpse or whatever then escapes with Xal'atah OR the heroes will fight Iridikron denying him the essence or whatever but Murozond rises in return, so by Iridikron being more of a clever enemy he knew that the heroes(+chromie) will want to save Murozond at all cost, so he just used the Infinites for his quick plan. So I don't think we ever see Murozond becoming real or maybe we will some how, idk
@WadeAllen001 4 ай бұрын
I don't think that's a theory. It's clearly explained in the dungeon that that's exactly what Iridikron did.
@Edgypaw 4 ай бұрын
I had the same feeling: Hooray! I activated dragon stones. - Why?! - What now?
@merfah7022 4 ай бұрын
The way I see, it's more about speed than bad writting. Some make sense, imo. Malfurion didn't even have time yet to show if something happened. He went away so Ysera could participate. That's it. It's like players are expecting it has to be about Malfurion, not Ysera. Tyr represent a lot of what the Titans intented for the world, but the world itself isn't about the Titans. His narrative is to show how Azeroth is independent from the Titans. Oathstones are similar. They were supposed to be a way for Aspects to get their "function" and "roles" back (I wouldn't reduce it to 'powers'). The stones were meant to fail, then they would get their powers for connecting and protecting the world, not as some gift from the Titans. Nozdormu is literally about time travel, a subject that's always been messy and meant to confuse. Makes sense Murozond would have many possible moments in the timeline from which he could be born.
@therealtrexofficial Ай бұрын
The thumbnail is amazing 😂
@Mister_Mag00 4 ай бұрын
but the question is, is metzan now exclusively the voice of thrall?
@therabbits69 4 ай бұрын
he always has been. ever cinematic of thrall has been metzen. even when he left they would bring him back to voice.
@rectalespionagesailboat4819 4 ай бұрын
They really missed an opportunity during one of those DF cutscenes to have all the aspects transform into a power-rangers-esque megadragon and fight a super-sized version of Lord Zedd. ...this is probably why I'm not writing the story.
@mogalixir 4 ай бұрын
Give Steve the fig leaf of an amicable break as long as he’s gone and his minions are relegated back to ‘neat lore tidbit’ rather than narrative or quests.
@chronicalcultivation 4 ай бұрын
I see this 10 minutes after release and I'm not even subscribed. The algo must love this channel
@SkatePvP10 4 ай бұрын
This topic is hype
@LinkLich 4 ай бұрын
@@SkatePvP10this is copium
@SkatePvP10 4 ай бұрын
@@LinkLichpresident and story designer left
@jare3959 4 ай бұрын
Hot take: I think SL landed the plane with more storylines than DF. To me, 9.1 just felt hollow but at least there was some continuity.
@DaWoWzer 4 ай бұрын
I need someone to explain to me why everyone thinks Iridikron is so cool. all the dude has done is talk like an anime villain and walk away repeatedly what about him is so soy face epic?
@josejuanandrade4439 4 ай бұрын
Because is not the typical "PITYFUL MORTAL" Enemy that just yells that line and thinks he is so above us we are literaly of no consecuence... Iridrikron is actualy a smart villan that knew if he were to come face us, he would have end up in the respawn realm... He actualy have plans and actual clear motivation, that we do understand, and even some people finds justfiable! He knows what he wants is out of his reach and instead of just going all "muahaha face me now mortals!" He sought allies that would actualy help him do what he wants...
@sdrs2713 4 ай бұрын
Counter argument about "it's always been The War Within" - a lot of what showed up on the trading post is things that people have talked about being "leveling gear" in terms of aesthetics. Gear for an expansion themed around exploration and discovery. But we have *three* expansions planned now, and not one of them has anything even vaguely in that vein. There were also the pirates, and the N'zoth stuff off the coast in Beta. I genuinely think that the change to The War Within came from scrappping an entire expansion. Probably one that hadn't made it out of early asset art direction, but, still. I sincerely think that while The War Within was planned, it was the one *after* the 11.0, and part of the grumbling we heard (because remember, last year there was a lot of people talking about some folks at blizzard being dissatisfied with how the lore direction changed) is because there was supposed to be another breather expansion where these mysteries paid off before we immediately jump into "a war for the soul of the planet with the light and the void invading and then the titans show up again with a conspiracy." It feels like Dragonflight was always intended to be a breather with a little set up, but that the "prologue" was supposed to come next, with the real action of what would be this saga farther out. I think the fact that WoW hasn't done as well as it wanted means they moved the "big action" forward, at the price of the expansion Danuser was setting up. Because it does seem like Danuser's plan was pretty long running, with the intent being to set up a lot more pieces than just "oh my god it all happens now."
@danielantonioginartemilane1658 4 ай бұрын
I think everithyng is getting on track, the team seens happy, nervous but happy. And they are delivering fixes and changes that the community wants in a very fast phase.
@stormstrider1990 4 ай бұрын
Dragonflight left many questions unanswered, and some plot points felt rushed. But I still enjoyed the story much more than during BfA and Shadowlands.
@samwright1091 4 ай бұрын
It's been brought up before but Warcraft becoming so soft, feely, and emotional is lame. Metzen understands Warcraft so I hope to see a return to form moving forward.
@beeman4266 4 ай бұрын
I'm torn because from Legion-Df (minus the horrendous GCD change in BfA and general nerfing of specs) has been the best this game has ever felt. But narratively it's been lacking since Legion. I loved Wotlk when I played it back in the day, so many good memories doing 25man ulduar and lich king. But I was pretty shocked when I played wotlk classic. It's better than classic and BC for sure, but it's still a completely different game than it is today. It's actually impressive how much they've improved.
@TheNewGuy21 4 ай бұрын
Keep up the great videos Bellular!
@fomod_ 4 ай бұрын
I think large plot threads of dragonflight being scrapped for the World Soul Saga while the expansion was Danuser's "baby" so to speak, is what broke the camel's back for Danuser along with the stress from having to deal with Shadowlands story writing in addition to not wanting to move to California. Man got dealt a bad hand, and the one expansion he got to design narratively to put WoW back on track got upended cause they wanted to do the World Soul Saga. Seeing players get frustrated with the narrative after you had to change what you had planned because of someone else can be a big demotivator and I can't blame him for thinking "enough is enough" I wish him the best
@cheapskatecoins5709 4 ай бұрын
Maybe it was like Warlords where they just scrapped it for Legion. Perhaps once Chris returned to Blizz they just scrapped Dragonflight's development to put everyone on the world soul saga.
@spiffy74 4 ай бұрын
I always wondered why we ever messed w/the Oathstones if they were just going to be a non-issue. Dragonflight has been, for the most part, fun...but disjointed. Not as bad as BFA and certainly not the disaster that was Shadowlands...but it definitely has felt like a lot of things were tossed out, almost like in WoD...which would have been a great xpac, were it not for being completely abandoned.
@codyneu9036 4 ай бұрын
I think Malfurions eye color changed. When he stayed they were green but now that he's back they're silver/blue. Could be nothing though
@Skollshorties 4 ай бұрын
Iridikron is indeed great. No notes!
@r_rumenov 4 ай бұрын
@Republic_Remnant 4 ай бұрын
Honestly I think the answer to will things be better lore and narrative wise going forward all depends on Blizzard/MS. More specifically their staff, if they can actually keep their staff members who plans the games future out then yeah I think we might be. If they however keep having the big leads who write and come up with the narrative and lore, keep leaving midway through then no. Fingers crossed tho, Metzen seems like the person who will be in it for the long run at this point.
@wyrdflex5863 3 ай бұрын
I have heard maybe somebody possibly unclearly potentially to my knowledge no followup who knows uncertainly but now look it could be....... my personal suspicion is maybe there is some form of major change? What do you think?
@ternel 4 ай бұрын
As long as we dont have any more fanily memes...
@Skrunkknuckle 4 ай бұрын
Re: Tyr. No, i dont think it was an insertion during a pivot (you might be right) i think that incompetance made the thread be dropped. My dwarves watched Stony Tony pull his big ass up a mountain to fire up a titan beacon... But they needed to placate the hippies in the community, so we just got a small arc and a sad boi ending for Tyr.
@Aestholus 4 ай бұрын
Dragonflight feels a bit like wod which did get even less of it's promised content. I thought every dragonflight would get it's content patch culminating in a red dragonflight themed one featuring a corrupted Alexstrasza(remember that Tyr cutszene?)
@michaelkovalsky4907 4 ай бұрын
The Tyr questline also feels like a massive dropped bit of content, so much build up with the reward just being: Here's some cool tmog and Tyr having a "wow, things sure changed a lot whilst I was dead" moment.
@Jonessxy 4 ай бұрын
as someone who knows hardly any wow lore even I was questioning what is the point of Tyr
@kiromancer 4 ай бұрын
Ty for the content!
@DagothDaddy 4 ай бұрын
I'm glad they are revamping areas instead of adding more.
@geoffok 4 ай бұрын
For this to be true, either they scrapped an expansion or more, *OR* they didn't have any plan for the next expansion.
@Maverick_v23 4 ай бұрын
I'm not following the retail game to much and don't play it anymore for various reasons. I still follow the story with a lot of interest though. My issue is that story pretty much is just opening cans, but never filling them. Like they just throw a lot of hype stories and cinematics around but you never get to see how they turn out. Its maybe explained in some sidequest expansions later. If you have too many open cans and never explain anything retrospectively, I lose interest in general. You gotta give something and talk about it. Just watch the last three cinematics of end expansion raids: DF: Aspects talk about some power they gave away to defeat Deathwing and wanted to reclaim it all along. But what does this power do? oh and familiy hehe Shadowlands: Jailor dies and talks about bigger threat. Wtf could be bigger than unmaking reality, which was what he wanted? BFA: Nzoth just kamehameha'd out of existance. Xalatath as character developed into a questionmark all along. Completely neglected in SL, c
@KaiSaeren Ай бұрын
I was innitially quite excited for Dragonflight, the soft reset it seemed to be was appealing. Tho after leveling my character and going through all the zones I only kept playing for a few more days before dropping it, beyond the flying which is awesome, the world and story just didnt capture my attention. There were some nice moments but it mostly felt very off brand, not as much as Shadowlands (tho I liked the leveling experience even there more tbh) but the narrative and world felt nothing like WoW and not in the Pandaria way. Over the course of the expansion I played for two or three more months always checking in with the new content and story but checking out just as fast simply because I didnt really grow to care about much of anything that was happening in the Dragon Isles, I enjoyed the content that took me outside or brough it more in connection with the outside world but I honestly thought that most of the stories related to the dragonflights were lame, even Nozdormu's story and the time travel there was not as awesome as I expected, beyond letting us see the Black Empire it just didnt do much for me. I am looking forward to War Within quite a bit, especially storywise since I dont have time to actively raid and grind anymore, but something about Dragonflight has always made me feel this unpleasant feeling of attempting to find things I enjoy and I could attach to, instead of it happening naturally, how it did in the past, even in BFA for example (tho that had its own issues obviously). I appreciate what Dragonflight did for wow and what it signalled for its future but narratively it had very little that made me care about it and on the contrary it kinda estranged me to the dragons of this series as so much seemed either rushed or left open, or, well, lame and stupid, which is just not something I asociated with dragons previously. I did enjoy parts of the bronze dragonflight and blue was probably the best with mommy Sindragosa but overall it just left me annoyed at all the unanswered questions and dropped plotlines, off feeling tone and lack of impact.
@leonov7157 4 ай бұрын
Holly Longdale is great. She is a genuinely good person. I met her back in the EQ days of yore.
@dylanwright6632 4 ай бұрын
Say what you will about shadowlands but, Sylvanas shattering the sky was badass.
@jessicahampton4581 4 ай бұрын
the reason why tyr was involved was to give the dragons thre powers back they totally dropped that .. ??? why ?? then genn is gone he retired ysera daughther is now in charge its seems like a changing in the guard.. the main char are retiring and there kids are now in charge.. it sweet .. I see it .. and now there will be a fresh start with the war within.. there a little carry over but not much .. were going forward to go backward but in a new skion updated way ..
@dangerbook4807 4 ай бұрын
I look at Tyr in the shot where he's back and thought - He would be the one who handed us a very complicated Titan system that wrecked the current gear leveling and took us back to the sort of slog that killed Shadowlands. Now I don't know how tied in the storyline is to plans to overcomplicate gearing etc but knock on wood things haven't been TOO bad in Dragonflight as far as being jerked around every patch to get a new gizmo or set of gizmos and spend half your time rebuilding your armor. A spot or two which could have been yet another grinding spot for this nonsense have appeared and been vastly toned down, and they theoretically could have been tied in to the chopped off story bits.
@sl3498 4 ай бұрын
More small story beats. the most memorable cinematic in DF is the run, hug, kiss. Cant remember what else happened. Just love small lore and narrative around old and new characters
@sqidvishus 4 ай бұрын
It feels like this is the third time you have made this video. 1st at the end of BfA, then at the end of Shadowlands. Yeah, this wasn't great, but the next expansion looks better you've proclaimed. I'm not upset and I get that's part of your business and I'll definitely keep watching your videos! But, trying to keep hope up as a player is rather tough.
@fenristhor9204 4 ай бұрын
And classic Discovery?
@EazyEcoli 4 ай бұрын
While The War Within cinematic may have had excellent animation quality and continued to show Anduin and all of his feelings, it did nothing to really get me excited for The War Within.
@PeterPan-cy7oy 4 ай бұрын
so the next decade is azeroth the main character? i can live with that.
@somebody1337ness 4 ай бұрын
Are the dark times behind us? 'stares at hero talents' " They are just getting started friends" ....
@therabbits69 4 ай бұрын
The heroic talents are the light. They are so wonderfully RTS in nature that it makes me happy.
@TheFlyWahine 4 ай бұрын
I like the new big bad Iridikron, really cool voice. And he's got some big balls to just peace out a few expansions and basicly see yall later. I like it. He's got a plan and he knows what he's doing and as always we dont really know anything.
@jase_allen 4 ай бұрын
"Dragonflight, as it was set up in 10.0, just is full of missed opportunities." That pretty much sums up every expansion starting with WoD.
@wampXs 2 ай бұрын
blud didn't play legion lmao
@dispuertorican1111 4 ай бұрын
I was really afraid of this being a negative wow video and almost didn't watch it but I was pleasantly surprised. Please keep it positive
@kylekopsi7039 4 ай бұрын
I’m beginning to grow concerned for the mental state of game developers and their higher ups. There’s this growing detachment from reality that just goes beyond making bad decisions toward tiptoeing the edge of psychopathy. I started realizing it in the new Saints Row where the developers said they wanted to make characters who you would want to invite in your house and have dinner with. But in the game they murder people in broad daylight with no effort to hide their identity. Meanwhile they’re making jokes about board games and karaoke. That’s like the joker levels of insanity 😂🤦🏻 Now we have “good guys” who committed 10,000 years of intergalactic genocide who can get forgiven for their crimes if they kill ten dudes and have a cool rock. There’s no real compassion, understanding, nuance or even follow through and to me that’s wild. I was watching Nobbel recap Dragonflight and when he said “and 20,000 years of war just gets resolved off screen” I never facepalmed so hard in my life
@user-qh2bd3ub8x 4 ай бұрын
I speculate when you harm Chronicle to make your own claim to the story, you get thrown back in your place...or just removed entirely.
@jorickthekek2660 4 ай бұрын
I'm sorry but the final void rooms in the Neltharion raid is NOT as weird as Bellular keeps saying it is. They're COOL but not as overtly WEIRD and something that REQUIRES AN ANSWER
@Slightlyonline 4 ай бұрын
I'm so confused, do we not like the dragonflight story? It's been so refreshing since after the BFA/SL shitshow, even though I've gotten over it more than the WoD out of game book shit
@ChinnuWoW 4 ай бұрын
It’s Disney power of friendship crap. It’s shallow. It’s pussy.
@NostraDavid2 4 ай бұрын
I for one feel OK about it, so far. Not Blizzard amazing, but definitely not awful either. There's potential, but they need to show they can still repeat it.
@ChinnuWoW 4 ай бұрын
I absolutely don't like it. It's a complete bore. Fyrakk is a very shallow character. There's a lot of "power of friendship" crap. It feels like the game is catering more towards kids. Nothing about the current lore excites me at all.
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