The Chaos of America's Food System

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Best Documentary

Best Documentary

Ай бұрын

A vital investigation of the economic and environmental instability of America's food system, from the agricultural issues we face - soil loss, water depletion, climate change, pesticide use - to the community of leaders who are determined to fix it. Sustainable is a film about the land, the people who work it, and what must be done to sustain it for future generations.
Director : Matt Wechsler
Script : Matt Wechsler
Cast : Marty Travis, Dan Barber, Rick Bayless
Year : 2016
Documentary, historic
Full documentary

Пікірлер: 179
@devishakulasekaran6223 13 күн бұрын
The best documentary I watched in a long time. I have a very high respect for our farmers. I wish this documentary would be shown to middle schoolers nationwide.
@judithsmith9582 7 күн бұрын
This has been heard: "Who needs farmers? I get my food from the grocery store!"
@Richard-or2km 4 күн бұрын
@@judithsmith9582 Then ask them: How did it magically get there?
@LionsOfHope-23 7 күн бұрын
Made in 2016, but only coming out now in 2024 widespread for us all to easily watch on YT. Why has it been suppressed for the last eight years?
@Vangriff 6 күн бұрын
@alexutzusrl100 6 күн бұрын
Monsanto, Cargill money coruption
@dkaspar67 5 күн бұрын
It hasn't. I watched this on Netflix around 2017. It was available for a year or two. The movie is called Sustainable.
@scottsmith1569 6 күн бұрын
I feel so obligated to also comment that this regenerative model of farming would drastically cut into the big chemical companies pockets. They donate millions to political campaigns. Also discussing growing your own seeds, most people aren't aware THAT'S NOT LEGAL, a literal CRIME with most major seed companies, has been for decades. Today's farmers do not OWN the seeds they buy. They're just using them to produce a crop. They can not use any of their crop for future seeds. I met a very elderly man in Alabama that was arrested and jailed for refusing to follow this. Again, like virtually every aspect of agriculture, the mega wealthy CONTROL nearly every aspect of it. Until we can have major campaign finance reform, and break up the very few agriculture and chemical producers that are clearly monopolies, nothing will ever change. Both political parties are equally liable for allowing this atrocity.
@scottsmith1569 6 күн бұрын
What an amazing documentary. I too grew up in a small Illinois farm much like those. I'm maybe 10 minutes from the end of this video, and the elephant in the room with this entire situation, is the massive donations the 4 major food producers pay to our politicians on both sides, to keep the regulations, and subsidies where they are. Only THEY get wealthy. Only their shareholders are making record profits, while the consumers are being squeezed more and more. I also agree one of the best documentaries I've seen in a very long time. Thank you.
@donnamays24 Ай бұрын
Every American needs to watch this documentary…there are corporations that are literally patenting certain foods that make it illegal for individuals to grow…that’s a problem! Being disconnected from where your food comes from is a disaster! Blessings
@gaebitch3200 Ай бұрын
look dude it’s bc those r genetically modified seeds, which they changed the genome for, so they do have the right to patent those. But ain’t nobody allowed to patent an heirloom, or a common variety that’s been around for centuries also usually heirlooms
@gabriellacordova6099 29 күн бұрын
If you have any critique of this video, go back to the very beginning of it and see how every civilization before ours has doomed itself by destroying the soil. Do not let history repeat itself. We have a choice right now.
@bonnieupton4114 6 күн бұрын
I mix urine 4 to 1 with water and put it on my flower gardens. Amazing! They are assume now! Didn't cost me a dime. I do it 4 times a year, on the snow or before a rain. Use coffee grounds also. Dry and Grind up egg shells to put in my planters and flower pots. All free. My grapes doubled, Blackberrys also. Disabled and 70, but where there is a will their is a way. Trying to figure out how to make a garden that I can do..... With my disabled old body.
@loiscutting1716 25 күн бұрын
This video is the kind of life I grew up with. We did not use commercial fertilizers and no herbicides that poisons the soil. Instead, we rotated crops with wheat, hay, corn, different kinds of beans and oats. We also planted half acre of buckwheat for the bees to work in later in the summer. All the farmers around us used all the poisons and planted corn in the same field for twenty years. If you don't rotate crops, the corn bores will damage the ears on the corn. What one crops puts in the soil the next crop needs to grow. We had cattle and used the manure for fertilizer with no meds used in the cattle as others do. The restaurants in and around Chicago are fortunate to have farmers to bring in nutritious food. I have read where much of the food in the grocery stores have glyphosate in them, so people are consuming poison, no wonder cancer is so prevalent.
@davidr9589 6 күн бұрын
God knows best. Man thought he could innovate past God. So foolish.
@marycalderon3837 9 күн бұрын
I’ve lived in Iowa a long time, and when I see the fields, I always wonder, why don’t they grow something people can eat.
@user-dc2tp3tk1m Ай бұрын
This is one of the best documentaries I've ever seen. I really respect these people and hope they continue this amazing journey and God Bless Everyone of Them.
@valerieneal2747 Ай бұрын
Excellent documentary ! Keep up the good work❤😊
@TheMighty_T 10 күн бұрын
The big shock is going to be (already started in some places around the world) when our ability to produce food at the industrial scales we currently do, starts to break down. At this point anyone is going to be happy they spent some time and thought on how to produce some of thier own food. You can do it in a city Scape (many projects already exist if you check around your locality), so don't need to be deep in the countryside.
@BNOBLE. Ай бұрын
This started because we were told about the starving children all over the world and we had to feed them
@julio28869 Ай бұрын
en Argentina esta pasando lo mismo. los agricultores con la soja y el maiz, a su vez tienen retenciones y el monocultivo, asi y todo siguen, 400 millones de litros de glifosato se le echa a la tierra. por suerte hay mucha gente que trabajan de forma sostenible. pero el daño que se ha hecho es muy grande, gran documental.
@petereldracher5660 Ай бұрын
Phenomenal video. Make this a mandatory part of school curriculums across the country.
@gagelabarber3224 Ай бұрын
unfortunately the cultural marxist run the school system and NGOs don't want to lose there power so they will keep pumping out the toxic crap we all grew up on until Americans get educated and active it won't change. everything stems down from culture so if we don't build communities up and be the change we want to see like these fine people then we are doomed as a nation.
@bcase5328 Ай бұрын
Few have any idea what farming is really like. They don't even give much thought to how their food gets to them.
@mamaduck6845 9 күн бұрын
@Keiphton27 6 күн бұрын
In all honesty I needed this video after so many other videos that highlight the aspects of what’s wrong without solutions. This is informative, wholesome, and part of the solution. For health and community. Simply fabulous and bravo to those farming and to those filming. Appreciate what you’re doing and what you’ve done.
@boknows3841 6 күн бұрын
I also bake my own bread and I endure endless criticism because people wants it when it is free and they become insulting when asked to pay for it. One guy was on the radio and was telling everyone not to eat my bread and that it was not good because it was not free. When questioned why he said it doesn't taste like my mother. And I discovered that his grandmother sprinkled sugar on the bread. Only poor people feeds their kids sugar bread. Those people are no longer my friends!
@kalashoop1733 Ай бұрын
There a lot of people in the USA and the other countries that are doing regenerative agriculture. Iowa is the 2 in the nation to do cover crops and has restored 416,000 wetlands . Iowa is number one in conservative tillage .Pigs and chickens can’t live off of grass to long they have to have grain with grass .Cows and goats and sheep can live off of grass . As for 2024 for the crops of 2023 50 percent went to humans and 36 percent went to livestock and 12 percent with to other material . If every one went that way it would be better for the environment . And bring fresh food into local grocery stores . There is a lot of misinformation on agricultural.
@gabriellacordova6099 28 күн бұрын
I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you’ve done research on this matter, read a bunch of books, watched movies and attended seminars. I just have some questions for you, why do we have such a huge supplement industry in this country? Why are the same people who are in chemical fertilizers and pesticides the people who make the medicine we need to survive the food were eating? Do you really believe that as a nation we are eating that much fast food compared to the other meals we eat? We are the most unhealthy nation in the world despite the fact that we spend the most on medicine.
@jimmyrhodes1808 4 күн бұрын
There is more wisdom shown in this film than can be found in all of D.C.
@lenmordeur5163 13 күн бұрын
Bonjour, en France nous suivons le même chemin et ça ne dérange personne ! ....pauvres humains 🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞
@robare552 Ай бұрын
Saw a YT-clip from Leaf of Life where they looked at runoff and by just by creating a 10m barrier, with trees and bush, between water and planted products you decreased runoff by.. sorry do not remember.. a lot. This 10m border just kept dirt and chemicals to stay.
@duncanosborne4469 Ай бұрын
that was an amazing programme being from the uk ,weve had problems for years with our farming practices it all started when we joined what was then the common market we weree promised it would be better ,but look at this we import thousands of litres of milk from france we try too export lamb too france and what did the french farmers do set fire too the trucks which took the lambs too france they were willing too let them burn alive the drivers as well,our farmers not all of them though took part blocked the docks from which the french milk tankers entered into the uk and opened up the tankers taps and allowed the milk too pour out yes they got into trouble. but land here is being sold for developing and we are still importing rubbish from thousands of miles away. the uk as its known but during the 2nd ww war we were called known as gb kept the country alive there never was any where near the commercial chemicals we have now, farmers kept pigs, or cattle they were graed outside during the summer and brought in in winter ,in spring when they out the barns they were kept in would be cleaned as through winter they would of been deep littered and that was stored in a heap in one of the many fields they had and in the fall that would of been spread on the fields left for month or two before being ploughed. one local farmer near too me for the passed 2 years has grown 4 fields of clover,vetches etc and every so often just tops it too keep it tidy but this year he will mow it and plough it into the soil his fields are so sandy the clover is helping too put nitrogen back into the fields and it also helps with holding the soil together so its not blown away or washed away ploughing it in will also feed the soil,theres too many farmers putting tons of artificial fertiliser on their fields,thats due too not many of them are keeping livestock any more
@Rafael-oi6dj Ай бұрын
The thing that pests me is that fruits in the supermarkets, like pears, apricots, peaches & their likes, are always hard as billiard balls & will stay that way even if you boil them, their smell is gone & a sign like "fruits" would look rather out of place The most scary symptom is that flies, that love fruits, are nowhere to be found
@sandraburke1258 7 күн бұрын
*******As a person born in the 50's I believe we in America U.S. are 5 generations removed from growing our own foods*******
@BobSmith-vs5jp Ай бұрын
Lovely story. Lovely folk! Selling to restaurants is a good start in regards to awareness. However, the people who eat in restaurants with exotic menus, aren’t the people who need a better food infrastructure. But they are the people who need to reject the corporate lobby- paid ass hats in office….& force better options. Monsanto (& the like)should be publicly shamed & jailed. Not sure what my part is…yet
@jamesrichey Ай бұрын
Amazing video.
@honeybadger5933 4 күн бұрын
Joel Salatin has been regenerative farming for decades too and has written a few books.
@michaeld.4521 Ай бұрын
@DenyseLRoss Ай бұрын
Need new laws that Stop poisoning people
@gjsmimi4474 7 күн бұрын
Vote with your money. Stop buying processed and ultraprocessed "food". Buy whole foods. Support local farmers and markets. As long as we continue to buy the junk, the companies that make them will continue to.
@dianalittle7323 16 күн бұрын
i like this, and share it, after i watch it twice, i love it... knowinng me and 5 older siblingd were stolen by the state of michigan on lies because we were completely off gird minus the electricity on the houses my grandma and dad built... just to shut us down they ruine peoples lives on lies...
@bonnieupton4114 6 күн бұрын
Love this
@lkn4jolly Ай бұрын
Shared... big time...
@carynmartin6053 Ай бұрын
@dkaspar67 5 күн бұрын
The actual movie is called Sustainable. It was available on Netflix years ago.
@Ryanandboys Ай бұрын
As a farmer and a person that has a large garden and grows most of my own food I personally understand wanting the connection but most people couldn't care less and romanticizing local and small farmers who produce almost none of the food doest help. Food is and has to be a commodity to create the right incentives to feed 8 plus billion people without that you would quite literally have 3 billion people starve and that's much worse than being disconnected from your food. Gardening is the most popular hoppy in America so many people do grown some small % of their food. If you went 50 years back to many more small inefficient farmers you would need the cost of food to more than triple and people are already very angry for food to go up 30% or so in 4 years. The cost of the average Americans food as a % of their income is the lowest in history and of any country it's about 5 % and even Canada pays about double that at 10% most people in developing countrys pay more that 60% plus. Global foods are commodities so if we held back on production global prices would skyrocket around the world. It's not even close to worry it to starve a few billion people so we feel more connected with our food. If you want to feel more connected move out of the city and have a house in the country and have a large garden and grow your own food.
@chriscarrol9373 Ай бұрын
You said what I wanted to. All of these locally grown sustainable products are great if you're wealthy. Kids enjoy this artisanal loaf of bread as that's all I can afford to feed you today.
@cribbericarus3066 Ай бұрын
The only problem being the whole thing won't work very long anymore this way. I fully agree, we need affordable/cheap food to feed 8 billion people. But if that food is neither healthy / nutritious and we poison not only ourselves but our fields, earth and water with it, then we won't last very long. Even if we got full stomachs.
@joshua511 24 күн бұрын
People can eat high quality, local food and eat less of it than the McDonald's nonsense they consume multiple times a day. Humans were designed to live a life of intermittent fasting anyway. You certainly don't need 3 meals a day to be healthy.
@PrivatelyHanging 9 күн бұрын
We don't need to feed 8 billion people, 1 good farmer only needs to feed 20 families. So what we need are ALOT of good traditional farmers producing ALOT of quality food. You're probably sitting in a position that doesn't understand much more than the giant concrete jungle you see around you, and that's why you think the whole world has to be fed. Farmers only need to worry about their local area first, county second, state third, and whatever left over is feed for the pigs.
@djukafrajer Ай бұрын
Oduševljena sam Vašim načinom života i rada, tako sam i ja odrasla i verujem da će biti primorani svi da tako rade. Srdačan pozdrav iz Srbije🙋
@FreiesL 15 күн бұрын
Very good. Greeting from germany
@emermbiemeri 28 күн бұрын
politika amerikane. 100 probleme. shtepija e bardhe. shum bukur.
@patricedurand707 29 күн бұрын
Très intéressant. Ces personnes sont passionnées
@jimmason1072 2 күн бұрын
Reminds me of a Canadian film..." To Build a Farm"....I believe....shows the ups and downs....of the small farm....the co-op group is a great idea....since not everything turns out perfectly all the time and ad a supplier you need the produce for your customers.....
@SuperKyle309 Ай бұрын
As a market gardener in Henry County Illinois. I would like see more content and be involved with your project.
@Tyler-fx5ws 21 күн бұрын
Great content. My wife and I would love to have a small farm similar to the one in this videos as our house on 1 acre is just not enough room. However, the ground in my county goes for 11k an acre right now, and it's just a pipe dream to own a 40 acre piece of land. There are too many farmers with too much money in my area.
@gjsmimi4474 7 күн бұрын
Start where you are. If you don't have a garden, start one. Raised beds, containers, etc. I started several years ago on less than an acre. I have chickens, multiple raised beds, and this year added a small greenhouse. I buy from local farmers as much as I can. You don't need 40 acres. If you want to make your dream a reality, you have to take the first step.
@hansbleuer3346 25 күн бұрын
Ein wunderbarer Film. Menschen, Nahrungsmittel und Natur werden durch ein Überbewusstsein zusammen gehalten. Idealisten halten alles zusammen.
@cowboyfinleys2757 Ай бұрын
I agree with not torturing animals
@melkikuo7921 Ай бұрын
Those bread look amazingly tasty!
@sandraburke1258 7 күн бұрын
*******Brother and I just traveled 1800 miles to Upstate N.Y. to see our Last Living Aunt on both our mother and fathers side (between their 2 families there were 21 siblings) Of course not including our parents the Aunts & Uncles grew with spouses to having 38 Aunts and Uncles. The ONLY item I purchased on the trip was 1 Gallon of 100% Pure Maple Syrup*******
@cindybatka7186 Ай бұрын
EVERY American needs to watch this. Phenomenal!
@garrettroberts7489 Ай бұрын
Most excellent doc!
@e4t662 Ай бұрын
Food as a commodity, sad but true. If you can make a profit from something, make it scarce..
@kf2572 4 күн бұрын
So what do the restuarants do in the winter time, close down? I bet not. They buy food through the regular distribution channels which in turn get their food from big farmers in warmer regions.
@br777oliveira8 6 күн бұрын
Quando criança, minha avó tinha uma horta espetacular no restante do terreno de nossa casa, cerca de 800 m². Plantávamos hortaliças, frutas, algum milho e galinhas que se alimentavam das sobras, nos garantindo ovos frescos e orgânicos. Como neto mais velho brincava de ser agricultor orgânico, claro.
@br777oliveira8 6 күн бұрын
Estou no interior do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil (South America).
@clarencebosma7182 Ай бұрын
There would be a lot of starving people on this earth if we grew everything organically unfortunately. First world problems here.
@gjsmimi4474 7 күн бұрын
100 years ago, everything was grown organically.
@clarencebosma7182 7 күн бұрын
@@gjsmimi4474In 1924 there were 2 billion people on the earth and a life expectancy of 60 years old
@gjsmimi4474 7 күн бұрын
​@clarencebosma7182 there were many reasons s for the lower life expectancy, not just food availability
@clarencebosma7182 7 күн бұрын
@@gjsmimi4474that is true. However I will make a broad statement and say that we have the most abundant cheap and safest food in history and this video says we have it all wrong.
@gjsmimi4474 7 күн бұрын
@clarencebosma7182 but do we, really? Every week there's a food recall in the US. The "cheap" foods, processed and ultraprocessed foods are nutrient deficient. When we shop for fruits and vegetables we have no way of knowing when they were harvested or, many times, where they came from.Obesity (which is a form of malnutrition) is at an all time high. Diseases like diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, etc., are rising.The life expectancy in the US has been dropping for several years. We are eating ourselves to death.
@margiestephens7281 8 күн бұрын
Hold ON Farmers …. November gets closer by the day! Relief IS on the way
@bonnieupton4114 6 күн бұрын
We 🙏 !!!
@jamestregler1584 Ай бұрын
Silent spring turned into silenced humanity ! 🤬
@Clevelandsteamer324 Ай бұрын
Food is literally a commodity.
@larrabeejl Ай бұрын
Where i live the local septic companies dump raw sewage on the hay fields which are then treated with lime.
@chriscarrol9373 Ай бұрын
A very entertaining documentary with a well chosen soundtrack and a let's get back to nature theme. In 2022 the government of Sri Lanka banned all chemical fertilizers. It ended poorly and they quickly changed their minds six months later after having to import food which devalued their currency causing extreme inflation. Apparently going green made them loose alot of green$$$.
@ToddSloanIAAN Ай бұрын
1:27:37 very surreal
@guyvossen1640 4 күн бұрын
Man must be prepared for the higher price and better quality.
@jimmason1072 2 күн бұрын
How much corn is grown for hell of alot....
@adriancarty612 Ай бұрын
You will eat the bugs
@KPVFarmer 3 күн бұрын
Buy local, meet your local farmers, know how your food is raised
@elisabethforsell8283 Ай бұрын
@benjamindejonge3624 Ай бұрын
So sad, so sad, while there are still countries self sufficient in their mind and knowingly about food relations from their soil, after 100 years only corn cultivation things might run like the Roman Sahara mistake
@bonnieupton4114 6 күн бұрын
@JohnWalton-ef7xi 11 күн бұрын
It is about soil no drugs in the seed or soil
@jimmason1072 2 күн бұрын
I'd rather pay more for better food...than pay more and more taxes for nothing in return....
@wendycullingworth3879 26 күн бұрын
@gregorylewis9442 Ай бұрын
Industrial farming is not sustainable! Now they have 3D printed meat! They going to have 3D printed vegetables?🤔 Doing everything for money 💰 doesn't create a future for future generations.😍 More greenhouse in America are key because people in Nebraska and Colorado are growing food all year around.🤩
@MrKatzengreis Ай бұрын
"Einkorn" - translation from german is "single grain".....just saying....
@Emiliapocalypse Ай бұрын
From one grain grows many
@a.i2219 Ай бұрын
@GlacialRidgeHomestead Ай бұрын
I think oatmeal does have gluten?
@mrbork5409 6 күн бұрын
Gotta the random and misleading KZfaq climate change note
@JennieLouSweden 28 күн бұрын
@dejabadejabas 7 күн бұрын
Edit this and use upper and lower case letters. Thanks
@JennieLouSweden 7 күн бұрын
​@@dejabadejabas Why change?
@emermbiemeri 28 күн бұрын
a i thojmi lavren me plluqi. lavren me qite mah te mire. edhe mah paster.
@Jan-Boer Ай бұрын
Prachtig project en mooi om te zien. Moeilijk om op grotere schaal uit te voeren omdat het voedsel producten is voor een kleine elite groep. Als ik ervanuit ga dat er goede prijzen voor de producten gemaakt worden.
@Gotjunkcalldiplo 22 күн бұрын
Be careful what your talking about their going to say you have mental health issues and start to poisen you throw you out of your job and confine you to home. You will lose all the people you know including your family. Force you to wear and think they way they want you too you live in a prison
@EricCarlson-bz2pt Ай бұрын
Climate change. LMFAO.
@danjohnson887 Ай бұрын
Ok great. More of the same....
@jillgarver 5 күн бұрын
Please vote Kennedy 2024! 💜🥰
@emermbiemeri 28 күн бұрын
me toke kam mbete gjalle. puna mah randa ashte bujqesija
@morrismonet3554 Ай бұрын
Using an ancient Allis Chalmers D-15 tells me these people are hobby farmers and have no intention of making any real money unless they can find suckers to pay them 3x market price for their "sustainable" food.
@pamela6074 7 күн бұрын
Or they could be sweating the equity and finding alternative ways to reduce costs like vertical integration of the animal,veg, cost. There is more than one way to solve the issue, just like there is diversity in regions , climates, soil, etc.
@morrismonet3554 7 күн бұрын
@@pamela6074 Sounds like you know nothing about farming. I know a hobby farm when I see one.
@dkaspar67 5 күн бұрын
​@@pamela6074 you are correct in your observation
@demkad3629 5 күн бұрын
@diannasgardenmenagerie967 2 күн бұрын
Wheat is gross!
@nockreel1190 Ай бұрын
@XenaphobeJoe 18 сағат бұрын
Whelp, you farmers voted farm tariff Trump. How'd that work out for ya? Just drove through Ohio. I see a lot of farmers posting Trump billboards. Guess you haven't learned your lesson enough
@timlawson817 8 күн бұрын
Most people cant keep a house plant alive . So industrial farming is needed .
@Flyingdutchy33 14 күн бұрын
You had me until you mentioned climate change
@user-su5uf5yv1w 9 күн бұрын
Environment does change over time.
@arnaldobellucci9033 Ай бұрын
Nice footage and loads of crap, food has never been so abundant and cheaper, and it is due to modern agriculture. People do not know and do not want to produce their own food. I also grew up in 60s and 70s and I am a small grower today, but I am not that clueless.
@ricka.9977 Ай бұрын
Most food grown by big ag goes to feeding livestock, industrial materials and biofuels. If you can grow more food, the price should fall more every year. Except when you grow industrial food. You degrade the soil, price rises. You get wiped out by disease or weather, price rises. Fuel prices go up, price rises. Fertilizer goes up, price rises. All they want is for people like you to keep singing their praises while they buy up every one of your small farms. Ask yourself why modern industrially grown vegetables have less vitamins and minerals than those grown in the past. Shameful. You should know better by now.
@arnaldobellucci9033 Ай бұрын
@@ricka.9977 I know better, I have grew up in a pretty small farm in Brazil, I worked very hard tasks, we produced everything we ate except sugar and salt, everything was expensive, yields were pretty low so the prices were high. All you said is wrong, small growers eventually sell their land mostly because they age and the siblings see no future working the land, small farm produce are not better than any other, efficient small growers use exactly the same technology the big growers use, this is the only way, this naive romanticism sounds nice, but it actually hurt real growers, agriculture has little to do with vegetable gardens, these are hobbies, not solutions.
@morrismonet3554 Ай бұрын
Americans spend less of their total income on food than any other country. No reason to change that.
@chrisking9424 Ай бұрын
@@morrismonet3554 They also spend more on healthcare then any other country, think there's any correlation!
@LtColDaddy71 29 күн бұрын
@@morrismonet3554and dollar for dollar, what is spent on medical care has gone up proportionally, then their are all the outside expenses. Water treatment, subsidies, the Gulf of Mexico…. Farming has improved tremendously, but it has a long way to go. I went in full steam ahead, had two concurrent off farm incomes, also caught some breaks along the way. I get an operator not wanting to bet the farm, pun intended. But we have guys in their 60’s to 80’s who refuse to hang it up, and their kids are actually really open to improvement. I know, they come up to me all the time and vent their frustrations. I don’t believe co2 is bad. I think this blue marble we live on has thrown itself in to a forever mini ice age by taking it out of its natural cycle through deep sequestration. Any time the poles have been green, so was the Middle East. Co2 gives the engine of the climate the power it needs to push precipitation into areas it can’t currently. The sea levels do not go up when the ice caps melt. Evaporation transfers that water on land, creating lush, cooler over all environment. I do what I do for soil health, which directly nurtures better plant, animal and human health. I’m not a p!ss ant farmer, we’re above average in size.
@bernarddoyon8210 Ай бұрын
@atlas4225 22 күн бұрын
​@arnaldobellucci9033 I'm not prepared to adopt a defeatist approach to problems, as such i will continue to engage in permaculture and more sustainable practices on my 1.5 acres. I do more than most with such resources and many would do well to try harder.
Bow to us Farmers or pay the consequences...jk or am I 😅
@Cpt_JaK 12 күн бұрын
& farmers must bow to the immigrants, labor force (or lack thereof), and energy comps. that extract oil & the refineries that convert it to Ag diesel, for without them farmers aint farming much at all.
@emermbiemeri 28 күн бұрын
aka meh ju boh politikanve. politikanet. bujkutoni. ndreshoj edhe une poziten qkah meh boh nuk po dih
@emermbiemeri 28 күн бұрын
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