Biden student loan forgiveness

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MG The Mortgage Guy

MG The Mortgage Guy

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@ianmagnuson1626 Жыл бұрын
“nOo oNe tOLd yOu to Go to coLLeGe” - the generation that told us to go to college
@MrEmilianoPerez Жыл бұрын
The copeium
@jlava1575 Жыл бұрын
Literally from Pre-K through twelfth grade I did not have a single person tell me not to go to college and every teacher, administrator, coach, parent and grandparent asked me frequently what college I wanted to go to and that I better get good grades so I can go to college and get a good job. Not one of them ever said to me that the good jobs they were talking about wouldn't allow me to afford the college debt and a home. Everyone going to college has a mortgage to pay when they get out and the salaries haven't adjusted for inflation in 40 years. "The greatest generation" watched their once beautiful country slowly disintegrate into a world of the haves and have nots, there is no more middle class. Then they called us lazy when we followed their blueprint for success. I'm in finance and know people who didn't go to college and mowed lawns and they are in a much better position because they didn't listen to the people telling them if they don't go to school they're going to be failures. It pays to not start your life off spending four years to become $100k in debt to then get some bs job that sucks your soul out of you and pays you enough to just afford the minimum payments of the loan. Meanwhile inflation is insane, housing prices are through the roof, food is 3 times the cost it was 3 years ago and our government is sending billions to Ukraine to pay for pensions funds. If this doesn't go through there will be a lot of people being foreclosed on and evicted.
@historyrepeated4239 Жыл бұрын
@@jlava1575I’m sure there were people who said that, but maybe a lot of that has been taken out of context? I’m hearing…..get some kind of higher education, be it online, trade school, vo-tech, on the job training at a company, or a four year degree. For millions to pretend that the only direction they were given was to get a four year degree and spend $125K is selective memory. By saying that they had no choice or they didn’t know is a stretch. We went through the same thing and knew loans had interest. My generation is no smarter than the generations that have followed. However, younger generations will pay $800 for an iphone and finance a new car and then complain about the cost of college. There is a different sense of entitlement and zero conscience in thinking that everyone else should pay for it. Biden is the consummate salesmen and will offer this to buy our votes. And many of us vote for this and sell our souls and become slaves to the party of perpetual gov’t dependency.
@jlava1575 Жыл бұрын
@@historyrepeated4239 you do realize, be it that you seem older than me. That you have already paid for my student loans right? Now you are just asking me to pay the interest back to the government. You will never see that money again whether I pay it back or not.
@historyrepeated4239 Жыл бұрын
@@jlava1575 Is that how you manage money? The government’s money IS my money. And yours. If you take more than you contribute you are a strain on the system. If you view government money like it’s not the people’s, you are in the wrong country. If you borrow money from me, you have to pay it back…..with interest.
@lashakelly1 Жыл бұрын
Sir, they give other foreign countries billions of dollars. What say ye about that?
@Ryan-yw8iz Жыл бұрын
The Ukrainian people look like the people who sent the money in the first place. It’s easier to feel sorry for them 😔
@paulstandaert5709 9 ай бұрын
What kind of idiot runs up six figure loans without bothering to think about how he/she will ever pay them back?
@nwatson2773 Жыл бұрын
@DarrkMane Жыл бұрын
The most successful people in the world never obtained college degrees either.
@jish55 Жыл бұрын
@@DarrkMane yes, but they also have the most valuable ideas around and are extremely intelligent individuals in their own right. Add in that there's a 0.0000001% chance you will EVER be in that group with or without a degree, and unless you have a life changing idea, you're screwed. Oh, and let's not ignore that if you don't have a college degree, you may as well get ready for homelessness, because your job will be automated within the next decade and you'll have no skills to fall back on as the job you've been working suddenly gets done by computers and robots.
@andrebeauchamp6897 Жыл бұрын
Whether he did or didn’t take out student loans doesn’t weaken his argument on the subject. What he’s talking about is basic responsibility and accountability which is something every responsible parent should be teaching and preaching to their children as early as 5 years old. Ain’t 💩free in life and no one owes you anything. The sooner people abandon that entitlement mentality the sooner their life will turn around for the better.
@DarrkMane Жыл бұрын
@jish55 You seem insecure. Are you not confident enough that you'll become successful without a degree? Just means you will never be that 0.0000001% chance either, huh?
@7wazir Жыл бұрын
@@andrebeauchamp6897that’s bullshit and you know it. It’s free bailouts and loan forgiveness for business people and rich at the cost of tax payers, but when it comes to helping poor and middle class families get education it’s a handout? Typically republican chrony capitalism. It’s disgusting
@daniclark2000 Жыл бұрын
They wipe out the debt for these car dealerships; and the issue is the "big business" scam that these "institutions of higher knowledge use via athletes & the sport programming, the high cost of books - buy for $300 - turn in and I'll give you $50. But the icing on the cake is that interest being the " LIFE of the loan!" There's got to be a cap.
@andrebeauchamp6897 Жыл бұрын
Car dealerships are business that employ people and generates millions of dollars in sales taxes and whereas the employees pay income tax. In other words car dealerships are revenue generators for the overall economy and student loans aren’t. 🤷🏾‍♂️
@siouxempirecoyote8174 Жыл бұрын
I originally took out about 24K in student loan debt I have to date paid $45,792 I still owe just under 9k. It’s not about me not wanting to pay what I owe but I have paid so much that it is ridiculous.
@mowill4financialfreedom724 Жыл бұрын
Exactly, the interest is the problem.
@kristinarumfelt Ай бұрын
Yes. It's the interest.
@Lola8165 Жыл бұрын
Sir, a lot of 18 year olds took out student loans and received pell grants were 1st generation college students who had no idea what to major in and financial aid departments gave zero guidance. The cost of college is more expensive than the return salary.
@seds94 Жыл бұрын
Choice. Responsibility. Accountability. I know it's tough as a woman but its reality
@haydaboss231 Жыл бұрын
@@seds94 stfu. Just say you hate the lower class
@rdowg Жыл бұрын
​@@seds94 "I know it's all a huge debt trap and is sucking a huge amount of money out of the economy, but lets do nothing because it'l cost us money.....less money than just about anything passed in the last 8 years......but money nontheless. And even though entry level jobs outside of the trades DEMAND a bacholer's, have some responsibility and dont go to college"
@cannedtuna6114 Жыл бұрын
I’m 20 been in school for the passes 2 years majoring in Comp Sci it is nobody’s else’s responsibility to repay but mine that’s why we should choose a degree where you expect to obtain employment. Choose wisely and be responsible
@Sbrer Жыл бұрын
It is not my responsibility to pay off your loans. I get it, the lure of free money is awesome but it’s not free to those who are paying it. You chose to go to school, YOU signed the loan agreement now pay back the damn money.
@michaelpawlak4785 Жыл бұрын
A lot of people to us to go to college. High schools, family, employers, the government, most of media, all said you need to go to college to make a comfortable earning in your life. It's only recently that the idea of the value of a higher education has been questioned on a societal level.
@ewokninja123 Жыл бұрын
PPP loans were getting forgiven and folks weren't getting so salty, this is just some more stimulus, let the students collect that
@joecap2919 Жыл бұрын
Its redistribution of your loan so no.
@DATxRAGE Жыл бұрын
@@joecap2919 It's literally not. Money is already spent.
@joecap2919 Жыл бұрын
@@DATxRAGE It literally is for anyone who understands basic economics.
@DATxRAGE Жыл бұрын
​@@joecap2919 so let me get this straight, you're saying this will directly impact tax rates despite there being no mention of raising taxes in literally any part of the heros act nor the EO?
@joecap2919 Жыл бұрын
@@DATxRAGE Another thumbs up for yourself?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 read my last comment kid.
@diytacoma5758 Жыл бұрын
Why should government give business tax breaks and the ppp loan forgiveness 😅
@dragonluvaIII Жыл бұрын
"No one told you to go to college" That is an ignorant observation. Every professional job out here requires a college degree. I have a Masters in Project Management. My total student loan debt was about 70k including my BA degree. Now that I'm in the position, someone could have just taught me how to do this damn job. I didn't need a college degree but this Company and job role needed it to prove why they give me this 6 figure salary and health insurance. College is a priveledge that at one point only the wealthy could afford. Colleges and Banks take advantage of the poor. They make you take all of the unnecessary bullshit classes so that to many people can't graduate. If everyone is a college grad then everyone will demand a higher salary. It's a game being played at our expense.
@YouMadNow Жыл бұрын
It really doesn't especially in tech. I got a B.S in computer science and I have 13k in student loans and make 160k a year in GA. I told my cousin to take a nanodegree (1 year program) and she started at 70k now makes 175k. College isn't necessary, and people pick stupid occupations. You shouldn't get anything for taking up film and arts
@bubbabousky3857 Жыл бұрын
@@YouMadNow Isn't it funny that you're shitting all over people who create the entertainment that you consume on a daily basis but if the power were to go out, your job would be useless? 😂 Quit shitting on people who pursue what they love. You "deserve" your pay as much as they do. Also, I'll believe you make 200k when I see it. 🤪🤪🤪
@pardewski6364 9 ай бұрын
Privilege* *I did not go to college
@robertburch3813 9 ай бұрын
Some of my managers (healthcare insurance) never went to college and make well over $100k, they worked their way up and made good use of every training that was offered to them. Most big companies would kill for a good project manager and more interested in PM skills and certifications like LEAN.
@kristinarumfelt Ай бұрын
Okay. ​@@robertburch3813
@gundown26 Жыл бұрын
Literally every millenial got told to go to college. What are you talking about?
@kylecouture1917 Жыл бұрын
Has to be a joke. You want to talk about a slap in the face? How about a slap in the face to people who paid off their loans or didnt go to college? You want them to fork up a trillion dollars in taxes so that people who went to college to get ahead of them in life? People who took a responsible path in lofe get screwed.
@MC-ns8gb Жыл бұрын
You're right Kyle it's better to have your money go to the military, better yet give them your firstborn son, send him off to go die in a war in Iraq or Russia or South America or wherever the fuck will make the Raytheon more money, great thinking Kyle! Much better use of tax dollars then helping out working class people
@kristinarumfelt Ай бұрын
Um... I think you should rewatch the video.
@techfeanology6437 Жыл бұрын
"NO ONE TOLD YOU TO GO TO COLLEGE." WELL SIR, then please tell corporations to stop demanding bachelors, master degrees and PHD's to get a job. Tell them to just rrain people in whatever is need. To stop asking for degrees, knowledge and expierience.
@njpme Жыл бұрын
It's still a choice.
@techfeanology6437 Жыл бұрын
@@njpme Tell that to the doctors drowning in college debt next time you visit them.
@njpme Жыл бұрын
@@techfeanology6437 they know what they signed up for. Matter of facts, their salary can justify it in comparison to some dumbo who got a gender studies Bachelors then go get some Masters in sociology then wonder why they can't pay it back. Make better decisions
@techfeanology6437 Жыл бұрын
@@njpme What salary? Don't get it twisted just because 1 in 50 get paid over 300k. What degree do you think a doctor needs? Not a bachelor, think higher buddy. How much money do you think it costs? I swear it is not even worth my time responding to idiots who are so brainwashed.
@OmarOsman98 Жыл бұрын
Everyone hates Corporate America but wants to work for them
@myztazynizta Жыл бұрын
stimulus money went to everyone not everyone went to college most didn't go to college
@Guitaroverkill Жыл бұрын
I didn’t get any ever.
@5RandomThoughts Жыл бұрын
People choose to take out loans and start businesses. When those businesses fail, they file bankruptcy. Student loan should be the same as a business loan. Or student loans should be interest free.
@noulafrantz8589 Жыл бұрын
These politicians are businessmen they'll never come with a law to protect students loans
@andrebeauchamp6897 Жыл бұрын
You got this totally wrong. PPP loans were for existing businesses to remain open to keep people employed and the economy afloat during the COVID shut down. Do your research before putting out false and erroneous statements to support and apples or oranges comparison. The two loans are not even remotely the same nor should the be treated the same. Explain how a student loan benefits anyone else other than the borrower. Who else besides the borrower benefits from a student loan other than the borrower? 😏
@marksc4636 Жыл бұрын
@@andrebeauchamp6897you had so much fraud with the ppp loans that we will never see again and people won’t be prosecuted for
@thebossman3894 Жыл бұрын
You should have to forfeit your degree if taxpayers have to lay for it.
@andrebeauchamp6897 Жыл бұрын
@@thebossman3894 That would be like forgiveness because most of the degree programs were B.S. Those degrees aren’t and never with the paper they’re printed on. 😏
@jo_nathan_nation6544 Жыл бұрын
Everyone told us to go to college tho…
@andrebeauchamp6897 Жыл бұрын
The only person you should have been listening to on that subject is your parents who hopefully sat down with you to make sure you knew what you were committing yourself to and to make sure your degree choice was realistic relative getting a job after graduation that made it easy to pay off the loan you committed to pay back. Many of y’all got B.S. degrees whereas no employer was seeking many with such degrees. That’s y’all’s fault for taking out loans for those B.S. degrees because they were easy degrees to get. 😏
@IgiveUp12345 Жыл бұрын
Did you do it? PAY UP lmao what we learn.
@theoBaba773 Жыл бұрын
Girls gone wild?
@DividendFiend 10 ай бұрын
Gen x and baby boomers were getting solid careers with a English degree during their time, what makes you think they know what major is the right one?
@paulstandaert5709 9 ай бұрын
This is what I was told. And that was over twenty years ago. What did it yield me? Nothing. Not a friggen thing. All my money just went down a black hole. I have been complaining about it ever since while the college fanatics were telling me to just go back for more. Well, where are these "go back for more" people at now?
@MyAb111 Жыл бұрын
Then then the government should pay of my car.. Since I don’t have student loan debt.
@kirkjackson2679 Жыл бұрын
They approved loan forgiveness for billionaires and millionaires but reject loan forgiveness for low income people.
@tanura5830 7 ай бұрын
If college gives you low income then why do people go to college? If you decide to go you pay for it simple
@annastasiakohen Жыл бұрын
I'm sure your feelings weren't the same towards the PPP loans 🤡
@andrebeauchamp6897 Жыл бұрын
PPP loans kept existing businesses open and people employed. Those loans served a purpose for the general public in which you might have kept your job during the COVID shut down because your employer took out a PPP loan. A student loan serves only the purpose of the individual and no one else and that’s provided you chose a degree program that will result in a high paying job to warrant the loan you took out. 😏
@annastasiakohen Жыл бұрын
@@andrebeauchamp6897 Incorrect. Take an economics class 🥴
@andrebeauchamp6897 Жыл бұрын
@@annastasiakohen Wrong whiner. My degree was in Economics in which I put to work over the past 29 years as a Loan Officer and paid off my student loans many years ago. By the way, I originated many of the PPP loans you’re whining about which require that I know their purpose and the eligibility requirements for the loan. Try again. 😏
@IgiveUp12345 Жыл бұрын
This aged well lmao have fun paying what you signed up for.
@annastasiakohen Жыл бұрын
@@andrebeauchamp6897 Your major “was” economics? Did you not graduate? Individuals do not “originate” ppp loans. They’re implemented by the SBA, and your name “Andre Beauchamp” is not associated with the SBA or the Department of Treasury. Try again MAGAt 🤡
@KFordmusic Жыл бұрын
Not everyone needs a platform
@isaidwhatisaidsis Жыл бұрын
If they allow Ukrainians to come here and go to college for free, Americans should be allowed to as well. Anybody that's mad.. you'll be alright. Everybody didn't have mommy and daddy's money to go to college with
@ciaraspb Жыл бұрын
First of all college should not be that damn expensive and student loans was the only way to pay for college. Like someone mention, jobs don’t even pay enough to live. They have money for wars but not for assistance when it comes to people in America. How about college needs to be free and healthcare. Plus affordable housing in decent neighborhoods.
@andrewwiggin7433 6 ай бұрын
Exactly. Nobody told them to go to fancy scbools either. They just thought they deserve to go to a nice school. Now they think they deserve the working folks who didn't get into debt to pay for it
@magoo9279 Жыл бұрын
Take this commentary a focus it on tax breaks for large corps like Amazon, Wal-Mart, Target, Disney, energy that saw massive profits and did not share that with their workers that did the hard work for them to see these profits. They raised prices keep wages low and got subsides from working Americans. Take your inside and direct there.
@linkjourney422 Жыл бұрын
And no one was complaining when PPP loans were being forgiven. These businesses had a decision and a choice. Not only that but these businesses could default to declaring bankruptcy. Something that is not given to Student Loans.
@linkjourney422 Жыл бұрын
@NoodleDoodle I honestly don’t care about the excuses your making. These businesses by all accounts had a choice. Before you complain about this not being a choice well now your starting to understand what students are going through. It’s not really having a choice when your entire future prospects is based on if you have a college degree or not is it. And if you try to say it is than I will say the same for these businesses. They made a choice, they could have chosen not to take these PPP loans. Because of this I as a tax paying citizen, like you would screech, should not have to fit the bill for these Businesses. They made what it by every definition a choice knowing full well they would be required to pay it back. With that these Businesses very much like Students should as you suggest pay off the loans they agreed to pay off. If the argument is that loan forgiveness should not be allowed because it will burden the American taxpayer with a debt they did not agree to. Than you should not be in support of these businesses receiving PPP loans. To say otherwise means you support the well being of businesses over people
@linkjourney422 Жыл бұрын
@NoodleDoodle amazing that your a cowered to not even address the rest of the point I made. But I guess that’s what cooperation boot lickers do 😂😂😂
@linkjourney422 Жыл бұрын
@NoodleDoodle Cooperations much like Students had by your standard a choice. Of course by your standard it’s on the most technical shit imaginable. By YOUR REASONING they should be required to pay that loan without my tax paying dollars. Good day bootlicker
@linkjourney422 Жыл бұрын
@NoodleDoodle Sorry I just got to point out how pathetic your defense of this is. Their’s evidence that billions of PPP loans were forgiven to a housing market that was booming. Tell me in what world view should a booming market have their PPP loans forgiven and have the tax payer pay for it. Couldn’t those billions have been used to oh I don’t know forgive student loans😒😒😒
@linkjourney422 Жыл бұрын
@NoodleDoodle Compairing Ukraine to Republican PPP loans is like comparing apples to oranges. Republicans have been complaining that forgiving billions in student loans would be a massive expense on the Tax Payer. However billions of PPP loans are being forgiving to a housing market that didn’t even need those loans in the first place. Those PPP loans are being forgiven at the Tax Payers expense and Republicans are not even remotely complaining about what PPP loan forgiveness would cost the Tax Payer. You cannot argue that it’s wrong to forgive student loans because of the unfairness it would cause to the tax payers while at the same time argue it’s ok for tax payers to fit the bill on PPP loans that we’re given out to a housing market that did not need it.
@dancechica Жыл бұрын
Everyone told me to go to college. I'm in nursing, which required a college degree
@Dontknockit101 Жыл бұрын
The Point is, nothing is free, you play you pay.
@SwolHumanist Жыл бұрын
The government gives child tax credits. What about the people with no children?
@rdowg Жыл бұрын
"Nobody told you to go to college" Except nowadays you cant even get an entry level job eithout a degree Let me guess, trump's PPP loans were a gift from god, even though they costed us more and not even HALF of it went to workers, jobs or the economy?
@ragnarocks2617 Жыл бұрын
@NoodleDoodle lol ok boot licker 😂 You’re comfortable with bailing out the rich but not with helping out the common poor and middle class. Definition of a sheep 😂
@frankchen4229 Жыл бұрын
​@NoodleDoodle cope that engineers and mathematicians have to waste several years that could have been spent contributing to their field?
@andrebeauchamp6897 Жыл бұрын
B.S.! I know plenty of people who went to trade schools and make more than many with college degrees. One of my buddies did 10 years in prison and trained as a welder and making low 6 figures as a Union Welder. 😏
@frankchen4229 Жыл бұрын
@@andrebeauchamp6897 cool, is everyone in society supposed to be a welder or plumber?
@andrebeauchamp6897 Жыл бұрын
@@frankchen4229 No, but not everyone is cut out for college and having the ability to repay the college debt they incurred. My point is there’s choices for everyone. Just don’t whine about the poor choice you made and want the government via taxpayers to relieve you of your responsibilities. 😏
@themodrocker1 Жыл бұрын
We didn’t get to negotiate the major flaws with the kinds of loans we had to take out in order to complete our education. Those flaws result in a principle that increases every single year if you’re on a income driven repayment plan. Of the 5k I’ve repaid, my loan has increased 3k since I graduated. It is sickening to me the government can sit back and make this a democrat vs republican issue. This is taking advantage of people and wrong on so many levels. A federal loan should not be as shady as a payday loan. Forgive student loans. You’ve been taking advantage of students for decades.
@vamphunterx Жыл бұрын
Are you cool with Ukraine getting billions of your tax dollars? But how dare we spend money to help our own citizens, right?
@lucpatoine6158 7 ай бұрын
No we're not cool with Ukraine getting hundreds of billions of dollars of our tax dollars that's creating massive inflation where gas groceries rent and housing electricity heating oil and natural gas everything that we need to survive in our daily lives has doubled even tripled where the american people have to choose between shelter and eating. So no we don't agree with sending our tax dollars out of the country to foreign countries including third world countries.
@davidpruitt517 Жыл бұрын
I'm not insensitive to people needing help, however, I was lucky and got my degree through tuition reimbursement through my employer. I do not own a small business so I did not get or need PPP. I am not a major corporation so I did not get bailouts. I'm just a hardworking tax payer, who made good decisions, but sometimes feel like I've not needed the governments hands in my life because I took care of my problems myself, yet my taxes still continue to go up. Strange how that works. Just squeezing the people who get up and go to work everyday taking care of their own problems. I hope the financial collapse of our country doesn't happen in my life time as I feel like I didn't add to it, only paid the price for it.
@cesargarduno7999 Жыл бұрын
If you take out a loan on anything is your obligation to pay it back, tax payers shouldn't pay it for you.
@vamphunterx 6 ай бұрын
Then why are we paying for a war in Ukraine?
@laquitajones11 Жыл бұрын
Just wipe it out or discharge it. Stimulus could definitely could be used for that.
@stephaniemarcos9326 Жыл бұрын
You probably didn’t go to college lol 😂
@eddielong8663 Жыл бұрын
And he's likely smarter for it. Too many people are falling for the scam that is college.
@explorer909 2 ай бұрын
Germany, Finland, France, Norway, Austria, Denmark, Iceland, Greece, Czech Republic, Sweden, Scotland, Cyprus, Spain, and a few others offer their citizens a FREE College Education. By investing in education, countries offering a free college education not only benefit their citizens but also foster economic growth and social progress. Something that the United States is on a downslope when it comes to. Students from countries that offer a free college education are able to quickly sustain a living for themselves and put money back into the economy from their careers. This offers a turbo boost in financial resources that the government can use for building the country's infrastructure, and keeping crime much, much, much, much, much lower by comparison to countries like The United States. What's more? When you look at those other countries, they are by far more beautiful than the United States, and they have virtually almost no crime by comparison.
@TheJ000ker 3 ай бұрын
(Get with me, people.) I say that since the politician opened his mouth, to get our vote. If all U.S. student loans are not forgiven by voting day, you will not be getting my vote. Don't let him forgive the rich and privileged while taking advantage of a promotion slogan. If all are not forgiven, I will not vote for Joe Biden for President. Remember this please. Lets get something out of this.
@Pete379Xra Жыл бұрын
That could have went to so many more hand outs.
@chaselesser3191 Жыл бұрын
It’s a damn scam!! But if they give it. I’ma take that shit and run with it. 🤷‍♂️🏃💨
@jaysan1372 Жыл бұрын
They should have never created student loan forgiveness. Just be so valuable that a college would actually pay you to attend their college.
@MC-ns8gb Жыл бұрын
So poor people shouldn't be allowed access to knowledge because they aren't "valuable people" so a person's worth is determined by how many slips of paper they have to their name?
@jaysan1372 Жыл бұрын
@@MC-ns8gb I am poor. My family makes 26k a year in the US. If I could do it with ADD, they could do it. Don't reward people for participating. Reward people for succeeding where others fail.
@jaysan1372 Жыл бұрын
@@MC-ns8gb The fact you didn't mention HEESA or FAFSA really makes me question your agenda. There are scholarships and things to help people who are poor. I feel like you have not clue what your truly advocating for. Never mentioned anything about "slips of paper." Value doesn't have 1 set meaning. It seems to me that you are the one with a set view of value.
@MC-ns8gb Жыл бұрын
@@jaysan1372 doesn't matter meritocracy is bullshit and we sure don't love in one, a person's access to knowledge shouldn't be decided by some arbitrary scale of how "valuable" they are, in case you didn't realize humans don't get smarter by keeping knowledge to only a small select group of people, we advance by working together, we're social creatures for a reason, also money is not how I define a person's worth, but wouldn't you be surprised to find out how for profit institutions gauge a person's value
@MC-ns8gb Жыл бұрын
@@jaysan1372 I just find it funny that in a system ran by the profit motive you think that private for-profit institutions wouldn't see people with more money as more valuable than those who can't pay a tuition fee
@nobodyknows2919 5 ай бұрын
As a college grad I completely agree. Stupid me who decided to go to a community college, now I have an issue with those who mocked me for doing so while they're asking that I pay for their Stupid decisions
@paulcolburn6949 Жыл бұрын
I was told by every adult that ever educated me as a child, but if I didn’t go to college, I would be a bum. If you wouldn’t advise an 18 year old to take out a quarter million dollar loan for a Ferrari, why would you advise that for a piece of paper? Why is an 18 year old old enough to make financial decisions but he can’t buy cigarettes or beer?
@dondobbs7722 Жыл бұрын
Feed the hungry instead - Preach sir!!
@FirestoneX Жыл бұрын
According to this guy it's their fault for being hungry.
Most are minority that wanted decent pay and were only offered unfair high interest rates that we learned after getting unfair paying jobs and can not hit principal because we are not being paid enough. I'm proof been paying on 8k sincccce 1998 it's still 8k. Minority people can't try to elevate in life. We got played so Government needs to help.
@lautaroaguilar9584 Жыл бұрын
Completely agree. I worked full time and went to college. No loans. Took me an additional year, but I don’t regret it at all.(Community College then transferred to a NON Ivy League college)
@RHill40 3 ай бұрын
There is no cancellation or forgivess. It falls on the backs of tax payers, whether they took out a loan or not. FJB.
@JD54007 Жыл бұрын
I get and understand the arguments on both sides of the aisle. I believe in fairness but fairness went out the window a long time ago. All I know is that for the last 40 years I have faithfully paid my share of taxes. I have no idea where my tax dollar is being spent but I’m pretty sure it’s being spent on programs or agenda’s that I would disapprove of. In my eyes, this is no different but at least I know that many tax paying citizens will benefit who otherwise would have never been giving a break. No, it’s not fair to those who paid their student loans off but I don’t see them in an uproar about sending money to fight wars or other frivolous spending.
@firstlast9813 Жыл бұрын
It took me a while but I started to get your point
@Chris-ms5bd Жыл бұрын
Literally everyone told us to go to college
@mashfique1 Жыл бұрын
Flawed openion I have been paying 30k tax over last 3 years and over the years it will continue to increase. I don't see why every one is getting butthurt about 10k student loan debt relief. Govt gave stimulus to corporate businesses trillions of $$. About 3-4k per month for about a year for restaurant workers l, businesses and so on Where was that spade to spade.. Hippocrates
@Anthony_Stewart76 Жыл бұрын
Brother, they mad at you because you speak in truth. The enslaved mind can’t handle the truth.
@dragonluvaIII Жыл бұрын
What truth is he speaking? Every professional job out here requires a college degree. I have a Masters in Project Management. My total student loan debt was about 70k including my BA degree. Now that I'm in the position, someone could have just taught me how to do my job. I didn't need a college degree but this job role needed it to prove why they gives me this 6 figure salary and health insurance.
@jlava1575 Жыл бұрын
​@@dragonluvaIII agreed. Literally every entry level position in the professional world now requires the degree and 5 to 7 years experience. I also could have started my job right out of high school but they required me to go get that $100k piece of paper so they can train me. Meanwhile the salaries haven't kept up with inflation in over 40 years, housing and food prices are also getting out of reach. It's also pretty insane these states aren't doing shit about funding Ukraine pensions but when it comes to helping out actually Americans it's like the worst thing in the world that could ever happen. The entire student loan program needs to be gutted and privatized. Literally none of these loans were vetted out or analyzed they were simply just given out for any degree for any amount. The government needs to get out of the business of providing loans, especially if they're not going to do at the very least an analysis of what the cost is for the degree vs what the average salaries are for the field of study. Colleges have been making out like bandits with the high demands and free money from the government.
@dragonluvaIII Жыл бұрын
@@jlava1575 I was so pissed with my Masters degree capstone and final courses. The instructors didn't teach us a damn thing. Just write a long ass paper with your group and be out!
@deva190 Жыл бұрын
All they had to do was make the loans dischargeable in bankruptcy again after paying on them for a minimum number of years. It used to be this way. This way everyone has skin int eh game and then watch college costs drop.
@FYahooo Жыл бұрын
I went for the American Dream , the government should pay off my house.
@DATxRAGE Жыл бұрын
Considering housing is an apprciating asset that can be leveraged to do almost an infinite number of other things fincancially, this is a really silly take. However, housing should be de-comodified so your head is in the right place.
@TheTez1990 11 ай бұрын
Except every adult in our lives told us to go to college. We were made to feel like losers in life if we didn't. They even shun a bad light on vocational courses
@FirestoneX Жыл бұрын
"No one told ya to go to college" Is this guy ignorant? Everyone. Literally everyone says you HAVE to go to college. It's not even a choice. You think a kid straight out of highschool has any idea how the real world works?
@Mgthemortgageguy Жыл бұрын
College is a choice you don't have to go.
@ciaraspb Жыл бұрын
@@Mgthemortgageguy what high paying job do you propose a woman to do if she don’t go to college?
@carlsonraywithers3368 Жыл бұрын
@@ciaraspb I dunno, Game development, Freelancing, Start ur own business, Call center agency, Digital artistry, Commisioning, Content Creation, Blogging, Item flipping, Startups, Office job, Plumber, Electrician, Computer repair, and much much more. I mean, with this day and age of rapid consumerism, Earning money is so friggin easy and you college kids just find any and every reason not to find a job
@frankchen4229 Жыл бұрын
​@@carlsonraywithers3368 you think none of those services require education?
@carlsonraywithers3368 Жыл бұрын
@@frankchen4229 Nope. I was specific with these careers. I didn't touch the ones where you'll need a degree. Most of these career choices are either inexperienced-friendly or you can learn it free in the internet
@killacam876 Жыл бұрын
You gotta think at the same time, most people are pressured to go to school by everyone around them in school and at home. It's not a terrible idea to get an education, it's just in more recent years with rapid increases in high inflation mixed with a slow almost non existant base wage increase it makes it particularly tough. I made it about halfway through my networking degree then got a job doing survey for pipelines and facilities. I've got employers wanting to try to pay me less now than I did 6 years ago when I only had a year of experience and there's a national shortage of surveyors! I am able to find good paying employers because I am exceptional at my work, but that's pretty fucked up to be like you have to be exceptional in order to make a fair wage in a market with high demand.
@Vol_Dad Жыл бұрын
Wipe out my mortgage !!!
@wallabing 10 ай бұрын
All the people who could not or did not go to college for their reasons, why should they now pick up the bill for someone who's much better off than them? It's unfair.
@chariz1593 Жыл бұрын
It does not wipe out the full debt! It only wiped out about 6 months of a four-year college debt. We were charged twice as much by our senior year than our freshman year because the colleges got greedy. We thought it would cost much less when we started out. That is why we need help. Us, the job market fell because of the pandemic and not hired for 2 years. We need help because of hardship from Covid circumstances. That's why!
@jessebishop6894 11 ай бұрын
Allow them to file for bankruptcy the same way all other debt works in America. Nobody tells anyone to take on debt yet all debts can be forgiven through bankruptcy….. except student loans
@femailspot3836 9 ай бұрын
NOOOO BRO....that's cold. PLEASE forgive our ignorance.
@ramonaking1029 Жыл бұрын
FIX the problem!!
@daniclark2000 Жыл бұрын
Trust and believe $10,000 is nice, but that aint wiping out nobody's $70,000 loan. If you were able to pay off your loan - God bless....
@dwaynereynolds5004 11 ай бұрын
most Americans took out student loans to better themselves and earn higher wages. Unfortunately, they were sold a dream, and wages have remained stagnant since 1970
@robertjr8205 Жыл бұрын
I’m going to college and plan to pull out student loans for my last 2 years. I expect myself to pay my own shit tbh. People are struggling paying off their debt bc they majored in something useless (a major that will open up their mind about the world which is dumb) or difficult to find a job in
@jayo1878 Жыл бұрын
No people are struggling because of the predatory lending on 17-18 year olds and families that are already financially challenged. We were taught that higher education was the way to go so we accepted terms to things we knew nothing about. Tell me why you can get a $30k car loan with three year options but student loans build so much interest It's almost impossible to pay off in a reasonable time. Im 40 yrs old and looking back I feel like I was prey to these lending companies and educational system. I have a pretty good job, but I certainly didn't get it because of my education. It's a big sham and needs to be fixed ASAP.
@myztazynizta Жыл бұрын
​@@jayo1878 I've heard Iranian, Jamaican, Indian, Pakistani, Filipino, Chinese, hatian, and Kenyan people all say the same thing about college in America. If you can't figure out a way to go for free (be a good student, have great grades, get scholarships, go to a school the extended family can actually afford) then you're not going. The extended family is literally the scholarship or zero interest loan provider. You convince them to sponsor you by being a good enough student or it's not worth risking their money.
@myztazynizta Жыл бұрын
look at the shit load of people with college loans who didn't actually finish college. A lot of them, not all, but a lot of them should have never wasted a minute or a dollar on college. I'm reminded of a young man maybe 6 years ago who realized after a few days in college that his highschool did not prepare him at all and the college should have never accepted him. He sued his highschool. At the highschool near me a large number of kids cannot read above a 4th grade level but they will all be pushed to go to college even though they couldn't get an office internship of any kind in the 3rd world country I'm from.
@gundown26 Жыл бұрын
​@@myztazynizta even with that info lets say you are every positive thing you mentioned here. The job market is so hypocritial and awful that you may not even see a job you set iut for in 5 years. Leaving you with a debt you arent even putting to full use.
@snitox Жыл бұрын
Mad cuz you can't economically exploit the people in the lowest economic status.
@thebossman3894 Жыл бұрын
Hes 100% correct. No one forced you to go to college. Pretty sad that a college grad doesn't know how a loan works. Let me teach you what a loan is - You borrow money, You pay it back! That's probably more than learned in all of your classes! I guess you should have worked when you went to school to pay for it instead of getting the max that they would give you. You should get another loan and take an accountability class!
@harleygirl4life6 9 ай бұрын
Exactly. I agree. They KNEW what they were signing but kept signing semester after semester as it kept growing. With no thought of. Oh shit how am I gonna pay this back?? My own daughter took them out bcz after she was 12 I was a single Mom. She knows she has to pay it back & she was smart she went to community college the first 2 years making sure the credits would transfer then found a university with a satellite program where she could pay much less still at a community college but with the University’s teachers & classes getting a University BA & Masters degree at budget prices. She was smart & did it the right way & did her research. Her amount owed is a FRACTION of what many of her piers owe!! She is complaining & crying asking someone to bail her out she had her eyes wide open & did the math on the front end!! Plus as you said a trillion now then who pays going forward? Of course If America was not the TAX FARM for the world we give BILLIONS to every country with its hand out!!! What OTHER country does that?? We find illegal border crossers while LITERALLY throwing a 90 year old veteran & other vets OUT of their housing to make room for illegals!!! Americans LAST is THIS administrations moto!!!! I’m sick of it.
@andrebeauchamp6897 Жыл бұрын
First off most of these people whining and complaining about student loan forgiveness was never college material. Many took out loans for B.S. and easy degrees to get. Most of y’all should have completed your General Education courses at a Junior College to avoid taking out such high amounts in student loans. Most of you never got a job in the field of your degree which is a waste on your part. Going to a JC was always an option but many ignored for some reason and now paying the price for THEIR decision. 🤷🏾‍♂️
@tanura5830 7 ай бұрын
Simple, people with degrees make more on average so why would government money be spent on them? Simple.
@livemyw0rld Жыл бұрын
You tripping, everyone, and they momma spoon-feeding the same American dream you gotta go to college for a good life all up to this point in most American's lives. Count yourself lucky you didn't have the motivation to try and prove anyone else you could do it.
@yinyangxperience5137 Жыл бұрын
It's a slap that mortgage brokers were players in the 2007-2008 crisis. Yet none went to jail?😮
@andrebeauchamp6897 Жыл бұрын
Those mortgage brokers you mentioned were entities and not individuals. You can’t lock up an entity. In addition, most if not all of those entities were forced out of business. Most of those mortgage loans were obtained fraudulently by individual borrowers lying about their income and employment. Your argument and comparison is weak and not even remotely comparable to student loan bailouts. As for those borrowers who as like many of you student loan borrowers somehow felt duped into loans they didn’t didn’t fully understand or just didn’t read the fine print before signing were not bailed out. Their homes were foreclosed upon when they stopped paying. Some loans were restructured to be more affordable provided they could provide legitimate income to meet the new payment terms but there was no bailout for those borrowers either. 😏
@Guitaroverkill Жыл бұрын
They made 5% per loan.
@SvinthNathan Жыл бұрын
Inflation after this 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
@snitox Жыл бұрын
Not true the economy makes money after Student bailouts. Like under the GI bill(1952) where the government got back $7 for every $1 they invested in students. Cost for Sending GIs to College -$7.0 billion ($38.7 billion 1994 dollars) Extra National Economic Output Due to Extra Education : -$35.6 billion ($196.7 billion 1994 dollars) Extra Federal Tax Revenues: -$12.8 billion ($70.7 billion 1994 dollars) Total Benefits: -$48.4 billion ($267.4 billion 1994 dollars) Amount Returned for Every $1 Invested: $6.90 (Sources: “A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Government Investment in Post-Secondary Education Under the World War II GI Bill,” Subcommittee on Education and Health of the Joint Economic Committee, December 14, 1988 and Labor Institute and Public Health Institute, Corporate Power and the American Dream: Toward an Economic Agenda for Working People. New York: The Apex Press, 1997.)
@Decimalten Жыл бұрын
I'm not sure you understand inflation or the cause of it.
@lefthanded5473 Жыл бұрын
@@Decimalten technically this will increase inflation. But at this point we’re already far down that rabbit hole. So why even cares at this point. People still have no problem giving billions and billions to Ukraine to fund a war that Putin has no intentions on ending in the near future. What’s the issue helping Americans.
@gagoomt4076 Жыл бұрын
Most jobs today require a bachelors degree at a minimum. Unless you are working at Walmart you NEED a college degree to get a decent job.
@OmarOsman98 Жыл бұрын
That’s the problem. Employee Mindset
@jtjimenez05 Жыл бұрын
I think the same applies for all those who took ppp loans
@joecap2919 Жыл бұрын
That was to save the economy during Covid not redistribute your borrowing🤣🤣🤣
@ianmagnuson1626 Жыл бұрын
@@joecap2919 helping 26 million borrowers by forgiving $10-20k would help the economy too - way more than the big businesses that need a bailout every 15 years.
@joecap2919 Жыл бұрын
@@ianmagnuson1626 If you don't understand that you are asking people who paid their own tuition and loans to pay yours instead of taking responsibility for your own choices and debt then education failed you.
@cannabistalk4164 Жыл бұрын
Bro said nobody told you to go to college 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@frankchen4229 Жыл бұрын
Hes rarteded
@njpme Жыл бұрын
He ain't wrong. Who forced ya?
@frankchen4229 Жыл бұрын
@@njpme hmmmmm.....hiring companies relevant to those who are aspiring mathematicians, engineers, doctors, nurses, etc..?
@njpme Жыл бұрын
@Frank Chen well those yes, and those pay back enough for you to pay back your loans. If you get a stupid gender studies degree then wonder why you can't pay back your loan, whose fault is it?
@frankchen4229 Жыл бұрын
@@njpme You....Know the current job market...Right....?
@teemack202 5 ай бұрын
Well my mortgage is high because of high interest rates. Why don’t they forgive these? They won’t because why would they make those who live in apartments pay the mortgages of those who have homes. It’s the same argument.
@cerberus3426 Жыл бұрын
I didn't go to college right away, I was already working as a bus boy in Beverly Hills. At 15 I was making $25-30 an hour, had my first car at 16 that I paid on my own. Even the insurance was in my name, my parents didn't give me a dime for the car. I graduated HS at 17, and started working as a waiter making $60 an hour and getting paid weekly. I had money saved so I decided to pay our of pocket at 20 year old to go to Santa Monica Community College, I transfered to Northridge and will finish my degree this year. I paid less than 10k out of pocket while working part time as a waiter/bartender, and best of all, I'm debt free! The media will have you believe that college is extremely expensive when it's not, it's financial illiteracy and all the social pressure of grown adults pushing loans on children. Its honestly disgusting!
@PoeLemic 9 ай бұрын
What a joke? You don't understand the situation. Lot of colleges aren't pocket change -- like yours. Real colleges (not CC's) are much more expensive, so you're comparing apples to oranges. And, not many young people make that much per hour, especially in food service industry -- if you are being honest with your income.
@Rellimyeroc Жыл бұрын
My taxes pay for kids I can’t afford to go to school. Why should my taxes go to other peoples kids? You had these kids. Why should the government pay for your kids to go to school? You should pay for your own kids.
@DATxRAGE Жыл бұрын
The money is ALREADY spent. Your taxes don't change literally at all with this EO. Stop it.
@joecap2919 Жыл бұрын
You are correct, ignore Gpx17, the kid is clueless
@DATxRAGE Жыл бұрын
@@joecap2919 please show me where in the EO it says this will impact tax rates. inb4 you can't
@joecap2919 Жыл бұрын
@@DATxRAGE You had to edit you question AND gave yourself a thumbs up? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you have no clue of revenue and expenses, your teachers and parents failed. You will figure it out when you grow up don't worry.
@DATxRAGE Жыл бұрын
@@joecap2919 Weird, I graduated college with a bachelors in IT with a focus on accounting in IT. Now I'm an IT business analyst for a fortune 500 company making just shy of 6 figures (next raise will put me over). But since all you can do it toss insults and can't explain "basic" things, such as how the tax rate would magically fucking change without congress passing any legislation in regards to taxes, I'll just take that as admission you can't prove anything. P.s. don't be mad because I'm getting upvoted and you're not. Some people would rather watch me shit on you vs dealing with bottom feeders themselves.
@derekblackwell2601 Жыл бұрын
No problem paying it back. Cap in and lock the interest below 5% first.
@Bleu_Sky 7 ай бұрын
You can not wipe out debt with more debt. The Federal reserve and its money printer can never extinguish the student loans even at full throttle. That would only push the responsiblity of the debt to someone else.
@Peace-nz3jx 6 ай бұрын
Education shd be free like European. And stop spending 700 bill policing 129 countries
@andrebeauchamp6897 Жыл бұрын
I’m against forgiveness because ultimately tax payers will foot that bill. I paid off my student loans and everyone else should pay off theirs. The only viable and fair option to to revamp the Bankruptcy Codes to once again to allow for Student Loans to be discharged in bankruptcy. There has to be a penalty to deter future bad decisions and irresponsible financial behavior. Student Loan Forgiveness is another form of welfare which I am totally against because tax payers are paying for it. 😒
@oumuamua1963 9 ай бұрын
It is more than that it is about what the proposal represents. Corruption breeds incompetence, and you know what terrible decisions incompetent people make, it is a negative feedback loop
@wcburton3 Жыл бұрын
I will add by saying what I do for a living requires me to analyze a persons credit, the avg SLD is 45k the avg payment on that is 225.00 per month. removing 10k from that is 175.00 a 50.00 per month difference. If your not paying it now, you won’t pay it after; making it a waste of money.
@hybin1716 Жыл бұрын
Hey Matt. Can I pay you for a consultation?? I live in Florida and its about this insurance scam that has affected the majority of home owners here, im not sure where to start. Thanks.
@juangarza9520 10 ай бұрын
Sorry but I know people who got into debt with college debt, yes they got a degree but don’t even use it for what they were going for anyway. That debt is your problem not everybody else’s. The government shouldn’t bail you out of your responsibilities. Wish the government would step in a pay my house, my car, my motorcycle, my credit cards off. What’s good for one should be good for all. Before you say it’s different it’s not. Debt is debt.
@trappinout18 5 ай бұрын
It's all money printing. Prices go up as a result.
@ragnarocks2617 Жыл бұрын
You said nothing about rich people getting PPP loans forgiven tho. Your argument is invalid. Go hit the gym
@tylergorrie1063 Жыл бұрын
The only way for the government to pay your debt is to be to rich. Just like the bail out in 2008
@Guitaroverkill Жыл бұрын
I’ve never had the government give me stimulus money or PPP money. You see, us rich guys pay our taxes so whiners like you can complain and get stimulus money.
@tanyatdw Жыл бұрын
It’s true that the decision to take loans out was a personal decision to be accountable for…. But what about the monies that went over sees to other countries and foreign agendas yet “Americans” can’t get debt relief…
@ttabor100 Жыл бұрын
PPP loans? Covid-19 relief? Bank bailouts? 😂😂😂
@Guitaroverkill Жыл бұрын
All so you still have a country to complain about.
@ttabor100 Жыл бұрын
@@Guitaroverkill No complaints. Hypocrisy.
@Guitaroverkill Жыл бұрын
@@ttabor100 All of these problems were created by the government. The government shut down the economy. If they just let people work there wouldn’t have been a problem. Then they have some socialist solutions by giving money away.
@Majestic_Dark_Horse Жыл бұрын
I bet many ran from the "Recruiters" during high school lunch periods during 1990-1992 Gulf War, Operation Anaconda, etc... Army LRP is still available. "Stop being lazy...when in doubt use your credit cards. Best endeavors!
@jish55 Жыл бұрын
Cool, tell this to the doctor working on your heart saying they don't deserve student loan forgiveness and that they shouldn't have gone to college. Let's see how well that blows over when you're suddenly being charged an extra $50k.
@andrebeauchamp6897 Жыл бұрын
Those doctors aren’t the main ones begging for loan forgiveness. Most of them had the intelligence to know when they took out those loans that they were responsible for paying back those loans per the terms of the loan agreement. Y’all acting like little children not wanting to responsible for your actions and decisions. That entitlement will make your life hard because no one owes you anything in this society or this world. 🤷🏾‍♂️
@StanleyBabieee Жыл бұрын
What dumb ass surgeon is working on your heart.. ? if they can't figure out how to pay off their loans with such a high salary that's proof the education system is failing.. People need to be responsible for their choices. Choose a degree that makes money that will pay for itself otherwise don't get it.
@tanura5830 7 ай бұрын
Doctors have an above average salary and they can pay it back themselves simple
@specialk5070 11 ай бұрын
It could of went for reparations???? Or don’t they care?? Oh that’s right they’ve moved on
@bryanc1177 9 ай бұрын
Go to a school you can afford. I know you dont expect our tax dollars to pay for your debt.
@GodBWithYou 7 ай бұрын
It's obvious you don't understand the purpose. America gives other countries millions annually, always assisting millionaires with their taxes, also providing immigrants with Grants to open businesses, gas stations⛽️, basically there are a lot of opportunities the average American does NOT have privilege to participate in their country!
@cerberus3426 Жыл бұрын
I thought Corey was in the house😮😂
@iamstevonna Жыл бұрын
Why are y’all bothered 😅
@t.j6433 Жыл бұрын
Why? The same reason why they help everyone with their bad decisions. Affordable housing...let them have their turn. Sorry, everyone can't benefit all the time.
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