Big Fat Diary || My journey to weight loss and wellbeing || week 6

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Annie Claxton

Annie Claxton

Күн бұрын

Sharing my weekly weigh-in, ups-and-downs, and a few tasty tips :)
Thanks again to everyone for all the support and good luck to all of those who are walking alongside me on this journey - have a great week and see you next time!
Here's my linktree, where you can find links to our free Discord community and the Arty Farty Annie Group on Facebook -
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@KoolKookyKreatures 2 ай бұрын
Annie - I am so proud of you. It’s not easy to come on camera when you are not feeling it but you did it AND also lost 2 pounds!! You are doing so very well and we are all behind you on your journey. We all have the “mean girl” clothes in our wardrobe who judge us - well I’m going to go through mine and stop giving them house room! I may even cut them up and stitch on them!! Much love to you ❤
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much Tori, it means such a lot to me to have all of this support, and I felt so much better not only getting those feelings off my chest but then reading all the lovely words of encouragement, I feel very lucky to have this amazing community of people who understand, cheer me on and rally round when I'm flagging. I've started the clearance and I'm going t make it a challenge to see what I can make out of some of the clothes I let go of - maybe we could do a group project .... "Rags to Riches" .... hmmmm :)
@KoolKookyKreatures 2 ай бұрын
@@artyfartyannie that is a fabulous idea Annie. Much love to you ❤️
@Jen-pr1mx 2 ай бұрын
Well done Annie I’m right behind you cheering you on. I love the sound of the little homemade bites and no additives like the shop bought treats. x 💐
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thanks Jen. Yes, they're yummy, trick is to put twenty of them in the freezer as soon as they cool, so I don't eat the whole trayful! :)
@lynnhill9163 2 ай бұрын
Hi, Annie! I wanted to share my numbers too: I was 163.1 pounds when we started this journey together, and today my weigh-in is 152.1 so I have lost eleven pounds! I still have more to go, but I am overjoyed by this progress. I think it is helping me start to feel happier on average (although I, too, have times when I feel sad or stressed or angry, etc.). All of our emotions need to be acknowledged and felt, whatever they may be. I feel so negative about my body too, difficult as that is to talk about. I hate having two “tummy rolls”. 😠 But I am working on reducing them, right along with the rest of the extra weight. I try to remember that with each meal and each food choice I make. The exercise, in any form you can do it, is a double bonus. It burns calories and is said to release brain chemicals that help to make us feel good. I’ve been walking our two dogs more, and this certainly pleases them! Take care, Annie, and have a good week! Friends around the world are here, cheering for you! Hugs from Lynn in Hallsville, Missouri USA
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Wow Lynn!! you are doing SO well, blimmin good for you! It definitely feels good just to have taken back control doesn't it? I've been so fortunate to have nothing but love and encouragement from this amazing community, it's a huge help to my own journey and knowing that some of you are walking the same path is brilliant. Have a good week and keep on keeping me posted! :) xo
@KerryAA7130 2 ай бұрын
You’re doing amazing Annie , proud of you I am xx , you’re an amazing lady and we all love you , take care xx
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you Kerry, I really appreciate your support, you're all being so kind, it makes the world of difference to me, thank you xo
@elizabethsawyer5906 2 ай бұрын
So glad you managed to get through the down feeling and share with us. Sometimes these unexplainable moods come over us all and all I can say is it will go again. You are doing so well Annie. Another 2 lbs is great. The clearing out of stuff is always good for us I think and the clothes are one of the most difficult groups to get ruthless about but keep it up you will be so pleased with yourself afterwards. 💕
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
So am I Liz, I felt so much bettter for it and all of the lovely kind comments have given me such a lift. As you say, it will pass, hopefully sopner rather than later and meanwhile I'm happy with my progress, I think that's why I was surprised to find myself feeling that way, but I guess I've been asking a lot of myself physically and emotionally. I reckon if I have managed to get rid of craft supplies and books, clothes should be a breeze. I've made a start, it hleps now that I've decided to see what I can make with some of them (the ones that aren't fit to give to charity or that are especially hard to part with for sentimental reasons) - and johnny and I have challenged each other to see what we can make with our old "belly warmers" as he calls them (AKA giant knickers!), at the moment I'm thinking really weird memory bear or art doll, or both - I have plenty of material :D xo
@nickelina003 2 ай бұрын
It`s not daft Annie ❤️❤️❤️ I so relate! You are not alone, darling, and you are doing so well 🥰🙏🏼 you rock, girl! ❤️🙏🏼
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you very much Nickelina, that means such a lot to me :) xo
@dawnshipman4783 2 ай бұрын
Well done Annie for managing to keep being honest. I for one, who struggle with the same demons around self confidence, and that vulnerability when theres nowhere to hide, have found you so very helpful in the way that you do share your down days. We tend to be the great pretenders in front of people, when inside we're breaking. You are a lady to be admired. And by the way, you do look different in your twirls. Remember, it's OK not be OK, and it will pass. You are doing fantastically, and even on your struggling days you are sweet enough to help others. Much love❤
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Oh thank you so much Dawn, it makes a massive difference to me to read comments like this, it really does, and if it's helping other people even in a small way then that makes me very happy :) xo
@jacquieparryfabulousjaxx 2 ай бұрын
Youre looking great Annie (not that you didn't before❤️) well done for bearing your soul to us every week x
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you Jacquie, that's what it felt like this week, I'm so lucky to have all of you lovely lot keeping me going :) xo
@helenjazz1301 2 ай бұрын
I’m not going to try and say the right thing, it’s very personal to you and how you feel. However, the main thing is that you can come on here and share. You are doing brilliantly! Sending lots of love and hugs x
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for your kind and understanding words Helen, it means so much to me that you lovely peeps are taking the time to leave me encouraging comments, it's really helpign me to keep going through thick and, well less thick! :) xo
@dianerice9335 2 ай бұрын
I know exactly how you feel. It's encouraging to know that I am not the only one that utilizes a cloak of invisibility 🙂 keep up the good work, you're doing great!
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much Diane xo
@carolreid9755 2 ай бұрын
Well done Annie on losing more weight. I say on these down days I am compressed, not in the realms of depressed but definitely not jumping for joy. What you are saying definitely resonated with me and I have no great advice that you would not already know or have thought of. I just try to keep myself happy with craft and ride it out. I honestly think that most of us are self conscious and feel we are being judged by how we look but we all mask it most of the time so we appear to be confident and self assured. Having recently retired I am finding I am becoming invisible . As soon as someone hears retired at appointments you can see them switch off. After all these years working in the NHS I hope I never was guilty of this. So you see ,we all find life difficult at times, just that some of us admit it. Never feel alone lovely, you can see by your lovely subscribers that we are all with you and cheering you on. Thank you and Tom for Saturday night had a lovely time. I just need to get up the confidence to comment more 😂
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much Carol, it really does help to know that there are others who feel the same and can relate to my experience and it's so kind of you to take the time to leave such lovely comments. I'm so happy you enjoyed the live, Tom and I had a brilliant time, and yes please do comment more - we might miss some of them at the time, but I love to watch it back after and read all the live chat that I missed, sometimes whole comments going on between people in the chat that we weren't even aware of at the time, but it's always fun to read afterwards :) xo
@beverlyrector3436 2 ай бұрын
Well, we are all with you! I've had to give up salt and it is so darn difficult. CHF is trying to do me in. I have too much fun fibers, beads, painting, and stitching to do to give up! 🎉
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank Beverly, I'm sure you can imagine how much difference it makes to me to have all of this support from all you lovely peeps out there, I've been blown away by it! Oh blimey CHF must be really hard to live with and giving up salt would be so difficult - it's worth it though, YOU'RE worth it, and as you say we have SO much crafting still to do! I've had chronic hypertension for many years (funny enough due to Conns Syndrome rather than lifestyle, I was slim and fit when it started), with a couple of resulting problems, and I'm hoping that losing weight will help to keep that under control for as long as possible. I've also had a pre-diabetes blood test result in the past which hasn't been followed up by the GP but does worry me, so hopefully I can reverse the trend. It does feel better to have taken control of the situation at least, I feel like I can give myself the best possible chance. I hope you will soon adjust to your salt-free lifestyle and we'll both be enjoying our crafts for many healthy years to come! Have a great week :) xo
@Suseka61 2 ай бұрын
Well done for another week on your wellbeing journey and for sharing your feelings, even though it's been a tough one for you. It's okay not to feel okay and not really know why. I think clearing your wardrobe in the way you describe will hopefully bring new energy and positivity and you can make space for those new clothes that will better reflect the person you are now. Those little egg bites are so versatile and a great way to use up things in the fridge or veg rack and I'm going to have to scout out some of those mousse pots in our local Morrisons... they look yummy! Have a good week, Annie 🤗
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you Susan, I'm glad I made myself do it, you've all made me feel so much better. I've been working on clearing my wardrobe this week - anything judgemental or frumpy is going and I'm only going to keep the stuff I feel good in. I'm going to cut a lot of them up and see what I can make with them, a whole new challenge! You have a good week too, thanks Susan xo
@ChantelleArts 2 ай бұрын
This is so good, I am loving your journey☺☺
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for watching Chantelle, all of the support is such a massive help to keep me going :) xo
@Shelly_v 2 ай бұрын
You could have been talking about me when you mentioned your summer clothes and cloak of invisibility. Your doing so well. I'm hoping when we're more sorted with everything here I can start focusing on myself and join you on this journey. When your feeling a bit blue it can be hard to stay focused but please do 5% is a huge achievement 👏
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you Shell, I really appreciate that, feeling a bit more positive today, but my head's all over the place at the moment - I'm so grateful for all of the support I've been getting from this amazing community, it makes the world of difference. I hope you'll soon find yourself in a better place to focus on yourself, you'll always be welcome to walk alongside me xo
@kathleenjones1295 2 ай бұрын
Annie I sat nodding I’ve felt the same haven’t been able to hide under a hoodie walking the dog ❤
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
It's awful isn't it Kathleen? if only we could be as kind to ourselves as we would be to a friend instead of always criticising ourselves and assuming everyone else will be doing the same thing. I haven't been out again today, but I did pass a parcel to the postman without hiding behind the door this time and he didn't look at me funny or anything! :) xo
@lindseywarren44 2 ай бұрын
Halloooo, my darling. A lot of what you said here resonated with me. (And, I could hear imminent tears in your voice, my lovely - I felt my own throat tightening.) I know how it feels to be self conscious & think people are judging your appearance. And, when you're not going out to work every day, being alone a great deal can reinforce those feelings. I hope these lovely comments will help you to feel encouraged. You've so many cheerleaders, Sweet Girl ❤ We are all in your corner! I am so pleased and proud of you for losing! You're doing an amazing job Annie. Hang in there, dear friend. Write to me and share when you are feeling low and never apologize for being a wee bit blue. We GET it, my love. Biggest hugs, love & bless xoxo
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much Lindsey, and yes what a huge difference it makes to have my trusty band of cheerleaders alongside me. You're right, it's easy to get inside your head when you spend a lot of time alone, although conversely I do enjoy my alone time, just need to shake myself up a bit sometimes and remind myself that it's ok to feel a bit down, it will pass, that's one thing life has taught me for sure, everything passes. I'm working on the judgemental clothes already, planning to turn them into various textile projects - that'll show 'em! :) xo
@mandybridger4630 2 ай бұрын
Annie, you are doing so well ❤ Don’t be worried about feeling down , we all do that sometimes, and there’s not always any reason for it , well done,and keep going xx ❤❤
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much Mandy!! I've got cracking on the clearance this week, I think it will be a massive relief once that's done xo
@susanrascone2098 2 ай бұрын
You are doing great Annie but you are very hard on yourself. Give yourself some grace. I hear you about going out for a walk now that the weather has warmed up.
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much Susan - yes I know, we do tend to be our worst critics don't we? I would never judge someone else as unkindly as I judge myself. I should remember that :) xo
@pippap4385 2 ай бұрын
5% brilliant I don’t like the heat either so out walking early and I only see dog walkers so I can say hello to the owner and the dogs bonus keep going you are on the right track ❤❤❤
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you Pippa yes that's a great idea, I should go out early or later, like early evening, not many people about then and I would look so weird wearing a cardi at least at that time of day :) xo
@Iamlynie1 2 ай бұрын
You are doing great, love and hugs 💕
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much Lynie! :) xo
@Iamlynie1 2 ай бұрын
@@artyfartyannie 💕💕
@jeanbawden8071 2 ай бұрын
Fabulous result, keeping it real.😊
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thanks so much Jean xo 😊
@createandcraftwithchristine 2 ай бұрын
I was thinking as you were talking about Swedish death cleaning and getting rid of the things you don’t need how you could apply the same to your thoughts about yourself. You don’t need those thoughts about yourself that bring you insecurity when walking outside. I hear you say you’re going to treat yourself to some new clothes down the track and I’m here thinking you need to treat yourself to some new thoughts about yourself. Just like the critical snotty shop girl clothes in your wardrobe, it’s time for your snotty shop girl thoughts to go! Cheers, Christine 💛
@lindseywarren44 2 ай бұрын
Wow, Christine! I LOVED this comment! So true. My internal monolog is horrible. I would never speak to anyone the way I talk to myself! I often don't realize I am doing it. I need to be more mindful of how negative my thoughts can be about my body. Our Annie feeling a wee bit down definitely resonated with me. Your wonderful comment is just lovely! Thank you for reminding us that we need to be kind and patient with ourselves! Bless xo
@createandcraftwithchristine 2 ай бұрын
@@lindseywarren44 I’m really happy it resonated. I read it back just now and thought wow I was a bit feisty but I think I feel very protective of Annie and I look at her and admire her and want her to be able to be in the world and at ease. And I know it’s not as easy as saying bad thoughts be gone but I was reading a quote this evening from a Buddhist nun that a friend shared and it captures my wish for all of us which is to enjoy the deliciousness of every moment including that moment walking down the street: ‘There is a story of a woman running away from tigers. She runs and runs and the tigers are getting closer and closer. When she comes to the edge of a cliff, she sees some vines there, so she climbs down and holds on to the vines. Looking down, she sees that there are tigers below her as well. She then notices that a mouse is gnawing away at the vine to which she is clinging. She also sees a beautiful little bunch of strawberries close to her, growing out of a clump of grass. She looks up and she looks down. She looks at the mouse. Then she just takes a strawberry, puts it in her mouth, and enjoys it thoroughly. Tigers above, tigers below. This is actually the predicament that we are always in, in terms of our birth and death. Each moment is just what it is. It might be the only moment of our life; it might be the only strawberry we’ll ever eat. We could get depressed about it, or we could finally appreciate it and delight in the preciousness of every single moment of our life.’― Pema Chödrön, The Wisdom of No Escape: How to Love Yourself and Your World
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
You're so right Christine, and I think in a way clearing through my wardrobe is going to be symbolic of that process. I would never EVER be as unkind to others as I am to myself sometimes, I think we can all get like that can't we? Thank you for making me stop and think, I'll be kicking those snotty girl thoughts to the kerb! Also LOVE that quote you shared, what a beautiful way to look at life, and I do try to find joy in the small moments but it's easy to lose sight of and get bogged down in the stuff that really doesn't matter in the end. Thanks Christine xo
@Craftylisa69 2 ай бұрын
Congratulations 🥳 you are smashing it ! Yes I totally understand how you feel going out. I find wearing sunglasses can help that feeling of being exposed.. maybe it’s because your eyes can’t be seen?? Maybe you are abit hormonal and that’s why you feel tearful? Your commitment to your goals has worked it helped you do your diary even though you weren’t feeling great. That’s reality isn’t it and it helps us all as we go through the ups and downs of trying to be more healthy. Yes get selling your clothes on vinted it’s so easy. Lotsa love Lisa aka buzzardlegs . I lost a pound this week whoop whoop x
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you Lisa, and well done to you too!! I think some of the tearfulness is down to a lot of changes and things going on as well as the challenge of the new diet and lifestyle - I'll soon get over meself and I'm really happy that I've stayed on track, thans in huge part to all of you guys cheering me on, I'm so grateful for you all. have a great week, see you next time xo
@rhondagunderm4862 2 ай бұрын
Annie, please don't give up. I to went through my closet and tossed the clothes I would say "some day I'll wear that ". I don't like seeing you down. Hang in there.❤❤
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you Rhonda, I'm going to start on my wardrobe right now, I think it wil help to change my mind set, thanks for your support, it means a lot to me xo
@nancisailormoy9135 2 ай бұрын
Good for you trying to lose weight. It's hard. I gave up sugar for a year in 2021-2022 and lost 48 lbs but have gained abt 9 of those back so started no sugar again this month for another year. It will be nice following your journey to see what helps. I try to avoid snacking and only eat 2 meals but age makes it very hard to lose weight. I have made the egg bites before and love keeping them in my freezer to pop a few in the microwave on days I don't want to cook anything. Have a good week.
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Egg bites, that's good name for them, thank you, I didn't know they had a name! Yes it definitely seems harder now I'm older - partly metabolism slowing down I guess, but also I had become so sedentary. I need a permanent lifestyle change I can stick to even after I reach my target. We can do it Nancy - we're worth it :) xo
@valeriet457 2 ай бұрын
Well done for keeping going, and such an honest video. It's good to get those feelings out in the open. I honestly think clutter clearing goes hand in hand with weight loss. There's nothing like turfing out all those things you no longer like or want, & making space for something new to come into your life. The little eggy snacks remind me of Slimming World quiche. It's basically a crustless quiche. Into a flan dish goes chopped onion, a tin of sweetcorn, a trio of chopped peppers, herbs, seasoning. Whisk up a tub of fat free cottage cheese & four or five eggs. Pour the mixture over the dish. Bake until its risen & golden brown on top. Mmmm! I sometimes add a few small chunks of feta or leftover cooked potatoes. Any veg that needs using up. Tastes great hot or cold. I have to stop myself scoffing the whole thing in one sitting!
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thanks Valerie, I really appreciate it all the encouragement I'm getting on here, it makes the world of difference to my motivation! Ooh that sounds yummy, I think I've had some at a party but haven't made it myself before, thanks I'll try that for sure :) xo
@darlenemiller9990 2 ай бұрын
I can tell you’ve lost weight. Just seeing your face and shoulders and arms I could tell you’re doing things to make a difference! I could tell you were feeling a little off and I could see you were on the brink of tears a few times. Maybe it’s all the things you’re changing all at once. The loss of the things you’re getting rid of might mean more to you than you thought. Before you get rid of everything, don’t forget you use fabric in your crafting and art. Some of your old clothes may include favorite fabrics you could use in scrap projects. You look good and it was very brave if you to do the video feeling like you did. Keep up the good work.
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much Darlene, I think I feel a difference but not sure I can see it yet - it will be fun to go back to the first videos a few months down the line :) It hadn't occurred to me, but yes you're probably right, I've been changing a lot of things, mentally and physically letting go of a lot of stuff. Great idea about using the old clothes for my crafting - in fact, that could be a whole series of videos in itself! :) xo
@user-gl1lk6jd5f 2 ай бұрын
I know just what you mean, I seem to think that I have done well this week and I jump on the scales and I have put on a pound, 😢 so we will keep trying. Keep smiling my love hopefully do better next week 💖💖💖🌹
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
It's a struggle isn't it? Years ago I would have been able to cut back a bit and dropped half a stone in a couple of weeks no problem and stayed under 8 stone without even thinking about it, these days it's a very different kettle of fish! I'm so glad we can cheer each other on though, it makes such a difference - onwards and upwards! Have a good week :) xo
@JaneRevell-pr4lh 2 ай бұрын
Hi Annie you’re doing really well. Know how it is when looking for clothes I have fixated in my mind the Victoria Wood and Julie Walter’s sketch in a Fashion Boutique. Victoria asks if they have an item in a size 16? Julie in a silver jumpsuit looks shocked and promptly tells her only if been sent by mistake. 😂
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
hehehe I think I remember that one, I'm going to see if I can find it on YT. I mostly buy clothes either online or in supermarkets, and I never try them on because I can't bear the whole changing room experience, which is partly why I have a wardrobe full of stuff that doesn't fit/suit me at all. Started working on changing that already, I'm part way through my wardrobe clear-out - wish me luck :) xo
@ruthsimmons9709 2 ай бұрын
Annie, I cut up some of those clothes that grumbled at me from in my wardrobe. I’d love to follow your positive actions
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Love that! I'm going to do the ame and see what I can make with them - that'll shut them up :)
@rosesells5609 2 ай бұрын
Good for you for losing a couple of more pounds! Baby steps will take you miles! Clean out your closet will make room for your new ones! Keep on keeping on! ❤
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you very much Rose - I've started on the wardrobe clear-out, and I'm planning to turn some of the clothes into various textile projects, it will make it easier for me to part with them that way I think! :) xo
@jpendot 2 ай бұрын
I’m glad our ar asking off your invisibility cloak! Egg bites are fantastic! You are doing great… your body is being forced to comply with your will. As a result of your winning, your body makes you weepy which does pass.
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank very much, that's a great way to think of it - it is a massive change I'm making after all and I guess it's bound to take time to adjust, the teariness really took me by surprise but it probably shouldn't have been such a surprise really. Love that name for them, egg bites :) xo
@carolynmcfetridge5026 2 ай бұрын
It’s not daft…it’s part of our reality Love ya…put your smile on and perhaps find a walking partner. I found and still find joy in getting rid of the negative energy the old clothes held😊
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you Carolyn, I really appreciate that and I've already started on the clothes, focusing on the relief of getting rid of them and the satisfaction I'll get from turning some of them into stitchy projects :) x0
@stephaniekimbrel5301 2 ай бұрын
Annie trust n e...NO ONE is looking at your weight! You are a beautiful woman and that is what we see! I know you might not believe that because that's what you see. Men really do like a little meat on our bones!!! Lol. We all love you for your sweet , honest, personality! You look fabulous my dear!
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Oh Stephanie that is such a lovely thing to say, thank you very much, I really appreciate it. I was saying to someone else just now, I would never judge someone else as unkindly as I judge myself, I think many of us are the same. How lucky I am though to have my band of cheerleaders to keep me going :) xo
@isobeljambos8340 2 ай бұрын
I find clothes the hardest thing to chuck I’m a def hoarder it’s makes me ill chucking them out maybe if you do I will 😅
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
I'm hoping that the idea of making them into slow-stitched projects will help me bite the bullet Isobel - watch this space, I've started already :) xo
@isobeljambos8340 2 ай бұрын
@@artyfartyannie mmm in ter est ing my dear wstson
@handmadebyweezeanna 2 ай бұрын
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thanks Louise! :) xo
@helenjazz1301 2 ай бұрын
By the way…you do look different already! What is the new VR game like? I need a new one too! I love the look of the mousse, but I hate that they add sweeteners, shame
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
Thank you! It always annoys me when they add sweeteners too, especially as I don't have a hugely sweet tooth, so often low sugar products add loads of sweeteners, way more than they need to, but I have to say these aren't over-sweet, and I'm not aware of them tasting sweetener-ish, so i'm enjoying them - only until they go back up to their normal price though! The new game (OhShape!) is quite fun, but at the moment it doesn't get me moving as much a Beat Saber does - I think once I get used to it and start playing at faster speeds it probably will though, and it is nice to have a change. I've discovered since uysing the Quest caloried counting app that I can pretty much burn off my dinner while I'm waiting for it to cook, and the bonus is that if I'm doing that I can't be having another G&T instead! Will report back about the OhShape when I've got more used to it :) xo
@paulalister80 2 ай бұрын
You’re doing so well. Feeling down and blah I went through this, um on these days I was super naughty, walked to suppermarket and got some lemon yogurt, walked to beach grabbed the sea and then ate lemon yogurt. Yep whole potter aww so good, waddled home bonus Cleo licked the container out, I then rinsed in the sea threw in recycle container on way home. Feeling self conscious um no need unless your Rudy nuddy what you doing being out in your b day suit when it’s not your b day. lol sorry no help from me on this quarter, most people are so busy they don’t notice your are there.well unless your famous aww you are Annie grab a bin bag and hide only if the people are arty or crafty well maybe farty but really if they be farty you would be looking at them.
@artyfartyannie 2 ай бұрын
hehe as always you made me giggle Paula and I wonder if the voice I hear you talking in in my head is anyting like your actual voice :) That sounds like a beautiful walk - did Cleo walk the whole way or di dyou have to carry her home? :) xo
@paulalister80 2 ай бұрын
@@artyfartyannie Cleo will walk to the beach as it’s 15 minutes away she always gets a treat though once Mr Whippy (ice cream truck with soft serve ice cream) was there and she got a free doggie cone! Yep one very happy Cleo. About 5-7 minutes away from bush get to the last walking bridge before the bush (I love walking to the water fall so pretty) she sits I tuck her into my art backpack 🎒 she is supper happy. While I draw she sits by my side, into backpack walk home after the first bridge she whines and it’s out of back pack happy let’s walk home dog. lol so funny, locals are used to her in backpack she gets pats from them. I think she doesn’t like getting her feet dirty with the leaves and mud in the rain forest or it’s the sound of things she just snuggles into my side while I draw it’s nice as sometimes it’s very brr in the woods (rain forest) also she is terrified of Weka’s which are brown and kiwi looking but we call them wood chickens as they are everywhere, tourists will stop and take pictures going aww look it’s a kiwi! I no longer tell them nope that’s a Weka they aren’t too happy about this. Also I must look strange on the way out I usually have a few pencils behind my ear or worse a paintbrush, yep just me that will do this I’m sure, not to mention my dog in a back pack must look strange, lol I’m an artist what can you expect. Think I need a three wheeler bike and a cape plus a few dead bodies then I could be a detective who paints in her spare time solving mystery’s with my interesting side kick Cleo the queen of free ice cream treats! lol 😜
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