Bioshock Infinite is the WORST Bioshock... change my mind

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Bioshock is an amazing series. However out of all the games, I think Bioshock Infinite is the worst one. It's still a good game, but the others I think are better.
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Bioshock is a series made by 2K Games, and is highly regarded. It has both futuristic and retro elements which were continued in Bioshock 2. Then in Bioshock Infinite, they flipped the theme around to make it bright and colorful with a new setting and characters.
Bioshock 1:
Bioshock 2:
Bioshock Infinite:
OBS (what I record with):
(In order of appearance)
.Kevin MacLeod - Sneaky Adventure
.Opposing Force - Planet (Soundtrack)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

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@jida8907 Жыл бұрын
If any of you followed Infinite's development, you'll know it got plagued by delays and rewrites. It's why the game is also all over the place and schizophrenic. Levine just kept changing his mind about the direction of the game, constantly thinking of something to add, something to change, something to remove and something to scrap and start all over. If it wasn't for the publisher forcing them to just release it after getting delayed for the 3rd time the game probably still won't be out. They also had to fire almost everyone in the dev team after that if you remember that news. One example is mentioned in the wikipedia page (the development of the game has it's separate page) where near the end of development he suddenly wanted to add a multiplayer mode and had a team work on that mode, but obviously there's no multiplayer in the game so they also scrapped that. There's also an interview with one of designer/art director who also worked on BS1, SS2 and the Thief games but had to quit and work on the Last of Us instead: >"The art team and level designers had been working on Finkton for a long time, with Wells directing the style. The inspiration was like the slums in Jamaica or Key West. All of the housing was wooden and colorful, as if painted by the residents to make the depressed quarters more livable. And each bright shack was stacked atop the next, climbing into the sky like an anthill, with the skyline piercing through it." >"Ken had been in level reviews numerous times. Then one day, the Finkton team was doing a play test, when Ken decided the entire stage was wrong. It looked like the residents lived in garbage. It needed to be beautiful, because Columbia was designed so that even the poor lived beautifully. It was all wrong. And it had to go." >"Wells was furious. Levine had been looking at this for months. In August of this year, Wells announced his new role as art director at Naughty Dog Studios." Amusingly, the actual slums area in the game (Shantytown, Finkton is the factory area) doesn't look like the beautiful colorful slums they're talking about so I guess he changed his mind again. Then there's also the DLC that changes the main game. In the main game they made both sides evil by the end, the Founders were basically the racist government and the Vox as soon as they start the revolution just went with killing everyone, not just the Founders, and even their leader Daisy threatening to kill some kids. But the DLC revealed she didn't actually want to kill the kids and the twins made her, so that Elizabeth can kill her for the plot. And the ending, where through some sci-fi quantum mumbojumbo they say that killing Booker in the baptism kills every single Booker/Comstock in every infinite timeline. Sure lets go with that and accept that this is how their parallel universes/many worlds works, All Comstocks should be dead at the cost of all Bookers being dead too right? Except one of them somehow still survives and is in Rapture in the DLC and Elizabeth wants to kill him. If there really are infinite timelines then there's probably infinite of these Bookers who also somehow survived in the same way. I don't think they even explained how he survived the supposedly "Kill all Bookers/Comstock" drowning. And I just don't like how they felt the need to shoehorn Elizabeth into Atlas and Jack's BS1 backstory by making her be the one responsible for letting Atlas know Jack's phrase.
@borealisaristocles4825 2 ай бұрын
La biblia:
@oreki22 7 күн бұрын
Yeah, Burial at Sea kinda screwed up the ending for me as well. Like, I originally thought that the ending in Infinite kinda made sense. Basically that Elizabeth exist's as some sort of anomaly in time. A person that (despite there being infinite timelines/realities) is always somehow the same person in every timeline (same powers, same experiences etc). Someone that, unlike Booker or Daisy, is always the same in every time line for some reason. Hence her being an anomaly and was shown in the scene towards the end where you see countless other Elizabeth's leading their respective Bookers throughout lighthouses at the same time. The actual ending/drowning scene with the other Elizabeth's disappearing I thought was showing that (because she is an anomaly) Elizabeth and all versions of herself (again, because anomaly) simultaneously killed all their respective Bookers (meaning all of them) from every timeline before becoming one singular Elizabeth in the same way Booker would gain memories of his other selves whenever he entered a new timeline. But Burial at Sea just tore all of that to shreds. The only way it might make sense is if doing this didn't kill any Booker's in realities where Elizabeth was never born. But, if true, then that means all those Booker's died for zero reason as what she did would never actually erase him from existence.
@AshyGr33n Жыл бұрын
Playing Bioshock Infinite is like ordering a nice steak but somehow receiving a roast chicken that's cooked with the same spices. Sure it's still delicious and tastes somewhat in the same vein of what I wanted, but it ain't quite what I had in mind when I ordered it.
@HelloKolla Жыл бұрын
Slightly disagree. On top of being different, it just has a bunch of objective issues that are bad on their own.
@babasemka Жыл бұрын
Oh, you didn't get what you expected? What a greek tragedy! What are we gonna do now?
@nudapac Жыл бұрын
@@babasemka i will find you
@babasemka Жыл бұрын
@@nudapac mmmmm-hm
@nudapac Жыл бұрын
@@babasemka and i will eat your shit
@j.peters1222 Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed the story until the last hour or so. They just took it in a really weird direction at the end. The gameplay was alright but felt like a step back from the previous 2 entries.
@JeffarryLounder 9 ай бұрын
Yeah honestly. I was following through with the story, trying to understand it as much as possible (even wracking my brain in some parts), but right before the ending, the game threw me for a total loop, and I was put into a state of sincere confusion. I felt like I was dreaming. I had no clue what was going on the entire time and I had to look up afterwards what the lore was for any of it. Overall the game nearly made me question my existence. 0/10 would not recommend another existential crisis. But the rest of the game was fun though.
@Smirving 8 ай бұрын
​@@JeffarryLounderEnding is also dumb that booker isnt the og one like remeber every small decision booker made created a new timeline example *Booker took a shit before getting baptized* this creates a new timeline where booker took it and it didnt.
@expiredmilk1809 Жыл бұрын
The convoluted plot, I could deal with, but the restriction to two guns, the regenerating shield and the campaign being presented as a roller-coaster experience were what convinced me that Infinite derived too much from its contemporaries for its own good.
@joshuaingram571 Жыл бұрын
Don't forget the location based auto save.💔
@vikinggamer7727 Жыл бұрын
I guess the restriction for 2 guns is to make it more realistic in how many guns you can carry...but, then again, what about holding a minigun and a shotgun, where would you put the other gun.
@nightshroud9671 Жыл бұрын
I really hate it when most of a franchise lets you be a walking arsenal but suddenly in one game(usually their most recent game) goes "lol 2 weapons only" Its jarring, messes with the flow established and kills the fun. Max Payne is a prime example of that bs.(And Dead Space with 3 making it so you only have TWO weapons instead of four)
@moss1w 10 ай бұрын
@tivionte961 6 ай бұрын
Personally I don’t mind the two guns thing during my play though of bioshock 1 and 2 I always find myself using the shotguns and drill/wrench the entire time I rarely even look at any of the other weapons but I can see why some people would see that as a downgrade
@Suonynon Жыл бұрын
Bioshock 1 and 2 taking place in an underwater city, to me, feels more unsettling than the bright sky aesthetic in Infinite. The dark green lighting and the dim environments look creepier tbh
@faceless2302 Жыл бұрын
I'd say Rapture was also a lot more cool for me personally, I've always liked marine biology and ironically have a fear of big open water so it was really cool getting to explore the environments and see everything at the bottom of the ocean. The bathysphere section from 1 is probably my favorite videogame cinematic moment ever. Columbia by comparison just kinda takes place in a normal city (but in the sky)? Like there's no weird life or sense of being super out of place up there other than everyone hating you for no reason, if you just never looked down you could pretend you were on the ground the whole time. I would've liked to have seen maybe some giant birds or floating gas-filled jellyfish creatures or air whales or something that would've suggested a whole different ecosystem and way of life, something to remind you that you're in a fantasy setting.
@thehonorablereverendaddiso1943 Жыл бұрын
It could have been creepier and unsettling if they went with the Early Gameplay trailer version. With the crazed politician
@jonaspete 4 ай бұрын
Bioshock 2 plot was pushing the limit already.
@le2zruWtaR8DauQ3 2 ай бұрын
how tf is that an argument? it's in a different area doesnt mean it has to be unsettling all the time
@williamfrank962 17 күн бұрын
What sucks to me more is that in my opinion what they were originally going for in the e3 demos was much better in concept. In the demos you arrive in Columbia just when shit hits the fan with the vox and the Colombian military and the tears are corrupting people akin to Adam in rapture but only at the begging. Basically the premise I believe they were intentionally going with was a detective trying to rescue Elizabeth from a collapse utopia.
@BlackMageMaxLV 7 ай бұрын
She didn’t have to drown Booker. He was never going to be comstock.
@Christian-gr3gu 6 ай бұрын
Ok why the hell do people think 2 is a step down
@frostbackup Жыл бұрын
I remember when Infinite came out and every games "journalist" was tripping over each other to fellate it the hardest. It's a dumbed down version of Bioshock which was already a dumbed down version of System Shock 2.
@imtoolazyforaprofilepic4961 Жыл бұрын
Journalists are blown away at the most minimal attempt at storytelling. The Last of Us 2 is the biggest proof. The story is told the same way as the first, but they didn't care _what_ was told. And the poor chaps at IGN who actually reviews the story are few and fired eventually.
@thehonorablereverendaddiso1943 Жыл бұрын
And now, they make articles on why it's acshully raycist because of the Vox Populi. What's even funnier, is that they tried to say this was the SMART person's shooter.
@gimmeyourrights8292 Жыл бұрын
The problem I had when I first played it was that it didn't *feel* like a Bioshock game. The weapon variety and inventory being chopped down to 2, the majority of the vigors sucking aside from 4, the lack of creative ways to approach an enemy compared to the first 2, and that godforsaken ending.
@_j.e.m.s Жыл бұрын
I wonder how people that played Infinite first then the other two games feel. Infinite always felt like it was missing a thing or two that would have made me love it as much as the first two games. But that could be because I was expecting more of direct sequel than a new story
@Toro563 Жыл бұрын
That's because it's literally missing stuff So many stuff was cut down that looked really cool for reasons
@stillth3sameg735 Жыл бұрын
I played infinite first ~2014, then tried 1 in 2016 but never finished it bc I made the mistake of trying to play it on a macbook pro lol… terrible experience. I’m playing 1 on the switch right now and its been great. I loved infinite, great story, graphics, and gameplay. 1 is very different and the darkness annoys me and strains my eyes… I honestly put them on equal footing (I’m at the part on Bioshock 1 where Tenenmbaum wants me to be a big daddy)
@andreadangelo2299 Жыл бұрын
Allegedly it waas in development hell for a lot of time and what we have is something that was kind of cobbled together
@Ignisan_66 Жыл бұрын
I played Infinite first then the other two games. I have to say the first two games are way better than Infinite. The third game is a convoluted mess.
@stillth3sameg735 Жыл бұрын
Coming back to this now that I finished all 3 again on the switch: So after playing 1 and 2 and then 3, yeah there are definitely some glaring issues with 3 and the story is nowhere near as good. The play experience was kind of irritating, if anything. This contrasts sharply with my first time experience with Bioshock, where I played Infinite first then tried Bioshock 1 a couple years after that (and I loved Infinite, but hated Bioshock 1... interesting).
@halo6534 Жыл бұрын
Ahhh yes, I remember I was 19 ish when this game finally came out. I remember being pretty upset after playing. I was expecting the second coming of video game Christ. But it was the time were literally every game was being overhyped, overrated, and just disappointing. Much like today, but just way worse. A sadly painfully average and pretentious game with a “you just don’t get it” deep story.
@pickleman47 Жыл бұрын
3:03 I thought the boys of silence were pretty creepy when I first saw them. 4:29 I feel like objectively the plasmid wheel is easier to use cuz it froze time and needed one button. The plasmid in infinite are also very powerful, the desicion for less is because in 1 u would have a plasmid for hypnotising big daddies and making secruity turrets shoot enemies. In infinite you have possession which is essentially both combines into 1, also infinite has vigor traps and different ways to use them like undertow can grab enemies and pull them to you, return to senders 'trap' is essentially absorbing damage and then lets u throw all the bullets shot into you back at them as an orb which can be placed as a trap. U can also upgrade it so that while absorbing damage u can collect the ammo shot at you. just like u can upgrade charge to do explosive damage. The argument for guns can be made that in bioshocks 1 and 2 the games end up forcing you to use different weapons when u run out of ammo, in infinite it is much of the same except u have to pick up another weapon rather than already having it, also certain enemies dont user certain weapons and so you would need to choose what gun to use where, also liz can help u adapt a battle to how u want to play. I tended to go with one to deal with canon fodder and another for high damage but lower ammo. I feel like the ammo types were turned into the vox variations of the guns but it was not that well done. The story is honestly a bit overhated, 8:52 they take ur means of transport and say u can have it back once u help them, 9:02 they start shooting at you because in that universe when u appear Daisy says ur an imposter because Booker is dead and u can even find audiologs of the booker in that universe. 9:13 well liz gets captured by song bird and then u go to rescue her but then u end up going into a tear in the future where booker never saves her which is why she is old and she tells u that time rots everything and while its too late for her its not too late for the elizabeth in bookers world and so she sends him back with a letter for younger liz which is the song used to control the songbird. Which u end up killing because you lose the means to control him and because u destroyed the siphon in liz's tower shes now a interdimensional demigod that can go into other universes at will, which she does to kill songbird. Then afterwards liz find outs that despite u killing comstock there is still an infinite amount of comstocks in other universes, so shes like 'yo booker go back in time and kys' so they go to when booker makes the choice of becoming comstock or booker and drown him so comstock never existed in the first place because there is no booker in the past anymore. Tho i do agree the story is quite complex but once its understood its not that bad esp considering how it leads to the DLCs. great video tho, love to see videos on older games cuz theyre quite rare these days.
@lechuzaarg2404 Жыл бұрын
IMO the main issue is that Infinite feels more like COD, unlike the original Bioshock wich comes from games like System Shock. Immersive Sims are reaaaaally cool when you get into it, and Bioshock was like a "light" version, that's why it became popular while keeping some elements. Infinite was design with "make it similar to modern games so it sells" in mind and yes, Bioshock 1 had the same issue during developement, but it still maintains it's ImSim roots. Also, personally, the concept of "objectivism" and Ayn Rand's philosophy are more interesting than Infinite's themes.
@visionhawk4403 7 ай бұрын
I don't know. I found the "American Exceptionalism" and "Christian Supremacy" themes interesting. They're definitely opposite Rand's philosophy, so it was interesting, to me anyway, in exploring those differences. Especially after playing through all three and their DLCs back to back again recently. And then seeing that Elizabeth was there at the beginning on the plane just before Bioshock 1 took place in Burial at Sea 2
@lechuzaarg2404 6 ай бұрын
​@@visionhawk4403 The extreme contrast of both themes is interesting tbh. Like making two games with opposite ideologies? Actually cool. But beyond that, I think Bioshock 1 is more interesting. Probably because I've never heard from Ayn Rand in other place or media, so it was foreign to me.
@Seallussus Жыл бұрын
First one was exploring the politics and ethics of it's themes and, huge plot twist, the story actually ended in the first game. That's why the second game is a "let down" it's more of a normal shooter. Straightforward and most of the story is mainly more of what we have in two. So. 1 made a story and effectively finished it, 2 explored a bit more and was fun. But the arc ended. There was little there. But they told their story. No need to keep squeezing it. Now comes infinite with exploring a couple of different things such as scientific....whatever the whole tear and timelines thing, but also the religion and slavery things. Family, loyalty, alternate timelines....etc So. It's telling a very different story. It's like a haunted house story and zombie survival story. Both are technically horror but it just feels wrong to compare both. I will admit that some thing in infinite made little to no sense story wise. And I did immensely enjoy the little sisters aspect to the first game. All are fun and can exist. If anything huge respect to the devs for making a new game and exploring new things. Now everyone just want to milk an ip dry with no room for artistic exploration.
@neofromthewarnerbrothersic145 Жыл бұрын
I thought pretty much everybody agreed that Infinite was the weakest Bioshock. Although I could see how someone might think it's the best if they were too young to play the first one or something and played Infinite first. Anyway I didn't think Infinite was terrible, or even bad... just really hard for anything to measure up to the bar set by the first one.
@Zorrio Жыл бұрын
literally got a tattoo from bioshock 1, this game impacted me so much, some of the best world building ive seen in gaming, they way u can just listen to audio logs to know what happened to certain places and when, or just the environmental story telling and all of that isnt even obligatory to progress, its just that interesting and fun to explore and I think more games should use their media to tell stories like that. Because even some of my friends who dont play single player games or care about stories loved bioshock 1, they were always checking around for audio logs or clues about what happened and so on, I was surprised to see them actually care like that. And I think its because bioshock uses its video game form as a strength to tell its story
@degayify Жыл бұрын
Bioshock Infinite is Bioshock for Redditors
@unoriginalperson72 Жыл бұрын
Elizabeth fans
@sanster0011 Жыл бұрын
@d4cto Жыл бұрын
​@@sanster0011 yes
@NeoAya Жыл бұрын Bioshock
@mavhiro855 Жыл бұрын
@Gruntvc Жыл бұрын
I agree. I still remember to this day a Bioshock Infinite fan telling me that because I didn't think this one was a 10/10 Masterpiece and I'm gonna quote here. "I represent everything wrong with humanity and I should self delete myself." Wow... Today, they've morphed into toxic RE fans who blindly defend every single RE game as a 10/10 Masterpiece. At least now they just tell ya you're blinded by nostalgia if you don't agree with them. Progress.
@Asuka.the.Perfectionistic Жыл бұрын
bioshock infinite feels like a dream to me, it leave a deep impression but i can't recall much specific details
@MattyHwang 5 ай бұрын
I just finished this game after playing it over the course of months and couldn’t agree more. Despite all of the game’s controversies, the world building and atmosphere is undoubtedly the best part. The ending is obviously a lot thrown at you at once, but since the first 3/4 of the game has little to no lore or sense of going anywhere, the last quarter is incredibly overwhelming . This is why I can walk away from this game being more appreciative of the physical beauty in the world (much like a dream) without caring too much about what happened within it
@timexcape7961 3 ай бұрын
​@@MattyHwang Its half nightmare though, some hideous characters. Half of the NPCs looked like bug people or Aliens. The other half were realistic.😂
@GuINES-mG Жыл бұрын
Can someone explain how did Elizabeth end up on a plane with Jack if the plane came from surface, and why Atlas didn't know what is the activation phrase if he ordered brainwashing? It does not make sense that he does not what is the phrase if he ordered creation of it!
@FirebonE_88 Жыл бұрын
Oh, man, there's nothing to change. You were spot on. Decent game, but certainly no way near 1 and 2. Great video! Is the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series next on the list?
@spouwnerring 6 ай бұрын
There are a lot of plot-holes in this game, however I'm going to focus on 1, because it stands out to me: So is the timeline where the Vox Pupuly got there weapons the Booker from that timeline joined the Vox, because the Elizabeth he was chasing was moved from Monument Island to Comstock House, however he died in battle before he could reach her. However when the Booker and Elizabeth we follow enter the timeline where the Vox Pupuly got there weapons the Elizabeth from THAT timeline is no where to be found. In fact kind of just forgets that our heroes hopped universes as evidenced by Comstock not acknowliging that he's now dealing with 2 Elizabeths instead just (1 Elizabeth that's in his custody and another that's helping us). And you what would've been really cool: having a fully brainwashed and fully juiced up Elizabeth be the final boss. Alternatively, we could just fix this plot-hole by having Elizabeth teleport the guns needed for revolution to their universe (no universe hopping required) and then our heroes temporery join the Vox as they both want Comstock dead. It's only once Fitzroy desides to kill Fink's son that our heroes desert the Vox by killing Fitzroy.
@coruscant100 9 ай бұрын
Aside from the messy story and mediocre writing, something I wasn't a fan of in Infinite was the change in atmosphere. In Rapture, you felt like you were deep beneath the sea. The water leaking, dripping, and the groaning of the buildings made you tense and worried that any moment the water would break through and you'd drown in the ocean. There was a sense of gloom and doom as you were wandering around a dark and derelict city on your own against a mob of insane people ready to kill you. You felt isolated and just wanted to get out any way you could. In Columbia, there's none of that. It's bright and sunny there all the time. I get that it's trying to make you feel like you're in Heaven, but it eliminates the gloom, dread, and fear that Rapture made you feel. You interact with normal people for parts of the game and even have an ally right by you, which takes away that feeling of isolation that you're on you're own. There's no real sense of danger or thinking something around the corner is going to get you. Columbia, while beautiful looking, doesn't hold a candle to the dread and gloominess that Rapture had.
@arsenii_yavorskyi Жыл бұрын
Bioshock Infinite reached for the sky, but ended up sinking to the bottom of the ocean.
@LamWarp Жыл бұрын
@elizabethcomstock265 Жыл бұрын
@@LamWarp my game is the best
@mooviedude141 Ай бұрын
People really like to overlook how repetitive some of the sections in 1 were (getting all the Big Daddy suit parts) and how terrible the final boss battle was.
@thegreatnahwhaile Жыл бұрын
in the original 2 bioshocks in the spirit of immersive sims the gameplay and story were pretty tightly interwoven. in infinite some parts of the gameplay flatout contradict the story. like if everyone in Columbus is extremely religious then there'd be no reason for them to genetically enhance themselves or for comstock to try and traverse different dimensions which are probably sins that god would look down apon i dunno
@wolfiesworld9361 Жыл бұрын
As with everywhere in history, not everyone eats the company stew.
@zoltanbojan8035 Жыл бұрын
@@wolfiesworld9361 yeah, but you would think the ultra religious zeals would do something about them. Tho there is nothing contradicting about Comstock travelling to different dimensions.
@Bazztoner Жыл бұрын
I only have two negative? comments: First, vigors are supposed to be comboed, Crows and then Devil's kiss make the crows be made of fire. The water plasmid can be shot and it boosts the electricity one. You should have experimented more with them Second, the story is actually easily understandable. The ending and some other details are not TBH but the main twist with the Vox Populi is explained in dialogue even
@alef-0 Жыл бұрын
Bioshock 2 has the best gameplay for me, but it tried to do so much with tower defense missions and a experimental multiplayer. Just wish people played minerva's den and thought a little more about infinite plot with their head out of their asses.
@pennsy6755 Жыл бұрын
How hard was it to not mention Elizabeth’s reputation to addicts?
@thehonorablereverendaddiso1943 Жыл бұрын
Elaborate, I'm autistic and don't get the joke
@pennsy6755 Жыл бұрын
@@thehonorablereverendaddiso1943 answer me this, what have sfm/blender artists done to Elizabeth in the past 9-10 years?
@thehonorablereverendaddiso1943 Жыл бұрын
@@pennsy6755 Ah, now I get it
@_G3M5_ 5 ай бұрын
@@thehonorablereverendaddiso1943 i still dont get it =( i dont watch weird fanart
@thehonorablereverendaddiso1943 5 ай бұрын
@@_G3M5_ It's just porn
@OnionDude Жыл бұрын
0:28 this reminds me of a *certain* game franchise , where u play as a nerdy ass scientist with a crowbar and an orange metal suit :):):)
@tam_451 Жыл бұрын
@d4cto Жыл бұрын
Can't think of any games like that.
@eureka_effect_gaming Жыл бұрын
Hmm, the only game I can think from that is a game about portals and a psychopathic robot…
@noice6421 10 ай бұрын
You can carry 4 weapons and select them through a menu, which i didn't know about during my 2 walkthroughs, also you can explain 8 plasmids instead of 11 in 1 and 2 with infinite's time period. It's like 40 years apart from the first game's story.
@cb225 Жыл бұрын
If you've read Rapture or listened to the midnight series, that whole arc in Rapture is very fleshed out and has a great story.
@BattlewarPenguin Жыл бұрын
Wait a minute, were they trying to expand Bioshock universe? With Ryan making his city for man in the ocean depths, Infinite for god and faith, and a third missing entry for Goverment and state?
@LamWarp Жыл бұрын
Probably. Though government and state would be something on the ground, and at that point, it would be too much like every other game. It's doesn't feel unique enough to be a Bioshock game IMO. I'm all for it though.
@BattlewarPenguin Жыл бұрын
@@LamWarp There will be a Bioshock movie by Netflix in the near future. I would die of happiness if it was about that. Although any Bioshock content is great! Great video you made! And thanks for answering my comment! :D
@SeriousLeo5 Жыл бұрын
I don't really like BioShock Infinite as well. I played BioShock 1 before, really loved it, so i remember being excited for Infinite when it was announced, and when the game was released in 2013 i remember enjoying it, but feeling kinda dissapointed. When i replayed the entire series a few years back, my feelings towards the game were mixed. My main problem with the game is the fact that it got rid of all of the "immersive sim" elements. BioShock 1 and 2 were a sort of a more simplified and streamlined "versions" of something like System Shock 2. Infinite has none of that, and the sad thing is that the game seems to have had those elements, judging by the earlier gameplay demos from E3 2011 and 2012, but they were cut, and what we got in the end is a game that streamlined it's gameplay elements so much that it lost all of the series's identity in the process.
@Slickmin115 Жыл бұрын
I wont try to change your mind because your right.
@dubioustheatreyt8096 10 ай бұрын
Bioshock Infinite's story is certainly rough. When I first got through playing it and begun discussing it with my friend, we both kinda agreed that, the premise was good! The execution, was not. My friend described it like having the world-builders and the writers in two entirely separate rooms that could only pass notecards to each-other. The quantum mechanics could've worked, but they weren't made cohesive for the player. Its hard to participate in a story when you don't know what that story is. I think it could've been a comprehensive story like the first two games, it just... wasn't.
@zombiecupcakes01 10 ай бұрын
I find the vigor system way better. You can go through areas and select which two you’d like to toggle back and forth between. It forces you to get creative. For instance I like setting up a fire mine and then drag my victims to it with the water noodle vigor. Very satisfying! But yea everything about the guns is a step back. They don’t have those cool visual changes like the other games did. I don’t mind carrying two because you can find all the good ones pretty much everywhere.
@Ignisan_66 Жыл бұрын
Basically the only thing Bioshock Infinite has common with the other two Bioshock games are the -plasmids- vigors. I played Infinite first, I liked it at first but then the story got so confusing and retarded that I stopped caring. And no, I'm not gonna watch 10 "story explained" videos just to understand that supposedly "profound" story. I'm done with Infinite. I recently played Bioshock 1 and it was so much better in pretty much every way.
@gregorygranger6481 5 ай бұрын
Please stop saying the r word
@77dris 2 ай бұрын
The plot was amazing, the best in the series. The people who find it "convoluted" just didn't have the brain power to understand it.
@alfredlaalpacadeageofempir9215 Жыл бұрын
>There must be an alternate reality where Bioshock Infinite is a good game. >0:55 Our Big Daddy told us to not be ashamed of our Drills. >2:30 The last time i was baptized, it burn me. >4:13 Asking Lamp to seek things is like asking a Beheaded Kamikaze to not explode. >4:45 *ASMR_Sounds.avi* >6:06 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓 >7:58 HombreEnSillaDeRuedasMan >8:33 The less complicated fanfic story. >10:47 R.I.P LamWarp, Cancelled for disliking a game from 10 years ago. >I just notice that Elizabeth is Gap Hag just like Yukari Yakumo.
@khm6585 8 ай бұрын
The graphic, the scenery and the atmosphere was amazing ngl. Like you can legit feel like you are venturing into a different world, just like Bioshock 1 & 2, a place where everything is different from what you know. But the story is bad, just plain bad. One main part of the story that I hate so much is that, for a good chunk of the story, you have to get to an airships, you fought numerous enemies and traps just to have that ship be taken away from you moment later. That moment made me feel like I just wasted a few hours to achieve nothing.
@icecoldfingerz 7 ай бұрын
My issues with Infinite as someone who considers the Bioshock series the best gaming narratives ever is like you said, the contrast of it being light and not scary at all, as well as how they “your princess is in another castle” you through Infinite so many times. I love Infinites story otherwise and it’s a relatively short game but every time you feel you’re making progress Elizabeth gets snatched up by a Handyman, Song Bird or Comstock etc until the end
@markjohnson1734 8 ай бұрын
The atmosphere of infinite is unmatched. Columbia has so much personality and charm. However, Rapture allows you to dive deeper into it (no pun intended). I play these games to escape and enter a world full of creative ideas and mystery. So in a way no matter how you look at it, both allow you to win as a player. Because you get two cities to run around in! R.I.P. Bioshock series you will be missed!
@unoriginalperson72 Жыл бұрын
Spicy take you have there, I have never played any Bioshock so I have no opinion but I could imagine those who really REALLY like the games won't really like it
@SadTown99 Ай бұрын
The comment about “ Only adding 8 Plasmids so they fit in a symmetrical menu “ is such a brilliantly accurate thought 😅
@the3dotsguy...610 10 ай бұрын
I dont even want to compare the OG bioshock to infinite... They feel so different... Im glad they exist
@PETERTHEGAMER69 9 ай бұрын
If this game is so bad then why was I like "hmm, sure I'll play this game for 10 minutes and go do something else" but ended up spending 5 hours on it in a single day...
@LamWarp 9 ай бұрын
Because it's not a "bad game" itself. It's just the worse one in its series.
@Saiko1516 Жыл бұрын
A few weeks back, Everywhere i went theres a bunch of people who really really really really hate bioshock infinite. At this time i dont know anything about bioshock series so i asked why they hated it. They all went quiet and never replied back. So at this point bioshock series got me interested. Went to all the articles and reviews about it. Asked a bunch of people if bioshock infinite is really that bad. They all responded positively saying that it was a masterpiece and could be the greatest on the series. The same on article and some youtube reviews of it. Well this convinced me to play bioshock series. So outright i bought the bioshock infinite on ps3 that comes with bioshock 1. I first played bioshock 1 on ps3 b4 Bioshock infinite. And it really hit me like a truck. Great game 🔥. So i went and tried bioshock infinite.. And i just finished it today. I must say i dont get the hate on the game?? I fcking love infinite. I havent play the BS2 but i'll be on it soon. In anycase i consider bioshock infinite and 1 as a masterpiece. Theyre on the same level *for* me. And some people who i met online said the same thing. Maybe its upto the persons taste??
@TheEvilWhitebowser 7 ай бұрын
Recently i have been playing the entire bishock trilogy for the first time and i just finished infinite a few hours ago with 0 spoilers and i must say as i was playing it i was confused by all the hate it didn’t make much sense yeah it wasn’t like the first 2 games but it was a good different then i got to the ending and i sat in silence for around 10 minutes trying to figure out the ending because it made zero sense to me it felt like it came out of left field almost like they didn’t like the original ending so they just made up something thats why it went from a good game to me to one of my least favorites i am ok with sad endings but this one felt wrong to me like it shouldn’t of happened so i do think thats why so many people hate it
@pokermitten9795 7 ай бұрын
Infinite opens up all these very emotional things but doesn't satisfy in the end IMO. You have racism, religion, politics, quantum mechanics, multiverses....but none of these themes are adequately delved into. The first two games are much more meaty when it comes to dialog and philosophy....Infinite even had a talking protagonist but still couldn't deliver a message.
@thehonorablereverendaddiso1943 Жыл бұрын
Bioshock Infinite is the fall from grace for Ken Levine. Up to a few months prior to release, the game wasn't even in a functional playable state! All of the stuff that got them awards at game shows was cut from the game, and what you're left with is a miserable shell of it's hype And don't even get started on Burial at Sea, the story for that is just basically Ken Levine throwing a temper tantrum and trying to sabotage his toys before he left 2K.
@visionhawk4403 7 ай бұрын
I loved Elizabeth. I was really disappointed when I found out the character I was playing as is supposed to be her dad. That was a creepy feeling.
@JeffarryLounder 9 ай бұрын
I don't think Bioshock 2 was a step down, especially due to its circumstances. Players were already expecting another giant plot twist from the previous game, so when Bioshock 2 was being produced, adding a cliche and expected plot twist would've been too corny. Sure, Bioshock 1 was still a masterpiece, but I think the way Bioshock 2 handled the continuation was amazing in itself. It really shows you what happened to Rapture after the death of Andrew Ryan, as well as patching up previous plot holes made in Bioshock 1 that were quite obvious. Plus, the perspective of a big daddy was something that players on number 1 had been asking for since shortly after Bioshock 1's release.
@pokermitten9795 7 ай бұрын
Two is the most fun, for sure. The spear gun is the chef's kiss of the rapture world IMO.
@seeess925 15 күн бұрын
I played BioShock 1 not 2. And could not wait for Infinite because the previews looked amazing. It did not disappoint. Definitely surpassed the original which I highly enjoyed. I do not play horror games. Didn't know going onto BioShock 1 that it had horror elements. But it was definitely far from the scariest and just fine. Yes Infinite is beautiful. And that is a huge improvement. Video says underwater is more interesting than the floating city. What? Sure underwater is interesting. But a floating city is easily more interesting. Another improvement is that the original was more like an abandoned empty city. In Infinite, there's a population with much more going on. I don't remember much about the scarcity in the original. Having too many weapons just isn't necessary. Having 2 + melee hook is actually better. I had repeater and sniper. So I would use my limited money to just work on upgrading those. Video complains about vigor redundancy. Yet thinks 11 is better than 8. I'm glad they scaled that down. The only issue with Infinite is the story sucks. Not just because it's convoluted. and too botched up to even apprehend. The entire premise is just bad. You have attempted dozens of times and lost your memory of it. Your love interest turns out to be your daughter who has been renamed. Oh not to mention the protagonist is also the main boss villain. So the solution is for multiple reality versions of your daughter to murder you by drowning. It's soo betond moronic. Aside from terrible story, infinite is easily the superior game in so many ways.
@UFT-8 4 ай бұрын
i think we can all agree that elizabeth is one of the best video game compagnion ever
@77dris 2 ай бұрын
Bioshock Infinite tied the whole series together and without it, the series wouldn't have been nearly as good. I'd say BS1 was the best because it was original, but Infinite was a close second because of the story and the graphics. BS2 had good gameplay, but was mostly forgettable.
@jeremyallen5974 Ай бұрын
Not really. All Infinite REALLY did was trace over the first game
@OTBASH 28 күн бұрын
Bioshock Infinite is a great game, but it's a game I always seem to get bored of mid way through and drop. Bioshock 1-2 I can always go back to and finish from start to end with no problem.
@alpolo007 Жыл бұрын
I hate how Infinite went with more weapons, but still had an upgrade system for them. It gives you more options, but discourages you from using all them. It’s impossible to upgrade all of them and all your plasmids.
@DeenanTheKemon1 6 ай бұрын
After receiving my 4th Vigor that did EXACTLY what the previous 3 did I was disappointed. The little tutorial pops up and says "hold L2 to lay a trap!" I was mentally done. Such bland basic abilities, BORING. We have 8 superpowers that can all be thrown or laid in a trap, ONLY difference is animation of each power. I got bored of it so fast. I'll still finish the game, but the Vigors were SERIOUSLY disappointing and unimaginative to say the least. Vigors don't add anything to the game, which is a massive letdown in an otherwise amazing video game.
@real2rek 7 ай бұрын
I played Infinite first. I'm amazed how Bioshock 1 and 2 are praised. - Complicated navigation mess with no actual story, srsly "my plane crashed, I'm off to explore underwater city" wtf xD - Questionable design choices that FORCE you to use certain elements of the game by making you feel like an idiot - Small cramped spaces filled with garbage and no place to maneuver - No actual locations, every space is dark shithole with no redeeming features, doesn't feel like a city - AI that can be bamboozled by standing under the stairs - Lack of ammo, thanks for giving me the gun and no ammo to use it, am I playing dark messiah now? - Dark atmosphere created by sophisticated mechanic called jumpscare. - And cherry on top: community of fans that are triggered that studio decided to make the game they wanted instead of fan-service they served with Bioshock 2. Yet for some reason videos like this exist, and fans of 1 and 2 feel entitled to tell what Bioshock is and isn't. Most opinions about Bioshock 1 and 2 are nothing more but a copy of a copy. But muh "no gods or kings only man" But muh "would you kindly" But muh "big daddy"
@LamWarp 7 ай бұрын
Infinite is very different, so at that point it is personal preference, that's why I said "change my mind". For me, BioShock 1 and 2 are much better.
@pokermitten9795 7 ай бұрын
The story and philosophy is so much better in rapture than Colombia and it's not very debatable. The art and gameplay can definitely be discussed, sure.
@egglucu8997 6 ай бұрын
the fact is that bioshock infinite only has 2 weapon slots, it's like modern fps games today like cod and battlefield, and this is the easiest bioshock game because everything is cheap and there is armor that can regenerate itself
@egglucu8997 6 ай бұрын
and I'm actually confused as to why they didn't connect the story again with the previous series even though the previous story could still be continued. They instead changed the essence of BioShock in this series as if it wasn't BioShock. The gameplay is getting easier because we won't be fighting Big Daddy again like in BioShock One. and I will no longer meet Big Sister in BioShock 2. I never even died once in BioShock Infinity, unlike in the previous series, especially in BioShock 2, I always died by Big Sister.
@ac_qai8861 Жыл бұрын
Bioshock infinite is definitely a top 3 bioshock
@thespade3577 10 ай бұрын
I completely respect your opinion however I disagree with your opinion. I admit that the game has a lot of faults but what it has is still very good. I had recently replayed the game on hard to revisit it as it provided a unique itch that was different from rapture. It showed a beautiful city that was lifted above the earth but was still rooted in its problems. It still lives up to what bioshock as a setting set out to be a man's misjudged belief that you can make a society quarantined from the world without still being plagued by it. Rapture was created by Ryan as a response to escape the nuclear age however Columbia and Comstock were to escape regret. I think infinite does this well with the final confrontation with slate wanting a mercy killing. I like a lot of people who did not kill him the first time around as he was a comrade but when I saw him next as a lobotomized vegetable I did. Ever since that moment without hesitation I do it the first time around. The game play is actually pretty good. I like using the pistol as its fast and has a pretty substantial ammo capacity. The weapon variety never made me feel pressed for ammo. I choose to scavenge every thing I can find and spend less on ammo & health to better upgrade weapons and vigors. The vigors actually do play well for me as the variety and combinations can liven combat. Fully upgraded murder of crows & devils kiss is a broken combo as it kills everyone and whoever's left has to deal with oops all crows with everyone becoming a crow land mine. Clash in the clouds is a fun experience for anyone who really likes the combat as it allows for experimentation to see what really goes well together with an assortment of gears, guns, and vigors. Running and gunning have damage multipliers with every kill, a shield that recharges faster, and another multiplier for aiming sights with your trusty shotgun. I'm fine with infinite being the black sheep of the trilogy because love it or hate it takes pride in doing something different.
@friedteto Жыл бұрын
Finally someone disagree even ppl simps for Elizabeth, also the fact i got confused at the ending of the game but i got the meaning of the whole thing in infinite.
@Ferdinand208 10 ай бұрын
Infinite is a nice console shooter that wants to pretend to be a bioshock game. It is an ok game but a bad bioshock.
@ivansobol7334 Жыл бұрын
It's always a good day when Lamwarp uploads, no matter the topic!
@AmazingJ69420 23 күн бұрын
Slightly hot take, I really think Bioshock 1 and Bioshock Infinite are the best and my favorite games in the franchise. I thought Bioshock Infinite had a crazier story and gameplay at a slightly amplified level than Bioshock 1, but Bioshock 1 would be the craziest masterpiece that started it all
@phant0mdummy 5 ай бұрын
I just rolled end credits 5 minutes ago. I had not played the game since it released. Over the last few weeks I replayed 1, 2 and infinite and I gotta say, I really enjoyed Infinite. To my surprise, all these years later, I'm rating them 2, Infinite, and then BioShock. There's so much that 2 did to make BioShock feel awful. It ironed out all the jank and kinks that the original has, fixed the awful hacking, and improved combat, plasmids and tonics. As for infinite, while a lot of the story is better than I recalled, it's also trying to do and be too much. It is being too smart for a dumbed down game. The immersive sim aspects were basically thrown out, but we got better combat and better synergy between vigor combos. For the most part, infinite had awesome pacing. Only a few sections went on too long, and combat fatigue kicked in during certain encounters. But the more I replayed infinite the more I thought "this feels like borderlands, with skyrails".
@timothyfinch7295 8 ай бұрын
Why would I change your mind when you're right?
@munchkin_mania Жыл бұрын
The ending of lamwarps videos is so iconic and the music is great
@Slavic_Snake 9 ай бұрын
controversial opinion, but... I think all bioshock games are mid
@jknight413 Ай бұрын
I've replayed BS1 many many times. I replayed BS2 a couple of times. I played BioShock Infinite once. I've never been so disappointed in a game before. This was an example of having too much time and missing the point of what made you successful in the first place.
@alang.bandala8863 2 ай бұрын
Finally, I was the crazy man in school just by saying that Infinite was the worst of them all. The internet is giving me the reason after all those years
@baka_ahiru4564 Жыл бұрын
Man i feel nostalgic about this game, but you're right. Worst Bioshock games, could be a masterpiece but nah, let's make some money. Nice work man!
@vikinggamer7727 Жыл бұрын
It's too much work to be considured a money grabber.
@lordtachanka903 2 ай бұрын
I don’t wanna rude or be “that guy” but like you said towards the end, I think you might enjoy the game more if you understood the story. There’s a guy somewhere here on KZfaq that has a great explanation of it if you look up “bioshock infinite story explained” but I forget his channel name. Also I kinda somewhat agree with you about the lighting thing, but to me personally I feel like a part of the “horror” is seeing the beauty and tranquility of the city before hand and the slow but inevitable decay of all that was good in Columbia (which starts at the very beginning when you see those guys being racist at the carnival which tips us off “oh no things aren’t all good after all”). After the Vox revolt starts in proper there’s far more corpses and rubble, graffiti everywhere, the sky gets darker and a lot of the stages are mainly set in dimly lit decaying / buildings. Great video I agree with a few of your points and can definitely see where you’re coming from (even if infinite is still my favorite)
@smickeyYT Ай бұрын
I'm replaying all 3 games right now, I thought maybe I was too hard on Infinite and I'd be wrong about all my critiques, but they still ring completely true. I think "infinite" really is a reference to your money, because its fuckin impossible to ever run out. Ammo is 8 dollars and ten seconds after you buy it Elizabeth is just gonna throw you a 20. Whereas 1 and 2 felt designed around using your plasmids, this game feels like its designed around forgetting they exist. Just shoot everyone in the head and call it a day, even on Hard
@DishonoredSkull 5 ай бұрын
Bioshock Infinite was my first Bioshock game and by extension my first "immersive sim". I loved the game a lot when I played on the 360, few short years later I play the first and second game. When I got around to playing Infinite, dead excited to replay a game I loved after many years, I found myself not liking the game almost to the point of... not hating the game, but kinda feel indifferent about it, couldn't really care for it. Personally Bioshock 2 is my favourite then 1, they were just better more fun games and also better immersive sims in my eyes. Infinite is pure nostalgia to me now.
@comedylyfe2113 2 ай бұрын
The lack of mutants in bioshock infinite diddnt feel right, there were not enough mutants, it would of been actually cool if they had splicers or splicer like mutants as the main enimies in infinite
@Valce 4 ай бұрын
I agree with you on the horror aspect and the vigors. I found the vigors completely useless in Infinite, and redundant. Much faster just shooting enemies. I also preferred the horror aspect of 1 and 2. Made the games feel much grislier and real to me.
@ktrn6713 6 ай бұрын
in defense of vigors, unlike plasmids i used almost all variants (i didn't use the water and fire one) all the time where in rapture i only used like 3 or 4 (and 2 of them were lightning and freezing which are almost the same) and the rest i found useless especially the security bullseye because you have hacking unlike in columbia where i posession was 2 plasmids in one and lack of hacking made it actually useful. Also i don't understand how someone didn't use vigors in infinite, i used the all the time and i actually found choosing vigors much easier and better than plasmids with the quick swap and all that.
@CrimeGaming1337 4 ай бұрын
I agree, I didn't understand Bioshock Infinite's story. Maybe I am just dumb. Either way the story in an interactive medium such as games should be easy enough to follow. This is not the case in Bioshock Infinite, which is a waste. They could have dumbed down the story and worked more on the gameplay. Maybe release a separate novel which explains stuff in more detail.
@CrimeGaming1337 4 ай бұрын
Or maybe just sprinkle lore all over the game and make it mysterious, so players have to watch lore videos afterwards. Looking at you FromSoftware ;). At least in these games they still have good gameplay, and the story is not so much in your face.
@_RTD Ай бұрын
It's not the worst, but it's the "least good"
@Memoquin Жыл бұрын
I love Infinite, but it does feel like the story leads the gameplay, and as such they game itself doesn’t play as well as the previous games. Burial at Sea is brilliant however
@WaryObserver Жыл бұрын
What keeps annoying me about Infinite is Elizabeth's so-called "good AI", no it is not good, it is not existing, she is not the enemies targets, despite that she should be story wise, she teleports literally around and is a walking cheat, providing ammo and money. It is not a good AI if she just ports around like this. This is something I will never get. That aside. Infinite in itself is a big down step to the former two games. Most enemies were repetitive, not used the plasmids unlike the former games again, and variety in itself was also lacking, the big machine guys for example barely appeared, despite being so present in the opening, and no real fight against the Bird. It felt out of place when the game reached literal ghosts in form of the mother ghost as a boss. It felt not good in any sense, experience wise. And not get me started on how a lot of graphics can look ugly if you start looking close, like the copy and paste NPC's.
@gerard-bergerturbofire Жыл бұрын
great critic ! You sumed up exactly everything that bothered me with this game but I couldn't clearly point it. You did it gretaly and I love your humour and rythme
@dennispresas9476 Ай бұрын
I loved playing all the Bioshock games but Bioshock Infinite has the best story IMO. All the revelations that a revealed one after the other makes the story come full circle and is just amazing. They explained how everything happened so Idk where the confusion is.
@league_of_physics 9 ай бұрын
well return to sender is actually pretty broken: when you stand behind the wall you can't shoot your enemies and it's vigor with most posible damage too - ofcourse if you playing on easy mode you probably don't need to care, but on 1999 mode it is blessing
@themeltingpoint3867 Жыл бұрын
Bioshock 1: Post Society Collapse Bioshock 2: During Society Collapse Bioshock infinite: Pre Society Collapse
@_G3M5_ 5 ай бұрын
bioshock 2 plays after 1 ...
@ReallyNoOneAtAll 10 ай бұрын
That's what bothers me so much about Infinite. It's not a bad game persay, and if it was called anything other than Bioshock no one would have any of the complaints they do. Simply put, Bioshock Infinite is a good game, but it's a really bad Bioshock game. *_SPOILERS AHEAD_* The only saving grace of Infinite was Burial At Sea Episode 2 and that's pretty much only because it had a more plasmid favored gameplay loop and it makes Bioshock 1 the definitive canon universe and it's story / ending the canon ending of everything. Still though, the game sucked compared to BS1. It was a cop out to say "We made the story too complex with too many inconsistincies and loopholes so we're just going to wrap it messily and call BS1 the one true universe where all this comes to an end." *sigh*
@wolfiesworld9361 Жыл бұрын
I loved Bioshock 1 and 2! I played them many times. I guess when Infinite arrived I was ready to surface. ***Spoilers*** The pure beauty of the setting combined with the hypocrisy and cruelty of the Fake Founding Fathers left me ready to burn it all down. Which I did. It is amazing to leave a gorgeous cloud city in flames. The DLCs let me back to Rapture, so I was not disappointed. No explanation why I am drinking my potions in Rapture instead of shooting them up, but that is probably the way things are going.... I enjoyed your video....Thanks! I think 2K might be remastering the game or will put out a new one..
@Qwertyuiopaz 5 ай бұрын
I don't agree with you, but Bioshock Infinite is definitely the roughest and most flawed game in the series. Despite this I really like it due to how much ambition and risks it seemed to take. The whole timeline thing was a very interesting concept which while I think it created a bunch of plotholes, was still very cool. I also really like the aesthetic that the game had. The first two bioshock games probably had a better atmosphere, but I have a feeling it would have worn off in a third entry. The biggest problems I had with infinite was the weapon limit (which prevented infinite from having the best combat in the series) and I also don't like how they tried tying infinite into the main franchise. I get its part of the bioshock series, but lots of moments from infinite kinda ruined bioshock 2's story. Burial at sea (despite me liking it alot more than most people) kinda butchered and cheapened the whole series. I really wish it just took place in a different universe, which would have made sense for the story anyways.
@fulviogregoriopalma8425 Жыл бұрын
3:57 Vortigaunt reference
@Vulcannon Ай бұрын
You should convince him in the comments that he is wrong and not just repeat everything in your words... I want to see opposing opinions here!
@bio4439 10 ай бұрын
i wanna make videos like him, can you guys give me tips about editing?
@LamWarp 10 ай бұрын
I can't really give tips for that. It's just something you have to experiment with and get a feel for. I guess you can search tutorials for how to do specific things, but as a style, that's just something you develop over time.
@itsjasmine8973 10 ай бұрын
Bioshock 2 literally has no reason to exist like even ken levine him self said that so my order will be Bioshock 1 Bioshock infinite Bioshock 2
@kwagmeijer26 3 ай бұрын
No Bioshock has a real reason to exist... BS2's reasons are just as valid as BS1 and especially infinite. Ken Levine is just stupid here.
@boblionia 5 ай бұрын
I dont know why the video creator kept saying he doesnt dislike Infinite... it is a bad game. Bad story, back shooting mechanics, bad weapon upgrade mechanics, plasmids reduced from a dozen different ones to 3 plasmids with different partical effects The fakest "choices" I've ever seen in a game Literally 0 exploration (in a sky city 😂😂😂) Some of the worst boss battles in the history of gaming A story that started as an interesting view on racism but in less than an hour threw that out for a cool rebel plot... then another hour later threw out every interesting plot point and replaced it with time travel that doesnt make sense in the story's own logic It's really really short Again the boss battles are embarrassingly bad like a 9 year old designed and built them Reduced to carrying 2 weapons for some reason? Legitimately every single aspect of Infinite is a miss except for the pretty graphics. I have no idea how sticking pretty graphics and a corset in people's faces gets you GOTY for a game that is a very bad game. And no it wouldn't make a good book, the story contradicts itself constantly and forgets what it is meant to be a story about every 20 minutes. And not in a cool meta way, more in a "no one is allowed to tell Ken Lavine no" kind of way Also a First Person *Shooter* gives you a ball as your first item and instead of letting you First Person Shoot it, it gives you a QTE? Ken Lavine should be embarrassed and anyone still declaring this as one of their favourite games ever needs to play literally any other story based FPS of the last 20 years to find a better one Duke Nukem Forever is legitimately a better shooter and a better story game. Infinite only beats it on aesthetics, the skyrails and Elizabeth is cute even if she is the most overrated NPC /of all time/
@343guardian5 Ай бұрын
Personally I liked Bioshock 2 as much as I did the first game.
@beloved-child 8 ай бұрын
After playing 1 and 2, i initially hated it. The weapon and vigor simplicity vs the uniqueness and customization of the previous. Then i remembered how beautiful columbia was b4 i was seen as the devil.....and kept seeing it as i played....then started riding the skylines.........then saw fascist, racist, dark nature behind the facade of Columbia ..... I also am fascinated by cults and those that lead them. Comstack is a great example.
@ayushkumar9525 Жыл бұрын
Play prey next
@LuizGustavo-nj4ph Ай бұрын
I finished the game without knowing you could switch Plasmids, i was only using the 2 most recent ones, and until the end of the game, i was waiting for one the machines you use in the previous games to change your plasmids to appear.
@LairdeLampblack Жыл бұрын
i will admit, i hate infinite's burial at sea dlc with all my heart. the way it bends over jtself backwards so hard it's self contradictory is a massive detractor in my books. plus, they get the rapture aesthetic wrong, thry lean on 50s era art deco instead of the 30s era art deco the original rapture was built with. burial at sea's rapture largely feels like a knockoff more than actually rapture, imo.
@epicmetod Жыл бұрын
I finally tried the Infinite this year because i want to know the story, so i less care about gameplay, but i prefer 3rd rather previous 2s because more simple mechanic. The previous 2 are too complicated in the inventory which make me shoot wrong bullet, like shoot hack dart on fucking splicer, too often.
@R3TR0J4N 10 ай бұрын
for me, 2 was an introduction to the bioshock franchise, and its great, so was infinite. it was up their toe to toe with tlou at the time, and infinite does story and action adventure shooter well both balanced and in higher difficutly its resource management.
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