Break Up with Ascended Astarion Epilogue | Baldur's Gate 3

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7 ай бұрын

0:16 spawn
9:12 mortal

Пікірлер: 90
@foxyloxyBABE 7 ай бұрын
I remember someone said before this patch that he’ll be the sour ex who will show off any chance he gets, and will manipulate you to “miss him” or “want him”. It’s true really, his acting has also gotten good. I guess that’s what politics does. You need to learn how to do a poker face and to control your tone. Frankly I’m surprised there isn’t a “let’s get back together” option because we all know he will take it without a thought.
@kassjazzy 7 ай бұрын
Hes too proud to ask I think, though yeah I'm sure he'd have Tav back
@contestedterritory 7 ай бұрын
TBH I was hoping for him to appear at the party with a BETTER, PRETTIER consort by his side, it would have been funny 😂
@G.F.SF55 5 ай бұрын
@@contestedterritory OMG, YES XDXDXD
@bingjiezhang5830 7 ай бұрын
Just saw the epilogue where Tav did not romance Astarion and did not kill Cazador. His life is utterly miserable cause he went back to living in the darkness and eating vermin while being scared of Cazador. He still acts quite sweet and chill in the epilogue though. Makes you think whatever growth he achieved is not because you chose to romance him or convinced him to choose redemption by letting go of 7000 spawns.
@FranWest. 7 ай бұрын
Tav being his friend/love and all they went through together is what causes his "redemption".
@ShoutoutToTrees 22 күн бұрын
Wait if we don't kill cazador wouldn't cazador just kill him in the ritual...? How does he show up again for the epilogue?
@bug-13 7 ай бұрын
Aww he even says he missed Tav despite trying his best to show off to Tav 😂
@IwarinJones 7 ай бұрын
I knew that Astarion was trying to act like everything is fine and that he's living the greatest life ever. But if you listen closely, you can tell he's just bored with his life and maybe a bit lonelier than he admits. In the end, he admits missing Tav. Looking at other dialogues, he acknowledges that power isn't everything and that Tav is the one who fulfills him. I genuinely think he still loves her or, at least, has strong feelings and hopes she feels the same. I'm surprised he said he'd invite her to discuss things further, and we all know how it ends-romantically. Haha.😂 Well, I hope there might be even better options. I'm not sure where to share ideas with Larian Studios, but it would be interesting to see what happens if Tav choose a more romantic dialogue. I believe he would like it. Also, with Ascended Astarion, it feels like something is missing when you're together-maybe a little hug or a kiss. We get a hug with "normal" Astarion. That would be very intriguing.
@chibi7raven 7 ай бұрын
I wish we had a kiss option there but is ok, we get to see him live again so I'm content just by observing his happiness 😊
@EvelinaNinudottir 4 ай бұрын
The whole line about how Tav is the one who completes him and makes his power worth it is just empty words, though. He says what Tav/the player wants to hear. Both the writers, his quick dismissal of Tav and the voice acting make it very clear that he is just trying to manipulate them.
@IwarinJones Ай бұрын
@@EvelinaNinudottir That depends on your perspective. If you choose to see it as fake, then it is. If you see it as genuine, then it is. The game leaves this open to interpretation; there is no right or wrong answer.
@contestedterritory 7 ай бұрын
Damn, it's a pity not to see Neil's performance as a madman as Astarion looks like at the first talk after ascension. But at the same time it's nice to see a SA representative being sane and happy in the end, no matter the evil or good path. Also the bat transform! ❤
@dannydanggang1675 7 ай бұрын
They really did think for just about every potential epilogue
@komerihimura 7 ай бұрын
this kind of detail and dedication should be forever the standard for games. no crunch, no half bakedness, just making a good game and enhancing it with each patch
@ChangesOfTomorrow 7 ай бұрын
He is so much calmer and emotionally adjusted even when you throw the Cazador comparison in his face, the old wounds are healing and I’m so happy for him ❤
@oMaddieMassacreo 4 ай бұрын
I’m so mad you can’t hug him when he’s ascended.
@user-yb1pu2uy9n 7 ай бұрын
Oh, If tav is mortal, he don't say "Until next time, darling?"?
@FranWest. 7 ай бұрын
He does.
@PinkPixelBunny 6 ай бұрын
He says it to everyone unfortunately. I thought it was unique to those who romanced or broke up with him. But he says it to romanced, break up and friendship.
@Alahyana 5 ай бұрын
I'm suprised that he doesn't try to control tav when she is a spawn, after all, he tranformed tav s spawn and once they eliminated the tadpole he could easily control tav!
@EastStormDragon 7 ай бұрын
:< as interesting as Ascended Astarion is.. he doesnt seem that happy as when he's non ascended
@nyloth 7 ай бұрын
I think if you leave him alone, is he a little lonely? He talks about it directly. So don't leave him. x) Spawn still has his brothers and in some cases 7 thousand spawns. But the Ascended Astarion is playing political games, for him everyone will be enemies, except you. I think he's doing well in the romantic ending.
@Rauvelore 7 ай бұрын
Unless you play him as an origin. My ascended Astarion Origin is living with Halsin in Thaniel's realm. As much as I hate ignoring DnD rules about vampires, I indulged and I have no regrets.
@nyloth 7 ай бұрын
@@Rauvelore does he have any original scene as origin?
@Rauvelore 7 ай бұрын
@@nyloth I haven't seen anything different. (Ahem, I spend more time kissing and hugging Halsin than mingling) It's like having a Tav's scene, for instance one that comes to mind is Shadowheart and her chubby comment, no change to reflect the fact that he needs blood. Well, I have to play a few variations of my Tav's scenes to see the differences. Companion Astarion has some perfect idles like playing with his dagger or the epic one with the wine as Ascended Astarion. Astarion origin is more of a puppet for most of the game with a handful of different scenes to fill some gaps in the narrative. I could send you a save file if you like, just bear in mind that I use 90 mods. (After the latest patch playing a modded game has made the whole going back and loading a save file from September a very very terrible nightmare)
@nyloth 7 ай бұрын
@@Rauvelore Oh no thanks, It's amazing that you were able to launch the game after update x)
@dominikastojkova6313 6 ай бұрын
I love how you cant break up with him after being spawn and beating brain
@FranWest. 7 ай бұрын
Seems to me that this is exactly the same as non spawn ending.... so, either A: Larian forgot about the spawn/vamp bride break up or B: He really did make you a vampire bride and can't compel you to be with him.
@namethefifth7315 7 ай бұрын
This is the non spawn ending it is different if he is a spawm
@Valethiawow24713 7 ай бұрын
@@namethefifth7315 I think they mean Tav being a spawn or not
@Valethiawow24713 7 ай бұрын
I personally like the bride explanation because its closer to what he does. Neither are exact, but he definitely doesn't bury you and make you crawl out of the ground. A vampire bride requires an actual exchange of blood. I can still see him telling you that you are a spawn in an attempt to keep you close to him and not question things.
@namethefifth7315 7 ай бұрын
@@Valethiawow24713 thats what i was saying
@Valethiawow24713 7 ай бұрын
@@namethefifth7315oooh! I completely misunderstood lol. My bad
@alejalalita 7 ай бұрын
I'd beg him to take me back lmao
@metarra 4 ай бұрын
If Tav was truly AA's spawn... then with the tadpole gone, wouldn't AA be able to control Tav? They make it seem like AA can control a Tav who does not break up with him. But whether they break up or not shouldn't have anything to do with AA's control over a spawn. With the tadpole gone, he should have control. If he doesn't have control, then Tav was turned using the bride ritual.
@sammymonstar5358 2 ай бұрын
I’m pretty sure Astarion makes the player his vampire bride, which is different than a regular spawn in the lore. A vampire brides mood affects the ascendant, so for Astarion to keep them miserable and force the player character to do what he wants wouldn’t make sense.
@SnowwwAngel 7 ай бұрын
Наткнулась на видео с ещё одним вариантом порвать с Вознесённым даже в финале, после избавления от личинки (не расставаясь с ним напрямую) - нужно просто уйти с Карлах в Аверно. Вознесённый Астарион не ругает, не принуждает Тав остаться, а в эпилоге просто говорит как с другом - как будто вы полюбовно расстались.
@nyloth 7 ай бұрын
Как интересно, но опять же оборвано, да? Всё это не совпадает с тем вариантом, что он нас никуда не отпустит. Думаю вся его вознесенная ветка ужасно недопилена.
@SnowwwAngel 7 ай бұрын
​@@nylothОписанный вариант - судя по видео вроде цельный, без перескоков. Просто нет никаких реакций от Астариона на уход Тав-отродья/супруги в Аверно во время финала. А в эпилоге - по-моему стандартный текст на Тав вернувшуюся из Аверно (тот же диалог, что запускается при уходе Тав с Карлах без отношений с Астарионом).
@SnowwwAngel 7 ай бұрын
​​@@nylothО недопиленности ветки - согласна! Хотя мне каждый раз страшно, что будет если они возьмутся её допиливать под влиянием фанатов "доброго" пути.😑 Но с другой стороны это будет хотя бы цельная история.. Ещё я пробовала такую комбинацию: после ритуала до ночи порвать с ним - разговор проходит так же как до ритуала, Астарион сокрушается что понимает и что ему нечего предложить Тав. Потом ночью внезапно - предложение стать его отродьем, секс, обращение. Утром - вначале диалог "как ты прекрасна", а потом сразу - как будто вы не в отношениях. Это выглядит ужааасно поломанным!!!
@melisse1234 7 ай бұрын
When he said Ambition I was wondering: Is Ascended Gale, the God of Ambition encouraging his Lover Ascended Astarion with his Plans? Oh I wonder if they say anything to each other when you do an Origin Playthrough..
@hanna-liminal 7 ай бұрын
Bloodweave nation feasting as usual
@XxYldikoxX 7 ай бұрын
Hmm? How can you stay together with him as a mortal when he ascends? I thought you have to become his spawn to stay with him together?
@nyloth 7 ай бұрын
Do not sleep after the ritual.
@XxYldikoxX 7 ай бұрын
@@nyloth ahh nice trick lol
@Nirraart 7 ай бұрын
Даже после разлуки он хорошо относится к дурже. Эх, какой же хороший "злой" Лорд 😢
@_Zoisite 7 ай бұрын
Веский контраргумент всем спавн-фанам, которые клялись, якобы вознесенный будет относиться к таву как к игрушке/говну/вещи и прочая чушь 😌
@Nirraart 7 ай бұрын
@@_Zoisite так интересный факт: они продолжают гнуть свою линию под видео с эпилогами с лордом. Неисправимое стадо...
@_Zoisite 7 ай бұрын
@@Nirraart да, я видела... Их "trauma" неизлечима 😔
@Nirraart 7 ай бұрын
@@_Zoisite по сути, все претензии должны быть к разрабам, за то, что они сделали романсибельного "абьюзера". Это они в первую очередь "пропагандируют романтизацию абьюза", но нет же - все бочки на нас 🤣
@_Zoisite 7 ай бұрын
@@Nirraart мне кажется, что они не понимают, что такое абьюз на самом деле. Да, Астарион определенно одержим отношениями с тав, но при этом ВО ВСЕХ сценах у тава есть выбор. Хочет - расстается, хочет - огрызается, хочет - по яйцам вмажет ))) А то, что якобы плохо, что нельзя расстаться, став его отродьем... Ну камон хд Тут уже тав дурачок, а вовсе не Астарион.
@jadewilde3372 7 ай бұрын
Larian served Ascended Astarion fans some love here with this ending. He is happy, doing well and sweet to Tav regardless. If you chose to become his consort he's adorable in the sense he's so proud of Tav and wants to spoil them with the best life.
@inimgirl 7 ай бұрын
А есть какие-то у смертной Тав/Дурж отличия в эпилоге в романе с АА? Если не расставаться с ним? Астарион делает нас спавном в любом случае?
@nyloth 7 ай бұрын
к сожалению нет. думаю этот вариант ещё не доработан
@inimgirl 7 ай бұрын
@@nyloth Понятно, спасибо за ответ ❤
@HellenCit 7 ай бұрын
Так разве с ним можно остаться в отношениях, если отказаться от обращения? Он же тогда говорит, мол, не хошь дар бессмертия, значит, не ценишь меня - ну и дуй нафиг. Т.е. для продолжения отношений нам нужно стать спавном. По крайней мере, у меня так было. Либо спавн, либо расставание.
@nyloth 7 ай бұрын
@@HellenCit не спите после ритуала и до финала
@HellenCit 7 ай бұрын
@@nyloth а, ну я довольно рано побежала его квест делать, там без привалов в дальнейшем уже такое себе, если ты не воин
@Vatabi 7 ай бұрын
Как не хватает русских субтитров 🥲
@Whisper-1020 7 ай бұрын
How can you stay mortal when he becomes vampire ascendant?
@ketnetty 7 ай бұрын
Dont sleep after ascending him and finish the game. He lets you choose when you want to turn into a vampire at your own time
@Whisper-1020 7 ай бұрын
@@ketnetty thanks ❤️ The developers really thought of everything in this game
@Lulu_Tiffany 7 ай бұрын
wow x 42 what happen to Gale though??
@Red_Foxxy_Fox 5 ай бұрын
He becomes a god if you tell him to use the crown of Karsus
@chibi7raven 7 ай бұрын
Lol now every time I see the " he's worst than Cazador" ill send them His response! Yes Astarion is going to be arguing with all of them now. He's telling you all, he's not like Cazador, try to call him down? He doesn't care he knows who he is! Afsgshshsffgg😢
@nyloth 7 ай бұрын
People treat him terribly. It always frustrates me. I try not to interact with the fandom.
@chibi7raven 7 ай бұрын
@@nyloth indeed, they judge him out of nowhere, the ritual was evil, yeah but that doesn't means that he will be worse bc of it. He wasn't good to begin with so what are they complaining about? He learns to be more honest to himself through the journey and took a one in a lifetime opportunity to be alive again, he just wanted to share it with the only person he trust and LOVE, yes love!, there's different ways to show love, and he does in his own way!, sorry for the rant! I love all your videos! You give us AA a place to enjoy ourselves! To bad some can't stand seeing other's happiness.
@Valethiawow24713 7 ай бұрын
@@nyloth Yeah neither do I, if I can avoid it. But what does trigger me is when people try to bring the lore into it. Annoys me to no end, and my stupid self can't help but correct people about that.
@Deadpan_Snarker 7 ай бұрын
"That sounds like something Cazador would say." "Try to wound me all you like, but I am so much better than he ever was." 5:58 I already rolled my eyes at this option, but his response to Spawnstarians' favourite argument was so bloody satisfying.
@firebird1241 7 ай бұрын
It's their favourite argument because it's true tho
@elusivef5577 7 ай бұрын
It’s good to see that now, even Tav deliberately compare Ascended Astarion with Cazador, he doesn’t give a damn anymore. He truly heals from it and live beyond the shadows. Who said that un-ascension is the only way to heal?
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