Cheaters have taken over Apex Ranked..

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My Second Channel - @jankz
TWITCH - / jankz
Music by -
0:00 Intro
3:15 The worst kind of cheater..
11:55 Blatant aimbot cheater with greasy intentions..

Пікірлер: 691
@kainai4468 Ай бұрын
EA got their anticheat from dollar tree
@JM-jk9vz Ай бұрын
don't disrespect the dollar tree man.
@sjuzik7 Ай бұрын
Easy Anti-Cheat is the industry-leading anti-cheat service, countering hacking. HONESTLY IT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL TO CALL YOURSELF THE INDUSTRY BEST WHEN YOUR ABSOLUTELY DOGSHIT.
@RE30RN Ай бұрын
More like a free trial version.
@SterlingArthur Ай бұрын
@xclusivedeluxe1471 Ай бұрын
Nah they got their anti-cheat from dumpster diving
@chadpenrod2233 Ай бұрын
This and SBMM is the reason everyone is not playing apex. This game is not fun anymore. I am on console, and you are either getting teamed against or going against top 100 preds there is no in between anymore. When you have to play for 3 or 4 hours just to get 1 good game then it's time to move on to something else.
@HeyItsAntwan Ай бұрын
Agree the only reason I came back to apex was solo mode returns. Once that’s gone I’m out.😔
@reivoidwalker Ай бұрын
People will say “skill issue”. And not realize that there’s no opportunity to learn and get better if you immediately get rolled in all your fights, because everyone in the lobby has 5x your career kill count on one character and multiple Pred/Master badges. SBMM has been bad for awhile but these past two seasons have been straight up awful
@ericnelson382 Ай бұрын
1000% agree! SBMM is so BAD!!!!
@andrewbottesch3062 Ай бұрын
I tested the game for several days and i literally get 1 good team every 2 hrs. So if i play 4hrs a day i have fun only a fraction of that time, thats terrible. For me the game went downhill after s 17 when they cranked mm through the roof. Now we have to play like we are in algs just to get a single win. Yeah Im back to battlefront 2 and older battlefield games which are actually enjoyable the majority of the time
@chadpenrod2233 Ай бұрын
@@reivoidwalker The problem is that they are not even trying to fix it. When was the last time they made adjustments to SBMM? I personally think that sbmm should go off of your KDR that way the players who have a lot of kills will be in lobbies with players just like them instead of running through lobbies with average players like me
@pacplay926 Ай бұрын
Its amazing how everytime a game says "We upgraded our Anti-Cheat!" the cheats get more absurd and more obvious. Its almost like cheaters feel challenged.
@noraakaru4426 3 күн бұрын
"We upgraded our Anti-Cheat! So all cheater now can feel relax and play happily"
@LordyHun Ай бұрын
As a software engineer, I'd like to put my 2 cents here. This is just an opinion - roughly half my friends work, or USED TO work at game dev studios (some at big AAA names), so I have some insight on what's going on in that industry (from a dev's perspective), but I know nobody who's working for Respawn. I just hear what's the word in other studios. And what's happening is this: As everyone knows, these past few years, many people in IT have been laid off. As a matter of fact, it has become a popular thing to fire those pesky, overpaid, lazy dudes! By that I mean that stakeholders like it. They hand out bonuses for if - Elon Musk did it at Twitter, so it MUST be a good thing, right? Now, the reason I've never worked in the game industry and probably never will is because I work for money. I'm very good in my trade, but for me, software development is a trade, and being good in it is the way I can make more money. It's my main motivator. Game devs are different. Almost every game dev I know is passionate about their jobs. They work long hours for subpar pay, but usually they're very happy about MAKING GAMES. And the thing with passion and enthusiasm is that it's very easy to quench the flames - for example, by laying off members of the team. The team working at Respawn was already doing an admirable job at keeping the game functional, seeing that they've already lost many old devs who made Titanfall - game engines ARE A MESS usually, and if you fire, let's say, 5-10% of a team which was already stretched thin (and the game is actually doing VERY WELL financially so there shouldn't be a financial reason to fire people from that team), you'll crush morale. It's pretty cr.ppy, working at a place after a wave of layoffs, even if you were spared - not only is your workload now larger, but suddenly John who new how XY used to work is not there anymore, NATURALLY, the only documentation was written on the backside of a pizza box 3 years ago, even if you tried, you couldn't hit the deadlines... and you never know when will the next a-hole fly to your office in their fancy private jet to tell you and your remaining mates that you're, like, way too lazy and expensive to keep around so start packing. And they'll get a bonus for "cutting costs". So people will start getting by with the bare minimum of effort in their job - half of them will be busy trying to find a new gig somewhere else, half of them will be just depressed and low on morale. It may not be immediately noticeable for upper management, but the output of the team will be very low. This is way more evident with online games where content tends to change rapidly, as things'll fall apart way faster if nobody cares (and games in general require constant maintenance to stay functional, due to generally having a very low code quality - mostly it's just patches upon patches). So I very much doubt that Respawn will do anything about the cheaters in the immediate future.
@user-li4xj9gt3m 26 күн бұрын
Your yapping bro
@zac8670 17 күн бұрын
That makes sense, and is what a good portion of people have been saying for years: that EA/higher ups are largely responsible for the mishandling of such a large (profitable) game. I've noticed that the quality of updates the past 2-3 seasons has been degrading. Not that apex was never buggy, but holy fs there are so many new bugs without any of the ones introduced 3 seasons ago being addressed. I wonder how much technical debt and spaghetti code they have. That all said, I think Respawn generally has anti consumer policies. Running a large online game and having no interaction with their player base is incredibly odd. When the whole servers go down for a day they don't post any updates, when the ALGS hacks happened we got a halfbaked bare minimum PR statement, when network admins criticized their servers they put out a near gaslighting level article. I'm sure they have to have policies for some reason that might make sense, but that doesn't mean they are good policies. I think the only thing that will "save" apex from a technical standpoint is for another online battle royal to come out that rivals their movement system. They need the competition to really start bleeding numbers to the point that execs take action. Lets be real though, the execs are more likely to can the project after they take their undeserved cash grab and run it into the ground in the process. Apex/Respawn like 3 years ago were like "we could have this game going for decades". You could tell they were passionate and had good intentions and plans, but then it became a large revenue source and has been mishandled. Couple that with the hacking epidemic, that all game devs are dealing with to some extent.
@virtutu 13 күн бұрын
Yep its been a problem since season 1
@hue.main1 5 күн бұрын
This is a very well put comment on the industry, thank you! I always thought about this and felt bad for the devs who really want to improve but just can’t because of those variables. I sometimes wonder what it would’ve been like if Respawn was an independent studio instead.
@WarmongerYT Ай бұрын
Smurfs and cheaters are why I finally uninstalled this game unfortunately. This was my all time favorite game too so it really sucks
@ConcernedCitizen420 Ай бұрын
Glad i havent played since season 17/18
@w1Cked760 Ай бұрын
You're not missing anything. i haven't played since s12 i came back to try solos, and nothing has changed ​@ConcernedCitizen420
@RandomVids0987 28 күн бұрын
@@w1Cked760Well there’s your problem, trying to play solos in a fully structured for a strict team based game. Them even allowing Solo play is cringe.
@svgarpaws 27 күн бұрын
felt. been playing religiously since season 8 but the game just doesn't feel playable anymore atp.
@richie_phantom 20 күн бұрын
Agreed! I literally stopped playing this game a month ago and I'm moving on to other game genres
@lamarpray5324 Ай бұрын
The only way to avoid cheaters at this point is the Firing Range
@Hackless_custom_lobbies_01 Ай бұрын
I second this lol
@Nick-pb5mx Ай бұрын
Give it time, if enough people play It their just cheat on that
@onizuka255 Ай бұрын
@@Nick-pb5mx lollllll
@FraserKMacDonald Ай бұрын
I’m sure they’re working on a way in there too 😂
@isaka2248 Ай бұрын
Not even there, they can get into ur acc and take control over ur game XD
@GigaCyan Ай бұрын
I keep saying it, hold back your money from the game until they improve things, nobody listens lol. Companies listen to what the money does. Especially EA
@davidbailey9382 Ай бұрын
I agree but somehow somewhere there's a loser buying every event skin and cosmetic that comes out
@GigaCyan Ай бұрын
@@davidbailey9382 Yep
@therockinjunkieshow1391 Ай бұрын
blame the streamers.
@kurisuuu0 Ай бұрын
I haven’t bought shit I’ve had enough.
@calantheshaman Ай бұрын
It's mostly due to dma which is undetectable. Dma runs on a separate computer and is detected as legit hardware on the computer your gaming on. Y'all complaining without even knowing the cause ...smh
@flintston3r Ай бұрын
Ranked? I've seen em there, but ive also seen them in the LTM's. I've had half of the TDM and Lockdown lobbies filled w\ bots and a handfull of player's. It's all so tiresome.
@itsprod.472 Ай бұрын
Worse part is, they are using a controller on top of aim bot scripts 💀
@nhopkins8266 Ай бұрын
Ya I’m on console and I’ve had those bot gibbies on my team. They’re pc and they just stand there and only react if they’re shot at. Ppl are such losers
@jamesstack7237 Ай бұрын
I play on PS5 but regularly team up with a PC player and the LTMs are a fucking joke in PC lobbies. It's just insane how many people are cheating in LTMs, pubs, and ranked.
@H53. 27 күн бұрын
There are no bots in Apex Legends.
@flintston3r 26 күн бұрын
@@H53. Just like there's no war in Ba Sing Se?
@TrueParadhoax Ай бұрын
"After the ALGS we fixed the system and improved the anti-cheat in the game" Yeaaaah my BALLZ
@PoisonousRakun Ай бұрын
more like anti-game in the cheat
@Subdcl20 Ай бұрын
This also explains press in pubs. They’re fed up with the cheating in ranked and move to pubs. Then your average player is getting annihilated, wondering “Why the hell are there so many sweats in my lobby?!?!” Cheaters cause a chain reaction of misery.
@tonyshad1239 Ай бұрын
Oh my god, Jankz doesn't usually cuss much, so when they grabbed the Kraber and he just went "Son of a bitch..." it caught me SO off guard XD
@Jcmoney_Playz Ай бұрын
@aceryn2341 Ай бұрын
That last sentence was hilarious! “I’m sure they are doing something about it”. Haha I’ve been hoping that for several seasons but it just gets worse.
@muigoku5490 Ай бұрын
18:36 first time I’ve heard Jankz cuss in a LONG TIME
@Jcmoney_Playz Ай бұрын
SAME MAN when i heard it i knew he was mad
@SweetTo0th Ай бұрын
Bro facts finally after so many after 😂🎉 I replayed it to make sure.😅
@thesilencedkill1 Ай бұрын
I was playing a pub match this morning, and I was cooking. 3.3k damage with 7 teams left and out of no where I get one clipped like it was no one's business. I stayed and watched play. this man wasn't even aiming he was hip firing from like 100 meters away.
@Modulus_Ch Ай бұрын
Apex Rank has no meaning.
@luislarrea29 Ай бұрын
I used to think I was safe on console, but this past week has been eye opening. It’s sad that people find fun out of that.
@danyatchyshyn5459 Ай бұрын
I just started playing ranked. There are cheaters even in rookie lobbies with macros, smurfing, hacking is crazy. It is definitely not fun at any level, especially as casual player who tries to enjoy some downtime.
@r3cklessgames917 25 күн бұрын
Yes! I got into the game again a few weeks ago and I was shocked to find people rage hacking in bronze lobbies! I’m an average player in terms of apex but man I’d get one clipped with most hits being headshots it was madness
@brianhanson7686 Ай бұрын
Its funny because this game is what.... 5 years old and Respawn / EA has hardly done anything about the cheating problem the entire time the game has been out. Will they do something now suddenly because we complain more about it? Probably not.
@HeyItsAntwan Ай бұрын
Unfortunately you’re right
@Nick-pb5mx Ай бұрын
No matter if it fails or not they got their money and they know they will get it with either this game or another
@GerryLo5198 11 күн бұрын
I think Apex ranked is cooked. The game is getting older. And games that get older lose more and more support from their respective developers. They don’t get more support as time goes on. Cheaters run the game now, full blown hacks on PC, and teamers on console. When your most popular mode is the most toxic to play at the highest levels, people eventually quit.
@ject4252 Ай бұрын
Season 21 pred badge will forever be a mark of shame
@billybob-fw3vr Ай бұрын
What season was that fake masters badge also
@jelteghtc Ай бұрын
​@@billybob-fw3vr season 17
@billybob-fw3vr Ай бұрын
@@jelteghtc thanks bro. I got masters that season but I never put on the badge and some random thought he was cool because he had it on lol
@jelteghtc Ай бұрын
@@billybob-fw3vr Mate anybody who proudly displays a season 17 masters badge is just outing themselves as rats 🤣
@noaharchambault8917 27 күн бұрын
@@billybob-fw3vr Season 12 in addition to all the LP seasons
@Smiffy-72 Ай бұрын
It's the fact they also celebrate when they win like they are that good at the game..sad as fuk ..this game will be dead on pc soon..
@emma6648 20 күн бұрын
The game been dead on pc, keyboard and mouse is unplayable
@MitchSorenstein 7 күн бұрын
@@emma6648especially with the lurch strafing octanes and level 12 lifelines that don’t miss
@mitchellbarthel7784 Ай бұрын
That's so funny I've definitely died to young breezy before and I thought it was suspect but I only watched for 2 minutes and saw the potato movement and assumed that he just hit a nice one clip with the havoc
@TheWanderingBoyScout Ай бұрын
It’s very true🤣.. these cheaters are colluding together now. It’s like a new type of don’t get caught system lol.. bet they have some type of tag to where they know who’s apart of the cheating brotherhood 😭. And that rev, if you watch it closely.. you can see that pull on the gun directing to that player is so strong man
@connormarion8070 Ай бұрын
@@EddyTheLion dont have a family if you dont have a real job…cheaters are cancer
@illuminatihumor Ай бұрын
​@@EddyTheLion nobody cares❤
@onsettadpole889 9 күн бұрын
12:35 It went from being fun to being a kill everyone challenge in hitman, front row seats to a horror movie massacre.
@ElPolar Ай бұрын
We went from playing to watching gameplays to seeing our favorite youtubers watching cheaters gameplays because it is so infested that it cannot be played, incredible
@ghostcrabman46yearoldgamer Ай бұрын
Its funny when itemp gets mad his brummy accent comes out xx
@JusticeForJonSnow Ай бұрын
Loving the ranked content Jankz 💪🏽
@cheut Ай бұрын
So I just got a pc and have been considering switching over from Xbox. But I love playing on controller - are the lobbies so bad that it’d probably be better to just stay on console?
@atkarx Ай бұрын
Jesus, it is so disgusting. 5-6 EA Execs bag 60 million in 2024 and fired 400+ people while the game gets worse with blatant cheaters and they will still make bank next week with gamers still buying the “event” next Tuesday.
@blackknight3239 29 күн бұрын
Hey Jankz it's been a while since I've seen you in my feed. Great to see the vid bro💯 also I miss this trio💯
@Pirateking1997 5 күн бұрын
the whole sentence of ''when you die to a cheater and you spectate them they die to another cheater'' is wild what even is this game
@donkhunter8857 8 күн бұрын
I feel really sad in games nowadays but I have now switched from PVP games to PVE the joy of being able to play a game with friends and not have to worry about cheating is amazing great
@eefailure1156 Ай бұрын
Canonically accurate Revenant lol
@VjRj84 Ай бұрын
been getting squads that team up in every match on ranked. Ridiculous game
@supreme84x 28 күн бұрын
Ive found over the last year or so, when you get a lot of cheaters in pubs, play ranked. And visaversa. They seem to always practice on pubs at around the same time or rank up all at the same time.
@15kStomper Ай бұрын
The amount of cheaters is crazy. Unfortunately most people run into a few but once you get into higher ranks its absurd theres more then 1 in every game, take last season into example when over 60% of players in masters rank got banned
@seanlanglois8620 5 күн бұрын
I have been playing since day one and I'm even seeing them in the ltm matches like control gun game and solos.its wild
@misery314 Ай бұрын
Not just ranked..... pubs also.
@Schrods327 11 күн бұрын
This is called addiction. Something frustrates you and you continue that activity just causing yourself stress. I dropped this game months ago and not coming back
@rolandneese5135 9 күн бұрын
pretty happy that lifeline got krabered by "exodia the forbidden one" lmao
@DarkSwoles Ай бұрын
Hey Jankz! I wonder if the cheaters are making it so you don't even want to open the game until the problem is fixed. Anyways thanks for the content as usual!
@Hackless_custom_lobbies_01 Ай бұрын
Keep exposing the truth 🔥💯 This is for sure the normal Apex experience,, yes, let them know
@kennedynisbett182 Ай бұрын
You know it's serious, because Janz actually cursed.😂😂 My guy dropped the B word with conviction.
@efrenmejia1832 Ай бұрын
😂 hahaha so this is jankz way of telling apex to fix their game lol I swear
@user-zl4df4hm9j Ай бұрын
This is the craziest thing bc I’ve played with this young breezy guy several times and I was like man he’s cracked lol
@jaiward4869 16 күн бұрын
I was the kind of person who only hopped on to play ranked, now I basically only play mixtape and quads
@arrowsaway1187 Ай бұрын
this ranked season has been ridiculous.
@they_call_me_don9899 27 күн бұрын
I'm just happy I spent my entire teenage years enjoying video games and didn't have to deal with these garbage cheaters, it's so bad I don't even really game anymore tbh
@toemasmeems 9 күн бұрын
I’ve had that Young Breezy guy in my pub game once and I had him on my team and I had asked them how they even knew where the enemies were they were WAY too confident in how they pushed with NO intel
@daytonpannell Ай бұрын
My concern is how these players make it this far into the ranks or even their account.
@ssuversa 3 күн бұрын
1 month later and nothing changed, sad to 53k people putting an overwhelming negative review on Steam
@seahose1 Ай бұрын
I actually love spectating cheaters videos
@Drinkyoghurt 27 күн бұрын
Imagine playing controller on PC and still needing cheats to hit your shots. That's next level sadness.
@MattayManiac Ай бұрын
Insaneo style mentioned!
@diazce95 Ай бұрын
That’s crazy to see how many people aren’t paying this game anymore due to cheaters. I feel like I haven’t had this problem (maybe i have who knows) but I also don’t play ranked I just hop on to run around and have fun, catch a couple dubs. It makes me sad that the apex loving community is facing these problems I hope you all (see the fixes you’d like and) come back soon, the games await
@ardianmusliji8349 26 күн бұрын
"If you ain't cheatin you ain't tryin" -Apex Legends
@justdom7820 Ай бұрын
Cheaters in console too man. So many unnatural situations were the enemy should not know where I'm at but they do and kill me. Console wall hacks is a thing and its ridiculous how bad it is
@sircaptainMO 9 күн бұрын
How in 2024 have companies not developed a full proof cheat detection system, blows my mind
@bosma1oh1 Ай бұрын
This is why I've been stepping back from apex trying to find something new to play but I miss the mobility
@ame1783 Ай бұрын
This is a normal experience in Singapore, Taiwan, Tokyo, Hong Kong server Ranked for last 3 seasons. Now they are brave enough to infest the ranked in west servers. This is like cancers. It just keeps spreading.
@HeadShotxZeRo Ай бұрын
Died to that twitter kid and spectated and he tried to act like he wasn’t cheating like a day ago. Ran into the pathy named gurl and a full three stack of cheaters. Respawn not being able to get this under control is gonna be the death of this game.
@Dsi303 Ай бұрын
I gave up on Apex last season after constant Match making and cheating issues. It sucks because this was the first true shooter I played regularly online but it just gets too exhausting to try and play this game knowing that a cheater or a smurfing 3 stack is going to ruin your game. I still come back to watch you and other Apex creators and to see this still not only be an issue but getting worse saddens me.
@ViaWins 6 күн бұрын
Same reason I left cod. The higher in the ranks you got the more infested it became. Wasn’t even worth the grind anymore
@machi1543 11 күн бұрын
The Apex community been asking for a better anti cheat system since season 1, but ea thinks charging two season passes is better than fixing the game
@joog13b Ай бұрын
ya it's a really sad day, I can't play apex solo anymore and even with the squad it's brutal between bad matchmaking and cheaters... Looking for a new game, and apex was probably the best game ever for so long... :(
@CrystalisQ Ай бұрын
Yeah, I've been playing since before seasons were a thing, took a few breaks here and there, but never uninstalled Apex during those breaks. All this BS lately had me uninstall for the first time, ever. Maybe I'll play again if they get a handle on this. I'm already bad, I don't need to be playing against cheaters!
@chestahkillah Ай бұрын
Im glad I dont get cheaters in my 0.5 K.D. lobbies 😂😂
@Akai1k 13 күн бұрын
This game was at its best when it first came out and cross play was not implemented. I remember I went on a 11 win streak before cross play existed after it was added into the game I was barely able to win a game anymore. The skill gap was ridiculous it went from fun to frustrating very fast.
@Snappy1143 15 күн бұрын
The devotion clip at 18:50 is the most painful to watch
@tonyppe 29 күн бұрын
game just gets worse and worse each year lmao
@adrielsfx 5 күн бұрын
Theres so many cheaters that are becoming a new way of content
@blink8235 28 күн бұрын
18:56 consistent devo hits with no deviation from that distance? I know i haven't played apex in quite a while but i don't remember the devo being that consistent at that range
@WhiteWolfArkis Ай бұрын
Yup... glad I did not came back. I was getting hope with the "better anticheat news" but it was just all talk...
@bullzeye6987 11 күн бұрын
@7:24 😂😂😂😂😂 "THIS IS A TOP PRED" 🤬
@RandomVids0987 28 күн бұрын
Nothing new. Cheating has been such a very large issue the last month/s for all multiplayer games that ALL of their major content creators can’t ignore it anymore. Look at Apex, look at Overwatch, look at CoD, and that’s just SMALL examples.
@markbrian5698 3 күн бұрын
I stopped playing this game for a year now. I'M NOW STRESS FREE. hahaha
@tinymightybookworm Ай бұрын
How can you tell if the third teammate is getting boosted or got paired up with cheaters while solo q'ing? This might be a dumb question. I've gotten cheater teammate while solo q'ing and I'll leave the game if I realize. But it has me scared of getting in trouble for being on a team with a cheater and a spectator assuming the worst. Is there a way to tell? Always love your videos, Jankz!
@Leotheleprachaun 5 күн бұрын
Damn....haven't heard anybody call anything greasy in Apex since they first added the second version of King's Canyon.
@demonx7735 Күн бұрын
Here's a hilarious fact. Cheaters run around rage hacking and does not get banned. Legit players kills a bunch of bots and gets banned. I mean WTF apex ? 😂😂😂
@1nsomniacSleeper 27 күн бұрын
Stuff so bad bro had to a pull a”in my five years of teaching”
@noaharchambault8917 27 күн бұрын
My friend asked why idc about masters/pred badges anymore. Season 12 and this absurd cheating situation is why
@charitymonae5608 Ай бұрын
Honestly, if 40k people viewed this, all 40k just need to stop playing ranked. That way EA actually does something
@DevanBishop Ай бұрын
I’m almost diamond and within 5 minutes the lobby was down to 8 teams and then we died only to be spectating cheaters… it’s very frustrating this season. I’m still playing because I love the game and it’s fun but they need to fix it.
@vISsoulIv Ай бұрын
At this point i’m convinced that Apex security is just a molded potato plugged into an outlet
@PapaSweet Ай бұрын
At this point I feel like the Devs are secretly the ones selling cheats and that’s why they aren’t addressing cheating at all.
@Freepackzz 16 күн бұрын
My respect for jankz after this vid is high asf
@TisMinetta 22 күн бұрын
Jankz Jankz Jankz Great video 🤍🤍
@botp1ayer953 27 күн бұрын
be optimistic all you want, the cheater problem ain't going anywhere
@amberwawa Ай бұрын
I swear I’ve seen that cheater revenant. The cheating is out of control! This season’s lobbies are insane.
@stephenhamilton3303 Ай бұрын
They are everywhere, solos, ranked mixtape, its so tiresome. This used to be a fun game. I remember season 15 if I found a cheater I would report them and they would get banned while I was spectating them.
@504jabyri Ай бұрын
Honestly JanKz I just watch your content now.. I haven’t played apex in 6 months I got tired of getting cheated I’m not the best played but I can hold my own and 9 shots with a havoc and 6 are head shots is criminal
@Altraice 20 күн бұрын
I have never understood the appeal of cheating. If I was bad at a game and wanted to get better I practiced. These people are so sad.
@SethKantor 29 күн бұрын
i wonder if this is only in the higher rankes
@SubprimePorcupine Ай бұрын
It's as if cheating needs to be treated as Macro level theft from everyone in every lobby they play in.
@Sasuke81a 2 күн бұрын
This is exactly why Cheating in Video Games needs to be made Illegal.
@slickadooie 16 күн бұрын
I stopped playing a few seasons ago when I would be just about to rank up and then here comes a flying trident with an aimbotting horizon…. Keep in mind this was 3 seasons ago… cheaters are why I don’t play apex anymore it completely ruins the experience
@Hobosdkcheese 19 күн бұрын
Are you playing controller on PC? Isn’t that very difficult or does it put you in controller queue
@nadg3509 12 күн бұрын
why i never get on teams with cheaters but go head to head with them! :(
@deklanmarshall1396 Ай бұрын
one of the few times i don't mind being actual trash at this game. don't think i've ran into a cheater once
@rsanter75 Ай бұрын
Ironically, my movement is like the cheaters Jankz and his friends are complaining about. I've played since day one. It's embarrassing to hear the cheaters are on the same level as my gameplay; it's a sad day. I need help!
@billybob-cl6im 18 күн бұрын
Pubs too I got 3 people banned in a single match of gun run too
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