China, Shifting Geopolitics, and the Global Economy

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The University of Chicago Booth School of Business

The University of Chicago Booth School of Business

8 ай бұрын

A conversation on the market and policy response to recent disruptions to the global economy from China-US trade wars, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and the Covid-19 pandemic.
Our conversation, convened by the Clark Center for Global Markets, features Sergei Guriev (provost of Sciences Po in Paris and co-author of Spin Dictators: The changing face of tyranny in the 21st century), Beata Javorcik (University of Oxford professor and chief economist at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development), and Keyu Jin (London School of Economics professor and author of The New China Playbook: Beyond socialism and capitalism).
This event is hosted by Booth’s Rothman Faculty-in-Residence and Stevens Distinguished Service Professor of Economics and Finance, Anil Kashyap and will be moderated by Romesh Vaitilingam (editor-in-chief of the Economics Observatory and director of the economic experts panels run by the Clark Center for Global Markets at Chicago Booth).

Пікірлер: 304
@roro4787 8 ай бұрын
I respect Keyu Jin! wonderful representative ❤️
@MegaPapa8888 8 ай бұрын
Ms. Jin hit the main points of China transforming Chinese economy into a more advanced economy.
@DonRua 8 ай бұрын
They did it through illegitimate channel, that is not sustainable. It was brilliant that Deng Xioping opened the door for business. He was only one man. He needed all one billion (at a time) to be happy to achieve a common goal. China is only good for work. Once money is made, everybody leaves. That is how happy they are. To make matter worse, one child policy (any idea how many baby girls got drown); extreme violation of human rights; big tickets to pump GDP, ie., infrastructure, Ghost cities, high speed rail, etc. The wide spread corruption is the ultimate killer. You have to be Chinese to know this, “doesn’t matter what it is, legal or otherwise, as long as it makes me rich.” Who says 20% youth unemployment? More like 40%+. Youth believed in “lie flat” and do absolutely nothing. The late Premier Li publicly acknowledged 3 things: 1. Over 600m people make 1000RMB (
@chessdaddy0720 8 ай бұрын
Excellent conversation. The panelists are much less of politicians, more of scholars. Very rare theses days in the U.S
@hongga-sze5075 8 ай бұрын
It’s not democracy vs autocracy but legitimacy. How is the best selected for leadership - including how he / she listens and interpret the people’s voice.
@lv9657 8 ай бұрын
Same old tunes we heard for decades especially on China.
@frankm6218 8 ай бұрын
It is pathetic to keep drawing a line of democracy/non-democracy in a serious geopolitical discussion. It is like medical doctors provide their treatments to patients based on they are democratic or republican. The success of Chinese system/government is that they have an effective and professional governing team. Good example is the senior leadership members of Chinese government have to went through the leadership levels from townships, cities, provincial and central government. And have to be excellent performers. In such a system, you won’t be able to have trump or Biden into the leadership team. Period. Stop pretend you understand China, you don’t.
@taijistar9052 8 ай бұрын
Doesn’t matter how good an individual is. He can’t make best decisions alone on everything. Once his power is not checked, he would make mistakes and no one can correct it for a long long time if he stays on power for a long time.
@songlin1506 8 ай бұрын
@@taijistar9052You assume a wrong condition which of course will lead to wrong conclusion about don't understand the reality. Xi has been in power for ten years. According to your logic, he will make mistakes without power check. However, Both individual Or Group of leaders will make mistakes as no one is perfect taking US government Or congress as perfect example. The second Xi is not able to make decisions by himself without power check although he is the most powerful person. There are different divisions Or persons who might cooperate with him on certain issues and oppose him on others Even his opinions might be right. However generally speaking, the senior Group of leaders more likely intend to take national and ordinary people's interest first While They might achieve certain individual benefits, which you won't see it in western politicians who prefer interest group to the people by the large. Plus, the leaders have more experience in managing and are more competitive While the Western ones are more good at show
@simonsmatthew 8 ай бұрын
The other thing about the Chinese system, although it is a one party state there it a lot of representation at the local level. It is a system that goes back to the Emperor era. The documentary "white horse village" showed how much government officals have to accomodate the wishes of local people and how well they are represented. In many ways they are closer, more accountable and more responsive to the public than western democracies. The problem is we associate one party states with autocracries. We can't fathom given the nature of our education and public discourse how such a system can actually accomodate the wishes of the people. It is very imperfect of course. But we have to do better at trying to understand it.
@nsebast 8 ай бұрын
@@taijistar9052 The advantage of strong leadership is when he is a good person, he can does much more than democracy can ever will. The bad thing what you said: absolute power absolutely corrupts. My problem is why keep saying demorcacy is better? No it is not. It is a different system, let them be. Democracy is like religion to you.
@weipeng4425 8 ай бұрын
Regardless whether you like or not, the competition or even war between democracy and non-democracy is going on, China is always behind those non-democracy countries, for Russia-Ukraine war, Israel and hamas, even China has much more interest with western democracy countries. They see US as threat and want to overthrow this global system. Btw, it will be long competition, a short success doesn’t mean too much, Stalin used to having fastest economy and dominated east Europe one time.
@passingbysang3381 8 ай бұрын
Ms. Jin is still too polite. She seems to avoid offending her "respectable" white colleagues with a real punch of reality. It's a pity.
@hejay1245 8 ай бұрын
@PeterPan-lb5bi 8 ай бұрын
She is actually whiter than the rest of panelists
@weipeng4425 8 ай бұрын
It is matter of confidence, with China going down in internal issues as well as awkward in diplomacy, you can’t expect ms Jin played high in China topic.
@hdvoice 8 ай бұрын
@@weipeng4425what are you talking about? Maybe you need to step out of the well to look around the world or read non-English media for a few days. Just a bit?
@weipeng4425 8 ай бұрын
@@hdvoice Actually I work and live in China, and read Chinese propaganda everyday, is it a good proof?
@2012meditation 7 ай бұрын
I have so much respect for Jin. The best panelist here.
@paulmatters2641 8 ай бұрын
This is the best that US imperialism can come up with? No wonder the empire is over. Israel and Ukraine are democratic LOL
@kshen7485 8 ай бұрын
@winnietheflunaziYou might be too old to face or accept the world positive change of non-western countries.
@lamrof 8 ай бұрын
This is a wishy washy meeting, this is the problem with westerm narration,
@simonsmatthew 8 ай бұрын
Keyu Jin is a highly articulate presenter. We often get a very neo-classical view of the world which can't really handle subjects like geopolitics. It can't explain why import substitution regimes can work, often very dramatically. The response in China and Russia to sanctions is truly astonishing - to a neo-classical economist. But if you are a Sinologist or an historian, it is not.
@user-sr9kx1em5k 8 ай бұрын
Some people's bodies live in modern times, but obviously their minds still live in the past instead of keeping up with the times.
@Wunderpus-photogenicus 8 ай бұрын
This is simply a joke of epic proportions for 3 out of 4 guests to be non-Chinese to pretend to be “China experts” to discuss the topic on China. No matter how you want to argue, a non-Chinese as a “expert” on China is like to have a 3-year-old to be an expert in Calculus. The lady panelist is the only singular expert on China, hopefully.
@milkoowen6800 8 ай бұрын
if you can't speak the language, then you are not an expect on that country. period.
@jhrusa8125 8 ай бұрын
China's going down it's so obvious.
@Wunderpus-photogenicus 8 ай бұрын
@@milkoowen6800 Even if a non-Chinese is able to speak the Chinese language fluently, that does not imply he/she is culturally and traditionally inclined with the Chinese way of thinking.
@YCHTT 8 ай бұрын
It always has been like this in the West, it's more about reinforcing their usual narratives for certain audience rather than trying to deep dive and learn about the topic they claim they were trying to discuss. And you should be happy at least they have a Chinese in the panel that is not parroting western narratives & talking points like all the others lol... It is very important to point out that US 5 eyes propaganda don't just limited to traditional media but also through a lot of various education institutions, NGOs, Think tanks, and other international organization etc.
@VX2hugo 8 ай бұрын
Although I agree with you on the conclusion. The argument of them being non-Chinese is oversimplified. Old Chinese wisdom had taught us 当局者迷,旁观者清, outside observers are important. That being said, with respect to "China experts", the western, especially US ones are totally clueless. They always started on a ground of mental superiority and prejudice and fumbled any chance of correction because of their laziness and inability to accurately grasp the language. It's almost comedic to witness their "theory" on China failed again and again, then instead of fixing their "theory", they relied more on rhetoric and wishful thinking.
@ronniecheong2146 8 ай бұрын
Practise true democracy not democrazy n hypocrazy do not block other countries in advancement n progress
@biggpicture2930 7 ай бұрын
I got this idea about democracy from Indian, Jayant Bhandari. Democracy is the worst form of government. I believe it is based on his experiences with Indian democracy. With true democracy, the one chosen to lead will be decided by the lower IQ , 51% of the lower bell curve. The result was MODI, the cult leader of the lower IQ segment. Now India is run by an electoral autocrat, with no freedom of speech and real lynching. Real democracy also meant the majority poor will want to redistribute wealth. So only fake democracy will work!
@bowenb9336 8 ай бұрын
To these ideologically minded people, democracy represents good things. So when certain democracies are not good, they say that is not democracy. Following this logic, democracy is perfect, but no one is democratic. Just like Hitler was undemocratic, even though he initially came to power through democratic elections.
@varundurge 8 ай бұрын
India is not democracy 😂😂 I’m Indian and we have elections here, its like a festival here
@jerryluan9106 8 ай бұрын
democracy, non democracy, they are all illusions for common people. Not only for you Indian, but also for Americans. Democracy is a magical word, make common people think they really can influence the national policy, it is a word that makes the government escape from its duties, "you get what you selected for, if you don't like it, vote for other party" but in the end, your problem never get solved. Poor people still poor, rich people get richer. I'm not saying that China has the perfect system now, but as CCP will control everything, it's also their duty for everything. A village cannot get rich, CCP's job to loan money and teach villagers how to make money, village has no road to outside world, CCP's job to get the road done, people catch covid and die, CCP's job to wipe out the virus, too expensive to visit hospital and doctor, CCP's job to low down the price.
@varundurge 8 ай бұрын
@@jerryluan9106 People like you take democracy for granted, I live in a village and i saw people getting uplifted due to democracy and freedom. countries like china, they just got like they have good leadership like Mr.xi jinping, look at history of CCP and how many Chinese got killed by Mao.
@hyuxion 8 ай бұрын
Watch the Indian movie white Tiger. Poor people have no democracy.
@varundurge 8 ай бұрын
@@hyuxion There is difference between having a functional democracy and freedom vs CURRUPTION 😈
@henrystevens3993 8 ай бұрын
​@@hyuxionwhite tiged is not a reality. It was in the 70s
@alfong8279 8 ай бұрын
Great topics and great guest speakers, thanks!
@samsun01 7 ай бұрын
The European clown singled out China as making "MISTAKES" during Covid because the Dictator didn't take criticism. This is a good example of what highly intelligent and rational people describe as "double standards". US had 5 million deaths from Covid. China had less deaths than the old people deaths in Canada from Covid.
@pt20829 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for the panel 👍
@pizizhangsg1319 8 ай бұрын
These people are shameless. Do they talk about Israel now?
@jameswong07 8 ай бұрын
On covid matter , China value live more them economy , that's shown the China government is far more humanistic then the west , and the type of governance every countries citizen are hoping for !
@TheAlbert18361 8 ай бұрын
If there is only 1 thing that the west are right about China, it is their comment on China covid policy… the daily testing for more than 6 months in the 2nd half of 2022 is simply total bs….
@SK-no7yg 8 ай бұрын
Dude… how many countries citizen did you ask?
@weipeng4425 8 ай бұрын
Are you joking? China approach is you can die in any causes except Covid. The result is more death in other diseases or accidents,surely the censorship made everything look good. However the fact doesn’t lie,the final out-break in end of last year kills more people than other countries.
@biggpicture2930 7 ай бұрын
Yes China is run in a capitalistic manner, and USA tries to run in a communist way. CCP is like the board of director s in a corporations. In, USA all employees get to vote, much like in communism. A manner of perspective!
@biggpicture2930 7 ай бұрын
I got this idea about democracy from Indian, Jayant Bhandari. Democracy is the worst form of government. I believe it is based on his experiences with Indian democracy. With true democracy, the one chosen to lead will be decided by the lower IQ , 51% of the lower bell curve. The result was MODI, the cult leader of the lower IQ segment. Now India is run by an electoral autocrat, with no freedom of speech and real lynching. Real democracy also meant the majority poor will want to redistribute wealth. So only fake democracy will work!
@thesheepthemightythecrazy 8 ай бұрын
Sergei has to show extra loyalty, lest he gets thrown out lol. Beata was pretty good. Keyu was excellent.
@kenchen6949 8 ай бұрын
how much China ecomnomy growing rate from IMF said vs USA's?
@frankng4574 8 ай бұрын
people must forget, America has successfully changed the concept after WWII and during the Cold War. The democracy was described for socialist countries, and the free world is for capitalism countries. Somehow capitalism managed to hold all the good stuff. Ridiculous.
@weipeng4425 8 ай бұрын
Agreed democracy is in down turn, need reform. But non-democracy turns into dictatorship that is even worse, see mr Putin go to war, Xi locked down China, Iran agitated in mid-east.
@biggpicture2930 7 ай бұрын
Yes China is run in a capitalistic manner, and USA tries to run in a communist way. CCP is like the board of director s in a corporations. In, USA all employees get to vote, much like in communism.
@biggpicture2930 7 ай бұрын
I got this idea about democracy from Indian, Jayant Bhandari. Democracy is the worst form of government. I believe it is based on his experiences with Indian democracy. With true democracy, the one chosen to lead will be decided by the lower IQ , 51% of the lower bell curve. The result was MODI, the cult leader of the lower IQ segment. Now India is run by an electoral autocrat, with no freedom of speech and real lynching. Real democracy also meant the majority poor will want to redistribute wealth. So only fake democracy will work!
@biggpicture2930 7 ай бұрын
​ @varundurge NO FREE SPEECH IN INDIA. Broadcast Services Bill EXPLAINED! this new law can shut down youtube journalists meghnerd The modi government is proposing a new law to control all audio-visual information going out on the internet. Here is an explainer on how this new law, if passed, might affect YOU. It will also affect your favorite content creators on youtube like ravishkumar, hruvrathee, abhiandniyu and even beerbiceps! @varundurge 1 hour ago @biggpicture2930 Modi is true leader he has done tremendous work in his tenure and doing so again and again, Jih@d is on rise in this country but sadly people like you don’t know what the hell does it even mean. And before bashing on democracy look at north korea, venezuela, what a bad dictatorship can destroy a country. Don’t take democracy for granted, and if you wanna bash modi do it I challenge you nobody will say anything there still FREED OF SPEECH that exist here and also i can give you a-lot of news reporters against modi if you want
@funnstarbloggest7124 8 ай бұрын
American propaganda
@xenon6947 8 ай бұрын
Speaker is a mindless talker. I'm an Indian but I don't want a world where US bulldoze countries in name of democracy. Definition according to google ‘a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections. India has elections regularly.’ If India doesn’t support your hegemony doesn’t make India autocratic.
@YCHTT 8 ай бұрын
If you are truly don't want such a world you should really stop looking at China as your rivalry or worst enemy and do more cooperation & trade with China. China doesn't see India the way India see China at all in comparison.
@siddharthamishra1999 8 ай бұрын
​@@YCHTTThat's partly true, China would probably prefer its Indian front to be peaceful because its ambitions are more in the south china sea, it doesn't really get much from expanding into India. It would love if India embraced the BRI and gave China another way into the sea. However, India will always be antagonistic towards China until border disputes are settled, especially since China is basically the main supporter of Pakistan
@YCHTT 8 ай бұрын
@@siddharthamishra1999 which part was partly true are you talking about? it's 100% facts China hardly see India as rivalry the way India see China in everything, not just militarily. Both cultures have coexisted for thousand of years and never have issues but exchange of culture & religions until the British colonized India. All the border issues in the region is also the legacy of western colonialism & imperialism. The US led West are still trying to use such situation to destabilize the region like they did with so many other countries so they can continue their imperialist ambition. Only fools don't realize that with so many past examples. Like many countries from the global south, China "ambition" is to develop their country & enrich their people. Something brainwash westerners may never understand being so indoctrinated by all the imperialist narratives, talking points & mindset. It's always someone else that are doing evil (as they were brainwash to believe) while themselves are the hero to fight against such evil but in reality it's everything but.
@siddharthamishra1999 8 ай бұрын
@@YCHTT If you read my comment I agreed that the India-China rivelry is mostly one sided. China's rival is the US. What I don't agree with is that the ball is completely in India's court to mend the relationship
@biggpicture2930 7 ай бұрын
I got this idea about democracy from Indian, Jayant Bhandari. Democracy is the worst form of government. I believe it is based on his experiences with Indian democracy. With true democracy, the one chosen to lead will be decided by the lower IQ , 51% of the lower bell curve. The result was MODI, the cult leader of the lower IQ segment. Now India is run by an electoral autocrat, with no freedom of speech and real lynching
@cacaoperesoso732 8 ай бұрын
Just another set of armchair people promoting their books based on fantasies and never having to work in a real job let alone being successful enough to create jobs to impact the livelihood of the people they refer in their books😂
@216dark2 8 ай бұрын
Sometimes I wonder are those "experts on China" you got there were actually pro-China and buying us time😂. Just keep listening to them😅.
@MarcoPolo-hn8or 8 ай бұрын
@andrewareva4605 8 ай бұрын
Where is Mearsheimer?
@linglee7677 Ай бұрын
I just do not understand why western scholars are so obsessed about democracy and economic growth together. Instead, what is more important to economic growth is industrialzation,and which is more related to technology. Can you tell me why a developing country like China has so much advanced technology?
@dgib1694 8 ай бұрын
Ms. Javorcik is particularly ideological when talking about WTO.
@keyboardmanyoutube3189 8 ай бұрын
Dictators doesn’t have critical feedback to rethink their mistakes……… just wondering did USA president learn anything from Vietnam war? I assume there must be critical feedback then why the heck they got into Iraq and Afghanistan war ? On the other hand , CCP learned its mistakes from culture revolution and reformed its economy. TBH, this guy is full of ideology and narrow mind.
@medicuswashington9870 8 ай бұрын
Mind reading is not subject to scientific scrutiny. The madness made real continues.
@hanni3728 8 ай бұрын
I can feel Keyu cringe when he speaks
@randomdude7384 8 ай бұрын
Sergey is spot on; as spot on on the matter as Bill Browder and Mchael McFaul are. Read what Averell Harriman said on the matter : Russia hasn't changed since 1924, it pays to read what Harriman and Kennan wrote about it. Especially the former expert.
@paulmatters2641 8 ай бұрын
Browder is a convicted criminal
@willgates8383 8 ай бұрын
Bs, Ukraine was invaded as it reneged on MInsk Agreement and wanted to join NATO!!!
@michaelwang4019 8 ай бұрын
It's tiring trope, democracy vs dictatorship. It's stale. No self reflection these stupid academics. It turns me off instantly. Bye.
@Hello-sb6qe 8 ай бұрын
The key point is why today chaos globally? Ask the west and they have the answer. Power power power that’s all
@sheavelte2917 8 ай бұрын
Not only happen today. This happened for hundreds of years. ESPECIALLY after world war I. You know what Im saying about.
@sheavelte2917 8 ай бұрын
I mean before World War I
@americannumber2 8 ай бұрын
Keyu JinKeyu JinKeyu JinKeyu JinKeyu JinKeyu JinKeyu JinKeyu Jin
@vijjreddy 8 ай бұрын
these fellows must understand India is a better democracy compared to USA - where we have Corporate-Military Industrial Compled run democracy
@Mi62047 6 ай бұрын
If a country leader is elected or not elected but docile to west it means they are good govt. Be if mideasted Emirs or allies like Pakistan as soon as one follows their own path they become undemocratic or majororitarian. If UK is for British, America is America, china for Chinese, Indians for India then what's wrong. Btw india is democratic not a monarchy or colonial power.
@marcwhite6267 8 ай бұрын
Look at the ring on comrade Jin's finger. Guess who got married.
@dylanthomas12321 8 ай бұрын
Really? 😮 Then all hope is lost! I didn't mind that dad was a Politburo guy. We could've worked it out. 😕
@randomdude7384 8 ай бұрын
Comrade Jin got married?
@vka3 8 ай бұрын
These speakers live in denial calling themselves as good guys.
@tejesheconomics4072 8 ай бұрын
😂I😂 yes india which has more robust electoral systems and most robust Voter turnout 70% actually 😂😂😂 is not a democracy as per USA…who literally trying to put the main opposition in the jail😂😂😂😂😂
@varundurge 8 ай бұрын
Exactly, According them china has multi party system, and India is not a democracy, what these guys are smoking idk
@manthanpatel6295 8 ай бұрын
​@@varundurgegive me a evidence 😂😂😂 then we talk😂😂😂
@varundurge 8 ай бұрын
@@manthanpatel6295 Election commission of india, and I doubt morons like you dont even have voter id card.
@MattsFikezolo-lo7wq 7 ай бұрын
I wonder whether the forest people like the Sidis of India understand what they vote for. A packet of cigarettes will buy a vote in India
@varundurge 7 ай бұрын
@@MattsFikezolo-lo7wq And some booz too dont forget that
@rajvasava9058 8 ай бұрын
Xxx your democracy
@sukhenduchoudhury6813 8 ай бұрын
Professor Sergei appears to be a American stooge . Calling India a non democratic country is laughable. Blaming Russia for Ukraine war is propaganda of the west. He needs to unlearn the western propagandists. What led to the war is what he needs to know.
@user-kj7uy5lj2x 8 ай бұрын
Ra urusanku ...kae lho outin ndase ngelu ...bukao berita fina oiye arahe nen remuk ra u usanku ngremuk uripe wong sak enake dewe
@eliyasalisho348 8 ай бұрын
@michaelmarchal4004 8 ай бұрын
This guy Russian talks nonsense
@yong-jongpu3952 8 ай бұрын
All three of them
@YCHTT 8 ай бұрын
@@yong-jongpu3952 When did the Chinese lady ever talk about Russia?
@HuikitWee 5 ай бұрын
So naive and simple minded
@frankng4574 8 ай бұрын
The middle man is just a repeat reader for all of the nonsense.😊
@ngodupdorjee2398 8 ай бұрын
What nonsense is he talking about, whether India is democratic or not. India is more democratic than ever before.
@zurichkunst3615 8 ай бұрын
Please tell this to the relative of CM Gehlot (Rajasthan) who sells cheap liquor way past 8:30pm. He does this right next to a residential community whose residents frequently get harassed by the drunkards loitering by the shop. Local police can not do anything. Just about every town in India has such situations of abuse of political influence and power. Modi government has started to change this but still has a long way to go. Point is democracy requires rule of law.
@varundurge 8 ай бұрын
@@zurichkunst3615So according to you western leaders dont abuse their political power😂😂, wake up to reality. And how abusing political power has to do with a country being undemocratic
@zurichkunst3615 8 ай бұрын
@@varundurge For example, an individual doesn’t have to wait 25 years for a judgement from courts.
@varundurge 8 ай бұрын
@@zurichkunst3615 I agree to that but that doesn't justify a nation being undemocratic. and if u look closely judiciary is independent from gov, (and it should stay that way) so appointing more judges is judiciary's work not gov.
@zurichkunst3615 8 ай бұрын
@@varundurge What is democracy without a good judicial system and rule of law? This is a very good question. Think about it.
@ajit788 8 ай бұрын
India is not democracy.. who is this joker??
@venkatpisipaty2045 8 ай бұрын
Ridiculous views of Sergey on India. The guy seems to clearly have a problem with the country for some reason. India is not a democracy?? And a Russian saying this is quite funny!
@TanksBradley-bf8nt 8 ай бұрын
Love to see a chinesse girl(expert) expressed her opinion with little assertiveness with no clues what she was talking about
@louischau7982 5 ай бұрын
You got no clue what you are talking about . At least she has a degree
@bouncingBrain 4 ай бұрын
Girl? WTF! Professor Jin is a internationally reknownwed scholar and author.
@sakcee 8 ай бұрын
US brought China to world, was nice to them, gave them money, jobs and business.
@TheRedland284 8 ай бұрын
Are you kidding me. There is there even before the U.S. was born
@billyking-iw9bd 8 ай бұрын
Just the opposite. Ask your Dad.
@DineshTwanabasu 8 ай бұрын
China has been the strongest economy since 5000 years ago, Whats the age of US?
@hypocritehater1673 8 ай бұрын
Hai bonehead,how are you???are you ok 😂😂😂
@slly4276 8 ай бұрын
Wrong. The reason why US decided to open relationship with mainland China in the 1970’s was that it was almost broke following the Korean and Vietnamese wars and it wanted China to counter the soviets threat then. China cleverly under Premier Deng Xiao Peng told US that they will agree with the US on grounds that the Chinese will provide cheap untapped labour and huge markets for their manufacturing in exchange for the transfer of technologies. That’s suits the big multi national corporations and they uprooted all the manufacturing plants in the US, most of the western world for what they perceived as low cost productions with imminent high profit margins. So there you go. Don’t blame China . If you think the corporate sectors are looking after your people, think again.
@steveyu9858 8 ай бұрын
Some may be overly optimistic about China’s economic prospects, ignoring the evident difficulties, because they have a stake in the Chinese market and hope to sell their assets to others.
@sakcee 8 ай бұрын
We should never waiver to defend our values of Freedom, Democracy, Rights of Individual, Freedom of Press, Free Speech and never compromise with those who do not agree with these values.
@TheRedland284 8 ай бұрын
But the U.S. does not have any of those value.
@DineshTwanabasu 8 ай бұрын
Ya freedom of bla bla bla only when you do what gov wants you to
@siberiantiger1585 8 ай бұрын
You sound like you have been drinking too much of the Kool-Aid. We love our hegemony over the rest of the world (we all want to be no. 1 - that's how we were raised); but, we don't want the White House to spend our tax dollars on endless wars, unless we are working for the military-industrial-complex.
@slly4276 8 ай бұрын
Funny US talks about Freedom of Press when they and the west banned the Russian TV channels and Britain got rid of CGTN and they promoted Asian Free Radio by the CIA and then the local press does not published narratives not in line with their own. Western press owns by the likes of the Murdoch empires are propagandas machines themselves , so we are all brain washed regardless what news we are exposed to.
@kolviczd6885 8 ай бұрын
"...and never compromise with those who do not agree with these values" sounds more like a dictatorship than a Democracy. The US is the real dictator of the world since the end WW2. When will the ignorant west realized this fact!!
@jhrusa8125 8 ай бұрын
Peter Zeihan called everything that's happened today 10 years ago. In his book,( The Accidental Superpower) just using analytics. Geography, demographics, historical trends, deglobalization. A must read, what an amazing piece of work.
@chinaware_456 8 ай бұрын
Do not put all your eggs in one basket. The game is not over yet.
@jhrusa8125 8 ай бұрын
@@chinaware_456 I checked all the baskets. His is the only one that makes sense with some others. If you read the world, you'll get the truth. If you listen to people who say things that they want to happen, you will loose.
@chinaware_456 8 ай бұрын
@@jhrusa8125 I respect your comment
@jhrusa8125 8 ай бұрын
@chinaware_456 I followed this guy for 10 years, read all his books. He's about 70 %, right. He made me pull all my stocks out of China and invest in oil, food stuff.And defense contractors. And now I can retire early. Invest in high value -added companies in America and mid value-added companies in Mexico .
@bbrmb2020 8 ай бұрын
Zeitan shill 😂😂😂
@DonRua 8 ай бұрын
41:30 China is running out of options. Options to increase GDP: 1. Investments (global investors are leaving) 2. Gov Spending (already at a constant/max) 3. Export (world is reluctant) 4. CONSUMPTION. US spends 70% GDP in consumption, China does half of that. Pls understand Prof Jin, she was born in China and still has family in China. Every word she says/publishes has been scrutinized and approved by CCP or her family suffers. Her achievement is PRICELESS. Her opinion is WORTHLESS.
@JeffSmith-yk1xb 8 ай бұрын
hope you apply your logic to the other three, then theirs are WORTHLESS TOO!
@creativecolourful4664 8 ай бұрын
Breaking News…….. USA is no more 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲RIP USA 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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