Have FUN FUN FUN Till WarGaming Takes Your RNG Away...

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Claus Kellerman

Claus Kellerman

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@lolaminnit Ай бұрын
I used to think RNG was a myth until i fired off 12 gold rounds in a match which all bounced for zero damage!
@OriginalYonta Ай бұрын
Nothing gold about them shots or even premium, are you sure it's not just your aim or non Russian tank at work?
@Vic-Bee Ай бұрын
Haven't watched yet but your title is exactly addressing a thought I had with my Chi To SP, a td I managed to get a 67% win rate with (highest of all my tanks in 12 years). Then, suddenly I started losing battles. The tank's accuracy became worse, dmg was significantly lower and I began bouncing much more often. Same battles, same enemy tanks. My win rate dropped to mid 50s and my MOE, so close to a 2nd level, dropped back to the low 60s. If you believe for a minute that WoT is a skills game, you're about to be sorely disappointed.
@Dimythios Ай бұрын
This started in 2016-17. Back then I was hitting more and doing some damage but then all of a sudden I was continually losing. Bad MM and RNG. So I stopped playing. 7 years later decided to try again and again you win alittle then you started to lose alot. 80% of my MM was completely unbalanced games. In tanks and especially weight to weight. I have lost every game with a 1000+ point disadvantage on my team via MM. Heh RNG yea... Stalin's mustache still protects Ruzzan tanks because they are stronk. I'm not sure if I'm going to continue to play this game as this is pretty much meh to me. But how in the hell are they thinking about keeping players when RNG and MM is that bad. There is really no difference that I seen when I logged off in 2017 and reteurned this month. I guess I'll go back to War Thunder and see how it goes there. The only thing going for me now is that even with my losses I recieved, I made + 600,000 silver ahead when I first start playing 2 weeks ago.
@daveamling7341 Ай бұрын
Exactly. After 10k rounds the games corruption was so evident I just couldn't play. Clicking battle could mean an actual game or an 8 min troll session. WoT is weaponized to frustrate
@Krowalsch Ай бұрын
Concerning RNG: I remember at battle on Prokhorovka, where i was top tier south Spawn. We had a very good scout that was working his ass of, but we lost the game despite dumb enemies decided to open a shooting gallery. The gun of my Challenger stubbornly refused to shoot where i was aiming. Result : 27 shots fired, 9 hit 7 pen. all on stationary soft targets.... (i left two badly aimed potshots away). After that i quit the WOT-session to watch Minecraft LP. Just to make sure my keybord survives. Things like this are the reason a play (and pay) less and less. When i miss the Dartboard, its at least my fault.
@robbyrocksoo Ай бұрын
I remember first getting both my Pz S35, and my Excelsior. I remember driving out on to the battlefield, and I was invincible. Now I go out in both of those tanks, and I am obliterated like I have no armor. I am thinking, what the hell has changed?
@gustasalekna Ай бұрын
Gold ammo now costs credits
@timlewis9385 Ай бұрын
@jgold2813 Ай бұрын
@@gustasalekna 2016 so it's been credits longer then gold
@NeilRoy Ай бұрын
I don't think I have seen an SPG take out three takes in a row so rapidly before. Nicely done for him.
@stevennewman4778 Ай бұрын
After 13 years of playing WoT, I haven’t played in 2 weeks. I may finally be getting tired of it.
@brien656 Ай бұрын
You hit it on the nail head again. Good vid! Tweak,. tweak ,.tweak ,...until your tank goes boom!
@hd9083 Ай бұрын
8:06 i agree because i always trying play against 29 tanks with my 8 tier heavy :D
@OriginalYonta Ай бұрын
Don't believe the haircut guys this man is not crazy, he is great. ... Oké oke and a little bit crazy but in a good way. I need another science lesson Mister Claus.
@dottorekaoz8679 Ай бұрын
There are "tides" in WG. For example, for arty: 1. Rush games where you win. It boosts your winrate, but you hardly do any damage. 2. Rush games where you loose. It destroys your winrate, and you hardly do any damage. 3. Long games with close outcomes, but your RNG is sh**y. Shots may not land in the dot circle. If not fully aimed, it will stray as far as possible. When shooting at premium or russian tanks, it will stray as far as possible, too. If the target gets invisible, you will hit straight on mark (how unobvious). Also, HE Shells won't do damage sometimes. 4. The sun shines down on you. Usually after buying for more than 50 $ - lasts only three to five games.
@WimvdBrink Ай бұрын
All my arty shots do pling when the enemy was just killed by another player to set the percentage hits right, and splash when perfectly aimed but enemy is still alive. Also when one in a 100 shots on a car hit the car and do almost no damage .. arty shot on car no damage ? But its the same shooting a car with a big tier 10 TD and no damage, the car should roll around after a hit with a big shell ..
@castlebravoli7 Ай бұрын
The matchmaking thing is the only downside to the "get a T-34-85M and have fun forever" plan, because you see a *lot* of Tier VIII games in that tank. It can hold its own as long as you don't try to drive it like an Obj 430 or something, but you'd better make those Tier 6-5-4 games count because you get them about once a week
@hd9083 Ай бұрын
they hitting my visör from 500 meter with this tank 🥵
@WimvdBrink Ай бұрын
or the engine when only showing 1 front sprocket
@johnathansaegal3156 Ай бұрын
Always put Controlled Impact on your SPG - you kill a lot of overconfident enemy while you are reloading and they come in to kill you close. As long as you are moving, the perk comes into effect. Because SPGs are heavy vehicles, they do a LOT of ramming damage to lights and mediums... sometimes you take yourself out if you are low on HP, but at least while you have no shot ready to fire you cause damage or kill that enemy. I mean that's one of the downfalls of being an SPG player. People hate SPGs but forget that 99% of the time if an SPG is spotted it dies within seconds... so it's even.
@r.h.7633 Ай бұрын
Thank you. Claus, when will you play again?
@johnathansaegal3156 Ай бұрын
13:35 ... he doesn't want to move because he parked on his perch, thinking it will give him an advantage in height. I see this all the time as an SPG player myself. An SPG will get on top of their rock and stay there the whole battle, even if the enemy is safe behind cover. Yes, I will perch on some maps, but only on the maps where it gives significant benefits (some perches are not steep drop-offs, so they make great escape routes if spotted - a slow SPG is a dead SPG, but if you can drop back fast that perch becomes your cover)... but this guy just wants to stay perched for some reason and not move to where he can get shots around that mountain/rock. Only if the enemy makes a mistake will he end up with great targets to hit.
@WimvdBrink Ай бұрын
Start playing the french arties, they move faster so much more active in the game, also when the game goes your way (we are winning) move closer to the last enemies after each shot so the chance you hit something is much bigger I notice it a lot also with grand battles, arties just staying way in the back while the enemies are just in one corner
@pauljones2031 Ай бұрын
WG is constantly denying my kill shots multiple times every day.
@russwoodward8251 Ай бұрын
Good stuff today Claus. Thanks!
@primafacie9721 Ай бұрын
The issue isn't that there is some RNG in accuracy, damage, and wins-losses. It's that the RNG runs in crazy, atypical streaks. Missing 5 straight fully aimed center mass shots. Bouncing 3 straight shots off of the back or side of light tanks. 9 battle and 13 battle losing streaks within the same week. Losing a .1 off of my winning average in less than a week. Losing 11 points off of my rating in less than two weeks.
@chadjensen6118 Ай бұрын
it doesnt need to be at 25%. this is a great example. the game would do a full 180 if they dropped the RNG percentage. Want to see more skill in the game? lower the RNG by 50-60%. see what happens ;)
@WimvdBrink Ай бұрын
@@chadjensen6118 somehow the rng gets better when doing a swing around shoot iso swing around, aim a few seconds and shoot :-D
@ToMPaSHKoV Ай бұрын
I have a question for the comment section: I have 3 accounts which I cycle through to knock off the daily missions. I've found that my first two games in each account are such that my RNG is awful, low damage rolls, failure to pen sides of tanks, never any critical hits and my opponents seem to hit every snap shot setting my tanks on fire. As WG has followed a casino model in other aspects, do you think it's possible that players logging in to an account for the first time on the day are 'incentivized' to lose early so as to play longer to get back to even? I don't lose every game, sometimes I can overcome the tilt, but I'm a 54% WR 2K wn8 player overall and I can't crack 40% in my first two games on any account, no matter how long I've been playing that day. Anyone else experienced this, or am I just imagining things?
@ZZZzzzap12 Ай бұрын
Hey Claus at 3:50 your doorbell rings.
@darrellsymonds3299 Ай бұрын
This guy definitely knows how to play this tank.
@matthewandrews9052 Ай бұрын
Gatov! Nice job defender. Yes please do a video with head phones and mic blocking your face. 😁
@hd9083 Ай бұрын
that part was LOL
@newdoggproductions Ай бұрын
SPG game, nope can't hit them from there, the ship blocks the shot. I know, I've tried many a time.
@marcusfenix891 Ай бұрын
No tier 8 tank should be facing tier 10’s your just cannon fodder !
@matthewandrews9052 Ай бұрын
Definitely not heavies. 👍🏻
@PorkusPie Ай бұрын
@jleonard7954 Ай бұрын
Feel asleep watching old episodes of biggest asshole videos and this video came up on...
@alanfindlay3233 Ай бұрын
Objectively fair and balanced. Up vote.
@jack-xf6il Ай бұрын
Thanks Claus!
@stevewebster5729 Ай бұрын
Sneaking an SPG game in is a bit naughty! At least the Jeff lost...
@7g3db Ай бұрын
the best part of this video was your title
@clintonturner5545 Ай бұрын
Until Wargaming takes were' Koda Chrome away.
@stephenbennett9427 Ай бұрын
Happy algorithm comment
@The_golden_charlie Ай бұрын
The algorithms used in this game suck you in, then you start to lose?
@tango2228 Ай бұрын
you will not hit a Russian tank with artillery!
@andreaabita Ай бұрын
do i get better RNG if i change my account name into: Igor Popadanya ?
@MrPerfect-om5ns Ай бұрын
Defender had good game but at that level im rarely up against opponents that are that easy to shoot.
@yojomojo Ай бұрын
its anoying...if your win rate gets too high, they fook you.
@2tone209 Ай бұрын
@cb3391 Ай бұрын
@luvr381 Ай бұрын
If you pay any attention, it's obvious how WoT uses MM AND RNG to determine if your game is to be a win or a loss.
@pauljude1996 Ай бұрын
@fredsmith7538 Ай бұрын
Typical match for arty these days, if you hit no next to no damage, can hit at end of match when it not longer matters......its balanced
@cb3391 Ай бұрын
☕😕 Bro, are you kidding, no I experienced it last night
@cb3391 Ай бұрын
And bringing star wars, star trek to WoT That's got to be one of the stupidest things I have heard. What the f@ck.....
@porcelain_throne_godna3131 Ай бұрын
Your Clausness, move your thumbnail down a scootch. I was trying to look at the team line-up and going crazy because I couldn't find the Obj 261 on it.
@OriginalYonta Ай бұрын
Jesus Christ that replay bug is still in the game??? thats just sad!
@Fr33Zone Ай бұрын
@fetsluck5620 Ай бұрын
I love the QB skits so you got to finish them once you start lol
@PorkusPie Ай бұрын
Yeah it’s hilarious how jealous and threatened he feels by QB.
@HeathcliffBeefcliff Ай бұрын
You should do a video only speaking Italian.
@rinkashi101 Ай бұрын
It's not all about skills, but mighty RNG. Awesome program indeed
@karel-de-Grote Ай бұрын
@TiikmetIidamm Ай бұрын
I suppose no one else will tell you... You moved your camera up on the chat box about 4 or 6 videos ago, and now you cover the 15th tank on friendly list of tanks.
@bert2530 Ай бұрын
Mmmmm…. I guess i am a good arty player 🤔
@brizbizel Ай бұрын
that spg replay was a waste of time Claus, not because of the "class" but because of the player's gameplay...
@scottfarrar8661 Ай бұрын
Everybody crying about RNG - Learn to aim and Git Gud
@teridacktaljones4553 Ай бұрын
@KOS762 Ай бұрын
@12:35 the arty round came out of the left side of the screen. as if his tank was in a different location... but it was not. WTF was that BS? WG? is your game one giant turd?
@matthewandrews9052 Ай бұрын
SPG players are people too?…Are you sure? 🤔😁
@Der_Olli70 29 күн бұрын
10:04......your picture is to high, only can see 14 players.......
@johncodmore Ай бұрын
I like you say pay-tree-ot, not pat-ree-ot. Watching the arty game made my eyes bleed.
@dastardlyzfiend Ай бұрын
What is this honeymoon period that you speak of?? I've had several premium 8s that had their first time out against tier 10s. My matches are 80% tier 8s V 10s, so much so that I've dropped down from almost 100 games a day to an average of 10-20! I'm about ready to uninstall as spamming gold, with perfect aiming at point blank range iis only getting screen not hit or hit with no pen....WG needs to pref all tier 8s so that they simply don't meet 10s....it's just too much of an overmatch IMHO....and sneaking in the Jeff was a funny , def wasn't expecting that lol.
@jgold2813 Ай бұрын
the honeymoon only works for me if i dont put a good crew in prem same with stock if i used a 75% crew with zer0 (0) perks and skills then its there but if you up grade a stock tank or put good crew in prem or stock it's never there :(
@bmw3401 Ай бұрын
Ordinary promotion from WOT tips !! (Haha 3-6-8000 Damage) you don't get 1/4th of what you see here in real game!!! These bastards have a modified mod for promotions to see they are still in the top ranks, what he shoots is a hit!! if a tank hits him.. then a rebound... I guarantee that you won't have it that way!! and it will be the opposite on mil. % and besides... don't buy premium or premium tanks!!! it's useless anyway, the server determines the damage,,..determines victory and defeat .. If you upload min Damage to the opponent, the server will automatically flip and give Victory/ if High damage to the opponent - it is automatically Defeat.. You have a tank of 8 levels and you are approximately at the bottom of the team or on the bottom team composition, stacked from level 10 = It's automatically a win because you have no chance to shoot down Level 10 that is: min. damage = victory.!!! If you are on the highest rungs in the lineup, e.g. team level 8 to level 6 , Automatically = high damage to the opponent and you automatically = Defeat!! Server. BLOCKS....visibility, enemy detections, opponent damage, you can just do whatever you want :D !! it's wasted money!! You actually have more losses than wins in the game!! Ask yourself another question.. how many times have you recorded what you see here? (it's easy to play if you're an admin with a good game mode!), and this thieving company gives replays like this every day ... they're just lying to you and fooling you it's a great game, waiting for you to adjust the game mode to the minimum so that you can put real money into it!! Also note that they offer only premium or 10 level tanks, where you have huge losses in the game even during premium, especially if you use gold-i (premium cartridges)!!! , for 1 battle minus up to 8-20,000 cash... if not more... wt.
@scottfarrar8661 Ай бұрын
Stop blaming RNG - Learn to aim noobs
@PorkusPie Ай бұрын
Awww another crybaby episode.
@jerrolduk2582 Ай бұрын
WG sucks! Punish Wargaming by playing WoT only for free. Be smart and invest your money. I'm buying crypto. You do whatever you like. :-)
@sayerrobin Ай бұрын
@fromhelltocell Ай бұрын
Claus, a little test for you: what do you recommend for us that uninstalled? To install again, or to never watch back? Hehehe...😁
@PorkusPie Ай бұрын
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