CNBC: Why Hearing Aids are So Expensive And How That's Changing | Dr. Cliff Reacts

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Doctor Cliff, AuD

Doctor Cliff, AuD

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CNBC: Why Hearing Aids are So Expensive And How That's Changing | Dr. Cliff Reacts. Doctor Cliff Olson, Audiologist and founder of Applied Hearing Solutions in Phoenix Arizona, reacts to a video by CNBC where they discuss why prescription hearing aids are so expensive and why over the counter (OTC) hearing aids might help.

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@michaelham2366 Жыл бұрын
Very good video. Full disclosure: I have hearing aids that I got from an audiologist and they made an enormous difference. I was putting off getting them, but I saw an article from Johns Hopkins on how hearing loss is strongly associated with cognitive decline, and I immediately made an appointment. Once I had them, I realized how much my hearing had slipped - loss of hearing is generally so gradual that people unconsciously make adjustments to compensate, one adjustment being becoming less social because it's hard to follow conversations. My step-father had hearing loss from working around power tools (back in the day when hearing protection was not a thing), and his adjustment to social conversation was a fixed smile. About the time I got my hearing aids, I realized I had adopted the same habit: isolated and smiling. Hearing aids are a godsend.
@meric12131415 Жыл бұрын
Cool 😁
@mostguitarswins Жыл бұрын
Agreed. Social isolation is one of the significant consequences of hearing loss, especially in noisy group settings like restaurants.
@meric12131415 Жыл бұрын
@@mostguitarswins that's actually true speaking of you ever heard of that survivor contestant with the cochlear implant?
@karenkelly1451 Жыл бұрын
I realized today that I have been pretending that I know what people say with a fixed smile for years.
@meric12131415 Жыл бұрын
@@karenkelly1451 🤣 oh yeah?
@victorpayne6586 Жыл бұрын
All of that said, still doesn't provide room for those of us that can't afford $5000 for hearing aids. I do believe they are over priced. I am on my second pair @ $5k and $5.5k. The price is a killer.
@amirnathoo4600 Жыл бұрын
I don’t think the cost issue is manufacturing. Where the price becomes outrageous is hearing care professionals charging a huge premium for minimal follow ups. I was fitted with hearing aids due to a hereditary hearing loss (cookie bite type of loss). The total cost of this was $6500 which included the following with the device itself costing around $4000. I was very fortunate that my insurance at the time covered 90% of that cost. Unfortunately I had to change providers because they were not following best practices and as a result lost the 2 year care/followups I was entitled for for free. I since found another provider who is part of the hearingup network. But they are charging $975 just for re-fitting my hearing aids. While they are doing things right. The cost of that care is not affordable, especially if you insurance will not cover the cost. And in my case that provider in not covered. So I have to now pay everything out of my pocket. I think the audiology industry should be more regulated to truly make a difference.
@Dollar4Change Жыл бұрын
It doesn’t make sense that while insurance companies provide coverage for a vast number of medical issues, hearing loss isn’t one of them. Is hearing loss not a medical issue? The whole “it’s expensive” is relative is a load of garbage. For a middle class family such as mine, $6k (based on what my audiologist recommends) is a heck of a lot of money! As someone who has worked in a law enforcement related profession for 12 years, I can tell you that my ability to hear is beyond important. My problem isn’t so much that the devices are so expensive as much as my problem with health insurance companies not providing adequate coverage for hearing devices.
@WaynoGur Жыл бұрын
There are many hearing aid banks. We have several in Arizona. My audiologist and Aloha (Adult Loss of Hearing Association) pass these on for recycling and refurbishment. They are then offered at low cost to qualifying persons. This usually includes programming pro Bono by some audiologists. Help is available. You have to be willing to spend time finding it.
@truthseeker8399 Жыл бұрын
Dr. Cliff, Thank you for the clarification!
@user-gr1th4tm7k Жыл бұрын
I consider myself your student, dr. Cliff. I learned a lot from your old videos, and got the best treatment of my hearing impairment available in my country (you would condemn them for not following the best practices though). But you see that the work on building people's awareness is endless. I am very grateful for all I have learned. Keep going, we need you!
@wmitchell51 Жыл бұрын
Having worked in a machine shop for over 40 yrs, it did have a negative effect on my hearing. Now that I have hearing aids, I am shocked at what I can hear now Wow, the sounds I have been missing out on. Great video!
@wendyherrmann8219 Жыл бұрын
Very good information on the cost!! I have worn Starkey past 4 years and was never fully satisfied. I have tried resound Costco Jabra right now and they for way less cost seem better and have had great customer service. Than you Dr. Cliff!!
@lauramaeda7214 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this review. One. Of my doctors, a noted expert in his field, said to take expert medical opinion in news features should be taken with a grain of salt. News features, newspapers,local and broadcast news are time sensitive. The person behind the feature needs an expert and needs one promptly to meet the broadcast deadline. The individuals who research and find experts who are willing to speak on air is a difficult task. They contact different universities and hospitals and unless they find an expert provider who is passionate about the subject, known experts in their fields, rarely have time to be interviewed. Instead, sometimes someone who is interested in “promoting themselves “ or considers themselves an expert and is not,volunteers to be interviewed for the broadcast. These options vary in quality and accuracy and should not be considered as gospel advice. I’m a little skeptical by nature and tend to investigate some expert opinions on my own. I appreciate your efforts to keep me informed. Keep up making videos.
@rickygore9334 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for this info Dr. Cliff. I recently had the Earlens hearings aids placed, because I'm a musician and audio engineer, so I wanted the extra bandwidth that they provide. It's really amazing how well they work. However I do wish their technology was moving more quickly. I really wish I could use my Apple Watch to change programs like I could with Resound. But you are correct when you say, with the right audiologist you will get amazing results. (and I have a great one) Dr. Grome with Ears4U in Nashville, TN. I had these placed in late November, and went on tour all through December. I struggled a little getting used to them, and after having some tweaks done and spending some long sessions with Dr. Grome, they are working beautifully. People need to be sure and give their brain time to adjust to the new sounds you can hear, and then make further adjustments. Don't settle for what you have, keep going back and making subtle adjustments until you can get up in the morning, put them on, and not have to adjust anything. All that said, as an audio engineer, I really wish I could have a 31 band EQ, with and RTA, and make my own adjustments. I could have gotten to this point much faster. But I understand I am a rare case, so not much hope of seeing that. Anyway, your videos helped me to make this (expensive, but well worth it) decision. Thanks again, and take care. Ricky
@meric12131415 Жыл бұрын
Earlens eh? I thought those were online only you actually got them through your audiologist?
@christiriley5782 Жыл бұрын
There is NO excuse for the cost of hearing aids NO matter what you say!! Manufacturing cost is around $200 so $6000 cost is unreasonable!
@wandawilson7971 Жыл бұрын
If the article pointed out the percentage of pure blood profit on a pair of hearing aids, I missed it! That would be the most enlightening information. If you are retired and living on a fixed income, which so many of us elderly people are, even OTC hearing aids are a stretch, especially in this time of high inflation. No one begrudges a company making profit - but it’s seemingly outlandish profit at the expense of poor people who have no other options that seems such a shame! As my older sister needs hearing aids now, my hope is that OTC hearing aids will be decent quality or will, in spite of your prediction, bring the price of custom hearing aids down to a more reasonable cost. Why can’t hearing aid companies offer hearing aids at a reduced rate to elderly people making below a certain amount. Charity? Yes. But as someone who is literally deaf without her hearing aids (which were expensive even with insurance and don’t do a satisfactory job anymore) I am having to struggle along with my current (well-known brand) ones. Becoming a recluse seems to be my best option since not being able to hear annoys other people as much as it does me! Even grocery trips and appointments are stressful. Not looking for sympathy, just cheaper hearing aids! LOL As mentioned in comments, I was never made aware that the high cost of my hearing aids includes all future visits and that I could have opted out. Hmmmm!
@coffeecat086 Жыл бұрын
I would not take these things out even at gunpoint. Starkey is awesome. They are so so nice.
@janeciardi9708 Жыл бұрын
Congratulations! This was a great video. You should do all your videos sitting in a nice area. You did bounce once. Excellent!
@juanch6936 Жыл бұрын
I wonder if the hearing aids in the US are way higher to make up for the free ones being given away in other countries. That’s how it works with pharmaceuticals. The price for a lot of drugs are priced way lower in 3rd world countries and over priced here. Because we make up the difference. That’s why so many people in the Southwest US go down to Mexico to buy their medicines for cheap prices.
@Willowy13 Жыл бұрын
They are even more expensive here in Brazil. In the highest prices, a par of hearing aids may cost a new entry car.
@s.f4599 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for all the information in this video. Let's say manufacturers and audiologists are charging a reasonable amount for prescription hearing aids. My question is why are the guarantees so short? My first set of hearing aids lasted 3 years and cost $3,500. My high efficiency furnace cost was pretty close to the same amount with a 10 year parts and labour guarantee! The internal parts of my furnace appear quite complex while inside my hearing aid does not. Can the small size or miniaturization necessary for hearing aids be the reason for cost? If so, why has no one developed a hearing aid where most of the components of hearing aid sit inside attractive pendant worn outside shirt, sweater or coat that transmits to a small in ear device? Thinking out loud hear... Regards. Stephen
@mostguitarswins Жыл бұрын
Pretty much agree with everything you're saying in this video. Regarding the dilemma of price there may be relief coming for Medicare recipients this year as there's a bill in Congress which if passed will add 80/20 coverage for hearing aids 👍
@DrCliffAuD Жыл бұрын
Won't happen. I will go on the record and say there is a 0% chance hearing aids are covered under Medicare. The government had their chance 1 year ago and blew it.
@johnanderson9735 4 ай бұрын
I will say that it took me many years together get to where I am now with a great audiologist that really cares about getting it right. He doesn’t even try to push new aids when the mfg has not really made any significant changes in technology. My advice would be don’t end your search for a great audiologist, that takes time.
@chesterrobinson3580 Жыл бұрын
Please Help! I have moderate hearing loss and tinnitus. But I only want to wear them when I need too, like in a meeting/ restaurant etc. I don’t have a lot of money. Is there a headphone that would work and if not would the Sony new hearing aids be best?? Thank you anyone that responds!
@hawgdawg2002 11 ай бұрын
All veterans do not get free hearing aids. Went through the whole process only to find out I did not qualify because my Navy rate was not listed as causing hearing failure. Combat veterans get free ones but most do not qualify.
@bobblount9237 Жыл бұрын
I saw an article onCostco Kirkland contractor being selected. I can not wait for you comments. Bob Blount
@fredh54 8 ай бұрын
I do not buy the argument that we should temper our shock about cost because of what they do for us. What we might look at is the cost of manufacturing versus the selling price. Yes, we are also paying for an audiologist's services, and they aren't free, but the cost of the hearing aids themself is extraordinary.
@robynwilliamson7066 Жыл бұрын
The difficulty is finding a good reliable audiologist who is actually qualified. Robyn from Australia
@nickolasbochkarev9624 Жыл бұрын
I disagree with your reasoning that over the counter hearing aids will not affect custom hearing aid prices because they have been available for a long time (be it not over the counter). Allowing them to be over the counter brings in customers on the margin. For example if I had hearing loss whereby I thought about getting a custom solution but walk into a pharmacy and see that I can buy something cheap over the counter I might buy it even though I could have bought the same product online all along. Online sales of things is still a small percentage of sales of everything, even though it might not seem that way. I might feel more comfortable with buying them off the shelf, since I can see the product and I know I can return it easily. And more importantly I might be satisfied with that product in the good enough sense of being satisfied, which is how most people buy things, on a value proposition. Over the counter hearing aid will bring pressure on prices because of they will bring in more buyers on the margin for lower cost solutions.
@jimmynorton1001 Жыл бұрын
Great video Dr. Thank you.
@pamd1536 Жыл бұрын
I live you information can’t quite find super recent videos yet. Right now so many are such different prices. I have signia @$5000 a pair plus I needed custom moulds at maybe 100 each I think. I had care until I moved to another state. The company is here but it’s like they didn’t sell them here sooo. But one is slowly shutting down after a few hours. Idk if I need new or fixed and I am getting emails and Facebook ads left and right with prices from 900 for one with a bogs you get two all the way to several grand apiece. I was hoping to find a good recommendation on how to decide. Thanks.
@JoeDixon740 Жыл бұрын
Great video, as always. I have a minor nit-pick: not “all” veterans get free hearing aids through the VA. You need a threshold level (percentage) of disability. My generation (I am 77) was typically discharged with minimal or no disability awarded (Agent Orange excepted). Minor point, however, Dr. Cliff. I enjoy all of your videos. (I subscribe to your channel.)
@richardkoehnen7348 Жыл бұрын
Joe, sorry to disagree with you, but my father, a WWII Veteran, got his first set of hearing aids from the VA at 90 years young, and a zero percent disability rating...
@Bleys1973 Жыл бұрын
I was at a VA audiologist getting my ears checked yesterday. She told me that veterans had to have a certain level of hearing loss for the VA to pay for your hearing aids, not any percentage rating of disability. Even if you have no rated disability, the VA will cover hearing aids. Sounds like you may have some benefits you should take advantage of.
@JoeDixon740 Жыл бұрын
@@richardkoehnen7348 That's really interesting. I may have unnecessarily gone through two years of re-evaluation, with eventually a 60% rating, before I could make an appointment for hearing aids in Colorado Springs at the VA. Glad your father was successful.
@JoeDixon740 Жыл бұрын
@@Bleys1973 , I did finally get hearing aids last year, but had to go through hoops and re-evaluation to get a disability rating. Curiously, I got no disability for hearing, even though my hearing loss had been documented. I hope I am wrong, and the VA does provide hearing aids to all veterans.
@glennwatson3313 Жыл бұрын
I am a teacher and I also have hearing aids. But I can't say they are a life changing thing. Should I look into another provider or brand?
@DrCliffAuD Жыл бұрын
If they are not life changing, you are either in the wrong devices, they are not optimized correctly, or both.
@glennwatson3313 Жыл бұрын
@@DrCliffAuD Thank you.
@karenkelly1451 Жыл бұрын
I will be glad when mine arrive. I can barely hear this
@kobenoah1 Ай бұрын
How long do a pair of hearing aids last? I have vestibular schwannoma in my right ear so only understand about 13 percent of what i hear. Hearing aid wont help with that. Would be nice to get a hearing aid for my left ear that raises the volume of what I’m trying to listen to, but not background noise. I also would want it to live for many years, or at least know what to expect on how long it lasts so I can start saving up for the next pair. :)
@greggendreau1274 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for all your hard work to produce this internet content for us. A lot of your fans would like you to do a video on “Innerscope Hearing” products and their installation of hundreds of hearing evaluation kiosks all over the united states. . They are selling their “iHear” and “Hearing Assist” brands in large retail stores all over the United States (CVS Pharmacy, Hy-Vee grocery chain, Best Buy, Walmart, Rite-Aid and several others). Thank you. We watch all your videos.
@tstltstl Жыл бұрын
What Dr. Cliff is saying is true, but I feel he's also justifying/defending the industry. Using all the arguments for why it's okay that hearing aids are so expensive, my Samsung cell phone should cost $10,000 or more based on the technology and utility of the device. I'm single sided deaf with just enough hearing to not qualify for a cochlear implant through insurance, but not enough that a hearing aid will likely help. As my deafness is recent, my audiologist wants to allow some time to pass to see where my hearing stabilizes before determining the best course of action.
@markmandelstamm2866 6 ай бұрын
All veterans are not eligible for free hearing aids. You have to qualify for VA benefits. If you qualify, get your hearing aids and later become ineligible for reasons like income you no longer qualify for Audiology services. I have been thru this with the VA.
@sfrink1425 Жыл бұрын
I wish the video really would have discussed resources available to assist with the cost of hearing aids. Here's what I would have added... 1. Regarding the school teacher who "couldn't afford hearing aids", since she's working she could seek assistance through a combined Federal and State program called "Vocational Rehabilitation", or "VR" for short. Programs vary by state, but these programs are designed to assist people with disabilities in their work environment, which includes hearing loss and hearing aids. They also help if you're going to school, earning a degree that will eventually help you get a job. They also help with job placement for people with disabilities, so it's a fantastic program overall. Working or going to college? You likely qualify for assistance. 2. Medicaid. While MediCARE doesn't cover hearing aids, MediCAID often does, especially for children. Programs, like VR, will vary from state to state, but often can help both adults and children get hearing aids, earmolds, batteries, etc., at no cost. If you qualify for MediCAID, there's a good possibility you're covered for hearing aids. (I capitalize the CAID and CARE so that people will distinguish the different programs) 3. Unbundled Options. Often people say they can't afford hearing aids. If they don't qualify for VR or MediCAID, they honestly usually still have enough money to purchase hearing aids on their own. They just have other financial commitments, maybe, that stand in the way, or they don't place enough VALUE on improving their hearing to think it's worth it. But there are ways to affordably improve your hearing that can still involve the assistance of a professional like Dr. Cliff or myself. One concept is unbundling. As mentioned (fairly accurately) in the video, a pair of hearing aids typically range from $2,000 to $8,000. But this isn't just for the devices. As also mentioned in the video, it usually includes all of the follow-up care the hearing aids need for however long the patient has them, which is often 5-10 years for one set! Thus you're simply paying in advance for all that follow-up care, which is typically 50-70% of the cost. One option to ask for is what's called "unbundled care", where you pay for the hearing aids, the initial fitting and a few follow-up visits. By not paying for 5-10 years of service upfront, you can significantly drop your up-front cost, and then just pay as needed for it. In my office, doing an unbundled program decreases the retail price from a range of $2,000 to $8,000 a pair down to $1,398 to $4,748 a pair -- a reduction of 30% - 60%. You would then just pay fee-for-service as needed, typically from $25 to $125 per visit. 4. Finance options. Hearing aids aren't inexpensive. The video does a good job of explaining why that is, and I've presented some options which discuss places that can help. But, just as with any major expense, financing can significantly improve affordability. When my son needed braces, I couldn't pay the upfront cost, so I financed it. It was over $4,000 altogether. I paid a down payment, and then monthly payments for a few years. We got it taken care of, and I didn't go into the poor house. Similarly, hearing aids can be financed, and often with 0% interest programs. One we work with allows up to 18 months with no interest. Coupled with an unbundled program and a 10% down payment, that reduces the monthly cost of bundled-care aids ($2,000 to $8,000 a pair) to $100 to $400 per month. On the unbundled care program ($1,398 to $4,748), down to $70 to $264 per month. You can also get long-term financing options which usually charge interest (let's say 9.99%), which would reduce the unbundled care options down to only $27 to $99 per month. MOST PEOPLE could probably afford $27 per month, so affordability is truly optional. Whether people value it enough to commit to it is the real question. 5. Charitable Foundations. Finally, there are charitable foundations available that can help people with hearing aids. As mentioned in the video, the Starkey Hearing Foundation has probably given away more hearing aids than anyone else in the world, except maybe the VA or the British National Health Service. But there are other local programs that might be available, such as the Lions Club, Sertoma, or private organizations. In July of 2020, I launched my own charitable foundation (I'll ask permission of Cliff to mention its name here). We take in donated hearing aids, recondition them, and then fit them to people in our community who can't afford hearing aids. The bottom line is that there is always some way to help people hear better, and affordability shouldn't be an obstacle. If your own finances stand in the way of doing this, simply ask your audiologist about some of the options mentioned above and see what they can find for you. If they can't, seek out someone who can.
@clivefinlay3901 6 ай бұрын
You say that there isn’t a monopoly and that the five major hearing aid companies compete with one another, I would disagree and consider the 5 are in league with one another in a very cozy club.
@rmsavig2204 Жыл бұрын
Wrong, all service members do NOT get free hearing aids from the VA.
@jameseubanks1509 Жыл бұрын
Thanks, Dr. Cliff. We know that Costco can provide quality results for $1,400. My last Audiologist charged $8,000 for the same hearing aid and service. To answer the question, 'Why are hearing aids so expensive?' , we need to know who gets that extra $6,600.
@DrCliffAuD Жыл бұрын
The clinic gets the $6,000. However, when you spend this extra $6,000, you should be getting substantially better Quality of care, more time with the provider, better support, and better experience than you receive at Costco. If not, you went to the wrong clinic.
@onlihuman13 Жыл бұрын
you get free coffee, battery and accessories for the extra 6000 its a great deal
@triadwarfare Жыл бұрын
@@onlihuman13 totally not worth it. I can sacrifice these services to get the price significantly lower.
@irenerubaum-keller5941 Жыл бұрын
@@DrCliffAuD I would so love the choice to just pay for the aids and then pay for the audiologist as needed. Some of us can't afford "best practices" but still need the aid to hear. The choice would be ideal!
@DrCliffAuD Жыл бұрын
@@ryanryan6207 not worth it to you, but it's not all about you. Glad you're happy with your provider.
@Freedom-nu7he Жыл бұрын
She has a cookie bite hearing loss is what it sounds like, nothing to due with loud noise etc. I have this hearing loss but I do have bad tinnitus which is horrible I am working with the VA and not much helps.
@Willowy13 Жыл бұрын
In my country you either pay theft level prices for these devices or wait for the government to give you one, which may take years. I chose to go deaf. I can't pay for one and I just don't want to deal with the stress of waiting for my government to give me one. I could sell a kidney, but I like both of them. I am learning deaf language and lip reading. I can get retired sooner too. The only bad thing is that I will have to stop driving along the way.
@katepowell916 Жыл бұрын
Your anger spoiled the point.
@sticks7971 Жыл бұрын
54….. been putting off for a long time. ( pride)… i want most inconspicuous that i can get. However, i am not one that will take off work every few months to go to a doctor. What do you recommend
@DrCliffAuD Жыл бұрын
You've got a lot if options for an IIC hearing aid. Check out my best Invisible hearing aids of 2023 video.
@sticks7971 Жыл бұрын
@@DrCliffAuD thank you
@alanfarnworth5991 Жыл бұрын
They are rip off overpriced and the hearing aid providers will always try to sell you the top of the range most expensive hearing aids even though I tell them I am not very well off. Hearing aid providers where I live are like second hand car salesmen. Not to be trusted. In the uk you can get free hearing aids from the NHS but they are absolutely useless. If the manufacturers make hearing aids for people with limited funds I am not being offered them. I do not trust hearing aid providers in the UK. Easy to say they are worth £4000 if you can Easley afford to keep paying that. Why can we not have decent hearing aids for the less well off. £4000 ?????????
@glennwatson3313 Жыл бұрын
You can't get free hearing aids in the UK. You can get hearing aids that are paid for by someone else. Nothing is free.
@Willowy13 Жыл бұрын
It is fascinating that internet went from dial up to giga broadband and it got cheaper. A computer went from a room sized device to the palm of your hand... and it got cheaper. A digital camera was fit inside a freaking smartphone. Only hearing aids can't get a $200-300 cheap basic device. Everytime something related to human health needs to be improved and get cheaper... it can't (and those that find a way to help are cancelled, attacked, etc).
@dkev001 Жыл бұрын
Is it unusual for an Audiology office to charge subscription fees for different levels of after care?
@DrCliffAuD Жыл бұрын
Relatively unusual, but it does exist.
@frankcampbell7823 Жыл бұрын
Someone is in the pocket of the big hearing aid companies…….I am in the market for hearing aids and have met with two audiologist so far and tried a couple of different manufactures. I want to do my research and try them out before buying. Navigating the online info is beyond confusing….of course everyone says their product is the best. I watched a few of your videos for the info, and most were informative. After watching this one…..I’m done. I have spent hours doing online research……still just as unsure of what to buy as when I started. I have met two audiologists in person and had tests done …..I have an appointment with another one…..they are all like used car salesmen…..just want to line their pockets. Serious lack of integrity in the hearing aid buisness… careful.
@Willowy13 Жыл бұрын
It is the medical industry. After these last 3 years, it made clear they aren't here for anything other than profit and F us if we can't pay (or need a prescription they don't want to give).
@frankyilove Жыл бұрын
They are still high to a person who are on a fixed income, plus it's people health why can't they just help us ? This world is sick, I need hearing aids and they told me starting at $3000 for basic but I should get the advance at $5500 both are a pairs , I do suffer from tinnitus but still , a house is one thing but we need our hearing, it shouldn't break the bank or put a strain on us to get help and care from the medical field or government whoever it is. I know I don't want to pay $5500 I'm 48 years old, and I must get them to help with the tinnitus from hearing lost. That's my opinion on this video. Peace in the mighty name of Jesus, hopefully one day in America they will TRULY help us In Healthcare.
@Willowy13 Жыл бұрын
Just buy your hearing aid. Don't you know that the device maker, the doctor prescripting it and the bank financing it need their profits?😂😠
@Willowy13 Жыл бұрын
I am Brazilian. This is not just an American problem. Here in Brazil, the most expensive hearing aids cost more or less half a new entry car. The cheapest is 5 to 6 times more expensive than our monthly minimal wage. I was diagnosed with needing hearing aids. I concluded that I either sell a kidney to afford one, I get myself in debt to a bank to buy one or I just go deaf. I guess learning sign language and lip reading is cheaper.
@frankyilove Жыл бұрын
@Willowy13 Im Sorry to hear that.This is so crazy, i paid $5500 for a pair of WIDEX , I didn't want to, my insurance didn't help at all, it's a very sad time in the world. Stay strong
@kathanzia 8 ай бұрын
you should have been a lawyer. Eye glasses are very essential component of life more than hearing but are affordable because the manufactures are not in collusion.
@Monty-bi6mf 4 ай бұрын
Veterans get free hearing aids only if they qualify with the income guidelines. Unless they served in a conflict
@jackinkc767 7 ай бұрын
Yep, I thought it was an infomercial.
@curtwuollet2912 Жыл бұрын
Yes, it's an interesting subject. Some aids are a custom works of art. But others are pretty much off the shelf. But, there is not much difference in price point. Yes, there is programming, but matching an audiogram is within the capabilities of a well crafted app. Indeed this is how it is done by audiologists. Let's ignore the special cases where a lot of personalization is required. We'll grant that those can be spendy, with ear molds, etc. But the "standard" Gizmo 500 from Costco, once the first cost is done, should be a step and repeat amortizing those costs over many units, but pricing doesn't go down. And models of past generations should be even cheaper, but probably hit the dumpster. But, all that aside, I've been considering hearing aids for my wife and myself. We could kinda afford them, with insurance. But, neither of us can justify spending thousands on them. And the low cost units won't do the job. And like thousands of others, it's a cost/benefit analysis. For some, who have major problems, it's a necessity, no question. But for many of us, it's a hard sell with current pricing. For some, it's a non starter even free. But that middle group is where the increase in take up is possible. And if thousands remain thousands, not much is going to change. I might add, from an electronics viewpoint, cellphones should cost more than they do. But there is a large range in prices, all of which will call home.
@michaelham2366 Жыл бұрын
When I read a Johns Hopkins report on the association between hearing loss and cognitive decline, I *immediately* made an appointment with an audiologist and got hearing aids. ($5000 for two - painful) They made an *enormous* difference. Because my hearing loss was gradual, I had unconsciously made adjustments to my routines and social life, one adjustment being that I simply did not engage as much - again: not a conscious decision, I just "didn't feel like it." Now that I have them, I realize that (for me) they were worth the money. If you do get them, I highly recommend getting a little dehumidifier (sold specifically for hearing aids) to store them in at night. Open the hearing aids before putting them in the dehumidifier. The ear canal is not a good environment for electronics, which is why I did not choose in-the-ear hearing aids (faster failure rate); instead, I got behind the ear. Note also that hearing aids, like automobiles, must eventually be replaced. Now that I know how vital they are, I put aside some money each month so that when replacement time comes, I'll have the $ to buy a new pair. The estimated life varies, but I'm figuring 6 years (with using the dehumidifier).
@curtwuollet2912 Жыл бұрын
@@michaelham2366 So much depends on your individual circumstances and disability. I have a "severe" loss above 3kHz. But I very seldom have a noticeable problem as I am very seldom in a noisy background situation. I don't depend on public meetings in my retirement. It's just not a $$$$ problem. I hear well enough.
@michaelham2366 Жыл бұрын
@@curtwuollet2912 I was fully retired and not attending meetings. I was just talking to my wife about this (she's on a trip, so Facetime), and she said the difference in my overall behavior and demeanor before and after getting the hearing aids surprised her. Apparently, it was a *marked* difference. I had not been conscious of any change (subjectively), but from an observer's point of view, it was as if I had come to life, in a way. I didn't think I had all that bad a loss (because it was gradual and I had adjusted). I decided to get hearing aids just because I did not want to risk cognitive decline (another gradual process in which one might not be consciously aware of the change).
@ExistentialismOnPromNight Жыл бұрын
@@curtwuollet2912 I wonder if you family agrees with that lol
@ExistentialismOnPromNight Жыл бұрын
If it is that easy, why would it require a doctorate in the US to be an audiologist? And Master's degree in most other countries that has Master's degree.
@nighthawk700gc Жыл бұрын
​Ouch. Dr. Virdi wrote "Hearing Happiness" covering the history of different "cures" for deafness. She's a historian and has a hearing loss herself. But that was a pretty significant goof! (and your off hand dismissal of her because of it, yikes!)
@Laufield 9 ай бұрын
I hate when hearing aids are so expensive thousands dollar than cheap iPhone, PS5, TV 4k, laptops, bluetooth earbuds, and anything. That’s bullshit! I am Deaf and I never had a hearing aids. What a joke 😡😡😡
@dennishowland7495 9 ай бұрын
you get what you pay
@byrdsfan4585 Жыл бұрын
If I could (and it would be very difficult) pay $3000-$8000 for hearing aids knowing there was an excellent likelihood that Mt hearing issues would be substantially improved and I would could accept whatever the accompanying compromises would be; then I’d do it. After visiting 3 audiologists in the past year (very similar audiograms, wildly different recommendations) and discussing hearing aids with many people I meet (high percentage of unhappiness) I have little confidence in positive results. My strong concern/fear is the money will be wasted. That I can’t afford.
@federicorey6759 7 ай бұрын
Hearing AIDS are very expensive. Regardless the going back-and-forth and trying to discredit or credit the story.
@DrCliffAuD 7 ай бұрын
What would not be expensive for you?
@meric12131415 Жыл бұрын
Hopefully the woman who commented on that video is watching this it's well put cliff she really doesn't know what she's talking about r&d is most of the cost and tech is the other half it isn't easy to fit so much tech into a hearing aid no matter how big or small it may be on that note I do wonder why Starkey didn't use the same style with their previous in ear hearing aid where it was still as small as the Livio ai but didn't have antennas sticking out of both of them making ya look like an alien 🤣🤔
@Willowy13 Жыл бұрын
And yet they could reduce digital cameras to make them as powerful as many DSLR out there while INSIDE A FREAKING SMARTPHONE. BS! Technology advancements mean that things get smaller and cheap... unless it is anything related to human health. Insulin is made by peanuts today and yet it costs a lot to the consumers. The internet went from dial up to super fast broadband while getting cheaper. PCs went from a whole room to notebooks while getting cheaper. Cell phones, your TV and even refrigerators got more technological and cheaper. Hearing aids?? Not so much. The truth is that human health is the biggest industry out there. It is the source of profit for these industries. They know that you will either pay 4-5-10K for hearing aids or you will go without. They don't care. As they say, it is not a charity.
@meric12131415 Жыл бұрын
@@Willowy13 exactly my point kinda
@meric12131415 Жыл бұрын
Ah an emac interesting interesting 🤔
@galambox Жыл бұрын
1) not sure why you added a comment about hit and miss in socialist medicine? It's hit and miss everywhere. There are great dr.s in Canada & US and terrible doctors in both. 2) the reason they added the item about military is probably because they had a target number of minutes to fill, so they needed to add content
@peterjurczyk61 Жыл бұрын
Hello: Doctor Cliff, Thanks for your service like your channel and the hot blond she's like a 90% meaning scores on every category majorly..Doctor thank you so much for wearing that suit perfect...not gay you look awesome and how a man should....thanks have a super evening ! Someday I'd say high to her however recently discovered my trust fund doesn't exist......was supposed to be wealthy at age 65......yeah I have to rewrite my life at age 53.....good luck Dr.Cliff have super evening !
@jcgreader Жыл бұрын
Self serving
@DrCliffAuD Жыл бұрын
I guess so. I sell both Rx and OTC Hearing aids so if anyone treats their hearing loss, I benefit as well.
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