Don't be afraid of bears

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David on Earth

David on Earth

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Black bears are often the most unjustly feared animals for hikers and backpackers. I propose, based off of the most comprehensive research available, that we all take a deep breath and reexamine this wilderness creature and ourselves. Only after we understand bear behavior can we establish their true demeanor and intent with humans.
00:00 - Introduction
00:25 - The punch line: we are not bear food
00:55 - Unreasonable Fear
01:18 - The Research
05:46 - Five Recommendations
Gear Referenced In This Video
URSack -
Bear Container -
Food Hang Kit -
Dr Lynn Rogers' research -
DNR of Minnesota:
Get Bear Smart:
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Пікірлер: 42
@tangenttrails 3 ай бұрын
Thank you! Thank you for sharing this, David.
@shayneb3540 3 ай бұрын
I was raised in the woods of Northern Ontario. I’ve had hundreds of encounters with black bears. Almost every single one of them I have ever seen.. wanted nothing more to get as far away from me as quickly as possible.
@alanhean6504 3 ай бұрын
Thank you so much. The truth is so freeing.
@deannapotes5276 3 ай бұрын
Last year my husband and I had a black bear that's been in our area tearing up bird feeders, bee hives, and it ripped the door off of our generator house. I found out our neighbor 3 houses down was setting out peanut butter sandwiches so he could get better trail cam pictures! My husband and I ended up not putting in our garden because of it. I am doing my garden again hoping the bear don't rip anything up. I'm more pissed at our neighbor than the bear!
@DavidonEarth 3 ай бұрын
Right. It's not cute... it's dangerous to train wild aminals to depend on humans for food.
@lagodifuoco313 3 ай бұрын
Great video with great information.
@DavidonEarth 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching!
@cgoodson2010 3 ай бұрын
I LOVE bears!
@jannamozdzer4100 3 ай бұрын
We have bear safety hiking book and it says most predatory attacks are black bears not grizzlies. According to this book which was put out by the National Park Service black bears are more of a threat than grizzlies.
@DavidonEarth 3 ай бұрын
This is a great example of the point I'm trying to make. Thank you! I tend to trust information from those who have dedicated 50 years of their life studying the behavior of one specific species. And if I was in charge of the safety of a large volume of people who are mostly not informed about how to behave around bears (leaving food out to attract animals, for instance, as is what Park Rangers spend much of their time dealing with) I might also put out a publication that scares said people into compliance with safety rules. Not to be disrespectful of the NPS, but let's pause to consider their motivation for putting out info that's contrary to animal behavior science.
@banditorules9163 3 ай бұрын
I saw a Black Bear two years ago and I I live Akron Ohio.
@bobsurenko7044 3 ай бұрын
I grew up with black bears in the neighborhood and had countless encounters. Don't screw around or feed them. Keep food, garbage and birdseed put away. No food in the tent. I like to watch them so I stay quiet, but make noise and watch them run. Seeing a big one climb a tree is amazing.
@DavidonEarth 3 ай бұрын
Ya, my Mom in Michigan doesn't leave bird seed in her feeders any more after the bears tore them down several times. Good stuff here. Thanks for watching!
@edwardzignot2681 3 ай бұрын
I've lived in the mountains for about a year now and there's a pretty big black bear population up here. I have hundreds of trail cam pics of them and have run into them in person several times. All of the personal encounters went the same way. The bear was walking past, looked at me briefly, then continued on its way. I've never once felt threatened by them and have grown to actually enjoy seeing them in person. I know these are all anecdotes, but they've never given me a reason to fear them personally. I'd never approach one or try to get its attention, but they don't particularly scare me. Just seems like a kind of mutual wary respect. Give me space and I'll give you space. Abandoned or neglected dogs are a much bigger concern up here from what I've seen.
@DavidonEarth 3 ай бұрын
Your experiences seem to be in line with what the scientists have observed. Thanks for watching and the comments!
@xaedmon 3 ай бұрын
Living in Maine for over 30 years, I have a great deal of experience with black bears- bottom line... any BB can be dangerous under the right conditions/circumstances. And the primary factor that can turn a normally "shy" bear into a killer that will try to take you down without hesitation... HUNGER! Hunger can drive them to disregard their normal aversion to humans and attack on sight. Bears with "bad teeth" can become problem bears as well, as long-term problem teeth can change their behavioral characteristics... going from shy/reclusiveness to aggressive reckless abandon, charging in on anything they can. Me personally? I have entered into a symbiotic relationship with them- in that, they have come to understand me, and I them. What have they come to understand? That I am "master of my "domain"- in due time they learned to respect my presence, yet at the same time they know that this property is a safe haven for them to come and fill their bellies on the apples and get fresh water from the pond. What have I come to understand? That they are more than just bears. They are an integral part of system of natural things, without which would prove disastrous for the local eco system. And beyond that, they are more than just animals... they have a spirit, and so play a larger role in reality than be seen with your eyes... yes, they have purpose beyond what is readily perceivable with everyday cold/hard logic. To really understand their place and function in the "big picture" of reality, you must see them through and through with YOUR spirit. How do I know this to be true? Well, this knowing did not come by way of study of bears, it did not come to me because I am "smarter than the average bear" either. No, these things I tell you... were given to me to know through my interactions with them, and in a sense from them directly. What I allude to is an unusual experience that opened my eyes to the multi- dimensional nature of our Maine black bears in no uncertain way. About 11 years or so ago- It was midafternoon & I was in the house eating lunch, when I spotted though a security camera what I took to be a rather large Rottweiler rooting around an apple tree! I was like, WTH?? where did he come from & what is he doing here? Well, I am admittedly rather "reactionary" when it comes to such unexpected/unwelcome intrusions, so I grabbed a big wooden sword- yes I know... who the H keeps a wooden sword at the ready 'just in case"?? lol So- I charged outside with gusto ready to send that dog back to where he came from- but guess what? that was no big dog lol that was a 250-300 lb. Blackbear! And so- he just stood there looking at me chomping on apples like, what's your problem? you have never seen a bear eat apples before? lol Well I was a bit confused, as Bears to not come out in broad daylight close to human habitation AND in full view of a busy road in front of my house! Totally atypical behavior! well, traffic was picking up and I became concerned that passerby's would spot him and take note of where the bears can be found, then try to sneak onto the property & harvest one when my back was turned. So- in my "great wisdom" I decided I needed to run him off & back into the woods for his own good. Well, I sauntered up with my big stick to the brute & started talking to him- telling him, he needed to get a move on & he shouldn't be out here in broad daylight ect, But he just kept chomping on those apples while watching me, in my mind he was like... yeah whatever, I will leave when I am ready! Well, that did not sit well with me, so I started smacking that big stick into my leather gloved hand while telling him he needs to leave NOW! He then started popping his jaws at me :) if you do not know it, that is a bear way of saying BACK OFF or I will tear you a new one! But... I was adamant in my stance and was not going to back down! So I got even more forceful/aggressive... and began telling him! BS! I aint buying it! and began smacking that big heavy "stick" onto the ground to let him know I MEAN what I say, then pointed the stick towards the woods and demanded he "move along". Believe it or not, he acquiesced and began reluctantly lumbering (while grumbling :) in the direction I pointed! to! until he disappeared into the woods. And so I thought that was the end of that, but no... things had not reached their final conclusion as later on I saw the bear again in the back yard rolling around on his back, and honestly I just figured he must have caught a buzz from eating to many rotten/fermented apples, and so just said to myself- whatever! let the stupid bear have his fun, I was just to busy to care anymore and so continued with my work. BUT as it was nearing dark- thoughts of the bear turned my way again when- suddenly all the pieces of the days puzzle fell into place. It WAS archery season! crap! I suddenly felt very stupid... because I realized I had misjudged the situation; I knew in my heart at that point that I was in error. I ran outside to where the bear was rolling around and closely scrutinized the grass, and sure enough I found what I was looking for- BLOOD! Yes, unfortunately the bear had been wounded by an arrow, likely passed clean through him without hitting vitals... Damn did I feel bad! So much so I reached out to him with my heart/mind/soul to let him know I was sorry and to please come back at 1st light and I would have a smorgasbord of food for him! Well, I was up before dawn preparing the smorgasbord as promised, putting everything I could find that a bear would like on multiple paper plates. And as soon as the sun peaked over the horizon, I was standing outside in the backyard, gazing into the woods while telling him with my mind that I was there and to "come & get it" lol Well- it was not more than 60 seconds before I spotted his silhouette way back in the woods, he was there waiting for me! So I stepped forward holding the plate of food high, saying out loud- c'mon bud! this is for you! then walked halfway down the hill towards the wood-line and put it down in the grass. Then I walked back up the hill towards the house and placed a second plate of food, then a third at the top of the hill near the house :) Well, he left the security of the shadows & came out of the woods to gobble up his treats... then proceeded to the next plate, then to the top of the hill for the last one. As he was doing that, I was fixing up yet more vittles for him, yeah IMO he needed as much as he could get in him as he likely lost allot of blood. So as he lay there finishing up his last plate, I brought out another and casually approached him while looking at him right in his eyes- why? I was letting him know he can trust me, and... if his self-preservation instincts overcame his desire for food & charged- I would see the change of heart in his eyes before he could move and so make my escape into the house before he could reach me. No I had no fear, just being cautious as it was a wild bear after all & a big one at that. Why was I unafraid? well, l I had already established dominance the other day under the apple tree, he knew I was master of my domain and so had respect for me, yet beyond that- we had formed a bond of sorts and so he was trusting of me because of that, and I was trusting of him as well... trusting yet never forgetting he DOES have a wild-side! The bear hung out on the property for 3 days resting/recuperating & gobbling up everything I put out for him while quenching his thirst with pond water. By day four he was well enough & so returned to his normal "routine" Which pleased me greatly, even though I kinda missed having him around :) So, I was changed by that experience with the bear, so much so I no longer hunt as I can feed myself well enough without harvesting animals for sustenance. Sure, if push came to shove I would hunt again, but reluctantly and with a "reverent love" if such a thing is possible. There you have it- sorry for the super long post- did not realize it would take this long to tell the "bear story". Bottom line takeaway- all of us are spiritually connected to everything in nature, and everything in nature has a spiritual side that connects to us in equal measure as well.
@mysticalmisfit33 3 ай бұрын
I scared five black bears away at once in the woods of Hoopa
@DavidonEarth 3 ай бұрын
The bear whisperer... haha. Thanks for dropping by.
@ArtofBrandonTruster 3 ай бұрын
I wish I could of seen the animal that nearly attacked me that night I was homeless and slept outside of Salida, CO. It could of been a black bear? Regardless, I heard it approach and grunt so I sprang out of my sleeping bag, spread open my coat, the proceeded to scream and stomp the ground. Whatever the creature was, it was fairly large but apparently I scared the crap out of it. It ran away never to be seen again. I don't know if that is helpful to your viewers. Just wanted to share my story and am rarely afforded an opportunity to do so.
@DavidonEarth 3 ай бұрын
Cool story. Thanks for sharing!
@brianshissler3263 3 ай бұрын
Any animal capable of beating me to death has earned my fear. I'm also afraid of cows. Those things are mean and chased me a lot.
@DavidonEarth 3 ай бұрын
"Fear" and "respect" can be synonymous... I get you. And I get the cow thing too... goats too; their eyes freak me out. Thanks for watching.
@TrutherOne-xv8nr7yj3e 3 ай бұрын
I wouldn't suggest grilling a juicy steak out in bear country.
@DrJohn493 3 ай бұрын
All good advice and maybe it'll turn the fear factor down a bit for some folks. My only black bear encounter, if it can be called that, was in the Cherokee National Forest on a section of the Bald River Trail. The bear came up out of the stream, saw me as it crossed the trail about 50-60 feet ahead of me and scooted straight up the mountain side as fast as it could. Just barely caught it on the GoPro.
@DavidonEarth 3 ай бұрын
Good example of how they typically behave. I've not had a direct bear encounter in several thousands of miles and years on trail. I've seen plenty of fresh scat, but they, apparently, hear or smell me coming and run away before I can see them.
@nickf2170 3 ай бұрын
Bears don't have to eat you to totally fuck you up. In fact, bears can be notoriously poor at killing their prey, before they start to eat it. Black bears are opportunistic in the way they fill their stomach. Couple that with their curious nature, and you can have a serious problem on your hands if you think they are willing to cuddle with you. They are not looking for friends, they are looking for food, and easy food at that. You could be seen as a threat, or a potential opportunistic meal in any given encounter. Some one said...Black bears weigh 400 lbs, can run 40 miles an hour and eat raw meat....if I had them on the line I could win the super bowl. Cuddle at your own risk.
@DavidonEarth 3 ай бұрын
Well, I don't recall anyone here suggesting we should cuddle with black bears. So although your premise is a little off, caution, respect, and a good study from the experts in bear behavior is my best advise... instead of all this.
@jerrybarry562 3 ай бұрын
Have you ever heard of Timothy Treadwell?
@DavidonEarth 3 ай бұрын
Yes. The guy who lived (and died) among grizzlies.
@erniescabin4256 3 ай бұрын
I've lived in the bush all my life the only animal i fear is the bear, your right they won't kill you but they bite hundreds of people every year and bears that live around people are not afraid they will come right into your house as hundreds do every year so be AFRAID
@DavidonEarth 3 ай бұрын
True, bears can and do hurt people in the right circumstances. Know and respect predictable behavior.
@erniescabin4256 3 ай бұрын
@@DavidonEarth that is the trouble with black bears they are like people not predictable
@DavidonEarth 3 ай бұрын
@@erniescabin4256 I'm not the expert here, but the experts in both human and bear behavioral science suggest a high level of behavioral predictability. I would say that most of us are not trained and educated enough in these specialties to know and predict behaviors. Thus, the my recommendation for people to become better informed about animal behavior to help us all have a safer time on the trail.
@erniescabin4256 3 ай бұрын
@@DavidonEarth 😊your right lol i thought it over and people who are not afraid of bears can tell us their encounter stories it will make for some good youtube content, besides people in todays world have enough to worry about and go for walks in the bush to get away from the real threats in our lives, i live in the bush with the bears and feel safer and more relaxed here then i do walking around in a city, happy trails my friend if you see a bear don't be afraid
@DavidonEarth 3 ай бұрын
@@erniescabin4256 no problem, mate! I feel safer out in the wild too!
@ClayBlasdel44 3 ай бұрын
I remember vividly the older woman storekeeper who insisted that my little boy pet her dog because "he loves children". I refused, she insisted, I refused again, she insisted. You know the ending, right? i STUPIDLY allowed my little boy to pet the dog and he bit by son. "Oh I'VE NEVER SEEN HIM DO THAT", she cried. Famous last words. Now this so-called experts insists that black bears won't kill humans. the problem with that is that they do kill humans, on occasion. Chances are a bear won't kill you, but do you feel lucky. It's also the same odds that a coyote wont' try to drag away your little girl for a meal---until you see the video shot in a busy suburb. The father had to chase the coyote away., A black bear carried off a toddler in NY Catskill Mountains some years ago. Neighbors gave chase and found the child dead. But this man wants you to know that the odds are on your side. Knowledgeable bear guides will tell you that a grizzly will attack you to protect his territory and a black will attack you for food, and a "winter bear" is starving and will kill for food. Listen to the pros.
@DavidonEarth 3 ай бұрын
Sure, life is a series of risks. We drive every day when we know people die in car accidents every day. We eat things that increase our chances of heart disease and cancer with hospitals full of people that are testaments of what our future could very well be if we keep going down the same road. But we love the places and experiences our cars bring us to and our lives are full of joy, laughter, good friends, and good times smothered with things that keep us on the path to hospice care. Nearly everyhing we do has an element of risk. If it's worth the risk, we do it. So, now that you have a good amount of information to understand the risk... you decide if it's worth the risk to be in wonderful places. Do you.
@chrisschmid5212 3 ай бұрын
you don't need to run faster than the bear, just the guy next to you. oldest joke in the book. sorry, i'll show myself out now
@DavidonEarth 3 ай бұрын
Never gets old. Thanks for watching... and the humor!
@DennisM-wp7jt 3 ай бұрын
I have a very deep voice. I can scare off elephants lmao. Bears lol
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