Dealing With "THAT GUY" In Games Of Warhammer 40,000

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6 жыл бұрын

We've all met him. Some people have been him. Don't be THAT GUY. Had any matches against THAT GUY recently? Are you THAT GUY? Share your horror stories in the comments below!
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@jasonbenjamin401 6 жыл бұрын
I had the unfortunate luck to play against "That guy" but...he was my son so I grounded him. Problem Solved!
@hunnitroundheath7456 6 жыл бұрын
Merque de Lyon hahahahahha
@CrazyBiti 6 жыл бұрын
@terrymcgee3120 6 жыл бұрын
Banned him out of the family Merque de Lyon
@Gam3B0y23r0 6 жыл бұрын
you did the right thing man!! he will have friends when he'll grow up. you don't want your son to be "that guy" when he grows up..
@Agent_Clark 6 жыл бұрын
Like father like. waiiiittttt
@aaronweeks1989 6 жыл бұрын
had "that guy" playing necrons when i was really young, then with my birthday money i got my self the necron codex and called him out for being a peace of shit. i was 11 he was 18 was a proud moment in my life
@alexhackett1312 6 жыл бұрын
Aaron Weeks I remember doing something similar. One of my friends who I had introduced to 40k just under a week ago(Eldar player) was playing “that guy”(Chaos player) and promptly being tabled. Luckily I had my Chaos codex with me and called that guy out for having nearly twice as many Power levels as he said he did (they were going by PL since the newbie was no where near ready to do point crunching.) Let’s just say my friend was the last guy who ever played him.
@badmantrois 5 жыл бұрын
That has probably defined parts of you enormously!!! Good man
@HeretixAevum Жыл бұрын
I can't imagine the humiliation of being 18 and getting verbally destroyed by an 11 year old.
@DaytonaRoadster 6 жыл бұрын
I paint models professionally. ..'that guy' is my best customer. .who I feel obligated to play once or twice a month
@JadeDude1973 6 жыл бұрын
LOL that makes perfect sense. The guy that shows up with models painted by someone else, is the guy lying about rules LOL. (By the way, no offense to you for providing a valuable painting service, nor to your clients in general, as not everyone has the time and inclination to paint an army.)
@plink4861 6 жыл бұрын
Teach me your ways
@paintriarchdave7977 6 жыл бұрын
Brass 'n Barrels Firearms Channel same! Lol You may whoop me! But I look badass dieing!
@DaytonaRoadster 5 жыл бұрын
Played him today. 500 point friendly game. I brought space marines..he brought a knight Crusader
@whosthere8658 5 жыл бұрын
@@JadeDude1973 see this. I will paint eventually I just like the strategy aspect. My plan is get a army. Assemble it myself. Then pay somrone to paint them but I want leasson, basically just watching. So I can in turn paint later down the road when I have time. I love the look of those models on the box and ill be able to do that eventually. Later tho. Now I want to play tho. I love thousand sons and geneatealer cult. Im getting my thousand sons painted then in my own time I will paint my lovely hoard of cultists. Know what im saying. I have time to play, not the hobby paet, but i will get into the hobby side when I can.
@sevenproxies4255 6 жыл бұрын
A cheater is not a competitive player. A competitive player would've called that cheater out as soon as he tried to make up weapon strength values or AP values. Being competitive means getting a very keen insight into the rules, and then finding out how to make the best army possible using those rules. Cheating means breaking the rules, so... Yeah, not very competitive.
@tobyreed7599 4 жыл бұрын
yeah but its a comp list which is just a horrible list with the most chances of winning
@Anthyrion 3 жыл бұрын
A friend of me played against one of "Those Guys" in one of the GW Shops. My friend plays Space Marines. He played Tau. His first mistake. My friend doesn't like Tau^^ His second mistake was: cheating. No matter which unit shot it went like this: He rolled his dies and immediatly grabbed them before the had roll out and said "I rolled a 6." That went for a while until my friend had enough. He saw him straight in to the face (with very hard surpressed anger) and said: "You have two choices. The first: From now on, you let the dies roll out until they show the numbers and we have our Match. The second choice: You go on with your cheating and every time you don't let the dies roll out i'll punch you in the face." He was smart enough to make decision one and was complete demolished because my friend is a long years expierienced player.
@Goblinoiddoof 2 жыл бұрын
@@Anthyrion "it rolled a-" your friend, ramping up a punch like a smash bros character: prepare the fucking saves bitch
@morphman86 6 жыл бұрын
I'm imagining that house rule now... Your army is advancing, just rounded a corner and you've spotted the enemy. You're at the forefront of your army, you raise your melta, take aim and then... *KRAKKATOOOOOM* a MASSIVE blast hits your position from out of nowhere...
@Wayofswords 6 жыл бұрын
Yah I had that house rule of the earthshaker hitting the other unit on a diffrent table once i had that happen to me earthskaker devastated my skittarii vanguard in your situation it was humorous as it hit twice one missed and the other hit the ork and killed it
@stevenclark2188 6 жыл бұрын
Artillery in Battletech did have range measured in MAPs after all, so I can see this being a thing.
@TheSmart-CasualGamer 5 жыл бұрын
It's great when it makes no sense, narrative wise. We once tried it, and an Imperial Barrage fired in a battle on Catachan once blew apart a Termagant unit in a Tyranid Hive Fleet attacking Commoragh.
@AAllen-br8it 5 жыл бұрын
@@TheSmart-CasualGamer Sheesh. That's one hell of a blast.
@TheSmart-CasualGamer 5 жыл бұрын
Three strength 8 shots, large blast, two hitting the direct centre of the unit. The other one missed completely.
@Sephvion 6 жыл бұрын
I will take rules lawyers over "that guy" any day of the week. Rules Lawyers at least are playing properly, for the most part, and I learn something if I get something wrong. This is all good and well, as long as they do it in the right way. :)
@soupcake3092 6 жыл бұрын
Sephvion when i was new i made alot of mistakes in my favour, some i continued to make such as stacking reroll buffs and rerolling dice 3 times, untill someone was able to point it out.
@hakeera1908 6 жыл бұрын
I'll play "that guy". In my opinion rules lawyers are the WORST players in the hobby, as they are never arguing for the correct usage(or most commonly accepted definition) they always have their own idea about how everything is interpreted, and they argue until you give them their way or leave the table, 9.9 times out of 10 if you're playing with a rules lawyer, you're not playing the game the way it was intended to be played, you're playing the version that only exists in their head.
@sos_legio_primus9177 6 жыл бұрын
I am a rules lawyer but that is for me to write out army lists and play games on paper so I know all armies foibles and formations and how best not to get tabled. In games I let things slide if there are slight mistakes. I only ever use this knowledge in a game If I catch THOSE GUYS using THOSE GUYS ploys on others and I call them out on it. As I am known as a rules lawyer/oracle???? In my club and am often asked advice if the rules are not that clear or about certain rules for things. I can give THOSE GUYS a bad time as pretty much when I point out THOSE GUYS are wrong the club backs me without proof; just as it is against THOSE GUYS when they do THOSE GUYS THINGS.
@skar25ify 6 жыл бұрын
I also prefer that guy over rules lawyers. Most rules lawyers I have met only seem to argue the rules when the outcome clearly benefits them and the arguments suck the fun out of the game entirely.
@sos_legio_primus9177 6 жыл бұрын
So are they rules lawyers or THOSE GUYS who are also rule lawyers ?
@ben_______123abc 6 жыл бұрын
We had "that guy" in games workshop leicester until the manager explained nicely that "that guy" ether plays by the rules or doesn't play. We have a great manager in games workshop leicester (called tesh) and he is ace.
@unspecificperson475 6 жыл бұрын
Still play in Leicester ever? hit me up bro? always down to meet new gamers -just moved for uni
@hamzahsajjad7952 5 жыл бұрын
Is he still there? I might be going demontford for uni next year
@hamzahsajjad7952 4 жыл бұрын
Update I'm moving in tomorrow, hope I meet y'all
@Europainstitute Жыл бұрын
@mojotheaverage Жыл бұрын
Tesh is a legend. Guy was so nice when getting me back into 40k a few years back!
@TheSmintake 6 жыл бұрын
any group of people has `That Guy` i think. Clearly 40k is not different
@Kirioth 6 жыл бұрын
Mintake he gets around, that's for sure
@nedslass3032 6 жыл бұрын
aka Power Gamer. Get top end unit/card and crush everyone in few turn. That's how GW make money, on "Those guys" It happens in Magic The Gathering and Hearthstone too. It just happen in 40k it's easier to toss money around.
@nicholasbreecher9315 6 жыл бұрын
If something has the potential to be competitive in any aspect, then 'that guy' will eventually show up
@SerjioDragonis 6 жыл бұрын
There is a difference between Power Gaming, they *use* the rules. However, That Guy is a different monster. He wouldn't survive in Tournaments or against another competitive player due to literally (as Kirioth says) making up rules. I don't mind Power Gamers, to actually be one you need to toss around so much money that they become the whales for the rest of us who barely buy models per year to also benefit. After all the Power Gaming Meta is literally always changing, always need to buy the top model or whatever
@gratuitouslurking8610 6 жыл бұрын
As a person wanting to get into the hobby, it is complex yes, but it does get a bit easier with practice and a good non-cheating group of people to play with. At my present moment, my goal is basically to get enough of an army to maybe at least toy with Killteam games if I ever get the opportunity, but that's a long way away.
@tamlynailsa7616 6 жыл бұрын
When I first started playing, my best friend of the time turned out to be 'That Guy'...'That guy' would insist that if a model had to take a second saving throw, it was automatically killed because "having 1 wound means they get wounded automatically, and their wounds stat was how many wounds they take before they die'. He was also adamant that a model could only fire in the direction that the weapons were modelled... So when I fielded Marneus Calgar (the old 2nd ed version) that meant he could only fire one gauntlet as he was modelled with one fist in the air. He took that attitude with most things and I just couldn't be bothered with him anymore as a friend.
@plink4861 6 жыл бұрын
So... That's bull He can move his arm you can't move a demolisher on a baneblade
@cappinjocj9316 4 жыл бұрын
Had a tournament game against an entire army of space marines modeled in a prone firing stance. Obviously they were able to take a lot of advantage from cover saves,( back then they were based on los) but he hadn’t factored in my noise marine list 🤗. He got very pissy about the fact that his “strategically modeled” army wasn’t getting any saves against blastmasters, to the point were he called over an adjudicator. Once the situation was explained, they basically told the guy to GTF off his high horse, and disqualified him on grounds of fielding an illegal army not fitting with the spirit of the game. ‘‘Twas a proud day.
@Lord_Numpty Жыл бұрын
As one who doesn't even play, your best friend at the time is an idiot and a jackass.
@Hurricanelive 6 жыл бұрын
Sometimes entire stores are "that guy", even owners have been "that guy".
@HeadHunterSix 6 жыл бұрын
I don't spend my money supporting "That Guy", or Guys that endorse "That Guy".
@reaperofzombies9698 6 жыл бұрын
"if everyone but you is cheating, your the problem"
@Ahrone1586 3 жыл бұрын
@@reaperofzombies9698 shitty logic
@brendanswain939 3 жыл бұрын
@@Ahrone1586 it's your problem for sticking around.
@darthseal5936 6 жыл бұрын
So I am allergic to acrylic paint. So I normally paint my models with oil paint. But "that guy" hates my models because their shiny and so every time I try to enter an event he immediately tries to disqualify every time saying that all models need to be painted with acrylic paint.
@adbjr12 6 жыл бұрын
That is beyond "That Guy" status and delving into the territory of "petulant child". Sorry you had to deal with it. Did you inform him of your allergy or would he have none of it?
@darthseal5936 6 жыл бұрын
I told him and all he said was that am a dumb ass for getting into a hobby that uses acrylic paint.
@Hellsong89 6 жыл бұрын
Given that some people use essentially cardboard diy something to that direction models, due lack of money to get proper models, difference between oil and acrylic is non issue. If look of models is problem to that guy, then tell him that he does not need to play with you, or to go get brush and paint your models for you (if that is ok to your allergy, not that he would do that anyways).
@brothergrimaldus3836 6 жыл бұрын
Would love to see a pic of them. Are you meaning oil or enamel?
@darthseal5936 6 жыл бұрын
I use enamel. The stuff you would use for model cars.
@mattf967 6 жыл бұрын
I must admit, for a long time I was that guy. I had a habit of trying to remember what the rules/stats were for weapons and units and then using whatever I remembered. This often led to me mixing rules or just getting them completely wrong. I once believed a carnifex was only 50pts Only 50pts. I have cleansed myself now though. I've kinda hotwired my brain so that whenever i think 'what were those rules?' I immediately reach for a codex instead of trying to remember.
@floridferret4585 6 жыл бұрын
I hereby upgrade you from "that guy" to "this guy"
@mattf967 6 жыл бұрын
I appreciate the upgrade
@johnfraire6931 6 жыл бұрын
Florid Ferret Favored
@elizataylor1726 5 жыл бұрын
@@floridferret4585 as someone who doesn't play tabletop rpgs i can assume thats a good thing yes?
@floridferret4585 5 жыл бұрын
@@elizataylor1726 I don't even know where I came up with that. I was just trying to give a mildly funny compliment.
@redengineer4380 6 жыл бұрын
I had the misfortune of playing "that guy" The funny thing? *WE WERE PLAYING CHESS*
@humbugryerson8845 4 жыл бұрын
Must have played me when i was younger sorry for that kings cant transition to queen
@T0XX1KK 4 жыл бұрын
Tbh chess has many rules you need to agree before Unlike warhammer which has set rules
@Renegade666 3 жыл бұрын
@@T0XX1KK chess has set rules you have to play with. If you're on about en passent, thats not even that "new", its like 200 years old lol and not an optional rule either. 40k has many rules you can agree on, eg, me and my friend play a lot of to the last model games, and also allow counts-as for models/weapons
@redengineer4380 3 жыл бұрын
@Cian Abroad No, punched me in the chest, but around that age. Maybe a little older.
@connorbarr3435 3 жыл бұрын
My little brother did that to me I put him in check mate it was over and then 5min later he calls my name and all the pieces are out of place
@lordalpharius5928 6 жыл бұрын
People are rule lawyers for a reason, it stops these cheats off their tracks.
@skree272 2 жыл бұрын
I actually wanna play my 1st game with a rule lawyer,
@danofdybukon6040 5 жыл бұрын
The table to table shooting does sounds fun 😂 *walks over to neighbouring table* 'Terribly sorry I just blew up your dreadnaught with my Titan over there'
@Keldow 6 жыл бұрын
My Local GW store manager was "that guy" back many years ago and unfortunately i befriended him at the time unaware how much of a cheat he was till later. He played most of his games as tau back when they were rather new and everyone hated his armies as they were as cheesey and hardcore as possible. He was also super loud cus having a great time and laughing and enjoying himself while totaly destroying everyone was fun for him. I was young and just followed his lead believing he would be honest and clean being a staffer and a store manager. The other side (the poor victims) had the worst time ever and i look back and feel bad for them as they were alittle younger then me and must have felt awful he would also taunt and mock his opponents. I later learn't how awful he was first hand, playing him at blood bowl where he would cheat non-stop and shit talk we fell out rather soon as i don't take BS or cheating very well and luckily he left GW rather quickly after that for a new job with more money. A couple years ago we ran in to each other at a games night on a massive apocalypse night with this stupidly long table and i spent the whole night firing earth shaker rounds at his army from the other end of the table.. lets just say it was vengeance for those kids all those years ago as he had a miserable game lol
@Ahrone1586 3 жыл бұрын
And what he say when he loose?
@junolynch1263 6 жыл бұрын
As a guy who's first game was a fifth ed. Eldar Battleforce against a Landraider (I don't even have to tell you that was unpleasant for a brand new player who was so excited to have all his models ready to go), I have to admit I'm a dick and am confrontational with TGs, and will actively go out of my way to prevent people from playing games with TGs and make sure the TGs have an unpleasant time. Basically I will try to go so overboard that they either stop their nonsense or straight up leave. One thing that's always fun is dropping my fluffy lists for four Imperial Knights. That's a good one to shut them up.
@hunnitroundheath7456 6 жыл бұрын
You aren't a dick for doing that, you are an agent of justice and you should be rewarded. More people need to stand up to these people, as it really is a form of bullying, they are taking advantage of someone, sure it's not very serious but it is worth fighting for.
@glitch200 5 жыл бұрын
At my store we hang "That Guys" with tape measurers.
@elstonation 6 жыл бұрын
I don't usually comment on videos but that was brilliant. Nice one
@watcherzero5256 6 жыл бұрын
"That Guy" I encountered a couple of weeks ago, doesn't want to know what I'm going to play as doesn't want to be accused of list tailoring, then proceeds to refuse my suggestion of game type after asking what I wanted to play, then decides to roll from the rulebook and rejects the first two game types and deployments he rolls. Minute later I see why, he was using an all drop pod army (i.e. he would have had nothing on table turn 1 and so auto lost). quibbles over every single unit I put down during deployment double measuring and insisting that it had to be fully within deployment zone to the mm (difficult with tanks and dense terrain) then proceeds to drop his drop pods well within the minimum range of my units, has a bad turn 2 where he doesn't kill any of my units then wonders off for 3/4 of an hour to make small talk with other people. Third turn he realises one of the drop pods he used doesn't have the missile launcher he wanted and demanded it be swapped.
@Heavy4th 6 жыл бұрын
Doesnt know how 8th ed works but doesnt half of the drop pods come down turn 1 anymore? Im still stuck in 7th with HH.
@watcherzero5256 6 жыл бұрын
Some game types limit you to having max half your army in reserve, Some missions specify that if you don't deploy reserves by turn 3 their destroyed. All missions if you don't have anything on the ground at the end of your turn you've lost. However in general theres no restrictions on when reserves are deployed (Pods/airdrop/teleporting) or how many any more in 8th.
@AnonEyeMouse 4 жыл бұрын
I started playing 40K with the Space Crusade game (table top and Amiga 500 version). I could never get people to play more than a handful of games because of the complexity. I enjoyed painting without reference. When I got to Uni a decade later, I got back into painting and had a few blood angel squads on my shelf. Then one of my friends introduced me to her husband. He immediately focused on my terminator squad and assault marines. And my, incorrectly painted, Lord Commander Dante. He got me into the main game proper. Lent me a few books and took me to the Manchester Games workshop. Where, it turned out, he was assistant manager. It also became apparent, he and the manager were BOTH ... that guy. I remember they bugged me for ages to complete my 3,000 point Blood Angel Army, only to sideline me to using 500 points of it as 'reinforcements' to their own game. They, between them, decided to play Blood Angels against all comers. They had the 100 terminator of the 1st company, so I didn't get to use my terminators or my red Dante. I instead got to use a librarian, my assault marine squad and a scout squad. When they told me I could come on to bolster their collapsing flank. (They were having trouble with a 3000 point gretchen army.) It felt weird to be spending money to cultivate a hobby in which all I did was play second fiddle to the guys I was paying my money to... who got their gear for free (or next to it). So I built up a second force. A 3K point chaos marine army. Abbadon the Despoiler, his body guard of veteran terminator marines, a veteran heavy squad and a unit of Thorne and a unit of Nurgle plague marines. There was also a demon possessed Leman Russ tank and a khorne... juggernaut? Looked like a boxy brass rhino with rider. I plopped it down into the ready pool (table of armies people wanted to play). I drew second place so my army could join on the second round behind the Dark Eldar and Ork armies that went first. I arranged them for inspection in their deployment positions and played out my gear cards for inspection. Lots of shit started coming out about how Khorne, Nurgle and generic veteran chaos marines would not fight alongside each other. To which I pulled all the codex out of my bag and started flicking through. They let me have this 'illegal' army because it would take too long to find the paragraphs that said I was wrong. This is a Blood Angel defense against a combine xenos, traitor legion assault. On MY first turn, my friend stopped my action, had a squad of warp spiders jump in behind Abbadon the despoiler, fire their minofiliment web spinerettes that bypass all armour including Abbadon's, slaying the command squad instantly, before vanishing into the warp so that my other units couldn't fire. My entire army took a morale check and lost. Meaning none of them could fire, even those I thought were immune to morale failure like the Khorne berserkers. Then in the next two rounds, as my forces sat there unable to move or fire, that single squad of warp spiders appeared in my turn, attacked in my turn, vanished in my turn, and then the same again in their turn, always being in another dimension when I got to try to aim and fire a weapon. So... I cou,d smell the bullshit quite patently so I went over to the shelf in the shop and started flicking through the Eldar books looking for an entry on Warp Spiders. If they were this good, I was going to buy TWO squads and use them myself. Especially if they could be fielded as allies of the Blood Angel's top three companies. I was suddenly accosted for holding a book. I told them I was looking for the book with the warp spiders in. This was still a shop, even if the game was the primary action in the store, it was just after 7pm and the store closed at 9pm on Fridays. There were about fifteen people watching. They claimed I was trying to shoplift. I told them I wanted to buy the book. They told me to get out and that I was barred. I went to collect my miniatures, books and my case and backpack, and they told me I had to leave IMMEDIATELY. I protested and some of the other guys started picking up y stuff and putting it away in the carry case. THOSE GUYS snatched up most of my miniatures and threw them into my back pack rather than placing them in the case. Lots of extra battle damage to my army right there. Two of the kids came over to the door with my bag and case, and the manager grabbed these from them and through them out into the street, meanwhile my 'friend' was making a big show of calling the police to report a shoplifter. I'd just like to point out I was supposed to be stopping at his halls of residence that night as a guest as my own campus was 30 miles away. I took my stuff, had to pay for a train ticket on a Friday night in Manchester. I figure a Taxi from the rank would have been cheaper. So yeah. Speak up and check the rules... but if 'THOSE GUYS' are GW staff, you're pretty screwed. Speaking of screwed, Peter, if you're watching... I never even made a move on your wife. It was all her on me. Until that night, I turned her down. Afterwards, I repeated accepted. That time you couldn't find her on your birthday and she said she was helping out a friend in crisis? Well the crisis was in my pants and she helped a hell of a lot. That time you wanted to get her to wear a pig mask and make a video? She said she was sick? No. Just sore. She wanted me to take her anal virginity and I was too much of a gentleman to say no, and too much of a dom to go easy. I would never do that to a friend... but you really, really wanted to win a silly game of army men, didn't you? And without being called on your bullshit infront of a bunch of school kids. So much so you were a colossal dick to me. So I gave a colossal dick to your wife. And your mistress. Frankly... I can't really complain. Enjoy the victory over the casual war gamer pretender. You really showed me...
@declanjones8888 Жыл бұрын
I feel so bad for you, I hope you get your justified revenge on those bastards.
@Darksky1001able 8 ай бұрын
That sucks.
@Nefreta1 6 жыл бұрын
Hey Kiroth So my local store had a “that guy” like so many others and when I first started I fought against his blood angels using my orks. He would make up crazy rules like life stealing or ressurrection and all sorts of madness. Thankfully as I was new to the game others in store jumped in and helped out but as you said it’s not a positive experience
@Reaper08x 6 жыл бұрын
I play Blood Angels and your half right the Sanguinary Priest has a resurrection ability.
@reaperofzombies9698 6 жыл бұрын
he never said he wasnt in 5th when he played the guy.
@robainsworth2014 3 жыл бұрын
We don't have life-stealing though lol
@jameshopkinson7910 6 жыл бұрын
The best way to teach these people a lesson is this: 1. Arrange a game with "that guy" 2. Go to the trouble of setting the table up. 3. Deploy units. 4. Roll to see who goes first. 5. Shake hands. 6. Concede and say you don't play C***S 7. Pack models away.
@Ahrone1586 3 жыл бұрын
@matthewaugust3287 6 жыл бұрын
"If you see something, say something" doesn't apply only to National Security!! For the Emperor...
@jamessuhr4074 5 жыл бұрын
Well of course not, that will lead to punishment.
@Captain_Idaho 6 жыл бұрын
It's amazing just how many gamers always remember the rules wrongly in THEIR favour. Even online KZfaq battle reports. No one ever seems to remember stuff that punishes their own army. Funny that.
@sticklyman196 5 жыл бұрын
I thought you couldn’t take a relic without paying for it with a command point, so my first few games I’d play without one
@negativezero8174 6 жыл бұрын
I hate when "THAT guy" always plays with my models like action figures, then gets his spit all over my new paint when he makes the storm bolter sound effects with his mouth... I hate that guy.
@spiralviper8158 3 жыл бұрын
Haha, damn. Cringe asf
@honeybadger2898 3 жыл бұрын
“That guy” in dnd is a very well known stereotype. I’m wondering what a “that guy” is like for warhammer
@PavarottiAardvark 6 жыл бұрын
I've met a few people who think that cheating in a sport or game is fine, because it's the responsibility of the opponent to call you out on it. Those people are the WORST.
@danielkasper4437 6 жыл бұрын
As someone who has been that guy aswell ( I never cheated but my armies usually consisted of grey masses of cheddar cheese ) , I soon realized just how stupid it was. Basically, the new codex came out, all my cheese ended up being shit and I ended up with a bunch of unpainted models that not only looked horrible but were bad on the tabletop now aswell. Oh yeah and everyone in the gamestore avoided me and probably secretly hated me. Sold it all on Ebay, grew up, got a bunch of new models and started the hobby again, this time focusing more on getting a cool-looking, fluffy and well-painted army, only focusing on the competitive aspect if my oponnent did the same. Two things I learned from this: 1. Don't buy models only because their rules are good, buy them because you like their fluff and looks. When the new codex drops you'll end up with a lot of models in your collection that you don't like anymore because they got nerfed. 2. Being That Guy won't get you anywhere. I won't deny that stomping and winning is fun but having friends around you that you can play with rather than people that despise you is even more fun. And that is probably what you're doing this all for anyway.
@HeleentheArcane 3 жыл бұрын
Only buying the models you like and not for the rules is some great advice there. Have you seen that awful new overpowered Invader ATV? It looks like it would shoot bananas and turtle shells.
@ColOfNature 6 жыл бұрын
This Guy gets it.
@thekelsek6337 3 жыл бұрын
But that guy doesn't
@arcaneone 6 жыл бұрын
Sadly people have a tendency of inaction just to avoid any kind of possible unpleasant situation. This is the case with WH and many other aspects of life (ie. The Bystander Effect).
@tarokthesoulless 6 жыл бұрын
I ran into "that guy" at a tournament at my local game store. He was playing Necrons back when phasing out was a thing. Now I had been playing Necrons for a couple years before that and being the lonely child I was at the time I had practically memorized the rules. As I played against this guy he had been shooting me with his monolith and I can't fully remember if the blast weapon on it was small or large template but anyway I asked him to show me his rules for it since I had my new chaos army out for a spin at the time and he handed me a off printout of this monolith stat sheet that wasn't even close to the correct thing. I called a judge to see if I could borrow one of the store copy codexes and the man made a big fuss about it saying stuff like I don't know what I'm talking about or. You play chaos you wouldn't know when all I wanted was to make sure that his print out was correct. The best part of it all was the judge asked him how long he had been playing Necrons and he said something like 5-6 months and the judge almost laughed saying "This boy has been playing them for years! I watch him read that codex vigorously every day he's in here! So no if he says it isn't that then it isn't that."! Which the mans tone changed once he found out I knew more than even he knew. I've never seen that man since then and I have not run into anyone like him since, which is an amazing thing.
@MagnustheBlack 6 жыл бұрын
Just because you got 10k subs now doesn't me you can start calling me out now😜
@awesome1lunger441 4 жыл бұрын
I know this comment is like a year old but... "Yo what's up my psychic Nigerian?"
@FookMi69 4 жыл бұрын
Imagine he gets 40k subs instead >:)
@bravesheep1668 3 жыл бұрын
T-sons forever! Magnus did nothing wrong
@SignificantOwl 6 жыл бұрын
Roughly 15 years ago, I went to one of these clubs in my home town. I played against the guy I went with. He played an ultra-cheese build that I had no chance against and, when I looked it up later, seemed to break some rules regardless. Anyway, he also: Had no models (he just used paper squares to represent his units), and upon reflection, made no effort to correct me in my first-game-newbness rule mistakes. Naturally, he trounced me. I never went back to that club, never played a GW game again, bought maybe 5 more models and then put the hobby aside. I'm not saying this because I want anyone's sympathy. I've moved on. Merely to provide a real example of what happens when you don't stand up to that guy. One less GW nerd for you to play with, or be enthusiastic about the game with, every time this happens.
@SQW0 6 жыл бұрын
So...what happens when That Guy plays against That Guy?
@szandorkane6372 6 жыл бұрын
They make sweet love under the table?
@alexisauld7781 6 жыл бұрын
Having observed it happen a table over from me at a tournament, a *massive* argument tends to happen and gods help you if you take a moment during a lull to try and calm the situation.
@TheSmart-CasualGamer 5 жыл бұрын
It's great fun to watch.
@sivabeaterofwolves6231 4 жыл бұрын
An anime fight scene i guess╮(─▽─)╭
@kaedeyutani9197 3 жыл бұрын
I picture a fight between two Daemon Princes of Tzeentch in the Warp going at it.
@krgood9008 5 жыл бұрын
Don’t forget “that guy” who degrades the faction you chose cause it’s not “the best” I wanted to paint it, and that is a big part of the hobby too.
@willshields4480 5 жыл бұрын
Lemme guess, you play tau?
@krgood9008 5 жыл бұрын
Will Shields actually no I play admech, I was mentioning it cause I’ve seen the toxic behavior.
@willshields4480 5 жыл бұрын
@@krgood9008 huh, last time i checked admech are pretty powerful crunchwise.
@krgood9008 5 жыл бұрын
Will Shields they are I was not intending it was my faction I play that people do that to, but I have watched other players rag on people for playing certain factions that are not the “big” thing. Honestly I’m glad people play those factions if not for a change of pace.
@stephenrussell3839 4 жыл бұрын
Same! started with grey knights start of 8th funny thing now after pa my armys really powerfull now!
@InkDragon160 6 жыл бұрын
15:35 That happened with me and my partner, she wished to get into the hobby as she always saw me collecting my Imperial figures and she really liked the look of the Eldar models, she being a graphic designer, had a knack for art and wished to do something with me that she felt she'd be good at. Moment we entered the store I usually go to the Manager was super helpful as always, he would smile ask her simple questions to see what area of the hobby she'd enjoy etc etc. Very nice work indeed. However, the moment the players saw her they all pounced at her, walking up to her to quote her "As sweaty hairy nerds" and wouldn't stop asking her questions she didn't even know the answer to or felt uncomfortable asking like: "Oh why you getting Eldar? Do you not know that THESE are better" or doing a "That Guy" question like "Your boyfriend doesn't know anything, you should do these rules instead!" It got that bad the Manager had to step in, tell them all to go back to their stuff like they were a pack of rabid dogs or something and apologised profusely for it. Thankfully she does collect the hobby now but she'll refuse to go into the store because of that and I feel that takes away a portion of the community aspect you get when playing the game. I find going into the store (When you get over some of the people there) can be a great experience that not only enriches your experience with other like minded individuals but also helps expand your skillset and knowledge of the game with being able to share painting tips or gameplay advice on how a certain army is played. TL:DR -- I really liked this video and agree with his points due to personal experience :P
@whosthere8658 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah neck beards fuckin suck
@brotherimzee 6 жыл бұрын
sucks when a whole gaming group is like "that guy." Walked into a new shop, got to know the regulars and played a game with one of their 'veterans.' I got my ass handed to me; tabled in turn 3. I just moved into the area and the former group I played with just played for fun. I have an Ulthwe Eldar army that is, true to the fluff, guardian heavy. He played Tau with enough mech to form Voltron. What made it bad were the 'house rules' that he used and 'alternative rules' he got from 'the internet.' Being totally new, I didn't want to make a fuss because, well, it was their house. And to top it off, after the game, the guy goes around recapping his victory while shouts of "I call dibs on playing the new guy next" spread. Haven't played a game there since.
@lkvideos7181 6 жыл бұрын
that's just complete ass ....
@aldofitla6657 6 жыл бұрын
When i hear "house rules" , i understand "ambush".
@Meitti 6 жыл бұрын
Whenever someone mentions house rules, ask how about you play the first game with just normal rules. If he refuses, don't play with him at all because then theres a very high chance those house rules are unfair.
@aldofitla6657 6 жыл бұрын
If they adopt "house rule" to respect the fluff , accept. If not , it's a swindle.
@johnfraire6931 6 жыл бұрын
Aldo Fitla I kinda like the lol rules too Die falls off the table "You couldn't even hit the table; you think your men can shoot the enemy?" As well as the one stated in video. But for a first game, it makes perfect sense to scrub those rules in favor of a clean play.
@alexanderwulfert6730 5 жыл бұрын
I played "that guy" last edition (7th) I never knew a vindicare assassin had mastery level 5 and could use the Grey Knights table, or that the Nemesis Dreadknight was mastery level 4 and a monstrous creature with toughness 9 🤔🤔
@ottovonbismarck7646 5 жыл бұрын
Simple: I just throw more and more and more Guardsmen at him! Works all the time.
@freelancejudges7661 6 жыл бұрын
"That guy" in my case owns a store and hates children and never likes talking, so instead he gets upsetti when children beat his imperial guard build.
@Wildcat144 5 жыл бұрын
"It says we can't do that in the Codex!" "Well I can't read!"
@spiralviper8158 3 жыл бұрын
@adammoore251 4 жыл бұрын
I'm in my mid 30s and still have a friend like that. "I play this card that negates all damage" " Show me that card" "Says here you negate all damage if a 2 or lower is rolled". He never read the full thing. Thankfully we are used to it and he is a good friend but its still annoying he never reads things completely.
@ad-skyobsidion4267 3 жыл бұрын
YuGioh anime In a nutshell
@JakeTheBreaker 6 жыл бұрын
Talked to a friend of mine about dealing with "that guy". He has a friend he's known since grade school who is that guy and he provided me some insight. That guy tries to win at all cost (no fluff, no fun, just throwing dice) in order to shore up his crumbling self-esteem. Often that guy won't have much success elsewhere in life and will use his success in the game to try and keep his fragile ego from collapsing entirely.
@unusualbydefault 4 жыл бұрын
which also applies to many gamers
@Dragonmage967 5 жыл бұрын
My experience with "That Guy" was back in 3rd ed. He was a well off guy with a huge custom tournament list and my friend was playing him. My buddy was playing Imperial Fists and happended to misread his list and grabbed an extra heavy bolter. He saw it demanded to see my friend's list and called him on the mistake. My buddy, it was an honest goof, said "oh sorry, misread that" and immediately went to swap models. But this guy just had to make a scene and decided to announce tot he whole store how my friend had tried to cheat him. And made this huge deal about cheating, which should be to no one's surprise his list was actually not legal at the store as it had house rules and modifications. We didn't feel welcomed and as new players who just dropped all our pocket money for the past few months on our armies kinda felt like we'd wasted our money. We did end up staying and he actually was ran off after a few game sessions but I was still rather disappointed that the manager just sat there and watched it as a 5 point mistake was blown totally out of proportion. Not even remotely a pleasant experience.
@OverStyle 6 жыл бұрын
Thats right Kirioth! Way to go!! Back to the game: " yes, yes, lasguns are strength 5 because Yarrick is on the battlefield." "Does the Leman Russ shoots 3 times now, because it got autoloader upgrade? Ok, makes sense..." I think I got "that guyed".
@SymbioteMullet 5 жыл бұрын
Waaayyyy back in the day, when the Legion of the Damned rules were freshly printed in white dwarf, the That Guy I knew repainted his entire blood angel army to LotD colours to justify using their statline everywhere (about 10,000pts of 2nd ed Marines...) Even his tanks and dreads somehow got the boost too. After the first game, nobody bothered playing him anymore. We all just straight up noped him. I do admire the dedication to repaint his army for it though.
@forteman7342 6 жыл бұрын
As a new player to 40k, I have actually been worried bout gaming against "that guy". I got curb stomped in other games by "that guy", and it always kills the desire to continue when they get away with it. Thank you for this video. Now I have a smart bag of tools for how to call out someone if they are being "that guy".
@Mikey__R 6 жыл бұрын
It's not just wargaming. I used to enjoy archery, but with the exception of maybe a handfull of archers, the entire club was populated by various breeds and variants of that guy and that girl. They were all combinations of bullish, obnoxious, overly touchy, overly "helpful," overly tribal... just toxic people to be around. Wargaming isn't anything like as bad as that.
@KingBollock 6 жыл бұрын
Mikey R indeed , it's in all forms of local competition. My dad used to show rabbits and would drag me along to some of the shows. The cheating, back stabbing and rampant bitterness involved, absolutely disgusted me. And if your rabbit won every section it was entered into, you might win £2.30, if you're lucky. He tried to get me to show the fancy Rats that I bred, but I couldn't bring myself to put myself into that kind of environment. I don't play Warhammer, but I do paint the (fantasy) figures. I would love to try to get into playing, but I don't know here to start. I can't see a 42 year old total noob turning up with the hopes that someone will help him get going, going down well.
@Mikey__R 6 жыл бұрын
KingBollock I'm essentially a 38 year old noob, and the other 30 to 50 somethings were very welcoming! Wargamers are, for the most part, a very friendly and supportive bunch.
@Mikey__R 6 жыл бұрын
Hi Perseus Gold, it sounds like your gaming group are all hard core tournament players. If you watch the video again, in the first two minutes Kirioth describes his old gaming group as far more laid back. I suspect, if you joined that group, you would find their relaxed attitude frustrating, and would leave to find a more serious club. Horses for courses. As I said above, I've recently started collecting again, so essentially I'm a new player again. At this point in my hobby career, I'm not ready for tournament style play with super optimised lists. I don't know the rules well enough, and really I just want to roll dice with mates. It reminds me of when I used to hang out with my best mate at college. He had a table tennis table in his parents garage, and when he served, I couldn't return the ball. Table tennis was therefore boring for both of us. But, if I played someone else who wasn't any good, it was more fun for both players.
@Mikey__R 6 жыл бұрын
In any case, I think labelling someone "that guy" for being new to the game, not yet knowing all the rules and not knowing everyone else's codexes, I think that's destructive to the hobby. All it will do is scare off the new player, and they'll go find another hobby more welcoming of newbies. As I said previously, in my limited experience that attitude is held by a tiny minority of gamers, and it is a very welcoming hobby for those starting out and slowly building both their army and their skill in the game.
@justdoinmything 6 жыл бұрын
I used to go to an archery range i shoot crossbow and i would just out shoot them XD a compound is just a xbow without a trigger so don't say it's easier if you never tried both but i have and they are about the same difficulty so i would just group tighter hit obscure targets in places i called out first and no one bugged me also i wasn't a dick about it if no one came at me first with competitive bs i would just mind my own buisness
@25sarg25 5 жыл бұрын
Had to be “that guy” about 20 years ago. Just got my ravenwing bikes (just got them in my town at this point) and got everybody in on it to blow our towns “really that guy” away for all the crap he was dishing out. Felt great to punk him like that. Never did it again, but neither did he. Sometimes you gotta get dirty lol
@hemokinesis90 6 жыл бұрын
I've beaten that guy who funnily enough also used necron I beat him with some fine death guard cheese platter he didn't take it well and left the shop after
@jacobmckee3979 5 жыл бұрын
I almost left the hobby when I was new because of “That Guy” who played as chaos and I started with spacewolves and it was really irritating to play against him, but my brother told him up because he played the same army and called him out on his shit
@ShadowAimai 6 жыл бұрын
Fairly simple why: Bad self-esteem. Victory, even if cheating, is a way to patch it.
@spiralviper8158 3 жыл бұрын
Good insight, thanks
@InHellsBackyard 6 жыл бұрын
Friend and I used to buy all the codexs so when "that guy" tried their Bs, we'd pulled out our copy and read the rule with them. "That guy" stops their bs fairly quickly.
@briancripps496 6 жыл бұрын
As one of the local favorites for new players to play against, I have a simple rule to live by. Always have the OFFICIAL publication (and where possible, the latest) for any model or unit you wish to use. Even if that means you buy an expensive Forge World book for one page (which I have done). No printed PDFs, as they can be edited. No battle scribe (you can use it for your army list, but have the OFFICIAL rules with you, as well). In addition, I always teach one simple rule to everyone I play with. "It is not your responsibility to prove them wrong. It is their responsibility to prove themselves right." If you're not sure, ask them to show you. This is another way of saying what Kirioth said in this video. If they can't, or don't, that's a big red flag. If you follow Kirioth's suggestion of using non-confrontational wording, you get the opportunity to learn about a rule you are unfamiliar with in the process.
@briancripps496 6 жыл бұрын
Just to clarify, since you misread my statement. Having the official publications is a rule I LIVE by. Not a rule I enforce upon others. I, personally, will always have the official publication and rules for any model I intend to field. As I field a number of Forge World models and odd models that can have some differing rules, I want there to be no problems or concerns if someone questions any model I wish to use. For instance, in the local slogro league, I played Thousand Sons, using my 30k Legion models. This army included a Legion Sicaran Venator. The 40k rules for the Hellforged Sicaran Venator includes a weapon that wounds on target's leadership, not toughness. Asking my opponent what his vehicle's leadership value is made for some comical reaction faces, I'll admit. But I HAD the official Forge World Imperial Armour Index, purchased for this model, ready to go for anyone who wanted to question the rule, which is something I encourage. In short, I practice what I preach. It's also worth noting that many tournaments abide by this rule, as well, asking that all attendees have the official rules for the models they wish to use. Cheating is a pretty concerning thing, after all. I come prepared. Just beware that if I do call you on a rule you try to pull, and you CAN'T prove it (or pull some questionably ratty ol' print job out, or clearly have zero books, using Battlescribe for all of your rules and stats references), I won't enforce my rule on you, we will just never play a game again in the future. Judging by your attitude, I doubt you'd have an issue with that.
@llazyllama1 6 жыл бұрын
bobby kotata Yeah right, lol. Sure you would, tough guy. Sure you would.
@derpyboi8591 4 жыл бұрын
@@briancripps496 So I'm curious what do you do about custom heroes? I have a custom hero I use in my Loyalist Astartes army and what I've done is print out a copy of a blank data sheet, transfered over the stats from the Captain in Terminator Armor and adjust the numbers accordingly. Any rules from the hero selections I list out and I have the chapter approved so people can read the rules for themselves, but there's no official stat line for a custom hero Edit: Also some people just don't have the money to throw around for every book and such, even if it's your intent you sound extremely entitled
@briancripps496 4 жыл бұрын
@@derpyboi8591 In these cases, you're using a model based on rules for "open/narrative" play. You should be discussing such rules with your opponent before-hand. Or, if you're playing in a narrative campaign I have no problem with that. I would assume whomever is running such a campaign would have pre-approved custom rules, or the use of the character/vehicle design rules. As someone that has run narrative campaigns before, I'd be perfectly fine with that. In fact, I'd encourage all of my players to flex their narrative and modeling chops by using such rules. As for being entitled, well, you're welcome to your opinion, but as I've had people use rules incorrectly on me multiple times, pull fast ones out of Battlescribe for books they don't have (and, thus, don't understand how to properly use the rules they tripped up over on Battlescribe), had rules be incorrect on Batltescribe and just those that flat out cheated on me, I will come prepared, and I will question. As I said before, it's a rule I live by, not one I enforce, but I will question you if you don't have the official rules. In a more casual environment with a friend I trust, sure, by all means, try a model out you're not sure on and use Battlescribe or a third party print out of the rules. If you're a stranger and you pull a rule that seems questionable to me, I'll question it. If you can't produce the official rules, and you don't back down when I question your lack of rules, then I'll accept it, play the game, and likely decline further games with you until you have the rules. As I also said in my previous post, tournaments enforce such a rule that you have to have the official rules for ALL models/units in your army. I encourage you to hold yourself with as much respect when dealing with strangers.
@Hatguy23 4 жыл бұрын
Essentially 'that guy' is a bully. He's pretending to be an authority and you are less than him for not knowing the rules (even if, up to five minutes ago, you thought you did).
@phenoix1248 6 жыл бұрын
Now I wonder what would happen if you stuck "That Guy" against a rules lawyer... I expect the end of the universe as we know it.
@wallturtle1279 5 жыл бұрын
late but... Unstoppable force meets an immovable object
@AllCanadiaReject 6 жыл бұрын
I'm an Imperial Guard player. I was playing a game of 7th with three other friends, one of whom was playing my IG army and was on my team. He moved his Leman Russes. That Guy told me they couldn't shoot. I told him of course they could because they are Tanks and that I play the army so of course I know. He told me he watches tournament footage so he knows and demands I show him in the rulebook that they can move and shoot. So I do. I fucking play the fucking army bud.
@mikestafford6900 3 жыл бұрын
So if I run into "that guy" at my very first game ever in this them out immediately?
@chappa7048 5 жыл бұрын
I had a similar run in with "that guy" he was telling me my chem cannon was AP0 and i was looking in the codex and it clearly atated ap-3 when i said no mate its -3 he said your new to the game, i know the rules its ap0. At this point i wanted to smack him with my codex book but i just said its here ap-3 he shook his head and ignored me... i got up packed up my models and left. I still wish i had of smacked him with my codex book but probably a good thing i didnt.
@immortalgamer2564 4 жыл бұрын
U should've called him a heretic then slapped him
@ad-skyobsidion4267 3 жыл бұрын
Crimes against the emperor
@lipinglin1994 6 жыл бұрын
I played one guy with Chaos. It was really warhammer bullshit. I find it funny when he says his bullet goes over the building. I laughed and basically stopped the game and sat down and start painting.
@BillRoyMcBill 6 жыл бұрын
That guy is a driving force behind Solo Wargaming.
@Revjiggs 4 жыл бұрын
When I first started playing I went against 'that guy'. It was my first year of Uni when I was still learning to play the game. He played a very obscure Inquisitor army and destroyed me which completely put me off playing and I've never played since. It's only recently I've started to get back into painting miniatures again with the hope to get back into the game.
@forgedwarrior20 5 жыл бұрын
I remember, I believe in 5th edition or 6th edition. I was around purely to spectate. My brother played this Eldar player. This guy lived and breathed Eldar, they were his everything. And I found out he was "that guy" when he played my brother. This was in the get into base contact for a successful charge days. He tried pulling off a charge after he rolled an inch away by saying charges are successful if you get within an inch. I frowned and just showed him the page in my rulebook, and then he proceeded to not be able to charge. Then the tactical squad satisfyingly mowed the Eldar unit down with bolter fire. My brother thanked me after the game. He had other things he did too. Such as, talking endlessly about his Eldar during the entirety of games. I noticed a lot of people forgot to do a lot of things against him, which isn't surprising when you are being spoon fed Eldar talk Smh
@Halskitchen 6 жыл бұрын
I remember playing Yu-gi-oh against people that refused to let me inspect their cards to see the effects that they were "claiming" that they had.... I haven't found that in my local gaming club, but unfortunately, my local gaming club is plagued with those competitive winners that won't go easy on a beginner to help them ease into the game. I have no choice but to travel to play a game(and here in Australia, travel means TRAVEL), but I guess I'd consider starting a friendlier club in my local area.....
@ad-skyobsidion4267 3 жыл бұрын
So they thought they were in the anime
@HiveMind3006 6 жыл бұрын
Oh yea there is a big huge 'That Guy' in our local community! He has been thrown out of events (for loaded dice...seriously I thought they were a joke/myth!) He is a power gamer but apparently even more overpowered than the codex dictates! I met him on my first visit to a 40K games night in a new city (I'd recently moved house- country actually haha) and I felt kind of awkward arriving at this new place being a new player in a new city with my first army, freshly painted Dark Angels. Everyone was okay, no one was superfriendly and the few who were there had paired off and were setting their games up. Along comes Mr T. Guy and proceeds to first of all tell me how my Dark Angels Ravenwing were wrong and that one of the bikers who I'd converted from a generic Space Marine biker was stupid, then he had a go at my chapter master who i'd bought second hand with a broken power sword so I attached another and this was obviously disgusting to him. Then he asked if I fancied playing his Black Templars that he informed me were amazingly painted. He had tabled me by the end of his second turn, like I said I was new it was 7th edition and tbh I didn't have a clue just what had happened! Not a good first impression at all. The following week one guy who was there the previous week came up to me and said not to worry about Mr T.Guy and making an 'O' shape with his fingers and motioning his hand in an up and down gesture said he's a bit of a w@@k! Well thanks for coming to the rescue guys. I think it was actually the gamers edition of The Slaughtered Lamb type scenario. Not a very welcoming bunch around here- hey! It's maybe me, I am maybe expecting too much of people. Making new faces feel welcome is perhaps asking a little bit much! I have met a few decent blokes over the past couple of years and we have games night at mine twice a week :)
@KossolaxtheForesworn 6 жыл бұрын
sure sounds like the kind of jackass who would never stop preaching if he noticed 3th party bit on your marine.
@facelesscleric2744 6 жыл бұрын
I always ask to see the rules even when I'm not dealing with "that guy" because I just don't bother to memorize every army
@whosthere8658 3 жыл бұрын
A yet people get tilted over that like bruh. It ain't my army can I just read it to learn like fuck
@starbornstardust2855 4 жыл бұрын
Omg I laughed so hard when you said you could fire your earth shakers onto nearby tables , wtf lmao
@bringbackthebattleships8933 4 жыл бұрын
reminds me of when the deathstrike missile launcher had unlimited range and people would drop them on a table at the opposite end of the store
@HorusHeresy1982 6 жыл бұрын
When I played TT I had every army, stat and rule memorized. Nobody "that guy'd" me. I guess I was a different type of guy :) I did have a friend who used to do that with another friend. I remember my mate calling me because he had told him Kharn the Betrayer had a 24" charge range. I have never laughed so hard.
@Guardsmen4 6 жыл бұрын
im like you i tend memorize everything then i found out everyone in my local store bar GW guys cheats in someway. like the guy that plays nids used constantly think his genestealers were str 6 in cc. another uses str 10 on lascannons. not much can be done when your whole local store cheats and they never understand why i don't play them anymore just the gw guys.
@KainMcnab 5 жыл бұрын
Magic the Gathering is comprised of nothing but "That guy"s
@saurosthewise7371 5 жыл бұрын
which is why I changed to 40k
@whosthere8658 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah I used to play for fun. I bought and made a whither deck. It was legacy. Also showed up to game night watched and everyone judged the fuck out of me for playing a meme deck that if it got going was good, but most scoffed and said I only play standard. Like ok cool you have money to plow do you still want to play for fun. My win rate was legit 3/10. I barely won because I played for fun. I made a meme deck semi "semi" good and everyone hated it like bruh
@madw1lly 6 жыл бұрын
As someone who is very interested in getting into the hobby, 'that guy' is by far the scariest thing to imagine running into. Good advice tho, but it can be especially daunting as a 'new guy' having to bust 'that guy's' bubble.
@fathertorque9497 6 жыл бұрын
I knew "that guy" when i first started out with magic...... Until me and my friend started learning the rules of the game from the actual rule books and shops. He went from winning every game to winning 1 out of 10 games..... Then he stopped playing.
@aliciacarr9014 4 жыл бұрын
“Say no, that bolter is strength 5” OMG! Kiri is ‘That guy’ !! Bolters are strength 4. 😁 (To be absolutely clear, I’m joking)
@Renegade666 3 жыл бұрын
could be a heavy bolter? :P
@Agraviadore 6 жыл бұрын
15:20 I know that feeling. I built a single squad of space marines as a kid, when i was older i walked past a games workshop store and thought "Hey i like warhammer, i got time to kill, ill go take a look". I barely got one foot past the threshold of the doorframe when everyone whipped their head around and the guy behind the counter said "HI THERE" with crazy-eyes. I immediately backpedalled and walked away. Im not even joking. I was in my early 20's and still gave a shit about what people think, so when i was hard confronted like that, i crumbled and avoided the situation entirely. That was 10years ago and ive only just started getting back into it because in my area its sold by a shop that sells boardgames and has an impressive selection at that (including paint rack). The sales stuff are normal humans with normal social skills who know how to give customers space to browse.
@God_gundam36 6 жыл бұрын
Agraviadore ah you get that in any hobbie shop people just take any optunity to talk about somthing they love but I agree they don't really give much space
@ivorperculija6620 3 жыл бұрын
The thing I like with X-Wing is the habit to take the time explaining the rules of your list to your opponent before you start a match. That is what 90% of people tend to do these days. If I see someone rushing straight into a match without wanting to explain his/hers list I already have a feeling it is going to be a shitshow...Hell, on tournaments there are people bringing two printed copies of their entire list just so they can hand them over to their opponent so he/she have abilities and maneuvers by their hand!
@lordseptomus441 5 жыл бұрын
That guy "get your own codex": me "hey ben can i borrow the open copy of codex space marines"
@calistman222 6 жыл бұрын
4:00 sounds like he was using Dawn of War rules.
@weiojewiofjgallagher7458 6 жыл бұрын
This was the video I didn't know I needed until I watched it. 90% of the games I play are against that guy (I live in a semi-rural area) and over the last few years I think we've had 2 or 3 draws and the rest of the time its essentially been over by turn 4. What keeps me going in the hobby is the painting, collecting, and the lore, but I no longer enjoy playing and only agree to play occasionally. I pick him up on it as much as I can and he always claims it was a mistake, but as I'm only a casual player at best, who's never owned a copy of his codex there's only so much I can do. After the last annihilation I've just decided never to play him again and find other people, especially as the new Astra Militarum rules dropped (the only army he ever plays) which makes me even less eager to play him. We played Age of Sigmar as well, with the same results.
@whosthere8658 3 жыл бұрын
Ummmmmm the games not bad your just insane. Your banging you head against a wall and doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. I hope you found better people to play with.
@whosthere8658 3 жыл бұрын
Also most games are over by turn 4. Doesn't the game like end after turn 5
@davelee6002 5 жыл бұрын
People say "that guy" as if it's a name that should not be named. I think it's too loose a term, and I prefer actually saying things like, "a power gamer" "a bad sport" "a pay to win player"
@assailant8722 5 жыл бұрын
I come from a background of TTRPGs, and this is my first war game. I never considered that WH40K could have a “that guy.”
@rayzor4life 5 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately "that guy" is everywhere and he's not the only one.
@jrRabet 6 жыл бұрын
I have a way of shutting down that guy. I bring my camera and setup a tripod saying i have a wargaming youtube channel and i record all my matches. If they lie repeatedly, i don't correct them all that much, i just show the video to the owner of our flgs. If i don't have my camera i have either look at thier codex and give them a 3 mistake limit before i get the toutnament advisors involved, or if they refuse to show thier codex i stop the game and look up thier codex (that last one might be hard for some people that don't have digital library access so i reccomend just taking your models off the table and refusing to play them)
@londonghoulchannel6409 4 жыл бұрын
Had that guy play against me recently, I haven't played in almost 10 years, I started a new night lord army this year and had my first game in a long time, won and was surprised had a great opponent who was on the same starter level as me, then played this other chap who was THAT GUY, he was a total nob, and not the good kind as in he was human not a ork, anyway, I was playing his chaos black legion, so we had the same codex......he started inventing rules and stratagems that dont exist..... I called him out on it but I have a bit of a short fuse, so I told him he was a sorry sack of shit who needs to get a life, I felt awful afterwards because I really humiliated him to the club. Lesson here is dont over do it when pulling someone up on something, everyone has feelings, and It is not responsible to go overboard. But do pull people up on when they are cheating against you because standing up for yourself is important and if you are younger its character building to stand up for what's right.
@garrobond0017 6 жыл бұрын
Many thanks for doing this video,I do 40k and bolt action and that guy is around our group. When you are new to the game it puts you off playing,recent tournament we ran wouldn't allow new gw FAQ which wasn't good,and that was from that guy .. Keep up the good work.
@thedancingdreamman 6 жыл бұрын
Good rant mate!!! Met a few like that in my time and I like your approach.
@josheckroth1721 6 жыл бұрын
I have a habit of fucking up rules/ stats once in a full moon. Often making me win the match, I apologise but I'm pretty sure I'm considered that guy at my game store. 😔
@patrickordos425 6 жыл бұрын
Josh Eckroth if it's a "habit" just check your rules more often
@connorvinas1473 6 жыл бұрын
Recognizing a problem is the first step....
@nathanx2000. 6 жыл бұрын
Josh Eckroth if you don’t mean it and try your best to remember the codex rules, your not that guy
@josheckroth1721 6 жыл бұрын
Nathanx2000 thanks lol
@RWJP 6 жыл бұрын
If you don't know who 'that guy' is in your community... it may be you.
@hakeera1908 6 жыл бұрын
True, but there are the rare instances, where there just isn't one, or you just haven't met them yet. My community only has 1 and he never really shows up to the shop or plays games, because we all know hes "that guy" so he doesn't really have a choice, no one wants to game with him.
@DevilBirdProductions 6 жыл бұрын
The only "That Guy™" that I noticed in my community is a new guy who uses a shitload of conscripts. Apart from that, there's no one really cheesy.
@downfromkentuckeh 6 жыл бұрын
What if you dont even play the game to begin with, and are just trying to figure out who....that
@DevilBirdProductions 6 жыл бұрын
listen to store gossip and such, if there's someone that people generally roll their eyes about and don't like playing against, then that's probably "that guy"
@hakeera1908 6 жыл бұрын
If someone comes in and asks for a game, and EVERYONE else in the shop casually ignores him, even if there are no other games going on, there's a decent chance you've found "that guy"
@johnschweiger1079 3 жыл бұрын
We had that guy at my local GW store years ago even the store manager got fed up of him so he had a word and he soon stopped
@bodhisitter 4 жыл бұрын
My first game was in my young teens with a Black Templar force using Dark Eldar proxies because all I had was the box set. It was against a "That guy" with a force I don't remember. One of the other players came over after hearing this is my first game and took his rule book out. He went over all of the rules and my codex and when "That Guy" tried to cheat he would ask to show me the codex "So I can learn other factions". He is still my gaming hero. I try to be him.
@gamergee88 6 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't be as subtle as that tbh. I wouldn't be rude as such. I would say really? Check it! Show me then. I would then support the opponent, being the judge. Lol. We had a guy posting on my flgs "tabled the tyranids by turn two" with tau 7th ed, clearly unbalanced list. I said "don't be that guy" needless to say he removed his gloat. Nothing wrong with winning, but win with grace
@therustbeltblacksmith 6 жыл бұрын
i've been playing for 30 years across 3 states and have never met the person you're describing, i think it has less to do with "that guy" and more to do with everyone else you surround yourself with, how does "that guy" (an active cheater), that everyone knows as a cheater ever get a second game with anyone? who tolerates them being around? if you're in a group or frequent a store that has "that guy" in the mix, i would suggest getting as far away from them all as possible, that guy can't be involved unless you let them, they can't continue their behavior unless it's allowed, if it's at a store and they (or the group that plays there) allow a "that guy", especially to pray on new players who don't know any better, they don't deserve your business or your company. this doesn't apply in every circumstance, but most often, if your group or store has a "that guy" (as you describe them, "that guy" in my neck of the woods means something different, similar, but very different), it's likely there's more problems then you are perceiving.
@Sorrowdusk 6 жыл бұрын
+The Rustbelt Blacksmith -it has to do with the notion of "Fellow Gamer". That guy SHOULD be ostracized. Whatever his problem is, that he cheats, that he injects his fetishes into every RPG, that he doesn't just play Nurgle -that he smells like a Great Unclean One. There are stories all over the internet about "That Guy". But see, he often doesnt get ostracized because "You wouldn't cast out a FELLOW gamer would you?" Sometimes a variation of that line is even used. There's the notion that whatever hobby they are playing, they are all already disconnected from society at large. Thus they "have" to stick together. Which might work. If THAT GUY didnt bring so much BULLSHIT.
@Foundprodigal 6 жыл бұрын
I'm a brand new 40k player. Only been into it for about eight months now. I have had several run-in's with "that guy" and I don't play enough to even know the rules that well. I have witnessed a grown man of 30ish throw a fit because he lost a game. It's a board game. Have fun with it, but don't take it so seriously people avoid playing with you.
@faustopancake234 5 жыл бұрын
If you've never run into "that guy" maybe you are "that guy"
@fookinaye8277 5 жыл бұрын
@@faustopancake234 hahahahahahaha
@ADPRadio 6 жыл бұрын
"That guy is not just a 40k phenominon" Truer words have never been spoken. It's messed up Magic and D&D games for me. Theres always one random person that tries to cheat at table top gaming.
@Gutenbergler 6 жыл бұрын
I was the one talking about it on Reddit a few weeks ago, how ironic. This video really helped, thanks!
@aaronlyles3613 6 жыл бұрын
I’m very new ! And the more seasoned players must speak up period this hobby is to expensive to let people be game or paint bullies
@Noel_Whitmore 6 жыл бұрын
Got to be honest - I came here hoping it was going to be a vid on dealing with Guilliman 😁
@_threepointedcircle_ 4 жыл бұрын
Ah the broken list, math hammer, rule making, limp dice rolling guy. I know a few of those 😂
@vipperblaze8923 4 жыл бұрын
It's even easier to go against "That Guy" cus you can just check wahapedia and check the rules for yourself if they refuse to give you the codex and with the app coming out then it's even better cus it's official material that most likely would be as up-to-date as possible
@fernandopires135 5 жыл бұрын
Im pretty new to 40k... Honestly this comment section is crazy... I have being playing Magic the gathering for years and never saw such ridiculous amount of cheating as a single one of those comments Games workshop should have better ways of sharing rules than buying a book...
@whosthere8658 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah but until mr krabs ain't in charge money will be all they care about
@Mikey__R 6 жыл бұрын
It's possible "That guy" considers rule bluffing is part of the game, and in his mind not getting his bluff called proves him the better player?
@leakycheese 6 жыл бұрын
Mikey R I've seen people at work who meet that description, so I say yes.
@KujoPainting 6 жыл бұрын
Isn't there a bit in the book that says you can just make your own rules?
@Mikey__R 6 жыл бұрын
Well Kujo Painting, it depends on the book, and how much has been rewritten in biro.
@Bykni 2 ай бұрын
I have been learning 40k (via tts), and not too long ago i had 'that guy' try to tell me that my squad of 5 barbgaunts (who have d6 attacks each) only got 1d6 attacks for the entire unit. Once i disputed this, he then pointed to his unit of 1 model as an example "this guy only gets 1d6 attack so yours do too". I disputed this for a good 5 minutes, trying to explain (idk why i had to explain this to someone who was supposed to be explaining the game to me) that 2 datasheet is for 1 model. 5 models means i get 5 of these. Literally had to go to the discord server and ask "how many attacks do my bargaunts get".
@bendingwall7996 5 жыл бұрын
I accidentally made myself that guy a while back. I was playing a pretty balanced tau list a month or two after 8th came out. I’d only played 8th edition, but this guy wanted to play 7th and I was just like “ok well it can’t be that different”. However, I didn’t understand the ap system of seventh, so I used it like it was in eighth and gave my hammerhead an ap boost accidentally. This meant that I completely krumped some poor dudes knight and someone noticed just before the game ended. I felt real guilty about it cause my victory had been based around that hammerhead. I can’t understand how people could be that guy, like I made a mistake on one rule and was real angry with myself for it. How do people make up rules like that and just feel fine about it? I just don’t understand
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