Destiny 2 - IT ACTUALLY EXISTS.. The Winnower Above The Witness

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Ай бұрын

In the Final Shape, a long standing mystery is finally revealed. The Winnower is a real thing.. And the Witness is the First Knife it wields. Today we discuss the lore and story behind the Witness and Winnower and take a peak into some new Salvations Edge raid lore!
“Destiny 2 The Winnower”
“Destiny 2 The Final Shape”
“Destiny 2 Final Shape Witness”
“Destiny 2 Story and Lore”
Thanks for watching!

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@EvazeOfficial Ай бұрын
Today we discuss updates on the First Knife and Winnower! Multiple characters seem to point at the fact that the Winnower (like Gardener) does exist. Maybe not in the form of a "Big Bad Villain" (Like the Witness), but as a force of darkness.
@worldender9388 Ай бұрын
If it's the "First Knife". I'd have to think there's probably another knife..
@bobsterclause342 Ай бұрын
What does witness mean? Think about it. What does winnower mean? The roles of the words can be deduced. Plus, we kniw how evil henchmen and dark lords work. Darth vader has the emperor. This isthe way of things.
@bobsterclause342 Ай бұрын
Um, it doesnt sound like you know that the winnower and gardener are the pyramids and the traveler. They cant interact in their true forms and these avatars are their game forms for interacting with reality.
@BrazarB Ай бұрын
​@@bobsterclause342so you're saying the Witness's people, built the Winnower as in their ships?? That doesn't make sense, the Witness's people created the ships & as the Witness they were extensions of its will
@denizesen1995 Ай бұрын
what is the "triangle solar system and circle" image's name? im looking that graphic for some time @EvazeOfficial
@Aves_1 Ай бұрын
The winnower seems mainly to want to let life flow naturally into some final shape, while the witness wants to force the shape it desires onto the universe. This to me shows that they are different to some degree.
@nicholascazmay2126 Ай бұрын
The Witness sought to freeze the universe and stop the game. I actually think now that the Winnower was including the Witness when it talks about fatuous nihilists who prefer no existence at all and where no choice is preferable to any other. The Witness was a blight on the garden which the Winnower referred to, though it definitely is not exclusive.
@Czejenesku Ай бұрын
Why are we still on this? Gardener is The Light, Winnower is The Darkness. "Gods created us" - both Light and Darkness lead this species to become the Witness.
@kyeda Ай бұрын
They're total opposite, not just 'some' degree.
@lukasvillar9328 Ай бұрын
Yeah, I think that Rhulk actually reached the same conclusion as the winnower but he simped so hard for the Witness that he was unable to realize it, it's ironic really.
@Thanoswasright_ Ай бұрын
Spot on comment
@50bricks Ай бұрын
Looks like the Winnower brought a knife to a gun fight
@bloodmoon2345 Ай бұрын
We even turned some of souls that made the Witness into a gun. The exotic Euphony is made up of the Witness' hands.
@lemonbread2165 Ай бұрын
And we’re gonna get Eros to turn him in one
@alter6243 Ай бұрын
The Witness brought the first amendment. We responded with the second.
@CinematicClips2 Ай бұрын
nice one
@blulumen5420 Ай бұрын
Boutta turn the Winnower into a shiny new gun and use its face as a helmet.
@Sxraj Ай бұрын
The Winnower better have insane drip 🗿
@nahfr. Ай бұрын
You see what the witness was wearing? The winnower has no drip
@TyBe-uo4ud Ай бұрын
pretty sure the winnower is like a formless entity, that would probably be very simplistic. since it's all about simplicity.
@colinjones8265 Ай бұрын
Facts, expecting nothing less
@bloodmoon2345 Ай бұрын
It's gonna be...."majestic" as the winnower always says to Oryx.
@DiogoPace Ай бұрын
The Winnower is Alex Pereira? So it has come full circle
@courtlandjones Ай бұрын
Honestly, I'm starting to think The Witness... it's the witness of The Winnower.
@saikopomp Ай бұрын
Like eyes of the winnower
@nero9783 Ай бұрын
​@@saikopompno. Like the first to actually see the winnower. I guess
@Sol_Invictus1997 Ай бұрын
The ideology of the Winnower and Witness are completely different.
@Honed- Ай бұрын
@@Sol_Invictus1997 winnower wants to destroy survival of the fittest type mentality, and witness wanted to control.
@SnowTheKitsune Ай бұрын
Closest to Winnower believes actually was hive with sword logic and Witness said it was joke even if Winnower wasnt strongest life to survive.
@TempusVulpi Ай бұрын
I don't think we'll ever meet The Winnower nor do I think it's an individual, it's just one of many names for The Darkness as a whole, just as The Light has many names. They transformed themselves into 'rules' of our universe.
@jesseritchie9282 Ай бұрын
Which is what Savathun is doing
@jmatrix010 Ай бұрын
Destiny 3? They got to have a big villain for that
@Robert-oe7uh Ай бұрын
So you're basically saying the next three Destiny 2 expansion packs are going to have us fighting the same three enemies again for 59.99 a pop
@714KH Ай бұрын
@@jmatrix010 We still have Savathûn and the Vex.
@ringomandingo1015 Ай бұрын
I mean it spoke to Oryx and us. Maybe Eris was just doing a LOT for translating whatever the artifact was emitting.
@damonm. Ай бұрын
Witness went from "We" to "I" quicker than Eddie Brock ditching the Venon symbiote LOL
@somethingthesomething Ай бұрын
Lol there's no I in witn.....nevermind😢
@Zvxers7 Ай бұрын
​@@somethingthesomethingwwetness to witness?
@helioa8191 Ай бұрын
I don't think the "Unveiling" book was written by the Witness. The language used on that book is completely different from the one the Witness uses. Also, the book was translated by Eris from the same device that gave us the vision of our clone in the end of Shadowkeep. In the vision it was the Witness speaking to us, always using "we" and not "I", as in the book. Why would it speak to us in the vision with his usual tone and pronouns, then give us a book from the same device where he speaks and puts himself completely out of character? From the 1st page of "Unveiling": -"But imagine the abomination of a world where nothing can end and no choice can be preferred to any other.". Isn't what the narrator classifies here as an abomination the exact idea the Witness have for the final shape? This alone should rule out the Witness as the author of Unveiling. The narrator in "Unveliing" uses an expression in the book that we saw usage before the Witness and even D2 were a thing: "Majestic, Majestic". This same expression is said to Oryx when he is in the deep in the Books of Sorrow Verse 4:2. There is an entity speaking to Oryx on this verse and the way it speaks again does not matches the Witness tone at all. The entity literally tells Oryx to "relax". Can you image the Witness asking anyone to relax? Me neither. I think in both this verse of Books of Sorrows and Unveiling, that's the Winnower speaking, not the Witness.
@rytr0nious Ай бұрын
Yes, you are correct. This entity is The Deep and is specifically notated in earlier lore to be in an entirely different plane of existence, even different than throne worlds. Bungie really needs to stop trying to retcon lore and just keep going with the story. The early game was clearly intended for Oryx to be the big bad of the universe and for him to have a master which was "The Deep" or a personification of darkness itself.
@714KH Ай бұрын
@@rytr0nious I don't think Oryx was ever intended to be the big bad. We see pyramid ships in early D1 trailers. I just think the Witness was invented later when the concept of darkness was fleshed out and they figured it would be terrible for our heroes to try and kill a cosmic entity necessary for our existence
@supergatorhator Ай бұрын
Unveiling was written as a metaphor for the Witness being abandoned by the Traveler and the precursors reforging themselves into the Witness to stop the Traveler from uplifting species and prolonging their suffering. The book itself repeatedly says that it is metaphor and not literal, so I'm not sure why so many people are suddenly taking it literally.
@vopogon3248 Ай бұрын
I was waiting to see a lore channel cover this. When I heard it I was shocked
@marcocunha Ай бұрын
I was listening to this while pruning plants in my garden. It felt very strange.
@bibitta Ай бұрын
I always thought that the garden was just the primordial goop before the start of the universe with like virtual particles coming into existence and then just destroying themselves. So that the gardener and the winnower are just personifications of order and entropy, so like they aren’t super real… but like still exert force. So like the traveler isn’t the gardener but was made by it. Also the rule change is the Big Bang
@gson7288 Ай бұрын
I thought the gardener ws the traveler. Thts wat I been goin off this whole time
@The_Art_of_Music_Official Ай бұрын
The only thing with that is that the story describes entire universes that have come and gone, every time the vex being the winners. Also, not too sure how this would incorporate paracasuality
@ayobeemo8117 Ай бұрын
I don't think they're personifications since they're having conversations with each other and the winnower mentions it's hands
@bibitta Ай бұрын
@@ayobeemo8117 personifications, as in person-ified. So like it didn’t necessarily happen but like it’s being represented with humans. But maybe they are idk
@ayobeemo8117 Ай бұрын
@bibitta my bad, I'm geeked. I thought you meant they're just conciousness. But then again you may be correct. We can't really fathom what beings that exist outside of the universe look like. I used to always thought that the Veil Statues were what the Winnower may have looked like
@bruhm0m3nt123 Ай бұрын
It might just be me, but I do hope Bungie doesnt go the route of killing the winnower. Its a cosmic force, same as the gardener. Something like that feels, to me, like something you simply cannot kill. Its too powerful. In the same way as you cant kill the gardener but can kill the traveller if you try hard enough. It would feel weird if we were to kill the winnower bc its a cosmic force without malice or pride or anything as it is above it
@levicarpenter5509 Ай бұрын
Tbh I think the realm that they both reside in is most likely beyond our reach
@JustinMcGee-be8fu Ай бұрын
I doubt they would ever make it into an actual character. It would be like killing an idea. You cannot kill something that has no body. You cannot kill something that has no form.. its purely information. Information cannot be destroyed. If we killed with winnower it would be like killing the concept of entropy. Entropy is NEEDED in the universe or life runs amok and everything descends into an over crowded chaos. Things need to be removed from existence otherwise there is no room for new growth to happen. Same reason the gardener must continue to exist, if all things fall into entropy then nothing can exist at all. They need each other to be present or there will be nothing at all.
@gson7288 Ай бұрын
Naw I think D3 is we leave with the traveler mayb the veil if they reconnect bt my OG thought ws we leave wit the traveler go to a new solar system n deal with watever else. The traveler nvr stays for long so it has to leave n the people will have to learn how to live like people in rl, n no more terraforming or freebies just regular living
@714KH Ай бұрын
I'm convinced its necessary for our existence so killing it would prove really counterproductive and stupid on our part. A better story would probably just be Savathûn wanting to become the gardener and winnower and make herself a rule of the universe in their stead
@714KH Ай бұрын
@@gson7288 The Traveler only left to escape the Witness. It has no reason to abandon us anymore.
@J99___ Ай бұрын
To me I get the vibe that the traveler and the veil are the light and darkness. The traveler is the gardener and the veil is the opposite. The winnower, as its name suggests, is the creator of these two and overseer of the garden of the universe. It believes balance and for the universe to take whatever shape fate and survival of the fittest guides it. The Witness is an avatar of the veil much like how the guardian is an avatar of the traveler. Now that the witness is dead after attempting to force a final shape, a new avatar must take its place in the vacuum of darkness power as per the winnower’s balanced design. The Veil will likely gain a new avatar soon.
@robert2german Ай бұрын
It is important to remember that since the Witness is a compound being, there may be at least one voice in its chorus that does speak like the author of Unveiling.
@LegendaryFenrir Ай бұрын
If you think about it, the gardener is the one who forged the knife. The traveler blessed its people first with knowledge, with power, with no purpose. The darkness, the winnower, reached out and gave the knife purpose.
@HungryTod Ай бұрын
It's always a good day when Evaze uploads.
@eotwkdp Ай бұрын
Gardener and winnower Both not evil nor good. Just doing there purpose. Every new garden is different… well except the weird gardens where the vex win. I like to imagine just 2 god entity’s just staring at another vex garden bed (vex consumed universe) winnower just grabs his/her shears. “Snip snip snip snip”
@shadyrebob5999 Ай бұрын
I agree with your take. The Witness, Traveler, Guardians, Hive Gods, etc., etc. are all tools of the Gardener and Winnower. Not necessarily good or evil. Just look at the Guardians since Beyond Light. We used dark and light. Both can be used for good or evil purposes.
@adamboy0559 Ай бұрын
@@shadyrebob5999it is just how it’s used. The witness chose to use the dark for evil things. It chose to do what it seen as “perfect” we use the dark just as it does. We just chose to actually do what is right with it
@echo-1487 Ай бұрын
I still can't believe the actor Brett Dalton, who played Agent Grant Ward / Alveus - "Hive" in Agents of SHIELD, also voiced The Witness. Big W from Bungie for choosing him to voice an iconic villain. Similarity between Hive and the Witness is that they're both an ancient, hivemind like beings that want to meet their "deities", just like Hive wanted to meet Kree and The Witness with the Traveller. Each of them in their own way... Both of them as a hivemind like beings, they have access to preserved memories of their previous hosts/species, can kill with a gesture and control their followers. And lastly, they both pursue their own goals.
@714KH Ай бұрын
Correct me if I'm wrong but the Hive aren't a hive mind, Luzaku even says they make their own choices. Hive mind would be more like the Vex. Witness isn't one either. It had a strong will due to the penitent faction but dissenters prove it didn't have full control over the entire chorus's thoughts
@echo-1487 Ай бұрын
@@714KH No, you're correct. But I was speaking about the character Hive from Agents of Shield.
@714KH Ай бұрын
@@echo-1487 Oh I'm sorry it was late, I misread what you wrote!
@mariomays8022 Ай бұрын
Evaze ! ( or anyone trying to find the raid collectibles , there’s is one on the second encounter - above the huge green statues , climb ontop and keep climbing towards the statues. ( let me know if you need more direction ) there an “ Apple 🍏 “ there between the statues. Drops a new lore book.
@TheStrubble1 Ай бұрын
Evaze I doubt you'll see this but I wanted to bring up a theory about the 9 with you and the community. When Mara brought the 900 passengers from Yang Liwei including herself into a new form of existence we now know as the awoken. There were 9 unaccounted passengers among the newborn awoken. Later the chosen leader Alice Li is accused of deicide. For she could have given them all divinity but denied them this higher form of existence. My theory is that prior to Maras choice for the future of the crew. Somehow 9 unknown passengers made their choice first and actually acsended. Once they were divine they could exsist outside the laws of time and soace which could explain any appearance theyve made both before and after the creation of the Awoken. Sorry for the rant just want this to be posted somewhere for some dialgoe to discuss this theory and have posted this to you and Byf lol.
@siegfriedpintar Ай бұрын
I was very surprised and disappointed to see that the raid armor sets only have lore for the class items :(
@Dietghostscp2107 Ай бұрын
@metek8926 Ай бұрын
It will be fascinating to meet the winnower the true controller of the darkness.
@phoenix9531 Ай бұрын
That's why I played Destiny 1. I wanted to see the epic conclusion to this 10 year saga that was set up in that story. Instead we got a filler villain introduced mid-saga and the things people wanted to see originally were postponed years into the future. Only because they wouldn't know how to top that story against the winnower, in my opinion. It's so lame.
@Cephal0god Ай бұрын
They ARE the Darkness. Like what's inside the traveler is the Light. The veil may still have more to it
@vinnypoo100 Ай бұрын
Well to be fair if they gave us the winnowed straight off the bat then where would we go from there? It would just be pointless expansions past that.
@vinnypoo100 Ай бұрын
@iCore7Gaming Ай бұрын
​@@phoenix9531 cry more
@tonyespo1363 Ай бұрын
The theory I like is that the winnower and gardener are HEAVILY personified in unveiling. They're written as if they are conscious, thinking beings, but I believe they're just the dark and light. Fundamental forces of the universe, like gravity. I think the witness sees these forces at work and assigns them purpose in an attempt to force understanding from them. It sees the "battle" between light and dark and then picks a side. Then, to give itself purpose, it believes to ve acting out the darkness' will. However, it has no will. Like gravity, it just is.
@tonyespo1363 Ай бұрын
Can't edit comments on mobile?? Whos idea was that?? Lol
@supergatorhator Ай бұрын
Exactly this. There isn't a literal winnower or gardener - they're metaphors the Witness uses to describe those cosmic forces.
@user-qr9wv3ry6g Ай бұрын
Maybe the traveler is the gardener and the veil is the winnower because didn't the witness originally get its power from the veil after the traveler first fled
@firedragon04 Ай бұрын
What if the Witness just read the Unveiling like us and took it upon its self to be the first knife, believing the constructs of Gardener and Winnower to be manifestations of life and creation, and memory and dream.
@likwid_smoke Ай бұрын
The unveiling is the witness speaking
@firedragon04 Ай бұрын
@@likwid_smoke oh yeah why did I think it was written from the winnowers perspective? My bad
@JustinMcGee-be8fu Ай бұрын
Its likely that the unveiling is just the way the witness and its people used to justify their actions according to what they had seen. All they're describing is the concepts of life and entropy. Its hard to take anything written by an entity or a people who were overly obsessed with "purpose". Given enough time one can reason oneself into anything and believe that what they're doing is the right course of action. The witness was nothing but the living embodiment of the anger of a people who begged to be told why things are the way that they are and were met with only silence. Its because there is no reason why things are the way that they are, things just are and its up to you to determine what to do with that information. I can get why they were upset, it sucks. There is no grand cosmic answer, just the never ending silence of the universe and all you can do is stare up at it and wonder.
@likwid_smoke Ай бұрын
@@firedragon04 I'm not saying everything in there is true. Just that it's from the perspective of the witness.
@addisynsanders3805 Ай бұрын
@@likwid_smoke…you sure about that? Let me rephrase: why do you think this is from the perspective of the witness?
@Blessedmunch Ай бұрын
I love the detail that the voice of the witness has less and less voices speaking in unison as we destroy its dissenters
@psycoklown8461 Ай бұрын
Winnower = The Idea. Witness = the force. Gardener /traveler are the same just opposite. We choose light or dark. The witness sought to "carve" out the light. The travel watered the the seeds of life. But who or what planted the seeds? Who or what removes the rot? Just my thoughts.
@crosshairsyt Ай бұрын
From the sound of it, maybe the Gardner took the form of the traveler and maybe the winnower took the form of the veil, there was a scene with the veil behind the witness like it was watching over it
@supergatorhator Ай бұрын
More likely that the Gardener and Winnower are the metaphors the Witness uses to describe the Traveler and Veil.
@shaynethegmann Ай бұрын
Tbf the traveler had been restarting the timeline because in every other timeline everything ended, the witness was an anomaly iirc
@alter6243 Ай бұрын
Remember in Lightfall when Maya hears a voice talk to her in her own voice? That couldn’t have been the Witness because the Witness would have at least known the Veil was in Sol. It would have sent it’s Disciples to all of the planets in Sol until it found the Veil.
@shadyrebob5999 Ай бұрын
Witness=Sauron? Winnower = Morgoth? The Witness is basically a tool of the Winnower in the same way Sauron was to Morgoth in Tolkien lore. I don't think the Traveler = Gardener even though it is referred to as such by characters. I think the Traveler and the Witness are/were tools of the Gardener and Winnower who can give powers to whoever they choose but may not be able to directly influence the "game:.
@gson7288 Ай бұрын
See I just posted I swore the gardener ws the traveler. So is the gardener the traveler ? I need a yea or no from sumone damn it haha
@Crusader171 Ай бұрын
@@gson7288that friendly hive witch refers to the traveler as the gardener so it probably is
@heronyx1843 Ай бұрын
In lore tabs from a while ago; its been confirmed that the traveller IS the Gardener; we havent seen the Winnower or know very much about it. people said the Witness is the winnower, but i disagree
@Gothmog3019 Ай бұрын
Love the Silmarilion comparison.
@eotwkdp Ай бұрын
The garden is the universe I like to imagine the gardener sometimes speaks to its best chosen Much like how the winnower spoke to oryx. Oryx is doing his own thing while following some principles of the winnower. Oryx is just way more enjoyable to talk to compared to the witness
@angrygamer6584 Ай бұрын
Calling it! Winnower gonna have the “Squared Fleet”!
@theswearjar5909 Ай бұрын
I loved when he said we will not yeild in the raid after 2nd dps
@vblegh1620 Ай бұрын
that line about gods forged us both is so fucking cool
@itchyluvbumps_4173 Ай бұрын
Sounds like Agent Smith to Neo. Why do you persist? "Because i choose to"
@SweatyOni Ай бұрын
I always felt that the witness served someone and now I feel that it is the case especially after how easilly we defeated the witness
@ThatguyAver562 Ай бұрын
I mean he took a story mission a raid and a 12 man cooperative mission he is basically tied with Taniks at this point haha!
@JustinMcGee-be8fu Ай бұрын
Yeah. I think thats more of bungie writing themselves into a corner and having to make a game out of it. Its a really interesting story but the witness was hyped up to be the BBEG of all creation, but it isn't. Its hard to come up with something that are basic fundamental laws of reality and then figure out a way for your players to fight with it lol. I DO like that they made the final kill on the witness something everyone got to do, but at the same time it sorta made it feel a bit hollow. We killed this mega threat in what amounted to a regular ol public event, as epic as an event it was.. there was no challenge in it at all.
@gson7288 Ай бұрын
@@JustinMcGee-be8fukinda like dragonball super. God powers meets a god kills a god now wat😂😅
@BrazarB Ай бұрын
The Witness does not "serve" anyone or anything, it does its own thing. It outright says thr God's that forged it can't tell it what to do
@714KH Ай бұрын
Jesus the whole point of the Witness was that it had its own ideas on how the universe should be and would force it upon the traveler/us. It wasnn't serving anything it was obsessed with pupose and afraid of chaos.
@TheChzburger Ай бұрын
So...could it be that we're finally getting back around to the entity once referred to as "the shapeless one?" The voice that persuaded both The Precursors and Maya's team on Neptune?
@turborambo6152 Ай бұрын
Winnower about to be a new gun
@Silky_Chan Ай бұрын
the witness is such a cool villain
@aaronhiggs Ай бұрын
And the traveler is herald of the gardener.
@dravendfr Ай бұрын
Thank you for making this video. I have been playing Destiny since the Destiny 1 beta. I’ve just logged in and found a cutscene showing how guardians apparently beat the Witness and everyone was celebrating. I guess I did a good job of avoiding spoilers. I figured the Witness would be a raid boss later in the season, not during the launch week. Logging in and thinking all of those years went down the drain for a passing cutscene because I hadn’t the time, or ability to get the DLC on launch week was… Well, it’s the most nihilistic I’ve felt toward a video game, that’s for sure. The people who swore to me that they’d be there with me when the story culminated don’t talk to me, or don’t log on anymore. I’m still waiting for the story to be more meaningful than a gaudy F.O.M.O. Thank you for making it seem like there’s something worthwhile to come back to at this point.
@brmawe Ай бұрын
Although The Winnower is most likely real I don't think it has a physical body like all of us do. These beings are on a higher plain of existence. If we somehow ever encounter the winnower or gardener it would be some type of lucid dream. Something apon those lines.
@ginew07 Ай бұрын
“WE. WILL. NOT. YIELD!!!” Goes so fucking hard
@XxDestroyah Ай бұрын
The witness had drip during salvations edge🔥
@adamboy0559 Ай бұрын
We have to damage it by ruining his drip 😂
@begreeen Ай бұрын
finally, I always knew the winnower and the witness weren’t the the same thing just like the gardener isn’t the traveler. It just gave off that vibe that they were separate entities. Essentially, the witness is a tool of the winnower, therefore the traveler is a tool of the gardener to carry out their game
@Rustyhobo5 Ай бұрын
so perhaps we have just threatened the winnower, especially with the traveler now spewing light and dark.
@ZOMBIESrEMO_Official Ай бұрын
The veil creates the first knife. You see it almost happen on Neptune with the cloud ark. Also by introducing darkness into the traveler reverts the game back to normal as the traveler can now remember and think instead of acting on instinct. We literally gave an eldrich being a higher consciousness.
@ACRobinson Ай бұрын
I also need to ask the question, what about the 9? i forgot about them, do they have anything to offer in this part of our story?
@benkemper2056 Ай бұрын
Love your videos. Keep going as long as Destiny does. This is interesting insight as far as a possible Destiny 3. Evidence given, the Winnower doesn't give a damn. It just is. But what if it makes a conscious choice to give a damn? Destiny 3.
@syllawblood Ай бұрын
In the tale the gardener is the one that introduces chaos. The winnower seems to be truly ambivalent
@Devil0027 Ай бұрын
I said awhile ago it seemed like the precursor race didn’t just learn some revelation when they found the veil, like something revealed it to them when they found it. I’ve wondered if the Winnower is actually real Also if they started viewing themselves as “first knife” if there is others? Kinda like how it had disciples, was Witness a disciple itself to something bigger
@vinacar Ай бұрын
now do we think the traveler is just the gardeners witness?
@AshleyRobinson-os1xb Ай бұрын
The lore has always spoke of the two entities, the Witness and the Winnower, Paracausal to our Guardian and the light (Gardener). Echos is the Light reaching out except now we've removed the Knife an entity that we might either need or become.
@jamieheisel2759 Ай бұрын
Hey Evaze, remember in forsaken when we woikd visit queen in her throne world. There was one time she had us leave because she had a visitor and her visitor didn't like guardians. Did we ever find out who that was. I'm thinking Savathun or Xivu but don't remember if we even ever was told.
@gabrieldidan Ай бұрын
when you vs some of the bosses in the paleheart they have names like the fang of the witness and the claw of the witness. i think thier maybe many other tools in the tool shed.
@PyroNite36 Ай бұрын
Does Light come from the Traveler, or does the Traveler just grant to people, but the Light itself is entirely seperate? Would there be other ways to gain the Light, or is the Traveler the only way in the universe to get it?
@DJ_sub Ай бұрын
So your- your telling me we need to kill something above a god?!?!!
@CreepFeeD Ай бұрын
And turn it into a gun!
@Banana-Boi Ай бұрын
2:57 We have not killed any gods yet only strong entities that call themself gods. The Traveler is what a real god looks like. The Witness is but a pretender.
@MonkeyDChevy Ай бұрын
@@Banana-Boithe traveler isn’t a god it’s a tool. And we have killed a god. All of the worm gods are real gods. Just not human gods. Imo a real god. Could protect itself and the traveller cannot.
@TyBe-uo4ud Ай бұрын
killing the winnower doesn't sound like it would work. as death is a concept that it literally exist to fuel it. literally death would be like it's own heart, enacting it would make it beat.
@kyleespinoza7201 Ай бұрын
​@MonkeyDChevy couldn't Guardians be seen as the Traveler protecting itself, and others? No Light from the Traveler, no Guardians, supers, rezzing, etc, and Goldem Age humanity was absolutely stomped without the Traveler intervening.
@theesnowman9265 Ай бұрын
Can't wait for the next enemy giant octagon ships!
@minthuta3288 Ай бұрын
Winnower and Gardner Veil and Traveler Witness and Our Guardian
@themandalor Ай бұрын
You do enough. You are enough You are loved sir
@brnt.9319 Ай бұрын
I think it’s more along the lines of the Winnower being another name for the Darkness, like others have said. The Darkness is a cosmic force, an influence, like the light aka the Gardener. When the Traveler - equivalent to the Witness in being a tool to fulfill an agenda - abandoned the Veiled, the Darkness - “Winnower” - came to them. The Veiled witnessed the power of the darkness, they were the first to fall to it. Converging into one entity, the Witness twisted the Darkness’ agenda into one fueled by revenge and seeking dominance and sole reign over the universe. The Darkness, much like a hand, can shuffle the pieces. But the Witness, the knife, is the physical manifestation that carries out the agenda.
@goldengod31 Ай бұрын
I thought the Traveller was the gardener Evaze , so what do u mean by it has trouble interacting with beings here in sol?
@TheSapphireWolff Ай бұрын
the strongest and most adapted survive… yeah, take that, witness.
@Taijan1 Ай бұрын
So the witness is the Sauron to the Winnowers Morgoth.
@charmboy5241 Ай бұрын
There’s prob two mysteries I hope we figure out throughout the season or next expansion. The vex over the years have been sorta, meh, kinda forgotten but one thing Calus said (I believe i forgot who but it was said) that the vex we been fighting the whole time has been basically peasants n farmers so fighting an actual army version of the vex would be fun. One comic horror the awoken know is a space like creature that will appear n leave no survivors left n its left to rumors of its existence, that one prob could be a season pass n not an actual expansion
@clayp1989 Ай бұрын
I think the 9 are part of it. I think some of them are the light (circle), the grander, the creators, made traveler etc. Some of them are darkness (triangle), the winnower, the destroyers, helped make witness, etc I beleive there is a 3 part… the(square) They helped created the bet between the 2 and they are tied in both areas or a separate one all together. Just my thought as the cosmic beings that they are…
@Puddingskin01 Ай бұрын
The Winnower is watching us and sounding like Shaxx about it.
@OneTato Ай бұрын
I think the real first knife is the traveler who's light changes things and directly led to the winesses' creation.
@engengclown Ай бұрын
Its not surprise that as Traveler spread ghost with light, it had a counterpart that spread darkness. Celestial entity like Traveler wont be just one, or it wouldn't need to create guardian (to prepare for some kind of war)(just my speculation)
@pinkguardian3696 Ай бұрын
I thinking that the traveler maybe used to have a voice and is maybe missing its voice were it now has to communicate through vision or symbols. If it can scream or something why not yell maybe its a broken off piece of a greater thing. The veil sounds like another broken piece that could connect. I feel like im reaching for something that could be there
@FaytVanguard Ай бұрын
Taken king < Witness < windower < the goth queen < your credit card < xur < the nine
@saganage6779 Ай бұрын
Are we sure the Unveiling text was written by the Witness? It seems to me that it's coming from the perspective of the Winnower, especially after these revelations that the Witness is not the Winnower but the First Knife. The text describes a being who was at odds with the Gardener before time existed, and discovered the First Knife.
@camshaft989 Ай бұрын
If light and dark is done, surely this isn't for future things to come
@npc6254 Ай бұрын
We know the traveler is the gardener so wouldn’t that make the veil the winnower? The veil is supposedly the dark traveler.
@SynKyller Ай бұрын
I swear. Destiny reminds me of a good anime sometimes. You beat the big bad then they become a part of the team (fallen, cabal) or the big bad was really a hench man for something worse (taken king, witness).
@Tiamat013 Ай бұрын
The witness looked like Shiva.
@fuhkyu8146 Ай бұрын
So is this to imply the winnower showed the precursors the veil?
@Benshmallow Ай бұрын
There is always a bigger fish
@VeeeeeryDisturbing Ай бұрын
The witness… is a disciple of the Winnower
@kxngjoker9014 Ай бұрын
The knife should be a Scythe that would be a proper representation of what the winnower is
@MarCoViTV Ай бұрын
After reading that it’s exactly what I thought the traveler is not a being of good nor is the gardener… for the gardener/traveler bestowed power unto the witness not the darkness… and the darkness while remaining autonomous watched and planned for the witness to be failed hence introducing the guardians to the power of darkness… not as a corruption but as a disruption… because it knew the concept of a being like the witness was would be more than an idle threat but a static one that would endanger everything…
@p_j_sch5008 Ай бұрын
I wonder what the Gardener and Winnower would even Do if they could interact with the univers properly
@SlimeyZockt Ай бұрын
Since the Witness thinks of itself an extension of the Winnower, but maybe that's because Unveiling was made, so that the Winnower can clarify that it does not seek and end through such means, for the final shape is something natural to the Winnower And perhaps that is why the Winnower tried again with Maya, to make her into a second knife. Maybe the Winnower consideres the Witness to be a failure
@jesseritchie9282 Ай бұрын
It is when it comes to their philosophies
@TimeLordNivek Ай бұрын
Wait what happened with Maya?
@SlimeyZockt Ай бұрын
@@TimeLordNivek maya got some whispers to merge herself with others, as revealed by the veil containment lore. At least it was heavily implied that Maya got instructions on how to do it
@juju-madness1614 Ай бұрын
Something I found interesting was how bungie may have taken inspiration of the Anti Life Equation from the DCU and come up with the final shape cause both objectives grant someone complete control to dictate a persons existence
@Devil0027 Ай бұрын
I don’t see how either relates. ALE took a math formula and took over the minds of all by proving life was futile. The Witness was trying to end the universe by stopping existence in place all together. ALE was localized by who heard/saw it, Witness was gonna do this to the universe at once
@phoenix9531 Ай бұрын
When taking about such broad concepts as the futility of life, I feel like there's much more universal and philosophic texts that serve as inspiration for all kinds of modern stories. For instance, you can go back two thousand years to Buddhism's four noble truths of suffering for that.
@j.s.3414 Ай бұрын
It's a means of keeping the door open for D3.
@alexwalker3229 Ай бұрын
Ooh, so I have a name to the next big bad I gotta burry
@LobsterDeity Ай бұрын
Light vs dark is over, I doubt we will ever see the winnower
@MRthedanger191 Ай бұрын
7:45 where is the source? Can anyone share it plz
@tayh7101 Ай бұрын
😂 10 years later I'm even more confused with this storyline
@soggywater8939 Ай бұрын
I feel like there is dominance in terms of the witnesses many voices The anger is the one towards The end of The final shape and The calm is the one during most of lightfall
@asdadd6304 Ай бұрын
I think the Witness likes to think it is the knife of the Winnower, when really the Winnower has ideas along the lines of the Hive’s conception of the Final Shape, since an entity which was probably the Winnower communicated with Oryx. Ironically, in the campaign, the Witness calls the Hive failures for being too obsessed with the first knife to see the final carving.
@sovndscvpe Ай бұрын
Evaze.. you should totally be a voice actor for anime.
@TheForbiddenOne55 Ай бұрын
I wonder how the IX fit into all this. They've been absent for a really long time now
@johnny44937 Ай бұрын
Essentially the witness was just basically the first guardian of the darkness lol
@durane123 Ай бұрын
to me, bungie themselves is the winnower, they create all these challenges and enemies for us to fight and conquer. The witness was created by the bungie devs as the first knife. bungie as the winnower can continue making adversaries for us as long as they see fit.
@kardrasa Ай бұрын
wohaaa there is an even bigger bad guy? dats crazy
@Drebin169 Ай бұрын
What If the vex can't simulate paracausality because they exist within the original flower game, and the new rules to gardener proposed and enacted by putting itself in the new game thrt runs parallel to the flower game is paracausality
@kurtru5selcrowe607 Ай бұрын
Maybe the traveler is what the Gardener created to change the game like it suggested. Only it didn’t remain isolated from the rest of the variables like it wanted.
@170skeith Ай бұрын
I want to believe that the winnower is closely related to the Vex more than anything the precise emotionless and meticulously calculated pruning life similar to how the Vex prunes multiple timelines over and over again until they find the perfect outcome. Maybe the Vex are somehow part of the winnower that came about because of the gardener changing the game. The Vex are highly underrated and have some of my favorite lore and are a massive threat outside of light and dark ready to be brought to the next level like a paracausle collective consciousness that exists outside of time seeing every timeline knowing what branches to prune and when. They could build up the Vex as a threat that is unburdened by light and dark it seeks order through entropy and balancing out the chaos of the gardener spreading life carelessly. Time is ultimately entropy and the darkness it marches forward to the inevitable heat death of the universe and the dark endless void at the end of it
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