Development Update with Ranger Archetype - 11AM PT Tuesday, December 19 2023

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Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation

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This month, we shared an update on the Ranger Archetype in Ashes of Creation, a very special announcement, and more! 👇 For Timestamps click "Show More"
0:00 Intro
5:46 Reminders
15:28 Ranger Update
1:31:00 Studio Update
1:40:52 Art Update
1:45:53 Outro, Q&A, and Special Announcement - Didn't hear your question in our Q&A? Check to see if it was answered over on our forums:
🔔Reminder that Ashes of Creation is an open and transparent development project. As such, you will see work-in-progress art, systems, and mechanics. Leave us your thoughts on our progress in the video comments!
💬 If you have any feedback on what was shown, please share it with us over on our Forums!
- For Ranger Update Feedback
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@MargaretKrohn 7 ай бұрын
Glorious Verrans! It has been an amazingly productive year for us at Intrepid Studios, and next year is going to be insanely fun as our Alpha Two users get to join us in-game. Thank you for your continued patience, support, and as always, your feedback. Due to your great feedback, we have continued to improve our combat…and it's not even in its final form! Please continue to share your thoughts with us. 💪❤🙏
@movros99 7 ай бұрын
Merry Christmas and congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
@kappega 7 ай бұрын
Please reconsider use of genAI in any artistic capacity Even if you use the technology ethically it just cheapens the experience
@wegbored 7 ай бұрын
Happy Holidays to everyone at Intrepid and everyone else, all around the world! 2023 was an amazing year filled with obnoxious amounts of hopium. You guys are building the mother of all snowballs in video game form and 2024 is gonna be even better!
@MacCity_ 7 ай бұрын
Wish I could play alpha 2😢
@Saintphoenix86 6 ай бұрын
I've been in many games betas starting with WoWs BC patch beta to games like SWTOR and Elder Scrolls Online and non MMO's like World of Tanks and about a dozen or so others, I just couldn't justify spending $365aud to $548aud to join the alpha, I fully understand what testing phases in game development means and its an aspect of gaming I enjoy(helping devs find and squash bugs/fine tune gameplay). So yeah if a far more affordable way to enter the Alpha is possible I would jump at the chance. Also please have Aussie servers, so many game devs leave us out
@veil1792 7 ай бұрын
*Ranger looks great!* *I'll be very interested to see the Mage update next!*
@LuxuFoo 6 ай бұрын
I'm frame 1 ranger frfr. Shit looks so fun.
@BigLesbian 6 ай бұрын
I like that I can never tell of Stevens backdrop is his real house or a greenscreen xD
@koralmma 7 ай бұрын
loving the art style you went for, that ranger's armour set looks badass! everything is looking amazing. Can't wait to play it.
@imjusttrolling7944 7 ай бұрын
@@MelFright more realistic than what most fantasy mmo armor are. if it took a "true" realistic approach then it wouldnt be a fantasy mmo. imagine a "realistic" knight armor on someone then for some reason he can steal dash in and out swiftly, wouldnt be too realistic of an approach isnt it? thats why its more realistic for a knight armor to be not fully plated because it has a fantasy element which makes it more logical.
@isaacostlund 7 ай бұрын
The directed leap/flip is GOAT
@samgoff5289 7 ай бұрын
Always love seeing how much progress is made and hearing how excited you guys are about development, thanks as always for taking the time to show the community all the updates! Happy holidays hope you all get plenty of rest and come back super refreshed ready for 2024
@Fedrnk 7 ай бұрын
never been a ranger player but the gameplay demo showed previously made me want to try! Beautiful work, love the progress and happy holidays!
@laughables9795 6 ай бұрын
I have watched this video 6+ times! Yall are the dream team! Thank you for your innovations!
@itscoldbro5098 7 ай бұрын
I love stevens point about them not being a billion dollar company and that people who love games should be rooting for them because its for this exact reason that BG3 was amazing. an underdog company with nothing going for them rises above via innovation and drive and thats one small reason i love intrepid and am so psyched for this game. its not a money grab by a multi billion dollar company, its a dream of the devs to play a good game!
@itscoldbro5098 7 ай бұрын
also please include berserk related themes/skins/gear into the game holy ffff that would fulfil my giant warrior sword fantasy
@bennym1956 6 ай бұрын
8 years and still waiting for Alpha.....
@ThePatrikHartin 7 ай бұрын
After seeing these abilities it looks like you've designed my dream class. Also, the music in this zone sound amazing, really immersive.
@empire5235 7 ай бұрын
Showing some really good progress with the combat looks great. Really love the vistas Steven was looking at just makes me want to explore this huge world of Verra.
@CatSnievans 7 ай бұрын
All the effects on the abilities were the perfect amount of flash and particle effects! Very awesome to see how far y’all have coke with the combat, love it!
@jean2478 6 ай бұрын
A detail : the string on the bow of the ranger is fixed at the wrong place... it must be at the end of the bow and not before the "ears"
@mrturtlelover 7 ай бұрын
The Ranger update was absolutely phenomenal. There was so much to show and it all looked so nice for only being in alpha state. Seriously, this is absolutely insane how much progress you guys make. I'm so excited for the Alpha 2 to come and for you guys to REALLY get into the nitty gritty of testing and refinement for the core systems, classes, so on. The ranger's effects overall were pretty great, in all honesty. The varying effects and colors all looked so nice, and the nod to Neverwinter's archery skills really wowed me. The narrowing cone of spread shot, the homing missiles of rain of death was also really amazing. The effects of the debuffs and buffs to the opponent and ranger themselves were also really nice. Something for each situation, to deal with each kind of class. The only major thing that was repeating in my mind was mostly the player's animations themselves, for the buffs and debuffs. It makes me think of Guild Wars 2 and it's ranger class, there's a class where you enter certain animal 'stances' that buff you, and each stance makes you perform a specific animation with particles when activated, for flair. The character just 'flexing' or standing there seems so...dull. I'd like to suggest adding more flair, animation canceling is obviously a thing with this game but I personally think that the Ranger should do some kind of spinning throw to toss out the debuffs, and if they buff themselves with say...stance of the wolf, as an example. They would do some sort of crouch stance, or stance of the eagle? A spinning dodge in the air that signifies the eagle giving increased evasion. Barrage looked really good, and the skill tree for learning the skills and their passives, along with combo extenders also looked like it had made great progress. The last bit of feedback I'd like to give for the skills would probably be the evasion skill. I know this is all still being worked on and refined even more than it already is currently which is WONDERFUL, but perhaps have the evasion skill when you have it spec'd to be able to go in any direction, do a different animation for said direction. Since a backflip just snapping forwards or to the side seems so...odd. Take Black Desert Online's Ninja. Their evasive mid-air jump has different animations for forwards, sideways, and backwards directional inputs. So perhaps something similar to that to give the ability that true feeling of proper movement. A front flip for forward, a side twisting flip for sideways? And obviously the backflip as is now for...well, backwards. Though I think the flip itself could use a bit more animation polish.~ It makes me even more curious to learn about the augment system and what that tree will look like for all the abilities. I'm so excited to see that section of gameplay get fleshed out, to see the kind of customization the classes can have to really make it your own custom class and not just a cookie cutter ranger. I hope you guys plan to have a lot of flexibility with skills. turning ranged skills to melee, different elements, etc. The sky is the limit, truly. I also can't wait to see the rogue, you say it's the most agile class, ranger being the second so I REALLY hope that you guys nail the flashyness and fluidity, mobility, etc of the rogue. It's a class that's near and dear to my heart so I hope you'll give it the same love and attention to detail as you have the other classes. Speedy, fast, flashy, rapid attacks, etc. Keep up the amazing work. You guys are amazing, the best.
@TheYashakami 7 ай бұрын
I've had my eye on the ranger for a while. Great update! That cloak looks so cool, I absolutely love the ears on it.
@joshuahfarrance772 7 ай бұрын
The repositioning on Air Strike is far more than what we deserve. I loved its original design when it was released, and having aerial maneuvering just exceeds everything to a whole new level, and this is coming from a mobile dps fighter style player. I'm getting even more hyped for the Fighter / Cleric classes and augments after seeing this.
@delula5389 7 ай бұрын
It became a habit to follow AoC's progress over the years. It's really cool to see the community grow as the game is being made. With Alpha 2 coming quite soon now, I want to send lots of love to the developers. If I were part of this project, I would 100% feel I have a responsibility to deliver something incredible. So I assume there will be a lot of pressure for all the teams during the year to come, as the public will start to put their hands on the game. Please take care everyone ! Happy holidays ! (btw, I don't usually like playing Ranger but you made me want to try it first, so you must be doing something right...)
@bennym1956 6 ай бұрын
So when does it finally get to "Golden" stage, ready to play ??? zzzzzzzz
@isseihyoudou4872 6 ай бұрын
ive been following for a very long time now it seems, i love that they are actually making all variations of classes, so 64 100% just as viable as one another but in all their own ways. if it ends up being as succesful as its looking all other games in the future are going to have a lot of work cut out for them to compare to this. its gonnna be great
@Tahiti02 7 ай бұрын
Watching your progress has been amazing. The visuals of the game are amazing, the vibe feels alive, and the systems are coming together. Your direction is perfect! Continue onwards and you will have a dedicated player for the foreseeable future!
@dfhayak 6 ай бұрын
Amazing progress over 7 or 8 years now lol.... it's never gonna happen and when it does it won't live up to a 8 year hype train.
@Tahiti02 6 ай бұрын
@@dfhayak It's okay, when you get older you'll realize most mmos take 5-10 years to develop. Go be toxic somewhere else child.
@blueknight8709 7 ай бұрын
I like the fact that I can fight with any weapons or armor that way I can choose class depending on what benefits or skills I like best that are not combat related. Like fighting with a sword and shield but can pick locks, find treasure, cast spells, make magical items, create potions that improve my stats or fight along with beast that I have tame. That way other can't be sure of what type of class is your real class until it to late. Hopefully you can acquire skills and perks of the weapon you use the most.
@Timmah200 7 ай бұрын
As always, people see things and always think it's the final product no matter how many times the company says "this is still a work in progress" and "we are not in the balancing phase." Please, internet...go learn about game development from multiple, credible sources. Thank you.
@Cal1bruh 7 ай бұрын
Really wanting to see my class (Rogue), they've teased about the class plenty, but nvr seen a reveal of the class. Hope it's coming soon specially for the Alpha 2 testing.
@IakovMinochkin 7 ай бұрын
Good luck!
@aminon5437 7 ай бұрын
Ranger looks very good! Aside from the belt fed Short Bow, It looks like it feels engaging and refreshing. Love the constant updates.
@ricardo_1989 6 ай бұрын
awesome thanks for the update
@kimberlydobbins1551 7 ай бұрын
- really nice job making the effects seem randomized with where they land on the target. Left/Right Top/Center/Foot / Miss - still hard to tell if the roll being a crit/miss correlates to the land on the mark.
@blueknight8709 7 ай бұрын
On weapons and armour crafting will it be a option to get rid of any horns, spikes, nose guard and ability to change the cross gauard design. Like removing the spikes on the skeleton armor shoulder guard because if you don't you will get impaled by your own armor if you reach for the sky.
@Fantmx 7 ай бұрын
A great way to finish the year. This has been an incredible 12 months. Hats off to everyone at Intrepid. I wish you all happy holidays and a great start to 2024. I can't wait to jump into that spot testing and hopefully sit down with Steven again sometime next year!
@floridasurfersrule 7 ай бұрын
Absolutely pumped the more these updates get put out. The progress has been noticeable, and great. In regards to the boss gear drops, I think most MMO players like to flex the drops they get. With a more rarity for those drops, it definitely puts more weight on the feeling of accomplishment when you finally get a rare piece of gear.
@bernardo1814 6 ай бұрын
I love when the abilities have depth and enable player expression of skill! It's really cool to compare a noob player and a pro being able to use a skill on different ways. Some examples of this are the abilty that you're able to hold so it has a tighter angle, or Air Strike being also a mobility tool and Lightning Arrow being more effective at long range. I especially like Lightning Arrow, as it reinforces class identity in a very cool way. I hope to see more abilities like it on the future!
@ActuallyYepod 7 ай бұрын
46:07 I would love to see the possibility through "settings" or something alike it to be able to have "pop-up texts" that could be customizable. As an example, you're getting stunned and when that happens a text pops up saying "STUNNED!" if that is the text you wish to see pop up. This would help classes such as the fragile ones to stay on top of things when it gets messy. Would help other classes as well since it would be customizable. People usually use this through addons and such. Would love it without the hazzel of addons. Overall great steps in the right direction. Love coming back every other month or so and just see some clear improvements. Much love, keep it up! 🔥
@stress6992 7 ай бұрын
count me in!
@klaus_01 7 ай бұрын
Hi, i have a question: how many active abiities are equippable at once? i like it to be around 5-10...more than 10 is quite overwhelming for me cause no more buttons to press on keyboard easily and too much variables and combos, simple is better :)
@RyveGenesis 6 ай бұрын
How are you planning to make evasion and block chance stats work with active blocking?
@derpataur1162 7 ай бұрын
I really hope to see lots more dev vs dev PvP for each class demonstrations. The ranger demonstration was fantastic -- REALLY looking forward to seeing warrior/rogue demonstrations.
@unbekannt2898 6 ай бұрын
Feels clear and organic and the sound it’s fantastic. I love it. I think it will be a good game
@thelawrence1970 7 ай бұрын
How will Weapon skills play into a class + subclass? f.e. if i will play a cleric/rogue (i.e. Shadow disciple) who uses a dagger, will i be able to augment the active dagger skills too? If yes, how exactly will they be augmented. Since in my example with a shadow disciple, the augmentation solely happens via the rogue class. But Dagger + Rogue ist not "cleric"-ey. Will they be augmentable by the main archetype, or even both?
@MaxDemonov 7 ай бұрын
at 1:43:12 because of the lenght ? of the boots it makes look like the character knees are way too low? weird proportion , anyone noticed ?
@blueknight8709 7 ай бұрын
I can see Archers using the scatter shot to move back from a opponent that is two close or help them to move in the air. I might regret this later being a Melee player and all. But are there any explosive arrow or elements arrows and are there Dragon, Phoenix, White Tiger marks.
@Benjamimic 7 ай бұрын
Love the ranger updates, but when it comes to movement based skill we really need to get our hands on it first in order to tell how it feels. Just based on how it worked previously though, steps in the right direction! I love high mobility classes and adding jumps that don't freakout when landing on different terrain is really important for the feel of a game. Can't wait to see how the ranger abilities will effect different archetypes in the future.
@emilfilipov169 7 ай бұрын
Can't wait for the Summoner showcase!
@ase_helheim 7 ай бұрын
I Like it that this beautiful Game run with every Stream smoother keep up your good work and pls Take your time you need dont push😊
@lolcat5303 7 ай бұрын
I don't even play rangers but this looked very good and polished. Looking forward to seeing mage revisited to implement the new features, and to alpha 2... bit later than I'd hoped but the game is making visible progress so I can't complain.
@SayersTheArtist 7 ай бұрын
Has it already been asked, saving presets for builds before respec? ALSO, if skills/recipes acquired stay when changing the umm.. smithing and stuff. So you can drop smithing, then go back to it keeping all the previous unlocks/level?
@Jack_Wolfe 6 ай бұрын
1:48:18 IDEA/SUGGESTION: Artifact items - maybe have a "common" version of the weapon, (or dependent on the area its acquired from) like non pretty version. Artifact items could have more abilities and amazing effects per artifact. But if you run out of subscription/AFK for an extended period it should activate a timer for 96 hours (4 days) till the artifact is "returned" to where you acquired it, and being replaced with a "dull" version of its self. Maybe even having the DULL version allows you to skip to the boss/etc to attempt to obtain it quicker. But replaces the dull version by using it at the end of battle, or using the DULL version for the battle. So if you complete the battle with the DULL weapon you get to refresh it into the artifact. If the Event occurs where a player is near to finishing the full battle to get the artifact, (not skipped) and so is the DULL weapon player, the priority should be to the player who did the full dungeon without skipping. You could make it so if you fail with the DULL weapon, the DULL weapon is broken, and can not be used to SKIP again. Bit of a challenge for those wanting to speed run the artifact they previously had. If someone already has the artifact, the DULL would not be usable.
@maxisham 7 ай бұрын
Hey Ashes! Absolutely love the progress so far and how the game is starting to look! I'm looking forward to getting lost in your glorious world, however since ashes is so RPG focused and rightly so, will there be any type of content that is very hard and mechanically challenging or is that out of the question since it's not a main focus of the game?
@laughables9795 6 ай бұрын
ive got chills from this game! Literally gives me chills!
@JamesBlake1208 7 ай бұрын
I have a question about the possibility of mitigating fall damage through abilities. As you’re about to hit the ground from a big fall that would kill you, if you use airstrike, will it prevent the dmg?
@jesperburns 7 ай бұрын
So, if all these skills are tab target, which ones are skill shots?
@Fractal379 5 ай бұрын
Been enjoying watching your development since the beginning & just wantd to buy you all a beer 🍺 🍻🍻🍺🍺🍻🍻🍺🍺🍻🍻🍻🍻🍺
@terminalvelocity4858 6 ай бұрын
Amazing work!! AOC is going to be "THE MMO" to play. I cannot wait for release!!!
@cara738 7 ай бұрын
I really like the fluid movement with the ranger class and would like it see it on a agility based melee character like the rogue or perhaps some kind of Brawler. As a follow up question has there been any talk of a brawler/monk/ or maybe a fist weapon class of weapon to fulfil my dreams of beating a dragon to death with my fists? I could also settle for diving into the deep and punching a kraken right in the beak. Just curious if there has been any talk confirming if there will be or wont be a way to uppercut a cyclops into oblivion.
@michagruzewski5592 7 ай бұрын
Is there/will there be a way of purchasing Alpha/Beta access withaout the cosmetics added to pre-order packs? I am interested in Alpha/Beta, and in supporting the game, but the cosmetics, and the currency in the pre-order packs are something im probably never use. I don't want them, and I'm therefore much less likely to invest my money in what im interested in. (Alpha/Beta acces) I'd be thrilled if there was a way to purchase items im interested in individually, even if that'd be less value per dolar.
@simplex4203 6 ай бұрын
I'm curious how Intrepid are going to make items fun to look at and pick up. When looking at an item that a monster dropped, should I be looking at the affix's, the base type or rarity? How much can we modify dropped items?
@SuperWatru 5 ай бұрын
When will we see the action part of the combat?
@larryfine5222 6 ай бұрын
Steven and Team, Stick to your guns. Please Don't let anything get in your way or change your philosophy. Ashes will be great and great things take time to build. Take all the time you need and put out a great product that will meet your standards and we will play it. It's not often you see a company bootstrapped by courage that still holds their original values after this many years, it's still refreshing. Thank you for daring to be different.
@helder1340 7 ай бұрын
the action is so damn important to the success of an rpg let alone mmorpg. I hope you continue to iterate the action to be the best-in-class and no less. I cheer for your success
@WildFyreAshes 7 ай бұрын
I can already feel how immersing this game is going to be. I already can feel a band of rangers and rogues chilling in a red wood forest while a few scouts return to deliver Intel of a bunch of tricksters and bandits about to raid a high value caravan. In the chat we quickly discuss gear load out and then the rogue smoke bomb out and others mount up to handle business. The wait will be worth it. And this is coming from someone that met them at pax seattle years ago like O O WTF IS THIS?! Yea ... I'm here for it. @stevensharif happy new year!
@eon2330 7 ай бұрын
:D I can't wait to see and test summoner as a class if ranger looks this good :D
@Nyce-Gaming 6 ай бұрын
What are the current plans and approach to make this summoner archetype different to what we’ve seen in previous MMOs? (This hasn’t been discussed much since December 2022 stream)
@baska- 7 ай бұрын
I hope Alpha 2 has multiple wipes and is not persistent. Increase EXP, lower EXP, focus on specific testing subjects, if dupes/bugs/etc. are found, then don't feel bad about wiping server(s). No testing phase needs to be persistent, what needs to be persistent is the improvement of the game.
@TheAieron 7 ай бұрын
They've said A2 will have downtime/wipes when necessary for their purposes.
@anthonys6927 6 ай бұрын
I kickstarted this game, ive watched every development update (which I appreciate and enjoy), I look forward to playing alpha. But after the game launches will the monthly updates continue?
@Noritoshi-r8m 7 ай бұрын
Boy oh boy
@tcameron2010 6 ай бұрын
Will there be pistols or blunderbuss items in the future ?
@bfrick 7 ай бұрын
This looks amazing, I can't wait to play this game one day. As a designer, I recognize that all of this is not final, but I'm going to ignore that and give my 2¢. :) I would consider giving actions that are not magic a subtle, elemental tone to them, and reserve the vibrant effects for fire, frost etc. Sorry, just want to throw that in here. I really love the progress and spirit of the studio. Great work!
@MrRipshadow122 6 ай бұрын
would be cool to see the animation shoot the ankles on the barb arrows
@Rocketeye 7 ай бұрын
What are the PC requirements for Alpha 2?
@sofrazi2 6 ай бұрын
Wait…. So this is the last pre-order pack period? Or last pre-order pack that will have alpha key? I’m confused.😕😕
@kaelren4120 28 күн бұрын
ranger look promising. you can either play around crit and aspd, or a heavy hitting sniper with armor penetration. also i assume the type of bows (shortbow/longbow) will affect the builds.
@lkhyorr1531 6 ай бұрын
valid 200% !
@sw0rdspell 7 ай бұрын
Ranger is looking pretty solid so far! Great skill philosophy, variety, and effects. I think my only two criticisms personally are that 1. The basic attacks look like a machine gun man, I get it's a squishier, quicker class, but those attacks are SUPER fast. 2. It'd be nice to see more aiming required for the class (as a huge fan of action combat like BDO) instead of things homing as much. Keep up the great work guys!!
@bos7522 6 ай бұрын
The problem with aiming in pvp games that have ranger archetypes is that while aiming hopes to increase immersion, it actually serves to break immersion by creating degenerate gameplay. The gameplay that emerges to counter projectiles always defies physics and breaks immersion, so homing is always the best way to go and the most consistent for balance. That being said, not having at least a few skillshots would be a serious shame.
@KHRON3434 7 ай бұрын
The ranger update looks exceptionally well. However, Interpid should retain one non tab target feature. That feature should be something like extended range for certain spells in action camera mode. That would increase the skill cap and still allow combat to remain mostly tab target and feel neutral.
@derekisazombie39 7 ай бұрын
God I can’t wait to finally play this lol
@jonathanhaven1690 7 ай бұрын
Still wondering when we get to see Summoner and Bard??
@Gvlant1 6 ай бұрын
This has to be the some of the most transparent and consistent game development I’ve ever seen. Quite impressed, your team is doing the right thing, unlike Vawraek is doing for Quinfall or Fntastic did for The Day Before.
@awildkiru 6 ай бұрын
I might have missed this question before, although I've tried to be up to date-with the videos and stuff. But I have a question: In the action bar, will health potions and bombs be available? Or just the skills? Thank you so much for everything you guys have been doing, the game is looking amazing! I can't wait!🥰
@laughables9795 6 ай бұрын
You have nice visuals. Of course they will need improvement, but sound design brings "weight" to the combat and things happening in Verra which I am sure you know. Some sounds are great! Love the whistle of the arrows! Obviously creatures need to sound appropriate. But I do agree with Asmon that the lighting could improve. I have noticed the lighting does look pretty good in other areas. Could've just been in that ravine that things were looking a little dull. Love this stream though. Keep up the good work! Can't wait to play alpha 2!
@SuperDust0 6 ай бұрын
Great showcase !! As a main archer player, I hope that the AOC ranger will be able to finish off his enemies in close combat/melee, without being solely confined to his bow and that there will even be an interest in doing it (high risk high rewards , that’s philosophy, isn’t it?). The Mmorpg where the double arc specialization ranger sticks 30cm from the target to chain shots/combo while the enemy hits him with his heavy ax or other..., breaking the whole soul and spirit of the class. 🤮 So either we give the ranger the tools to maintain the distance / dodge / regain the initiative, or we give him the tools to finish or respond minimally in close combat / melee. Thank you for your amazing job
@Vadstax 7 ай бұрын
Margaret becoming the terminator when hearing that second slack notification 8:01
@that1otherguy93 7 ай бұрын
reminds me of that field of dreams quote "if you build it... they will come" for players by players
@bozzaga 6 ай бұрын
wow, this game still isnt out yet? Wasnt that over 6 years they announced it?
@jaytibbs7854 7 ай бұрын
I gotta get more rogue info soon
@dioesiste600 7 ай бұрын
I tell you the truth, I've been following you for a short while, but from what I see the game is going in the right direction... Finally a combat system with a bit of mobility and that gives satisfaction.... It would be very nice if the equipment system /gear could be more "unique" I'll try to explain myself better, it would be nice to see equipment such as bows, armor, swords etc. with unique bonuses in the sense that with a small percentage of luck they are dropped by bosses or mobs with one or more particular bonuses and percentages different each time, to diversify the pg even more and make the gear upgrade and construction system more interesting and long-lived. I hope to see this too in the future... I wish you good work and happy holidays
@Adirtan 7 ай бұрын
awesome preview! i love it so far. only thing i rlly dont like right now is Raining death animation... it does not feel as raining death, it does not looks impactful :) maybe try Rain of Arrow from D4 style? :)
@coughfee_beans 7 ай бұрын
It's a shame that this is probably not gonna release for another 4+ years. It looks amazing. Can't wait to play it someday, if I don't die by then. Just make sure that cosmetics never get too insane wish sprites, flashy colors and just the typical JRPG rainbow puke everywhere causing seizures everywhere. Runescape 3 is a good example to avoid.
@DaralenManta 6 ай бұрын
The Alpha 2 goes live 3rd quarter this year. Progress is obviously happening.
@bennym1956 6 ай бұрын
Been 8 years already........keep waiting !
@squicker 6 ай бұрын
Rumour has it there is an alternative universe where this game does one day release.
@jaidenreal1631 6 ай бұрын
So my mate just told me the beta access has stopped selling. Any chance I can still buy a beta access code?!?!? We gonna be sad if we can’t play the beta together 😂.
@Nate-tf5ws 7 ай бұрын
I know its early, but the density of the mobs seems random. It's Empty in some spots and overpopulated with a bunch of inconsistent mob types in another. Curious if this is just for a showcase? I know there are random (dynamic) encounters and stuff that pop up so play probably factors in as well.
@Bizzlenig 6 ай бұрын
The game looks great! Can't way to play it in 2035.
@AncientRunes 6 ай бұрын
Hot damn that Ranger armor is FIRE! Ranger Class is looking to be one of the best implementations since DAocs Scout class. LOVE IT. Best MMO dev team EVAR!
@SageRites 6 ай бұрын
Please add a zone that reduces all cooldowns x2 when inside, but you have x2 reduced stats including attack and hp and all around if you can make a functional area like this it would be so fun to play
@leonardooliveira1218 6 ай бұрын
Estou ansioso para esse jogo, espero q lance aqui no brasil
@elxaime 6 ай бұрын
The Legend of Gin Alley approves.
@blueknight8709 7 ай бұрын
Well I believe that the best weapon and armor should be forged and enchanted and any other way to make them op because with the right material and the right enchantment it can become a divine artifact.
@DarkxMyth 6 ай бұрын
The Mushrooms reminds me the first episode of Delicous in Dungeon Anime XD
@Behague 7 ай бұрын
Will name reservation be coming before Alpha 2?
@xReaghan 7 ай бұрын
Hope not wouldn't be fair.
@eliteone6122 7 ай бұрын
I'm happy they are taking there time and making sure the game is good. Lots of mmos rush and or cut things to get the game out faster. The more In depth and interesting a game is people will play it for longer. Also look who they are going up against. Ff and wow I'm happy the devs are making sure they have everything dailed in. As fans we should be too. ❤
@a_angry_bunny 5 ай бұрын
I'm really curious how they expect us to set up bear trap before a fight when they only last for 30 seconds. Also, the current stun doesn't seem worth the time it takes to set the trap. I could be doing damage instead of setting a trap that doesn't hinder the opponent any longer than it takes to set the trap.
@jonathanspencer3648 7 ай бұрын
*Ranger* or *Archer* ? I hope you add in more ranger type things. Traps, marks, and the bows are cool. . . But I'd like to see some more thrown weapons (rocks, metal shards, blow darts, etc.) And some more damage over time ammunition. (Posions for health and/or stamina hinderance) I also hope to see more skills interacting with the environment. (I noticed this with the Mage showcase when i think Blizzard wasn't affecting the grass)
@DanBeLiving 7 ай бұрын
Has anyone seen anything about how players names will work? One name ? Two? Spaces? Capitals letters? One name of that per server?
@Maczuga_ 6 ай бұрын
Game is running UE5, been in developement since like forever, already looks like game from 2013 or so. And I don't think we saw any kind of end-game content so far. Yup, looks like year 2040 release to me.
@Alexcv215 6 ай бұрын
@ 1:48:00 it'd be pretty cool fun/funny if after a set time with the artifact, NPC's roam the map looking for the player with the artifact item and act as a hit squad attempting to reclaim the item. Popping up in dungeons or raids mid fight to take back the item when the player is vulnerable! lol Subsequently putting the artifact back into circulation for the server.
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