Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Review

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/ thegamingbritshow

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@armondo4446 Жыл бұрын
Vergil has been taking L's from Dante ever since the ending of DMC3, but getting a better battle theme than all of the other protagonists is a huge win and a comeback for him.
@bazzjedimaster Жыл бұрын
All Vergil's potential W were karmically taken by all the Ws he stole through Umvc3 with Xfactor.
@jondoe7036 Жыл бұрын
I mean if you get technical about it, he is more or less correct in telling Dante their score is even in that final cutscene of DMC5. Vergil won their scuffle in DMC3 manga, he beat Dante in their first duel in the third game and lost the third one, with second bout ending inconclusive and he didn't lose to Dante in DMC5 till their brotherly scuffle in hell in the closing scene. Vergil probably wouldn't count Dante's fight against his Nelo Angelo form or Urizen, since he wasn't mentally all there for those, but he did gain the upper hand at the end of first Nelo Angelo encounter, while losing the other two, as Urizen he wrecked Dante for the first go around, fled to get the Qliphoth fruit before Dante's second fight against his Demon King form could be concluded and lost the third time, when Dante went against Urizen with both of them at full power. So Vergil is correct in saying they're even, if you only take into account the fights, where he has been fully himself and Dante is correct in saying he is up one, if you count the fights, where Vergil was posessed or fought as a version of himself stripped of his humanity.
@ffnovice7 Жыл бұрын
@@jondoe7036 what would you like to see of the main 3 by the time of dmc6?
@speeddemon144p Жыл бұрын
“Vergil has been taken L’s” He’s literally been broken in every games he’s ever been in. It seems like he’s a walking W everywhere he goes.
@jondoe7036 Жыл бұрын
@@ffnovice7 Don't know at this point, to be honest. DMC5 felt like such a definitive conclusion to the story and established conflict so far, I'm not sure how they would continue from it. Suppose if they were to make that Sparda prequel at some point, this would be as good a time as any. I've always thought how that one could be interesting, if it was told in a sort of reversed chronological order, where each subsequent chapter would be an earlier adventure of Sparda's at different points in his life, with him giving up some segment of his arsenal and power at the end of each, with it all culminating in him fighting Mundus at the peak of his power two millenias ago. If the series is going to continue onwards from here though, I kind of just want them to suprise me.
@chimeratheo1855 Жыл бұрын
Never considered "You can not kill me" was in reference to Dante's humanity. That's some good shit.
@Nikelaos_Khristianos Жыл бұрын
Also consider that despite being part demon Dante sees himself as being, "sub-human", literally less than a human not, "inhuman" like Vergil.
@StagFabulous Жыл бұрын
Vergil must be the only vidya character whose playable incarnation is stronger than his boss variant. The lad only gets more broken with each appearance, and it's beautiful.
@Diwasho Жыл бұрын
Sonic character boss fights are also consistently weak sauce compared to their playable versions, the only time they aren't a complete joke is when they're piloting some boss exclusive machine.
@kaininja5353 Жыл бұрын
I played umvc3 and somehow he feels weaker than dmc5 vergil even though he should be more broken on a fighting game
@SolidSnake240 Жыл бұрын
​@@kaininja5353 They couldn't make him or Dante TOO crazy lol . I wish they did though
@jd50053 3 ай бұрын
@@SolidSnake240I personally feel like Dante’s broken style switching made his section too easy until King Cerberus vibe checked me into oblivion
@FenoTheFox Жыл бұрын
"It makes sense that Dante's [inner monologue] is so dark and he's not singing about eating a bowl of chocolate ice cream or something." Surely he'd be singing about a strawberry sundae.
@motherplayer Жыл бұрын
Throw some pizza into the chorus line too.
@doggosho3044 Жыл бұрын
I'm imagining dante singing about bacon pancakes
@pixel6894 6 ай бұрын
I’m now imagining Dante in a fruit loops commercial and it’s kinda funny…
@lmahu6627 Жыл бұрын
This is like, what? The third time Brit has reviewed this game? I'm all for it!
@raresmacovei8382 Жыл бұрын
@lmahu6627 Жыл бұрын
@@raresmacovei8382 Yeah. The first was the when the game first released, and the second was in TRGTA 2020.
@XesiAMV Жыл бұрын
Don't forget the redeeming nero video on it too
@DanielJimenez-vq5gw Жыл бұрын
@JonathanRiverafrickinnice555 Жыл бұрын
I'm down for a 4th.
@Neoxon619 Жыл бұрын
I’m surprised they never added the RTX, Turbo Mode, & Legendary Dark Knight settings to PC. Also, the Special Edition cutscenes are pre-rendered, unlike the base game having all in-engine cutscenes (hence why the SE cutscenes look different).
@raresmacovei8382 Жыл бұрын
Their reasoning for the lack of Turbo and LDK was that there were PC mods for it. Still a dumb decision. DMC5 could've been perfect. Yet they omitted these options and half the game happens in the same looking veiny level, which makes it tedious. Also at least 2 bosses are completely useless.
@Upsetkiller456 Жыл бұрын
Capcom is pretty chill when it comes to modding their single player games, most of not all that stuff is on PC
@billykotsos4642 Жыл бұрын
@TechnoSyndro Жыл бұрын
@@raresmacovei8382 The Legendary Dark Knights mod actually came out after the Special Edition as a response to the mode not being added to the PC version. It's also got totally different layouts to the console version, it's designed with the hardcore DMC audience in mind and way harder.
@Azure029 Жыл бұрын
If you really want it, just get mods. PC had shit like turbo mode and even proto LDK mods as far back as 2019
@Hamboane Жыл бұрын
“I’m sure you’ve spent money worst ways” beats every argument I could have against the special edition
@thelastgogeta Жыл бұрын
It doesn't beat "lol who had a PS5" though.
@ThePreciseClimber Жыл бұрын
@@thelastgogeta Well, they've sold 30 million PS5's now. PS4 was at 35 million around the same time.
@thelastgogeta Жыл бұрын
@@ThePreciseClimber I'll grant that we aren't in the launch period but some major games (at least RE4) are still crossplatform and I don't have a PS5... The switch-over might be a bit slower due to back compatibility and a relatively higher price for the PS5 (I think) but we may be close by next year to a decent amount of PS5 owners.
@mikeoakeshart3823 Жыл бұрын
The new cutscenes was pre rendered fmv rather using in game engine to render it. Idk why they did that... because by the logic using in game engine seems to be more efficient than basically making it as movies. Especially if the end product looks worse.
@giordihero Жыл бұрын
DMC5 Dante's boss fight is also probably the hardest fight in the entire series. He's just terrifying, and you don't have Royal Guard against him, so you can't even Perfect Release his ass into oblivion, he's the one who's going to do that to you.
@Dan_Kanerva Жыл бұрын
Royal Guard remains the strongest power in the franchise... just like the spider sense makes Spiderman virtualy invincible , RG makes Dante untouchable
@ffnovice7 Жыл бұрын
Funny enough, it's hard to find a real life imitation of Royal Guard without looking at the red coats with the funny hats
@zenbrown7144 Жыл бұрын
@@ffnovice7 My dumb ass took a second to realize you weren't just literally talking about Dante, the man has a red coat, and Dr. Faust is a very funny hat.
@brancolt_ Жыл бұрын
DMC4 Dante was harder
@giordihero Жыл бұрын
​@@brancolt_ hell no
@JustOniWorks Жыл бұрын
I remember when this edition was announced as not really coming to PC aside from the Vergil DLC everyone asked what was up and the Capcom rep said something along the lines of "we didn't want to put it on PC because not everyone can use all the features" i.e. ray tracing and LDK. Which is legendary levels of confusing. Like, if you can't use the setting, just don't turn it on. It was such a nonsensical explanation that I sort of reason in my own head that there must have been some sort of marketing deal or lack of interest on Capcom's part. On the plus side, all that junk got modded in anyways, so it's not like I can complain about only having paid seven bucks or whatever the DLC was.
@marcfyre Жыл бұрын
Yeah, "not everyone can use all the features" is corporate jargon talk through and through. The real reason it wasn't on PC was for the sake of PS5 exclusivity, so people would buy a PS5 just to have all the new stuff on top of Vergil. And of course, like you said, now Legendary Dark Knight and Turbo Mode are available on PC anyways thanks to modders, and you can still play as Vergil even without buying him, albeit a truncated version of him that's just his boss version with playable controls attached to his attacks.
@phobos5323 Жыл бұрын
I'd like to clarify something regarding the style ranking in DMC5: although it's often said you should skip fights to get a higher score, this isn't always the case; the way the game calculates points is simply how high your ranking is times the damage you do. What this means is that if you do damage at low ranks, you get less points, which is why fighting one enemy gives you less points than fighting a bunch. For example, in Mission 10 in the higher difficulties you get a Fury fight that's followed by two Empusas and a Red Empusa which are optional. The Fury fight is almost guaranteed to make your ranking lower, but despite what you might expect it's possible for it to go up if you kill those Empusas. In fact, if you check on the Void you'll notice Furies take double damage from everything, likely to offset them having lots of down time and often showing up by themselves. Another thing is that, since you can technically carry style from a skippable into an obligatory one, it's possible to use weaker enemies that would otherwise tank your score to get style up and then reap the rewards on a bigger encounter. This is in fact what you need to do in some missions if you want to get a perfect score (S across all encounters, not just on the clear screen) as it's impossible to get enough otherwise. In the end though, DMC5's scoring is much more lenient than it might seem. It's totally possible to start badly, and then get better scores as the mission goes on since it's based on averages. If you're having trouble getting an S, it's more likely it's on one of the missions that are actively deranking you, which are mostly Dante missions, and possibly made that way to offset Quad S, which does all its damage at the highest rank possible.
@GenericSoda Жыл бұрын
I liked when you touched on Vergil being able to kill enemies while taunting, some of my favorite memories of DMC5 are when Nero let Punch Line do its thing or not fight an enemy with an Overture bomb on it while air guitaring or pretending like he's rolling film.
@DanielJimenez-vq5gw Жыл бұрын
Honestly, 4K DMC5 at 60fps is the best looking game ever for me. It's crisp, it's stylistically pleasing, it's got sweet effects, the artstyle, the juice, the jam. Especially in cutscenes, the game is unbelievably pretty.
@YuukitheMighty1 Жыл бұрын
RE Engine is no joke. Capcom's pulled off impressive visuals with that engine, plus it has the backing of strong character designs and art direction.
@foodwich2132 Жыл бұрын
@@YuukitheMighty1 aye, glad to see they're still gonna be using it going forward too. SF6 and RE4 are looking really nice
@kruegerpoolthe13th Жыл бұрын
A Vergil boss fight is all about a satisfying back and forth it’s about careful timing and observation A Dante boss fight is the same with just twice as many moves you need to avoid
@Tenchigumi Жыл бұрын
I had no idea Virgil's taunt had an attack involved, so when I taunted a Sin Scissor right when it began to show its red head and one-shotted it with a summon sword from the sky, I was like "okay, I'm I playing Vergil, or is he playing me?"
@doomdimensiondweller5627 Жыл бұрын
I think a video about Itsuno style action vs Platinum style action could be interesting. Personally I prefer DMC to Bayonetta.
@blueferal8626 Жыл бұрын
Bayonetta's feet 🥵
@user-jt7pe4jk5o 3 ай бұрын
@@blueferal8626 vergil better
@JonathanRiverafrickinnice555 Жыл бұрын
You know what would be cool? The Master Chief collection, but for DMC. A giant anthology of all the games missions, maybe excluding some of the more filler ones, in chronological order. Could even add the modern gameplay to the old levels.
@Clockwork-XIII Жыл бұрын
As someone who has the Dmc classic collection Dmc 4, and Dmc 5 special edition I wold still buy this ha ha. Going to be honest going back to one and 3 was hard after getting so used to Dmc 5 graphics.
@marcfyre Жыл бұрын
I'd say "that's just the HD Collection!", but that'd be a dismissive answer I feel. It only includes 1, 2 and 3, while missing 4, DmC and 5; and the games in the collection are missing features from newer releases, like Freestyle for 3 and Bloody Palace for all of them. So yeah, me too.
@JinzoFiter 10 ай бұрын
​@@marcfyreBloody Palace *is* in 2 and 3 on the HD Collection. You're probably thinking of 3's co-op Bloody Palace in its Switch port.
@russellhattal3328 Жыл бұрын
"I'm sure you've spent money in worse ways." That's the best praise I've ever heard, haha.
@harrincourt95 Жыл бұрын
@roboknobthesnob Жыл бұрын
“Im sure you’ve spent money in worse ways than this” Looks at my copy of Callisto Protocol: “why did you have to spell it like that?”
@Mr.Faust3 Жыл бұрын
Bayonetta 3 was just the palate cleanser so we can appreciate the best action game once again
@Tenchigumi Жыл бұрын
Rewarding the act of running away from fights feels like the ol' Resident Evil DNA butting back in.
@wye.9789 Жыл бұрын
Cool video! And I must say that to this day I am struggling with in-game brightness calibration (in all RE Engine Games tbh) because if you follow the instructions it is still looks terrible and too blurry, I am wondering how do you set up all these sliders( especially the first two). Thank You :)
@MultiNouaman Жыл бұрын
The ending of this video reminds me of that off brand Christmas special you did years ago with Onimusha, and I love it.
@patiszejuicebox Жыл бұрын
Quick tip for when Dante uses Cav on you as Vergil: Use Stinger or Rapid Flash to parry it. Overall, great video on the pros and con on SE! I really wished it came out on PC too, but bless the modding community for giving most of the stuff it provides.
@jf_paes1589 Жыл бұрын
I remember being so disappointed with the Special Edition when it was announced, specially when they revealed it wasn't coming to PC. DMC5 proved itself the most successful game in the series, and I thought they would pull all the stops for this SE, just put a bunch of content in it, new costumes, new modes, new characters, maybe even a short campaign with 3~5 missions just for Vergil. Yet they saw fit to give it the weakest SE package in the series, they didn't even bother to make new costumes. Still nuts that fucking DmC had the luxury of receiving an actual DLC expansion, and later the best got re-release in the series in terms of sheer content, they didn't just pack in all the DLC content, they made new content and actually went as far as to address a lot of the criticism and improve the combat, but DMC5 didn't get any of that, just the bare minimum. How do you fuck that up, how does DMC5 have the worst Special Edition, but the fucking reboot have the best one?
@gundanout11 7 ай бұрын
Not even having Trish and Lady being playable characters like in Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition.
@RedTigerDragoon Жыл бұрын
With the new cutscenes you'll notice they're CG rendered, not in engine cutscenes which is why they look off. Same situation as the Final Fantasy 7 Remake. The CG cutscenes look noticeably weirder than the in engine ones because we've finally reached an era where in game graphics are that good
@RabbidKuriboh Жыл бұрын
"I'm sure you've spent money in worse ways" Would have been a great time to plug the Patreon/Twitch.
@SoloRogueStudios Жыл бұрын
The issue with the new cutscenes is that they're pre-rendered instead of running in-engine.
@dutch_urth Жыл бұрын
Another cool thing about Bury The Light I think, is that the final verse echoes the chorus from Nero's battle theme, Devil Trigger. It's both the same melody, but the lyrics for each song represent both Nero and Vergil's own views on both their demonic and human sides. Vergil casts aside his humanity in favor of demonic power and Nero comes to grips with his demonic blood, but doesn't lose sight of his humanity in the process.
@kirbles2035 Жыл бұрын
Not sure how familiar you are with it, but I'd argue the best version of DMC5 is the PC version modded. You can mod in LDK, Turbo mode, and several other things. Instead of listing them here I just recommend you look up SSSiyan's cheat trainer on youtube.
@Darkyan97 Жыл бұрын
That feeling when Bury the Light kicks in at Mission 20
@drneotech7254 Жыл бұрын
A Nero boss fight would’ve been very hard to balance to be fair. With buster arm, punch line , the damage his guns do, can grab you from wherever etc.
@TheLingo56 Жыл бұрын
@7:00 It’s worth noting that most tight linear games already use “Raytraced” lighting. It’s been baked into textures since the PS1 era. And yeah, you’re correct in that open world games is where RT benefits things the most. It’s absurdly difficult to efficiently make separate textures for days, nights, and a bunch of other lighting conditions in open worlds.
@CaptViewtiful98 Жыл бұрын
On the note on in-game brightness settings, I remember Digital Foundry saying not to follow the HDR settings to a T or you will get washed-out visuals but in my experience, it looked correct. Maybe if you’re using a newer display with HGiG enabled it’s not as bad as it used to be. Edit: spell check
@TheSuperSmashBros01 Жыл бұрын
Like Dante and Nero DMC5 Vergil is largely based on his Devil May Cry 4 incarnation with all the same tools and abilities while bringing back the Doppelgänger ability from DmC: Devil May Cry and adding some new moves not found in DMC4SE
@honorable1117 Жыл бұрын
I hope to see a NMH3 review from you Mr. Gaming Brit :)
@jameskelly8960 Жыл бұрын
Would have liked to have seen TGB talk about the absence of a playable Trish & Lady which we got in DMC4SE but not in this gae for some reason.
@wurm4676 Жыл бұрын
Not sure if I was tripping there but pretty funny subtitles start with "badass katana unleashes".
@dude9904 Жыл бұрын
Honestly I just wanted to play most of the game as any character like say play Nero's levels as Dante or vis-versa or have more skins. The additional content that is here is seriously good stuff, but just a little bit more of anything really would've been excellent
@Nikelaos_Khristianos Жыл бұрын
DMC5 is a surprisingly economical game to run at high settings, tbh. Hence why I never have understood why Turbo Mode and LDK has been absent. I remember literally looking for it in the options and wondering where the hell it was. Though, I did have a rig that could run the game on max at over 100 FPS at 1080p. That was on a late gen 1080. 😬 It was really solid. 👌
@ThePreciseClimber Жыл бұрын
Then again, DMC5 was already 60fps 1080p on a base PS4.
@Artersa Жыл бұрын
Pretty odd they didn’t bring this to Pc at all. Thanks for the heads up. Always appreciate more detail about DMC5 from ye.
@ultimate_oikawa Жыл бұрын
Finally a video on Devil May cry man it's been forever
@TheOmegaFighter Жыл бұрын
Talk about an early Christmas Gift
@CaptViewtiful98 Жыл бұрын
I’ve been replaying this on a new OLED screen and everything just looks fucking beautiful!
@the_chinchilla694 Жыл бұрын
Have you considered moding the pc port there's a really good all in one mod called SSSiyan's Collaborative Cheat Trainer that adds most se stuff and other option like guard fly toggle and must style mode and some really fun extra options for each character, except v there's not many mods for v.
@LordPatroclus Жыл бұрын
Honestly I really wish Capcom didn't go for the hyper realistic and dark/edgy graphical style that DMC5 has. Idk why, but it puts me off massively and I have a feeling it won't look too great some years from now. Heck, I think DMC4 still looks good all these years later. (Doesn't help though that these hyper realistic games are resource hogs that require super expensive hardware that the average person can't really afford in this day and age)
@givemorexp Жыл бұрын
RE Engine is like one of the most well optimised engines on the market. All Capcom games pretty much run at 60fps on last gen potato consoles and from what I've heard it runs well on PC. So no. Your taste for realistic art style is understandable though. We all have different tastes.
@Kira-ji2ft 6 ай бұрын
​@@givemorexpRE engine is very stable, and DMC5 benefits massively from it. I think the biggest knock against its graphics is how samey the levels are, and that's an art thing rather than the engine being at fault.
@knjegovan9 Жыл бұрын
I have a ps5 but I'm a little confused as to why you made a dig at the Xbox version I mean it's not any different. Even the s version that might not have ray tracing is fully playable. And unlike the ps5 the Xbox lets you play the original ninja gaiden 2
@EdgardR. Жыл бұрын
He is a brit, it probably is in his DNA
@jondoe7036 8 ай бұрын
@@digitalgehn Nowadays Playstation feels more (wannabe) American than Xbox honestly, what with them offing their non-American studios and basically trying to scam their customers from other regions...
@benjackman4814 Жыл бұрын
You can never make too many DMC videos!!
@kamanira Жыл бұрын
A small thing of note: The composer for Dante's theme thought DmC: Devil may Cry was mainline DMC. So he kinda wrote that with THAT characterization of Dante in mind, rather than, well, actual Dante. Big part of why it's heavy metal filled with screams. I imagine if it was composed by someone who actually knew the franchise, like Casey Edwards, the man behind Devil Trigger and Bury the Light, we'd probably have a much better representation of Dante in his theme.
@Dan4Neo Жыл бұрын
Shut it
@kamanira Жыл бұрын
@@Dan4Neo What?
@yayalelolelo599 Жыл бұрын
Can we play vergil in the special edition (without buying vergil)
@Kira-ji2ft 6 ай бұрын
That makes sense. I like his theme, but it really doesn't fit with Dante's existing characterization and I would have preferred something more in line with Lock and Load and Taste the Blood.
@shadowvincent8718 Жыл бұрын
While it is a bit dissapointing that only Vergil is available on all platforms and not the other content that was on DMCVSE. However playing as Vergil and getting to fight Dante after all this years is just worth it alone in my opinion.
@joelcooper6441 Жыл бұрын
'he's throwing a bike at you!' is now the greatest thing ever said on the internet
@lilium5548 Жыл бұрын
1:36 thank you for not saying “pizza” when describing Dante’s inner monologue, I know that took restraint.
@AceMan325 Жыл бұрын
I been asking around and need to know: I really want to get this game for Xbox series x or s but I been hearing about problems with the game saving, not saving properly. Was this a thing or is it still a thing? Has it been fixed? Any insight will be appreciated.
@TheMuddler Жыл бұрын
Do you have a link to your Dante fight?
@ravipathak4614 Жыл бұрын
I'd really like a game completely focused on Vergil like how the dlc of DmC Devil May Cry did
@Rough_Estimates Жыл бұрын
Vergil should be a guest character in Tekken 8
@ZackRToler Жыл бұрын
So far I've just been playing DMC 5 with Vergil on my old ass Xbox One. I've never been a stickler about FPS and it's been a lot of fun really. I look forward to xcloud letting us access our own library of games as I'm curious how it'd run on there.
@amezzeray2 Жыл бұрын
The song is perfect/ I play it on loop when I'm working. It's so... oddly soothing!
@ZackRToler Жыл бұрын
Dante and chocolate icecream? nonsense. We all know he loves a Strawberry Sunday
@teneesh3376 Жыл бұрын
I just wished that vergil had his own campaign and story with it. I mean he looks fun, but it really shows how little budget the team had when they only had enough to make the character. I mean DmC's Vergil campaign has a brand new campaign. I would personally be happy to pay $30 for a proper Vergil campaign even if it is short
@gameman250 Жыл бұрын
If you're going to bother with the smaller fights that tank your ranking you're gonna have to work some black magic to get enough points so that it doesn't affect your average. OR... a no damage run will double your end-of-mission score, so I imagine that's supposed to offset whatever garbage fight (point-wise) drags down the whole ranking. It's a weird system and I wish they had found some better way. Goin for points overall instead of average across all fights isn't the best idea when you can theoretically farm a lot of points off one battle and be good for the rest of the mission. Maybe throwing some sort of time bonus in for quick plays to help make up for what you're missing? I dunno.
@smackdownsoup Жыл бұрын
They could have just excluded optional or smaller fights from the score total.
@rcurl44 Жыл бұрын
I absolutely adore this game, but I much prefer Bayonetta's ranking system to this one.
@JSlayerXero Жыл бұрын
If there is one thing I would change about how DMCV does its Missions rankings it would be to only rank the parts where you're locked in a room and have to fight your way out. That way if you don't want to do them, that's fine, they don't count. If you do want to do them, that's also fine, because without a time restriction they once again don't count. Extra enemies would just be there to do what DMC does best: let you flex on things because it's a fun thing to do.
@prodygy Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the subtitles man, english is not my first language and reading is easier than listening.
@RawbeardX Жыл бұрын
I love how Vergil was basically introduced as a failed shmuck, makes it all the funnier every time he comes back for more from the shmuck table.
@CTStyles31 Жыл бұрын
I wonder if he can make it through this one without making a DMC reference.
@Bthakilla4rilla Жыл бұрын
"and that other console too..." Wait, my refrigerator?
@mj-tz5zw Жыл бұрын
@cekan14 Жыл бұрын
I mean, fighting the Nidhogg ass boss as Vergil was hard, but getting through all the levels to then have a final pizza boss attack you with a motorcycle... Well, I don't think many games do that XD
@neonistje007 Жыл бұрын
Am I hearing a grudge? "That other console" :)
@marcfyre Жыл бұрын
Finally, SOMEONE who gets what Subhuman means and that it fits! I love being such a long-time Sub to your channel, you always get points others don't.
@TheCynicalGhost Жыл бұрын
Brit with the quality uploads.
@midgaur Жыл бұрын
1:35 Of course not, he'd be singing about strawberry sundaes 🍨🍓
@JohnnyBurnes Жыл бұрын
1:35 Dante has bowls of delicious strawberry sundaes. ;P
@JimV90 Жыл бұрын
I want MGR and DMC to have a baby. Ultimate action game.
@MILDMONSTER1234 Жыл бұрын
Ninja Gaiden and Bayonetta are already games that exist tho lol
@Bendilin Жыл бұрын
I don't know why I never completed Virgil's content in DMCV... I devoured the base game inside and out, just shy of three achievements for getting them all (getting to the second last level as Dante in the tower killed my momentum for getting that one). Maybe I was distracted. But I need to go back and complete it!
@Bendilin Жыл бұрын
Contemplating it, maybe I wasn't distracted when Virgil's content came out. Maybe I got, for lack of a better word, bored with it after playing the base game so thoroughly? EDIT: @6:24 Yah, we could just buy Virgil as DLC on top of the base game.
@TheKocon13 Жыл бұрын
@@Bendilin don't blame you, really. I smashed through the game on Dante Must Die, but playing it fresh after that is the most annoying and unfun the game gets
@jalalal8056 Жыл бұрын
Hell ya keep the bangers coming
@MarkJohnson-vi5jt Жыл бұрын
I wonder when Gaming Brit's gonna give his take on sifu, given its relationship to god hand
@someguy8428 Жыл бұрын
*finds this in recommended* "A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one"
@zesork5627 Жыл бұрын
TGBS not make a video on Devil May Cry for 6 months challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!!)
@SuperOtakuKyo Жыл бұрын
I know there are mods to kind of add some of the SE stuff, but wish they added this to PC
@ThatHomestar Жыл бұрын
i'm still fairly miffed we never got LDK and turbo mode on PC. RTX is whatever, i can live without it, but you mean to tell me PCs that can already run DMC5 at recommended settings cannot run it with turbo mode?
@LC_-he5zq Жыл бұрын
"Sheen this is the 7th time you spoken about devil may cry"
@KME2793 Жыл бұрын
Are you ever reviewing astral chain? Is it even your cup of tea?
@SefniAsheforr Жыл бұрын
DMC shows how you can have balls to the wall gameplay, but still provide great stories and amazing characters.
@bromax360 Жыл бұрын
Ray tracing plus 4k isn’t 30fps, it’s just an inconsistent 60. Typical gameplay usually sticks to the 40-50s, it feels smooth enough for the lower difficulties when you’ve got variable refresh rate.
@Azure029 Жыл бұрын
And unofficially speaking, you can have all the features of SE and then some on pc thanks to how easily moddable RE engine is - so stuff like using any character on any level (fighting Dante as Dante for instance) along with fully working co-op, LDK and turbo mode - not even counting all the cosmetic mods people have made over the years like costumes, weapons, effects, music, bloody palace, and you have everything available to make DMC5 your own personal, definitive experience. Oh, and there's also how the Vergil DLC basically comes with almost everything for barely a quarter of the price of SE, even the DLC battle tracks on TOP of everything else and DMC5 on PC is the most expansive way to play the game
@OneTrueNobody Жыл бұрын
Seeing as I don't care for ray-tracing, I'm just gonna stick with my PC version. I rarely dip into DMC's upper difficulties in any case.
@KadenWarrior Жыл бұрын
1:40 Strawberry sunday Charlie... Should have say "strawberry sunday"
@DeMomcalypse Жыл бұрын
What's really annoying about the lack of a PC release is Capcom has been adding RTX to the RE Remakes + 7 but DMC5 on PC still hasn't been given that treatment even tho they're all on the same engine.
@Mikleisn Жыл бұрын
We back baby.
@yayalelolelo599 Жыл бұрын
I have a question can pls someone answer me : Can we play vergil in the special edition?
@RedDrakePL 8 ай бұрын
@ngchloe4877 Жыл бұрын
I'll get it on my Series X one day
@voicebross Жыл бұрын
Why was it not a update on pc? like you add vergill its the pc, just add everything
@matthewhandler2445 Жыл бұрын
I have DMC 5 deluxe + Virgil on steam, is there a difference between what I have and DMC 5 SE?
@armondo4446 Жыл бұрын
DMCVSE has Raytraicing, official Turbo mode and Legendary Dark Knight difficulty which are not available on PC. Unless you mod the game ofx
@matthewhandler2445 Жыл бұрын
@@armondo4446 rip. I just got a new gpu I would’ve loved to blow up my computer ray tracing these boys
@CrimsonMoonM Жыл бұрын
SE has Legendary Dark Knight mode (a difficulty mode that spawns as many enemies as possible), Turbo Mode (speeds up the gameplay) and Ray Tracing (affects the game's dynamic lighting).
@yousefm7330 Жыл бұрын
hate to go off topic with this, but I couldn't think of anywhere else to ask given your Twitter is exclusively for channel updates; ever plan on reviewing no more heroes 3, or talking about it at the very least?
@TheGamingBritShow Жыл бұрын
At some point.
@DanielJimenez-vq5gw Жыл бұрын
@@TheGamingBritShow Such a short, cool-guy response, Charlie.
@ArthursLittleWorld Жыл бұрын
Well, can't say it's the best action games up to date if you take into account micro-moments in compatison to dmc3- dmc3 nails dmc5 at cancelation attacks by switching guns or swords, or by canceling attacks by using RG at the right moment, and there are lots of these moments, though the weirdest part of dmc5 is that you can't change enemy lock-on while moving -_- dunno if this happens on consoles, but on pc you can only change enemy focus when you're not touching any of "ASDW". Same stuff with inferior micro moments in comparison to dmc4. One might say who cares about it - excuse me but not in a devil may cry game where these micro-moments made dmc as the king of hack&slash games, without them pro-scene - combos, combo mads, boss rushes, tournaments - wouldn't even start with dmc3 as they allowed people to enter into "advanced mechanics" due to their simple existence (there is no advanced depth variety in mechancis in any other game aside dmc franchise, not even in bayonetta that has some but way inferior)
@suchayandas6136 Жыл бұрын
Yes this is what i have been waiting for
@TevyaSmolka Жыл бұрын
devil may cry 5 special edition is really awesome and tons of fun
@BeekoBaggins Жыл бұрын
I’ve been waiting for this video
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