Do Low-Carb Keto Diets RAISE YOUR METABOLISM? Peter Attia Says No

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Ben Carpenter

Ben Carpenter

Ай бұрын

Do low-carb and keto diets raise your metabolism?
Recently I was tagged in this video from Peter Attia saying that he hasn't seen any convincing evidence that low-carb and keto diets raise your metabolism.
This is a video topic I have wanted to cover for a while, but the science on it has been going back-and-forth so much, it's a little bit too nerdy for anyone to really want to keep up with.
Basically, some research studies that test diets against each other claim that lowering your carbohydrate intake (low-carb diets) might help preserve your metabolic rate when dieting compared to reducing your fat intake (low-fat diets).
However, this then becomes a question of statistical analysis because measuring peoples energy expenditure and cross referencing it with what you would predict based on their body weight is a lot more complicated than measuring their body weight, or their body fat percentage.
The real question most people want the answer to is whether low-carb and keto diets are better for fat loss, right? If they raise your metabolism, it needs to be by a large enough magnitude that you actually see a benefit from this happening.
And based on the research we have, I simply don't think that's the case.
Some people enjoy low-carb and keto diets, in which case great for them.
But it seems unnecessary to marry yourself to one particularly dietary ideology and tell EVERYONE that it is the ONLY WAY THEY SHOULD EAT because it removes freedom of choice.
Make sense?
P.S. At the end of each post, I remind you that my best-selling book, ‘Everything Fat Loss’ is currently on sale as an audiobook, plus digital/print versions from Barnes and Noble, Apple, Kobo, Google, and Amazon with an extra 27% off in Canada and an extra 14% off in the US. Please feel free to grab it before the price goes up.
- Effects of dietary composition on energy expenditure during weight-loss maintenance
- Effects of a low carbohydrate diet on energy expenditure during weight loss maintenance: randomized trial
- Do low-carbohydrate diets increase energy expenditure?
- Energy expenditure and body composition changes after an isocaloric ketogenic diet in overweight and obese men
- Do Lower-Carbohydrate Diets Increase Total Energy Expenditure? An Updated and Reanalyzed Meta-Analysis of 29 Controlled-Feeding Studies
- Overestimated Impact of Lower-Carbohydrate Diets on Total Energy Expenditure
- Ketogenic Diet and Weight Loss: Is There an Effect on Energy Expenditure?
- Obesity Energetics: Body Weight Regulation and the Effects of Diet Composition
- Low-carbohydrate diets for overweight and obesity: a systematic review of the systematic reviews
- Adherence to Low-Carbohydrate Diets in Patients with Diabetes: A Narrative Review

Пікірлер: 70
@Enoch-Root 28 күн бұрын
Good video. When studies seem to often go both ways, it's typically a sign that what ever effect it is we're trying to study is very small. It's why you get studies claiming coffee causes and prevents cancer... Reality is, if there's any effect, it's very small.
@melissaemery8686 28 күн бұрын
Same for intermittent fasting?
@danielpaulson8838 28 күн бұрын
Humans evolved eating sporadically. Our body functions are optimized for this. What we ate was local and anything edible. We naturally fasted a lot which also allows apoptosis to occur. We consumed what we stored in between meals and our old cells were recycled. Today, we just eat way too much. I went all in on the keto diet a few years back and I lost weight. As an endurance athlete, long distance cycling and running, I found right away I didn't get enough fuel in a keto diet to perform. I had to put carbs back in. It's eating crap for three meals a day that gets us. We aren't optimized for that. Metabolism increases when intermittent fasting and exercising at least some.
@Frank_Jones314 26 күн бұрын
I can't agree with this. Also, I am not aware of any legitimate studies backing up what you are saying. (KZfaq doesn't allow posting of links, but if you name some studies, I'll research them.) My metabolism does not change if I fast versus eating constantly throughout the day. My metabolism increases when I add lean muscle mass and exercise regularly. I've lost plenty of weight while eating almost continuously from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep. I do agree with you about carbs though - I need lots of them to function well. I've never actually tried cutting carbs, because I think it's a stupid idea unless there is a very good reason for it. But, given the choice, for my needs, between a high-carb diet and a higher carb diet, I choose higher carb.
@danielpaulson8838 26 күн бұрын
@@Frank_Jones314 Basic biology. Actually, apoptosis occurs anyway. All cells die and are replaced with new ones. My point is more broad. We did not evolve eating three square meals a day and were often hungry. Anyone who has spent time outdoors alone pondering living out there with nothing but a loin cloth and a stick can see that. Life was most likely a feast or famine situation at times. Mostly famine, eating grubs, worms and grass hoppers. Hominids ate what they could find and catch while avoiding getting eaten. Lizards. Snakes. Birds. Hunger is a part of evolved life. I am not saying starvation. I'm saying eat 6 thousand calories one day then skip eating anything significant for two days and do it again. That would be more in line with how humans evolved for our bodies to best function. We are now skipping that hunger time that is natural. Because we don't like it. Because we are trained by advertising from marketers and the FDA who tells us to buy more processed food and make sure to eat up. We just get used to something and think we're doing it the best way. Then we look to others to teach us and they aren't going back far enough. Intermittent fasting would have once been called normal life. The life we evolved to live.
@Poecilia1963 26 күн бұрын
@@Frank_Jones314 I don't care if people eat a lot of carbs or don't (and I certainly don't judge them for it). But we do know that a therapeutic ketogenic diet can reverse diabetes/prediabetes and control or eliminate epileptic seizures (not to mention like bipolar and schizophrenia, gut problems, and a host of other conditions, for more on metabolic psychiatry see Drs. Chris Palmer & Georgia Ede, and the YT channel Metabolic Mind, there's a lot of exciting research being done at the moment). So a lot of people eat low carb for reasons other than weight loss.
@serban2139 20 күн бұрын
I can't find this guy, but he actually tested this and documented every day, although anecdote, but he bumped his keto diet calories from 3k to 4k for a 1 month and showed us how he didn't gain any weight ,actually lost half a pound or so. Yes, his activity may have gone up, but...isn't NEAT part of that "metabolism" equation? I haven't heard this happening on a high carb diet.
@Frank_Jones314 13 күн бұрын
He tested and documented what, exactly? You said his activity level "may have gone up". If he wasn't attempting to control for that variable, what exactly was being tested? If I increase my activity level such that I am burning an extra 1000 calories a day, I too could switch to a different diet and not gain weight.
@discordantduck1808 28 күн бұрын
any diet that involves obsessing over food types is doomed to have a high failure rate and is great for establishing ED's. Anecdotal, but the absolutely ravenous feelings experienced post keto tell me that (outside of a supervised medical setting) completely eliminating a particular food group is very likely to be dangerous too.
@Hideshiseyes18 28 күн бұрын
I have found that Keto helps regulate your appetite and promotes some more high protien, high fat, nutient dense choices. Still can't overdo it on the calories its not magic i think its just harder to screw up for peiple that struggle with portion control.
@BenCarpenter 28 күн бұрын
See, if keto fans just said this, I don’t think anyone would take issue with it haha. I think the problem is so many people oversold it for so long that it’s almost become a controversial topic, rather than “some people find it’s really good for appetite regulation”, which is fine 🙂
@Hat65 28 күн бұрын
Good, that works for you, but others may find that HCLF does the exact same thing that you just described above. 😍
@Poecilia1963 28 күн бұрын
@@Hat65 I think a lot of people wind up at keto because HCLF, which is what the vast majority try first, *didn't* work them. If it does work for people that's great, but one size does not fit all. So to speak.
@Poecilia1963 28 күн бұрын
@@BenCarpenter I think pretty much all the serious voices in the keto/low carb world do say that. For me, eating low carb is only maybe half about weight loss/maintenance. The other benefits (better sleep, joint pain & stiffness gone, more energy, mental clarity, etc) are at least as important, and I know for sure (for me) it's the way of eating, because I've experimented with it (going on and off). I'd never tell someone they'd definitely get those benefits, because we're all different, but it works for me for multiple reasons.
@katiemaedit 7 күн бұрын
The portion control comment is one of the most sensible things I have read about Keto.Most people I speak to about Keto have some kind of religious fervor about it that is very off putting.
@stargazerbird 28 күн бұрын
It cuts your appetite. That’s the magic for me.
@leonardocremona2566 28 күн бұрын
After 40 years of being obese, I follow a ketogenic diet and cut my weight in half, from 164kg to 82. I agree that the ketogenic diet is not magical; you must eat less to lose fat. But for people like me, with a compulsory way of eating, the restrictions that the diet imposes on you help a lot. Maybe a psychologist can do the same, I don't know, after 5 years I still control my weight with this diet.
@Keithzzzzt 27 күн бұрын
Yes. People who havent tried the keto diet like to bag it but it has an amazing ability to control hunger through hormone manipulation and from the very presence of ketones that feed the brainplus stable blood suger. If the brain is not hungry... you arent hungry.
@Frank_Jones314 26 күн бұрын
Right, but it works for you because you are eating fewer calories. You understand this point, but a lot of people do not. Many people on various trend diets actually believe they can eat the same number of calories (or even go into a surplus) but lose weight because their special diet has some special properties that induce weight loss regardless of the quantity of calories consumed.
@peron17101945 26 күн бұрын
@@Frank_Jones314 yes, but they are people that do diets for 2 weeks, not for years. They are happy because the first days you lose a lot of water. They belive that drink coffee with butter and eat the same as before will invoke the gods of fat loss :P
@alfonso365 28 күн бұрын
Good to see Peter Attia being more evidence-based about keto diets... he used to swear by them big time!
@BenCarpenter 28 күн бұрын
I don’t follow him, but I was under the impression he used to be more in favour of them than what this video suggested 🙂
@Tuffsmoygles 28 күн бұрын
It's always ridiculous that people don't understand eating a calorie deficit is the only way to lose weight. Always has been, always will be.
@BenCarpenter 28 күн бұрын
Even now there are low-carb fans who claim calories are totally irrelevant (rather than just something that doesn’t tell you the whole story about a diet, which is obviously correct). I blame popular low-carb proponents for pushing this narrative so heavily. Even Jason Fung now admits calories are important despite seemingly arguing against them for a long time lol
@Poecilia1963 28 күн бұрын
@@BenCarpenter I don't think he ever meant they don't matter *at all*, but rather that in a normal low carb diet people tend to be less hungry, so they naturally eat less calories. I suspect the reason he talks about it a bit more is because of some of the more evangelical keto/low carb types who seem to say you can eat all the weird high fat replacement foods as much as you want and really seem to believe they don't matter.
@Frank_Jones314 26 күн бұрын
It's ludicrous, but there are countless medical doctors and people with various PhD's pushing this nonsense. As though it would ever make sense to replace fruit, vegetable, and quality whole grain calories with butter and vegetable oil. It's absurd. But people believe it. I've been beating this drum for a while, but, I sometimes track my calories and exercise levels very carefully for long periods of time. And, I can switch back and forth between gaining weight fairly quickly and losing weight quickly by 1. Eating more (or less), and, 2. dramatically decreasing (or increasing) my activity level, despite eating THE EXACT SAME FOODS. It's just monumentally idiotic to suggest that someone could double his quantity of calories but not gain weight "as long as those calories are coming from the right foods". Or that someone could eat half as many calories (but of the same foods) and maintain activity levels but not lose weight "because the foods are the wrong foods." It's asinine. And highly detrimental to public health.
@Poecilia1963 26 күн бұрын
@@Frank_Jones314 People do very low carb or carnivore for many reasons other than weight loss, including controlling/eliminating epileptic seizures, putting conditions like bipolar or schizophrenia (and many other conditions) into remission or at least cutting down significantly on meds, and of course reversing diabetes and pre-diabetes (or, again, being able to cut way back on meds).
@Frank_Jones314 26 күн бұрын
@@Poecilia1963 That's all well and good, and I appreciate the information - but it doesn't alter the fact that many people on social media are explicitly claiming (incorrectly) these diets will melt the pounds away irrespective of actual calorie deficits or surpluses.
@joegomez5463 28 күн бұрын
I did it all the old fashioned way lmao.
@Poecilia1963 28 күн бұрын
Clearly you are superior to those who can't! ;-)
@joegomez5463 28 күн бұрын
@Poecilia1963 it's cause I burn 69,420 calories a day apparently (Joke)
@Bob-fk8vd 28 күн бұрын
I used to weigh 350 pounds and I tried a lot of diets. I finally found Keto and I lost 50 pounds. Keto is not really a diet. It is more a life style change in the way you eat. I then changed to the carnivore life style and I am down 80 more pounds in less than a year. Will keto or the carnivore life style work for everyone? No! Keto or carnivore is not really a diet. Getting rid of sugar was the hardest thing to do, but it was the best thing that happened to me. Eating just meat is very boring and hard for me because I don’t really like meat. But, again the benefits far outweigh the boring food. I lived in pain for 30 plus years and now it’s gone. Even though I don’t enjoy eating I know this is a lifestyle change and I know I can stick with it because it’s not hard to do. Dr. Anthony Chaffee and Dr. Ken Berry are very knowledgeable about Keto and/or Carnivore. Videos from strength trainers don’t understand the concept of keto and carnivore lifestyle because they like carbs. I respect this guy, but I disagree with his views on carbs. Getting rid of carbs was the best thing I did for myself. I do cheat on special occasions like birthdays in my family snd holidays to enjoy the foods and drinks I used to love, but most of the time I stay on meet and water. If you have tired every diet and failed then I would recommend the keto lifestyle and carnivore lifestyle. Good luck.
@Frank_Jones314 26 күн бұрын
I am confused. Whose view on carbs are you disagreeing with? Ben's? Dr. Attia? Carbs are a source of calories, just like protein and dietary fat. Some people Can burn fat while eating carbs, some people cannot. What is there to disagree with?
@pero98 28 күн бұрын
A while ago I read Phil Maffetone‘s book "The MAF method" (popular among runners) because I was interested in his training approach, but the book was full of weird claims about high-fat diets (along the lines of "just eat clean and reduce carbs and you will loose fat automatically, be so much healthier, etc"). His method is based around mostly aerobic training and he made it sound like you just burn off all your body fat with this, no matter your calorie intake. And people believe this bullshit.
@user-ii7xc1ry3x 28 күн бұрын
Damn, that sounds like a bad book if you ask me lol
@pero98 28 күн бұрын
@@user-ii7xc1ry3x VERY tough read for sure. And of course the author is trying to make it seem like it’s all science-based, but all the "studies" mentioned are his own
@Hat65 28 күн бұрын
I’ve never met one person who went on a restrictive diet that didn’t gain most or all of the weight back lol.
@Poecilia1963 28 күн бұрын
Any healthy way of eating is going to be "restrictive" in some ways. It depends on what you mean by restrictive.
@Hat65 28 күн бұрын
@@Poecilia1963Nope. I eat a balanced diet and do IF 16:8, 18:6. I have kept the weight off for over 6 years and never felt restricted. I even eat fast food once to three times a month. The problem in the USA is portion sizes.
@Poecilia1963 28 күн бұрын
@@Hat65 What I meant was, everyone will have foods they don't eat, or eat only in moderation. "Balanced" of course means different things to different people, as well.
@Hat65 28 күн бұрын
@@Poecilia1963Yes, of course. I mean if certain people don’t like sweets, then saying no to dessert cake, pie, etc., isn’t going to be restrictive for that individual.
@Hat65 28 күн бұрын
@@Poecilia1963I don’t like the whole carbs are evil zealots who proclaim they are unhealthy when the healthiest populations have been eating them forever lol. Asians seem to be pretty thin and they age very well. They eat….. CARBS lol.
@paladindanse98 28 күн бұрын
Here I am eating 4700 calories and 700g of carbs per day… such a sluggish metabolism right
@BenCarpenter 28 күн бұрын
What if you went keto and it let you eat a whole 50 extra calories per day though? 😉😂
@paladindanse98 28 күн бұрын
@@BenCarpenter if I at a ketogenic diet on my calories I would have to pray for my GI.
@Keithzzzzt 28 күн бұрын
People seem to forget that ketogenic diets cause mitochondrial uncoupling and brown fat adaptation and upregulation of metabolism in fat cells. ( wasted heat ) . Also you get extra calorie wasting by breathing out and pissing ketones. Besides...controlling insulin is key to unlocking fat stores. Its nit just about calories in, calories out . Cico is a simplistic model and completely ignores hormones as a driver of metabolic function. Nothing does that better than a keto diet with time restricted eating. I will lump carnivore diets in there too. A keto diet wins every time in randonized controlled studies. They simply do.
@user-ii7xc1ry3x 28 күн бұрын
Care to point out a couple of _well-designed_ randomised controlled studies that show Keto as undeniably superior to other options regarding overall fat loss and health while _calories are equated_ ?
@Keithzzzzt 28 күн бұрын
@@user-ii7xc1ry3x sure. Heres one. Keto vs mediteranean diet. Both lost the ssme weight, 5% weightloss goal of study... except it tool 3 months on a meditersnesn diet and just one month on a ketogenic diet. Dr Paul Mason has a video comparing 48 rsndomized controlled diet studies and I think 46 of them show keto winning every time. When I find his video I will get back to you. He has so many its hard to find it. As for health paramaters the keto diet resolves epilepsy in many cases, has recently bern proven to reverse bi polar disorder in a controlled trial. 45 % complete resolution of symptoms....another 30 or 40% lowered meds. Keto brings dementia patients back from the brink by giving the insulin resistant brain ketones for fuel. It has reversed type 2 diabetes in 85% of patients in the Virta Health study. It causes a 400% increase in mitochondria in just 3 months and cleans out old mitochondria. Dr Chris Palmer is curing his schitophrenic patients with a keto diet. It eradicates metaboloc syndrome quickly and is good for the heart too. The heart prefers ketones and fat as fuel as does the brain. They both uptake ketones over glucose even when glucose is readily available. Thr brain will use 70 % ketones 30% glucose if both are present in the blood stream. Thats just how we evolved. To live off stored fat, effortlessly. It alao turns on beneficial genes and autophagy. I cured my tyoe 2 diabetes in 4 weeks going hard core ketovore. It completeky resolved and I am now insulin sensitive again.
@BenCarpenter 27 күн бұрын
You said a lot of words that aren’t actually in line with what science says. I cited a meta-analysis of isocaloric, isonitrogenous controlled feeding trials. If your mechanistic hypothesis panned out, it would be shown in tightly controlled trials that precisely measure the endpoint of fat loss. 🙂
@hUgO6191 27 күн бұрын
That's a lot of words that sound good but mean nothing at all. Cite randomized controlled trials that show that in isocaloric situations with protein matched that a keto diet is better for weight loss. Or better yet meta analysis of RCTs
@Hat65 27 күн бұрын
I think you’re full of it.
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