Do NOT Trust This VTuber (FalterXV)

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Mako Ray

Mako Ray

5 ай бұрын

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@makorays 5 ай бұрын
update: he has learned nothing and is now going to focus on accusing me of sending him death threats. i said i'm trying to kill his career, i said that his behavior is the type that would get people punched in real life, and i said that i hope he loses his diamonds in minecraft. none of those are actual threats; i never said that i personally was going to punch him or steal his diamonds or anything. but you didn't need me to tell you that, nor will you need me to dispel any further lies he tries to say about me, because unlike him and his followers, you guys have brain cells. oh, and he's also still sticking to the narrative that cherri's friends are sending an army of alt accounts after him because they allegedly couldn't handle losing to him in armored core 6. his only "proof" is that since we technically do own alts (i was signed into the one i use to like NSFW art in order to screencap his tweets after he blocked me), every twitter account that harasses him and every armored core 6 player that loses to him must surely be one of us in disguise. this is like accusing an innocent chef of being a killer just because he and the crazed murderer on the news both use knives. it really fucking disgusts me that he's still willing to drag cherri's name through the mud like this, and it really fucking saddens me that i still honestly don't know if he's lying or if he's just that hopelessly incapable of listening to opposing viewpoints and recognizing his situation. either way, he's putting nails in the coffin of his own career. i tried to offer him an olive branch, i gave him a way out of this, but he only knows how to double down. i think we're gonna have to let this individual succumb to the folly of their hubris, steven
@thegreatBarbossa 5 ай бұрын
@X1Daring2 5 ай бұрын
We need to report him and block him, make him get removed for good
@greatkhan393 5 ай бұрын
Shocker of a response on his end, somehow I can’t be surprised by it.
@fritzyfox3713 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for speaking out on topics like these Mako. Your content has seriously changed me as a person these past few years and I'm reminded with videos like these that you are truly one of the kindest and most genuine people on the internet. I hope you're able to stay safe in the inevitable wave of harassment they'll most likely direct your way but just know that you are loved no matter what they say. 💖
@ncrwadr 5 ай бұрын
I may be a transphobic fuck but holy shit! I seriously don't understand how brain-dead someone must be for their psyche to just glide over everything you said, assuming he watched it till the end which i doubt. Nah but really, MY problem here was purely from a worldview-wise perspective, and i really don't get it how someone like that stalker of yours could genuinely find any hatred in their hearts for beautiful individuals like you. Even for a hollow-hearted cunt like me that's MADNESS! I remember being deeply pissed off at you but after a while i just couldn't hate you.
@angelmancrybaby 5 ай бұрын
I aspire to be on Mako Ray's level of not giving a fuck
@makorays 5 ай бұрын
it comes from years of suffering and past worries about what others think of me, my only options were to either crumble from the stress or stop caring about things that won't actually affect me in any meaningful way
@RanAwaySuccessfully2 5 ай бұрын
These types of people cannot be helped. When a person is this self-centered / dismissive of what harm they could bring doing to others, if change does not come from within, it will never happen. Thanks for the callout post and for raising awareness on this.
@makorays 5 ай бұрын
they are in prisons of their own constructions but cannot see the bars
@whodrankmycoffee8313 5 ай бұрын
christ i hope she's okay and just went offline to calm down or/and wait for the guy to get off her back. i'm so sorry her and you - i mean you as her friend group - are going through this. and i hope the guy grows a pair.
@makorays 5 ай бұрын
for the record, i wasn't a part of her friend group, just a friend of someone who was
@NuppyZ 5 ай бұрын
thank you so much for covering this. hes been harrassing me and others for years now. i really appreciate it.
@aPeNGEE 5 ай бұрын
Now let's just hope that this video gets the attention it deserves, I'm very sorry for the loss of your friend and I hope that your words will be heard.
@NoBlueAllArchive 5 ай бұрын
His immediate response? Claims you threatened his life and try and capitalize off it with a stream. Classic falter, nothing new here. God i love when people act just as you expect them too.
@Afro_Microwave 5 ай бұрын
Dude is from California any mention of "violence" make him shit his pants 😂
@billieeisenhower406 5 ай бұрын
makoray wouldn't hurt a fly.
@makorays 5 ай бұрын
i actually have more respect for houseflies than i do for falter, that is not a joke. i once let a fly crawl onto my finger and it let me carry it outside before it flew away, but if falter was in my house i'd be like uncle phil to dj jazzy jeff
@NoBlueAllArchive 5 ай бұрын
@makorays and the worst part? Theres 2 suicide victims. Cherri (which isnt confirmed) And 1 that i cannot name (due to respect for them and the person who is grieving them still's wishes) that is confirmed.
@LegendaryHedgieMii Ай бұрын
That's fucked up.
@MadMosin9130 5 ай бұрын
Schizophrenia is scary man..
@infernalgecko2291 5 ай бұрын
As a person who is trying to enter the Vtuber space and a recent subscriber, this video has been a really good introduction to the drama that is also present in the space. The whole "facelessness = immunity" fallacy will really get stretched when people are being backed by others they manipulate, and then proceed to abuse those around them. It's a sickening but much needed wake up call.
@DuckyArmada 5 ай бұрын
This mf'r is the reason i'm scared to have any interactions with new people online Edit: Valter blocked me on twitter bc i was talkin abt him on one of Mako's tweets
@premiumsockets 3 ай бұрын
My favorite part is how he only seems to harrass people who lose to him. I guess all we can do is revel in how little effort it takes to infuriate him.
@greatkhan393 5 ай бұрын
I was loosely involved with falter a couple weeks ago, and I’m ashamed to admit that I didn’t notice until it was happening right in front of my face, as he started drama in the middle of a stream. He’s not a great person to be around, but I thought it was just a weird quirk that could be ignored, I’m angry that I didn’t see the writing on the wall, that I didn’t do the research to warn the ones who he started beef with. Lucky us, there wasn’t very much time where he openly beefed with us, as we decided to let it pass over quietly, but the stress that we went through could’ve been prevented if I acted on my gut feeling. We just got trash talked on a single stream (as far as I know) and that was that. I fear and worry for everyone else who he sets his sights on.
@FlipLight 5 ай бұрын
This happens all the time. I've had people directly message me afterwards because he mentions me all the time. Guy is a creep.
@dndigitalvt 5 ай бұрын
@@FlipLight He's apparently trying to paint Kaz and I in the same light he's tried to paint you. Claiming how terrible Kaz is as a d2 player when Kaz has 12+ years of D1/D2 under their belt, and well over 16k hours between d1 and D2. I have to laugh so hard at how pathetic he is when it comes to trying to look like a big man.
@ggavalon5803 5 ай бұрын
@@dndigitalvt The only thing Falter has is pretending to be good at particular games
@dndigitalvt 5 ай бұрын
@@ggavalon5803 Emphasis on the 'pretending' part. 😂😂😂
@X1Daring2 5 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for Making this video, falterxv had been messing me for several days, thank you for putting a stop to this guy's horrible behavior
@makorays 5 ай бұрын
i don't think anyone can actually put a stop to his behavior, all we can do is make sure the behavior isn't rewarded
@X1Daring2 5 ай бұрын
​@@makorays reporting and blocking him can stop him instantly lol xD
@here_n4tes 5 ай бұрын
This already on going for 3 years. 3 years. I only briefly get harassed because he accused me being certain artist alt. This artist who is a minor and Falter harassed her out from twitter and twitch after scamming her. Yet, he still using the art she made for him without shred of shame. But what scares me atm how he managed to influence more minors to be like him. To behave like him.
@makorays 5 ай бұрын
it is my hope that some of his followers might see this video and realize how incredibly not normal his behavior is
@here_n4tes 5 ай бұрын
@@makorays I did tune into his stream 2 years ago(?). He does have this odd captivating personality that made people attracted to him. Not until he switched into a deranged lunatic personality. Many said they see him as a cool and outgoing guy at first. Nobody even dared to suspect him being such a screw loose. So, I can only give him one credit. He can talk like a good scamming marketer
@brandonvortex995 5 ай бұрын
Jesus h Christ, that's the most vile, disgusting and dishonorable thing I ever heard Guy is POS
@AliceLuvsBunnies 4 ай бұрын
I'm so sorry you also got hate, harassed, stalked, etc from this toxic person. Please be safe and hopefully platforms hold him accountable for all the damage he's caused others
@BalkN 5 ай бұрын
This is exactly what happens when people let their fame get to them. This is a prime example of that, and also just an actual case of 'Gang stalking'. I'm going to clarify right now that I'm only assuming this, but; Often people who were abused tend to exhort their 'power' over others, just so they can gain the upper hand at ANYTHING. It is sad that people who are-from what I can assume-broken emotionally tend to act this way. I have seen a bunch of people in real life and online act this exact same way. I'm not making fun of anyone with mental health issues or trauma, because I too have had been abused in this same exact way. I hope they can get the help they need, and maybe touch some grass... And lastly, not everyone who has been abused acts this way, I know. But there are cases of people acting like this, and I know some from my family. Good luck to them... Jeez. I hope that nothing happened to Cherri, but if it did, then my best wishes go out to them. If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance.
@dndigitalvt 5 ай бұрын
He isn't famous. He bots his viewership and tries to seem like he's important.
@BalkN 5 ай бұрын
@@dndigitalvt Major yikes.
@entomologyenthusiast 5 ай бұрын
I hope cherri is ok
@X1Daring2 5 ай бұрын
Also we should DEFINITELY report and block falterxv, that guy needs to be stopped for good
@WillowIsntSeenDead 5 ай бұрын
I truly love content like this because you can just tell mako covers everything. And he explicitly stated he doesn’t give a fuck so it just makes falter going after mako look even worse. Like it makes pretty fuckin obvious that it’s falter in the wrong here. The only two reasonable interpretations of falters response to this is that he’s either really determined to be a piece of shit, or just so delusional that nothing mako said convinced him that he wasn’t the victim. Masterful navigation if these waters, mako. Bravo. (although it is extremely saddening and messed up that along the way someone may have committed suicide because of this person)
@makorays 5 ай бұрын
the "piece of shit or delusional?" question is the thing that really haunts me on a personal level, because the idea of this guy's brain being so stuck in its ways that it's literally incapable of improving itself is terrifying to me. (but also he might be doing it on purpose so it's best not to feel too bad for him)
@twenty_twenty_four 4 ай бұрын
an acquaintance of my friend got stalked and slandered over totally owning someone in armored core, would it this guy be the perpetrator??? small world if so, lol
@makorays 4 ай бұрын
i give it a 40% chance at absolute minimum of it being him
@twenty_twenty_four 4 ай бұрын
@@makorays HOLY FUCK i jusst checked with my friend and is him gahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahagagag oh my gooooood what a loser
@billieeisenhower406 5 ай бұрын
i would never tell mako to his face what i say in stream chat, mako is 6'5 and i'm barely 4', mako would fucking punt me
@makorays 5 ай бұрын
this is true, i am 6'23" and have made countless field goals with goblinoids
@plaguedoctor8180 5 ай бұрын
Oh boy, breakfast and a side of *batshit insanity.* My favorite!
@Sardoshice 5 ай бұрын
the grinch’s ultimatum cameo was pretty relevant tbh
@sakurasakura8732 5 ай бұрын
People like falterxv should be ip banned from the entire internet, report and block him, don't let him destroy anyone else
@ruumuur 8 күн бұрын
"antropologically relevant example" is one of the sickest burns i've ever heard in my life LOL
@the_anime_cowboy6681 5 ай бұрын
Sadly, I've had interactions with him. I think he is insanely toxic. He attacked his own mod cause his mod didn't play a game the way he wanted.
@gekirobo8720 Ай бұрын
Seriously?! I'd expect that kind of behavior from some random commenter, I've NEVER heard of it come from the streamer themselves.
@ElderDip 8 күн бұрын
Very well spoken and I love your message around the 13:20 mark. Edit: and the 19:30 mark. Much love, i may have to check out a stream at some point.
@fwaschuschu1019 5 ай бұрын
Mako is to kind for their own good Hope everything works out
@snakepitskeleton4193 3 ай бұрын
I recently had the misfortune of interacting with this individual in AC6. He thinks I am someone else and gangstalking him (I am gangstalking him now, but that isn't the point).
@ElderDip 8 күн бұрын
I learned about him in a round a bout way in a rev video. A commenter claimed to be DinahTyranno's friend and were talking about her. Then mentioned Falter in reference to a vtuber that committed su*cide. Brought me here eventually and thank you for this video. Had no idea there was another vtuber entirely he did this to. It's a well-made video too.
@feralnyxTTV 5 ай бұрын
18:38 Best thing I always say in shitty situations like this or otherwise... "I hope you have/get the day you deserve"
@rileyjamjam 3 ай бұрын
hi, my name is Riley and I was one of falters friends back in 2022 right after he started attacking flip, im a person he used to attack as well as my friends. Your def right, he has had a bad childhood. He admitted to me the reason he cant type properly or lay his hand on the home row correctly is because his mom and dad broke his pinky fingers so he could over extend them to play the piano better because of his small size. they then later sent him to school for music and wanted him to learn music but he instead focused on other things which made them mad and disown him. He like me did not have a good up brining, but that doesnt excuse being a piece of shit. I no longer give this man attention but im friends with ringtail and the black list account so i feel like i should make a comment idk, just stay away from this man and ignore him, he needs therapy.
@makorays 3 ай бұрын
if this is really true, jesus fucking christ. i just wish there was a way for him to admit to himself that his brain is in seriously rough shape and needs help to heal.
@-Marcy-010 5 ай бұрын
The one dislike lmao
@faf8709 5 ай бұрын
It's a real shame such hateful people exist. I hope cherri is doing ok.
@Frostyx3 5 ай бұрын
Blud really is delusional
@bronzieblue63 2 ай бұрын
For context, I am by and large a solo player, and when I'm not soloing, I'm usually just joining random lobbies to try to farm medals, and that was what I was attempting to do because a new warbond dropped for HD2 recently. I had a run in with this dude on Helldivers2 earlier today, I dropped into his lobby and due to poor positioning because I couldn't react to an incoming wave of enemy bots, I couldn't get out of the way in time and died. And then for the first time on Helldivers I felt like I was just genuinely a victim of bullying. When he started belittling me for the loadout I was running, making fun of me for dying so quickly because I had heavier armor than him, wouldn't revive me, and kicked me once new players joined the lobby, likely to begin the cycle anew and maybe even to farm them for clips offline. When he started insulting me I could feel the adrenaline pumping in me, my hands started shaking as fight or flight kicked in, and I stopped talking and engaging with him while I was writing my report. A side effect of writing said report was also me signaling to be revived because of it being on the spacebar. I don't feel anger or any particularly negative emotion, I just feel kinda sad now because a normal night where I was just trying to chill before I had to get ready for bed got basically ruined by this one dude. I genuinely started crying because I couldn't comprehend why someone would be so horribly mean over something so inconsequential as dying in a game as soon as you spawn in in a game that gives you multiples upon multiples of lives. I had nothing to say to him asides from calling him "a remarkably unreasonable person", reported him, and blocked him. I can only hope that he gets banned from the game and no one else has to be on the receiving end of him.
@makorays 2 ай бұрын
the amount of random people from all over the internet who have run into this man's bullshit
@LewdicideMouse 5 ай бұрын
Mako Ray upload, I click.
@akiraakiraakiraakira 5 ай бұрын
very good analysis
@Zahn-rad 5 ай бұрын
There are a lot of Floweys out there.
@Nameorsmth 5 ай бұрын
No, flowey got redeemed
@MrFoeMy 2 ай бұрын
Just had my own run in with him not knowing who he was, i hope he get help for his sociopathic behavior for he is only hurting himself! god bless!
@LightRoomRJU 5 ай бұрын
"Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn." -Alfred Pennyworth from The Dark Knight
@catnium 5 ай бұрын
wrong. that character isnt even real some script writer wrote that quote, a regular humen like you and me who pulled that out of their bussy for a movie script, its not as profound as you think it is.
@StickmanChmook Ай бұрын
I hope he makes the choice that he drove one of his victims to make.
@Day-By_Me 5 ай бұрын
I know i'm late to this, but Mako, are you going to make a video talking about the dokibird situation?
@makorays 5 ай бұрын
i have no idea what that is
@Day-By_Me 5 ай бұрын
@@makorays then let me break this down to you, because this anime arc is quite big, basically, a vtuber (aka dokibird) tried to kill herself twice, because of being in a toxic corporation known as Nijisanji (a black company), then, after she got terminated and started to stream on youtube Nijisanji leaked private information of her on another vtuber account, not only that, but they made somebody else leak it, dokibird's supposed closest friends, i think it was vox akuma, elira, and someone else i forgot the name
@makorays 5 ай бұрын
okay yeah i have not heard of any of this, anyway i'm just gonna ignore how sus that "(a black company)" part of your comment sounds and say that i have no intention of focusing the rest of my channel on these kinds of topics
@billieeisenhower406 5 ай бұрын
mako are you gonna cover the war in yemen situation
@dndigitalvt 5 ай бұрын
Was just informed he's prepping to make a response video on a bunch of people so heads up as he's likely going to be targeting everyone who's called him out.
@X1Daring2 5 ай бұрын
Honestly if he posts that response video it's gonna get taken down, he can't hide the truth with his lies, stay strong everyone
@makorays 5 ай бұрын
@@X1Daring2 i doubt it'll get taken down unless his channel gets banned for ban evading like it was supposed to, and anyway the more followers of his see my arguments the better
@X1Daring2 5 ай бұрын
​@makorays we shall do our best to spread the word UwU
@makorays 5 ай бұрын
@@X1Daring2 don't
@X1Daring2 5 ай бұрын
​​@@makorays don't worry i what i mean is we will spread awareness by sharing the vid to those who ask, he probably might get removed soon anyways now that you and elara covered him lol xD
@brandonvortex995 5 ай бұрын
sheesh, falterxv being a vtuber really bring bad names to vtubers
@gekirobo8720 Ай бұрын
And considering what's going on in the sphere right now, this dude is the LAST thing we need right now.
@brandonvortex995 Ай бұрын
@@gekirobo8720 yup
@ukickmeikicku 4 ай бұрын
your vt model is cute tho c:
@izanami_foxpetal 12 күн бұрын
Every month I just check knowing he'll never change. If it wasnt out of fear I would come forth with my side. I dealt with him over a year ago and I've been trying to move on but him just still being on this platform is just nauseating. Honestly I might just make my statement.
@makorays 11 күн бұрын
if it makes you feel any better, literally nothing happened to me as a result of making this video. he tried to bully me on twitter and failed fucking miserably.
@izanami_foxpetal 10 күн бұрын
@@makorays that does. I made a short stream and backed up the vod giving a small statement as I felt it needed to be done. though I just wish I had my old discord account still. being harassed and deleting it was probably my worst mistake.
@michaelhall736 5 ай бұрын
Both those people who behave like that are psychopaths. Especially the person who harassed you. The things they said is exactly how a psychopath thinks.
@Datura_baka 10 күн бұрын
Theres a page from a real funeral home talking about her passing. A post written by her parents and a bunch of friends paying their respects. He harassed that woman into ending her own life. It also sadly seem that she didn't have anyone to help her though that tough time. She was hurt and alone, fucking hell shit made me cry man.
@makorays 9 күн бұрын
@Vampirekingmoon 5 ай бұрын
He is 😵‍💫🥴🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪😵‍💫🥴
@0852657luis 5 ай бұрын
Theres clout chasing and then theres this. Dude needs serious mental help. Or a job.😅 But really though why would actively do this to himself all in vain of possibly getting pity points.
@landbeforetimeee 5 ай бұрын
Falter is SO much more insane than people think. I'm no Vtube... Person? I just like AC6. But this pattern dates back far, far longer than his bizarre Vtube career. Back in the Elite Dangerous days he repeated doxxed, then attempted to take out a TPO in California against "griefers." Though, it should be said that, at the time, there actually, legitimately was a cabal of individuals playing into his psychosis. He 100% had it coming, but this pattern of hostile community interaction dates back well over six years. Flash forward to today, and his AC6 youtube comment is inundated with chat GPT bot accounts hyping himself up. The madness has only escalated. Appealing to Falter is like screaming into a hurricane. He does not care. He will never care. Calling him out is not going to produce positive results; it's been tried before. The absolute best course of action is to completely shut him out.
@makorays 5 ай бұрын
autistic people with mental illness have two paths in life: scrungly gay or chris chan. it doesn't surprise me at all to hear there have been people bullying falter the same way people bullied chris chan. i wish people wouldn't poke the hornet's nest like that, if there's even a 1% chance of this dude getting better it's not gonna happen with people actively attempting to make him more schizophrenic. then again it's probably not gonna happen no matter what anyway, and i don't fault people for fucking with him as payment for him harassing them.
@Sierra1Gaming 5 ай бұрын
While I am in the realm of trust but Verify, Personal Exp with this individual I have had DEFINITIVELY Verified that all this mans is about is Creating hate to himself, Thinking groups had turned on him when In reality, all his issues are created within his own mind. Only kicking the individual out of our group after he went off as he gaslight the ever-loving hell out of himself that he was hated, that he cant escape his haters (I mean his YT is almost nothing but a BEACON for his "Haters", Showcasing how badly he wants to be a victim.) And the fact that too long after losing nothing of value, These new events Irritates the ever-loving hell outta me. As now someone is gone. Absolutely Unforgiveable
@dndigitalvt 5 ай бұрын
The problem with him is that this behavior is *not new*. It has been going on for years and there are dozens, if not more people he's pulled this with, he's tried to pit friend against friend, partner against partner, he picks at people's insecurities and tries to exploit them, it goes on and on and he hasn't changed.
@bunnyonabunwithagunnicepun5689 5 ай бұрын
Mako, would you feel comfortable doing a follow-up to this video? Maybe clarify a few things?
@makorays 5 ай бұрын
i already clarified everything i need to clarify in this video. i don't know why you think falter has a chance in hell of actually doing something to me.
@bunnyonabunwithagunnicepun5689 5 ай бұрын
@@makorays Right, well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me, I’ll be right here.
@jebjimmyjebjimmy2979 5 ай бұрын
What things do you want clarified?
@bunnyonabunwithagunnicepun5689 5 ай бұрын
@@jebjimmyjebjimmy2979 A long list of things, but for starters, his personal definition of a “conspiracy”.
@X1Daring2 5 ай бұрын
He just made a fake evidence video about ringt4il, seriously his lies and slander need to be stopped smh
@notecat7785 2 ай бұрын
Damn, i dont know this thing happened. I am 2 month late.... unless if this still happening.
@X1Daring2 2 ай бұрын
It's still happening and now he's going after elara smh
@notecat7785 2 ай бұрын
@@X1Daring2 damn, that sucks
@notecat7785 2 ай бұрын
​​@@X1Daring2wait(hopefully you reply to this), do you mean elaravtuber, or it is different elara ?
@Nameorsmth 5 ай бұрын
Cool ass video
@LightRoomRJU 5 ай бұрын
Got it
@Usakinos 3 ай бұрын
I’ve been seeing him all over my Twitter and had to look up who it is and see this. Yeah nah…💀
@makorays 3 ай бұрын
are people roasting him on your timeline or is this dude still paying to have his random tweets promoted as ads?
@X1Daring2 3 ай бұрын
There's a 90 page google doc that exposed his wrong doings lol xD
@X1Daring2 3 ай бұрын
There's a 90 page google doc that exposed his wrong doings lol xD
@Usakinos 3 ай бұрын
@@makorays I keep seeing him all over my feed and him still about doxxing, I’ve seen it everywhere and lowkey it annoys me that I’m like “who tf is this and why they all over my feed.
@Usakinos 3 ай бұрын
@@makorays yeah he still having the ads thing cuz I don’t follow him or know him, I’m an artist and I just look for my art friends and art idea’s especially fanarts & game leaks. But seeing what you said & others about him. Idk how the heck he’s in his 30s and doing this to people it’s honestly pretty childish and massive insecurity. I’d be embarrassed if I was him doing that. I can send screenshots of all the things I see cuz it’s always everywhere
@starstuff_sky 5 ай бұрын
bruh dude bought me a game i didnt ask for and got mad at me when i didnt play it smh
@makorays 5 ай бұрын
he's calling you a "mako infiltrator" even though in his own tweet complaining about you, you can see that you were interacting with him days before i made this video and i've never heard of you until just now
@cannedtunasam7766 Күн бұрын
i hate the fact that i beocme friends with him...
@CottonArsonist 4 ай бұрын
@AuroraMercedesVT 5 ай бұрын
Hello Mako.
@makorays 5 ай бұрын
hi. i keep seeing your name mentioned in falter's tweets but i have no idea who you are (other than the fact that falter likes to lie about you)
@AuroraMercedesVT 5 ай бұрын
@@makorays i'm basically the cause of why everything is more sporadic to spread nowadays because of him. Judging by his predicament, seems like everything is all gung-ho now trying to get his delusions get the best of him.
@bodypillowwaifu9941 5 ай бұрын
So this is probably not going to be what you or others want to hear, but I'ma be honest with you, this video has quite a few problems in regards to how you've handled it, and I'm going to make a list and expand as I go. -You're all over the place, you're jumping back and forth between rather or not this dude is forgivable, which if we're operating off of the basis that he has pushed someone to suicide (Which there are problems with in of itself), wouldn't be the case at all. That would absolutely be irredeemable. I don't know if you are going off of a script or what, but if you aren't, you probably should, because the end is entirely disjointed and not at all consistent with quite a bit of what you said in the beginning. -Personal opinions and views outside of the obvious "Hey, this is bad, you shouldn't be doing this." should be left at the door. I'm hearing a lot of "I think this, I think that" and not enough "This is what this guy did, we can all agree that this is pretty bad, and we should stay away from him for that reason." -The "I'ma end his career" statements are immature and unneeded. Not for a topic so serious that you're handling. If a girl died because of his actions, this is about more than just his online persona, and when you make statements like this, it feels entirely like you're looking at this less from an IRL consequence perspective, and more from an online perspective. -The biggest thing I take issue with is you even beginning to blame someone for suicide. This isn't to say he couldn't be a contributing factor, or that he isn't a terrible person, because his behavior, based on what you've shown, is pretty gross. Hand however, you ACKNOWLEDGE that there are/were other contributing factors. YOU AKNOWLEDGE that nothing as confirmed and the well being of this girl is unknown. There is also no proof to suggest that he was actively trying to push her to suicide. If he had done that, then you would have a clearer cut case where yes, he would be responsible. Try to avoid being accusatory with this particular phrasing, because if it turns out to not be the case, it makes you look really bad. This is what your video should be: -"Hello everyone, this is a serious video regarding a serial harasser, and how this may have ended in someone dying." -Lay all of your evidence out on the table and explain the wrong doings displayed within the evidence. Example "Here's Falter making accusations about the victim with no backing to them, and here's him making sexually harassing comments towards this person." No extra padding, the information gets across clearly. -Explain how this may have resulted in a potential death. "We fear that this person might be dead, and that the harassment may have been a contributing factor." By doing this, you leave room for speculation that won't lead to direct accusations of suicide baiting, but still lends credence to the idea that his actions were irresponsible and have the consequences of contributing to someone's poor health, which may have lead to their suicide. -Close it off by telling people not to interact with this person, to avoid them at all costs, and stay safe. If you want to add your personal stalking story in the mix to let people who are going through this know that they aren't alone, that's a wonderful idea, I'm certainly not criticizing that part, but make sure you convey all information that needs to be conveyed first and foremost. This isn't here to be an attack, it's simply to put this out here, and I've seen a lot of people make videos of this nature with the right intent, but it falls flat, because the information either gets lost in the weeds, or it's just not handled maturely at all. If you aren't sure you can handle this in a way that is proper, take it to a content creator who will handle it responsibly and sensibly, or even have them look at your script and see what they think you should do differently. That is all, and I wish nothing but the best to all who's been victimized. Oh hope things get better for you and that this guy stops or gets booted off social media, because it's clear he needs to spend a little more time IRL.
@makorays 5 ай бұрын
there are already plenty of videos and tweets and documents that simply go over all the accusations, that wasn't my goal for this video. i had to offer falter a chance to admit fault and ask for forgiveness, because even if he's unable to ever be forgiven, if he ever manages to realize his error it'll at least mean people can finally get a break. i knew there was no way he was going to take that offer, but him refusing it is at least a further blow to his trustworthiness. plus, who knows, maybe some day he'll have an existential crisis and remember my advice. i never flip-flopped on whether he was forgivable or not. i believe in rehabilitation (when possible) so the question of whether he's doing this stuff on purpose or not will simply determine how difficult it'll actually be for him to earn forgiveness from anyone (it's probably impossible either way). also, i personally cannot tell what's going on in falter's mind and i think it's important to figure out whether something is being done out of malice or stupidity. it informs strategies for combating it. that's why i kept discussing each possibility. i don't know why you're creating a separation between online perspective and irl consequence. i am completely serious when i say people need to make sure not to let him have a streaming career. i don't want him to garner an audience of morons willing to give him money to continue spouting lies, i don't want him to grow an army capable of harassing and stalking people even further. i have no issue accusing someone of pushing someone to suicide when they bully them and have their name explicitly mentioned in the potentially dead person's suicide note. you don't have to literally tell someone to end it to push someone to do it, you can also harass them and spread lies and do everything else falter has been seen doing. even if it turns out this girl didn't die, the absolute BEST case scenario is that he pushed her hard enough to make her have to fake her death just to escape. i'm not trying to sentence him to anything here, i acknowledge that she might be alive, but if she IS dead, then yeah, it's pretty hard to not find him at least partially responsible. "harassment may have been a contributing factor" is way too limp-wristed. there's no need to give any room for doubt, it's clear as day that this dude harassed and lied about someone and was named in their suicide note. i'm not saying i'm judge jury and executioner over here, i'm not saying i know 100% what happened, but the clues paint a pretty damn convincing picture. i appreciate you taking the time to give the advice, i just don't really agree with most of it.
@bodypillowwaifu9941 5 ай бұрын
​@@makorays "i never flip-flopped on whether he was forgivable or not. i believe in rehabilitation (when possible) so the question of whether he's doing this stuff on purpose or not will simply determine how difficult it'll actually be for him to earn forgiveness from anyone (it's probably impossible either way). also, i personally cannot tell what's going on in falter's mind and i think it's important to figure out whether something is being done out of malice or stupidity. it informs strategies for combating it. that's why i kept discussing each possibility. here are already plenty of videos and tweets and documents that simply go over all the accusations, that wasn't my goal for this video. i had to offer falter a chance to admit fault and ask for forgiveness, because even if he's unable to ever be forgiven, if he ever manages to realize his error it'll at least mean people can finally get a break. i knew there was no way he was going to take that offer, but him refusing it is at least a further blow to his trustworthiness. plus, who knows, maybe some day he'll have an existential crisis and remember my advice." IF he is indeed guilty of what you consider to be pushing someone to suicide, that is affectively committing murder. This is why I am saying you're flip flopping, because you can't choose between rather or not you want to hold him accountable, or offer him an olive branch. There is not offering an olive branch to someone who has pushed someone to death. If we're operating under the assertion that he pushed this girl to suicide, that is illegal, it is considered cyber harassment. So you need to pick a lane here. Either he's this awful person who needs to be discarded entirely, or he's this unwell person who needs to be offered a chance at redemption. With the things you're accusing him of, you can't have it both ways. Addressing the reasoning behind your video being made, this pretty much confirms what I initially thought, and it's that you aren't responsible enough to be handling this topic. You acknowledge there are already videos covering the topic more extensively than you did, and that you're doing it to reach out and offer Falter the chance to do the right thing. A video is not necessary to do that. Reach out to him of your own accord. Asking him to reach out to you in a video doesn't actually seek to fix anything, and I'd argue that would give more impressionable audience members a terrible idea to approach him themselves, which you are trying to get people to not do, so it's affectively counter productive. "i don't know why you're creating a separation between online perspective and irl consequence. i am completely serious when i say people need to make sure not to let him have a streaming career. i don't want him to garner an audience of morons willing to give him money to continue spouting lies, i don't want him to grow an army capable of harassing and stalking people even further." And I'm telling you that seperation is important, because it's important for the audience to understand that what he did had REAL LIFE CONSEQUENCES. You want to destroy his career, then do it with your video, but do it in a way that is tactful. Bringing up the fact that you're deliberately trying to destroy his online platform doesn't do anything but make you sound incredibly immature. It doesn't look good, it makes you seem like you have ulterior motives, and it gives Falter ammunition to say things alone the lines of accusing you of harassment. Is that really what you want? "i have no issue accusing someone of pushing someone to suicide when they bully them and have their name explicitly mentioned in the potentially dead person's suicide note. you don't have to literally tell someone to end it to push someone to do it, you can also harass them and spread lies and do everything else falter has been seen doing. even if it turns out this girl didn't die, the absolute BEST case scenario is that he pushed her hard enough to make her have to fake her death just to escape. i'm not trying to sentence him to anything here, i acknowledge that she might be alive, but if she IS dead, then yeah, it's pretty hard to not find him at least partially responsible." There's just so much wrong with this, I don't know where to even begin. -I have no issue accusing someone of pushing someone to suicide when they have their name explicitly mentioned in the potentially dead person's suicide note." You have acknowledged that there are other contributing factors to this person's mental health that would make them more sensitive to things. It might have been the straw that broke the camel's back, but that is a far cry from someone being the soul reason that person is dead which you very well push as the case. The fact that you don't see the problem with this and you're choosing to double down on it is an incredibly toxic mentality to have and you shouldn't be talking about this. "there's no need to give any room for doubt, it's clear as day that this dude harassed and lied about someone and was named in their suicide note. i'm not saying i'm judge jury and executioner over here, i'm not saying i know 100% what happened, but the clues paint a pretty damn convincing picture." "There's no need to give room for doubt when an accusation is made." That is exactly the kind mentality a lot of people have before the end up with a defamation case on their hands. Even if you don't doubt it to be the case, you ALWAYS air on the side of caution. The fact that you are doubling down so hard on this is really telling. The fact that you don't realize that you're acting carelessly and tactlessly shows that people should not take your word on anything in high regards. I'll leave ya with this before I completely just leave this comment section behind and promptly unsubscribe from your channel. Leave this type of video to people who have the tact and maturity to handle this. You clearly don't.
@makorays 5 ай бұрын
​@@bodypillowwaifu9941 yeah i also don't feel like addressing all this anyway, especially when you start off by telling me i need to "pick a lane" between two possibilities when we don't know which is accurate. i don't know why you want me to commit to diagnosing the mental state of a total stranger yet take issue with me saying "yeah if this person died then this guy was definitely a contributing factor". never said he was solely responsible for it, you just made that up. i know you're trying to help but you've been pretty explicitly misrepresenting my positions and don't seem interested in hearing my reasoning so i'm also happy to stop talking to you now
@X1Daring2 5 ай бұрын
​@@makorays you did a good job mako, ignore the haters lol xD
@makorays 5 ай бұрын
i don't think you understand what a hater is
@LegendaryHedgieMii Ай бұрын
This is all sorts of fucked up.
@sakurasakura8732 5 ай бұрын
Falterxv is taking screenshots of the comments and still lying, hey Falterxv if your reading this, stop stalking people and mind your dang business lol xD
@X1Daring2 5 ай бұрын
Good grief, falter always be lying lmao
@gsuaveyt 5 ай бұрын
Well shit
@lucent1600 4 ай бұрын
I can fix him
@X1Daring2 4 ай бұрын
Nah bruh, falter is too far gone, he ain't worth it, there is tons of better vtubers anyways lol xD
@abdulwahid-lj4ui 5 ай бұрын
Illegally video
@X1Daring2 5 ай бұрын
This video is legal and not breaking any rules, nice try falter lol xD
@abdulwahid-lj4ui 5 ай бұрын
Copyright video.
@X1Daring2 5 ай бұрын
This video is free use.
@SoulReaperAxel 5 ай бұрын
nice try falter alt account
@blackpilledfemboi6270 4 ай бұрын
Man I'm going to do based stuff like this one day
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