Do We Violate Women Under Anesthesia? | Incident Report 196

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Pelvic exams performed under anesthesia are common... the question is are they ethical?
Here's why informed consent matters.

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@irradiatedkrill548 5 жыл бұрын
If I ever found out one of my doctors did this without my permission, I would feel so unbelievably betrayed.
@paulabrahamse1135 5 жыл бұрын
I've worked in multiple hospitals and every one had a floor full of lawyers who had nightmares about their physicians performing unconsented medical procedures. Doctors: please consent your patients and don't be afraid to clarify and consent again. This isn't just legal/administrative BS, its being a good doctor.
@mollywalsh3610 5 жыл бұрын
I’m one of those lawyers - nothing makes us crazier than lack of consent!
@SallyWooten 5 жыл бұрын
Truly informed consent only takes a few minutes.
@ashleyg4820 2 жыл бұрын
They need to make sure they thoroughly explain the consents too instead of just rushing thru them. I work in surgery and have had a few surgeries myself, so I know what’s on those forms. But what about the average human that doesn’t and isn’t given the chance to really read the consents and have them explained?
@lynnehood2198 4 жыл бұрын
The patient's need for safety and DIGNITY far exceeds the students need to learn, there is no need to ever exploit the vulnerable state of the patient. It is THAT simple.
@AkiKochou 5 жыл бұрын
The problem I have with so many of these comments is that there's an underlying current of 'Students deserve the right to learn by doing this procedure'. Do they deserve their experience more than the patient deserves their right to consent? There will always be another patient and another opportunity. But the medical team only has one opportunity to retain their patient's trust, and if that's broken, good luck getting it back. What does it hurt to get consent? If they say no, perhaps the patient will still at least allow for observation. There'll be another chance to get their practice learning how to do pelvic exams. There'll be another patient who, as several people have mentioned, won't mind it for the sake of learning. But a student's right to learn does not outweigh the patient's right to be able to say no.
@DEFENDERd25 5 жыл бұрын
As a physician, a students ability to learn directly impacts lives saved. These aren't highschool students, these are individuals working on their doctorates, they're highly skilled and very professional. In many medical practices they're an essential part of the team. At the end of the day, if you don't want students involved in your care, then don't get treatment at teaching institutions or under physicians that are doing the extremely crucial job of training the next generation that will be responsible for your own care one day and many others.
@elktheindianspotteddeer1331 5 жыл бұрын
@@DEFENDERd25 as a survivor of rape in childhood I let females only be in the room for things involving my genitals I have a right to say no everyone dose I have been asked if I minded letting students do blood draws I said go for it during my first delivery I was asked if I minded Med students be present I say if they are females I am ok with it the dame with my 2ed 4 were there during my first and none at my 2 I was asked to let a med student do a papsmear and breast exzam it was a female so I had no problem with it do to having many bad encounters with males in my past I don't like male doctors my peditrion every time I came in even for a steep test made me dress in a gown then parted the lips of my vagina my step dad raped me my bio grandfather told me I turned him on I and every other person has a right to say no at any time if you don't get precision before then you don't have permission to do so during if I pass out at a party and have given joe permission to fuck me that dose not give him permission to let his friends do so too just because I give doctor mike permission to do the exam dose don't mean I gave 1 to 14 students to do so too
@MrsBilla-nu8qb 5 жыл бұрын
DEFENDERd25 With all due respect, the point is that the attending surgeon is required to get consent. It doesn’t matter whether or not it is a teaching hospital. A person under anesthesia has a right to decide ahead of time whether or not they want to allow anyone to stick their fingers inside of them. I understand that the students need this training. Maybe the the most crucial part of the training is teaching them to get informed consent.
@anxiousone891 4 жыл бұрын
@@DEFENDERd25 The problem is there are no private hospitals in our area any longer. They have all been bought up and or closed by one major concern in Pittsburgh. When my wife was in treatment for her cancer we had to battle every step of the way to keep these unauthorized practices in check. I had to threaten them with a lawsuit if our requests were not followed or at least given a passing thought.
@LunaticTheCat 4 жыл бұрын
@@DEFENDERd25 That's just preposterous. I feel like as a physician you are way to caught up in what you see as logically ethical, and that you aren't thinking about what is ethical to the individual. This isn't a numbers game, this is about violating an individual without their permission. Don't stick you hands inside someone elses' genitals unless they give you consent, period. Many would consider this rape whether you like it or not, and that's just the reality of the situation. There is no way to justify rape for the greater good, that's just not the way things work. If more people knew about this there would be an uproar, I guarantee it. I hope you come to see the errors in your ways.
@luminoustedium 5 жыл бұрын
On my rotations (O&G particularly), the expectation was that we as students would go and meet the patient in the anaesthetics bay before the case, have a brief chat about their Hx and the procedure, and obtain our own verbal consent to perform sensitive examinations in theatre where relevant. The consultants would also get consent for examinations for teaching purposes but it was an expected standard of professionalism that we'd go and ask, and it's nicer than being yet another anonymous stranger.
@lesliebrannon3689 2 жыл бұрын
As a woman who has had many exploratory surgeries in my reproductive years, I am livid that this practice has just now been made known to me! All the teaching hospitals that I went under the knife in, and I'll never know, will I? My body was likely violated and RAPED by some strangers. Thank you for bringing this out to the public. I also saw this on a video by Dr. Greger, and he's been talking about the wrongness of it since the 1970s. When will our society stop treating women like we are objects?
@Cheachey1 4 жыл бұрын
This happened to me :'( it triggered all my past ptsd symptoms (my ex was sexually abusive). I thought I was going crazy because I kept having the same 20 second dream of the surgery and thats how I found out.... One question to ask my permission and I wouldnt have to relive this again and again. I have no problem to learning but permission definately needs to be given! Its sexual assault medical or not , its never okay!
@katiejon17 5 жыл бұрын
It is unconscionable to allow students, residents, etc to do this without prior consent. I would be very disappointed to witness this happening when I worked in the OR. I would have reported it. In my time as an OR Nurse, I mostly saw very ethical conduct. But I quit after a circulating nurse felt the need to comment how “ugly and disgusting” an 18 year old girl’s labia was... then called Anesthesia over to look at this pt under general anesthesia and in lithotomy position. The two of them continued to comment for a minute or so. Not that it really matters, but this pt had normal genitalia. I went to the nursing director of the OR and she did nothing. That’s NOT being a patient advocate!
@DahliaLegacy 5 жыл бұрын
I was used as a teaching moment for another doctor against my will in a way, even when I was in extreme pain and felt forced to go through another pelvic exam. They already knew that I had large ovarian cysts, I was going to the hospital thinking they'd remove them, but instead I was subjected to repeat tests that my surgeon said I shouldn't have been put through. (They sent me back home with more pain pills.) I feel like I was violated because I lost my faith that they wanted to help me. I was crying and they didn't stop or even care. At that time my endometriosis was gluing my organs together on top of everything else, so the pain I was in, to see that and want to cause me more pain just so someone can "learn"... How is that do no harm? I even said stop and the bullied me into consenting.
@elzbthlncstr 3 жыл бұрын
Oh my god, my heart goes out to you. I have almost a completely identical story, and I still struggle with the emotional pain and violation to this day.
@DahliaLegacy 3 жыл бұрын
@@elzbthlncstr Thank you, I sometimes think doctors need to understand what it's like for us. It's for lack of a better word, you feel raped. You weren't in the traditional sense but your trust and everything was completely violated by people you're supposed to be able to trust. There needs to be a word for this kind of thing, since saying the rape word isn't technically true, but on the level of emotions and remembering the pain of it all, it's rape adjacent. It's an extreme violation of trust when you're at your most vulnerable and in so much pain. We need doctors to understand this and not create any more victims.
@bridgetsclama 4 жыл бұрын
I'm perfectly comfortable with students getting some training with me. I'm NOT comfortable if they just do it without asking. That is not okay.
@madtypr 5 жыл бұрын
I'm a nurse and would have no problem allowing a student to do an exam - I'm all about education, but you better ask me first!
@mariekatherine5238 5 жыл бұрын
No way without prior consent! If the exam is part of the surgery, no problem, but if I found out I was given a pelvic exam while having surgery on my arm, NO!
@beaupal7 5 жыл бұрын
Marie Katherine The pelvic exam is only done immediately before pelvic surgery, never is it done during any other surgery, including arm surgery.
@lovinglaurenx 5 жыл бұрын
Beau Palmer yes, in some cases it’s shown that they did pelvic exams on patients that were having completely unrelated surgeries like that.
@kyleseljaas8584 5 жыл бұрын
Informed consent is the key in this issue. It is such an invasive exam that it is going to be uncomfortable for the medical student to perform regardless. Without informed consent it will exacerbate that discomfort and ultimately take away from the learning experience. By obtaining informed consent, with the medical student present for the consent, this discomfort could be minimized. The patient has every right to know what will happen to them and I would assume enough patients would give consent so that the students would have ample opportunities to learn. By not informing the patient multiple ethical concerns arise. Patient autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, are at risk. By obtaining informed consent those ethical questions are no longer an issue. I understand that students need to learn, and this is a good opportunity for them to learn. I am open to other perspectives, but this seems like a no brainer in my opinion. It is wrong to do the pelvic exam without consent. Simple fix, get informed consent!
@tabithahunter5197 5 жыл бұрын
This was done to me. Without my consent after I wrote "no students," on my consent form. I wish I could press charges and I wish I could sue.
@greensarah2059 5 жыл бұрын
Horrible! How did you find out it was done to you?
@DEFENDERd25 5 жыл бұрын
You can sue. . . What's stopping you?
@mcthuggin9803 5 жыл бұрын
Sue the rapists
@anxiousone891 4 жыл бұрын
@bellebonebag8096 2 жыл бұрын
@@greensarah2059 When you're getting jaw surgery for an underbite, which should only take about 3-4 hours with no complications, and wake up with pain and an uncomfortable tender feeling "down there", that's how you know. For a 3 hour surgery, most people don't even need a catheter. This happened to me at 18, after I got my braces taken off. I knew about the un-consented anesthetized pelvic exams from doing tons of research online, because I was paranoid about my first real surgery. Which is why I wrote "NO STUDENTS, NO PELVIC" in big, bold letters on my care contract. I was unsure whether it really happened at first, until a male nurse practitioner, whom I never met before, came in my room to "inform" me that I had two cysts on my cervix and I was on my period, after I woke up and pressed the call button. I already knew about the cysts from my previous gynecology appointment. I told him I wrote NO STUDENTS and NO PELVIC on my papers, so why were they even down there?? I also told the surgeons the same thing, no students, no pelvic. He started stuttering a bunch of medical nonsense, stared at me awkwardly, then asked me if I wanted to speak to the head nurse or the head surgeon. I guess he noticed my "You're asking for a lawsuit" expression. I wanted to call him some names, but I decided to keep quiet and just said "No. I'll just look in my summary after I'm released and call my primary. I want to sleep right now". Knowing damn well that nothing about that pelvic exam would be in my after-visit summary. After he left, I shut the door, called my uncle who lived nearby to explain what happened, and asked him to come pick me up at the entrance as soon as possible. He told me to be outside in 15 minutes. Carefully took out my IVs and EKG stickers, wrapped myself in another hospital gown to cover my back, washed up a bit, put on deodorant, and hauled ass outside. I knew I probably looked absolutely insane, running around wrapped in two gowns, with only hospital socks on, with my jaw and face wrapped in gauze. My face was completely numb from the drugs, but I was super wobbly. I sat down in a wheelchair at the pickup area, so I would look a bit more "normal". Left my clothes and purse there, because they didn't have anything important, except maybe my lip gloss. I was also too afraid to ask a nurse for my belongings, because they might've forced me to come back. I recovered from my underbite surgery at home, rather than in the hospital, and refused to go back there when they called asking where the hell I went. My mother was angry at me when I got home, and called me crazy and stupid more than once, but she still sympathized with my reason. She's a feminist and was far more angry with the hospital than with me. Me and her did some research and found out that anesthetized pelvic exams are still legal in my state (Ohio). So we couldn't sue them, unless we attempted to sue the whole state. I've never been that angry before, and I'm still furious about it. I was young, I was a virgin, and I never even used a tampon. No one ever saw my privates except my mother and siblings before then. Much less some random strangers who will most likely end up dropping out of med school before their term is up.
@jenniferberry120785 5 жыл бұрын
Um I pray this has not happened to me. I’m talking to my GYN about this.
@jenniferberry120785 5 жыл бұрын
Don’t get rid of them they are very important however not uncommented that is sexual assault in my eyes even if you are a training doctor. Our intimate parts are not revolving doors open to anyone.
@kts8900 5 жыл бұрын
While in training, I performed pelvic exams on unconscious patients without their explicit consent, while they were being prepped for surgery. I probably caused no harm or benefit to the patient, though later (conscious) patients benefitted from my improved exam skills. I was deeply uncomfortable with the practice, and my participation reflected the culture at that institution and my inability to verbalize my objections. I sincerely regret my actions and hope I have the strength to protest now.
@rebeccaparker1982 5 жыл бұрын
Speaking up to authority is often more difficult than people are self aware enough to realize or acknowledge to others. It's easy to say what we think we would do.That being said as a patient I would expect to be ask to give consent prior to any procedure.
@cse1028 Жыл бұрын
You probably DID cause harm. Were you under pressure by your superiors to abuse the patients? Can you name this hospital, and the doctor you were working under ?
@kts8900 Жыл бұрын
@@cse1028 yes, pressure. Absolutely not naming for obvious reasons. Unfortunately the lines of informed consent are often blurred in medical training, with both trainees and patients having difficulty navigating that space. For a nuanced discussion I would suggest the book "Complications: a Surgeon's notes on an imperfect science" by Atul Gawande. He wrestles with the very real problem that in order to train medical practitioners, some patient must be their "first." Surgery, pelvic exam, clinic visit, etc.
@lynnehood2198 3 жыл бұрын
Its rape.....NO ! NO!!! NOOOOOO! It's about the patients care and needs ....not the doctors need. Explain it ...get consent. Don't touch that woman without her permission. GROW a BACKBONE DOCTOR....who cares if you are pressured by an attending, resident...whoever. Otherwise you are complisate to rape and should be prosecuted ...absolutely.
@DavidBrooke99 5 жыл бұрын
In all of my 3 vaginal births, and even in typical exams, the doc always asked if it was ok to have a student perform, and then be double checked by the attending. I was ok with it. The students were often so uncomfortable that I would reassure! I don't think I'd mind it if I were out, but only if I trust that the procedure was respectful. And that is where both sides can get uncomfortable, I think, as I have assisted, too, and a blithe attitude isn't ok.
@deeess2722 5 жыл бұрын
Brooke99 - As an RN student, I thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life. It’s very uncomfortable, but it’s the only way we learn. I am childfree by choice and was dreading my OB clinical. Turns out, I loved it more than anything I’ve done before or since. 🧡
@theuofc 5 жыл бұрын
OMG! So this actually happens and happened to you except that you had the chance to accept.
@DavidBrooke99 5 жыл бұрын
@@theuofc Certainly! During labor, the Attending and the RN asked if I would consent to s student exam following theirs. The attending would clarify that the student would be 'talked through'. Thus, a little more discomfort if I was ok with it. The student always introduced themself and the attending would ask what they 'got' and why! My third was precipitous, though. 11 minutes from the ER door, so the whole unit got to participate with her... And she's still a fireball!
@joyhanson8654 5 жыл бұрын
Brooke99 it doesn't sound like you were under anesthesia
@wazz1154 4 жыл бұрын
Brooke99 the thing is though, you was given the chance to give consent to this exam. However, there are many women out there who would balk at this, by undergoing an intimate exam twice for the sake of allowing a student bit of practice, and that is myself included. Yes they have to learn, and yes I have the right to tell them to piss off, in a respectful manner I hasten to add. Bad enough a doctor, but dealing with students, nope not for me. I need at least 3 surgeries, and after watching a few of these videos, I can honestly say, I will NOT be having one, what little trust I had for doctors (this lack of trust for the medical profession started at 8years of age, when my GP told my parents that I was faking my illness, 36hrs later, I underwent emergency surgery, 6hrs away from death’s door) has been completely shattered! My dignity means the world to me, because when everything has been taken from you, the only thing we have left is our dignity, and if doctors don’t understand that, then they need to find another profession.
@anxiousone891 4 жыл бұрын
Important in the fact that this needs to be brought to the attention of all women....but...the fact remains that Med students know it is wrong but still partake in doing the exam. You know it's wrong to rob a bank so you don't do it. You know it's wrong to drive on the wrong side of the highway so you do't do it....etc..etc. So if you know this is wrong why do you do it. The culture that lets this happen will never change until someone says No I won't do it.!
@anxiousone891 4 жыл бұрын
I absolutely agree with everything that was said during this video. But on another video a former student said that on his rotation he was required to do this exam on a daily basis 6days a week with as many as 10 students doing the same. You can do the number of how many unconsented exams were done per week.But if each exam takes just say 5 mins. per student you are keeping this patient under anesthesia for appx. an extra hour if there are 10 students. What effect does an extra hour of anesthesia have on a woman's body? It just can't be good.
@kimlandefeld3005 3 ай бұрын
Great point! They are endangering patients for their own benefit. NOT ETHICAL.
@danifrom3200 5 жыл бұрын
I had a laparoscopy for endometriosis (necessary surgery it was past the point of non invasive options, I know most doctors Jump to surgery) and now I’m worried about this :// I’m only 17
@mariaarmstrong1058 4 жыл бұрын
To me, it fits at least one definition of rape.
@saramyers9937 3 жыл бұрын
I have had so many surgeries and I have always said yes a student can be present. No one ever told me the student would / could touch me or “practice” on me. I am horrified. Secondly my child had had surgery before and we gave permission for a student to be present, do they do this to minors?
@dogcrazy25 5 жыл бұрын
Without my consent, I would consider this invasion sexual assault and subject to criminal prosecution. Thank you for this information, I will ask more questions in the future. In any surgery, all participants should be preapproved by the patient.
@rhettdotson8351 5 жыл бұрын
The primary consideration in such situation ought to be patient autonomy, and laws, state and federal, are written on this philosophical basis. In medical school students are taught that consent must be obtained before any procedure is performed, and this would of course include pelvic exams done under anesthesia for training purposes. I have to agree with ladyrosieparks -- the issue can transcend whether a consent was given on a legal document to a broader question: did the surgeon or physician accurately present the risks of the procedures, and accurately describe, verbally, the nature of the training that would be done. I am certainly open to further demonstration of the OB/GYN's claims that this practice is indispensable training, but training alone cannot supersede consent and autonomy, can it?
@bellebonebag8096 2 жыл бұрын
"Anesthetized pelvic exam" is an unnecessarily complicated term for "Drugged and gangraped"
@andyfisher7499 5 жыл бұрын
I agree 100% that this doesn’t necessarily have to be made law but, it should be a part of the ethical code already. And if you were not told that the pelvic exam was going to happen under anesthesia that patient was not informed adequately to be able to give their informed consent. What about the psychological impact on the patient after the exam had been performed and they found out about it. I would think that not only would they feel violated, but would they be willing to trust that doctor or others in the future with their healthcare? I know that for me it would take a long time to be able to trust any physician again with my health.
@SubaruAugust 5 жыл бұрын
I was undergoing a endoscopy of my stomach and never gave consent for anyone other then the doctor to treat me. After he was in and looking around students showed up and began to look down the scope as I was in discomfort. I was not very happy I was not informed beforehand. I now read and make sure who will work on me and if a teaching moment is going to take place. Then I verbally conform what is to take place and how it will be done. Thanks for this video !!
@zainabamadahy9918 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for speaking out about this and making us aware.
@Ladyrosieparks 5 жыл бұрын
I think this is just skirting around the larger issue of physicians not giving accurate pros and cons of surgery and sending patients anyway. Because how many Important procedures would be refused patients if patients really knew the risks. How many times have you had a patient wake up after surgery with complications and they say they never heard of possible complications?
@nicdvs 3 жыл бұрын
I think it's disgusting that a professional person would consider doing something like this. I wonder if that doctor would like it if this was done to his wife or daughter or even mother. This is what makes people think that doctors consider themselves little gods and a cut above ordinary people. It makes one lose respect for doctors!!!!
@asl2g4u 5 жыл бұрын
you can also extend this to so many things though. I'm an anesthesiologist, and should you obtain consent for the med student to attempt an arterial line after the patient is asleep? How about an intubation? or something as simple as an IV or placing an oral temperature probe? where do you draw the line? Med students will never learn if you can't practice something on a patient while they are asleep. Conversely I see the otherside. Why would I want something done to me while I'm asleep by someone if I didn't want it done to me while I was awake by that person. It's a fine line because we have an obligation as teaching physicians to train the younger generation so that they can become capable physicians in the future.
@cleverkimscurios3783 5 жыл бұрын
If it's my body, yeah, you should get consent for those possibilities while I'm awake, before you put me under. It's my right to decide if I want to let a student (or anyone else) try something with my body. When I was a student, I told people I was a student and asked if it was OK for me to treat them. Some of them said no and that's the way it goes. Patients are allowed to say no, regardless of how it affects the learning experiences of students. The student's experience isn't the patient's responsibility.
@majorxaero4964 5 жыл бұрын
@@cleverkimscurios3783 Students need to be trained, and patients shouldn't forget that the doctors and nurses treating them had to learn at some point. Patients avail of a health service and some seem to expect that the skills of future clinicians will appear out of thin air. If a patient is conscious the student should obviously be gaining consent for procedures as would any healthcare professional. We as clinicians should be supporting patients and reassuring them of the value of being part of this learning process. As far as procedures under anaesthesia go - if the procedure is going to be done anyway, I see no reason to specifically get consent for a particular member of the team to perform it, and students are part of that team. If the patient needs another IV cannula after they're asleep, it simply needs to be done or supervised by a competent team member. However, specifically doing something (be it an IV line or a bimanual/rectal exam) that would not have been done in the routine course of the patient's care solely for learning clearly requires explicit consent prior to anaesthesia.
@deeess2722 5 жыл бұрын
MajorXaero - An excellent summation. Thank you. Signed: RN student.
@cleverkimscurios3783 5 жыл бұрын
@@majorxaero4964 OK. Explain all that while the patient's awake. Say "the team, which includes an X student." If the Pt doesn't want a student working on them, it's their right. Most will say yes, but you still need to respect the rights of those who say no.
@kymberlyp4056 5 жыл бұрын
Clever Kim's Curios ~ I’m 110% with you on this. Complete informed consent is needed if going under a planned surgery. Emergency surgery won’t permit informed consent so minimal intimate (genitalia) contact should be mandatory.
@TheBlazeFangirl 5 жыл бұрын
I had surgery about 1.5 yrs ago to remove an ovarian cyst laparoscopy. After surgery I could tell some kind of exam had been done that I was not aware would be a part of the deal. I’ve always assumed it was a necessary part of the surgery, but it’s always been unsettling whenever I think about it. I probably would have consented had I been asked, but I definitely was not.
@airilnizam2184 5 жыл бұрын
My wife put under ga for open discectomy..2 surgeon,2 anaethetist,n 7 more ot staff in there..7 of them are Malaysia..i'm not feel good with what happen..n this not my native like mind rape..
@carolheaton1584 5 жыл бұрын
The problem with informed consent is that you're standing at a counter hearing "this part says this" but you're not looking at an actual document, you're signing on a small electronic pad and taking the medical worker's word for what you're signing. Is it different for surgery? Do they give you a complete copy of the document well before surgery is scheduled so that you can review it, maybe with someone who understands legalese, and get any questions you might have answered? Or do they shove an electronic pad in front of you in the moments before you meet the anesthesiologist for the first time while they're prepping you for surgery and the surgeon pops in and tells you it'll all be over soon and signs a body part and you don't ever really get all the information you should to make truly informed consent. I'd be furious if this happened to me. Honestly, why don't they have cameras in the OR to record everything and then provide a copy to the patient? The patient paid for the procedure. Why shouldn't they have a record of what happened to them while they were totally helpless and vulnerable?
@kimlandefeld3005 3 ай бұрын
Can't film. It would be distributed to people the patient would NOT want to see it. We need ADVOCATES that work for US in the OR keeping an eye on them.
@pedinurse1 5 жыл бұрын
Plus you are keeping the pt under anesthesia for a more extended amount of time and yes I agree this should not be done, stick to conscious pts
@anxiousone891 4 жыл бұрын
Absolutely correct. I have read stories that as many as 10 students doing this. If each exam takes 10 mins. you have kept the pt. under anesthesia for approximately. 100 extra mins. There are such things as standardized individuals who are paid to let students examine them. Don't practice on me. An anesthtised pt. can offer no feedback while they are under. So what are they learning.
@wmg1958 5 жыл бұрын
One of your best posts.
@gwillis01 4 жыл бұрын
I had to sign a long, complex legal form at the end of an office visit that had as its purpose to discuss whether I needed surgery for my gynecological dysfunction. It had lots of paragraphs full of tiny type that I did not want to read slowly and carefully because my mind was already out the door and down the road to the grocery store. My only thought was sign the paper quickly and get out of the exam room so I can buy groceries to cook dinner with. The doctor had said in essence "Get the operation and take away the pain. If you want to debate and argue, you are free to do so. However that only means you will be in pain longer. Why not get relief now?" I was at the point where I did not care about the small print because I just wanted the pain gone. I would have consented to having a hundred medical students feel me every which way if it meant getting pain relief. The operation went smoothly and everyone lived happily ever after.
@amberamber100 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah if you have not obtained informed consent, anything beyond your consultant surgeon making essential examinations as part of the surgery, is completely unacceptable.
@daydreamersdmmiller3064 5 жыл бұрын
Interesting points. Now, what do you think about other exams under anesthesia such as knee exams?
@Summer79234 5 жыл бұрын
Ew gross, I was so nervous before surgery I couldn’t read the consent forms properly and just signed, I would hate to think anything like this happened to me
@dminter1234 5 жыл бұрын
I had surgery on my genitals when I was 18yrs old, it was done in a university hospital. One day a group of student doctors came in on rounds and the attending had each of them examine me closely, I was never asked if this was ok, it just happened. It was a little weird. The day I was to be released, the surgeon wanted to do a final exam prior to release, and the room was being cleaned, so he had me go into the bathroom down the hall to do the exam, also a little weird.
@anxiousone891 4 жыл бұрын
Sounds think so? Sounds like a case of sexual abue to me. Di he even have a nurse or someone with him?
@bellebonebag8096 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds like a malpractice lawsuit. Public bathrooms in hospitals are not sterile; there is no kind of exam that should be conducted in a bathroom that everyone uses.
@kalebem0 2 жыл бұрын
that is not normal.
@samuraisoul2 5 жыл бұрын
Are the patients being anesthetized for this specific exam or is the exam an add on to a non related anesthesia?
@neburnynhs9394 5 жыл бұрын
Usually this is an add on exam before surgery or other procedures, but if a pelvic exam is very uncomfortable for the woman, they can be anesthetized only for this exam. However, the latter is much less common.
@samuraisoul2 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@katieamarsh 5 жыл бұрын
I think it's fine as long as the pt consents. I totally get doing if it's for an obgyn procedure, but not a spec exam if they're getting some other kind of surgery. Consent is so import and women don't even get it often without things like episiotomies.
@theuofc 5 жыл бұрын
ZDoggMD: Thank you for this informative video and putting yourself in the headlights of some medical personnel who will take offense at your comments. I applaud you for putting the rights of the patient first, in this case, unconscious women in surgery who have not given their consent to vaginal and rectal exams by students!
@jmbahretk 5 жыл бұрын
Oh my God. I didnt know there would be a pelvic when I had my ovaries and uterus taken out. It freaks me out, like distressingly freaks me out that multiple people could have had hands and fingers up there even tho I get what you are saying about the benefits of that before that surgery. This is not ok!!!!!!
@lfrancis8980 5 жыл бұрын
Is this just for pelvic surgeries or for all kinds?
@TheYipYee 5 жыл бұрын
L Francis Just for pelvic surgeries where the surgeon is already going to do a pelvic exam as part of the surgical prep (a hysterectomy, for example). The students just repeat the same exam the surgeon did, but that’s only allowed if the patient consented for student participation.
@carolinecardwell2163 4 жыл бұрын
Nothing against ZdoggMD personally and I think his heart's in the right place, but I think it's a little presumptuous to assume it's less painful psychologically to the woman to undergo a pelvic exam under anesthesia or that undergoing a pelvic exam while conscious is "psychologically painful". Sure, for some the experience is emotionally traumatic but I'm sure plenty of others find empowering and feel they are "taking charge of the health" by doing something to reduce their risk of future illness/complications
@elzbthlncstr 3 жыл бұрын
Sociological studies have shown that patients view their sexual organs as much more sensitive than their other body parts. People are much more comfortable with doctors examining their arms, for example, than their vagina. And he wasn’t merely talking about pelvic exams as a whole, but *non consensual* ones. When I go to my gynecologist for a check up and they perform a pelvic exam, it’s uncomfortable and awkward, but not psychologically distressing because that’s what I’m there to do and my sexual health is important. When I went to the ER and was violated without my consent, it was not empowering at all, because again, they did it without my consent. That’s the important part here.
@meganbaker8490 5 жыл бұрын
I think this is a really interesting topic. I personally would not have an issue with a student doing anything to me under anaesthesia that would otherwise normally be done by the doctor but yes it should probably be mentioned in the consent form. But then how far do you take these things? As a student in a theatre I've been involved in assisting the anesthetist, acting in the position of scrub nurse amd even performing a jaw thrust on a patient who was having a bit of trouble whilst waking up. These patients didn't consent to a student being involved in their care but is it wrong? With any awake patient i would always ensure they were well aware i was a student before gaining their consent for anything i did even obs. So I guess where do we draw the line?
@kts8900 5 жыл бұрын
Teaching and consent is discussed in Atul Gawande's "complications," which addresses the tricky line of needing to teach people to perform medicine, and therefore potentially putting patients at slightly higher risk. Every practitioner has the first time they perform a procedure - take out your appendix, do a pelvic exam, start an IV. What is their obligation to inform the patient? And how far do we privilege patients to refuse learners (students, residents, fellows). At some point, the benefits of the academic institution must be paired with the risks of practitioners in training.
@kk70x7 5 жыл бұрын
Pelvic exams is just one of the many indignities we get to undergo as women. Good grief.
@DrSkawman 5 жыл бұрын
Pelvic exams are not an "indignity". It's a medical procedure.
@carolheaton1584 5 жыл бұрын
Have you had one? It may be necessary, but it's an indignity.
@dennisdunn5486 5 жыл бұрын
I'm going under tomarrow and not sure how to say this to my doctors. I've had the same surgeon in a shady HMO teaching hospital for a decade. Sooo… Dr Fakename.. I did get my pelvic this year so I'm all set up there, right? RIGHT? Now I wonder why they make me disrobe for arm surgery. They want to see my privits!
@vrushabhshah7167 5 жыл бұрын
Would it be better if the medical student was a part of the consent? (Psychologically for the medical student)
@jennismith2 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, OR consents should include the fact that students may be present and that exam techniques (including invasive exams) may be performed...patients should be given the opportunity to “opt out”. However, patients often go to teaching hospitals BECAUSE they’re teaching hospitals that have additional expertise and offer specialty services. Students are an integral part of what a teaching hospital does. I would hope that most patients would consent to examination in the OR, if they’re told why it’s so very important to the teaching process.
@TheHestya 5 жыл бұрын
Actually, patients more often go to teaching hospitals because they're the closest ones. I really don't see how anything else would be the factor. The only hospital in my city is a teaching hospital. Obviously, I am ok with students learning when my consent is given. But certainly not if I have not consented to it. The doctors always ask if it's ok that a student is present, let alone if they do something.
@sharonthompson7557 5 жыл бұрын
Great video. Well done! With respect to the concept of informed consent, unless things have changed in the last few years, I think it would be much more impactful if the procedure, it’s risks vs. benefits, and anything else that is critically important to most patients, should be explained BEFORE the patient is anywhere near the holding room. Getting an informed consent from a patient who is understandably out of their mind with anxiety and fear about their impending surgery is not really getting an informed consent at all.
@redsummergarden2600 Жыл бұрын
I've had a transvaginal scan from a student technician and two babies delivered by student midwives, all properly supervised of course. I'd have no problem with medical students doing a pelvic exam. All I ask is that they get my consent. How hard is that?
@anngenaske4648 5 жыл бұрын
But if I don't give consent can they not refuse to do the surgery?
@TheYipYee 5 жыл бұрын
Ann Genaske They will never refuse to do the surgery if you refuse to let a student do this exam. If you refuse to let the surgeon herself do the exam, that might be a problem.
@mollywalsh3610 5 жыл бұрын
I had a hysterectomy last year. On the consent form, there was an “opt-out” to refuse to allow students in the OR, and refuse to allow students to examine me, or do any part of the surgery. But I’m a healthcare attorney, so I also know to ask.
@DrAdnan 5 жыл бұрын
Great point to keep in mind as healthcare professionals try to navigate both teaching new students and respecting ethical values.
@user-zu7gk9ol9f 5 жыл бұрын
I find this practice in medicine violating, i.e. criminal! The "Me Too" of medicine! I will take the Dr here, his proposition even further: if the Dr / surgeon doing the procedure needs to do a pelvic examination under anesthesia as part of the surgery, the surgeon / Dr should inform the patient prior to, as full disclosure, transparency, so the patient can give INFORMED consent.
@DEFENDERd25 4 жыл бұрын
They do inform the patient before hand. At least all the multitudes of OBGYNs that I've worked with have done so.
@theuofc 5 жыл бұрын
Timing is also essential when it comes to consent. If you stick a consent form under my nose five minutes before major surgery, I might sign it without really reading it and understanding the ramifications. My mind will be on the surgery I'm facing! These consent forms and a thorough explanation of what is entailed, including STUDENTS examining and manipulating your sexual parts, should be presented at the time the surgeon/ doctor goes over the procedure with you in his office a day or more before.
@chrmdchild 5 жыл бұрын
Not sure why GUTAs aren't available for people to learn during medical education... there are lots of ways to learn on a consenting person.
@funkenstein321 5 жыл бұрын
Real talk!
@sabbapixie 5 жыл бұрын
I would consent if I were informed because of the importance of teaching.
@jonathankoehler5984 5 жыл бұрын
I know and a lot if not most consents that the patient signs it is in there but truthfully the majority of people don't read everything they just go on and sign it that's another thing that should have been brought up in this I agree with what you said that's in a lot of cases it is in there but the patient doesn't know because the patient did not read that I know because my wife went through this exact thing and she tried to cause a big problem and I stopped her from embarrassing herself because I knew that it could have been in there and had her go and read the consent she signed
@HeartDocAndrew 5 жыл бұрын
(Originally posted on MedPage by me on 11/08/18): The physical findings of pelvic exams really shouldn't change with putting women under anesthesia. If the findings are changing, increased training doing more pelvic exams correctly on conscious/alert women is indicated instead of doing more pelvic exams on women under anesthesia. The latter really isn't necessary for training and I would have refused if an OB/GYN attending had ever asked me to do pelvic exams on women under anesthesia (thankfully none did) by responding that my preference is to learn/remember their pelvic exams pre-operatively which does mean doing their pelvic exams **before** the anesthesia.
@carolheaton1584 5 жыл бұрын
That makes sense. I've been wondering what good it does to perform a pelvic exam on an anesthetized woman as a way of practicing for pelvic exams on unanesthetized women. The explanations seems to be that you can feel the anatomy much more clearly, but if you didn't perform an unanesthetized pelvic exam on the woman first, then how are you going to compare how the two exams feel so that you can then make some generalization to all the women you'll be performing pelvic exams on when they aren't anesthetized, which, one assumes, will be the majority of the people you'll be doing pelvic exams on. As for the woman laying there on the table, anesthetized, ready for surgery, she isn't going to benefit from a pelvic exam, for her surgeon's sake or hers. She's already likely been through ultrasound and CT scans that have given the surgeon a clear understanding of her anatomy and the finer points are about to be revealed in complete detail when surgery commences. The woman herself doesn't seem as if she's going to receive any benefit. Her reproductive organs are going to be removed. Why perform a manual exam on organs that are headed to the pathologist? And the extra time taken for not only a surgeon but medical students to go through several pelvic exams on her, and we all know that it's going to take each of the students longer than an experienced doctor to perform those exams plus the time to instruct them, is more time that the woman has to spend under general anesthesia. So it's not even a neutral experience for the woman. It's increasing the risk of her procedure. Thank you for taking a stand on this issue, explaining the lack of teaching benefit that performing this procedure provides to the the medical students and for making it evident that the patients are being asked to consent to a procedure that appears to be unnecessary and puts them at greater risk.
@HeartDocAndrew 5 жыл бұрын
Laus Deo for the thanks and for my not having to take a stand many years ago against OB/Gyn attending(s) as a medical student. My commenting here really isn't taking a stand but rather sharing the simple fact that we, who are doctors, really do learn more from the physical exam of a conscious/alert patient than from examining an unconscious/sedated patient. In the interim, I am wonderfully hungry, and hope you, Carol, also have a healthy appetite too. So how are you ?
@HeartDocAndrew 5 жыл бұрын
Link to commenting on the MedPage Today article -->
@wormwoodbush3537 5 жыл бұрын
@@carolheaton1584 not all gynaecology surgery is removal of pelvic organs. For instance just today, I had a hysteroscopy (scope into the uterus), D&C (dilitation and curettage -being dilation of cervix and scraping out uterine lining) and insertion of Mirena IUD. I would expect that a manual pelvic exam is done prior to them inserting the speculum. I had no ultrasound or unnecessary radiation exposure for a CT scan prior to this routine and fairly simple surgery, not would I expect either test. I was informed and asked if a student could perform my procedure and I consented. I hope the student learnt something from me. I can see perfectly well how a student can learn valuable palpation skills from an anaesthetised patient, and I can also see how and why they also need to learn on awake patients, both are important. However I certainly gained from having a pelvic exam prior to surgery, as if my vagina was deformed or there was any growths, the speculum could have seriously damaged me.
@carolheaton1584 5 жыл бұрын
@@wormwoodbush3537 I hadn't considered that, so you make a good point for your situation. And you were fully informed and still willing to have that take place. That's your choice. But a document containing a blanket statement to the effect that "medical students may be present during or assisting with any medical procedures performed", with that statement buried in a sheet of paragraphs addressing a wide range of surgical issues pushed in front of you to sign after you've already been administered oral medications related to anesthesia in the 30-60 minutes immediately prior to surgery - that's not fully-informed consent. And meeting the anesthesiologist and the CRNA and circulating nurse immediately prior to surgery doesn't constitute being introduced to the surgical team, who you'll never remember anyway because you've already been drugged. So if either or god forbid both of those were to be the case, I hope you can see that that isn't fully-informed consent, and to find afterwards that something like this had happened would leave someone feeling very violated and as if their trust had been betrayed. And to think that something like that might have happened but have no idea how find out if it had is extremely upsetting. If there were medical students present in the operating room, would they be noted in the record of the surgery alongside the other personnel who are noted? Would have it have been recorded in surgical notes available to patients that a pelvic exam under anesthesia was performed at all, much less how many were performed and by whom? If they're going to do it to you, they should have to provide you with a record of everything that had been done.
@anyutka19 4 жыл бұрын
I had this happened to me without realizing I didn't give informed consent...however, I felt it was for my benefit after my surgeon told me this as I always said you would need to put me under to do the dreaded pap smear
@SallyWooten 5 жыл бұрын
We always added 'pelvic exam under anesthesia' to the operative consent form when I worked ob-gyn
@dcg-doomsdaycultforgamers1180 5 жыл бұрын
A form doesn't mean informed.
@hz3917 5 жыл бұрын
Legally, if you sign it, you are.
@SallyWooten 5 жыл бұрын
franz kindel well we, unlike most do now, actually went through and read it word for word to the patient and then explained what it meant. Ours really was informed consent.
@dcg-doomsdaycultforgamers1180 5 жыл бұрын
@@SallyWooten That is great to hear. I've had this conversation with a few of our medical students and their preceptors. The more information you can give your patients, the better.
@mcthuggin9803 5 жыл бұрын
@@hz3917 I hope you haven't done this
@jennakhivkapratt8751 5 жыл бұрын
It might help people to remember that there are always nurses in the OR. Most nurses are women. Most nurses are not afraid to stand up to physicians, particularly on ethnic issues. There are exceptions of course.
@mistyroberts3751 5 жыл бұрын
This is not true. Look at this article, Do Chaperones Really Protect Patients? at
@guythatcomments 5 жыл бұрын
There is intent but not as clear as someone stating not wanting their genitals to be examined
@sanadbenali6993 5 жыл бұрын
can male students refuse doing OBGYN pelvic exams
@jopa948 5 жыл бұрын
I'm a physician. I don't think a male student could (or should) get through training without doing a pelvic exam. Getting to know female and male anatomy and physiology is critical to practicing medicine.
@mcthuggin9803 5 жыл бұрын
@@jopa948 fucking sick,
@anxiousone891 4 жыл бұрын
The point is...get consent first
@anxiousone891 4 жыл бұрын
@@jopa948 Get consent first
@jopa948 4 жыл бұрын
@@mcthuggin9803 zero points for reading comprehension.
@marwatson7408 3 ай бұрын
If they are doing this to adults without consent then you have to ask yourself what about children because they have surgery too. Why should a person stay under longer for an unnecessary procedure that they don’t need which means they are running up that bill as well.
@TimelessjewelbyDebra 5 жыл бұрын
I have no problem letting a student do an exam,with consent.
@teletubbiestunetwister9570 5 жыл бұрын
This makes perfect sense. It also makes sense to treat all humans with the same respect. That includes infants. You need consent to examine an adult, and you need consent to remove part of that adult's genitals. It is then logical that the person with the genitals should be able to grow up with their genitals intact and decide as an adult if they with to consent to the amputation of the skin system of their genitals. Does that make sense? Human rights are for babies too.
@tayl2991 2 жыл бұрын
When I get my first Pelvic Exam and Pap Smear, I am definitely going to be awake and aware. I am 28 and a virgin and therefore have never had a vaginal exam.
@runfayalife 5 жыл бұрын
People don't like to say vagina ...
@FenderTelecast 5 жыл бұрын
"Here's the rub"
@spanaker 5 жыл бұрын
@michelleeaton6602 5 жыл бұрын
FenderTelecast Don’t make a joke about this. Grow up.
@FenderTelecast 5 жыл бұрын
@@michelleeaton6602 He literally said it in the video, please grow some common sense.
@wiLL0205 5 жыл бұрын
Hi Doc Z! I'm a big fan! Now I understand the need for clearly putting things in black and white like every detail in the consent form and it sure is the ideal and most ethical way in performing procedures. But wouldn't that like make the training of the next generation of doctors a bit more difficult? Like I'm a nurse and we were only like 90 students back then we have to complete a few medical procedures in our checklist and it would take us almost 2 years to complete. I would say like out of 10 people how many would honestly summit themselves to such idea to have students perform an exam. I think if your given the option not to do you not think many would decline? Given our current atmosphere were people are power hungry and would want to exercise such just because they can we might have doctors in the future who may lack certain experience due to not being able to perform such basic things and if we out i under scrutiny perhaps many procedures would now be placed in to question impeding our treatment options further. Take for example catheters. What if they could now demand that only the MD's could insert it and not the student docs or nurses because they won't consent to be "practiced" on. I LOVE YOUR SHOW !
@geriroush8004 5 жыл бұрын
It is on us, as medical professionals, to educate our patients/clients, and gain their trust. You might be surprised how many people are willing to contribute to your education, if you will only ask.
@mcthuggin9803 5 жыл бұрын
please give me the name of your institution
@mcthuggin9803 5 жыл бұрын
@@geriroush8004 thank you for being a decent, real human, unlike-
@elzbthlncstr 3 жыл бұрын
There have also been studies that have shown that a considerable amount of women would gladly consent to a pelvic exam under anesthesia for teaching purposes, as long as they gave consent first. So the argument that having to get consent makes it harder to teach med students is a little ridiculous. Plus, don’t you think it’s worth the trouble of taking a few extra steps to teach students, than violating patients?
@metu5818 Жыл бұрын
If they are having KNEE SURGERY… it doesn’t matter… let me ask… if a person is having knee surgery but it turns out, they have life threatening cancer of the cervix…are patients informed?
@nathanward4899 5 жыл бұрын
I’m just a pre-med, but are cadaveric examinations just completely unhelpful in this arena?
@IdkIdk-pv1mx 5 жыл бұрын
Nope. The ampulla of a rectum in a dead person is the same in a living person
@IdkIdk-pv1mx 5 жыл бұрын
Nope. The ampulla of a rectum in a dead person is the same in a living person. One is just more full of shit
@kmfioretti 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, in a cadaver the structures are hardened from the preservatives such that they no longer feel as they do in an alive patient. It takes a long time to feel what is normal for this exam because of patient discomfort, different body types, and often your own discomfort with performing the exam. All of the patients on the ob gyn service where I rotated were consented for exam under anesthesia before any pelvic surgery to confirm the exam was consistent and hadn’t changed from the original visits. Never did a rectovaginal exam on anyone. Where I am, same day surgery patients sign their consent in holding but all of the patients had discussed the details of what they were having done in a pre op appointment with the surgeon.
@carolheaton1584 5 жыл бұрын
@@kmfioretti They were specifically told every step?
@kmfioretti 5 жыл бұрын
carol Heaton unfortunately we don’t get to work with each attending to see how they do pre op appointments, but the one I got to work with explained that in the OR the patient would have a speculum and bimanual exam performed just like the ones she would get at an annual visit followed by whatever procedure we were doing. It was never specifically noted that more than one person would perform the exam, but she was always very clear that students and residents are active participants in their surgical care. These two things are in different sections of the form when going through it with a patient, and I never ran into a situation where someone put it together. I’m torn on this issue because I felt that our patients were well informed as to what would happen to them while under anesthesia and Zdogg acts like it is a spectacle with everyone lining up to examine the patient for no reason. I can definitely see it going that route and obviously if it’s not been consented for its unquestionably wrong, but I truly saw it as professional part of the procedure where we discussed as a team the expected anatomy confirmed by the exam before a procedure was started.
@alainaforde4061 3 жыл бұрын
This almost sounds like sexual assault
@alainaforde4061 3 жыл бұрын
If someone can stick their fingers in me in more ways than one,without my consent,while I'm put under its assault. Period
@activeobserver6503 5 жыл бұрын
This is likely to be institution specific. The only pelvic exams that I remember doing in medical school (Rochester) were on conscious ob/gyn patients who had volunteered and consented to a student exam, or on paid "actors" who were hired specifically for the purpose of student education. I do recall assisting with surgical procedures, but any exam performed under anesthesia was directly related to the procedure being performed, and the patients had been consented regarding the presence of residents and students during the procedure. YMMV.
@bronsonleach3573 11 ай бұрын
Your not supposed to trust a doctors word. It is a traditional policy in my culture. You do not pay until they sign a contract they can be held liable for doing anything against your consent and will not rest till their sued and their license is taken away. A doctor or a surgeon is no different from a tradesmen. You don't pay a plumber until he agrees to do what you want him too a doctors or surgeon is no different. Also to protect yourself do not consent to general anesthesia or sedation unless it is absolutely nessary for the surgery. Most surgeries can be done fully awake but many surgeons will refuse because general anesthesia is more expensive which means more money. The only surgeries that require general anesthesia are neck , throat , heart transplant, and some styles of hernia surgery because it requires gas and would be very painful. Almost every other surgery can he done fully awake. Open heart, brain, knee, shoulder, gallbladder, and other very common surgeries. Most don't need you to remove your underwear ether. The only time that it is nessary is when they are operating in that area which you can still be awake for to protect yourself. Despite what they tell you there is no such thing as a sterile operating room. That is why they pump you full of antibiotics for every surgery to prevent infections. The staff that touch you are not sterile they are cleaned but wear sterile equipment. The tools are sterile as well but nothing else is. So basically if you are asked to remove your underwear for a knee, or shoulder surgery. Refuse it is absolutely unnecessary and if that surgeon is worth the money you pay him no catheter should be needed in the operating room because it shouldn't take no longer than a hour to do. For kidneys stones this is a different story they need access to your genitals so they can insert a cytoscope to remove the stones. However you as the patient have control on who is in there. For manual extraction through the urethra only two people are nessary for the procedure and that is the anesthesiologist and the urologists. No nurse is nessary if that urologist is worth his pay for that procedure. The anesthesiologists can give you options on and will adjust based on your health history and what the desired affect you want. Say no sedation regional or a powerful local anesthesia only. I will not kid you some anesthesiologists will try and get away with just lidocaine which is the weakest local anesthesia avaliable you can buy it at the drug store it is so weak. It will be very painful otherwise because it is a big camera going down there so ask for regional or a stronger local anesthesia. Thats all I have to say remember you the patient are the customer and you make the terms. Study all procedures for your problem study the meds that are used. Read medical documents doctors and surgeons read the same exact stuff and may even preform them after reading. My knee surgeon read about the new ACL surgery called the bear implant and thought it would make life so much better for the patient so he learned how to do it. Thats how the medical industry works no different from any trade.
@RobertSzasz 5 жыл бұрын
I don't think there needs to be new legislation. Simply put penetration without consent is rape. If an instructor ever makes it unclear if a student is committing rape, or years later makes their students wonder if they raped a patient, that instructor failed utterly
@allipi8571 5 жыл бұрын
this is disturbing
@meghan-not-thee-stallion97 4 жыл бұрын
While I do think explicit and informed consent should be given prior to any educational exams done on an unconscious person, I do have to wonder if there was a patient who was unconscious for a procedure unrelated to their reproductive organs or genitals who had a pelvic exam or some other invasive exam done without knowledge or consent and something was discovered (a lump on an ovary, for example), would the patient then be told about the discovery after the procedure was finished or would it be kept under wraps and maybe have a note put in the chart to schedule a pelvic exam or something? Also, I think it's far more valuable to have students practice on a patient who is awake simply because they likely won't be able to experience the "greater relaxation of abdominal muscles" or have the ability to "open the speculum wider than they would if the patient was conscious" on a patient who is, well, actually awake. If you want greater, hell, try total relaxation and the ability to open the speculum wider, try a cadaver. I guarantee they won't feel a thing and, unlike these unknowing patients, they have in fact consented to the procedures prior to their death.
@scottmichael3902 5 жыл бұрын
I usually discuss with my female patients how I plan to do my rectal and vaginal exams after she is asleep as part of my "pre-op" history and physical. Teaching hospitals should discuss it but our non teaching hospital consents have it pre-printed but most docs DON'T really go over the consent very well. I'm just old school.
@mcthuggin9803 5 жыл бұрын
You should report those rapists. Like a good man would do, Scott.
@illailla5813 2 жыл бұрын
Damn... wtf
@2FlyCaptain 5 жыл бұрын
I think if they simply asked during informed consent 90% of women would be ok with it as long as you are up front, honest, and explain the rationale. This is definately a moral issue.
@wmdkitty 5 жыл бұрын
As long as there's no physical damage to my body, and it's relevant to the procedure I'm undergoing? OK. I've been used for far worse.
@azula08 5 жыл бұрын
Sorry you've felt used and now doesnt give af about your body. I haven't and still treat my body with respect. So you do you. But dont speak on behalf of other women~
@wmdkitty 5 жыл бұрын
@@azula08 I only spoke for myself, sweetie.
@theuofc 5 жыл бұрын
The operative word here is "USED." You better believe it. Without your consent having some male students stick their fingers in your vagina and rectum and penetrate you is called RAPE.
@PatientModesty 5 жыл бұрын
This is why every woman should have a personal advocate such as husband present for surgeries. Check out our video, Surgery and Your Modesty at
@bigbnlc 5 жыл бұрын
Wtf are you talking about we did awake real people that consented prior. I am an anesthesiologist. If I saw this I would report it immediately. Jesus.
@BabyJustn 5 жыл бұрын
Is it bad that I don’t see the problem with this? I mean yes it should be added to the consent but then you are risking losing a lot of learning opportunities. These doctors need the experience to learn so that they can help others in the future. It is not for sexual purposes, it is for learning and they are performing the exact same procedure under the supervision of an attending.
@bradyreid9270 5 жыл бұрын
@@ValidityJ Obviously, true informed consent is essential. However, to say "it's called cadavers" is unrelated to the topic and inaccurate. Cadaver dissection is extremely helpful when learning anatomy, but of little to no benefit when learning how to complete a proper physical examination. The preserved tissue (cadaver) is in no way similar and palpation/tactile sensation is basically unrelated to what would be expected from an alive patient.
@garrettc.9451 5 жыл бұрын
I completely agree that it is vital for physicians-in-training to correctly learn how to perform medical exams at the feet of trained physicians. Without this ability, medical students will never learn how to translate ideas and concepts learned from their preceptors into procedural knowledge that can benefit their future patients, which you specifically pointed out. However, Dr. Damania (ZDoggMD) brought up an important ethical code that must guide physicians as they work with patients: respect for autonomy. Autonomy is the principle that patients have the freedom to choose for themselves what is best for their body after a physician has explained the risks and benefits of a procedure and requested consent. While medical professionals are trained to work in ways that benefit their patients, sometimes the physician’s values do not align with their patient’s values. This could be due to the patient’s personal preferences or dislike of particular procedural risks, family values, or religious beliefs. In situations where a physician’s values do not align with patient values, patients must have the final say in the matter because it is the patient who will ultimately have to live with the consequences of medical intervention, whether these consequences are good or bad. In addition to patient autonomy being vital due to a patient’s ownership of self, physician respect for patient autonomy is also integral to trust within the patient-physician relationship. If a patient ever believes that a physician might force a procedure upon them that doesn’t align with their values, they might choose not to receive any type of medical care in certain situations, which can put them at risk. In the case of unconsented pelvic exams performed under anesthesia by physicians-in-training, lack of consent breaks the principle of self-autonomy and puts the physician-patient relationship in jeopardy. Lastly, I’d like to mention that ensuring that consent is received from patients does not mean that future physicians will be undertrained. While it is likely that a small subset of patients would reject student involvement in their care, a study performed in 2005 showed that 90% of patients were willing to give consent for medical student involvement in their care ( There are certainly enough learning opportunities for physicians-in-training during residency that, along with the appropriate checks and balances in medical education, will ensure that our future physicians are well-trained.
@Nikki889-t8e 5 жыл бұрын
Your sick in the head
@TheHestya 5 жыл бұрын
The thing is that most people would be ok with it as long as they were asked for consent. There wouldn't be large losses to training opportunities. I've never said no to any training done on me and neither has my mother or my grandmother. To be fair, it has not involved these kinds of examinations, but it has involved nurses in training being there for my grandmother's colposcopy, looking at the screen where my grandmother's cervix was filmed. She was fully awake and consented to them being there. Because most people value learning and understand that they need to experience these things. But not behind our backs!
@SuicideRedemption 4 жыл бұрын
I'd never give consent for that and if they did it anyways I'd sue the fuck out of them
@lynnehood2198 4 жыл бұрын
Tantamount to rape - for whatever reason without consent. No, No ...NOOOO! If I Don't have consent directly and personally ...I will not touch that patient. That means that my patients are safe in my custody. THIS IS THE DIFFERENCE between doctors and Nurse Practitioners. WE are the advocate for the patients always and in every case..
@knotheadusc 5 жыл бұрын
Frankly, if I could be under anesthesia, I'd be more likely to get pelvic exams done. With consent, I'd be alright with it.
@nathanward4899 5 жыл бұрын
In a medical context, why should this be worse than any other procedure performed without consent? It’s completely unacceptable yes, but I see comments comparing this to rape. If a med student stuck his hand up my bum to practice an exam, or examined my genitals while I was having knee surgery, would I feel that my bodily autonomy was not respected and expect consequences? Yes. Of course. Again, it’s completely unacceptable. BUT: I’d be almost as uncomfortable with a med student performing ANY procedure without me being informed of the possibility. Framing the issue as a sexual one does two negative things: it causes an over emotional uproar about the pelvic exam and similar procedures, and moves the discussion away from the fact that any procedure performed by a student should be done so with informed consent, not just the icky ones.
@nathanward4899 5 жыл бұрын
Joy Wolfenbarger you didn’t read my whole comment did you? I specifically said that ANY non consented student performed procedure is a violation. Thanks for indicating you’re not here for a good discussion though.
@nathanward4899 5 жыл бұрын
Joy Wolfenbarger and actually, I probably would consent to student examination. Only one or two of them though.
@kk70x7 5 жыл бұрын
It's invasive. Examing a knee or whatever is not the same. The pelvic area of any patient should be off limits without either consent or cause.
@nathanward4899 5 жыл бұрын
kk70x7 AND ANOTHER PERSON WHO DIDN’T READ MY COMMENT CLOSELY ENOUGH. I clearly said unconsented pelvic examinations are unacceptable.
@kk70x7 5 жыл бұрын
@@nathanward4899 Actually, I read every word and I don't agree that any exam without consent holds the same gravity. We've always held that pelvic exams are a bit of a special situation in healthcare. I wonder if you are actually in this profession.
@Uhlbelk 5 жыл бұрын
If you are palpating ovaries, I hope the woman is under anesthesia :D lol, sorry just making fun of the theoretical vs practical physical exam.
@kimlandefeld3005 3 ай бұрын
I call baloney on your new 'concern' for patients. Even when patients make their wishes known, verbally or in writing, they do this anyway because they decided a long time ago that patients didn't need to give consent. There is NO reason to EVER do a pelvic exam without KNOWN consent of the patient. Not by virtue of 'needing to learn' or any other baloney reason. Many women report being horribly harmed during this supposed 'necessary' examination. You can get your training from AWAKE and AWARE women. It has been PROVEN that the pelvic exam is useless for many women and NOT necessary unless there is an issue. Any doctor who has done this is guilty of SA. You can't walk back what YOU did. You and your ilk are just as guilty as the person who SAs a woman who is too drunk and doesn't know what is happening. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU.
@Nikki889-t8e 5 жыл бұрын
This is a violation of a womans rights to her body. Under no circumstance is it okay to ever perform any medical exam on someone just to further your medical training. I am disgusted and I hope you get charged with sexual you vile human
@askjorge6155 5 жыл бұрын
They do this all the time in other developing countries...for the students to learn
@theuofc 5 жыл бұрын
"They" do a lot of things to women in developing countries like cutting off their clitoris. And the excuse re: students learning is invalid without a patient's consent and thorough understanding BEFOREHAND.
@askjorge6155 5 жыл бұрын
I don't think its rape because medical students have to learn or they are not going to be able to help their future patients. As longest, they are doing it for educational purpose. Good bye
@theuofc 5 жыл бұрын
HEL-LO, Jake. So anything goes when it comes to medical students? Give. Me. A. Break. How about consulting the patients before hand and getting their writing? That allows for student learning and more important for ethical treatment and respect of the patient.
@mattienewgent7309 4 жыл бұрын
but you have to ask for consent dumbass
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