Doctors, what patient lacked so much common sense that you were surprised they were still alive?

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4 ай бұрын

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@DarthZ01 3 ай бұрын
the man who keeps shutting off his oxygen machines is so nutty. thats like saying 'man, my chest is uncomfortable, let me just remove my lungs before bed to feel better'
@S3IIL3CT 3 ай бұрын
That helmet feels uncomfortable. Life vest too. Who needs those anyways.
@Benjamin1986980 2 ай бұрын
I don't know, it might have been a deliberate act on his part. If I was stuck to that sort of setup with no hope of improvement. I would probably turn it off at one point as well
@flowerpower8722 2 ай бұрын
@@Benjamin1986980 I know, right. It doesn't take much effort to imagine the terrible life.
@marquisdelafayette1929 Ай бұрын
@@Benjamin1986980yeah I agree. I was confused about the “too cold” comment since I have an oxygen concentrator in my room and after running for 45 mins the room is a friggin sauna. I already decided if I have the choice between no treatment and say 1 year or treatment that makes me miserable and 2 years then I’d take less time easily. I hate when people are anti euthanasia when they would never let a pet suffer in a similar situation without calling it abusive. It’s always extending life regardless of the cost physically, mentally, and also monetarily. Like running a full code on your 93 year old grandma in organ failure because “she’s a fighter”. So now grandma has 5 broken ribs and has machines keeping her “alive”. What kind of life is that? People refuse to accept death and that it is natural… just because you CAN keep someone alive doesn’t mean that you SHOULD keep them alive.
@lorenzocassaro3054 Ай бұрын
At this point it's just natural selection, ffs!
@Marconius6 3 ай бұрын
That one woman refusing to give her baby life-saving medication absolutely should not have been allowed to take the kids home without calling CPS...
@marikothecheetah9342 3 ай бұрын
Came to comment on that. CPS should have been called regardless her agreeing to medical procedures or not. Next time she won't bring that child to the hospital at all. :/
@hedonismbot1508 3 ай бұрын
@@marikothecheetah9342 Aren't healthcare workers *required by law* to report such things to the proper authorities?
@brianbelson9834 3 ай бұрын
100% agreed parents refusing medical treatment for their children and instead turning to “holistic medicine” is abhorrent to hear about because children are quite frankly the most vulnerable to illness and diseases yet never get vaccinated or even see a doctor, just pitiful.
@marikothecheetah9342 3 ай бұрын
@@brianbelson9834 Yeah, that is why a majority of vaccinations are given to children.
@KatieDeGo 3 ай бұрын
Unfortunately they can claim religious beliefs and not treat their child
@LizFromDecencyUnited 3 ай бұрын
A friends wife called me one day, because her 4 yr old son had cut his hand on a broken plate. I was like, umm...ok, sure, I can come over, I guess.... Tho, I was wondering why she needed ME to come over and put a band aid on her kid's hand. (I had no kids of my own, had never been a mother, but oh well!) So, I get there, and she drags me into the bathroom...... It looked like a murder scene! There was blood EVERYWHERE!! Like, way, way more blood than a little cut from a broken plate! I immediately grabbed her son, held his hand up to see what was going on, only to see his entire palm laid open from one side to the other! An obvious, serious, ER and stitches needing injury! Bleeding like a faucet! As I was scooping the boy into my arms and rushing out the door, yelling at her to GET ME A FREAKING TOWEL AND HURRY!... she just kept saying! "It will stop soon! It WILL! His hand only has 'so much blood in it', 'right?' - - I admit, it took me a full beat to register what it was she'd said to me! Like, wait..what??? She thought that there was only a fixed amount of blood, IN HIS HAND, and when his HAND was empty, it would naturally stop bleeding! This woman had TWO kids!!! It took me the whole 15 minute drive to the ER, and then some, to explain to her how the human circulatory system worked and how she almost let her son bleed to death!!! (yes, I admit, I was a bit umm... harsh ...with her, but given the situation...) To this day it amazes me that a grown ass woman, who had given birth, TWICE, didn't understand where the blood in a person's body came from! And that NO, it's not just the couple of tablespoons a single toddler's hand could hold!
@souldancersbyjennifer 3 ай бұрын
No word 🤦🏻‍♀️
@Highly-censored 2 ай бұрын
The worst part is that other people suffer for the Darwin candidate's lack of sense.
@LizFromDecencyUnited 2 ай бұрын
@@Highly-censored I hear ya! Insanity runs rampant.
@kristintarpley8350 2 ай бұрын
On the one hand (no pun intended), you can’t know that what you “know” is incorrect until it comes up in the presence of someone who knows better and who will set you straight with the facts. On the other hand…what in the world?!? We have all the world’s knowledge literally at our fingertips, yet we are constantly surrounded by the ignorant and misinformed. 😑
@Highly-censored 2 ай бұрын
@@kristintarpley8350 I've been saying this for 25 years! Stop asking and look it up!
@BoxOKittens 4 ай бұрын
That first one struck a cord. I used to work in animal care and it's insane how many people put their cats on vegan diets. CATS. aka obligate carnivores. Without meat they will go blind and their organs shut down. It's terrible.
@maroontiger1361 4 ай бұрын
I don't understand people who do that. Like just get a rabbit for God's sake don't make your cat suffer because you're uncomfortable with their meat eating.
@kaycollarfeild 4 ай бұрын
​@maroontiger1361 so many pets needing homes that just eat veggies and pellets like damn -
@nowandaround312 4 ай бұрын
​@@maroontiger1361 I think they're convinced it's good for their cat's health, they don't understand that their cat is suffering until it's so severe they need vet care. That's no excuse though. If you have a pet you have a responsibility to research how to care for it properly. So many people are stupid and never bother to fact check anything.
@aboveaverageazzuen2684 4 ай бұрын
Serously. If you are a vegan and you're not comfortable with having a pet who eats meat... There's plenty of other animals out there who are happy to eat veggies and tofu and pellets Get a bunnyrabbit. Or heck. Get some rats (please get them from the pet store and not off the street) Serously, there is a reason why they're called "Pocket Puppies" they're affectionate, they're smart and they are the cutest little things. Also, obligatory Rectum? Damn Near killed him!
@darcybrummett7004 4 ай бұрын
I wonder how That Vegan Teacher’s dog is doing.
@johannes4123 4 ай бұрын
That third story, how does someone not realize that the keeps-you-alive machine needs to be kept on to keep you alive? You'd think that him nearly dying every time they turn it off would be enough to realize that maybe the doctors were right about them needing to keep it on
@Breathe-In-and-Out Ай бұрын
I would think the ability to breathe would be worth the price of loud machines and annoying hoses.
@generalgreevus8773 Ай бұрын
Because they are stupid
@Ratatorque Ай бұрын
​@@Breathe-In-and-Out apparently not to those two
@fuzzyizmit 4 ай бұрын
"Driving by memory"... upon hearing those words my whole body just shuddered. What a terrifying thought that some people think that this is okay to do.
@sankalppatidar4975 4 ай бұрын
How do you even do that for 3 years man
@Wendy_O._Koopa 4 ай бұрын
@@sankalppatidar4975 How do you even do that once, at all? Like the blind speedruns thing, there would have to be all these setups.
@AshLilyNeko 4 ай бұрын
IME old people KNOW that doing stuff like this is wrong, that is why they dont tell anyone or talk about it. if they didnt know it was wrong they wouldn't be ashamed to admit it. however the older people get the more they seem to revert to a toddler-like state where they are really only concerned about themselves and maybe family, so them wanting to be independent and still take care of themselves ends up trumping any consideration for other people's safety. I told my dad for years to get my lunatic grandpa off the road - he would drive well under the speed limit on highways, half in and out of the emergency lane for some unknown reason without allowing anyone to pass him. I told him that I thought he was showing signs of dementia. My dad said I was being dramatic, until he got in the car with my grandpa and he started driving the wrong way on a 45MPH road because "oh well it was just for a little bit" even though they were driving directly towards rapidly approaching traffic. This was about 5 years AFTER I warned my dad the first time about his driving. Terrifying to imagine what other insane driving maneuvers he did during that time, especially considering he was also an alcoholic. anyways this is why I firmly believe that after a certain age, maybe like after a certain average of people start showing signs of dementia, they should make people come back in for driving tests and vision tests at the DMV more often like they do for teenagers. the risk is just too much tbh. plus it would probably cut down alot on "silver alerts" where old people forget where they are and go missing.
@MindCaged 4 ай бұрын
Like how would that possibly work? Even if you know the timing of the turns and everything are there no freaking stop lights? Or other cars? Can he /kind/ of see blurry stuff but not really, but /couldn't/ see the tent?
@ShaimingLong 4 ай бұрын
@@MindCaged Chances are his vision didn't decline to that severity instantly, he had time to gradually adapt to driving with worsening vision until it got to the point it was too poor to rely more on memory than his limited visibility. Another point towards figuring out a means of testing licensed road users for their suitability to stay on the road as they age. As an aside, an old neighbour of mine has/had some significant breathing issues he was in strong denial over. He would often faint when doing house work and when sleeping his snoring was so bad he would wake up every half an hour or so gasping and groaning, yet up until the point he moved he was driving daily, would claim that other than being a 'little' over weight he was in perfect health, despite obviously being significantly over weight and having to wrestle his belly under the steering wheel getting in his car. If he hasn't already, I'm certain he'll die in his car, I just hope he doesn't take out other people with him.
@okay5652 4 ай бұрын
The person who only feeds their cats only a couple times a week shouldn’t be allowed to have pets. That’s animal abuse. EDIT: It got SO much worse O.O
@moonstar_draws6283 4 ай бұрын
I absolutely agree
@CJO-no1 4 ай бұрын
Yes but he got told not to do that and did what a professional told him to do, maybe a little stupid but he shure is one of the better ones here.
@SingingSealRiana 4 ай бұрын
What even was the Logic, Like with less regular feeding He should have increased the Portion size . . . .
@Dreamscape195 4 ай бұрын
We only feed our cat a couple times a week… …but by feeding I mean filling the small gravity feeder as soon as it’s empty.
@tfordham13 4 ай бұрын
​@arianewinter4266 probably something like it was a more natural feeding system
@thecatsarealright 3 ай бұрын
Story 12 reminds me of a teenage couple who came to pick up the girl's newly prescribed birth control pills at the pharmacy I used to work at. To this day I'm glad they casually informed me that they intended to share the burden of hormonal contraception and take turns ingesting the pills. Had to inform them that, although it was a heartwarming idea, that's not how this works.
@ValleyOakPaper 3 ай бұрын
@QueenMonny 3 ай бұрын
@S3IIL3CT 3 ай бұрын
I'm glad you could teach them lmao
@conlon4332 3 ай бұрын
I'm glad you were able to teach them not to do that. It would just mean the girl didn't get the dose she needed for it to be effective, and the guy might get some unwanted effects, especially if it was the combined pill.
@Highly-censored 2 ай бұрын
And regardless of how much peanut butter I use, this "vaginal jelly" tastes horrible!
@Ms3queen 3 ай бұрын
The dude on two oxygen tanks should have been in some sort of long-term care facility with constant monitoring.
@S3IIL3CT 3 ай бұрын
@L-ghtlessSky 3 ай бұрын
@@S3IIL3CTbecause everyone there was an idiot
@mcsy98 3 ай бұрын
@@S3IIL3CTbecause there had already been so many incidents of him and his wife messing around with the oxygen tanks that are keeping him alive, and it’s in everyone’s best interest that that doesn’t happen so he doesn’t die the way he eventually did. the dude literally turned off the only thing saving him from death like come on now, someone needed to watch him like a hawk 😭
@S3IIL3CT 3 ай бұрын
@@mcsy98 I'm not sure if having him in a hospital instead is in everyones best interest honestly.
@mcsy98 2 ай бұрын
@@S3IIL3CT a caretaker can go to their home if they don’t want to stay at the hospital, but either way at least he’ll be alive
@burndowntheworld 4 ай бұрын
If you can drive for 3 whole years from just your memory and not be pulled over, then thats just insane.
@AshLilyNeko 4 ай бұрын
honestly wonder if cops just kept going easy on her for being an old lady, which is equally scary
@jenkor513 3 ай бұрын
No that is ridiculously good driving lol
@QuikVidGuy 3 ай бұрын
There must be NO traffic in that town
@S3IIL3CT 3 ай бұрын
@@QuikVidGuy or its a small place and everybody knows them already and gets out the way xD
@eabryn 2 ай бұрын
No kidding. I can’t walk through my bedroom safely in pitch black without hitting something and I know it pretty well.
@sallylika 4 ай бұрын
My patient was supposed to receive a blood transfusion, I connected it to the IV and stated that it would take about 45 minutes for the transfusion bag to empty, and I would then remove it myself. After some time, I noticed the patient had removed the infusion line from his IV in his arm and placed it in his mouth, sucking on it like a straw. He thought he was doing me a favour by speeding up the transfusion process. I still cat believe this man had no issues just straight up gulping down almost a pint of human blood.
@ValleyOakPaper 3 ай бұрын
@QueenMonny 3 ай бұрын
That's quite hysterical. Obviously idiotic, but hysterical. 😂
@lorierush6561 3 ай бұрын
@gummy2bear358 3 ай бұрын
maybe vampires do exist
@tjones3393 Ай бұрын
I honestly don't know what my reaction would be. 😮
@witchy90210 4 ай бұрын
People never think doctors are the answers to their prayers
@GAMER32231 3 ай бұрын
@mcsy98 3 ай бұрын
I’m pretty sure they fully expect to see the clouds part with light shining through as Jesus descend from the sky
@fredbearpostsfnaf9314 3 ай бұрын
No, that’s just the nuts and those who were not taught properly by a good church/place of faith. Many take the Bible too literal or don’t read full context of the Bible teachings. It says God will provide, but also says God said he wouldn’t directly perform miracles like he used to, but would always be there. It also says to help others and such. Yet they forget that means others helping them is also a sign of God, as love is a sign of God being there. Like, it’s similar to how people say God doesn’t support divorce or going against parents when it clearly says to do so in situations that make it necessary. If a spouse is actively neglecting or abusing their spouse, they can separate, and for kids to cut abusive/neglectful parents that are bad influences out of their lives. If you ever get told something that you know is wrong is said in the Bible by someone else, look it up, it probably does say it, but also look up other texts that cover the same topic. Starters, the Old Testament was acknowledged as being flawed and the New Testament is supposed to replace the old as an improved version. Bible says not to divorce, but then it also says situations in which you can. Those are two different chapters. You cannot only read one section written in a topic. Also, half the Bible is metaphorical, which it’s even stated in certain stories that it’s a metaphor. People don’t read the Bible very well, but the Bible being open for interpretation is also why many people have different views on certain quotes. Bible says God will provide, but also says you need to work and take care of yourself if able bodied. So, yeah.
@fredbearpostsfnaf9314 3 ай бұрын
Dang I wrote a lot.
@briarelyse5136 Ай бұрын
If that were the case it makes every god or goddess true.
@retiredtom1654 2 ай бұрын
I'm retired police. I clearly remember the last "Baby Not Breathing" call I responded too. The paramedics were there upon my arrival working on the infant. They asked me to transport them to the hospital as the ambulance was several minutes away. Sadly, the baby did not survive... the reason, mom & dad used excessive baby powder which coated his lungs preventing him from getting oxygen. As bad as that was, we later found out that those same parents lost a child a year prior... FOR THE SAME REASON!
@kariissmol9172 Ай бұрын
Another reason there should be an international parenting licence mandate
@empressmarowynn 4 ай бұрын
My mom genuinely believes that having sex with multiple partners can make an STD spontaneously appear, due to too many different sperm mixing together (even if these different partners were months apart). Even if every one of them is completely STD free she thinks it just happens out of nowhere. She also thinks it can cause endometriosis. Any attempt to explain that she's wildly misinformed is met with skepticism. Telling her that I had symptoms of endo even as a young teen when I'd never even kissed someone yet still doesn't convince her.
@mzdrizzle 4 ай бұрын
Guess you take after your dad, and thank fucking god…
@Khaleesi_Of_Kittens 4 ай бұрын
Thats just stupid.
@ghostlylover99123 4 ай бұрын
I don't think she was taught s*x ed correctly. Even if she was, I don't think she was paying attention.
@boogiebear3095 3 ай бұрын
Me who is abstinent: why does my endo exist 😭 all joking aside, as long as everyone is checked and practicing safe sex, that’s what counts.
@samwestminster9135 3 ай бұрын
I've met someone that thinks like this story. Genuinely thought that STDs just happen if you have too much sex. Virgin(s) or not. Only would be intimate with other virgins and would have sex rarely because didn't want the STDs to MAGICALLY APPEAR
@myeternalteardrop 4 ай бұрын
The one refusing medication for her kid because she "doesn't know what's in it". I'd have asked the lady if she knew what was in the herbal tea. Even things that are all natural are comprised of chemicals. There's literally nothing you can consume that doesn't have some sort of chemical makeup to it.
@lilnibba2905 3 ай бұрын
Yeah but medicine is not natural and can cause all kind of harm, especially to babies
@Chameleonred5 3 ай бұрын
​@@lilnibba2905This is sarcasm, I hope
@lilnibba2905 3 ай бұрын
@@Chameleonred5 Just be a sheep I guess, you know even the scientists you love so much are forced to admit it. Have you not noticed how so many people are autistic nowadays? What about gay people or transgender people?
@kimberlykasupski6498 2 ай бұрын
Even the air we breath is full of chemicals 😬
@lilnibba2905 2 ай бұрын
@@Chameleonred5 Yeah everybody being autistic because of weird chemicals like acetaminophen and birth control in our water is sarcasm, keep believing the doctors they are smarter than you.
@lisasweeney8158 3 ай бұрын
"No, because they speak Portugese in Brazil!" 😂😂😂
@rosameryrojas-delcerro1059 Ай бұрын
Yeah, the kid will come out swearing in Portuguese....
@danielvieira5831 Ай бұрын
​@@rosameryrojas-delcerro1059 PORRA!!!
@setsu-chon Ай бұрын
​@@rosameryrojas-delcerro1059 Brasil, caralho!
@Lyrebird.Rainwing 4 ай бұрын
Poor cat, glad that person was informed of their stupidity
@lizanna6390 4 ай бұрын
At least he listened to the vet.
@boogiebear3095 3 ай бұрын
My late cat had hyperthyroidism and people would judge me for feeding her wet food… like really? She needed to eat, so I fed her. I free feed dry food to my cats, and give them wet food when possible. Poor little kitty.
@id01_01 Ай бұрын
@Lyrebird.Rainwing Ай бұрын
@@id01_01 Indeed
@kernel378 Ай бұрын
And glad that they actually listened.
@gazettefan42 4 ай бұрын
My sister works for a vet and someone's dog was diagnosed with allergies and the owner said human and animal allergies are made up
@umbreonic766 4 ай бұрын
reminds me of a client who brought in his cat saying his cat was having seizures & was bleeding… poor thing was absolutely riddled with fleas and had started biting himself so much to itch he mutilated his front legs. the “seizure” the owner saw was the cat going crazy from being touched he was so itchy. when the vet told the owner the problem the owner was ADAMANT his cat didn’t have fleas, he was having seizures… sir we are watching the fleas have a pizza party on your pet
@red0421 4 ай бұрын
As someone who is milk white and gets rashes from face paint (literally got a rash in the shape of a star from face paint on my shoulder😂) I would argue the very visible, very bright, red rash is a pretty good bit of evidence that allergies are very, very real.
@AshLilyNeko 4 ай бұрын
ah, the ol' "I have never experienced something so it can’t be real" bit
@Hollyucinogen 4 ай бұрын
Me, a person with an allergy to gluten: ...😩...
@user-kn6vz1no3e Ай бұрын
The itching and redness of my skin dissapearing because apparently nickle allergy isn't a thing
@Dysan72 4 ай бұрын
Story 10: You think that's bad, one of the first patients to receive a LVAD, did something similar. And LVAD is a Left Ventricular Asist Device. Basically a small pump to help the heart pump blood to the body. Because this takes a fair amount of power, there is an external battery pack. Important distinction is this is not an artificial heart it is just there to take some of the strain off a failing heart, mostly as a bridge device until a transplant becomes available. So this patient was not a native English speaker. So there were some miscommunications about follow up care, and he ghosted the Doctor completely for follow up care, and his contact info was out of date, so he walked out of the hospital and disappeared. Several months (maybe a year?). He comes back to the hospital for something else, and they go to triage him. He has no pulse. Walking, talking, breathing. Looking fairly healthy. But no pulse. In the time between leaving and now his heart had gone from Failing to FAILED. But this wonderful little pump was still there spinning away pushing blood through his entire circulatory system, with no apparent issues. So this guy became one of the first pulseless people.
@askandpushpaltiwary8537 4 ай бұрын
that's scary af
@takay6502 4 ай бұрын
Wooow that's crazy but pretty cool too, I'm curious of what happened next?
@LaeLiHeart 4 ай бұрын
but but how did it get new blood for his organs WHAAAAT
@Dysan72 4 ай бұрын
@@LaeLiHeart it was pumping the blood through the whole circulation system. Arteries to veins, back to the heart, through the lungs, back to the heart again, and finally back to the LVAD.
@Dysan72 4 ай бұрын
@takay6502 that particular patient I'm not sure. Others stay on it till they can get an actual transplant. Others just stay on it, and and I believe few eventually we able have it removed as with the LVAD, and less strain on the heart, the heart actually improved. But I can't find a source for that last one at the moment.
@randomguy2981 3 ай бұрын
That one story about the wife and husband constantly unplugging his oxygen reminded me of a 4 or 5 year old kid who just found out they could take the batteries out of a toy, and get upset when it isn’t turning on while the batteries are out
@MrBleakwinter1983 3 ай бұрын
Not any medical qualifications , but I was at a person's house who had a male and female kitten, I asked if they were going to be spayed/neutered , she said no they would be indoor cats, I said yeah but they male and female , she was adamant that nothing would happen as they were siblings . This from a pregnant lady .....
@grmpEqweer Ай бұрын
A female cat in heat will pee everywhere, too. Un neutered male cats tend to spray as well. Spaying/neutering is also a good way to keep your cats from peeing on your stuff.
@unleonsitooo 4 күн бұрын
​@@grmpEqweer And acting insane too, basically. Just like any teenager who starts wilding due to hormones, cats will do the same, just that, in cat way. So yeah, doing that is the best, unless you want to witness some really bizzarre stuff
@darcybrummett7004 4 ай бұрын
13:22 I know common sense isn’t common but for grown adults to think a surgeon is being mean to not let the parents’ child eat anything X hours before surgery tells me said parents shouldn’t have kids.
@TheGallantDrake 8 күн бұрын
The fact that they thought this was something other adults would do...
@neurodivergentnetizen4535 4 ай бұрын
Apparently, farmers will never give up doing farm work unless they're on deaths door.
@kahare9565 4 ай бұрын
Dr. Glaucomflecken has a hilarious short about this
@Roadent1241 4 ай бұрын
Have farmers as neighbours. Can confirm.
@MrInitialMan 4 ай бұрын
An EMT once told me that farmers are a different breed altogether.
@LamanKnight 4 ай бұрын
And sometimes, doing farm work is exactly what will bring them to Death's door. (I can just imagine the Grim Reaper sighing and saying, "Oh, you. I was wondering when you'd show up. Well, come on in.")
@LuminetheoneandHOLY 4 ай бұрын
Even dead they continnue working. 😅
@TetrisKing 4 ай бұрын
The first guy should get a reptile if he only wants a pet he can feed twice a week. 😂
@CuoriRubati Ай бұрын
That's what I was thinking... why is he feeding his cat like it's a snake? lol
@MrEricSir 4 ай бұрын
Having recently been catheterized while I was under anesthesia and then naively went to the bathroom shortly after waking up, the pain is INTENSE -- and that's if you had the catheter removed by a medical professional. Whatever that guy must have gone through is much, much worse than mopping up some blood.
@SevenGC89 4 ай бұрын
Not to scar you worse but what a lot of ppl prob didn't realize is when a urinary cath is placed a little tiny balloon is inflated at the inside end of that cath inside the bladder to keep it from just sliding out and the balloon is big enough that it would cause MASSIVE trauma if pulled out the way this dude did, I would honestly be surprised if he didn't have to self cath himself for the rest of his life now **shudder**
@mentak2593 2 ай бұрын
Had a patient who was an insulin-dependent diabetic. He’d had both legs amputated, was blind and on dialysis- all as a result of his diabetes. I caught his wife sneaking in bags of full-sugar gummy bears, regular coke, burgers and French fries. Both were indignant when confronted about it.
@moonstar_draws6283 4 ай бұрын
Crystals, man…my aunt once had dangerously low levels of a mineral she needs and had to go to the hospital and it took her weeks to recover. While this was happening, my grandma(other side of the family), was like “oh she needs to hold [insert certain rock I can’t remember]! Its energy will transfer the mineral to her!” And then I asked her to explain exactly why that would help and she just ignored me. I mean, at least she tried helping
@CJO-no1 4 ай бұрын
Low minerals is one of the few things you could technically solved with "healing" Cristals
@EarlyAttempts 4 ай бұрын
She should eat stuff with [insert doctor's rock] in it instead!
@grymhunter2849 4 ай бұрын
Even as a pagan that uses crystals in certain ways, I can tell you with absolute certainty that that is not how that works grandma.
@moonstar_draws6283 4 ай бұрын
@@CJO-no1 Yeah but you'd have to it...or something
@moonstar_draws6283 4 ай бұрын
@@grymhunter2849 Yeah I don't mean to like offend anyone who uses crystals or anything it's just that it makes no sense to me what she was trying to say XD
@TAiiNE 3 ай бұрын
btw if you are curious as to the footage used in the background. It's a game called ABZU, made by the save devs that made Journey. It would be classed as a 'walking' sim as in if you wanted you could just swim right to the end in a few hours. But there is a LOT to explore, and a deep meaning storyline hidden away told in murals and the areas you go to make more sense if you discover these things. You go in to this story knowing the same information as the character you play, and come out of it at the end with the same information and its one of those, you interpret what the story is, what it all means. It has a unique art style and is very relaxing, if you like sea life its a bonus as there is such a wide range of creatures you can find.
@bigheart423 Ай бұрын
thank you, i really wanted to know what game it was!
@TAiiNE Ай бұрын
@@bigheart423 It's really worth it. The unique art style, music, sounds it's all very soothing. Controls take a bit to get used to but there's no enemies you need to face and the worst that happens to you is you get stunned. But it has a deep storyline told by the environment encouraging you to explore.. Even the replayability I find is there as sometimes I'll just idle though a level enjoying the sights or interacting with the sea life, or exploring to see if theirs any hidden bits of lore I missed to further fill in the picture. I like it a lot, for a 'walking sim' it's darn good.
@thatone7793 4 ай бұрын
I'm a symptom researcher. The doctors in my area are of the opinion that the patient doesn't need information about their health conditions. I was told I had a hiatal hernia. No mention that I shouldn't lift weights even though I specifically asked. Only found out through an internet search. Asked if the hernia was caused by my GERD or if the GERD was from the hernia. I was told I got the hernia because I'm fat. Acid reflux issues are often the cause of hiatal hernias. I have plenty of other examples. When I lived in a different state, my doctors would sit down and take the time to explain what was going on. But here, I have to look up half of what I'm told and find out everything I'm not told. My doctor didn't even explain what a hiatal hernia was, let alone what to do about it or how to manage symptoms. Sometimes, relying on Dr. Google is all you've got.
@Uffda. 4 ай бұрын
Hey, weird aside, but if you’re also particularly flexible or have like joint problems or chronic pain, fatigue, it may be worth learning about/asking about connective tissue disorders (i.e. Ehlers-Danlos and such).
@mzdrizzle 4 ай бұрын
That’s because your docs are also using google. They spend eight years at university to fucking google shit.
@gummy2bear358 3 ай бұрын
isnt that kinda malpractice
@askylibrarianoftheoceans4102 3 ай бұрын
​@@gummy2bear358 it is, but Physicians' Colleges are worse than cops when it comes to protecting their own
@askylibrarianoftheoceans4102 3 ай бұрын
Sounds similar to stuff that happens to my mother all the time - hormone specific problems get dismissed because of her body-shape (not even her weight - which isn't that bad (so they ignore it) her SHAPE), and they usually say there's nothing wrong with her thyroid... That she doesn't have. Because it was surgically removed from her body. Because of thyroid cancer. Which the doctor should have known because it's probably the first fucking thing listed on her medical record. Doctor didn't even read her file.
@alexmiller3349 4 ай бұрын
Lab worker here About 4 months ago we had a child with meningitis, their CSF was basically entirely made of WBCs (for non medics here - that means puss in ones brain and spine) and they were in an intensive therapy unit for two weeks before they were discharged, safely, but not without consequences. The reason? Parents believed in "natural treatment" and gave them zero vaccines, not even the obligatory ones and brought the child for a "checkup" once they went unresponsive, then refused care for a couple of hours until social worker came and threatened them with CPS, only then they agreed to the necessary treatment. And this specimen certainly went into my collection of weird medical cases.
@kataseiko 3 ай бұрын
The ER has two kinds of patients. The type where you say "why did you come to us with that" and the "why didn't you come in much, MUCH sooner" kind. There's maybe one or two patients that fall in between those two, per doctor, per year.
@JomanJorito 4 ай бұрын
Why was one of the saddest parts of this video was when the shark died in the background game
@EarlyAttempts 4 ай бұрын
That game is called Abzu, it's rad, but there's only about 2-3 hours of playtime. One of my favorite games.
@youdontcare3 4 ай бұрын
I can't find it on playstore 😢​@@EarlyAttempts
@deadmausAce2 4 ай бұрын
@robertcain7630 2 ай бұрын
"common sense" is so rare these days it should be classed as a super power
@RobHorrorLive 19 күн бұрын
Or at least change the name.
@davidandrew1078 4 ай бұрын
Had a patient who used his hand to clean the chute of a lawn mower while it was running. Expected result occurred. Immediate surgery required.
@QueenMonny 3 ай бұрын
The girl whose appendix burst...can we assume she died? Because those parents should be charged with negligent homicide, if that's the case.
@Vic.Toria. 3 ай бұрын
My story to add to this is as follows: I run a small animal rescue in my home, I was contacted via text about a gerbil needing medical attention the family didnt know how to handle and didnt want to go to a vet- they drove almost 2 hours to me, show up in a nice vehicle, bunch of kids all well dressed etc so evidently money isnt the issue here- I get more info that the gerbil had been put in with another one randomly and they fought (this is nearly textbook gerbil behaviour, they will fight to the death and cause major injuries). Im not surprised and this by far isnt the first of this ive had, they get the gerbil and hand it over im not joking when I say its upper body was barely attached anymore.. organs were eaten, this poor little critter was chewed apart everywhere, missing limb, bulging eyes, barely breathing- how it was alive is beyond me... and then they have the kids come one by one and wish the gerbil well/say bye and thank me for finding a new home for it, wanted updates on the family that gets it etc. I have been breeding gerbils for 10 years, ive had 43 litters over 150+ babies, ive run small animal rescue for 8 years and ive NEVER seen an animal that badly injured.. I did the correct thing and immediately put the gerbil down before they had even left the driveway (they never knew). Common sense when it comes to animals is nearly not existent but this is always my stand out story...
@Phynastor Ай бұрын
Honestly I had no idea gerbils would do that, many gerbils are caged together when you go to a place like a pet store and even if you googled all the things a gerbil needs like feed, bedding and stuff, you might not see in your research that there can be a danger of two same sex gerbils fighting eachother if they're not littermates.
@Vic.Toria. Ай бұрын
@@Phynastor Yeah its a huge issue with gerbils, mice and hamsters that gets overlooked (somewhat less so with hamsters), but actually even siblings will do this. Its called declanning- and it can really happen to any pair/group, the more gerbils the more likely it will happen- too much space with a pair that leads to them able to 'set up' their own homes in different locations can lead to it, stress, incorrect diet etc. Its very easy to actually avoid but it does seem daunting when you hear it at a glance and dont know what to look for. I've been reputably breeding gerbils for 10 years now and only had 2 instances of declanning from myself which were both caught early, only one of those ended with some injuries that were rather minor- and never had a client have this issue. Ive easily had into the hundreds of gerbils now so overall its not a big deal to manage. The biggest thing with them is proper introductions, slowly done and taken with lots of watching behaviours and reading how they act (and being ready with gloves just in case an introduction does poorly). There is thankfully lots of information out there now about how to do these things and what to look for, how to do it etc. The most common way to introduce is called the Split Cage Method, its easy and takes some time but no ones really told about it from pet stores sadly and the results are often very deadly. Pet stores seem to do everything possible thats incorrect for care of multiple species of animals so sadly Ive come to telling people never to trust what these people are saying. They often do not give the correct genders (of which in rodents is easy to figure out through a simple google images or facebook group),. Recommending plastic houses with all the crazy tubes and fun add ons- which arent suited for any species they try to aim it for are hard to clean and very expensive. Wheels that are mesh which catch feet and tails- and are never big enough so they actually cause damage to the animals spines. Incorrect diets that lack major things that the animals need (such as protein, fruits, veggies etc) but are full of things the animal doesnt benefit from at all. And selling animals well before ages they should be and from mill breeders- most pet stores get animals from mass mill breeders which means the animal is not stable health or behaviour wise, this shows really well in gerbils as they tend to have seizures especially if overstimulated, a key sign of this is a behavioural aspect of not enough proper socialization with people and environments at proper ages, poor breeding of just allowing any gerbils who will breed to produce offspring, and being removed from their mothers much too soon. This happens to really all pet store animals but some show it better than others in regards to the poor effects it causes that you wouldnt know at a glance. Once you see it however, you can never un-see it and it really is terrible on so many levels. Im happy to answer any questions, chat or tell stories for anyone who'd be interested now due to trying to educate people on whats truly best that they can provide for their animals or people they know. Its hard to admit when people have been doing things incorrectly, but it really shows who cares when people take interest
@countleviathan762 4 ай бұрын
I knew there were parents out there like that but as someone that has seizures story four makes me shake my head. For me I started having mine in middle school but I could only imagine an infant going through something like that. It baffles me how a parent can disregard medical care for their child like that, especially for something that serious.
@estherkeizer6080 4 ай бұрын
My daughter has had seizures a couple of time. It is a terrible sight to see and I can't imagine not seeking medical attention immediately. I hope you have outgrown your seizures.
@countleviathan762 4 ай бұрын
@@estherkeizer6080 I haven't outgrown them since it runs in my dad's family, but luckily I have found the right medicine that works for me. So as long as I take my medication regularly I no longer have them. But I hope your daughter is doing alright, I know that having seizures isn't easy to deal with and can be very scary at times.
@estherkeizer6080 4 ай бұрын
​@@countleviathan762 She doesn't have any seizures anymore.
@autumnwright16 3 ай бұрын
Hospital worker here. I once had a woman be admitted with a gaping wound in her arm, very obviously infected. Checking off all the signs. Arm was swollen, area was bright red and hot to the touch, leaking pus and the patient was running fevers. She says its been like this for about a week. The thing that really got me though, is when she asks. "Do you think its infected? Will I need some antibiotics?" Uh, yes ma'am, as sure as I have all 10 fingers
@craftyhobbit7623 4 ай бұрын
When I was doing animal care, one of my lecturers told this story about this bloke who had an owl (the lecturer was a bird of prey specialist) and the bloke was complaining that the owl wasn't eating - he asked the bloke what he was feeding it and the bloke said bird seed, like the stuff you give to budgies and canaries, based on the fact that the owl was a bird and birds eat bird seed... I find it ironic though that there are all these patients who won't go to the doctors for things, but when you've been having back pain, knee pain, leg pain for weeks going on months and you tell the medical person you see about it (when you're there for something else), they don't bother making you an appointment to check it out or the medical person dismisses it when you do, or they stick you on a waiting list that lasts months, or even ignore your request for an appointment. If a patient has had this done to them enough times, they don't bother seeking help because they think that the gp, nurse, hospital, etc, will just ignore it. I'm in the UK and I've seen it happen frequently.
@nicolad8822 Ай бұрын
Well don’t mention it as an aside then! Make it the main issue. Or go to a physio, they likely know more than the Doctor.
@vaiyt 16 күн бұрын
People who don't know anything about how animals work taking care of animals is my most hated genre.
@WittyKitten 4 ай бұрын
As a South Asian, the turmeric story cracked me up! majority of Indian dishes contain it and having stained nails/skin from it is totally normal. I even avoid getting light colored acrylic/gel nails if I'm planning a trip to India or only eating Indian food for a period of time because the yellow stains everything lol
@aboveaverageazzuen2684 4 ай бұрын
As someone who lives in what was once called "Tamil town" (another story behind that one for another day) I've seen many South Asians and Indian people who somehow Belive that antibiotics will cure them of everything. I had one guy who was at the densit office talking about how he wishes *gov't program to help small children get dental coverage* would help him.... Note that this guy has spent the last 25 minutes styling his hair and making himself all pretty like. And he says to the hygienist "Yknow I just love the feeling of my teeth when they're freshly bleached. Ooh just the best feeling yknow?" with that sleezebag smile that just really makes you go "Sir I'm a lesbian and married" the hygenist in all of her five foot glory goes without missing a beat "yes sir, well this is a program that is designed to help people such as your child who's in the exam room right now and could really use your help." My god, I just wanted to get up and clap for her because she shut that Drake Noir Bathing snake so quick
@nerissaangel5200 4 ай бұрын
Got in trouble with a mom of 9 that her kid that got the wind knocked out of them and was currently screaming was absolutely fine in the air department. I was 13 years old with no siblings and yet I knew that if you can scream then you can breathe
@61936 3 ай бұрын
Nature selection really lets a lot of people slip through its grasp
@kerryh3833 Ай бұрын
No it doesn't. The medical industry and health & safety culture of society, makes them survive. Natural selection would have ended them a long time ago.
@HappyGick Ай бұрын
​@@kerryh3833 Bro, some people in these stories live through things that the average person WOULDN'T live through. They ignore their doctors. And they still live. That's what the guy is talking about. If you ignore doctors under life threatening conditions you normally die, but these people somehow don't die.
@kyarimaresuki 4 ай бұрын
A professional contact of mine went through some emotional stuff, trained to be psychic, and is generally super woo. This impacts how I do my work, but worse, how her pets are treated. She goes through vets because eventually they get frustrated with her demands and because she is always better at diagnosis than them. They eat expensive meats sent to the house, she rants about "big kibble", puts the pets through absurd tests from questionable internet doctors to see which "toxins" are in their bodies when something is off. The most recent vet trip, she was in a hurry and didn't see what they put in a bag for her. She was upset because it was actual medicine for her pet. No medicine for them. Extracts and homeopathy. Fortunately, her logic is weird, so certain (potentially more risky) drugs do get in occasionally if she approves. It is a wonder they go to the vet at all (kind of like the mom with a feverish baby). The pets generally seem alright, she loves them so much. But the fact that they suffer longer from minor infections, mites because of their "holistic" lifestyle is frustrating. Most afflictions they suffer from are super easy to treat, but Mom knows best. :/
@joosyjulie 3 ай бұрын
I have sleep apnoea, I stop breathing in my sleep, (it's not snoring too much). On my two test nights, the longest I stopped breathing for was 2min 48seconds. I stopped breathing a total of 145 times or more each night. Without the machine I could easily die. I have a UPS (uninterupted power supply), between my cpap machine and the wall socket, so that if the power goes out, I keep breathing. Turning off my machine when I'm sleeping is a very big NOPE.
@doannad.1518 4 ай бұрын
I am an OTR, had a patient that was convinced she could regrow her foot after amputation
@Attaxalotl 3 ай бұрын
Was your patient a lizard?
@LittleKitty22 Ай бұрын
I knew a dude once that claimed if one doesn't eat hard things like nuts or apples all the time, one's teeth would keep growing longer and longer. That's what happens in RODENTS... he claimed to be a DENTIST!!!
@Jo-xn3yp 4 ай бұрын
The pacemaker story is the one that I find the most bizarre
@yiotatort 4 ай бұрын
my husband not that long ago had dinner that didn't feel like it had moved to the stomach, that night and for the entirety of the next day anything that tried to follow the dinner came back up, including saliva. The dinner however seemed to be perfectly happy to stay put. On the second day after an entire day of not being able to eat or drink anything he went to the ER. They tried to give him sugar water, which followed the same pattern as everything else. He eventually had to have the dinner remnants surgically removed from his esophagus.
@andream9470 2 ай бұрын
Wtf did he eat?
@yiotatort 2 ай бұрын
@@andream9470 steak - it was like he'd swallowed a 6oz sirloin whole
@JackFrost008 Ай бұрын
@@yiotatort that always goes well.
@Phynastor Ай бұрын
I'm kinda surprised they couldn't just intubate and push the food down into his stomach. That would really suck but i'd take that over surgery any day.
@yiotatort Ай бұрын
@@Phynastor the esophagus was inflamed, so I guess they thought they might create a tear if they tried pushing it down, especially if they didn't have a clear idea of what was causing the block. Pulling it up and out through a clear passage might've made more sense. He was sent home pretty quickly once he woke up after surgery.
@microsoftrock 4 ай бұрын
16:56 as someone of faith, while God can help, part of him helping is often directing you to a professional. This includes mental and physical health. Never hesitate to get help if you need it.
@cloudsgolden 4 ай бұрын
I swear, talking to people, it feels like doctors recheck those things every 2 hours. If God is going to heal it, the doctors are going to notice it is gone when they rescan. I have heard stories of tumors being healed and it never went, "I just ignored the doctor completely and it went away". Always, "I trusted God, and the doctors rescanned one last time, and it was no where to be found."
@aricthomas8349 3 ай бұрын
Matthew 9:12 "... Jesus said 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.'" Jesus is actively saying that doctors are helpful.
@mcsy98 3 ай бұрын
@@aricthomas8349The way those afflicted with disease and leprosy back then also _approched_ Jesus and actively sought help from him instead of these people praying in their homes and refusing to actually _seek out_ the help they need… I’m not even religious but even then, these people are still not following the very words that their religion preaches and I’d argue for their own Biblical texts ☠️
@Holychickendinner 2 ай бұрын
@Highly-censored 2 ай бұрын
"I sent you two boats and a helicopter! What more did you want?"
@IsYitzach 4 ай бұрын
Narrator's use of "impressive" goes will with British use of phrase, "a bold choice."
@fishyfish2935 Ай бұрын
Dude nearly dies almost every day because he unplugs his oxygen machine and somehow they never realized he needs that machine to live.
@grandheroking 4 ай бұрын
if they've "already done their own research" and think they know best then why do they even seek professional help....?!??!?
@mcsy98 3 ай бұрын
They want a second opinion that they know they will just reject anyway 🤦 maybe I should study psychology just to see what goes on in their minds 😭
@Chickenugget420 2 ай бұрын
You can research what could be wrong with your pipes but you would still call a plumber to fix the issue. Same goes for doctors. Research ≠ treatment.
@OrdericNeustry 2 ай бұрын
The words "the guy pulled out his catheter" are going to haunt me for a while.
@intercat4907 4 ай бұрын
I was a Corpsman. A Marine limped past me going into the barracks looking ... rumpled. I asked. He'd "fallen out of a window". I said, "On purpose?" He said "No" and I let him in. They'd been doing a "brotherhood/trust/bonding" thing and holding each other out the window by their ankles, and dropped him from the 3rd floor. Amazing he landed well; not overtly suicidal ... whaddya do?I'm a grandfather now, and maybe so is he.
@kariissmol9172 Ай бұрын
And people still ask why women have a higher life expectancy
@FeuerblutRM 3 ай бұрын
Apparently, an older lady in my family (never knew her, she was a distant relative to my grandfather) died a while ago. She had an injury on her leg and never went to the doctor. Caught a colossal sepsis and must have suffered excruciating pain for weeks. When she was finally brought into ER her ENTIRE leg was BLACK and necrotic (= rotten!) and there wasn't anything else the doctors could do but to give her elephant's doses of pain meds and let her go since her kidneys and liver already shut down from sepsis. Absolutely wild. You might want to consider going to the hospital at least as soon as you notice YOUR EFFING LEG IS TURNING BLACK!
@gummy2bear358 3 ай бұрын
is it ok for me to say that she is defo christian and 100% did NOT read the bible one bit
@tofistig 3 ай бұрын
I understand the desire not to want to drink the endoscopy fluid, it is absolutely abhorrent in taste, and you have to drink x amount of it in x amount of time. I almost threw up from it, and I'd much rather do a dozen or more enemas than drink that prescribed fluid again. It is so nasty. I knew I had to do it though, and after, the nurses gave me a package of juice and I'd never tasted anything as good.
@Majella-1995 4 ай бұрын
As an Optometrist, had a patient once who cleaned his eyelids daily with rubbing alcohol.
@Attaxalotl 3 ай бұрын
what exactly was his thinking there?
@gummy2bear358 3 ай бұрын
is he blind yet?
@LittleKitty22 Ай бұрын
I knew a dude once who washed his hands in pure bleach. He was obsessed with bleach, he used it for everything. Washing dishes, washing vegetables... you name it, he used bleach.
@neen42 Ай бұрын
@michellewaldrip8271 19 күн бұрын
@@LittleKitty22 Some kind of OCD?
@AnonOmis1000 4 ай бұрын
Wait a minute, you can't get back an item that is stuck in you? Like, funny story, but that is someone's property.
@wisteria3032 3 ай бұрын
finders keepers. jokes aside, let's say you get to the hospital with a wound and they have to cut your t-shirt to get to it. you wouldn't be asking to get it back. Even if you really wanted for some reason they probably couldn't because it would have come in contact with any kind of hospital thing. They usually just throw it away real quick. Let's just say that apart from valuables (purse and phone, documents and, if possible shoes - things that cost a lot and would be easy to take off you) you are not guaranteed to get out of the hospital with anything that was on you when you got in. If they had to somehow cut the dildo and take it out by pieces it would be the same, procedure-wise: you take it out of the patient and since it isn't needed for a biopsy you throw it away. It's just that in this specific case instead of throwing away in a bin they kept it. I don't even know if it was possible for them to give it back but I strongly doubt it was the guy's right.
@Anon26535 3 ай бұрын
He thought the cat was a snek. Easy mistake to make. They're both cute animals that eat mice and blep with their tongues.
@coffeecat086 4 ай бұрын
Oof! Corneal abrasions or injury are absolutely are no fun. From someone who is totally blind, and when I am legally blind in the other, because life sucks, sometimes and I was born about three months before I was supposed to be, which started most of it, eyes are precious things. Please take care of them.
@ptb1ptb2 4 ай бұрын
Two virgins having sex can't pass on (exclusively) STIs. However, people can lie about being virgins.
@Ruthavecflute 4 ай бұрын
Atually its not impossible. Babies can get STIs from there mum. Baby grows up, and you've got an adult with an STD who could be a virgin
@Sk8ngInDuval 2 ай бұрын
The pacemaker guy had my jaw on the floor for several minutes. How was he not dying of sepsis????
@bwiebertram 2 ай бұрын
The pacemaker guy was something out of a movie
@Heligany 4 ай бұрын
I just got my medical notes via a SAR and the number of times where the notes distort something I said so it makes no sense is a bit concerning. You wonder if they really didnt get the point you were making or if its deliberate. It backfires sometimes though, my GP was reading through a letter sent by a consultant once and she was saying my condition was being made worse by lack of use of medication. But my GP knew we had been through ever version of this medication and none of it had any effect on my condition; she had advised me to "try everything again". Neither I or my GP thought this made any sense at all. Mostly though notes are written to make to writer look good/ better especially if they discharge you in the same state. Distortion of facts is very common.
@ff-pj3de 3 ай бұрын
About the couple that shut off one of the husbands vital breathing… I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that they were probably old. Sometimes, certain people who are in certain stages of dementia can function very well in their daily lives, but have absolutely no way to adjust to new things and also no capacity to realize issues. Long term, certain important things cannot penetrate the fog. The guy should have been under closer observation. But if the couple could function well otherwise and what with costs and staffing, there is only so much you can do.
@michellewaldrip8271 19 күн бұрын
My grandmother's next door neighbors were slightly more elderly than she was; the wife had Alzheimer's, and the husband was blind and - I think - not very ambulatory. Unfortunately, their children were not close with them and also lived out of state, so they were more or less on their own with their health issues. When things became beyond the two of them combined, the wife would sometimes knock on my grandmother's door for assistance. One time, this happened while my husband (boyfriend in that time) and I were visiting my grandma. The wife came over, because she needed help lifting her husband from having fallen on the floor, I think. Not sure what led up to the incident, but fortunately, my dh was game to go over to their home and help, because my grandmother wouldn't have been able to lift a man off the floor. Other times, the wife would come over asking for help with food or some such. My grandma would go over to the house with her and ask the husband when they'd last eaten, because the wife didn't have the short-term memory to recall it. Eventually, the couple were moved to an assisted living facility, doubtless because either repeated calls to their children out of state or social services' concerns prompted them to be moved to where they could receive care.
@littleblackcar 2 ай бұрын
Domestic animals don’t have “in the wild”. They’re domesticated. Their natural habitat is in your house, being cared for by you.
@kariissmol9172 Ай бұрын
I agree, my dog will die if I even so much as attemt to feed him anything but wet food. He would rather starve than eat kibble. And I had to suffer because I tried to guve kibble, because he will try to get MY food.
@levanataylor790 13 күн бұрын
Thank you -- I will quote that.
@hyperslash2144 4 ай бұрын
Moment I heard lapis lazuli I immediately thought of android 17 and 18 😂😂
@ayoisha4609 4 ай бұрын
@georgiewatson8688 4 ай бұрын
This reminds me of Friends when Chandler asks Joey "how do you not fall down more?" 🤣🤣🤣
@Mewse1203 4 ай бұрын
THAT POOR CAT! Poor gato was starving
@NigelHatcherN 3 ай бұрын
Bet the rats had gone?
@andacondanation1933 3 ай бұрын
Story three should’ve had a negligence and/or attempted murder charge brought up against them. 😟
@HarrysIrishPrincess 4 ай бұрын
Why do some people think they know better than a doctor? If a doctor tells you not to do something, listen. It's not hard.
@SingingSealRiana 4 ай бұрын
Sometimes they do, thats the Problem. Medicine IS an extreamly wide field and you cant know everything and a Patient that only Had to Focus in on of two Things might BE more Up to Date then a doc, or have a medication interaction in mind, the doc plain forgot . . . Sadly this leads to absolut idiots thinking they can Just make Things Up and Docs in Return to distrust their patients that actually do know what they are talking about. Like for example, telling a Patient, to Just Drink more when there IS Zero correlation between their dizzyness and water intakte IS plain Not helpful. Or whatever a certain medication has the desired effect in that Patient or Not etc . . .
@DaveTexas 4 ай бұрын
@@SingingSealRianasweetie, no. Just no. The fact that you don’t even know when it is or is not appropriate to use capital letters tells me everything I need to know about your level of education. EVERYTHING you said is wrong.
@GromMolotok 4 ай бұрын
If you really don't trust your doctor, get a second opinion from another doctor. Not from random internet searches, or a random neighbor, etc. My wife was misdiagnosed once. She didn't believe what the doctor told her and went for a second opinion. That second doctor correctly identified the kidney stone. This incident also meant we switched primary care providers afterward, of course.
@marcorizzoni9766 4 ай бұрын
@@this_isntmyname Wait, in that country does that happen? Because in mine doctors are paid a fixed monthly amount plus eventual overtime (plus something if they do also research job, teaching job, and/or congressman job, depending of how often and how much they do). Their employer (usually the state, but potentially private hospitals) wouldn’t pay them for drug prescribed nor would they have any reason to do so. The hospital doesn’t get anything if the patient has to buy drugs, and the hospital has to PAY for the drugs that they use on patients under their care there and get eventually reimbursed. And it would be straight off illegal for anyone else to pay the doctors to prescribe drugs. It would also something pretty hard to conceal from the tax system, because it doesn’t even seem to be a small amount of money. It would be pretty easily traceable.
@LaeLiHeart 4 ай бұрын
sometimes docs don’t know better and just dismiss people more often woman one of the many dismissals is oh it’s just period pains
@TheoRae8289 4 ай бұрын
One of the biggest obstacles in undereducated communities is that many are raised to view all medical professionals as thieves who make up illnesses from whole cloth for money. So they will literally wait until the last possible moment to get any sort of care (these are frequently also the same people who don't even attempt to get medicaid, go bankrupt, and still vote against their own interests). I unfortunately have waaaaay too much family experience. 😮‍💨 The sheer number of people who don't know anything about their reproductive organs, regardless of age, is why I'm trying to start a specialized business rooted in education. The city I'm looking into has one zone that's split into multiple parts where I can set up, and two of those parts are in undereducated areas.
@dinoblacklane1640 3 ай бұрын
Considering how 'for profit' US healthcare is, it doesn't surprise me that most Americans view doctors as evil. Going to the doctor and getting billed a year's salary will do that
@DIRTkat_ofc 4 ай бұрын
Brazilian here, normally confusing our language for Spanish makes us furious but that was uhh... unique to say
@Gatherway Ай бұрын
"Doc, my twin sister has an STD." "Okay, so why are you here?" "I'm afraid that I might have it too." "...WAIT, WHAT--?!"
@ChinchillaQueen 3 ай бұрын
I have confirmation that i am a story at the ER near us. Specifically one doctor is still very confused that as to how i didnt notice being tired as hell from super low iron and potassium or why i did not show any other sign except swollen feet when i should have had heart and kidney problems too. Normal hemoglobin level is 11-13. Mine was a 5 for the first test and a 4.5 for the second. That is involuntary blood and iron transfussion level deficiency. I got a choice because i was moving on my own with no issues. I chose transfussions.
@michellewaldrip8271 19 күн бұрын
My mom has hemoglobin problems, due to a cancer-adjacent auto-immune issue (I think). In any case, we know about the levels. Impressive that you have functional organs after that - my mom's doctor gets concerned when her levels sink to around 8 or 9. Do you have to regularly supplement extra iron and potassium now, or was it just an unusual imbalance?
@ChinchillaQueen 19 күн бұрын
@michellewaldrip8271 regular supplements now. That particular day was a culmination of events years in the making. Blood tests and specialists afterwards informed me that it's a genetic inability to absorb enough iron and potassium. Gotta love it
@michellewaldrip8271 15 күн бұрын
@@ChinchillaQueen Yikes. Thank goodness you know now!
@JairoTakan_ 2 ай бұрын
How on earth do you drive from memory??? 🤣🤣🤣
@sannyassi73 4 ай бұрын
Jesus almighty, that bra pacemaker story.... I'm not sure I can believe that one. That dude should have played the Lottery and spent all his luck points properly while tending to the pace maker as he should have- sheesh, that's like multiple lives of luck just wasted! Someone in that family must really need Him around.
@lauramanuel7619 3 ай бұрын
They do have a trophy cabinet. After hearing about the guy with a sweet potato that had to be surgically removed from his rectum, I was treated to the tales of: what has come out of people’s rear ends and the large container of “trophies”. Yo be fair the histology lab kept gall stones as “trophies” too. There’s quite a range of them.
@TatiJBC Ай бұрын
Brazilian here! The baby born speaking Brazilian Portuguese reminded me of a (Brazilian) person commenting on a video that showed a talkative toddler. The child was from the USA and someone said: "So smart! She already know how to speak English!"
@jonix24mejor 3 ай бұрын
This reminds me of my father that just out of pure stupid fear of being in a hospital, he refused to go get cheked, he really thought he could tank a 39° recurrent fever for days and just get past it. Its been like 1 and a half months, he, in fact, got worse, and he has been in constantly bad health since that day, still ask to himself why does his poor ass soul suffers so much?
@draykowolf2293 4 ай бұрын
The last story is wrong. I actually suffer from that exact problem when swallowing food. For as long as I can remember.. sometimes my throat muscles just won't work properly and food gets lodged below my windpipe. As a matter of course I only ever take small bites and wash each one down with liquids. It helps but it's not foolproof. It still happens now and then. My only recourse then is to suffer trying to force it down or puke it up. Neither scenario is easy. I've even been hospitalized because of it. I live with the knowledge that this may very well kill me one day. That time I was in the hospital? That was because I had a piece of kielbasa stuck in my throat for 3 days.. I very nearly died of dehydration.
@WendyDarling1974 4 ай бұрын
That happens to me too, usually with noodles or bread. I can breathe, but I feel like I’m going to die from the intense sensation of this glob of food stuck in my throat. Usually the only way to take care of it is to puke. I’m not someone who pukes up my food all the time or anything but every few weeks when it happens that’s what I have to do. I think it’s from eating too quickly, but I don’t understand why it’s only ever with noodles and bread.
@valeriaswanne 4 ай бұрын
Esophageal dysphagia is different from FBAO (foreign body airway obstruction) but still quite unpleasant! Can't heimlich that! Best wishes to you and your finely chopped food ❤
@michaelwilde545 4 ай бұрын
happens to me too - I have celiac disease and am sensitive to a lot of foods - my mom had it too. She wouldn't give up gluten and the food lodging in her esophagus happened daily. I gave up gluten and cow dairy and now it doesn't happen very often to me - just a little, maybe a couple of times a month. I am able to wait a few minutes and it clears, but dang it can hurt while it's happening.
@sharoncox1734 4 ай бұрын
Surely this is some kind of genetic condition with the flap that covers the windpipe?
@Mayfrancisxavier 3 ай бұрын
This video makes me feel so much better about my life and my decision-making.
@jaebyrd4608 2 ай бұрын
In regards to the last one as someone who suffers with eosinophilic esophagitis it’s annoying when doctors say if you can breath your not choking because throat swelling ( technically not choking) still feels like choking and can be fatal if not treated promptly. I almost died because a doctor brushed me off when I said I couldn’t swallow, turns out my throat was swollen almost completely closed they had to intubate me just to open my airway.
@nellitheretrogamer8666 3 ай бұрын
A story I read, from a country where sexual education is more or less nonexistent: a young couple went to see a doctor because they'd been married for two years and hadn't managed to get pregnant. After some questioning, it turned out that they hadn't had sex at all. They thought that sleeping in the same bed would be enough to have children.
@Alexi-Raener93 3 ай бұрын
How are people this dumb? 🤦🏾‍♂️
@eulalia3446 3 ай бұрын
I knew a similar couple who thought you put the man's part in the woman's belly button to get pregnant.
@Alexi-Raener93 3 ай бұрын
@@eulalia3446 I think I've heard a story about that. 🫠
@kimielle 2 ай бұрын
A couple who were stationed at the same army base as my dad couldn't get pregnant. Turns out they were using the back door.
@Alexi-Raener93 2 ай бұрын
@@kimielle it's like they skipped Sex Ed 101 and went straight to Advanced Confusion!
@sunnyquinn3888 4 ай бұрын
In the last person's defense, I've had stuff get stuck partway down my food pipe that wouldn't go down even with water. This did feel a little bit like I was choking even though I could still breathe and speak.
@mcsy98 3 ай бұрын
yeah I also experienced something similar, but it gets cleared after a minute or two of continuously drinking water. If that guy tried drinking a lot of water and it still didn’t go down after all that time then I’m surprised. If he didn’t drink water, well… calling for emergency services was a bit much considering he didn’t do all he could yet to fix the problem
@stevensanto5934 16 күн бұрын
I had covid, and had some honey. It went down my air pipe. Worst 10-30 seconds of my life. Honestly, no idea how long I was choking for. What I DO know is that it felt like I was suffocating for minutes. Yeah, I couldn't even communicate with others properly at all, too preoccupied choking to death. Thankfully, it passed and the relief I felt that I was still alive was incredibly strong. This was at home.
@annnichols3091 4 ай бұрын
I wish all of those people who believe natural remedies are safe would consult Review of Natural Products. Not only can there be some pretty nasty side effects, but some can cause problems if taken with some prescription medicines. Sigh.
@Rheax_anime 4 ай бұрын
Damn, I'm a 12 year old who is more educated in sex than grown adults who actually have sex💀
@CutieKoryn 2 ай бұрын
Yet is uneducated enough to understand that by law you must be 13 or older to use KZfaq. Yet what can I say, people always break this with bad parents right?
@frozencrow8735 14 күн бұрын
​@@CutieKorynwhat law states this? And which countrie's laws are we talking about?
@CutieKoryn 14 күн бұрын
@@frozencrow8735 It’s worldwide.
@frozencrow8735 14 күн бұрын
@AlastorBG3 there are no international laws. Lol. Do you mean United Nations? However, they don't have any rules or laws regarding youtube.
@frozencrow8735 14 күн бұрын
@AlastorBG3 I should add that you can have a youtube account and watch youtube when under 13 if you have given parental permission. If you watch youtube without that permission while being under that age at sametime, you aren't breaking any laws, or do you think police is going to come to get you and give a court date? No. I think you are misunderstanding the Children's online privacy protection act AKA COPPA (which also isn't worldwide law but only federal law in usa) which states that website operators require to obtain parents permission when collecting personal data about children younger than 13 which means it's illegal for youtube to have kids under 13 years old to have accounts without the permission. (If youtube doesn't do anything and just let's account creating be free for all, they will be in trouble since they would be breaking COPPA. not you.)
@Kolokythi 4 ай бұрын
i feel bad for the appendix one i've had appendicitis before and it hurts like hell screw those parents
@minihttydedits1658 3 ай бұрын
Bro thought he could just enchant his eye with Sight III 💀
@Scarletraven87 4 ай бұрын
I know of someone who used a welder on a half full gasoline tank.
@Dawad2007 4 ай бұрын
Don't you mean KNEW someone?
@thegoldengood4725 4 ай бұрын
@@Dawad2007what if they still know them
@S3IIL3CT 3 ай бұрын
The conversation over whether its a head injury or whether the guy is just really dumb was hilarious xD
@sannyassi73 4 ай бұрын
I'm probably one of those People Doctors tell stories like this about =\ I pulled a cathater out once. I was very out of it, didnt' know I was in a hospital, woke up with that thing coming out of my man-part. I remember pulling it out vaguely but I don't remember the pain, but I know that it hurt just by remembering how I reacted while doing it. There was no bleeding, but I do know that it really hurt. Not sure I believe that one. I remember they were going to put it back in but I FREAKED out and was going to fight them, they didn't and allowed me to do my thing normally. Gives me the heebeejeebees just thinking about it.
@fibanocci314 3 ай бұрын
There are different kinds of catheters, so it is possible.
@rebecculousrk 4 ай бұрын
The fact that in this country, ignorance is huge contributor to poor health makes me so angry. We have done absolutely NOTHING to support teachers and make education a priority. The only thing that can bring the quality of life up for the entire nation is to give our children good educations, and God knows we canafford it. For some reason, education isn't a priority for voters...although they'll scream and holler about how stupid everyone else is.
@mooglerae32 3 ай бұрын
I can just imagine with some of these that you see a shot from outside of the hospital room/office and it is all quiet. Then all of a sudden all hell breaks loose and medical staff are screaming, running around, etc.
@robluxipiech4033 Ай бұрын
A girl in school when we were really young had a few accidents in class. Years later I found out her parents had a rule, you can only use the bathroom at home, where it's safe... they also had weird food rules, there were locks on cabinets and the fridge, they had access to water in between meals, and when they did eat was just... strange. I felt bad for those kids
@Zunip182 2 ай бұрын
Pacemaker story might be the most intense
@MsAubrey 4 ай бұрын
Choking is the scariest feeling. Chocolate melts over and over… horrific feeling.
@BinNguyen-ui5mi 3 ай бұрын
For the second story, babies dont come out talking, THEY NEED TO LEARN HOW. Babies that were just born dont talk right when they come out of thewomb
@DeceptiveSS 3 ай бұрын
After a cardiac arrest, my grandad was put in a cardiology center, awaiting his surgery for angioplasty with stents and bypasses for his heart. Surgeries were divided into two stages, days apart, he had to stay at the hospital that whole time. In lless that 24 hours after the first session, staff caught him smoking around the corner of the cardiology block. His response: "I am in a hospital full of heart specialists, what safer place to smoke than here?" He was technically right, also accounting for the pulmonology ward in the same center.
@Wireball 3 ай бұрын
Unless there are oxygen tanks in the vicinity, in which case it could be distinctly *less* safe than smoking elsewhere :)
@ichaukan 3 ай бұрын
I laughed way harder at the second one than I probably should have. Then again I am the kind of smartass that would give a similar answer.
@endersdragon34 4 ай бұрын
I wonder how many incidents involving things up butts be prevented if we would just include a "toy section" in sex ed class, at least in high school. I know to even suggest that would be considered "grooming" in today's society but your average teenage/young adult boy is not going to know what can and cannot go in there. I wonder how much we would save as a society every year if we would just talk about this.
@MalkuthSephira 4 ай бұрын
there should be stuff like this yes, and in no way would that be considered "grooming" in today's society. specifically some conservatives and religious people, as always, might be insane about it, and there's always a small and vocal group of very insane twitter users might say this about.. basically anything for no reason, but they are definitely not representative of the most common viewpoints in Today's Society.
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