Duncan Hunter Gets Joe Ryan arrested again! Mike Lumpkin Stands for constitution. Libertarian AWOL

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The 52nd District Congressional Debate was held at Grossmont College on 10/28/08. The school's Political science Department was the sponsor of the debate. School administrators, staff, and the Chief of the PolicePolice Department all knew Joe Ryan could not be excluded from debating because they all knew of advisories from the State's attorneys that let them know they couldn't hold a debate on campus and exclude a qualified candidate. The school's President, Sunita Cooke is a friend of Duncan Hunter's Chief of staff, and many other Grossmont College staff and administrators are also closely aligned with Duncan Hunter. Joe Ryan busted the whole gang. He caught Duncan Hunter having his Chamber of Commerce pals from the school call in Joe's first kidnapping (by the police on 10/22/08). The police screwed up and their friends from the Chamber were caught, so two local TV stations claim they never shot any video of the first debate Joe Ryan was kidnapped from. They claim their cameramen never turned on their video cameras the whole night (even though they attended the debate with their cameras in tow).
Then when Joe showed up to assert his constitutional right to debate on 10/28, Duncan Hunter had 7 police officers waiting for him. Plus an El Cajon cop. The police Chief knew he was breaking the law, so he directed his officers to only talk to him on their cellphones (so dispatch tapes wouldn't record his dirty deeds). He hid on the patio that's outside the doors to the right of the stage. He had his officers speakm of his presence only in code. He had a person with him that may have been Duncan Hunter's Daddy. They used the codeword 'nightstand' to identify the person who was secretly orchestrating Joe Ryan's kidnapping under color of law from a hidden location. Then they tried to lie in court, but Joe Ryan, acting as his own attorney beat the local DA down, 12-0, in a heartbeat. The ACLU and just about every defense attorney in San Diego ran and hid once they knew that the entire GOP mafia was after Joe, and wanted him in Jail. But Joe beat them all, and he's running again in 2010. How many times will Duncan have him kidnapped or assaulted this time?
