Dungeons & Dragons Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel | Review

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The Gaming Gang

The Gaming Gang

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Jeff shares his thoughts about the new Dungeons & Dragons adventure collection, Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel, from Wizards of the Coast. The 224 page hardcover arrives in stores today and carries an MSRP of $49.95. Will you and your friends be chomping at the bit to embark on these journeys? Or will you be better served leaving those tickets unpunched. You'll find out!
Plus Jeff reveals who won his copy of the alternate art cover edition of the book!
Learn more at dnd.wizards.com
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0:00 Introduction
2:20 Diving into D&D Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel
16:15 Final thoughts and review score
18:53 Wrapping up
#DnD #TTRPGs #RadiantCitadel

Пікірлер: 72
@B42UC4 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the honest review. It is becoming harder to get real reviews online for D&D products lately. Cheers!
@Thegaminggang 2 жыл бұрын
You bet!
@themadman9735 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Jeff! I wonder if the reasoning for specifying exactly which skill roll to make is only as a base with the expectation that the DM ultimately make the decision which skill to use based upon the character’s intent? If so, it would be nice if it was specifically stated. A friend of mine has written an adventure or two for WotC and they are pretty specific about their requirements. I can’t begin to tell you how many times my players have taken adventures completely off the rails. The ability to adapt is key to running a good adventure, even if it means not running it as written. Still trying to decide whether to purchase this or not.
@petegiant Жыл бұрын
10:30 That 'sensing tremors' paragraph demonstrates the frustrations you are talking about. It is one of the reasons why I'm not interested in DMing 5e anymore.
@Thegaminggang Жыл бұрын
I completely understand where you're coming from. ~ Jeff
@tabletactics4578 2 жыл бұрын
Those janky skill checks and the railroading is a deal breaker for me.
@clouddm 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed that the artwork is amazing, and some great adventure ideas with authentic authors. The only problem I have is: preferring representation over game design experience. It's clear from the 'roll for whatever' of recent products that game design is not prioritized the way I'd like from WotC. Compare any AD&D Module to modern products and you can see this; game design was thought about critically and innovated on in the past. Why can we not have both? Have the authentic cultural adventures along-side good game design, instead of eschewing a whole group of people despite their experience because you don't like their skin tone.
@RosscoAW Жыл бұрын
Did you seriously just imply that good game designers are all white and being eschewed in favour of bad game designers, who aren't white, because they aren't white? Rhetorical question.
@keiths81ca 2 жыл бұрын
Looking forward to this book. To your point of dice rolling to give clues. It brings up the point that failing forward is important. Adds to the narrative of the story. Yea, I agree that certain things should not be left to chance but that is part of the game. Just work around what the dice reveal.
@Thegaminggang 2 жыл бұрын
Yet you don't design adventures where the actual resolution is going to determine if you're playing D&D tonight or not.
@Wraithing 2 жыл бұрын
Solid rating and I, as always, appreciated your comments about the product. Agreed, rolling for every action seems a dubious trend. It doesn't seem coincidental though that it's common on many "live play" shows - the way folks learn to play and DM nowadays. Having adventures pivot on a specific "choke-point" roll, however, might just indicate new, less-experienced writers. I certainly remember, in my youth, writing myself into preconceived bottlenecks like that, but it was seldom seen in official modules. Fortunately, it's often easily fixed. As you say, it seems a shame not to expand a little further into the setting, but the variety of genres is a nice touch. For me, it's nice to see D&D returning to representation of real-world cultures, as they did way back in the Mystara Gazetteers. Hope it's able to continue.
@pvme9885 2 жыл бұрын
Honestly with the important rolls, I’ll just crap the dice to make it more exciting. I’m the dm after all, I can decide what to do :)
@Thegaminggang 2 жыл бұрын
On the flip side, there's the camp which believes dice rolls are always to be taken at face value and if you're going to fudge results then why roll dice in the first place? I know a lot of people who are like that.
@pvme9885 2 жыл бұрын
I can see that viewpoint, and most of the time I do just not make them roll in those situations.
@MrElliptific 2 жыл бұрын
Always trust your reviews, they are balanced and informative. Will you do the upcoming Blade Runner RPGs?
@Thegaminggang 2 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty tight with Free League so I believe I should be checking that out when it hits. ~ Jeff
@briancherry8088 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad it's better than Strixhaven. That was a disaster of a book. It was more of a homebrew Harry Potter mod gone crazy. They didn't include any information about the plane, and buried too many rules within the adventure itself, making it near impossible to use Strixhaven in any other campaign. Sorry... it's a trigger. I think a sourcebook for the citadel, along with gazetteer information for each of the new locations would have been a more useful book.
@Subcomandante73 2 жыл бұрын
I'm at a point with WoTC published adventures that I will not buy unless someone does a proper in depth review based on play tests. In my experience the writing is poor, the adventures are not balanced, and they are mostly just railroads.
@michaelbrennan9156 2 жыл бұрын
What's a good alternative then? I'm getting into DND (bought a shitload of books) and would like to know a good one that doesn't get super bogged down in wordy text or lore.
@anaximander66 2 жыл бұрын
@@michaelbrennan9156 in my experience you will likely get one or the other. I think Modiphius has a unique thing going mechanically and is very light on rules. The trade off will be the lore though, tons of it. I personally like that. Jeff recently reviews index card rpg so that might be up your ally or even a Savage Worlds setting.
@Andrewc87563 2 жыл бұрын
@@michaelbrennan9156 Try Goblisstones The Chapel on the Cliffs as a good short example. A good example of a good location and my players really enjoyed it.
@bjhale 2 жыл бұрын
@@michaelbrennan9156 Going to be very honest with you: A lot of 5e adventures suck. Too many aspiring novelists who have little interest in the technical writing needed to create something to be played at the table. Here are two publishers of 5e adventures that are good, though: Dungeon Age and Arcane Library. It is also no accident that both of them are very schooled in Old School Renaissance/Revival/Revolution adventure design theory and read Bryce Lynch's Ten Foot Pool review blog (which is where I first heard of them). In fact, you could worse than using the "The Best" and "5e" filters on that blog to find good modules.
@ben3251 Жыл бұрын
Strix heven is not because of your age haha.
@brucelombardo 2 жыл бұрын
The representation makes it less palatable than anything else. Whenever identity politics comes out trying to be a heavyweight, it always performs like a welter weight and gets outclassed.
@RosscoAW Жыл бұрын
Weird self-reporting flex, the 80s, but okay.
@brucelombardo Жыл бұрын
@@RosscoAW the content of the book is overshadowed by the minority status of the writers. If that is all it has to offer, and be less exciting than Palace of the Silver Princess, we have a new floor in gaming culture.
@brucelombardo Жыл бұрын
@@RosscoAW the content of the book is overshadowed by the minority status of the writers. If that is all it has to offer, and be less exciting than Palace of the Silver Princess, we have a new floor in gaming culture.
@Subcomandante73 2 жыл бұрын
It was WoTC who chose how to market this product. They cannot get butt hurt about the reaction to this.
@talkinggibberish 2 жыл бұрын
you chose to get butt hurt over nothing
@RosscoAW Жыл бұрын
They're not butthurt, it's everybody stuck in the 80s, wanting to go back to a time when it was okay to objectify and treat others however you wanted without recourse or expectation of being held accountable. Sucks to suck, you will be held accountable.
@Tusitala1967 Жыл бұрын
I can't wait to take my party of European adventurers into these diverse cultures to solve their problems for them! Make mine WotC!
@mangacomics1601 2 жыл бұрын
Tell where exactly WOTC promotes this without saying "people of color"?
@Subcomandante73 2 жыл бұрын
Indeed. This was their marketing choice from Day 1, and now people cry about it and imply those pushing back against this are racists.
@francoiscolin6692 2 жыл бұрын
This is by far the most woke-disney-star-wars-gummi-bears-fan-fiction-BS product WotC (or should i say WotW = Wizzards of the Wokes) has ever produced.
@nad3936 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, this is total woke, racist trash. WOTC has destroyed D&D.
@AsboXFlemzo 2 жыл бұрын
You read it? I want to know if its bad
@francoiscolin6692 2 жыл бұрын
@@AsboXFlemzo It's bad if you don't like wokeness.
@Subcomandante73 2 жыл бұрын
Can you provide some examples from the book? Or is this just based on the (stupid) marketing by WoTC?
@briangronberg6507 2 жыл бұрын
Could you elaborate with something more specific than just "woke-disney-star-wars-gummi-bears-fan-fiction-BS?" I'm interested in hearing your thoughts.
@MARSHOMEWORLD 2 жыл бұрын
Hooray ! A bunch of barely credible "game designers" picked for their ethnicity rather than their actual experience in crafting viable scenarios that are playable and intriguing. I don't outright dislike the concept of the core multi-location travel.. new worlds are always fun, but if you do any real looking into the backstory on how this thing was actually put together it's pretty freaking racist. And I mean racist as in straight white guys need not apply. I absolutely do not care what color or preference sexually anybody has so long as they're living a happy life that satisfies them... great by me. But Wizards just cannot resist bending the knee to the sjw doctrine that somehow being the same racial background as the place you are setting the module in magically imbues you with an Insight that someone else wouldn't have just because apparently it's in your blood inherently? The DNA just magically looks at the amount of melanin in your skin and then determines you were qualified to write Adventures based on your cultural background? Wow, that really supersedes the notion of actually having qualified writers who do research and will bring real world authenticity to the game via attention to detail, and actually doing the work. People aren't really talking about this on the corporate, Hasbro, side of the scale but sorry guys, it's an unsavory reality of 5e mindset in the year 2022. A game really should just be about the game, not about racial bias regardless of color. Once Upon a Time you just needed to be qualified to do the work, that does not appear to be a thing anymore. I for one have steered clear from giving dollar one to Hasbro or Wizards for at least a decade because of it. so much more exciting stuff happening out there in independent gaming, with great Innovations and story lines that are way more compelling because they don't have to have some undercurrent of indoctrination attached, or confusing things such as inclusivity for what is essentially a new form of gatekeeping. I thought you were very fair in your review, but I'm still going to pass on this. I hear there is some great stuff coming down the pike from Goodman Games, or Modiphius that are frankly way more appealing.
@nad3936 2 жыл бұрын
Amen, brother.
@RosscoAW Жыл бұрын
You're welcome to time travel back to the (18)80s where your perspective is welcome and valid. Otherwise, get with the program. You will be held accountable for your racism, and you will be expected to act accordingly. Welcome to the 21st century (barely).
No child, what will ultimately happen is that your slavish Devotion to a fascist ideology that encourages bullying people who don't believe as you do, doxing people online for daring to have ever had a contradictory opinion to yours, and actively embraces other long standing Mauist intimidation techniques... all while believing you're actually on the right side of history... will come to an end when people see it for what it is. Corporations have exactly zero interest in the betterment of race relations, what they care about is profit. They make grand gestures to sell their current trend to the easily duped. Not for any real ideological or moral purpose, but to get on board with the way the currently fashionanle 15 minutes is trending. Right now it is woke culture. Fortunately, for those of us that were never asleep, we see this for the money grabbing sham that it actually is. So far as it pertains to gaming the people that are screaming racism are the ones who see race in everything.. remember the whole "Orcs are black people " crap from a few years ago? Well, being is I can't think of a single person I've ever played tabletop with that shared that opinion, I can only assume the people that were whining about it actually saw Orcs as comparable to African americans. And in their misguided attempt at virtue signaling, decided they needed to blather all over the message boards to "Enlighten" the rest of us. What complete and total impressionable (and dare I say racist in their own dim way) frigging Idiots. IF human beings could ever get past the notion that the color of our skin matters in the slightest, and that we are all a single species that share a space ... well I'd be the first to sign up for that, as we would be so much better off when all we see is a person's actual characte,, rather than the superficial differences between skin pigment and the baggage we seem to drag around pertaining to what that supposed difference gives people the right to do or not to do. I am not the sum of my ancestors accomplishments, any more than I am responsible for what other overzealous idiots believe that fans the flames of racism by insisting that race is THE be all division that we need to categorize everyone by. I don't buy it. And while I'm at it, the single best part of this purely egocentric display on your part, where you presume to know thing one in any way shape or form, is that my first gaming group (in the 1980s) had two girls, one Asian three white guys ( one of whom was pretty openly gay) and gasp ... the entire African-American population of my high school which was a brother and a sister . Yep, There we were... apparently horribly racist kids ...living in the horribly racist1980s... in the middle of a racially, and gender integrated gaming group. And nobody gave it a second thought, because it wasn't an issue. We all loved the game we were playing and we wanted as many friends who enjoyed it in the same way to play it with us. Color , gender Which is exactly the way I feel about it now. As I said; never was asleep.
@llewelynshingler2173 Жыл бұрын
@@RosscoAW Less "Welcome" and more "Get your head in the game and we'll stop making fun of you."
@Flammiedrum Жыл бұрын
You wrote out a bunch fo but said very little of substance, just a bunch of assertions you have no real proof for, just a desire to justify. Sad.
@irvenman 2 жыл бұрын
Lots "anti-woke" people getting mad because WotC decided to publish a book written by a diverse group of people set in worlds based on the cultures of the creators. Just another reason why the "anti-woke" crowd shouldn't be taken seriously. Other cultures exist and the best way to have them represented in media is by having creators from those cultures create or at least contribute to their creation. There's an adventure in there that is based on Philippine mythology and, as a Filipino ttrpg fan, I love it. I bought The Islands of Sina Una, both the hardcover and the pdf, and I'm aware of the other Filipino made ttrpgs. But, it's still nice to see my culture represented in an official book and not just as part of a collection of Southeast Asian cultures.
@juliamedina3322 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, could you tell me which adventure is based on Philippine mythology?
@irvenman 2 жыл бұрын
@@juliamedina3322 Between Tangled Roots, pg. 134, the adventure for level 10 characters.
@juliamedina3322 2 жыл бұрын
@@irvenman Thank you! I have a player at my table who has Philippine roots and I know they'll love this. But I didn't want to just be like "Just read the whole book until you recognize something" because they don't have much free time. So this is perfect. Thanks again!
@irvenman 2 жыл бұрын
@@juliamedina3322 No problem. If you haven't checked it out yet, I highly recommend The Islands of Sina Una by Hit Point Press if you want more Philippine mythology inspired D&D 5e material. Pam Punzalan, the writer of the adventure in the Radiant Citadel, contributed to it as well and the adventure plays well in the Sina Una setting. Dayawlongon can be the name of the unnamed archipelago in The Islands of Sina Una and Lambakluha could be one of the many islands that populated that world.
@juliamedina3322 2 жыл бұрын
@@irvenman That sounds amazing! Thank you! I'll definitely look into it.
@nad3936 2 жыл бұрын
Nonsense review. Choosing adventure writers based on the color of their skin is racism. You are defending racism.
@Coco.B. 2 жыл бұрын
Every review I have seen has mentioned that this book is written entirely by POC. TGG mentions it once at the beginning and says not to get bent out of shape about that fact. Jeff then goes on to review the book only on its merits and playability. If you believe the writing is racist; don't buy the book and Tweet WotC to let them know. From watching their videos, I can say TGG does not support racism. Peace out and have the day you deserve.
@AsboXFlemzo 2 жыл бұрын
Whites are becoming a minority in usa so yes its racism now.
@Subcomandante73 2 жыл бұрын
I think you are being a bit silly here to say Jeff is supporting racism. He reviewed the books on its merits, and set aside the (imho stupid) marketing put out by WoTC. Sadly WoTC have fallen in to a trap of their own making.
@briangronberg6507 2 жыл бұрын
So, for the sake of clarification, I'd follow up with three questions; one for each sentence. 1. Does not addressing a specific concern about the material constitute a "nonsense review?" If I'm reading you correctly, I think you'd agree that there's more to a book than the race of its authors. What's actually written seems far more important than who wrote it. 2. Why do you think this is the case? If a publisher releases a book exclusively with a set of essays written by, for example, South Asian authors, does that constitute racism? If a publisher releases an anthology of American literature written only by persons of color, does that constitute racism? If you think the choice of authorship for the adventures in Journeys Through The Radiant Citadel constutites racism, a fortiori it would seem you should think the choice of authorship for the two anthologies I mentioned also constitute racism since it would literally be on the cover. 3. Given how polemical that statement is, do you think it might have been more appropriate to contact Jeff first? That's a pretty serious charge. Of course you might have done this already, but if you didn't that seems like an error in judgement. Have you shared your concerns with the publisher, Wizards of the Coast? If not, I'd suggest that's more effective than approaching a single reviewer. I look forward to hearing from you and I hope you have a great day!
@Thegaminggang 2 жыл бұрын
It's absolutley no skin off my ass if you dislike the review; that's your prerogative, but I think it's pretty obvious who has a problem of racism/defending racism between the two of us. By your point, I suppose a book written exclusively by women must be sexist, regardless of its content. ~ Jeff
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