Ed Piskor, and the Toll of Cancellation

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Grim Jim

Grim Jim

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"See... I can get you what you want, I can. I can get you anything, you just have to talk to me, you have to trust me. You can trust me, 'cause I'm your priest, I'm your shrink... I am your main connection to the switchboard of the soul. I'm the magic man... Santa Claus of the subconscious. You say it, you think it, you can have it."
- Lenny Nero, Strange Days

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@amanisalone 3 ай бұрын
The same folks who constantly overstate the harm of hearing certain words then play completely incredulous when it is their words that inflict actual pain. Reputation demolition via rapidly organized personal boycotts that are immune to reason and disinterested in empathy.
@davidcosdesign6785 3 ай бұрын
Cancel culture has been around since the inception of modern tribal societies. The difference is: the internet amplifies it one hundred thousand times and allows it to spread around the world in minutes. This results in an energy beam of negativity being cast down upon the victim. From there, the victim loses all of his friends, employment and hope. Thus for EP, it was like being an ant feeling the searing heat of the sun being focused on his back from a magnifying glass. Before he burned alive, he told us who was holding that magnifying glass. A true cautionary tale because those holding the glass are happy to point it at anyone who gets in their way.
@johnr.e.789 3 ай бұрын
Social Media is cancel culture. Cancel Culture is Social Media. Words can be harmful, despite words themselves being neutral. What Ed didn't know killed him. Engage online at your own risk.
@atomicjess76 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for talking about Ed. This story needs to spread beyond the comics world.
@4-dman464 3 ай бұрын
When I was 17, I doubt it would be any legal or moral defence for any of my complicit actions to say, "I'm 17, I don;t know what I'm doing." If it IS now a legitimate defence, friends & neighbours, then don;t complain when your car is stolen & torched by a 17 yr old who "fell in with the wrong crowd & was misled by an older gang leader" into, say, stealing your stuff & trashing your place or harrassing your family. Ed was 37. At no point did he force anything, according to documentation provided. And relations that begin at distance certainly make it easy for either party to discontinue relations by simply Not Replying or by replying & saying No Thanks. But that didn't happen because the accuser did not want to discontinue because she wanted to pursue relations, which is why she DID pursue those relations then. By discounting her volition because she was 17, this skews the situation as if Ed Piskor forced something, when he demonstrably did not, & when there were NUMEROUS opportunities along the way for the younger party to say, at distance, No Thanks. Idiots who talk about this case as'grooming' use such a loaded term whose connotations put onto Ed an insinuation that is untrue & catastrophising, & which treat the other 17 yr old participant as NONfunctioning as a blowup doll, which is surely derogatory to the 17-yr-old's faculties. Throwing that'grooming' term around like pigeon feed makes it harder for a legitimate case to find credulity because these chumps treat the word as loosely as small change. When she turned 21, the complainant had a Fantagraphics career profile in Comics Journal. The next career move, a month later, was to associate her name with a famous comic book artist by claiming victim status in the media - - not going to the police to report a crime, mark you, but raising a profile in the media about it, with incendiary language designed to impose the same maximum damage as the misused verb 'togroom'. This has been a calculated career move even before Amber Heard & Evan Rachel Wood. I suggest #MeToo movement be renamed the #PoorMe movement for the indiscriminate way we are supposed to #Believe All Women & escalate all accusations except those where men are victimised. The reason this complainant should now be taken very seriously & questioned in detail, even though it's too late to save Ed, is to be very precise about what was done/said & what was not done/not said, including her own actions as the other half of this relationship. So we get a real two-sided picture of what this rapport looked like from beginning to end, especially what was said at the end. She brought it up, publicly, so she should be glad now of the opportunity to answer very detailed Qs about he said/she said he did/she did he didn't/she didn't, so that we can get her story straight. And the reason it is worth treading through this mud right now is because there will be MORE cases of this kind, just as there were already similar cases beforehand. So let's have it out, & let's have it out now. There are no free passes on this one, not when the stakes are this catastrophically high. I did a post about *Fantagraphics* elsewhere which I'll copy here for anyone interested in another strand of this incident...
@4-dman464 3 ай бұрын
And here's the Fantagraphics post: FANTAGRAPHICS obituary to ED PISKOR says a lot about Fantagraphics. I've changed my opinion about my fave publisher. Fantagraphics are complicit in stacking the odds against Ed at a highly sensitive time by publicly announcing they had no plans to work with Ed Piskor in future - - instead of just announcing what their future projects ARE, or simply not making a public announcement. But even setting that aside, consider this: Fantagraphics police their post forum under Fantagraphics Ed obituary. Many expressed their grief for Ed. Some took the opportunity to further character assassinate Ed. One woman in repeated postings dumped on Ed by pathologising Ed and his work as [forbidden word here but not on Fantagraphics but starts with 'P']. When I replied to this in a reasoned manner & questioned her pop psychology & shallow art analysis to slur Ed Piskor, Fantagraphics deleted my analyses & let this woman's character assassinations stand. My objections were articulate, analytical & not hysterical. Fantagraphics then closed down the forum under the obituary as others too objected to character assassinations on the deceased on the posts. That Fantagraphics allowed their obituary page to be a voice for character assassinations of Ed Piskor while deleting OBJECTIONS to that behavior, says something crucial about Fantagraphics lack of a moral compass. It's beside the point that Fantagraphics printed some great books. I'm saying Fantagraphics has no moral compass - - none in acting as they did which added to Ed Piskor's desperation when he was distressed; & none in hosting character assassinations under their obituary page on Ed Piskor & deleting those who defended Ed against these slurs. Scandalous. Scurrilous. Insidious. Shameful. Those are words I now associate with Fantagraphics.
@johnr.e.789 3 ай бұрын
Fantagraphics is a for profit entity and is scared shirtless of scandal.
@Tewhill357 3 ай бұрын
This a really unexpected overlap between two of my YT subscriptions. Hang in there, Jim. You're alright in my book.
@shinigamiauthor 3 ай бұрын
every single day that passes, im more and more convinced that my completely quitting all social media of any kind a few years ago, was the best and healthiest choice ive ever done.
@Grungypunkrockhalloween 3 ай бұрын
I've been thinking about this for some time too and this really cements it....
@stephennagy6344 3 ай бұрын
I'm very saddened by the loss of Ed. He and I were always close to each other without ever meeting, but I was a huge fan of their channel. I just had a birthday in March, and things like this constantly have me in contemplation about myself in this world and life. Seeing this issue with Ed unfold has made me sick to my stomach. Bless Ed and his family in their time of pain.
@paulberry5750 3 ай бұрын
I know this was agonizing for you. Thank you for doing this video.
@MoneyballComics 3 ай бұрын
You mentioned that you're not sure if you'd be remembered, but I'm grateful you are here to provide commentary, share, educate, and help explain why what happened did happen. I appreciate that you are here and created this video as it has helped me try to make some sense of what has transpired. Even when at times none of this makes any sense at all you've provided thought-provoking points to consider and I appreciate that very much. I don't have a personal circle of friends to talk about this with and am grateful for being able to watch this video. Thank you.
@boris1932 3 ай бұрын
I can tell how hard this was for you to do. Thanks for talking about it anyway. I am a pretty avid viewer of Cartoonist Kayfabe. Ed was such a knowledgeable guy and a good artist. He really loved comics. Breathed it in. It was his soul. The fear of losing his ability to create/ publish comics , along with losing a upcoming deal, his gallery showing being cancelled and his father being harassed by the local media broke him down to do what he did. I am a artist myself and losing one's ability to do what you love and also make your living from is a great gift. To have it taken away would be so heart breaking. RIP Ed ----
@TheOGGMsAdventures 3 ай бұрын
we are here for you Grim,
@edwardkopp1116 3 ай бұрын
You are not alone! There are people like me who are working to fight with and for you. One of the more important lessons I learned during the deepest and darkest times of my depression, when the intrusive thoughts were my only companions and yet I was still always working on being a Tzadik, a Just person. That's what I see you doing. You have inspired me to take my ASD diagnosing psychologists advice for my own well being and rejoin the gaming community. And as a liminal person who has been around the edges of the gaming industry since the '90's and knows a far amount if inside baseball about the people and personalities still around, there are more folks who believe as you do regarding the gaming industry. They see how things have gone off the rails and you know they know it because they won't talk about it because it's threatening to them. Threatening to what? Your wrong headedness about who you supported and what terrible people they turned out to be. A confidence game is the kind of grift that takes advantage of the confidence people have in their own intelligence and the belief that they could never be a mark. And when they find themselves in a grift, their shame in the fact that they were grifted keeps them from working through the logical conclusions of the lie that they have bought into. It only takes one friend or family member to join Amway to see the frenetic energy that consumes them as they desperately try to be one of the top of a pyramid that they are willing to jeopardize lifelong relationships to stay in good graces with the "winners" who are the only ones that can show you they way to financial freedom. Care for some Trump Steaks and Trump Vodka to wash down that terrible taste in your mouth? I think the tide is turning. CANCEL CON will be a thing and you will be the first Guest of Honor.
@troffle 3 ай бұрын
... ... thank you. For everything you said and everything you've done.
@Veganthrasher 3 ай бұрын
I love you, Jim. As someone who has also been cancelled (in an extremely public way) and also as someone who tried taking their own life because of it I feel deeply for those who have experienced the same. There was a mob that tried getting me fired from my job (thankfully my work stood by me), people left written death threats at my house and psychos harassed the people who chose to stay by my side. It’s a very peculiar and devastating thing to happen to someone and only those who have been through it truly understand the pain. To have your life nearly ruined over accusations which are missing context or even straight up lies which if one were to take two seconds to actually think about it you would know they’re patently and absurdly false. With that said I’m thankful every day that I chose not to end my life and I now try to be a voice against cancel culture and harassment campaigns. Especially as a leftist I see how it just cannibalizes and destroys our movements and ability to organize towards common interests. I see you, I see your light and thank you for making this video and making me feel seen today.
@johnr.e.789 3 ай бұрын
We all have choices in our single life on earth. Best of luck on the path you choose.
@1971thedoctor 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and explaining how horrible people and community can be not realizing that they are pushing an individual that needs help instead of ridicule them to the brink of suicidal tendencies. I have always enjoyed watching Cartoonist Kayfabe especially when talking about older comics that they like and influences that put on the path of comic books RIP Piskor you will be missed
@Steve-wo7gt 3 ай бұрын
I keep hearing the word "guilty" when it comes to videos on Ed Piskor and his suicide. Even if everything about him is true, he committed no crime. The girl was 17 and the age of consent in PA is 16. You may not like it. You may not agree with it. It is the law though. So basically he was bullied to the point that he wanted to die because he didn't live a mob approved life. At the end of the day, he was murdered by a bunch of sanctimonious anonymous assholes. There's your crime. There's your guilty party.
@beardyben7848 3 ай бұрын
Due to multiple ongoing circumstances which I will not elucidate here, my own life has often been a real pain. I have dealt with the black dog myself more than a little. For me, I lack the compulsion, and logically, I don't have confidence in my alternatives, so I am going to ride this one out. Please remember that we are interested in seeing more from you, Mr. Desborough.
@cyric2010 3 ай бұрын
Im not even a comic reader, but I used to watch Comics Kayfabe semi-regularly just because I liked the conversations between Ed and Jim. Ed always seemed so vivacious and confident that I never would have guessed things could have turned out this way. RIP. The whole thing is a real tragedy.
@-EndlessHorizon 3 ай бұрын
When it goes from online into the real world it stops becoming trolling and turns into harassment. This is why anonymity is so key.
@rsh8057 3 ай бұрын
This is tough. RIP Ed. From what I understand, many of the people who tormented him were his friends and Ed also had participated in similar cancellations in the past. So now are we to hound and harrass the people who pushed Ed over the ledge till they themselves are on the precipice...
@dmcdraws 3 ай бұрын
So much respect for you for this. I'm sorry you're having to endure this. Speaking for others while you're suffering is a mark of great strength.
@albatz1377 3 ай бұрын
I took a week off from social media..I was cramming to get the art for a new print done before a convention at the end of the month ..and by Sunday night I realized that I hadn't gotten any alerts for new kayfabe videos on patreon..and within a short amount of time catching up on what happened, I sent a message to Ed and got no response..then the news hit ..this is a serious issue and we lost a serious talent who shared there knowledge ..him and Jim made me a better artist..we have to do better ..we need to afford people more grace..this was my response to the news: The world is a little lesser of a place today..be a little better...try to understand more ...recognize that two things can be true at the same time ...temper your anger ...understand that the truth dosnt always come fast, but it always comes....you want to burn the whole dam world down,never once stopping to consider just what exactly your gunna build your brave new world with,when you've got nothing left but ash..sounds dramatic.. doesn't it...but, again ...two things can be true at the same time....just to be clear im fine (well ..context is a thing) but theres a family, friends, and a community that is very much not ok ...there left behind to feel the loss ...i cant tell yet if this chips away at my want to create...or if it will drive me deeper into creating, if for no other reason then to try and counter balance so much senseless distruction ...spacifics are complex ..one person met the onslaught of a crushing wave and in about a week that person felt there was nothig else but to let said wave wash them away ...hear people out ..wait for the hook ..dont rush to outrage without a clear and decisive truth ...ive long since passed the point of being outwardly emotional twords death ...theres just been so many, that were so close,and there will be many more ,including my own, its a fact of life ..it's thee fact of life and i learned very early and i understand it well ..and ive made my peace with it ....but ...every time someone hits the delete button it reminds me just how much it still hurts ....love your people and try really hard to love all people even the ones you dont agee with....this has been my ED talk ...(no thats not a typo)
@MenschWerdeWesentlich 3 ай бұрын
You will absolutely be remembered, when your time will finally have come. Probably not by the masses, but I’d assume, you lack the vanity to strive for such things anyway. Be assured though, that you will not be forgotten. You’re not shouting into the void here, you’re leaving a mark on some of us and we constitute part of the scene, that you’re struggling to change for the better. I can promise you this, Grim, because I’m the living proof of it. I stumbled across your channel almost three years ago, when I bought into Degenesis. I didn’t like your rather critical review of the game. Maybe because you didn’t validate my expenses for the entire collection of books and diminished my high hopes of the game. (Never got around to playing it a lot, but I suspect, you might have been right, as I have since then found Marco, the founder of SixMoreVodka, to be insufferably arrogant and self-absorbed, which unfortunately shows in the products.) Back then I also found you a little abrasive and some of your idiosyncrasies rubbed me the wrong way. At the same time you seemed like a really interesting person with strong and well articulated convictions. So I was intrigued and stuck around for a while. I followed your output, skipped stuff, that didn’t interest me, but ended up respecting you and your viewpoints more and more, even when I disagreed with them. Over the course of two years I’ve gotten to “know” you and your history a little better and with growing empathy came growing sympathy. You’re obviously still not my favorite person in the world and I would never be yours, but I value and respect, who you are and what you do here. If more people had your integrity and values, this scene or at a larger scale in fact this world could be a more upright and healthier place. I will never forget you for how you have challenged my views and impressions and how you have ultimately altered my perspective on the rpg-space.
@scottrodgie6434 3 ай бұрын
Brave video, I've been having much the same conversations. People using wordplay and mental gymnastics to ensure these tactics don't change and the blame remains on Ed, even blaming him for what he did (he was selfish, he was guilty, he went out in a "mean" way). I've caught out some people saying they don't much care because Ed was middle aged and white. It's revealed a lot. Ed clearly put a lot of thought into this, he had a few days where it seemed he focused on getting his affairs in order and covering all his last wishes. But I think what made it powerful is he named names. He exposed people for this kind of bad behaviour, maybe for the first time in these cancellations, so all they can do is shift it to the behaviour isn't bad. Ed was bad, he was 100% guilty and it's his fault. I've seen a lot of people make some outrageous claims about Ed, armchair diagnosis kind of things, and all of it is tragic. He was enthusiastic, had talent for days, he loved what he did, and losing anybody like that is a loss to the world. People need to realise that some people can never "bounce back", in fact most never do, you just never hear about them again. They have no career, no output, and that's it. At least Ed went out on his terms.
@AntoineDennison 3 ай бұрын
An overwhelming sense of depression and self-loathing as a response to being shunned by our "tribe" is a very real phenomenon. It's how we're wired as social animals, and the chemical cocktail the body generates in response to widespread rejection and condemnation amplifies the sense of isolation and hopelessness.
@PetesDracolich 3 ай бұрын
My favorite channel on KZfaq. I hate politics, STILL MY FAVORITE CHANNEL ON KZfaq! I dont like drama, but the Indestructoboy vs Grim Jim was like a classic Battlerap! Still, my favorite channel on KZfaq & I never miss an episode. Theres more to people than what we see on the surface. I wouldn't want to be known for what people saw on the outside, I want to be known as someone who looks for what's on the inside. That's the stuff you can't measure, you just know. That's why this is my favorite channel on KZfaq.
@Michael_Bancroft 3 ай бұрын
I appreciate your candor. You've hit the nail right on the head here.
@primafacie5029 3 ай бұрын
There but for the grace of god… it’s a sobering moment for fandoms and creators, as it should be.
@szymonskalka3319 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for talking so openly, especially about something that has such a deep impact on your life. As awful as you may feel at times, know that we value someone who speaks so rationally and logically on here. Keep it up Jim!
@octosalias5785 3 ай бұрын
I really dislike the cynical response some have had of 'well I have no control over what he did to himself' like you crushed a 75k deal with chopped up out of context texts, what do you think will happen. Not like as a side effect, the accuser criticizes this deal specifically, its clearly the 'consequence' you wanted, no due process, no investigation.
@t-shirtedhistorian 3 ай бұрын
I knew this event would have a particular effect on you, my friend. And I also felt out of any of my friends that you were the only one who could really address it with any level of real understanding and care. I'm sure it was difficult and I am proud that you took it on.
@PabloAriasArte 3 ай бұрын
Very important to have this discussion. Thank you for your very informed contribution, Jim.
@danrend4986 3 ай бұрын
You are not alone. we have been speaking our minds. and the noise is increasing!
@wookeye 3 ай бұрын
very wise words. i am sort of derailed since i heard about it. what a tragedy.
@MinkyUrungus 3 ай бұрын
@Jackth71 3 ай бұрын
It's been 2 weeks since Ed's suicide and I know that this was incredibly hard. You need to keep going pal. You are never alone. This suicide hit us hard and I can't imagine the pain that Ed was going through. Ed could have bounced back from this if he got the help he needed. This reputation domolition was unlawful in every aspect. Thanks for talking about this Grim.
@dwaynemuth8775 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for being very honest and to the point! My condolences go out to Ed’s family and friends at a very difficult time! Also to anyone who gets put through the emotional grinder of self doubt,isolation and thoughts of suicide! This is all too often of late become an unfortunate reality and to those who “think”they have all the answers and just have to go out of their way to dog pile anyone makes a mistake in judgement…… What’s goes around,comes around! ⚡️🎯
@ThePKMNTrainerAndrew 3 ай бұрын
Jim, I would be very sad if something were to happen to you. I value your insight and your writing. You have done nothing wrong, from what I've read and seen. You are a good man.
@user-fo3fp1mj1p 3 ай бұрын
@6:41 to 7:08: Haven't heard anyone put it so brilliantly succinctly as that. Well said, mate. IMHO: We all need to calm the f**k down.
@dallassegno 3 ай бұрын
Dude's friends disowned him. It's pretty dumb stuff.
@willinnewhaven3285 3 ай бұрын
I think you had to tackle this difficult topic. But I bet it's hard.
@BanjoSick 3 ай бұрын
Your fingers would remember their old strength better, if they grasped a sword hilt,’ said Gandalf. ‘Will you take the sword?’ Said Gandalf
@chriskaufman2262 3 ай бұрын
No one is an I AM, only an I AM BECOMING. Thus, how tragic it is, to be judged by what one was, and not by what one became.
@MurielBellini 3 ай бұрын
thanks for do this video. RIP ED
@MythwrightWorkshop 3 ай бұрын
@Kabura437 3 ай бұрын
You are a beautiful soul. Hang in there. There is light ahead. The darkest hour heralds the light.
@liberalhyena9760 3 ай бұрын
“You must go on. I can't go on. I'll go on.” Samuel Beckett, The Unnameable.
@lividusdigitus 3 ай бұрын
Hey, I just want to say that I appreciate your honesty in this absurd situation. I think it’s important.. Take care.. ❤️
@Tonydash23 3 ай бұрын
Keep on keeping on , never give up
@Harley_Mitchelly 3 ай бұрын
I am a bit touched in the head when it comes to empathy. Never have been able to "get" people properly. But one thing I am arguably too fucking good at is understanding, academically, what your brain can do to you and translating that into a place where I can feel it. To hear someone explain what exclusion and ostracization does to a brain, and how that translates to a form of physical pain is... visceral... I think is the proper word. The only thing that has ever replicated this was hearing Aydin Paladin walk through the psychology of incels and laying bare that one can liken that to existing in a constant state of pain where the one thing you need is something you are psychologically conditioned not to seek because socializing registers completely as pain. I get it by the way... I can't socialize well and it's hard for me to put myself out there because I have been consistently been told by my fellow man that I am to either go away or be abused. It's terrible. Horrendous. And it's why this really does light a very dark and infuriating fire in me. I hope the Cancel Killers lose everything over this. If we're in a culture war, we have witnessed war crimes. I hope something changes, with Alec Holowka it effectively ruined any public career of Literally Who and Literally Who who facilitated that so there is at least something, but this shit needs to stop.
@danrend4986 3 ай бұрын
9:20 well said.
@frankquilo9633 3 ай бұрын
Big hug.
@PabloAriasArte 3 ай бұрын
@DANINSKYWOW 3 ай бұрын
@user-cf1ic2rc3r 3 ай бұрын
Cancel Culture is probably the keenest insight to the end morality of the 'materialists'. I'm not a huge fan of Christianity but it's becoming increasingly clear why forgiveness is a powerful and necessary force. I'm glad you're still kicking.
@PostmortemVideo 3 ай бұрын
That idea far pre dates xtianity
@placeyouhide 3 ай бұрын
Beautifule video, beautiful person! Thank you...
@PostmortemVideo 3 ай бұрын
Good, it's always hard to get right
@juddgoswick2024 3 ай бұрын
I didn't know his guy, Grim. I know you (in an internet way). You have made fun games. When your time comes, may it be in a retirement home or in honorable battle! Do not rest your head while anyone still plays PbtA! At the end of things, I want it to be you who tries to take my copies of 'Uncharted Worlds' and 'Farflung'. We will fill the gaming convention halls of Valhalla that day!
@firetouched5629 3 ай бұрын
I don't know Mr. Piskor. However, his fate is very tragic. It strikes me that you seem to have been triggered by this circumstance. Even if I'm just some dude who spends time with you on the channel and on the Discord. So I would like to tell you that I really enjoy this time with you and everyone else. I really enjoy listening to your reviews, thoughts and radio plays. So I hope that your depression never takes the wind out of your sails.
@bobbyflavor5239 3 ай бұрын
Ed Piskor was falsely accused. The women who did it, Molly Dwyer and Molly Wright, need to be in jail. And any video about Piskor should include his suicide note where he defends himself and calls his detractors out.
@traviswilcox3472 3 ай бұрын
When I hear of a suicide & it’s a young person, I reason that it makes more sense due to many of them not being fully cognizant & lack the emotional fortitude to overcome stresses that life can throw at you. The term “young & dumb” can apply here. When an older mature adult commits suicide I often find it much more confounding. Especially in the case of Ed Piskor. He was in his 40’s and a wasn’t suffering an issue of an awful disease that would cause pain & suffering for a long time, as some people do & then end themselves. But perhaps he was.. a mental disease that would forever plague him. That’s my issue, I just haven’t the insight to ascertain mental issues such as that. I think, “Who cares what strangers think of me?..They mean nothing..I can’t be affected in the least by unknown masses.” I actually laugh it off. However to others, the thought of being hated and/or ostracized is to them a death sentence. And in many cases those that you think are close to you can shun you if the accusations are true or just seem plausible. That is difficult. But then I think, “That person wasn’t a true friend or loved one, they showed their true colors & I am better off with them gone.” I’m very strong willed & resilient emotionally, thus it’s hard to put myself in the mental / suicidal state of others. Without intense research into the subject I won’t fully grasp why anyone would kill themself over “words”. Piskor didn’t commit an actual crime , just a perceived “toxic behavior” that’s subjective. He apparently did care what strangers thought of him & was greatly affected by those close to him that may have rejected him. I would have liked to seen Ed weather the storm & let time pass. Time can very well bring a kind of clarity & calming resolution. Now he is lost to time & fell victim to something that will most likely claim others if they too aren’t emotionally durable to handle such perceived torment.
@SolveForX 3 ай бұрын
I just did a video on this whole mess. Would be interested in your perspective on it. Thanks
@PostmortemVideo 3 ай бұрын
I will check it out
@user-et3vq1jo6u 3 ай бұрын
I tell you what in this day in life you can't trust anybody if I ever make it big I'm going to change my goddamn name so I ain't got to worry about ex-girlfriend's mad that I made it out
@PocketJacksComics 3 ай бұрын
Artists suffer by nature.
@PostmortemVideo 3 ай бұрын
Apparently that's only true of writers.
@keiljones2902 3 ай бұрын
amazing video. Thanks for posting it. And you hang the h*** in there, brother
@yagamifire7861 3 ай бұрын
"This is cult shunning" Yes! Exactly. The behavior of these people in general is absolutely cult like. I've been trying to point out this for a few years now. The behavior is NOT political...it is faith-based, religious, cult-behavior.
@DanyTV79 3 ай бұрын
Thank you to share what are you feeling and going because of Ed death. I'm going to praybfor you.
@Heru_Iluvatar 3 ай бұрын
I can tell from the premature whitening of your hair that you've survived one too many fear and stress inducing circumstances. Bravo!
@PostmortemVideo 3 ай бұрын
Hah, I'm nearly 50, so it's not exactly premature :)
@Heru_Iluvatar 3 ай бұрын
@@PostmortemVideo Oh wow, youthful genes then
@jonathanfrost8767 3 ай бұрын
Serious question: Why does it seem that the majority of instigators of this kind of thing "cancelling," etc. are women? It seems like most of the stories I have heard that end in someone's death from online bullying and suicide are because women attacked their victims without remorse, often lying about the circumstances they are claiming.
@PostmortemVideo 3 ай бұрын
Social skill, we're all 'mean girls' now. Also because of the privilege women's word is given.
@edwardkopp1116 3 ай бұрын
@@PostmortemVideo look for the recent articles about happiness and woke. A good breakdown shows that women and men respond to wokeness differently. I don't recall the exact ratios but I vaguely recall 3:4 women are sympathetic to woke propaganda and 1:4 men.
@Ya_Mosura 3 ай бұрын
Reputation destruction is a very common tactic for toxic woman, whereas men typically resort to physical violence.
@GrymmJymm 3 ай бұрын
“and the best at murder are those who preach against it and the best at hate are those who preach love and the best at war finally are those who preach peace” --Charles Bulowski The witches see only puritans, Therefor burn all around them, And left alone to realize They had become the puritans, And treated the others as witches. Fairness and justice and equality should never result in reversing oppression, but rather eliminating it by refusing to hold power over others in an oppressing manner. You cannot be for the thing you claim to be against. One cannot preach anti-fascism and do so in a fascistic fervor. The shadow can never become light, nor can it exist without it, and vice versa. Until these people come to realize nature oppresses us all as much as it liberates us all, they will always be at war with the laws of nature, and that is war unending with no winner but nature immortal.
@frankandstern8803 3 ай бұрын
11:19 Thats Right. But that is why the point is vitally important that people number one have a responsibility to make sure beyond a shadow of doubt they are justified in what they speak about another. And number two that those who can't substantiate such claims are held accountable legally for damages people cant even imagine. I am not sure anything for the most part will really be or could be done . On the other side of the veil though. IM NOT SO SURE OR CONVINCED.
@RP-ve7bl 3 ай бұрын
From what I've seen online - he was a talented artist and commentator. I'm not sure what one life is worth - but even if he had a dark side I think the world would be a better place if he was still here.
@foxtrotelement 3 ай бұрын
I would miss your voice.
@MercutioUK2006 3 ай бұрын
:( And yet, even with this tragedy, the CC won't learn, or even entertain one scrap of empathy......Cult is eminently the correct term. This is directed hate. You're going nowhere Jim - but if you did, you'd be remembered and celebrated. You deserve a wider audience.....and at that point, you'll be remembered for your kindness and insights, rather than your gaming career. Perhaps. Probably both.
@RoyCyberPunk 3 ай бұрын
KZfaq keeps deleting everything I post
@RoyCyberPunk 3 ай бұрын
KZfaq is deleting everything I post
@PostmortemVideo 3 ай бұрын
Sorry, there's nothing I can do about that.
@RoyCyberPunk 3 ай бұрын
@@PostmortemVideo Oh I know but that statement is for the most part all that KZfaq allows me to post
@SalsaDoom1840 3 ай бұрын
This is not feudal Japan, such deaths are mundane. A few people may shake their heads for a while then move on as if nothing has happened. Better to lead a life protecting others who share your fate, such as you are doing.
@azzTwild 3 ай бұрын
I'm glad your still with us Mate. For what it is worth I am sorry for what you have been through 👊 Your a good Man
@PostmortemVideo 3 ай бұрын
I appreciate that
@fatcat3211 3 ай бұрын
He could have recovered. People have done much much worse than Ed and are doing well today. Such a waste.
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