Eddie Trunk interviews Ace Frehley, confirms NO ORIGINAL KISS PERFORMANCE AT HOF

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10 жыл бұрын

Eddie Trunk interviews Ace Frehley, confirms NO ORIGINAL KISS PERFORMANCE AT HOF

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@michaelcorkery8715 10 жыл бұрын
Read the comments on KISS Facebook page. Fans are pissed off. We the people have supported KISS in the good times and the bad. We deserve to see the original band for just one night.
@picassoboy52 10 жыл бұрын
Paul and Gene at this point feel so well placed and so in control that they have totally disgarded 2 original members. Paul said last summer that they were never friends with Ace and Peter, and they do't miss them. It's a shame to throw that in the fans faces. Feel what you want, keep your mouth shut.
@annwilkiemeyer7655 3 жыл бұрын
Actually Ace Frehley has always been friends with Gene Simmons
@itsstillfriday 10 жыл бұрын
Ace really has my respect!! A great Zen spirit.. Go with the flow!! And as he said, to not focus on the distractions.. Rather, put that energy into creating some cool new sounds... And staying healthy and happy!! Best wishes to one of my guitar heroes!!
@louielovett 10 жыл бұрын
If Paul & Gene pull this shit and don't allow Ace & Peter to play, I am done with them forever. Paul's voice is toast, they are a cover band now anyway, a business.
@darkwolf1775 10 жыл бұрын
This doesn't surprise me, Gene and Paul have been milking this shell of a "band" for decades! As a long time Kiss fan, I consider this a travesty and I am in shock to be honest because this is a complete douche bag move by Paul and Gene! Disappointment isn't even the word to cover my feelings!
@stevedrums1675 10 жыл бұрын
I've defended Gene & Paul many times over this issue and that, but this has been a complete classless series of moves and comments by them since this whole things was announced. While I agree w/ Paul in regards to the HOF, the fact is it was tasteless for him to accept the invitation and the attention that goes with it and THEN call them and criticize them for what he feels they are. And he was absolutely right in doing so. But if you're going to take the stand he did, then do what the Sex Pistols did and not show up and not talk out of both sides of your mouth. regarding peter & Ace, they come out looking like the classier of the two parties assuming they keep their cool. Paul & Gene like so many others have lived in a self-involved and singular worldly bubble and have forgotten what's it's like to be fans. If Heart, the talking Heads, the Mama's & Papas and so many others have reconcile their differences for an evening, certainly Gene & Paul could have and should have. They are absolutely classless and it's very disappointing.
@TheMissMindyShow 10 жыл бұрын
Well, now Gene and Paul released a statement today saying that NO VERSION of KISS will perform at the ceremony. They also denied that they wouldn't allow Ace and Peter to perform. BULLSHIT ! Paul even tweeted that he would absolutely not play with Ace and Peter. Even though surprisingly, Gene seemed ok with the idea. . And they know the originals will take focus away from their current line up. They can't use that bullshit line "Well, they blew their chances many times." Guys, all those two wanted to do was play a couple tunes with you two. They never wanted a full blown reunion tour. I love hearing people saying how Ace and Peter can't cut it. Um, ever hear Paul's voice these days ? Perhaps he should leave KISS too. This is such a bullshit scenario. It sucks, plain and simple.
@777zippy777 10 жыл бұрын
I had a feeling Gene & Paul would ultimately decide to not perform at this thing. There were too many variables involved. All-original KISS performing in makeup while Eric & Tommy hang out backstage in makeup or without makeup? The current lineup performing in makeup while Ace & Peter hang out backstage? My thing is, Ace & Peter did blow it. They blew it back in the late '70s when they decided that drugs & alcohol were more important than being successful in KISS. If it wasn't for Gene & Paul continuing on with the band, there would BE no R&R HOF to go to.
@TheMissMindyShow 10 жыл бұрын
***** I agree !! They are twisting it for their own selfish and childish reasons. Making it look like it's the hall's fault, making it seem like its disrespectful to the other members if they only play with ACE and Peter....hello! The ORIGINAL four guys are the only ones being inducted. How much more simple than that can it get? For whatever reasons Gene and Paul can't seem to accept that fact....and that is on them and them only. So instead of doing what the HOF desires and what most fans seem to desire, they act like children and say if we can't have it OUR way, we will just refuse to even play. Good going guys. Could've played a few tunes with the original band and mentioned everyone else through a video montage that would bring down the house. Avoiding all this backlash. But alas.....egos are very hard to put aside. I still stand by my theory that they know that if they do a set with the originals, it will be received the same way as Unplugged. They knew then the fans wanted the originals, what were they gonna do ? Go back to Bruce and Eric ? Same thing would happen here I think. But again, Ace and Peter don't want back in KISS for a full blown reunion, they just wanted to celebrate what they did and play a couple of songs, that's it. One freaking night. And Gene and Paul can't even do that. I still enjoy KISS's music, and love their albums up to Psycho Circus (Sonic Boom sucked and Monster was good, but not great.) They say that "we're the bosses" and "we give what the fans want." Did we want KISS Hello Kitty ? Did we want the LA KISS football team ???
@777zippy777 10 жыл бұрын
***** Not so sure about that. If KISS had called it quits after the Dynasty tour? Would that have been enough to get them inducted? Considering how long it took them to get in (what, 14 years after first being eligible?), I doubt it.
@777zippy777 10 жыл бұрын
Mandy Dahl The bottom line is that Gene & Paul are all about the current lineup, right or wrong. They have to push THAT product. It's a business first and foremost. They couldn't care less about "purist" KISS fans who are only interested in the original band. Not only that, they actually get along with Eric and Tommy. It may be selfish, but it's not childish at all. And since when do KISS fans care what the RRHOF desires? LMAO... Fuck the RRHOF. Bunch of elitist douchebags who think what they think matters.
@777zippy777 10 жыл бұрын
Mandy Dahl But I agree that Gene & Paul are afraid of the reunion backlash that would obviously occur and just create even more controversy regarding the current lineup. But also, it's not just one freaking night. Playing a few songs with Ace & Peter at the RRHOF induction would require weeks of practices, rehearsals and lawyer meetings. Some KISS fans think the original four could just jump on stage and start pumping out KISS classics. Uh... not quite. Ace was so lost back in '96, he had to have Thayer teach him how to play his old solos. That's beyond sad.
@ruffian1868 10 жыл бұрын
KISS to the majority of die-hard fans worldwide is ACE, PETER, GENE & PAUL in full make up playing together. I fully understand and respect fans still listening and supporting the band, great….BUT this is about the ORIGINAL line up being inducted ! It is ( as Ace said ) disrespectful to the fans who have followed and supported them for 40 years, and well as SpaceAce and The Catman…..not the impostors ;)
@BentBrent69 10 жыл бұрын
I hope Ace and Peter both show up for their induction into the RARHOF. The night belongs to them just as much as it does to Gene and Paul Ace saying he doesn't know if he'll show up really sucks. Hopefully he will see the light and not let all this drama about KISS not performing keep him away.
@hoppskm 10 жыл бұрын
So Simmons and Stanley say NO to Peter and Ace what a surprise, we do everything for the fans ..............bullshit...3 songs that's all we want not a fucking reunion tour.
@BGEntertainmentGroup 10 жыл бұрын
I'll buy Ace's record... but I won't buy Monster... I can't support the current line-up with their attitudes.
@ephrentinoco3224 10 жыл бұрын
I'd rather see the originals without makeup in suits and ties and loafers playing acoustic singing "Dirty Living" than any scabs onstage in makeup for this show.
@mrsmaxwell6505 10 жыл бұрын
There's a reason they can't sell out Arenas anymore and why Monster bombed and this is just another nail in the coffin for the Fat Bat, Star Queen, Replace Ace and Copycat fake line-up... In one stupid, childish move Gene and Paul ended their careers on the sourest of notes. I knew I should have been an Aerosmith fan ... I want my money back.
@MrJoeythebabykangaro 10 жыл бұрын
LOVE the descriptions lol
@HackSlashKill 10 жыл бұрын
lol omg I frickin;' love your descriptions. I can't stop laughing, that is sooooooo awesome
@AussieOutlaw 10 жыл бұрын
PAUL cant sing a Fucking Note anyway, a DUCK Quacking Sounds better
@WaterfrontEnt 10 жыл бұрын
They need to put all their bs aside for the fans on this one. This is the induction to the RRHOF!! Once in a lifetime big deal for this band .. Once! 2-3 songs for the fans and then part ways jeezuz!
@777zippy777 10 жыл бұрын
Why? Van Halen didn't. Why should KISS be any different?
@kingofallwhites 10 жыл бұрын
777zippy777 Because Van Halen should have.
@777zippy777 10 жыл бұрын
kingofallwhites Yes they should have, and KISS should have as well, because unlike Van Halen, KISS is actually a fan-friendly band. But I wonder how much of a "big deal" this RRHOF thing really is. The RRHOF is an even bigger joke than Tommy Thayer wearing Ace's makeup. And that's saying a lot.
@777zippy777 10 жыл бұрын
***** That's kind of like if you and your wife got to the point where you couldn't stand to be in the same room together, but you stayed together just because your family & friends wanted you to. KISS is absolutely a fan-friendly band, but there's a limit. They can't please their fans if they themselves aren't happy. Like Paul says, "There wouldn't have been KISS without Ace & Peter, but there wouldn't be KISS with Ace & Peter." Now obviously that would be fine with KISS purists, who most likely wish KISS' last show would've been 14 years ago, but at the end of the day, Paul & Gene want to play and tour with guys they actually get along with, and I don't blame them. In a perfect world, it would've been G&P&A&P from day one non-stop. But the reality is that some marriages just don't last.
@777zippy777 10 жыл бұрын
***** Why do they need to do that? What is that 30 minutes going to do for you that 1996-2000 didn't do for you? Do you need some sort of closure after 13 years of not having Ace in KISS? And how is Ace "more KISS" than Gene and Paul? Because Ace was *your* favorite member? That's *your* opinion, bro. Guess who else were the ultimate rock super heroes for many kids that came to love the group back then? That would be Gene and Paul. Wait a sec... it's not about what Gene & Paul want, it's about what their fans want? Since when? Yeah, I get the whole "Our fans are the bosses" concept of Gene's, and that's all funny and it makes for a fun concept, but let's have a little dose of reality with that one. KISS is Gene's & Paul's band, not the fans' band. This isn't a negotiation, they tell us how it works. And they're entitled to that because it's THEM, Gene and Paul, who kept KISS going through the shit of the '80s, not Ace or Peter.
@kyss4k335 10 жыл бұрын
Oh come on... I did stand behind Paul and Gene with kicking out Ace and Peter because their drinking / drugs issues but this. They should just man the fuck up and do two or three songs with them. Nothing more. This is weak.
@SweetJohnny 10 жыл бұрын
This is an ABSOLUTE DISGRACE! There is nothing else anyone can say about this...
@ErictheACKACKTOR 10 жыл бұрын
Gene always goes on about how the fans are the boss. "I work for you." Well the fans want to see the original KISS inducted as it should be.
@michaelmacbeth4628 10 жыл бұрын
Its sad that the superheroes of rock will end up as a farce in a shitty museum. What a disappointment.
@swissmiss9120 3 жыл бұрын
ACE was Kiss. PERIOD. Paul and Gene should be so ashamed of that move. It is so disrespectful for the fans. They are only in for the money. ACE fans know ! ACE is better off without Kiss anyway ! He is so creative, he rocks and shreds those guitar strings as no one else ! His solo albums are absolutely FABULOUS ! ACE is the only and unique sp'ACE man on Earth. He is the guitar GOD that inspired millions of people to pick up the guitar. His style is unique. His career will last longer then the actual Kiss tribute band with fakes impostors 👿 Long life to ACE ! Thanks for your incredible albums, thanks for granting us with your talent, truth, humility. Enjoy life ! We love you 🧡💛💚💙💜 thanks Eddie for your wonderful interview of ACE 🙏
@haroof 10 жыл бұрын
Ace keeps mentioning a new album no one will buy.
@RADIO5150EAS 10 жыл бұрын
I'm buying it. I bought his last album Anamoly through Amazon and loved it. I'll buy the next one too.
@haroof 10 жыл бұрын
I know the Ace diehards will buy it. I was speaking in generalities.
@MrJoeythebabykangaro 10 жыл бұрын
Not many people bought the last 2 KISS records either...
@777zippy777 10 жыл бұрын
MrJoeythebabykangaro People still buy records?
@drummerd3098 10 жыл бұрын
Ace's solo stuff is still better then Anything Gene and Paul have put out in the past 13 years.
@GodofThunder66 10 жыл бұрын
Being a fan since 74..I just lost total respect for kiss..And I hope the fans down show up at the event..This is total bullshit..
@annwilkiemeyer7655 3 жыл бұрын
They're wouldn't A Spaceman without the Only Spaceman ACE FREHLEY
@youkid1991 10 жыл бұрын
it would be awesome to see people throw shit at the current kiss performing !
@MegaGlitterbomb 10 жыл бұрын
Gene and Paul no longer deserve my money or respect...wich is sad because KISS was the most magical band that ever exsisted...now they are just buffons wearing wigs and looking ridiculus ...I was looking forward to a final goodbye ...but Gene ruins it again...I hope everyone decides to not support them anymore ...we made them rich and now there true colors come out ...they don't care about us ...the fans...God bless Peter and Ace
@Chrissdks 6 жыл бұрын
lol Ace and Peter are greedy too :3
@MrJoeythebabykangaro 10 жыл бұрын
Gene and Paul are afraid of the Pandora's Box that will open if The Four play again. I was at the '95 Unplugged taping, and when The Four got up on that stage, it was magic. Gene and Paul couldn't stop it if they wanted to. In fact, the version on Kissology 3 edits out the booing that happened when Eric and Bruce joined The Four onstage. Watch the bootleg. It's hilarious.
@guyprovost 10 жыл бұрын
Really loves Ace the guitar player... but Ace the human being... jeez. He is just bullshitting about Paul and Gene not wanting them to play! It's exaclty what it was in the late 70s. Ace and Peter being divas!
@vinceedwards3978 10 жыл бұрын
I am not surprised that this was the outcome, and it is painful to me to hear this. I am a huge KISS fan, and love the music. That said, I would never see them without Ace and Peter. On a personal side, as a former band member, it would take a lot for me to play with my former bandmates. And I admit, I was the problem. I can only imagine what Ace is feeling as this new drama unfolds. But wait, maybe this is a great marketing scheme, where they let them perform at the last second.
@777zippy777 10 жыл бұрын
Vince Edwards Waiting until the last second to announce a reunion performance would be the complete opposite of great marketing. The maximum amount of ticket sales would come from announcing the reunion as soon as possible. And this is why the RRHOF so desperately wanted only the original band to perform together. It's all about the $$$. And that would've been HUGE promo and pub for them.
@jeffbear3075 10 жыл бұрын
I knew this whole induction thing was going to be a mess and cause a lot of animosity all around.Gene and Paul have upset SOOO many fans.Anyone that has been a long time fan knows there's been nothing but issues with the original members.70's.90's.Or now.Doesn't matter.Ace is the only real laid back one without a real ego issue.And he's for sure hurt.He wanted the fans to get what they deserved.The original 4 members.
@CraigRattleHead 10 жыл бұрын
if the rock hall of shame inducted kiss the first time round it would of been the original 4, the r.o.f have left it to late.
@Dfturcott 10 жыл бұрын
get vinnie vincent on the phone, he will play!
@austinfailz 10 жыл бұрын
Has Vinnie even picked up a guitar in the past 15-20 years? Personally, I think it's insulting that Eric Carr, Eric Singer, Vinnie Vincent and Bruce Kulick aren't getting inducted because they were important to Kiss in different ways and are all great musicians in their own rights.
@Dfturcott 10 жыл бұрын
dont forget tommy and mark st john
@UnkleJohn84 10 жыл бұрын
maybe gene and paul felt eric and tommy should be been inducted, so they said no to ace and peter also they may of asked eric and tommy if its ok to perform and said they werent happy as if they perform gene and paul could announce a kiss reunion, just a theory.
@CarlosSolorzanoDesertDrummer 10 жыл бұрын
No, KISS is not performing at all because they could not decide who gets to perform. They knew that it could not make everyone happy so KISS, "any version," is NOT performing. Eddie needs to clarify this and now!
@vernhatheway 10 жыл бұрын
I don't know what you guys are talking about he wouldn't keep making records if they didn't sell from what I understand one of his songs is still on the charts from the 70's today and it is being played at baseball games in New York so get your story straight even after all these years he still rocks
@MeatWisdom 10 жыл бұрын
Man, Gene and Paul are gonna get a MASSIVE wave of boos when they walk out to that podium. John Fogerty did the same thing to Stu Cook and Doug Clifford when Creedence got inducted, only the latter two were actually there and under the impression that they were all gonna perform together. John decided to play with other musicians, and when they hit the stage Cook, Clifford and their families were appalled and left (Tom Fogerty's widow had even brought his urn). Nowadays, Fogerty seems to have opened up a bit to the idea of a reunion, but Cook and Clifford sure haven't.
@glentz716 10 жыл бұрын
There will be an 11th hour change of heart when Gene gets paid and everyone will treat them like heroes. But this is the end. No more.
@youkid1991 10 жыл бұрын
i like eddie trunk, he's a metal fan like me, only alot older, lol!
@HackSlashKill 10 жыл бұрын
I am not too sure but I think Ace is working on a new album
@goldentwinkletoes 10 жыл бұрын
I am so disappointed in Gene & Paul for NOT playing well with others!!! Damn it this is the RNRHOF & you are finally getting in!!!! WHY??? Because of ALL of your fans voting for ALL of you. NOT just fans for Gene & Paul BUT ACE & PETER ALSO!!!! EGOS need to take a back seat, swallow YOUR pride & play for the FANS!!!! Yes G & P kept the band going all those years - BARELY - BUT P & A help build back up their bank accounts with the reunion & they need to remember that!!! The FANS wanted to see the original FOUR not replacements players!!! Hotter than a spit fire is this fan sitting in my KISS room wondering WTH???? Play TOGETHER or don't play at ALL!!! PERIOD!!!!
@Vitus1855 9 жыл бұрын
They have their reasons for refusing to even play one song, only they know the real reason but it sure looks like, "because I said so" from Gene and Paul?
@shotgunsnare 10 жыл бұрын
eddie, i really respect your forum & your show, i listen and i almost always agree with your point of view when it comes to kiss- & all things rock & roll- you have a unique perpsective being friendly with ace and peter, that being said, i think it comes down to paul and gene holding on to a grudge, ace and peter's drugs , drinking & attitude pissed them off so much over the years , they are just plain punishing them { ace & peter } for it now- if we dont play you dont play... and to me it's sad, these are grown men { paul & gene } very well off, who are acting like children, kiss has influenced so many of todays musicians to pick up guitars and drums me included!, and have created one of the most rabid fan bases in the history of rock music, the fans [ KISS ARMY } gave them their career , houses, cars, etc..plain and simple - kiss owes all of these fans a rock and roll hall of fame celebration! a big thank you and we did it after all these years celebration ! instead paul & gene are taking their ball and going home ...............
@shaitanxul6 10 жыл бұрын
See I look at it this way,,,Reality; the Rock world and Metaldom is loosing alot of our icons we as fans need to see these guys in original form together cause time is too short to be trival.
@Undick 10 жыл бұрын
Who cares anyway? They should have ended with the reunion tour in 2002. Gene can go on talking about dna and winning the Marathon, but he may be the only on left. Paul is out of breath
@tomsav8848 10 жыл бұрын
Horrible news but the silver lining in i just saved $1300 for tickets...
@pghharry 10 жыл бұрын
Ace sounds like he's off the wagon. Sad. He's a GREAT guitarist (the best Kiss had) and he's a human being with an addiction problem. I hope he cleans up again. God bless Ace!
@eddiegeorge4047 10 жыл бұрын
Got Anomoly and will get the new one
@Cambu17 10 жыл бұрын
A travesty
@BeardedMikeG 10 жыл бұрын
I support Ace and will buy his upcoming album but I am sick of this Kiss crap. Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons are two of the most despicable people in the music business. ROCK ON ACE!!!
@paululver8878 10 жыл бұрын
Ace~ Deal with jews: you lose...
@lamecasuelas2 10 жыл бұрын
Ace and Peter should get Vinnie Vincent and appear on the ceremony just to upset Gene and Paul, that would be funny
@MrKickAssAngel 10 жыл бұрын
the fact that the so called new kiss does not play only confirms the real state of kiss. time to retire.
@rizzlaxl 10 жыл бұрын
so what !
@jwhiteout 10 жыл бұрын
I'm super disappointed about this, but lots of bands perform without the originals. That's what Blondie did.
@AussieOutlaw 10 жыл бұрын
Hmm you compare to Blondie other than Debbie and maybe some know Stein, who could fucking name any of the others, hardly as Iconic as Kiss
@jwhiteout 10 жыл бұрын
Uh, excuse me, Clem Burke is one of the greatest living Rock n' Roll drummers and he's played with fucking EVERYBODY. Jimmy Destri? wrote some of their biggest hits. Not their fault people are fucking idiots. I'm a KISS fan, have been since 1977 when I got my first KISS record. You?
@AussieOutlaw 10 жыл бұрын
Me it was 76 Mother got me Rock n Roll Over on Casette tape, not that I can see that has anything to do with it. Your comments just agree with what I said about Blondie, very few people could name all members , so my point stands which you confirmed , they arent as Iconic as Peter, Paul, Ace and Gene
@jwhiteout 10 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I guess you're right actually. But from your posts elsewhere, you seem to despise them now anyhow, so no big deal.
@AussieOutlaw 10 жыл бұрын
jwhiteout Yes your quite correct, despise, hmm maybe , They arent the Hottest band in the World, the Singer cant sing a Note, they downtuned the Songs so much they dont even sound anything like the Original Song, and the Singer still cant sing them . I have no problem with them not being the Original line up, because second to the originals i think with Eric Carr and Bruce Kulick they were a massive band with a great sound also. Today its just one big BAD Joke
@daverain1967 10 жыл бұрын
KISS doesn't care about the fans anymore, it's all about their stupid ass "legacy". For the fans this is a HUGE disappointment. And they just don't care....
@kirkmcleod5956 10 жыл бұрын
gene and Paul should be ashamed of themselvs
@MrJoeythebabykangaro 10 жыл бұрын
If they played with Ace and Peter they'd have to stop downtuning their guitars, which means Paul's already bad voice of late would be inoperable.
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