Everything You Need to Know About Monkie Kid's New Animation in 2 Minutes

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Axolotl and Pangolin

Axolotl and Pangolin

29 күн бұрын

Here is everything you need to know about Monkie Kid’s new animation.
The first four seasons of Lego Monkie Kid were animated by Flying Bark Productions, a company you may know from animating other projects such as Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Marvel’s Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. But due to schedualing conflicts, Flying Bark will not be returning for seasons 5 and onward of Lego Monkie Kid.
We could theorize about what exactly happened, I would say that Flying Bark has grown onward from Lego Monkie Kid since they are currently receiving a lot of new projects, such as Avatar Studios and an animated Stranger Things show.
In any case, Lego Monkie Kid will now be animated by WildBrain studios. But worry not, the writers and voice actors will be the same. That means it will still be the exact same story, it just is going to have slightly different animation, and a different director since Sarah Harper was hired through Flying Bark.
Flying Bark’s departure seems to be on good terms.
So, what about WildBrain? A leaked trailer came out for season five and fans are not too excited about the change in animation style.
But this was leaked, so we have to keep in mind it likely isnt finished. While they obviously wouldn’t color unfinished line art, we can hope for more shading and fully rendered 3D. Especially because WildBrain has a lot of experience in 3D, we may even be able to look forward to better-looking mechs going forwards.
The 2D animation itself doesn’t compare to Flying Bark’s revolutionary animation, but it’s not actually terrible. The action looks fine, it’s mostly small movements that look a little sticker-y. Since they are copying an art style and still working at how to animate it, we can hope that they’ll grow more comfortable with the art style and improve.
As some final words, we need to be respectful of all studios. There is no bad blood between Lego and these companies, it’s simply that Flying Bark had conflicts and WildBrain was willing to pick Monkie Kid up.
Which is great! Losing their animators could have killed the show- or it could not have been renewed for a season five at all! The fact that despite bumps in the road, we are still getting a new season this summer, is something to celebrate.
So let me know in the comments- do you have more news to add? Have you watched the season five leaked trailer? What are your thoughts on these coming storylines?
#legomonkiekid #lmk

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@axolotlandpangolin 27 күн бұрын
The fandom has been [overall] understanding and respectful regarding these changes--- so thanks for being awesome, fellow Lego Monkie Kid fans! Can't wait to enjoy season five with y'all! For those of the fans that have reacted with anger and backlash... please don't harass WildBrain studios. It's because of them that we have season five at all.
@joannabevan5456 27 күн бұрын
Meh, I don't mind the animation difference. As long as this trailer is real, that's good enough for me. I am so excited for a new season.
@pepsicannot 27 күн бұрын
The fact that WildBrain is now animating Monkie kid really caught me interested. There the same animation studio who did a very great job doing Ninjago really excites me. Monkie Kid is a show I always had an eye for sometimes but haven’t got around so I have to katchup sooner and I can see. However I can understand why people can be unhappy with this change, MK’s animation is always eye catching and visually stunning, but I think people are taking this criticism to personal, and I feel like it’s not going to be a big deal. So I will have faith Wildbriain will do a great job.
@wak773 14 күн бұрын
wait, flying bark is gonna animate stranger things and another atla project? damn, lmk must have really set them up. but, i'm still gonna miss them. i haven't watched the recent seasons, due to lack of red son (petty, i know), but i always liked the animation ever since season 1, even if there were times when some sequences were animated too fast to keep track.
@mable_enthusiast 27 күн бұрын
@WonderPop_._ 27 күн бұрын
@ZeroJump 27 күн бұрын
The shown is not drawn tho. It seems to be completly rigged animation now exept for a few movements.
@mable_enthusiast 27 күн бұрын
@@ZeroJump WAIT WHAATT I litterally never knew that lmao
@ZeroJump 27 күн бұрын
@@mable_enthusiast It used to be drawn just not with the new studio
@ReyfaLloydSimp 26 күн бұрын
@LunaStafford 27 күн бұрын
hi, art student here. now obviously i'm speaking from an artistic point of view. while i can still see the artists worked very hard on it, i can't help but be disappointed. from the fight scene's we saw in the trailer, i personally noticed some lack the energy previous similar scenes from the series had and the proportions seem to be off here and there. some animation seems too slow, some seems to quick. overall it's just a lot less dynamic and choppy, where FBP pushed perspectives, some scenes in the animation seem to lack said pushed perspectives. some scenes seem to stick too much to the character sheets, where character sheets should be used as a guide with some opportunity to push elements without straying from the characteristics from the character. the colors also seem quite flat here and there. and then onto the topic of the puppetry. using rigs and puppets is much different compared to the fully hand-drawn frame-by-frame animation we previously received, courtesy of flying bark productions. now, we all must try to understand that every studio has it's own style and way of approaching things. maybe wildbrain will realize later down the line that puppetry is not the way for this series and it was merely done because of time constraints. after all, we do know that flying bark stopped production on LMK due to other products. maybe this was a sort of last resort and (if we get a season 6) the animation will be vastly different. it seems the new studio isn't too familiar with utilizing the animation principles referred to squash and stretch and smearframes in this particular style the way FBP did which results in the lack of energy and the choppiness that i referred to earlier. i also suspect some elements that made the visual storytelling of the previous seasons so impactful may be toned down or even completely void in the season. the 3d elements also seem poorly integrated when it comes down to the visuals. they seem out of place in combination with the characters and compared to the background which leads me to suspect it's ever so slightly unfinished. from a personal standpoint, the exquisite animation FBP provided is what made the series stick out to me. it's one of the key elements that made me personally enjoy the show that much more. this is just what i noticed off the top of my head. overall though, it's best to wait for the final result and see what we're getting. if it isn't to our standards, we can let our voices be heard in a respectful and calm manner and then maybe we'll be noticed. maybe it'll change. who knows what the future may hold?
@Commenter839 27 күн бұрын
I feel like a part of why the animation looks so stiff is because this show just wasn't designed to work with puppet animation. Plenty of rigged shows look great, even Star vs. The Forces of Evil and The Owl House looked fine when they switched animation studios. But those shows were designed from the ground up to work with puppet rigs. For the Rise of the TMNT movie, Nickelodeon actually attempted to outsource it to a studio that would do it using puppets, but backtracked and returned to Flying Bark because everyone involved could see that storyboards just couldn't work with the animation Nickelodeon wanted. I think it's similar here; LMK will look awkward as long as it's animated with puppets, and the fact that Wildbrain specializes in 3D rather than 2D isn't helping matters. I really, really hope they return to the frame by frame animation that made this show so appealing to so many people in the first place. I know it takes longer, but I think fans would be willing to wait.
@thunderdrum325 27 күн бұрын
Hello, animation student here! Along with the lack of smears, squash and stretch, and pretty stagnant movement at times; it feels as if its was animated almost like Straight Ahead. Like somebody drew the key frames, then in the in-between frames didn't think about small things like arcs and momentum. Another youtuber i saw talking about it pointed out it feels like its season 1's level of quality because the animators were first getting used to the style. I guess personally I hope they continue to do that thing about reusing poses and animation. It saves on cost as like a little short cut, but they used it to make parallels or in other places perfectly natural. It feels like a staple now, and I hope they keep doing that. I still dont exactly get if this trailer is a leak, unfinished version accidently released instead, or this is the real final trailer. I've heard a mix of all of these, so I'll just wait patiently until a straight forward answer comes about. Just like in the video, It's the same writers and va's, so at least it wont feel like another season for the sake of popularity.
@Toplimshadey 27 күн бұрын
@@Commenter839 See but when you look into another 2D show Wild Brain did like Carmen Sandiego, I come to be confused with people's defense of the animation. It's not terrible, but...they can do way better when you look at there other work...?
@guywithrevolver 27 күн бұрын
​@@thunderdrum325I don't get comparing this trailer to season 1 tbh. That feels like it's devaluing that season (which was still visually stunning in so many ways) just to make people less angry as this new trailer. I'm not onboard with that personally. It's not like season 1 is some god standard people will never be able to reach it's just that I don't like when people's defensive arguments devalue the things that came before in an attempt to try and make people more accepting of the new stuff
@guywithrevolver 27 күн бұрын
​​@@Toplimshadey I think it's because of what the above commenters said. They're trying to rig these to models made for hand drawn animation or they're trying too hard to keep everything on model. Carmen Sandiego was built with rigging in mind so of course its gonna excel when that's what it was built for.
@nymexyl 27 күн бұрын
I do not at all agree with harassing the animators or the studio, buuut I also very much disagree with anybody saying it's not OK to complain and we should just "be respectful." LMK is a product. You pay to view it, and they are paid to make it. If said product does not meet your standards, you are allowed to avoid or complain about it. But this doesn't entitle anybody to harassing anybody, it only entitles you to share your opinion in the hopes enough public outcry will ensure the final product is improved. These animators are being paid for this, it's not a passion project or anything, it's OK to complain. But it is NOT OK to harass said animators or studio.
@axolotlandpangolin 27 күн бұрын
Yeah, I agree we should have higher standards for products. I mean, if we didn't, we all know what the sonic movie would look like.
@ngenge1309 9 күн бұрын
@@axolotlandpangolinDon’t remind me. That was the worst day of my life.
@axolotlandpangolin 9 күн бұрын
@@ngenge1309 lolll the pain is real
@Twix0580 27 күн бұрын
As someone who is in lego "fanbase" since a kid; I'm happy that series not get cancelled. A lot of authorial lego series finished so bad like nexo knights,chima, hidden side and other authorial themes. Expect ninjago lmk is only the only own lego series that got succesed. Let's just wait for full season.
@YoGurlNova 24 күн бұрын
Hearing about this honestly made me scared because the visual storytelling from Flying Bark was ON POINT and I'm worried we might not get that kind of quality with WildBrain. But I'm still waited wit bated breath because I NEED MY LITTLE MONKIE MEN BACK GIVE THEM BACK
@starshine_wolfie8807 27 күн бұрын
I get a feeling because seeing Wukong and Macaque’s faces whenever they look at each other now, I have a feeling we might get see more of their past or something else! Because when they look at each other NOW is full of sadness/fear/worry! I can’t wait to know why!!
@axolotlandpangolin 27 күн бұрын
I know I was freaking out about the way Wukong and Macaque look at each other in the trailer! They've softened up to each other so much and I can't wait to see their past and see them move forward!
@starshine_wolfie8807 27 күн бұрын
@@axolotlandpangolin I SWEAR if someone or something RUINS it. Ima just quit. They’ve come SO far!
@WonderPop_._ 27 күн бұрын
@starshine_wolfie8807 26 күн бұрын
@sharkygacha_20 20 күн бұрын
YES!! I'm glad nothing was the only one who liked this scene SO much! I hope their relationship evolves more this season, and I love that Wukong looked specifically at Macaque in this scene! Depending on the reason, he could have looked at anyone else! Yaaaay lmk fans who understand me lol
@spinjitzumasterfalcon 27 күн бұрын
I’m really hoping that WildBrain makes it work because they’ve done some incredible stuff like Ninjago and other shows.
@Neganium 27 күн бұрын
I'm sure in reason that it's hard to find a studio that not only does animation to the same quality standards as Flying Bark, but that also does frame-by-frame animation for a series At All, anymore. Especially for the dynamic motion present in LMK, and on what was probably short notice, no less. Flying Bark seems to have a lot of projects lined up that they're probably predicting will take up the bulk of their time, or are already taking up too much time and resources, and are thus prioritizing them for the moment. It's not even that Wildbrain is BAD at all; they've worked on a LOT of things, and one of the more famous things they at least had a part in was My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, a show that, even in its earlier seasons with less complex rigs, you CANNOT say was poorly animated at all. Not to mention they're trying to adapt to a style that's already there. Sometimes these sorts of things take time, and I'm sure they have the tools and techniques necessary to adapt as the show goes on, if they remain as the ones in charge of animation. I won't say that it's not comparatively a bit disappointing, but those are some big-ass shoes to fill, and a difficult subject to render with any kind of dynamic flow- them's little brick people, y'all. Puppet rigs, as far as 2D goes, is actually the comparatively sane option. This is a studio with a long and decent-quality track record, so we're in pretty good hands, all things considered. Things could be INFINITELY worse.
@toastysweaters5692 26 күн бұрын
I think what could’ve worked, is if they started from scratch. I don’t think LMK’s current artstyle works with puppet rigs. I think the animation would’ve benefited if the artstyle was changed to better fit what Wildbrain is used to, like how Carman Santiago was mostly lineless
@Neganium 26 күн бұрын
@@toastysweaters5692 Nah, they're too far in to change it now. Altering it THIS much already has many fans up in arms; a full style change would risk alienating enough of the original fanbase to put the entire series in jeopardy. Plus, there are only so many ways to render and animate little LEGO people and still have it look good. (Personally, aside from LMK itself and what little I've seen of promotional materials for the LEGO movies & their faux-stop-motion animation, I don't think ANY animation with LEGOs looks good, lmao... If they switched to like, 3D or something I'd've had to have dropped the series like a baby giraffe...)
@toastysweaters5692 26 күн бұрын
@@Neganium Good point, I still think Wildbrain’s insistence to staying on model for the designs is what’s landing them difficulties. From what I’ve seen from their other shows, they are use to simplified designs with zero to no details. In contrast, the LMK designs have logos, hair shine, and sometimes lighting and shading, it’s not made for rigging in mind. I think in order for the animation to come out halfway decent, Wildbrain either needed more time to replicate the artstyle, or they needed to adapt LMK to what they thrive in, to make the process more easier. And I know an artstyle change will definitely cause an uproar, but I’ve seen people cause an uproar over the season 5 trailer, and most people still choose to stay.
@Neganium 25 күн бұрын
@@toastysweaters5692 Unfortunately, I think a lack of time was a factor in this process. They've done a decent job with what little time they've had, and now it's essentially just a matter of waiting and watching them improve. Besides, it's not as though they're completely incapable of detail and shading in an artstyle; idk how much of the original team worked on it, but the MLP movie comes to mind. For all its plot problems, the animation was perfectly competent, very much so (if slightly uncanny due to, again, a minor style shift). And it's not as though the LMK character designs are THAT complex. They can manage, I'm sure; there's no way of knowing that this situation is even permanent, anyways.
@toastysweaters5692 25 күн бұрын
@@Neganium If Wildbrain is going to continue to animate for season 5 and onward, then we might be seeing an improvement, we just have to be patient 🤷
@LukeMorningStarr 27 күн бұрын
Also like I'm just grateful another studio picked up Monkie kid since if they didn't then we would either have to wait longer for season 5 or just not get it at all
@zainabthaslymanour6075 23 күн бұрын
@jessieperez2030 21 күн бұрын
I doubt they would cancel it since it's got a good following. But if I'm being honest, if what is shown is the final product I would rather wait another year for Wildbrain to practice the style into rigging :/
@LukeMorningStarr 20 күн бұрын
@@jessieperez2030 there have been shows that despite doing really well get cancelled just because (such as inside job, owl house, dead end park, etc.)
@jessieperez2030 20 күн бұрын
@@LukeMorningStarr I guess, but with those it was diff reasons. Inside Job cause of tax breaks, The Owl House because it wasn't "on brand" AND Queer, and Dead End Park because Netflix didn't want any more due to costs.
@monkeydraw 18 күн бұрын
@@jessieperez2030 i don't think they can extent that long for the toy release schedule thou, after all, the toy and the show still need to go hand-in-hand
@mitcheldxdyt6726 27 күн бұрын
I was very negative when i saw the trailer and sadly to say i still am im really gonna miss flying bark but hopefully wildbrain can approve and have the animation be less stiff and everyone should at least give the new studio a chance when the season actually comes out
@imshadowsdragon 27 күн бұрын
I was genuinely surprised by how much backlash this was getting, yea it sucks that flying bark had to let it go but as you said, I'm just happy that another studio was able to pick it up instead of the show going into limbo. Plus the animation is good like really good! I only had a mild draw back of the whole thinking it looked weird in the new style but that's par with the course when you get used to one specific style for long enough. I just hope that people doesn't stop watching the show over this.
@I_may_be_insane 27 күн бұрын
I'm definitely excited for the Wukong angst we're gonna get and that centipede demon thing looks super cool! I was excited to see how Flying Bark would animate him once he was shown in the LEGO sets, but seeing how wildbrain animates him will also be cool!!
@kojishere1826 27 күн бұрын
honestly, i still think the choice from switching frame by frame animation to rigging animation is objectively kind of bad (could b cuz i dont rlly like rigged animation too much) but i very much think the trailer is unfinished since it was leaked, bc apart of MKs hair was straight up not shaded. im glad the writers are still the same though. again i dont blame the animators and ik wild brains animation is rlly good !! i think itll take getting used to but the animation will go to a higher quality
@axolotlandpangolin 27 күн бұрын
Yeah, I agree--- frame by frame animation will always be better than rigging, but hopefully the visuals will improve once they finish lighting and shading and get used to the style
@Mia_Mar1a 27 күн бұрын
Im so sad flying bark is not animationing it anymore so its iconic animation style isnt there anymore
@guywithrevolver 27 күн бұрын
I think the very visible shift is what got everyone so riled up in the first place. This was just so sudden, we only had mild warning beforehand with some people investigating rumours that had started spreading last year. Some people have even said that the trailer is fake because of this too. It was a *wild* day yesterday lmao. I do only see things getting better from here though, so keep that positive outlook guys!
@dragonsman4733 27 күн бұрын
I would hardly call it a new artstyle, they are basically just using puppet models based off of wildbark studios ones, with tweening instead of actual animated frames put in which is why it doesn't look smooth. Puppet "animation" is usually the lazy way out of hiring actual animators, which we've seen with Equestria girls as one example. It's just Lego being Lego.
@valhatan3907 27 күн бұрын
I just hope that the Lego executive could choose better replacement for LMK, since we all know Wildbrain isn't much into 2D. I know Carmen Sandiego is good, but it has different art style and it animation approach worked. Meanwhile, LMK had set high bar by Flying Bark.
@Violet_Jedi_Sylveon 27 күн бұрын
I am super excited for Season 5 regardless of thr animation change, the trailer has so truly awesome stuff in it! Monkey King got circlet-ed and the promotional poster makes them look like their in squid games! It's going to be so frickin awesome!
@axolotlandpangolin 27 күн бұрын
I know!!! I'm so excited for everything that's going to happen!
@Violet_Jedi_Sylveon 27 күн бұрын
@@axolotlandpangolin it's going to be so good!
@thatonegirlwithtoomanyfandoms 27 күн бұрын
This video put me at ease, I have watched so many videos on this but this one stands out a bit to me. I’ve also had some time to think about this whole situation and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’ll be alright. It may not be perfect or the best but it’ll be good. As our favorite Australian blue dog once said, “We’ll see.”
@sleepybean1086 27 күн бұрын
I agree with what you said so much. I am just glad they even planned to make a season 5 and not stop at season 4. 😊
@COMBUSTEDsun 27 күн бұрын
It aint terrible by animation standards, still something i’d watch! Im more happy for a season five then i am sad over the animation🤷‍♀️
@macaroniman8454 27 күн бұрын
Tbh as long as it's not 3d I do not care what the animation is like imo
@ch40sart26 27 күн бұрын
While I’m glad we’re getting a season 5 and no one she be harassing the studio who picked it up, I still feel disappointed about the studio picked as from what I’ve seen they only do puppet animation when animating 2d. One of the big driving thing I like about lmk is the stunting art and the anime type fighting scenes, which are hard to replicate especially in puppet animation. The frame by frame animation was what was so appealing to me and the change is so disappointing. I love the story too, but being immersed is a big part of enjoying a show.
@Dinocorn3639 27 күн бұрын
Idc about the animation and Idk why ppl are so mad it's a slightly different animation and as long as we still get the story line and badass fights that makes lmk a legend in my opinion I'll be fine and I'll still love the show it's not like something huge changed like the voice actors or writer's being replaced I'm excited to so what the new animators do
@axolotlandpangolin 27 күн бұрын
Yeah, agreed!
@KittyMakk 27 күн бұрын
It's the thing with animation is FBP animation was often what caught viewers' attention, the beautiful work they did, and compared to the new style of WildBrain, which was sudden and out of nowhere. The animation was special to the show, and it was surprising, to say the least, saying FBP has huge shoes for WildBrain to fill.
@capystara662 27 күн бұрын
I saw a post about somebody talking about how some stuff was off model but I recently rewatched season one and it was the same! Especially Wukong in some of it was quite off model, buuut they learned how to draw the characters "better" as time went on cuz thats how practice works! I'm honestly hyped for the new season!
@conceicaooliveira3442 27 күн бұрын
I won't lie, at first i was shocked and a bit sad about this, but then i saw the trailer right after knowing this and honestly i don't think the animation is that bad, of course we can notice the diference and miss somethings but we can also see that they're traing hard and putting a lot of effort on season 5. So what i think is that we should really give them some credit and respect because if it wasn't for them we wouldn't have season 5 and also lego animation is really difficult, since i tried to drawn some of my ocs in this style and i don't think i'll do it again so soon. Anyways, i'm so excited for season 5 and really happy to see more scenes of other caracters like Nezha and i hope in this season Wukong and Macaque finally have a talk and resolve their problems of the past, maybe both of them will train/help mk with his new powers and all. (Also sorry if my english is bad ;-;)
@vortexxx--. 26 күн бұрын
i barely notice a difference tbh, although then again i literally joined the LMK fandom a week ago
@171QA 25 күн бұрын
If it still has the same voice actors and writers are still involved then let's give the new season(s) a chance.
@mkapprovess 26 күн бұрын
hey gang anyway I think it’s important we all support and try to be a little more understanding of the circumstances. Wildbrain is mainly a 3D studio so of course there’ll be changes. I personally am excited for the story to continue and I also hope that one day the fandom could see reason. It was wild wildbrain or no season 5 at all.
@Autumn-fk4fo 26 күн бұрын
At the end of the day even though this show has always had gorgeous levels of animation, like actual incredible stuff coming from Lego, I’m just glad we’re getting a new season. The story is the most important part imo, I think I heard they’re keeping the same writers so that’s good right?
@mkapprovess 26 күн бұрын
@@Autumn-fk4fo very, the va’s and writers are the same it’s just the new studio.
@shawntreash 25 күн бұрын
It feels like wildbrain animates every Lego show that are still going
@ferociousrazordino3581 27 күн бұрын
I mean the animations still better than most anime
@bai_ma_leshi 27 күн бұрын
Plus wildbrain has a lot of experience with animation im the movements for fighting coreography like we can see in ninjago so we might just see some even better fights than the ones we already have.
@ma3mc3mu-X 27 күн бұрын
I hope Flying Bark Productions craft more animated projects like the Avatar movies and Stranger Things thing (whenever that is).
@trutrutrucy 23 күн бұрын
i’m not sure if its the neurodivergent hate for change talking, but i genuinely hate the new animation style. however, all things considered, Wildbrain did a good job replicating it. it’s definitely going to take time for them to get used to the style, so hopefully future seasons will definitely look a lot better. i have high hopes but i’m forever gonna miss Flying Bark’s animation
@Moonbloom223 24 күн бұрын
I trust them any studio responsible for Carmen Sandiego Sonic Prime and Peanuts and especially another show involving Legos we are all familiar with then I'm sure once they are completely finish we won't even know the difference, like you said this was probably unfinished, so they probably make more improvements
@icsa6308 26 күн бұрын
I saw ppl (on twitter) saying the animation is a shit and that it was so bad. I watched it over and over again and the animation it's not bad, it's actually pretty good but it seems bad cuz i think it's from puppets instead hand drawing (frame by frame), and as far as i know, WildBrain made Carmem Sandiego reboot and it was pretty cool, that doesn't mean I'm slightly disappointed that Lego didn't pay another studio who could draw it at hand as Flying Bark, but even if I loved the show at first cuz the animation, I'm more excited to see how the story is gonna be this time! Specially with THAT scene from Sun Wukong, I wanna watch more angsty with him and Macaque!
@whisperwatch6773 27 күн бұрын
Thank you for explaining
@Natalie-mh7jd 27 күн бұрын
Ok its not bad but why would they hire a 3d company to work on a 2d show? Also i promise you all when aeason 5 comes out the animation will look like the old animation, not exactly like the old one but close
@axolotlandpangolin 27 күн бұрын
Lego has worked with WildBrain before in Ninjago, so they probably defaulted to them because they know how to work with them. And while WildBrain does do mostly 3D, they also have some 2D shows, like Netflix's Carmen San Diego or Paramount's Franklin.
@aristopheliese 24 күн бұрын
the way i look at it is even though the animation is different from what we grew used to, lets also consider how season 1 and 2 of lego monkie kid looked! they *were not* perfect, far from it even, sometimes a little stiff and janky too, but as time went on they came more into their own and developed the style we see in season 4 and adore, i think the same with wildbrain! it takes time getting used to, especially when you're trying to replicate a shows style and your studio specializes more in 3d than 2d, i think truly if we just give them time they'll improve and even potentially become better then the shoes they're trying to fill, it takes time and we need to give them that :)
@jazzz7220 25 күн бұрын
Imo, wildbrains’ animation is fine, it’s just that FBP’s was *great* so of course it’s gonna look bad in comparison. I’m glad it got picked up by wildbrains instead of being dropped entirely, but the downgrade in visual quality is definitely, well, visible
@axolotlandpangolin 23 күн бұрын
@R4TCH3TRAVITY 26 күн бұрын
Personally, after thinking about it for a while, I think the animation is more than okay seeing as it was a sudden switch. Wild Brain should just take some time to study the old art style and animation! Monkie Kid wasn't always as perfect as Flying Bark made it look in these past seasons, it used to be choppy and the style was extremely inconsistent. We just need to give WB some time to get used to the new style! I really don't like the new animation, but as long as I can still look at my favorite characters the same with this change then that's all that truly matters. Edit: Besides, they're keeping the same writers! It will still be a great season, maybe not the best, but it will be good writing wise at least!
@foxpokemonforever4775 14 күн бұрын
Like with everything I haven’t seen the finished product of, I’m cautiously optimistic. The animation was one of the draws of Monkie Kid, but that’s not the only reason I and lots of other fans love the show. The new animation might take some getting used to, but I’m still really looking forward to the story going into season 5!
@heroldofvortos178 15 күн бұрын
I honestly wasnt even aware of the difference on the animation, after seeing this trailer.
@zuri6744 27 күн бұрын
Do you think theyll come back to animating lmk?
@N0oDleBoi 5 күн бұрын
i can only agree and even so i think fandom will have plenty of good voice acting to make killer animations of, we simply need more time for the season to actually roll around as this is not even an official trailer
@phenioxflameanimations2380 25 күн бұрын
Dude, I may get butchered here's in the comments, but the animation looks so good!!!! I was surprised at first when Monkie Kid was passed on to another animation company (one that I like) but it looks so good! I'm an animation nerd and I'm always striving to make my own animation better, but when it's the new Monkie Kid animation that I am striving for! Wild brain is so cool. I have been stuck for months trying to work on my Lego Monkie Kid fan story and this trailer gave me the boost I needed.
@fledge__heartinc 27 күн бұрын
I think people just need to take a chill pill when it comes to the animation in my opinion I still love it and yes it will take time to get used to but I have just missed being able to watch it tbh…… Also a good thing about all this is apparently ninjago fans and lmk fans have ‘bonded’ or at least cleared some weird tension they have always had because this is like what happened a few years ago with ninjago season 11 trailer. All in all I think people need to calm down and just enjoy it Side note: btw thank you for making this video I was kinda a bit confused tbh
@axolotlandpangolin 27 күн бұрын
Yeah! You're welcome. And I've just wanted to watch it too! Glad LMK and Ninjago fans are finally forming a truce, lol.
@skootergirl22 23 күн бұрын
Apart from the repeated animation flying bark used, yea, who the heck cares if wild brain is now the main animation for the show. They're trying to recreate the style of flying bark faux anime for the show, as long it isn't in the standard 3D animation that Lego is well known for
@sailortara7 25 күн бұрын
I still think it is amazing
@Bunnieaida 24 күн бұрын
@WolfwhiteFox 23 күн бұрын
Like literally i see so SO many people pissing on it because of the artstyle and like, *BE HAPPY YOU HAVE A SEASON 5 TO BEGIN WITH, Y-KNOW THEY COULD HAVE CANCELLED OR DELAYED IT, JUST BE HAPPY THE STORY IS CONTINUING AT ALL!!* And animation is really *REALLY HARD.* Trust me, it's hard trying to draw 1 picture of monkey kid and keep the artstyle, i dare you. I'm eventually gonna make a monkie kid comic and i know it's gonna be HARD.
@YourKingPyro 22 күн бұрын
Coming from an animator, the animation isn’t even that bad, especially for a TV show 😭😭 I love Flying Bark and it’s nowhere near where their level of quality, it’s still pretty decent animation Not perfect, 3D models don’t blend in with the 2D, proportions seem off, movements sometimes feel stiff It still feels very Monkie Kid to me though And with the art style especially I don’t get the hate??? Ik a lot of people LOVED the s3 and 4 art style but genuinely I really like this new one, I thought the soft marshmallowy look of the past two seasons didnt really fit the show either (but i tend to not be so into more cutesy sorta things so that could just be my bias) Animation is HARD and this team is clearly on a different skill level to Flying Bark But also considering Flying Bark had FOUR SEASONS and multiple specials to get used to animating the characters, while this is WildBrain’s first season on the show Regardless I am SUPER excited for the new season :3
@Ryuko_Shuji. 21 күн бұрын
I’m quite grateful no lie kid didn’t get dropped or anything, I recently got really obsessed with it and would have been devastated. That being said, the animation is a little disappointing compared to the previous, but I’m just excited for the new season since the same writers and VA’s are going to stay! 😊
@st4rry0npawzz 19 күн бұрын
i can barely tell the difference except that 1:46 looks a little uhmm off
@jessieperez2030 21 күн бұрын
The trailer wasn't leaked! It was uploaded by the Official LEGO channel on BiliBili!
@williamsboys8348 27 күн бұрын
Nooooo! Anybody but them! Look I understand that flying bark is busy and I don't blame them but out of all the studios wild brain the only stuff there good at making is 3d animation not 2d oh well it is what is
@idk_man3491 27 күн бұрын
Still actually crying over this. "Don't be rude they're new" I don't give a fuck why would you hand season 5 of a show like lmk to a bunch of amateur 3D animators
@Green_Ninja-fm7hs 27 күн бұрын
I didn't even notice the difference in animation bro
@-Rei-dragon 25 күн бұрын
Well- flying bark might come back in the future so theres that-
@spirallingooc 26 күн бұрын
i respect all animators however. lmk’s animation was a major reason i watched the show and im honestly scared for the future of its animation now 😞 (personal grievances not serious criticism or judgement)
@kiksogue 26 күн бұрын
I'm getting flashbacks to the One Punch Man season 2 situation.
@joannabevan5456 17 күн бұрын
I'm honestly okay with the new animation. I hope MK and Red Son become a Canon ship. ❤
@ZeroJump 27 күн бұрын
The trailer is not leaked. It was uplouded on Legos own Chinese channel
@ARandomEliatrope 23 күн бұрын
Better looking Mechs? Weird thing to say considering every Mech/Vehicle from the past seasons were 2D... Transitioning them to 3D is... Not gonna look good no matter what.
@MKayLMK 5 күн бұрын
I wish someone would translate the trailer 😭
@oliviarivera4083 24 күн бұрын
Pues sinceramente prefiero la animation anterior, ya que esta nueva animation se ve como si hubieran hecho una imagen y luego hacen que esta imagen se mueva, no se ve como Ina animation echa paso por paso como es en la animation anterior, mas bien, creo que le dieron mas importance a la trama que al deseño o, no se, talves esa sea su forma de animasion, pero para ser honesta ciento que la animation anterior era mejor. Solo es mi punto de vista, no digo que sea malo o que me desagrade, solo digo que pudo aver sido mejor. Es todo
@jessieperez2030 21 күн бұрын
Puenso igual
@BatBitesTheBat 24 күн бұрын
Oh HELL naw. That animation looks like somebody screen-recorded the original show on mobilizer or whatever its called. I just aint gonna watch season 5 then
@theSitoLOL 26 күн бұрын
I made a shorts vid abt my toughts too
@MiaGuerrero-ht2mz 27 күн бұрын
But I thought the trailer was fake?
@axolotlandpangolin 27 күн бұрын
Lego commented on the trailer on social media, it's an 'official' trailer but not the finished product (it was leaked).
@MiaGuerrero-ht2mz 27 күн бұрын
ok thanks
@BeaWhatchumean 27 күн бұрын
​@axolotlandpangolin hey, mind me asking where ya got the info it's a leak trailer?
@WonderPop_._ 27 күн бұрын
​@@axolotlandpangolinI'm so sad it was leaked. We could've got a better reaction when the trailer was finished.
@JasmineAmorFlores 27 күн бұрын
​@@WonderPop_._》Yeah, the animation wasn't even that bad. Some "fans" were already judging it. _There_ was some bits that were choppy. But what the person said in the video was right.
@shade1elispe369 23 күн бұрын
I still don’t see any difference?
@distantdoll4974 23 күн бұрын
I think people are missing the point.. we should be angry at LEGO for this. Four years of FB putting so much effort into world building and characters just for it to be taken away at what is probably going to be the last two seasons. FBs team loved the show so much. It also makes WildBrain look bad because there is no possible way Rigged animation can look as good as 2D hand drawn animation. WildBrain is not as skilled in 2D as they are with 3D. It’s just a poor choice. I think you should be angry, not at the studios, but at LEGO for once again mistreating animators.
@kermitgotthesickkicks4265 23 күн бұрын
It looks like fan animated rigged animation.
@GuiltlessGear 3 күн бұрын
Yanno I could probably have just swallowed the pill and moved on. We got 4 solid seasons of content, it had a pretty all right ending too, even if there were a ton of loose ends left to tie up Then you had to go and tell me that we lost our golden goose to fucking *Stranger Things* , now I will forever be bitter and hateful.
@DiamondT-rex 26 күн бұрын
Oh dear… this isn’t good
@jacobpena6176 27 күн бұрын
Nah, it looks like shit. Puppet rig crap on the same quality as the Loud House Movie SMH
@djwolf2522 27 күн бұрын
Hate on it all you want, at least we're getting a season 5! It's not the worst animation, just needs some improvements. It will take time for us LMK fans to get used to but we have to support the new animation team even though they have flaws. They'll hopefully improve in the future for LMK, we just need to give them support!
@jacobpena6176 27 күн бұрын
@djwolf2522 there is no future. This is the final season of Monkie Kid,which, accordingly, to Flying Bark. It ruined a good thing before it ended. Whoever is responsible for this is a piece of shit
@djwolf2522 27 күн бұрын
@@jacobpena6176Fly bark studio stated that season 4 was their final time WORKING on Monkie kid. It's not their fault they had other projects to work on. Lego should have pick a company better with 2d instead of Wildbrain, but we can't do anything to change that. We just have to support them. You are allowed to hate the sudden change, but DON'T bash the studio. They make good animation with different shows, it's not their fault they were chosen for a 2d show o
@SephoraonlyonYT 27 күн бұрын
The final product will definitely improve based on my point of view, if I look at it, some scenes are higher quality than the others which means that on the final product, they will improve the other crappy ones. So hope for the best.
@WonderPop_._ 27 күн бұрын
It was leaked, it was not FINISHED.
@callmeplayer.7428 16 күн бұрын
I have no qualms with the change in studios. Though it's sad, it shouldn't affect the story too much. It's a super crazy hope that they'd be able to fill Flying Bark Studios' shoes, and none of us should expect that, but I look forward to seeing a new team of animators familiarize themselves with a show that we've come to adore.
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