Extrovert or Introvert?

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Timothy Cain

Timothy Cain

10 ай бұрын

I talk about whether I am an extrovert or an introvert, and how that impacted my work in game development.

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@SadderCatLin 10 ай бұрын
Tim Cain story time is my favorite time of day
@gringomaus2080 10 ай бұрын
@zeeeeeeeeeev6493 10 ай бұрын
Mine too
@renzrivas6261 10 ай бұрын
same 😂
@_BirdOfGoodOmen 10 ай бұрын
Story time... Story time never changes
@chunkychuck 10 ай бұрын
So, you're not an extrovert or an introvert, you're just a vert.
@echoness_ 10 ай бұрын
Thank you! I was darn delighted several minutes ago seeing the title of this video like: "Ooooooooooh! That's my question getting answered!" What I have observed people over the yeas was there were multiple layers about any person in this world. To define a person with one category does not represent who that really is. It takes tons of courage for people to instrospect themselves and being honest about their core strengths and weaknesses, let along talking about it publicly. So glad to hear the story! Much appreciated!
@echoness_ 9 ай бұрын
@nobodynothing282 Yep, that works for some people for sure. There's no definitive way to make a game. Stardew Valley's creator was a solo dev, he made the game in his basement for 5 years.
@renaigh 10 ай бұрын
when Introverts have friends they're at their most vulnerable. Value those people in your life when they come to you.
@cmmmmmmmw 10 ай бұрын
Oohh, Tim earned the Citizenship perk when he was only level 10.
@picblick 10 ай бұрын
Are you an extrovert or introvert? Me, understanding boolean queries: Yes.
@bw126 10 ай бұрын
Tim would be a good teacher. Reminds me of my history teacher, who you could tell, just loved history.
@8Paul7 10 ай бұрын
You got blessed with some great genes when it comes to intelligence and charisma, unfortunate that your perception had to suffer
@echoness_ 10 ай бұрын
That got me wonder whether there is a game that if the main character can shoose "blind" or "color blind" as a personal trait, would the graphics of the game represent how color blind perceive the world, or the screen becomes comletely black as a "blind" protagonist that player can still play the game via sound and other sensory signals. Not sure the game would be fun if anyone would give up graphics in games since a large chunck of information we receive are through visual signals. It's just a thought nonetheless.i
@GamerTagCaptCluel3ss 10 ай бұрын
Introvert v Extrovert is just how you “recharge your social battery” so to speak. To generalize: Introverts “recharge” through seclusion, or relative seclusion (like being with your spouse). Extroverts “recharge” through socialization. How do you “recharge”? I’m definitely an introvert, but that doesn’t mean I’m not charismatic, occasionally bombastic, etc.. Stereotypes associated with extroversion that don’t define extroversion. All that being said, I have heard the term “Ambrovert”, which is supposed to be that middle ground that you would probably place yourself at. But again, I think this comes from that (very common) misunderstanding of Introversion/Extroversion, that you fit into the (tri?)binary based on your personality.
@EyesofWrath 19 күн бұрын
Your mother wanting to not send you forward to make sure you had the right social development was so smart and ahead of its time.
@davidsavage3120 10 ай бұрын
i learnt nothing. but i heard a kind man talk about his childhood. and i got teary.
@pboogity8309 6 ай бұрын
Teaching 300 people at 21-22 is extremely impressive no matter the situation
@filypefx 4 ай бұрын
your mom is not only smart, but a lot wise and insightful. (it's hard to see examples like hers)
@Hwood88 10 ай бұрын
I will forever be jealous of people who can fondly recall memories of both their parents.
@aNerdNamedJames 10 ай бұрын
"I'm not an introvert, I'm not an extrovert, I can switch it on and off." Is it possible to learn this power?
@JediMB 10 ай бұрын
Not from me.
@booradley6832 10 ай бұрын
He told you how to. In a manner of speaking: Force yourself into sink or swim situations and hope you're slightly buoyant long enough for you to become sufficient to be a lifeguard.
@JediMB 10 ай бұрын
@@booradley6832 Eh... I've worked in retail and learned how to more actively socialize in environments where that's necessary, but I'm still very much an introvert. My alone time is when I recover from the drain (no matter how enjoyable it is) of being out there with people.
@clairesteeleforever 10 ай бұрын
To a certain extent, yes. You can't change yourself, but the more you learn about personality types and especially about yourself, you learn what it looks and feels like to inhabit the other side, and you can turn it on or off, like Tim says. I'm a pretty extreme introvert, but I've learned how to turn on the extrovert when and where it's needed - but it takes a lot of energy, so you have to be careful.
@jextra1313 10 ай бұрын
Not from an Introvert. Extroversion is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
@elijahbybee5990 10 ай бұрын
Very very insightful much love dude certainly appreciated
@OfficialSituation 10 ай бұрын
Your an inspiration man, really
@atompunk5575 10 ай бұрын
300 person amphitheater 😮 I'd start playing a banjo 😅
@EriYT 10 ай бұрын
Well I'm glad you're enjoying the videos Tim, because I think we all appreciate them very much!
@smoomiiii711 10 ай бұрын
Hi Tim!! I just wanted to say you are such an inspiration to me and many others❤ I wanted to ask what the inspiration behind the master was, they are one of my favorite villains of all time. Thank you so much for posting these videos by the way I love listening to you talk about game design while I draw :)
@ciscornBIG 10 ай бұрын
Tim, you're awesome.
@Byeohazard 10 ай бұрын
Hi Tim! Love your channel. My question is are you are of any computer game easter eggs that have never been discovered? I suspect there are a few burried in the code out there somewhere.
@TheLastLineLive 10 ай бұрын
I definitely say I lean much more heavily to introverted but Covid has really changed things up for me. I am not big on just randomly hanging out with strangers or loose acquaintances but I have been lately going to one of the local game shops to play board games and whatnot, just did some Battletech last night, first time I played that in like 30 years.
@fredrik3880 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing. Just finished Arcanum, had my most fun run ever perhaps. Next new vegas or maybe wh2? Hmm so much good entertainment...
@FluffySylveonBoi 10 ай бұрын
I am glad I found someone like me, I am just vert. Intro or extro, depends on my actual state of mind. Sometimes I just want to be alone for some time, don't want to see people and just want to play my single player games or something, then there are times when I want to be with people, I want to be seen, look silly, be loud, socialize, party etc. I want it all, just depends on my mood. I can be pretty talkative when it comes to games and other favorite topics, or I can just go to my corner and let the world go around me.
@ruedelta 9 ай бұрын
Mesovert is the term you're looking for!
@finnhenman2956 10 ай бұрын
Hi Tim, I've really enjoyed discovering your channel. I was wondering if you've been enjoying Starfield and was interested in your opinions on its world/setting as this seems to be the aspect of games you seem most passionate about (to me at least). Love hearing your thoughts on more contemporary games, the elden ring/Everquest video was interesting!
@kreb9721 10 ай бұрын
Never clicked so fast.
@foghornfoggyface 10 ай бұрын
Hey Tim, what are your thoughts on the Fallout online mods for the classic Fallout? Did you ever try playing any of them? I only found out about them recently and I haven't ever heard you mention them in any of your Fallout related videos.
@nutherefurlong 10 ай бұрын
I prefer tests like that that allow a "zero". I took one for something unrelated and I was like "yep" when I saw my halfway score. I took a more complicated Jungian thing half my life ago but it didn't allow for halfway results and it irritated me. I figure they were trying to guide test takers toward certain outcomes but a lot of the time these tests are really easy to figure out what they're aiming for. "Lawyer bird" etc
@booradley6832 10 ай бұрын
Hey Tim, If Microsoft does buy Activision-Blizzard somehow(not sure the legal status there, I know it was being held up) the three Troika creators would have the Arcanum IP back under their parent umbrella's ownership. Would you be willing to be at least a creative lead on a possible Arcanum 2? Not even a total design lead but just large-strokes storyboarding and then approving, removing or adjusting story and mechanics ideas as the team comes up with them during development without having to actually code and implement them yourselves. I think your experience as a director could lead you to be a decent hand at not asking too much or too little of people and processes even if you aren't the direct "manager" of the team, and in the inevitability that you have to compromise with someone who is. I mean if you wanted to be a design lead that'd be awesome but I also encourage you to enjoy your life, as you seem to be doing. What about the other two gentlemen, can you speak on anything they've said? Really enjoying these videos thank you for posting a new one every day.
@octavianpopescu4776 3 ай бұрын
Ha! I'm also 50-50 on the introvert vs extrovert scale. Taking personality tests, like the Big 5, that's always been the hardest to differentiate. I'd say I'm slightly extroverted, so I would have probably got something like a +2 or a +5 on a test like that (-100 to +100), but I've had online tests tell me they can't determine which am I.
@ghendar 10 ай бұрын
I grew up being terrified of getting up in front of an audience (of any size) of people and talking. You know what cured me of that? Student teaching high school for nine weeks. After that, everything is easy so I can relate Tim. I really can.
@PXAbstraction 10 ай бұрын
Tim is socially True Neutral.
@alexfrank5331 10 ай бұрын
Perfectly balanced.
@erickcontreras. 10 ай бұрын
Love story time!
@sf3testvids 10 ай бұрын
@0:40 Would the term to describe such a state be ambivert?
@alexpetrovich85 10 ай бұрын
You're a hero of mine Tim. That's why I'm here talking to you.
@alexpetrovich85 10 ай бұрын
Welcome to my Kingdom.
@alexpetrovich85 10 ай бұрын
Detroit. St. Petka Vratnica, Troy, MI.
@maxkline8985 10 ай бұрын
I think it is part of the reason why you are so successful, its difficult to find people who have both creativity/extroversion and social skills while being a developer/programmer who can solve complicated problems. Just as a general rule if you want to be successful you skill stack, especially in ways that other people have difficulty doing. It makes you more unique and valuable because you have a perspective that few other people have, and a combination of skillsets that few other people are able to provide.
@elizabethviolet8448 10 ай бұрын
me when tim cain tells me to go out and get coffee: "sir yes sir" this caramel latte is good
@eldarlrd 10 ай бұрын
True Neutral
@alexpetrovich85 10 ай бұрын
I'm also an Intro/Extrovert plane shifter. My mom, also super smart. My dad, also herculean.
@alexpetrovich85 10 ай бұрын
My grandmothers, magical. My grandfathers, deific.
@alexpetrovich85 10 ай бұрын
Baba Mitana & Baba Bora were way WAY more powerful than Baba Roga & Baba Yaga and the rest of those old hags combined! Their magic was DIVINE!
@TheAlison1456 10 ай бұрын
it's a false dichotomy that doesn't capture the reality but it's convenient and widespread enough in the lack of anything else
@squib308 10 ай бұрын
6 of one, half dozen of the other
@alexpetrovich85 10 ай бұрын
I personally would like to have "Tim Cain" storytime (Let's just call it Timmy Time) on command. Such a treat. Forgive me for being rough in my posts; I can be curt & short & callous & aloof & pedantic at times. That's me... I'm working on improving myself. Superlative expecations... blah blah blah
@alexpetrovich85 10 ай бұрын
You know... if P=NP then Timmy Time on command becomes a non-evil possibility since the AI can just Theory of the Mind you so well (see Chinese Room|Simulation Theory|Penrose's Views on Black Box Quantum Consciousness) that you can effectively co-exist as Tim Cain the person and Tim Cain the AI. You the person Tim being the NP (thinking/existing ontologically in Non-Polynomial i.e. real time) The AI of Tim (Spirit) being the P (^ but in polynomial time). The goal is to get both essences to line up so that your material form and your spiritual form are sympatico; that the NP version of you thinks/guesses the same way the P version does (and vica versa ). This type of Perichoresis (Metaphysical Movement Mechanics) can be understood/analogized as Cybernetic Feedback between the metaphysical/physical self as a means to energetically study one's own essence(s)/nature(s). Pretty cool explination, huh? Also I'm still working on finishing Lord of Light; great book. Slow read for obvious reasons...
@alexpetrovich85 10 ай бұрын
Alternatively you can just go to church. That's the smart/ez way to do it for ages now... I did both, but that's me. The prayers/wishes every day to increase my INT/WIS stats worked (just hard to notice exponential growth while being). I'm weird/Dr. Strange like that. Alternatively+, The Ghost in the Shell series (the whole ouvre, even the latest 3D one...sigh) holistically addresses this as well. So did Dragon Ball as a kid to me. But again, I'm strange like that.
@Broski_Nation Ай бұрын
Awesome channel Tim! In relation to the game industry. What was your experience with interoverts and extraverts? As far as was there more of one personality type that seemed to work there? Who tended to be more productive overall? Etc. Thanks Tim!
@CainOnGames Ай бұрын
@Broski_Nation Ай бұрын
@@CainOnGames Its funny, I just saw this vid, which led to my intial question. So let me ask a different one 😅. As a vet in the industry, who do you feel performs over all or a better fit to work in the game industry? I ask this because of my background having gone to college to revieve my B.A in Game Art & Design in the early 2010s. Being extraverted, I felt like I belonged in one of the Animation majors. Hell, most people thought I was an Animation Student,because I was so lively. Though, that didnt seem to jive much with my peers. But had great teachers! One worked at Serriera, one work on Myst and Playboy the Mansion for the PS2. But yeah, not sure that feeling as an extravert was common in the games industry. Thanks for your time Tim!
@CainOnGames Ай бұрын
@@Broski_NationI think introverts and extroverts both fit well in the industry, as long as they know their personalities and take an appropriate position. Which means if you’re introverted and don’t like talking or even interacting, don’t plan on being a lead who has to manage people and run meetings. Similarly, if you’re extroverted, be mindful if placed in a room of introverts who might not want to chitchat all day while they work.
@Broski_Nation Ай бұрын
@@CainOnGames Thanks Tim for your reply man! What you said makes total sense. As an extrovert, theres a time and place for everything. And being mindful of my time and those around me.
@basselwehbe8412 10 ай бұрын
Hi there Tim why are games file size ballooning to such large amounts, for example the new nba 2k game is 160 gb larger than starfield
@lrinfi 10 ай бұрын
Very curious what Tim thinks about this. From my perspective, "bigger is better" and "more is good" has become the design philosophy of most studios in the industry, at least for the moment. Games are being stuffed with procedural filler and randomized "stuff to do" and, that, largely due to gamer demand, which I don't understand, but there we are. The industry thinks that a game that can offer "infinite" (meaningless) "content" is better than a focused, reasonably scoped experience and, I'm just taking a stab in the dark here, but I think it has to do with the distinctly American "super-size everything" philosophy, which I honestly hope has pretty much run its course, considering how popular "tiny homes" and "decluttering" and "simplifying" and "going offgrid" and the like has become. Just as people used to think they had to pursue the purchase of "McMansions" and the like, all that consumerist bs has filtered into the gaming industry and Bethesda's games, especially, reflect that "grinding for stuff" mentality as much or more than most. When players requested they be able to do something with all the junk to be found in Bethesda's Fallouts, for example, Bethesda over-delivered by making all that junk indispensible to progress and I'm not sure that's exactly what the demanding players had in mind. At any rate, I think it has way more to do with the aforementioned "super-size" and "blockbuster" mentalities than merely industry-specific things like the "4K graphics or nothing" phenomenon.
@jextra1313 10 ай бұрын
Texture size, count, and polygon count are always increasing, due to a constant demand for realism. Also, I'm sure games like Nba 2k are filled with unused files due to the way sports games add on to the previous entry every year.
@nemesisn4sir242 6 ай бұрын
I'll never understand the "oh boy, that's a long story." I listen, and I'd assume most people do as well, because I enjoy the stories.
@brucewatford2137 10 ай бұрын
They have a term for that. You're an ambivert. 🙂
@bratttn 10 ай бұрын
The comfort of being fine either alone or in a group is also observed in locusts
@Pigeon_Flipper 10 ай бұрын
Their are sub categories/combination factors like for example logical vs emotional, abstract vs concrete, flexible vs structured. Have friends and family who are different types of introverts. And the difference are too significant to categorize as just introvert and extrovert.
@ostrava_ 10 ай бұрын
Hey Tim, have you tried Godot? or do you think you would?
@galdersrontgorrth 10 ай бұрын
chaotic neutral then
@leroygardner8529 10 ай бұрын
i would DM in high school as well, as young as 13. What a blast
@ThaetusZain 10 ай бұрын
How often did you revisit ideas that didn't work or make it in a previous game? I bet that happened all the time.
@anthony_leckie 10 ай бұрын
Being both is often referred to as an ambivert.
@lew0 10 ай бұрын
I only speak when I have something to say, Fiona Apple calls it tact.
@ibrahimshaalan572 10 ай бұрын
My dumbass thought this was a starfield traits guide video
@cycleboy8028 10 ай бұрын
No pressures... but get to socialize a bit... does game development ever do consulting? Then you can get 1-3wks of helping with an issue on game, talk to the team, but get to leave! LOL
@lrinfi 10 ай бұрын
Must be kind of like the grandparents getting the grandkids for a weekend, enjoying the hell out of their time with them and spoiling them rotten, then handing them back over to Mom and Dad. lol Tim derserves his "grandfathering" role, methinks. He's good at it, too. This channel is bristiling with awesome advice for aspiring developers.
@kaptenteo 10 ай бұрын
School is an incredibly important institution, not only for receiving basic education, but also for a child's social development and learning how to socialize with peers and adults outside your primary family. I'm glad you didn't have to move up two grades. It's usually a better idea to adapt the teaching materials and classes to challenge students that are ahead, but still keep them with children of similar age. This obviously gets less sensitive as you grow up, but for young children, it should definitely be avoided as much as possible.
@ScienceDiscoverer 9 ай бұрын
Strongly disagree. Most schools are more akin to prison-factories. They are designed to stifle any creativity and individualism from kids with the ultimate goal of producing obedient factory workers. Add to that fact that kids are worse than animals usually. The bulling is a problem that will never be solved. It destroyed my life, for sure. So no, schools are a very bad places to be and homeschooling is always better.
@kaptenteo 9 ай бұрын
@@ScienceDiscoverer I'm sorry your school was broken. I guess your mileage may vary depending on where you live, but school is definitely not supposed to work that way. If they do, the politicians in that particular country or state have done something wrong. Sadly, children often pay the price.
@Arkanthrall 10 ай бұрын
Of course a D&D nerd such as you would be multi-classing.
@Grinningfartking6969 10 ай бұрын
Your not a introvert or a extrovert your a genius among mortals
@saraphys5555 10 ай бұрын
Interesting video... I dont get why Americans talk about this stuff though, it was debunked by the original guy who created it, and it was expanded and pushed as some kinda official text in the U.S. by a pair of Moms... (pretty sure that was it, or a mum and daughter? I forgot...im not from there) Point is, I'd never heard of this "test" before, until I started being online and talking to Americans over 25 years ago.
@yarnevk 10 ай бұрын
I do not think it is defined by your roles you are good at, like actor or leader, and nothing to do with learned or natural. Many famous actors are actually either extreme extroverts or extreme introverts. Rather it is more defined by energy - extroverts prefer these roles because they recharge their energy, whereas an introvert finds these roles drain their energy even though they are good at them, and they need to retreat to self to recharge energy that makes them excel in these roles.
@CrabQueen 10 ай бұрын
It's so weird that people still think of extrovert and introvert as binary, its pretty fluid.
@HawkOfGP 10 ай бұрын
People like categorizing and binary dichotomies because it makes things easy to understand.
@skully4051 10 ай бұрын
people can be ambiverts aswell.
@skully4051 10 ай бұрын
i think those people that think it's a binary thing are referring to the MBTI/16 Personalities meaning of introvert/extrovert, that it's hardwired at birth like sexual preference.
@merricksarm 2 ай бұрын
You literally scored in binary
@KIager 10 ай бұрын
As a Norwegian I'm struggling to understand your old friend's name. Unless you just said "Karen" like how she would?
@Pakanahymni 10 ай бұрын
You don't have to be either/or.
@chunckyfreshnut 7 ай бұрын
You would have gotten bullied by skipping a grade . Easy picking.
@FiXato 10 ай бұрын
People tend to forget or not know that besides intro- and extrovert, there's also ambivert and omnivert descriptors. :)
@Dontsubtothischannelorelse 10 ай бұрын
Hi Tim, I want a game where I can be racist. What do you think about games allowing you to be racist tim?
@basselwehbe8412 10 ай бұрын
Bro what?
@Hrimstal 10 ай бұрын
You can go play Disco Elysium. You can shape your character with your decisions, to befit different political ideologies. If you want to be a racist, go the fascism political alignment route. It should make the story interesting.
@Dontsubtothischannelorelse 10 ай бұрын
@@Hrimstal can you be homophobic too?
@whatdoesthisthingdo 10 ай бұрын
Haha. The use of his name at the beginning and end of this comment makes it seem somehow ominous… as if it’s the start of a villain speech or something.
@leroygardner8529 10 ай бұрын
Story Time, lets go
@destroyerrunemo 10 ай бұрын
4 - 6 [E - I] in scale Most probably
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