F-Zero Has a Bright Future Thanks to F-Zero 99

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Good Vibes Gaming

Good Vibes Gaming

10 ай бұрын

You need to get a life size cutout of Captain Falcon to show the world it's normal to like F-Zero
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Пікірлер: 263
@GVG 10 ай бұрын
The title was always normal you saw nothing
@brady9592 10 ай бұрын
The truth will come out 🕵🏻‍♂️
@ivanzoneBR24 10 ай бұрын
This is a case for Detective Pikachu
@HoroJoga 10 ай бұрын
@seadx6 10 ай бұрын
In my opinion the 99 play style fits PERFECTLY with F-ZERO 99, if epic games who have experience with both battle royale and booster powered cars made a game similar to this one borrowing the sparks, jumps, boost power, boost panels, spin attack, the F-Zero climax spin boost and boost fire mechanics, the skyway and energy system from this series and the drift boosting from Mario kart but also adding the Rocket league physics and wave dash plus new ideas we would have the best futuristic racing game
@ValenceFlux 10 ай бұрын
@Droub_ 10 ай бұрын
Only real ones will remember when the title was called (edited)[2:20 PM]
@HoroJoga 10 ай бұрын
got a screenshot just for the memories
@Pownchao 10 ай бұрын
I'm here
it’s a been a fun ride
@marcoasturias8520 10 ай бұрын
I remember
@brady9592 10 ай бұрын
Us chronically online
@MeatNinja 10 ай бұрын
This is my first F-Zero game AND I FREAKING LOVE IT
@MeatNinja 10 ай бұрын
Just won my first Grand Prix as well 😃😭
@superavel Ай бұрын
@@MeatNinja I'm a SNES and X vet and still haven't won one yet. Not sure how many hours I've played.
@DesignDoc 10 ай бұрын
Lots of places for F-Zero to go from here even if we only stick to expanding on 99.
@EdibleGymSock 10 ай бұрын
I remember hearing Nintendo has been hesitant on bringing F-Zero back without a new idea. I think it’s safe to say they’ve found that idea.
@unison_moody 10 ай бұрын
It's nothing really new tbh. It's more normal F-zero than a battle royal. The idea is basically online F-Zero.
@rahn45 10 ай бұрын
It's interesting in how Nintendo is slowly learning how to handle online play. The previous 99 games the data didn't have to worry about lag as much. F-Zero 99 it's juggling that many players interacting with each other in real-time, which is incredible considering how poor their previous attempts at online were.
@unison_moody 10 ай бұрын
@@rahn45 It's because their 99 titles are the only online games using dedicated servers instead of p2p.
@purplemist7 10 ай бұрын
...which is new for F-Zero.
@Nightmare26 10 ай бұрын
It was Miyamoto saying that they needed a new idea in order to bring it back…
@ravenebony2267 10 ай бұрын
My own opinion, this is an entry meant to spark interest. Then when they do a remaster or new game, people will think "oh i know that series. I had fun with it. I'll get that. " and that might just be the beginning of a new era for F-Zero.
@nyarumiyukimitsu 10 ай бұрын
Yes! The (edited)[2:20 PM] edition I’ve been waiting for!
@Spunow 10 ай бұрын
Ive never played f zero beyond 99. This game hooked me so much that i finished the original f zero on snes nso on expert and now im interested in the rest of the f zero titles.
@deadvikingtrolls 10 ай бұрын
X is good but GX is the climax. I'm still mad we aren't playing that.
@Nintendude. 10 ай бұрын
A glorius day that more folks can know and play F-Zero.
@AZBCDE 10 ай бұрын
A big part of the game that keeps me coming back is the music. It’s such a joy to listen to
@jordanwoods462 10 ай бұрын
The F Zero series is always been my favorite of any racing game. The chaos of losing health whenever you boost, and the fact that you can destroy other players, has always been adrenaline-inducing. Not to mention the music and the high speeds! I deeply deeply hope this game is the catalyst to get this franchise back online to stay
@BlueThunderO7 10 ай бұрын
@naejimba 9 ай бұрын
I wonder how the combat aspect of it could be improved upon.... Nintendo insists on having some new idea to push to warrant a sequel. The racing aspect of titles like GX and 99 are brilliant, but I think some new mechanic or depth with the actual combat with other vehicles would give an insane amount of depth. Any thoughts?
@Loren_Law 10 ай бұрын
I think one of the smartest design choices about this game is that using the simple SNES style allows them to add new content very easily. The tracks are basically just big flat sprites, the design team could crank out a new fully tested course every week if they wated to. I think that is one of the biggest things thta could keep this one going long term.
@Spunow 10 ай бұрын
Another thing is that it is very resource friendly. You never see this game lag nor do you see all the racers teleporting everywhere.
@dino-t243 10 ай бұрын
The only problem is IF they add content. They obviously have more tracks to be released but I'd love to see brand new ones. Don't know if that'll ever happen though
@BubbleTea033 10 ай бұрын
​@@dino-t243 Unless they notice F-Zero 99 selling a LOT of NSO subscriptions, probably not. The game isn't monetized outside of that base subscription. I'd love that though.
@PossiblyCoolAnimations 10 ай бұрын
@@dino-t243apparently somebody found a track from bs fzero (the satelleview one) in the files
@PowerPandaMods 10 ай бұрын
There are 10 more tracks that were created for the Japan-exclusive Satelleview back in the 90s. 5 of these tracks have been completely lost to time, aside from VHS recordings. There is a bounty of thousands of dollars out there for anyone who finds them. Nintendo could score HUGE points by putting them into F-Zero 99.
@laggalot1012 10 ай бұрын
F-Zero 99 is frankly genius and has single-handedly made me excited for this series's future, as someone not an F-Zero fan. If they can replicate, or dare I say step up from this game's appeal in a new modern game, it will absolutely have my attention. I agree that F-Zero 99 is unironically one of the best games this year (so far). The hardcore fans may be complaining, but I genuinely think this is what the series needed.
@CeHee123 10 ай бұрын
Title jokes aside, it seems like Nintendo is testing the waters for quite a few ips. F-Zero, Advance Wars, classic Mario RPGs, and Mario vs DK, with these kind of games. Let's hope we might see a comeback for some other stuff like Wario Land, Punch-Out Kid Icarus and Golden Sun.
@carlosbleu7396 10 ай бұрын
If they try this for Punch-Out and Kid icarus, I think they will first propose 2D games: Shigeru Miyamoto explained in an interview they stopped to proposed Star fox and F zero games because of the high price of production and the low sales. So, if it works enough, they will think about 3D games.
@TownDarling 10 ай бұрын
Glad to see it was edited at 2:20 PM!
@Carcosahead 10 ай бұрын
What was the original title?
@danielstuckwisch9343 10 ай бұрын
The more I play this game the more I realize it wasn't the game the fans needed. It was the game Nintendo needed. They needed to go back to SNES graphics and implement the risk/reward mechanics the series is known for to prove to themselves that the GAMEPLAY is the selling point and not the graphics. Graphics and performance were big talking points of X and GX. This game should prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the gameplay of this series is compelling. And I think Nintendo needed to prove that to themselves before they could move forward with the series.
@blueknight0782 10 ай бұрын
Well said.
@supermaster1325 10 ай бұрын
Damnn, you're speaking facts man! I really hope they made a new one, i don't even care about graphics anymore, i just crave good gameplay on today's games
@Rauruatreides 10 ай бұрын
Agreed, though performance is a bit more important, since high frame rates add to the sense of true speed that Fzero is known for, and simply going for lower rates makes it harder to convey such speed.
@danielstuckwisch9343 10 ай бұрын
@jmartenstudios6267 100%. I have no doubt Nintendo will deliver on that front for a new game.
@ilanlaham6911 10 ай бұрын
If this game succeeds in proving that assertion for Nintendo my prediction is they will develop a new full-fledged FZ game but for the next console.
@samcandles 10 ай бұрын
it is genuinely the best call they could have made for bringing back f-zero.
@adam145 10 ай бұрын
I was fearing that Nintendo would have to do online with 15 players max but now I'm waiting for GX style game with a whole set of racers that will run online nicely.
@splatos 10 ай бұрын
I've never gone out of my way to play any f zero games (been so long since they've been made that i was born just after the last f zero games for the game boy advance wow), but absolutely fell in love with 99 when it released, intentional or not nintendo has definitely created a lot of new f zero fans out of nowhere (I am definitely going to be going back and playing all of the actual mainline games now like oh my gosh this series is so amazing)
@jeremysart 10 ай бұрын
Stop it, no one was born after 1990! 😂 Man this makes me feel weird, I remember walking into EB Games to buy F Zero Max Velocity for GBA when it came out, I was 16. Solid ass game too!
@westonmeyer3110 10 ай бұрын
@@jeremysart Maximum Velocity was my first gba game
@theaveragedro6814 10 ай бұрын
Never played any F-Zero games until 99 and man since I picked this up I've just been saying "One more time, no one more time!". Now I understand the pain and hunger fans have for a new entry...
@danieljimenez1989 10 ай бұрын
I'm a true F-Zero fan, who has played and beat every single F-Zero game in the hardest difficulty, including GX story mode in very hard. I played the snes game to death as a kid, and own the japanese X and GX releases with the japanese consoles to go with them. That said, those who reject F-Zero 99 are not true F-Zero fans. The game shows what a key innovation can achieve. It's a great way to bring the series back, and I consider it as a real game in the series. There will always be haters, but 99 certainly doesn't deserve them.
@shinigamimiroku3723 10 ай бұрын
Lots of respect, mate. I had GX but never finished it because I could never figure out how to race well (I was always bouncing left and right). 99 has shown me, though, that if GX came back out I might be able to actually figure it out and enjoy it.
@wasneeplus 10 ай бұрын
Yeah, count me among those who were never interested in F-Zero before, but have been hooked by this game. It's so much fun, and I'm genuinely looking forward to where the series will go in the future.
@Mellzdhaboss64 10 ай бұрын
This game got me back to the F-Zero series.. I only played the one on 64 when I was a kid but this one is addictive like y’all said I love it !
@quino711 10 ай бұрын
If you are watching this and haven't played F-Zero 99 you know what you should do. Go give it a chance!
@MundanePixels 10 ай бұрын
The actual best thing about this game is the DS style connection bar, genuinely made me tear up seeing that little icon again 😂
@dittom3426 10 ай бұрын
I love GVG! (edited) [1:04 PM]
@radio2299 10 ай бұрын
99 is so fun and addicting! I'm really glad to see it doing well so far. I hope they can keep the momentum going and turn this into F-Zero's breakout moment. 🙏
@mvnvxt 10 ай бұрын
I think f-zero 99 is a really smart move to get the old fans of the franchise back and re-introduce it to a new audience, and by kind of remaking the og in this online format really makes you appreciate what was done at the time of the snes era
@rahn45 10 ай бұрын
It seems like F-Zero is the least rage inducing PvP game ever conceived of. There's no blue shell shenanigans robbing people of first place, just a lot of exploding cars that you have to dodge using your skill. No players coming from behind out of nowhere and knocking straight off the track. If you get knocked off the track from someone boosting they had to sacrifice health to do it. The skyway hops over people; and getting it in the first place and when to use it have a lot of strategy involved.
@Mekuso8 10 ай бұрын
I think a new F-Zero as a launch window title would be an awesome way to show off the graphical capabilities of Nintendo's next console.
@t4t4all 10 ай бұрын
f-zero being introduced to a new generation is more than a good reason to bring the franchise back, this is my first f-zero game and im enjoying it so much!
@NoNameNoWhere 10 ай бұрын
You should play F Zero X and GX. Entirely different games from F Zero and F Zero 99.
@theakiwar9118 10 ай бұрын
I am just happy F-Zero is back. It’s not what I expected, it’s not exactly what I wanted. It’s what I needed After playing it (and getting addicted to it). This is a true F-Zero game. Legit. I am amazing how good of a F-Zero game it is. It is a true F-Zero game no strings attached. Don’t let the 99 Name or the Battle Royal tag fool you people. I as a F-Zero of 20 years am extremely happy
@seanmcbay 10 ай бұрын
I love this game so much. I got 2 1st place wins last night.
@iantaylor8148 10 ай бұрын
Ive been a fan since importing a Japanese SNES in 1990. there's so much to love. Especially the memorable soundtrack. I even treasured the comic book style instruction manual.
@Dracobyte 10 ай бұрын
I hope that this revives F Zero enthusiasm!
@ZenTea 10 ай бұрын
It works in so many levels. It’s an amazing game.
@vivithegr8389 10 ай бұрын
At first I was hoping for a new game or a remake. But man FZero99 is hella fun I’m loving it.
@GabzAugustoBR 10 ай бұрын
F-zero was just a "fun GBA game I had and played sometimes", but F-zero 99 is "OMG I'M OBCESSED WITH THIS GAME AND CAN'T STOP PLAYING IT"
@brandonwilliams6119 10 ай бұрын
Looks like Nintendo struck Gold with F-Zero giving it the 99 Battle Royale Treatment which honestly fits like a glove for F-Zero and it’s gaining lots of new fans, there are even cool memes and fanart being made to celebrate F-Zero 99! I too hope that this game lasts and as long as possible, lol GTA V just had its 10th Anniversary and Mario Kart 8 is reaching it’s 10 year anniversary come 2024, just thought I should point those out.
@petemellows 10 ай бұрын
I think Nintendo have been secretly developing a new FZero game for a while now. They are at the stage where they can keep development going for as long as it takes to get a great game, without deadlines. I imagine they’re looking at how people are playing 99 to hone in on some gameplay elements. Imagine if a new F-Zero game was a launch title for Switch 2 and nobody saw it coming.
@ClyptonimusPrime_n64 10 ай бұрын
F-Zero has always had a special place in my heart. Along with Super Mario World it was one of the first games I got for my SNES and I played the absolute sh*t out of it. To the point where I was trying to break world records published in Nintendo Power at the time. Now I will say at first I was a bit disappointed that Nintendo's big reintroduction of the series was F-Zero 99, but it's so damn good I can't even be mad. I just hope this opens the door to MORE F-Zero. The world needs more F-Zero.
@RockyD12 10 ай бұрын
They can do so many great things with F zero story wise!
@amariofan64 10 ай бұрын
It's one of those things that sounds absurd at first, but really does work.
@Dracobyte 10 ай бұрын
Just like Kingdom Hearts, or the original Super Smash Bros.
@amariofan64 10 ай бұрын
@Spunow 10 ай бұрын
I feel like they should add dlc where its mimics the original f zero from snes. Like a dedicated/remastered single player mode. And maybe local multiplayer or split screen
@matthewmincey8822 10 ай бұрын
Haven't tried this yet but happy for the fans that enjoy this series. I'm just happy Nintendo is willing to take chances on dormant franchises like this.
@seadx6 10 ай бұрын
In my opinion the 99 play style fits PERFECTLY with F-ZERO 99, if epic games who have experience with both battle royale and booster powered cars made a game similar to this one borrowing the sparks, jumps, boost power, boost panels, spin attack, the F-Zero climax spin boost and boost fire mechanics, the skyway and energy system from this series and the drift boosting from Mario kart but also adding the Rocket league physics and wave dash plus new ideas we would have the best futuristic racing game A free to play game like that would be amazing
@Umbrella2 10 ай бұрын
I want them to incorporate the characters into the game a bit more, maybe include them in the pilot card somehow at least…I’d love sprite versions of some of the later machines too.
@snoopii2507 10 ай бұрын
2:20??? You released this 20 minutes early!!!
@Kurlija 10 ай бұрын
I was always curious about the series, being a fan of other futuristic racers, but this got me to finally try it! (edited)[9:34 PM]
@TheBarefootDrummer 10 ай бұрын
I would pay money for this just for a guarantee they won't take it away in 6 months
@GameAW1 10 ай бұрын
The only ones that were taken away were Mario 35, which was confirmed before it even released that it'd be a limited-time download (no such announcement was made for F-Zero) and Pac-Man, who is a Bandai IP and thus has a license that must be paid to continue using or selling the character in their own game. (F-Zero is a Nintendo-owned IP so no danger there) Tetris meanwhile not only is still around and occasionally getting updated with new themes but even sold a physical release and offline modes. And if F-Zero datamines are any indicator, this is EXACTLY the plan for this game.
@ardenenglish8736 10 ай бұрын
The GBA F-Zero games had remakes of the original F-Zero tracks so I REALLY hope they bring the GP-Legend and Climax tracks here and de-master them with the original ost style
@BigKO26 10 ай бұрын
Give us 26 other machines in 16-bit
@lammericium-241 10 ай бұрын
if you showed f zero gx to a kid in the 90s they would dissolve
@ConnorXcrash 10 ай бұрын
I saw your video on the Sonic Symphony (which I absolutely loved), your Xbox leak video, and now this neat video about F-Zero. New sub!
@matthewtallarico8878 10 ай бұрын
Great dialogue guys. Loving this game. Loving the channel 🎉🎉
@JR-io6bi 10 ай бұрын
I seriously hope we get a new game for the next Switch
@madnessarcade7447 10 ай бұрын
As long as it keeps being supported It’s unfortunate it hasnt made it on the eshop charts yet tho
@alexc.7375 10 ай бұрын
Imagine if they made an open world game where you could play as Captain Falcon, Jody Summer, or the Arrows just going around and stopping crimes throughout Mute City. Obviously there'd still be racing, just built into a story mode and the races could also be a default mode for the purists.
@gregorys9629 10 ай бұрын
Loving this game, it's so addictive!! I won my first grand prix last night and it was such a rush, one of the most satisfying feelings I've had from playing a video game.
@iantaylor8148 10 ай бұрын
Me too. I took out the leader on the final bend. He/she must have been raging. Lol
@captainHiro8911 10 ай бұрын
Im happy that f zero is back and that now there is hope for the future of this franchise because its one of my franchises of nintendo
@zatchbells 10 ай бұрын
f zero 99 is so addictive i cant stop playing it
@chauncypeppertooth9438 10 ай бұрын
It’s the first 99 game to put us all in the same world to battle and it’s fun. More games like this please
@shadeblackwolf1508 10 ай бұрын
You know a change is perfect when it Mandela effects people. For example: Puss in boots never had a cape before the last wish bit when you think back to shrek 2, he has a cape in your memories now. This one, has changed many people's memory of the original F-ZERO. I know Kart 8 DX stage remakes have had me confidently dive into the water in MK64. Other great examples are MR monopoly's monocle, and Bob-omb (NOT Bobby) from origami king, why gets called bobby a few times by Olivia but never has that as a name he uses himself or on any other dialogue involving him
@Ricar2002YT 10 ай бұрын
Damn thats crazy, its (edited)[8:20 PM] for me right now!
@chuganoga1908 10 ай бұрын
It’s just a video gamey game and I’m here for it man. As a long time FZero fan this is awesome to be able to FINALLY play a new game. Definitely the best game this year for me man.
@DIAC1987 10 ай бұрын
On a somewhat unrelated note, I'd absolutely love to see Nintendo Satellaview Online in the future for the Switch/Future Nintendo Platform, it would be great to have the ability to play some of these long-lost video games for preservation purposes and to experience classic games that the U.S. gaming community missed out on.
@Vulg8 10 ай бұрын
Demeech bouta eat his words
@madnessarcade7447 10 ай бұрын
I assumed it was the snes engine but enhanced Crazy that it’s the odyssey engine ig that explains why it’s so vibrant and it looks almost remastered
@gremjs03 10 ай бұрын
They need to take this multiplayer concept and put it in a true successor to GX. What made GX so damn good are the tracks and sound track. Nintendo finally did an online game right probably because its not peer 2 peer like all their other games and its actually client server based.
@deadvikingtrolls 10 ай бұрын
Sega made GX and I don't have faith in Nintendo to make one better. The GX remaster is all that is even necessary.
@GameAW1 10 ай бұрын
@@deadvikingtrolls The alternative is F-Zero return to the grave from whence it came. Which is better? Besides, they have proven then and now that they can still make F-Zero and make it damn good. They know how to do it.
@BareBandSubscription 10 ай бұрын
@@deadvikingtrolls You have no faith that Nintendo can produce a better video game than Sega? Are you serious?
@deadvikingtrolls 10 ай бұрын
@@BareBandSubscription A better f-zero game? Yes. Are you not following along? Who makes the faster games?
@BareBandSubscription 10 ай бұрын
@@deadvikingtrolls Uhhh, are you suggesting only Sega makes games at 60 fps or something? Or that Nintendo doesn’t? My point is that Nintendo always had way better in-house developers than Sega has, so I don’t see the lack of faith here. Also, Nintendo never got to make an F-Zero game on better hardware than the N64. Sega had a much more powerful system to work with. Just saying.
@Dlf212 10 ай бұрын
Waverace 99 would be hectic as hell, I think.
@surfingraichu7594 10 ай бұрын
I hope this game leads to a F-Zero X remake with online, more content, more customization, dedicated spin button etc! New game would be really cool as well ofc! Love this game, it’s a good time to be a F-Zero fan❤️
@timeslikethese52 7 ай бұрын
When my friend told me the other day that there was a new f zero game I almost cried. The only f zero game I had ever owned was GX and I loved it so so much! Seeing this IP make a comeback is so dope !
@mentalillnessalex4885 10 ай бұрын
From what I've read we should have all SNES tracks in a month.
@BareBandSubscription 10 ай бұрын
For a game that disappointed many people with it’s announcement, I’m glad people are enjoying F-Zero 99 so much. It definitely provides more hope for the franchise going forward. Also, I still adore the aesthetic of the original F-Zero more than that of the superior sequels, so I’m so glad to see it make a return here, looking better than ever.
@Spatu10 10 ай бұрын
Captain Farlo: “Life is worth living”
@Zerolink30 10 ай бұрын
I just they keep supporting the game even after the new incoming maps and Grand Prix are dropped. They could maybe add a few more vehicles, a new mode or 2. For example i would love a Death Race mode, wether you play on existing maps or they create new Arena style maps for it. The objective is to destroy the competition and be the last car standing, however you only regain your Energy meter by destroying other vehicles, so aggressive play is a must. Or avoid everyone until the end, really master the art of Chicken racing.
@Jamsch101 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for reviving F-Zero, captain
@jeremysart 10 ай бұрын
To be honest, I was hoping for something like this over a brand new shiny game. I feel like today, it would be hard to make a new game that felt like F Zero, we already have that with the Fast Racing Neo and Wipeout games. A new game would be great, but I’d love to stay as close to SNES GBA or X as possible… something like F Zero 99 is perfect. Just throw some shinier graphics and less flat courses in.
@Rubberman202 10 ай бұрын
I'd really like to see a poll or something that gauge's people's opinion on F-Zero 99, whether they were neutral about F-Zero 99, whether they were SUPER disappointed by it but warmed up to it, or if they're still refusing to play it or look down on it because it's a 99 Battle Royale game... in the case of those latter people, I kind of wonder what F-Zero is to them, or what makes a "true" F-Zero game in their eyes. Yeah, dedicated single-player and story mode is nice and all, but it's just based on the foundational gameplay, which is basically what F-Zero 99 is. HD 3D graphics is also nice, and I suppose preference on visuals is subjective, though I still think invoking the already good-looking SNES while polishing up the sprites and pixel art looks fantastic as well. I get the feeling most people disappointed with this game grew up with F-Zero GX and people wanted that but on modern consoles. I've seen people compare this to Paper Mario: Color Splash and the like and wanting a TTYD remake of their own, though as a Paper Mario fan I'm rather insulted by that comparison, the same way I'm insulted by comparisons to Federation Force vs. Metroid Prime 4. I do get the disappointment that it's not *exactly* the thing you wanted, but... I don't know, I figured that after 19 years of nothing, F-Zero fans would be grateful for anything, especially a game that embodies the spirit of F-Zero's core gameplay and the first game to finally have online gameplay. I guess it's the stigma of 99 games that got people down, and while I do understand the concerns of this game's longevity, some of it feels overblown, especially since we don't know for sure if F-Zero 99 has staying power compared to Tetris 99 or Pac-Man 99 (Super Mario Bros. 35 is a unique case in which dumb marketing killed it). Speaking for myself, I can't see this game as anything other than a net win: a new F-Zero game that's true to the elements that make a good F-Zero game that a lot of people, including people who've never played F-Zero before, are playing right now. Like, I'm not the biggest F-Zero fan, but this feels like the best time to BE an F-Zero fan, so while I can understand some of the initial disappointment, I still can't fully understand why people would be a downer or a sourpuss about what's happening with F-Zero at the moment. It honestly only makes me more hopeful for the future of this series, especially since this game is now expanding the potential audience of fans who now want more F-Zero content. But, that's just how I feel, though thankfully this sentiment is echoed by a lot of other people.
@NoNameNoWhere 10 ай бұрын
F-Zero 99 is a fun game and a great idea. HOWEVER, it is radically different from F Zero X and GX. Many fans, myself included, want the next F-Zero game to build off of the style and feel of X and GX. When people say the next F-Zero should be based on 99, they're saying it should not be like X and GX. Furthermore, having 99 racers pile into each other? That's fun in a very arcade-like manner. But it doesn't feel like I'm in an actual race. It feels more like a gimmicky video game. That's perfectly fine - but I do prefer the ability to feel like I'm in an actual race with room to maneuver. In other words, having too many racers breaks some of the immersion. F Zero 99 is NOT a mainline F Zero game. It's a spin off. It's similar to how Hyruoe Warriors is not a mainline Legend of Zelda game. Imagine if people said, "Hyrule Warriors is amazing! This should be what the next Legend Of Zelda is like!" If Nintendo only released 1 LoZ game in the 10 years prior to Hyrule Warriors, that would be discouraging for players who want a more traditional LoZ experience. I'm cautiously optimistic about F Zero 99. It may prove to Nintendo that there's demand for a new F Zero game. However, I want the next game to be 30 racers, maybe 40, where you aren't piling into a moshpit against other players. And I fear Nintendo may not actually release the F Zero game that other players and myself want. I don't want Nintendo to think F Zero 99 should be the inspiration for the next mainline F Zero game, it there is one.
@Rubberman202 10 ай бұрын
@@NoNameNoWhere I suppose I understand it like that, the way you describe it. Admittedly I'm not too familiar with F-Zero X and GX; heck most people I talk to about F-Zero only seem to talk about GX more than X, and no one even bothers to mention the GBA titles, though it IS interesting how F-Zero 99 takes from various elements of all the F-Zero games, including the GBA games. I can also understand wanting "more room to maneuver", given that the tracks, despite being widened out compared to their SNES counterpart, still feel thin with all those racers on it. That said, to be perfectly honest, though, I'm not fully convinced that F-Zero 99 is THAT much of a departure from what F-Zero is normally, at least from what I've seen of the other games; at the very least, it doesn't feel as drastically different as Hyrule Warriors as compared to a normal 3D Legend of Zelda. Your reasoning against the 99 format feels more like a subjective opinion (which it probably is) rather than a reason it doesn't count as a mainline F-Zero game (which it kind of comes off that way, given how it leads into your comment about F-Zero 99 being a spin-off and not mainline). If Nintendo does make another F-Zero, they probably will cut back the number of racers, and that's probably for the best; a lot of the mechanics and design choices for F-Zero 99 are made to fit the battle royale formula, and while I feel the battle royale format does perfectly complement what F-Zero is at its core, I will acknowledge that it's not necessarily the same exact thing when compared to F-Zero X and F-Zero GX. So yeah, thanks for giving me this new perspective. I can understand the dissatisfaction a bit more now, even though I still think F-Zero 99 is great and I'm incredibly happy for the initial success surrounding it.
@NoNameNoWhere 10 ай бұрын
@Rubberman202 No problem, I'm glad I could give some added perspective. If Nintendo more regularly released F Zero games similar to X and GX, I think there would be less negativity towards 99. It stems from a fear that F Zero will continue to go in the "wrong direction" and we'll never see the sequel we wanted. Ultimately, I'm happy 99 came out. At least it's something. It's possible the developers will go in the wrong direction and only start producing Battle Royale F Zero games. But it's also possible that interest in 99 could lead to a proper 3D release of a more traditional game. Or maybe this is a one-off, and we won't see anything in 10 or 20 years - or ever again. A large portion of Nintendo fans enjoy Mario and Legend of Zelda, so Nintendo shows those series their constant love and affection. F-Zero fans, on the other hand, are a fairly small portion of Nintendo fans. I believe that's why Nintendo is hesitant in creating an F Zero game that's similar to X and GX - they believe it wouldn't have enough appeal to their fan base as a whole. F Zero 99 isn't just for fans, it's also playing to the Battle Royale and 99 trend we're seeing. It's also a very, very, very, small game with few assets that can be used over and over again, with many differences being mere color and emblem variations. It's free via subscription to a larger service too. All of those play into the existence and success of F Zero 99. As a stand alone game, F Zero 99 would have to sell for maybe $5 or $10 to maybe be profitable. Being a part of the subscription service is a smart move IMO. Unfortunately, this doesn't prove that there would be an interest in a new F Zero X/GX game. But I do hope 99 causes fans to at least show interest in those two past titles. Ultimately, there's not much Nintendo can do with the 3D F Zero format except create a game that's similar but better. That's what GX was, and it sold fairly poorly. In the end, I don't think 99 will be enough to spark interest in a new F Zero game akin to X/GX. A remaster of GX might be the only feasible way for Nintendo to test the waters to see if it's worth making a new game. Side tangent: I think fans should classify the F Zero games as one of two series. The F Zero series and the F Zero X series - similar to Mega Man and Mega Man X. If we do get a new F Zero X game, it would probably be called F Zero SX. GX stood for GameCube, AX stood for Arcade. SX would stand for Switch. It would be a fairly consistent naming convention.
@Rubberman202 10 ай бұрын
@@NoNameNoWhere Well, again, from my very casual experience with F-Zero, I would have thought that after 19 or so years of nothing, F-Zero fans would be happy and appreciative of getting anything new with F-Zero (not counting references like with NintendoLand's F-Zero attraction). I can't help but think the fears that F-Zero will go in the "wrong direction" are a bit unfounded, especially since, again, it's amazing we're getting anything new with F-Zero at all, but even setting that aside, the idea that F-Zero will be nothing but Battle Royale games from now on is... well, it's a bit far-fetched if I'm being honest. Like why would we get more F-Zero battle royales when we already have the one? The possibility that F-Zero will disappear for another 19 or so years is a legitimate fear, though, it reminds me of how Kid Icarus got revived with Uprising and there hasn't been any Kid Icarus content since. Still, I'm with Jon and Dan in that the future seems bright for F-Zero; at the very least I choose the optimistic about this. That comment about Nintendo being hesistent about making another game similar to X or GX seems to echo what Jon said about if this were a remaster of GX or a similar game to that; fans would be happy, but would it actually attract new fans or bring people in the way F-Zero 99 does? F-Zero is a bit niche in that its difficulty curve is rather steep, so again, a game like F-Zero 99 helps give fans a taste of what the series is like, even if it's not completely like the other games. Maybe they can check out the original F-Zero on the NSO SNES library, or if the have the Expansion Pack, F-Zero X. ...Actually, just how many F-Zero fans care specifically about games like F-Zero X and F-Zero GX? Like I said before, I see more people focused on GX than any other title in the series whenever they talk about F-Zero. I guess I'm really dipping my toe into F-Zero discourse. I never even would have considered that there are people who are technical about this kind of thing, and distinguish between F-Zero games and F-Zero X games. It's like how I recently found out that there's discourse even among Pikmin fans, and that they apparently hate caves, which was my favorite aspect of Pikmin 2 (and now Pikmin 4. There's a part of me in the back of my head thinking something along the lines of "beggars can't be choosers" when it comes to F-Zero, given how there's literally been nothing for the past 19-or-so years, but I've certainly been in the boat of wanting something, anything out of a specific series, and then when I finally got it I end up being disappointed, so I certainly get where you're coming from with that.
@glasssawsslipperstraws7410 10 ай бұрын
damn this video really was edited at 2:20PM
@ThizbeSylvan 10 ай бұрын
i am so addicted to this game
@codysvlogdays 10 ай бұрын
I would lovw to play it but i still havent been convinced on NSO so. Im glad everyone is enjoying it though
@Gamer1288 10 ай бұрын
27:10 Wasn't that in the F-Zero Courses in Mario Kart 8?
@HoroJoga 10 ай бұрын
Wow edited at 2:20 PM
@bluebaron6858 10 ай бұрын
Please if anyone has seen it recorded on to VHS the remaining dub episodes of 4kids F-Zero GP Legend English dub adaptation eps 16-26. Please archieve them. They are lost media and may have only aired in New Zealand! Or for Nintendo to stream it on KZfaq themselves!
@iamCifu 10 ай бұрын
What happens on 2:20 pm??
@Crobat3trainer 10 ай бұрын
Captain Falcon dies for good this time.
@ryanhodgson8676 10 ай бұрын
I feel like Jon's beard is growing twice as fast due to how much fzero 99 he's playing. I watch everyone of your videos, are you getting enough sleep?
@philipmurphy2 10 ай бұрын
Liking this game, Online multiplayer is what F Zero needed for sure.
@GamerFunOriginallyAarush 10 ай бұрын
@imspinningfree 10 ай бұрын
I love that random discovery of players I recognise. One session I ended up racing against Mew2King as my rival, and I had another race with BarbarousKing. I've probably inadvertantly featured in many streams I don't even know about. Still haven't managed a win yet though...
@Nathan-mu1pz 10 ай бұрын
Any idea when a physical release could happen?
@kokocola456 10 ай бұрын
I absolutely hate that there is no party up feature
@matheusg.3508 10 ай бұрын
I would be really happy if they release some GBA content in the future... There are great tracks, like Lightning on GP Legend, Fire Field would be craaaazy with all the bombs. But what I want the most is the Racers, because we already have all of them in 2D, and I wish for different paintjobs for them as well 😁
@StewNWT 10 ай бұрын
We need local play as well so you can have 4 people racing against 99
@jjdiner7862 10 ай бұрын
New FZero you say? Okay here's Star Fox Grand Prix..
@SHIGUFEVER 10 ай бұрын
edited [2:20PM]
@omarnsouli1555 10 ай бұрын
I see f zero 99 as Nintendo testing to see if people want an f zero gx remake
@deadvikingtrolls 10 ай бұрын
GX remaster costs nintendo almost nothing. The remaster is allegedly finished, even. I saw 99 more as "we see you but no". 99 seems more made to appeal to a broader audience.
@GameAW1 10 ай бұрын
@@deadvikingtrolls No its not almost nothing cost unless its already been made, which was proven NOT to be the case. They would need to first pay Sega to work on it again, would need to redo the graphics to be more to today's standards, and would need to rework it to a more modern system architecture (The Switch as opposed to the Gamecube) to make it all work. A lot of work, effort, and especially money goes into good remakes. Its not a simple copy+paste old work onto a new system. Even trying to do just that takes more work than one would think. And considering before this, Nintendo was convinced there was no place for F-Zero in today's gaming industry, this is definitely them seeing whether there's even interest anymore. F-Zero 99 is every bit an F-Zero game through and through, just taking its concept to the logical extreme. And if datamines are any indication, they are actively planning to release single-player modes too. This was not some lazy half-assed endeavor. Actual effort went into this by some people who genuinely love F-Zero. It'd have to in order to make Nintendo give the franchise SOMETHING.
@deadvikingtrolls 10 ай бұрын
@@GameAW1 You can emulate the game "remastered" today. The reason textures were crappy and compressed and resolution was low is because of the gamecube itself. But hey, you can imagine nintendo and sega have problems working together if you'd prefer.
@GameAW1 10 ай бұрын
@@deadvikingtrolls Dolphin's enhancements are not a remastered. That's merely at best an HD port. If you want to see a remaster, compare any of the original Crash games to N. Sane Trilogy. Also I never said they would have problems working together, only that it would still cost Nintendo way more money than they would be willing to spend on a franchise they have all but outright admitted they believe will never sell and would be merely a financial black hole for them. Yes Nintendo has billions but they didn't get those billions by taking risks like that. They need to first see they are wrong about F-Zero's financial capability first.
@DrViperVideos 10 ай бұрын
Why not 2:21? Hate odd numbers i see!
@70smebbin 10 ай бұрын
@ellie8272 10 ай бұрын
A week ago all I knew about F-Zero is it has Captain Falcon and some extremely questionable character design Now? I'm a full-on F-Zero fan who's a diehard stingray main and I can't wait to pay full price for the next mainline entry
@NoNameNoWhere 10 ай бұрын
F Zero 99 is a spin off game. It plays INSANELY different from the original, purely because you're jumping into a moshpit of other drivers. F Zero is about maneuvering through other drivers. F Zero 99 is about brute forcing your way through a crowd. That's why I consider 99 to be a spin off. That said, try the other games! The original offers a different kind of challenge where it's more about maneuvering courses with much more limited health, with enough speed to race your way into first. 99 is about racing but... you'll know what I mean if you play the original. F Zero X and GX, the 3D games, are entirely different from the original and 99. F Zero X seems much more slippery than I remember, but it's quite a competent game with the best soundtrack. F Zero GX, in my opinion, is the best in the series and woefully underrated. It lacks online play, obviously, but the computer is (mostly) challenging enough.
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