Fishtank Live- Jimmy confessional

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Fishtankislive Recap

Fishtankislive Recap

24 күн бұрын

#fishtank #fishtanklive

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@spikesya 22 күн бұрын
"I'm a realist" - One of the most deluded people I've ever seen.
@groyperfuhr4871 22 күн бұрын
yeah you don't know whether to cry for him or laugh your ass off at his delusions. I guess we can only laugh it up now before he ends up becoming a shooter, he's already halfway there what with the mental illness
@4TheWinQuinn 22 күн бұрын
@KabertaKneeGr0wCxntman 21 күн бұрын
"idk man i never threw that hammer at her man like i get it dude look i feel you man" lmao literal quote of him in a twitter SPEAKS with frankhassle and others, frank called him "completely delusional"
@jimbo113 21 күн бұрын
​@@KabertaKneeGr0wCxntmanthe direct quote from frank was "dangerously delusional" but I would be too after a lifetime of railing hot broads with my eight inch breeding rod
@salum. 20 күн бұрын
@@KabertaKneeGr0wCxntman whats his twitter?
@marcy88 22 күн бұрын
Dwight energy from the office
@mobyhuge9837 22 күн бұрын
If Dwight went to Vietnam and came back with CTE
@clunt_fecus 22 күн бұрын
Dwight in the lost final episode if he went on a shooting rampage.
@floopi66 22 күн бұрын
Hes like the gay son of Dwight and Kenny (form Kenny vs Spenny)
@MrCoolmax987 22 күн бұрын
@@floopi66kenny vs spenny rules, only Canadians I like
@Breakstuff5050 22 күн бұрын
The human psyche is more fragile than most of us realize. I hope jimmy gets a better grip on things
@OG-Ghost33 22 күн бұрын
Facts indeed
@M0stlym3answ3ll 22 күн бұрын
When I was younger, I felt impervious to my environment, the words and behavior of others and was basically convinced that I could just will myself to only be affected by the things I accepted. As an adult with more awareness, I am much more careful with the people I subject myself to and the kind of shit I am willing to be around. Things like fish tank, have a huge impact on the people involved. It was straight up hard to watch at times.
@OG-Ghost33 22 күн бұрын
As someone who whole heartedly use to believe PTSD was total horse shit and just weak men crying about something they signed up for. I myself would sign up and be diagnosed with PTSD. I cam confirm it us it at all a joke or bullshit it's very real. Depending on the person it can be very subtle or it can come out in just being angry all the time like Jimmy. I honestly wonder if Jummy was not sexually abused as a child. Sadly he has all the tale tale signs
@M0stlym3answ3ll 22 күн бұрын
@@OG-Ghost33 I’m sorry you have to live with that. PTSD is no joke. (Also, similarly diagnosed with complex trauma issues from stuff happening to me as a kid). The whole “it’s just mind over matter and you’re being weak if you let shit get to you.” Is always said by people who have never had to deal with severely messed up shit.
@OG-Ghost33 22 күн бұрын
@M0stlym3answ3ll and I appreciate your understanding. That is a huge thing most don't know either. Most people apply ptsd to combat vets but I've met way more civilians who have suffered childhood trauma who have ptsd than veterans. Some diagnosed some not
@ehq5277 22 күн бұрын
I try to be the opposite of Jimmy every day
@grimsby2185 22 күн бұрын
I will try to do this aswell.
@randallbro6749 22 күн бұрын
@billybadass4865 22 күн бұрын
Jimmy probably has 10x the intelligence you have. You could never articulate the type of sentences jimmy speaks. Y'all are dumb ass KZfaq commenters. Jimmy is a star. Keep being jealous losers.
@groyperfuhr4871 22 күн бұрын
As any good man should
@AaronHendu 21 күн бұрын
JJ is inspiring a whole generation.
@BlastinRope 22 күн бұрын
reminder that jimmy was the only one making sure that the other fishes had cooked nutritious food every night, he obviously has his faults but deep down he really does care, hes struggling against his demons and his victories are often overshadowed by his losses
@stoicdrywall5896 22 күн бұрын
the faults being threatening to doxx everyone and their families as well as elder abuse
@OG-Ghost33 22 күн бұрын
Really caring and being virtuous is one of the worst white male human traits. It’s precisely why we are living in the cucked soft slavery soft communism society we exist in. Stop worrying about being fucking nice. You should do what is right and wrong according to your own standards and morals but stop the fake caring bullshit. Do people really care? Fuck no they pretend to care cause they want something . Jimmy did that in hopes to swoon one of the females at the camp and that’s it
@mattposky2892 22 күн бұрын
@mattposky2892 22 күн бұрын
But he HAS TO overcome them.
@StrayTato 22 күн бұрын
Rooting for Jimbo
@tyler1v9 22 күн бұрын
he has aged 10 years in 2024
@groyperfuhr4871 22 күн бұрын
tyler 1! ily for using the OG pfp
@bush4538 22 күн бұрын
@@groyperfuhr4871 y u glazin
@jimbo113 21 күн бұрын
Anti-psychotic meds end to do that
@alphaotakux 21 күн бұрын
Alcohol and cigs
@StrayTato 22 күн бұрын
I like Jimmy tbh. Dude has potential. He just needs to focus on his mental health. Judging by this confessional I can tell he's self analyzing and that's the first step. Get better Jimbo. There are people rooting for you to be better.
@bigfinger7609 22 күн бұрын
The first week i was shocked at how great he was. He unraveled super fast after that but gd he was an awesome team player for a bit
@Rags_222 22 күн бұрын
Holy fuck he loves talking
@spikesya 22 күн бұрын
He really has no idea how he comes across to people with the cringe bad guy movie lines & tough guy doxing threats.
@MegaFIare 22 күн бұрын
It's a fucking confessional 😂
@groyperfuhr4871 22 күн бұрын
​@@MegaFIaredoesn't change the fact he loves to hear his own voice. Like even at the very end of stream when jet was having each fish say their piece. He had Jimmy go before Tai, and then during Tais turn started yapping to Greg. Everyone stayed quiet for him and he can't give that respect to anyone else, like he showed in dozens of other conversations he wasn't involved in these two weeks
@zanthraxnl 22 күн бұрын
Par for the course for autistic people. Social blindness comes with a trouble interpreting body language, sarcasm and nonverbal cues. The result is infodumping, autistic people will talk at you instead of with you and will appear to not care that the listener is not interested. If anything Fishtank is an education in what autistic people are like. Especially for what happens when you take them out of their comfort zone and deprive them of rest. Jimmy started out well, he was into the RP, he had good energy, he was rested and having fun. But he couldn't even keep it up for 2 weeks. Same thing happened to Jon, but he's even worse at self-regulating. Same for Fatty on S2. They all ramble and they all lose control of their emotions when they're low on energy.
@BlastinRope 22 күн бұрын
@@MegaFIare The jimmy haters are so sheltered from actually awful people that they think this affable tard is a malignant type of person. If they ever left their bedroom in the suburbs they might get to meet some truly terrible individuals, jimmy is deepy flawed but hes not that bad of a person once you have experience in the world, just a bit of a spaz.
@Alex-tx6by 22 күн бұрын
he's awkward dude but I'm not sure what he's suppose to apologize for. Letty presses him, he tells her told to stop. She keeps going and he fires back. She then she plays victim. Vance comes out of no where and starts teasing him like he was a member of production, even though Jimmy has been mostly nice to him. Jimmy goes off into the woods and mumbles stuff out of anger and Vance demands an apology? I get it, he's got anger issues, but I think a lot could be solved by him channeling the anger to confront people immediately rather than just being a doormat and bottling it up.
@ShoahBiz 21 күн бұрын
seriously people are so dumb they get gassed up by TTS and start believing it all. bandwagoners
@groyperfuhr4871 20 күн бұрын
He threatened physical violence towards Letty and that's why she stopped and played victim. You don't threaten to beat the crap out of someone because they spoke some words that you don't like. And yeah the stuff he mumbled in the woods before he remembered he was wearing a bodycam was him threatening to leak info about Vance's ex. Which Vance has had problems with people doxxing her in the past. So Vance is totally in the right to be upset at him for that. Holy crap man you are delusional if you think Jimmy is the one that should be confronting people instead of the other way around. Maybe try having sex, incel
@shusterandy 5 күн бұрын
Your assessment is right on the money I feel. Everyone is just shitting on him. But he didn't start getting mad until people started pressing him. He tried to stop it as you said. But they kept going. I feel like a lot of people are unnecessarily shitty to Jimmy with out trying to understand him. He gets harassed and teased and bullied until he blows up and looks bad, and they play victim, even though most the time they started it. From what I can see is that Jimmy is generally nice and kind to everyone as long as you are nice to him as well. But like you said people will say shitty things and he'll just avoid it and let build up until he ultimately blows up. I know at first glance Jimmy can look bad. It's just that most the time he was provoked into it. I try to look at it fairly.
@georgesmith1127 22 күн бұрын
People like to hate on Jimmy but hes probably MVP of the fish, yeah he yaps but it fills dead air and is leagues better then Fatty yapping.
@BushDid-eg3vo 22 күн бұрын
real moment
@DrugConsumer 22 күн бұрын
mama wetty i hungwy
@dsprocks 21 күн бұрын
No man his rambling is insufferable having to listen to him drone on and on and on about random nonsense he's read online all day being a terminally online person, he starts on something completely innocuous and then somehow pivots to some kind of political diatribe about whatever issue involving those sjw people. Dude is beyond overly opinionated and he dominates every conversation he enters by not even allowing anybody else to have any input by responding in any way just keeps on going down his Jimmy trail of thoughts jumping from one topic to the next by barely tangentially related points, it's crazy. Jimmy takes everything personally, goes way too hard being way too serious about the game especially when the rules aren't being enforced which they do on purpose because they know it pisses him off and he falls for it every time, like he's so disconnected from reality it's wild. The way he describes the woods as being "magical" is delusional like bro you're just walking around the woods, they're pretty and can be beautiful but magical? gee whizz. Jimmy needs to get help for his out of control rage because he just snaps and goes into full tard mode. His obsession over the quests just goes to show how delusional he is, honestly believing that he's going to "win" the game as if it's not entirely scripted by production to go exactly how they want it as far as the story is concerned. The way he talks about the Utah program too saying things like "Thank God they left all the evidence behind" like bro you think you're honestly going to expose them? Jimmy needs to be pulled down off his high horse back to reality.
@ShoahBiz 21 күн бұрын
@@dsprocks bro youre way more terminally online than Jimmy..I saw you in a live stream literally every time i popped in. Its hilarious how jimmy haters act like they have their shit together. Over here malding because Jimmy enjoyed the outdoors LOL bro go outside yourself
@groyperfuhr4871 20 күн бұрын
MVP? In the final fight he was so focused on killing vamps that he allowed both Tai and Letty to die and become zombified... yeah what an MVP, best medic ever!!!! and also, he cheated like literally every single fight involving waves of vampires. He would leave fights with more life bands than he started with. He would refuse to take a knee when hit, and sometimes refuse to call his hits when vamps/sharks were playing fairly. And then the biggest cheat of the season that was captured by the camera man, when he died in the final fight against the duke instead of laying on the ground like he was supposed to (and like how Letty and Tai did when he LET THEM DIE) instead he handed Tai a life stick to use on him. that is cheating! If everyone else was coddled like he was and allowed to cheat then they'd all be MVP's. Also his schizophrenic yapping isn't really that interesting, also a lot of the time his yapping wasn't filling dead air, it was him talking over/interrupting people trying to have a conversation without him. How is that dead air? Also he never actually rp'd the entire 2 weeks. his character's "backstory" was just his own IRL past with him talking in an accent. He didn't even have a character name different from IRL... LARP'ing is where you make up a character and pretend to be them. He never pretended he was just himself. Also, anytime he lost a life and wasn't allowed to cheat, or ignored, or denied because he's a creepy guy with rage issues he'd pout until given JimmyCraft to play, like an iPad 10 year old kid. How is watching him play JimmyCraft entertaining at all? So he cheats, barely protects his team, doesn't RP, pouts like a child that lost his toy, and talks over people/interrupts them with nonsense schizo yapping. If you still really think he's the MVP I don't know what to tell you. To me it sounds like you're reaching for anything nice to say about him because you used to be a fan of him (hopefully you aren't anymore) Letty was easily the MVP. She did everything near perfect. Always rp'ing, always playing along with jokes even at her own expense (which I forgot to mention, Jimmy wouldn't play along with any jokes at his own expense despite the rest of the fish being able to). And she actually played her class like it's supposed to be played unlike Jimmy's failure to be a useful medic. LETTY W LETTY MOGS TOTAL LETTY VICTORY
@catotheyounger879 22 күн бұрын
I support Jimmy. No matter what.
@richardsamueljordan1569 22 күн бұрын
Still more Chad than Jonny boy
@anthos332 22 күн бұрын
Jimmy needs a guiding hand in life and therapy or something. If he didnt fly off the handle so much he could be a great stage actor. Just channel all the emotions into acting and boom he'd be set
@toooes 22 күн бұрын
yeah there’s a lot of great autistic actors because they understand human emotion and the nuances of socializing so well
@muscleman125 22 күн бұрын
nah acting is the most submissive job in the world. I used to want to be an actor until I realized they are all horrible people who do really bad things. And the reason hollywood is full of bad people is because those people are submissive door mats. Their entire job is literally being commanded on how to look, sound and behave. Someone who is willing to be anyone but themselves for money is someone who's willing to go along with or commit evil acts.
@AJE-ALLDAY 21 күн бұрын
You guys throw the word ‘autistic’ around very frivolously.
@groyperfuhr4871 20 күн бұрын
@@AJE-ALLDAY you're right bro! Jimmy definitely has mental illnesses but idk if autism is the right one. I'd say it's probably more like a mix of BPD (lol I thought it was only edgy girls that got that) Narcissism, Intermittent explosive disorder, schizophrenia, and delusional disorder. keep coping and seething for your incel King Jimmy, I'll keep on revealing his true behavior using logical rational arguments :) nerd
@againsttheleftandright4065 22 күн бұрын
Bro is trying so fucking hard
@jackywackysmacky4031 22 күн бұрын
You read about places like Elan School from the troubled teen industry and Jimmy starts to make a whole lot more sense. Not making excuses for him, he's shown to be dangerous at times and that's inexcusable. But, I pray he gets help and my heart goes out for him with what may have happened to him in Utah.
@leadmuffins7565 22 күн бұрын
Jimmy is based.
@mistaando9741 22 күн бұрын
Jimmy is frustrating because he does have goodness in him but he's also mental
@StrayTato 22 күн бұрын
That's every fish in the tank. Whole premise of the show. Bazinga
@groyperfuhr4871 20 күн бұрын
what goodness, pls name an example? it's okay, I'll wait.
@RandySavag 19 күн бұрын
Basically just described the entire human race.
@groyperfuhr4871 19 күн бұрын
lmao I'm still waiting on that example of "Jimmy's goodness"
@jonathanmoser8976 22 күн бұрын
Jimmy killed it this season his interactions were the best this season
@Hawthorne-Studios 22 күн бұрын
I don't know about killed-it. Inflicted wounds maybe.
@groyperfuhr4871 20 күн бұрын
oh yeah like when he threw a metal water bottle at Jon's head and threatened to kill him for Jon making him follow the rules? Or when he sucker pushed over/spat in crippled Jon's face twice bc Jon tried to make him follow the rules? Or how he was a creep and almost SA'd creature during the tower cell challenge? In case if you didn't catch it, during the tower Jimmy kept scooting closer and closer to creature as he laid down, inches at a time like a desperate incel would. Once he was almost touching her, he stretched his arm out and the back of his palm was on Creature's breast. SHE had to physically remove his hand because his creepy ass thought that was a perfectly okay place for his hand to rest... and remember the tower took place AFTER she had already denied him.... minutes after she blocked his attempted sexual assault he left because "he didn't need the money and the rest of the fish probably do" (he was embarrassed that she didn't just let him sexually assault her quietly). If there were no cameras and the fish were just all camping together on a whim he'd have actually killed and/or graped people.
@jonathanmoser8976 20 күн бұрын
@groyperfuhr4871 aww someone's mad because of a comment
@jonathanmoser8976 20 күн бұрын
If you don't like it I would suggest not watching it
@Spookyjordan 22 күн бұрын
Thanks I play this at night when I want to fall asleep
@LilEuphie 22 күн бұрын
He really does look like a younger Trevor from GTA
@OG-Ghost33 22 күн бұрын
Jimmy reminds me of me when I came off of opiates back in 2012. I thought and even sounded like him for a good 6 months detoxing thinking everything was doom and gloom. The difference between me and Jimmy is he stays in that mindset naturally 24/7 365
@falcor200 22 күн бұрын
THAT'S JIMMY???? Has it been 15 years since the house?
@sabhyde5327 22 күн бұрын
Jimmy is a great lol cow
@SKVLLETLORD 22 күн бұрын
Jimmy is just fine the way he is on his road to peace. The rest of the fish are scumbags and from what ive seen from him during this he was never really in the wrong when going off on Jon.
@StrayTato 22 күн бұрын
@SKVLLETLORD Agreed, basically. Something I noted this season: While Jon was there, people started rooting for Jimmy, as soon as Jon left, they started to antagonize Jimbo. All that being said, this is basically "Shitposting on the mentally unwell players: The show"
@groyperfuhr4871 22 күн бұрын
you are actually delusional. The rest of the fish are scumbags? when Jimmy threatened to Doxx 3 people this season? Or how he was creepy towards every woman on set that would look in his direction? lmao keep coping for your incel King Jimmy xD crazy person
@SKVLLETLORD 22 күн бұрын
@StrayTato I just see through the nonsense. Yeah dude is "redpilled" and loses his temper but overall he did no wrong. I'd flip out on jon too if he acted the way he did around me lmfao
@Hawthorne-Studios 22 күн бұрын
Jimmy's reflection and learning continues. But some of it was provoked (looking at you Jon), but still. It could have been worse though, he didn't quite manage to be kicked over the show.
@allways28 22 күн бұрын
Jimmy isnt bad deep down he just needs to ....chill a bit. like when he goes off on angry cryptic rants hinting he knows some kind of mega secret thats on a list or something and its doomsday if he says anything bla bla
@OG-Ghost33 22 күн бұрын
I wish they wouldn’t have donated the crying donation. We could have seen him go to a deep dark place but because he’s more concerned with appeasing others than himself as soon as he heard the crying dono he started sharing fake happy shit
@naetyo 22 күн бұрын
I wonder what triggered this confessional, was it the Jon stuff? As a realist he could have gave discrete examples about the events hes feeling remorse towards, he was quicker to give examples of what made him happy. Maybe that helped him cope while tts was teasing him for expressing himself. anyways Jimmy Awesome
@stoicdrywall5896 22 күн бұрын
the moment tts mentions what he did to hoarderman, he goes docile for the rest of the show
@liljuz1981 22 күн бұрын
what did he do
@stoicdrywall5896 22 күн бұрын
@@liljuz1981 "self defence"
@allways28 22 күн бұрын
@@stoicdrywall5896 lol what he beat hoarderman? worse? wtf is goin on
@stoicdrywall5896 22 күн бұрын
@@allways28 leaked messages where he claimed hoarderman got in his face for not making any sales, jimmy said what he did was in self defence and when tts mentioned it he got nervous and shut up for the rest of the show except for when he wanted to apologise to the camera
@radiokilled4790 22 күн бұрын
​@@stoicdrywall5896where can i read these? I've seen some but not all.
@anothercynicalbrit6451 22 күн бұрын
@TheKadster 18 күн бұрын
The long periods everyone waits for the comments to shut up are the most cherishable
@credwordsful 22 күн бұрын
He wanted quest markers.
@HypnotizingMonke 20 күн бұрын
He messed up bad, but still better than most if not all youtube apology videos.
@agentkwavy460 10 күн бұрын
Unjacked jimmy is a dangerous jimmy
@fvdxdmvne 22 күн бұрын
Watch this while drunk 10 times better
@OG-Ghost33 22 күн бұрын
How about you realize that being a drunk is worse than even a heroine addict or a crack head? Ofcourse you don’t think this cause your mind is ruled by what you see as societal norms but that doesn’t change the fact that
@4TheWinQuinn 22 күн бұрын
Yeah guys being drunk is worse than heroin you turbo junkies!!!
@bdroie 22 күн бұрын
@TsuFox1 22 күн бұрын
Alcohol is gay
@TsuFox1 22 күн бұрын
​@@OG-Ghost33truth. I'd rather hangout with heroin addicts than alcoholics. Tweakers are about the same level as drunks though.
@Matsonius 22 күн бұрын
"When i realize I do fucked up things, right after I finish doing it, i'll be like that was a really fucked up thing to say or do" Quite the philosopher we got here
@Dogwater5943-mq4pz 18 күн бұрын
i can fix him
@averysadtire6820 22 күн бұрын
@killert-cell9943 22 күн бұрын
He’s a growing boy! Very proud of him!!
@groyperfuhr4871 22 күн бұрын
almost 30 btw still acts like a toddler
@latrellpetite5681 8 күн бұрын
until we meet again ahh
@garythelighterthief5944 22 күн бұрын
@shaniarayne7488 22 күн бұрын
This is from
@PSIChris 22 күн бұрын
Reality show called fishtank, the twist is it's livestreamed. This is a confessional, and live donations interrupt daily life. Watch Fishtank Season 1 on youtube for free.
@countervolition 22 күн бұрын
A serial killer's last confession before the electric chair
@twotatanka5396 21 күн бұрын
Jimothy mcveigh
@Dastord 20 күн бұрын
never want to see jimmy or tayleigh ever again
@KabertaKneeGr0wCxntman 21 күн бұрын
is this a guy from the big bang
@Mr.WarwickBot 20 күн бұрын
I mean it was funny at first but the more I see jimmy the more I want to avoid it, because I feel like it’s only a matter of time before we find out he killed his mom or something.
@williampoole1742 19 күн бұрын
Wait so did he get kicked off or something??
@nicknickson3650 17 күн бұрын
No this was the last day, so they were interviewing everyone. Jimmy was lamenting that he lost his temper multiple times, mostly at Jon. He also embarrassed himself by getting mogged by Letty, got called out for doxxing Vance's ex-gf, and other things. Overall he honestly didn't do too bad and produced some good content. He's the lolcow of the tank so people were just pushing his buttons to get a reaction for the most part.
@Ronin969 22 күн бұрын
Still better than Jon this season
@FAWWKKYEAHH 22 күн бұрын
Not even close. Jon was all content. Jimmy was surprisingly funny and played well for 3 days and then reminded me why I disliked him in season 2. He almost had me fooled for a couple days.
@StrayTato 22 күн бұрын
Seriously. Jon stole, cheated, refused to play by the games rules, and flipped out over a widdow puwpo wipstick.
@Ronin969 22 күн бұрын
@FAWWKKYEAHH so you think it was entertaining watching Jon try so hard to act alpha?
@Ronin969 22 күн бұрын
@@StrayTato exactly
@groyperfuhr4871 22 күн бұрын
not at all dude. Jon had a handful of wholesome moments or good cutscenes where he actually rp'd. Jimmy never rp'd the entire time, acted like a tryhard, and was violent, spat in a cripples face, cheated while boxing the cripple, and threatened to doxx multiple people. He even said on camera that he'd beat the sh*t out of Abi if she showed up on set...... Can you name one instance where Jimmy was wholesome for wholesome's sake, rather than apologizing/being nice for his own gain? no, you can't lmao. The only content Jimmy provided was from him being a bad person and sperging. He never rp'd the entire time. His character's "backstory" was just his own IRL past with him talking in an accent. that is not LARP'ing.
@aresjerry 22 күн бұрын
Jimmy is case in point why men should never share their feelings or victimize themselves. It makes yku instantly unlikable
@OG-Ghost33 22 күн бұрын
Ya this is true. The whole go talk to a someone does nothing but make matters much worse.
@floorijzerman 22 күн бұрын
never sharing feelings sounds healthy and alpha as fuck bro 😂
@lebosshog 20 күн бұрын
@@floorijzerman It can be done in very specific cases and ways, but it's not even about being alpha or being perceived as "alpha". You genuinely get nowhere by displaying negative emotion as a man.
@Dogwater5943-mq4pz 22 күн бұрын
does he need professional help?
@groyperfuhr4871 22 күн бұрын
yeah that or a correctional facility
@lebosshog 20 күн бұрын
"Professional help" would either make him wear a dress or give him something that would drive him over the edge to do some shit a glowie eggs him on to
@opiiee 22 күн бұрын
This seems rehearsed Jimbo….
@MichaelFoster117 22 күн бұрын
I never understood why anyone including Tay liked this guy. Such a deluded whiner.
@StrayTato 22 күн бұрын
Because despite all his faults, a lot of us see potential in him as a human being. He's got a lot to work on, but if he actually tries, he can get there.
@MichaelFoster117 22 күн бұрын
@@StrayTato you’re talking as if he’s a 18 year old who’s made mistakes. THE DUDE IS ALMOST 30. We’ve seen how he acted in fisthank 2, we’ve seen Sam try to guide him the right way. We’ve seen him do the same nonsense time and time again. He’s not changing anytime soon.
@muscleman125 22 күн бұрын
@@MichaelFoster117 I like how you use Jimmy's age against him, yet use Sam Hyde as a shining beacon of what we should strive to be. Meanwhile, Sam Hyde is a hideous 40 year old man with no wife or child and he runs a show surrounding himself with people in their 30's and 20's, holding onto whatever ounce of youth he still has while preaching to his discord moderator and incel fanbase. MDE die hards are the most delusional people ever. They wanna feel like Andrew Tate except their world view is based on what some 6 foot tall jew who lifts weights tells them to think.
@StrayTato 22 күн бұрын
@MichaelFoster117 You can hate him all you want. It's just water off my back dude. I'm in the camp that believes Jimmy can and will do better. Demonizing him forever seems pointless.
@noko4247 22 күн бұрын
i would kms if i were jimmy
@groyperfuhr4871 22 күн бұрын
Me too
@Breakstuff5050 22 күн бұрын
Very insightful. Thank you for your contribution
@lebosshog 20 күн бұрын
If somebody else were me they'd probably kms themselves too. I'm built of better stuff.
@4TheWinQuinn 22 күн бұрын
I hate Jimmy
@groyperfuhr4871 22 күн бұрын
Jimmy is a bad person. Can't wait to see him cry when he tries out livestreaming on his free time and sees how many people see him for the bad dude he is.
@krafterzdavid1757 22 күн бұрын
No he is not, the only one crying is you weirdos, because you have jimmy derangment syndrome. You want to point the finger on someone else to make yourself feel better, Its getting cringe.
@EruIluvatar5 22 күн бұрын
We can only pray his conversion. With Jesus Christ, anything is possible.
@BlastinRope 22 күн бұрын
how is he a bad person? if you think hes actually a bad person youve lived a blessed life, he has his sperg outs but they dont cause any true harm and when hes not sperging out hes trying his hardest to be a team player.
@BlastinRope 22 күн бұрын
I wish I could be so naive and sheltered in life to think that jimmy is actually a bad person, in my world bad people ruin the lives of the people around them to an unrecoverable degree.
@rivalino 22 күн бұрын
Not a bad person, just needs to grow up a little bit more, he lacks maturity in different levels of his mental development. If you think that he's a bad person, maybe you need to do a little bit of growing up.
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