Five Common Side Effects of Antipsychotic Medication

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A Psych Nurse

A Psych Nurse

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In this video we’re going to discuss five common drug side effects from taking antipsychotic medication, and these are side effects we definitely want to know as a psych nurse or as a patient taking antipsychotic medication. I’m also going to be sharing a tip on how to remember these side effects. These side effects are very broad, and they more or less can occur w/ all antipsychotic medication. Before we discuss these side effects, here are some examples of antipsychotic medication: Zyprexa, Closaril, Thorazine, Seroquel, Haldol, Invega, Geodon, and Abilify. There are of course many more, I just wanted to give a few examples in case you were wondering what the names of some antipsychotic medications were. Also, some of these side effects I would simply consider as effects of the medications b/c they happen frequently and are, to some degree, expected effects.
The first common side effect of antipsychotic medication is sedation.
The second common side effect of antipsychotics is constipation.
The third common side effect of antipsychotics is weight gain.
The fourth common side effect of antipsychotics is involuntary movement disorders.
The fifth and last common side effect of antipsychotics is restlessness, also known as akathisia.
0:00 Intro
0:30 Examples of Antipsychotic Medication
1:17 First Side Effect
3:25 Second Side Effect
5:10 Third Side Effect
6:55 Fourth Side Effect
9:55 What are your thoughts?
10:10 Fifth Side Effect

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@Fab4FanForever Жыл бұрын
You really should talk to a competent psychiatrist about these things. There is a lot of erroneous information here.
@sp-bc1kk Жыл бұрын
This comment is exactly what i would expect from a psyciatrist. These comments are from real people that have experienced these antiphycotics. If you look up Dr Peter Breggin a psyciatrist himself, he will confirm that these comments are valid and correct.
@Fab4FanForever Жыл бұрын
​@@sp-bc1kk give me the name of one medication that doesn't have any side effects. These medications can literally give people their life back in a constructive way, but you never hear about that. I want to know the Specialty where doctors prescribe medication that works in every single case and not one patient has any side effect. Do cancer drugs cure everybody who has cancer? Of course not. Do they have side effects? Of course they do. There is no guarantee of a positive outcome in any specialty of medicine, but a competent psychiatrist can maximize benefits of medication and lower the risk of negative outcomes. So, you are telling me that Dr. Breggin would tell me that a person who does not have a mental illness, but who takes the major antipsychotic Zyprexa, and then has some kind of side effect, proves that all psychiatric medications are bad? That was the first example given in this video. I immediately turned it off because after I heard that, because I knew that someone was coming to conclusions based on inaccurate data and that there would still be people who take it as the gospel truth.
@A_Psych_Nurse Жыл бұрын
​@@Fab4FanForever Walter imho. . .i think i'm probably forever ambivalent about these medications, although i err on the side of them probably doing more harm than good. I've seen them work wonders (this is in a VERY small percentage of the population i've worked with), I've seen them have mediocre outcomes in about 30%, and then i've also seen TERRIBLE outcomes in a significant percentage. i suppose i'm skeptical of the efficacy of antipsychotics for a number of reasons: 1). my own clinical observations of watching people watching deteriorate physically and emotionally on these drugs 2). the fact that it's extraordinary difficult to measure symptoms objectively and the huge possibility of bias involved in doing so as an onlooker 3). the fact that many manufacturers (it might even be ALL) of antipsychotics have settled/paid out multimillion dollar for research fraud, deceptive marketing, etc. (if their medication works so well, why resort to these shady practices?) 4). the fact that life expectancy is around 10-25 years less for those medicated long-term. 5). probably a number of other reasons i'm unable to think of right now. do i think there is a place for these medications? Yes. My hunch is they should probably be used short-term to stabilize and then very carefully weaned off in the majority of cases. but as far as "erroneous" information. . .I'd be curious to know what specifically that was, as every side effect discussed in this video can be found inside the package insert. as far as your comparison goes b/t any med having any side effect, alluding to a cost/benefit analysis--antipsychotics are notorious for having horrible side effects (more so than your average drug). Cancer is potentially life-threatening, schizophrenia generally isn't. I can't tell you how many medical doctors told me how frustrating it was to work in psych b/c they constantly felt they were just managing side effects from antipsychotic medication/polypharmacy. Nor would I ever say (or at least I hope not lol!) b/c someone had one bad side effect from Zyprexa that ALL antipsychotic medicine was bad. anyhow, i appreciate your courage to speak up and offer a differing opinion than the one i may have presented in this video. discourse like this is important, thanks for stopping by :)
@sp-bc1kk Жыл бұрын
@@Fab4FanForever I agree that Antipsychotics can be really effective. However they should not be used for long periods of time. They destroy peoples lives with all the side effects that can cause the actual symptons that, they are supposed to help. Your correct that every medication has side effects. The problem being is when you tell a psyciatrist that you are having side effects from antipsychotics, the patient if often not believed and they are usually given an increase in there antisycotics. Its a battle that can't be won for the patient. The pysciatrists today are still living in the past. They will never move forward because they refuse to believe their patients. You put that there is a lot of erroneous comments on here? Why, because your refusing to believe all the people that have suffered with antiphycotic medication. The government took Dr Peter Breggin to Court over his allegations of how damaging the antipsychotic medication is to the brain and body. They lost the Case. Peter Breggin won. He went with the data and the facts. The big pharmaceutical companies are the ones that benefit from these drugs. Not the patient. Thank you for you comments.
@justinebourke9449 Жыл бұрын
@@A_Psych_Nurse good points made.. especially about the pharmaceutical companies .
@bonnjean Жыл бұрын
You are the first person I’ve ever heard talk about us patients with such deep respect and compassion. I was on multiple medications over more than a couple decades, among these were numerous different kinds of antipsychotics. Never did I feel seen as a real person. Thank you for your voice! I speak for myself and many others who became my friends during hospital stays where I felt so alienated from my family who put me there, that I had lost all hope. Bless you for your work in the world. Please keep going!
@fallenlotus9572 2 жыл бұрын
Zyprexa made me suicidal, my doctor thinks I need to take it for schizoaffective disorder and depressive symptoms but it causes more harm. Antipsychotics messed me up big time, no creativity, unable to feel emotions (I couldn't cry AT ALL), cognitive ability dropped, endless sleeping, and I still have head tremors from it. This poison will make you feel less human.
@amydao3514 Жыл бұрын
I’m taking invega sustenance for a year and half now I also take escitalopram for depression and anxiety. I have had a tremor in my chin and lower jaw so I threw the antidepressant away. I still don’t know which medication got me tremor 😢
@A_Psych_Nurse Жыл бұрын
@@amydao3514 most likely the invega
@user-dc6ek2bb2y Жыл бұрын
Please know this all of you - ask for copies of your medical records and see if your psychiatrist even recorded these horrific effects - most do not! If they in fact are not recorded you need to contact the IDFPR. This is the one agency that can help you. I was forced to take Invega and went into shock after an allergic reaction. And after telling him I had always had allergic reactions to antipsychotic medications. He did not care and injected me with it anyways. Currently the IDFPR has assigned a federal investigator to my case. Look up on KZfaq how serious it is to have the IDFPR investigate a doctor or hospital - doctors have to immediately hire a lawyer. I was treated for a condition I did not have - that’s illegal. He diagnosed me with out conducting an interview- illegal. I had no symptoms of anything yet he forced this because he wanted my stay to be covered by my insurance- illegal. All I have is PTSD from the military - means I have trauma not schizophrenia. I’m getting him for false medical records medical malpractice and insurance fraud. Please tell people about the IDFPR it is the only way we can defend ourselves- if I had known long ago what a dangerous game psychiatry was I would have never got involved. Also him knowing antipsychotic meds made me barely able to breathe he injected me anyways along with weight gain I gained 50lbs in 7 months for no reason. He raped my soul. That’s what this felt like. I shouldn’t have to get a federal investigator involved to fight for my right to breathe but I did. I honestly don’t feel human he made me feel like a thing like a lab rat 🐀
@alexandriamoore1732 Жыл бұрын
How did u get off of the meds? Do u use natural herbs? If so what?
@fallenlotus9572 Жыл бұрын
@@alexandriamoore1732 I took it slow and weaned myself off against doctors orders. I'm taking CBD oil and omega 3 supplements now to help stabilize my mind and repair the damage caused by the antipsychotic. L-Theanine capsules helped me as well. I don't understand why they keep that nasty drug on the market, it does more harm than good.
@ALC77787 Жыл бұрын
I completely lost myself on them but it is being blamed on the mental illness
@justinebourke9449 Жыл бұрын
A typical phenomenon in the world of psychiatry... avoidance of responsibility by turning the problems they cause back on the patient and the label they've plucked out of the DSM for them...😑
@PicaSwag1963 Жыл бұрын
Im sorry man, I hope you found a more supportive psych
@sharonjensen3016 Жыл бұрын
I find that easy to believe.
@thelilliad Жыл бұрын
Always does...
@michaeldeglory777 8 ай бұрын
This is what the damn psychiatric hospitals do. They mess up your life
@marissadower-morgan3313 2 жыл бұрын
You forgot life threatening severe Immune deficiency , Liver and kidney damage , Cancer risk ,and sexual disfunction , and emotional trauma from all of these
@munishqureshi7285 Жыл бұрын
That's life. What can we do.
@justinebourke9449 Жыл бұрын
@@munishqureshi7285 no that's legally poisoning people. What we can do is refuse drugs and take a holistic approach to mental health which should focus on finding and treating the causes not just the symptoms. There are humane and natural ways and means to help everyone be their best and live in society peacefully without having their brains and personalities altered by chemicals. The time effort & money needs to be directed this way instead of to greedy pharmaceutical companies. People aren't born mentally ill - the brain rewires and gets stuck in dysfunction through trauma and the persons' closest and easiest to hand coping mechanisms to deal with it which aren't ideal. Trauma comes in many forms.. therapy comes in many forms. But everything we put into our body becomes, atleast to some degree, part of us so we must take great care in what we absorb.
@mfoster90 Жыл бұрын
Yes very important. Good comment
@trafficjon400 Жыл бұрын
Correct and prednisone dexamethisone the Metabolic steroid also couse these damaging symtems.any testing levels are also not noticed till its to late. Doctors don't give a shit when the FDA never approved many of these so called medications.
@sharonjensen3016 Жыл бұрын
You can add cessation of menstrual periods to the side effects. Naturally, Dr. Drug-pusher told me there was nothing wrong with not having a period. I call BS on that one.
@putluvNthewrld Жыл бұрын
Portsmouth navy hospital in 1975 " doctors " gave me Haldal. I felt like I was walking in syrup, I could barely move, a chemical straight jacket and everything looked as if it was coated in glass, a shining plastic world like some kind of Disney Land. I could barely move but inside I was going crazy with anxiety and never relaxed again for even a moment for the next 4 months. All of us on Haldal walked constantly except to eat or sleep. I told a doctor that I couldn't live another day with this anxiety, he said nothing. I took every pill I could find on the ward, fell unconscious, waking up 3 days later with a hangover you wouldn't believe. At that same moment I realized that not one of the 10or 12 male nurses noticed what had happened to me, confirming my belief that no one cared if I lived or died. I couldn't stop taking Haldal because they watched to see I swallowed it. In a few more days I suddenly felt a paralysis coming over me. My head twisted to the left my tongue extended to the right , my entire body twisted uncontrollably and I fell to the floor as rigid as concrete. Eventually a nurse came with a syringe full of Cogentin and as soon as I could move I clutched that fat, ugly, old nurse and cried like a baby. I could move again, slowly in my Haldal straight jacket, wracked with never ending anxiety, and now with a constant feeling that I was about to become paralysed again. I hated those antipsychotic drugs and and many more like them including Zanex for the next 40 years. If i had room to tell the entire story you'd hear about 15,000 more consecutive days of suffering that no one would ever want to experience. I was healed of schizophrenia miraculously and instantly May 10, of 2017 by the God who loves us all then reentering today's present world which is going crazy all around me.
@A_Psych_Nurse Жыл бұрын
Daniel! Thank you for sharing this heartbreaking story, sorry you went thru this misery, and I appreciate you having the courage to share your stories with others who may find strength in your words. Thank you! I think many of us would also like to know what your healing process looked like on May 10th and how life has changed since then. Thx :)
@putluvNthewrld Жыл бұрын
@@A_Psych_Nurse it doesn't take much courage for me to complain about my experience with psychiatric care. I truly could write a readable book about the mess I've lived through for the last 64 years, without exaggeration I can say my life went to hell when I was 8 years old. l want to tell that story, all I need now is a happy ending , if there is one for me in this world? Thank you so much for your message!
@seanodwyer4322 Ай бұрын
@@A_Psych_Nurse ahh went through the same demon Hell in New Zealand., and do not mind goin public about it.- - Sean O'Dwyer.- 136- 140 Hobson Street.- Auckland 1010. - New Zealand.- South pacific.'
@Ss-dz6cm Жыл бұрын
The question is when is the cure worse than the disease? Now that antipsychotics are routinely prescribed for less serious mood disorders, the benefits clearly don't always outweigh the side effects. For myself, i deal with mostly severe depression and then weird hypomania on antidepressants. I choose the depression over the side effects weight gain, sexual side effects, and of course the scary movement side effects that would impact my ability to work and enjoy my hobby. Marriages don't do well with depression/hypomania, but they also don't do well with celibacy either.
@sharonjensen3016 Жыл бұрын
Antipsychotics are the reason I'm not married and don't have children.
@judithedwards8243 Жыл бұрын
Our handicapped son (55) had a psychotic breakdown in 2005. He has been on Seroquel since then - 250 mg, a fairly low dose. He did gain 75 lbs. and his Essential Tremors (diagnosed in his teens) are exasperated from the Seroquel. He’s on the Autism spectrum as well. He functions fairly well, is quite anal about his schedule, but still is working full time (35 yrs) mostly as a janitor. He began forgetting things on his job, so he needs to use a checklist every workday. He does the best he can.
@toegobbler7449 Жыл бұрын
wish you and your son all the best ♥️ thank you for sharing your story
@debbie811 7 ай бұрын
My son has been on this stuff since puberty He is age 43now. He is a shell of his former high functioning self . He is on the autism spectrum but is now cognitively gone. Burned out from years of being a walking medicine cabinet 😢
@Youcanthandlethetruthok Жыл бұрын
Antipsychotics caused me to gain weight and I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes shortly after. It wasn’t until recently when I stopped taking my antipsychotic medication altogether. Long story short, I no longer have diabetes. I was taking a generic form of abilify and Zoloft.
@domcolon5163 Жыл бұрын
God bless you happy you dont have it no more
@tyrangel3863 Жыл бұрын
It's great to not have convulsions I wish more Drs would prescribe their Vessels or ships less death at unholy see. Sea whichever. Side effects are real and so are tyrants. Thanks for sharing your experience I too was prescribed the same antipsychotic for an epidural. I'm sure all the scar tissue is healing again creating more remylenation and healthy fats are my only friends now that my pills were utterly eliminated.
@adaptercrash Жыл бұрын
Well abilify made me aggressive right away and real stomach problems whereas slow release invega was like a time machine to your teens that eventually made you go retarded and the brain kept doing its exhaust itself in itself thing and fully functioning amnesiac now I can see the actual same biological issue in other people it builds up once released you go into temporary remission eventually somehow reacts within the atmosphere and your brain
@SpookySpencerFinnLoki 9 ай бұрын
@@tyrangel3863 pray to Allah he will help you
@shawnleong3605 8 ай бұрын
hopefully you are able to get off those other two as well.
@Youcanttouchmyhandle Жыл бұрын
These drugs can cause a drug induced psychosis.
@Andi-la8Bao 11 ай бұрын
It happened to me
@tathjianaislas3246 Жыл бұрын
I was taking antidepressants and now they gave me antipsychotics and something else to come off my pill…. It knocks me out for sure I sleep forever and I wake up hating myself because the whole day has gone by…. I should have never stepped into this world :(
@Jadeserphant Жыл бұрын
I grew up with a girl that had to take them (when she was grown) and the changes in her were profound and disturbing. It looked like she exchanged one miserable existence for another one, equal in misery, just a different kind. I'm not a medical professional so I would never say anything........that's between her and her doctors......still I couldn't help wondering if there wasn't some other way to help her. She was the sweetest person as a girl and teen. Now she's like a zombie. It's heartbreaking to see someone you care about go through that.
@Seatonni Жыл бұрын
The girl is me
@olatimer3207 2 жыл бұрын
Hi. I'm from Israel. I was committed years ago for a long period. I was forced to tack several antipsychotic drugs, and I was experience all of those side effects. I can tell you, although my schizophrenia simptomes war long going and sever, the 'Thing' I have become on those mede, I can describe only as torture. It is worse being that way, than psychotic. Today I am off mede, stil crazy but alive. Creating, living and happy. No thanks for meds, but despite. The medical world needs more programs of 'living with the illness, than new drugs.
@justinebourke9449 Жыл бұрын
More power to you.. 🤍
@sp-bc1kk Жыл бұрын
Glad you got off these awful meds. Dr Peter Breggin gives loads of info on the harm that the pyc drugs do.
@justinebourke9449 Жыл бұрын
@@sp-bc1kk yes and he's not the only one, thankfully.. if you look, you'll find more brave and knowledgeable doctors with videos on ytube and literature written.. they ofcourse are in the minority but more will come forward as more victims of psychiatric mistreatment voice their experiences. From what I see there is a vast amount of people very unhappy with their treatment.
@sp-bc1kk Жыл бұрын
@@justinebourke9449 I agree. Robert Whittaker, Will Hall aswell. Psyc drugs are being given out like lollies. People are not made aware of the horrendous side effects. Daniel Mackler has done a documentary yrs ago on You Tube. Take these broken Wings. It is brilliant. A very informative video. The big pharma are profiting from promoting these harmful drugs. The psyciatrists are over prescribing them. They can be good, only in the short term. However once a psyciatrist prescribes them, he won't be taking you off them.
@mfoster90 Жыл бұрын
Good comment. I appreciate you insight. ☘️
@okparaanulika552 2 жыл бұрын
Very helpful information you're giving out here. Thank you
@blairsterling6141 Жыл бұрын
I had 4 of these side effects. It was beyond hell. Beyond hell. 1. Sedation. 2. Movement disorder - permanent Tardive Dyskinesia. Permanent- no solutions!! 3. Constipation very bad. 4. Akathisia ( this was inner hell times 10,000 !!! 😡😡😡) .... I was on Thorazine for only 4 months. I saw a new doctor that ordered me to throw the drugs into the toilet. That was my saving grace. God Bless that lady !! I LOVE her. She saved me from further deterioration. The side effects for me were so horrifying, that if there would have been a gun in our home, I would have killed myself. Death would have been a relief. Psychiatry is one big lie, and psychiatric practice will not be truthful because they do not want to lose any is all based on repeat business, and a constant stream of revenue. They lie for profit ! 😡😡😡 Antipsychotics are toxic !!! Poison!! Everyone should read information by Dr. Peter Breggin. He is the bible on psychiatry. I LOVE that man. I hate psychiatry!!! They are liars. The APA is a lying organization based on egotistical people who want only money... only money is their primary interest. They forgot the ethic... "FIRST, DO NO HARM !!!!!!!!! " 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
@kathleengivant-taylor2277 Жыл бұрын
Yes and yes. What happened too do no harm? Well I guess when it comes to money they throw that out
@blairsterling6141 Жыл бұрын
@@kathleengivant-taylor2277 .the whole industry of psychiatry is based on revenue and money. If they came out with the truths about the toxicity of their drugs, millions of people in mental health would lose their jobs..millions and millions !!
@sharonjensen3016 Жыл бұрын
The Hypocrites Oath.
@ovhome6841 Жыл бұрын
What are you taking or doing to help with your issue? What is ur diagnosis?
@blairsterling6141 Жыл бұрын
@@ovhome6841 TARDIVE DYSKINESIA... !!! Permanent damage to brain and CNS. Permanent.
@KINGSGALLERY 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for these priceless videos. Exactly what we needed to help us navigate these waters with our 22 year old son. Ty!
@AmberJones-cq6wn Жыл бұрын
I not only have severe constipation, but I went from 154 taking abilify, switching to cymbalta, and then finally Seroquel to a whopping 259 (I'm 5'3). I could not for the life of me lose weight. I ended up having to get gastric sleeve bypass. My body hurt so much, i literally looked 27 months pregnant and I was was just gaining little by little -i couldn't stand for too long my feet and knees and hips and back hurt tremendously. Thank you for the surgery!!!
@joannadelosreyes6458 2 жыл бұрын
Wow these are helpful! I started working in Psych, don’t have any experience in the Psychiatric nursing and that’s the reason why I wanted to be in it. I hope you can also share some tips on de-escalation issues.
@danielleharris1578 Жыл бұрын
I have been on solian for nearly 20 years, this is an antipyschotic, I never wanted to go on it in the first place, but it was forced into me. Do I regret taking it after all this time? Yes, but there again, it's very hard to live with hallucinations, voices & delusions. But I would prefer in all honesty, to live without medication. My life has little quality. I hardly recognise myself anymore, once I was highly motivated, extremely determined, full of life & energy. Now all I want to do is lay down. I try to do my best, but my life has been taken from me. Yes, I do have serious side effects after all these years, servere sedation, no sex drive, high prolactin, causing me many problems, servere toliet trouble, feeling sick, weight gain, numbing of emotions & dry eyes. I have had many psychiatrists over the years & I do not like what they stand for & I have no faith in them. I hope to be honest one day, if at all possible to break away from this horrible drug, I would say, it has greatly ruined my life. To all people out there, living with these horrible drugs, my heart goes out to you & I wish you well on your journey through life. From Danielle 😀
@Nancy-ow9wy Жыл бұрын
@hallecampbell5812 7 ай бұрын
As someone that took Abilify starting when I was a teenager, I gained weight so fast and was so hungry all the time. My psychiatrist told me a little weight gain is normal; I just need to eat healthier. I was also tired all the time, needing 12+ hours of sleep at night and then a nap for 2-3 hours during the day.
@lisaalexander1824 3 күн бұрын
Omg !!!!... I was doing that on zoloft....but I'm 67 yo !!!....this is'd almost think shrinks are UNKNOWINGLY channelling Satan...coz...thats what humans are all about...choosing to be positive or negative...good vs evil
@dianaismail5079 29 күн бұрын
My son was on Olanzapine & Lorazepam on & off for 5 months within these 2 years. He had all the above WD symptoms. July 2024 i put him on a detox protocol & vitamin & trace mineral supplementation. Sometime after 7 months off of them, i saw his symptoms disappeared, no more psychotic episodes, no more jaw movements, no more restlessness, no more insomnia, hes been much better & is finally coming back to himself !!
@cherylvandezande4483 14 күн бұрын
❤❤❤🙏...Hallelujah ❣️
@christiancano1503 8 ай бұрын
Excellent, what a nice practical summary of side effects...good to learn what actually happens than focus on rare (if important) potential side effects.
@sairisramirez3540 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for uploading this video
@2131560 Жыл бұрын
I've been taking these types of medication for quite a long time and I have every side effect that you mention in this video. In the past I've tried finding information about this type of medicine but never could find very much info and for the amount of how many years doctors have been prescribing this type of medication there would be a lot of information
@cherylvandezande4483 14 күн бұрын
Thank you very much for this post❣️
@laibiyassine6828 Ай бұрын
I used to take risperidone and had suffered dangerous constipation and uncontrolled movements just like u showed .. I also had a hard time remaining on a single spot and I really couldn't sit down for a second
@pouremilee 2 жыл бұрын
Great info. Thank you
@hadehearts5718 Жыл бұрын
Well put. My close family member gained wait that his face shape totally changed. Apendix removed But long story short he is worse than before he started taking medication but unfortunatly he is in rehabiliation centre. They do what they want. Praying for everyone taking these medication. Hope things get better for you all
@294Elisa Жыл бұрын
Sorry this is a long comment. Your video was so helpful, but it hit a nerve. Our former high-functioning adult son with autism was on 29 different psych medications sequentially over 7 years. When he first went on Zyprexa (10 mg) and Depakote, he gained 100 lbs in 3 months and used to sleep 20 hours a day for months. However, after 6 years, he was hospitalized in a psych ward for two months and put on Seroquel. He developed akathisia and also began to lose his speech over the next few months and within six months he was functionally nonverbal, only able to say a few words. He used to be able to speak fluently for hours (although he typically would speak about his autistic fixations) and he used to be able to write essays by hand, do algebra, geometry etc. He was off of every psych medication from 2002-2011 and then completely off again from six months later in 2011 until now. But this is the condition he finds himself in now. His expressive language is at a 1 1/2 year old level and his receptive language at a 2-year-old level. He can't even write his own name or type any longer so we have lost all ability to communicate with him. One psychiatrist diagnosed him with anti-psychotic-induced catatonia (AIC). Another Chief of Pediatric Neurology at a Children's Hospital refused to believe us when we told him our son used to be able to speak fluently. He said he must have been born this way (but he wasn't!) Our son does twist his hair sometimes violently. He gets stuck trying to move from his group home to the van or from our car into our house. He can be stuck for an hour at a time. He also has terrible neck spasms (of his sternocleidomastoid muscle on the left side of his neck) and his head turns to the right and he's unable to turn it back. Sometimes he twists all the way around down to the ground. He has tongue thrusting or tongue twisting and lately we've noticed he is unable to swallow chewed up pieces of meat. The former Director of the Michigan Society for Autism told us that 17-20% of young adult autistics are losing all of their speech, losing much of their cognitive abilities, losing their abilities to write or type by hand and no one seems to know why. But they suspect anti-psychotics and the trauma of psych hospitals. And it's possible autistics can't detox like normal people can. Do any of you have suggestions for how to reverse these types of side-effects for someone who can't tolerate medications? Could infrared therapy help the muscle spasms? We're very reluctant to try ECT until there are some long-range studies on people with autism, plus his speech has been lost for over 20 years now, since he turned 20. He's now 40.
@ladyalexander2003 Жыл бұрын
Please don't subject him to ECT it is another form of abuse used by psychiatry after they claim all their drugs work but clearly fail the person they are prescribed to this constant overuse of antipsychotics and antidepressants when they haven't even one test rhey do before prescribing despite FMri being available - the lunatics prescribing and I boring the new diseases and pain they are causing perfectly healthy people they refuse to admit these drugs are flawed and based in short term animal trials when drs prescribe many drugs it's destroying every body system in human body ! Try herbal remedies we research food and herbs for body system repair after conventional medicine makes us sicker than when we went for help - then deny it was caused by their actions and drugs oversold by pharmacy sales ignoring these horrific side effects! Nad and alpha lipoic acid helped reduce inflammation ashwaganha and slipperly elm helped with anxiety and stomach problems! I was having heart attack in A&E stomach pains committing blood got sectioned as I suspected my housemate criminal had spiked my drink with something toxic - hopsital ignored every health issue I had including heart attack then put on cardio toxic drugs without any treatment for the vomitting or bloody diarrhoea - trying to recover from the abuse and incomletance of the doctors these days is a feat in itself - it's time we exposed the pharmacy induced disease and damage to people's functioning with this medical harm caused to so many innocent people! Wish you all the best in getting him well again check out the pages on anti psychiatry and mad in America for further advice and other people's horror stories! The pharmaceutical industry sold the doctors a load of junk chemicals sold as cures for imaginary diseases when they give them in gigs dose or keep changing body systems and brain are changed and stop functioning correctly yet these supposed doctors and nurses can't see what they varese doing to people ! Too many have had their lives and families destroyed forever by these deranged personal who ignore all the horrific side effects of the drugs they so willingly over prescribed with clearly not a clue about the short term or long term derogatory effects on both physical health and emotional well being - these drugs cause movement disorders cardiac issues and alter just abut every home static process in human body - the animals abused in labs like those on psych wards had same symptoms but trials were short same abuse goes on in psych hospitals where staff are so fixated on their being right they have caused many harm and destroyed their lives with these toxic drugs - sadly we put our faith in the wrong people! Even with the rise in autism they're fuse to look at any causal links between chemical drugs vaccinations or even food contamination build up of toxins in body isn't good! I got hair test done eventually as symptoms worsening had 2 x autoimmune disease build up of heavy metals arsenic gadolinium plus 20 others 100 plus food allergies ! All missed by the "Doctors" who caused worse cardio outcome and cardiomyopathy after their "care" which is actually abuse! Chloroplast and spirulena can help detox body but do reseaech his specific issues it may be his grey matter affected by so many toxins as well as his body - sadly the more peoles stoies you read the more we realise they are clueless about harm they cause with their hasty decusions and flawd drugs !our thoughts are with you wishing you find the answers to help him reviver a little at least so sorry for what they have put you all through !
@Youcanttouchmyhandle Жыл бұрын
Sue the psychiatrists and the pharmaceutical companies
@queenb3930 Жыл бұрын
Try a strict keto/carnivore diet
@tyrangel3863 Жыл бұрын
Sorry you have all of that to take care of, lots of oils weather it be coconut, almond, hemp, flaxseed, chia seeds, limit sugar and absolutely no High fructose corn syrup or glucose, glucose syrup or derivatives. I lost my father when I was 20 he was 58. If I would have known then what I do now I know he wouldn't have suffered as much but he warned me a long time ago not to take them and wasn't wrong. Luckily now the only hallucinations are about family members and other normal things . So the few times I tried the medication it put me in shock and I too started losing my functioning and it's so hard to convince those with power over you that it's not helping. I had an epidural by accident I didn't have the capacity to read so much when I was about to give birth and signed a paper for an epidural. I probably had a stroke and pulse stayed high I tried telling the nurses but forgot what society I was in Luckily with street smarts and humor and good food and healthy drinks and stubborn will I stayed alive for my daughter. So my only advice is keep fighting and do what's smart not what malpractice has approved
@blairsterling6141 Жыл бұрын
The medications are toxic. Read Dr. Peter Breggin. The medications are TOXIC !!! ...wake up, do not deny the obvious truth.
@mk_paper_bird Жыл бұрын
Good for you. Glad you care, most don’t.
@rgbosteen3944 Жыл бұрын
I love this video it's spot-on for me you thank you
@melissa_Yisrael Жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video. When I tell you I’ve been living a nightmare because of these poisons. I was put on them over 25 years ago but with the last bit of brain power I cold turkey quit them all!!! Been off all meds for over 20 years. Sadly my teen daughter was recently put on the them!!! Now I witnessed the hell but this time looking on the outside. She’s gone through hell. A battle to get her to realize the meds were causing things to get worse and worse!!! She was unrecognizable!!! She’s been off for half a year now. Each day is getting better.
@A_Psych_Nurse Жыл бұрын
sorry to hear :(, wishing you and your daughter the best
@Peace-ub3le Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing
@campbellmorrison8540 Жыл бұрын
OMG OK I never want any antipsychotic medication, great warning thank you
@heatherryan9820 2 ай бұрын
I was on psych meds for years, and I noticed the shaking back and forth and it drives me up the walls. And now I know why.
@macrogaming8254 Жыл бұрын
OCD(obssesive compulsive disorder) is also the side effect of antipsychotics drugs. Its very painful mentally . You become angry on doing small mistakes. Repitive thoughts, negative thoughts all the time and many more.
@Jess-1095 10 ай бұрын
Hello! Thank you for making this video. My story began this year March: I went into a temporary psychosis/mania from smoking weed. And was put into a mental health clinic where i was told i had bipolar. I was told i need medication and later injected with abilify and told i need to be on it for years. May, I noticed i no longer had feelings/emotions, and i knew something was wrong. June, i was told to take another shot and i decided to take the oral route instead. July, i did research and i decided on my own to get a new psychiatrist, told him my story and he allowed me to taper off the abilify. August, I've been a week and a half drug free. I am still concerned about my emotions/feelings/thinking. Does anyone you have any advice on their healing journey? As of now, i am eating healthy/exercising/vitamins. I'd love to hear more stories!
@ssteele1 Жыл бұрын
I take 400 MG Wellbutrin, 750 MG Depakote (low dose), Klonopin (1MG x 2 per day as needed for panic disorder) and started Abilify at 5 MG (low dose) about a month ago to help control highly intrusive rumination. So far, I have experienced no noticeable side effects on the Abilify. But, again I probably take a much lower dose than others do. The rumination has eased to the extent that rather than shouting, the tone of my thoughts has become more conversational, kind of like a hurricane being downgraded to a tropical storm. But, it is still a storm. I refuse to take any SSRI because of the sexual side-effects. I am not trading one set of issues for another in that sense. I have tried SSRIs and anyone that tells you that they don't cause a man sexual dysfunction is a quack. They absolutely do, no matter the dose. And talk of drug "holidays" from SSRIs is nonsense considering their long half-life. So, Wellbutrin is what I agree to take. Now, Abilify to augment it (along with everything else). I need the rumination to stop. Wish me well, as I wish all of you.
@adaptercrash Жыл бұрын
Abilify to make me hallucinate? After invega ? See this bull crap.
@museofthesea Жыл бұрын
If you stop any of those, be sure to taper VERY slowly. They all three get nasty when stopped
@tyrangel3863 Жыл бұрын
Tropical storm lol.
@Knarkfist Жыл бұрын
I have rock hard erections and outstanding climaxing on an SSRI, if you tell yourself you’re unable, you will be.
@Rose-im2by 7 ай бұрын
I’ve been on everyone-interesting insight, thank you
@veronicaladd5821 Жыл бұрын
Restlessness, I have gone around with my mouth open not even noticed until someone told me, thanks
@lorainefishel4722 Жыл бұрын
Very helpful for my upcoming interview. My son has taken many psy meds. I have tried to get him off all of them I possibly can. My son paces in the eve primarily. I have lots of compassion for the mentally ill. My son has been dealing with this for his whole life. It has affected us both. My daughters have fled wanting nothing to do with their brother or myself. It's so hard. I love my daughters I miss them so much. My son does also. He begs me to help get them back. I feel like I guess I never really knew them. I try not to think about them. I hope they are happy. It's hard when one child needs so much of your help. I always felt my daughters were lucky it was not them. I understand it was a stressful life for my daughters. They hate me now. I still love them hope for the best for them. I payed their college, cars, rent, bills as long as I could. I encouraged them to get out of the house and live. Sometimes you just can't win. I was also forced out of my job at 61. Trying hard to keep working. Older nurses are first fired last hired.
@patriciaventresca8229 5 ай бұрын
Your daughters are very selfish. Your son cannot help what he has. They should be helping you. Disgusting
@EarlyManStanding 11 ай бұрын
I'm witnessing, over the last 12 years, the destruction of a very loved family member who has been kept on these neurotoxins. Weight gain (180lbs to over 350lbs), constipation, movement disorder, akathisia, slow speech response time, he recently said, "I feel like I'm burning in Hell." In the past he said he felt like ants were crawling all over him. Your video is extremely well made. You've been on the front line. You've seen the consequences. Nurses are the number one most trusted professionals in the USA. Thank you.
@buddhaneosiddhananda8499 Жыл бұрын
Psychiatry is the greatest evil on the planet... unspeakable evil..!!! Nice people who are abused for being different... what a crime..!!
@GGavo-uv7kg 6 ай бұрын
Some people like me need these medications
@buddhaneosiddhananda8499 6 ай бұрын
@@GGavo-uv7kg Medications shut down your awareness... they limit your mental function... not increase it...😜😜
@seanodwyer4322 Ай бұрын
They put heaps off Russian Hare krshnas in mental hospitals in 1980's. just cause they jion Hare krshnas
@jamiekincaid8714 6 ай бұрын
I have experienced several of these side effects. I’m on 80mg twice a day of Geodon. I’ve had the weight gain, the involuntary movements, constipation and a little bit of the sedative effects. But the Geodon has been pretty good for me. I’ve been on it for about 6 or 7 years. I do still have times where I get breakthrough symptoms but most of the time it works good for me. I very much like your videos. They are helpful for me. Thank You. Jamie Kincaid
@HJS17 6 ай бұрын
Glad to know you r doing well. It's always good to learn knew things about meds from ppl who have actually taken them than theoretical stuff supported by docs. All I can say is one may try (under guidance of a GP or even better a psychiatrist) to lower their dosage as much as possible to function well..and b aware of possible side effects --and try to manage them the best they can.! Good luck to us Survivors!!
@ManuelGBuisnessAdvisor 7 ай бұрын
forsure need more side effect and medication videos that will help a Rn through school onto become a phych nurse sure would help thanks
@user-pz2ji4zh6q Жыл бұрын
I agree strongly with this gentleman. I've been on psych meds since I was 9 or 10 nearly 30 different psych pills and I've gained a lot of weight on Zyprexa and I vegan injection
@tompetty3742 3 ай бұрын
When I began to have Seroquel induced Parkinsonism, that was the final straw of a long list of side effects for me. The reaction of the prescribing physician was so flipped. That there's yet another pill to counteract. Lobotomies never ended, they just come in convenient pill form now. I'm still recovering physically, but one thing for certain, as difficult as it is to recover my life is a million times better away from the abuse inflicted by those monsters.
@Peace-ub3le Жыл бұрын
God please bless your children ❤
@dixiefth Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much for this video. I took an antipsychotic 12 years ago when my father and brother died for three months and immediately started having restless leg syndrome. I couldn’t control it. No one could figure out what was wrong with me because I kept saying I was anxious it took a year or more and nine doctors to finally diagnosed me with dystonia, which I believe now is dyskinesia, I had to videotape myself of the things that I did. I gained 50 pounds in one year and for the longest time I wouldn’t go inside places because I have such severe anxiety of people staring at me I would make a grimace face my eyes would roll in my head. I couldn’t drive half the time, I would like to discuss further with you, because I kept a log of everything in case anyone out there was going to the same thing because I was on the verge of just wanting to die. Doing much better now although my symptoms do come back when I get exhausted or stressed out summer stuck with me all the time which is making weird noises and humming. I don’t even realize I’m doing it again thank you for this video is very educational however, I would like to discuss further with you if possible.
@A_Psych_Nurse Жыл бұрын
shoot me an email please
@user-tv2vs5pb6z 5 ай бұрын
I lost my quality of life from the intense side effects. Avolition and Akathisia and insomnia going a month with no sleep
@murphyy277 5 ай бұрын
Try Serequel I'm on it. I don't like the long term side effects, but it doesn't cause akastisa, invega, hadol, abilify caused me severe akastisa, I went to the ER everytime. Ativan helps and benzotropine.
@Youcanttouchmyhandle Жыл бұрын
Medication side effects and effects list from drug manufacturers should be provided to Judges where Police have charged a mental health treated patient. The reactions to medications can be extreme and cause the person to be suicidal manic or have bursts of anger.
@lesleyblandy5919 Жыл бұрын
I took abilify at 30 mg for 7 years. Within two years I had gained 120lbs. I dampened my entire personality and no lie- people around me neighbors gossiped about me being slow or mildly retarded. I constantly sweated and over heated. I finally have tapered down and went off the abilify and am clear headed again… however I have been experiencing severe jaw and tongue movements that I can’t control. The withdrawal from getting off of these drugs is so severe that I’ve tried before only to have the doctor say I need to be back on it. I refuse to go back on it… and two months into withdrawal…. I only hope that I am not going to be scarred for the rest of my life by these painful tongue and jaw movements.
@justinebourke9449 Жыл бұрын
I hope you don't mind me asking what it was you were suffering from that your doctor put you on ablify for? I assume whatever it was, that the side-effects of it were definitely not outweighing any benefits? Your doctor sounds to be someone with no real understanding of or concern for your problem which is all too common it seems, in these so-called professionals! It must be obvious to them that their patients get distressing side-effects from these drugs and have horrific trouble from cutting down/ stopping them... I have read hundreds of patient testimonies of this and experienced them myself also so the doctors that treat with these drugs everyday must hear of this trouble all the time yet they continue to start people on these drugs without giving adequate ( if any at all) warnings!! Mine recommended I take Ablify when I complained that the seroquel I'd been taking for months, was not helping me and was giving me nasty effects ( terrible, uncontrolable carb/ sugar craving and significant weight gain, severe digestive issues and raised cholesterol within a short time amongst many others).. Luckily I googled Ablify side effects then and there infront of him and showed him a list which included all of what I was experiencing on seroquel and more - specifically anxiety and insomnia ( which was my reason for looking for help in the 1st place!) Well done to you for defending your health and wellbeing by tapering off the stuff, I know that must have been so difficult with severe withdrawal symptoms! The jaw and tongue movements must be really distressing - they sound like tardive dyskenesia which is a well-known serious side-effect both of taking and discontinuing this drug and antipsychotics in general. I really think its time doctors were held accountable for the damage from what they prescribe.. only when patients start taking legal action against their doctors, en masse, will this traumatic, unethical system of abuse be recognised properly and stopped but that, sadly, is unlikely until enough victims come forward and persistently fight but that's no easy thing for people already ill and vunerable before being made worse by the healthcare " professionals".. then too; the stigma of mental illness keeps many suffering in silence incase of drawing attention from the public. I wish there were more public awareness and videos, etc . I'm sorry for waffling on. I just feel so strongly about the injustice and the terrible damage being done to people who needed understanding and help from the start but are actually getting systematically abused and further damaged instead 😟
@A_Psych_Nurse Жыл бұрын
Tardive dyskinesia can spontaneously resolve if you're off the medication--at 7 years though it could be permanent potentially. I'd be curious to see what a neurologist would tell you. Can we get an update on where you're at w/ your meds/dosages and how your side effects are going please Lesley--and what are you taking for the side effects (cogentin? bendaryl? etc.?)
@jordannas.2149 Жыл бұрын
How was Abilify tapering after the 2mlg . I understand that 2 is the last dosis, can you please explain. Thank you
@museofthesea Жыл бұрын
You can get Abilify in liquid form to taper further
@angelabrown8458 9 ай бұрын
I was put on olanzapine for Major Depressive Disorder. After the first tablet I slept for 24hrs straight, it didn’t continue to make me sleep the whole time but I was sleeping lots because of the depression anyway. I took them for a couple of weeks and put on about a stone. I asked to change to quetiapine because of the weight gain. Quetiapine still makes me gain weight but not as bad. I do however have what I thought was restless legs which is horrendous. I’ve only recently discovered akathisia is a thing. I take codeine for the legs which helps massively but contributes to the lethargy and constipation. I came off all antidepressants/antipsychotics cold turkey once and felt so awake and alive for a week but then became suicidal so I’m still on them now. I’m surviving but not thriving, improvement has plateaued.
@truthseek3017 3 ай бұрын
Try eating brown rice and beans as a staple, or whole wheat.
@alligee1785 Жыл бұрын
Thanks very much for your clear explanation. Unfortunately doctors dose not explain it the way you do it Thanks
@A_Psych_Nurse Жыл бұрын
i had the benefit of editing and notes for thsi video = P, thx for watching!
@anastasiosdimtsis1 4 ай бұрын
After being on Olanzapine and Seroquel, I developed severe psychosis and horrific intrusive thoughts. It was hell, and the prescribing psychiatrist is still practising
@Tolya1979 Жыл бұрын
I'm on heavy amounts of Depakote, Haldol and Abilify, and and have very few side effects. Yes, these medications normally cause horrendous side effects just like you listed, but I am a vegan, which definitely cures my constipation and pretty much my weight gain. I also exercise a lot, which helps deal with the adrenaline and cortisol, and normalize my immune system. I avoid caffeine, except for green tea once or twice a day. When I need a shot of dopamine to deal with the lack of it caused by my medications, I lie in bed, or listen to music, or both. Thank you, so much for letting people know what people on these medications go through!
@A_Psych_Nurse Жыл бұрын
You are a rare exception! Glad to hear you have minimal side effects--Wish this could be the case for everyone (sounds like you also take care of your health which may act as a side-effect-buffer too). I'm vegan too--power of the quinoa!
@trafficjon400 Жыл бұрын
Nursing homes put residents on haldol so they don't have to put up with complaints and many dying because of this dangerous restraint in a pill.
@A_Psych_Nurse Жыл бұрын
@@trafficjon400 yes ^ ^ . My grandma was put on haldol to decrease hallucinations from morphine. The Haldol certainly expedited her death :(
@trafficjon400 Жыл бұрын
@@A_Psych_Nurse I am so Sorry ? its torture and practically Murder . this tranquilizer was and still used for the harshest Criminals in state Prisons. They kill elderly in Nursing Homes thinking it will quiet them down. 3 people were murdered by Haldol and 1 we surly knew it and spread the news out about this nursing home. Some people may be ignorant but many know what this horse tranquilizer Does to the Body . It mainly was used in the 1950s for a restraint jacket in a pill for the Criminally insane in institutions. Haldol is a antipsychotic restraint . SICKENING as hell as 1000s of Nurse love giving the agonizing Poison out to people .the ignorant won't be Educated . They need to be Charged locked up . Population depletion behind Closed doors . They also don't need a doctors order to give this Dangerous torturous Poison .
@jucaalmeida1111 10 ай бұрын
I stopped taking antipdychotics for months now and i still suffer from anhedonia. Never had this before until i took the drug.
@Jess-1095 10 ай бұрын
Same here :/ it's horrible
@bigbrown409 5 ай бұрын
@@Jess-1095same do you think there’s a way to resolve it ?
@Jess-1095 5 ай бұрын
@bigbrown409 right now I don't think there is 😭🫂 are you on forums on Facebook?
@BlaueHedgehog 4 ай бұрын
Also, I can relate to the feeling when having Akathisia. When I had Akathisia I was very desperate and went to the bathroom of a hospital many times just to shake my hands trying to make it go away. I'm happy I don't feel akathisia anymore, because it's a really bad sensation.
@hayamilyas2090 4 ай бұрын
I did ECT and it did help me.But I took Invega Susstenna and i gained 100lb more in just one year! I just quit taking this psychotic injection. and also i have anhedonia because of taking it. I hate my life ever since i started this injection! I hope all the chemicals get out of my body and I get better!
@RosalindCosta-vj1zq 7 ай бұрын
This made chilling listening. When I was on Depakote, I had such severe constipation that I was hospitalised for a considerable period of time. Happily, this is no longer the case, now that I am taking Aripiprazole. (However, as commented previously, the weight gain on Aripiprazole has been even more significant than on previous medications). What are your comments on Olanzepine?? (A friend of mine took this drug for a short period of time, and she subsequently refused to take it any longer, thanks to the heavy sedation it produced in her). Interestingly, since ceasing to take the medication any longer, she has found her wellbeing to be absolutely fine, which leads me to wonder whether taking these dangerous drugs over a long period of time is absolutely necessary?
@A_Psych_Nurse 7 ай бұрын
I have a vid on Olanzapine/Zyprexa that probably will answer your questions :)
@rickwhiteley1705 24 күн бұрын
I've taken antipsychotics for about 25 years now. I did gain a lot of weight. Also, though not discussed, I developed type 2 diabetes and hyperlipidemia (Metabolic Syndrome.) What scares me the most are the involuntary movement disorders, such as tardive dyskinesia. The antipsychotic I've taken the longest is Seroquel. I've tried the majority of the atypical antipsychotics + Thorazine and Stelazine (first generation.) Only Stelazine and Risperdal were truly awful for me. After the first night taking Stelazine, I had all types of dystonias taking place. With Risperdal, by the second night, all my muscles went into spasms with rigidity. So, you're correct. These medicines can't be taken lightly. Only take them if you absolutely must! My diagnosis is Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Type.
@charlesblake7828 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing. I am currently experiencing all the symptoms. What do you suggest?
@shawnjay75 Жыл бұрын
Talk to your doctor and see if they can give a lower dose or switch to something else. Maybe add supplements for some of the side effects that can be managed naturally. I wish you luck on your journey.
@markalexander3659 Жыл бұрын
I'm very lucky in that I haven't gained ANY weight while on two anti-psychotics (Seroquel and Thorazine). However, while I was on a higher dose of Seroquel (800mg a I'm on 300) I got such bad hyperglycaemia that I was *hospitalized and misdiagnosed as an insulin-dependant diabetic* because my blood sugar was SIX TIMES the normal level.
@A_Psych_Nurse Жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear brother--the meds are so tough on the blood sugars :(
@anujbhardwaj3960 7 ай бұрын
Now your insulin resistance normal or not
@cesarmiller5972 6 ай бұрын
My friend has 3 of these symptoms : sedation, weight gain, and tremors
@dianecleary1054 3 ай бұрын
My hair fell out in clumps on a antipsychotic . It took many visits before I could remember to tell my psychiatrist . I was floating about like a zombie . She stopped it but the question remains why do I not need it now but I did then ?
@Seatonni Жыл бұрын
I have involuntary movements, more fear, anxiety, constant headaches & I deal with chronic pain on right side. I’m on 300 mg seraquel and its really sedative & I feel more paranoid
@rgbosteen3944 Жыл бұрын
To be well adjusted to a sick society is no measure of health
@RosalindCosta-vj1zq 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for your video, it was helpful, if not reassuring? I have taken a number of antipsychotic medications over the years, having first been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and/or Borderline Personality Disorder - followed by PTSD, and then finally, (two years ago), with schizoaffective disorder. All of my antipsychotic medications have made me put on weight - most notably, Depakote and Respiridone, but the worst by far has been Aripiprazole. Since being on Aripiprazole, I have gained a significant amount of weight, and also experience anhedonia? (I can no longer cry, or feel any kind of emotion - I feel emotionally blunted, like an automaton - and my mood is always so flat). I also get very restless at night, particularly my legs, and sleep an abnormal amount. It makes me feel desperate, being made to feel 'dependent' on these medications for my sanity! Fortunately, since being discharged from the psychiatric ward three years ago, my psychiatrist has agreed to titrate the dosage down from 30 mg daily. I am currently on 20 mg daily, with an assurance from the psychiatrist that he is willing to titrate the dose down to 10 mg (according to him, the minimal therapeutic dose). It is such a relief, to no longer feel quite so sedated - although, I still am. Also my weight gain seems to have stabilised. However, I am struggling to lose the bulk of weight that I have gained, despite an unusually healthy diet and regular energetic exercise. I struggle to trust the psychiatric profession! It seems to me they are very heavy handed, and lacking in compassion.
@laokennish7228 4 ай бұрын
Try the ketogenic/carnivore diet for weight loss..may help.
@lovewenwin Жыл бұрын
Please better tag these videos because when people finally get to these videos it's too late I wish I'd known this information before #fluoxetine #Prozac #Zoloft #benzo
@caravan1871 2 жыл бұрын
Well done for helping the stigma along with that lovely picture of Hannibal lecter- 👏🙈😃
@jaykaywindstorm 2 ай бұрын
I’m convinced most of my meds cause me not to feel joy in life or numb my life. I’m just gonna stop lol
@nickdangelo3266 Жыл бұрын
At one time I was on multiple antipsychotics and gained 90 lbs in three months time , and was Sedated really bad
@weelee4352 Жыл бұрын
I was prescribed abilify and I'm not sure it was right for me because a week in I'm having insomnia, restlessness, and moderate agitation. I would have a short fuse put simply. Also my blood pressure was abnormally high and my resting heart rate would frequently increase for seemingly no reason.
@Cadetx99 2 жыл бұрын
I was on zyprexa and I wasnt able to work. I was sleeping a lot on this medicine.It made me gain a lot of weight. My depression got worse and I was hospitalized numerous times. The costiptation got worse.
@A_Psych_Nurse 2 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear and hope your depression is getting btter. We have someone who gained 90lbs in 8 months so the provider is starting Metformin 500mg twice-a-day. Hopefully this helps :)
@wwewrestling4410 Жыл бұрын
is you off the medications and how many times you have insomnia
@hayley1449 2 жыл бұрын
I'm on zyprexa for hearing voices, 5mg been on it for about 12 days now, makes me so sleepy 10 plus hours, I have major cognitive impairment from taking this I feel like I'll never be the same, hasn't reduced the voices much.
@ShelleyJacques 2 күн бұрын
Did you make that video on your story with constipation? I would love to hear it. I teach about it, so I'm interested.
@BlaueHedgehog 4 ай бұрын
I took risperdal for three months and to me it was a bizarre experience. When I was taking this medication I couldn't go to the gym or read an academic article. Today I take 5mg of Olanzapine and hope to taper this drug soon.
@sp-bc1kk Жыл бұрын
A friend was put on orlanzipine. He stopped taking it cold Turkey. He walked and walked for hour and hours. When i took him to the hospital, instead of them understanding it was a side effect of the medication. They diagnosed him as Bipolar saying it was hypomonia and mania? He was put on more medication which was sedating. Forcefully injected. The phyciatrists will not always admit the side effects of antisycotics.
@justinebourke9449 Жыл бұрын
No and will they admit or inform of the withdrawal effects from these drugs or give any warning prior to prescription? Hell no!.. no accountability, time patients got some help from outside parties.. legal help, advocacy, people to fight their corner.. folk don't end up in front of a psychiatrist unless they're already in a vunerable position.
@kathleengivant-taylor2277 Жыл бұрын
Ofcourse not the bad ones lose all the income from keeping people drugged up on these dangerous phy mds
@cybercab Жыл бұрын
I experienced akathisia. I walked for 4 hours a night in the dark streets of the city.
@bystanderbutch3509 Жыл бұрын
I was on 30mgs of Zyprexa. It didn't floor me but when it was time to sleep, I had no problems.
@raws69 4 ай бұрын
Q. Regarding the weight gain: Is it due to overeating (like having the munchies in a huge way) or more to do with metabolism?
@ancabostinariu6550 6 ай бұрын
1. Sedation - it is correct; 2 .constipation - but not all antipsychotic have the same effect. In 30 years of practice i did not see surgery for constipation. 3. Weight gain; 4. Tremor and other involuntary movements; 5. Akathysia
@murphyy277 5 ай бұрын
Serequel, I go to the bathroom multiple times a day. I have never had life threatening constipation but I have taken laxatives in the psych ward.
@peterianfinnigan636 Жыл бұрын
In the UK we have a lot of people on anti phystocotic drugs my friend was given one of the the one's we call liquid cosh his weight almost doubled and he was in a fog most of the time. We also have what we call care in the community wich means you might spend a few days on a hospital ward and then you are given a three month dose and of you go he was dead within the year.
@earthchild3335 9 ай бұрын
I just started on an inpatient acute psych unit ~ what type of unit do you work?
@billmcmurray5656 5 ай бұрын
what about long term benzo face muscles are in constant pain and contractions-severe
@CestLePanda Жыл бұрын
My stepdad was given a melange of antipsychotics via IV when he was hospitalized for sudden seizures last week. Since I obviously am not a medical professional or hospital staff I didn't know a lot of the drugs they were using or what each was for specifically, besides having been put on a low dose seroquel years ago for a little. I did however make sure to manually jot every drug's name printed on the IV pouches for the sake of knowing the names in case it ever came up. I know that throughout the weak they gave him haldol after multiple gapped doses of Ativan weren't getting him to calm down. He was extremely combative after the seizure on top of the fact that he already suffers from vascular dementia. He was discharged Saturday afternoon and that evening he began behaving more disoriented than usual which I thought was due to the recent seizures and TIA that they doctor diagnosed. Then he started acting more restless than he usually gets when he's having a bad mood episode due to his dementia. Next thing I know he's pacing back and forth, sitting, standing, pacing, and all of this is happening back to back for like 2 days to the point that the poor guy wasn't even sleeping. Even when he has these sundowning spells due to his dementia it's different because he will also be somewhat incoherent and won't acknowledge that he's behaving strangely. Not this time though, it's like he snapped out of his dementia fog enough to verbalize his frustration for moments. He began saying that he didn't know why he felt this anguish and anxiety and his body felt super uncomfortable. It was wearing him out. I absolutely think they messed him up by not only pumping him with so many antipsychotics but also just discharging him without tapering any of it down considering the amount used. It's hard to even advocate for patients or loved ones like him as a caregiver because doctors and staff often automatically go to the "im the doctor" response where you can tell they look at you and think oh great, here we go, another investigative Google doctor. I even tried to bring up the concern of this being an issue after discharge and it was dismissed. I was so tired of not sleeping to spend the nights with him that I couldn't even push harder.
@A_Psych_Nurse Жыл бұрын
sorry to hear :(. Sounds like he got akathisia.
@omoa5735 Жыл бұрын
Am shocked you didn’t mention TD
@AzeemMia Жыл бұрын
I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia, but from like 3 or 4 years i am off meds, just take benzos sometimes. But what you said its all true i and got them all. Still after stopping i have like 3 or 4 permanent side effects , and i wonder how these meds got approved if all of them have life threatening effects.
@A_Psych_Nurse Жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear about your permanent side effects :(. May i ask which ones were permanent?
@AzeemMia Жыл бұрын
Yes,my lips shed like every 2 day ,have muscle spasms throughout the body,boob growth.And some others small ones,that can't say exactly if is because of the meds,but probably are,sleep apnea,tinitus,small involuntary movements.
@esn2455 4 ай бұрын
So what are the alternatives? Every time I go off anti psychotics I end up in the hospital but I hate taking them because I have had all of these side effects at one point or another.
@DjPrespley Ай бұрын
I don't think I have it bad on constipation but most of the times ive been at the hospital they upped my dose by a lot for the first or two week and I remember not pooping for over a day
@bigbirb9975 Жыл бұрын
I have been on zuclopenthixol IM and Paliperidone IM as well as Risperidone tablet form and briefly Aripiprizol tablet form. I found all of those medications gave me akasthesia. Ive also had Olanzapine tablet form and IM. The zuclopenthixol was by far the worst for akisthesia for me, seconded by risperidone and paliperidone. Can you please explain the difference between an “acuphase” IM and a regular IM of the same rx? And the difference between tablet forms and IM antipsychotics/neuroleptics? Thanks for the content :)
@A_Psych_Nurse Жыл бұрын
Thx for the comment Svetlana. I'll have to do some research as I've never heard of acuphase IM. From what I've read IM vs tablets is IM gives you a more stable/consistent "therapeutic" level (i.e. you don't see the same peaks and valleys of the drug like you do with a tablet). There's a lot of other "benefits" to the IM over oral. I think I'll make a vid about it one of these days thanks for the topic idea :0
@kellygonzalez2132 Жыл бұрын
I am on 5mg Abilify and I told my psychiatrist that I am exhausted every day. I have Bipolar disorder and used to be energetic, go to the gym. Now I find it hard to get out of bed and I'm tired/sleepy throughout the entire day. Only to be unable to sleep at night.
@A_Psych_Nurse Жыл бұрын
sorry to hear Kelly hopefully you guys have found a solution and you're sleeping :)
@cd6422 Жыл бұрын
Im currently taking abilify. What can you tell me about this?
@shawnjay75 Жыл бұрын
My family member is on Respidone 4mg starting and had many of these side effects. Weight gain, TD, temperature control issues, tiredness. They’ve only been on the meds for 5 months. They’re currently on 3mgs and they’d like to wean off the meds in a safe way. They’re Psychologist has been hesitant to decrease the meds and pretty much wanted to instead add other meds to treat the side effects or change to Invega. It’s scary because we do don’t want them to have another episode and we’ve seen that the meds have helped but we also see the negative effects they’re having. It’s a really difficult position to be in.
@Melody9616 5 ай бұрын
Oh poor you. It's just the life of your family member: first he is ill, than eventually traumatized in a psy ward, forced on medicine which makes you disabled to work/funktion as an aduld and told: this is your life now, you are crazy.
@jayaldridge4444 2 жыл бұрын
ive been on meds for 20 plus years been on invega sustenna scince 2018 now.
@Nancy-ow9wy 2 жыл бұрын
How are you doing??
@jayaldridge4444 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nancy-ow9wy pretty good.thanks for asking.
@Nancy-ow9wy 2 жыл бұрын
@@jayaldridge4444 glad to know...
@kathleengivant-taylor2277 Жыл бұрын
Question is the contaspation similar to opioid induced contaspation? Iam a chronic pain patient and have been for over 9 years and this problem is really bad at times. I use linzess or amitiza both treats contaspation because laxatives did not address the contaspation with opioids
@A_Psych_Nurse Жыл бұрын
It might be similar, but I'm not entirely sure on the mechanism of action for either the antipsychotics or opioids as it relates to constipation. I would imagine a good dose of prune juice would solve it, and should probably be taken prophylactically (i.e., if I were taking a routine opioid, I might take it with a large cup of prune juice.). Hope this helps :)
@dreamznaspiratons7064 11 ай бұрын
You’re great. Ppl read mad in America by Robert whitaker
@curtisstensland4181 Жыл бұрын
I was able to stave off the effects if I wanted too and I was on 15mgs but that was after 3 days of taking 10mgs
@user-cf1us3ds2o Жыл бұрын
Believe it or not, I'm on olanzapine 10mg, I've took 20-30 mg a day, made me feel good, not depressed or down or sleepy but really felt as if I was in a manic state.
@HH-mh3bt Жыл бұрын
i was put on antipsychotics and im not sure why, im not schitz or biplor, just have very severe anxiety and depression. My psychiatrist said it was ease my anxiety... im already on SSRIs and propranolol.
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