Bad Parents

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@gabeyman9587 8 ай бұрын
I’m glad my parents are supportive of my career path and stuff
@flowstatevideo 8 ай бұрын
That's great
@onatics 8 ай бұрын
Mine are too but trust is a big issue with the family. My mum and dad are apart now but still together.
@haydenstout2347 7 ай бұрын
Yeah fr
@Jerome_111 2 ай бұрын
Pls don’t be that person who gaslights their friend with bad parents, I’ve had bad parents myself and I’ve had too many friends deny my experience bc they couldn’t comprehend it. Other than that I’m glad u didn’t have to go through bad parenting
@RawF4sh 8 ай бұрын
These videos are always so relaxing and meaningful. They actually teach you something and are a break from endless scrolling for dopamine. 👍
@flowstatevideo 8 ай бұрын
I appreciate that
@RawF4sh 8 ай бұрын
@randylahey2660 8 ай бұрын
I'm 28 years old and still discovering how my upbringing still affects my everyday life and much of that was passed down by one of my parents and their bad upbringing so any time i ever talk about it with them it becomes about them but the more distant i am from the situation the more i begin to see clearly and figure out who i am. I don't want to have kids until i can figure out what my unsuppressed inner child is like so i can then figure out who i can be as an adult.
@darkrai526 8 ай бұрын
my parents are just like that. really put to words how ive been feeling at the end there :]
@I_Dislike_YouTube_Handles 8 ай бұрын
As a victim of abuse, the hardest part was not blaming them for where I was in life. Make no mistake, they were horrible and set me back years, but I had to always remind myself how that was no excuse for me to act horrible, to get bitter, to repeat the cycle of hate. A great quote I’ve heard is that “everyone deserves forgiveness, not because you think they’ve changed, but because *you* deserve peace.” Move on, let the ugly past die off quietly.
@FlutXD 8 ай бұрын
flow is the best at this stuff honestly
@flowstatevideo 8 ай бұрын
Thank you
@voronoii2 8 ай бұрын
I just want to say thank you for making these videos. The world, especially Gen Z, my generation, really needs to hear what you have to say.
@llllachy 4 ай бұрын
this couldn't have been more true!
@lelandharris9639 8 ай бұрын
It's really hard to picture being a success when your parents struggled most of your childhood to give you a better future...
@lestradewilson2962 5 ай бұрын
I feel really thankful that I have parents who are really nice people, and still together.
@estatic7490 8 ай бұрын
ur voice instantly helps me relax
@avi_69 8 ай бұрын
A few weeks ago I was having a mental breakdown and thought about your channel since it'd help me calm down, now this video is making me feel both understood and anxiety at the same time. There's a very wide range of emotion that your videos make me feel. Thank you.
@Kerske 8 ай бұрын
Your videos are always so inspirational, keep it up man
@flowstatevideo 8 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@ItsMeWulex 8 ай бұрын
Flowstate....your going to be an amazing parent one day when you do decide to have kids, fr
@flowstatevideo 8 ай бұрын
I appreciate that
@Naider266 8 ай бұрын
I'm 21 (soon 22) disabled man, I have physical disability. My disability requires someone to help me with almost every activity in my life. For the most of my childhood I was so happy, and my life just look really fun. Now though, as I met my girlfriend, I want to make more independent decisions, and maybe even move out in the future I notice more and more how my parents limit me. Damn for long time I couldn't even grow my hair, because my parents don't like it. It's crazy that I have so huge chance of becoming more independent disabled person by moving out with my gf, and my parents just doesn't let me, or doesn't seem supportive in that case at all. They also make those little things that discourage me from trying, and before I just simply was accepting it, but for some time already I decided to fight for my beliefs and needs. It's extremely tough time for me, and I started going to psychologist this week, and I don't know yet how much it's going to help me, but I want to try, I want to try have fulfilling life. Well, I'm sorry for venting. I hope everyone have good day ❤
@flowstatevideo 2 ай бұрын
I'm sorry to hear that, I hope life has been better for you recently
@goonafresh184 7 ай бұрын
"Work ethics are not born on golden thrones" I have never heard that one but it is so good.
@OpTiK115 8 ай бұрын
This is the type of insight that more people need to be exposed to. To show other people that questioning if one is really ready for kids is ever in their book of life. There are too many example's of couples having been stuck together because of kids and or because they didn't think things through 18+ years with said person. Youre on the right path of wanting to break cycle's and improve upon what you got in life. Keep learning and have the willingness to teach along the way. My biggets hope is that youve found the correct partner to go down this path of life. Be steadfast. Keep on your path.
@flowstatevideo 8 ай бұрын
For sure, not everyone should become a parent and that's okay. I appreciate the kind words
@jellybaa 8 ай бұрын
Everyone on earth should watch this video
@flowstatevideo 8 ай бұрын
Thank you very much!
@Thomas3cs 8 ай бұрын
“every kid deserves parents, not every parent deserves kids” is something that really stuck by me
@Glitch-Cat-Music 8 ай бұрын
I just gotta say after watching you for some time now, you have really developed your speaking voice (amongst many other things). Whenever I go back and watch your older videos you sound a lot less confident and on edge, but your voice just flows so freely and you sound so much more professional and it's wonderful!
@epicfurret 8 ай бұрын
Im extremely lucky and grateful to have parents who are supportive and have no issues whatsoever. I have many friends who have some sort of family issue regarding their parents, and every single time Im surprised that there as many families with issues like this. Now, I will admit that this is partially because I grew up "privileged" and have this "privileged" view of having good parents, but I also think it's really messed up that we live in a world where divorces and family issues are NORMAL. People don't take the idea of marriage and having children seriously enough and that carelessness has ruined so many lives. But it's heartwarming to see examples of people breaking the cycle, because every kid deserves present and supporting parents who care about them.
@flowstatevideo 8 ай бұрын
That's great, consider yourself one of the lucky ones
@viciousgamer0619 7 ай бұрын
“You are bringing a human into this world that did not ask to be here, and so at no point should you ever expect them to owe you something or conform to your situation.” Bro this sentence hit real hard for me. My whole life I’ve felt like I’ve always owed my parents something and my mental health has declined because of it. You have made my realize that most of the stuff that happened to them when I was young wasn’t because of me but because of their own actions. Keep up the good work man, living the vids
@Jerome_111 2 ай бұрын
I completely empathize, my parents were like that too…
@prestonmandish9483 8 ай бұрын
thank you for everything you have done for me. i found you during a rough spot in my life, and you really helped me out. I don't care if you see this or not, but I just wanted to put it out there.
@flowstatevideo 8 ай бұрын
I'm glad I could help, best of luck
@ZuskV1 8 ай бұрын
I was gone for just a little while and he got 100k!! Congrats man!
@flowstatevideo 8 ай бұрын
Hey thanks!
@swinina 8 ай бұрын
My parents have decided to divorce then i was only 5,more exact my mum Since then,i have communicated with my dad all time,it feels like i miss him every time. Yeah,after divorcing my mum found a man,but i didn't recognise him like my dad. I am 15,and i wanna say: love and appreciate your parents,they wish you only good things🙂
@ScoobersonDC 8 ай бұрын
Somewhat of an addon to the divorce segment. When your parents are divorced but both involved in your life there's an added struggle when it comes to holidays and celebrations. You have to start deciding who you're going to spend, not just every day of your life, but Christmas, Thanksgiving, Birthdays etc. with. Some people will say "Well you get two parties, twice the celebration." But it can be a struggle having to choose one parent or the other. It feels like you're picking favorites, and in some cases a kid can feel like that hurts the other parent. In a lot of cases, a morning/afternoon setup is just exhausting. You have to watch the clock and be ready to leave to go to the other parents house. While you can hold something like Christmas morning or thanksgiving dinner on a different day at the other parents house, for a kid (especially younger ones) it's just not the same sometimes. Of course the caveat in this is assuming you don't have divorced parents that are capable of interacting with each other with minimal tension. Some divorced parents can still get along, they pull it together for the kids and are able to spend time with the kids together without much issue. These kinds of parents are a blessing and are the ideal should parents have to split up.
@ostycream 8 ай бұрын
I wanna share my story with you. You see, my parent always paid for everything for me and I abused a lot when I was young, but when a grow up and realise that we didn't have much money. That my parent didn't go on big trip or expensive vacation. I didn't feel well about using it anymore. So I started working hard to not need their financial help, but when it was time to pay for my school fees, they refuse that I pay with my money. For them, its important to pay for my study. Its my inheritance. They want me to start with no debt, because they struggle with that a lot when they were young. So they tell me; We will pay for your school, but nothing else. To this day I work hard to have money for the future to quit the house when I will finish my study and I will be always great full to them for the big gift that they chose to give me! Thx for your video! If one they I become a parent, I will make sure to be a good one ❤
@CashySwanson 8 ай бұрын
I have watched a lot of your videos over the past 2ish hours. I want you to know that I have been crying for the past 2ish hours. I don't think you could ever quite realize, with the internet separating us, how badly I needed to watch these. From the essence of my being, thank you. Thank you so much for these videos, I am so glad they popped up in my recommended at this specific time. I have been struggling with handling life, with my entire coming of age stripped away from me by the pandemic, my parents divorcing putting even more strain on an already not quite supportive situation, and my own self reflection and confusion with what I want to achieve in this life, because I want to achieve everything and have just been stunlocked, for not just days or weeks, but literal years. Your videos really opened my eyes... and my heart (I haven't cried in nearly 8 years until today), and have made me realize what I really want to do, what I've always really wanted to do, and that is to do the things I love with the people I love, and enjoy the adventure that is life. Your videos are beautiful, your music is beautiful, and your thoughts are beautiful, in a world that has been devoid of beauty for myself for a long time. It is somewhat saddening that your minecraft worlds are some of the most beautiful scenes I have ever laid my eyes upon, but before this I wouldn't have been able to properly appreciate the beauty, rather write it off as just another facet of life I cannot access in my current situation. At the end of all this, I just want you to know that I love you bro. Not in some weird, Parasocial or fantastical way, but as one person to another. I appreciate you being here, I appreciate the mindset you are trying to lead people to, and I appreciate the compassion you are showing to people that you will never really know. I love you man, and thank you.
@SatoriWazHere 3 ай бұрын
break the cycle reminds me of dairy of a wimpy kid dog days the movie. Gregs dad was really harsh to his kids and then just cooped himself up in the basement when his wife says "Really? First Manny's blanket and now this? Then after all that you're gonna go back into the basement out of their life. Just like ur dad did to you. Be the parent you wish to be." (obviously not a direct quote but something like that) and he realized she was right. But in the movie it didn't work out, it's real where a parent tries to change suddenly and the child doesn't respond the way the parents hoped because some things can't be undone.
@seyiselaton 8 ай бұрын
It's been hard. I know my parents want the best for me but they go about it in the worst way possible. They wouldn't see me struggling until it's way past just going 'downhill'
@ndeco_nm 8 ай бұрын
i feel u man
@ElijahSteininger 8 ай бұрын
i find it funny there are just these deep conversations with Minecraft scenery in the background
@flowstatevideo 8 ай бұрын
Yeah best thing I can use right now for footage is Minecraft
@wv3sss 7 ай бұрын
my parents "stayed together for the kids" until I was 12 and let me tell you having to live in the same house as two people who hate each other is far worse then having a single mum who tells me to preserve electricity while my dad who I don't want anything to do with tries and fails to make small talk when he comes to pick up my brother for sports. People look at divorce as such a bad thing but it saved me but I wouldn't need saving if they didn't have kids together in the first place. 8 ай бұрын
This hit hard, alcoholism, drugs, domestic violence, divorce and all that tore my family apart, I can’t necessarily forgive what I had to go thru, but I can move on, still growing up and learning things tho, very great video and much love
@user-yr1tx1ll9y 8 ай бұрын
You are so real, flowstate. really appreciate these words of yours ❤
@ralstain6374 8 ай бұрын
3:26 I had this same thing happen, the moving back and fourth constantly really messed with me. No permission to stay with one parent, my oldest brother moved in with my mom, and middle moved in with my dad. I am the only one moving back and fourth with no permissions to stay at one house. I cant really focus on doing the things I love when every week I’m swapping house to house I don’t know, it’s really taken a toll on my mental health.
@PalpusThoughts 8 ай бұрын
Sometimes I feel behind in life, not having a kid feels like it might be too late, but I know the more wisdom I gain beforehand, the more I'll have to pass down
@unwrittenman 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for these videos💗
@swegie466 8 ай бұрын
It's sad because the only thing that I can only take away from my parents is from their own mistakes.
@linusstromberg3754 8 ай бұрын
just have to say I absolutely love the style of your videos, keep it up man!
@smileygoldfish 8 ай бұрын
I agree with everything said here, it’s really meaningful and important. I forgot who said it but, “If you want the world to change, be the change yourself”.
@fallenfoox2327 8 ай бұрын
The van life absolutely ticks me off - i went on a weekend away with my family, and we got a caravan that made sure that my parents, brother and i had separate rooms with ACTUAL doors and walls. Sure it was still cramped but we still had that privacy when we needed it. It just annoyed me cus if my parents can find a caravan for a w e e k e n d that has the space for all of us, why can’t a family that wants to devote most of their family life to a caravan do the same? Idk sorry, thanks coming to my TED talk XD
@fearlessmoon 8 ай бұрын
Great format, music, and delivery. It's a deep, personal, and relatable video many of us need to hear. Thank you
@flowstatevideo 8 ай бұрын
Thank you very much
@at4nn 8 ай бұрын
@Acruxis 8 ай бұрын
The video editing is so pleasant, like a candy to eyes, amazing channel
@snac8258 8 ай бұрын
I really appreciate these videos, being able to take a moment and actually reflect back on each video's kind of topic
@FrostyFE 8 ай бұрын
I love the way that this video was structured
@DarkChaosMC 8 ай бұрын
Just found this channel! Loving it, really inspires.
@Hmwhatidk 8 ай бұрын
you always put these videos out right when i feel like i need them ty bro. honestly the most real yt channel out there rn
@JustAltoid 7 ай бұрын
Just came across your channel, and wow, this is gold... I've never seen videos like this on youtube.
@Captainradioaction 8 ай бұрын
You don't understand how much this has helped me my parents got divorced last year and ever since then up until the summer that has past has sucked for me.mentally and I cant even imagine what its like for my little sister. I've learned to become a stable figure to my little sister due to how lonely and isolating our mom's house is. I want to bring peace to my little sister's life as much as I possibly can despite of how hard it can be on me because sometimes I forget to check on my own self and my own shit thag I need to deal with. But ever since my parents split, it felt like I was the only one who knew what I was going through, and it's extremely comforting to hear that you have gone through it, too. Thank you for helping us all flowstate
@neties4605 8 ай бұрын
I found some of your videos on my watch later list, watched them, loved them, subscribed. Please keep going with making those videos cause they're amazing, tomorrow I'll probably more. All of this is inspiring and really well explained. My life wasn't ideal but people like you make me wanna stay here longer, love you❤
@muggleworm 4 ай бұрын
this guy is so honest and his videos are relaxing. keep doing these videos
@ccriit 7 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for making this video, and videos like this, they're complete inspirational masterpieces.
@MyNameCybr 8 ай бұрын
i dont usuallly comment but this video really spoke to me. addressing topics like these aren't easy but you did a really good job, thank you
@j.dekker5137 8 ай бұрын
They way you formulated your thoughts is very impressive. I already knew everything you described in this video but the way you formulated it is very insightful and I believe it could help many people! Keep up these kind of inspiring videos!
@itaihighlights 8 ай бұрын
I like your content man! -good advices -nice gameplays -chill music keep it up man! 👍
@jmnero4447 8 ай бұрын
Sometimes it is easy to take things for granted. Sometimes I forget how lucky I've been in my life with having both of my parents. Thanks for your contributions, there are those like myself who appreciate it.
@MrDeVriess 8 ай бұрын
I love this guy his voice is so calming and just his videos in general
@pastaforsale2743 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for makin this dude, hit home harder than it should’ve. Keep up the fantastic work :)
@flowstatevideo 8 ай бұрын
I appreciate it!
@ReusableRocket 8 ай бұрын
I really like this video, pretty much everything you talked about relates to my life. I’m currently in high school with a divorced family, and I know that struggle of dealing with friends and clubs when 50% of the time you live in another city, or the hassle of remembering to bring everything over to the other house. It sucks, man. There’s nothing I can do at the moment, since if I decide to stay at a singular house then that’ll break the court’s ruling (my family has a LOT of legal drama that I don’t want to get into). Part of me is itching to become an adult so I can be free from this cycle. I have a similar goal to you when it comes to parenting, which is make it so my kids have a stable life. Sometimes I get into arguments with my mom, and one time she brought up the timeless counterpoint that all mothers do: (slight trigger warning) “I carried you in my womb for 9 months, therefore you should respect me!” UGH. I hate that so much. I’m sure if some of yall know that feeling. Whenever I try to use the “well I didn’t ask to be born” rebuttal my parents just dismiss that claim without any reasoning (so much for being the adult in the house). When I have kids, I don’t want them to be obligated to give me respect despite how much I cared for them - I want them to pay it forward.
@waterpanda528 8 ай бұрын
loved the way you put this video to gather 👍 flow ur videos inspire me so much keep up the good work man
@flowstatevideo 8 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@wrap7 8 ай бұрын
very well done video, real good topic and really nice opinions on it that i agree with as well
@FrosteeNC 8 ай бұрын
Such a banger video dude we need more people like this. I don’t understand why this stuff isn’t being spread further. Great video dude you’re doing good work. Don’t ever lose sight of why you really do KZfaq.
@flowstatevideo 8 ай бұрын
Thank you I appreciate that
@dre6263 8 ай бұрын
So glad to see that you're growing like crazy flow. best of wishes
@flowstatevideo 8 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@declanfleming7400 8 ай бұрын
Awesome video!
@tr7391 8 ай бұрын
i discovered you a few nights ago and i've just been watching a video before bed every night. i'm 17 and you are like a big brother to me at this point. keep it up. love you.
@gotstungbyabee 8 ай бұрын
ily flow you’re a legend
@multimania1394 8 ай бұрын
this video needs to be broadcasted to the masses, it might be a video that states ones opinion, but it covers all the good points
@nanous48futuretom3 8 ай бұрын
Such a beautiful video
@kaspz_ 8 ай бұрын
You really make me think of life with these videos…
@kadenbristow4501 8 ай бұрын
Dude these videos are my favorite, you probably get told this a lot but i love your content. You boost my self esteem and everything. I brag about you all the time and say that he affects my life so much. You are amazing and thank you for making another one of you talking to your audience videos. Also i have a video idea. Could you talk about chasing after that one girl we all want. I want to see your opinion and feel for it.
@Wannabe-EdgeLord-Kami 8 ай бұрын
@psilopsychic 8 ай бұрын
You’re gonna help people a lot ❤️
@vietnam_camo2004 8 ай бұрын
Question: How does one stop being pessimistic? As in, I can't do anything to convince myself that things are going to go well.
@mivuxo 8 ай бұрын
You're asking for help. That's good my friend. Be around people that care and support you. That's the best advice I can give. I hope you can succeed. Have hope.
@flowstatevideo 2 ай бұрын
I made a video on how to stay positive
@GreatMint2 8 ай бұрын
thank you this helped me
@lelandharris9639 8 ай бұрын
Anyone sometimes feel your parents were holding you back from doing something that you would have been happy with, but they didn't realize making a big deal about it was meaningless?
@zacwilk4174 8 ай бұрын
I almost cried watching this...
@Avilaas 8 ай бұрын
this my favorite video of yours because I can 100% relate and agree to what you're saying
@georgecreating 8 ай бұрын
This video came at a weird time. Two days ago I quit college and I am going down a path of UI Design. My mum has been very supportive, which I’m always going to be grateful for. It makes me think of the people who are ridiculed for making a “bad” decision and are reminded by their parents everyday. Thank you for making this content. Loving the podcast too
@gloss0000 8 ай бұрын
Im 18 and have been out of school for a few months now. Early on in childhood I had to deal with a lot of emotional instability given my parents were going through a pretty brutal and sometimes violent divorce. I was an innocent kid who just wanted to see my parents happy and the fact that I couldnt do that, mixed with the already unstable and unhealthy anger that stayed around between my parents in turn made me an angry person and I had pretty harsh anger issues growing up as a kid. Ive gotten significantly better at it now, but having grown up around my parents and seeing how they operate from a young age has made me realize just how unready they were for a job like that, how much worse it seemed when I realized that even post-divorce they were generally abusive people, and it came at the expense of me and my sister. I tend to think we were spoiled with everything because of what happened, but buying your kid the nicest things and giving them whatever they want doesnt really fill that hole of actual love and care that we missed in those early years, at least in its fullest capacity.
@flowstatevideo 2 ай бұрын
I'm sorry to hear that, I hope things have been turning out for the better
@sal33m_ 8 ай бұрын
Thanks dude
@cpleev 8 ай бұрын
saw the video in recs and just thought that I needed to watch it, like really wanted to relate to the info that might occure in the video. Well that's exactly what happened) My parents were not married at all to begin with, but if to start analyzing that they were still livung together until I've turned 8 or snth, I think that they can be called divorced with the exception of not having to deal with documents. Have great relationships with both sides of the family (and they have great relationships between each other as well) buut still something just feels like.. missing. And now having again imagined how would the new year holiday look like if they would have stayed together happily and lovingly that well that would be great) But I also love the present mom's husband and dad's wife and I, had having been living with my mom, had some great memories with my dad also. But still something just wasn't right, wasn;t full, wasn't equal as if something had been broken and was fixed with a tape. Watching your video I've started analysing my relationships with friends, family, and my views on marriage and on romantic relationships all in all, and found out that I am afraid to make any steps in being my true self with friends and talking about my true wishes and afraid of making any steps like calling a girl that I like on a date! because I am afraid! of getting something wrong, of failing, of not finding the perfect options, not acheiving perfect results... Thank you for making me find out these fears! This is the first step of treating them, of breaking the cycle, if to make a fancy reference to the video) Peace.
@elementalninja9841 8 ай бұрын
I'm 18 years old so I have a good min till I get it this stage but this is really motivating me to move forward so I just want to say thank you.
@aqu434 8 ай бұрын
when i was 4, my dad died. I've never really had a father figure with me growing up but thankfully, my mother is a great one who worked her butt off to make sure me and my sister had good lives and learned how to be decent people. I love your videos and I think everyone can benefit from listening to these whether the topic is relatable to them or not
@flowstatevideo 2 ай бұрын
I'm sorry to hear that
@broom4366 8 ай бұрын
flowstate probably has a really good whip and naenae
@flowstatevideo 2 ай бұрын
lmao nah
@at4nn 8 ай бұрын
ur so right like did we wanna be born or did we ask like so what do we have to owe our parents especially when they met someone that they didn’t like and they take it out on us thank u
@JulieHakunaMatata 8 ай бұрын
Your videos calm my mind
@Thrill360 8 ай бұрын
I love his shaders
@theexpainer3981 8 ай бұрын
However it was for you, remember that you and your feelings matter, you are not alone and there is always supportive people who can relate to your situation. Personally ive had a really screwed situation, with parents divorcing when i was 10 right as i got into highschool. I dont remember my father ever being very emotional or even supportive of what me and my siblings did and my mother was diagnosed with cancer shortly after the breakup and fights with her health ever since. That combined with the fact that we were 3 brothers all living with her, cause father didnt care enough about us, caused that she couldnt be the caring mother that we needed. As a child i remember not wanting to do anything family related, not even family trips, because i felt betrayed and unloved. I escaped my cursed reality by playing a lot of video games and this affected me pretty heavily for the majority of highschool. Its not until now that i am 18, about to graduate, that i am starting to reflect my past, recalling memories that hurt alot but help me learn what happened and how i became the person that i am. It is hard growing up without a strong family bond or role model. It really affected my self worth and confidence and lately even my mental health as i got depressed shortly after starting to reflect everything and now i am in a spot where i am stable through alot of help from friends and selfhelp like sport and journaling. If i didnt have those friends it could have gotten way worse cause i was having really negative thoughts and was overall in a really dark mental space back then. I havent taken therapy yet, but i will eventually once i moved out of my mothers place and have time to really work on everything. But right now my only option is to make it through highschool and see what i can do afterwards. Thanks if any of you read through all of this and just remember, it is not your fault what happened to you, but it is your responsibility to look after yourself and learn how to fix the problems they caused.
@lordallien 4 ай бұрын
while I am living with my mom rent free: I do a lot of the chores, work , and study multiple things for my future. Id say I am at least working on my future.
@quixy683 8 ай бұрын
My parents just want me out of their life lmao, I don’t doubt it, I’m living in their house rent free, eating two meals a day sometimes, and using electricity and internet sometimes, mostly I’m just outside anyways. I thank them for everything, and i guess they don’t care about my thanks, they just pick out my hiccups if I don’t do something good enough. I hope I can one day leave and have a good life and treat my children better if I ever get a loving wife.
@flowstatevideo 2 ай бұрын
I hope the best for you
@render_red 8 ай бұрын
Flow does other content than the usual content which i like
@TheHatManCole 8 ай бұрын
What he is saying reminds me of Bluey, and the meaningful success of that show.
@angelic_luna 6 ай бұрын
I've spent my whole life without my parents so it's been really hard but these vids are so relatble thx sm ❤
@flowstatevideo 2 ай бұрын
I'm sorry to hear that
@Otto318 8 ай бұрын
im grateful for my parents i have loving parents that care for me
@thebritishman940 8 ай бұрын
Dude you are fucking amazing and I love your content man keep it up
@nekimi__ 8 ай бұрын
This is the kind of content I want to make on a second channel
@kylegoss1316 8 ай бұрын
I really liked this video, but there is one thing that I feel like should be taken into consideration when trying to decide if you want to have a child. Mental illness, if you have mental illness, especially if it could be passed down to your children you should think back for a moment. Think of a lot of the hardships that you've expericenced because of your mental illness and think if you really want to risk putting someone else through that. And if you do decide to have a child even if you have mental illness, make sure that you let them know about it, because it's very common for people to hide their mental illnesses especially from their children. And that's understandable, but it doesn't make it right, I struggled for a long time with depression without knowing why I felt the way I did, and not until years later did my mother tell me that she has depression and that it is passed down on her side of the family. So if you do have a child, make sure to tell them those things, because it can really make understanding it and dealing with it much easier for that child, because then they have a reason that they can connect to it, instead of it just being a random thing in their mind that they have no understanding of.
@juno3287 8 ай бұрын
9:58 dude.. that’s so fuckin well said, that part really stuck with me, I’ll remember that.
@freydislive7535 8 ай бұрын
Luckily I don't have to decide which parent to invite over for Christmas because I won't be inviting either of them they are both emotionally abusive and I'm still dealing with issues today because of them I'm much happier and my mental health improves drastically whenever I don't have to speak to them
@ZillyOf 8 ай бұрын
(Comment on the "Ignoring" section) Similarly to how you spoke about sleeping in a car on the floor: Me, both my parents, and all 6 of my siblings live in a Mobile home AND are homeschooled. Me and my family are stable, have friends, and are educated. Yes you mention some people are happy with this life style, as I am, but I believe you made it sound worse then necessary. This life style isn't bad or weird, it's just different. I have previously lived in a house and been in public education, that just didn't work for our family, public school kids were a bad example to me and public education just didn't work for me or anyone else in my family. My family isn't just Stable, with a education that we prefer, and with a friend circle that we are comfortable with. We are happy with this life. Now yes this doesn't work with some families, but I just wanted to point out that you made it sound objectively bad (I'm not trying to hate just point out a different perspective) you spent a minute or two explaining how it's a bad life style and then followed it up with one sentence saying 'yes some people might like it'. I don't feel this give it the justice it deserves. Again Its not a bad life style, it's just different. Parents ignoring their children is still a BIG problem, I just feel you liked it too closely to homeschooling and/or loving in a mobile home. Other then that, I support everything else you said on the topic. Thanks for the quality video
@ZillyOf 8 ай бұрын
And I want to make it very clear I am not hating on the video or flowstate himself at all, hes still a great person with great content. I just disagree on one thing, that's it
@epicmc5092 8 ай бұрын
you make the music?? it's so good!
@anakinlowground5515 8 ай бұрын
Yo dude, do you have a second channel for Minecraft playthroughs? I’d love to see some of that kind of content from someone like you. From what I can tell, you seem like a really chill, and level headed person
@flowstatevideo 2 ай бұрын
No everything goes on my main channel here
I address your questions
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