Former NHL player Daniel Carcillo discusses head trauma and treatment | The Players' Tribune

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The Players' Tribune

The Players' Tribune

6 жыл бұрын

"You can take my name off the Stanley Cup twice over. I can’t live like that anymore."
Former NHL player Daniel Carcillo would have walked away from hockey if he knew of the damage he was doing to his brain.
His focus now is on improving his mental health and helping others avoid a similar fate.

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@JW-je3gz 6 жыл бұрын
"I don't love the NHL...I love the game of hockey" - most powerful statement in this entire video
@danijelapehar4174 5 жыл бұрын
Me too
@AshtrayAnnie 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah....he just loved it when the NHL was the one paying him millions of dollars. EVERY athlete that plays contact sports knows the consequences, if they don't they have serious problems with ego and ignorance. To put into context. 1 year in the NHL at even $2mil is equivalent to the average person working their entire career with a decent paying job. He could have retired at ANY time. Carcillo played hockey like a moron, his nickname 'the car bomb', goes without saying. I like how he brings Crosby into this🤣as if he should be scared. He plays skilled hockey with his head up. He also goes on to say 'tell the truth' as if any idiot hasn't always known concussions mess your head up. This guy is a serious clown. If you can't see the level of ignorance and stupidity in his view. Then you, yourself may be an idiot as well.
@macintoshimann9892 7 ай бұрын
I remember less than a year ago I was having trouble navigating a neighborhood I knew well. I was 28 and forgetting everything including how to breathe. Psychedelics in less than 1 year have given me a life I’m excited for above and beyond the way things used to be. I hope to be able to do things like hold a job again but honestly just to have my lungs filling with air on their own and without pain is so much of a miracle I realize just how blessed I am to be alive
@LoveEquestria4evet 4 жыл бұрын
@colingordon5950 4 жыл бұрын
Dan Carcillo, Derek Boogaard, and Brad May are my favorite players of all time. I’ve had 23 concussions and know I won’t make it very long. I’ll never have access to treatment like this, and will most likely suffer from a debilitating brain disease. I pray the education about brain health continues to reach people and change lives, before it’s too late. Keep spreading the knowledge.
@texastrillahh 2 жыл бұрын
im a flyers fan and my favorite number in any sport is #13 cause daniel
@DerfPie 8 ай бұрын
Hey colin hows it going now buddy?
@colingordon5950 8 ай бұрын
@@DerfPie I quit believing in prayer and have accepted the fate. I don't think about it anymore. If I have mental issues, then I deal with it. I quit drinking and that dramatically improved my brain health. My memory still has issues with some total blanks, but I'm good for now. Thanks for asking.
@macintoshimann9892 7 ай бұрын
@@colingordon5950that’s good to hear dude. 23 concussions I can’t even imagine. I developed a movement disorder and I’m finding it’s actually reversible with the help of psychedelics. Maybe that’s something that could be of help to you, nobody knows ya know lol. Wish u well, Colin -Collin
@colingordon5950 7 ай бұрын
@@macintoshimann9892 Hey thanks! I have taken medical steps to improve. Alcohol is easily the worst thing I ever put in my body to affect my mind. Don't drink if you've had concussions! Yeah I wish I knew what a concussion was and the symptoms, long ago. I had 4 severe concussions, and would suggest that after just one, people change the way they live. We get ONE brain and mine is being donated after my death. I think when they see a brain like mine, and I was NOT a pro athlete, it will change the conversation around brain health. Psychedelics are absolutely something I am thinking about.
@jcdova29 Жыл бұрын
This is a sad video. A man fighting for his life. God bless him and many prayers 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
@johnstandup8162 5 ай бұрын
I hope everything works out well for you young man you have two beautiful children to raise ❤️👍 God bless you 🙏
@iron60bitch62 4 жыл бұрын
I paid 15 years juniors never got to the big show and it was fine I never thought I would but I have almost 20 concussions it was never ever told don’t be a problem was never ever told I should be concerned with it was never ever told that you need to rest between concussions I got three concussions to the period of 10 days and it changed my life forever
@HeyZeus096 3 жыл бұрын
There's a bunch of research being done right now, both psychedelics and more physical methods. Look up Ted Carrick; he's the one who got Sidney Crosby back on the ice.
@2K9s Жыл бұрын
@@HeyZeus096 Neurologist Dr. Jerry Petty. And Dr Mark Gordon, hormone imbalance treatment.
@hellothere7805 4 жыл бұрын
I've lived with post concussion syndrome (PCS) for 5 years now, spent thousands of dollars and endless hours sitting in a dark quiet room. These days I find satisfaction in small victories and achievements, mainly spending time with my 6 year old daughter. I encourage people with PCS to stand up and bring a voice like Daniel. You don't have to be a sports professional to have PCS, the two most common ways to get concussions or PCS is by falling or car accidents. Most of us live in silence. Like Daniel, you can strip me of my profession, money and belongings. The most important thing I've learned living with this is time is so important. If you have it spend time with people who want to understand and who are living with PCS - its therapeutic.
@danielprose5878 8 ай бұрын
Did u see any improvments over the years ?
@Rock_Girl_Daze 6 жыл бұрын
Thank-you for sharing this Daniel. Good luck to you in your continued healing. Bless
@debmoore1503 5 жыл бұрын
As a nurse, I'm so proud that you're talking about this. I have your back! 💙
@fresh0678 11 ай бұрын
Since you work in the medical field, have you ever heard of cerebrolysin???
@debmoore1503 11 ай бұрын
@@fresh0678 I don’t think it’s here in the US.
@fresh0678 11 ай бұрын
@@debmoore1503 its not FDA approved in the US. But it is imported to the US. From all the medical literature, as well as personal anecdotal experience. I have done martial arts since I was 3 years old, have done countless full contact karate tournaments from 6 years old up until 17 when I transitioned to MMA & kickboxing. Have had several amateur boxing matches, a handful of amateur MMA fights, double amateur kickboxing matches and 6 professional kickboxing matches. I have suffered who knows how many concussions and countless strikes to my head. I am also a recovering addict. Cerebrolysin has done miracles for me in such short amounts of time. It is a miracle (drug?) And I see the reason it is not approved in the states, it would take billions of dollars away from the pharmaceutical companies and medical field because it works
@AwakeningZeroPoint 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you Daniel. As a fan of the game, as a fan of the American version, as a Philly fan, as a fan of humanity, your educating so many you'll never know. You scored, you threw, you bled, all the colors of the league. Daniel. Thank you and may you understand your contribution to the future of LIFE.
@jasonsabourin9547 4 жыл бұрын
In the words of Joe Namath ---" I just want to kiss you"
@CoachBeck 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for having the courage to share your story Dan. We may not have played the same role but we certainly share very similar after hockey stories. 20+ concussions later and the pain, fear and uncertainty are very real. The guilt of having a young family and not being able to be 100% for them ever is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Thanks to your video I’ve booked myself a week at the centre. Who knows how much it will help but any relief is a blessing to not only myself but my wife, kids, parents and coworkers. When doctors openly write cte on your charts in front of you it’s a very scary thing and it doesn’t leave you with great feelings of hope. People don’t know me, I barely played minor pro so I can’t speak out on the topic like you can and I’m damn sure glad you are! Keep fighting the good fight.
@CLEVERCARE 6 жыл бұрын
Going from a 'me' to a 'you' from the world's perspective is one's greatest challenge. Much love from Calgary Carbomb!
@davidbroughall3782 5 жыл бұрын
I really do have to wonder about the lack of humanity of the people writing in these comments. "He signed on the bottom line." "He knew the risks." "He was a goon." Tell me, who wouldn't want to get paid huge amounts of money playing the game you love? Guess what, it's only very recently that we've come to fully understand the risk to the brain when playing contact sports like football and hockey, so it's likely he didn't fully understand them. It's the so-called goons that suffer disproportionately, because they're the ones fighting to protect the star players. Look at Derek Boogaard.
@jenbillings5378 5 жыл бұрын
"Its only VERY recently the risks of the brain" u posted that 2 weeks ago...have u been living under a rock. Concussion protocol has been a huge thing not just "recently"...its been enforced for a great amount of time however I have seen players that wanna shake it off to stay in the game and these trainers need to pull them in the back no MATTER what for an assessment. Men/guys still have the "don't want to look weak"....anyone of us could walk on the side walk and be seriously injured and I didn't sign on a dotted line to know what I'm "getting into" just to walk the side I didn't know what i was getting "myself into" walking down the street...
@jessebell4796 4 жыл бұрын
Watch ice guardians. The players are the ones keeping fighting in hockey and want the physicality to remain. I feel for Daniel 100% they should be looking into different treatments but don't come on here and say shit before you do the research
@CJ-oj8om 3 жыл бұрын
@@jessebell4796 how about you do some research you clown before shooting your mouth off
@jessebell4796 3 жыл бұрын
@@CJ-oj8om and how have I not done my research?
@CJ-oj8om 3 жыл бұрын
@@jessebell4796 🤦‍♂️
@clubmongerboy 6 жыл бұрын
This video shows a side of Carcillo speak like I've never seen before. His trash talking and persona is what many will remember. It's good to see him contribute to this awareness affecting previous enforcers/players. This is the first good thing I've seen him contribute to as I was never a fan.
@NODAK9 5 жыл бұрын
@clubmongerboy Got to know him off the ice when he played in Phoenix, super laid back humble guy just like in the video. Same with Brad May, Laraque, Brian Mcgrattan etc.
@mrgrenonpharmd 6 жыл бұрын
I suffered a severe concussion after a car accident and initially lost significant ability to speak for the first week. Then the mTBIs neurological symptoms started and have continued for the 18 months since. Your reaction in the beginning of the video, looking away and into the distance while becoming overwhelmed and tearing up and seemingly at a loss of words and despondent is to a T how I get when asked how am I doing. When you say it's hard being a man with pride going to seek treatment...I feel the exact same way. I am a doctor of pharmacy, and graduated with high honors, received many awards, am published, have played drums for 24 years and was signed to a small record deal right out of high school, played baseball until I was 24 and last at bat was homerun. I have never met a challenge I could not beat or a hobby I didn't perform exceptional in through hard work and passion. I wanted to attempt a few fitness expos I got myself from 175lbs 15% body fat to 207lbs 4% body fat, I was married to a physician and divorced from that physician, and still after being betrayed and isolated, I had me, my pride, my loving family and could overcome anything. After the accident everything....everything about me and the person I always was got erased and was replaced with guilt, hopelessness, anxiety, depression, loss of self, apathy, well multiple physical symptoms. It's amazing to see the similarity in your demeanor to mine. I wish you a speedy acceptable recovery and thank you so much for making this video
@TheWitchOvAgnesi 6 жыл бұрын
God dude... I hope you're on the way to recovery. Please don't give up. It'll get better.
@niks983 5 жыл бұрын
I'm with you my friend although it was 15 years of football and mma that got me. I'm 35 and becoming a shell of my former self. Anxiety and sadness over take me without warning. My short term memory is failing and I catch myself being confused by simple tasks. My wife is worried sick and so am I. Thoughts of suicide are becoming more and more frequent. I'm afraid I won't be able to see my son grow up. I love that kid more than anything in this world yet my stupid brain tells me he would be better without me. I've denied these symptoms and hid them for a while but they are becoming undeniable. My wife and I have tried a few things to try and curb the pain accupuncture and therapy but no help. Let me know if any treatment helps you. Hang in there bud 👊 maybe they will figure this stuff out in our time.
@himanshu-nl4yi 3 жыл бұрын
@@niks983 hey how are u now? Did anything work for you ? I am in kind of similar situation and i am only 21 years old. my shot term memory is getting worse, i have a lack of self, lack of awareness, not able to imagine etc issues. Plz let me know if anything works for you
@himanshu-nl4yi 3 жыл бұрын
@@niks983 how are u now? Did it get any better?
@TheBushRanger. 2 жыл бұрын
Are you recovered now?
@getrekt9999 6 жыл бұрын
hated Carcillo on the ice, but hate to see that he's going through this. hope he can recover from this for his family.
@niks983 5 жыл бұрын
Cte sucks I'm living with it now. I played tackle football from 9 through highschool and got my first concussion at 10. In my 20s I did mma for 3 years. I'm 35 now and I have had around 10 real concussions a few back to back with idk how many mild or "minor"........ My short term memory is getting away from me and I find myself confused about really simple stuff sometimes. I have dramatic mood swings and often think of suicide. I do my best to hide it but sometimes it's not possible. My wife is worried sick and we are trying to minimize the symptoms. I really hope I can make it long enough to see my 9 year old son grow up and become a man. He wants to play football and fight like his dad........ I'm too afraid to tell him the real reason we won't let him play tackle football. Some days I'm ok but then from out of nowhere I'll start to feel angry or sad. A heartfelt commercial will make me cry. I've done well so far not to let it affect my family but it's getting harder. I hope someone can figure out a viable treatment because everything we have tried hasn't worked and it's very expensive. If I could go back and talk to my younger self I would say not to worry about being the tough guy and protect your fucking head dipshit. If anyone reads this and is actively competing after a concussion or two or three....... Stop! It's just not worth it! What is my son going to do take all my trophies to his wedding and put em in a chair.... because I might have litteraly killed myself earning them.
@exnihilo4547 4 жыл бұрын
Praying for you and your family , keep strong bro
@jtplatero 5 жыл бұрын
You're one of my favorite Chicago players...I'll be praying for your health and for your family.
@WillKoz 6 жыл бұрын
I recently have been experiencing some unexplainable symptoms and the doctors are just now starting to think it's also from a TBI. He told me about your battle and I came here to check it out for myself. Seeing someone like you go through this makes it a little less terrifying for me. Wish you the best and I hope for a full recovery for the both of us and anyone else who is also suffering through this.
@jasonsabourin9547 4 жыл бұрын
Ummmm yummy.😘
@TheBushRanger. 2 жыл бұрын
How you going today man?
@WillKoz 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheBushRanger. I'm doing well. Honestly I've just learned to live with most things thrown at me. Just have to take life in stride and keep on keeping on.
@user-di1hh4qy6r 6 жыл бұрын
Let's not forget all us guys that didn't even come close to the pro level. A cross check to the face at age 12 and a trip that sent me into the boards head first ruined my life.
@niks983 5 жыл бұрын
I feel ya man I didn't play hockey, football and mma was my picks. Now at 35 I'm wondering if I'll get to see my 9 year old son grow up. I guess he can take my trophies and medals to his wedding since I might have litteraly killed myself earning them.
@GSonDunn 5 жыл бұрын
Damn dude thats nuts
@pryzz1890 4 жыл бұрын
jack costa a cross check to the middle of my back from 7 years ago still fucks up my day to day life
@zac1002 4 жыл бұрын
mountain biking ruining my life.
@dominicsabato759 3 жыл бұрын
Hey brother me too. Ive had 6 concussions by the age of 19. 2 more undiagnosed. Landed me in prison addicted to opiates and severe anxiety and depression. respond back we can talk brother
@Hidious10 5 жыл бұрын
"You can take my name off the Stanley Cup twice over... I can't live like that anymore." I don't think anyone without a hockey "background" can understand the importance of the Stanley Cup and how meaningful this statement is.
@StewartLucrative 2 жыл бұрын
It's actually quite simple to understand.
@PolarBearPredator Жыл бұрын
He says that now after the fact. Hes a hypocrite.
@Cupidville 6 жыл бұрын
Full support Brave and truthful video Very educational video Informative as well
@lisahandley6024 2 жыл бұрын
I have hope. I know it exists. I can hang on.
@Kongatthegates00 3 ай бұрын
Ive had 10 concussions diagnosed. Undiagnosed who knows and im only 41 who knows I have CTE. But how far along..who knows.
@branwithoutclaws 6 жыл бұрын
It's pretty cool that he's offering a potential solution or at the very least more appropriate treatment.
@BigGame12 6 жыл бұрын
People who are out here saying that Carcillo was a goon and has dished out his share of concussions are missing the point completely. He is the product of a league that has withheld information and let guys like Carcillo play and thrive putting in jeopardy the lives of all the players in the league. He's the best man to speak out about this, and I am sure glad he is.
@beazy293 6 жыл бұрын
He was a scumbag on the ice I think most of us can agree on that fact. Off the ice some hockey players who made careers out of dirty plays or fighting or what have you get criticized for trying to change the game after cashing in on it. I don't think that's what he's doing here and think he genuinely wants to make the game safer but at the same time with fighting being almost removed from the game with the visor and helmet rules now it's clear dirty plays are the result of concussions now-a-days (like headshots and boarding etc.). I want to be entertained but at the same time don't want to see anyone get hurt and god forbid be cursed with permanent damage; the league has to do a better job of protecting players since the players aren't allowed to protect themselves now with enforcers and is why you see pileups whenever there's a big clean hit.
@Adamacaciastrainn 6 жыл бұрын
Josh is proof that you need to hug your children
@TheFlamingPike 6 жыл бұрын
What information was withheld? That getting hit in the head can severely injure you? Everybody knew that. Prehistoric men knew that when they would hit other people on the head with a club.
@ghytgb 6 жыл бұрын
Brendan Collins no they’re not. Just because you say something doesn’t mean it’s true. You give and you get Danny boy!
@sullivan0099 6 жыл бұрын
He's a grown man. If he didn't know putting elbows into other peoples head, and taking repetitive punches and checks to the head would not be good for your brain, then he's the exact moron off the ice that he was on the ice. Guy is a joke, was a joke on he ice and he had no concern for other guys safety. Now we are suppose to weep for him. Nah.
@nicholaspietrzak9992 6 жыл бұрын
Had some bad head injuries. My worst was playing rugby. I feel what you're going through. I have a seizure disorder as a result of it.
@Reedstar1220 Жыл бұрын
We love you Daniel!
@JahHerbMan7 6 жыл бұрын
I can't even count the amount of undiagnosed concussions I've had from playing hockey all my life
@pabloescobar4555 2 жыл бұрын
@@DREAMERBOY1000 yes why are you recommending ringette as it has a way higher concussion rate
@worstusername 6 жыл бұрын
It's so sad to see these guys we admired as such badasses in this state :*(
@iron60bitch62 4 жыл бұрын
While playing a very short period of time the juniors sustained a number of concussions and I was always told the same thing you got a play from if you don’t show up to play you will be replaced that’s how my concussions were treated
@Citizenshane81 6 жыл бұрын
I hated Carcillo when he played, I hated him cause he was so good. Now I see him as courageous. I know the feeling. I had 5 strokes at 37 years old due to undiagnosed meningitis that was left way too long. ICU, Speech therapy, Cognitive therapy, mental/emotional therapy, I know all about that. He’s doing the right thing.
@Brew311 6 жыл бұрын
The chair Sydney Crosby says helped him with his concussion recovery.
@ICraneI 2 жыл бұрын
I played hockey my whole life, can’t remember much, I’ve been slurring my words the past 2 years. I’m confident i have CTE. I’m terrified. I’m 21, the average life expectancy is 51. I’m very scared and feel very alone since there’s no way to diagnose this disease until after death no one will truly know/care until it’s too late.
@dominicsabato759 3 жыл бұрын
I was a kod never in any trouble, even afraid to smoke weed. I have been on skates since the age of 5. By 19 i had 6 diagnosed concussions then 2 more since. I am 33 now and have been to prison twice and county jail 6 times. I became addicted to opiates which led me to heroin. All after my concussions started. Somedays i stay in the dark room and cant even go to work it gets so bad. I have spasms in my legs and hands that are embarrassing. I watch these videos for hope. If ANYONE needs someone to talk to please please reply to this. I could use you just as much as you could use me.
@JulieR73 4 жыл бұрын
My mom suffered several concussions and also died of Parkinson’s disease
@SirHimothyy 5 жыл бұрын
This guy is the reason I fell inlove with watching hockey this is so fucking depressing😪😪 but also a harsh reality
@Youtubesuckz976 6 жыл бұрын
Dr. Mark Gordon of Encino, CA does tremendous work linking TBIs and hormone deficiencies. I’ve sustained concussions from youth hockey, explosions in Afghanistan and car accidents in the states and I’m finally getting back on track after simply having my hormones checked.
@TheBushRanger. 2 жыл бұрын
How’s things today man?
@Gamer4LifeOfficialChannel Жыл бұрын
U good now?
@jonathanbernard411 Жыл бұрын
Dang what a powerfull statement....happy to finally see nhl taking this seriously
@J-bt5jw 6 жыл бұрын
Listening to this while doing my brain injury exercises.
@missharris5521 4 жыл бұрын
J P can u help my friend? What are the exercises?
@ICraneI 2 жыл бұрын
I can’t remember most of my life, to me it’s normal now but i know it’s not the way my family and friends can recall so many events.
@NCarmine1 6 жыл бұрын
I truly believe that Dan Carcillo will make a biggest impact how NHL deals head traumas in near future.He and Paul Holmgren probably saved Nick Boynton`s life after addiction when he played Philadelphia
@PolarBearPredator Жыл бұрын
Hes a sell out pos. Hes after the money.
@kcb9455 9 ай бұрын
Concussion damage was never a big secret
@glenglen8454 5 жыл бұрын
a hockey player will do anything to become the best. it is a true war what you risk out on the ice and off the ice, but what you gain you can lose and what youve lost will always be gone.
@joked87isback 3 жыл бұрын
Loved Carci's hustle in Philly when he player for the Flyers but always thought of him as a goon. I have so much more respect for him now bc hes literally one of the only dudes speaking out on the real issuse these guys deal with off the ice and after retirement
@UnbreakableDad 3 жыл бұрын
This guy was scoring 30 goals a year in the OHL. I wish that Philadelphia didn't push so hard to make him even more of an enforcer because he could have been a 30-40 point player and much healthier in the long run.
@iron60bitch62 4 жыл бұрын
I have 13 documented concussions I played a very short period of time and juniors I live in New York City I’m sure I had 20 concussions I just turned 60 and there’s a bunch of stuff I don’t remember I always forget my middle name I forget my grandchildren’s names sometimes I go out to get something and I have to make three trips I forget each time what is years ago I forgot where I lived after a minor bump on the head playing a pick up game
@mic01 6 жыл бұрын
He's lucky to be getting this kind of treatment here in Canada I was hit from a lady who ran a red light woke up on the side of the road. nearly 10 months later insurance cuts you off they want you back to work. I have the same symptoms our health system here in Canada is a joke.
@TheBushRanger. 2 жыл бұрын
How you doing today bro?
@davidgdraper6269 6 жыл бұрын
Brother as a veteran, so many of us are dealing with this and yet our care is so piss poor. I know that many of us are having our children play soccer, international football. I hope you put your son in a soccer program. It’s not perfect either but need to come to terms with this and treat those with brain injury accordingly. You and your mates from Hockey will be in our collective thoughts. I know my BIL sustained multiple concussions while playing NCAA hockey and the 2 years he spent playing farm league hockey just trying to get back to school. Fredonia State in NY took in most of his farm league teammates and tried their best to keep them safe while giving them an education. I know his personality is much different post hockey. His kids no longer play the game or even US football but stick to baseball and softball. This is something the world needs to hear. The Sane is true for veterans. We know what it’s like to have huge gaps in memory, serious depression and gaps in our thought processes. Thanks for coming forward.
@lisahandley6024 2 жыл бұрын
If I could stop helping other people and focus on myself I wouldn't have a family member after me standing in the way of my completion of something which I will complete but I'm just not sure how because jail is so not an option for me. It makes me angry and sad that at 48 years old anyone has the right to take my freedom and what peace I have now thank God away from me and now I know my life's purpose. The pain derived from people and their assumptions is immense.
@lisahandley6024 2 жыл бұрын
@kinglinus3708 2 жыл бұрын
Ya they need better treatment for brain injury. Its sad what nhl is doing.. especially to what they did to Kyle Beach. The abuse needs stop in all forms.
@kennelson7559 5 жыл бұрын
"But but but he was a goon" he admitted that he gave it just as much as he took it. Nobody deserves this.
@Mookiethedog 6 жыл бұрын
All the best to you Dan!
@jussmeet9179 4 жыл бұрын
I would have appreciated more simple edits in this video. I mean please consider that ppl with tbi's will come across this video and the flashy edits were not fun to sit through and have to just close my eyes till Daniel starts speaking
@cntslesfabrication 5 жыл бұрын
I have CTE myself and the last 2 years my symptoms have been progressing getting worse and I would rather break 6 in my neck and 15 in my back again in a horrible wreak then go through the symptoms I go through everyday and I'm 31 year's old. Because of my CTE I have lost everything important in my life my wife and 2 boys. I didn't play hockey or have the funds to even see a specialist to get help for myself. Everyday is different from the next but I'm only getting worse and it's horrible. I feel like a drug addict with no way to get better.
@davidwilson4331 2 жыл бұрын
I have a suggestion for you. Check out CognitiveFX in Provo Utah. The may be able to offer some hope and improvement in your symptoms.
@jlo2o199 Жыл бұрын
Not the video I wanted to see when I typed in Dan Carcillo..
@thirdeye4deebrain 3 жыл бұрын
I feel for any player going through this. It’s hard to take Carcillo seriously considering his record of cheap shots and injuring other players- however I wouldn’t wish brain damage on my worst enemy that’s tough.
@JulieR73 3 жыл бұрын
The PNP Center in the DFW area does some amazing work with athletes
@commentindica4204 4 жыл бұрын
I broke my skull in rugby i didnt went to the doctors after 9 or 10 weeks everything change your life ruin cant refix it just shit because its hard to deal with Tbi i end up having ocd and mude swings i use medical use of weed and thc to treat the pain witch helps bring back my braincell reduse the migraine headache
@Ceceandyuki 20 күн бұрын
His son is my friend
@xr5431 4 жыл бұрын
its all about knowledge. All the leagues around the world are noticing this, and you need to punish the people that are doing the ugly hits hard so those wont happend again, beacuse you can't tell people not to play hockey, its like telling someone not to bicycle or smth. but you can teach them what the risks are and what not to do. all respect to this guy
@asiaroberson1750 6 жыл бұрын
they need to do that in football too because the same thing happened in that sport too
@asiaroberson1750 6 жыл бұрын
Natalia Facury I have no idea. I seen the sport but don't understand it
@jasonsabourin9547 4 жыл бұрын
Fa Fa Fooey.
@JayB2 Жыл бұрын
The good news is the secrets out now. EVERYONE knows u can have permanent damage from head trauma. And that participation in contact sports can lead to CTE. Its no longer a secret.
@DodgerFan1988 5 жыл бұрын
3:13 straight out of the movie "Concussion."
@Taqruinnius 5 жыл бұрын
This is why I will never give the NHL any of my money.
@jenbillings5378 5 жыл бұрын
I'm glad he came forward as well as another player coming forward to talk about the hazing and physical, emotional and verbal abuse. I just came across 2 of these interviews and I am disgusted at the OHL level and the NHL. It still makes me wonder though if this is still happening. It was said that coaches etc were in on stuff too. I am just litterly disgusted. The other video I came across was a team mate and he said he started to coach AAA and couldn't do it cause just being in the rink made him sick. The guarded demeanor of the other player (I can't think of his name) but he has a hard time keeping eye contact and still fearful. That is what wrecks people for life at any age. I do hope this is widely seen cause i was sick to my stomach watching both videos. These guys will never be the same....i can't even think what all I want to even reply cause im just so disgusted and in the health care field and if anyone had any idea of working with an individual with a brain injury... it's heart wrenching.
@nina5-12 4 жыл бұрын
Dan is a lot better now. I just heard him speak this week. Check him out on Instagram.
@lisahandley6024 2 жыл бұрын
@JP_HKY 4 жыл бұрын
I have Unbelievable passions for mental health as I have it and I love hockey and real people so perfect combo but my perfect combo is hickey ocd broadcasting Corey hirsch lehner etc... so many and the brain is complex and I am me but I feel I’m a brain
@kinglinus3708 2 жыл бұрын
Concussions are pretty bad but if have past traumatic event it can also screw up your brain too..
@lisahandley6024 2 жыл бұрын
HOLY SHIT. ME TOO. First, I will ( post accident ) stand up for any injustice, and I am not playing. It hurts me to see people hurt . I will not watch a person mistreat another person, literally.. I don't care who, what...I can't stop myself. The worst is saying something to a MOM or DAD ABOUT HOW THEY ARE SPEAKING TO A CHILD. People's advise to me is just don't say it and my eyes roll and stick in the back of my head. If I could I would!!!!;;; I couldn't shower , brush my teeth, clean my surroundings, support myself. I humiliated me, and there's no physical reason I couldn't get up and do these things and I hated myself so much for it , and had no explanation of why. I've spent weeks in bed. I have I have left things I love out in the rain because I couldn't make myself go get them. I WAS NOTHING LIKE THAT BEFORE TBI. IT LITERALLY CHANGED EVERYTHING. Everything. I had relentless insomnia for a straight year. Nothing would make me sleep. Everything was so heavy. Self ruminating self hate thoughts that never stopped BUT still could not get up and pull it together for anything. I turned 369% and it wasn't my choice, nor did I or my family like this new person and the kicker is people and their opinions/ judgement/ assumptions. Drs that don't listen. I'm alive because I took control over what medications I was and will be on. I smoked marijuana a good bit and took all of the mental health drugs and all they did was keep me alive with some outlandish side effects. Because my family and I didn't know right away that I had TBI , I thought I morphed into a piece of shit, as did my family. I did!!! I treat people with a genuine deep love and I'm stupidly honest. Oh, Im because bipolar after the accident. Manic hyper off the chain can not shut up. Then suicidal and thinking you will never come out of this one. Meds do keep you alive. My family thought I got fired from pharmaceutical sales because I was using drugs. I 100% understand. That is the intelligent assumption but dear God y'all think WEED is responsible for THIS??? You think I would let POT do this to me. Are you fing kidding me??????????????? They don't associate with "dope heads" and my actions, mania, impulsivity, bad decision making , ...... constantly humiliated 24/7. My mouth now is its own entity..... WEED!!!!!???? I lost them and we were very very close and there were nieces and nephews involved that I
@gotopshelf8 6 жыл бұрын
That was touching......needed to be said.....and informative. Wake up NHL...... CTE is sports needs to wake up. AFter losing my friend JR Seau.....i just can't see sports the same anymore. Hockey is my favorite sport that i play and LOVE......and for a player like Daniel to say "You can take my name off the Stanley Cup twice over. I can’t live like that anymore."....WOW GREAT PIECE!!!!!! HOCKEY RULES......(the game)
@niks983 5 жыл бұрын
Fuck man that tired sad confused face, I'm all too familiar with it ....... FML
@discoveryman59 6 жыл бұрын
You played contact sports of your own free will suck it up and live with your decision!!
@davidbroughall3782 5 жыл бұрын
I just read about the hazing rituals that Carcillo went through as a rookie with the Sarnia Sting. Disgusting. No doubt similar things have happened, and likely continue to happen on most or all sports teams. Hazing rituals are nominally supposed to develop trust in your teammates, but in reality sow anger, resentment and psychological trauma.
@jasonsabourin9547 4 жыл бұрын
Hold me.
@rowdieshockey5941 4 жыл бұрын
Anyone here after the Paul Bissonnette incident?
@zac1002 4 жыл бұрын
Mountain biking ruined my life. So far it's been 19.5 months of seeing no general improvement after doing many specialized treatments since my injury. Will I ever be able to work again? Will I ever get to put the skills that i learned in my University Degree to use and have the dream career I've always wanted? Will I ever get to do the things that I've always dreamed of doing and enjoy them without making myself worse??
@TheBushRanger. 2 жыл бұрын
@KMF3 6 жыл бұрын
This looks like really expensive treatment. I have TBI and could never afford this treatment or actually any treatment.
@liltazerboo5515 2 жыл бұрын
he did earn quite the money, he was a professional athlete and a popular one at too.
@danijelapehar4174 5 жыл бұрын
This is so shocking, how they don't care about their players in a dangerous sport of hockey
@MGAF688 5 жыл бұрын
Gary Bettman doesn't believe concussions exist in the game of hockey. He has denied everything like the slick SOB that he is.
@aretakatera 2 жыл бұрын
As someone trying to heal from a concussion, I hate the editing on this.
@ritadoucet-canada8480 5 жыл бұрын
This is what I shared on google+: Brain injury is an ongoing fight on a daily basis, I wrote on the news report for players to NOT settle with the NHL as they were oblivious of the harm of concussion brain injury and through the years of having people speaking out of their injuries ONLY then will we find that those who spoke out were not dealing with SIMPLE medical formulas that would heal them instantly. Medical doctors are trying with their constant assumptions of MAYBE this will work or that, that is false. I suffered a concussion that affected my short-term memory loss, simply by falling off my bike. I knew it was major damage. My EYES rolled up on its own towards the sky, I saw millions of stars float around as I sat there on the ground waiting for those symptoms to subside. Afterwards I could not remember what I did yesterday and it had serious consequences of living my daily life. It took six months for my doctor to diagnose me with a brain injury, I cannot remember the term he used, but validation that I was NOT crazy made my heart sing out, FINALLY proof of NOT being a mental case but suffering from brain injury. This was not the first fall, as a young girl of 11 while I visited my brother years ago, he worked on a farm and I could not stand the stench of farm dung that he had to work in and he advised me to go play with the girl that had horses, I did what I was told, we were riding bare back and ooops there I went flying off the horse, I cannot remember what happened afterwards. Throughout the years I played baseball, being miss toughy I would run forward and try to bump that fat man standing on the base but I would be the one who fell flat on her ass. A boyfriend and his brother fighting together and I would try and break them apart, sent me flying off my feet and flat on my ass once again, without knowing I was suffering the effects of brain injury during all these times, of constant headaches, I took aspirin, aspirin that eventually made for a weak stomach lining that eventually led to major surgery, when pain gripped me beyond understanding I called for an ambulance (dying was an option I was open too) they rushed me into surgery for exploratory surgery, they fixed it but left me with a scar from the top to bottom of my tummy. I went back to work as I thought I could work while sitting without having the proper restraints to hold my tummy in, I developed 4 hernia's from that surgery, after effects I call it, to have a surgical stomach mesh implanted in me. Mental stress would bring about floating mirrors in my eyes, not a common thing for people to experience. To heal from the stress I learned to lie down with eyes closed and to allow the mirrors to disappear as that was the only way I could deal with it. Now, I use Aloe Vera to heal my eyes when these mirror like images come about. My eyesight with the Aloe seems to change, I have bifocals and my eyesight is good one day, next day I deal with blurry vision. all these symptoms are the affect of BRAIN INJURY.
@isaiahhoward 6 жыл бұрын
I am praying for your healing and strength in Jesus name!
@xXeddie92Xx 6 жыл бұрын
fuck jesus he needs scientific and medical treatment
@farristurner6443 6 жыл бұрын
In Jesus name...
@isaiahhoward 6 жыл бұрын
Jesus saves 🤷🏾‍♂️
@felipemelchorhernandez6998 5 жыл бұрын
I'm going thru the same situation as this guy it's been 8 months since i got post concussion syndrome
@isaiahhoward 5 жыл бұрын
alejandro Hernandez Jesus heals!
@buckmarley3422 6 жыл бұрын
Appreciate the honest blunt truth that the NHL/NFL and all its advertisers do not want you to know. I dont watch Hockey but have watched sports (entertainment) all my life, including the NFL and Professional Wrestling. People love the brutality and at the end of the day, the players know what they're signing up for in part (the physical aspect) and they get paid handsomely for their play. I am very compassionate for their life after sports but i do know the wicked and ugly truth behind the ways of this world. These players are destroying their bodies for entertainment and money at the end of the day, who doesnt know that all Major Sports are betted on and rigged at the highest levels...all for the mighty dollar. That means the precious memories and moments are tainted and deceitful because moments and even players...are being rigged to operate a certain way. My only question is "What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world yet lose his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul"?- Jesus Christ There is a price to fame and riches in the Devil's wicked game.
@TheWitchOvAgnesi 6 жыл бұрын
I love Carcillo, and I love hockey (played all my life). I personally think the NHL is rotten to the core in how it treats its players not only in terms of their health but also their careers. But all that being said, I have to wonder how much of Carcillo's problem stems from playing hockey, versus the fights he fought. I guess what I'm saying is he may be more a victim of the era in which he played, than the sport itself. And yeah, that's partly the NHL's fault. I do hope that the research he is involved with can make some breakthrough in CTE, and that hopefully it can apply to other aspects of dementia.
@gabrielvezina 6 жыл бұрын
Watch the movie Concussion with Will Smith and you will understand everything about concussions/CTE
@fernmccreary2729 5 жыл бұрын
Everything? Lmfao
@curfuffle7420 5 жыл бұрын
Maybe try the documentary its based off of instead of a movie. lol
@jasonsabourin9547 4 жыл бұрын
@q2breath Жыл бұрын
Those flashing fast lightning-like images can cause fits. What's the freaking point!?? No less on a video talking about saving your brains?!? Do you have any????
@Steve-3P0 5 жыл бұрын
Most comments criticising Carcillo miss the point. I grew up playing hockey. I wasn't any good to come anywhere near juniors, let alone pro, but I had a very big, very tall friend that did. The sport pushed him to be an enforcer, to fight. He was the nicest guy you could ever meet, but as he moved up juniors and semi-pro leagues, he either had to drop the gloves or hang up his skates.
@jasonsabourin9547 4 жыл бұрын
Well in the immortal words of Cornelius T Buttric "Dems the brakes, honey"
@chrisbarr1359 4 жыл бұрын
Hockey and football players at all levels including high school are putting their brains at risk in every game. Is it worth it? Rules could be changed to reduce concussions.
@timfronimos459 6 жыл бұрын
sorry for the bad grammar but concussive injury even effects us recreational players
@TheGee07 6 жыл бұрын
Your grammar is just fine; no need to apologize. I wish you all the best for you and your brain, Tim!
@musicman76enator 6 жыл бұрын
The league is screwing the players. Period. NHL just wake the fuck up and do something. Maybe we need to fire Gary Bettman? That would be a start. As Carcillo said at the end "I hate the NHL but I love hockey" That means a lot.
@justinfendelet8675 4 жыл бұрын
i loved hockey but lost intense interest in it still follow but not like years many played decent levels got bell rung? i use to cry at 13 my head hurt so bad i had a shitty XL7 helmet the "cliff Ronning special shitty lid.....
@RINGO-KID 2 жыл бұрын
Fuck the money , I’d sooner have my health .
@WolfmanJack66 6 жыл бұрын
Get well Daniel. You are awesome. Loved watching you play.
@kristianlavereau9276 6 жыл бұрын
Great job. Good luck man
@ChickenOfTheCaveMan 6 жыл бұрын
I really hope he gets the best recovery possible with these treatments but I can't help but to see dishonesty here. Sure, the NHL and NHLPA are accountable but the game is played by players and they're the most accountable of all. I know this is an intense game but players need to respect each others, the amount of elbows and hard slashing is still there though it decreased since the Carcillo kind of players are vanishing from the league.
@luissantovenia94 5 жыл бұрын
I need some help i live in miami florida and i want to put my head through a ten foot thick steel wall!!!!!!!
@nikkodutrabouck8178 6 жыл бұрын
I hope you make a full recovery and someone probably already told you the following: Here is some Research on brain injuries that talk about increasing omega-3s, cardiovascular exercise, and oxygen to increase neurological pathway repair. I am not a scientist in this field however anyone can lookup research like this at a university library and become better educated on how to recover from trauma. Some doctors don't take the time to be on the cutting edge of research simply because they have to many patients.
@CanadaMudkip 4 жыл бұрын
Anyone else getting doki doki vibes
@Reprezent542 6 жыл бұрын
I really liked carcillo when he was a flyer but I hated him for other squads haha
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