White House stands up to Jim Acosta

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Fox News

Fox News

5 жыл бұрын

CNN reporter's press credentials denied after his latest tense exchange with President Trump.

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@siskothekid4620 4 жыл бұрын
"I want them to come in, it just needs to be done legally." What is the confusion? Honestly.
@mikeymauricio34 3 жыл бұрын
Sisko the kid exactly!!!
@EricHowl 3 жыл бұрын
And why dont they ever show his quote "I want them to come here we need them"
@andrjsjan4231 3 жыл бұрын
@Stephen are you a Biden supporter? LETS GO TRUMP!!
@nevergrowedup 4 жыл бұрын
Two months later CNN was calling it an invasion. LMAO
@ikarzer1212 4 жыл бұрын
Well idk but im pretty sure CNN did not call it an invasion
@Hoonozit 4 жыл бұрын
@Epic Pro If you don't know, then...you don't know. The End
@ikarzer1212 4 жыл бұрын
@@Hoonozit just searched it up they did not call it an invasion sorry
@TheKieran1234 4 жыл бұрын
@@ikarzer1212 Well that's awkward 😂
@ikarzer1212 4 жыл бұрын
@@TheKieran1234 Sure was!
@scottplymire2210 4 жыл бұрын
CNN needs to take responsibility for their employees. Shame on both CNN and Mr. Acosta.
@netdoctor1 4 жыл бұрын
They have no integrity. They cannot be shamed.
@kenspangler7960 4 жыл бұрын
@@netdoctor1 889999vbbff6666660n
@raulalvarado3034 4 жыл бұрын
And who will take responsibility for the mess trump is causing
@alexandergreiner9578 4 жыл бұрын
@@raulalvarado3034 what mess
@raulalvarado3034 4 жыл бұрын
@@alexandergreiner9578 what mess? Umm fact check this pandemic for one. Bankrupting the relief funds that obama put in place to combate this pandemic then lie and say he left it bare. I mean your joking right?
@jeffhoward9186 4 жыл бұрын
They should have never been given his press pass back!!!
@MrManfly 4 жыл бұрын
and Acosta has had no credibility ever since if he even had any before?
@monke2361 4 жыл бұрын
Acosta literally interrupts people when they are talking, he's terrible at his job
@jenniferallen7259 4 жыл бұрын
Exactly! This never gets old...
@chanevazquez3046 4 жыл бұрын
This is a free country but when you lie as much as jim you should not be allowed a press pass
@MacMasore 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah silence the press that's not dictorial at all?
@casageorgia 5 жыл бұрын
Eric Hoffer quote: "Rudeness is the weak person's imitation of strength." Describes Acosta perfectly.
@raulalvarado3034 4 жыл бұрын
And it doesnt discribe trump perfectly?lmao wow
@princesskunji 4 жыл бұрын
Interruption - Trump. Sarcasm- Trump. Rudeness- Trump. Screaming- Trump. and you think Acosta is rude? really?
@raulalvarado3034 4 жыл бұрын
@Republican because I like freedom how is lying about everything that comes out of his mouth being an adult ? I mean are yiu serious. Example Obama put away millions of dollars for a pandemic he and hus stafff saw coming. What did Trump do with the money? He bankrupt it then said the cabinets were dry. Yea cus he dries them how many ppl dies because of this idioy and your sticking up for him? Thats very irresponsible
@raulalvarado3034 4 жыл бұрын
@Republican because I like freedom lmao i have never heard him speak where he is acting like an adult or coherent. He starts his sentence talking bout one thing then finishes bout another without wven answering it. And he is by far an adult you soumd so rediculous i really think your joking rigjt pls say you are
@raulalvarado3034 4 жыл бұрын
@Republican because I like freedom ok youre right but you obviously have not studied the facts if you believe he is resposible for the economy be the way it is. Unless what your saying is youre giving him credit fir nit touching what obama did. Because it was so high when obama took over then steady decline since
@andrewmohan4984 4 жыл бұрын
Best description of Jim Acosta as "lapdog of Obama" by Dr. Dinesh D'souza
@nickolasburrell7791 4 жыл бұрын
They weren’t actor , they didn’t come from Hollywood 😂😂😂
@alanxxxxxx666 4 жыл бұрын
Are you sure.
@maggie8404 4 жыл бұрын
@jackfrank9744 3 жыл бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂 pmsl
@pele2005 3 жыл бұрын
Actually they were actors/regular people paid for by George Soros.
@dulceski6861 4 жыл бұрын
I wish there was a way to sue the press. Some of them are getting out of hand.
@chrisgould101 4 жыл бұрын
You can.
@MacMasore 4 жыл бұрын
Oh and for what for asking hard questions?
@MrTimo1124 3 жыл бұрын
Google Nick Sandmann, he's suing all of the major networks and has already won hundreds of millions of dollars.
@cilva7able 5 жыл бұрын
It's interesting how he accused a young white house intern of assault. He's such a baby.
@ikarzer1212 4 жыл бұрын
No he didn't learn the facts the white house accused HIM YOU IDIOT PAY ATTENTION TO THE NEWS
@KenSerpico5450 4 жыл бұрын
I can't even fathom how I would feel if the President told me to my face, "you are a rude, terrible person". Texans SUPPORTRUMPENCE!
@barbarasteed3966 4 жыл бұрын
How dose this turd live he has know idea of decorum where dose he think he at ice cream parlor.
@genemartinez7611 4 жыл бұрын
Russ Serpico I would say. Look. In. The. Mirror
@metrogoldwyn 4 жыл бұрын
Acosta knows no shame.He's a real piece of work
@carbonclaw7280 4 жыл бұрын
I can't fathom how the President of the United States could tell me that's enough and I still keep goin. It'd never happen. One time is all it'd take. Ofc I'd also never interrupt or disrepect POTUS in the first place. Anyone, but especially not Trump.
@raymondhanks9826 4 жыл бұрын
@@metrogoldwyn He's a piece alright, a piece of S--T !!!
@LilKatina 4 жыл бұрын
CNN still hasn’t learned their lesson if they’ve kept Jim around for this long. 😒That’s not how you do an interview. Cudos to the president and that woman for staying composed. I don’t think I would have in that situation.
@UnitedSoundVideo 3 жыл бұрын
CNN doubled down. It’s what commies do
@lunafringe10 3 жыл бұрын
Acosta Job is to bark at Trump. Xtra bonus for his work
@kevinkatz7027 4 жыл бұрын
"I have to challenge you...." - he should have been thrown out right there... He pretends to be a reporter but reporters are not there to challenge, just ask questions...
@lindastreet2400 3 жыл бұрын
Acosta needs to be refused entrance into the Whitehouse as he is a very disrespectful yo our duly elected President. Acosta. Should be investigated fully. I bet he is on Obama's payroll he is one of the traitors to America. Acosta will do or say anything to make Trump look badly.
@charlesklonaris1422 5 жыл бұрын
@alexj7640 5 жыл бұрын
I Thought yall republican idiots are all about Freedom of speech and freedom of press? And here is Trump starting to ban press Putin style and you are OK with it? there are no excuses, the only reason to remove a press person is if he is being violent causing a disturbance, all he was doing is trying to ask tough questions like press always does, they always want to hold the mic for longest and ask as many questions as they can, If press would walk away every time somebody would say NO, there would be no news my man
@tomfromamerica8042 5 жыл бұрын
@@alexj7640 , sorry man, I gotta disagree with. .. well, EVERYTHING you just said! Your President answered this Acosta fellow over and over again. The "reporter" was rude and disrespectful because he didn't get answer he wanted! Nothing, I do mean nothing, about this exchange even hints at 1st amendment violation. This "reporter" was allowed to ask his questions repeatedly and they were answered... repeatedly. (Have you watched the video??) No repression at all! Let me ask you something. How furious would you personally become if the situation were reversed? If the reporter were working for Fox News and was "asking the tough questions as the press always does" of, say, Michelle Obama in a manner like Acosta did in this press conference, you'd be screaming for revolution, wouldn't you? Be honest. Wouldn't you and your ilk be saying, nay shouting, that the reporter was rude and disrespectful? There would be protests on the streets, burning tires and apoplectic protestors demanding that the sexist, racist and, well, yes, RUDE reporter be banned for life. TYT and David Pakman would would be tripping over themselves to scoop CNN and ABC over the injustice of this disrespect of THEIR point of view. Kinda hypocritical, wouldn't you say? (Think about it for a minute) Ultimately time will tell, but I predict that Acosta will learn to comport himself as a real reporter OR he will be replaced in the White House press corp. This outcome will be the best for the Trump administration, the Progressive Communists and everyone in between. This will be the best outcome for freedom of the press and the values of the USA.
@alexj7640 5 жыл бұрын
@@tomfromamerica8042 Sure tom, yah i watch the whole video... What they should have done is cut hes mic or took the mike away and ended it there. maybe issue a warning saying something like "2 questions per reporter or else we will be asking them to leave the press conference" That's all fine with me. BUT banning reporters is a whole other thing. I would not be furious at all, Fox asked very silly questions to Obama, like " are you a Muslim?" kind or remember the one where the guy from fox asked Obama if hes "Happy with prisoners in Iran" those where pushy questions, but Obama didn't ban anyone, he answered like a man would. Dont get me wrong, im no leftie, i am solid centrist, I respect your vote, and i respect that Trump is the president BUT, yah you right left leaning video would do the same thing if they had an opportunity. Problem is people need to stop defending everything on their party line, and instead be reasonable and fair to everyone. Ultimately, if he gets the access back, I will feel better about the situation, Stop calling progressives "Communists" and life will be good :)
@tomfromamerica8042 5 жыл бұрын
@@alexj7640 , first of all, Alex, allow me thank you for a reasonable and well considered response. I respect that particularly in folks I disagree with. And... I don't totally disagree with you on this and neither did the judge who ordered that Acosta's hard pass be reinstated. I feel that this thing had been brewing for far too long. Both Acosta and Trump were expecting the worst from each other and that's just what they each got. Something had to give. Now Mr Acosta has his pass, but he must comport himself as a respectable reporter to keep it. Now Sarah Sanders and President Trump must continue to answer his hard hitting questions as long as he does behave. Believe me, I understand that propagandists on both sides can be truly infuriating. Dealing with them takes a special talent that I find lacking in The Donald. This is why he hired Sarah to deal with them. Fox News boys can be pretty annoying at times as well, but Obama had a thicker skin. Perhaps reporters on both sides should be reminded from time to time that White House press conferences are a privilege, not a 1st amendment right. To your final point, I could make concessions. I just thought that "Progressive" is the new PC term for "Socialist" and that "Communist" is a nicer term for a Socialist. It would be reasonable to refer to Progressives as Socialists, isn't it? :)
@alexj7640 5 жыл бұрын
@@tomfromamerica8042 And thank you back. I much prefer discussion with political opponents, rather then name calling and Useless arguments. I did not know that he got hes pass back, there for i have nothing to be angry about. It is indeed hard to be well informed today, News on both sides just turned in to bashing machines, there is no information at all instead we just get "he said, she said, hes a dictator, shes a dictator" its so frustrating, We realy need a Solid, none bias, Centrist News organisation that would only bring us news and not "political commentators" aka "propagandists" on both sides. As for Progressives, look, just like Conservatives are divided, so are liberals, There are reasonable conservatives and reasonable liberals, and then there are extremists. Extremists on both sides are dangerous, for the country and economy, Change must be slow, must be rational, Extremists want everything right now right there, and that always end bad Im no socialist, i don't consider myself a socialist, I believe in a free market. But in the same time i see that in US there are things that could be learned from Europe, For instance on the healthcare. I don't believe that single payer healthcare is socialist or communist. On the other hand, i do see problems in Europe with wealthfare, and in particular with lazy people living stress free while government is paying for their Xboxs and TVs, so that is not the greatest thing. I think both continents have something to learn from one another in that regard.
@brianz2802 5 жыл бұрын
That young lady handled herself so well in the situation.
@deborahburroughs8905 4 жыл бұрын
@Judy0007 lol no kidding
@vjsuxujrix9245 4 жыл бұрын
@THE HONKLER she's bot a reporter, she works there, she passes the mic around
@a.mobley4444 4 жыл бұрын
@Judy0007 I would have bust out laughing
@happyputt9709 4 жыл бұрын
@Judy0007 3:40
@ThomasFreestoneInfo 4 жыл бұрын
I would have body slammed Acosta!!! And then sue his arse!!!
@JustMe80564 3 жыл бұрын
Who does he think he is to be talking to our president like that.
@jeremiah939 3 жыл бұрын
a very small man
@MyMontana52 3 жыл бұрын
Just Me I agree!
@glennwallace607 3 жыл бұрын
If he worked for FOX news he would have been fired.
@willacantu2890 3 жыл бұрын
Deplorable...useless unprofessional 'journalist'.
@bat916onminez 3 жыл бұрын
Not worried Trump put him in his place 👍🏻
@lynnedear5425 3 жыл бұрын
I'm glad our President pulled his pass!! He constantly interrupted the press conference!!!
@OneNationUnderGod. 5 жыл бұрын
"they weren't actors, they didn't come from Hollywood" LMAO 😂
@user-rd8vp6nq8b 4 жыл бұрын
When the president tells you to stop talking shut up, that's the president of the United States show some respect
@quincyocean1407 4 жыл бұрын
Respect is a two way street. The title commands respect not the man
@TTORADell 4 жыл бұрын
And if one has no respect for the office of President... then at least they should show some courtesy for the acting President.
@MuNky1022 4 жыл бұрын
@@quincyocean1407 Jim has been rude for ages before, he doesn't have a conversation he pushes his agenda and grandstands. He deserves scorn.
@sueginger381 4 жыл бұрын
Jim Accosta Is nothing But Another Whinny Illegal Like Jordge Ramos ..Thinking There So Above our President Trump and AMERICA and AMERICAN CITIZENS ..Jim Accosta and Jorge Ramos are our Invaders ..There Radical LEFTIST Racist on America and our President Trump ..Now you know why True AMERICANS Middle Class Citizens are Tired of These LEFTIST Media News Groups Antifa GROUPS Jounalist Reporters TV Stations in AMERICA ..
@genemartinez7611 4 жыл бұрын
Chris Roberts he should learn to shut up & not show his ignorance
@tettymarlina7903 4 жыл бұрын
He deserved it cause acting rudely to the Leader of USA in front of all over the world...kick him out from White House & USA
@johncho56 4 жыл бұрын
Should Kick out Acosta. Terrible This guy have never show Respect
@joshuawarren3418 5 жыл бұрын
Jim Acosta is the kind of guy that takes off his sun glasses to look at the sun.
@tommymj8773 5 жыл бұрын
That was trump.
@blasteroid9143 5 жыл бұрын
@@tommymj8773 Trump is 76 yrs old and doesn't use glasses.. I think his eyesight will be okay...
@studiobencivengamarcusbenc5272 4 жыл бұрын
Acosta has never seen the sun of truth
@darrenwise6593 4 жыл бұрын
Which is worse or better than an idiot staring at eclipse on the white house lawn
@genemartinez7611 4 жыл бұрын
Joshua Warren sorry dude that is your GOOF BALL Trumpelthinskin
@ericlawrence9060 5 жыл бұрын
Mr. President sir, you were amazingly diplomatic. Perfectly handled.
@genemartinez7611 4 жыл бұрын
Eric Lawrence Give me a break
4 жыл бұрын
lol ya sure
@NHattier 4 жыл бұрын
@nicolaspadron3167 3 жыл бұрын
Acosta is not a journalist ..he is an arrogant liberal hack.
@Daniel.Hollenfurst 3 жыл бұрын
He got a raise
@blkbelt203 4 жыл бұрын
Love watching these vids Trump ripping into reporters 😂
@buaybuay1857 4 жыл бұрын
It was good 👍
@andromedanative6677 4 жыл бұрын
Trump takes no chit!
@brayangodoy7057 4 жыл бұрын
Me too 😂😂😂
@JTFSIX 4 жыл бұрын
Me too!!!!……love it
@jenjaradat6882 4 жыл бұрын
I do too lol
4 жыл бұрын
"Its a caravan moving towards the border" he's absolutely right, that's being funded by the left and if they get here they will be cut loose to leach off the productive contributing citizens of the US. acosta is not a reporter, he baits and antagonizes. Cut to 2020 and jim is still playing the same game
@NHattier 4 жыл бұрын
Jim Acosta should have been (needs to be) CHARGED WITH BATTERY!
@albertdadzie4567 4 жыл бұрын
Lol I get the joke. Charged with (car) battery.
@georgew.1799 4 жыл бұрын
Albert Dadze battery is a charge my dude. From him pushing away the girl taking the mic
@albertdadzie4567 4 жыл бұрын
@@georgew.1799 You didn't get the joke.
@joemusic2882 4 жыл бұрын
Hahaha 😆. Dramatic
@louisbuzzi869 3 жыл бұрын
@barb8335 3 жыл бұрын
Acota is the reason my family and I will never watch CNN...... NEVER
@Talletc 4 жыл бұрын
How dare he defy the president like that? I don't care what your political affiliation is there must be respect for the office
@johnwayne6927 4 жыл бұрын
Very well said
@johnwayne6927 4 жыл бұрын
Very well said
@garyh3123 5 жыл бұрын
He should have been banned a long time ago
@mycatstoryteller3489 5 жыл бұрын
I agree Trump is a disgrace.
@kdavis1521 5 жыл бұрын
@@mycatstoryteller3489 You liberal whiners need jobs. Far too much free time on your hands.
@mycatstoryteller3489 5 жыл бұрын
@@kdavis1521 poor Melvin. I don't need to work. And no, i am not a liberal. I govern myself. I don't needanyone telling me what to do or to follow him or her. You are assuming a lot of things.
@kdavis1521 5 жыл бұрын
@@mycatstoryteller3489 You don't need to work? You sound like the typical leftist degenerate loser who relies on welfare to get by.
@androidhatsunemiku9667 5 жыл бұрын
@@kdavis1521 XD They're so triggered, it's funny. Oh and all of the leftists are just rich people using race cards and gender cards just to have special treatment, not equality.
@jamesdunn2840 4 жыл бұрын
So classic!!! I love when the President tells it like it is.
@ManuelLopez-hw6ih 3 жыл бұрын
I can honestly thank reporters like acosta, they made me realize what is really going on. And now I'm a proud Republican.
@gloria84073 5 жыл бұрын
a narcissistic actor not a reporter.
@NHattier 4 жыл бұрын
@dotcalm8844 5 жыл бұрын
Send Acosta to interview caravan in Mexico,not France
@StephanieTihanyi 5 жыл бұрын
No France, as in France
@hernanv.2526 5 жыл бұрын
Acost-hack likes to hand-whack.
@elkhair7 5 жыл бұрын
d m I’d rather send our sorry excuse for a leader to be President in Mexico. In fact, you go with him.
@elvaledecolima 5 жыл бұрын
Trump needs to go back to the convalescent home
@wolveslair639 5 жыл бұрын
@@elkhair7 Why would he be in Mexico when he has his own country to protect? Wow Venezuela population is down I'm sure they would take you with open arms!!!
@jeramiahgainey3177 4 жыл бұрын
If I had been her I would have snatched the mike from his hand and told him to sit down and shut up.
@SvTrilogyDoug 3 жыл бұрын
Can't stand Jim or cnn. Kick him out permanently.
@karentamminen9135 5 жыл бұрын
Who is Acosta to tutor the President?? As someone pointed out he is not interviewing the President but rather trying to debate and challenge the President. We are all so tired of Acosta!!
@ameliareaganwright2758 5 жыл бұрын
Who does Acosta think he is?...Noah Webster???
@danferguson71 5 жыл бұрын
Vox, The Guardian, the Hill. All garbage. CNN has become so low. I am sad at that
@bottomgear4028 4 жыл бұрын
"Here we go." 😂😂😂
@Thiccboiz 4 жыл бұрын
“Thank you for telling me that, I appreciate it” 😆
@fordwaters8335 4 жыл бұрын
Jim needed a spanking and he got one here then sent to his room
@seeyalater3147 5 жыл бұрын
I feel bad for the intern.
@keitumetsemabuza9940 5 жыл бұрын
Hey Ya’ll it wasn't bad, just exaggerated
@seeyalater3147 5 жыл бұрын
Keitumetse Mabuza ❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸
@user-kp3be4mr3l 5 жыл бұрын
교묘하게. 빨갱 공산주의. 사기. 위선. 망국. 남한 노예본능 무장해제를 평화로 둔갑시키면서 종북주사파 김일성세습 추종자들아. 쓰레기 매국노적 거짓 위선 말장난. 하지말라. !! 김성태 !!. 임종석 과.문정인. 김정은. 문재인 서로 쌍둥이 발언들을 되씹으면서 내통중이구나 !!.. 통탄스럽다..!! 부칸 너희들은 지금까지 국제적으로 부칸내부적으로 거지본성과 깡패 양아치 말바꿈 남속임을 전략전술로 미화시키면서 본능으로 상대방 죽이고 앙탈부리며. 무조건 약탈과 협빡. 위협.살인. 거짓 위선.빼앗는것에만 익숙해 왔다.강한자에 약하고 약한자에 강한 공산빨갱사상과 행동 완전 쓰레기짓이란다. 남한의 매국노 이중인격. 성격장애. 정신병자들을 아첨자들 포섭하여 종북 쓰레기 빨갱들 양성해서 더더욱. 상대방. 남의것들. 피빨아먹는것에만. 눈이 빨게 혈안이. 되어있지..!!지구상에서. 중공 쏘련 부칸. 공산주의는 박멸 되어야한다.. 너희부칸 잡종 들은 스스로를 돌이켜봐라...!! 공산주의 빨갱 주사파 종북 3대세습체제 신봉자 주사파 빨갱 쓰레기 문재인 문정인 임종석 임수경 송영길 박원숭 외 너무 많아서. 숨이차다. ! 총괄 빨갱 골수분자들 현정권. 남한. 각부처 요직 곳곳에 심어놓코 송두리째 남한을 흔들며 매국행위인지도 모르고 공산화 시키는. 너희 공산주의. 종북 주사파들아! 그러케도. 남한. 너희 조국. 태어난곳이. 싫었더냐?제발 정신좀. 차리자. ! 현내각 빨갱쉐끼모두들. 너희가 조선말내각 일본에 매국역적처럼 남한을. 부칸에 들어바치는것이 역사에 남을일을. 하는것이냐.! 스스로에게. 물어보아라..지금 너희들이 하는. 행위들을...너희들중엔 정신적 변화도. 없더냐?? 야 이. 식민지 노예후손. 일제 식민지 매국노 쓰레기. 후손 쉐끼들아.너희들은 부칸 김정은과 부칸의 숙청백성 살인백성 배곪는백성이 보이지 않터냐? 부칸 현실정이 그러케도 보이지 않터냐??남한을 부칸에 들어바치지 못해. 안달나고 남한을 송두리째 넘기려고 지랄 발광을 떠느냐? 야 이. 음식물 썩은물 쓰레기 빨갱 쉐끼들아. 거울에. 빨갱 너희 족속들의 얼굴을 다시한번 비춰보고. 이름들을 모두 빈공책에. 써보아라.!! 너희들 썩은 대가리가. 그러케도. 안돌아가느냐?일제식민지노예. 후손놈들아.제발 정신좀 차려라!! 너희들. 공산주의 빨갱. 주사파 쓰레기들은. 정신적으로. 성숙이. 않되고 성장이. 멈추었더냐.!!.정신감정이 필요한 정신적으로. 노예습성과. 잡혀살아야만.알아서기는 지렁이습성과 기어서 살아야만하는 정신병적인. 속성. 기형아 정신으로. 근본. 태어 났느냐? 지만원. 박사님. !!!공산 빨갱 주사파들을 정신병적. 연구를. 해줘 보십시요!! 남한을 그러케도 부칸에 넘겨주고 싶더냐!!이순신장군을 기억하고 일제식민지 노예시절을 기억하고. 625때의. 남한자유를 지키려고 국제적 청년 남한의 청년들 너희놈 아버지 어머니를(할머니 할아비세대) 기억해보아라!! 너희들 종북 부칸 중공 쏘련 공산주의가. 그러케도. 죻터냐??너희들대가리엔 도대체 뭣이. 들었더냐!!똥이냐..쓰레기냐.!!..전국에 쫘아악 깔린. 빨갱 쓰레기들을. 보아라. 이제 남한이. 풍전등화 부칸에. 거의. 공산주의 부칸에 95%먹히고. 소화직전에 와있는데. 어찌하여. 너희들이 앞장서서. 남한을. 5천만 민족을. 몰살 멸렬. 시키려. 부칸 공사주의 3대 독재. 너희들. 신봉자 부칸. 김정은 히틀러에게 남한을. 떠먹이려. 드느냐!!그러케도. 김일성이. 죻터냐. 같이. 따라서. 자멸하고. 목을. 메어라!!! 너희 종북 공산주의. 부칸 중공 쏘련이. 그러케도. 죻터냐..!!.너희들. 몽죠리. 다긁어서. 부칸으로. 이젠. 가라..그러면 김정은이. 너희들. 무척. 반겨주리라..너희. 종북. 빨갱. 앞잡이들 모두는. 너희가족 친인척. 총살및 숙청. 몰살됨을. 그러케도. 깨우치지 못하겠더냐??참으로. 어처구니없는. 짓을. 어찌하여. 너희들은 앞당기고. 등쉬인 짓을 하더냐!! 남한의 국방을. 스스로 자멸시키고 무장해제하고.종속된 노예로 다시 못들어가서 안날나고. 이리저리 말돌리면서. 국민을 속이고 위선에 떨며 오로지 북한에 넘기려 공산주의 방식으로 남한사회를 요리해가면서 맞춤행위를 하는 너희종북 빨갱 주사파 암덩어리들을 그레도 지금껏. 골수빨갱완장부대매국놈들을 살려두고. 호의호식하며 남한의 정상 공무원자리로 올리려고 살려두었던. 간첩빨갱 종북. 쓰레기들을. 살려두고. 남한을. 이러케 그레도 먹을걱정없이. 이끌었던. 전정권. 이승만. 박정희 대통령과 전두환대통령들이. 너희 빨갱 종북 쓰레기들의. 빨갱씨들을 골라내지. 않코. 이러케. 빨갱번창됨을.. 이제와보니 원망스럽고 통탄스럽다.!! 지만원 박사님. 촛불. 시위때와. 세월호사건 도. 앞에서. 주동한. 빨갱놈들. 북한 특수군일것. 같고 힘드시겠지만 . 518. 광수들.처럼 쬐끔만 작업을. 하시면. 어떨런지요? 아울러 518 발포명령도. 북한 빨갱이들이 중간에 껴서 명령하고 남한군부개혁 혁신 정권과. 박근혜정권에 뒤집어 쒸우는 것도 예상 추리하여 밝혀봐 주십시요.!! 북한. 중공 공산주의 수괴들과는. 합의와 조정필요없다. 무조건.몰살을 시켜라 곧바로 쳐라..!!!선의의. 민간인 숙청 30만명을. 굶기고. 고문하고 살인. 도살. 학살하는.같은 민족을 노예로 부리며 방탕생활하는 수뇌부들을 봐라. 현상황을. 직시하라...!어떠케. 협상이. 있을수있나!!만약 부칸. 중공과 협상하여 대충 봉합 한다면. 미국은 더이상 이러한. 마무리. 봉합기회가 없을것이며. 부칸이 is및반미단체에 계속적 판매 대중화되어. 더이상 소형핵폭탄이 전세계. 즐비하여. 미국은 소형핵폭탄으로 테러및 공격을 받을것이며미국자체가. 멸망하고 없어질것이다.!! 미국에게 마지막 경고이다! 당장 쳐라 그길밖엔. 답이없다.!미국은. !칼빼어들었으면 쪽팔리게. 추잡스럽게. 마무리하지 말라.!!! 국적도없는남한내 각종 민간 빨갱이단체들 !간첩 좌빨 국회의원들.및남한내 이미 종북 빨갱집단에 장악되어 뻗쳐있는 각종.변종 거머리 수뇌공무원 통일부 국방부내 빨갱종북 간첩.장악완료된 방송 신문사 국회 국정원 사법부 통일부. 모든중앙 지방 행정관청.전국각종.노동조합 전교조. 전국주요 공무원 요직. 남한 곳곳. 구석구석 전지역 장악중.남한정부가 남한내의 북한 종북 빨갱간첩 단체와 완장 행동부대원들 을 전혀 관리 파악하지 못하고 전국에 간첩 조직망들이 쫘아악 깔려있다!.종북 좌파 국방부내 북한 매수자득실득실 넘치고 국방무능의 단적표현이라고 본다! 북한땅굴이미 남한 전역 군부대 및 지하철역 완전 점령함.!꼭두새벽 남한군복. 민간인복. 입고. 기습침투. 우파리더들 군인들. 포로및. 총살. 몰살. 시킴. 타이밍만 노리고있다! 남한내 종북공룡세력 북한에 활용 이용당한후 최고 먼져 모두숙청 총살 사형몰살 시킬것임.북괴종북빨갱 남한 적화 풍전등화임제2월남꼴됨.!!!통진 새민련 더불당 민주당 빨갱 완장. 행동부대원들. 사회주의 좌파. 진보.사람중심 인민민주주의 .주사파..전체주의...앞으로 이런,어정쩡한 단어쓰지말고. !!!공산주의와.김일성.추종자.라고. 단어를. 통일하라.!!.남한. 종북.언론 쓰레기.식민지. 노.예 후손 쒜끼들아!!..어정쩡하게. 분칠하지말라!!.김정일 김일성 추종자들. 김일성. 북한 성폭력. 세습체제.까지.닮는구나!!!역시. 빨갱. 좌파 공산주의. 수장답다.!공산주의빨갱주사파 노동당2중대들 어서빨리조선1대식민지노예. 남한2대를 어서빨리 식민지 노예로 중공 북한에 갖다바쳐라.!북한 노동당2중대 김정은 부칸 추종자들. 주사파 잘한다!..남한 넘기고. 바로 고시점이 너희 공산주의. 친중공 종북자들 곧바로 부칸 김정은 대통령한테. 몽죠리. 긁어서 총살. 사형이닷!꼴통정신. 음식물. 썩은 쓰레기쉐끼들아 ! 꼴통미국은 하루빨리 공산주의 수괴 빨갱 중공 부칸남한내 주사파정부 김정은 추종자 쓰레기들 박멸 멸족시켜라.!미국은 말로만 떠들지말라!! .당장 실행하라.!!중공 부칸음식물썪은 쓰레기들을 즉시 폭파하라..!! 국회안에서 나라팔아먹고. 부칸. 김일성. 정일 정은 세습 찬양및. 추종자들. 남한돈 거져 씹어먹고. 부칸인권은 개돼지 만큼 생각하고 오로지 부칸 중공쏘련만 찬양하고 남한개돼지 스스로판단 못하고. 일제 식민지 노예 후손남한쓰레기들 거머리. 바퀴벌레같은. 음식물. 썩은. 쓰레기들. 빨갱 부칸 및 공산주의 찬양 국회의원들부터. 박멸. 멸종하고. ..하루빨리 전국 빨갱 년놈들도. 모두 사멸. 박멸시키고. 빳지도. 박탈 시켜라.
@isitoveryet9525 5 жыл бұрын
@@keitumetsemabuza9940 agree, it really wasn't anything, Acosta was just being a baby. The biggest problem I have with the whole thing, is the blatant disrespect by CNN for this administration. When O'Reilly used to go against Obama, the msm would go bananas and he wasn't even close to Acosta behavior. The hypocrisy is what's most infuriating.
@bringmeyourweak 5 жыл бұрын
@@keitumetsemabuza9940 agreed, but he's denying it happened.
@robertferguson3342 4 жыл бұрын
If I was in charge Acosta would never be allowed back in to any interviews ever
@tonytackett3843 4 жыл бұрын
Who else would like to see a comady roast of Acosta ?
@itztocaminnie6576 4 жыл бұрын
Poor Acosta,he didert like being a nobody,
@elainemartin9001 5 жыл бұрын
Not Acosta's role to DEBATE the President!
@jokerswild4577 5 жыл бұрын
@dylanrussell3704 4 жыл бұрын
Lol I got a Luvs ad also. Seems Jim really is a baby, hell even KZfaq agrees!
@USA982 3 жыл бұрын
The reporter woman should sue CNN for pushed down when she try to get the mic
@Garapetsa 5 жыл бұрын
They need to pull April Ryan's too.
@Garapetsa 5 жыл бұрын
@John southern I agree...but Ryan tries to slam with racist bait commentary.
@jeffeckberg4099 5 жыл бұрын
H Pn that would be racist.😁
@benc5152 5 жыл бұрын
@John southern April cites articles from *the Root* and asks race baiting questions. The polar equivalent to this would citing articles from AmRen. Ryan is entirely irresponsible should be ousted immediately!
@Garapetsa 5 жыл бұрын
@@jeffeckberg4099 I bet she'll be saying just that next week. Trump said more reporters will be banned. Now, their networks aren't..CNN will just replace Acosta..
@roberttreasure1986 5 жыл бұрын
@@Garapetsa CNN will just keep replacing rude reporters with more minorities and then claim Trump is racist. Their history shows their play book.
@tokisumi1621 5 жыл бұрын
Oh my...aint he aggressive and rude
@GianzSSD 4 жыл бұрын
Jim Acosta “is an overgrown infant” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@daviddarkstonedtv9775 4 жыл бұрын
I love that he actually was about to go get the mic himself then he stopped himself but he was about to get off the stage, I love this and that would have been amazing television!!
@dorianshadesofgray2981 5 жыл бұрын
Hi should have his press pass removed permanently
@contemporarymale 5 жыл бұрын
CNN should be given the ultimatum to fire him or have all future press access to the White House etc all revoked until they do.
@DT-ds7sc 5 жыл бұрын
should press charge for the assault!
@dorianshadesofgray2981 5 жыл бұрын
sure haul maybe have him back but never give him another question EVER
@youngcnyce 5 жыл бұрын
It should be a permanent ban not temporary
@ReformedSooner24 5 жыл бұрын
I think he should be banned during the entirety of the Trump administration, then he can come back, and get banned again by future president Ben Shapiro
@MrSnyper360 5 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately even this temporary ban will cause more backlash then it is worth. Dems and CNN will have a field day with this calling it oppression of free speech and oppression of the press. The president should simply ignore him. Maybe then Acosta will resort to throwing his shoes or something to that effect.
@pale_saint 5 жыл бұрын
Yes Acosta has had his chances already
@world-traveler880 5 жыл бұрын
Trump the Traitor 🇷🇺
@joelellis7035 5 жыл бұрын
@Marcus Flippen yeah because Democrats are so racially aware when they say that they can't tell one black man from another. Stop being a tool.
@WiseOne. 3 жыл бұрын
“I think you should let me run the country and you run cnn and if you did it well your rating would be great” Boooomm dude!!! Wow! Did Acosta have to put cream on that burn?
@earlybustout8089 3 жыл бұрын
Everytime I flush my toilet and watch the flush spin, it reminds me of Acosta.
@jonathanpasch6604 5 жыл бұрын
Trump WAS wrong about one thing, Acosta represents CNN PERFECTLY!
@lukewilliams6349 5 жыл бұрын
@jfjc5694 5 жыл бұрын
Jonathan Pasch Yeah Jim is an ass. He represents lies!!!!! CNN - Crooked Crock Nonsense
@paulbryant8403 5 жыл бұрын
JFJ C facepalm
@NODAK9 5 жыл бұрын
cuekwe Jones You’re everywhere... why don’t you absorb facts? It changed my life (not that u care). All good bro
@pamsbirding 5 жыл бұрын
@cuekwe Jones Grow up.
@williamrebune5588 5 жыл бұрын
What’s wrong with a President wanting to secure the border
@desean3402 5 жыл бұрын
William R Ebune absolutely nothing.
@frocco7125 5 жыл бұрын
Nothing. But refusing to debate and shaming journalists is pretty shifty.
@desean3402 5 жыл бұрын
Rocco Anders not even refusing the debate. Flat out lying. Everyone wants safe, secure borders. He says that’s not the case. Only his side wants that. The other side is the enemy. Which is ridiculous
@kelvinJustice 5 жыл бұрын
Nothing wrong
@anthonyallen5139 5 жыл бұрын
Nothing wrong if they were really criminals but they aren’t . A true diplomatic humane president would not demonize poor people fleeing danger mothers and fathers with kids and babies. It’s an Exodus much like those in the Bible to these Brown oeople
@actsismmljcorrectlyobeyed6190 4 жыл бұрын
Need to pull Jim's citizenship.
@vicenterivero642 4 жыл бұрын
And send tu cuba
@actsismmljcorrectlyobeyed6190 4 жыл бұрын
@@vicenterivero642 Right!
@actsismmljcorrectlyobeyed6190 4 жыл бұрын
@Shawn Bradley Heck yeah!
@dalebailey4117 4 жыл бұрын
I'd like to see him yanked out of the briefing by white house security.
@DANLAROCA-dx9gk 5 жыл бұрын
Jim Acosta was never a journalist. A journalist asks questions and then writes down exactly what was told, without adding or taking away to fit a narrative that is intended to mislead. Jim Acosta is an activist posing as a journalist and nothing else.
@AnimeAmvStar 5 жыл бұрын
So using the words of the President isn't news? Trump says one thing one day and then denies it the next is okay? Acosta might be in the wrong for trying to hold the mic but at less CNN and most if not all of the journalist i watch and read have been honest and told the truth. This president is has lied more times than any other. Where's that suppose mid class tax cut?? Oh he's going to change the 14th with a president order when you need Congress to do that. PLS wake up and learn how the country work and learn to be willing to search for the answers.
@jamesneilsongrahamloveinth1301 5 жыл бұрын
DAN LAROCA, Agree with your assessment. If you make the assertion, 'It's not an invasion' (in response to Trump's characterisation of the caravan) you are not acting as a journalist. A journalist would have said, 'Many people are of the opinion that it's not an invasion' (or something of the kind). Acosta is a control freak, evident also in his treatment of the official who sought to relieve him of the microphone. The lady was clearly shocked. Trump too is a control freak and attempts to fight fire with fire so he forfeits the moral high ground. Unedifying on both sides . . .
@billshafter8216 5 жыл бұрын
@@AnimeAmvStar You're telling US to "wake up and learn how the country works". Thanks for the advice. But I'm getting a 20% tax break next year and I'm a very low wage earner right now. I know how that works? I also know that everything being said on the internet is always shaded. Trump may be able to pull some legal maneuvering to change the face of the 14th amendment, but unlike you I don't play a Constitutional attorney on the internet and am not entirely sure if he can or can't. When it comes to the law and attorneys I never bet on anything.
@Patrick-ki6nq 5 жыл бұрын
Acosta should not be allowed back.
@nofooksgivenlmnop9920 5 жыл бұрын
Ace Millner Get the fook outta here
@NODAK9 5 жыл бұрын
NoFooksGiven LmNoP Agreed!
@boondoggled1 5 жыл бұрын
@victorsalinas4666 5 жыл бұрын
Hopefully they don’t let him back
@rde1972 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah ban the press except Fox. We need to be more like North Korea.
@Jimlu691 4 жыл бұрын
“They werent actors” lmao
@Earth2Flo-v6f 3 жыл бұрын
The reporter is rude and out of line.
@Xmanics 5 жыл бұрын
The first words out of Acostas mouth "Thank you Mr. President, I want to challenge you" Says it all.
@ryer.2922 5 жыл бұрын
I agree with you
@paco7669 5 жыл бұрын
But that’s his job, to challenge the president and our government
@Vvk732 5 жыл бұрын
Astrosaur he said he wanted to challenge him on a statement that he said and how he characterized immigrants.
@Vvk732 5 жыл бұрын
And what’s wrong with questioning him on him on his campaign, this is a democracy.
@pale_saint 5 жыл бұрын
Road Warrior no it’s not. That’s not the job he’s supposed to do right there at the WH
@wisdomrules8474 5 жыл бұрын
A REAL "reporter" does NOT START a question with "I want to challenge you on.." and then proceed to give liberal talking points and argue with the President of the United States! WTH??!!
@Deepsouth34 5 жыл бұрын
Wisdom Rules he’s an activist, just barely right of antifa. He’s absolutely not a journalist. And NOBODY loves this more than Acosta. His career was dying and this blew life back into it. Extended his career by 6 months.
@goosecouple 5 жыл бұрын
Acosta is a typical spoilt kid hiding behind the communist no-spanking law for protection. "I'm just a spoilt kid. You can't spank me. I'll call the police."
@cme5821 5 жыл бұрын
They're supposed to ask questions to help inform the public. Is Acosteen aware of his job duties? 😱😱😱Or is he just stupid, or a dull man? He makes CNN tv look bad, and to be avoided . 👎📺👈👢Cnn👈 Lol
@tonyd3768 5 жыл бұрын
That shouldn't be a problem if OUR president had a brain
@havocvalour2448 5 жыл бұрын
Wisdom Rules Acosta began framing his question before Trump repeatedly interrupted.. the question wasn’t even asked. Trump does what he does best. He muddied the waters before trying to slip away to someone else. Refugees seeking asylum are not invaders.. Notice how right wing news outlets have dropped the story now that the midterms are over?
@djbeezy 4 жыл бұрын
I love how when the president walked away from the podium like he was going down there ocasta sat down like a child.
@caden8986 3 жыл бұрын
Trump: "You and I have a difference of opinion." Jim: TRIGGERED!!!!
@g-ridez1460 5 жыл бұрын
Well as a Dems point of view after seeing the whole video he (Jim) should have let it go.
@meastonjohnston2854 5 жыл бұрын
OMG RUSSIAN BOT Just kidding. Nice to see reasonable people on both sides.
@sanchez5542 5 жыл бұрын
Trump supporter in disguise 😂😂😂
@mspixiedust100 5 жыл бұрын
@katherineheimnick8363 5 жыл бұрын
@katherineheimnick8363 5 жыл бұрын
@barcrrt850 5 жыл бұрын
Jim Acosta thinks he's the only guy on the planet. Look around you Jim. All those other journalists deserve some time from the President. Get over yourself!
@androidhatsunemiku9667 5 жыл бұрын
Boom! Jim needs ice for that burn
@IsuruKusumal 5 жыл бұрын
yeah, everyone else 2 questions while acosta gets in none
@barcrrt850 5 жыл бұрын
@@IsuruKusumal He has always abused his privilege. This is a consequence of his behavior.
@IsuruKusumal 5 жыл бұрын
barcrrt privilege of asking questions from the president? Only dictators takes that away from the press
@barcrrt850 5 жыл бұрын
@@IsuruKusumal They all have the same opportunities. He doesn't have more rights than anyone else in the room. He screwed up. He may want to drive 100 mph in a school zone. But there will be consequences.
@boystoyz8922 3 жыл бұрын
If I were Trump he would never get another press pass. Period
@jamiearsenault5779 3 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't let Jim Acosta back at all.
@danielescalante6699 4 жыл бұрын
They wasn't actors hahaha Lol that really got me laughing
@zebfox011 5 жыл бұрын
4,000 of us need to march on Disney World and demand they allow us in! I wonder how that would work???
@shaneschmidt4100 5 жыл бұрын
zebfox011 that’s one of the most stupid things I’ve heard
@aw1087746 5 жыл бұрын
That's hilarious
@lt4773 5 жыл бұрын
Hahaha!!!!! We would end up in jail bc that's a criminal act!!!!!! I don't get how anybody that is semi-intelligent doesn't see the caravan as an INVASION! Some people just lack common sense.
@goosecouple 5 жыл бұрын
Only works for Commies.
@jennakarpe2783 5 жыл бұрын
zebfox011 we should try it
@chrismontreuil2206 4 жыл бұрын
He just wanted to slip in the word "Demonize"
@dr.skymoore2610 3 жыл бұрын
That was incredibly absurd by Acostas. He should never be allowed to interview the President again.
@paulstephenson6286 5 жыл бұрын
What a jerk reported and yes he should be dragged to the curb
@alexj7640 5 жыл бұрын
I Thought yall republican idiots are all about Freedom of speech and freedom of press? And here is Trump starting to ban press Putin style and you are OK with it?
@jtfike 5 жыл бұрын
Alex J the press wasn’t asking a question, they were being sanctimonious. Learn the difference
@ericfisher1203 5 жыл бұрын
Acosta is not a reporter, he’s an agitator now
@whatyouwerethinking998 5 жыл бұрын
The problem is the president says a sly remark and than runs from his own offensive insults and than expects, people not to be phased by it. Mr. Acosta did great indeed.
@dlambethful 5 жыл бұрын
@@whatyouwerethinking998 You are just ridiculous. Most people saw what happened and it was on film, quit trying to defend the idiot.
@muzzer3726 5 жыл бұрын
CNN are activists pretending to be journalists.
@EricWW2000 5 жыл бұрын
Trump is not a President. He is a fraud.
@ericfisher1203 5 жыл бұрын
EricWW2000 Nope, Obama was the fraud...
@pambruner7103 3 жыл бұрын
Why does CNN continue this narrative. What a disrespectful person.
@tom24gr46 3 жыл бұрын
@CarimboHanky 5 жыл бұрын
acosta probably got a performance bonus from cnn after this!
@brianboyer9547 5 жыл бұрын
CarimboHanky pretty much did
@ParmMohan-us6rn 5 жыл бұрын
Very disappointed at CNN, before Trump I thought they were the good guys!
@LiberalsCauseCancer 5 жыл бұрын
I get the impression by the way CNN journalists act, they are told during the onboarding process that disrespecting anyone on the right is the appropriate approach to take... from the outside that is what it looks like at least
@user-kp3be4mr3l 5 жыл бұрын
@Jessica Bella ㄷ
@user-kp3be4mr3l 5 жыл бұрын
@Jessica Bella 교묘하게. 빨갱 공산주의. 사기. 위선. 망국. 남한 노예본능 무장해제를 평화로 둔갑시키면서 종북주사파 김일성세습 추종자들아. 쓰레기 매국노적 거짓 위선 말장난. 하지말라. !! 김성태 !!. 임종석 과.문정인. 김정은. 문재인 서로 쌍둥이 발언들을 되씹으면서 내통중이구나 !!.. 통탄스럽다..!! 부칸 너희들은 지금까지 국제적으로 부칸내부적으로 거지본성과 깡패 양아치 말바꿈 남속임을 전략전술로 미화시키면서 본능으로 상대방 죽이고 앙탈부리며. 무조건 약탈과 협빡. 위협.살인. 거짓 위선.빼앗는것에만 익숙해 왔다.강한자에 약하고 약한자에 강한 공산빨갱사상과 행동 완전 쓰레기짓이란다. 남한의 매국노 이중인격. 성격장애. 정신병자들을 아첨자들 포섭하여 종북 쓰레기 빨갱들 양성해서 더더욱. 상대방. 남의것들. 피빨아먹는것에만. 눈이 빨게 혈안이. 되어있지..!!지구상에서. 중공 쏘련 부칸. 공산주의는 박멸 되어야한다.. 너희부칸 잡종 들은 스스로를 돌이켜봐라...!! 공산주의 빨갱 주사파 종북 3대세습체제 신봉자 주사파 빨갱 쓰레기 문재인 문정인 임종석 임수경 송영길 박원숭 외 너무 많아서. 숨이차다. ! 총괄 빨갱 골수분자들 현정권. 남한. 각부처 요직 곳곳에 심어놓코 송두리째 남한을 흔들며 매국행위인지도 모르고 공산화 시키는. 너희 공산주의. 종북 주사파들아! 그러케도. 남한. 너희 조국. 태어난곳이. 싫었더냐?제발 정신좀. 차리자. ! 현내각 빨갱쉐끼모두들. 너희가 조선말내각 일본에 매국역적처럼 남한을. 부칸에 들어바치는것이 역사에 남을일을. 하는것이냐.! 스스로에게. 물어보아라..지금 너희들이 하는. 행위들을...너희들중엔 정신적 변화도. 없더냐?? 야 이. 식민지 노예후손. 일제 식민지 매국노 쓰레기. 후손 쉐끼들아.너희들은 부칸 김정은과 부칸의 숙청백성 살인백성 배곪는백성이 보이지 않터냐? 부칸 현실정이 그러케도 보이지 않터냐??남한을 부칸에 들어바치지 못해. 안달나고 남한을 송두리째 넘기려고 지랄 발광을 떠느냐? 야 이. 음식물 썩은물 쓰레기 빨갱 쉐끼들아. 거울에. 빨갱 너희 족속들의 얼굴을 다시한번 비춰보고. 이름들을 모두 빈공책에. 써보아라.!! 너희들 썩은 대가리가. 그러케도. 안돌아가느냐?일제식민지노예. 후손놈들아.제발 정신좀 차려라!! 너희들. 공산주의 빨갱. 주사파 쓰레기들은. 정신적으로. 성숙이. 않되고 성장이. 멈추었더냐.!!.정신감정이 필요한 정신적으로. 노예습성과. 잡혀살아야만.알아서기는 지렁이습성과 기어서 살아야만하는 정신병적인. 속성. 기형아 정신으로. 근본. 태어 났느냐? 지만원. 박사님. !!!공산 빨갱 주사파들을 정신병적. 연구를. 해줘 보십시요!! 남한을 그러케도 부칸에 넘겨주고 싶더냐!!이순신장군을 기억하고 일제식민지 노예시절을 기억하고. 625때의. 남한자유를 지키려고 국제적 청년 남한의 청년들 너희놈 아버지 어머니를(할머니 할아비세대) 기억해보아라!! 너희들 종북 부칸 중공 쏘련 공산주의가. 그러케도. 죻터냐??너희들대가리엔 도대체 뭣이. 들었더냐!!똥이냐..쓰레기냐.!!..전국에 쫘아악 깔린. 빨갱 쓰레기들을. 보아라. 이제 남한이. 풍전등화 부칸에. 거의. 공산주의 부칸에 95%먹히고. 소화직전에 와있는데. 어찌하여. 너희들이 앞장서서. 남한을. 5천만 민족을. 몰살 멸렬. 시키려. 부칸 공사주의 3대 독재. 너희들. 신봉자 부칸. 김정은 히틀러에게 남한을. 떠먹이려. 드느냐!!그러케도. 김일성이. 죻터냐. 같이. 따라서. 자멸하고. 목을. 메어라!!! 너희 종북 공산주의. 부칸 중공 쏘련이. 그러케도. 죻터냐..!!.너희들. 몽죠리. 다긁어서. 부칸으로. 이젠. 가라..그러면 김정은이. 너희들. 무척. 반겨주리라..너희. 종북. 빨갱. 앞잡이들 모두는. 너희가족 친인척. 총살및 숙청. 몰살됨을. 그러케도. 깨우치지 못하겠더냐??참으로. 어처구니없는. 짓을. 어찌하여. 너희들은 앞당기고. 등쉬인 짓을 하더냐!! 남한의 국방을. 스스로 자멸시키고 무장해제하고.종속된 노예로 다시 못들어가서 안날나고. 이리저리 말돌리면서. 국민을 속이고 위선에 떨며 오로지 북한에 넘기려 공산주의 방식으로 남한사회를 요리해가면서 맞춤행위를 하는 너희종북 빨갱 주사파 암덩어리들을 그레도 지금껏. 골수빨갱완장부대매국놈들을 살려두고. 호의호식하며 남한의 정상 공무원자리로 올리려고 살려두었던. 간첩빨갱 종북. 쓰레기들을. 살려두고. 남한을. 이러케 그레도 먹을걱정없이. 이끌었던. 전정권. 이승만. 박정희 대통령과 전두환대통령들이. 너희 빨갱 종북 쓰레기들의. 빨갱씨들을 골라내지. 않코. 이러케. 빨갱번창됨을.. 이제와보니 원망스럽고 통탄스럽다.!! 지만원 박사님. 촛불. 시위때와. 세월호사건 도. 앞에서. 주동한. 빨갱놈들. 북한 특수군일것. 같고 힘드시겠지만 . 518. 광수들.처럼 쬐끔만 작업을. 하시면. 어떨런지요? 아울러 518 발포명령도. 북한 빨갱이들이 중간에 껴서 명령하고 남한군부개혁 혁신 정권과. 박근혜정권에 뒤집어 쒸우는 것도 예상 추리하여 밝혀봐 주십시요.!! 북한. 중공 공산주의 수괴들과는. 합의와 조정필요없다. 무조건.몰살을 시켜라 곧바로 쳐라..!!!선의의. 민간인 숙청 30만명을. 굶기고. 고문하고 살인. 도살. 학살하는.같은 민족을 노예로 부리며 방탕생활하는 수뇌부들을 봐라. 현상황을. 직시하라...!어떠케. 협상이. 있을수있나!!만약 부칸. 중공과 협상하여 대충 봉합 한다면. 미국은 더이상 이러한. 마무리. 봉합기회가 없을것이며. 부칸이 is및반미단체에 계속적 판매 대중화되어. 더이상 소형핵폭탄이 전세계. 즐비하여. 미국은 소형핵폭탄으로 테러및 공격을 받을것이며미국자체가. 멸망하고 없어질것이다.!! 미국에게 마지막 경고이다! 당장 쳐라 그길밖엔. 답이없다.!미국은. !칼빼어들었으면 쪽팔리게. 추잡스럽게. 마무리하지 말라.!!! 국적도없는남한내 각종 민간 빨갱이단체들 !간첩 좌빨 국회의원들.및남한내 이미 종북 빨갱집단에 장악되어 뻗쳐있는 각종.변종 거머리 수뇌공무원 통일부 국방부내 빨갱종북 간첩.장악완료된 방송 신문사 국회 국정원 사법부 통일부. 모든중앙 지방 행정관청.전국각종.노동조합 전교조. 전국주요 공무원 요직. 남한 곳곳. 구석구석 전지역 장악중.남한정부가 남한내의 북한 종북 빨갱간첩 단체와 완장 행동부대원들 을 전혀 관리 파악하지 못하고 전국에 간첩 조직망들이 쫘아악 깔려있다!.종북 좌파 국방부내 북한 매수자득실득실 넘치고 국방무능의 단적표현이라고 본다! 북한땅굴이미 남한 전역 군부대 및 지하철역 완전 점령함.!꼭두새벽 남한군복. 민간인복. 입고. 기습침투. 우파리더들 군인들. 포로및. 총살. 몰살. 시킴. 타이밍만 노리고있다! 남한내 종북공룡세력 북한에 활용 이용당한후 최고 먼져 모두숙청 총살 사형몰살 시킬것임.북괴종북빨갱 남한 적화 풍전등화임제2월남꼴됨.!!!통진 새민련 더불당 민주당 빨갱 완장. 행동부대원들. 사회주의 좌파. 진보.사람중심 인민민주주의 .주사파..전체주의...앞으로 이런,어정쩡한 단어쓰지말고. !!!공산주의와.김일성.추종자.라고. 단어를. 통일하라.!!.남한. 종북.언론 쓰레기.식민지. 노.예 후손 쒜끼들아!!..어정쩡하게. 분칠하지말라!!.김정일 김일성 추종자들. 김일성. 북한 성폭력. 세습체제.까지.닮는구나!!!역시. 빨갱. 좌파 공산주의. 수장답다.!공산주의빨갱주사파 노동당2중대들 어서빨리조선1대식민지노예. 남한2대를 어서빨리 식민지 노예로 중공 북한에 갖다바쳐라.!북한 노동당2중대 김정은 부칸 추종자들. 주사파 잘한다!..남한 넘기고. 바로 고시점이 너희 공산주의. 친중공 종북자들 곧바로 부칸 김정은 대통령한테. 몽죠리. 긁어서 총살. 사형이닷!꼴통정신. 음식물. 썩은 쓰레기쉐끼들아 ! 꼴통미국은 하루빨리 공산주의 수괴 빨갱 중공 부칸남한내 주사파정부 김정은 추종자 쓰레기들 박멸 멸족시켜라.!미국은 말로만 떠들지말라!! .당장 실행하라.!!중공 부칸음식물썪은 쓰레기들을 즉시 폭파하라..!! 국회안에서 나라팔아먹고. 부칸. 김일성. 정일 정은 세습 찬양및. 추종자들. 남한돈 거져 씹어먹고. 부칸인권은 개돼지 만큼 생각하고 오로지 부칸 중공쏘련만 찬양하고 남한개돼지 스스로판단 못하고. 일제 식민지 노예 후손남한쓰레기들 거머리. 바퀴벌레같은. 음식물. 썩은. 쓰레기들. 빨갱 부칸 및 공산주의 찬양 국회의원들부터. 박멸. 멸종하고. ..하루빨리 전국 빨갱 년놈들도. 모두 사멸. 박멸시키고. 빳지도. 박탈 시켜라.
@gilbertogarcia589 5 жыл бұрын
F*** Donald Trump
@gilbertogarcia589 5 жыл бұрын
F*** you too
@MichaelS-vy1ku 5 жыл бұрын
There are videos on youtube of compilations of CNN and affiliates reporters continually interrupting, screaming, violently grabbing microphones and insulting the president all throughout his presidency. And they wonder why he calls them fake news.
@hismom8682 4 жыл бұрын
Great video , Trumps reaction to Jim always makes me laugh
@AbiZolanski 3 жыл бұрын
Dude w the glasses was right on the money with the baby analogy. 👍🏻
@milehighed52801 5 жыл бұрын
That jerk had it coming. He was on Strike 3. You're out, Jim. Go run CNN!!! Hahaha!!!
@modelnutty6503 5 жыл бұрын
Castilano a CIA controlled corporate press is "free press"? lmao.
@johnpeasant4802 5 жыл бұрын
Notice how Acosta quickly surrendered the microphone when Trump stepped away from the podium and looked like he was about ready to kick Jim's ass?
@AnimeAmvStar 5 жыл бұрын
I like to see Trump fight he ran from all the other ones.
@showinmissouri 5 жыл бұрын
I thought President Trump might go after Acosta. Frightening moment . Acosta needs to stop needling.
@dylan-5287 5 жыл бұрын
I wanna see the gif of Trump beating up cnn happen real life on Jim Acosta lol.
@johnpendleton2227 5 жыл бұрын
I was waiting (and hoping) for President Trump to sic a couple of SS agents on that moron and escort him out of the room and off the grounds.
@pale_saint 5 жыл бұрын
Acosta only fights against women
@barneychan5571 4 жыл бұрын
Throw him out permanently. Make CNN replace him, or they never get back into WH press core.
@timmo491 4 жыл бұрын
So rude to the President. This is a disgrace!
@lukewilliams6349 5 жыл бұрын
Did anyone else notice when President Trump step to the side of the podium going towards acosta, acosta quickly sit down and handed the mic to the intern. I thought that was priceless.
@jamessanders145 5 жыл бұрын
No he wasn't, he was threatening to leave the press conference. If Trump had left at that point and ended the whole thing early because Jim was being stubborn then he would have had much explaining to do to his fellow reporters. That's why he immediately sat down when he saw that.
@dontdiscriminatehateeveryo9263 5 жыл бұрын
I would have loved to see the President just punch Jim in the face for putting his hand on the intern. I know it would be a terrible thing to do but it would also be hilarious and if something is funny I laugh.
@whatever475 5 жыл бұрын
Yep looked like a WWE character up there on the stage
@saraoswald4257 5 жыл бұрын
Nope he sat down because he didn't want the baby Trump to have a tantrum and leave the conference because he asks hard to answer questions.
@catmrow403 5 жыл бұрын
Nearly LMAO! Never saw a reporter give up a mike so fast! I might say he was a "wussy" BUT honestly he's a "pu$$y"! 😂 What a TOOL!
@salvaallen4631 5 жыл бұрын
Acosta is a Troll... I love when trump said they not actors from Hollywood.
@ParmMohan-us6rn 5 жыл бұрын
I agree, I loved it when he asked Acosta "Do you think they are actors?"
@tolulopedahunsi4380 5 жыл бұрын
same with me, i love that line, do you think they are from holywood?
@plainsman 5 жыл бұрын
Salva Allen - "they not actors"? Your command of English puts you right in Trump's prime demographic.
@fournomore 5 жыл бұрын
Me too. Definitely my favorite part!
@teamaster8686 5 жыл бұрын
They might as well be, Hollywood actors don’t act any better than these illegal immigrants when it comes to disrespecting the US.
@jamesbondiv4072 3 жыл бұрын
Poor lady should've slapped him. If she was a soccer player it would've been a penalty & red card.
@MonkeyDLuffy-fc3qb 3 жыл бұрын
Creepy Joe Biden would start crying in this kind of situation.
@MJ-om5go 5 жыл бұрын
Jim Acosta is so annoying.
@cwp4eva 5 жыл бұрын
Martez Jones uncle tom
@lalo3019 5 жыл бұрын
So is trump
@emmamadison8538 5 жыл бұрын
And disrespectful! I'm so glad he's not aloud in the white house anymore.
@hunterliu6620 5 жыл бұрын
Acosta is only banned for one week? He should be banned for life. He is a fake journalist.
@dorianshadesofgray2981 5 жыл бұрын
I’d like to see Acosta banned indefinitely... I’m sure the world would be a better place without him there
@phuq-off9033 5 жыл бұрын
that aid was awesome who is she? she looked at trump and said i'm gonna get yo mic daddy. acosta should be ashamed of himself how he handled her.
@hollyb6885 5 жыл бұрын
phuq-off I’m sure that vulgar, misogynistic potus would love to have that intern call him daddy. He’s a pig who can’t control his pants.
@hollyb6885 5 жыл бұрын
Whodey! Sounds like you’re proud of being a pig. That’s fine but don’t lump all men in the same category as you and trump
@phuq-off9033 5 жыл бұрын
@@hollyb6885 admit it Acosta tried to man shamed the aid by showing men have more power than women. A man that handles women like that usually frequents prostitutes. Acosta is a real pig.
@hollyb6885 5 жыл бұрын
phuq-off Where did you come up with that Bullsh&t?! Acosta was trying to continue asking his questions. He was very polite to the intern. Trump is the one who treats women like dirt.
@Comrade_Alpaca 4 жыл бұрын
I love how Dinesh was laughing at the clip when he joined in 😂
@teresaqueen4011 4 жыл бұрын
I have never seen a US President treated like this... it angers me... they could get their “Freedom of Speech” in and exercise respect toward our Commander and Chief...or take up residence elsewhere in the world... I’m a Military Brat and I was taught respect... I would pull all of their press badges and put them back in the “Mailroom until they could act like civilized Americans! I respect our President in the way he has handled these attacks...I just do not understand why he has had to from the beginning...
@Rocket9944 5 жыл бұрын
Lol, I've been calling Jim infantile for years!
@elkhair7 5 жыл бұрын
MeatRocket99 Such a coincidence. The majority of the country has been calling Trump infantile and his supporters sycophants.
@bokeembridge7197 5 жыл бұрын
I have been calling him trump the draft dodger for years what a coincidence
@nickmazzola8855 5 жыл бұрын
Keep him out permanently!
@dmd9160 4 жыл бұрын
Acoster living up to the name.
@age365 4 жыл бұрын
imagine the president calling you a rude terrible person 😂
@georgschmidt494 4 жыл бұрын
In stead of having a young lady take the mic from jim have a 6'2'' 220 lbs strong male to deal with a guy like him.
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