Funniest Obscure Metas in Geoguessr

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Add your favorites in the comments!
UPDATE: I've learned that there's several other places in Bangladesh with a dude chillin out the window :( Sylhet man has a hat on, use at your own risk!
Honorable mention for Bhutan phallic art meta
00:00 Hungary tall signs
01:23 Dirty mirror
02:15 Bangladesh dude
03:43 Lithuania blurs
05:00 Iquitos tuk tuks
06:17 Belgium gutters
07:15 Filipino wires
08:19 Indonesia cigarette ads
09:19 Pohang/Seoul backup camera
10:36 Mexican bridge yellow guard rails
12:00 Finland short plates
13:16 NMK green follow truck
14:39 South Chile cabbage
16:10 Uruguay puddles

Пікірлер: 188
@Acidlib Жыл бұрын
“Make sure you can look around and find at least five or six of these weird levitating blurs to make sure you’re in Lithuania” man, travel guides these days have gotten weird
@Free-Asbestos Жыл бұрын
The Belgian gutter spam meta is especially good when you consider that most of the gutters in the Netherlands are built into curbs so that you can’t get your bike’s tire stuck in it.
@proc7520 Жыл бұрын
amazing, common netherlands biking W
@arthurkerkhofs6377 Жыл бұрын
As a Belgian I can confirm that I have fallen victim to this exact thing more than once
@maryelmore478 Жыл бұрын
That gutter tip helped me just a few minutes ago! Nice one.
@lLenn2 Жыл бұрын
As another Belgian, I can confirm this is a load of bull. You can't get your tires stuck in the gutter unless you mangle your wheel.
@arthurkerkhofs6377 Жыл бұрын
@@lLenn2 I meant if you don’t cross the gutter perpendicularly enough, you will definitely nothave a good time
@frogtaste Жыл бұрын
Chilean here, that cabbage is called “Nalca” and it’s a giant rhubarb, the stalk is edible and grows wildly throughout all the south of Chile, starting around Valdivia province down to Chiloe and the places you mentioned. I wouldn’t say it’s exclusive to the zones you mentioned but probably in the game its more common to see them around those areas because they’re more rural and humid places. Nice find tho!
@alejandrocontreras6362 Жыл бұрын
No tenia idea que se llamaba así 🤣
@korpen2858 Жыл бұрын
Rhubarb pie with custard sauce
@longemen3000 Жыл бұрын
We eat those raw, with salt and chili flakes 😍
@efenty6235 Жыл бұрын
Hungarian here. I remember going to western europe and thinking all the signs looking like they were out of a lego set, the first meta is definitely real
@CarlWidegrip Жыл бұрын
A note on the cigarette ads in Indonesia; I've lived in SEA for a long time. In most countries here, the most prolific alcohol brands distribute necessities (storefronts, signs, parasols and so on) for small mom n pops for free in return for advertising, which works out well for the stores anyways as passerbys now know they can stop by if they need alcohol or cigarettes. In most countries this is alcohol (mostly Chang or Leo in Thailand, Anchor or Ganzberg in Cambodia, Beer Laos in guess-where etc), but Indonesia is majority Muslim and most people there don't drink. But they still indulge in their vices, so cigarettes is an acceptable and legal alternative that fills the same producer-distrubutor-retailer model.
@Mobium Жыл бұрын
In Latin America Coca-Cola does the same thing
@pxltr Жыл бұрын
@@Mobium Coca-cola and Pepsi did the same in poland in the 90s and 00s
@thestudentofficial5483 Жыл бұрын
Dude, the amount of chaos we have with just sweet tea is enormous. Can't imagine if alcohol is widespread 💀
@jiggy6486 Жыл бұрын
Another exception is the Philippines, SIM Card (Globe, Smart) and Soft drink (Coca Cola, Royal, Sprite) signs are much more common than alcohol (Red Horse, San Miguel) and cigarette (Marlboro) signs :D but all four can be seen
@thecaledonian7643 Жыл бұрын
I suppose that does explain the higher rates of smoking there, thanks for the explanation c:
@MrSharkFIN Жыл бұрын
The Finnish license plates are indeed shorter than normal EU plates. Only by like 10cm but it's surprisingly noticeable. They're also taller by like 5mm lol
@target844 Жыл бұрын
The size is 442x118mm in Finland compared to 520x110mm in Swedes is 7.8cm narrower and 8mm taller. 7.8cm is 15% of the width of the Swedish plate
@dieterdietert7232 Жыл бұрын
Probably because there arent that much cars and so you dont need that much number-letter combinations as for example in France or Germany.
@limerslimer Жыл бұрын
@@dieterdietert7232 hmm maybe, but here in Canada we use the same ABC-123 configuration as Finland and it looks like we have roughly the same number of registered vehicles as France (35mil as of 2019 vs 38 mil as of last year)
@dieterdietert7232 Жыл бұрын
@@limerslimer Interesting, because there are about 30 million more people in France.
@limerslimer Жыл бұрын
@@dieterdietert7232 I'd assume it's because of better public transit in France, here Toronto and Montreal are really the only places you can get by without a car. Lotta empty space with low population density probably also means tons of people own multiple vehicles.
@nikkob1252 Жыл бұрын
One that has consistently been reliable for me is that if the if you turn around and can see that the google car is a black pickup truck, it's American Samoa
@cjantarctica Жыл бұрын
Banglasesh dude is probably there to lift low hanging wires over the camera with the fork thingy.
@TheEndrass Жыл бұрын
Or holding the camera by himself. Nowadays there are Google Streetmap pictures with Bikes and somtimes they look as whe taken by foot.
@josuaerick9670 Жыл бұрын
8:16 as an Indonesian, those cigarette ads aren't actually supposed to be an ad lmao, they actually just use it to cover their small stores so that the sun didn't hit them, that was supposed to be their main purpose to hang it there, and the cigarette companies see it as a free advertisement so they keep giving them those banner thingy
@hanswoast7 Жыл бұрын
There are lots of countries that have outlawed or restricted advertisement for cigarettes and alcohol, especially in Europe - with some exceptions. I think this could make up for quite some meta around the world.
@josuaerick9670 Жыл бұрын
@@hanswoast7 it happens in Europe too? Wow
@AdamOwenBrowning Жыл бұрын
@@josuaerick9670 In England where I live, all cigarettes are behind the counter with no advertising. They are behind a shutter - the shutter used to display the products inside. Now the shutter is 100% black. If you don't know what cigarette or tobacco you're asking for specifically, you won't get it, because it's not on display nor can you ask to check. Tobacco companies can't add any marketing to their product's packaging. Every pack of cigs or pouch of tobacco is covered in the "You and your children will all die suffering" imagery and slogans. They are all the same colour; a sort of brown-green.
@thestudentofficial5483 Жыл бұрын
@@AdamOwenBrowning for retail chains, it's illegal in Indonesia to display outdoor ads for cigs. The ads are indoors (to notify customer what's available) and the products behind counter. Your usual mom & pops shop is unregulated, however. Children often buys cigarettes and the shopkeepers just assume they're on an errand from their dads to but it (most of the times, yes)
@arturocevallossoto5203 Жыл бұрын
Concerning the Mexican bridges, both my parents are civil engineers and build various small bridges and water barriers in my province in the 80s and 90s. So once they told me about certain construction codes they had to follow. Mexico is a very centralized country so the codes of everything are usually applied nationwide. From experience, a well painted bright yellow guard rail indicates that maintenance has taken place recently. Also, highways rarely have nighttime lights, with the government usually opting for those reflective yellow/black signs and yellow/orange structures that reflect your car headlights. Bridges are also like a big deal. The highway can be complete shit and full of potholes, but most bridges always look pristine.
@tibbygaycat Жыл бұрын
Well I wouldn't want a bridge to collapse but at least a road has the ground too... that's pretty cool!
@Heavysweating Жыл бұрын
This probably doesn't have any practical use, but there is a graffiti that seems to only appear in Finland. It's called "Kirkkovene" (church boat), and it's a pretty crude drawing that's meant to represent female genitalia. While it's mostly drawn in bathrooms and such, sometimes they can be seen in underpasses and within other low-tier graffiti. Best I can describe it is kind of like a closed eye with eyeslashes, that was turned 90 degrees and has a line is struck through it. It basically looks like =(|)=.
@ChelseyK1ng Жыл бұрын
wow, you have now left a graffiti of female genitalia in a KZfaq comment section. And I appreciate that.
@lemmegetuhh8999 Жыл бұрын
haha, I just googled it and we have a similar thing in the czech republic excpet the sides arent round but straight. it represents the same thing tho, usually its called picasso’s sun
@tibbygaycat Жыл бұрын
Good! We have penises everywhere, we need representation for pussies too!
@benana_3 Жыл бұрын
As a Thai, I don’t think the “Filipino wire meta” is that reliable since the electrical wiring in Thailand is terrible and disorganized (wires from electrical poles sometimes hang downward and even touch the street!)
@zi8gzag Жыл бұрын
Great video!
@edving6784 Жыл бұрын
@timgehrsitz3267 Жыл бұрын
My personal favorites are the ones that shouldn't work but do. Like any time we see long words we go "oh, obviously Finland" or if we see a single bicycle we go "must be Netherlands" and it usually is.
@TrolledBy Жыл бұрын
If there is cows, it's Uruguay. If it is completely flat, it's Poland (except when it's France)
@tusk_ Жыл бұрын
@@TrolledBy Lithuania always works for me on the flat rounds
@TrolledBy Жыл бұрын
@@tusk_ The only way I ever get a Lithuanian guess correct is when I see the language. It looks like someone tried to write Latin with Polish alphabet.
@timgehrsitz3267 Жыл бұрын
@@TrolledBy Another good baltic tip is if you see very steep rooves, it's Estonia. I am known by my friends for being great at Estonia even though I've told them the tip lol
@TrolledBy Жыл бұрын
@@timgehrsitz3267 Good to know. I usually get Estonia from gut feeling. The roads aren't as good as in Finland, but still far better than Russia. It also helps that I vividly remember my road trip from Tallinn to Riga.
@edmundas919 Жыл бұрын
Baltic meta: roads are marked every km with small blue sign showing kilometer number, but in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania they are facing different directions. Estonia - perpendicular to road, number on both sides; Latvia - parallel with road, Lithuania - V shaped sign, number on both sides.
@TobeWilsonNetwork Жыл бұрын
This really entertained me. Like I don’t think some people from these countries pay attention to these details, but there’s people out there who hear Bulgaria and *immediately* think “Tall Signs”
@ItsAsparageese Жыл бұрын
Idk how I started watching geoguessr content but this is fascinating and I might have to try playing it soon even though I expect to be hopeless at it lol
@Ianman258 Жыл бұрын
It's fun! I promise even if you aren't good at it you'll have a blast (especially if you choose some of the super specific custom maps).
@ItsAsparageese Жыл бұрын
@@Ianman258 Aww you're so nice 😊 Ngl, I went and signed up right after I commented, but the site wouldn't size right on mobile, so I installed the app but it wouldn't let me sign in right away and made me repeat a tutorial again instead, which was annoying but tolerable except then that part was driving me nuts (who tf can think and look around with a giant cartoon hand taking up 1/6 of the screen and moving constantly? I clicked on the map to make the stupid hand go away but then I couldn't close the map again to look around properly AAAÄÃÀÂÂÄÃÅ) so I gave up and uninstalled it again 😭 If I could just get to the actual playing part I think I'd have a lot of fun, but it was so cumbersome to navigate their site and then frustrating to try to use the app that I didn't really even get that far. Wahhh, kvetch, whine, et cetera. I don't mean to buzzkill your joy about it though, I'm just venting. I do appreciate your encouragement, your comment is very wholesome and it was super kind of you to write it! I love the vibe of the community it seems to attract. I hope maybe some dev will see this comment or my annoyed review of the app, and make it less obnoxious for newcomers to get started. Anytime any app uses big distracting animated pointing hands or arrows or glowing buttons etc that don't go away quickly on their own, it makes me want to frickin' scream, but maybe I'm just old and cranky lol. But with all that said, I'm sure I'll probably try it again on my laptop eventually once my life's logistics are a little different and I'm on laptop or desktop more often! Hopefully it's a very different experience in that format 😆
@mikoajnierada7857 Жыл бұрын
Speaking of Indonesian cigarette meta, it's easier to tell it's Indonesia if it just anywhere says Rp next to some number, you do not have to know if it is cigarettes ad. Only countries that use Rupee and are in GeoGuessr apart from Indonesia are Mauritius, Sri Lanka and India, they are WAY different that you can't confuse them.
@randomperson2526 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I was thinking the same thing as well.
@greenhound Жыл бұрын
when i used to order cigs online from *that* website that youtube will probably censor me for typing, they all came from jakarta. my favourite brand was djarum black and i figured out this meta on my own because i saw ads for it on geoguessr indonesia locations. having random ass ad banners on houses in the middle of nowhere is pretty indonesian as it is though. indonesia tobacco culture is insane
@morismateljan6458 Жыл бұрын
That green Macedonian truck displays an "L" sticker, a learning driver, probably afraid or not allowed to overtake that Google car!
@ImNotFine44 Жыл бұрын
Looking at the bins can show where in Australia you are often cause they’ll either have the state or sometimes the suburb since they are given from the council.
@AyushBahuguna Жыл бұрын
07:58 those look a lot like illegal wire taps, in which case the meta might not be as reliable because there's plenty of far messier jumbles of wire taps in India. They're called 'katiya' in India because they're made by cutting into the high voltage cables (kaat is cut in Hindi). There's a documentary on the phenomenon called Katiyabaaz.
@ztac_dex Жыл бұрын
those are normal wires here, slums here have clustered meter adjacent to major road to prevent theft, they're called 'jumpers' here tho
@matthewstables46 Жыл бұрын
nice video! i watched the first half earlier today and used the bangladesh dude meta lol. keep up the work man, great content.
@jaspinko Жыл бұрын
Nice metas! I haven't heard of most of these before.
@lebrigand4115 Жыл бұрын
Uruguay also has lots and lots of small patches of woods. You can often see them on the horizon.
@prodbyANT Жыл бұрын
My meta is look for signs with the city and country's name on them lmao
@Nooticus Жыл бұрын
Very very entertaining video, even as a geography nerd who doesn’t even really play geoguessr!
@Elyro Жыл бұрын
Great video brotha, keep it up.
@markastyan Жыл бұрын
Great video man
@StuffandThings_ Жыл бұрын
14:55 That would be some species of Gunnera, a plant genus with a Gondwanan distribution (basically southern hemisphere regions), but is particularly notable for its South American species. They tend to like very wet, moderate climates and so are quite abundant in temperate southern Chile.
@letti4285 Жыл бұрын
Great video Mr. Proc
@riddlydiddlyimawantedmanin4442 Жыл бұрын
great video idea mate
@endoline8221 Жыл бұрын
please do more of these
@kiyote437 Жыл бұрын
Speaking of road signs, the signs in Wisconsin, U.S. have wooden posts, while most other states have metal posts. That might be useful to know.
@Aksuloid Жыл бұрын
Finn here: Our plates are indeed tiny, since the format for license numbers is 3 letters, dash, 3 numbers, so only 6 characters.
@blakehagins3069 Жыл бұрын
You can also get the guy on the Bangladesh car in Barishal. I think in Sylhet and Barishal the guys are on the left side, and in Rangpur he is on the right side.
@rosshoyt2030 Жыл бұрын
When he says "it's not the most useful thing in the world" you know he means that literally 💀
@hmr1122 Жыл бұрын
Signs here are tall because there is a lot of fast growing greenery next to the roads, especially in rural areas so height is standardized to prevent accidents.
@KodiakGG Жыл бұрын
@sethsoarenson7414 Жыл бұрын
I usually know I'm in Mexico because everything is in sepia
@parrazarre1773 Жыл бұрын
I feel like small cities in France have a lot of gutters as well compared to medium sized cities unlike Belgium where it's more frequent everywhere
@meowmeowmeow400 Жыл бұрын
great vid. just subbed B)
@kasperrolandpagh8162 Жыл бұрын
Fun concept 🙂
@whynotll83 Жыл бұрын
I guess the blurring is caused by the system thinking there is text in the walls, usally they block text like in license plates.
@hanswoast7 Жыл бұрын
It might also be raindrops on the lense or something else entirely :)
@AvenDonn Жыл бұрын
Mexico is yellow meta is just proof Breaking Bad is realistic
@AsdfAsdf-uo1rj Жыл бұрын
Galicia Horreos are my personal favorite. They're small granaries that look like churches that basically every rural house has. Instantly recognizable, and they're only found in Galicia, northwest Spain. Makes differentiating this countryside from Portugal, other places in Spain, South France, and even Italy super easy.
@hanswoast7 Жыл бұрын
Nice one. Thanks! There is a similar meta in Norway with granaries :)
@Gameboygenius Жыл бұрын
I discovered the Indonesia cigarette meta on my own after watching Asionometry's video "Crony Capitalism Built Indonesia's Biggest Business Empire". The channel is a video essay channel, and the video is (among other things) about the industry of Indonesia's kretek cigarette. It's a clove laced cigarette and most of the ads are probably for kretek.
@greenhound Жыл бұрын
i love indonesian kretek cigs, i got one of my first indonesian rounds once when i started playing because i saw an ad for djarum black which i've ordered before lol
@zanews23 Жыл бұрын
Those have gotta be way more unhealthy than even regular cigarettes. Without looking at the stats, I’d guess it has a similar effect on average lifespan of Indonesian men (since I’ve heard women there smoke them way way less) as vodka does on the average lifespan of Russian men. i.e. making them way shorter than the women’s average lifespan in those places. What a plague to have on a society.
@flickshotzr1852 Жыл бұрын
great video, I have a bunch of obscure Argentina metas I might post a video on it tbh
@saltslug1386 Жыл бұрын
@chelz25 Жыл бұрын
Amazing you should do more if you have
@maryelmore478 Жыл бұрын
Lots of good info here especially for a new player trying to learn all the meta. What map are you using showing the specific google maps coverage down to the road level?
@proc7520 Жыл бұрын
its just regular google maps, the coverage shows up when you click the little yellow guy in the bottom right corner!
@maryelmore478 Жыл бұрын
@@proc7520 cool! Thanks for that. Not sure how I missed.
@matejnovosad9152 Жыл бұрын
It is insane that I knew more than half of these
@OsefKincaid Жыл бұрын
90% sure I've seen guardrails like these in Colombia and 60% sure I've seen them in North Argentina as well
@rozkaz661 Жыл бұрын
Geoguesser players will in the future campaingn to preserve endemic plant species around the world to not ruin cabbage metas
@recordermann_972 Жыл бұрын
nice metas
@Kukaa Жыл бұрын
i haven't seen many people mentioning the orange sign posts on belgium like the one you saw at 6:38, i think i've only seen it on that country
@CheddarmanGeo Жыл бұрын
Sibiu houses, Aberdeen having everything made of granite, Parana tiny lamps are some good ones :)
@proc7520 Жыл бұрын
Sibiu houses already on the list, thanks for the others! Will check it out!
@dansudansouth2501 Жыл бұрын
w dirty mirror. im kyrgyzstan man
@biffstar42069 Жыл бұрын
The guy sitting on the back of the truck in Bangladesh looks like he's holding the tool they use to lift low hanging wires for high vehicles
@yayache1 Жыл бұрын
As soon as you zooomed in on Iquitos I just knew you were gonna mention tuk tuks. I was there in January and streets are full of those, 0 regulation and complete chaos. Cool city tho
@Jo-de3st Жыл бұрын
Another place that has a ton of yellow metal tube guardrails on bridges is Sardinia, especially all the tiny bridges over rivers and reservoirs or channels near beaches.
@burritodog3634 2 ай бұрын
those filipino crazy wires crack me up! definitely something to remember. also, does it rain a lot in belgium? maybe that would explain the gutters.
@nunyabiznes33 Жыл бұрын
Romans seeing the thumbnail: *nods in agreement*
@RubyPiec Жыл бұрын
what's the Bhutan phallic art meta mentioned in the description?
@proc7520 Жыл бұрын
thats pretty much it--bhutan has a lot of phallic imagery painted on buildings.
@RubyPiec Жыл бұрын
@@proc7520 lmao are they literally part of their culture
@Schmungle Жыл бұрын
Wtf did I watch the whole video and subscribe
@matts.6234 Жыл бұрын
I don't play geoguessr a lot, but a note about the Filipino wires: don't use that as the exclusive sign for a country. When I was in Guayaquil, Ecuador, some of the wires in the city looked worse than the Filipino wires.
@Mono_Person Жыл бұрын
What is this competitive e-sports geoguesser scene I have stumbled upon?
@user-zy8cy6hn6o Жыл бұрын
As someone who commutes by biking those Belgian gutters freak me out. That's just asking for people to get injured
@wisnoskij Жыл бұрын
First idea for sign height it that it might correlate to snow fall
@tonogram Жыл бұрын
bros eyebrows move between zip codes 😭
@FroggattDouglas Жыл бұрын
Yeah, wires in Cambodia, especially in Phnom Penh, are very messy as well
@cacc991 3 күн бұрын
one worth mentioning is the gauteng/johannesburg abortion ad/penis enlargement pill meta. a lot of the time around there the poles will have abortion/pill ads stuck on them
@thulyblu5486 Жыл бұрын
I expected Bhutan Dongs from the thumbnail, am disappointed by this clickbait. Not even joking.
@AlternativeMeals Жыл бұрын
Vietnams wires are as bad as the pillipines
@zethyuen8859 2 ай бұрын
Can you keep posting these bro? Thanks
@tbott1061 Жыл бұрын
when you tried to demonstrate the Uruguayan puddles in the end you actually left Uruguay and went to Brazil? But helpful tips, thx
@proc7520 Жыл бұрын
yep nice catch, its actually kind of a sneaky edit but it cuts to a real uruguay loc as im spinning around
@letti4285 Жыл бұрын
@iWhacko Жыл бұрын
In The Netherlands the signs are tall' too, so you dont bump your head.. also, that hight is pretty common all over europe, not sure why you think thats a hungarian thing.
@lavenderw Жыл бұрын
romanian horse drawn cart meta
@sonwig5186 Жыл бұрын
When I went to Korea I was struck by how disorganized the wires were so maybe thats a tell in Korea as well? Maybe I'm just not used to overhead wires.
@Roshake77 Жыл бұрын
As a hungarian i never knew until now that we had tallboy signs, theyre just normal sized signs to me and the foreign ones look stubby xd
@austinmillerrr Жыл бұрын
Drove through a puddle? Dude, they drove through Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬
@BichaelStevens Жыл бұрын
Baltic signs are very tall too
@blockshift758 Жыл бұрын
As a Filipino i can confirm we don't know wires
@skjorta1984 Жыл бұрын
can confirm about Filipino wires
@TheEndrass Жыл бұрын
The "tall" signs are very common in Europe. You have them at least in Austria, Italy and Germany. The Belgium Gutters, as you mentioned, they are also very common in Europe. You can also find them in Austria.
@greenhound Жыл бұрын
they're good 95% rules to use with a combination of other signals. you'll identify that you're in either romania or hungary, by language, vibe, and the distinct power lines that can only be mistaken with poland then you'll want to differentiate which you're in. same for the gutters, i don't think it's very easy to mistake belgium for austria just on architecture
@Sandvich18 Жыл бұрын
cool profile picture
@Anonymous-ot6hi Жыл бұрын
I suggest you watch John Oliver's episode on tobacco. That explains the Indonesian cigarette ads.
@nackscrack4593 Жыл бұрын
Don't play Geoguesser, but good video!
@renaminginprogress6903 Жыл бұрын
Signs are higher in places that get snow
@orlogskapten4161 Жыл бұрын
South Korea back up light meta seems kinda useless unless you can't recognize Korean. The only places in North Korea that are in Google maps are landmarks, and they might not be in Geoguessr.
@user-cd4bx6uq1y Жыл бұрын
Umm ok
@orionugget2313 Жыл бұрын
I don't know what you mean by tall sign. It's average.
@quasur57 Жыл бұрын
its funny calling regulations and standards (or lack thereof ) "meta"
@aespetic Жыл бұрын
filipino people im sorry but i can't stop laughing 7:47
@Currywurst4444 Жыл бұрын
To me it sounds like "meta" is used in a wrong way. Instead of being "a meta" all of these tricks are part of of "the meta". You could specify further and say something is part of the signs meta for example but a single trick can never be called "a meta".
@SoliaOrganization Жыл бұрын
The real meta is the disconnect of some of these from the real societal implications they have on the people that need to spend their lives there 24/7 and how all we're looking at here is how they help you cheat at a funny internet game.
@LucyKosaki Жыл бұрын
oh yeah, a green truck and shorter license plates, must be really awful to live there
@thulyblu5486 Жыл бұрын
More than half of these aren't even meta. Meta data is data about data... meaning artifacts about how the data was gathered rather than the actual content. 1 Tall Hungarian signs is *NOT* meta, it's actual data about Hungary. 2 Dirty mirror is meta because it's an artifact about how the data was gathered - gathered with a car that happened to have a dirty mirror. 3 Bangladesh dude is meta (see the one above) 4 Lithuanian blurs is meta 5 Tuk Tuks is *NOT* meta, it's actual data about the place. Tuk Tuks are not due to how google gathered the data. It's actual data. 6 Belgian gutters is *NOT* meta, it's actual data about Belgium 7 Filipino wires are *NOT* meta 8 Indonesian cigarette ads are *NOT* meta 9 Korean camera car is meta 10 Mexican yellow bridges are *NOT* meta 11 Finland plates are *NOT* meta, it's actual info about plates in Finland. You say you thought it was fake meta and it is, but only because it's not really metadata but actual data 12 NMK green follow truck is meta, data was randomly gathered in front of a green truck 13 South Chile rhubarb/Nalca is *NOT* meta, it's just knowing about the place and what grows there. Actual data. 14 Uruguay puddles is *NOT* meta, if true it's actual data not meta data. Only 5 out of 14 are actual meta, that's not good. I hope I was able to help people understand the term better since it's not just used in Geoguessr. Have a nice day.
@LeeSpork Жыл бұрын
I think you might be correct, though "meta" is being used here as in "metagame," rather than "metadata." While there is an argument to be made that knowing these things to deduce your location is the actual game of Geoguessr rather than being a meta aspect of it, I think one could still argue that the act of learning these things in this way counts as metagaming anyway, as it is knowledge purely for gaining a competitive edge in the game rather than being things that one would normally know about the locations.
@thulyblu5486 Жыл бұрын
@@LeeSpork "purely for gaining a competitive edge in the game" also known as getting better at the actual game :D I mean, if you get too good it stops being geo "guessr" and more geo "knower" but that doesn't ruin the game for me. Part of why this game is great is because you get to learn more about the world. (instead of getting to know more about how google gathered the data which is so pointless, I hate meta)
@LucyKosaki Жыл бұрын
Like it was already said, this is about game meta, not about metadata. In gaming meta is considered as the "best go-to most efficient" way of playing in a game. Like in a trading card game it would be using a deck of cards that has the highest chance of winning and most consistenly beats other decks. In a fighting game with a variety cast of characters, it would be using the character with the best moveset or fastest or strongest attacks. In terms of geo guesser, the meta would be to know what to look for, which gives you the fastest hints about your location. If looking for street signs is the fastest way to determine a country, then street signs are meta. The metas shown in the video are just mostly for very specific circumstances, like if you already got the region but need more specifics. Instead of walking around and wasting time looking for stuff, if you use hints, it will be the fastest way to win that round.
@thulyblu5486 Жыл бұрын
@@LucyKosaki You're describing the regular game. The word "meta" would add nothing then. Therefore we shouldn't use it in this way.
@conehed1138 Жыл бұрын
Meta stands for "most efficient tactic available", it's a game theory term, has nothing do to in this case with metadata
@itryen7632 Жыл бұрын
0/10, no bhutan
@muhilan8540 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely none of these are “metas” by either of the definitions
@klondike3112 Жыл бұрын
It's a third definition referred to specifically in video games. It's just a word describing an effective and popular strategy.
@muhilan8540 Жыл бұрын
@@klondike3112 yeah that was 1 of the definitions I was thinking about, this doesn’t meet that definition
@klondike3112 Жыл бұрын
@@muhilan8540 Who cares. Nobody likes a prescriptivist.
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