Gaming Spaces Are Becoming Radicalized | My Back & Forth With MightyKeef

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Mike Hollow

Mike Hollow

17 күн бұрын

Grifting is the new favorite word of... Well, everyone it seems. Yesterday I called out Mighty Keef on one of his tweets and we had a minor back and forth. Let me know what you think about all of this.
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@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
Just to be clear in case I didn't make it clear in the video; Grifters DEFINITELY exist. I've covered them on this channel before, but not every single person you disagree with is a grifter. If your FIRST response is to call someone a grifter just because they disagree with you, then I think you're being a silly goose and need to relax and try to have an actual discussion with these people to get a better understanding of where they are coming from.
@Krischaos 15 күн бұрын
Man said silly goose 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@kngwaffler2666 15 күн бұрын
Feng Wei Detected.Comment Rejected
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
@@Krischaos 😂😂😂 the most PG way to word it.
@Krischaos 15 күн бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow I was expecting Pelican but Silly Goose is actually perfect 🤣🤣🤣🪿
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
@@Krischaos nah pelican is when I'm mad 😂😂😂
@noble0155 15 күн бұрын
bruhh mighty keef's twitter is one of the worst discoveries i ever made
@fastvalkary725 15 күн бұрын
I used to see his videos over the years but some of his takes and his constant sjw pandering on twitter is just cringe to see.
@teero121 15 күн бұрын
yeah seriously. idk why twitter started recommending his profile to me but he seems to be addicted to negativity and engages in a lot of stupid discussions.
@quinton21st 15 күн бұрын
Agree, I liked his YT content, but he’s annoying and one tracked minded on Twitter. Had to just mute his account and pretend like it don’t exist, lol
@buttersleopaldstoch5793 15 күн бұрын
I'll just stick to his videos thanks for the heads up
@NetBattler 15 күн бұрын
@@noble0155 it's like you discovered fire for the first time in caveman era
@Pipopowitz 15 күн бұрын
Twitter uses words other people use without knowing the definition. The Twitter servers needs to be launched into the sun.
@Hanzo1 15 күн бұрын
If twitter didn't exist the weirdos would find another asylum to flock to, reddit is just as bad if not worse
@leinad2934 14 күн бұрын
​@@Hanzo1 Yeah at least twitter isn't as echo-chamber'ish as reddit since there's no sub groups or downvote system.
@SpeedyNessYT 15 күн бұрын
People need an online break. A long one.
@Unseensmoke5745 15 күн бұрын
mightkeef is being awfully shambolic
@theamazingrobin927 15 күн бұрын
Keef going crazy lately
Boy that's just crazy
@Evixyn 15 күн бұрын
I used to watch his content a few years ago about his Nintendo content / skits. After his political points from his media and it slowly seeps into his videos, I just stopped watching his content as I did not subscribe for that.
@bulletxwound3559 15 күн бұрын
Ima be honest the quartering and yellowflash are super annoying. Idk if they're grifters but they sure do come off that way. All they do is read articles and act like they're leading the charge against a war. They usually don't even know what they're talking about.
@OtaniNoAsagi 15 күн бұрын
I'd say they became grifters at this point. I think a good amount did.
@irvinmorales1409 14 күн бұрын
They very much are if you ask me. I just ignore everything and play games I find fun.
@Frailty8 15 күн бұрын
During the BLM riots Mighty Keef was like "How is Antifa bad, their name is Anti Fascist" 😭 I muted him after that
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
😂😂😂😂 nah that has killed me.
@espurrseyes42 15 күн бұрын
Maybe gaming wouldn't be so "radicalized" if certain groups weren't constantly infiltrating the entertainment media to try and turn it into a political battleground instead of just letting people making fun games and have fun playing them.
@CyrusIsnt 15 күн бұрын
I been having fun
@CyrusIsnt 15 күн бұрын
I think people read into it too seriously
@Gnolle082 15 күн бұрын
I grew up in a very left leaning family, and I still am very left leaning today, however it's sometimes very difficult for people to realize that just because I am "left winged," i agree with everything they have to say. I have seen many content creators who rage bait using right winged politics, but I've also seen many creators decide to rage bait using left winged politics. Truth is, these people hardly ever care about what you might have to say on the matter, they just want your attention, your views, and more notably, your money. I always encourage people to be open minded, but when I say that, sometimes people get the message that I'm a bigot, which couldn't be further from the truth. People aren't defined by what they believe, they are defined by what they do, simple as that. (Sorry this was all over the place, I disagree with your takes all the time mike, but its the sensibility and middle ground you can find that keeps me coming back.)
@NexusWulf99 15 күн бұрын
I've been keeping up on Mightykeef's antics on twitter as of late, he seems to me like he's one of those fencesitters that speak about a topic that they feel strongly about and if you disagree with them, then they call you those tired buzzwords and poisoning the well. I get that the audience can be swayed by having a different perspective, but it can get really tribalistic when ppl from both sides aiming for destructive dissonance
@N00BSYBORG 15 күн бұрын
I don't think Keef is a grifter. He had some L takes during the Stellar Blade controversy, but in his Stellar Blade video, he poked fun at the hypocrisy of people praising Baldur's Gate 3 despite how much more degenerate that game is. His political stance seems genuine. He just approaches the discourse in bad faith sometimes (e.g. everybody mad about the Stellar Blade censorship is an unwashed psychopath.)
@Impalingthorn 15 күн бұрын
I think that's a really good way of putting it. Everyone has this really strong urge to just label people as a "Something" recently just because it makes it easier to dismiss what they are saying. I think Keef is a funny guy but his comedian ego works against him the moment he dips into politics. PS: Like the Cerebella profile pic.
@DANCERcow 15 күн бұрын
Yes he is an extreme left leaning BLM antifa grifter! A tweet from June 27 after Biden Trump debate he says this. "Trump said Hispanics are coming in to USA and taking Black jobs…. WHAT THE FUCK IS A BLACK JOB???!!" Without providing any video of the comments made nor provides the context to what Trump said and the topic and question asked for such a response from Trump. It comes off as supremely disingenuous and misleading when you consider the question for this response asked to Trump was about the economic impacts of the black communities in America thus the topic is about the black communities and the illegal immigrants taking jobs within and from cities with majority of black people! We know what Trump means since he has left it totally ambiguous regarding "black jobs" and never specified anything regarding what. So when people see this response and come to the conclusion of "black jobs must be manual low wage labor" that says more about the person and their views on black people. So yes you visit his twitter and see his far left or simply anti American loony takes! You'll see he is a part of the problem!
@altart8102 13 күн бұрын
I think part of that bad faith aspect is because of the temperament of twitter and online discourse being kind of extreme. The conversations around Stellar Blade before Keef made any comments were already getting a bit wild from I recall. I saw a lot of extreme takes, so it almost makes it difficult to approach any discourse in good faith when crazy comments are being tossed everywhere on your feed. When Keef made comments during that situation, I didn't think they were that terrible of takes (memory kinda foggy), they just seemed like responses to some of the crazy statements others had already made. I don't really know how to explain it, but it's like...the online temperament can be so extreme that when you jump into it, it's hard to not be pushed or influenced in an extreme direction. It makes people become overly defensive to the point they inadvertently become offensive or bad faith, or get pushed into a tribe/side whether intentional or not, or they just dip out alltogether. And it sucks because online it feels like there's so many bad actors that when a genuine person jumps into a convo, it's hard to even tell or believe their coming from a normal place. It's cursed, man.
@F_r_o_s_t_ 15 күн бұрын
Im so out of touch with the Internet, I legit haven't heard the word Grifting until now 💀, I go to work, come home stream/play games with friends, sleep, repeat 💀
@TyrannusHF 15 күн бұрын
@F_r_o_s_t_ 15 күн бұрын
@@TyrannusHF prehaps it's for the best 💀
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
Stay out of the loop bro. It's happier where you are 😂
@shadowofthenorthstar989 15 күн бұрын
Twitter really made ppl regarded huh
@RockawayCarter 15 күн бұрын
Keef needs to stick to being a funny guy. His political takes are not it chief.
@NetBattler 15 күн бұрын
Are his videos really funny? Even me looking at his thumbnails doesn't make me laugh... instead it gives me a negative aura.
@espurrseyes42 15 күн бұрын
​@@NetBattler When he's not making shit takes about politics or greedy corpos.
@Impalingthorn 15 күн бұрын
Exactly this. He poked his head out of his own territory to try and make potshots against those bringing up the Sweet Baby Inc controversy awhile back while, self admittedly, having NO IDEA what the controversy was about. I'm not saying people are stupid or anything if they aren't up to speed on current events, but people have become FAR too ready to throw their immediate two cents into any given subject while still being as headstrong as the subject's most versed contenders. Mighty Keef straight up doesn't do politics... So he shouldn't be talking about politics. It really is as simple as "Stay in your lane".
​@@Impalingthorn this is facts some of these people are still operating on 2016 news, like why do you have to step into a realm you have no idea about
@valsione38 15 күн бұрын
You're the chillest and probably the only centrist I like, love your vids a lot. I agree that grummz and keef degenerated way too much because of the current political climate, it was interesting at first but now im getting sick of them, i still believe grummz got the craziest interactions like that time a journo tweeted he wanted to hire a hitman to kill him
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
That is wild ☠️☠️☠️ People really need to relax. I am literally standing in the middle watching people massacre each other over nothing. They'd probably be friends if the circumstances were slightly altered.
​@@RealMikeHollow I doubt it, I very very much doubt. I'm not trying to be a jerk here but the truth is a lot of people on the let's call them sjw side of things have been documented doing horrendous things, then when they get called out for it they cry harassment. They are the kinds of friends any reasonable people would want.
@Re-PhantomZero 15 күн бұрын
I am so tired of all of these people refusing to accept that both sides have terrible flaws that the other side doesn't want to accept and rightfully so, both sides are constantly trying to hide their dark side and i can see it clearly. It came to a point that I'm already ignoring a lot of content from people i used to follow because both sides are being unreasonable. People like grumzz and asmongold can be called clout chasers because that's what they really are, they are there to go up and they go where there is controversy, they are completely blind to the flaws on their own side. Both sides live under the idea that the other side will either cease to exist or it will be completely subjugated, that is the reason there will never be a peaceful coexistence between people because such thing will never happen.
@@Re-PhantomZero bro honestly shut up with this centrist I can see everything clearly BS it's nonsense. There's no middle ground with people who would have your hobby burnt to the ground 😮‍💨 losing everything that the enthusiast valued in it.
@SolidSnake240 15 күн бұрын
​@@Re-PhantomZeroI fail to see how asmongold is a clout chaser. Dude just makes videos on topics that interest him. He's never said anything crazy about minorites or women. He's actually really milqtoast and pretty agreeable but people that spend too much time on reddit think he's a "right winger". I'm not a fan just a casual watcher of his content and even I can see this.
@Urbanboy732 15 күн бұрын
4:30 - Made the right call. I knew when I started that KZfaq was too volatile. Kept all my shit unmonetized.
@dhayris160 15 күн бұрын
Legends in the chat?
@comet30265 15 күн бұрын
If your in a community chat about games keep it about the game end of story. If you feel like talking about politics then go to a chat were that’s taking place. How stupid would you feel if your in a chat about politics and you start talking about Ken, Akuma, subzero they’ll tell you to get the fuck out with that shit. Door goes both way’s. I’m 50/50 on mighty keef.
@8minato 15 күн бұрын
Tbh I really haven’t been messin with keef since I saw him supporting DEI in games. I don’t use Twitter but I found out through a youtuber.
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
Ah that's a shame. Obviously if you stand against it, people make out like you don't want minorities in games but that's obviously not the case.
@8minato 15 күн бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow exactly it’s not really only cause he supporting DEI but doesn’t attempt to see both sides and calls people against DEI racist etc. I’m black but I can clearly see the problem with how DEI is implemented and what these companies do. I’m actually scared for them to make another telltale game because telltale seems like a perfect target for DEI🤣
@DMSmith27 15 күн бұрын
​@8minato but also there are actual racist hiding behind that " aw what black main character? what? must be DEI" lol
@DANCERcow 15 күн бұрын
Yeah pal, arguably there is very little people "who are racist" hiding behind DEI criticism lol there is unanimously more apposed to DEI because they aren't "racist" and simply hate the political and ideological push and vitriolic sludge being dumped into the entertainment industry!
@8minato 15 күн бұрын
@@DMSmith27 I mean you can say that about any opinion but you don’t assume because some might be racist. Even if they were racist it doesn’t change the viewpoint it only changes their intentions of the agenda. To make myself more clear even if a racist person is hopping on the train against DEI is bad just because they don’t want a race in the game. It doesn’t really change why DEI is bad only why that person is going along with DEI is bad. They’re just supporting anti DEI for the wrong reasons. But yea I agree some might be using it when it may not be necessary because they’re racist but I don’t use Twitter so I wouldn’t know outside of what’s covered on KZfaq.
@buttersleopaldstoch5793 15 күн бұрын
I ultimately think Twitter should be avoided at all cost I rarely use it these days. The main value I get out of it is looking at arcade sticks
@Faso26TV 15 күн бұрын
It's gotten to a point where the politics are becoming more of a nuisance rather than a beneficial part of the gaming industry. It doesn't help that Twitter literally will have loudmouths trying to portray themselves like they are superior to others. Its their ideology to either clout or recognition of some kind. Like you said, having genuine conversations just doesn't seem to be a regular thing anymore, almost feels like you have to look for spaces to have them take place. And I think that KZfaqrs like Asmongold, Quartering etc as well as their counterparts are also a part of this issue. Due to the fact that parasocial relations are also a part of that. I feel like this should be talked about a bit more in depth as well, perhaps it is time to just completely delete Twitter at this point.
@franciscor390 15 күн бұрын
I am Mighty Keef. No thanks.
@DionPanday 15 күн бұрын
When people say “but games have always been political” I ask them what kind of politics were there in the videogame Pong, and then watch them have the wildest take you’ll ever hear about a game with two lines and a dot.
@maverickhunter8755 15 күн бұрын
I kinda wanna hear some of these takes. Got any examples 😂.
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
I'd be curious to hear what they have to say 😂
@DionPanday 15 күн бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow something about colonialism, I can’t quite remember but it’s unhinged
@UNIT5FAN 14 күн бұрын
Jesus christ have you never heard of games like MGS?
@DionPanday 14 күн бұрын
@@UNIT5FAN I have what does that have to do with Pong?
@rainbowman2184 15 күн бұрын
You are like one of the most normal people I’ve seen. Someone who’s in the middle, hell you probably don’t even want to deal with politics at all because of how annoying and controversial it gets. I wish there was more people like you, but apparently being normal can get you targeted by these rabid animals. Stay golden bro! I’m glad I subscribed to you!
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
Thank you, brother. I appreciate that ☝🏾
@OmniFluxX 15 күн бұрын
I’m definitely one that is very apolitical, I wouldn’t even label myself a “centrist” I don’t care for politics at all and it’s very goofy to see how more often than not political discussion and culture war conversations boil down to name callings, rage baits, and petty/childish behavior. It’s funny to see but at the same time it’s also very disappointing
@Enigmo1 15 күн бұрын
nah mightykeef is definitely a left wing grifter. i never consume his content but his tweets keep showing up on my feed and they're nothing but lazy low effort attacks on right wing stuff. he clearly enjoys the engagement he gets from lazy attacks on the right
@ADukesJustice 15 күн бұрын
You literally can't ask questions to these people or you're automatically labeled some kind of "ist", it's incredible
@Akela_akilla 15 күн бұрын
TLDR; both sides do it. The problem is one side (conservative leaning) is far more easier and more common. ---------------- There is a clear difference between the 2 (at least in the USA) You will not find many left leaning grifters. You obviously have the corporate grifting (I.E target covering their stores in pride merch yet funding organizations that are against the LGBTQ+) but independents/content creators? No where near as much. You will always have people that sell out no matter what though. As for the right I can literally name you dozens off the top of my head. We have an entire ultra right section of politics that aims at culture wars (Kari Lake, MTG, Ron desantis, etc) and only got those positions of powers because of their grift. Also considering that Ultra right politics has been heavily on the rise for the past about decade around the world. The grifting for the right is becoming more and more prominent/common. The difference is that the socialist/left leaning grifters have a set of standards that will always be in contrast with straight up grifting. We are currently in a political battle between democrats and socialist/more left leaning individuals (I.E progressives calls for pulling Biden while hardcore democrats are in support of keeping him). For the ultra right the grift does not have standards. You can use the hard R, you can call people the R word, you can deny mass shootings, you can attribute all atrocities to the gays/immigrants/the education system, etc. This why it is inherently misguided to say “both sides do it”. Is it true that both sides do? Of course. But one side grifts FAR MORE OFTEN and much more detrimental to more communities (EG that girl that dropped the hard R and immediately became a panelist/guest for the AFPAC)
@kode-man23 13 күн бұрын
I’m reading the comments in this thread. Think I’ll just hit this whole channel with a fresh “do not recommend” 😂 This channel just randomly came up on my feed, and I thought it was just about fighting games.
@songoku9348 15 күн бұрын
What’s up Mike? Loving the long videos. Always enjoy listening to your take on things.
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
Thank you, brother and I'm doing good. How are you?
@songoku9348 15 күн бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow Playing some GoT whilst listening. I’m trying to focus more and relaxing and chilling out these days. No point wasting time and energy arguing with others on twitter.
@jjba3553 15 күн бұрын
People are so caught up in the it’s my side vs your side that they forget how to have a normal conversation and think everything is a debate that has to be won
@DouglasBurton 15 күн бұрын
Yeah something about Twitter or almost any comments section is that it's become useless for conversation. Seeing that notification popup gets people heated before they've even read the response. It's a lot of anger and frustration with no where to direct it. An angry comment is usually the only thing that gets them any reply, so they feel like that is the only way to make a connection and get noticed.
@VeggieBakin1 15 күн бұрын
Keef left a bad taste in my mouth when he basically tried to argue me down about Miles Morales and how i think his character isn't as good as people make it out to be.
@__BlankStudios 15 күн бұрын
I wish it was easier for people to agree to disagree but people don't want to be objective. There are bad apples at all corners. All it should matter is if you can hold a civil conversation on a heavy topic without resorting to defaming each other.
@Re-PhantomZero 15 күн бұрын
A fence sitter is a person who always tries to please all sides because they are scared of angering people and being a contrarian. i am not a fence sitter, i have very strong convictions and my moral compass doesn't depend on politics, i have no political affiliation because politics is all an illusion which is why i can see how bad both sides are and I am always calling out both sides, the result is that everybody hates me because i don't conform to their beliefs. While I don't try to appease any side i continue to say that both sides are doing EVERYTHING wrong, and i advocate for everyone to come meet in the middle and discuss what are the good thing on both sides and move forward with those things, and leave the bad things behind, but this will never happen as long as religion is part of those conversations. We need to move forward and that can only happen when people start treating each other as a free human being with the freedom to choose whatever they want and pursue happiness however they want, instead of labeling people as evil because god says so or whatever other reasons, people need to respect personal freedom and that is the only way to a better world.
I'm sorry but you're 100% incorrect, there's no middle ground to be had with people who actively state they hate you. It's not that you're a fence sitter it's that you're most likely not informed, thus leading to you're rationale.
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
There actually is a middle ground, Alucard. Watch the Joe Rogan episode where he had the dude on that went into KKK camps and got them to leave the KKK behind and denounce their rac*st ways. Sometimes there's a road back and a way to understand each other.
@@RealMikeHollow I hear you brother but that isn't a middle ground if we're being honest they completely changed their positions, which is great.
@@RealMikeHollow as a side note because I learnt about this recently some members of the KKK didn't even wanna be there but had no choice as such they they helped black people informing them of some of the plans the the klan members had.
@Re-PhantomZero 15 күн бұрын
@@ALUCARDTWILLIGHT sorry kid you have been misled by the people you constantly listen to. While i understand that there are people who hate us, you must understand that there are reasons for why they feel how they feel, and while i agree someof those reasons are just indoctrination there are other reasons that are more legitimate. Both sides are being manipulated to hate each other just like what is happening between men and women hating each other. Now listen to what you just said, that "there is no middle ground to be had", what kind of outcome do you think that ideology will have if both sides follow that belief? You see if you really think about those words you just said you will see a fatal flaw on the right wing ideology, you believe that somehow the left will either disappear or be subjugated. Do you think that is reasonable? No, that is a totalitarian ideology, and ideology that doesn't want to coexist with the other side. so you see why the left feels threatened? That's why. But don't get me wrong, they are doing exactly the same to us and that is why YOU feel threatened because in their future there is no place for you or me. I am more informed than you and your youtube creators will ever be, you guys are dealing with the realm of effects while I'm already looking at the realm of causality, and i didn't get here by being in an echo chamber i don't care if that sounds conceited, i have put thousands of hours studying all of this. Think well about what i said, I'm not saying you have to bow down to the people who hate you, but understand why they do feel that way and the legitimate reasons why they do, as we have legitimate reasons for feeling the way we do.
@TheTrueNarthumpulous 15 күн бұрын
It's just typical age-old, bipartisan malarkey. There are always gonna be people who don't have the frame of reference or self awareness to realize they're playing into someone else's game. Those kinds of people are always gonna try to protect and elevate the people who "represent" ideas they wanna see prevail. While simultaneously deconstructing and invalidating those who champion ideas that challenge their intellectual comfort zone. And they'll use whatever platform they have access to as a forum to project their unresolved inner hatred into. Regardless of their self proclaimed bipartisan political allegiance, they're all the same. Gotta recognize those kinds of people for the unreasonable haters they are and just steer clear. As you said, non-engagement is the key.
@djtoxicdhg 15 күн бұрын
I've noticed not just in gameing but in general everyone seems way more radicalized and far more on edge and angry it's jenuninly sad the world just seems to be vary dark and pepol constantly has to take the most extreme take you can't just simply disagree or have a miner issue it's ither you 100% agree or your public enemy number one
@NetBattler 15 күн бұрын
I really want to know who's the first person abusing the term "grifter" and why.
@amon22347 15 күн бұрын
and you see this is why I hate talking online its so easy for people to make you out as the bad guy and say shit like this 15:47 but if we were saying this IRL that people would sound dumb as hell or wouldn't even make that joke and this would all sound like a normal conversation just the other day I got cursed out in someone twitch chat literally because I said I just got down beating a boss they were fighting, and I guess they were struggling on it (I don't know that I just got there) and her and the whole chat start shiting on me tell me to go fuck off and to stop bragging no one care like bro i said one thing it wasn't that deep
@fanaticist 15 күн бұрын
they were before Twitch took over the sektor and made it regime compliant.
@Impalingthorn 15 күн бұрын
Most people are only good at a handful of things in life. Just using myself as an example but I like to believe my skillsets are in things like writing, design, MMA and communication. This means I'll likely struggle in other fields like understanding balancing numbers in Fighting Games even if I could theorize a good character design. I bring this up because Mighty Keef is a comedian. He makes comedy videos. He makes people laugh. That is his strength. He does not, and say it with me, "do politics". And politics is unfortunately one of those fields where you either know what you are talking about or you don't, and Keef doesn't know what he is talking about. He is, unfortunately, an extension of a larger issue right now that has been egged on by social media and the internet at large, and that issue is people wanting to give their two cents about EVERYTHING even when it's not a field they are particularly experienced in. Remember how I said I would suck at numbers in Fighting Games? Well that means that while I might be good at understanding what would make a FG "fun" or how to write a story for one, I would suck at actually balancing and coding it. So... I don't throw my two cents in about those things. I'm ignorant. I'm BAD at those fields. My opinion wouldn't help much. As they say, I am "Staying in my lane". And that is the problem with Mighty Keef and a lot of people like him. He wants to talk politics. A lot of people do. But not a lot of people actually want to sit down after a long day of work and do their homework on "why", for example, people are so mad about something like Sweet Baby Inc, or Gamergate, or anything like that. They will usually just parrot something a friend or KZfaqr told them, do no further research, and then solidify an incredibly aggressive opinion on the matter despite having no actual knowledge on the topic. And that's how we reach lows such as Mighty Keef's Twitter; man desperately avoiding his own lane. Stick to comedy, dude. You don't need to get involved in political drama just because it's the hot topic, and no one wants to give someone viewership who is calling them some of the worst things on the planet over petty disagreements.
@donteventripdawg932 15 күн бұрын
His mentality is the everyone I don't like is Hitler meme. Mark kern was one of the integral people that made wow an amazing and successful game and an og at one of the greatest gaming companies back when they were the benchmark of innovation, but since he has wrongthink he's an evil drifter. Ridiculous. Also it's crazy keef compared your and his channels when he does skits and you do mostly gameplay and guide videos, two completely different genres and one has a more broad normie appeal. Your stuffs great, keep making content you want to.
@Aftokraftor 15 күн бұрын
All I took from this is that I'm glad I got rid of twitter months ago I can't imagine how people spend their actual time on that app arguing for hours with people they will probably never meet
@Cheerful_Bliss 15 күн бұрын
Gaming was and has always been about escapism, when you hammer in and double down on making things political that’s where you lose me. Like what does someone political view matter in a video game? We’re just pointing out that it’s Ubisoft they shouldn’t be trusted and that point for years still stand. Keef and people of that point of view just lose me.
@SolidSnake240 15 күн бұрын
I don't mind politics in games if they're integral and actually affect the narrative or gameplay in interesting ways like Disco Elysium but it's when people insert their personal politics and beliefs front and center, attacking one side instead of making a compelling story or narrative, then that's when it gets weird.
@CyrusIsnt 15 күн бұрын
Games with stories usually have politics in them.
@newphonewhodis7152 14 күн бұрын
"Politics" seems to mean lgbtq in gaming spaces which is hella confusing. You cant keep politics out of most games unless u play a sinplistic game like mine sweeper. Most games are about wars and somehow capital G gamers think thats apolitical and only refering to a homosexual Person is political smh
@Cheerful_Bliss 14 күн бұрын
@@newphonewhodis7152 nah I mean in general example the Yasuke situation was blown out of proportion because a minority of people made it a race issue when most people were call out Ubi for its shitty means to extort money. But because of said people that came off as racist the bigger issue was ignored.
@newphonewhodis7152 14 күн бұрын
@@Cheerful_Bliss i dont use any social media besides yt Mind to give me a Quick rundown on the yasuke Situation?
@aracystic28 15 күн бұрын
Make gaming great again. Why can’t we just have fun and enjoy each other bros? 😭
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
It ain't like it used to be 😂
@personaxlity 15 күн бұрын
Twitter is such a hyper aggressive farm. It’s almost as if you’re not supposed to question anything or else you are seen as a hater or are somehow stirring up a war with the original post. Great vid, always enjoy the little deviations from the FGC here and there.
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
Thank you, brother ☝🏾
@pattycake427 15 күн бұрын
I truly think social media is a major pin in the downfall of society
@ifarhani 15 күн бұрын
Interesting video. Now what do you think about the letter people saying that Saudi is not a safe place for esport events and that they don’t feel safe going there?
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
I did a video on that previously but I did see the conversation come up again. I think if they don't like how Saudi does things then they can stay at home. The world doesn't revolve around any one group of people and other countries opposite differently. A lot of my friends are Muslim and I respect their way of doing things so I'd never go to their homes and demand things are done differently.
@ifarhani 15 күн бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow common sense take. That doesn’t work on X for these professional victims..
@RealMikeHollow 14 күн бұрын
If I put that on Twitter, I'm just gonna get rushed down by anime avatars telling me I'm the worst person in existence 🤣
@sindur3446 15 күн бұрын
Mighty Keef, mini beef 🤣
@Kyonvtuber 15 күн бұрын
I don't even know what grifters were until today. Im learning something new every day. I swear, every time, it's a debate on Twitter. Someone will always be public enemy number 1 when you have a different opinion.
@arturiaarthus8367 15 күн бұрын
sorry man but Yasuke never became a samurai officially. the japanese have since weighed in on this, actual japanese, not the american japanese working for ubi mind you, and they talk about a very important aspect that every samurai did when Nobunaga got got, but Yasuke did not do it. i can't really talk about it here because it might be viewed as a sensitive topic etc, but Yasuke was not a samurai, no matter how much the west wants this to be true.
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
@@arturiaarthus8367 regardless, my point was that no matter what I say (or tbh anyone else) people will just label you a left/right wing grifter. Whatever is convenient at the time. Whether my information is wrong or not, the point still stands with regards to how people respond.
@Bkzflyest0823 15 күн бұрын
Japan states he was a samurai. Incorrect
@metube1744 15 күн бұрын
@toyoseries 15 күн бұрын
Go tell that to Japan. Smh
@djbrownie8732 15 күн бұрын
I see mfs still salty about yasuke being a samurai smh.
@VongolaXanxus 15 күн бұрын
Grifters literally have a monopoly on adult brainrot. I swear if these grifters didn't stay in political echo chambers online, they'd have better takes. I would not post some of the things these guys do while having friends on both sides of the spectrum.
@YellowFellow86 15 күн бұрын
Think a good rule when engaging in a txt conversation is to give the benefit of the doubt that the tone is neutral. Unless it is obvious or stated otherwise.
@obrians-brown1307 15 күн бұрын
Like his videos. But now im hearing a lot of problems over on his Twitter. I was hoping he would stand on the side of Gamers.
@josiah6309 15 күн бұрын
Would you consider the “bad apples” on the right might be much more of a threat? I used to tread on that side, and to be honest, racism is rife in those circles. Especially in private discords.
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
Mmmm, nah I don't think so. Threats on both sides are actual quite large and equal in scope, it's just one side doesn't consider their behaviour to be threatening. That's how both sides look at each other. The bad apples in the left are just as big a monsters as the ones on the right. That's a discussion for another day, but being half black and witnessing some of the stuff from the left up close and the blatant lies I've been told have been just as damaging to people in my community as any of the rac*ists. We don't give any of them a pass bro. Humans are flawed and bad apples are bad apples.
@gigachad1457 15 күн бұрын
Counterpoint: As someone who's now treaded both sides due to my upbringing being mostly online then slowly going outside and socialising more as I've matured, the bad apples on that side are of exactly the same threat level. Unhinged people are unhinged people and extremist views by dictionary definition are rife on both sides. The reason Keir Starmer won the UK election isn't because the UK was all of a sudden a majority leftist nation, but because he wasn't as unhinged as the conservatives who openly threatened to try to make an impossible Human Rights Act amendment which would endanger trans people's access to their medical assistance. There are many leftist circles that have harmful beliefs regarding Christians and White people as there right wing circles that hold the same views on Muslims and Black people. In the end, it's about preventing violence and extremist acts before they happen regardless of the identity of the potential victims or the political affiliations of the perpetrator, which is partially the responsibility of the people who are trusted and respected by the extremists to make an attempt to prevent harm and bring them to moderance. No hard feelings of course, I just have a pretty horrible experience with both sides and tend to write a lot for subjects I feel strongly about.
@josiah6309 15 күн бұрын
@@RealMikeHollowI see your point. But I don’t really see how you can equate. While I agree they have their issues, what on the left is as dangerous as the race IQ theory BS, and “blacks are more violent” theories pushed out by the right by the likes of Steven crowder, fresh and fit, Peterson etc? Genuinely curious
@DANCERcow 15 күн бұрын
No not that poor trans people lol have you seen the pride parades? Yeah there is a reason why there's such a visceral response regarding LGBTq+ people
@NetBattler 15 күн бұрын
@@josiah6309 both sides have their own racist people.
@sonicallstarify 15 күн бұрын
Also I couldn't find the Lili discord link in the description, is it not on mobile?
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
I have no idea. You might need to message Star Proxima on Twitter dude.
@sonicallstarify 15 күн бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow Arigato
@MannerdDesert7 14 күн бұрын
As far as I understand Yusuke was a retainer not a Samurai, when Nobunaga was executed Yusuke wasn't forced to commit Seppuku like the rest of Nobunaga's samurai which would be weird if he was a Samurai. Still the fact that he was a retainer is notable
@MetsysKra 15 күн бұрын
Great video. Not sure if you’re aware of the recent conversations on Twitter in relation to EVO in Riyadh. Would love to hear your thoughts on that. Either way great stuff as usual.
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
Thanks, bro. I actually did a video on that a little earlier on cos the controversy popped up before, but I might revisit it again.
@OmniFluxX 15 күн бұрын
Oh American viewer here! As far as I know, politics hasn’t been too crazy as it used to be imo, the 2016 + 2020 election years were definitely at an all time high for political harassment between both parties; usually this toxicity happens online on Twitter and content creators . This is from my perspective just to re-emphasize
@2156Charlie 15 күн бұрын
This is my first video from you and I'm definitely a fan. Just being able to have a discussion and not villainize either party is lost these days, and I stand for it.
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
Thank you, sir. Digging the Jotaro display pic. ORAAAAA!
@2156Charlie 14 күн бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow Yare Yare Daze…
@Nkodtb 15 күн бұрын
Shocked to see mighty keef in the title. But yeah im never on twitter
@MiikaWithTheM 15 күн бұрын
I’m so hyped for the new bleach game, it’s been 13 years since the last one
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
I really hope they treat it with a lot of love and care. Sparking Zero and Bleach? It's a good time to be an anime fan.
@MiikaWithTheM 15 күн бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow yes, exactly. Although I’ve been seeing some stigma about them being arena fighters (especially bleach) have you noticed that? If so, why do you think that is? Either way, there’s a lot of well deserved hype that’s way bigger than the backlash I’ve seen
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
I'll be addressing this in an upcoming video so stay tuned ☝🏾
@MiikaWithTheM 15 күн бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow nice, looking forward to seeing what you have to say about it
@sabrvibes3147 15 күн бұрын
Yo, the words 'Grifter' and 'Shill' are some of the most pathetic attempts at attacking a person's character. The easiest way to stand besides something and rally for it is to use those words. The real word that needs to be accepted is 'Anti-Fans' which most basic consumers have now become.
@DANCERcow 15 күн бұрын
But he is a shill though
@darkspartan86 14 күн бұрын
I like the debate content! I had a co-worker back in 2008 who I credit with teaching me how to think lol. He taught me about listening to both sides and not getting emotional over things. Its funny that our culture has us in this "you got cooked" mentality just because someone responds to you lol. You guys having a civil back and forth hearing each other out and people are trying to make it more than what it is. Also find it weird when people try to nullify a conversation with logic that could be thrown at everything like "why do you care?" or just saying "you're a grifter". They basically lack the skills to debate and just want to throw an insult or nullify the conversation so they don't have to back themselves up.
@OmniFluxX 15 күн бұрын
Glad I subbed recently, and it’s nice to know the community here is a good set of rational people (as seen here in the comments), it gives me hope that there’s strong minded individuals that critical thinking properly. Twitter is a cesspool and I avoid it like the plague
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
Appreciate the sub, bro ☝🏾
@orenbroadwayjr5799 15 күн бұрын
Im all for discussion, but commenting on Twitter is throwing your hat in an arena of tomfoolery. My only point of contention for you is why even have the discussion with Keef in first place when it seems(to me atleast) to have been posted to get someone to response?
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
Two reasons; I just like talking to people and picking their brains. Admittedly, whilst I've had a Twitter account for a while, I've only really been using it for about 7 months consistently. I have definitely learnt that trying to have conversation on there seems pointless. The second reason is; I've been watching Mighty Keef for what feels like forever. I wasn't aware of his politically charged twitter and so when I saw it, I wanted to speak to him to understand why that happened in hopes that the conversation could help others see that maybe look up to him, that common ground can be found. I realise that may be largely pointless, but it peaked my interest anyway.
@orenbroadwayjr5799 5 күн бұрын
I can understand that, it clearly peaked my interest too since I watched the whole video lol. Conversation of all types can have value. Maybe a bit of my cynicism was coming through. Either good content as always.
@MiguelMorales-ny3xd 15 күн бұрын
I always thought grifting was used to indicate disingenuous views simply for the potential money they could receive. Which is why ive noticed that many are more inclined to believe someone is a right wing grifter rather than a left wing grifter on the basis of there being more financial support not just from independent, but also large conservative networks and media outlets.
@EthnicWeeb 15 күн бұрын
The Left accuses the Right of being grifters mainly to distract from the fact they, too, are an institutional force with a lot of dirty money behind their causes. Right-wing netizens can usually sniff out the grifters among their ranks, but the Left thinks ALL popular right-wing commenters are grifters, because they only ever argue with strawmen.
@BLN_Snake 15 күн бұрын
wasnt keef also downplaying the helldivers situation on pc?
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
I'm not too sure tbh. I've only really just started reading his takes on twitter.
@KN-592 15 күн бұрын
26:35 money is such a curse
@IJC52 15 күн бұрын
As much as we hate to admit it, video games echos real life in that they both want to be realistic but games have more freedom unlike real life. See we are forced to go to a 9-5 job and do daily chores to keep things going. In games you go to your 9-5 job then an alien invasion happens and you pick up a pulse rifle from a dead soldier 😂. So what I’m saying is it’s a video game not real life, so why is every developer trying to be so accurate we’re supposed to be on some mcguyver levels of inaccuracy lmao
@phobiagaming39 15 күн бұрын
Been watching Keef for years, still really like some of his videos. But wish I never saw the man's Twitter. It's painful to read.
@DownUnderThunder 15 күн бұрын
It makes me wonder do they if they actually know what grifting means. I just hate that gaming now isnt a space for escapism but tribalism
@emranali097 15 күн бұрын
Thank you for keeping it real Mike, Wallahi people on twitter have their heads up their asses. Everything has to be subjective, left or right there is no nuance or space for discussion anymore it seems. Thank god real life ain’t actually like that.
@KN-592 15 күн бұрын
14:01 people became triborg omg 🤯
@jasonmontoya4749 15 күн бұрын
Keef political takes are very poor because many times he just takes on a talking point, and little of his own research is presented. If he is doing deep research and provides both sides fairly, deeply, honestly and comes to a conclusion then that would be one thing. But he’s not, he just parrots what media talking heads say.
@dc17540 15 күн бұрын
gaming spaces have always been like this, attracts weirdos
@jahdorose8659 15 күн бұрын
Well said
@DMSmith27 15 күн бұрын
back and forth with keef? boooiii thats just crazy
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
🤣🤣 good reference.
@DMSmith27 15 күн бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow I had to lol, also roman reigns summerslam return or what?
@RealMikeHollow 14 күн бұрын
Seems likely at this point. I'd be surprised if he didn't. That return is going to go crazy 🤣
@ObliviousAdobo 15 күн бұрын
I think the internet being the internet just makes people on it generally come off more hostile than intended and even incentivizes that perception because we get more attention/clicks as a result typically. The recent video where I was slightly ticked off and comment on the people trying to say coaching is unfair to the other players without coaches really annoys me but I wasn't mad. I think a similar thing happened to you as well with your T8 rank mode criticisms rant as well, a none political related video. Twitter is the epitome of overblowing shit and finding microaggressions or really any aggressions that don't actually mean anything. Unless both parties actually want to sit down and have a civil discussion (trying to do gotchas doesn't count), it's best to just to move on for all parties involved unless doing that type of crud is how you make a living something. I support actual discussions, not arguments. Arguments don't resolve anything just exasperates the issues typically.
@oshiko35P 15 күн бұрын
Hey, this could've been a 10 minute vid... Actually, no, this was nice. Subbed.
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
😂😂😂 thanks.
@ourbeautifulfantasia001 15 күн бұрын
2 jobs content creation and staying in shape?? You’re the man bro try take it easy from time to time! Enjoying the content as always wish more ppl were as open to having normal dialogue like you mate 😂
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
Thank you, brother. Just tryna make the most of the opportunities I have ☝🏾☝🏾
@WindHashira 15 күн бұрын
You're one of the few people on this website that i always agree with all your takes.
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
Setting me up for monumental disappointment 😂 I'm glad you like my takes though.
@NetBattler 15 күн бұрын
I disagree with some of Mike's takes but I definitely won't bash them unlike these people.
@WindHashira 15 күн бұрын
​@NetBattler that's a healthy way of rationalizing things. I've only been watching for a week or 2 so disagreements are bound to happen eventually.
@luisdp6660 15 күн бұрын
Damn that local loser Guy really lives Up to that id 😂
@shindig9000 15 күн бұрын
People that make such quick judgements like that are just acting on autopilot. No consciousness. But hey Mike. Do you think you'd want to do a video where yoy talk about how you became more of a conscious individual? How did you learn to ask questions and not take everything in bad faith? Have you experienced a kind of ego death? Thanks.
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
Good questions, bro. Remind me on live stream and I'd be happy to talk about it.
@shindig9000 15 күн бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow I'll see if I can tune in some time 👌
@sugarnips141 12 күн бұрын
i like seeing most of the comments in agreement that yellow flash is a grifter, makes me sooo happy
@cannonphillips55 15 күн бұрын
Jeez man when did playing video games get so complicated? lol love the content Mike.
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
Thank you, bro ☝🏾
@tokyobassist 15 күн бұрын
I remember when video games were fun.
@SpeedyNessYT 15 күн бұрын
I don't know how people can say their are more grifters on the right.
@heathmcrigsby 15 күн бұрын
They call anyone with an audience on the right a grifter in an attempt to discredit them. They do it to all of them.
@Nightmare-ro9fn 15 күн бұрын
Mighty Keef should focus more on creating content then trying to shout down on people on some invisible podium. Hope you have a great day, Mike.
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
Thank you, sir. I hope you have a great day too ☝🏾
@Patkillskenny 15 күн бұрын
Keef is a great content creator, but I disagree on his politics.
@obrians-brown1307 15 күн бұрын
Too much anonymity on Internet. People dont stop to think anymore
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
Yeah, but I think anonymity is better than losing it. That might cause bigger problems down the line.
@obrians-brown1307 15 күн бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow that's true.
@fieclaussell9879 13 күн бұрын
Remember, Mightyquiff attacked the creator of Sweet Baby Inc. Detected because one game that was on it had an African creator. Not because the game is good, but because the skin of the creator is black.
@RealMikeHollow 12 күн бұрын
Yeah, that's lame. Can't support nonsense like that.
@MeltyVampire 15 күн бұрын
2:55 Thats fair tbh. That Lili drama got me too heated against both sides too. Im pretty embarrassed.
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
You ain't gotta feel embarrassed, dude. The internet has a funny way of making people get really angry and lash out. You're all good with me ☝🏾
@DENDE_MUSCLE 15 күн бұрын
I used to like keefs vids too, but he made me realize following socials arent a good idea. Always arguing with people and spout awful take most of the time.
@trevorrawlins6025 15 күн бұрын
what does it mean to be a grifter on the right? Youre more likely to get demonetized saying "right wing" stuff. Just look at the quartering channel or any other culture war channel on the right. Im not taking a side im just being objective. What are your thoughts mike?
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
I think you can grift in right wing spaces and gain a lot from it, but that's usually when big platforms like the Daily Wire or the Blaze or something along them lines picks you up. For smaller creators, sometimes they can do it and fly under the radar and make a pretty penny from it, but as I showed in the video, I'm not even necessarily right wing and my videos get the yellow marks so it would make more sense for me to not discuss it. This happens to a lot of people that go against the status quo. It's unfortunate, but yes, you get demonitised for it.
@Grandpabeatdown 15 күн бұрын
I stopped dealing with mighty keef a year ago who so phony it's ridiculous
@jahdorose8659 15 күн бұрын
Good afternoon
@RealMikeHollow 15 күн бұрын
@@jahdorose8659 afternoon, sir ☝🏾
@jahdorose8659 15 күн бұрын
@@RealMikeHollow 👍
@minzy421 15 күн бұрын
*mightyBEEF more like
@tokyobassist 15 күн бұрын
Mike I say this with love, stay off Twitter. It is not worth anybody's time.
@RealMikeHollow 14 күн бұрын
I may take your advice 😂
@relax4531 15 күн бұрын
people act like you gotta pick a side its lame af esp the left ringer or right ringer like bruh
@utteero 15 күн бұрын
I hope you realise that you are also guilty of what you are accusing people of doing...even if I just go off this video. By assuming the people you're responding to are radicalized, you're essentially putting them in a box just like those people accusing you of grifting. The 2nd guy you exchanged with had some salient points in my opinion. If it's all the same either way, why bother asking Keefe the question?
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