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13 күн бұрын

As we open to Daniel 7, we are continuing to listen to God describe the worst human who will ever live.
1. We first met him as the Beast and the false peacemaking Rider on the White Horse in Revelation 6 & 13.
2. Then we saw him as the One Standing in the Holy Place Jesus says that brings the abomination that causes desolation, in Matthew 24.
3. Then we saw Paul’s long description of him as the Man of Sin and the Lawless One in 2 Thessalonians 2.
4. We went on to 1 John’s description of him as the Antichrist.
But now, in the book of the prophet Daniel, we see the longest and most varied description of all, starting in chapter 7. Turn there with me as we prepare to read, hear, and see the real context that believers need to have because:
The Antichrist Will Be the Worst Human Ever
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@judyhalsell9510 10 күн бұрын
I am asking for prayer. I am 76 on SS and in bad health. I am being sued by a collection agency for an old dental bill. The dentist had a set of false teeth made for me that are way too large for my mouth. I refused them but he told me that was all I was getting. I stopped paying after many complaints. Asking for prayer.🙏
@user-jt3ex9pl8s 9 күн бұрын
🦷🦷🦷That is so awful 😢 I prayed for you.❤
@lindafellows925 8 күн бұрын
So sorry, praying for you
@welllll...ok... 11 күн бұрын
So many Christians are going to be fooled, because they don't know their bibles. They don't even bother with Revelation because they think they will be raptured up to heaven before any of this stuff comes to pass and therefore it's not their concern. But how can believers and 'the elect' be fooled if they are not there?
@Redwing635s 11 күн бұрын
were are they
@jg1709 11 күн бұрын
🐳🐠🐳🐠🐳🐠🐳🐠🐳🐠🐳🐠🐳🐠🐳🐠🐳🐠🐳🐠🐳🐠🐳Please pray for salvation for Chris, Pete and Nick.
@beaupierrebondurant5651 6 күн бұрын
Jesus is coming soon...
@geoffoutdoors 11 күн бұрын
I do not understand how an entity that is NOT the author of life....could mimic and install INTO life all that is inherently evil. How is this allowed by God?
@scorpio2nyc 10 күн бұрын
God allows that because he allowed his son Jesus to preach and not kill one person for 3.5 years and he will also alow satan to preach for 3 5 years , he is fair remember his battle against satan is legal , not force, satan will try to acuse him of been anjust ,lier, and show to the universe wich is the witnesses that they should follow him not God because God is not fair or just, you get to choose using your free will who you want to follow, justice belongs to him not you or me whoever he allows to do anything, will have to pay for it including people that uses their freewill to molested 5 years old , he allows all of this to happens so he can , judge you latter.
@beaupierrebondurant5651 6 күн бұрын
The Bible is our sure anchor.
@crazyhorseaz5224 10 күн бұрын
@susankrahling6326 6 күн бұрын
John, I want to share something funny with you. I am visually impaired so watching your videos is different for me than some other people. When you have the dark background and you’re in a dark suit, only thing I can see is your head and your hands and to side your suit and I’ll just blend right in. You look as if your head is just starting back-and-forth while your hands are moving and there’s nobody to be seen. You had on a dark shirt and it was so hard to concert on what you were saying because the image was so strange. I love all your lessons. Thank you so much for he
@rdrulingmentality7776 10 күн бұрын
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but do lie - behold, I will make them to come and worship at thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
@bar9666 11 күн бұрын
One thing I don't get is Satan's thought process on what he's doing. He has been in the direct presence of the Father. He knows God's great power and that he has no chance of victory. So why go through all of this? It's as ridiculous as one of us shooting a gun at the sky to hurt God.
@JRPLawyeress1 11 күн бұрын
He’s more intelligent than any human but also totally twisted in his warped thinking. It’s mystifying for sure.
@user-wv3px4pq6x 11 күн бұрын
Its straightforward: satan knows its bound in time and space, it has a limited amount of time to act (in reality that time is measured in years on Earth, and it’s been thousands and thousands of years, it’s been able to roam Its fully aware of its time limit and of its restrictions (mostly God, because God commands Satan) and is still fully 100% content with that. In reality, the betraying God happened first, and what we’re witnessing is Gods grace on Satan..
@thothheartmaat2833 11 күн бұрын
satans goal is to show that humanity isnt worthy of gods grace.. he isnt some walking collection of everything evil.. he wants god to see him as the best thing ever and is jealous that humanity was created like its the new baby getting all the attention.. he wants to show god that humanity is unworthy so he can get all the glory.. it has nothing to do with being evil and everything to do with narcissistic pride..
@physetermacrocephalus2209 11 күн бұрын
I thought about this too as many of us have and here is my theory: The Strategic goal of Satan is two fold: 1. Totally destroy humanity by having us all condemned alongside him. 2. Since he cannot destroy God physically perhaps satan thinks it may be possible to essentially harm God psychologically or emotionally by way of turning us against him and essentially breaking his heart. God won't die; but perhaps he will become sad which Satan construdes as a form of victory. Now I dont know if Gods feelings can even be hurt in that way; but considering God cannot be destroyed or even injured physically the next best thing would logically be to try and attack his sentience somehow.
@terrypaul7706 11 күн бұрын
@@physetermacrocephalus2209scripture is an allegory ( gal 4.24).. this guy and every religious person does not know scripture! They are the antichrist! They are trying to make God in their image! Until you know you are the antichrist then CHRIST can’t be known by YOU from within .. the kingdom is within you ( Luke 17.21)
@womanofthunder993 11 күн бұрын
I hope were gone before he gets here
@zippy2641 11 күн бұрын
You need to read 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4
@womanofthunder993 11 күн бұрын
@@zippy2641 we are gone before he comes. Look up word in the Greek.
@zippy2641 11 күн бұрын
@@womanofthunder993 LOL The Greek dictionary...why didn't I think of that?
@Lauren-vd4qe 11 күн бұрын
@@zippy2641 correct; first comes the great falling away, which is happening right now, then comes the ID of the ac, then comes the rapture and THEN he comes to power when people are SO FREAKED OUT when millions go missing....
@Lauren-vd4qe 11 күн бұрын
@@zippy2641 its macron
@byronumphress3805 11 күн бұрын
@susankrahling6326 5 күн бұрын
Is there some correlation/significance to Jacob having 12 sons and Jesse having 12 sons?
@jodimo 11 күн бұрын
Jesus says that the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. 1John 5v19. Also, satan is the ruler of the world. Jesus is coming to destroy Satan's system and restore paradise on earth. Psm 37v29
@JesusChrist_the_one 11 күн бұрын
42:19 what if he loves God? What if this man who Satan is indwelling realizes what happened to him and repents? What if God uses this man to get Satan locked up so Jesus Christ can destroy his wickedness? This would defeat the Antichrist and would also give this man a new heart and spirit, the Holy Spirit. I have wondered, knowing the great mercies of God. ❤
@jeffc5474 10 күн бұрын
He won’t. If you had read the Bible the Antichrist will be the first person tossed into the lake of fire.
@puradesmadregonzales 10 күн бұрын
Satan is not human. Being Human is different then a human being. A being is defined as a entity no soul. So a human being lives through the essence of being human. Essence is defined as soul,heart,substance,spirit, aka spirit is not a entity tho not for humans. As in hosea the nature God is described as a father. Not saying he is the father of all. Human means your of the earth connected to earth that's how come when they spiritually crucified a human the earth shakes and floods happen. As what's happening now. Hate can not drive out hate only love can do that. A heads up I was the one he sacrificed I saw purple blue clouds spinning saying don't be afraid and lights or so coming down I reached up and then woke up cause I was asleep in bed. Then the next day I started feeling weird I rebuked it out casted out whatever they tried to place in me cause I was starting to hear voices and claimed authority over my body and everything mind soul heart spirit. And it went away. I also had the shaky legs as described when he was casted out cause who they try to place in me that he lives through a human? Satan is known as a commander and chief also known as a president. He uses the political power of the beast system which is the constitution that grants power. Now you understand why politicians are scrambling lol. Why does trump want immunity? 🤔 also Meso America was known for human sacrifices the two twins play ball games political system. Did you know everyone who was president is related it's the same family lol. Principalities are known and hidden in words like state,nation,country, they attach Principalities to those and use entities that's how the state amd church are united. The church us a spiritual church of America.
@HoraktyHeru 11 күн бұрын
The same Glory of God that descended on Sinai will begin to descend on the entire earth starting July 21 , the final Pentecost and Baptism of Fire.💙
@thothheartmaat2833 11 күн бұрын
satans goal is to show that humanity isnt worthy of gods grace.. he isnt some walking collection of everything evil.. he wants god to see him as the best thing ever and is jealous that humanity was created like its the new baby getting all the attention.. he wants to show god that humanity is unworthy so he can get all the glory.. it has nothing to do with being evil and everything to do with narcissistic pride..
@AR15231 11 күн бұрын
The only person I know that fits is Donald Trump.
@DonaldMerrit 10 күн бұрын
If you're a suggesting that Trump is the Antichrist I would disagree with that because the Bible says all the world will love him and clearly that's not the case for Trump
@jeffc5474 10 күн бұрын
The whole world doesn’t love DJT. You disprove your own thesis
@AR15231 10 күн бұрын
@@jeffc5474 Satan is jealous, he's like, I'm the father of lies, and this guy Trump lies more than I do!
@jeffc5474 10 күн бұрын
@@AR15231So you admit you are a liar and servant of Satan. Good for you. Now repent of your false witness or keep voting for Biden.
@ZammitsartPaul 11 күн бұрын
John, if you're a man of God, please tell me book, chapter and verses that say what your teaching, you have alot verses in your transcript, just tell me which ones refer to what your teaching. God is not the author of confusion. "When satan packs all that's evil into one human body " please, I dont need for you to explain to me, what you think it says, I can read scripture myself. By the Glory of God, show me the written evidence by book, chapter and verse. Thank you so very much.
@lw216316 10 күн бұрын
is it desire FOR women it the desire of women the desire of women (Jewish women) was that they would be the mother of the Messiah (as Mary became). What is the original language ? I don't know. there is a big difference between FOR and OR - it can change the entire meaning of this prophecy
@rdrulingmentality7776 10 күн бұрын
The Bible even tell you what color they are they are black and said they would not know who they and would discontinue from there heritage
@lw216316 11 күн бұрын
4 world empires ? 1. Egypt 2. Assyrian 3. Babylonian 4. Medo-Persian 5. Greek 6 Roman 7 Muslim (8th- to reappear - Muslim?)
@rdrulingmentality7776 10 күн бұрын
So the Egyptians put slave drivers over the people of Israel. The slave drivers treated them badly and made them work hard. The Israelites built the cities of Pithom and Rameses so Pharaoh could store things there. 12 But the worse the slave drivers treated the Israelites, the more Israelites there were. So the Egyptians became afraid of them. 13 They made them work hard. They didn’t show them any pity. 14 The people suffered because of their hard labor. The slave drivers forced them to work with bricks and mud. And they made them do all kinds of work in the fields. The Egyptians didn’t show them any pity at all. They made them work very hard. Thats slavery not the holocaust
@wbaukema 11 күн бұрын
Most Christians have a wrong idea about 'The Rapture'... It is not what they think it is... 'We shall all be changed'... 1Cor.15:51... Jesus words: 'The Kingdom of God is in you'... Luc.17:20-21
@justice2255 11 күн бұрын
@diezeljames7910 11 күн бұрын
Means bent or limping and barack means to kneel down
@Lauren-vd4qe 11 күн бұрын
@welllll...ok... 11 күн бұрын
None of the people we are aware of at present come anywhere close to matching the description of the Anti-Christ (AC). What miracles has Obama performed? Is he currently ruling the earth and gathering nations together? Has he united the whole world? Has he declared peace in the Middle-East? Has he resolved the age-old ongoing conflict between the Arab nations and Israel? Has he decreed/allowed the building of the third temple, with the blessing of Israel's enemies? Is the whole world singing his praises, high on his amazingness, glorifying him and giving gifts in the street??? No. He is just an ordinary main. Even if lots of people think he is great, his influence is nothing like that of what the ACs will be. Same with Biden, Trump, Bush, Clinton or any other current or ex-US present. They are nobodies -- mere shadows -- in comparison to how revered, powerful, charasmatic and influencial the AC will be.
@Number4lead 11 күн бұрын
He is very much around trying to run things.
@Lauren-vd4qe 10 күн бұрын
@@jujudreamz84 no its macron, dont forget that 1 dude will sit on the throne in the 3rd rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, how can a group sit on ONE throne
@sue1657 11 күн бұрын
liars administraton
@danielstanford9041 11 күн бұрын
The Antichrist is a angel from the sea the 2nd Antichrist from under the earth!
@jeffc5474 10 күн бұрын
No, they are not fallen angels.
@sue1657 11 күн бұрын
full of evil
@user-gq8bq8ny2w 11 күн бұрын
I thought he was godbama.
@Lauren-vd4qe 11 күн бұрын
@welllll...ok... 11 күн бұрын
None of the people we are aware of at present come anywhere close to matching the description of the Anti-Christ (AC). What miracles has Obama performed? Is he currently ruling the earth and gathering nations together? Has he united the whole world? Has he declared peace in the Middle-East? Has he resolved the age-old ongoing conflict between the Arab nations and Israel? Has he decreed/allowed the building of the third temple, with the blessing of Israel's enemies? Is the whole world singing his praises, high on his amazingness, glorifying him and giving gifts in the street??? No. He is just an ordinary man. Even if lots of people think he is great, his influence is nothing like that of what the ACs will be. Same with Biden, Trump, Bush, Clinton or any other current or ex-US present. They are nobodies -- mere shadows -- in comparison to how revered, powerful, charasmatic and influencial the AC will be.
@rdrulingmentality7776 10 күн бұрын
His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. Christ was a very dark man not a European , he did not have straight hair 😒 who on earth have hair like wool ? Like come on and i actually like you're channel but tell the truth who are the true people of the book .
@jeffc5474 9 күн бұрын
Jesus wasn’t a black man.
@rdrulingmentality7776 10 күн бұрын
All the prophets were black 😂like tell the truth
@gabrielrodriguez5643 10 күн бұрын
@brocksanger6108 11 күн бұрын
This makes me smile.. you are all soo lost in your logic
@PamelaMastalir 10 күн бұрын
@tomstanley7568 11 күн бұрын
you saying all the books they left out of the bible are false ? i dont think so.all of it is real ,even the book of Enoch .sorry all true all of em .go tell your professors that and then throw that degree in the trash
@rdrulingmentality7776 10 күн бұрын
He don’t know what his talking about
@rdrulingmentality7776 10 күн бұрын
He don’t even know who are the truth hebrews GOD Had a covenant with
@jeffc5474 9 күн бұрын
@@rdrulingmentality7776The Hebrews were not black.
@user-sh8oh7ob9u 9 күн бұрын
Most of you seem to be very confused! Yes satan cannot win and cannot beat God. However, out of spite he can destroy YOU simply because he absolutely hates you! Destroying humans and our humanity is satans sole mandate…
@luketarplin 11 күн бұрын
@BlackJackKittykat 11 күн бұрын
Really?? Biden?? You think he is supremely attractive, a mesmerizing speaker, a political genius & gay??? Thats what the bible describes the antichrist.
@Lauren-vd4qe 11 күн бұрын
macron, biden is too old and doddery not smart
@welllll...ok... 11 күн бұрын
None of the people we are aware of at present come anywhere close to matching the description of the Anti-Christ (AC). What miracles has Obama performed? Is he currently ruling the earth and gathering nations together? Has he united the whole world? Has he declared peace in the Middle-East? Has he resolved the age-old ongoing conflict between the Arab nations and Israel? Has he decreed/allowed the building of the third temple, with the blessing of Israel's enemies? Is the whole world singing his praises, high on his amazingness, glorifying him and giving gifts in the street??? No. He is just an ordinary man. Even if lots of people think he is great, his influence is nothing like that of what the ACs will be. Same with Biden, Trump, Bush, Clinton or any other current or ex-US present. They are nobodies -- mere shadows -- in comparison to how revered, powerful, charasmatic and influencial the AC will be.
@susankrahling6326 5 күн бұрын
John, I want to share something funny with you. I am visually impaired so watching your videos is different for me than some other people. When you have the dark background and you’re in a dark suit, only thing I can see is your head and your hands and to side your suit and I’ll just blend right in. You look as if your head is just starting back-and-forth while your hands are moving and there’s nobody to be seen. You had on a dark shirt and it was so hard to concert on what you were saying because the image was so strange. I love all your lessons. Thank you so much for he is there some correlation
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